13 New Directions in Veto Bargaining: Message Legislation, Virtue Signaling, and Electoral Accountability

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                            New Directions in Veto
                  Bargaining: Message Legislation,
                    Virtue Signaling, and Electoral
                                            Charles Cameron and Nathan Gibson

             Introduction                                         much of the action, the sound and fury of
                                                                  daily politics, is quite mysterious and clearly
             In the years since the creation of separation-       beyond the ambit of those simple frame-
             of-powers (SOP) models – aimed first at              works. Examples include repeated fruitless
             courts,1 then at Congress,2 and finally at           attempts to pass doomed bills, hopeless
             presidents3 – much has changed though                vetoes, futile filibusters, lopsided cloture
             much remains the same. Needless to say, the          votes, obviously doomed attempts at bicam-
             constitutionally mandated architecture of the        eral legislating, hostage-taking via govern-
             American government hasn’t changed at all.           ment shut-downs, manifestly impossible
             This architecture separates the three branches       impeachment attempts, ostentatiously illegal
             and forces them to interact through a struc-         executive orders and more.
             tured bargaining process of proposals and               In this chapter we focus on the mysteri-
             vetoes. On the other hand, the coalition struc-      ous, and we offer some suggestions on how
             ture of the political parties, the participants in   to make the murky more transparent.
             politician selection and the media environ-             We begin with a brief review of the clas-
             ment have all changed, arguably dramati-             sic separation-of-powers (SOP) models,
             cally.4 The causal linkages remain disputed          focusing on the veto bargaining version but
             but the net effects are striking and manifest        noting easy extensions to the filibuster. We
             to all: elite partisan polarization, political       emphasize the use of incomplete information
             rancor, congressional stasis, aggressive presi-      models to study not just outcomes but pro-
             dential unilateralism, and puissant courts.5 In      cess. We are terse because handy and more
             the new American politics, policy outcomes           elaborate reviews are available elsewhere.6
             are generally quite understandable using the         Then, we note the rise of several puzzling
             classic SOP models, or so we assert. But             empirical phenomena. These include bizarre

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              vote margins on vetoed bills and during over-       recruitment, fund-raising, participation in pri-
              ride attempts; similarly weird vote margins         maries, campaigning and turnout.10 Without
              for filibustered bills and during cloture votes;    the enthusiastic support of these individuals,
              and the useless re-passage, many times, of          a member of Congress or president is in seri-
              virtually the same doomed legislation. (If          ous electoral peril. Furthermore, the selector-
              space allowed, we would add more from the           ate will be enthusiastic only about politicians
              laundry list above.) We trace much of these         who, if circumstances permit, are willing to
              phenomena to a single cause: the desire of          work hard to enact the base’s policy agenda.
              political agents to send credible signals to        That programmatic agenda is, in contrast to
              political principals about their dedication         the typically muddled and inchoate desires of
              and ideological fealty, using the policymak-        less engaged citizens, usually quite definite
              ing procedures of the SOP system. In other          in some particulars. Politicians’ seemingly
              words, they are variants on or consequences         bizarre SOP manipulations, such as fruitlessly
              of what congressional scholar Frances Lee,          repealing portions of the Affordable Care Act
              in a seminal contribution, called ‘message          dozens of times in a legislatively hopeless
              legislation’ in the lawmaking context.7 We          configuration, can be seen as rational efforts
              dub this phenomenon ‘virtue signaling’.             to prove to their skeptical ‘boss’ that they
              Virtue signaling is closely related to, com-        are indeed the type who will bring home the
              plementary of, but distinct from, blame game        policy bacon should circumstances permit in
              politics.                                           the future. And demanding such signaling is
                  With one exception – Groseclose and             actually rational for a boss who is doubtful
              McCarty’s prescient explication of ‘blame           whether the agent possesses ‘true grit’.
              game vetoes’ – the first-generation SOP                To illustrate these points, we sketch a sim-
              models did not accommodate, and say noth-           ple model that embeds a stripped-down veto
              ing about, message-oriented manipulation of         bargaining game within a simple account-
              the SOP system’s policymaking procedures.8          ability model (we do not undertake a genuine
              Instead, they assume serious policy-minded          formal analysis here; our discussion is merely
              actors who pursue genuine policy goals by           illustrative). We hope these notes-to-a-theory
              bargaining with one other in a straightfor-         suggest the potential for a new direction for
              ward and serious way. Even the blame game           separation-of-powers models.
              veto model, which takes a big step away from           We conclude with some observations about
              this paradigm, does not fully capture the new       whether the sound and fury of phony legislat-
              direction in American legislative politics. We      ing actually makes a substantive difference
              assert, however, that if the SOP models are         or is just meaningless political theater. Our
              suitably modified, then new veto bargaining,        simple new-style SOP model suggests it does
              pivotal politics and related models can make        make a difference.
              sense of the novel phenomena while retaining
              their broad accuracy about policy outcomes.
                  The trick (in our view) is to move
              beyond the first-generation framework by            Classical Veto Bargaining
              embedding the SOP games within what is              Games
              now called an ‘accountability’ model of elec-
              tions.9 In other words: situate the SOP game        The classical models feature bilateral bargain-
              in a larger model that features retrospective       ing between a policy proposer, Congress, or C,
              voting or similar action by political princi-       and a policy receiver, the President, P. Also
              pals. The principals we have in mind are the        making an appearance is the veto over-ride
              high-information ‘base’ or ‘selectorate’, that      player, O. This player is defined as the legisla-
              is, the individuals who are critical in candidate   tor closest to the president for whom exactly

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             one third of the legislature has ideal points        actors and incomplete information. In its
             either lower or higher than the over-ride play-      simplest form, the sequence of play in TILI
             er’s, depending on whether the president’s           bargaining is:
             ideal point p (defined momentarily) lies in the
             left or right portion of the policy space, respec-   1 C makes a proposal b (a ‘bill’) to change the
             tively. In some versions another player, the           status quo or reversion policy q.
             filibuster pivot, appears as well. The filibuster    2 P accepts or vetoes the offer. If P accepts the
                                                                    offer, the final policy outcome x is the bill b, and
             pivot is defined similarly but only for the
                                                                    the game ends.
             Senate and using 40 members (the threshold           3 If P vetoes the offer, a vote on a motion to over-ride
             for cloture since 1975), most relevantly on the        occurs. If O supports the motion, the bill is success-
             opposite side of the median from the President.        ful and again x = b is the new policy. If O does not
             The policy space is typically assumed to be            support the motion, the bill fails and x = q, so the
             one dimensional. So it is a policy evaluation          status quo remains the policy in effect.
             space similar to the oft-used NOMINATE
             space in empirical studies of roll-call voting.11    Because the game features complete and
             A critical point in the policy space is the cur-     perfect information, it is easily solved using
             rent policy, the status quo, denoted q.              backward induction, thereby incorporating
                 Each actor has a policy utility function         the idea of forward-thinking strategically
             defined over the policy space, with a well-          minded actors. The resulting subgame per-
             identified most preferred policy, the ideal          fect equilibrium is unique, depending only
             point. Call these ideal policies c and p, for        on the configuration of ideal points and the
             Congress and President respectively, and that        location of the status quo. We will not go into
             of the veto override player o. Policies increas-     any of the details since very clear expositions
             ing far from the ideal point have declining          are readily available. However, several points
             value. An example of such a utility function         are worth noting. The first three are substan-
             is the ‘tent’ utility function:                      tive; the last two are theoretical.
                                                                     First, the basic model reveals a promi-
                           u( x , xi) = − | x − xi |              nent advantage for Congress relative to
                                                                  the President. The presidential veto acts
             where xi is player i’s most-preferred policy         as a check on congressional power, but
             (e.g., c, p, and o) and x is any policy in the       Congress’s ability to force an unamendable
             policy space.                                        offer on a president who can only say ‘yes’
                This simple apparatus was first developed         or ‘no’ (and who might not be able to make
             to study elections and voting.12 The SOP             ‘no’ stick) gives a huge, constitutionally
             policy-making models take the apparatus in a         entrenched power advantage to Congress.
             somewhat different direction, however.                  Second, given much policy disagreement
                                                                  between the legislature and the executive
                                                                  or across the parties, moving the status quo
             The Engine: the One-shot Take-it-                    usually requires supermajorities in the leg-
                                                                  islature. Given the Constitution’s veto over-
             or-Leave-it (TILI) Bargaining Game
                                                                  ride provisions and the Senate’s privileging
             The engine that makes the SOP models run is          of the filibuster, this should hardly be a sur-
             the celebrated one-shot take-it-or-leave-it          prise. But it is a point of major historical
             (TILI) bargaining game first analyzed by             importance – almost every piece of impor-
             Romer and Rosenthal (1978). Most of the              tant legislation in the post-World War II
             SOP models, including veto bargaining, just          era was enacted through supermajorities.13
             make changes to this model, for example, by          It also implies that the American rules of the
             adding more moves, additional institutional          policymaking game force narrow coalitions

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              of extremists to compromise if they are to         trials, no strikes. The reason is that the par-
              accomplish anything legislatively. Moderates       ticipants understand perfectly what ultimate
              will see this as highly desirable normatively;     adjustments will happen and therefore reach
              passionate extremists will see it as a bug, not    agreements that obviate uselessly destructive
              a feature, of American government.                 conflict. In order to get actual vetoes, filibus-
                 Third, (and related to the second point),       ters, wars, trials, strikes, and so on, a model
              often no policy movement is possible: the sta-     requires a degree of incomplete information.
              tus quo lies in the so-called gridlock region.     In other words, some actor must lack knowl-
              In fact, the model and its variants supply the     edge about an important variable, and this
              causal mechanisms behind the status quo bias       ignorance or uncertainty leads to ‘mistakes’
              so characteristic of American politics. We         (more accurately, the rational calculations of
              all know that status quo bias exists because       the actors lead one or both to insist on obdu-
              there are so many choke points in the policy       rate actions that would not occur if everyone
              process. The models go beyond this cliché to       knew everything).
              show exactly how the choke points work to             This fundamental point about human
              create policy gridlock.                            interactions is often met with skepticism: do
                 Fourth, because the core model is so sim-       you mean to say the horrific slaughter in the
              ple and easy to analyze, the analysis is very      trenches of World War I (for instance) was
              extendable. This is a lovely feature for the       caused by a lack of information, not national-
              theoretically inclined. For example, one can       ism, militarism, military technology, age-old
              add congressional committees with gate-            hatreds, and so on and so on? Not exactly:
              keeping power;14 filibusters and cloture           nationalism and so on may have been neces-
              votes;15 a powerful Speaker of the House           sary for the conflict, in the same way that pol-
              with gate-keeping power;16 agencies that           icy disagreement is necessary for a veto. But
              begin the game by setting a policy via regula-     nationalism was not sufficient. It took nation-
              tion, so the model becomes a model of the          alism plus incomplete information to pro-
              administrative state in action;17 presidents       duce the tragic slaughter. Similarly, in SOP
              who move first via an executive order, so          models, it takes policy disagreement plus
              the model illustrates presidential unilateral      incomplete information to produce a veto,
              action;18 and more. With very simple tools         a filibuster, an over-ride attempt, a cloture
              requiring minimal mathematical ability, one        vote, a judicial strike-down of an executive
              can easily see how a great deal of national        order, a congressional reversal of a judicial
              policymaking works.                                policy, and so on.
                 The fifth point is subtle and deep and not         There is a logical corollary: analysts who
              easy to grasp on first acquaintance. In com-       want to study not just policy outcomes but
              plete information models of the kind we            phenomena such as vetoes, filibusters, clo-
              have been discussing, policy typically moves       ture votes and over-ride attempts need to
              quickly to its final resting place. There are      use models that incorporate incomplete
              no vetoes, over-rides, filibusters or cloture      information.
              votes along the path of play; policy just
              adjusts. If no movement is possible, noth-
              ing happens at all. In this sense, the modern      Bilateral Bargaining Under
              analysis of vetoes and filibusters is similar
                                                                 Incomplete Information
              to modern analyses of wars, litigation and
              strikes. Complete information models of            Early analysts of separation-of-powers poli-
              those phenomena predict changes in territo-        tics moved to do just that. McCarty (1997),
              rial boundaries, cross-litigant payments and       for example, studied how a president can use
              wages. But they also predict no wars, no           vetoes to build a reputation across different

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             policy arenas over time. This model affords          a move or counter-move by Congress are
             one explanation for the well-known honey-            signaling games.20 These games feature stra-
             moon effect in presidential–congressional            tegic reputation-building and require more
             relations (Congress, knowing the freshman            sophisticated modes of analysis than the sim-
             president is hungry to build a reputation for        ple complete information models (one must
             toughness, is extremely accommodating – at           model player beliefs simultaneously with
             first).                                              player strategies, and the two must reinforce
                Cameron (2000) explored a model of                one another).
             sequential veto bargaining. Here, Congress              Many of the incomplete information bilat-
             and President go through multiple rounds             eral bargaining models make rather precise
             of passing and vetoing the same bill, with           empirical predictions about vetoes, over-
             Congress making concessions each time in             rides and so on. Data from the mid-20th cen-
             an effort to produce an offer the President          tury (or earlier) through to the 1980s or so
             will accept, and the President vetoing and re-       strongly display the predicted patterns. As a
             vetoing in a gamble that Congress will return        result, this analytical endeavor has often been
             with a better offer before bargaining breaks         seen as a success for the empirical implica-
             down. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, some            tions of theoretical models (EITM) move-
             of the most consequential legislation of the         ment in political science. Critically, however,
             20th century emerged from this sequential            some of the key predictions of the incom-
             bargaining process (e.g., welfare reform             plete information bilateral bargaining models
             under Clinton).                                      show signs of breaking down – a point we
                Cameron (2000) also offered a very simple         return to below.
             model of over-ride attempts. Here, in the face
             of uncertainty about who the critical veto
             over-ride player will be at the actual moment        Bargaining before an
             of the attempt, over-rides can occur, both
                                                                  Audience: Message Votes
             successful and unsuccessful. Essentially the
             same model could be used to study filibusters        One of the early incomplete information
             and cloture voting.                                  models stands out from the others, because it
                In a particularly clever model, Matthews          is not a bilateral bargaining game. We refer to
             (1989) studied veto threats. Here, a veto            Groseclose and McCarty’s blame game veto
             threat is a little like a bid in a poker game: the   model (2001). This model involves three
             president opens with a ‘bid’ (a veto threat),        intrinsically important players. Specifically,
             Congress may or may not adjust its next              Congress and the President play a legislative
             ‘bid’ (a bill) and then the President ‘calls’ or     game before an audience, a Voter. The
             ‘folds’ by vetoing or accepting.19 Cameron           President and Congress understand each oth-
             et al. (2000) take this model to data, which         er’s preferences perfectly, so there is no
             generally display the predicted empirical            incomplete information at that point. But the
             patterns.                                            Voter is somewhat uncertain about the
                All of these models feature bilateral bar-        President’s preferences; therein lies the criti-
             gaining between the President and Congress           cal incomplete information. The Voter’s
             with uncertainty about one of the player’s           uncertainty creates the opportunity for
             preferences. In most cases, the uncer-               Congress to set up a policymaking sequence
             tainty involves the president’s preferences,         which, if observed by the Voter, will lead her
             although in the simple veto over-ride model          to draw a relatively unfavorable inference
             the uncertainty is about the preferences of          about the President’s preferences (even know-
             the over-ride player. Models in which the            ing that Congress would like this to happen).
             unknown-preference President moves before            And that is the whole point – not truly

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              legislating, but play-acting legislating in order         President George H. W. Bush immediately
              to cast blame on the other side. Indeed, the              before the 1992 presidential election. Bush
              veto-bait bill may fail miserably in enactment            had publicly opposed the bill and his veto was
              but still succeed as symbolic action.                     entirely predictable. Given the vote margins,
                 The ideas in the Groseclose–McCarty                    a successful over-ride was clearly doomed.
              model should resonate with contemporary                   So from a serious legislating perspective, the
              scholars, for blame-game vetoes are closely               bill was futile. The Democrats nonetheless
              related to what Frances Lee has called ‘mes-              pressed ahead, and then used the failed bill as
              sage votes’. According to Lee (2016: 143–4),              a signature electoral issue. Upon re-gaining
              message votes occur when                                  the presidency, they quickly enacted family
                                                                        leave in 1993 and touted it as a flagship legis-
                A party brings to the floor an attractive-sounding      lative accomplishment. Quintessential blame
                idea with the following characteristics: (1) its mem-   game politics!
                bers support it; (2) the other party opposes it; and
                (3) it is not expected to become law. Former
                                                                            The general phenomenon of blame game
                Senator Olympia Snowe offers a more detailed            politics, presciently explored by Groseclose
                explanation: ‘much of what occurs in Congress           and McCarty in the specific context of veto
                today is what is often called “political messaging”.    bargaining, has now become routine, at least
                Rather than putting forward a plausible, realistic      in the opinion of astute observers such as
                solution to a problem, members on both sides
                offer legislation that is designed to make the
                                                                        Lee and candid participants such as Snowe.
                opposing side look bad on an issue and it is not        In fact, a series of empirical anomalies in
                intended to ever actually pass.’                        ­separation-of-power politics suggest the need
                                                                         for some fresh thinking.
              The Groseclose–McCarty model works out
              the logic of ‘make the opposing side look
              bad’ in the specific context of the presiden-
              tial veto.21                                              Empirical Anomalies
                 An obvious question is, how frequently
              have blame game vetoes occurred? We take                  Recent years have seen congressional legisla-
              a look at some relevant data below. But                   tive behavior that is extremely difficult to
              Cameron (2000a) addressed this question                   reconcile with the classical SOP models. Let’s
              over the 20th century, using an admittedly                look at some of the empirical anomalies.
              stringent set of criteria: the veto needed to be
              prominent, occur in the run-up to a presiden-
              tial election, and led to a hopeless over-ride            What to Look for: Vote Margins at
              attempt (so the enactors should have known
                                                                        the Pivots and Policy Concessions
              that serious legislating was off the table).
              The historical data on vetoes during the 20th             The first question, though, is this: where
              century uncovers relatively few blame game                should we look for legislative anomalies?
              vetoes, according to these criteria (see ibid,            The incomplete information bilateral
              Table 5.1). Most vetoes did not look like this.           ­bargaining models assume a degree of uncer-
              To the extent that this is a fair test, the blame          tainty about the preferences of a key player,
              game model does not look like a general                    but not a huge amount of incomplete infor-
              model of vetoes, at least over much of the                 mation. This has important implications for
              20th century. However, the data reveal that                vote margins at the pivots and for policy
              some vetoes were clearly blame game vetoes.                concessions in re-passed bills.
              An example was the Family and Medical                         First, vote margins at the critical pivots
              Leave Act of 1991, passed by a Democratic                  should be close. To see the logic, suppose,
              Congress and presented to Republican                       for example, a bill is geared to beat a likely

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             presidential veto with the veto over-ride              A second anomaly can occur with re-
             player as the critical pivot. Then the roll call    passed, previously failed legislation: no
             margin on passage in both chambers should           concessions. (That is, for re-passage under
             be about two-thirds. If it is much higher,          the same configuration of players.) Under
             the proposers have not been tough enough;           the sequential veto bargaining model, re-
             they have conceded too much. If it is far shy       passage of vetoed bills can occur, but the
             of two-thirds then the bill is a sitting duck,      re-passed bill should contain a compromise
             doomed from day one, and the proposers are          in the direction of the president, so either he
             wasting their time. The margin for the over-        will sign it or the veto over-ride player will
             ride attempt should also be about two-thirds.       support the bill. As a result, the cutting line
             Now, suppose the president himself is the           between the yeas and nays in NOMINATE
             critical pivot (that is, the veto override player   space should shift toward the president, and
             is more extreme than the president). Then the       the aye margin should increase.22 Similar
             passage margin may be lower than two-thirds         logic applies to bills that die from a filibus-
             but if the president does veto the bill, no         ter in the Senate: if re-passed, they should
             over-ride attempt should follow, as the over-       contain a compromise to the filibusterers
             ride is hopeless. If an over-ride attempt did       so that either they will accept it or cloture
             occur (anomalously), the vote margin would          will succeed. The same logic also applies to
             be well short of two-thirds. In short, unless       bills that are enacted by one chamber dur-
             the president is moderate relative to the over-     ing split-chamber divided government, but
             ride pivot, passage margins for vetoed bills        then die in the other chamber (perhaps they
             should be about two-third yeas and one-third        are never taken up). If the first chamber re-
             nays, over-ride attempts should not occur for       passes the bill, it should contain concessions
             vetoed bills with narrow passage margins            to the recalcitrant chamber. Cutting lines for
             and actual over-ride margins should be about        the roll call vote in the enacting chamber
             two-thirds yeas and one-third nays.                 should shift in the direction of the recal-
                Similar ideas apply to filibusters. Suppose      citrant chamber and vote margins should
             a bill is geared to beat a filibuster in the        increase.
             Senate. Then a bill that is likely to provoke          In sum, the place to look for legislative
             a filibuster should pass the Senate with about      anomalies are: 1) lop-sided supermajori-
             60 votes. If it passed with many more votes,        ties or, conversely, very narrow enactment
             the filibuster is pointless since cloture will be   votes for vetoed bills upon initial passage;
             easy, hence no filibuster should occur (and         2) veto over-ride margins far from two-
             the bill’s proponents conceded too much to          thirds in one or both chambers; 3) enact-
             the opposition). If initially passed with a nar-    ment votes for filibustered bills far from
             row majority, then cloture seems likely to fail     60–40 in the Senate; 4) cloture vote mar-
             and the bill should not have been passed in         gins far from 60–40; and 5) re-passed pre-
             the first place – its authors should have con-      viously failed bills in the same legislative
             ceded more, or just abandoned the effort.           configuration that do not contain conces-
             Similarly, actual cloture votes should show         sions from bill to bill.
             about 60 votes in favor of cloture. Lop-sided          So, how many legislative anomalies have
             successful cloture votes should not occur           occurred in recent decades? Has the rate of
             because the filibusterers should have known         anomalies increased? Unfortunately, a com-
             they would fail; lop-sided failed cloture votes     prehensive empirical analysis lies outside
             should not occur because the bill authors           our writ here. However, we can present some
             should have known the bill was a sitting duck       simple data and mini-case studies that sug-
             and either conceded more or given up the clo-       gest anomalies now abound and have distinc-
             ture attempt.                                       tive features.

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              Veto Anomalies                                                  the Senate. Theory would predict something
                                                                              close to zero. It should also be noted that, of
              Table 13.1 presents some simple summary                         the 34 hopeless over-ride failures, six of these
              statistics on vetoes from 1975 to 2018. There                   over-ride attempts failed in the Senate after
              were 167 vetoes in that period, with about                      success in the House (so the House success
              half escaping an over-ride attempt. Of those                    was immaterial), while the other four hope-
              that were challenged (90), about 69% were                       less over-ride failures in the Senate occurred
              sustained (the over-ride attempt failed) while                  for vetoes where the House did not even
              31% succeeded. Under traditional veto bar-                      attempt an over-ride (so they were truly hope-
              gaining models, we would expect that if a                       less failures). In sum, the number of hope-
              veto is challenged it should either succeed or                  less over-ride attempts was not large but this
              fail by a narrow margin. Otherwise, either the                  phenomenon has become a notable feature of
              president should not have vetoed it or                          veto politics.
              Congress should not have challenged it.                            What type of bills did Congress typically try
              Hence, a 70% failure rate for over-ride                         so hopelessly to over-ride? At least in recent
              attempts may raise an eyebrow; one might                        cases, the bills were highly visible, highly con-
              expect something closer to 50–50. In fact,                      tentious vehicles for partisan position-taking.
              Cameron (2000) reports a success rate of                        They are similar to the bills involved in the
              45%, using earlier data (p. 56). Still, one                     frenetic, frenzied re-passage episodes dis-
              needs to look more closely at actual vote                       cussed momentarily; in fact, some of them are
              margins to identify anomalies.                                  the same bills. So, for example, bills repeal-
                 Table 13.2 takes a closer look at sustained                  ing parts of Obamacare and the Dodd–Frank
              vetoes, that is, failed over-ride attempts. It                  financial legislation both generated vetoes and
              focuses on hopeless over-ride attempts. In the                  hopeless over-ride failures in the Republican
              House, over half of the time that an over-ride                  Congresses facing President Obama. Hopeless
              attempt failed, it failed by at least 10% of the                over-ride failures during the Bush administra-
              required votes (29 votes). In the Senate, some                  tion were generated by vetoed bills banning
              10 of the 22 failed over-ride attempts failed                   waterboarding and establishing a timeline for
              by the comparable 10% margin (6 votes).                         withdrawing troops from Iraq.
              Hence, the “hopeless over-ride” rate among                         Some of the hopeless over-rides seem to
              the failures was 60% in the House and 45% in                    follow the script of Groseclose and McCarty’s

              Table 13.1 Summary statistics on vetoes: 1975–2018

              Sustained1                                         62                                       37.1%
              Overridden                                         28                                       16.8%
              Unchallenged                                       77                                       46.1%
              Total vetoes                                      167                                        100%

              1This counts two vetoes that were overridden in one chamber but unchallenged in the other, technically leading to an
               outcome where the veto was challenged but not overridden. Accordingly, we classified these as sustained but exclude them
               from the following analysis of sustained votes.

              Table 13.2      Hopeless over-ride attempts, 1975–2018

              Sustained in House                       40                     Sustained in Senate                   22
              Failed by more than 10%                  24                     Failed by more than 10%               10
              Percent not close                        60%                    Percent not close                     45%

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              blame game vetoes. For instance, the water-               massive rolls of vetoes have occurred only
              boarding episode can be seen as an attempt                about once per decade. Table 13.3 provides a
              by the Democrats to demonstrate to the pub-               brief overview of these vetoes.
              lic the inhumanity of the president and his                  At the time of writing, the most recent
              administration. However, in some cases there              massive roll of a presidential veto involved
              are hints of another dynamic. Thus, reporting             President Obama’s veto of the Justice
              in The Hill noted: ‘Republicans say they are              Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA).
              playing the long game with the [ACA] repeal               This bill would have allowed private indi-
              vote, hoping it will give voters a glimpse of             viduals to pursue legal action against for-
              how they would govern if they win back the                eign companies in US courts, primarily in
              White House in November.’23 We will return                response to the victims of the 9/11 terrorist
             to this point below.                                       attack. President Obama veto message cited
                 We have looked at hopeless over-ride                   foreign policy concerns.24 President Bush’s
             attempts; what about hopeless vetoes? How                  lone massive roll came from his veto of the
             frequently does the president get massively                Water Resources Development Act of 2007.
             rolled after vetoing a bill? Given the hopeless            Bush claimed the bill was too pork-ridden to
             quality of the veto, why did he veto it in the             serve the nation’s interests.25 Finally, a bill
             first place?                                               canceling Clinton’s line-item veto of military
                 In the time period we study, the presi-                construction projects was also overridden
             dent occasionally vetoed a bill with massive               by large margins.26 As with Bush’s veto, the
             support, so that an over-ride was virtually                concerns behind the veto seem primarily cen-
             ­certain. Of the 28 over-ridden vetoes dur-                tered on pork.27
              ing this time period, Congress overrode nine                 In each of these examples, the president
              of them by at least 10% in each chamber. Six              had genuine policy concerns, but the veto – a
              of these massive rolls came during the first              hopeless endeavor from the get-go – seems to
              12 years of the data (during the Ford                     have been undertaken partly or primarily for
              and Reagan Administrations). Since then,                  position-taking. Perhaps the president wanted

             Table 13.3 Massive rolls of presidential vetoes, 1975–2018
             Bill Number Bill Name                       Date of Veto House Vote Senate Vote Reason for Veto

             S.2040      Justice Against Sponsors of     9/23/16     348–77      97–1        International concerns
                            Terrorism Act
             H.R.1495    Water Resources Development     11/2/07     361–54      79–14       Too much pork
                            Act of 2007
             H.R.2631    Line Item Veto Cancellation     11/13/97    347–69      78–20       Too much pork
             H.R.1       Water Quality Act               1/30/87     401–26      86–14       Too much spending and federal
             H.R.2409    Health Research Extension Act   11/8/85     380–32      89–7        Too much red tape and
             H.R.6198    To amend the manufacturing     7/8/82       324–86      84–9        Free trade concerns
                            clause of the Copyright Law
             H.R.7102    Veterans’ Administration       8/22/80      401–5       85–0        Spent money on VA physician
                            Health-Care Amendments                                               bonuses instead of helping
             H.R.5901    Education Division and Related 7/25/75      379–41      88–12       Fiscal irresponsibility
                            Agencies Appropriation Act
             H.R.4222    National School Lunch and      10/3/75      397–18      79–13       Fiscal irresponsibility/personal
                            Child Nutrition Act                                                  responsibility

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New Directions in Veto Bargaining                             233

              to signal his frugality and good stewardship       filibusters may have been fruitless efforts
              to a national audience (or, in Obama’s case,       leading to a crushing cloture vote, but one
              an international one). Or, the president may       cannot easily detect such filibusters using
              have wanted to highlight Congress’s fiscal         positive cloture margins alone.
              imprudence, a sort of reverse blame-game              Therefore, let us turn our focus to the left-
              veto. In all three of these examples, both         hand tail: failed cloture motions. In the face
              chambers of Congress were controlled by the        of incomplete information about the filibus-
              other party.                                       ter pivot, one would expect some cloture
                                                                 motions to fail, but generally with margins
                                                                 close to zero. Yet one sees some eye-popping
              Filibuster Anomalies                               negative margins, some by 20 votes or more.
                                                                 Thus, some invincible filibusters provoked
              Discussion of the filibuster may seem some-        completely hopeless cloture attempts. Votes
              what odd in an essay on veto bargaining, but       like this are hard to reconcile with classical
              we argue that the anomalies are similar in         SOP style models.
              both cases and likely to have a common                Have futile cloture efforts increased over
              origin. Therefore, let us quickly examine          time? Figure 13.2 address this question by
              ‘strange’ patterns in filibusters, focusing on     examining the number of hopelessly failed
              cloture vote margins.                              cloture votes, votes failing by a 10% margin
                 Figure 13.1 displays vote margins in            or more (that is, six votes or more). The time
              all cloture votes in the 111th to 115th            period is longer, from the 94th Congress to
              Congresses (2009–18). Recall that the              the 115th, in order to provide more of a
              required quota for success was 60 votes in         historic contrast (the critical cloture mar-
              this period; in the figure, a margin of 0 cor-     gin was 60 votes over the entire period). As
              responds to 60 votes for cloture. The thin         shown in the figure, there appears to be a
              vertical line shows the average margin in          jump in the number of big failures starting
              these Congresses: about 7.3 votes (in the          at the 104th Congress (1995–6). Using the
              94th through 98th Congresses, the average          benchmark of a 10% short-fall in votes, the
              margin was almost exactly 0). Two features         average number of futile cloture votes was
              stand out in the figure.                           10.1 in the 94th to 103rd Congresses; it was
                 First, and most noticeable, is the very         23.5 in the 104th to 115th Congresses. Thus,
              long and rather flat right-hand tail, that is,     the number of futile cloture votes doubled
              successful cloture votes. As shown, some           beginning with the ‘Gingrich Revolution’
              cloture votes succeeded with absolutely            Congress after the 1994 mid-term elec-
              spectacular margins, suggesting that the fili-     tion. We note that the percentage of futile
              buster in question was a hopeless endeavor.        cloture votes (relative to all cloture votes)
              Unfortunately, this inference is clouded           did not change much over this time period,
              by the changing vagaries of senatorial pro-        though the number of such votes seemed to
              cedure. As explained by CRS experts:               increase.
              ‘In recent times … Senate leadership has              What were some examples of recent hope-
              increasingly made use of cloture as a nor-         less cloture votes? In the most recent period,
              mal tool for managing the flow of business         many deal with border security, sanctuary cit-
              on the floor, even when no evident filibuster      ies, DACA and abortion – all highly visible
              has yet occurred.’28 Thus, cloture is now used     and highly partisan issues.
              pre-emptively and as a device to restrict non-        We have just scratched the surface of this
              germane amendments. This change in proce-          material but clearly some filibuster and clo-
              dure probably accounts for some of the huge        ture attempts look quite strange from a bilat-
              positive margins in cloture voting. Some           eral bargaining perspective.

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             Figure 13.1 Passage margin of cloture votes, 2009–2018
             Note: A vote margin of 0 corresponds to 60 votes for cloture. The right-hand tail of the figure captures successful cloture
             votes; the left-hand tail unsuccessful ones. Not every cloture motion resulted in a vote. The data exclude nominees consid-
             ered under a pure majority confirmation rule.

             Figure 13.2      Futile cloture votes, 1975–2018
             Note: Shown are counts of dramatically failed cloture votes by Congress, using the benchmark of a 10% short-fall in votes.

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              Frenetic Failed Legislation                         ‘shellacking’, in President Obama’s memora-
                                                                  ble phrase. Critically, the Republican gained
              One of the strangest recent phenomena in the        control of the House of Representatives, while
              new legislative politics is what can be called      the Democrats retained the Senate until the
              frenetic failed legislation. With frenetic failed   2014 election, when the Republicans estab-
              legislation, one or both chambers of Congress       lished a narrow majority. The Democrats held
              repeatedly enact almost identical bills that all    onto the presidency until the 2016 election.
              participants understand have no realistic              The classic SOP models clearly indicate
              chance of becoming law. And they do not,            that the Republicans had no realistic pros-
              until the legislative configuration changes. In     pect of repealing the ACA in the 112th,
              the traditional SOP frameworks, this spastic        113th and 114th Congresses. In the first
              re-passage of doomed legislation makes              two Congresses, the Democratic-controlled
              about as much sense as repeatedly slamming          Senate would simply ignore House legisla-
              oneself in the face with a baseball bat: it is a    tion. In the third Congress, Democratic fili-
              sign of madness. Yet, Congress has spent            busters or presidential vetoes would surely
              significant time and resources on such bills        kill Republican bills. These were the trans-
              in recent Congresses. In fact, it has become a      parently obvious outcomes predicted by the
              signature activity of contemporary legislative      models, and that is what transpired.
              politics.                                              Accordingly, using the SOP models, one
                 To be clear, frenetic failed legislation typi-   might expect Republican legislators to focus
              cally occurs under divided government, where        on other legislation that might actually have
              one chamber (typically the House) passes and        a chance of enactment. Or, they might con-
              re-passes a bill (sometimes with minor vari-        centrate their efforts on congressional over-
              ations) favored by the majority party in that       sight, constituency service, fund-raising
              chamber but opposed by the other chamber            and just plain electioneering. Nonetheless,
              and/or the president. The status quo clearly        the Washington Post documented a total
              falls within the gridlock interval. That is, the    of 54 total or partial repeals of the ACA in
              bill lacks the votes to overcome a filibuster or    the first four years of Republican control.29
              veto or both. In contrast to the sequential veto    While these bills were far from identical,
              bargaining model, which envisions repeated          attacking the existing law from a plethora of
              passage of a succession of modified bills in        angles, they all had the exact same chance of
              a serious effort at policymaking, there is no       becoming law: zero.
              effort at compromise. Instead, these repeated          The ACA wasn’t the only Obama-era stat-
              efforts are characterized by their intransigent     ute that Republicans repeatedly attempted
              and clearly infeasible nature. Let us look at a     to repeal during this period. They also made
              few examples from recent periods of divided         several efforts to undo the Dodd–Frank regu-
              government to illustrate.                           lations on the financial industry. For example,
                 The most famous example of frenetic              in 2013 alone, House Republicans passed HR
              failed legislation is of course the Republican      1256, HR 992, HR 2374 and HR 1105, all
              efforts to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable      of which were intended to repeal aspects of
              Care Act. Recall that this landmark legisla-        Dodd–Frank.30 None of these bills were con-
              tion was enacted by the 111th Congress after        sidered by the Democratic Senate.
              a historic donnybrook and signed into law by           It should be noted that Republicans held
              President Barack Obama in March 2010. The           no monopoly on frenetic failed legislation.
              mid-term elections that November then saw           Democrats found themselves in a simi-
              the electorate administer a brutal drubbing         lar political configuration during the 109th
              to the Democrats, racking up some of the            Congress, when they had a House major-
              largest losses since the Great Depression – a       ity during the waning years of the Bush

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             administration. And they engaged in simi-                majority to highlight the perfidy of the oppo-
             lar legislative behavior. In particular, House           sition: ‘Look, everyone! We would have this
             Democrats repeatedly attempted to restrict               wonderful legislation but for the intransi-
             activities in the Iraq war, such as through              gence of these terrible people!’ So: throw the
             requiring troop withdrawals. As noted in                 bums out!
             CQ Weekly: ‘In July, for example, the House                 At the same time, much of the weirdness
             passed a bill (HR 2956) sponsored by Armed               seems somewhat distinct from pure blame
             Services Chairman Ike Skelton, D-Mo., that               game politics. For example, it may make
             would have required troop withdrawals. But               sense to try and fail to pass a symbolically
             like about a half dozen other measures, it               resonant bill once, in order to demonstrate
             went no further.’31 Furthermore, the accounts            that the fault for failure lies with the opposi-
             make clear that House Democrats were fully               tion. But why pass the same bill 60 times?
             aware of the futility of their efforts:                  How much more education in the vileness
                                                                      of the opposition does the public need, once
               After Republicans blocked an effort last week to
                                                                      the opposition is revealed to be bad via the
               require a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq,
               Senate Democrats put the issue aside and are not       first failure? If, as Senate Majority Leader
               expected to return to it until after the August        Mitch McConnell liked to suggest, ‘There’s
               recess. House Democrats, however, plan to do           no education in the second kick of a mule’, 33
               their part to keep the subject alive this week, with   how much is there in the 40th, 50th or 60th?
               war-related votes possible during committee con-       Similarly, even in clear blame game politics
               sideration of the fiscal 2008 Defense spending bill
               and on the floor.32                                    such as the veto of the Family and Medical
                                                                      Leave Act, part of the signaling was not just
             If the multitudinous ACA repeals are a sign              that President Bush was blocking family
             of legislative madness, the malady, unlike               leave. The message was also, ‘we Democrats
             much in Washington today, is refreshingly                are really in favor of this idea and can be
             bipartisan.                                              trusted to deliver if handed the keys to the
                But perhaps there is a method in the mad-             kingdom’. In other words, the message sent
             ness, a method outside the ambit of the clas-            to the audience is not just ‘the other side is
             sical SOP models.                                        horrible, so kick them out’ but also ‘our side
                                                                      is wonderful, so support us’. Virtue signaling
                                                                      seems as much at play as blame game.
             What is Going on? Blame Game                                Consequently, let’s briefly explore the pol-
                                                                      itics of virtue signaling.
             Versus Virtue Signaling
             Our admittedly cursory review of recent
             empirical evidence suggests that much legis-
             lating continues to follow the script of the             Toward A Model of Message
             classical, incomplete information bilateral              Legislation: Virtue Signaling
             bargaining models. For example, in                       and Accountability
             Figure 13.1 most cloture votes do fall near
             the 60-vote benchmark. As the same time,                 Let’s consider a model of message legisla-
             there appears to be a serious under-current of           tion, legislation not intended for enactment
             something else going on. What is it?                     but instead constructed solely to send a mes-
                An obvious candidate is blame game poli-              sage to outside observers. Many obvious
             tics. As suggested by Senator Snowe’s com-               questions arise: who are the senders? Who
             ment, a phenomenon like forcing a futile                 are the receivers? What is the message? What
             cloture vote in the face of an invincible fili-          gives the message meaning? What gives it
             buster may be an attempt by the chamber’s                credibility? Why is strategic information

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              transmission of this form advantageous to the      McCarty already constructed an example of
              parties? Many answers to these questions are       the former.
              possible and lead to different models. But            Virtue signaling requires the receiver (the
              let’s sketch one set of answers, if only to sug-   selectorate) to have incomplete informa-
              gest how to embed veto bargaining-style            tion about the sender, the incumbent legis-
              models of SOP policymaking within an               lator. This is in contrast to the blame-game
              accountability model of the electorate. We’ll      approach, where the incomplete information
              focus on the dramatic, frenetic failed legisla-    must be about the opposition (e.g., the oppo-
              tion of the ‘repeal and replace’ variety.          sition president or party). So, here, the selec-
                 First, let’s assume the senders are mem-        torate is somewhat uncertain about the virtue
              bers of a party that controls one chamber of       of the incumbent representative. To make
              Congress but does not control all the major        matters concrete, suppose there are two types
              veto points in the legislative process. So, the    of representatives: slackers (low virtue) and
              president may belong to the opposite party.        zealots (high virtue).35 Slackers have no pol-
              Or, the other chamber may be controlled by         icy convictions but just value holding office.
              the other party. Or, ‘our’ chamber may be the      Zealots also value office but in addition they
              House while the other party controls the very      value policy, and value it similarly to the
              constraining filibuster pivot in the Senate.       selectorate. From the viewpoint of the policy-
              Let’s assume the status quo lies firmly in the     minded selectorate, it doesn’t make much dif-
              gridlock region, so no enactment improving         ference which type holds office when policy
              matters from the sender’s policy perspective       is gridlocked. After all, no change is possible.
              is actually possible.                              But if policymaking becomes possible and is
                 Let’s assume the receiver of the mes-           costly of time and effort, then it may make a
              sage is the sender’s selectorate – the high-       great deal of difference who holds office. For
              information, highly engaged portion of the         on that happy day, the slacker won’t do much
              party whose money, time and enthusiasm             work, but the zealot will toil like a Trojan
              is vital for re-election. With the support of      in order to achieve the policy goal. Clearly,
              these hyper-engaged kingmakers, re-election        from the viewpoint of the policy-oriented
              is almost assured (the district is a safe one).    selectorate, it will be much better to be rep-
              But without it, the sender may well be ‘pri-       resented by a zealot rather than a slacker on
              maried’ and out of office. This approach           that future day.
              is particularly compatible with the UCLA              How then can an incumbent zealot prove
              approach to parties, where parties are formed      he is a zealot and worthy of re-election? A
              out of a coalition of policy-motivated groups      non-starter is, issue a raft of campaign prom-
              which ‘insist on the nomination of candi-          ises. Any promise a zealot could make, a
              dates with a demonstrated commitment to            slacker could make as well. So, our model
              its program’,34 but can also fit with others in    will not feature Downsian-style prospective
              which the political marketplace is less than       campaign promises. Rather, it will incorpo-
              perfect.                                           rate V.O. Key-style retrospective voting. The
                 Two broad classes of messages are pos-          selectorate will act in light of what has gone
              sible. The first (as discussed above) is the       before, eliminating incumbents likely to be
              blame-game message: I will show you that           slackers and retaining those likely to be zeal-
              the other side is terrible [so you should sup-     ots. The point is to increase the chances of
              port me]. The second is the virtue-signaling       having a zealot incumbent when policy win-
              message: I will show you that I am trustwor-       dows open in the future.36
              thy, your faithful agent, one of you [so you          Let’s focus on one type of action the
              should support me]. Let’s consider the sec-        incumbent can undertake: frenetic failed
              ond class of models, since Groseclose and          legislation. So, pass, re-pass and continue

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             re-passing virtually the same bill in the face          equilibrium is quite attractive for the incum-
             of an unbeatable veto, an invincible filibus-           bent politician regardless of type; after all,
             ter or just plain disregard from the opposite           he doesn’t have to do much policy work in
             chamber. The resulting sequence of play is:             period 1 and yet gets re-elected. But it is
                                                                     not so good for the voter, because when the
             1 Nature selects the incumbent legislator’s type        policy window opens in the second period he
               (slacker or zealot), which is private information     may find himself saddled with a slacker as
               for the incumbent.                                    representative, resulting in a missed legisla-
             2 The incumbent engages in a futile legislative
                                                                     tive opportunity.
               interaction with, say, the President, fruitlessly
               passing and re-passing the same bill with multi-
                                                                        The second, and more interesting, equi-
               ple vetoes and re-vetoes. Enactments are costly       librium is a separating equilibrium.37 Here,
               of time and effort that could profitably be spent     in period 1 incumbent slackers and zealots
               elsewhere.                                            behave in very different ways. The zealot
             3 When either the president accepts a bill or the       engages in frantic frenetic failed legislating,
               incumbent desists with fruitless legislating, play-   fruitlessly passing and re-passing the same
               ers receive period 1 payoffs.                         bill over and over and over. The slacker does
             4 The voter then retains or fires the incumbent.        nothing because imitating the furious action
               If the voter fires the incumbent, nature selects      of the zealot would be too costly of effort.
               the type of the new representative. Nature also       The zealot’s policy-mindedness creates a
               selects a new president so that policy windows
                                                                     wedge between him and the slacker that
             5 The representative (either new or retained)
                                                                     allows this separation to occur – but only at
               engages in a legislative interaction with the new     high levels of effort, hence the need to do a lot
               President.                                            of futile policymaking. The voter then fires a
             6 Based on the outcome of the legislative interac-      revealed slacker and retains a revealed zealot.
               tion, players receive second period pay-offs.         In the second period, when policy windows
                                                                     open, a zealot works hard to legislate and a
             Comparison of this sequence with that of the            slacker doesn’t. This equilibrium is much
             simple TILI game indicates a much more                  worse for the legislator: a period 1 slacker
             complex game. It features two periods, not              gets fired, and a period 1 zealot must slave
             one; incomplete information (held by the                away at phony legislating in order to retain
             voter about the incumbent’s preferences), not           his job. But this equilibrium is much better
             complete information; voter beliefs about the           for the voter because it boosts the chance of
             incumbent’s preferences; costly signaling by            having a valuable zealot in place when policy
             the incumbent in period 1; retrospective                windows open.
             voting by the voter; and, finally, serious poli-           We have only sketched an analysis of mes-
             cymaking in the second period. Still, as a              sage legislation and virtue signaling. But
             costly signaling game, it is not hard to ana-           we hope we have at least suggested that the
             lyze using modern techniques.                           idea is worth pursuing, and that the politics
                We assert without proof that the virtue              of virtue signaling is distinct from but com-
             signaling game has two generic equilibria. In           plementary to the politics of the blame game.
             the first, a pooling equilibrium, both a slacker        Carefully elaborating the theory of virtue
             legislator and a zealot legislator behave the           signaling may enable some parsing of the
             same way in period 1: they do nothing. And,             difference between the two and lead empiri-
             in this ‘incumbency advantage’ equilibrium,             cal work in new directions, for example the
             the voter re-elects the incumbent despite the           effect of message votes on fund raising, pri-
             dearth of effort. Then, in the second period,           mary challenges and citizen voting – all new
             a zealot legislator engages in fruitful leg-            directions for SOP-style models. In addition,
             islating while a slacker does nothing. This             further theoretical development might well

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              tackle the question: why the rise in message           fairly subtle one. The separating equilibrium
              legislation? The new media environment,                in our proto-model involves considerable
              partisan polarization of elites, the rise of           information transmission between the send-
              groups such as the Tea Party on the right and          ing congressperson and the constituent. The
              “the opposition” on the left, partisan sorting         constituent learns something about the con-
              geographically and across the parties, and the         gressperson and – critically – then uses the
              increase in competition to control the gov-            information in choosing either to support or
              ernment are probably all implicated. But how           oppose the incumbent. The result is an ideo-
              exactly? In a related way, in the context of the       logical filter applied to incumbents, resulting
              virtue signaling model one might ask, across           over time in greater retention of representa-
              different issues, when should we expect the            tives who are zealous in pursuit of the selector-
              pooling equilibrium to prevail, and when the           ate’s ideological goals. The result is not quite
              separating equilibrium (the difficult question         the same thing as ideological polarization per
              of equilibrium selection)?                             se. But because the key constituents who fol-
                                                                     low and respond to the political theater tend
                                                                     to be high-information ideologically consist-
                                                                     ent extremists, the net effect is to build a more
              Does Bargaining Before an                              extreme legislature over time. In essence, there
              Audience Make a Difference?                            is an enhanced feedback loop between incum-
                                                                     bent position taking and constituent response,
              We have suggested ways to modify classical             leading to a legislature responsive to relatively
              SOP models, such as the veto bargaining                extreme blocks within the electorate. Or so the
              models, in order to better capture the new             model suggests. An obvious question is: is this
              American legislative politics. The new poli-           actually happening?
              tics on which we have focused results from                There is another element, outside our
              blame game politics but also (we suggest)              sketch model, but of potential importance and
              from politicians’ virtue signaling to an atten-        concern. In the pooling equilibrium, zealous
              tive audience of ideological extremists. But           incumbents who face gridlock don’t under-
              is modifying the classical models to incorpo-          take any policymaking effort since it won’t
              rate message legislation really worth the              accomplish anything substantively and they
              effort? After all, the classic SOP models              will get re-elected anyway. But in fact, case
              more or less get it right with respect to policy       studies show zealous policy-minded con-
              outcomes: when they say policy windows are             gressmen doing a lot of policy work during
              shut, relatively little is enacted. When they          down periods. In particular, congressional
              identity the key veto players, they are gener-         policy entrepreneurs hone their legislative
              ally correct. And when they suggest the                proposals and lay the foundation for future
              political evaluation needed for enactment –            legislative coalitions. For instance, Senator
              that is, the spatial position of viable ­legislation   Bill Bradley spent years working on tax
              in something like NOMINATE space –                     reform before policy windows opened creat-
              usually they are close to the mark. So, one            ing the opportunity for a big policy innova-
              may well ask, does all the noisy action atten-         tion.38 Similarly, famed policy entrepreneur
              dant on message legislation actually make a            Representative Henry Waxman labored long
              substantive difference? Or does the sound              and hard, often for years, to build carefully
              and fury signify nothing?                              crafted bills well aimed at specific health
                 Our sketch model of message legisla-                policy problems.39 The result was (arguably)
              tion and virtue signal suggests that the poli-         high quality bills ready to go, when the grid-
              tics of bargaining before an audience does             lock region narrowed and legislative opportu-
              make a difference for outcomes, though a               nity presented itself.

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