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ZIMO: Building Cross-Technology MIMO to Harmonize ZigBee Smog with WiFi Flash without Intervention Yubo Yan1 , Panlong Yang1,3 , Xiang-Yang Li2,3 , Yue Tao2 , Lan Zhang3 , Lizhao You4 1 PLA University of Science and Technology, China 2 Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA 3 School of Software and TNLIST, Tsinghua University, China 4 Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, China yanyub@gmail.com, panlongyang@gmail.com, xli@cs.iit.edu, nightvista@gmail.com, zhanglan03@gmail.com, youlizhao.nju@gmail.com ABSTRACT Keywords Recent studies show that WiFi interference has been a ma- MIMO, Physical Layer, Sensor Networks jor problem for low power urban sensing technology ZigBee networks. Existing approaches for dealing with such inter- ferences often modify either the ZigBee nodes or WiFi nodes. 1. INTRODUCTION However, massive deployment of ZigBee nodes and uncoop- Urban area wireless sensor networks are becoming vitally erative WiFi users call for innovative cross-technology coex- important for nowadays “smart city” programs. These grand istence without intervening legacy systems. engineering work heavily depend on sensor nodes and effi- In this work we investigate the WiFi and ZigBee coex- cient network connections for monitoring environment. Most istence when ZigBee is the interested signal. Mitigating of the urban sensing systems are leveraging the COTS Zig- short duration WiFi interference (called flash) in long du- Bee, such as Urban sense [2], CitySee [3]. Unfortunately, ration ZigBee data (called smog) is challenging, especially in urban areas, WiFi interference is pervasive and possibly when we cannot modify the WiFi APs and the massively the primary factor leading to ZigBee throughput degrada- deployed sensor nodes. To address these challenges, we pro- tion [1, 4–7]. Meanwhile, it has been verified that the WiFi pose ZIMO, a sink-based MIMO design for harmony coex- network performance can be affected by the ZigBee interfer- istence of ZigBee and WiFi networks with the goal of pro- ence [8]. It is worth noting that, protecting ZigBee signal tecting the ZigBee data packets. The key insight of ZIMO and extracting the interested data from the cross-technology is to properly exploit opportunities resulted from differences noise is not trivial. Previous studies [1, 8] indiscriminately between WiFi and ZigBee, and bridge the gap between inter- take the ZigBee signal as cross-technology interference, espe- ested data and cross technology signals. Also, extracting the cially RF smog, which leaves a gap between WiFi and other channel coefficient of WiFi and ZigBee will enhance other co- cross-technologies for coexistence. Notably, ZigBee is similar existence technologies such as TIMO [1]. We implement a to WiFi in sense of CSMA scheme, and apparently different prototype for ZIMO in GNURadio-USRP N200, and our ex- from RF technologies without communication functionality, tensive evaluations under real wireless conditions show that such as microwave oven. ZIMO can improve up to 1.9× throughput for ZigBee net- In summary, existing solutions can not reasonably work in work, with median gain of 1.5×, and 1.1× to 1.9× for WiFi urban sensing sensor networks. There are several specific re- network as byproduct in ZigBee signal recovery. quirements in building an efficient ZigBee system coexisting with WiFi systems. Foremost, there should be no modi- Categories and Subject Descriptors fication or intervention on the end nodes in either ZigBee or WiFi networks. For urban sensing, modifying the soft- C.2.1 [COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION ware and/or hardware on the sensor nodes is difficult and NETWORKS]: Network Architecture expensive. Furthermore, WiFi AP holders are reluctant to and Design—Wireless communication make any changes even when ZigBee nodes interfere them. Meanwhile, it is expected that the performance degradation General Terms caused by coexistence should be minimized. In our case, Design, Experimentation, Performance ZigBee is interested signal, but the WiFi transmission is ex- pected to be pervasive. This is the key idea of harmony coexistence, where two systems can share the conflicted net- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or work resource, without harming each other. classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed Fully considering these design requirements, we propose for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full cita- ZIMO, a cross-technology MIMO sink design to harmonize tion on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the coexistence of ZigBee and WiFi networks. Different from ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or re- previous studies, in our design, the sink node performs the publish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission coexistence work, and the end nodes in WiFi and ZigBee and/or a fee. Request permissions from permissions@acm.org. MobiCom’13, September 30-October 4, Miami, FL, USA. networks need not do any further modification. Adding a Copyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-1999-7/13/09 ...$15.00. modified sink is relatively easy and more affordable than re-
4 4 10 10 Channel 1 Channel 1 Channel 6 Channel 6 Frequency (Times) Frequency (Times) 3 10 Channel 11 3 10 Channel 11 Receiver (1) 2 2 10 10 1 1 10 10 0 0 10 10 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Duration (µs) Interval (µs) (a) Duration of Corrupted (b) Interval between Corrupted Transmitter (1) Figure 2: Corruption of ZigBee transmission covered by dif- ferent WiFi channels at site 1 with log-log plot. Receiver (3) Receiver (2) ZIMO sink can also serve as a sniffer that can recover the Transmitter (2, 3) interfered WiFi packets. Extracting accurate channel coef- Figure 1: Indoor layout of the experiment. ficients of WiFi and ZigBee will also enhance other coexis- tence technology such as TIMO [1]. We implement ZIMO on USRP platform and present a programming all the deployed sensor nodes. In ZIMO, we working system. Comparing with SAM [11], we solve the dis- leverage a 2-antenna MIMO system for WiFi and ZigBee in- tributed cross-technology multiplexing with virtual MIMO terference resolution. To the best of our knowledge, ZIMO implementation, and recover WiFi and ZigBee data at the is the first implemented working system meeting the afore- same time. Comparing with TIMO [1], we intelligently han- mentioned requirements. There are several challenges that dle the ZigBee and WiFi signal simultaneously, leveraging need to be addressed carefully in designing and implement- the channel coefficient of the cross-technologies in data do- ing ZIMO, which are summarized as follows. main. In power domain, we can handle the smog-like inter- First, unpredictable and uncooperative WiFi interference ference in TIMO scenario [1], and the flash-like interference will incur different interference patterns. When WiFi pream- experienced in our experimental study in Section 8 as well. ble is clear, the WiFi signal needs to be nullified first for Surprisingly, we find that ZIMO can help enhance WiFi and ZigBee signal decoding. Inevitably, the WiFi channel coef- ZigBee communications. ZIMO will help recover the inter- ficient estimation will suffer unfavorable distortions due to fered ZigBee signals as well as WiFi signals, leading a way ZigBee interference, and will incur unsatisfiable ZigBee sig- from coexistence to co-prosperity. nal recovery. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We conduct Second, when WiFi flash is drowned in ZigBee smog, sig- a comprehensive experimental study on the impacts of WiFi nals in two technologies are cross-affected in both time and interference on ZigBee networks in Section 2. Section 3 pro- frequency domain. For WiFi signal, there is no clear ref- vides background on ZigBee and WiFi system, as well as erence for accurate channel coefficient estimation. Even MIMO communication. The problem domain and system worse, considering the low-power ZigBee signal, more ac- design overview are introduced in Sections 4 and 5 respec- curate and thorough interference cancelation for WiFi sig- tively. After describing our system design in Section 6, and nal is needed. Thus, the CFO (Carrier Frequency Offset) implementation in Section 7, we evaluate the performance of estimation across receiving symbols are not negligible com- ZIMO in Section 8. We make extensive discussions on ZIMO paring with conventional interference cancelation and align- in Section 9, and review the related work in Section 10. Fi- ment schemes [9]. For ZigBee signal, the channel coefficient nally, we conclude the work in Section 11. estimation should be carefully considered as the frequency offset can be possibly up to 200 KHz [10], which means accu- rate and fast enough synchronization should be done within 2. IMPACT OF WIFI ON ZIGBEE ZigBee preamble time. ZIMO addresses these challenges with two innovative tech- 2.1 Experiment Rationale and Setup niques. For the first challenge, a blind recovery method for A preliminary experiment was made to investigate the in- WiFi channel coefficient is presented, based on interpola- terference between WiFi and ZigBee networks. Since the tion that exploits the continuous and steady feature in fre- CSMA/CA mechanism restricts that only one pair of nodes quency domain. With this advantage, the second challenge can transmit at one time when multiple ZigBee senders are for WiFi signal is addressed by a linear regression model used presented, in our experiment, the ZigBee networks consist for fine frequency offset compensation across WiFi symbols. only one sender and one receiver, without losing significance Also for ZigBee signal, an innovative ZigBee channel coeffi- of the result. The transmitter repeatedly sends packets with cient estimation method is proposed, where large frequency identical content, and the interference will be represented offset is estimated and compensated through modulation- on the received data as corrupted bytes. Note that, we’ve independent approach. tested that, the ZigBee transmission experiences very low In summary, our main contributions are as follows. error rate before WiFi interference is introduced. We propose ZIMO, a sink based MIMO design for har- The experiment is conducted in a basement of the school mony coexistence of WiFi and ZigBee by protecting the Zig- building at IIT, with layout specified in Fig. 1. Although Bee data from being interfered. Our design need not modify we are not permitted to obtain the number and locations and intervene on WiFi APs or ZigBee nodes. A key insight of WiFi APs for security reasons, a scanning made on a of the work is to properly handle the relationship between laptop at the location of ZigBee receiver shows that more WiFi and ZigBee where opportunities in time, spectral and than 20 WiFi APs can be found with distinct signal strength, power domain due to cross-technology can be leveraged. The ranging from -65dBm to -27dBm.
5 3 10 10 4 frames, because the beacon interval is typically 105 µs (i.e. Frequency (Times) Frequency (Times) 10 2 10 3 10 0.1s) long. Note that, the interval is much lower than 105 µs 2 10 1 because there are multiple WiFi APs around (about 20), 10 1 10 0 which will significantly shorten the beacon interval indepen- 10 dently. Note that, there is a thick but extremely low line in 0 -1 10 10 1 10 10 2 3 10 4 10 10 0 1 10 2 10 3 10 10 10 4 5 6 10 7 10 8 10 Fig. 3b, which cannot be overlooked. This line shows that, Length (Byte) Interval (µs) part of the WiFi packets’ intervals are evenly distributed (a) Length statistics (b) Interval statistics across a wide range of values, although the frequency is low. Figure 3: Packet length and packet interval statistics of busy The results in Fig. 2 show similarity between interference WiFi connection. intervals and durations. Also, most of the WiFi interferences are short and periodical. We conclude that the WiFi in- terference is distributed across ZigBee symbols, rather than Both ZigBee nodes are installed with Contiki OS [12]. The concentrated on particular positions. Hence it is not pos- sender transmits the packet every 0.03 seconds. In order to sible to avoid the interference thoroughly with MAC layer compensate the variation of WiFi interference signal, the technique only. We need to resort to the signal processing sender changes the transmission power every 10 seconds, techniques for fundamental solutions. looping over the scale from 1 to 31. Similarly, both the sender and receiver change their channel every 600 seconds, looping over all ZigBee channels which could be affected by 3. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATIONS WiFi communication, from channel 11 to 25. In this section we provide background on wireless commu- nication fundamentals and single-user multiple-input multiple- 2.2 Analysis of ZigBee Corruption output (MIMO) systems. We then describe the signal char- Our experiment shows that the results from different lo- acter of WiFi and ZigBee in a typical WiFi and ZigBee coex- cations are similar. We choose the result from one site for istence environment. The motivations are presented accord- simplicity. Since the ZigBee channels covered by the same ing to the technologies and observations mentioned above. WiFi channel show same behavior, we separate the results of different ZigBee channels into 3 groups, which are covered 3.1 MIMO and Interference Nullifying by the WiFi channel 1, 6, and 11 respectively. In a MIMO system, multiple antennas are coupled to- Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b illustrate the duration and interval gether and signals are transmitted over the channels, say of corrupted symbols using log-log plot respectively. We mathematically, in a linear combinatorial manner. Here we observed that different channels have similar patterns. show a 2 × 2 MIMO system using a simplified mathematical The results show that the corruption durations and in- model, where the signal stream si (t) is on the i-th antenna, tervals distribute similarly and are close to power-law dis- i = 1, 2. The signal receiving model for MIMO system can tribution. As short corruption durations and intervals are be expressed as follows: far more frequent than those of long corruptions, it’s rea- { y1 (t) = h11 s1 (t) + h21 s2 (t) sonable to conclude that most of the short durations and (1) short intervals of corruptions occur alternately. Thus, the y2 (t) = h12 s1 (t) + h22 s2 (t) results suggest that short and frequent WiFi data transmis- Here hij is a complex value for channel coefficient, where sion (i.e., flash) plays the main role of WiFi interference the magnitude attenuation and delay of a transmitted sig- on ZigBee. Further, the power-law like distributions indi- nal from antenna i to antenna j is evaluated. In each MIMO cate shorter flashes will interfere ZigBee signal with expo- transmission, there is a previously known preamble used for nentially increasing probability, which is a drastic threat for channel coefficient calculation. The receiver node can com- ZigBee signal. pute this value according to the signal and preambles. 2.3 Analysis of WiFi Interference Behavior At the receiver side, as the 4 channel coefficient values hij are known, the transmitted signals s1 (t) and s2 (t) can We also collect the WiFi data in the same experiment, be successfully recovered from the received signals y1 (t) and and investigate the behavior of WiFi transmission in detail. y2 (t). It is worth noting that, this model is applied to narrow When massive data is being transmitted over a WiFi con- band channel communication system, such as ZigBee. How- nection, the length of the data packet could be varied, while ever for wideband communication system such as OFDM, the interval between two consecutive WiFi packets is rela- the channel coefficient is a series of complex values, that is, tively short. Fig. 3a shows that most of the WiFi packets are a channel coefficient vector. short and the packet length is usually less than 256 bytes. To deal with the concurrent transmissions from different Note that, there is a peak when the packet length is larger stations, the interference nullifying technique can be used than 103 bytes, because 1500 bytes is also a typical WiFi for unaligned signals. The key idea of the interference nul- frame length for TCP transmissions. lifying technique is based on Eq. (1). As for the unaligned Fig. 3b shows that, most of the WiFi interval is less than interference signals, there are clear part and the interfered 1ms, i.e., 103 µs. Because the length of the data packet is part. For the interfered part, the nullifying process is used usually with the full length of a WiFi frame, i.e., 1406 bytes. to cancel the interference signal. For example, according to When the WiFi is working on the max data rate, 56Mbps, a Eq. (1), the interference can be mitigated by subtracting the packet will last for 200µs, and the interval between two data other interference signal when s1 (t) is the interested signal. packets is also seldom lower than 10µs. Note that, another peak shows between 103 µs and 105 µs, which shows that, y1 (t) − h21 y (t) h22 2 even when WiFi communication is idle, the ZigBee commu- s1 (t) = (2) nication can still be affected by the WiFi beacon and probe h11 − h12 hh21 22
3.2 Preliminary Observations for IEEE 802.11 where temporal differences can be omitted temporarily be- and 802.15.4 Signals fore further processing. Harmonize ZigBee with WiFi system is possible and fea- sible. MIMO based sink will receive the WiFi and ZigBee 0dB 0dB 2.425 ZigBee 2.425 ZigBee signal at the same time. Preferable interference cancelation −5dB −5dB 2.427 2.427 of WiFi signal relies on the accurate recovery of the WiFi Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) −10dB −10dB 2.430 2.430 signal. A 2-antenna MIMO system will also improve the 2.432 −15dB 2.432 −15dB 2.434 WiFi 2.434 possibility on WiFi signal recovery. The ZigBee and WiFi −20dB −20dB 2.437 2.437 can work together as if they are from the same technology, −25dB −25dB 2.439 2.439 WiFi Signal after Cancelation and no interventions among systems are needed. −30dB −30dB 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time (ms) Time (ms) (a) Spectral and time domain (b) After WiFi Cancelation 4. ZIMO PROBLEM DOMAIN Figure 4: Power Spectral Density (PSD) form of WiFi and ZIMO deals with interference from WiFi APs and protects ZigBee signals. the ZigBee signals from being corrupted. We focus on typical We demonstrate a particular co-channel example: In IEEE situations that arise in large-scale urban sensing networks, 802.11g, we use channel 5 (with 2.432GHz central frequency), where WiFi and ZigBee signals are severely interfering each and in IEEE802.15.4, we use channel 16 (2.430GHz). Fig. 4a other. In particular, shows the spectrum and time characteristics of WiFi and • ZIMO tackles scenarios where the WiFi APs use an- ZigBee signal in power spectral density (PSD), where WiFi’s tennas no more than what the ZIMO Sink has. Typ- bandwidth is much larger than ZigBee, and they are in dif- ically, the WiFi transmissions use one antenna. If n- ferent central frequency. antenna system such as [13] is applied in WiFi AP, the Signals in Fig. 4a are sampled by USRP/GNURadio in ZIMO node should place (n+1) antennas for transceiv- WiFi channel, which conforms to the IEEE standards 802.11g ing packets. Such constraint also applies to other cross and 802.15.4: WiFi’s bandwidth is 20MHz, and ZigBee’s technology devices in ISM band. bandwidth is 2MHz, while central frequency offset of WiFi • ZIMO applies to scenarios where at least one preamble and ZigBee is 2MHz. The payload of WiFi is 256 Bytes with is clear when interference happens during data trans- TX rate 6Mbps, and the payload of ZigBee is 20 Bytes with missions. The preamble value, whether it comes from TX rate 250kbps. As we can see, WiFi is faster than ZigBee, WiFi or ZigBee, should be clear for packet detection and WiFi signal is 5 to 10dB stronger than ZigBee. We only as well as channel coefficient estimation. consider co-channel interference case. • ZIMO applies to scenarios where the ZIMO empowered The differences are just that they collide in different fre- sink node can be deployed in the asymmetric area [6]. quency. Here Fig. 4a shows collided WiFi and ZigBee signal Considering the long-range coverage region by WiFi in time domain. We can tell WiFi signal from ZigBee sig- and the limited communication range of ZigBee devices nals easily. First, the ZigBee signal is slower than WiFi for power saving, the asymmetric area is common in due to its low bandwidth. Second, WiFi’s signal is stronger urban sensing networks. Also, even in symmetric area, than ZigBee due to its high-power. High-power implies high the ZigBee sensor node and WiFi node can disable the SNR reception at the same distance. Fig. 4b shows the PSD CCA scheme, and transmit packets as they will. of ZigBee signal when WiFi interference is canceled. This • ZIMO can address environments where the interference demonstrates the feasibility of recovering ZigBee signal from is wideband and the interested signals are narrow-band. WiFi interference. When WiFi and ZigBee technologies are coexisted, the reference signal for WiFi channel coefficient computa- tion is often unavailable. Extracting ZigBee from WiFi 3.3 Motivations and other cross-technology system is apparently differ- Basically, there are three technical points driving us to ent from previous study such as TIMO [1]. tackle the intrinsic difficulties in mitigating the WiFi flashes from the ZigBee smog. The cross technology interference leaves opportunities in 5. ZIMO DESIGN OVERVIEW power, spectral and time domain. As shown in Fig. 4, there In ZIMO design, the conventional one-antenna sink node are opportunities for protecting ZigBee smog from WiFi is modified to a 2-antenna MIMO system. The WiFi and flashes. First, in power domain, significantly different sig- ZigBee signals can be transmitted concurrently and then nal strengths may exist between WiFi and ZigBee. Second, received by this sink. in spectral domain, only portion of WiFi frequency band is The basic idea of ZIMO is simple. When WiFi preamble interfered. Third, in time domain, not all signal duration is clear, we use the interference nullification to WiFi signal is interfered, and referred signal can be leveraged for fur- directly, and leave the residual signal for ZigBee decoding. ther interference mitigation and decoding enhancement. It When WiFi preamble is not clear, we need to leverage the should be noted that, except for the frequency domain, the clear ZigBee preamble to nullify ZigBee signal. After that, power and temporal differences are dynamic and not easy WiFi signal can be decoded. Using the decoded data and for use. accurate channel coefficient, we can regenerate the received The nullifying process on coupled antennas can deal with WiFi signal accurately. After using the interference cancel- the power and temporal uncertainty. The MIMO design can lation technique, the WiFi interference is mitigated, and the deal with the power uncertainty easily, because signals from residual signal can be used for ZigBee decoding. same node on different antennas may not have significant The working flow of ZIMO is illustrated in Fig. 5. There difference. Also, only the overlapping portion is nullified, are basically five operation modules in ZIMO, which are
Cross Technology Interference Nullification Cross Technology Interference Cancelation Channel Fine CFO WiFi Signal ZigBee Signal Nullification Coefficient Estimation Cancelation Frame Detection Recovery ZigBee & Identification Decoder WiFi Signal Nullification Figure 5: Working flow of ZIMO frame detection & identification, spectrum slicing, cross tech- not use this method because the interference destroies the nology IC (Interference Cancelation) and IN (Interference correlations among symbols. Nullification), and ZigBee decoder. When interfered sig- In dealing with this difficulty, we group 80 samples for one nals are received, the frame detection & identification mod- checking window (equal to one symbol length), and make ule is applied for interference pattern recognition. When 64-point FFT for subcarrier energy detection. Once the de- WiFi preamble is clear, we first nullify the WiFi signal and tected energy is 5 dB (verified by our experiments in Sec- send the signal to spectrum slicing module for ZigBee decod- tion 8.2.3) higher than the noise, the interference signal is ing. Specifically, when WiFi flashes (fast and short-duration identified. Further, we need to identify whether the interfer- WiFi transmissions) are covered by ZigBee smog (slow and ence comes from WiFi or ZigBee. Luckily, WiFi is wideband long-duration ZigBee transmissions), although ZigBee sig- signal and ZigBee is narrow band, we can use the occupied nal is nullified, the estimated channel coefficient cannot be subcarrier number for interference identification. used for IC directly due to interfered WiFi signals. Thus in ZIMO, we use a linear fitting model for fine central fre- 6.2.2 Boundary Detection quency offset (CFO) estimation. After CFO is compen- Another important issue is boundary detection, i.e., de- sated, channel coefficient is recovered through blind recovery termining where the interference happens. Accurate ‘clear method, where missing values are interpolated by leverag- preamble’ identification is highly correlated with the packet ing the partially interfered channel and SNR disparity in detection and further interfered signal resolution. For signal cross-technology coexistence. In summary, ZIMO extends detection, we take the standard auto-correlation approach convention MIMO system as well as virtual MIMO, such as that is widely used in packet detection. For WiFi signal, we SAM [11], from multiplexing signals in same technology to exploit repeat patterns in short training symbol (STS) for embracing cross-technology. Also, we make an extension to detection. After compensating the frequency offset, we use TIMO because ZIMO makes it possible to survive the Zig- the long training symbol (LTS) for accurate frame boundary Bee signal from WiFi interference. We then describe these detection. And for ZigBee signal, when preamble is auto- basic functions in detail in the following sections. correlated, the frequency offset will be compensated. Thus the start of frame delimiter (SFD) can be detected through 6. DECODING IN THE PRESENCE OF WIFI cross-correlation, which means the start of a ZigBee packet. Note when ZigBee header is interfered, the WiFi nullifica- INTERFERENCES tion process will ensure the preamble autocorrelation and reliable SFD recovery. 6.1 Spectrum Slicing and Combining For signal detection, auto correlation is enough, and will In order to incorporate ZigBee and WiFi signal for pro- not be affected by the frequency offset. However, bound- cessing, ZIMO uses wideband RF frontend. However, wide- ary detection need more accuracy, which is different from band sampling means that sampled signal has wide spec- signal detection with repeated patterns, e.g., the preambles. trum, which cannot be used for ZigBee decoding directly. In ZIMO design, we use cross correlation instead of auto- Then in ZIMO, a spectrum slicing block is used to convert correlation. First, we use STS for signal detection. After the over sampled signal to appropriate signal for ZigBee de- receiving the signal and successful frequency offset compen- coding. In this work, we use WiFi setup (e.g., WiFi channel sation, we can actually leverage the LTS, which has given No.5: with central frequency at 2.432GHz, and 20M bps) to and known symbols, and achieve robust boundary detec- determine front-end parameters (complex sampling rate: at tion. Fig. 6 shows the effects of frequency compensation for least 40M bps). boundary detection when WiFi signal is interfered by Zig- We take only one ZigBee transmission in our experiment Bee. Fig. 6a shows clear WiFi and ZigBee boundary through study because of contention scheme in IEEE 802.15.4. The SFD and LTS respectively. However, when frequency offset extension to multiple orthogonal ZigBee networks is pos- is not compensated, it is hard to identify the boundary as sible: all we need is to add parallel reception chain with shown in Fig. 6b. different frequency translation parameters. 6.3 ZigBee Channel Coefficient Estimation 6.2 Interfered Frame Processing 6.3.1 Frequency Offset Compensation 6.2.1 Frame Detection and Identification Compared with WiFi systems, the main challenge is that The auto-correlation is a basic step for frame detection, we have to use the short and simple preamble in ZigBee which means a multiplication of received signal and its de- system with frequency bias up to 200KHz. Thus, the key layed version, and the sum of all the multiplications during technology is frequency compensation. the delayed period. Auto-correlation method can be used The received band OQPSK signal x(n) with a phase index for clear header signal. However, the deferred signal can k (k = 0, 1, 2, 3), frequency offset δf and phase offset δϕ can
10 4 SFD of ZigBee Hard to find SFD Power 0.15 5 5 Power 2 0.1 Amplitude Phase 0 0 0.05 0 −5 15 0 6 50 50 Hard to find LTS 10 LTS of WiFi 40 40 Power 4 Power 30 80 30 80 20 60 20 60 5 2 10 40 10 40 20 20 Subcarrier Number Subcarrier Number Symbol Number Symbol Number 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time (ms) Time (ms) (a) Amplitude (b) Phase (a) Boundary detection for (b) Boundary detection with- WiFi signal out frequency compensation Figure 7: Amplitude, phase of channel coefficient on over- lapping ZigBee and WiFi Figure 6: Effects of frequency compensation for boundary detection ture. Based on the interpolations, timing errors are gen- erated by a zero-crossing Timing Error Detector, filtered be expressed as: by a tunable proportional-plus-integral Loop Filter, and fed x(n) = An e(j(kπ/2+2πδf n+δϕ )) (3) into the NCO control for a timing difference update. The Loop Bandwidth (normalized by the sample rate) and Loop According to Equ.3, there are three main factors affecting Damping Factor are tunable for the Loop Filter. The de- the received signal,i.e., modulation, frequency offset and fault normalized loop bandwidth is set to 0.07 and the de- phase offset. To mitigate the modulation values from our fault damping factor is set to 2, such that the PLL quickly equation, we raise our received signal with the power of 4. locks to the correct timing while introducing little noise. Note that only four cases can happen in modulated signal, i.e., 0, π2 , π, and 3π 2 . When the subsystem raises the signal 6.4 Interference Nullifying to the power of 4, the phases of the modulated signal have In ZIMO, to remove the WiFi impact, we need to miti- all been shifted to multiply of 2π, which can be eliminated gate the ZigBee signal temporarily for further WiFi signal from the received signals. cancelation. Inspired by two antenna MIMO-based design, Therefore, to eliminate the effect of modulation, we use interference nullifying process for ZigBee noise miti- x4 (n) = A4n e(j(2kπ+4(2πδf n)+4δϕ )) = A4n e(j(4(2πδf n)+4δϕ ))) gation. When WiFi signal is ‘covered’ by the ZigBee smog, we should first nullify the ZigBee smog according to Eq. (2) After that, we perform an FFT on the modulation inde- in Section 3. pendent signal to estimate the tone at four times the fre- As ZigBee signal is narrow band, for efficient computation, quency offset. The received signal can be corrected by: we estimate channel coefficient in time domain. The opti- mal equalizer will minimize the differences between received y(n) = x(n)e−j2πδf n = An e(j(kπ/2+δϕ )) , k = 0, 1, 2, 3 signal y(t) and the training signal w(t), where There is usually a residual frequency offset even after the coarse frequency compensation, which would cause a slow c = arg min ∥w(t) − c ∗ y(t)∥ c rotation of the constellation. In ZIMO implementation, the sample frequency fs = 2M Hz, and FFT size is 2048. The In the time domain, c = {c−L , · · · , c0 , · · · , cL } is a good minimum frequency offset value is δfmin = 244.14Hz and the estimation of channel coefficient H. For WiFi signal, we maximum offset δfmax = 250kHz. Our evaluation results in compute the channel coefficient in frequency domain, using real wireless environment show that the coarse frequency the FFT of the received signal to divide that of transmitted compensation is enough for channel coefficient estimation signal. Then the interference nullifying technology is applied to nullify ZigBee signal. for cross-technology data decoding. 6.3.2 Timing Recovery 6.5 Interference Cancelation After frequency compensation, the time recovery is needed If we can separate WiFi signal from the mixed signal, we to achieve accurate channel coefficient. The timing recovery can use standard ZigBee decoder to extract ZigBee pack- subsystem implements a PLL (Phase Locked Loop) to cor- ets. The overall processing is called Successive Interference rect the timing error in the received signal. The input of the Cancelation (SIC). timing recovery subsystem is over-sampled by two for ba- sic over-sampling processing. Four folds or higher makes no 6.5.1 Fine frequency offset estimation for WiFi difference as two is enough. On average, the timing recov- Fine carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation is neces- ery subsystem generates one output sample for every two sary to minimize the residual noise after interference cance- input samples. The NCO (Numerical Controlled Oscilla- lation (IC). Inaccurate CFO estimation will lead to increased tor) control subsystem implements a decrementing modulo-1 residual noise over time. A coarse estimation in WiFi train- counter to generate the control signal to select the interpo- ing symbols (i.e. STS & LTS) is not enough for IC because lations of the Interpolation Filter. This control signal also of limited preamble length and noise. For finer CFO es- enables the Timing Error Detector (TED), so that it calcu- timation, we remodulate the received data, and compare lates the timing errors at the correct timing instants. the phase shifts with the received symbol. Note that, our The NCO Control subsystem updates the timing differ- scheme is data aided, because the remodulated symbol can ence for the Interpolation Filter, generating interpolator struc- be achieved after the coarse CFO estimation.
0.03 6 25 meters Calculated Imaginary Part of H(f) Interpolated 0.02 4 Phase Offset 4 7 0.01 2 1 18meters 9 ZIMO 0 0 Sink 5 Calculated Fitted −0.01 −2 8 2 −0.08 −0.06 −0.04 −0.02 0 0 50 100 Real Part of H(f) Symbol Index (a) Interpolation result in Real (b) Fitting line of fine frequency 3 6 part and Imaginary part offset estimation for WiFi Figure 8: Improvement methods for WiFi IC Figure 9: ZIMO test environment with 9 testing locations As the synchronization process in preamble has success- fully compensated the clock difference between sender and Due to successful ZigBee signal nullification, we can get receiver, the phase shifts grow linearly with the accumula- xw (t) using standard decoder from the WiFi signal (ZigBee tive symbols in a constant CFO estimation. Consequently, signal is nullified). Then we re-modulate the WiFi signal as we use linear regression method across symbols in achieving Sw = Hw xw (t), and setup a new formula as Y (t) = y(t) − the CFO estimation. The fitting model is based on minimiz- Sw = Hz xz (t)ej2πδf t + n(t). Then we can process Y (t) to ing the least squares of the noisy data. As shown in Fig. 8b, get ZigBee packet. the fitting line is regressed from the calculated phase shifts over the symbols. There is also a merit in using this CFO 6.6 ZigBee Data Decoding estimation method, that is, the channel coefficient can be The data decoding subsystem performs fine frequency off- corrected during data transmission in any length. set compensation, phase ambiguity resolution, timing recov- ery, OQPSK demodulation, chip to symbol decoding and 6.5.2 Blind Recovery for WiFi Channel Coefficient CRC calculation. Fine frequency offset compensation is To recover the channel coefficient Hw for interfered WiFi achieved by a Phase Locked Loop (PLL). Next, we exploit signals blindly, we use the interpolation method for the miss- the preamble to resolve phase ambiguity. Particularly, we ing data. Here blind means recovery channel coefficient calculate the cross correlation of input signal and modu- without any additional information. The key insight is that, lated symbol zero. Then we estimate the phase of the cross in cross technology coexistence of WiFi and ZigBee, the fre- correlation result. We classify the estimated phase ambi- quency occupation scheme differs. Note in frequency do- guity into 0, ± π2 and π phase offset. The input signal for main, WiFi can only partially overlap with the ZigBee signal demodulation is corrected with this phase ambiguity. After as shown in Fig. 7. As ZigBee is a narrow band system while timing recovery, the received signal is demodulated to chip WiFi is wideband, we can reasonably recover the overlap- sequence. ping coefficient according to the known channel coefficient Once a preamble symbol is detected, we continuously search in other subcarriers. Other MIMO multiplexing schemes, the SFD byte in the incoming signal. If SFD is found, the e.g. SAM [11], can not take this advantage due to the com- PHR (PHY headeR) information can be extracted and the plete frequency overlapping signals in same technology. packet can be resembled. After that, the CRC of this packet We interpolate the interfered parts of WiFi channel co- can be calculated for verifying correctness of packets. efficient with a fourth-degree polynomial function, and the unknown fitting parameters are computed by minimizing the 7. IMPLEMENTATION sum of the squares of deviations. For channel coefficient es- We use GNURadio/USRP N200 software radios to eval- timations, quartic-function is smooth enough. We show the uate ZIMO performance, because ZIMO design requires to- interpolation result in Fig. 8a, which validates our scheme. tal control of wireless physical layer (e.g., WiFi and ZigBee We use the real part versus imaginary part comparison in signal-level control), which cannot be accomplished using Fig. 8a to show the relationship between calculated channel commercial network interface cards and sensor nodes. How- coefficient and the interpolated value. Obviously, the effect ever, due to the inherent unpredictable and long latency of the cross-technology interference is reduced, and a rea- between RF frontend and hosts, software radios cannot sup- sonably accurate channel coefficient for WiFi is recovered. port precise MAC timing control. We have built a prototype of ZIMO sink with GNURadio/USRP N200, including all 6.5.3 WiFi Interference Cancelation with ZigBee components described in Section 6. As in the literature we To be more accurate, let us assume the mixed (collided) use trace-driven approach. The real-time trace is collected signal is ym (t), and the mixed signal is down-sampled using using USRP/GNURadio, and then fed into decoder. We not central frequency and bandwidth of WiFi setup. Let xw (t) only study the physical layer performance, but also conduct be the packet bits from WiFi, and xz (t) be the packet bits network level experiments. from ZigBee. Then we have We implement the OFDM PHY layer of WiFi and OQPSK ym (t) = Hw xw (t) + Hz xz (t)ej2πδf t + n(t) PHY layer of ZigBee. The bandwidth of WiFi and ZigBee is 20 MHz and 2 MHz respectively. In Section 8, we will where Hw and Hz are the channel coefficient of WiFi and demonstrate that, our design can ensure sufficient number ZigBee respectively, and δf is the central frequency offset of processing for every interfered patterns in our random between WiFi and ZigBee. sampling collections.
Table 1: Setup for Test-bed 25 1 20 0.8 WiFi ZigBee RSNR (dB) 15 0.6 CDF No. Dist SNR Dist SNR Amp Amp 10 0.4 (Loc) (dB) (Loc) (dB) 1 5(1) 0.3 23.6-35.6 5(5) 0.15 14.7-24.5 5 0.2 WiFi ZigBee 2 5(1) 0.25 11.8-34.2 5(5) 0.1 15.8-21.8 0 0 0 10 20 30 −10 0 10 20 30 40 3 5(1) 0.2 14.2-32.1 5(5) 0.05 -0.3-7.3 SNR (dB) RSNR (dB) 4 7(6) 0.2 4.2-23.4 10(7) 0.2 5.6-17.3 (a) RSNR across different SNR (b) CDF of RSNR, with Zig- 5 10(8) 0.2 3.4-18.4 10(7) 0.2 0.3-15.8 values Bee & WiFi signals 6 10(8) 0.3 10.0-23.0 10(7) 0.2 4.1-15.9 Figure 10: IN performance in RSNR, the solid line in 10a shows the linear regression of the data. 8. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 8.1 Experiment Setups ate the three key techniques in ZIMO, including interference Fig. 9 shows the layout of our testing environment. It’s nullification, interference cancelation and interference detec- a typical semi-open office floor with table and cubicles. For tion performance. We then show the benefit of ZIMO for simplicity of explanation, both WiFi and ZigBee channels coexisted networks, by measuring the end-to-end through- are assumed to be fixed. The channel number of WiFi and put gain of ZIMO over conventional wireless sensor network ZigBee is 5 and 16, i.e., 2.432 GHz and 2.430 GHz. WiFi as well as WiFi networks. uses BPSK and 12 channel coding rate (i.e., 6Mbps), and ZigBee system is set to 250Kbps. We select the WiFi and 8.2.1 Interference Nullify of ZigBee & WiFi Signal ZigBee payload length to be 256 Bytes and 20 Bytes respec- We first study the performance of interference nullification tively. And in our system design, the transmission durations (IN) in the ZIMO implementation. are 0.358ms and 0.8325ms respectively. In order to evaluate As stated in Section 6, the IN step of ZigBee signal is the ZIMO decoding performance under WiFi interference, important for IC of WiFi signal. Only the well performed IC we need to collect collision signal. However, it is non-trivial in WiFi will lead to ideal ZigBee data decoding. Similarly, to synchronize two USRPs, since the packet collision hap- the WiFi signal IN is also a fundamental step for ZigBee pens in signal-level. We exploit the time stamp mechanism signal decoding. To evaluate how effective our IN algorithm provided by GNURadio community to deliberately create performs, we examine the (Residual Signal+Noise) to Noise the WiFi/ZigBee collision. For example, ZigBee packets are Ratio (called RSNR) after IN process under different SNR sent periodically every 1ms, and WiFi packets are sent pe- settings. This rule can here be applied to both WiFi and riodically every 2.5ms. Because ZigBee and WiFi have dif- ZigBee signals. RSNR is defined as R+N N , where R is the ferent packet lengths, the overlapping pattern can change as residual noise after IN and N is the energy of background packets accumulate, but be retained periodically. noise. Obviously, lower RSNR in fixed background noise N The ZIMO sink is fixed at location 9, while WiFi and Zig- means better performance of IN. Also, we need to evaluate Bee transmissions are randomly selected from other 8 dif- the residual noise across different background noise. ferent locations in Fig. 9. ZIMO sink captures 10 traces of Fig. 10a shows the result of ZigBee signal nullification. the channel periodically. Each trace contains around 200 ms The x-axis shows the average of SNR values of the ZigBee signal data on one 20 MHz 802.11g channel, which is equiva- signal with clear preamble at both antennas. Observe that lent to collect over 1000 packets in the air. Thus over 10,000 the majority of frames are with SNR between 0dB to 25dB, respective WiFi and ZigBee packets are collected, which con- which is the usual SNR range for ZigBee system to work tain various interfered patterns for validated evaluation. reliably in practice. We also observed frames with very low The experiment is evaluated in different locations with SNRs. This is due to the dynamic fading effects of ZigBee various SNR values. Table 1 shows the configurations of channel. We notice that IN has removed a significant por- USRP based WiFi and ZigBee nodes. We use 6 different tion of interfering energy, and the majority of RSNR is very location pairs in total. The ‘dist’ column shows the distance small, with 0 to 5dB higher than the noise. The solid line is a between ZIMO sink and the configured WiFi/ZigBee node linear regression of the data, which shows the steady perfor- with exact number in brackets shown in Fig. 9 accordingly, mance of IN. In practice, many wireless links work at higher and the ‘Amp’ column is the amplifying factor in RF end. SNR range than this minimal requirement. For example, Notably, the ‘SNR’ column shows the range of SNR value in in our data set, most ZigBee links have a SNR higher than respective location. In our configuration, although distances 10dB. Thus, this additional noise has little impact on the are not very long, the SNR values are dynamic with multiple following decoding process. We then evaluate the residual choices, which would be helpful for further evaluation tests. noise level over all SNR settings. Fig. 10b plots the Cumu- Comparing with the larger scale experiment setups, ours lative Distribution Function (CDF) of the RSNR values for could provide more SNR levels for evaluating the effects of ZigBee signal. We can observe that over 90% cases, IN can interference handling processes comprehensively. effectively remove the interference and the resulted RSNR is less than 4dB. There are only around 5% cases that RSNR 8.2 Micro Benchmark is larger than 5dB, such that, the decoding of the WiFi may We evaluate ZIMO using GNURadio/USRP software ra- be affected. dio testbed. Our goal is to show ZIMO is plausible in real- Similar results are also shown in Fig. 11a. The WiFi sig- istic environments. We conduct micro-benchmark to evalu- nals are ranging from 0dB to 35dB, and most of the signals
40 1 20 30 0.8 CSINR (dB) RSNR (dB) 10 0.6 CDF 20 0.4 10 0 0.2 0 −10 0 0 10 20 30 40 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 −20 −10 0 10 20 SNR (dB) CSINR (dB) CSINR (dB) (a) RSNR of WiFi Nullification (b) CSINR of WiFi Cancelation (c) CDF of WiFi Cancelation Figure 11: WiFi nullification and cancelation. are nullified below 5dB. Notably, in Fig. 11a, small but sig- 0.2 0.15 ZigBee Signal after Nullifying Energy nificant portion of residual signals are around 15dB to 25dB Energy WiFi Signal Cancelation without Interpolation 0.1 0.1 when the input signal is around 20dB, because the WiFi 0.05 0 preamble is interfered but can still be detected. Actually, 0 0 1 2 3 4 the channel coefficient value is not accurate. As the interfer- 0.2 WiFi Signal after Cancelation Energy ence detection module will not take this case as interference, Energy WiFi Signal Cancelation with Interpolation 0.1 0.1 the residual noise after IN is not satisfiable. When the signal 0.05 0 is larger than 20dB, the ZigBee interference signal will not 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Time (ms) 0.8 1 0 0 1 2 Time (ms) 3 4 effectively affect the WiFi IN process. (a) Interpolation scheme for IC (b) Multiple WiFi cancelation 8.2.2 Interference Cancelation of WiFi Signal Figure 12: WiFi cancellation effects Next, we evaluate the performance of interference can- celation in the ZIMO implementation. We use the same experiment setups and same data as in the previous exper- coding. It will also contribute to the WiFi data recovery, iment. We defined the CSINR (cancellation based signal- which leads to co-prosperity in ZIMO. to-interference-and-noise) in our study, so as to show the When ZigBee smog is interfered by multiple WiFi flashes, effectiveness of interference cancellation. CSINR is defined S+N ZIMO can still work without modification. Fig. 12b shows as S+I+N , where S is the signal energy of the first frame, that, in such case, after the ZigBee signal is nullified, the I is the energy of interference frames, and N is the noise. WiFi flashes are significantly detectable. Whether it comes If the interference can be successfully canceled, the ratio in from same WiFi AP or multiple APs, the cancelation process our definition is 1, and the according value is 0dB. Thus, the can work independently and automatically, where the WiFi CDF figure for IC effects will be clear. If the interference interferences can be successfully mitigated. can be successfully canceled, the line will be very close to the line ‘x = 0’. Then, we evaluate how effective our IC algorithm can improve the CSINR value of the first frame 8.2.3 Frame Detection Accuracy and thereby enable correct decoding. We evaluate the accuracy of frame detection of ZIMO un- Fig. 11b shows the CSINR of the ZigBee after canceling der different SNR settings. The data is generated and col- the interference from WiFi. The x-axis is the SINR before lected with USRP devices. Various overlapping patterns are IC. We observed the follows. First, IC effectively improves presented, where over 1,000 WiFi and 1,000 ZigBee frames SINR of the frame by reducing the energy from interference. are used for accuracy evaluation of ZIMO frame detection. From Fig. 11b, we can see that SINR has been substan- Fig. 13 shows that, the false negative (FN) rate is always tially improved up to 15dB, and most of the SINR values negligible, even in very low SNR. This result means ZIMO are around 5 to 10dB. Thereby the interfered ZigBee frames can reliably detect the WiFi and ZigBee frame. The false can all be decoded successfully. Second, the improved SINR positive (FP) values in Fig. 13a, although are relatively high value reduces as the original SINR increases. This is reason- in low SNR, will not affect the network performance much. able since SINR is a ratio between the desired signal energy For ZigBee signals, it only costs unnecessary ZIMO process- and the sum of interference and noise. A larger SINR usually ing. For keeping the FN low, raising the FP value a little means the interference is small. As shown in Fig. 11c, the higher is tolerable and reasonable. CDF of CSINR shows that, over 95% SINR value is around 0dB, which means the successful IC process. 8.3 Throughput Gain of ZIMO Fig. 12a shows the cancelation effects between our inter- We then evaluate throughput gain of ZIMO under the polation method and original method without correction for GNURadio-USRP implementations. We mainly compare channel coefficient. The upmost sub-figure shows the inter- the throughput of ZIMO to a baseline system designed for fered ZigBee signal with WiFi flash, and there is no clear comparison. We use the following method to measure the WiFi signal for reference. The middle sub-figure shows the throughput of ZIMO as our current decoder cannot run in cancelation effects of the original method. The bottom sub- real-time due to hardware limit. The ZIMO sink node will figure shows that, the interpolation method has provided take 100 snapshots during 3 hours randomly. Each snap- significantly ideal cancelation effects for ZigBee signal de- shot contains 200ms data, which is equivalent to 100 frames
0.06 0.01 False Positive False Negative False Positive False Negative overlapping two concurrent transmissions from cross tech- 0.05 0.008 nology. Three cases are listed for clear evaluation and cat- 0.04 egorization. The ‘intact ZigBee preamble’ and ‘intact WiFi Probability Probability 0.006 0.03 preamble’ means reliable detection of the packets because 0.004 0.02 the preamble is not affected. These two cases are used to il- 0.01 0.002 lustrate the performance of ZIMO in different processes. It 0 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 is ‘IN+IC+Decoding’ comparing with the ‘IN+Decoding’. SNR (dB) SNR (dB) Interestingly, to show the effects of the harmonizing pro- (a) ZigBee frame (b) WiFi frame cess, where WiFi data can be recovered for the IC process, we take the ‘WiFi add on packets’ for evaluation, show- Figure 13: Frame detection accuracy in FP & FN ing the recoverability of the interfered WiFi signals during ZIMO process. Note that, it is a special case of ‘intact Zig- 1 Bee preamble’, because only in this case, the WiFi data can Intact WiFi Preamble 1.2 Intact ZigBee Preamble be recovered as a co-prosperous gain under the favorable 1 WiFi Addon Packets 0.8 ‘IN+IC+Decoding’ process. Recovery Ratio 0.8 0.6 In Fig. 15a, the ‘x-axis’ is location pair, which is labeled CDF 0.6 0.4 with ⟨i, j⟩, denoting WiFi node at location i, and ZigBee 0.4 0.2 Intact WiFi Preamble node at location j, as shown in Fig. 9. In 10 location pairs of 0.2 Intact ZigBee Preamble WiFi Addon Packets our experiment, ZIMO makes over 3-folds throughput gain. 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 SNR (dB) SNR (dB) 8.3.3 Throughput Gain of WiFi Network (a) Different SNR values (b) CDF versus SNR We then evaluate the throughput gain of WiFi network, which is illustrated in Fig. 15b. There are about 200kbps to Figure 14: Recovery ratio of ZIMO network. 400kbps throughput gain across location pairs. Except for location pair 2, where the gain is not significant. The main reason is, the WiFi signal (from location 1) strength is com- in different interference patterns and 10,000 frames in total. paratively much higher than ZigBee signal (from location We store the data and process it off-line. With these traces, 2). Thus, the ZigBee will not make effective interference, we can estimate the throughput as well as the recovery ratio i.e. corruptions, on WiFi signal. during the snapshot period. We thus claim that ZIMO enables co-prosperity in coex- isting cross-technology systems with only one MIMO sink 8.3.1 Baseline System Design node. Note that, comparing with the asymmetric regions, Our baseline system is designed according to IEEE stan- the ZigBee interference is relatively weak. However, the dards 802.11 and 802.15.4. The reference codings and proce- WiFi data corruptions are not negligible. In some location dures are validated, evaluated, and tested for standard con- pairs, e.g., location pairs 3, 9, 10, the throughput gain is formance sufficiently. We omit the details due to page limit. nearly 2-folds to the baseline system. In summary, the baseline system can successfully tranceive 8.3.4 Structural Analysis for Interference Patterns WiFi and ZigBee packets and can decode COTS WiFi and ZigBee packets as well. Fig. 15c shows the throughput of ZIMO, also with the statistical result for different interference patterns (InPs). It 8.3.2 Throughput Gain of ZIMO over ZigBee is shown that, in most location pairs, three InPs, including intact WiFi preamble, intact ZigBee preamble and intact Fig. 14a shows the recovery ratio of ZIMO across different ZigBee frame (no interference) are well distributed, i.e. no levels of SNR value. In the ‘x-axis’, the SNR value is calcu- significant difference on the number of interfered packets lated according to the first received intact symbols. Thus, among InPs, which shows that our configurations on packet when the intact preamble is from ZigBee, the SNR value length and interval are reasonable. The structural analysis is calculated by ZigBee symbol at the receiver side. Also, will provide us information about the InPs and help us know SNR is accordingly computed for intact WiFi preamble. In how the ZIMO performs. For example, if we know the InPs, ‘y-axis’, we evaluate the recovery ratio, which is the fraction there are two potential enhancements: one is for the optimal of the successfully recovered ZigBee packets among all the placement of ZIMO sinks, while the other is for the optimal interfered packets. Notably, for WiFi packets, we also eval- number of ZIMO sinks. Obviously, the structural analysis uate the case where WiFi packets can be recovered when is more precise than conventional spectrum sensing schemes ZigBee interference exists. for ensuring good throughput performance. The recovery ratio of ZIMO ranges from 20% to 80% when ZigBee preamble is intact, and up to 90% when WiFi pream- ble is intact. Note that with higher SNR value, the benefits 9. DISCUSSIONS of ZIMO degrade. For WiFi network, this degradation is due to the interference of ZigBee. Fig. 14b shows the CDF 9.1 Fundamental Differences from TIMO of the recovery ratio for the cases mentioned above. Applying TIMO technology [1] directly to Sink node will Fig. 15a shows the throughput gain of ZIMO comparing not help us solve the coexistence problem. Actually, ZIMO with the baseline system. We observe that for all cases, is fundamentally different from TIMO. The main difference ZIMO significantly improves the network throughput com- is, when WiFi and ZigBee signals are interfering each other, pared to ZigBee. It shows that coexisting WiFi and ZigBee successful WiFi decoding will not ensure successful ZigBee signals with MIMO can make full use of two antennas by signal recovery. When we need to recover ZigBee signal un-
1200 120 100 w/o ZIMO w/o ZIMO Intact ZigBee Frame w/ ZIMO 1000 w/ ZIMO 100 Intact WiFi Preamble Throughput (kbps) Throughput (kbps) Throughput (kbps) 80 Intact ZigBee Preamble 800 80 60 600 60 40 400 40 20 200 20 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 ,3> 5 ,8> 6 ,7> 7 ,4> 8 ,5> 9 ,6> 10 ,7> 1 2 2,1 3 1,2 4 1,3 5 2,8 6 2,7 7 5,4 8 4,5 9 4,6 10 4,7 1 2 3 4 ,3> 5 ,8> 6 ,7> 7 ,4> 8 ,5> 9 ,6> 10 ,7> < >
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