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T H E    G E O R G E      W A S H I N G T O N   U N I V E R S I T Y

2 0 2 2 G R A D UAT I O N C E L E B R AT I O N
MAY 15, 2022 | 2:30 P.M. | CHARLES E. SMITH CENTER
TABL E OF CO N T E N T S                                                                                                                                                                                 A MESSAG E FRO M T H E DEAN

A MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN ...................................................................................................................................................... 3                                                     Congratulations, Class of 2022!

ORDER OF EXERCISES .................................................................................................................................................................... 4                                            I am overjoyed to celebrate this momentous day with you. After two years of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Commencement ceremonies on our computer screens, we are finally back together in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     person. I know that you and your loved ones have looked forward to this day for a long
THE diZEREGA LECTURE/CEREMONY ADDRESS SPEAKER .................................................................................................... 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     time. Your GW Law journey took place under the most extraordinary circumstances,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and you weathered a global pandemic to emerge to this day triumphantly, inspiring us
SELECTED PAST SPEAKERS AT THE LAW SCHOOL DIPLOMA CEREMONY .......................................................................... 6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     all with your hard work, dedication, and resilience.

THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL ....................................................................................................... 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     As a group, you are academically gifted, passionate, articulate, and service oriented. It
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     has been my great privilege to serve as your Dean. You are leaving here as professionals
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY........................................................................................................................ 8                                                                    who are engaged, analytical, and thoughtful about the law. Now it’s time for you to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     craft your own pathway to practice — the options are limitless. The world’s most
UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS ................................................................................................................................................................... 8               Dayna Bowen Matthew         pressing challenges need the problem-solving skills that your study of the law has
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dean and Harold H. Greene   equipped you to bring. You have shown by the impressive number of hours of pro bono
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Professor of Law
THE GEORGE WASHINGTON LAW ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS......................................................... 9                                                                                                           work your class has contributed that you are dedicated to working for the greater good
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and building a better world for us all. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     are going to do just that.
LAW SCHOOL DEAN'S ADVISORY COUNCIL ........................................................................................................................... 10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Today, you join GW Law’s worldwide alumni community of 33,000 graduates, with
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND TECHNOLOGY LAW ADVISORY COUNCIL ...................................................................... 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     whom you have shared a transformative experience. You will find among the GW Law
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     alumni network a vast number of preeminent leaders in all sectors of the economy
GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS ADVISORY COUNCIL................................................................................................................. 13                                                                            across the United States and around the globe. I encourage you to take advantage of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     this unique and powerful gift of belonging—make your fellow alumni a part of your
BUSINESS AND FINANCE LAW ADVISORY COUNCIL ............................................................................................................. 14                                                                           journey for the rest of your professional lives.

ENERGY LAW ADVISORY COUNCIL............................................................................................................................................ 15                                                           Please keep in touch and come back and visit us often. Your time at GW Law has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     prepared you to impact the world, and we can’t wait to see your future achievements.
RECIPIENTS OF DEGREES IN COURSE—MAY 2022.................................................................................................................. 16                                                                        Congratulations again on reaching this significant milestone and my very best wishes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to each of you for good health, great happiness, and many successes.

RECIPIENTS OF DEGREES IN COURSE—JANUARY 2022......................................................................................................... 21

RECIPIENTS OF DEGREES IN COURSE—AUGUST 2021.......................................................................................................... 22

ALMA MATER .................................................................................................................................................................................. 23

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Dayna Bowen Matthew
NOTES ..............................................................................................................................................................................................24
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Dean and Harold H. Greene Professor of Law

This program is meant to be a guide to the ceremony. Although every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, the program is
not an official record of an individual’s degree status. Please bring any errors or omissions to the attention of the Dean promptly.
The university will endeavor to publish a correction in a subsequent program.

2 | GRADUATION CELEBRATION 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL | 3
O RD ER OF EX E RC I S E S                                                                                                                                                             T H E d iZEREG A LECT URE/ CEREMO NY ADDRESS SP EAK ER

PRELUDE AND PROCESSIONAL .......................................................................................................................... Corcoran Brass                                                                 Congratulations, graduates! You sit here today having accomplished something that few people do:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a Juris Doctor. I hope you take this moment to celebrate and to fan yourself with adulation, praise,
ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE DIPLOMA CEREMONY .......................................................................... Michael B. Abramowicz                                                                                              and joy.
                                                                                            Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   As you embark on your careers, and especially as you prepare for the bar exam, many will seek to
NATIONAL ANTHEM ........................................................................................................................................ Promissory Notes                                                          reassure you and encourage you, and likely already have. Your family, your friends, your fellow
                                                          Danielle Barnes-Smith, John Killingbeck, Jennifer Kuh, Jadyn Marks, and Bradley Neal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   students. But remember to also look for—and accept—praise from your harshest critic: yourself.
WELCOME ................................................................................................................................................. Dayna Bowen Matthew                                                      All of you are high achievers. You wouldn’t be sitting here today if you weren’t. But with such
                                                                                                                                                             Dean of the Law School                                                extraordinary achievement often comes a little bit of stress, perhaps some anxiety (you may know it
PRESENTATION OF AWARDS                                                                                                                                                                                                             as “imposter syndrome”).
      Recognition of Grand Marshall ................................................................................. Weston Burnett, JD '75, LLM '83                                                                              Be wary and skeptical of that inner judgmental self. Don’t allow it to run or ruin your life. The
                                                                                                                                                Presented by Dean Matthew
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tradeoff of being highly accomplished lawyers is that you may at times think you’re not quite good
      Distinguished Associate or Assistant Dean Award ........................................................................... Tammy Tideswell                                                                                  enough. Don’t buy into it. Resist your inner doubtful self as strongly as you would resist an outsider
                                                                              Senior Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs                                                                                                      who is downright cruel or irrational.
                                                                                                                           Presented by Jordan E. Michel, Class of 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   You’ve got this. You will face times in the coming years where the most important thing in your life
                                                                                                                                                                                       Susan Ellis Wild, JD ’82
      Distinguished Faculty Service Award ........................................................................................................ Peter J. Smith                                                                  may seem to be a deadline. Or the approval of a partner. Or a client, or a judge. I come to you today,
                                                                                                    Arthur Selwyn Miller Research Professor                                            U.S. House of Representatives
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   myself a former law firm partner, to say: it never is. It always is your happiness and health. Believe
                                                                                                                                                     Presented by Mr. Michel           (D-PA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in yourself. Find people you trust. Open up to them. Share your doubts, your questions, your dreams.
      Distinguished Staff Service Award ...................................................................... Bobby Walis, Information Specialist                                                                                 Remember that our country and this world are better places for having you in it.
                                                                                                                                                     Presented by Mr. Michel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Finally, find peace and happiness for yourself. You deserve it.
      Michael D. Cooley Memorial Award .................................................................................Tyrus Jackson, Class of 2022                                                                               Well done, my fellow alumni. With great pride in you, I am
                                                                                                                                                     Presented by Mr. Michel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Your Friend and Fellow Graduate,
      Student Bar Association Distinguished Service Award...............................................Jordan E. Michel, Class of 2022
                                                                                                                                                Presented by Dean Matthew

      Student Bar Association Recognition Award..................................................................................... Michael S. Levine
                                                                        Visiting Professor of Law, Fundamentals of Lawyering
                                                                                                                                                     Presented by Mr. Michel
                                                                                                                                                                                       Congresswoman Susan Ellis Wild (D-PA), the U.S. Representative            Earlier this year, she introduced a bipartisan bill to improve the
      Distinguished Adjunct Faculty Service Award ........................................................................................ Dan E. Stigall,                             for Pennsylvania's seventh Congressional District, was elected to         quality of service provided by the IRS, the Better Service for
                                                            Distinguished Professorial Lecturer in National Security Law                                                               Congress for the first time in November 2018, was a member of             Taxpayers Act. Last year, in the wake of the January 6th attacks,
                                                                           and Randall D. Eliason, Professorial Lecturer in Law                                                        the largest class of freshman women (36) to enter the U.S. House of       she co-sponsored the Capitol Remembrance Act, a bill to install a
                                                                                                                                                Presented by Dean Matthew              Representatives, and is the first woman to go to Congress from her        permanent memorial exhibit in the U.S. Capitol.
      Announcement of Student Awards .........................................................................................................Dean Matthew                             district in Pennsylvania.                                                 Congresswoman Wild is known for working across the aisle
                                                                                                                                                                                       A respected leader in Congress, Representative Wild serves on             with both Democratic and Republican colleagues and was
INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER ............................................................................................................................. Dean Matthew                     the House Foreign Affairs Committee; the House Education and              independently rated as one of the most bipartisan members of
                                                                                                                                                                                       Labor Committee; the House Ethics Committee; and the House                Congress by the Lugar Center. Of the bills she has introduced and
THE diZEREGA LECTURE/CEREMONY ADDRESS ............................................................................... Susan Ellis Wild, JD '82
                                                                                                                                                                                       Science, Space, and Technology Committee. In addition to her              cosponsored, 77 percent are bipartisan.
PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS ........................................................................................Senior Associate Dean Abramowicz                                      committee work, she is a Vice Chair of the Labor Caucus and a             Prior to winning her U.S. Congressional seat, she served as the
                                                                                                                                                                                       Co-Chair of the Climate Change Taskforce in the New Democrat
CHARGE TO THE GRADUATES ............................................................................................................................. Dean Matthew                                                                                               first female City Solicitor of Allentown, Pennsylvania. She worked
                                                                                                                                                                                       Coalition.                                                                as a litigator (specializing in civil litigation and alternative dispute
ALMA MATER .................................................................................................................................................... Promissory Notes       An advocate for expanding access to mental health care and                resolution) for more than 35 years in Allentown and became a
                                                                                                                                                                                       suicide prevention initiatives, she has co-sponsored several              partner at Gross McGinley in 1999. She represented health care
RECESSIONAL ......................................................................................................................................................... Corcoran Brass
                                                                                                                                                                                       significant bills, including the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care              practitioners and hospitals as well as municipalities and public
                                                                                        Faculty Marshals: Scott B. Pagel; Alfreda Robinson, JD ’78; and Joan E. Schaffner              Provider Protection Act, which President Biden recently signed            officials in all forms of litigation matters.
     The Dean and faculty of the law school suggest that the graduates reunite with their families and friends in Kogan Plaza immediately following the ceremony.                      into law. The bipartisan legislation, which addresses the trauma of       A 1982 graduate of GW Law, she is also the mother of GW Law
                                           Representative Wild's Commencement Address is supported by The Susan N. and Augustus diZerega, Jr., Lectureship Fund.                       working on the frontlines of the pandemic, supports mental health         graduate Clay Wild, JD ’20.
                                                              Mr. Thomas diZerega, JD ’56, established the fund in 1990 in honor of his parents’ interest in education.                resources and treatment for health care workers.
4 | GRADUATION CELEBRATION 2022                                                                        Degrees noted are those earned at the George Washington University.                                                                                            THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL | 5
                                                                                                                                        T H E G EO RG E WASH INGTO N UNIVERSITY LAW SCH O O L

2019                                         2005                                         1989                                          The George Washington University Law School, the oldest             In 1954, the National University School of Law, which had
Scott Greenstein, JD '84                     Harry Reid, JD ’64                           Richard Thornburgh                            law school in the District of Columbia, was established in 1865     held an important place in legal education in the District of
  President and Chief Content Officer,          United States Senate Minority                United States Attorney General and         with a formal program of two years of study. This was largely       Columbia since 1869, was absorbed by the George Washington
  SiriusXM                                      Leader from Nevada                           former Governor of Pennsylvania
                                                                                                                                        through the efforts of the Reverend Whitefield Samson,              University Law School.
2018                                         2004                                         1988
                                                                                          Morris Udall                                  President of Columbian College, whose action resulted in the
Keith Enright, JD ‘02                        Thomas Buergenthal
  Director, Global Privacy Legal                International Court of Justice Judge         United States Congressman                  purchase of a separate building for holding law classes. The        Since 1954, special programs of advanced study have enriched
                                                                                             from Arizona
  Team, Google                               2003                                                                                       building had belonged to Trinity Church, of which Francis           the basic curriculum. At present these include business
2017                                                                                      1987                                          Scott Key had been senior warden. It was occupied by the law
                                             Sandra Day O’Connor                                                                                                                                            and finance law; environmental and energy law; intellectual
                                                                                          Daniel K. Inouye, JD ’52
Grace E. Speights, JD ‘82                       United States Supreme Court Justice                                                     school until 1884.                                                  property law; international and comparative law; government
                                                                                             United States Senator from Hawai’i
  Partner, Morgan Lewis                      2002
                                                                                          1986                                                                                                              procurement law; litigation and dispute resolution; national
2016                                         George Mitchell
                                                                                          Charles S. Robb                               Sixty graduates, from 22 of the then 37 states, received degrees    security and cybersecurity law; and national security and
Gregory G. Garre, JD ‘91                        Former United States Senate
  Former Solicitor General of the               Majority Leader from Maine                   Former Governor of Virginia                in 1867. The school continued to have a student body and            U.S. foreign relations law. These special programs reflect the
  United States                              2001                                         1985                                          a faculty that reflected the fact that it was at the seat of        breadth in public law for which the law school is well known.
2015                                         Janet Reno                                   Harold H. Greene, JD ’52                      our nation’s government. Supreme Court Justices David J.            Additionally, a clinical law program has been developed that is
Bobby R. Burchfield, JD ’79                     Former United States Attorney General        United States District Court Judge
                                                                                                                                        Brewer and John Marshall Harlan were among the prominent            the equal of that at any law school in the nation.
  Partner, King & Spalding LLP               2000                                            for the District of Columbia
                                                                                          1984                                          members of the bench and bar who were on the faculty.
2014                                         William H. Rehnquist
                                                Chief Justice of the United States        James M. Shannon, JD ’75                                                                                          The law school has a total enrollment of approximately 2,000
D. Bruce Sewell, JD ’86
  General Counsel and Senior Vice            1999                                            United States Congressman                  In 1877, one year after the first such program was adopted in       students. Approximately 1,400 students are in the full-time
                                                                                             from Massachusetts
  President of Legal and Government          Anthony A. Williams                                                                        the United States, the law school instituted a course leading to    division for the JD degree and 300 are enrolled in the part-
  Affairs, Apple Inc.                                                                     1983
                                                Mayor of Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                                        the degree of master of laws. In 1898, the course of instruction    time division. Three hundred students, representing 49
2013                                         1998                                         Patricia Wald
                                                                                             Chief Judge of the United States Court     for the degree of bachelor of laws was extended to three years.     countries, are enrolled in graduate law degree programs.
Randall R. Rader, JD ’78                     Eric H. Holder, Sr.                             of Appeals for the District of Columbia    The law school took part in 1900 in the organization of the
  Chief Circuit Judge, United States            United States Deputy Attorney General
                                                                                          1982                                          Association of American Law Schools.
  Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit   1997
                                                                                          R. Sargent Shriver, Jr.
2012                                         Joseph F. Baca, JD ’64                          First Director of the Peace Corps
Carmen M. Ortiz, JD ’81                         Chief Justice of the New Mexico
                                                                                          1981                                          Over the past century, the law school has expanded its course
  United States Attorney for the District       Supreme Court
  of Massachusetts                           1996                                         Warren E. Burger                              and seminar offerings with consideration of the needs of
2011                                         William H. Rehnquist
                                                                                             Chief Justice of the United States         first-degree and graduate students. The degree of doctor of
John W. Snow, JD ’67
                                                                                          1980                                          juridical science was instituted in 1940. In 1946, the law school
                                                Chief Justice of the United States
  Former Secretary of the U.S. Treasury      1995                                         Sam W. Brown, Jr.
                                                                                                                                        began accepting foreign attorneys into specially designated
2010                                         Harry A. Blackmun
                                                                                             Director of ACTION Corps
                                                                                                                                        programs. Today, lawyers from the United States and abroad
Mary L. Schapiro, JD ’80
                                                United States Supreme Court Justice                                                     are accepted into the master of laws program.
  United States Securities and Exchange      1994                                         Wade H. McCree, Jr.
  Commission Chairman                                                                        Solicitor General of the United States
                                             Joyce Hens Green, JD ’51
2009                                                                                      1978
                                                Presiding Judge of the United States
Gregory G. Garre, JD ’91                        Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court   Mortimer Maxwell Caplin
  Former Solicitor General of the            1993                                            Former United States Commissioner
  United States                                                                              of Internal Revenue
                                             Bernard W. Nussbaum
2008                                                                                      1977
                                                White House Counsel
Daniel K. Inouye, JD ’52                     1992                                         Sarah Tilghman Hughes, LLB ’22
  United States Senator from Hawai’i                                                         Retired United States District Court
                                             William Barr, JD ’77
2007                                                                                         Judge for the Northern District of Texas
                                                United States Attorney General
Charles T. Manatt, JD ’62                    1991
  Former United States Ambassador to                                                      Harry McPherson
  the Dominican Republic                     Sharon Pratt Dixon                              Former Special Counsel to President
                                                Mayor of Washington, D.C.
2006                                                                                         Lyndon B. Johnson
                                             1990                                         1975
Dan Glickman, JD ’69
    Former United States Secretary2022
                                   of        L. Douglas Wilder                            Dan Rather
6 | GRADUATION     CELEBRATION                  Governor of Virginia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL | 7
    Agriculture and former Congressman                                                       Television Journalist
                                                                                                                            ASSO CIAT IO N BOARD O F DIRECTO RS

                                                                                                                            The purpose of the George Washington Law Alumni Association is to engage GW Law alumni in support of the law school. By
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY                                                                                     fostering relationships between the law school and its graduates, the board’s distinguished members play an important role in the
                                                                                                                            life of the school.
Grace E. Speights            Adam Conner                    President Mark S.                 Gary Granoff
Chair of the Board                                          Wrighton (ex-officio)             Mark V. Hughes                Francisco R. Montero, JD ’86     Joseph Chan, JD ’94                Mike P. Michel, JD ’15           Robert J. Schill, JD ’03
                             Amr ElSawy
                                                                                                                            President                          Chief Legal Officer               Associate                         Head of Corporate
                             Peter Harrison                                                   Theodore N. Lerner              Managing Partner                 Yum China Building                Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney         Responsibility—Global
Ellen Zane                                                                                    Raymond J. Oglethorpe           Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth       Shanghai, China                   Washington, D.C.                  HERE Technologies
                             Donna Hill Staton              TRUSTEES EMERITI                                                  Arlington, Va.                                                                                       Washington, D.C.
Vice Chair of the Board                                                                       B.J. Penn
                             A. Michael Hoffman             Richard Blackburn                                                                                Anthony R. Coppola, JD ’07         Melinda J. Momplaisir, JD ’18
                                                                                              Linda Rabbitt                 Michele N. Blackwell, JD ’12      Principal Attorney                 Assistant District Attorney     Dr. Debodhonyaa Sengupta,
                             Madeleine S. Jacobs            Joseph L. Brand                                                 President-Elect                   The Coppola Firm PLC               Kings County District           JD ’12
Avram Tucker                                                                                  W. Russell Ramsey
Secretary of the Board       Todd Klein                     Nancy Broyhill                                                    Public Policy Manager           Alexandria, Va.                       Attorney’s Office              Counsel
                                                                                              Sharon Percy Rockefeller        Uber                                                               Brooklyn, N.Y.                    Dentons U.S. LLP
                             Ali H. Kolaghassi              Nelson A. Carbonell, Jr.                                          Washington, D.C.               Jacqueline Z. DerOvanesian,                                           Washington, D.C.
                                                                                              Mark R. Shenkman
                             Pamela Lawrence                Oliver T. Carr, Jr.                                                                              JD ’16                             Adam E. Moskowitz, JD ’14
                                                                                              Lydia W. Thomas                                                  Attorney                           Head of Trusts and Estates     George S. Soussou, JD ’16
Christine Piorkowski Barth   Chelsea Lenowska               Henry “Ric” Duques                                                                                 Stumphauzer Foslid Sloman            Practice Group                Associate
                                                                                              Robert L. Tull
Charles R. Bendit            Judith Lane Rogers             Emilio Fernandez                                                Damilola Arowolaju, JD ’20            Ross & Kolaya PLLC              Bregman, Berbert, Schwartz &    Patterson Belknap Webb &
                                                                                              Mark R. Warner                                                   Fort Lauderdale, Fla.                Gilday LLC                      Tyler LLP
Mollie Bowman                Sam Shekar                     I. Allan From                                                    Associate
                                                                                              J. McDonald Williams           O’Melveny & Myers                                                    Washington, D.C.                Tenafly, N.J.
Roslyn M. Brock              George W. Wellde, Jr.          Morton I. Funger                                                 Washington, D.C.                Caleb P. Dulis, JD ’12
                                                                                              John D. Zeglis                                                   Partner                          Susan P. Nofi, JD ’83            Nicole Tyrell Lares, JD ’14
Mark H. Chichester                                          David Gladstone
                                                                                                                            Raymond P. Ausrotas, JD ’98        Ertman Dulis & Helisek PLLC        General Counsel                  Associate
                                                                                                                              Founding Partner                 Pittsburgh, Penna.                 Koki Holdings America Ltd.       Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &
                                                                                                                              Arrowood LLP                                                        Marietta, Ga.                       Jacobson LLP
                                                                                                                              Boston, Mass.                  Jacqueline Fisher, JD ’21                                             Silver Spring, Md.
UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS                                                                                                                                           Associate                        Claudia D. Ojeda, JD ’18
                                                                                                                            Jacob Berdine, JD ’15              Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth         Associate                      Ariel Wade Trajtenberg, JD ’10
                                                                                                                              Corporate Counsel                Washington, D.C.                   Greenberg Traurig PA             Senior Counsel
OFFICE OF THE                Christopher Alan Bracey        DEANS                             Geneva Henry                                                                                        Miami, Fla.                      Bechtel Global Corporation
PRESIDENT                    Provost and Executive Vice
                                                            Alyssa Ayres
                                                                                              Libraries and                   Seattle, Wash.                 Adam Gropper, JD ’99                                                  Rockville, Md.
                             President for Academic                                           Academic Innovation                                              Founder                          Robert K. Platt, JD ’12
Mark S. Wrighton             Affairs                        Elliott School of International                                 Laricke D. Blanchard, JD ’98       LegalJob LLC                       Assistant United States        Rebeca Vélez-Gómez, LLM ’05
President                                                   Affairs                           John Lach                       Vice President of Federal        Arlington, Va.                       Attorney                       Attorney
                             Aristide J. Collins, Jr.                                                                           Government Relations                                              United States Attorneys’         RVG Law
                                                            Barbara L. Bass                   School of Engineering
Aristide J. Collins, Jr.                                                                                                      USAA                           Jordan M. Harvey, JD ’16               Offices                        Toa Baja, Puerto Rico
                             Vice President and Secretary   School of Medicine and            and Applied Science
Chief of Staff                                                                                                                Washington, D.C.                 Assistant United States            Washington, D.C.
                             of the University              Health Sciences                                                                                      Attorney                                                        Kelly Rae Waggonner, JD ’91
                                                                                              Dayna Bowen Matthew                                              United States Attorney’s​        Zeljko Popovic, LLM ’07           Owner/Attorney
UNIVERSITY                   Mark Diaz                                                                                      Adam Bofill, JD ’17
                                                            Melissa Feuer                     GW Law                          Associate Corporate Counsel        Offices                          Tax-Exempt Organizations        Kelly Rae Waggonner
ADMINISTRATORS               Executive Vice President and   College of Professional                                           Amazon                           Arlington, Va.                        Attorney                        Attorney at Law APC
                             Chief Financial Officer        Studies (interim)                 Anuj Mehrotra                   Arlington, Va.                                                      KPMG                            San Diego, Calif.
Donna Arbide                                                                                                                                                 Jesse H. Isleman, JD ’16             Naperville, Ill.
                                                                                              School of Business
Vice President for           Stacey DiLorenzo                                                                               Christina E. Bortz, JD ’15         Legislative Counsel                                               Adam C. Weiss, JD ’17
                                                            Michael J. Feuer                                                                                   United States Senate             Michael M. Porcello, JD ’12        Counsel
Development and Alumni       Vice President for                                               Pamela Slaven-Lee              Vice President and Associate
Relations                                                   Graduate School of Education                                        Counsel                        Washington, D.C.                  Legislative Counsel               Subcommittee on Aviation
                             Communications and             and Human Development             School of Nursing (interim)                                                                        Council of the District of        U.S. House of Representatives
                                                                                                                             Goldman Sachs
                             Marketing (interim)                                                                             Dallas, Texas                   Stefanie Lepore Burt, JD ’09          Columbia                        Washington, D.C.
Charles Barber                                              Lynn R. Goldman                   Paul Wahlbeck                                                    Assistant General Counsel—        Washington, D.C.
Vice President and General   Cissy Petty                    Milken Institute School           Columbian College of Arts     Helen T. Clemens, JD ’15              Litigation                                                     Sean P. Winker, JD ’18
                                                                                              and Sciences                   Assistant City Attorney           EQT Corporation                  Matthew J. Rizzolo, JD ’08         Associate
Counsel (interim)            Vice President of Student      of Public Health
                                                                                                                             City of Alexandria                Pittsburgh, Penna.                Partner                           Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton
                             Affairs and Dean of Students                                                                                                                                        Ropes & Gray LLP                    & Garrison LLP
Barbara L. Bass                                                                                                              Alexandria, Va.
                                                                                                                                                             Lisa Mednick Owen, JD ’84           Arlington, Va.                    Brooklyn, N.Y.
Vice President for Health    Tanya Vogel                                                                                                                       Director of External Relations
                                                                                                                            Ashley Carter, JD ’17
Affairs and Dean of the      Director of Athletics                                                                            Supervising Attorney             LV Adhesive Inc.                 Matthew J. Rosenberg, JD ’16
School of Medicine and                                                                                                        D.C. Volunteer Lawyers           Carlstadt, N.J.                   Associate
Health Sciences                                                                                                                 Project                                                          Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
                                                                                                                              Arlington, Va.                                                     Redwood City, Calif.

8 | GRADUATION CELEBRATION 2022                                                                                                                                                                      THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL | 9
LAW S CHOOL DE A N‘S A DV I S ORY CO UNC I L                                                                                            LAW SCH O O L DEAN‘S ADVISO RY CO UNCIL                                              (continued)

The purpose of the Dean’s Advisory Council is to provide the Dean with the advice and assistance of individuals whose experience
provides a variety of perspectives on the legal profession in order to advance the quality and standing of the law school. The Dean’s
Advisory Council consists of alumni and members of the legal community at the highest level in their fields.

Corinne Ball, JD ’78              Raymond Banoun, JD ’68            The Honorable Steven M.           The Honorable Carlos F.           Teresa M. Schwartz, JD ’71      Scott C. Taylor, JD ’91            Franklin L. Haney, LLB ’65         The Honorable Gerald Rosen,
Chair                               Banoun Law                      Goldman, JD ’76                   Lucero, JD ’64                      J.B. and Maurice Shapiro        Member, Board of Directors         Owner                            JD ’79
  Partner                           Washington, D.C.                 Managing Partner                   Circuit Judge                       Professor Emeritus of         J2 Global Inc.                     Franklin Haney Company             Arbitrator/Mediator
  Jones Day                                                          PBM Capital Group                  U.S. Court of Appeals for the       Public Interest Law           Portola Valley, Calif.             Chattanooga, Tenn.                 JAMS
  New York, N.Y.                  Charles A. Berardesco, JD ’83      New York, N.Y.                       Tenth Circuit                   The George Washington                                                                                 Detroit, Mich.
                                   Washington, D.C.                                                     Denver, Colo.                       University Law School       Carrie Valiant, JD ’83             The Honorable James F.
David R. Berz, BA ’70, JD ’73                                       Jonathan L. Greenblatt,                                               Washington, D.C.                Board of Directors and Firm      Humphreys, JD ’78                  Mary L. Schapiro, JD ’80
Chairman Emeritus                 Bobby R. Burchfield, JD ’79       JD ’80                            Seth H. Lundy, JD ’96                                                 Member                          Principal                          Vice Chair for Global Public
  Bethesda, Md.                     McLean, Va.                       Co-Founder and Chairman           Partner                         Jeff Schweon, JD ’89              Epstein Becker Green              James F. Humphreys &                 Policy
                                                                      Legal Innovators                  King & Spalding LLP               Williams, Jones                 Washington, D.C.                     Associates                      Bloomberg LP
Richard W. Blackburn, JD ’67      Weston D. Burnett, JD ’75,          Washington, D.C.                  Washington, D.C.                     Wealth Management LLC                                          Charleston, W.Va.                  Washington, D.C.
Chairman Emeritus                 LLM ’83                                                                                                 New York, N.Y.                Stephen N. Young, JD ’84
  Naples, Fla.                      Wealth Manager                  John S. Jenkins, Jr., JD ’94      David K. Moskowitz, JD ’83                                          Global Deputy General            J. Richard Knop, JD ’69            William H. Shawn, BA ’70,
                                    Creative Planning                 Executive Vice President and     Senior Advisor and Director      Barry A. Shenkman                   Counsel—Litigation                Managing Member                 JD ’73
Douglas E. Davidson, JD ’71         McLean, Va.                         General Counsel                DISH Network Corporation           Director                        Ernst & Young LLP                   KBMP LLC                          Co-Managing Partner
                                                                      TE Connectivity Ltd.             Pompano Beach, Fla.                Jacob Burns Foundation          New York, N.Y.                      Reston, Va.                       Shawn Coulson
Chairman Emeritus
  New York, N.Y.                  Daniel Thomas Donovan,              Berwyn, Pa.                                                         Pleasantville, N.Y.                                                                                      International Lawyers
                                  JD ’96                                                              Earle H. O’Donnell, JD ’75                                                                           Thomas L. Mills, JD ’75              Washington, D.C.
Darrell L. Dreher, JD ’73           Partner                         Jeffrey I. Kohn, JD ’84             Washington, D.C.                The Honorable Thomas F.                                             Partner
Chairman Emeritus                   Kirkland & Ellis LLP              Partner                                                           Smegal, Jr., JD ’61                                                 MillsBlack LLP                    The Honorable John W. Snow,
  Dreher Tomkies LLP                Washington, D.C.                  O’Melveny & Myers LLP           Cynthia M. Patton, JD ’86           Law Offices of Thomas F.      EMERITUS MEMBERS                    Washington, D.C.                  JD ’67
  Columbus, Ohio                                                      New York, N.Y.                    General Counsel                     Smegal, Jr.                                                                                         President
                                  Sunny S. Dupree, JD ’68                                               Verily Life Sciences LLC          Piedmont, Calif.              Kenneth E. Adelsberg, JD ’79       William J. Mutryn, JD ’75            JWS Associates LLC
Jonathan S. Kahan, BA ’70,          Mediator                        Arthur F. Lafionatis, JD ’80        South San Francisco, Calif.                                      New York, N.Y.                     Senior Director                     Richmond, Va.
JD ’73                              Cambridge, Mass.                  Law Offices of                                                    Ira L. Sorkin, JD ’68                                               Bluetone Investment Partners
                                                                        Arthur F. Lafionatis          Edwin L. Phelps, JD ’68             Partner                       The Honorable William               McLean, Va.                       Douglas M. Steenland, JD ’76
Chairman Emeritus
  Partner                         David B. Falk, JD ’75               Bethesda, Md.                     President                         Mintz & Gold LLC              P. Barr, JD ’77                                                        Chairman of the Board
                                   Founder                                                              Phelps Enterprises                New York, N.Y.                   McLean, Va.                     Lisa Mednick Owen, JD ’84           AIG Inc.
  Hogan Lovells U.S. LLP
                                   FAME                             Lianne Lazetera, JD ’88               International                                                                                      Director of External Relations    Washington, D.C.
  Washington, D.C.
                                   Washington, D.C.                   Managing Partner                  McLean, Va.                     Steven A. Tasher, JD ’73        Mark H. Chichester, BA ’90,          LV Adhesive Inc.
                                                                      Schlesinger, Lazetera &                                             Chief Executive Officer and   JD ’93                               Carlstadt, N.J.                  Karen O. Stempel, JD ’82
                                  Deborah Gersh, JD ’83                 Auchincloss LLP               Daniel C. Schwartz, JD ’69            Managing Director             President                                                            Potomac, Md.
                                   Partner                            New York, N.Y.                   Partner                            Wyatt Partners LLC              Atlas Research                   Robert L. Patron, JD ’98
                                   Ropes & Gray LLP                                                    Bryan Cave LLP                     Berkeley Heights, N.J.          Washington, D.C.                   Miami Beach, Fla.
                                   Chicago, Ill.                    John Lewis, Jr., JD ’90            Washington, D.C.
                                                                      Equity Partner                                                                                    Gary C. Granoff, BBA ’69, JD ’73
                                                                      Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP                                                                           Partner
                                                                      Atlanta, Ga.                                                                                       Granoff, Walker &
                                                                                                                                                                            Forlenza PC
                                                                                                                                                                         Great Neck, N.Y.

10 | GRADUATION CELEBRATION 2022                                                                                                                                                                              THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL | 11
                                                                                                                                       G OVERNMENT CO NT RACT S ADVISO RY CO UNCIL

The law school’s Intellectual Property and Technology Law Advisory Council provides counsel and support to ensure the Intellectual     The law school’s Government Contracts Advisory Council allows the Government Procurement Law Program to draw upon the
Property Law Program’s preeminence in all areas, including curriculum, research, extracurricular activities, career development, and   support, advice, and expertise of a wide range of leaders from throughout the public procurement and acquisition field.
alumni relations. Its members are leading attorneys, judges, business leaders, and government officials in the field of intellectual
property law.
                                                                                                                                       Paul F. Khoury, JD ’86            Richard L. Dunn, LLM ’76           Dana B. Pashkoff, JD ’97
                                                                                                                                       Chair                               Founder                           Partner
Michael J. McKeon, JD ’96           Kenneth E. Jaconetty, JD ’88     The Honorable Randall R.         James R. Whittle, JD ’16           Partner                           Strategic Institute for           Faegre Drinker Biddle &
Chair                                Senior Director, Intellectual   Rader, JD ’78                      Chevy Chase, Md.                 Wiley Rein LLP                      Innovation in Government          Reath LLP                     EMERITUS MEMBERS
  Principal                            Property                        Springfield, Va.                                                  Washington, D.C.                    Contracts LLC                   Washington, D.C.
  Fish & Richardson PC               Astellas Pharma U.S. Inc.                                                                                                             Edgewater, Md.                                                    Rand L. Allen
  Washington, D.C.                   Northbrook, Ill.                Laurie C. Self                                                    Thomas M. Abbott, JD ’84                                             Rebecca E. Pearson, LLM ’96        Partner
                                                                       Senior Vice President and                                       Chairman Emeritus                 Alice M. Eldridge, JD ’91            Partner
C. Larry O’Rourke, JD ’71           Otto B. Licks, LLM ’95               Counsel                      EMERITUS MEMBERS                   Studio City, Calif.               Senior Vice President, General     Venable LLP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Wiley Rein LLP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Washington, D.C.
Chair Emeritus                       Licks Advogados                   Qualcomm Inc.                                                                                          Counsel, and Secretary          Washington, D.C.
                                     Rio de Janeiro, Brazil            Washington, D.C.               Brian Brunsvold, JD ’67
  Carmel Valley, Calif.                                                                                                                J. Richard Knop, JD ’69             BAE Systems Inc.                                                  Seymour Herman, LLM ’66
                                                                                                        Falls Church, Va.
                                                                                                                                       Chairman Emeritus                   Falls Church, Va.                Ronald S. Perlman, LLM ’80         Boynton Beach, Fla.
                                    Naveen Modi                      The Honorable Kara F. Stoll                                         Managing Member                                                      Partner
                                                                                                      Richard L. Donaldson, LLM ’73
                                     Partner                          United States Court of                                             KBMP LLC                        Barbara W. Humpton                   Holland & Knight LLP           Dorn C. McGrath III, JD ’82
                                     Paul Hastings LLP                   Appeals for the Federal        Plano, Texas
Jack S. Barufka, LLM ’96                                                                                                                 Reston, Va.                       CEO                                Washington, D.C.                Partner
  Partner                            Washington, D.C.                    Government                                                                                        Siemens USA
                                                                                                      The Honorable Marybeth                                                                                                                  Kelley Drye LLP
  Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw                                             Washington, D.C.                                                                                     Reston, Va.                      Edwin L. Phelps, JD ’68           Washington, D.C.
                                    John D. Murnane, JD ’79                                           Peters, JD ’71
     Pittman LLP                                                                                                                                                                                              President
                                                                     Donald E. Stout, JD ’72            Washington, D.C.
  McLean, Va.                         Partner
                                                                                                                                       Greg Bingham                      Beth M. Kramer                       Phelp Enterprises              Robert Nichols
                                      Venable LLP                     Partner                                                                                              Associate General Counsel            International
                                                                                                      James R. Sims III, JD ’86          Partner and Co-Lead of                                                                                Partner
Steven E. Feldman, JD ’95             New York, N.Y.                  Fitch Even, Tabin &                                                                                  Lockheed Martin Corporation        McLean, Va.
                                                                                                        Principal                          Governments Contracts                                                                               Nichols Liu LLP
  Partner and Chair, Intellectual                                        Flannery LLP                                                                                      Bethesda, Md.
                                                                                                        Law Offices of James R.          HKA Global Inc.                                                                                       Washington, D.C.
    Property Practice               The Honorable Ralph Oman          Washington, D.C.                                                                                                                      Allison D. Pugsley, JD ’02
                                                                                                           Sims III                      Washington, D.C.
  Hahn, Loeser & Parks               Pravel, Hewitt, Kimball                                                                                                             Won K. Lee                           Counsel                        Dean W. Rutley, BA ’83, JD ’86
                                        and Kreiger Professorial     Ranganath Sudarshan                Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                                                                          Associate General Counsel           Hogan Lovells U.S. LLP
  Chicago, Ill.                                                                                                                        Mathew C. Blum, JD ’88                                                                                 Partner
                                        Lecturer in Intellectual       Partner                                                                                            General Dynamics Mission            Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                      Michael O. Warnecke, JD ’67       Associate Administrator                                                                               Womble Bond Dickinson U.S.
John S. Goetz                           Property and Patent Law        Covington & Burling LLP                                                                              Systems Inc.
                                                                                                       Partner and Co-Chair, Patent     Office of Federal Procurement                                                                           LLP
  Principal                          The George Washington             Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                                          Policy, OMB
                                                                                                                                                                          Fairfax, Va.                      David B. Robbins                  Vienna, Va.
                                        University Law School                                             Litigation Group
  Fish & Richardson PC                                                                                                                                                                                       Partner, Co-Chair Government
                                                                                                       Perkins Coie LLP                 Washington, D.C.
                                     Washington, D.C.                Jonathan T. Suder, JD ’84                                                                           Marcia G. Madsen                       Contracts
  New York, N.Y.                                                                                       Chicago, Ill.                                                                                                                         The Honorable Jeri K. Somers
                                                                       Partner                                                                                            Partner                            Jenner & Block
                                                                                                                                       The Honorable Ruth C. Burg,                                                                            Chair
Michael F. Heim, JD ’87             Justin E. Pierce, JD ’00           Friedman, Suder & Cooke                                                                            Mayer Brown LLP                    Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                                       JD ’50                                                                                                 U.S. Civilian Board of Contract
 Partner                              Partner                          Fort Worth, Texas                                                                                  Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                                         Washington, D.C.                                                                                        Appeals
 Heim, Payne & Chorush                Venable LLP                                                                                                                                                           Maria C. Swaby, LLM ’12           Washington, D.C.
                                      Washington, D.C.               Bruce Watrous, Jr., Esq.                                                                            Ralph C. Nash, Jr., JD ’57          GSA Procurement
 Houston, Texas                                                                                                                        Stacey Burton, JD ’02, LLM ’09
                                                                       Vice President and Chief                                                                            Professor Emeritus                   Ombudsman
                                                                                                                                         Spring, Texas                                                                                       Joseph D. West, JD ’77
Andrei Iancu                        Louis T. Pirkey, JD ’64              Intellectual Property                                                                             George Washington                 General Services                  Partner
                                      Partner                            Counsel                                                                                             University Law School              Administration
 Partner                                                                                                                               Nathaniel E. Castellano, JD ’15                                                                         Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP
 Irell & Manella LLP                  Pirkey Barber LLP                Apple Inc.                                                                                          Washington, D.C.                  Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                                        Associate                                                                                              Washington, D.C.
 Washington, D.C.                     Austin, Texas                    Cupertino, Calif.
                                                                                                                                        Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholar
                                                                                                                                                                         Elizabeth W. Newsom, JD ’92        Roger Waldron                    The Honorable Thomas C.
                                                                                                                                                                           Deputy Chief Counsel               President                      Wheeler
                                                                                                                                        Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                                                                           Combat Vehicles Platforms          The Coalition for Government    U.S. Court of Federal Claims
                                                                                                                                                                              and Services                      Procurement
                                                                                                                                       Adelicia R. Cliffe, JD ’06                                                                             Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                                                                           BAE Systems                        Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                                                                           Arlington, Va.                                                    Ralph O. White, Jr.
                                                                                                                                         Crowell & Moring LLP
                                                                                                                                         Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Karen L. Wilson, LLM ’82           Managing Associate General
                                                                                                                                                                         John S. Pachter, JD ’66, LLM ’70    Retired Senior Acquisition          Counsel for Procurement
                                                                                                                                                                           Partner                              Leader, Government
                                                                                                                                       Arlene “Lynn” David                                                                                       Law
                                                                                                                                                                           Smith Pachter McWhorter PLC          Operations                     Government Accountability
                                                                                                                                                                           Tysons Corner, Va.                Potomac, Md.                        Office
                                                                                                                                         David Associates
                                                                                                                                         Bethesda, Md.                                                                                         Washington, D.C.

12 | GRADUATION CELEBRATION 2022                                                                                                                                                                                THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL | 13
BU S INES S A N D FI N A N CE L AW ADV I S O RY CO UNC I L                                                                             ENERGY LAW ADVISO RY CO UNCIL

The law school’s Business and Finance Law Advisory Council provides support, advice, and expertise to the law school on legal          The law school’s Energy Law Advisory Council is composed of leaders in the field of energy. The council provides strategic
and policy issues affecting business and finance in the United States and in the global financial community.                           direction to the law school’s Sustainable Energy Initiative, a cutting-edge research and policy development program that was
                                                                                                                                       founded and structured with alumni guidance. The council also provides support and advice regarding curriculum, career
The Honorable Steven M.           Robert W. Downes, JD ’91                                          William J. Mutryn II, JD ’75       development, and extracurricular affairs affecting energy and environmental law students.
Goldman, JD ’76                     Partner                                                          Bluestone Investment
Chair                               Sullivan & Cromwell LLP                                             Partners
  Partner                           New York, N.Y.                  EMERITUS MEMBERS                 McLean, Va.                       Andrew Murphy, JD ’87            George “Chip” D. Cannon, Jr.,    Daniel Hagan                      Todd Mullins, JD ’89
  PBM Capital Group                                                                                                                    Chair                            JD ’94                            Partner                            Partner
  New York, N.Y.                  Wendy M. Goldberg, JD ’00                                         Caroline D. Pham, JD ’11            Senior Vice President,            Partner                         White & Case LLP                   McGuire Woods
                                                                    Lynne B. Barr, BA ’72, JD ’75
                                   Special Counsel                                                    Citigroup Inc.                      Strategy and Corporate          Akin Gump Strauss Hauer         Washington, D.C.                   Washington, D.C.
John A. Buchman                                                       Goodwin Procter LLP
                                   Sullivan & Cromwell LLP                                            New York, N.Y.                      Development                        & Feld
Chairman Emeritus                                                     Boston, Mass.
                                   New York, N.Y.                                                                                       Edison International              Washington, D.C.               Emma F. Hand                      Earle H. O’Donnell, JD ’75
  Managing Director,                                                                                The Honorable Henry duPont
    Regulatory Counsel                                              Margarita (Ari) Brose, JD ’89                                       Rosemead, Calif.                                                  Partner                            Washington, D.C.
                                  Richard A. Jones, JD ’84                                          Ridgely, LLM ’74                                                    Douglas E. Davidson, JD ’71       Dentons U.S. LLP
  Charles Schwab and                                                 Brose Group LLC
                                    Senior Vice President and                                         Avondale, Penna.                                                    New York, N.Y.                  Washington, D.C.                 Daniel J. Oginsky, JD ’99
    Company                                                          Arlington, Va.
                                      General Counsel                                                                                                                                                                                       Founder and Principal
  San Francisco, Calif.
                                    Federal Reserve Bank of                                         John Sakhleh, JD ’99                                                Emily S. Fisher                  Karen M. Hardwick                  Heartmonic Holdings LLC
                                                                    Michael Farber, JD ’94                                             Charles A. Berardesco, JD ’83
                                      Atlanta                                                         Sidley Austin LLP                                                  General Counsel, and             General Counsel of U.S.           Brighton, Mich.
                                                                     Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP                                          Washington, D.C.
                                    Atlanta, Ga.                                                      Washington, D.C.                                                      Corporate Secretary              Utilities, Senior Vice
                                                                     New York, N.Y.
                                                                                                                                                                         Edison Electric Institute           President, and General        Jane E. Reuger
Paul Basta, JD ’92                Yan Liu                                                           Timothy K. Saunders, Jr., JD ’91   Noel W. Black                     Washington, D.C.                    Counsel                         Partner
                                                                    Robert M. Gervis, JD ’85                                            Vice President of Federal
  Partner                           Assistant General Counsel                                         Reverence Capital Partners                                                                          WGL Holdings Inc. and              Perkins Coie LLP
                                                                      Epilogue LLC                                                         Regulatory Affairs
  Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton     International Monetary Fund                                       New York, N.Y.                                                    Kevin C. Fitzgerald, JD ’91          Washington Gas                  Washington, D.C.
                                                                      West Newton, Mass.                                                Southern Company
    & Garrison LLP                  Washington, D.C.                                                                                                                     Chief Utility Officer            Washington, D.C.
  New York, N.Y.                                                                                    Jeff Schweon, JD ’89                Washington, D.C.                 Energy Impact Partners                                            Daniel F. Stenger, JD ’80
                                                                    The Honorable Cynthia A.
                                  Anna T. Pinedo, Esq.                                                Williams, Jones & Associates                                       New York, N.Y.                  Kenneth M. Minesinger, JD ’90      Partner
Charles Calloway, JD ’12           Partner
                                                                      Alexandria, Va.
                                                                                                         LLC                                                                                              Shareholder                       Hogan Lovells LLP
 Associate                         Mayer Brown                                                        New York, N.Y.                                                                                      Greenberg Traurig LLP             Washington, D.C.
 Chapman & Cutler LLP              New York, N.Y.                                                                                                                                                         Washington, D.C.
                                                                    Tonya Grindon
 Chicago, Ill.                                                                                      Joe Tabacco, JD ’74
                                                                      Baker Donelson Bearman
                                  John M. Pollack, BA ’95, JD ’98                                     Berman DeValerio
                                                                        Caldwell Berkowitz
Bryan Corbett, JD ’98               Partner
                                                                      Nashville, Tenn.
                                                                                                      San Francisco, Calif.
  President and CEO                 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
  Managed Funds Association         New York, N.Y.
                                                                    Anastasia D. Kelly, JD ’81
  Chevy Chase, Md.                                                   DLA Piper
                                  Ira L. Sorkin, JD ’68              Washington, D.C.
Michael P. Daly                     Partner
 Associate                          Mintz & Gold LLP
                                                                    Edward Labaton
 Jones Day                          New York, N.Y.
                                                                      Labaton Sucharow LLP
 Washington, D.C.                                                     New York, N.Y.

14 | GRADUATION CELEBRATION 2022                                                                                                                                                                             THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL | 15
R ECI PI ENTS O F DE GRE E I N COUR S E | M AY 2022                                                                                           RECIP IENT S O F DEG REE IN CO URSE | MAY 2 0 2 2

Diplomas are being presented to those students in the following lists who completed all degree requirements by May 10, 2022.                  Maria J. Grenader         Seong Ji Jin                Kendall Tucker Jackson     Michael P. Matthiesen*
                                                                                                                                              Lilla K. Grisham          Marsha Jobaida                Lawrenz                  Jensen Jane Vollum
                                                                                                                                              Nicholas J. Guiliano      Nina Jessie John            David S. Lee                  Matsuda
                                                                                                                                              Zixuan Guo                Hannah E. Jones             Erica N. Lee               Iris Maute-Gibson
Kevin C. Adams                Mehanna Corinne                              Timothy Y. Choo                       Richard Anthony              Chelsea M. Gutierrez      Jeremy Conrad Jones         Sean Sangwoon Lee          Kelly Katherine McBride
Daniel M. Adlerov               Borostyan                                  Rachel Lucy Christensen                 Elmendorf                  John Habibi               Gabriella Renee Joseph      Sojung Lee                 Jack R. McCaffrey
Ruth Songo Belema             Liam M. Bowers                               Lilia Chu                             James C. Elustondo           Megan R. Hackett          Felicia L. Kalkman          Zachary Simon Lee          Maddie McClain
   Afiesimama                 Casey C. Braden                              Nikita Chub                           Carlisle Alessandra          Soohyun Stephanie Hahn    Mimoza Y. Kalyoncu          Gabrielle Leeman           David H. McConnell
Ji Young Ahn                  Sophia Gabriele Bradford                     Byungkyu Chun                           Engelhardt                 Sara Thompson Hall        Steven R. Kaplan            Sophie Anne Leff           Taylor G. McDougall
Luigi Aletto                  Clyde M. Brazeal                             Jacquelyn Danelle Clark               Bethel Bella Etta            Leslie Marie Hamic        Mark Zadik Karabajakian     Jessica Abby Lehrman       Christine Marie
Syed Kamil Ali                Tyler W. Breeden                             Victoria Lee Colbert                  Hannah Fan                   Breyana Hammond           Olivia Rose Kaufmann        Alexander LePore              McElhinney
Bled Bix Aliu                 Jesse Rooney Brennan                         Caitlin Frumen Conflenti              Ziyou Fan                    Jung Hyoun Han            Moheb Keddis                Eric M. Levine             Brianna Tristine McGraw
Rani Allan                    Megan A. Brickler                            John Benjamin Considine               Nataly Farag                 Cassandra G. Harrington   Connor J. Keller            Emily Beth Lewis           Charles H. McKee
Ashley C. Allen               Paige M. Brigham                             Jessica M. Constant                   Jenna Fattah                 Tanner Michael Hatch      Logan B. Kemp               Justin P. Lewis            Brenden McNamara
Naomi Belle Allen             Mallory Peyton Broberg                       Peter E. Conway                       Kimia Favagehi               Sami Hawari               Joseph Edward Kennelly      Latia Mischel Lewis        Evan McQuiston
Al-Daana bint Mohammed        Dylan Brody                                  Harrison B. Cope                      Milan Francesco Feliciello   Michael David Hawthorne   S. Trevor Kern              Divina Li                  Matilda Zhenmei Mead
   Al-Mulla                   Daniel Joshua Brown                          Allyson C. Corigliano                 Ashley Nicole Fernandez      Julia B. Heasley          Kyle Joseph Kessler         Jiao Li                    Vincent A. Melore
Danielle Elizabeth Alvarez    Evan M. Brown                                Cameron F. Costello                   Mariana del Carmen           Jordan Leigh Hecht        Joshua Blake Keyser         Xinyi Li                   Mariya Mendel
Valentina Alvarez             Jaylla Symone Brown                          James William Cowan                     Fernandez                  Arielle Rachel Heffez     Ashfia Khan                 Zhuoyan Li                 Summer S. Menefee
Hannane Amanpour              Molly Q. Brown                               Jordan M. Cowger                      Daniel J. Figuenick III      Sean Thurston Hemenway    Fatima Khurram Khan         Wei Loon Ellen Liew        Megane Ophelie Messier
Thea Charlotte Andersen       Sarah J. Brown                               William J. Crider                     Michael H. Finn              Lucinda J. Hendrix        Sanaa Khan                  Jacob Alan Linker          Jordan E. Michel
Anna Nicoletta Arena          Victoria Tayler Brown                        Taylor Nicole Cross                   Samuel Finn                  Kimberly Karine           Laura Gouldin Killalea      Chengming Liu              Ryan R. Migeed
Margaret Argo                 John Brushwood                               Jordan E. Crunkleton                  Eric Finnerty*                  Henrickson             John Leopoldo Killingbeck   Hui Liu                    Cooper C. Millhouse
Michael C. Arianas            Elizabeth Buchanan                           Bryan Patrick Cynova                  Rachel Alana Fishbein        Jose A. Hernandez         Chaeyeon Kim                Weiyi Liu                  Harut Minasian
Matthew J. Ascoli             Kathleen M. Buckley                          Xiomara Damour                        Daniel H. Fishelman          Raymond J. Hernandez      Jenna Suhyoung Kim          Christina Jamie Longo      Alexa S. Minesinger
Natalie A. Assaad             Eliza Jayne Buergenthal                      Julia Francesca von                   Thomas Ryan Flack            Miranda Therese           Juhyun Kim                  Lucas K. Longo             Maria E. Miranda
Sahar Atassi                  Anne M. Bullington                              d’Amours                           Kimberly N. Forster             Hernandez              Mi Na Kim                   Samantha Elisa Lopes       Hope F. Mirski
Sharzad Attaran               Scott Conrad Burger                          William P. Dawson                     Nektarios Fotopoulos         Steven Philip Hess        Sarah Kim                   Joshua A. Lopez            Alejandra Miss Ozuna
Alexander Guido Auster        Evan Matthew Bursey                          David N. Defelice                     Jason Fountain               Cameron C. Higgins        Young Kyoung Kim            Gennadiy T. Loznev         Nicholas A. Moayad
Jessica Ruth Azerad           John Bradley Bush                            Michael James Dejesus                 Jacob D. Fraley              Austin K. Himes           Alyssa Irene Kiriakos       Riven Alesta Lysander      Yuval Mor
Jacob Azrilyant               Anabel M. Butler                             Brandon Alexander Dennis              Jessica Lynn Franks          Jacob R. Hochberger       Cameron J. Klein            Maggie E. MacCurdy         Christina Ruggiero Morgan
Ethan A. Bahar                Nicole C. Candelori                          Bhakti B. Desai                       Daniel P. Freitas            Kaitlyn Marie Hodgman     Morgan A. Klein             Joseph P. Macy             Jacob S. Morse
Whi Min Ban                   David Cao                                    Spenser H. Dettwyler                  Emily C. Friedman            Elena L. Hoffman          Alyxandra Beth Klotz        Marisa O. Madaras          Arya Motazedi
Zina Hadi Barghash            Lingyi Cao                                   Luca Vincenzo Difronzo                Arjan Ganji                  Christopher Norman Man    Matyas Kohout               Jake Wayne Madsen          Stephen M. Mott
Sarah J. Barney               Victor Osvaldo Carlo                         Tyler D. Dillon                       Evan Rafael Neiman Garcia       Jon Hon                Sarah Marie Kolick          Samantha Devin Makseyn     Lauren E. Munday
Mei Li B. Bartholome          Stephany Caro Mejia                          Katharine D. Doerksen                 Dozier Gardner               Ni Hsieh                  Joseph Richard              Francisco Javier           Jackie Mutai
Samantha Nicole Bass          Benjamin L. Carroll                          Anton C. Dormer                       Luke Matthew Garoufalis      Sooyoung Hu                 Kolodrubetz                 Maldonado Andreu         Iman Naieem
Brianna Lee Bates             John Joseph Catalfamo                        Caitlin Drott                         Brittany Gault               Annie B. Hudgins          Elie Y. Kommel              Frank Albert Maley         Alfonso Nazzaro
Rurik Asher Baumrin           Emily P. Caylor                              Joshua M. Drumming                    Yinqi Ge                     Rebecca Perchik Hughes    Liran Koropitzer            Eleanor Grace Maloney      Eden Nebel
Elizabeth Jane Baxter         Gestey F. Charles                            Noah E. Duncan                        Brittany Bitton Genthert     Aima Humayun              Cashel M. Koski             Anna Marie Mancino         Natasha Nerenberg
Rose Margaret Beattie         Roman Chebotarev                             Cyrus G. Dutton                       Matthew J. Gereke            Amanda S. Hunt            Brittany M. Kouroupas       Sean R. Mangan             Alan Jeffrey Neuhauser
Giavana Joy Behnamian         Alexandra Chen                               Katherine Anna Eige                   Rachel M. Gerstenfeld        Ustina Marian Ibrahim     Nathaniel Kristel           Adam Allen Manning         Fei Ni
David William Behr            Junhao Chen                                  Jessica N. Eischen                    Zhuoma Gesang                Marcus D. Ireland         Sean C. Kronenwett          Yirong Mao                 Wenxuan Ni
Jendaya Taahira Bell          Sandy W. Chen                                Emma S. Eisendrath                    Dana M. Gibson               Katherine L. Iturra       Justin Krumper              Fillip Margulis            Matthew William Nisi
Daniel S. Bickle              Sichang Chen                                 Donald Eklund                         Vikram S. Gill               Alexia Hattingh Jaber     Jacob F. Kucharski          Jadyn Therese Scott Marks  Adam Noah
Neal P. Billig                Winnie Yun Chen                              Jeanmarie G. Elican                   Aneta Golaszewski            Tyrus Jackson             Therese J. Kuester          Alexandra Garland          Kalee Madison Odom
Carly A. Bishop               Yunzhu Chen                                  Anna E. Ellison                       Morgan Kott Goldstein        Sanaa Jain                Jennifer Si Wen Kuh           Marshall                 Olutola Ogunrinde
Leo R. Boerstoel              Catherine A. Chiodo                          Rachel Ellison                        Kevin P. Goon                Stephan Hans Jaksch       Yong Joon Kwon              Michelle Margaret Marshall Jessica L. Ojeda
Ellen Margaret Boettcher      Paul Choi                                    William Jacob Elman                   Olivia S. Graham             Keegan M. James           Samuel D. Lachow            Anne Grae Martin           David W. Olivar
16       Boley
                              2022      Jia-Hui Chong                                                            Erica Shelaine Grant         Helen A. Jasper           Veronica Anne Lark          Nicholas   F. Mastria      Sally Mae LAW
                                                                                                                                                                                                       THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY   OlsonSCHOOL | 17
R ECI PI ENTS O F DE GRE E I N COUR S E | M AY 2022                                                   (continued)                           RECIP IENT S O F DEG REE IN CO URSE | MAY 2 0 2 2

Oluwasegun Isaac           Benjamin S. Rathman                            Alyssa N. Sieja                      Christina Marie Vohra
   Omotayo                 Peter M. Rauch                                 Lane M. Siems                        Zoe Charvoz Wadge            MASTER OF LAWS
Jacob Benjamin Orgel       Andrew Arthur Ray                              Roberto A. Silva                     Derick O. Wallace
                                                                                                                                            Afnan Mohammedj Abushal        Michael Taiyuan Chen          Michael Friedl                 Linda Anael Mogue Kengne
Reid Alexander Ostrom      Jason P. Re                                    Rachael A. Singer                    Brian F. Walsh
                                                                                                                                               Business and Finance Law      Government Procurement        National Security and U.S.      Intellectual Property Law
Chidima Maryanne           Ryan Reed                                      Heather Skrabak                      Conor E. Walsh                                                and Environmental Law         Foreign Relations Law
   Osuchukwu               Phillip Rei                                    Delaney Slater                       William P. Walters           Rabia Akturk                                                                                Lauren Christine Nichols
Robert Nii Kwartey Owoo    Joshua Reichek                                 Kayla A. Slattery                    Heather LeighAnn Walters        International and           Saborn Chindy                 Abigail Gallagher                Kerby
                                                                                                                                               Comparative Law               International and             International and               General LLM
Alice O. Palkovitz         Christine M. Reid                              Jacob Dean Smith                     Yanchi Wan
                                                                                                                                                                             Comparative Law               Comparative Law
Andrew W. Palmer           Anna Christina Reiff                           Samantha F. Sobers                   Ji Wang
                                                                                                                                            Amani Ayidh S. Alanazi                                                                      Devanshu Khanna
Changyun Pan               Roxanne Reinhardt                              Ian J. Soller                        Jianle Wang                     Business and Finance Law    Sunga Cho                     Michael Joseph Garcia             General LLM
David H. Pankratz          Andrew Marshall Ribe                           Gregory S. Song                      Vania Wang                                                    Business and Finance Law      Government Procurement
                                                                                                                                            Najla Albattah                                                 and Environmental Law
Jennifer Lynn Pantell      Allison Jane Richter                           Samuel Song                          Xuezhou Wang                                                                                                             Cali Y. Kim
                                                                                                                                               General LLM                 Kesang Choden                                                   Government Procurement
Alexa Magdeline Pappas     Daniel W. Robinson                             Nicole Victoria Spafford             Tessa Ward*
                                                                                                                                                                             Business and Finance Law    Filomena Maria Gehart             Law
Michelle Park              Sarah Margaret Robitaille                      Lillian J. Spetrino                  Merrill Margaret Weber       Lama Saad A. Aljanoubi                                         General LLM
Brayden Jack Parker        James Paul Aaron Rodarte                       Brandon M. Spreckels                 Sebastian Rhys Weinmann         Business and Finance Law    Gabrielle Bernice Clark                                      Gunwoo Kim
Sierra A. Paskins          Emily A. Rodriguez                             Cody Stanley                         Rosalie B. Wennberg                                           International and           Juan Carlos Girao La Rosa         Intellectual Property Law
                                                                                                                                            Hiba Wahab Atiyya                Comparative Law               General LLM
Pavan A. Patamalla*        Melissa Rodriguez                              Laura E. Stanley                     John David Wetzel
                                                                                                                                               International and                                                                        Paul Kunstmann
Jaina N. Patel             Laura Catherine Roman                          Brendan C. Stautberg                 Erin L. Wever                   Comparative Law             Alex Clise                    Scott Lockwood Goble              Intellectual Property Law
Priya S. Patel             Zachary Allen Roop                             Gabriel H. Stein                     Kevin Wharton                                                 National Security and         Litigation and Dispute
Jeremy S. Patton           Max Jerry Roseman                              Jillian I. Stern                     Ian Widman                   Mohaned Mohamed                  Cybersecurity Law             Resolution
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Laure Catherine Vaitiare
Jonathan D. Peloquin       Ryan Alexander Rosenthal                       Moira E. Stuart                      Tai C. Williams               Mohamed Bahr                                                                                 Le Gall
                                                                                                                                               International and           William Vincent Cochrane      Jose Andres Gonzalez Lopez
Victoria C. Penny          Maayan Sachs                                   Yiming Su                            Erin Louise Williamson                                        General LLM                   Intellectual Property Law
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           International and
                                                                                                                                               Comparative Law                                                                             Comparative Law
Evan S. Pentz              Olivia N. Sacks                                Tania Beatriz                        Conlan D. Wilson
Gregory S. Persaud         Jaimee Nicole Salgado                             Suarez-Marquez                    Sarah Victoria Winkelstein   Vanessa Townshend Batlle       Barbara Justine Colberg       Stefanie Ricarda Gschrei
                                                                                                                                                                             Environmental Law             International and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Da Eun Lee
John M. Petr               Ryan D. Sarlo                                  Menglin Sun                          Andrew James Hartman            Litigation and Dispute                                                                      Litigation and Dispute
                                                                                                                                               Resolution                                                  Comparative Law
Lillian Petruzzi           Ali Sarwari                                    Kyle Suominen                           Wise                                                                                                                     Resolution
                                                                                                                                                                           Kimberly Suzanne Courtney
Theresa Grace Pezzeminti   Spencer Christian Satin                        Evan Isaac Suval                     Pauline R. Wizig                                              General LLM                 Frederick Osei Gyimah
                                                                                                                                            Camelia Bogdan                                                                              Xing Li
Morgan L. Phoenix          Paul Savage*                                   Nora Sweeney                         Rebecca L. Wolfe                Business and Finance Law                                    General LLM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           International and
Sabrina Lucienne Pierce    Jeremy Schiff                                  Lindsay R. Swinson                   Nina Z. Wu                                                  Olivia Neves Da Rocha                                           Comparative Law
                                                                                                                                            Julie Lynne Borchers            Araujo                       Henri T. Hammond
Timothy L. Pierse          Emily K. Schimelpfenig                         Michael John Swistara                Teela B. Wyman
                                                                                                                                               General LLM                   Business and Finance Law      Business and Finance Law
Domenico Pietromonaco      Emilee P. Schipske                             Amanda Szmuc-Heba                    Qiangyu Xiong                                                                                                            Li Liu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Intellectual Property Law
Akhilesh Pillalamarri      Katherine Schlusser                            Hong Tao                             Qinyu Xu                                                                                  Alix Chantal Heugas
                                                                                                                                            Alexander Jonathan Brittin     Enisa Bisera Dervisevic
Robert W. Piper            Robert Schutt                                  Jelena Jovanka Tasic                 Zhanqi Xu                       Government Procurement        Government Procurement        Intellectual Property Law
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Xiaoyun Liu
Samantha Jacqueline        Sarah Jessica Schwietz                         Brandi Nicole Tennant                Kalyani Joshi Yamarthy          Law                           and Environmental Law                                         Intellectual Property Law
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Yan Hu
   Piszcz                  William Frank Scolinos                         Ryan P. Thompson                     Tae Hoon Yang
                                                                                                                                            Antonia Valentina Burger       Gaukhar Doszhanova              Intellectual Property Law
Chadli F. Pittman          Olivia Katherine Scott                         Michaela E. Thornton                 Zhen Yang                                                                                                                Rene Eduardo Marrero
                                                                                                                                               International and             General LLM
Edmund S. Pittman          Timothy J. Scully                              Sally Tieu                           Nima Youchidje                  Comparative Law                                           Alejandro Ibarra Ibarra          Piantini
                                                                                                                                                                                                           International and               Business and Finance Law
Clara Pomper               Courtney Cecile Seams                          Douglas Alexander Tiller             Mareah L. Younes                                            Mustafa El Hassani
                                                                                                                                            Allyson N. Burgess               General LLM                   Comparative Law
Andrew Poot                John R. Seidman                                Jillian E. Timko                     Spencer D. Young                                                                                                         Anothai Meesuntia
                                                                                                                                               Intellectual Property Law
Morgan R. Povinelli        Joshua A. Seiler                               Elizabeth C. Tonkin                  Siyuan Yu                                                                                 Brian Patrick John                Intellectual Property Law
                                                                                                                                                                           Ceyla Esendemir
Brendan A. Powell          Andrew M. Seneviratne                          Daniella C. Torrealba                Ho Jin Yun                   David John Casella               Business and Finance Law      Litigation and Dispute
Alexis Pozonsky            Hyeon Duk Seo                                  Taylor Marisa Treloar                Susan I. Zahran                 Energy and Environmental                                    Resolution                   Kajal Nitin Mehta
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Intellectual Property Law
Alexx Geoffrey Privitera   Laela Shallal                                  Kenny H. Truong                      Sirwan Zamani*                  Law                         Fernando Rissoli Lobo Filho
                                                                                                                                                                             Government Procurement      Taylor Danielle Jones
Magdalene Rose Pszonak     Hannah M. Shankman                             Yun-Da Tsai                          Ubtene Zamaninia                                                                            National Security and U.S.   Luis Enrique Mendoza
                                                                                                                                            Elisa Cerri                      Law
Ruifeng Pu                 Keaton Hargraves Shapiro                       Theodore M. Tymowski                 Jason Kyle Zubata               International and                                           Foreign Relations Law          Choque
Francesca R. Pugliese      Tayler B. Sheehan                              Jacob Tyson                          Brian Phillip Zupruk            Comparative Law             Lena Fleischmann                                                International and
Natalie L. Puletti         Sung Eun Shin                                  Sara Uhlenbecker                     Madeline Biggs Zuschnitt                                      International and           Parvinakhon Karimova              Comparative Law
                                                                                                                                            Siddhant Bhudev Chatterjee       Comparative Law               General LLM
Arshjit S. Raince          Hannah Zins Shlaferman                         Venoos Vahid                         Abigail Eliana Zwick
                                                                                                                                               Intellectual Property Law                                                                Suryakeerthi Mohan
Sai Sree Kavya Rallabhandi Rachel R. Shulman                              Mark Hendrik Verwaay*                                                                                                          Simret Zewdie Kebede       Intellectual Property Law
                                                                                                                                                                           Matteo Formaggi
     |     Rashid          2022 E. Siddiqui                               Chloe Alessandra Vizzone                                                                           Business and Finance Law      Energy and Environmental
                                                                                                                                                                                                            THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL | 19
*Degrees will be conferred in August 2022 upon those students who complete all degree requirements in the 2022 Summer Sessions.
R ECI PI ENTS O F DE GRE E I N COUR S E | M AY 2022                                      (continued)                          RECIP IENT S O F DEG REE IN CO URSE | JANUARY 2 0 2 2

Emil Tariel Ogl Muradzade    Rama Thyagaraju Ponangi       Juan Daniel Sierra Silgado         Johana Jhancarla Vargas
  International and            Energy and Environmental      International and                  Arias                         JURIS DOCTOR
  Comparative Law              Law                           Comparative Law                     Business and Finance Law
                                                                                                                              Sarah J. Aristil                    Robert Pearson Ridgway               Jisoo Kim                           Michael Patrick O'Neal
Davron Rustam Ugli           Matthew Poorman               Bertha Mariana Silva Leon          Samantha M. Wald
                               Environmental Law             Energy and Environmental
                                                                                                                              Elisa Cardano Perez                   Duffy                              Scott Neall                         Brian Shin
 Muslimov                                                                                        Intellectual Property Law
  International and                                          Law                                                              Jonathan R. Carter                  Kelsey A. Kelleher                   Claire Elizabeth Newbegin           Shannon Gyungmee Yi
  Comparative Law            Tanvi Praveen                                                    Jacqueline Gracia Waldman
                               International and           Ezgi Soylu                            Environmental Law
Mir Sadra Nabavi               Comparative Law               International and
                                                             Comparative Law
  Litigation and Dispute                                                                      Suliat Wale-Bello               MASTER OF LAWS
  Resolution                 Natalia Alexandra                                                   Intellectual Property Law
                              Ralat-Albors                 Sothoeunkarona Suon
                                                                                                                              Ahmed Mahmoud A.                    Estefania Arias Molina               David E. Johnson                    Jahnavi Ravindranath
Timothy Peter Oster            Intellectual Property Law     Intellectual Property Law
                                                                                              Aina Nanyamka-Richmond           Abdellatif                            Intellectual Property Law            Government Procurement               General LLM
  International and                                                                                                                                                                                       Law
                                                           Thomas Frederick Sykstus             Watkins                          International and
  Comparative Law            Nicholas Anthony Reyes                                                                                                               Orlando J. Barrios                                                       Debbie Marie Chew Roldan
                                                                                                 Government Procurement          Comparative Law
                               General LLM                   Litigation and Dispute                                                                                  General LLM                       Justin Clephane Kendall-Ball            Business and Finance Law
Munkhzaya Otgon                                              Resolution                                                       Amal Rashed I. Alayyaf                                                      General LLM
                                                                                                                                                                  Melinda Bonish                                                           Kangwon Seo
  International and          Gunay Rzayeva                                                                                       International and
                                                           Giacomo Tabacco                    Christopher William West                                               International and                 Michael T. Kosuge                       General LLM
  Comparative Law              General LLM                                                                                       Comparative Law
                                                                                                 National Security and U.S.                                          Comparative Law                      Intellectual Property Law
                                                             International and                                                                                                                                                             Nitin Shah
                                                                                                 Foreign Relations Law        Reem Mohammed S. Aleisa
Gaeun Park                                                   Comparative Law                                                                                      Laura Cahier                         Joseph Anthony Marcano                  General LLM
                             Kenneth William Sachs                                                                               International and
  International and            Government Procurement                                                                                                                International and                   Estevez
                                                           Aaron Singh Takhar                 Mark Joseph Wisniewski*            Comparative Law                                                                                           Joselle Punzalan Teran-
  Comparative Law              Law                                                                                                                                   Comparative Law                      Intellectual Property Law
                                                                                                 Government Procurement
                                                             Litigation and Dispute                                                                                                                                                          Macaraeg
                                                                                                 Law                          Areej Abdulkari Alghamdi
Myeong Seu Park                                              Resolution                                                                                           Ketaki Chandras Dandekar             Hooman Movassagh                        General LLM
                             Andrew Dallah Sande                                                                                 Business and Finance Law
                                                                                                                                                                     Intellectual Property Law
  General LLM                  Energy and Environmental                                                                                                                                                   General LLM
                                                           Asad Zaman Tarar                   Alex Gage Woodward              Muath Ali Alghamdi                                                                                           Frank Willis Tolin
                               Law                                                               Energy and Environmental                                         Cyrus Christopher Ghabel
                                                             Litigation and Dispute                                              National Security and                                                 Nacer Najdi                             Intellectual Property Law
Ogba Kendrick Pela                                                                               Law                                                                 Business and Finance Law
                                                             Resolution                                                          Cybersecurity Law                                                        National Security and
  National Security and      Denis Sarvarov                                                                                                                                                                                                Dorji Wangmo
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cybersecurity Law
  Cybersecurity Law            General LLM                                                                                                                        Ney Artur Goncalves Canani                                                   International and
                                                                                              David W. Woodworth              Jorge de Jesus Anaya Perez
                                                           Ralph Darnell Tolbert                                                                                     International and                 Piotr Mikolaj Prandecki                 Comparative Law
                                                                                                 National Security and           International and
Temis Andrea Perez                                           Litigation and Dispute                                                                                  Comparative Law                      Business and Finance Law
                             Sara N. Sellers                                                     Cybersecurity Law               Comparative Law
                                                             Resolution                                                                                                                                                                    Harriet Helene Young
  Enamorado                    Government Procurement                                                                                                             Sofia Gonzalez                       Vrudhi Rajesh Raimugia                  Intellectual Property Law
  Business and Finance Law     Law                                                            Wenyin Ye                                                              General LLM
                                                           Kristina Marie Torpy                                                                                                                           Intellectual Property Law
                                                                                                 Intellectual Property Law
                                                             General LLM
Aaron Lucas Perner           Aishwarya Sharma
  International and            Intellectual Property Law                                      Kamelia Zalegh
  Comparative Law
                                                           Hai Anh Thi Tran
                                                                                                 Business and Finance Law
                                                             Government Procurement
                             Timothy Karl Shaw                                                                                MASTER OF STUDIES IN LAW
                                                             and Environmental Law
Aline Piaia                    Environmental Law                                              Sean Bahram Zehtab
  International and                                                                              Government Procurement       Kimberly Therisa Allen              William Carson Reed                  Elizabeth Forde Sullivan
  Comparative Law
                                                           Konrad Robert Turnbull
                             Roza Selezneva Sheffield                                            Law                             General Studies                     Government Procurement                Government Procurement
                                                             International and
                               Government Procurement                                                                                                                                                      and Cybersecurity
                                                             Comparative Law                                                  Robert Lyle Jodoin                  Tiffany Crystal Shugart-Westbay
                                                                                                                                Government Procurement                Government Procurement

Sharon Brown                 Joel Jackson Teah Manneh      Albert A. Rinaldi                  Ryan John Taft
  Government Procurement       Dom Nyenkan                   Government Procurement              Government Procurement
                               Government Procurement
Yudi Anabel Carmona                                        Carlina Marie Smith                Donald Joe Wagoner
  Government Procurement     Kelsey Ribeiro                  Government Procurement              Government Procurement
                               Government Procurement
Jorge A. Gallegos                                          Anisa Spotswood
  Government Procurement     Corey Lynn Richards             Government Procurement                                           *Degrees will be conferred in August 2022 upon those students who complete all degree requirements in the 2022 Summer Sessions.
                               Government Procurement

20 | GRADUATION CELEBRATION 2022                                                                                                                                                                           THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL | 21
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