2007- 2016 Update to the Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland - EPFL

Page created by Victor Schwartz
2007- 2016 Update to the Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland - EPFL
Update to the
Roadmap for Astronomy
      in Switzerland
  2007– 2016
2007- 2016 Update to the Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland - EPFL
Update to the
                                                                                                    Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland 2007–2016
                                                                                                    CHAPS (College of Helvetic Astronomy Professors)

This Update to the Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland 2007-2016 was prepared by the following       2 Executive Summary
committee of editors:                                                                                      Chapter 1
                                                                                                      4    Context and Background
Prof. W. Benz, University of Bern (Chair)                   Prof. G. Meylan, EPFL
Prof. C. Charbonnel, University of Geneva                   Prof. B. Moore, University of Zürich           Chapter 2
Prof. M. Meyer, ETHZ                                                                                  6 Swiss Astronomy in 2013
                                                                                                      6 The Changing Landscape
The document was approved by CHAPS (College of Helvetic Astronomy Professors) on October 1, 2014.     8 Forward Look
The members of CHAPS are:
                                                                                                    		Chapter 3
Antusch Stefan, University of Basel                                                                 10 Recommendations
Baudis Laura, University of Zürich                                                                  1 3 Additional Observations
Benz Willy, University of Bern
                                                                                                           Appendix 1: Summary of Achievements since the 2007 Roadmap
Binggeli Bruno, University of Basel
Carollo Marcella, ETH Zürich                                                                        14		   Theme 1: Fundamental physics
Charbonnel Corinne, University of Geneva                                                            15     Theme 2: Origins – stars, galaxies, the evolving Universe
Courvoisier Thierry, University of Geneva                                                           17		   Theme 3: Planets and the emergence of life
Durrer Ruth, University of Geneva                                                                   19		   Theme 4: Our home and the impact of space environment on Earth
Jaeggi Adrian, University of Bern
                                                                                                           Appendix 2: Summary of near- and mid-term perspectives
Jetzer Philippe, University of Zürich
Lake George, University of Zürich                                                                   20     Theme 1: Fundamental Physics
Lilly Simon, ETH Zürich                                                                             22     Theme 2: Origins – stars, galaxies and the evolving Universe
Meyer Michael, ETH Zürich                                                                           24     Theme 3: Planets and the emergence of life
Meylan Georges, EPFL Versoix                                                                        25     Theme 4: Our home and the impact of the space environment on Earth
Meynet Georges, University of Geneva                                                                26		   Numerical simulations
Montaruli Teresa, University of Geneva                                                              		Appendix 3
Moore Ben, University of Zürich
                                                                                                    28     List of Acronyms
Pepe Francesco, University of Geneva
Pfenniger Daniel, University of Geneva                                                              30     Imprint, Credits
Queloz Didier, University of Geneva
Refregier Alexandre, ETH Zürich
Riotto Antonio, University of Geneva,
Schaerer Daniel, University of Geneva
Schildknecht Thomas, University of Bern
Schmid Hans Martin, ETH Zürich
Schmutz Werner, Physical-Meteorological Observatory Davos
Shaposhnikov Mikhail, Laboratory of Cosmology EPFL, Lausanne
Steinacher Martin, State Secretariat for Education and Research Bern
Teyssier Romain, University of Zürich
Thielemann Friedrich-Karl, University of Basel
Thomas Nicolas, University of Bern, University of Geneva
Von Steiger Rudolf, University of Bern
Wurz Peter, University of Bern

December 2014

Cover picture: Marsflash
© T. Credner & S. Kohle, AlltheSky.com

                                                                                                                                                                                Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016   1
2007- 2016 Update to the Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland - EPFL
Executive Summary

The Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland 2007-             and/or industrial landscape in which projects are        Recommendation 4                                       be beneficial. Among these additional facilities, the
2016 aimed at providing a framework in which               carried out adapts. Seven years after the publica-       Given the size and number of instruments fore-         Swiss astronomy community considers SKA and
Swiss astronomy could optimally develop by point-          tion of the original Roadmap, changes have been          seen for the future world-leading astronomical fa-     LSST as scientifically most attractive at present. It
ing out the strength of the system and providing           significant enough that the need was felt for a          cilities, at least a doubling of the FLARE support     is imperative that the cost of joining one of these
detailed recommendations for further improving its         re-assessment while awaiting the next full Road-         for astronomical instrumentation is required. Fur-     new projects be covered through newly available
coherence and impact. Many of the successes                map foreseen for 2017.                                   ther, the rules governing FLARE should be adapt-       funding and not at the expense of the active Swiss
achieved since are directly or indirectly related to                This exercise led to a number (8) of key        ed to better reflect the constraints imposed by the    participation in ESO or ESA.
the recommendations issued at the time.                    findings that capture key aspects of Swiss astron-       long-term nature of these projects.
         Modern space- and ground-based astron-            omy today. Each finding is followed by a recom-                                                                 Finding 7
omy, with its major research infrastructures and/or        mendation. Together, these recommendations aim           Finding 5                                              The recent successes of Swiss scientists in pro-
platforms being planned and built within interna-          at continuing building the framework laid down by        Some areas of astrophysical research can be best       posing, and building (with the help of industry)
tional collaborations, continues to evolve over time.      the 2007 Roadmap.                                        addressed through the participation in projects        space experiments have been such that efforts are
Boundary conditions change and the academic                                                                         taking place outside the framework of ESO.             now being funding limited.

                                                                                                                    Recommendation 5                                       Recommendation 7
List of findings and recommendations                                                                                Financial support should be made available for         Maintaining Swiss leadership in space sciences
                                                                                                                    small to medium-size projects carried out beyond       and technology requires an increase of 50% in
Finding 1                                                  Recommendation 2                                         the traditional ESO boundaries. This support           PRODEX funding over the next five-year period.
The breadth of Swiss astronomy is impressive and           While scientific excellence must be the ultimate cri-    should be flexible in both its purpose and its use
has even grown since the formulation of the                teria, projects of equal merit should be preferred if:   with the goal to extend research infrastructures to    Finding 8
Roadmap for Swiss Astronomy 2007-2016. This                                                                         areas outside the main focus of ESO.                   In comparison to other countries of similar size
diversity in scientific interests calls for diversity in    a. They establish or strengthen the scientific                                                                 (e.g. Belgium), Switzerland’s ability to fund activi-
capabilities, realised through space- and ground-          		 leadership of Switzerland in an area                  Finding 6                                              ties outside the framework of ESA is severely lim-
based telescopes and instrumentation, as well as            b. They address the needs of a broad com-               At present, participation in some of the new large     ited. In addition, funding of auxiliary technical ac-
in theoretical and computational developments in-          		munity                                                 astronomical facilities of the future is done at the   tivities (for ESA and non-ESA missions) that are
cluding specialised analysis tools needed to deal           c. They are being carried out within the frame-         level of individual research groups or through ad      not directly related to the building of experiments
with very large datasets. This diversity is also an        		 work of ESA and/or ESO                                hoc collaborations that benefit in a concomitant       (e.g. software development) is also needed.
important asset within the framework of interna-                                                                    way.
tional agencies, which set priorities for major pro-       Finding 3                                                                                                       Recommendation 8
jects. Defining a single national priority is impossi-     A strong ESO remains the greatest asset for              Recommendation 6                                       A 50% funding increase of the “National Comple-
ble without excluding a large fraction of the              Swiss ground-based astronomy.                            A federated participation by Switzerland in some of    menting Activities” over the next 5 years is nec-
astronomy community and disregarding past in-                                                                       these future large projects, guaranteeing access to    essary.
vestments.                                                 Recommendation 3                                         all researchers working at Swiss institutions, would
                                                           ALMA in full routine operation mode, a timely and
Recommendation 1                                           successful completion of the E-ELT with a power-
The diversity of astronomical research in Switzer-         ful suite of instruments, and the VLT remaining a
land should be preserved through the concurrent            world-leading observatory in the E-ELT era remain
support for participation in multiple large projects       top priorities for Swiss astronomers. Within ESO,
having different science goals with significant            Switzerland should continue to provide strong
Swiss participation.                                       support for these facilities.

Finding 2                                                  Finding 4
As future projects worldwide grow in size and              The participation by research teams in instrument
complexity, significant Swiss participation in those       building consortia enables access to significant
most essential will increasingly strain available          amounts of observing time needed to maintain sci-
funding and make prioritisation necessary.                 entific leadership. This trend is likely to grow even
                                                           more in the future, in particular with the E-ELT.

2   Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016                                                                                                                                                      Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016   3
2007- 2016 Update to the Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland - EPFL
Chapter 1                                                                                                           Chapter 1

1. Context and Background

Astronomical research is a highly competitive en-          be based. The Roadmap identified four scientific         and cosmology, as well as cosmic ray astrophysics         of the research methods used. As a result, we have
deavour in which excellence is essential for pro-          themes unifying both past achievements and future        and neutrino astrophysics. There are also close           excluded from our main considerations ground-
gress. In such an environment, success does not            potentials:                                              ties between nuclear physics and the astrophysics         based gamma-ray observatories, neutrino observa-
come by chance. Success requires dedicated and                                                                      of stars and stellar explosions. Planetary astro-         tories, and other subjects more closely related to
innovative people working within an appropriate            ■   Theme 1: Fundamental physics                         physics has strongly allied interests with geophys-       particle physics and/or geophysics.
framework in which talents can blossom. The                ■   Theme 2: Origins – stars, galaxies and the           ics while the growing interest in the development                  To carry out the task of updating the
Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland 2007-                     evolving Universe                                    of the conditions necessary for the emergence of          roadmap, CHAPS appointed an editing committee
2016 aimed at providing such a framework by                ■   Theme 3: Planets and the emergence of life           Life has spawned a vigorous new field of astrobiol-       in charge of preparing a draft document, which
pointing out the strength of the system and provid-        ■   Theme 4: Our home and the impact of the              ogy, bringing together astrophysics, chemistry and        would provide the basis for the update of the 2007
ing detailed recommendations for further improv-               space environment on Earth.                          biology. These scientific interconnections will pro-      Roadmap. The editing committee was also re-
ing its coherence and impact.                                                                                       vide much of the excitement and relevance of 21st         quested to proceed bottom-up and offered the
         In 2007, the pressing need for a Roadmap          In addition, synergies within and across these           century astrophysics. Nevertheless, to define our         community several opportunities to provide input.
for Astronomy was felt at government, funding              themes were recognised and encouraged as a way           community and our ambitions, we are forced to             This exercise was carried out during the fall 2013
agency and institute levels to:                            to breakout of the traditional research habits. Final-   limit the scope of our strategic considerations. Fol-     and through the first half of 2014 and led to the
                                                           ly, in a set of findings followed by recommenda-         lowing the approach used in the 2007 Roadmap,             present document, which was approved by
       Plan   effective investment in research projects    tions, the Roadmap identified a number of priorities     these boundaries have again been set on the basis         CHAPS on Oct. 1, 2014.
       and long duration infrastructures that carry a      and measures to maximise future impact while op-
       significant cost                                    timising human and financial resources.
■      Set priorities for the future directions and               Seven years after the publication of the
       facilities of the European organizations ESO        2007 Roadmap, Swiss astronomy has expanded
       and ESA                                             significantly and established and/or consolidated its
■      Provide input to a European-wide vision for       leadership in a number of areas (see Appendix 1).        This image of the Cygnus X complex, taken with ESA’s
       astrophysics                                        Many of these successes are directly or indirectly       Herschel Space Observatory at far-infrared wavelengths,
                                                                                                                    shows how young, massive stars are carving an intricate
■      Coordinate activities in education and            related to the recommendations issued at the time.       network of bubbles, filaments and pillars in this very
       outreach                                            These stressed the need for additional coordina-         rich stellar nursery.
■      Provide a national context for decisions at the   tion and collaborations, for additional funding al-
       local level.                                        lowing for participation in major projects, for a
                                                           strong effort in theory and computational work, to
The 2007 Roadmap was prepared by the 21                    name a few. Together, these recommendations
elected Professors in Astrophysics at Swiss uni-           have helped build a framework that enabled Swiss
versities, plus representatives of three independ-         astronomy to reach new heights.
ent laboratories: IRSOL, ISSI, and PMOD/                            Modern ground- or space-based astrono-
WRC. This was the first time that astronomy or-            my, with its major research infrastructures and/or
ganised itself at national level to review its cur-        platforms being planned and built within interna-
rent activities and future ambitions in order to           tional collaborations, continues to evolve over time.
develop a coherent vision of astrophysics in               Boundary conditions change and the academic
Switzerland. CHAPS (the College of Helvetic                and/or industrial landscape in which projects are
Astronomy Professors) was established to carry             carried out adapts. Seven years after the publica-
out this exercise and constitutes since then the           tion of the original Roadmap, changes have been
body in which these issues continue to be dis-             significant enough that CHAPS felt the need for a
cussed and major priorities defined.                       re-assessment while awaiting the next full Roadm-
         The Roadmap highlighted the strong foun-          ap foreseen for 2017.
dations of Swiss astrophysics. Research groups                      As already noted in the 2007 Roadmap,
have established international presence in many of         astronomy, or astrophysics, does not have sharply
the most current areas of research. This strength          defined boundaries. It is intertwined with many oth-
and vigorous activity provides the foundation upon         er branches of science. Currently, there is a par-
which the future directions of the community can           ticularly strong synergy between particle physics

4   Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016                                                                                                                                                        Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016   5
2007- 2016 Update to the Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland - EPFL
Chapter 2

Swiss Astronomy in 2013

2.1 The Changing Landscape
Since the writing of the Roadmap in 2007, the            On a European scale, the most important single             CHEOPS is the first small mission in ESA’s Science
Swiss astrophysics Landscape has changed signif-         event that will be shaping Swiss astronomy for             Programme and is jointly led by Switzerland. CHEOPS will
                                                                                                                    target nearby bright stars that are already known to have
icantly, both nationally and internationally. In Swit-   years to come was the decision by the ESO Mem-             exoplanets in orbit around them, in order to provide new
zerland, a number of new research groups were            ber States to go ahead with the project to build a         insight into the characteristics of those planets.
established; each has led, or will be leading, to the    39m telescope in Chile (the European-Extremely
appointment of at least one new professor:               Large Telescope, in short E-ELT) even without the
                                                         formal ratification of the Brazilian accession being
■      Star and Planet Formation Group at the ETH        completed. In the 2007 Roadmap, the E-ELT was
       Zürich (2009)                                     singled out as the most important priority for Swiss
■      High-Energy Heliophysics Group at the             ground-based astronomy. The decision to proceed
       FHNW (2010)                                       with the project is therefore most welcome by the
■      Center for Space and Habitability at the Uni-     Swiss astrophysics community.
       versity of Bern (2011)                                      Switzerland has a rich tradition of success
■      Astroparticle Physics / Cosmology Group at        in both ground- and space-based instrumentation.
       the University of Basel (2011)                    The period since the publication of the 2007
■      Fundamental Cosmology Group, ETH Zürich           Roadmap has been particularly successful in terms
       (2011)                                            of significant Swiss participation in new large pro-
■      High Energy Multi-messenger Astrophysics          jects, ground-based and space-based. This suc-
       Group, University of Geneva (2011)                cess relies on scientific leadership, technological
■      NCCR PlanetS at its leading houses (Univer-       capacities in instrument building, and appropriate
       sities of Bern and Geneva in 2014)                funding through the FLARE (formerly FINES),
                                                         PRODEX, and “National Complementing Activi-
In addition, new professors were also appointed in       ties” (NCA) programmes.
already existing research groups thereby strength-                 Following the recommendation of the
ening local priorities in the corresponding fields of    2007 Roadmap, the budgets of PRODEX and
research:                                                NCA have been increased. This has led to the pos-
                                                         sibility for Switzerland to become involved in the
■      Exoplanets, University of Geneva (2007)           development of several space instruments and
■      Galaxies and Cosmology, University of             mission ground segments to an extent never possi-
       Geneva (2008)                                     ble before. Unfortunately, the funding available to
■      Exoplanets, University of Geneva (2011)           finance the development of ground-based instru-
■      Stellar Physics, University of Geneva (2011)      mentation (FLARE) did not follow the same evolu-
■      Computational Astrophysics, University of         tion. In light of the increased complexity of the
       Zürich (2013)                                     instrumentation foreseen for the E-ELT, while con-
                                                         currently maintaining the VLT and its instrumenta-
While new professors were appointed and new              tion at the forefront of modern astronomy, this lack
groups were established, others where terminat-          of funding increase will lead to a critical situation in
ed. The Institute for Astronomy at the University of     the near future. In the current international astro-
Basel was closed with some of its activities being       nomical context, the active participation in the
transferred to the physics department. The solar         building of instruments is the only way to guarantee
physics group at the ETHZ was dissolved with             a significant share of the observation time, priority
part of its activities transferred to FHNW and IR-       access to data, and hence the largest possible sci-
SOL. With this termination solar physics is no           entific return. This is bound to be especially true for
longer represented at a Swiss university.                the E-ELT.

6   Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016                                                                                                                                      Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016   7
2007- 2016 Update to the Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland - EPFL
Chapter 2                                                                                                                                                                                     Chapter 2

2.2. Forward Look                                                                                                                                                                             scientific interests is helpful, to ensure that scien-        projects, and these projects are spread over all
                                                                                                                                                                                              tists working at Swiss institutions can take best             four scientific themes. While some are multi-pur-
Progress in astronomy is in a large part driven by the                                                       servational facilities of ESO and ESA, as well as ESA                            advantage of the missions and facilities that are             pose observatories (e.g. JWST, Gaia, Euclid) oth-
development and availability of major ground-based                                                           space platforms for in situ space research. While the                            implemented by ESO and ESA. Figure 1 displays                 ers are quite specialised and address specific bod-
infrastructures and space missions. Switzerland par-                                                         Swiss research community has a direct influence on                               the various large projects with major Swiss involve-          ies (e.g. Rosetta, BepiColombo, JUICE) or carry
ticipates in these major international projects through                                                      the direction of ESO and ESA, decisions made are                                 ment that are currently underway or which are                 out specific measurements (e.g. ESPRESSO,
its membership in organisations such as ESO and                                                              ultimately based on the aspirations of all the partners                          planned to become operational within the next                 CHEOPS, MOONS). The large number of instru-
ESA. These organisations provide the basis for a                                                             throughout Europe. This means that the Swiss com-                                decade and for which work is already being carried            ments and missions with significant Swiss implica-
large part of the experimental and observational as-                                                         munity must retain some flexibility to respond to the                            out today (see Appendix 2). This figure illustrates           tions mirrors the breadth of Swiss astronomy.
trophysical research. Swiss astronomers make ef-                                                             changing international context in which it operates.                             several important aspects of modern astronomical                       While Figure 1 shows the projects that are
fective and high profile use of the common-user ob-                                                          To achieve this, maintaining a wide range of Swiss                               research. In particular, the figure shows that large          on the horizon today, work is already being carried
                                                                                                                                                                                              projects require considerable advance planning                out to define projects and missions that are even
                                                                                                                                                                                              and sizeable amount of work to be carried out be-             beyond today’s horizon. Such preparatory work is
                                                                                                                      EPICS                                                                   fore participation in the mission is secured and sci-         essential to position Swiss teams for participation
                   2025                                                                                                                                                                       entific data are obtained. They represent true                in the most interesting future developments. For

                                                                                                                                                                                              longterm investments in the future.                           brevity these “still beyond the horizon” projects

                   2024                                                                                                                                                                                Swiss astronomers have been successful               and missions are not discussed, but definition

    SKA                                                                                                                                                                                       in getting involved in a significant number of large          work takes place in all four themes.
                                        L3: Gravitational waves


                                                                                                                                                                                              The Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA),
    LSST                                                                                                                                                                                      showing the telescope’s antennas under a breathtaking
                   2020                                                                                                                                                                       starry night sky. Located on the Chajnantor Plateau at an

                                   Euclid                                                                                                                                                     elevation of 5000 metres, ALMA is the world’s most powerful

                                                                                                                                                                                              telescope for studying the Universe at submillimetre and
                                                                                                                                                                                              millimetre wavelengths.


                   2018                                                                                                               CHEOPS                  Solar

                   2017                                                                                                                                   Orbiter

                   2016        LISA                                                                    ESPRESSO                       BepiColombo

                   2015     Pathfinder                                              Muse
      VLT                                                                                   Gaia
      Large                                                                                Instruments and space misions

        all                     Themes 1                                 Theme 1& 2                Themes 2             Theme 2 & 3           Theme 3                Themes 4
     themes                    Fundamental                                                      Origins of stars,                          Planets and the       our home and the
                                 Physics                                                        galaxis, and the                          emergence of life     impact of the space
                                                                                                evolving Univers                                                enviroment on Earth

Fig.1: On-going and future large projects within the four                                                    vertical bars are projects for which the funding of the Swiss
themes. Displayed are all activities within the boundaries of                                                contribution is only partially secured or not yet requested. In
the update – with significant Swiss involvement either existing                                              these boxes, dark colours indicate that the instrument is oper-
or in relatively advanced stages of planning. Projects in red                                                ating on the telescope or the mission is flying, light colours
are those already mentioned in the 2007 Roadmap, while                                                       show preparation activities. Large international ground-based
those in blue are new ones. Missions or projects within the                                                  facilities are indicated in the left column in black.

8   Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016   9
2007- 2016 Update to the Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland - EPFL
Chapter 3                                                                                                            Chapter 3

3. Recommendations

In 2007, the “Roadmap for Swiss Astronomy” is-             tronomy community are considered, is essential to         questions in astronomy, the VLT and its suite of                 The success of the VLT as an observatory – in
sued a set of recommendations, which defined the           build on past investments, as well as focus invest-       instruments will remain the workhorse facility for               terms of science output – is based on a model in
priorities for the period 2007-2016. The recom-            ments to create an even brighter future. Here we          most astronomers. This implies continued invest-                 which ESO and instrument-building consortia
mendations in this update take into account re-            issue several findings of fact and resulting recom-       ment in new instruments, as well as maintaining                  drawn from the scientific community of Member
cent achievements and the evolution of the nation-         mendations for action aimed a achieving this. We          the existing infrastructure.                                     States work together to build powerful instru-
al and international landscape. A global strategic         close with a few additional observations.                                                                                  ments. The consortia, which invest significant
approach, in which the strengths of the Swiss as-                                                                    Finding 3                                                        resources, are rewarded with large amounts of
                                                                                                                     A strong ESO remains the greatest asset for                      Guaranteed Time Observing (GTO) once the in-
3.1 Large international projects in general                                                                          Swiss ground-based astronomy.                                    strument is on the telescope. FLARE (and previ-
                                                                                                                                                                                      ously FINES) have allowed Swiss astronomers to
Astronomy covers a broad area of natural sciences          Recommendation 1                                          Recommendation 3                                                 use this approach extremely successfully in the
(see also Appendices 1 & 2). While the understand-         The diversity of astronomical research in Switzer-        ALMA in full routine operation mode, a timely and                past (e.g. HARPS and the discovery of exoplanets
ing of the formation and evolution of the Universe as      land should be preserved through the concurrent           successful completion of the E-ELT with a power-                 with masses approaching that of Earth). The new
a whole (including galaxies, stars, planets) repre-        support for participation in multiple large projects      ful suite of instruments, and the VLT remaining a                VLT instruments, with important FLARE-funded
sents its classical core, modern astronomy also in-        having different science goals with significant           world-leading observatory in the E-ELT era remain                Swiss participation that have just been commis-
cludes aspects of chemistry, geophysics and even           Swiss participation.                                      top priorities for Swiss astronomers. Within ESO,                sioned or will be in the near future (e.g. MUSE,
biology. Its diverse multi-disciplinary nature distin-     The most pressing scientific questions, which are         Switzerland should continue to provide strong                    SPHERE, ESPRESSO), promise similar large re-
guishes it from other sciences in which large invest-      also of great public interest, require ever more so-      support for these facilities.                                    wards for Switzerland.
ments in infrastructure are also necessary (e.g. par-      phisticated capabilities: the needed infrastructures
ticle physics). Over the years, in order to avoid          come at a cost. The past and present investments
 duplication of efforts, Swiss astronomy research          by Switzerland in astronomical research have been         European Extremely Large Telescope, this revolutionary new
                                                                                                                     ground-based telescope concept will have a 39-metre
 groups have specialised, realising a diverse land-        remarkable. This has allowed unprecedented in-
                                                                                                                     main mirror (made of nearly 800 hexagonal mirrors) and will be
 scape.                                                    volvement by Swiss teams in the largest ground-           the largest optical/near-infrared telescope in the world:
                                                           and space-based projects and has led to great             the world’s biggest eye on the sky
Finding 1                                                  scientific successes for Switzerland.
The breadth of Swiss astronomy is impressive and
has even grown since the formulation of the                Finding 2
Roadmap for Swiss Astronomy 2007-2016. This                As future projects worldwide grow in size and com-
diversity in scientific interests calls for diversity in   plexity, significant Swiss participation in those most
capabilities, realised through ground- and space-          essential will increasingly strain available funding
based telescopes and instrumentation, as well as           and make prioritisation necessary.
in theoretical and computational developments in-
cluding specialised analysis tools needed to deal          Recommendation 2
with very large datasets. This diversity is also an        While scientific excellence must be the ultimate cri-
important asset within the framework of interna-           terion, projects of equal merit should be preferred if:
tional agencies, which set priorities for major pro-         a They establish or strengthen the scientific
jects. Defining a single national priority is impossi-     		 leadership of Switzerland in an area
ble without excluding a large fraction of the                b They address the needs of a broad community
astronomy community and disregarding past in-                c They are being carried out within the frame-
vestments.                                                 		 work of ESA and/or ESO

3.2. Ground-based astronomical instrumentation
The availability of the VLT to ALMA, and eventually        state-of-the-art instruments covering a broad range
to the E-ELT, provides Swiss astronomers with ac-          of wavelengths. While the E-ELT will be used to
cess to the worlds’ most powerful telescopes and           address some of the most pressing scientific

10   Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016                                                                                                                                                                  Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016   11
2007- 2016 Update to the Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland - EPFL
Chapter 3                                                                                                         Chapter 3

Finding 4                                               the traditional ESO boundaries. This support              Finding 7                                               orbital rocket launch, and other bilateral collabora-
The participation by research teams in instrument       should be flexible in both its purpose and its use        The recent successes of Swiss scientists in pro-        tions (e.g. Russia, China) are under-exploited:
building consortia enables access to significant        with the goal to extend research infrastructures to       posing, and building (with the help of industry)        their number and complexity promise to increase
amounts of observing time needed to maintain            areas outside the main focus of ESO.                      space experiments have been such that efforts are       in the future as more space-fairing nations emerge.
scientific leadership. This trend is likely to grow                                                               now being funding limited.
even more in the future, in particular with the         There are several new large international projects                                                                Finding 8
E-ELT.                                                  (including, but not limited to SKA, LSST, NOEMA)          Recommendation 7                                        In comparison to other countries of similar size
                                                        currently under development, which are likely to          Maintaining Swiss leadership in space sciences          (e.g. Belgium), Switzerland’s ability to fund activi-
Recommendation 4                                        become major facilities in the future. For example,       and technology requires an increase of 50% in           ties outside the framework of ESA is severely lim-
Given the size and number of instruments fore-          SKA will represent a huge leap forward in under-          PRODEX funding over the next five-year period.          ited. In addition, funding of auxiliary technical ac-
seen for the future world-leading astronomical fa-      standing the early Universe and large-scale struc-        Over the years, Swiss teams have also developed         tivities (for ESA and non-ESA missions) that are
cilities, at least a doubling of the FLARE support      ture formation, in relation to the formation and evo-     essential competences in other areas critical to        not directly related to the building of experiments
for astronomical instrumentation is required. Fur-      lution of galaxies. With the changing landscape of        success in space-based research, such as ground         (e.g. software development) is also needed.
ther, the rules governing FLARE should be adapt-        Swiss astronomy, the scientific interest in SKA has       segment software. These activities, which also re-
ed to better reflect the constraints imposed by the     grown significantly since the 2007 Roadmap. The           quire long-term commitments, fit only with difficul-    Recommendation 8
long-term nature of these projects.                     LSST will also impact all areas of astrophysics           ty within the PRODEX programme. Furthermore,            A 50% funding increase of the “National Com-
                                                        when data become available in fifteen years.              innovative ways to conduct novel astrophysics ex-       plementing Activities” over the next 5 years is
Outside the ESO framework, there are compelling                                                                   periments from balloon-based platforms, sub-            necessary.
small to medium projects that do not duplicate the      Finding 6
ESO infrastructures and represent unique and            At present, participation in some of the new large        3.4 Additional Observations
cost-effective opportunities for Swiss astrono-         astronomical facilities of the future is done at the
mers. In addition to instrumentation, software de-      level of individual research groups or through ad         We also offer these three additional observations,      Observation 2
velopment, as well as contributions to capital costs    hoc collaborations that benefit in a concomitant way.     which describe important aspects of science fund-       In a research landscape shaped in part by large-
granting access to data, are diverse ways in which                                                                ing in Switzerland as it relates to astrophysics.       scale projects, the availability of a permanent and
Swiss astronomers can consolidate scientific lead-      Recommendation 6                                          These observations should be considered in any          highly skilled staff is essential. In Switzerland, only
ership in specialised areas.                            A federated participation by Switzerland in some of       global strategic review of national priorities for      Universities, ETHs, and FHS can ensure the avail-
                                                        these future large projects, guaranteeing access to       Swiss astrophysics, but do not come associated          ability of such staff.
Finding 5                                               all researchers working at Swiss institutions, would      with actionable recommendations for SERI or
Some areas of astrophysical research can be best        be beneficial. Among these additional facilities, the     SNSF.                                                   Observation 3
addressed through the participation in projects         Swiss astronomy community considers SKA and                                                                       Full access to European programmes is necessary
taking place outside the framework of ESO.              LSST as scientifically most attractive at present. It     Observation 1                                           to remain embedded in the European astronomi-
                                                        is imperative that the cost of joining one of these       In Switzerland, the funding for large projects is de-   cal research community. Furthermore, the ability
Recommendation 5                                        new projects be covered through newly available           coupled from the funding supporting their scientif-     to attract and eventually lead European projects
Financial support should be made available for          funding and not at the expense of the active Swiss        ic exploitation through data analysis and theoreti-     has become a benchmark, by which quality
small to medium size projects carried out beyond        participation in ESO or ESA.                              cal or computational investigations. The funding        and competitiveness of research in a country is
                                                                                                                  for this exploitation comes in a large part through     evaluated.
                                                                                                                  competitive project grants from SNSF. Hence,
3.3 Space-based missions and experiments
                                                                                                                  SNSF plays a central role in adding scientific val-
Participation in the ESA Science Programme is the       payload elements or even in leading an entire mis-        ue to the investments made in large projects and
major way in which Swiss astronomers, solar physi-      sion (CHEOPS) has been made possible by the               infrastructures.
cists, and planetary scientists obtain access to data   PRODEX programme and/or the “National Comple-
produced by revolutionary capabilities in space. By     menting Activities” (NCA). In addition, PRODEX
participating in the development of space-based in-     funding, by requiring a substantial (50% or more)
struments, they have not only a privileged access to    industrial participation in projects, naturally creates
the data but also gain a better understanding of how    close ties between academia and industry and pro-
to best exploit them – thereby gaining a strong com-    motes technology transfer.
petitive advantage. Participation in building mission

12   Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016                                                                                                                                                     Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016   13
2007- 2016 Update to the Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland - EPFL
Appendix 1                                                                                                         Appendix 1

Appendix 1: Summary of achievements
since the 2007 Roadmap

Switzerland is a fertile ground for astrophysics and     national landscape, as well as the possibility for tru-   2. Theme 2: Origins – stars, galaxies and the evolving Universe
the research community is characterised by diver-        ly novel ideas to be pursued. This mix is illustrated
sity and excellence. A healthy mix of projects car-      by this short summary of scientific achievements          We live in a Universe that changes with time as           questions, such as the physics of matter at extreme
ried out by individuals as well as large consortia       since the publication of the 2007 Roadmap.                structures form and evolve. Stars are the building        densities via the determination of pulsar/neutron
provides the flexibility to adapt to a changing inter-                                                             blocks of the visible Universe. Over the history of the   star radii, general relativistic effects in the vicinity of
                                                                                                                   Universe, they have produced most of the chemical         black holes, accretion and jet formation, the role of
                                                                                                                   elements, and released them in winds or powerful          feedback from supermassive black holes in the evo-
1. Theme 1: Fundamental Physics
                                                                                                                   explosions. Their newly synthesised and often radio-      lution of galaxies and galaxy clusters, as well as the
Astrophysics can be either the application of phys-      the spectral index of primordial fluctuations and,        active elements imprint in the interstellar medium        build-up of the largest cosmological structures and
ical laws to cosmic phenomena, or the use of cos-        together with additional astrophysical data, the          the detailed traces of stellar evolution and provide a    the re-ionisation of the Universe.
mic phenomena to extend our knowledge of phys-           current best constraints on the mass of the               natural clock to mark the passage of time. Since                   Swiss research in galaxy formation and evo-
ical laws. While the former is evident, the latter       neutrinos.                                                2007, Swiss astronomers have exploited with great         lution has continued at the forefront of the field.
comes from the fact that astrophysical environ-                    In 2011, the Nobel Prize in physics was         success world-class ground- and space-based ob-           Combining the deepest ground-based (VLT+) and
ments can be so extreme that physical conditions         attributed for the discovery of dark energy resulting     servatories, and fundamental theoretical break-           Hubble Space Telescope observations, Swiss as-
unattainable in our laboratories can be examined         in an accelerated expansion of the Universe. Ad-          throughs were obtained thanks to the development          tronomers have successfully participated in search-
and new insights about the nature of the funda-          dressing the question of its nature requires wide-        of sophisticated models of the sun, stars, and stellar    es for the most distant galaxies in the Universe and
mental forces or laws of Nature can be gained.           field galaxy surveys carried out from the ground          explosions that probe stars as high-energy laborato-      led discoveries about their physical nature. This has
          Probably the most extreme example of           and from space. Swiss teams are heavily involved          ries of physical processes. This led to a number of       provided a unique view on the first objects formed
such conditions is the Big Bang itself, and the rap-     in current and upcoming ground-based experi-              major contributions both observational and theoreti-      shortly after the Big Bang, at the end of the dark
id expansion of the early Universe that followed:        ments, such such as DES, BOSS, DESI and LSST.             cal in a wide range of topics in stellar evolution (in-   ages and well within the era of cosmic re-ionisation.
the so-called inflation phase. During inflation,         Switzerland is also deeply involved in the ESA Eu-        cluding the sun) as well as in the dynamical and          The MUSE instrument on the ESO VLT, which has
quantum fluctuations are amplified and, as the Uni-      clid mission. Euclid will observe 15000 square de-        chemical evolution of the Universe at all scales.         seen first-light at the beginning of 2014, will be a
verse expands and cools, finally result in classical     grees, in visible and near-infrared wavelengths.          Among the many highlights in this domain we can           unique facility in the next decade to study the galaxy
density fluctuations. This is the time at which the      Several Swiss institutes are directly involved in the     quote the challenging numerical simulations incor-        populations emerging from the re-ionisation epoch.
structure of the future observable Universe is           preparation of the mission through essential activi-      porating complex magneto-hydrodynamical pro-              Another major step forward for Swiss astronomers
being defined and baryogenesis is being complet-         ties related to theory, observations, simulations,        cesses that have finally led to successful supernova      will come with MOONS, the next generation mul-
ed. Testing this phase in the laboratory would re-       data reduction, and hardware.                             explosions, and the spinstar model proposed for the       ti-object infrared spectrograph on the VLT. MOONS
quire energies 10 billion times larger than those                  The bulk of the mass of our galaxy is in the    first stars in the Universe, which opened new views       will enter operation in 2018 and will survey the gal-
currently reached at CERN’s Large Hadron Collid-         form of dark matter. The identification of the nature     on how these element factories enriched, and              axy population at a look-back time of over 10 billion
er (LHC).                                                of dark matter is one of the main challenges of           helped ionise sub-structures in the early Universe.       years with the same level of precision that today can
          Swiss research groups located through-         modern physics. Astronomical observations in the          Following the recommendation of the Roadmap, a            be achieved in nearby galaxies. Further ahead, up-
out the country are developing relevant theories         X-ray and gamma-ray domain, and with neutrinos,           national school in astrophysics entitled “Stars and       coming facilities such as the JWST, E-ELT, and SKA
and means to test them with great successes. Ac-         are our few chances for such an identification            Supernovae” was organised within the Stellar Evo-         are expected to revolutionise our knowledge of the
curate measurement of the anisotropies and polar-        (along with the complementary direct detection            lution Network and held in 2012.                          very early phases of galaxy formation.
isation of the Cosmic Microwave Background               searches and particle collider experiments). Over                   Since its launch in 2002, the ESA satellite              Switzerland also plays a major role in the
(CMB), such as those provided by the ESA Planck          the last years X-ray and gamma-ray telescopes             mission INTEGRAL has played an important role in          Gaia mission, which was launched in 2013, and
satellite, is the best window into the Universe at       have started to search for the signal from interac-       the development of high-energy astrophysics in            which will map the entire Milky Way galaxy. Swiss
very high energies. Swiss research teams partici-        tions of dark matter particles (decay and/or annihi-      Switzerland. Together with the other currently avail-     astronomers were selected to lead the “Variability”
pated in the mission and are still active in the cos-    lations) in the halo of the Milky Way, from the galac-    able X-ray observatories, especially XMM-Newton,          Coordination Unit (managing and coordination of
mological analysis and interpretation of the data.       tic centre and other nearby structures. Swiss             they have led to considerable progress in our under-      18 European institutes) within the Gaia Data Pro-
Planck currently yields the most precise determi-        researchers are successfully contributing to this         standing of neutron star and black hole powered           cessing and Analysing Consortium of the Gaia mis-
nation of the age of the Universe (although with the     on-going search, which results in significant tight-      phenomena such as pulsars, supernovae remnants,           sion. This coordination effort will provide a valuable
use of priors), of the spatial curvature of the Uni-     ening of bounds on parameters of particle models          gamma-ray burst as well as of X-ray binaries, active      database for studying time-dependent phenomena
verse, of the amount of baryons in the Universe, of      of dark matter.                                           galactic nuclei, and galaxy clusters. The outstanding     in all phases of stellar evolution.
                                                                                                                   success of the current generation of X-ray observa-                The exchange of gas between galaxies and
                                                                                                                   tories has transformed X-ray astronomy into an es-        their surroundings is central to their evolution: infall-
                                                                                                                   sential tool for the understanding of fundamental         ing material fuels star formation, while energy injec-

14   Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016                                                                                                                                                          Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016   15
2007- 2016 Update to the Roadmap for Astronomy in Switzerland - EPFL
Appendix 1                                                                                                                Appendix 1

tion from massive stars and supernovae may regu-                 epochs of evolution of the Universe, was found via       how star formation proceeds on a galactic scale.           the visible and infrared. However, the spectrum of
late further star formation. Enriched material has               observations with gamma-ray telescopes. Very             Work continues to understand the dependence of             EBL is measured indirectly by gamma-ray tele-
been seen in absorption for many years in the inter-             high-energy gamma-rays propagating from extraga-         outcomes of star formation in local environments           scopes, via the effect of absorption of the highest
galactic medium at high redshifts. Recent work in                lactic sources initiate electromagnetic cascades in      (e.g. initial mass function, multiplicity, companion       energy gamma-rays in interaction with the EBL
Switzerland has now established an unambiguous                   intergalactic space. The details of the gamma-ray        mass ratio distributions, boundedness of star clus-        photons. Swiss astronomers use the newly availa-
connection between this material and bipolar winds               signal from such cascades are sensitive to the mag-      ters, feedback, lifetime of molecular clouds and the       ble gamma-ray techniques of the measurement of
driven by the intense energy injection associated                netic field. Swiss researchers have used this effect     duration of star formation, star formation efficien-       EBL for the study of evolution of the star formation
with supernovae in vigorously star-forming galaxies              to establish the presence of magnetic fields in the      cy) on initial conditions and how to relate these to       activity of galaxies.
in the early Universe. Furthermore, a quite different            voids of the Large Scale structure.                      galactic scale star formation. These topics are also                Computer simulations play a key role in
line of research has established that these winds                         While the theory tracing the development of     addressed by searching for the remnants of ul-             modern science, using virtual data as a link be-
are highly magnetized, potentially providing an ex-              dark matter structures is now well mastered, the         tra-faint galaxies, by studying the chemical abun-         tween our theoretical understanding of the Uni-
planation for the presence of significant fields in in-          evolution of gas and stars is not easily linked to the   dance patterns of the earliest generations of stars        verse and our observations of the physical world.
tergalactic space and, by removing small-scale                   evolution of non-baryonic matter. The processes of       in the Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies, and          They are also used to construct mock Universes to
magnetic turbulence, resolving difficulties in the               gas accretion, heating, cooling, and star formation      by numerical simulations of the tidal interactions of      test new theories and open new avenues of re-
operation of galactic-scale dynamos.                             are still poorly understood from both theoretical        these galaxies with the Milky Way.                         search. In cosmology, simulations have an even
         A complementary evidence for the exist-                 and observational points of view. Star formation                   Swiss astronomers have also carried out          greater impact because we have an excellent un-
ence of magnetic fields in intergalactic space,                  occurs in massive, dense and cold gravitationally        large galaxy surveys collecting a vast amount of           derstanding of the initial conditions of our Universe
spread by the galactic winds or left from the earlier            bound giant molecular clouds, but we do not know         data on the population of galaxies and active galac-       through the observations of the CMB. For exam-
                                                                                                                          tic nuclei at low and high redshifts, and on their         ple, next generation galaxy surveys such as Euclid
                                                                                                                          environment. A real breakthrough has come from             will be able to measure the cosmological power
                                                                                                                          the development of new phenomenological ap-                spectrum up to k=10 h/Mpc, and the key cosmo-
                                                                                                                          proaches to understanding the evolving galaxy              logical parameters to percent level precision. As a
                                                                                                                          population. These have been based on identifying           consequence, to model this regime we will have to
                                                                                                                          simplicities of the galaxy population and exploring        better understand the physics of baryonic matter,
                                                                                                                          the implications of these via the most basic conti-        which boils down to understanding star formation,
                                                                                                                          nuity equations. Paradoxically, by stepping back           galaxy formation, feedback processes and their im-
                                                                                                                          from physical preconceptions about how galaxies            pact on the distribution of matter on small-scales.
                                                                                                                          should be evolving, a much clearer picture has             Hydrodynamical simulations designed to model
                                                                                                                          emerged of how they actually are behaving, in              these processes are planned by the Euclid consor-
                                                                                                                          terms of both the fuelling of galaxies and the             tium in order to generate correction terms that can
                                                                                                                          quenching of their star-formation activity.                be added to the standard pure N-body codes.
                                                                                                                                    Star formation activity of all the galaxies in   Some of the few codes capable of scaling suc-
                                                                                                                          the course of their evolution leads to accumulation        cessfully to tens of thousands of cores and per-
                                                                                                                          of diffuse infrared and visible light, collectively        forming the target resolution for full Euclid simula-
                                                                                                                          known as Extragalactic Background Light, EBL.              tions have been developed in Switzerland.
                                                                                                                          Direct measurements of such light are not possible
                                                                                                                          because of the high level of zodiacal emission in

                                                                                                                          3. Theme 3: Planets and the emergence of life
                                                                                                                          The scientific exploration of the solar system repre-      mentioned as important elements of the scientific
                                                                                                                          sents the only opportunity for carrying out detailed       and exploration programmes of two major Agen-
                                                                                                                          in situ measurements of celestial bodies beyond            cies (ESA and NASA), in which a significant Swiss
Picture taken with ESO’s Very Large Telescope shows the                                                                   our Earth. Within the original Roadmap, the in situ        participation was taking place.
galaxy NGC 1187. This impressive spiral lies about 60 million                                                             exploration of Mars (Mars Express, MRO and                          The HiRISE imaging system on MRO has
light-years away in the constellation of Eridanus (The River).
NGC 1187 has hosted two supernova explosions during the                                                                   ExoMars), of Venus (Venus Express), of comets              identified what are almost certainly traces of extant
last thirty years, the latest one in 2007                                                                                 (Rosetta), and of Mercury (BepiColombo) were               liquid water on Mars. Through laboratory investiga-

16   Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016                                                                                                                                                               Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016   17
Appendix 1                                                                                                                   Appendix 1

                 tions, Switzerland has supported what is probably         discoveries led by M. Mayor at the Astronomy De-                  made possible by the significant funding increase      outside the solar system. From individual research
                 one the most significant findings in the field of         partment of the University of Geneva, the scientific              of the PRODEX and ANC programmes following             group efforts and ad hoc collaborations already
                 planetary habitability in the past three years¹. Swit-    focus has shifted from discovery to characterisa-                 the 2007 Roadmap, will extend Switzerland’s            strongly encouraged in the 2007 Roadmap, the
                 zerland is now involved in the building of part of        tion of these other worlds. We can now assess the                 dominant position in the field.                        field will now be moving towards a coordinated,
                 the imaging system for the ExoMars Trace Gas              temperatures, luminosities, and compositions of a                         Finally, the selection of the NCCR Plan-       coherent and multi-disciplinary national research
                 Orbiter. Rosetta, ESA’s “comet chaser”, was wok-          handful of planets whose light is detected directly               etS, started on 1 June 2014, marks the beginning       programme.
                 en, in early 2014 for the Rendez-vous with the            through secondary eclipse or resolved imaging, in                 of a new era in the studies of the formation, evolu-
                 comet and provided startling pictures. After a dec-       addition to dozens of worlds whose bulk composi-                  tion, and characterisations of planets inside and
                 ade of waiting for this event, Swiss scientists are       tion is constrained through estimates of their mass-
                 gearing up for a whole year of measurements, as           es (radial velocity) and radii (transit).
                 the satellite will follow the comet on its orbit. Swit-             Exoplanet research in Switzerland remains               4. Theme 4: Our home and the impact of the space
                 zerland has the responsibility for a suite of instru-     internationally leading and, following the recom-                 environment on Earth
                 ments (ROSINA) dedicated to chemical composi-             mendation of the 2007 Roadmap, has been in-
                 tion measurements of gases, and participates              creasing coordination to achieve a whole, which is                Space geodetic techniques such as Very Long            most reliable ways of obtaining such evidence.
                 strongly in the imaging system (OSIRIS). As the           greater than the sum of the parts. Collaborations                 Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), Satellite Laser        This approach is closely related to satellite orbital
                 launch of the Mercury mission BepiColombo is              such as HARPS and SPHERE, already in place at                     Ranging (SLR), Global Navigation Satellite Sys-        dynamics. With their long-standing expertise in
                 nearing (2016), the instrumentation for the laser         the writing of the Roadmap, remain strong and                     tems (GNSS), and Doppler Orbitographie et Ra-          these problems, Swiss institutes have made major
                 altimeter project, BELA, which is designed to             successful. HARPS continues to lead the world in                  dio-positionnement Intégrés par Satellite (DO-         contributions to this field.
                 measure the surface topography and participate in         radial velocity exoplanet discoveries including bod-              RIS), provide the metrological basis for the           The proliferation of space debris and the increased
                 the planetary geophysics experiment, is getting           ies with minimum masses close to that of the Earth.               establishment of the global terrestrial reference      probability of collisions and interference raise con-
                 close to completion. The spacecraft is expected to        SPHERE achieved first light in May and will be-                   frame, for the determination of the transformation     cerns about the long-term sustainability of space
                 reach Mercury after a cruise phase of 6 years.            come one of the premiere facilities for imaging                   parameters between the terrestrial and the celes-      activities, particularly in the low-Earth orbit and ge-
                 ESA’s JUICE mission was recently selected for             planets in the next decade. ESPRESSO, the next                    tial reference frame, and for a multitude of studies   ostationary orbit environments. International or-
                 implementation to study Jupiter and its icy moons         generation of high-precision spectrographs under                  related to the system Earth – our “cosmic home”.       ganisations at different levels are examining meas-
                 in detail.                                                Swiss leadership, to be installed at the VLT in                             The International Association of Geodesy     ures to enhance the long-term sustainability of
                          This year the count of confirmed extra-so-       2016, will complement the palette of instruments                  (IAG) founded the International GNSS Service           such activities, among them the UN Committee
                 lar planets has exceeded 1500. As the field has           in the hand of Swiss astronomers, allowing for the                (IGS) in 1994 to support the development of GNSS       on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPU-
                 matured in the past 19 years since the pioneering         detection of exoplanets as small as the Earth and                 data analysis, and to exploit the scientific use of    OS),and the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordi-
                                                                           measurement of their mass.                                        GNSS. The Center for Orbit Determination in Eu-        nation Committee (IADC). Swiss researchers par-
                                                                                     CHEOPS, the first Swiss scientific satel-               rope (CODE), which is led by Switzerland, is one of    ticipate in the development of efficient and
                                                                           lite, was selected in October 2012 as the first                   the leading global analysis centres of the IGS.        cost-effective measures to reduce the creation
                                                                           S-class mission in ESA’s Science Programme.                                 Earth’s bounded observations play an im-     and proliferation of space debris by studying the
Rosetta is an ESA cornerstone mission to chase, go into orbit
                                                                           CHEOPS is the first mission dedicated to search                   portant role in better understanding the sun, and      current debris population, to identify their major
around, and land on a comet. It is studying the Jupiter-family
comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with a combination of                      for transits of exoplanets by means of ultra-high                 Swiss solar physicists are performing polarimetric     sources and release mechanism.
remote sensing and in situ measurements.                                   precision photometry on bright stars already known                observations, using the most sensitive polarimeter              Our society has become more and more
The lander Philae can be seen                                              to host planets. It will provide the unique capability            (ZIMPOL), in order to better understand the sun’s      dependent, directly or indirectly, on satellite servic-
attached to the spacecraft.
                                                                           of determining accurate radii for a subset of those               magnetic field. Observations are also carried out      es. These are vulnerable to what is called “space
                                                                           planets for which the mass has already been esti-                 at GREGOR, the largest such facility currently op-     weather”, which is the impact of solar events, or
                                                                           mated from ground-based spectroscopic surveys.                    erating.                                               more generally speaking, events from outer space,
                                                                           It will also provide precise radii for new planets                In their latest report on “Climate Change, impacts     on the Earth. The world-wide community is putting
                                                                           discovered by the next generation of ground- or                   and vulnerability in Europe 2012“, the European        into place warning centres, and the United Nations
                                                                           space-based transit surveys (Neptune-size). By un-                Environment Agency stated the expected severe          Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
                                                                           veiling transiting exoplanets with high potential for             impacts in Europe due to climate change (EEA,          has a working group active on the subject. Swiss
                                                                           in-depth characterisation, CHEOPS will also pro-                  2012). One of the driving factors is ice melt, e.g.    scientists are actively involved in research for un-
                                                                           vide prime targets for future instruments suited to               the Greenland ice sheet, and the changing hydrol-      derstanding the solar processes, as well as as-
                                                                           the spectroscopic characterisation of exoplanet                   ogy within Europe. Time variability, as derived from   sessing the potential impact on Earth.
                                                                           atmospheres (e.g. JWST). CHEOPS, which was                        space borne gravity field missions, is one of the

                                                                           ¹see http://www.tagesschau.sf.tv/Nachrichten/Archiv/2011/08/04/
                18   Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Update Roadmap for Astronomy 2007-2016   19
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