ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL - San Antonio, Texas - San Antonio Report

Page created by Jim Moody
ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL - San Antonio, Texas - San Antonio Report
                                    GREENWAY TRAIL
                                              San Antonio, Texas

FY 2021 National Infrastructure Investments
Department of Transportation
DOT OSDBU                                                July 2021
ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL - San Antonio, Texas - San Antonio Report

                                    1     Project Description

                                    2     Project Location: A Tale of Two Cities

                                    8     Project Funding

                                    8     Merit Criteria

                                    16    Environmental Risk Review

                                    17    Benefit-Cost Analysis

                                    25    Project Readiness


                                            Bexar County Resolution: Rivers and Creeks
                                            City of San Antonio 2017 Ordinance-Bond
                                            Detailed Ingram Road Cost Estimate

                                            Environmental Memo
                                            Letters of Support

                                            Project Census Tract Evaluation
                                            Project Schedule
                                            VIA Ingram Transit Center Ridership Statistics

                                            2021 RAISE InfoForm
                                            BCA - Zarzamora Creek Greenway

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL - San Antonio, Texas - San Antonio Report
                                         The City of San Antonio (City) is requesting $25 million for
                                         engineering, right-of-way and construction funds to
                                         complete the Zarzamora Creek Greenway Trail (ZCGT), a
                                         7.1-mile segment of the 82 mile Howard W. Peak
                                         Greenway Trails System which is an accessible, multi- use
                                         trail network adjacent to the VIA Metropolitan Transit
                                         Ingram Transit Center, City, Bexar County (County), and
                                         San Antonio River Authority (SARA) waterways, to
                                         improve: multi-modal access to employment centers;
                                         quality of life; safety; and health of several low-income
                                         communities of color. Completion of the Zarzamora
                                         Creek Greenway Trail will add connections to over 50
                                         trailheads, employment centers, cultural landmarks and
                                         recreational facilities throughout the City of San Antonio.

                                         Howard W. Peak Greenway Trails
                                         In the 1990’s, San Antonio Mayor Howard W. Peak, had an
                                         idea to build a ring of trails around the City along the
                                         Salado, Leon and Westside Creeks (Alazan, Apache,
                                         Martinez, San Pedro and Zarzamora) and Medina River.
                                         What began as a network of recreational trails in 2000 –
                                         upon completion – will be 130+ miles of multi-use trails
                                         accessible to San Antonio’s rich cultural history and iconic
                                         landmarks, interspersed between major, regional
                                         employment and educational centers including, but not
                                         limited to:
                                         • The Riverwalk
                                         • The Alamo
                                         • Fort Sam Houston/Lackland Air Force Base
                                         • San Antonio Missions National Park & Mission Reach
                                           Trail Segment
                                         • AT&T Center
                                         • The University of Texas at San Antonio
                                         • Historic West Side
                                         • Six Flags Fiesta Texas
                                         As of 2021, over 82 miles of trails have been completed;
                                         15 miles are under construction and another 17 miles
                                         are in some stage of planning or design across the City
                                         and County. Completion of this dynamic and diverse trail

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL   San Antonio, Texas                                                     1
ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL - San Antonio, Texas - San Antonio Report
network will provide a vital connection to the City’s                              W. Peak Greenway Trails System to inform future
natural resources while providing mobility options                                 planning and development. Many of the survey’s
to San Antonio’s historically under-served Westside                                key findings highlight the desires of the 3,600+
communities. Since its inception, the Howard W.                                    respondents to close many of the trail gaps and
Peak Greenway Trail System has been funded                                         connect to more neighborhoods. Most telling from
through a voter-approved 1/8-cent Sales Tax Initiative                             the survey is the potential latent demand for use of
(Prop 2) which started in 2000 and has consistently                                the trail network during the weekday mornings and
been approved over three consecutive elections.1                                   low number of survey respondents from some of San
                                                                                   Antonio’s poorest communities.
Between November 2020 and January 2021, the
City of San Antonio Parks & Recreation Department
surveyed residents about their use of the Howard

                                      Figure 1. Zarzamora Creek Greenway Trail Project City & Country Context

                                                                                             Zarzamora Creek
                                                                                             Greenway Trail Project


                    San Antonio


ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                                          San Antonio, Texas                                                2
ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL - San Antonio, Texas - San Antonio Report

                                                   Figure 2. Project Area: Zarzamora Creek Greenway Trail

           13                                 14                15                                                                                                                   20
                                                                                                                                                                                                   21              J

                                                                              Ingram Road

                                              11                                                                                           18

                                                                                                        Callaghan Road

                                                                                  Oak Hill Drive

                                                                                                                                                            W Broadview Drive
                                                                                                                                           Hemphill Drive

               8                                                                                                                                                                                          24

      6              r

                                                                     W Commerce Street


      PROPOSED ZARZAMORA GREENWAY                                                                  BOND IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS

              Proposed Zarzamora Greenway              Ingram Transit Center Trailhead             Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces                                            Streets, Bridges and Sidewalks
              (Leon Creek Greenway to
                                                                                                   4                     Monterrey Park                                          8   Ingram Road
              Tierra Del Sol Park) 4.7 miles           Garza Park                                                                                                                    (Potranco Road to Dead End)
                                                                                                    5                    Tom Slick Creek Park
              Ingram Road Multi-Use Trail                                                                                                                                        9   West Military Drive and
                                                       Tierra Del Sol Park
              (Street connection) 1.8 miles                                                                                                                                          Ingram Road Connectors
                                                                                                    7 Sports Facilites near
                                                       Persistent Poverty Area                         Potranco Branch Library
 R ainbow Ingram Road toLackland
                           Tierra Del Sol Park
                                                                                                                                                                                10 Ingram Road
 dams      (Creek path) 2.4 miles                                                                                                                                                  (Culebra Road to Mabe Road)
                                                       Park Land                 Camargo           11 Piper’s Meadow Park
Hills Park             Terrace    Park                Gateway Park
ill Park   VIA Transit Center Connection                                                                                                                                        14 Heath Road/Grissom Road
              (0.4 miles)                              Trails                                      12                    Cathedral Park                                            Intersection

                                                       Creek                                       13                    Oscar Perez Park                                       19 Callaghan Road
                                                                                                                                                                                   (IH 410 to SP 421)
                                                                                                   15                    Jane Dubel Park
                                                                                                                                                                                23 36th Street and Bangor Drive
                                                                                                   16                    Crystal Hills Park                                         Intersection

                                                                                                   17                    Joan Price Park
                                                                                                                                                                                Library and Cultural Facilities

                                                                                                   20 Sunset Hills Park                                                          6   District 6 New Library Site

                                                                                                   21 Lee’s Creek Park                                                          18   Forest Hills Branch Library

                                                                                                   22 36th Street Park                                                          24 Memorial Branch Library
ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL - San Antonio, Texas - San Antonio Report
Figure 3. Howard W. Peak Greenway Trails System Plan

                                                               The RIM
                                                              Trailhead                   1604


                                                       Prue Road

                                                                                                                              Olmos Basin

                               Ingram Transit
                                   Center                                                           Texas Ave
                                                                                                                 Cincinnati Ave

                                           Arvil Ave


                                                                                      WESTSIDE CREEKS &
                                                                                      SAN ANTONIO
                                                                                      RIVER WALK

                                                                                                                                            Stinson Airport

    Major Trailhead Parking Areas
    (As of 2020)



    HWP Completed (Existing) Trails
    (As of 2020)

    San Antonio River Walk Trails
    Future Trails
ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL - San Antonio, Texas - San Antonio Report
The trail connection between the VIA Ingram Transit
Center and Zarzamora Creek at Ingram Road will
connect three of the City’s poorest zip codes zip codes
(78238, 78228 and 78227) in the Project Area, which –
as seen from the top ten survey respondent zip codes
below – are not even listed. The VIA Ingram Transit
Center serves 10 routes including three of the top 20
highest ridership routes in the entire VIA system
(Routes 552, 534 and 82). Additional VIA ridership
statistics are provided as an Appendix.

                                                                     Age Range                 Gender
                                                                     35-44 (25%)             Male (54%)
                                                                     45-54 (23%)             Female (44%)

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                  San Antonio, Texas                                          5
ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL - San Antonio, Texas - San Antonio Report
The proposed Zarzamora Creek section of the Howard         a training facility for the nation’s most elite soldiers,
W. Peak Greenway Trails System to be completed with        who can often be found biking, walking and hiking the
RAISE funds is located in San Antonio, West of the         trails’ paved and off-road sections. Connecting our
historic Alamo and famous Riverwalk. The segment           nation’s military to free resources like the Greenway
extends north along the Zarzamora Creek from Tierra        Trails is but one of the reasons San Antonio has made
del Sol Park to Ingram Road, where it then extends         the list of the Country’s most affordable places to live
west to connect to the Leon Creek Greenway Trailhead       – and retire – according to USA Today – for our
at the VIA Metropolitan Transit Ingram Transit Center      military and anyone looking for a great quality of life.
– the second, most-used segment of the Howard W.
Peak Greenway Trails network – just behind the Salado
Creek segment, which is located northeast of
downtown San Antonio.

                                                           As one of the nation’s most important defense
                                                           installations, the 1956 National Interstate and
                                                           Defense Highways Act, better known as the
                                                           Eisenhower Federal Interstate System, was
                                                           instrumental to ensuring fast and efficient
                                                           deployment of the military during times of war. For
Military City USA                                          many years, San Antonio was just second to Los
As the 7th largest metropolitan city in the United         Angeles, California in the number of freeway miles.
States, with almost 1.6 million residents, San Antonio     According to data reported in 2017, Bexar County
has a storied history as the                               had one of the nation’s largest freeway systems with
“Home of the Alamo” and                                    1,004 centerline miles and 3,384 lane miles of state-
“Military City USA”, with                                  maintained roadways. At that time, the urbanized
over 300 years of continuous                               area of San Antonio had 258 centerline miles and
military presence. As a City                               1,435 lane miles of freeway, which carries over 50
that     has    the     largest                            percent of all local traffic in the San Antonio
concentration of military                                  metropolitan area.
bases in the Country,
graduating over 39,000 new                                 The number of freeways and military installations in
graduates annually from installations including the        San Antonio, although a source of great economic
Defense Department’s largest medical center at             access and opportunity, have come with a cost to
Fort Sam Houston, the Howard W. Peak Greenway              many communities. In the middle of the 20th
Trail – and the future connection to the Zarzamora         Century, construction of the Federal Interstate
Creek Greenway Trail segment – naturally serves as         System

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                  San Antonio, Texas                                                     6
ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL - San Antonio, Texas - San Antonio Report
displaced thousands of San Antonians. However, the          The Historic West Side has been challenged by
growth and development of Kelly Air Force Base and          myriad social, physical and economic shifts in
other military installations in San Antonio during the      infrastructure in San Antonio - once known as the
same period would provide decades of employment             “cultural capital” of Mexican American life in the
and educational opportunities to generations of San         United States. The presence of the military in San
Antonians, to support what would become one of the          Antonio had a profound effect on the economy of the
largest populations of middle class Mexican                 region and the Country. The impact of the military on
Americans. Sadly, with the Defense Department’s             the City was most evident in the lives of many
Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), Kelly and              Mexican Americans who, according to research,
Brooks Air Force Bases would not fare well and were         comprised over 60 percent of the workforce on the
eventually closed in 2001 and 2011, respectively. The       Kelly Air Force Base at its height in the later part of
support of these and other military installations were      the 20th Century. The activation of the Kelly Air Field
centered around connectivity and access for vehicles;       – which would later become the Kelly Air Force Base –
not alternative modes of today.                             in December 1941 when the United States entered
                                                            World War II, created significant opportunities for
                                                            many San Antonians. Kelly Air Force Base would
                                                            become the largest employer on the West Side of San
                                                            Antonio, employing over 25,000 civilians – primarily
                                                            Mexican Americans.
                                                            The Historic West Side of San Antonio, like many
                                                            communities of color in the United States suffered
                                                            from years of disinvestment perpetuated from the
                                                            construction of the Eisenhower Federal Highway
                                                            System, which often led to the demolition of
                                                            significant community resources, but more
                                                            importantly, less access to opportunities as jobs left
                                                            the Central Business District (CBD) for suburban areas
                                                            of Bexar County for more affordable housing and
                                                            employment. As investments continued in the
                                                            suburbs, less infrastructure was supported in the
The Mexican “Mecca”                                         West Side, as shown in the City’s Equity Atlas, which
San Antonio’s military history often overshadows the        highlights the areas of persistent poverty, primarily
unique and rich history of San Antonio’s Historic West      populated by low-income, primarily Hispanic and
Side, where the Zarzamora Creek Greenway Trail              African-American Households.
Project connects to what was once home to one of
the largest populations of middle class, Mexican
Americans in the nation AND continues to be a
wellspring of cultural firsts for Latino Americans
since its heyday in the early to middle 20th Century.
Connecting the Zarzamora Creek Trail via Ingram
Road and the VIA Metropolitan Transit Ingram Transit
Center to the Leon Creek Greenway Trail will provide
a life-line to many residents on the West Side by
connecting them to the burgeoning technology jobs
accessible in the City by the transit and bicycling the
Howard W. Peak Trail network.

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                   San Antonio, Texas                                                   7
ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL - San Antonio, Texas - San Antonio Report

Funding Sources                                                                          this funding is not directly realized on this project, it
The City of San Antonio will appropriate the funding                                     represents investment in the area and commitment
match from their 2022 Bond Program. Ordinance                                            to connecting the adjacent SARA waterways and
documents and Letters of Support from City and                                           trails.
County organizations are included as an Appendix.
                                                                                         Funding Uses
RAISE Funds               $25,000,000
City of San Antonio         $2,750,000
                                                                                         The RAISE award will support the City of San Antonio
Bexar County                $3,500,000
                                                                                         and its partners in constructing a 12-foot wide,
                                                                                         shared-use section of trail along the Zarzamora Creek
                                                                                         section of the Howard W. Peak Greenway Trails
                                                                                         System which connects to the San Antonio River
                                                                                         Authority’s Westside Creeks Restoration Project to
                                                         $31.25                          the south – which the Biden-Harris Administration
                                                         million                         recently allocated $2.34 million in its Fiscal Year 2022
                                                                                         budget, for design and engineering - and the VIA
                                                                                         Ingram Transit Center and Leon Creek Greenway Trail
                                                                                         on the north end. The City, County and SARA will
                                                                                         support the preliminary design and engineering for
                                                                                         the Zarzamora Creek Trail section with local funds
The San Antonio River Authority (SARA) has                                               and through the metropolitan planning process with
committed funding of $2.34M to adjacent trails. While                                    the Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
                                                                                         (AAMPO) and the Texas Department of
                                                                                         Transportation (TxDOT).


Primary Criteria                                                                         much cheaper to build than a roadway on a per-mile
Economic Competitiveness
                                                                                         Long-Term Job Creation
Long-Term Efficiency, Reliability, and Affordability                                     Based on a 2012 study that showed more jobs being
Completing the Zarzamora Creek Greenway Trail                                            created by greenways, sidewalks, and bicycle
will result in a return on investment related to                                         facilities than by any other transportation investment,
both transportation congestion and construction                                          completing this section of trail would create jobs for
cosst. Building more lanes of roadway only                                               this community of persistent poverty.4
encourages an ‘induced demand’ effect2, while
building more miles of trail encourages alternative
means of transportation, such as walking and
biking. Additionally, research shows that active
transportation infrastructure (like a multi-use trail) is

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                                                San Antonio, Texas                                                     8
Environmental Sustainability                                 developed sustainability goals, strategies, and metrics
                                                             of success that are being tracked and reported. To
Improves Energy Efficiency, Reduces Emissions,               complement a bright future focused on innovation and
Avoid/Mitigates Environmental Impacts                        livability, the City of San Antonio is building on the SA
The proposed Zarzamora Creek Greemway Trail                  Tomorrow Sustainability Plan with SA Climate Ready, a
project would support the goals and objectives of            strategic initiative that prepares us for the future as we
the City to improve energy efficiency and reduce             focus on economic prosperity, environmental
transportation emissions by providing a regional             regeneration and an equitable quality-of-life for all
trail for pedestrian and bicycle use, and also               residents.6
connecting to mass transit to reduce the demand
for single-occupancy vehicles (SOV) use for many             Climate Change
trips.                                                       The proposed Zarzamora Creek Trail would support the
                                                             proactive climate change goals and objectives of the
The City of San Antonio’s Office of Sustainability is        City. On June 22, 2017, the City Council passed
working with partners to save water, improve air             Resolution No. 2017-06-22-0031R in support of the
quality and reduce energy consumption within its             Paris Climate Agreement; directing city staff to
municipal operations and community. San Antonio              develop a plan to help San Antonio meet the
is a U.S. Pioneer of CitiesWithNature, a program             objectives of this agreement. On October 17, 2019, the
of ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability. As           City Council adopted the Climate Action & Adaptation
such, the City is committed to prioritizing nature-          Plan (CAAP) by Ordinance 2019-10-17-0840.
based solutions to climate change, accounting for
ecosystem services and making sure residents in our
community have easy access to nature and the

                                                             The SA Climate Ready CAAP requires the Office of
                                                             Sustainability to complete a Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
                                                             Inventory every two years. After passage of the plan in
                                                             late 2019, the opportunity arose to pursue data
                                                             collection for a 2019 inventory. This action allows for a
                                                             more up-to-date depiction of the impact of GHG’s inSan
In 2016, the City adopted the SA Tomorrow                    Antonio.
Sustainability Plan as a roadmap for enhancing our
community’s quality of life and overall resilience.          The City of San Antonio is a National Association of City
It’s                                                         Transportation Officials (NACTO) partner and American
a plan to balance the impact of our expected                 Cities Climate Challenge designee and builds on our
growth to 2.6 million people by 2040 while                   history of leadership in sustainability and current
enhancing economic, environmental and social                 momentum promoting a resilient city.7
resources of the City. During the planning process
                                                             5   City of San Antonio, Conservation (
the City engaged a broad range of thousands of
                                                             6   City of San Antonio Office of Sustainability, 2018 Progress Report
San Antonians to share their concerns and offer              7   City of San Antonio, American Cities Climate Challenge (
ideas on how they want their city to look in the
near and distant future. The community then

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                    San Antonio, Texas                                                                       9
The Climate Challenge will not only help San Antonio
reduce greenhouse gas emissions but will also
accelerate the City’s efforts to improve air quality,
expanding clean energy and transportation options,
and enhancing San Antonio’s competitive position in
the world marketplace.
The Climate Challenge provides the City with access to
the country’s leading technical assistance providers          Of the nine Census Tracts located in the Zarzamora
around a variety of issues:                                   Creek Greenway Trail impact area, four Census Tracts
                                                              are identified as Areas of Persistent Poverty:
• Reducing building energy use
• Expanding renewable energy                                  • CT 1805.04
• Reducing vehicle miles traveled                             • CT 1805.1
• Advancing transportation electrification                    • CT 1816.02
                                                              • CT 1817.05
In partnership with NACTO, the City and VIA are
                                                              The red Census Tracts (1805.04 and 1805.04) represent
working cooperatively to identify ways to enhance
                                                              areas where over 97% “Speak English less than very
pedestrian, bike and scooter accommodations for the           well.” And the combined income and race score are 9
disabled, and under-served populations. The                   out of 10. Further Census Tract and Equity data and
Zarzamora Creek Greenway Trail will support
                                                              maps are included in the Census Attachment.
multimodal connections to public transportation in
one of the City’s most impoverished communities.              Incorporation of Electrification and Zero Emission
                                                              Vehicle Infrastructure
Environmental Justice
                                                              The proposed trail is designed for multimodal
The Zarzamora Creek Trail impact area includes nine
                                                              transportation (pedestrian and bicycles), while also
Census Tracts. According to the City of San Antonio
                                                              providing system linkages to public transportation. This
Equity Atlas, the combined score of race and income
                                                              proposed trail would encourage the use of zero
in the project area in the tracts immediately adjacent
                                                              emission transportation (bike/ped) to connect to VIA’s
to the project site - on a scale of 2 to 10, with 10 being
                                                              fleet comprised of a diverse mix of energy sources with
the highest- is 9, in Census Tracts 1805.04 and
                                                              a commitment to reducing emissions.
1816.02. These areas represent the highest
concentrations of low- income and people of color             Building a modern EV charging system can increase
out of 4,704 and 5,924 households, respectively.              consumer confidence in electric vehicles. The City of
                                                              San Antonio, working with CPS Energy, is analyzing

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                     San Antonio, Texas                                               10
ways to enhance publicly accessible and private              threatens the health of children, people who are
charging infrastructure. In addition, the EVSA               active or work outdoors and those with respiratory
program unifies programs, policies, education and            illnesses.9
infrastructure initiatives to make San Antonio a
more EV-friendly city.                                       The Howard W. Peak Greenway Trails System is
                                                             located almost entirely within floodplains of the
                                                             waterways which they follow. To protect water
                                                             quality, mitigate the effects of flooding, and improve
                                                             ecosystem function, it is important to incorporate
                                                             “Green Infrastructure” elements in future trail design
                                                             and improvements. Low Impact Development (LID)
                                                             refers to landscape elements which use natural
                                                             systems for water infiltration, detention, and
                                                             retention to minimize negative impacts of
                                                             development near water bodies. These methods can
                                                             be adapted to a wide variety of contexts and
                                                             climates; however the central principles remain
                                                             The design of a sustainable trail that connects to
                                                             public transportation supports the goals and
                                                             objectives of the City to reduce air pollution. The LID
                                                             design of the proposed Zarzamora Creek Trail trail
                                                             would meet or exceed local, state, and Federal water
                                                             quality requirements and enhance and restore the
                                                             floodplain ecosystem.
In 2017, VIA began to replace the agency’s fleet of
clean-diesel-powered buses with vehicles that are            Modal Shift to Reduce Emissions
fueled by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). VIA has              The proposed project supports the City’s goals and
diversified its fleet further by integrating new,            objectives to incorporate multimodal transportation.
alternative power sources such as propane,                   The Howard W. Peak Greenway Trails is part of the
electricity, and hybrid technology. VIA continues to         Multimodal Transportation Plan. San Antonio will
monitor fuel and propulsion technologies that help           continue to experience significant population growth
improve air quality.8                                        over the next 25 years. SA Tomorrow is an
                                                             unprecedented, multi-faceted planning initiative to
                                                             accommodate this growth and has a comprehensive
                                                             land use plan, sustainability and multi-modal plan
                                                             elements. The planning effort will explore how to
                                                             preserve the San Antonio culture and increase
                                                             livability by ensuring connections between housing
                                                             and transportation choices as our City grows.11
                                                             The Multimodal Transportation Plan covers the entire
                                                             City of San Antonio and its extraterritorial jurisdiction.
                                                             8    VIA, About VIA-VIA Metropolitan Transit (
Reduction of Air/Water Pollution                             9    City of San Antonio, Sustainable Transportation Overview (
                                                             10   City of San Antonio, Greenway Trails (
In recent years, levels of air pollution in San              11   City of San Antonio, The Transportation Plan : San Antonio Multimodal
Antonio have been measured higher than                            Transportation Plan (
allowed by federal clean air standards.
Prolonged exposure to polluted air particularly

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                    San Antonio, Texas                                                                          11
It also takes into account al modes of transportation              for input from the residents, business community,
including: auto, freight, rail, transit, biking, and               and other stakeholders as to what a Resilient San
walking. The Multi-modal plan identifies: 1.) The                  Antonio means. This information will be used to
City’s transportation strategy for the future; 2.)                 evaluate possible strategies and policies to build our
Proposed improvements that address all modes; and                  community’s resilience and maintain “La Buena Vida”
3.) Method of prioritizing projects.                               as we live, work, and play in the Alamo City now and
                                                                   in the future.12
The Multimodal Transportation Plan fulfills the
transportation component of the San Antonio                        Two key pillars of the plan include public health and
Comprehensive Plan, implements the goals of SA 2020;               infrastructure. The proposed trail supports both of
complements the Alamo Area MPO’s Mobility 2040:                    these goals:
Metropolitan Transportation Plan; and VIA’s 2040 plan
to maximizeinfrastructure investments.                             1. Public Health: As we experience a changing
                                                                      climate, we will see increases in extreme heat-
                                                                      related illnesses, deteriorated outdoor air quality,
                                                                      increased flooding, increased vector-borne
                                                                      diseases, and increased water and flood-related
                                                                      infections. Many of these impacts will be borne
                                                                      by our most vulnerable populations: children,
                                                                      seniors, and our low-income residents.
                                                                   2. Infrastructure: A damaged climate threatens the
                                                                      well-being of San Antonio residents and the
                                                                      essential infrastructure we depend on. Essential
                                                                      infrastructure systems such as water, energy
                                                                      supply, and transportation will increasingly be
                                                                      compromised by interrelated climate change

Support of the Renewable Energy Supply Chain
The City’s goal is to make San Antonio carbon
neutral by 2050—meaning that three decades from
now, the City will contribute no net carbon into
the atmosphere. Cultural resources studies will be
conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the
National Historic Preservation Act. In 2018, San
Antonio was recognized as the number seventh city
in the nation-and first in Texas- for locally installed
solar photovoltaic capacity. Throughout the design,
construction, and maintenance of the project, the                  The section of the proposed Zarzamora Creek Trail
City will look for ways to support the renewable                   along Ingram Road will incorporate Low-Impact
energy supply chain.                                               Development (LID) practices like the vegetative
                                                                   bump-outs shown in the graphic on page 13. As seen
Resiliency and Disaster Preparedness                               on the Ingram Road Typical Section on page 14, the
As part of the implementation of the SA                            LID design is seen in the grassy buffer between the
Tomorrow Plans, the City of San Antonio asked                      driving     lane      and      shared-use     path.

12 City of San Antonio, Resilient SA (

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                          San Antonio, Texas                                                   12
Quality of Life                                                                         Bexar County Bond Program section of trail,
                                                                                        expanding    access   for   under-served
Increase of                       San Antonio is included in                            communities.
Transportation Choices
and Equity
                                  the Urban Waters Federal
                                                                                        Improvement of Connectivity to Essential
The fastest growth               Partnership Program helping                            Services
in bicycling is among              urban and metropolitan                               The Zarzamora Creek Trail improves the
the Hispanic, African              areas, particularly those                            connectivity from the neighborhoods of
American, and Asian                that are under-served or                             Culebra Park, Thunderbird Hills, and Ingram
American population.13                                                                  Hills to many community resources. Such
Therefore, by constructing         economically-distressed,
                                                                                        resources include public and private schools
the proposed Zarzamora          connect with their waterways                            (ranging from elementary to high school),
Creek section of trail,           and work to improve them.                             parks (Garza Park, Ingram Transit Center
not only would there be                                                                 Trail, and Leon Creek Greenway), Forest Hills
an alternative means of                                                                 Library, and Ingram Park Mall.
transportation, there
would be an alternative means of transportation                                         Proactive Address of Racial Equity and
for an under-served and diverse community that is                                       Barriers to Opportunity: Multimodal
populated by the specific groups experiencing the                                       Mobility Investments
fastest growth in bicycling.                                                            Completion of a trail segment that connectsto
                                                                                        other trail segments will provide a safe place
Expanding Access for Under-served Communities                                           for, and promote, physical activity for
The proposed Zarzamora Creek section of trailis a                                       everyone. Walking/biking along a trail is a
crucial piece of the Howard W. Peak Greenway                                            free activity, making a trail system an ideal
Trails System because it will connect to a                                              means of transportation for low-income
completed section of trail,                                                             communities.14 This section of trail is
and a proposed Bexar County Bond Program                                                especially instrumental in connecting the
section of trail, expanding access for under-                                           Zarzamora Creek area to the VIA Ingram
served communities.                                                                     Transit Center.
13   The New Majority: Pleading Towards Equity, page 3

                                                                                                           The section of the proposed
                                                                                                           Zarzamora Creek Trail along
                                                                                                          Ingram Road will incorporate
                                                                                                        Low-Impact Development (LID)
                                                                                                           practices like the vegetative
                                                                                                        bump-outs shown; Less invasive
                                                                                                        infrastructure supports the two
                                                                                                         key pillars of the SA Tomorrow
                                                                                                            Plan by protecting water
                                                                                                           quality and designing green

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                                     San Antonio, Texas                                                      12
Occurrence of Crashes, Injuries, and Fatalities
              THE                                                                     The section of the Zarzamora Creek Greenway Trail
        AVERAGE                                                                       along Ingram Road will create a dedicated bike/ped
        VIA RIDER                                                                     trail. This type of infrastructure allows for a more
                                                                                      comfortable and safer experience for pedestrians and
       • Is employed full-time                                                        cyclists of all ages. From 2018 through April of 2021
                                                                                      there were 15 pedestrian crashes on Ingram Road.
       • Uses VIA 5-7 days a week
                                                                                      Three of these crashes resulted in a serious injury.
       • Works at least one weekend day                                               The 1.8–mile section along Ingram Road will allow
       • Doesn’t have a vehiclee in the                                               more direct access to multimodal options at the VIA
         household                                                                    Ingram Transit Center and greater connectivity to
       • Lives below the federal poverty                                              other educational and recreational facilities in the
         line (a household income under                                               area.
         $25,000 annually)
                                                                                      With our 21st-Century push to utilize alternative
       Source: “Who is the Rider” 2019 Survey                                         means of transportation, improving pedestrian
                                                                                      infrastructure is paramount. According to a July 2020
The vital connections of the Zarzamora Creek serve                                    Vision Zero San Antonio report, between 2014 and
the most impoverished portions of the City. Of 10                                     2018, 121 severe bicyclist injury crashes16 and 847
routes served by the VIA Ingram Transit Center, three                                 severe pedestrian injury crashes17 occurred on San
routes are in the Top 20 Highest Ridership Routes in                                  Antonio roadways. Callaghan Road from Ingram Road
the VIA system (90 routes total) making the Ingram                                    to Farrgut Drive, and Culebra Road from Laven Drive
Transit Center a vital transfer point. More information                               to Vanley Drive were even identified as Severe
regarding VIA Ingram Transit ridership statistics can be                              Pedestrian Injury Areas in 2020.18
found as an Appendix.
                                                                                      These worrisome statistics are not unique to San
Safety                                                                                Antonio. In Texas, pedestrian fatalities totaled 717
                                                                                      (8.47 percent increase from 2019), and pedal/cyclist
Safe Movement of Goods and People                                                     fatalities totaled 79 in 2020 (16.18 percent increase
A survey for already-completed sections of the                                        from 2019). Furthermore, total pedestrian and
Howard W. Peak Greenway Trails System showed that                                     pedal/cyclist crashes in Texas were 4,844 and 2,170,
the Top 5 Reasons for trail use included pedestrian                                   respectively.19 Additionally, Texas was part of the Top
safety.15                                                                             20 Most Dangerous Statesfor Pedestrians (2010-2019)
                                                                                      list20 (See map on Page 15).

                                                                                      San Antonio has the opportunity to be a leader and
                                                                                      example for the rest of Texas and the United States, in
                                                                                      the movement for more protected pedestrian
                                                                                      infrastructure through completion of the Howard W.
                                                                                      Peak Greenway Trail network in San Antonio.


ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                                     San Antonio, Texas                                                                      13
State of Good Repair                                                conditions occurs regularly using equipment outfitted
                                                                    with information-gathering tools to generate information
Plans for Maintenance of System
                                                                    for Parks’ Maintenance staff concerning obstacles in the
In 2012, San Antonio voters approved a bond to
                                                                    clear zone, deteriorating pavement conditions, fallen
fund parks, recreation and open space which
                                                                    trees, boulders or encroachments in the trail right-of-way
generates revenue for operations, maintenance,
                                                                    that would hinder the regular use of the transportation
and capital project improvements on trails, parks
and open space in the City.
                                                                    The Zarzamora Creek Greenway Trail will be designed
Based on past budgets, annual trail maintenance
                                                                    and constructed to City of San Antonio Design
is estimated at $95,000/mile. Trail maintenance
                                                                    Guidance Manual, NACTO – Urban Bikeway Design
activities are tracked based on visual inspection
                                                                    Guide (2012); AASHTO – Guide for the Development of
during weekly maintenance activities, citizen action
                                                                    Bicycle Facilities (2012); ADA Accessibility Guidelines
requests and use of ratings in a pavement
                                                                    (ADAAG)’ and Public Right-of-Way Accessibility
management system. Trail surfaces are replaced
                                                                    Guidelines (PROWAG).
according to industry-standard maintenance
schedules.     Inspection of trail surfaces and

                                              Ingram Road Proposed Typical Section

                5′         11′            11′            11′               11′       11′      4′            12′
             Sidewalk   Drive Lane   Drive Lane     Two-Way Left    Drive Lane   Drive Lane   Buffer   Shared Use Path
                                                     Turn Lane

                                           Zarzamora Creek Proposed Typical Section

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                       San Antonio, Texas                                                     14
TOP 20
 Most dangerous states for pedestrians (2010-2019)


                    Nevada                                                                                                                                5    Delaware
                                                                                          Missouri                                                        18   Maryland
                                                                               14                             12                          13   North
                                                                                              15                                               Carolina
                                      7              3                    Oklahoma
                                                                                         Arkansas                                     8
                                   Arizona       New Mexico                                                                   9           South
                                                                                                          4                 Georgia
                                                                          10                       Alabama

                                                                         Texas                Louisiana


 201 175
           150 143 140 133
                           128 128 127 125 122 115
                                                   102 99      93   77   74    72   67   66

  FL   AL NM MS DE LA         AZ   SC GA     TX NV TN    NC OK AR   CA MO MD MI MI

                            2010-2019 Pedestrian Danger Index

Sustainable Revenue for Life-Cycle Costs                                                 this project will be carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23
Upon completion, the Zarzamora Creek Greenway Trail                                      U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated
section will be incorporated in the Howard W. Peak                                       December 9, 2019, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.
Trails System      Plan for regular and preventative                                     The City will serve as the project sponsor and coordinate
maintenance to enable use of this transportation asset                                   with TxDOT for NEPA and other applicable Federal
for the duration of its engineered life cycle and safe                                   environmental laws and requirements.
conditions for the public.
Secondary Criteria
                                                                                         Community Outreach and Public Engagement
                                                                                         The City of San Antonio has been reporting regularly on
                                                                                         the Zarzamora Creek Trail project to the Linear Creekway
Environmental Permitting                                                                 Parks Advisory Board (LCPAB) and taking their input
Due to federal transportation funding through the                                        (verbally) on scopes of work and design. LCPAB members
RAISE Grant, this project will be subject to the                                         are citizens from each council district, appointed by the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). In Texas,                                      City’s 10 Council members. Public meetings in compliance
FHWA has delegated NEPA to the Texas Department                                          with the AAMPO/TxDOT public engagement guidelines are
of    Transportation    (TxDOT).     Therefore,   the                                    anticipated for this project as part of the development
environmental review, consultation, and other actions                                    process.
required by applicable Federal environmental laws for

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                                      San Antonio, Texas                                                                                    15
The Howard W. Peak Trail projects were approved             industry. With support and engagement with the
by San Antonio voters in and the project lists are          Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the City will promote
regularly reviewed/approved by the LCPAB during             this new trail segment and its connections to hospitality,
their open meetings.                                        technology, education and other job opportunities
                                                            throughout the City. Additionally, as part of the AAMPO
Coordination with Economic                                  Alamo Commutes program, the City and the
Development                                                 Transportation Department will survey and identify
                                                            latent demand for transportation alternatives/education
The San Antonio River Authority (SARA) will be              to inform business owners of the myriad alternative
making the Westside Creeks Restoration                      transit and bike opportunities their employees can use
improvements to an area that the proposed trail             for their commute.
will be connecting to on the southern end. A key
element of the coordination with SARA is                    Sharing the economic benefit of alternative
connecting the Mission Reach/Riverwalk trails to            transportation options and savings they can potentially
the Zarzamora Creek Trail segment to advance                experience will help create enhanced partnerships with
connections to the tourism economy of San                   VIA, the City and the Chamber of Commerce member
Antonio.      The City’s myriad Chambers of                 organizations. Education about trails is a major obstacle
Commerce and SARA work cooperatively to                     to increasing the use of multi-use trails for work
educate and promote the vital water resources in            commutes. These alternative modes can also defray
the City and County through the tourism industry,           costs associated with building and constructing more
where the City lost almost $475 million in revenue          parking structures, which are a significant cost to
during the COVID-19 pandemic.                               businesses. Walking or bicycling to a transit center is
                                                            more convenient than parking at transit centers.21
The Zarzamora Creek Trail segment will connect
the most vulnerable San Antonians on the Historic
West Side with job opportunities in the hospitality

Environmental risk for the Zarzamora Creek section          outside the range of Federally-listed threatened,
of the regional trail is low. The schedule to obtain        endangered, or candidate species. No coordination or
environmental clearance (a Categorical Exclusion            permitting would be required with the U.S. Fish and
(CE) determination) from TxDOT is anticipated to be         Wildlife Service (USFWS) under the Endangered Species
approximately five months. The National                     Act (ESA).
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process will begin          The project may require review and approval by the
when the Advanced Funding Agreement (AFA) has               U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) under Section 404
been signed by the City and TxDOT and will be               of the Clean Water Act. However, avoidance and
handled concurrently with the design.                       minimization measures will be incorporated into the
An environmental desktop survey has been                    design so that the project would qualify for a non-
conducted for this project to evaluate the                  reporting Nationwide Permit 14 for transportation
environmental risk and NEPA requirements. For               projects. No environmental mitigation is anticipated to
more details review the attached Environmental              be required for crossing waters of the U.S. An
Document in the application. Based on the                   environmental desktop survey has been conducted for
environmental review for this project, it is                this project to evaluate the environmental risk and NEPA
anticipated that this project would be classified as        requirements and can be found in full in the
a CE, specifically a c(3) CE. No Environmental              Environmental Documentation attachment.
Assessment (EA) or Environmental Impact
                                                            21   Active Transportation Doc, pg 31
Statement (EIS) would be required. This project is

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                   San Antonio, Texas                                                16
BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS                                        No-Build Scenario
                                                             Under the no-build scenario, the trail does not exist,
                                                             and thus would lack all recreational benefits. The
Introduction                                                 potential health benefits and safe mobility options for
This BCA report provides the technical background            bike and pedestrian commuters would not exist. This
for the analyses conducted in support of the RAISE           could result in higher incidences of obesity and other
grant application for the Zarzamora Creek                    illnesses linked to physical inactivity or lack of access
Greenway Trail Project (ZCGT). Included are the              to affordable recreational facilities. There is also
approach and methodology for comparing the no-               the potential for an increase in vehicular accidents
build and build scenarios.                                   and emissions as the population growth would only
                                                             be sustained by the existing roadway network with
The BCA spreadsheet in the Appendix that                     limited active transportation choices. Additionally,
accompanies this report is broken into several tabs          property value would potentially see limited increases
which present the methodologies, inputs, and data            in value due to lack of investment in the area.
sources used to calculate the costs and benefits
presented here.                                              Analysis Period
                                                             Based on USDOT’s guidelines, this analysis covers the
Benefit Cost Analysis Spreadsheet
                                                             period from which the ZCGT project was proposed
Approach                                                     through construction and the subsequent 30 years of
The BCA spreadsheet that accompanies this report is          operation. The 30-year analysis period was chosen to
broken into several subject areas which present the          reflect the intended long-lasting duration of the
methodologies, inputs, and data sources used to              project within the City of San Antonio. It is anticipated
calculate the costs and benefits presented here.             that the benefits which accrue from the project will be
                                                             seen long after the initial 30-year analysis period as
Approach and Methodology                                     the Howard W. Peak Greenway Trails System
                                                             continues to expand into its envisioned footprint.
In accordance with USDOT BCA guidelines, the BCA
analyzes the effects of implementing the proposed
project against the no-build scenario. The net               Inflation and Discounting Adjustments
benefits from both scenarios are compared to                 The BCA analysis incorporates the USDOT’s guidelines
understand the project’s expected impact.                    for inflation adjustments in the calculations of
                                                             the benefits and costs. All benefits and costs are
Build Scenario                                               estimated in 2022 dollars with future dollars
                                                             discounted in compliance with RAISE, using a
The build scenario assumes the construction of the           7 percent real rate. Below are the assumptions that
ZCGT. The proposed project will improve health               were applied in the BCA model to ensure costs and
benefits by providing recreational facilities and            benefits were accurately reflected:
increasing physical activity, while also providing a safe
mobility option for commuters who walk or bike to            • The costs and benefits in this BCA analysis
work, school, etc. At the same time, the project will          correspond to the effects of the full build-out of the
enhance vehicular safety at surrounding intersections          ZCGT.
and eliminate pollution emissions by inducing users to       • Input prices are in 2022 dollars.
walk or bike instead of drive to their destinations.
Lastly, the project is expected to enhance surrounding
property values by facilitating increased development.

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                    San Antonio, Texas                                                     17
• Analysis begins in 2022 (Scoping) and ends in 2054.        Forecasting Future Demand
  Project development and construction are assumed           Using the existing demand as a foundation, future
  in 2022–2023, with O&M covering the entire 30-             demand for cyclists and pedestrians along the project is
  year period from 2024 – 2054.                              calculated using methodology from the NCHRP Report
• The first year of benefits is 2025 and no ramp-up          552: Guidelines for Analysis of Investments in Bicycling
  benefits are assumed for 2024.                             Facilities. There are three parameters used to provide
• A 7 percent real discount rate is assumed                  assumptions for statistics involving commuter and
  throughout the period of analysis.                         recreational demand for the new trail. The first focuses
                                                             on the population within 0.5 miles of the ZCGT project
                                                             to remain consistent with the NCHRP report. The
Demand Estimation                                            NCHRP also provides assumptions for calculating the
Demand estimation is based on the NCHRP 552                  commuter statistics for pedestrians and cyclists. The
Report recommended approach:                                 report assumes that 80 percent of residents are
                                                             adults, and based on national averages, 50 percent of
 Number of Adult Commuters = R * 0.4                         adults commute resulting in an estimate of 40 percent
 Daily Existing Commuters = R * C * 0.4                      of the population commuting to determine the bicycle
                                                             and pedestrian commuters along the trail. The bike
 T(moderate) = 0.4 +1.2C                                     commuter share is estimated to be 1.99 percent of the
                                                             population. The pedestrian commuter share is
 Existing Users = R * T * C                                  estimated to be 6.1 percent of the population.
 Ld = Distance from Project (L(400m) = 2.93, L(800m)
 = 2.11, L(1600m) = 1.39)
 New Adult Users = ∑(Existing Adult Users * (Ld - 1)
 New Commuters = ∑(Existing Commuters * (Ld - 1)
 New Recreational Users = New Adult Users - New
 Commuters                                                        THIS AREA INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK
  - R = Population in Buffers of 1600, 800, 400
    Meters from the Project
  - C = Commuter Share (Cyclists or Pedestrians)
  - T = Total Adult Bicycling Rates By Low, Moderate,
    or High Rates (Moderate was used for this
  - Ld = Likelihood Multiplier for Determining
    Project Usage Based on Distance

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                    San Antonio, Texas                                                18
Costs                                                                    Benefits
                                                                         The ZCGT BCA is based on proven national research
Capital Expenditures                                                     conducted in previous studies related to multi-use an
The capital expenditures are the primary                                 Use recreational trail benefits, while also
expenditures for this analysis. The costs for the                        incorporating statistically significant findings, proven
project include preliminary engineering and                              methodologies, and national averages from the U.S.
construction for an estimated $31.25 million. The City                   Census, American Community Survey, and other data
of San Antonio, Bexar County hand SARA ave                               sources relevant to the City of San Antonio.
identified the funding sources.
                                                                         The BCA approach monetizes the annual economic
                                                                         benefits that will result from completion of the
Operations & Maintenance Costs                                           project, summarizes the annual benefits over 30
The O&M costs are estimated. The historical costs for                    years discounted to present value. The present value
O&M of the existing trails is based on length. The                       benefits and associated costs were then compared to
Zarzamora Creek section (1.78 miles) is multiplied by                    determine the net economic benefits.
the average annual trails maintenance cost of
$95,000/mile/year provided by City of San Antonio
Parks and Recreation.

Zarzamora Creek Greenway Trail Cost Estimate (2021 Dollars)
                                                            Segment along              Segment along Ingram Road
                                                        Zarzamora Creek from          from Zarzamora Creek to Leon
                                                         Tierra Del Sol Park to         Creek Greenway at Ingram
                                                             Ingram Road                      Transit Center
 Council Districts                                                                7                           6, 7           6, 7
 Miles                                                                       2.5                              1.78           4.28
 Land Acquisitions                                                     $200,000                         $1,160,000    $1,360,000
 Design (18% of Construction)                                        $1,125,000                         $2,500,000    $3,625,000
 Design Contingency (10% of Design)                                    $112,500                           $250,000     $362,500
 Permitting (5% of Construction)                                       $312,500                           $683,000     $995,500
 Construction                                                        $6,250,000                        $13,675,740   $19,925,740
 Construction Contingency (10% of construction)                        $625,000                         $1,367,574    $1,992,574
 Inspections, Fees, Staff, etc. (15% of construction)                  $937,500                         $2,051,186    $2,988,686
 TOTAL COST                                                          $9,562,500                        $21,687,500   $31,250,000
 City of San Antonio Match                                             $842,600                         $1,907,400    $2,750,000
 Bexar County Match                                                  $1,072,400                         $2,427,600    $3,500,000
                                                                                                       RAISE Grant   $25,000,000
                                                                                                   TOTAL FUNDING     $31,250,000

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                           San Antonio, Texas                                                         19
– Reduction in Emissions
                    Modal Diversion
                                                            • Increase in Property Values within 1/2 Mile
                    Work Zone Impacts
                                                            Quality of Life Benefits
                    Agglomeration Economies                 The proposed ZCGT project is expected to achieve
                                                            three of the USDOT’s quality of life guidelines:
                    State of Good Repair
                                                            • Increased Recreational Cyclists
                    Resilience                              • Increased Recreational Pedestrians
                                                            • Increased Health Benefits from Active
                    Noise Pollution                           Transportation
                    Loss of Emergency Services              The number of new recreational cyclists and
                                                            pedestrians expected to use the project were
                    Quality of Life                         analyzed to determine the recreational benefits for
                                                            this group. The NCHRP 552 Report referenced in the
                    Property Value Increases                Demand Estimation Section. The moderate adult
                                                            bicycling rate was used to be conservative for this

There are two primary documents used during this                      Adult Cyclist and Pedestrian Demand
analysis to define the benefits to immediate users of                                             2021 Values
the trail. The first is The National Cooperative                        Users
Highway Research Program (NCHRP): Report                                                    Bike        Pedestrians
552, (2006) which details demand calculations as well        Existing Adult Users            20             67
as monetizes the associated benefits and provides            New Adult Users                 22             75
formulas and assumptions for calculating the benefits        Existing Adult Commuters        19             57
related to recreation, health, and safety. The second        New Adult Commuters            21              63
document is the USDOT’s Benefit-Cost Analysis
Guidance for Discretionary Grant Programs, which             New Adult Recreationalists      1              12
provides recommended values for vehicular emissions         The new adult recreationalists for bikes and
and safety benefits.                                        pedestrians were calculated by taking the difference
Based on the available information, the value from          between the new adult users and the new adult
constructing the ZCGT and quantifiable benefits             commuters.
included in the analysis are:                               The NCHRP 552 Report utilizes a value of $10 for
• Quality of Life Benefits                                  every hour of recreation per new adult
                                                            recreationalists, multiplied by 365 days in a year. As
 – Reduction in Mortality Rates                             the NCHRP 552 Report value is from 2004, it was
 – Increase in Bike and Pedestrians Users                   adjusted for inflation based on the USDOT BCA
                                                            Guidance to $13.02. Applying the population growth
• Safety Benefits
 – Reduction in Vehicular Crashes
 – Reduction in Bike and Pedestrian Crashes
• Environmental Benefits

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                   San Antonio, Texas                                                   20
rate to the number of new adult recreationalists over        to live a healthy lifestyle will reduce healthcare costs
the 30 year project analysis, along with the value per       for the population.
recreationalist, the benefits were realized for cyclists
and pedestrians.                                                       Health Benefits per Recreational User
The NCHRP 552 Report uses a health benefit                                                             Over Project
                                                                                   In Project
calculation that takes the new adult recreationalists           Benefit Name                             Lifecycle
                                                                                  Opening Year
                                                                                                     (in Constant $)
calculated above to determine the annual benefit
from the project. The formula for carrying out this           Total Reduced
                                                                                     $274,140          $8,224,200
calculation is as follows:                                    Mortality Rate

Annual Health Benefit =
                                                             Safety Benefits
Total New Recreationalists * $180
                                                             Currently, most cyclists in the project area travel
Based on the demand calculations in the Cyclist and          along sidewalks or ride on busy streets due to a lack
Pedestrian Recreational benefits section above, the          of bike lanes in the area. At the same time,
new recreationists were multiplied by the health             pedestrians must cross busy intersections, many of
benefit of $128. The $128 value was determined as            which are unsignalized. This underscores that the
the median value between 10 studies conducted to             proposed trail would address an urgent need for a
determine the value that a trail provides. As this value     safe connection for pedestrians and cyclists traveling
was determined in 2001, it was inflated to $180 to           to work, school, commercial nodes, and recreational
reflect 2021 dollars. These values are calculated from       opportunities.
the assumption that providing the ability for residents

                                                                                                     Vision Zero
                                                                                           Pedestrian Crash
                                                                                            ⚫ Killed
                                                                                            ⚫ Suspected Serious Injury
                                                                                           Cyclist Crash
                                                                                            Killed
                                                                                            Suspected Serious Injury
                                                                                           Vehicle Crash
                                                                                            Killed

                                                                                           — Severe Bicyclist Injury Areas
                                                                                           — Severe Pedestrian Injury Areas

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                    San Antonio, Texas                                                      21
The number of vehicular and pedestrian/cyclist                                    Value of Crashes Avoided
crashes avoided due to the project were calculated                                     2021                         2052
using the USDOT BCA Guidelines in Table A-1 for
                                                                  Crash     Peds/          Vehicles      Peds/          Vehicles
monetized values of injury and fatal crashes. Crash
                                                                  Type     Cyclists                     Cyclists
data within on roadways surrounding the trail
location for the last three years was averaged for               Fatal                $0   $7,091,067                  $4,254,640
fatal, injured, and property damage only. The total              Injury     $250,600 $26,897,733 $7,518,000 $16,138,640
accidents were 1,558.                                            Others      $17,600       $1,809,867   $528,000       $1,085,920
                                                                 Total      $268,200 $35,798,667 $8,046,000 $21,479,200
                3-Year Crash Totals

   Crash Type
                                   2021                         Environmental Benefits
                    Peds/Cyclist          Vehicles
                                                                By inducing commuters to active modes of
Fatal                    0                   2                  transportation, the ZCGT has the potential to reduce
Injury                   3                  322                 the number of vehicles on the road, which would
Others                  12                 1,234                improve air quality through the reduction in auto use.
                                                                The methodology for the reduced carbon dioxide
                                                                (CO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions is as follows:
                 3-Year Crash Rates
                                   2021                           Reduction in Emissions =
   Crash Type                                                     ((Annual Commuter Trips * Average Trip Length) /
                    Peds/Cyclist          Vehicles
                                                                  Conversion Factor) * Emission Rate by Mile /
Fatal                    0                  0.7
                                                                  Weekday Peek Occupancy of Commuters
Injury                   1                 107.3
Others                   4                 411.3                The new adult daily commuters were calculated for the
                                                                cyclists and pedestrian demand calculations. Using the
For pedestrian and cyclist crashes, the analysis                average trip length, it is assumed that 3,250 annual
assumes a 100 percent crash reduction rate since                vehicular commuter trips will be removed with the
pedestrians and cyclists will no longer travel along            new trail. The conversion factors to convert the
local roads to reach destinations. For vehicular                emissions into their correct form, as well as the
crashes, the crash rates were reduced by the                    emissions rates per pollutant, can be found in the
“Reduced Miles Per Year” growth rate from 2030 to               Attachments.
2050 calculated in the pavement maintenance                                     Emission Reduction Inputs
savings benefits. The crashes avoided by mode for                           Commuter Details                       Modal Shift
2030 and 2050. Applied to the USDOT BCA Guidance
2018 cost per accident values of $10,636,600 for                 New Adult Daily Commuters                             13
fatalities, $250,600 for injuries, and $4,400 for                Annual Commuter Trips                               3,250
others.                                                          Average Trip Length                                   1.8
                                                                 Weekday Peak Occupancy of Commuters                   2

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                       San Antonio, Texas                                                            22
In Project
                                Net Present Values                                   Discount Value
                                                                      Opening Year
             Construction Costs                                        $25,000,000     $3,284,178
             Maintenance Costs                                          $1,710,000       $224,638
             Total Costs                                              $26,710,000      $3,508,816
                                         The nature of the project
             Travel Time Savings         will not produce travel
                                         time savings
             Operating Cost              N/A
                                         Reduced Cyclist/
             Safety                                                     $8,046,000     $1,056,980
                                         Pedestrians Accident Costs
                                         Reduced Vehicular
                                                                      $21,479,200      $2,821,661
                                         Accident Costs
             Environmental Benefits      Reduced Emissions Savings         $4,358          $4,073
                                         Included in QoL &
             Additional Users
                                         Emissions benefits
                                         Included in emissions and
             Modal Diversion
                                         crash benefits
                                         State of Good Repair
                                         Noise Pollution
                                         Loss of Emergency
                                         Value to Recreational
             Quality of Life                                             $109,500         $14,385
                                         Value to Recreational
                                                                         $131,400          $17,262
                                         Reduced Mortality Rate         $8,224,200     $1,080,389
             Property Value              Property Value Increases       $7,453,537       $979,150

             Total Benefits                                           $45,448,195      $5,973,899

             Net Present Value (NPV)

             Benefit Cost Ratio                                                           1.70

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                 San Antonio, Texas                                     23
Emission Rates per Mile                            Non-Contributing Benefit Classifications
                                            Auto Emissions           Travel Time Savings- The nature of the pedestrian
              Vehicle Type                   (Grams per              bicycle trail and the associated impact on traffic will
                                             mile per car)           not result in a measurable travel time savings.
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Emissions per mile           1.39
                                                                     Operating Costs- The construction of the trail will not
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions per mile             4
                                                                     have a measurable impact on reducing he operating
                                                                     cost of the roadway network.
         Emission Type              $/Short Ton ($2021)
                                                                     Agglomeration Technologies- At this point in time the
            Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Emissions                          benefit of agglomeration technologies cannot be
Total 30-Year Savings                     4,211.140618               determined, however the construction of pedestrian/
                                                                     bicycle paths will support future Mobility as a
          Emission Type              $/Short Ton ($2018)
                                                                     Service Applications, which combine real-time traffic
                                                                     information from transit, TxDOT, City and other
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Emissions                2
                                                                     sourcesto provide mode-shift based travel options.
30-Year Savings                            47.90636136
                                                                     State of Good Repair, Resilience, Noise Pollution and
                                                                     reduced impact of Loss of Emergency Service
Property Value Increases                                             response due to congestion are potential benefits,
Trails can be associated with higher property value.                 however data to support these benefits is not
Trails, like good schools or low crime, create an                    available at this time.
amenity that commands a higher price for nearby
homes. Trails are valued by those who live nearby as
                                                                     Comparing Benefits to Costs
places to recreate, convenient opportunities for
physical activity and improving health, and safe                     This will include a summary of expected benefits and
corridors for walking or cycling to work or school.                  costs relative to a “no-build” baseline.
When trails increase property value, local
governments receive more property tax revenue.
Depending on the trail, this revenue boost can help to
partially offset the trail’s construction and
maintenance costs.
In San Antonio, Texas, neighborhood trails were
associated with a two percent house price premium.
Trails that were surrounded by greenbelts were
associated with a five percent house price premium.

ZARZAMORA CREEK GREENWAY TRAIL                            San Antonio, Texas                                                   24
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