APB6G - High percision isolated DC switching regulator module - Data Sheet
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APB6G 3 +={6 APBSG - Hi recision isolated DC a featurcr: . . RAtEd 6W OUTPUT Wide input Ran8e APB6G 3 . Nominal0.5% vohaSe accuracy . Efficiency up to 91% XXXXXXXXX . Output short circuit protection . tow no,load input cu(ent . lnd ustria I operating temperatu re -40-85'C . I.GA2O PACKAG€ . Meets IEC 62351-1 standard Applicatioff: . High precision, High efficiency Step-down regulator . Eflicient pre-re8u lator fo r linear reSulator . Positive to negative converter PRODUCT TIST lnputvoltaSe Outputvoltate ranae (vDc) lvoc) {mA) {%TYp ) load (uF) aP86G3Vl 5-36 33 1750 84 900 APB6G5 7.5 36 5 1150 88 600 AP86G9 L2-36 9 650 90 330 APB6G12 15-35 L2 500 91 250
APB6G 3 +={6 Typical Characteristic5 Lrnpectur. O6tl.g Cur. E cLrE v., tnolt volt C. (l{rtuEl conv*tlo.) \ a \\ t" r,' I l7! I I Afibcnt IaF6t@ (oq |Jll r.2r!!trx i !4r.,(!rdc) Application Circuit itr APB6G l Cin Corrt APB6G33 100uF / sov, x7R 47 \tFh6V,XlR APB5G5 100uF / 50V, x7R 47 utll'V,XlR AP86G9 100uF / sov, x7R 22 uFl2sY,XlR APB6G12 100uF / 50V, x7R 22 ttt l2sv , xl R . ReversevoftaSe diode selection (D1)- Reversevohage >50V. recommended use at least 3A fast schottkey diode with lowVr for best performance . Connect'EN' pin to GND to dasable the output . Connect'EN'pin toVin or leave unconneded to enable the output . Connect 100uF/5.3V capacitorto VC1 . Vref is internal reference voltage of0.5V, the external load on this pin must be less than 2mA
APB6G 3 +={6 To u5e Output limit function please use the following daSitalcontroloverthe ItlM OUT pins: Output Current Limit ILIM OUT1 ILIM OUT2 [-tM,ouT3 Max Currenl GND GND GND 87.5% of Max Current GND GND VDD 75% of Max Current GND VDD GND 62.5% oI Max Cufient GND VDD VDD 50% of Max Current VDD GND GND 37.5% of Max Curent VDD GND VDD 25% of Max Current VDD VDD GND l2-5% of Max Cu.rent VDD VDD VDD The soft-start time is programmed wiih 5ingle resistor Rss connected b€tween SS pin to GND_lN, please use lhe following reshtor values to set the soft-start time: Rss (Ko) Soft-StartTime (ms) 1.18 0.25 4.42 0.5 9.09 1 22.1 2 499 137 8 4D 20 Leave Unconnected 50
APB6G 3 +={6 Pin E r'l 2 3 4 1 ILIM OUT1 EN rlr 5 6 L 1 8 Vin 9 10 11 GND IN 55 (soft Stan) II t2 ILIM OUT2 13 PoK (Power oK) 14 GND OUT 15 GND OUT 16 GND OUT tl GND OUT 18 IUM OUTI 19 GND OUT VC1 Packaain8 & Order lnlormation orderable Devi.e PackaSeType Package Quantity Packaring AP86G3V3,OI(5TR LGA2O s00 Tape & Reel APB6G3V3,2KOTR LGA2O 2000 Iape & Reel AP8565.OK5TR LGA2O s00 Tape & Reel APB5G5.2KOTR LGA2O 2000 Tape & Reel APB669-OK5TR LGA2O s00 Tape & Reel APB6G9.2KOTR LGA2O 2000 Tape & Reel APB6G12.OK5TR LGA2O 500 Tape & Reel AP86G12.2KOTR LGA2O 2000 Tape & Reel Note: The product information and specitications are subject to chanSe without prior notice
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