100% grass fed bulls - 2021 Rangeland Bulls Sale - For greater net profit.

Page created by Dwight Hicks
100% grass fed bulls - 2021 Rangeland Bulls Sale - For greater net profit.
        Rangeland Bulls Sale

                                  9am Wednesday
                                 1st September 2021

                       ‘Glenba’, 985 Landsborough Highway,
                                    Morven QLD

                      HELMSMAN AUCTION Starting bid $3500 + GST

Thank you to our
sponsors Rabobank .
                         100% grass fed bulls
                               For greater net profit.
100% grass fed bulls - 2021 Rangeland Bulls Sale - For greater net profit.
A warm welcome to the 2021 Rangeland Bulls Sale.
We hope this letter finds you enjoying a favourable season and the buoyant beef market conditions.
Current shortages of cattle and a positive outlook for beef has driven innovation and opportunity
across the industry with an increasing focus on improving environmental and animal welfare
outcomes. With food producers around the world under increasing pressure to ‘produce more with
less’, we believe our breeding program centered around herd efficiency and managing the cost of
production is as important as ever. Herd genetics with commercially profitable traits, achievable in a
natural environment without inputs deliver sustainability – both economic and environmental.

For the first time this year, we are pleased to be hosting the Rangeland Bulls Sale at Kate and Pete’s
property, ‘Glenba’, 13km north of Morven on the Landsborough Highway.

Also, another first for Rangeland Bulls this year, will be the removal of the Buy Now option although
we will continue to operate a Helmsman auction as per usual. We have decided to trial this change to
the sale format in response to client feedback from last year’s sale. Our focus remains squarely on
commercial values, so the starting bid will remain unchanged at $3,500 and we hope that by also
presenting a larger yarding of bulls this offers clients some more options and the opportunity to
acquire the animals of their choice within their budget. We believe the Helmsman system provides a
format that best allows people time to consider their selection and minimises pressure for buyers. We
hope this gives all buyers a fair opportunity to acquire the bulls they are seeking and good value for
money. A full catalogue of the bulls being offered will be forwarded over the coming weeks.

We are very pleased to have TopX facilitating the Sale again and this year TopX will also be
coordinating all transport. Please confirm your delivery details with a TopX agent on your Buyers
Instruction Slip immediately following the sale.

Our commercial focus as beef producers gives us a unique point of difference as seedstock producers
and means our breeding priorities are reflective of the profit drivers in a commercial herd. This
paradigm shift focuses on productivity gains that come from running fertile, efficient cows that will
wean a higher percent of their own weight with fewer inputs. Cattle need to work hard to stay in this
system. The selection program has been running for over 20 years and is based purely on genetic
merit in a commercial environment. Selection pressure is essential to genetic progress of the herd,
and we feel this year’s preg-test rates are testament to that. With the entire herd now in a two-month
joining, from November to December, the cow group preg-tested at 96%, first calf heifers at 90% and
yearling heifers at 85%.

We do hope you can join us on the 1st of September at Glenba.

Kind regards,

Steve, Esmae, Kate, Pete, Amy and Kenton
100% grass fed bulls - 2021 Rangeland Bulls Sale - For greater net profit.
Breeding program at a glance
                                    Rangeland Bulls is the only alternative where bulls are;

                                        -   Bred commercially
                                        -   Fed commercially
                                        -   Grown commercially
                                        -   Marketed commercially
What do Rangeland Bulls offer you?

As commercially focused beef producers, also selling seed stock, we share the growing interest in improving herd
productivity and linking bull breeding to the commercial sector. We offer an alternative where animals have been
selected for over 20 years based on genetic merit, without any artificial inputs or nutritional advantages. The
objectives of our program and selection traits have remained constant over this time, with the goal of optimising net
profit per hectare in a commercial environment. We have never set out to produce a large number of bulls and only
bulls we would be satisfied to use ourselves are offered for sale.


        Vet checked and semen morphology tested

        No artificial inputs. The entire herd is grass fed, organic.

        Fertility. Selection pressure across the herd means every female must calve unassisted by 2 years of age
        and continue to wean a calf every 12 months, within a 2-month joining from November to December.


        Intense bull selection. Only top 5 % of male calves selected as bulls for continued genetic gain.

        Early puberty. Selection for scrotal size at weaning and one year old. Bulls must have reached puberty by
        one year old. Research shows scrotal size needs to be evaluated in terms of ‘how big and how soon’ ie when
        you want your heifers cycling.

        Adaption. Bred in tough environmental conditions to perform with no artificial inputs. All animals are grass
        fed, organic certified.

        Bulls in paddock condition, ready to work. View bulls in their ‘working clothes’ to select animals that can
        perform in a grass-fed environment.

        Market suitability. Selected on traits to meet organic, MSA market specifications, off grass.

        Vaccinated for Vibrio, 3-day and 7-in-1

        Guarantee. All bulls are fertile and structurally sound to the best of our knowledge. If an animal becomes
        infertile or breaks down due to reasons other than injury or misadventure, within the next 12 months, we will
        provide you with a replacement if available, or issue a credit equal to the purchase price less the salvage
        value. This credit may be used to purchase bulls at future Rangeland Bulls Sales.
100% grass fed bulls - 2021 Rangeland Bulls Sale - For greater net profit.

                                                        9.00am            Registration at the Glenba yards.
                                                                          Bulls available for inspection.
                                                        11.00am           Helmsman auction commences
                                                        12.30pm           Auction close
                                                                          Please stay for a BBQ lunch following the sale.


                                             Steve and Esmae Taylor
                                             ‘Moriah’, Chinchilla
                                             P: 0428 549 169
                                             E: stevetaylor8@bigpond.com

                                              Kate and Peter Moloney
                                              ‘Wetlands’, Augathella
                                              P: 0427 549 169
                                              E: peteandkate@activ8.net.au

                                              Amy and Kenton Peart
                                              ‘Dunvegan’, Charleville
                                              P: 0428 159 072
                                              E: kentonpeart@bigpond.com


                                             Sarah Packer
                                             TopX Roma
                                             P: 0400 267 315
                                             E: packer@topx.com.au

SALE TERMS: All lots will be governed by the usual sale conditions, available on sale day. A 4% rebate is offered to outside agents introducing
buyers prior to sale day. To qualify for this rebate they must do two things:
    1. Introduce the client in writing to the vendor (via email peteandkate@activ8.net.au) prior to the sale.
    2. Settle within 7 days.
Agents not meeting the above terms will be entitled to a 1% rebate.
100% grass fed bulls - 2021 Rangeland Bulls Sale - For greater net profit.
100% grass fed bulls - 2021 Rangeland Bulls Sale - For greater net profit. 100% grass fed bulls - 2021 Rangeland Bulls Sale - For greater net profit. 100% grass fed bulls - 2021 Rangeland Bulls Sale - For greater net profit. 100% grass fed bulls - 2021 Rangeland Bulls Sale - For greater net profit. 100% grass fed bulls - 2021 Rangeland Bulls Sale - For greater net profit.
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