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AttnConvnet at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Attention-based Convolutional
          Neural Networks for Multi-label Emotion Classification

                   Yanghoon Kim1,2 , Hwanhee Lee1 and Kyomin Jung1,2
                            Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
       Automation and Systems Research Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

                     Abstract                                the features related to the training objective. (Bah-
                                                             danau et al., 2015) is one of the most significant
    In this paper, we propose an attention-based
    classifier that predicts multiple emotions of a          footprints of attention mechanism in NLP and they
    given sentence. Our model imitates human’s               applied attention mechanisms to machine transla-
    two-step procedure of sentence understanding             tion for the first time. The model generates target
    and it can effectively represent and classify            word under the influence of related source words.
    sentences. With emoji-to-meaning preprocess-             Furthermore, Vaswani et al. (2017) proposed a
    ing and extra lexicon utilization, we further            brand new architecture for neural machine transla-
    improve the model performance. We train
                                                             tion. The model utilizes attention mechanisms not
    and evaluate our model with data provided
    by SemEval-2018 task 1-5, each sentence of               only as the submodule but also as the main struc-
    which has several labels among 11 given emo-             ture, improving time complexity and performance.
    tions. Our model achieves 5th/1st rank in En-               Inspired by (Vaswani et al., 2017), we come
    glish/Spanish respectively.                              up with attention-based multi-label sentence clas-
                                                             sifier that can effectively represent and classify
1   Introduction
                                                             sentences. Our system is composed of a self-
Since the revolution in deep neural networks, es-            attention module and multiple CNNs enabling it
pecially with the help of Long short-term mem-               to imitate human’s two-step procedure of analyz-
ory(Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997), it has                ing sentences: comprehend and classify. Further-
been easy for machines to imitate human’s linguis-           more, our emoji-to-meaning preprocessing and
tic activities, such as sentence classification(Kim,         extra lexicon utilization improve model perfor-
2014), language model(Sundermeyer et al., 2010),             mance on given dataset. We evaluated our system
machine translation(Bahdanau et al., 2015).                  on the dataset of (Mohammad et al., 2018), where
   Emotion classification is a subpart of sentence           it ranked 5th/1st rank in English/Spanish respec-
classification that predicts the emotion of the              tively.
given sentence by understanding the meaning of it.
Multi-label emotion classification requires more             2   Model
powerful ability to comprehend the sentence in
variety of aspects. For example, given a sen-                Our system is mainly composed of two parts: self-
tence ’For real? Look what I got for my birth-               attention module and multiple independent CNNs
day present!!’, it is easy for human to figure out           as depicted in Figure 1. This structure is actually
that the sentence not only expressing ’joy’ but also         imitating how human perform the same task. In
’surprise’. However, machines may require more               general, human firstly read a sentence and try to
task-specific structure to solve the same problem.           comprehend the meaning, which corresponds to
   Attention mechanisms are one of the most spot-            self-attention in our system. Then human catego-
lighted trends in deep learning and recently made            rize the sentence to each emotion separately but
their way into NLP. Applied to systems with neu-             not all at once, and that is the reason why our sys-
ral networks, it functions as visual attention mech-         tem use 11 independent CNNs. In addition to main
anisms found in humans(Denil et al., 2012) and               structure, we added the description of preprocess-
the most effective region of features will be high-          ing in the model description because it makes up
lighted over time, making the system better exploit          a large proportion in NLP tasks, especially when

        Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2018), pages 141–145
              New Orleans, Louisiana, June 5–6, 2018. ©2018 Association for Computational Linguistics
Figure 1: Overall architecture of the model. Preprocessed data goes through embedding layer, self-attention layer,
Convolution layer and pooling layer step by step.

the dataset is small. Details are described in the          GloVe(Pennington et al., 2014) and fastText(Piotr
following paragraph step by step.                           et al., 2016), we adopt 300-dimension GloVe
   Preprocessing: For raw data, we applied 3                vectors for English ,which is trained on Com-
steps of preprocessing:                                     mon Crawl data of 840 billion tokens and 300-
 (i) Our system mainly deals with limited num-              dimension fastText vectors for Spanish, which is
     bers of tweet data, which is very noisy. In            trained on Wikipedia.
     this case, preprocessing of data has crucial              Self-attention: Vaswani et al. (2017) proposed
     impact on model performance. Emoji may                 a non-recurrent machine translation architecture
     be referred to as a typical property of tweets         called Transformer that is based on dot-product
     and we found that considerable number of               attention module. Usually, attention mechanisms
     tweets contain emojis. Each emoji has a                are used as a submodule of deep learning mod-
     meaning of their own, and we converted ev-             els, calculating the importance weight of each po-
     ery emoji in the data to phrase/word that              sition given a sequence. In our system, we adopt
     represents its meaning. We call this pro-              the self-attention mechanisms in (Vaswani et al.,
     cedure as emoji-to-meaning preprocessing.              2017) to represent sentences. The detailed struc-
     Some tweets have too many repetition of cer-           ture of self-attention is shown in Figure 2. Dot-
     tain emoji that may make the sentence over-            product of every embedded vector and weight ma-
     biased to certain emotions. Against expec-             trix W ∈ Rde ×3de is split through dimension as Q,
     tations, removing overlapped emojis reduced            K, V of the same size, where de is the dimension-
     performance.                                           ality of embedded vectors. Then attended vector
                                                            is computed as in (3).
(ii) Lower-case and tokenize data with TweetTo-
     kenizer in (Bird and Loper, 2002).
(iii) Remove all of the mentions and ’#’ symbols                E = [emb(x1 ), emb(x2 ), ..., emb(xn )]       (1)
      in the beginning of all topics. Unlike men-
                                                                     [Q, K, V ] = [eW f or e in E]            (2)
      tions, topics may include emotional words
      and hence we don’t remove the topic itself.                                               QK T
                                                                Attn(Q, K, V ) = sof tmax( √            )V    (3)
   Embedding: It is especially helpful to use pre-                                                 de
trained word embeddings when dealing with a
small dataset. Among those well-known word em-                 Multi-head attention allows the model to benefit
beddings such as Word2Vec(Mikolov et al., 2013),            from ensemble effect only with the same amount

labels among 11 pre-set emotions: ’angry’, ’antic-
                                                                 ipation’, ’disgust’, ’fear’, ’joy’, ’love’ ’optimism’,
                                                                 ’pessimism’, ’sadness’, ’surprise’ and ’trust’. We
                                                                 only use English and Spanish data among three
                                                                 different languages. The dataset consists of
                                                                 6838/887/3259 tweets in English, 3561/679/2854
                                                                 tweets in Spanish for train/validation/test data re-

                                                                 3.2   Setup
                                                    We implemented a model with 3-layer self-
 Figure 2: Inner architecture of self-attention module
                                                    attention and 1-layer CNN. With the restriction
                                                    of fixed-size GloVe vector, we found that 300-
of parameter.                                       dimension hidden state is excessive for such a
M ultihead(Q, K, V ) = Concat(head1 , ..., headh ) small dataset that we added a position-wise lin-
                                                (4) ear layer between the embedding layer and self-
                                                    attention layers to make de = 30. We employed
         where headi = Attn(Qi , Ki , Vi )
                                                    h = 2 for multi-head attention and set df =
                                        n× dhe      64. Two regularization techniques are applied to
          Q = [Q1 , ..., Qh ], Qi ∈ R
                                            de      our system: Dropout with Pdrop = 0.1 for self-
         K = [K1 , ..., Kh ], Ki ∈ Rn× h
                                                    attention, and L2 regularization for all weight ma-
                                       n× dhe       trix but not bias. We added 0.001 times regulariza-
           V = [V1 , ..., Vh ], Vi ∈ R
                                                    tion loss to original loss function. We optimized
For each self-attention layer, there are additional the loss with Gradient Descent using Adam op-
position-wise feed-forward networks right after     timization algorithm with additional learning rate
the attention submodule.                            decay.
    F F N (x) = max(0, xW1 + b1 )W2 + b2             (5)         3.3   Model variants
                        de ×df              df ×de
        where W1 ∈ R             , W2 ∈ R            (6)         We conduct experiments with following variants
                                                                 of our model.
In addition to these two sub-layers, there is a
residual connection around each sub-layer, fol-                    • AC: Self-attention + CNNs, which is our ba-
lowed by layer normalization. Also, we can stack                     sic system.
self-attention layers by substituting the embedding
vectors in (1) with the output of the last self-                   • AC - attn: Basic system without self-
attention layer.                                                     attention module.
   Convolution & Pooling: Followed by self-                        • AC + nrc1: We mainly used NRC Emo-
attention layer are 11 independent 1-layer Convo-                    tion lexicon(Mohammad and Turney, 2013)
lution layers with max-pooling layers. Kim (2014)                    to make word-level label of each sentence,
has proved that CNNs have lots of potential in sen-                  counting the occurence of each emotion in
tence processing task and we adopt the CNNs in                       the sentence. Each of the word-level label
the same way.                                                        is concatenated to the output vector of each
   Output & Loss: Each output of CNNs go                             pooling layer.
through a fully-connected layer to generate a logit.
Sigmoid activation is applied to calculate the prob-               • AC + nrc2: At evaluation/test step, binarize
ability of each emotion, and we use the sum of                       the word-level label and add 0.4 times the la-
each class’ cross-entropy as the final loss function.                bel value to the logit.

3     Experiments & Results                                        • AC + synth: Inspired by (Sennrich et al.,
                                                                     2016), we made synthetic data using unla-
3.1    Data                                                          beled SemEval-2018 AIT DISC data1 with
For the SemEval 2018 shared task, Mohammad                          1
et al.(2018) has provided tweet data with multiple     

pre-trained model, and fine-tuned the model             3.4.3   Impact of extra resources
      with synthetic data.                                    Lack of data has crucial impact on model general-
                                                              ization. Generalization techniques such as dropout
3.4     Experimental results                                  or L2 regularization can relieve over-fitting prob-
We conduct several experiments to prove the ef-               lem to a certain extent; however, it can’t totally
fectiveness of our model, each to verify the bene-            substitute the effect of rich data. So we apply
fit from: (1) tweets specific preprocessing (2) self-         some heuristic methods to exploit extra resources
attention representation (3) emotional lexicon uti-           as described in 3.3. Table 2 shows that model can
lization. Experimental results are mainly com-                slightly benefit from extra lexicon if used prop-
pared with English data.                                      erly. However, adding synthetic data which is
                                                              made from pre-trained model didn’t help a lot, and
3.4.1    Impact of emoji-to-meaning                           in some cases even reduce the accuracy of the test
We firstly verify the efficiency of emoji-to-                 result. Actually, Sennrich et al.(2016) emphasized
meaning preprocessing. Table 1 shows the accura-              that they used the monolingual sentences as the
cies of the same model with different preprocess-             target sentences, informing that the target-side in-
ing. We found that emoji-to-meaning preprocess-               formation, which corresponds to label in our task,
ing can improve the model accuracy by 1%. When                is not synthetic. However, we made synthetic la-
a emoji is converted to its meaning, it can be rep-           bels with a pre-trained model and it may only
resented as a combination of emotional words al-              cause over-fitting problem to the original training
lowing it to not only reduce redundant vocabulary             data.
but also further emphasize the influence of certain            Model            Accuracy(valid)      Accuracy(test)
emotions.                                                      AC               55.94%               55.90%
 Model            Accuracy(valid)     Accuracy(test)           AC + nrc1        56.13%               56.02%
 AC (w/o)         54.86%              54.91%                   AC + nrc2        57.16%               56.40%
 AC               55.94%              55.90%                   AC + synth       55.88%               55.90%
                                                               Ensemble         59.76%               57.40%
Table 1: Experimental results with and without emoji-
to-meaning preprocessing.                                     Table 3: Experimental results with extra resources and
                                                              an ensemble result

3.4.2    Impact of self-attention                             3.4.4   Ensemble
To examine the effectiveness of self-attention rep-           Our best results are obtained with an ensem-
resentation, we simply get rid of self-attention lay-         ble of 9 parameter sets of AC + nrc2 model
ers. Table 2 shows that by removing the self-                 that differ in their random initializations. The
attention layers, both the validation/test accuracy           ensemble model achieved validation/test accu-
dropped over 4%. This may be attributed to the                racy of 59.76%/57.40% in English data and
ability of self-attention: It helps the model to bet-         50.00%/46.90% in Spanish data respectively.
ter learn the long-range dependency of sentences.
Learning long-range dependencies is a key chal-               4   Conclusion
lenge in NLP tasks and self-attention module can
shorten the length of paths forward and backward              In this paper, we proposed an attention-based sen-
signals have to traverse in the network as described          tence classifier that can classify a sentence into
in (Vaswani et al., 2017).                                    multiple emotions. Experimental results demon-
                                                              strated that our system has effective structure for
 Model            Accuracy(valid)     Accuracy(test)          sentence understanding. Our system shallowly
 AC - attn        51.04%              51.60%                  follows human’s procedure of classifying sen-
 AC               55.94%              55.90%                  tences into multiple labels. However, some emo-
                                                              tions may have some relatedness while our model
Table 2: Comparison between our basic system and ba-          treats them independently. In our future work,
sic system without self-attention module.                     we would like to further take those latent relation
                                                              among emotions into account.

Acknowledgments                                                Rico Sennrich, Barry Haddow, and Alexandra Birch.
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government(MSIT) (No. 2016M3C4A7952632),                         tational Linguistics, volume 1, pages 86–96.
Industrial Strategic Technology Development                    Martin Sundermeyer, Ralf Schluter, and Hermann Ney.
Program(No. 10073144) funded by the Ministry                    2010. Lstm neural networks for language modeling.
of Trade, Industry & Energy(MOTIE, Korea)                       Interspeech, pages 194–197.
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                                                                 Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz
                                                                 Kaiser, and Illia Polosukhin. 2017. Attention is all
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