International Economic Outlook - International Economics - Wells Fargo

Page created by Jesse Farmer
December 11, 2020

 International Economics

International Economic                                                             Nick Bennenbroek, International Economist

Outlook                                                                            Brendan McKenna, International Economist
                                                                                                   Jen Licis, Economic Analyst

  In this issue:
      Forecast changes: We maintain our outlook for a broadly weaker greenback against G10 and emerging market currencies
       over the course of 2021 and into 2022. Given our forecast for a cyclical upturn in the global economy, we believe emerging
       market currencies can outperform, in particular, currencies associated with economies driven by higher commodity prices.
       In that context, we have become slightly more optimistic on the short-to-medium term prospects for the Chilean peso and
       Brazilian real. In Brazil’s case, we believe fiscal and debt dynamics will stabilize and the Brazilian Central Bank will start to
       entertain rate hikes, both providing additional medium-term support to the currency. In the G10 space, our view remains
       that EU and U.K. policymakers will avoid a no trade deal Brexit; however, the medium-term prospects for the pound remain
       challenging. In contrast, we expect the Canadian dollar to be an outperformer.
      Key themes: As 2020 comes to a close, we look ahead to themes that may define the global economy and financial markets
       in 2021. Clearly, COVID is still a major concern; however, it should be noted the global economy has entered a new economic
       cycle as the recovery is still intact, with only minor setbacks. Deployment of vaccines will play an immediate role in the
       strength of the economic cycle, with G10 economies well positioned for a more robust medium-term recovery, while we
       expect emerging market economies to drive global growth further out the forecast horizon. In order to facilitate a longer-
       term recovery, accommodative policy will need to be kept in place. In our view, the risk of a policy mistake could be
       detrimental to the global recovery, while political developments have the potential to disrupt financial markets.
      Publication Schedule Change: Beginning in 2021, the publication of the International Economic Outlook will be
       shifting toward the end of each calendar month. We anticipate the publication of the next International Economic
       Outlook sometime during the week of Jan. 25, 2021.

2020: A Year in Review                                                  country level (page 8) and reveal just how disruptive the
At the end of 2019, we, along with many other economists                health crisis and subsequent restrictions have been. To give
and forecasters, did not envision a health and human                    a sense of how impactful the spread of COVID has been, the
services crisis would define 2020. Not only did the longest             Eurozone economy contracted 11.7% (not annualized) in Q2,
economic expansion on record in the United States come to               the United Kingdom 19.8% (not annualized) and Canada
abrupt end, the global economy fell into recession as the               38.1% (annualized), while the U.S. economy declined 31.4%
worst economic crisis since the Great Depression unfolded.              (annualized). Fundamentally weaker countries in the
The spread of COVID has undoubtedly changed the world we                emerging markets were affected the most. Countries like
live in. In-person office meetings have turned into work-               India and South Africa came under significant pressure amid
from-home virtual calls, while the use of personal protective           rampant COVID cases and nationwide lockdowns. The
equipment and the term “social distancing” have become                  COVID crisis also caused or exacerbated multiple emerging
normal. COVID has tested the capacity of our healthcare                 market sovereign debt defaults. Argentina, Ecuador,
systems and forced governments to institute widespread                  Lebanon and Zambia were forced to default on their
lockdown protocols in an effort to contain the spread of the            obligations, while some commodity-based economies in the
virus. These virus control measures have in-turn decimated              Middle East and Africa are still on the brink of default.
economies around the world. This year, we witnessed the                 What is also apparent is the COVID crisis has had a much
largest GDP decline on modern record in countries across the            more severe impact on the global economy than the previous
developed and emerging world that, in some cases, will take             Global Financial Crisis-induced recession. For calendar year
years to fully recoup.                                                  2009, the global economy contracted 0.10%, a much smaller
Based on our forecasts, the global economy will contract                decline than our forecasted 2020 contraction, but is still
almost 4% in 2020. Advanced economies will lead the                     viewed as one of the worst periods for the global economy in
economic decline and are likely to contract over 5%, while              modern history. The scars from the Global Financial Crisis
emerging economies will contract around 2.5%. Our GDP                   are still visible today; however, the COVID-induced
forecasts suggest eye-popping economic declines at the                  slowdown could bring about even longer-lasting change.

Please see the disclosure appendix of this publication for certification
and disclosure information. 12/11/20 at 1:15 p.m. ET
All estimates/forecasts are as of 12/11/20 unless otherwise stated.

 This report is available on and on Bloomberg WFRE
International Economic Outlook – December 2020                                           INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS

Multinational corporations are being forced to rethink             into his re-election campaign, Donald Trump faced a difficult
supply chains, real estate footprints and the size of their        challenge of being re-elected amid a recession as well as one
respective labor forces, while the exodus from large cities to     of the worst health crises of our time. Handling and
more suburban locations could be just beginning.                   management of the virus was a central theme on the
Change has also taken place in the public sector. Elevated         campaign trail, highlighted further when President Trump
unemployment rates forced governments to provide                   and many White House staffers contracted the virus about a
financial support to their respective populations. Direct cash     month out from the election. Ultimately, and after a delay
payments in the U.S., Europe, the U.K. and emerging market         and contested outcome, Joe Biden was certified by U.S.
countries have helped households stay afloat for the time          states and is set to take office in January. Biden will assume
being, while attractive loan programs have helped small            the White House likely under a divided Congress, which
businesses keep their doors open. The longer-term                  should mean no major changes to tax or healthcare policy;
repercussions of these government support programs are             however, it is more likely Biden takes a different approach in
unknown as of now; however, government fiscal deficits and         regard to trade and other issues with China. Just since the
debt burdens have increased significantly. In the United           election, Biden has already suggested he will follow through
States, the fiscal deficit is approaching 20% of GDP and the       on taking a multilateral approach to negotiations with China,
government’s debt burden is now over 130% of GDP. Similar          a stark difference from the bilateral approach under the
rising deficit and elevated debt burden dynamics have              Trump administration.
occurred in other G10 countries as well as in the emerging         We have identified a few themes that readers should keep in
markets. As a result, credit ratings have been downgraded          mind during their 2021 planning process. The first being that
throughout the year to reflect diminished creditworthiness of      the global economy is now entering a new economic cycle.
both developed and emerging market sovereigns. As these            This new cycle will be somewhat fragile, especially with
debt burdens are likely to stay elevated for the time being,       COVID case numbers rising again. However, the global
the possibility of a more severe debt crisis has increased.        economy was on solid footing pre-pandemic, which, despite
Central banks have not been excluded from making                   the changes we mentioned earlier, should allow for a sharper
adjustments as change has not just occured at the federal          rebound than in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis.
government level. Central banks have eased monetary policy         To that point, it is important to realize the economic recovery
aggressively over the course of the year to offset the economic    is already under way. Since earlier this year, lockdown
impact of the virus. Policy rates have effectively been taken      measures have been eased and restrictions gradually lifted,
to their lower bounds across the G10, while many central           allowing mobility and economic activity to improve. With
banks have started, resumed or expanded quantitative               encouraging vaccine news, it is possible the global recovery
easing programs. As of the end of November, assets on the          takes shape earlier than we expect; however, we note how
Fed’s balance sheet amounted to 34% of GDP, up from 19%            important it will be for policymakers to keep accomodative
at the beginning of the year. The same can be said for the         monetary and fiscal policy in place until the economy
European Central Bank (ECB) as the ECB has grown its               demonstrates a strong recovery track record. And finally,
balance sheet to 61% of GDP from 39% in January. Central           politics and geopolitics are likely to play a role in 2021. We
banks in emerging markets have also taken policy rates             would not be surprised if another wave of populist-style
noticeably lower. Rates are the lowest on record in Brazil,        candidates emerge from the COVID crisis, particularly in the
Colombia, Chile and South Africa, while rates have moved           developing markets, in response to high unemployment
lower by over 100 bps in Russia, India and Mexico. In some         rates, diverging wealth per capita and other forms of
cases, mostly in Latin America, constitutions and central          inequalities. These themes will be important considerations
bank mandates have been amended to formally permit asset           for us when making our economic and currency forecasts in
purchase programs, a measure not even enacted during the           2021 and beyond. In the following pages, we more throughly
Global Financial Crisis.                                           lay out our forward-looking views on the economy and
                                                                   financial markets in 2021 and how these themes play into our
The impact of the virus resulted in significant disruptions to     forecasts going forward.
financial markets as well. Just this year, we saw the VIX
reach a new record high of 82.69, WTI oil prices turn              As our 2020 review section comes to a close, we would be
negative, U.S. 10-year yields hit a new record low of 0.31%        remiss not to mention the health and human service
and the S&P 500 fall 34% over the course of about one              tragedies the virus has created. Globally, over 70 million
month. In addition, the path of the U.S. dollar has been           COVID cases have been confirmed, while close to 1.6 million
interesting to watch. Following a spike in March and April on      fatalities have been recorded. Second and third waves of
safe-haven flows and liquidity shortages, the U.S. dollar has      infections are currently under way in Europe, the United
broadly depreciated against G10 and emerging market                States and many less developed countries. As the virus
currencies. From its peak at the end of March, the DXY dollar      gathers renewed momentum during the colder Northern
index has fallen 11.5% and foreign currencies have bounced         Hemisphere months, we hope readers in those locations are
off their lows. In fact, the drop in the U.S. dollar has been so   staying safe and healthy. COVID has affected us all, and
marked, a theme questioning the end of the U.S. dollar’s           while it may be less pertinent to discuss economic and
global pre-eminence emerged over the course of the year.           financial markets amid the current healthcare crisis, we hope
While we do not believe we are at the end of the U.S. dollar’s     readers can use this publication to prepare and assist in their
reign as the global reserve currency, the fact the question is     business and investment decision process for the upcoming
being asked puts the dollar’s depreciation in perspective.         year.
While COVID was certainly the dominant theme of the year,          Healthcare Crisis Turns to New Economic Cycle
one cannot mention the virus without commenting on its             As mentioned, we are optimistic about the prospects for the
impact on politics, in particular the U.S. election. Heading       global economy in 2021 despite rising COVID cases. In our

International Economic Outlook – December 2020                                                                               INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS

view, the new economic cycle has already started. For proof          near-term, given improved household balance sheets as a
the global economic recovery is under way, we can point to           result of sizable fiscal support over the entire course of the
Q3 GDP data, which revealed economies around the world               COVID crisis.
are growing again. The rebound can largely be attributed to
                                                                     Vaccine Global Growth Changer
the forceful response by both monetary and fiscal
                                                                     The medium-term prognosis for the global economy is more
policymakers, along with some success in containing the
                                                                     positive. As the distribution of effective vaccines becomes
initial COVID outbreak. Containing the first wave of
                                                                     more widespread later in 2021, along with the sustained
infections allowed economies to gradually reopen, which
                                                                     stimulus response from monetary and fiscal policymakers we
sparked an upward surge in economic activity in the third
                                                                     described earlier, the foundations for a lasting global
quarter of the year. While official figures for G20 GDP
                                                                     economic recovery are in place. We do, however, expect the
growth are not yet available, based on the countries that have
                                                                     medium-term recovery to be somewhat uneven. In the very
reported, we estimate G20 Q3 GDP rose 8.7% q/q.
                                                                     near term, the major developed economies will likely
The mechanical reopening of several economies aided the Q3           underperform based on the renewed spread of COVID cases.
bounce in GDP; however, we remain somewhat optimistic on             However, those same developed economies may see a
the prospects for Q4 as well, although with some exceptions.         stronger recovery in the middle of 2021 as they gain earlier
We believe it is unlikely blanket or widespread lockdown             access to vaccines and have the infrastructure in place to
measures will be re-imposed, with some services based                distribute those vaccine doses across their entire
industries likely to stay open and operational. In that              populations.
context, the Q4 outlook is still modestly positive given
                                                                     According to data compiled by Duke University, G10
relatively sound household finances—a product of fiscal
                                                                     countries may be best positioned, should vaccines become
stimulus deployed to households around the world. For the
                                                                     more widely available in the near future. To that point, the
OECD countries, which encompasses the major developed
economies, we estimate real household disposable incomes             chart below indicates Canada, Australia and Japan have
                                                                     already purchased enough vaccine doses to cover their entire
rose 6.6% y/y in Q2-2020, while real consumer spending fell
                                                                     populations, while confirmed cases are also relatively low.
13.2% y/y. As a result, household saving rates are at
                                                                     Other G10 countries may not be in as strong a position;
historically elevated levels, a factor that can drive consumer
                                                                     however, the United Kingdom, European Union and the
spending and the continued economic recovery over time.
                                                                     United States may be able to experience a stronger economic
            OECD Household Income vs. Consumer                       recovery as well. While the COVID burden is more elevated,
       7%     % year/year Spending                                   the United Kingdom, European Union and the United States
                                                                     have also purchased enough vaccine doses to cover their
                                                                     entire populations.
                                                                                                                        COVID Vaccine Coverage by
                                                                  Vaccine Coverage (% of population)

       0%                                                                                              600%               Population and Burden

                     Real household gross
                     disposable income

      -7%            Real household consumer                                                           400%

     -14%                                                                                              200%
                                                                                                                                   EU              US
        Sources: Datastream, Wells Fargo Securities                                                               NZ    IN                    AR
                                                                                                                                        BR               IL
Nonetheless, risks to the near-term growth outlook are                                                             ID    MX             CH    PE
rising. The spread of COVID has surged heading into the                                                       0         10,000   20,000      30,000     40,000
Northern Hemisphere winter. The United States, Eurozone
                                                                                                              COVID Burden (cases per million people)
and the United Kingdom have been particularly hard hit,
although other emerging European countries have also faced                                             Sources: Duke University and Wells Fargo Securities
an uptick in cases. Amid the rise in virus cases, Eurozone and
U.K. governments have put some restrictions back in place,           On the other hand, emerging market countries may not be as
albeit not as stringent as earlier in the year. Given new            well positioned as G10 nations. Countries toward the bottom
restrictions, leading growth indicators, such as PMI surveys,        right portion of the chart—Brazil, Argentina, Peru and
have slumped, and it seems very likely the Eurozone and              Israel—have elevated COVID burdens, while to date, each
United Kingdom will experience yet another GDP                       government has not purchased a sufficient amount of
contraction in Q4 and sluggish momentum heading into Q1              vaccine doses to cover their entire populations. However,
2021. We believe the United States is better positioned and          some emerging market countries are exceptions as Chile has
will record positive growth in Q4-2020 and Q1-2021;                  purchased enough doses to cover over 220% of its population
however, the outlook is not as positive as it was a few months       in an effort to combat a relatively elevated COVID burden. In
ago. In contrast, some emerging market economies, Brazil             addition, Indonesia, India and Mexico are interesting in the
and Chile in particular, might see activity hold up in the very      sense that the COVID burden across the population is less

International Economic Outlook – December 2020                                          INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS

severe, but the amount of vaccine doses purchased is not          provide additional fiscal stimulus before President Trump’s
sufficient to create herd immunity across each country.           term is over. As of now, we do not expect another fiscal
When thinking about how vaccines could impact global              stimulus package; however, negotiations continue and
growth, vaccine distribution and herd immunity plays an           should a deal be made, new stimulus would represent upside
important role. In our view, the global economy is still in       to our U.S. 2021 GDP forecast. Across the Atlantic, European
overall recovery mode, and despite some setbacks in Europe        government have finally approved a budget deal that allows
and parts of the United States, global GDP growth is likely to    for European Recovery Fund to proceed. While there might
be positive over the entire course of 2021. In that context, we   still be some slight delays in disbursements, the approval
expect the global economy to expand 5.9% in 2021. The             should nonetheless provide the Eurozone with some tailwind
breakdown of our 2021 GDP growth forecast is for advanced         in the form of additional fiscal support in 2021.
economies to expand 4.1% and for developing economies to          Still, for the U.S., Europe and globally, fiscal stimulus is
grow 7.3%. Clearly, we expect emerging markets to lead the        unlikely to be as forceful in 2021 as it was in 2020. For
global recovery by late next year. However, considering the       example, after an estimated general government budget
dynamics associated with vaccine purchases, the G10               deficit of 13.9% of GDP for the G20 economies in 2020, the
economies could wind up being a larger contributor to global      International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts that deficit to
growth over the medium-term portion of our forecast               narrow to 8.4% of GDP in 2021. According to IMF forecasts,
horizon. As of now, the United States, Eurozone and United        the 2021 deficit will still be noticeably wider than in 2019.
Kingdom are experiencing severe rises in confirmed COVID          However, given the delays and pushback to fiscal stimulus
cases and could be first in line to receive vaccines. Should      we have already seen in the U.S. and Europe, it is possible
G10 countries administer vaccines earlier, there is upside        fiscal support gets removed or tapered off too quickly.
risk to our advanced economy 2021 GDP forecast over the           Removal of fiscal stimulus or failure to provide adequate
medium term.                                                      fiscal support could place downward pressure on the global
                                                                  economy at a time where the recovery is still in a tentative
                      G20 GDP Growth                              state. As mentioned, some adjustment in fiscal policy is
   15%             contribution to % y/y growth           15%
                                                                  expected; however, in 2021 we will be watching how the
                                                                  global economy and financial markets respond to the gradual
   10%                                                    10%     removal of fiscal policy support.

                                                                         G20 General Government Budget Balance
    5%                                                    5%                                 % of GDP

    0%                                                    0%            -3%

   -5%             G7 economies                           -5%           -6%
                   G8-G20 economies
                   G20 economies
  -10%                                                    -10%          -9%

         Source: Datastream, Wells Fargo Securities                    -12%

Policy Mistake a Key Downside Risk
Through 2021, and perhaps for most of 2022, we expect the              -15%
monetary policy environment to remain accommodative.                          2000    2005      2010      2015       2020
The final months of 2020 saw a flurry of quantitative easing
                                                                               Source: IMF, Wells Fargo Securities
announcements, with the Bank of England (B0E), Reserve
Bank of Australia, Riksbank and European Central Bank all         Perhaps more significantly, and more likely in 2022, will be
announcing additional increases to their respective asset         how markets react to the exit from, or the prospect of an exit
purchase programs. In 2021, we expect quantitative easing         from, quantitative easing. For 2021, we believe the outlook is
programs to stay in place in many G10 countries. As of now,       relatively benign with the Federal Reserve, ECB, BoE and
only the Bank of Canada (BoC) is slowing the pace of asset        BoJ all likely to continue their asset purchases at an adequate
purchases as the economy is recovering quite robustly;            pace. In 2022, however, an end to those purchases could
however, we expect this process to be gradual in nature. For      become a more realistic possibility. At the very least, the
all of 2021 and 2022, we expect major central banks such as       timing for an exit from quantitative easing is likely to become
the Federal Reserve, ECB, Bank of Japan (BoJ), BoE and BoC        a significant topic of market discussion. As a result, it is
to hold policy interest rates steady and expect no hikes to       possible there might at some point be echoes of, or a repeat
policy rates from any of these central banks over the course      of, the “taper tantrum” that occurred last decade. Overall, we
of our forecast horizon.                                          believe it is the possible eventual exit from quantitative
While there is limited uncertainty surrounding the path of        easing that has the greatest potential to slow economic
monetary policy, there is less clarity on fiscal policy and       growth or unsettle financial markets. With that said, the risk
markets are likely to place more focus on fiscal stimulus in      that a major central bank tapers asset purchases too early in
2021. In the United States, for example, there will be            2021 cannot be ruled out entirely. With our view that a taper
questions on whether the U.S. Congress can reach a deal to        tantrum could be a risk to global growth and financial

International Economic Outlook – December 2020                                           INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS

markets, we will be particularly focused on policymaker            coordinated approach, utilizing the EU specifically, as well as
comments around QE programs and the duration of these              other influential countries to apply pressure on China.
programs.                                                          With U.S.-China trade tensions a key source of risk to the
                                                                   global economy and financial markets the past few years, we
          Sum of Fed, ECB, BoJ, PBoC Balance Sheets
              USD trillion; market exchange rates; % chg. yr/yr    believe risks surrounding trade tensions are skewed toward
                                                                   a less hostile relationship. Should a coordinated approach
            adjusted for moves in the
            Fed's U.S. Dollar Index vs.                            against China be successful in bringing about new
            Advanced Foreign                                       concessions or even a Phase II trade deal, existing tariffs
   25%                                                             could be partially rolled back. This scenario could take some
                                                                   pressure off China’s economy and push financial markets
                                                                   higher. However, the flip side to this scenario is also a very
                                                                   realistic possibility. A multilateral approach could push
                                                                   China to dig in against not just the U.S., but the EU and other
                                                                   major countries around the world. Tensions in this scenario
                                                                   could escalate further, possibly with new tariffs and other
                                                                   restrictions applied, weighing again on the global economy
                                                                   and disrupting financial markets.
                                                                   As has often been the case in the past, European lawmakers
                                                                   have faced challenges in reaching agreement on significant
                                                                   deals. As the end of 2020 fast approaches, the U.K. and
          Source: Datastream, Wells Fargo Securities               European Union have yet to reach an agreement on the
                                                                   details of a post-Brexit trade deal. The key sticking points
2021 Ripe for New Political Risks                                  remain in the areas of fisheries, a competitive playing field
Often a consistent theme of ours, political and geopolitical       for standards and subsides, and how an agreement would be
risks could become even more elevated in 2021. With Joe            enforced. Even high level meetings between U.K. Prime
Biden likely to take office in the U.S., Biden could mark a new    Minister Johnson and EU Commission President Von der
direction for U.S. foreign policy, while the COVID crisis could    Leyen have not provided enough of a political push yet to get
bring about a new wave of populist-style political candidates,     a trade deal over the line. If past proves prologue again, we
especially in the emerging markets. Starting with Biden, we        do expect a last-minute agreement to be reached. However,
expect the former vice president to focus his efforts where he     the risk that no deal is reached cannot yet be ruled out. The
has unilateral decision making abilities as he is likely to face   pound could be subject to 5% or more downside under that
a divided Congress. Trade policy represents the immediate          scenario, while the U.K. economy might barely eke out
arena where Biden can take action. In our view, Biden will         positive growth in 2021 even after the massive decline seen
likely conduct trade policy differently than the Trump             this year.
administration; however, that is not to say we expect an
immediate return to pre-Trump policies.                            Political risk in emerging markets is typically more elevated
                                                                   than in the developed world, and we expect this trend to
One of the key pillars of Biden’s proposed policy on trade is      continue in 2021. Fundamentally weaker countries have
to strengthen relations with U.S. allies. In our view, this        been hit particularly hard by the COVID crisis, both from an
likely means building stronger trade ties with the European        economic perspective as well as a health perspective. In
Union, Canada and Mexico, although his main focus will             many of these countries, the population has blamed its
likely be the EU. To facilitate those stronger trade relations     government leaders and institutions for failing to contain the
and develop a more conciliatory approach to EU trade, we           spread of the virus and for exacerbating already existing
believe tariff threats will likely recede under a Biden            wealth inequalities. In our view, these are the dynamics that
administration. In addition, existing Trump administration         create a likely environment for more populist-style political
tariffs on $7.5 billion in EU products could potentially be        candidates to emerge and potentially be voted into office. We
removed, and any tariff escalations on European autos and          saw this unfold in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis
auto parts could also diminish under Biden. Similarly, the         and have already seen this trend start to materialize late in
Biden administration likely would not threaten to impose           2020. Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra was impeached in
tariffs on Canadian or Mexican goods and will likely continue      November amid criticism for the handling of COVID. In
to honor the USMCA trade agreement.                                addition, President Bolsonaro in Brazil lost a fair amount of
The purpose for strengthening trade relations with allied          support in municipal elections as the virus has spread
nations is to take a more stringent approach toward China to       rampant throughout Brazil amid Bolsonaro’s continued
influence the behavior of the Chinese government. Although         downplaying of the virus even after he contracted the illness.
Biden’s China strategy sounds similar to President Trump’s,        Latin America could be a particular hot spot for new anti-
a key difference is Biden’s plan to take a multilateral            establishment demonstrations. Protests across the region
approach rather than the bilateral direction under President       erupted in 2019 as wealth disparity and inequality became a
Trump. It is not clear whether he would use tariffs as a way       focus of demonstrations in Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia.
to incentivize change from China, or difficult to know             In our view, these issues have not completely disappeared
whether Biden would remove some, all or none of the Trump          and demonstrations are likely to return when COVID
administration tariffs. But, Biden has stated explicitly that a    dissipates. Municipal elections are set for April in Chile,
multilateral approach against China may be the optimal             coinciding with the ongoing constitutional rewrite process
tactic. Instead of using harsh rhetoric and threats of bilateral   that we expect to become more contentious next year. Local
action, Biden has said that he plans on using a more               elections could become a continued referendum against

International Economic Outlook – December 2020                                           INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS

President Pinera and his National Renewal party, and could         As we head into 2021, we expect the trend of a softer U.S.
be an indication toward how presidential elections in              dollar to continue. Despite rising COVID cases, we still
November may materialize as well. Peruvians will also head         believe the prospects for the global economy are promising.
back to the polls in April to decide on another president. It is   GDP growth in most major and emerging economies should
still too early in the process to have clarity on leading          continue to recover without major disruption next year,
candidates, but with Peru experiencing the worst health            especially as vaccine doses start to get rolled out on a wider
impact in the world on a per capita basis, the local backdrop      scale as the year progresses. A period of synchronized global
could be brewing for a populist-style candidate to assume          growth is typically a backdrop that is supportive of foreign
office. Legislative elections will also occur in Mexico over the   currencies and reduces demand for safe haven currencies
summer. Mexico was spared from last year’s demonstrations          like the U.S. dollar. Given our forecast for stronger growth in
and already elected the populist Andres Manuel Lopez               the advanced and emerging economies in 2021, we expect
Obrador (AMLO) in 2018. However, with President AMLO’s             the dollar to stay under pressure.
refusal to deploy fiscal support to the economy it is possible     In addition, monetary policy in the United States is likely to
Mexico seeks an even more left-winged party to set local           remain ultra-accommodative for at least the next few years.
laws.                                                              Asset purchases are likely to remain in place, while the Fed’s
It may take time for this theme to fully play out; however,        new average inflation targeting approach should keep policy
Latin American political developments this year could serve        rates effectively at 0% for the foreseeable future. If inflation
as an indication as to what kind of response voters in the         remains subdued and below 2%, the Fed could even opt to
emerging markets will have to the economic and health              ease monetary policy further, another potential source of
crisis. A wave of populism across Latin America is likely a        dollar weakness. This kind of policy support, along with the
regional problem at worst in 2021, although the longer-term        potential for additional fiscal stimulus in the U.S., should
implications could be felt for years and become more               push global equity markets higher. As mentioned, the U.S.
systemic in nature. Populist parties and candidates tend to        dollar and equity markets have shown a strong inverse
gather momentum in bunches, and success in one region              relationship, and we believe this dynamic should continue
could eventually breed support for populist candidates             next year, weighing on the greenback.
across the emerging markets in later years.                        Given our view for a softer U.S. dollar throughout 2021, we
2021 FX Outlook: Cyclical Currencies to Outperform                 believe the outlook for foreign currencies will remain
Over the course of 2020, foreign exchange markets have             positive next year. Broadly speaking, we are bullish on G10
been particularly volatile. In early 2020, many G10 and            and emerging market currencies, with a bias toward more
emerging currencies sold off significantly against the U.S.        strength in emerging currencies. As of now, we believe
dollar amid safe-haven flows and a severe U.S. dollar              valuations remain attractive in most emerging market
shortage. As the broad-based selloff in currency markets           currencies. Real effective exchange rates are at suppressed
diminished and equity markets rallied, the strong inverse          levels in most Latin American and EMEA currencies, and we
relationship between the U.S. dollar and global equity             believe 2021 will be an environment where many emerging
markets became an important influence over the path of the         market currencies can recoup that value. In particular, we
greenback. That is, the U.S. dollar weakened as equity             are most optimistic on currencies highly correlated to a
markets pushed higher on persistent monetary and fiscal            cyclical upswing the economy and currencies associated with
policy support as well as vaccine progress. As mentioned, the      economies that are sensitive to commodity prices. In this
DXY index is down 11.5% on a peak-to-trough basis and              context, we favor the Colombian peso, Chilean peso and
down 5.5% year to date. The broad rebound in G10 and               recently became more optimistic on the short- to medium-
emerging market currencies has been impressive. Currencies         term prospects for the Brazilian real.
highly correlated to a cyclical upturn in the global economy       We also like emerging market currencies associated with
have recovered a fair amount of losses, while currencies           strong underlying fundamentals and stable politics.
associated with sound fundamentals such as the Chinese             Emerging Asia represents this view quite well, and we
renminbi, Taiwan dollar and Korean won have strengthened.          forecast continued strength in the Chinese renminbi, Korean
                  U.S. Dollar Index (DXY)
                                                                   won and Thai baht. However, there are outliers that do not
    104            Performance as of 12/10/2020                    fit either of these molds. The Turkish lira should continue to
                                                                   come under pressure amid weak fundamentals and elevated
                                                                   political risk, while we believe the Argentine authorities will
                                                                   let the peso continue to float more freely, which should mean
                                                                   continued peso depreciation. Despite the ruble’s recent
                                                                   recovery, sanctions risk is elevated with Joe Biden likely to
                                                                   take office soon and we exercise caution in evaluating the
      96                                                           ruble’s path despite strong underlying fundamentals. We
                                                                   also see medium- to longer-term weakness in the South
                                                                   African rand and Indian rupee as economic fundamentals
      92                                                           are weak and policymakers could be more willing to accept
                                                                   currency softness to aid the local economic recovery.
                                                                   As mentioned, we are positive on G10 currencies, although
                                                                   to a lesser degree relative to emerging market currencies. In
                                                                   similar fashion, we particularly like developed market
                                                                   currencies highly sensitive to commodity prices and higher
       Sources: Bloomberg LP, Wells Fargo Securities               equity prices. In this sense, we favor the Canadian dollar as

International Economic Outlook – December 2020                    INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS

well as the Australian and New Zealand dollars. In addition,
an uninterrupted global recovery should support oil prices,
which can benefit the Norwegian krone as well. We do,
however, see some underperformers in the G10 space. Given
the underwhelming state of the local economy mixed with
lingering Brexit uncertainties, we believe the British pound
will lag other G10 currencies and underperform. In a
scenario where safe-haven demand recedes, the Japanese
yen should also underperform as the currency is typically a
reliable haven for episodes of risk aversion. Should the global
economy and markets continue to improve and bond yields
edge higher, we doubt Japanese bond yields would follow. In
addition, the most historically reliable inverse relationship
between the yen and equities is starting to re-emerge. Thus,
in an overall improving economic and market environment
we expect the yen to lag most G10 currencies.

International Economic Outlook – December 2020                                                     INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS

Global Economic Forecasts
                                                                      GDP                                             CPI
                                                   2019        2020        2021          2022      2019       2020          2021     2022
Global (PPP Weights)                               2.8%       -3.7%        5.9%          3.8%      3.5%       3.2%          3.0%     3.3%

Advanced Economies1                                1.7%        -5.2%       4.1%          3.7%      1.4%        0.8%         1.3%     1.7%
 United States                                     2.2%        -3.5%       4.5%          4.5%      1.8%        1.2%         1.8%     2.1%
 Eurozone                                          1.3%        -7.4%       3.6%          2.9%      1.2%        0.2%         0.8%     1.2%
 United Kingdom                                    1.5%       -11.2%       3.1%          3.1%      1.8%        0.9%         1.4%     1.6%
 Japan                                             0.7%        -5.3%       3.0%          2.0%      0.5%        0.0%         0.1%     0.7%
 Canada                                            1.7%        -5.6%       4.1%          3.1%      1.9%        0.7%         1.8%     2.0%
 Switzerland                                       1.2%        -3.1%       3.5%          2.0%      0.4%       -0.7%         0.1%     0.5%
 Australia                                         1.8%        -3.0%       3.3%          3.4%      1.6%        0.7%         1.6%     1.8%
 New Zealand                                       2.2%        -4.3%       5.8%          3.3%      1.6%        1.5%         1.4%     1.6%
 Sweden                                            1.3%        -3.0%       3.3%          3.0%      1.6%        0.6%         1.2%     1.4%
 Norway                                            1.2%        -3.4%       3.5%          2.5%      2.2%        1.4%         2.3%     2.0%

Developing Economies1                               3.7%      -2.5%        7.3%          3.8%      5.1%       5.1%          4.4%     4.6%
 China                                              6.1%       2.2%        9.6%          5.7%      2.9%       2.8%          2.0%     2.3%
 India                                              4.2%      -7.5%       10.9%          5.0%      4.8%       6.5%          4.4%     4.5%
 Mexico                                            -0.3%      -9.1%        3.4%          2.8%      3.6%       3.5%          3.8%     3.5%
 Brazil                                             1.1%      -4.5%        4.8%          2.7%      3.7%       2.6%          3.0%     3.4%
Forecast as of: December 10, 2020. All figures represent year-over-year percent change
    Aggregated Using PPP Weights

Interest Rate Forecasts
              Instrument               Current rate     Q4 2020         Q1 2021          Q2 2021    Q3 2021       Q4 2021          Q1 2022
United States
Fed Funds (Upper Bound)                    0.25            0.25            0.25           0.25       0.25             0.25          0.25
2-Year                                     0.13            0.15            0.15           0.20       0.20             0.25          0.25
10-Year                                    0.89            0.90            1.05           1.20       1.30             1.40          1.50
ECB Deposit Rate                           -0.50           -0.50          -0.50           -0.50      -0.50            -0.50         -0.50
2-Year                                     -0.79           -0.70          -0.70           -0.65      -0.60            -0.50         -0.45
10-Year                                    -0.64           -0.55          -0.40           -0.30      -0.20            -0.15         -0.10
United Kingdom
Bank Rate                                  0.10            0.10            0.10           0.10       0.10             0.10          0.10
2-Year                                     -0.12           -0.05           0.00           0.05       0.10             0.15          0.15
10-Year                                    0.17            0.30            0.40           0.45       0.50             0.55          0.60
Policy Rate Target                         -0.10           -0.10          -0.10           -0.10      -0.10            -0.10         -0.10
2-Year                                     -0.13           -0.10          -0.05           0.00       0.05             0.05          0.05
10-Year                                    0.01            0.05            0.10           0.10       0.15             0.15          0.15
Overnight Rate Target                      0.25            0.25            0.25           0.25       0.25             0.25          0.25
2-Year                                     0.25            0.30            0.35           0.35       0.35             0.40          0.40
10-Year                                    0.71            0.75            0.90           1.00       1.05             1.15          1.20
Source: Bloomberg LP and Wells Fargo Securities

International Economic Outlook – December 2020                                        INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS

Currency Forecasts
     Pair*         Current rate       Q4 2020          Q1 2021         Q2 2021     Q3 2021   Q4 2021   Q1 2022
EUR/USD               1.2123           1.2100           1.2200          1.2300     1.2400    1.2500    1.2600
USD/JPY               103.85           104.00           105.00          106.00     107.00    108.00    108.00
GBP/USD               1.3224           1.3300           1.3200          1.3200     1.3300    1.3400    1.3500
USD/CHF               0.8889           0.8925           0.8900          0.8850     0.8800    0.8800    0.8800
USD/CAD               1.2757           1.2800           1.2600          1.2400     1.2300    1.2200    1.2200
AUD/USD               0.7539           0.7600           0.7800          0.8000     0.8100    0.8200    0.8200
NZD/USD               0.7089           0.7100           0.7200          0.7300     0.7400    0.7500    0.7500
USD/NOK               8.7951           8.8025           8.6875          8.5775     8.4275    8.2800    8.1350
USD/SEK               8.4627           8.4700           8.3600          8.2100     8.0650    7.9600    7.8975

USD/CNY               6.5480           6.5400           6.5000          6.4600     6.4400    6.4200    6.4000
USD/CNH               6.5353           6.5400           6.5000          6.4600     6.4400    6.4200    6.4000
USD/IDR                14080            14000            13800          13600       13400     13200     13000
USD/INR                73.65            73.50            73.50           75.50      76.50     77.50     78.50
USD/KRW               1089.87          1085.00          1080.00        1070.00     1060.00   1050.00   1040.00
USD/PHP                48.08            48.00            47.75           47.50      47.25     47.00     47.00
USD/SGD               1.3361           1.3300           1.3200          1.3100     1.3000    1.2900    1.2800
USD/TWD                28.17            28.00            27.75           27.50      27.25     27.00     27.00
USD/THB                30.10            30.00            29.75           29.75      29.50     29.50     29.25
Latin America
USD/BRL               5.0576           5.0000           4.9000          4.8000     4.8000    4.9000    5.0000
USD/CLP               731.80           730.00           720.00          710.00     720.00    730.00    740.00
USD/MXN               20.0879          20.0000          19.5000        19.2500     19.0000   18.7500   18.5000
USD/COP               3436.00          3400.00          3300.00        3200.00     3100.00   3000.00   2900.00
USD/ARS               82.2018          83.0000          85.0000        87.0000     89.0000   91.0000   93.0000
USD/PEN               3.6025           3.6000           3.6200          3.6400     3.6200    3.6000    3.5800
Eastern Europe/Middle East/Africa

USD/CZK                21.74            22.00            21.25           20.75      20.25     19.50     19.00
USD/HUF               292.27           289.25           282.75          276.50     270.25    264.00    258.00
USD/PLN               3.6617           3.6700           3.6225          3.5775     3.5325    3.4875    3.4450
USD/RUB                73.05            73.00            75.00           77.00      77.00     75.00     73.00
USD/ILS               3.2562           3.2500           3.2300          3.2100     3.1900    3.1700    3.1500
USD/ZAR               15.0977          15.0000          14.7500        15.2500     15.7500   16.2500   16.7500
USD/TRY               7.8252           8.0000           8.1000          8.2000     8.3000    8.4000    8.5000
Euro Crosses
EUR/JPY               125.90           125.75           128.00          130.50     132.75    135.00    136.00
EUR/GBP               0.9167           0.9100           0.9250          0.9325     0.9325    0.9325    0.9325
EUR/CHF               1.0776           1.0800           1.0850          1.0900     1.0900    1.1000    1.1100
EUR/NOK               10.6622          10.6500          10.6000        10.5500     10.4500   10.3500   10.2500
EUR/SEK               10.2595          10.2500          10.2000        10.1000     10.0000   9.9500    9.9500
EUR/CZK                26.35            26.50            26.00           25.50      25.00     24.50     24.00
EUR/HUF               354.33           350.00           345.00          340.00     335.00    330.00    325.00
EUR/PLN               4.4391           4.4400           4.4200          4.4000     4.3800    4.3600    4.3400

Source: Bloomberg LP and Wells Fargo Securities
* Charts show forecast trajectory for the currency pair over the next 18 months.

International Economic Outlook – December 2020                                                          INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS

                                                  United States/USD
 Our forecast remains for a gradual softening of the U.S. dollar over the medium term. The renewed spread of COVID cases could
 weigh on GDP growth in the near term. Soft growth could also restrain the greenback, albeit modestly since we do not currently
 expect further Fed easing. Instead, progress toward vaccine distribution, possible fiscal stimulus and an improving global
 economy and market could mean more significant foreign currency strength and greenback weakness over time.

 Fundamental Focus: Economics, Policy & FX                           Economic & FX Risks
 '000s        U.S. Labor Market                                      Downside FX Scenario
 3,500                                    15%
                                                                                Correlation with Global Equities
                                                                                rolling yearly correlation of weekly % change

     0                                    10%


 -3,500                                   5%

                Private payrolls
                change m/m, 3M                                           -50%
                avg, left scale
                Jobless rate, right
 -7,000         scale                     0%
                                                                                                    Dollar Index vs. Advanced
                                                                                                    Foreign Economies

 Source: Datastream, Wells Fargo Securities
 U.S. Economy Still Making Steady Progress                           Source: Datastream, Wells Fargo Securities

    U.S. economic growth continued at reasonable pace into               Our base case is for overall U.S. dollar softness over the
     Q4, though with increasingly worrying signs of a potential            medium term, with the risks weighted toward a faster pace
     slowdown in the months ahead.                                         of depreciation.
    October real consumer spending rose by a solid 0.5% m/m              Potential upside risks for financial markets exist,
     and industrial output rose 1.1% m/m. November survey                  especially if U.S. lawmakers can reach a deal on fiscal
     data eased, but to levels still consistent with ongoing               stimulus, and vaccine distribution proceeds smoothly.
     growth. The November services PMI fell to 55.9, while the            The U.S. dollar has shown strong safe-haven
     manufacturing PMI fell to 57.5.                                       characteristics this year, or in other words a strong inverse
    The November employment report was softer than                        correlation with global equity markets. With the
     expected. Nonfarm payrolls rose by 245,000, less than                 likelihood that correlation will continue for the time
     half the October increase, while private payrolls rose by             being, favorable economic and market surprises could
     344,000. The jobless rate fell to 6.7%.                               weigh on the greenback.
    The spread of COVID cases has surged over the past                   The renewed spread of COVID has had a mixed U.S. dollar
     several weeks, leading to renewed restrictions in several             impact, but could be negative for the greenback overall.
     parts of the country. As a result, we now expect only                 Growth could be slower than expected which could also
     marginally positive GDP growth in Q1-2021.                            potentially trigger Fed easing, which could both weigh on
    There are few signs yet that inflation is set to pick up from         the U.S. dollar.
     its current low levels. The November core CPI was steady        Central Bank Outlook
     at 1.6% y/y, while October core PCE prices slowed to 1.4%
                                                                                              Fed Funds Rate forecast
                                                                         Current: 0.125%                        3M               6M        12M
 Further Fiscal Stimulus Still Possible
                                                                         Wells Fargo                         0-0.25%            0-0.25%   0-0.25%
    After months of no progress, the possibility of additional
                                                                         Market Implied                        0.10%             0.11%     0.12%
     fiscal stimulus has revived with a group of U.S. lawmakers
                                                                     Source: Bloomberg LP, Wells Fargo Securities
     proposing a plan of around $90oB plan. Democratic
     leaders said that plan should be used as the basis for               The Federal Reserve should hold monetary policy steady
     negotiations. Senate Republican leaders are still targeting           at its December policy meeting. In addition, we expect the
     a less expansive package of around $500B.                             fed funds rate to remain unchanged through 2021 and
    We do not expect a fiscal package to be agreed by year-               2022. An increase in the pace of asset purchases is
     end, though perhaps a small deal involving extension to               possible at some point, though is not our base case.
     unemployment programs could be struck. The chance of
     further stimulus in the new year has potentially increased.

International Economic Outlook – December 2020                                                     INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS

 We see a broadly steady euro in the near term and a modestly stronger euro over the longer term. Renewed COVID spread and
 resulting restrictions should prompt a renewed decline in GDP in Q4. That prompted widely expected ECB monetary easing
 this month, which had limited effect on the euro. As the economy recovers on monetary and fiscal stimulus, and vaccine
 distribution becomes widespread, we expect the euro to appreciate modestly further over time following its recent gains.

 Fundamental Focus: Economics, Policy & FX                          Economic & FX Risks
     Eurozone: PMI Indices vs. GDP Growth                           Upside Scenario
       Index                     % year/year
  60                                           4%                                 Eurozone COVID-19 Cases
                                                                    180,000      Daily new confirmed cases, 7-day average

  50                                           0%

  40                                           -4%

  30              GDP, right                   -8%
                  Services PMI
                  Manufacturing PMI
  20                                           -12%                     60,000

  10                                           -16%

 Source: Datastream, Wells Fargo Securities
 Economic Darkness Before the Dawn
                                                                    Source: Bloomberg LP, Wells Fargo Securities
      The near-term outlook for the Eurozone economy is
       negative given the recent upswing in the spread of COVID           We expect gradual appreciation in the EUR/USD
       cases and associated restriction.                                   exchange rate, however the euro could rise more than
      Survey data, in particular, point to at least a temporary           expected.
       downturn. The Eurozone November services PMI fell to               New confirmed COVID cases during the second wave have
       41.7, the lowest level since May, while the manufacturing           already receded significantly. If the decline in Eurozone
       PMI held up better, easing to 53.8. Eurozone November               economic activity proves shallower or more short-lived
       economic sentiment also fell to 87.6.                               than expected, the euro could rise faster than we currently
      Activity data were mixed, including an unexpectedly                 expect. More rapid progress toward vaccine distribution
       strong October retail sales gain of 1.5% m/m. Nonetheless,          could also support the Eurozone economy and global risk
       we still expect overall Q4 GDP to decline 3% q/q.                   sentiment, both euro positive factors.
      The longer-term outlook for the Eurozone remains more              In this scenario, EUR/USD could appreciate above
       hopeful. New confirmed COVID cases have already                     $1.3000 over the medium term.
       receded significantly, while progress toward a vaccine       Central Bank Outlook
       remains hopeful.
                                                                                         ECB Deposit Rate forecast
      Consumer fundamentals remain relatively sound so far,
       although we acknowledge some risk of worsening in Q4.            Current: -0.50%                    3M                6M       12M
       Q3 household disposable income rose 3% q/q in Germany            Wells Fargo                      -0.50%             -0.50%   -0.50%
       and 3.7% q/q in France, while employee compensation              Market Implied                   -0.53%             -0.56%   -0.59%
       rose in both Italy and Spain.                                Source: Bloomberg LP, Wells Fargo Securities
 Accommodative Monetary Policy Should Be Growth                           The ECB delivered its widely expected monetary easing at
 Supportive                                                                its December meeting. Going forward, given an expected
      The European’s Central Bank (ECB) December monetary                 recovery in the economy over time, we do not expect any
       easing could also help the longer-term growth outlook.              further asset purchases or lending programs to be
       The ECB increased its Pandemic Emergency Purchase                   announced. In addition, we do not expect any further rate
       Program €500B to €1.850T, while extending the program               cuts over our forecast horizon. With the ECB’s December
       to at least the end of March 2022.                                  action widely expected and the potential for further action
      The ECB also added four more targeted long-term lending             limited in our view, we do not expect monetary policy
       operations, extending the window for the lowest rate on             factors to be a significant restraining influence on the euro
       long-term lending operations, and eased other terms and             over the medium term.
       conditions on the lending operations.

International Economic Outlook – December 2020                                                             INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS

 We forecast only modest weakness in the yen over the medium term. The economy’s expansion should remain on a reasonably
 steady path, with additional government fiscal stimulus likely offering support. Japan’s domestic trends could be of some
 support for the yen. However, an improving global environment could see global bond yields rise and equity markets gain
 further, which should mean modest overall weakness for the Japanese currency.

 Fundamental Focus: Economics, Policy & FX                             Economic & FX Risks
            Japanese GDP Growth                                        Downside FX Scenario
     6%                  % year/year       12%
                                                                                     G10 Currency Performance
                                                                                    % change vs U.S. dollar over past month

     0%                                    0%                           CHF


                     GDP,                                              EUR
     -6%             left                  -12%
                     Private                                           CAD
                     consumption, left
                     Business capital                                      SEK
                     spending, right
 -12%                                      -24%

 Source: Datastream, Wells Fargo Securities                                  -1%        0%        1%        2%        3%      4%

 A Two-Speed Japanese Recovery?                                        Source: Bloomberg LP, Wells Fargo Securities
      Japan’s Q3 GDP jumped 22.9% q/q annualized, a bit more                   We forecast gradual yen softness versus the U.S. dollar
       than forecast. Even with the solid Q3 gain, the economy                   over the medium term, though there is some risk of more
       was still down 5.7% y/y.                                                  significant depreciation.
      The details showed a somewhat uneven recovery across                     Market expectations for further monetary easing are
       different sectors of the economy. Consumer spending was                   modest at best. Hence should the central bank deliver
       solid, rising 22.1% q/q annualized. Business capital                      unexpected monetary policy action, the yen would likely
       spending disappointed though, contracting at a 9.3%                       weaken.
       pace. October core private machinery orders rose 2.8%                    U.S. yields have risen as vaccines hopes have improved.
       y/y, perhaps pointing to some improvement in business                     The spread between U.S. and Japanese 10-year
       investment moving forward.                                                government yields have also widened from their midyear
      A reasonable start to the fourth quarter offers some hope                 lows, which could weigh on the yen over time.
       that a relatively steady recovery can continue. October                  The yen’s safe haven characteristics, or inverse
       retail sales edged up 0.4% m/m, while industrial output                   relationship with equities, has re-emerged over the past
       enjoyed a stronger 3.8% m/m gain.                                         month as the yen has lagged most other G10 currencies.
      However the economy watchers survey fell more than                        Should those safe-haven characteristics be persistent, the
       expected in November to 45.6, the lowest level since                      USD/JPY exchange rate could move towards a
       August.                                                                   JPY110.00-112.00 over the medium term.
      The news on the inflation front is a bit more concerning
                                                                       Central Bank Outlook
       than activity trends, with the October CPI falling 0.4% y/y
       and the CPI ex-fresh food down 0.7% y/y.                                                   BoJ Policy Rate forecast
                                                                           Current: -0.10%                        3M           6M       12M
 Fiscal Stimulus            Expected,    Monetary       Stimulus
 Possible                                                                  Wells Fargo                           -0.10%       -0.10%   -0.10%
      Prime Minister Suga announced package containing 40                 Market Implied                        -0.05%       -0.05%   -0.07%
       trillion yen (7.5% of GDP) of fiscal measures, with 19.2        Source: Bloomberg LP, Wells Fargo Securities
       trillion of that cost to be funded by an upcoming third                  We expect the BoJ’s policy interest rate to remain on hold
       extra budget.                                                             at -0.10%, and the target for 10-year government bond
      It is less certain that the Bank of Japan (BoJ) will take any             yields to remain at zero percent, for an extended period.
       monetary policy action at its December meeting, although                  Central bank adjustment remain marginal. The BoJ
       there are expectations the central bank will extend the                   recently said it would pay regional banks +0.10% on a
       expiration of its COVID lending/liquidity program                         portion of their reserves if they agree to commit to
       beyond its current March 2021 deadline.                                   mergers or streamline overheads.

International Economic Outlook – December 2020                                                            INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS

                                                  United Kingdom/GBP
 We see the pound as somewhat vulnerable for now and expect only modest gains over time. Any relief rally to a post-Brexit
 trade deal will likely be short-lived, while substantial sterling downside is likely if agreement cannot be reached. Over the longer-
 term the economic outlook remains challenging and the prospect is for only slow growth. That points to only moderate gains in
 the pound, even if the Bank of England (BoE) does not ease monetary policy further.

 Fundamental Focus: Economics, Policy & FX                              Economic & FX Risks
               U.K. Economic Growth                                     Downside Scenario
                     % year/year
                                                                                      Exports of Goods and Services
                                                                                                      percent of GDP
     0%                                                                 12%

     -7%                                                                                                          Goods
                                                                            8%                                    Services
                   Services output
 -14%              Industrial output



 Source: Datastream, Wells Fargo Securities                                          United Kingdom            Eurozone to
                                                                                      to Eurozone             United Kingdom
 Economic Momentum Slows, Risks Rise
                                                                        Source: Bloomberg LP, Wells Fargo Securities
      The renewed spread of COVID cases and implementation
       of some restriction is starting to show through in the                   We expect modest gains in the pound versus a soft U.S.
       survey and activity data.                                                 dollar, though there remains some risk of unexpected
      The November services PMI fell to 47.6, a level consistent                weakness.
       with renewed contraction, although the manufacturing                     The pace of recovery remains among the slowest of the
       PMI unexpectedly rose to 55.6.                                            major developed economies. If the renewed spread of
      October activity data suggest the economy was losing                      COVID persists and restrictions remain in effect longer
       momentum even before the latest round of restriction                      than expected, the rebound in growth in 2021 could be less
       went into full effect. October retail sales were solid, rising            than the approximately 3% gain we currently forecast.
       1.2% m/m. However, broader measures of activity were                     While not our base case, persistent COVID uncertainty
       more subdued. October GDP rose only 0.4% m/m as                           and slow growth might still prompt further BoE monetary
       service sector output edged up 0.2% m/m, although                         easing.
       industrial output did rise by 1.3% m/m.                                  Negotiations surrounding a post-Brexit trade deal are
      CPI inflation ticked higher in October, with the headline                 once again going down to the wire. The key downside risk
       CPI rising 0.7% y/y and the core CPI rising to 1.5% y/y.                  for the pound would be the failure to reach a trade deal,
      BoE monetary policy rhetoric remains more dovish than                     which could see GBP/USD fall below $1.2500 in response.
       hawkish, with some policymakers saying a range of tools                   Indeed, the relief to any trade deal may be brief and a “sell
       would be most effective, and suggesting the evidence                      the fact” response quite plausible, another factor that
       regarding negative rates was supportive. However, having                  could interrupt the pound’s gains versus the greenback.
       just eased monetary policy in November, we expect the            Central Bank Outlook
       BoE to stay on hold at its December meeting.
                                                                                                  Bank Rate forecast
 Brexit Breakthrough Still Elusive
                                                                            Current: 0.10%                       3M            6M       12M
      Brexit discussions continue even as the Dec. 31 deadline             Wells Fargo                        0.10%           0.10%   0.10%
       for a trade-deal looms large. In their most recent
                                                                            Market Implied                     0.04%           0.01%   -0.03%
       comments, U.K. and EU officials said there are still
       differences on fisheries, rules for fair competition and         Source: Bloomberg LP, Wells Fargo Securities
       governance surrounding a trade deal.                                     We expect the BoE to hold monetary policy steady at its
      Our base case is that a last minute deal will be struck,                  December meeting. The sluggish U.K. recovery means the
       though we expect any sterling strength to be short-lived.                 risks remains tilted towards further easing—that said, our
       The pound could suffer significant downside in the U.K.                   base case is that the central bank will not take interest
       and EU fail to reach a trade deal.                                        rates into negative territory or expand its asset purchase
                                                                                 target further.

International Economic Outlook – December 2020                                                  INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS

 We expect a slightly stronger franc against the U.S. dollar, but a moderately weaker franc versus the euro, over the medium
 term. The Swiss economy enjoyed a sizable bounce back in Q3, but some pickup in COVID cases plus the weakness of its
 European neighbors suggests a challenging growth environment for the next quarter or two. That should restrain Swiss franc
 strength, while an improving global economic and market backdrop could weigh on the Swiss currency over time.

 Fundamental Focus: Economics, Policy & FX                          Economic & FX Risks
               Swiss GDP Growth                                     Upside FX Scenario
 8%                                      12%

                                                                                 Swiss Consumer Prices
                                                                                        % year/year
 4%                                      6%

 0%                                      0%                         0.5%

 -4%            % qtr/qtr, left          -6%
                % year/year, right

 -8%                                     -12%
                                                                                                      Mean CPI
 Source: Datastream, Wells Fargo Securities
 Economy to Pause, Not Pullback                                     Source: Datastream, Wells Fargo Securities
      Swiss GDP jumped 7.2% q/q in Q3, more than the                    We forecast a slightly stronger Swiss franc versus the U.S.
       consensus forecast, although was still down 1.6% y/y.              dollar, but weakness in the franc against the euro over the
      With respect to sequential growth, domestic activity was           medium term.
       especially strong as consumer spending rose 11.9% q/q,            A scenario of more significant franc strength versus the
       equipment and software investment rose 8.8% and                    greenback and euro is possible however. Swiss economic
       construction investment rose 5.1%. With imports                    growth has been less negatively affected than its European
       outpacing exports, the overall rate of GDP was reigned in          neighbors by COVID. Meanwhile while deflation
       to some extent.                                                    pressures and risks persist, they are not intensifying. For
      The outlook for the current quarter is more challenging            example, the October trimmed mean CPI actually firmed
       given the renewed spread of COVID cases, and with                  slightly to 0.2% y/y.
       Switzerland’s European neighbors likely to see economic           Against this backdrop we do not expect the Swiss National
       contraction in Q4.                                                 Bank to lower interest rates further, while the central bank
      That said, we do not expect a significant decline in the           could also become less FX interventionist over time. Both
       Swiss economy. The government has so far resisted a                of these factors could be positive for the franc.
       second wide-scale lockdown, while there have also been            Whether the franc strengthens from current levels, and by
       some government stimulus efforts. The planned stimulus             how much, could hinge on global factors–for example, if
       measures include an increase in funding for firms                  the renewed spread on COVID in the U.S. and Europe is
       impacted by the pandemic to one billion francs, and a              more intense than expected, prompting a worsening in
       renewed, targeted expansion of unemployment benefits.              risk sentiment, which would likely support the franc.
      For full-year 2020, we forecast GDP to fall 3.1%, while we
       forecast growth of 3.5% in 2021.                             Central Bank Outlook

 Data Mixed, but Holding Up OK                                                         SNB Policy Rate forecast
                                                                        Current: -0.75%                3M         6M         12M
      November survey data were mixed. The KOF leading
       indicator eased t0 103.5, but the manufacturing PMI rose         Wells Fargo                   -0.75%     -0.75%     -0.75%
       55.2, the highest since late 2018.                               Market Implied                -0.77%     -0.77%     -0.77%
      October activity data were also reasonably solid. Real       Source: Bloomberg LP, Wells Fargo Securities
       retail sales rose 3.1% y/y. The October trade surplus rose        Our view remains that the Swiss National Bank’s policy
       to 2.87B francs as real exports fell 0.5% m/m while real           interest rate will remain unchanged at -0.75% for an
       imports fell 3.4% m/m.                                             extended period. Only a small cumulative increase in FX
                                                                          reserves over the past two months also hints at less FX
                                                                          intervention activity from the central bank.

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