Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future - Voi

Page created by Henry Robles
Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future - Voi
Moving cities into a
sustainable future

      Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 1
Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future - Voi
Building a more sustainable urban           around Europe. We were already
transport system has a been a central       working with them to help them assess
focus of cities globally with the goal      the environmental impacts associated
of creating a well-connected seamless       with all the stages of the scooters
mobility experience while reducing          life-cycle and through our work we
traffic, noise and pollution. Despite all   knew they had an extensive database
the careful planning by government          of use data collected that we could
officials to that end, the rise of          utilize in our analysis. With Voi’s
micromobility has been an unexpected,       permission we were able to take a deep
grassroots success story of recent          dive into data and test our hypotheses
years in the urban transport sector.        regarding the benefits of scooter use.
In cities across Europe, the US and         In addition, Voi gave us permission to
Asia, thousands of users are taking         publish the data and share the insights
advantage of a growing range of shared      across the industry.
micromobility options. E-scooters in
particular are growing in popularity        With Voi data in hand, we took
at an incredible rate surpassing            our analysis one step further and
an estimated 20 million users in            interviewed city officials in major
Europe alone. With this adoption            cities across six European countries
of micromobility and e-scooters             to understand their view of the role
growing at an unprecedented speed,          of e-scooters for urban development.
could e-scooters be the critical link       Finally, to interpret the findings
to help speed up a transition toward        and derive recommendations for
sustainable, people-centric cities that     how cities can unlock the benefits
leads to improved quality of life? Does     of micromobility to create more
micromobility truly deliver a sustainable   sustainable and accessible cities,
impact that can be replicated in cities     we enlisted the help of EY subject
around the world?                           matter professionals across several
                                            practice areas, including Climate
As market observers we could see
the possibilities and opportunities
                                            Change and Sustainability, Future of
                                            Mobility and Strategy.
that micromobility offered but we                                                     At a glance ....................................... 4
needed real world data to confirm           We think you will find the resulting
                                                                                      Micromobility — more than
our hypotheses about benefits of            report interesting and enlightening.
                                                                                      fun and games ................................ 6
integrated multi-modal mobility             Our aim is to transparently share
ecosystem. To find the data we turned       these relevant findings across the        A two-year old industry
to one of our clients, Voi Technology,      industry and derive recommendations       maturing fast ................................ 10
one of the original scooter operator        for collaboration between operators
                                                                                      Environmental contribution
pioneers in Europe with currently more      and regulators to unlock the benefits
                                                                                      of scooters ..................................... 18
than 4+ million scooters in operation       of micromobility for cities around
                                            the world.                                How can cities
                                                                                      unleash the potential of
                                                                                      micromobility? ............................ 28
Thomas Holm Møller            John Simlett              Eric Mugnier                  The path to a sustainable
Partner, Digital Leader       EY Global Future of       EY Climate Change &           future ............................................... 32
EY-Parthenon (EY BOX)         Mobility Leader           Sustainability Leader
                                                                                      Sources ........................................... 34
Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future - Voi
Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future - Voi
At a glance
Rapid adoption of                                  First Life-Cycle                             Adapted policies enable
e-scooters indicates                               Assessment published                         e-scooters to support
potential to transform                             by an operator shows                         sustainable mobility and
urban mobility habits                              71% reduction in                             enhance quality of life
In the span of the last two years,
                                                   emissions over one                           E-scooters, however, are no silver
e-scooters have evolved from a                     year, demonstrating                          bullet. Their main contribution lies in
gadget to a sustainable shared                     the urban transport                          improving access to public transport
micromobility option that may help                                                              and supporting mobility behavior
cities curb congestion and pollution
                                                   decarbonization potential                    transformation to reduce taxi and
levels, and improving quality of life.             of e-scooters                                car trips in cities. To unlock their
Featuring extraordinary adoption                                                                potential, it’s vital that governments
rates — estimated to be four times                 While early-stage practices drew             and cities implement policies while
faster than that of e-bike sharing                 criticism, the industry has innovated        addressing the challenges. That
schemes, surpassing 20 million                     and matured at tremendous speed,             includes making clear regulations that
users in Europe — e-scooters have                  improving their environmental impact         foster responsible and sustainable
the potential to serve as a catalyst               through new operational models and           behavior and enabling access to
toward post-car inner cities by                    hardware. EY’s Sustainability and            micromobility infrastructure,
becoming the missing last-mile                     Climate Change Services practice             such as parking and lanes.
complement to public transport and                 conducted a full Life-Cycle Assessment
helping change urban mobility habits.              of an operator’s (Voi Technology)
Cities are taking different approaches             service. Voi agreed to be the first
to this mobility option, increasingly              operator to share these insights
using tenders and licenses to cap                  publicly. Taking Voi’s Paris service as an
the number of operators and set                    example, we assessed current practices
operational, safety and sustainability             and the contribution of the latest
requirements.                                      innovations and share our insights.
                                                   We found that the combined initiatives
                                                   yielded a 71% reduction in emissions
                                                   since January 2019 resulting in
                                                   35g CO2 equivalents per person per
                                                   kilometer, on par with many public
                                                   transport options. Swappable battery
                                                   scooters and cargo bike operations
                                                   drive a 51% reduction.
4   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future - Voi
This report sets out to assess the                         Paris operations and have given us
potential contribution of e-scooters                       insight into their key initiatives. Our
to urban mobility and                                      aim is to transparently share these
decarbonization. It presents city                          relevant findings across the industry
perspectives and considers the                             and derive recommendations for
latest innovations of the rapidly                          collaboration between operators and
evolving sector. Voi Technology has                        regulators to unlock the benefits
given EY permission to publish the                         of micromobility for active and
latest data collected for their Life-                      sustainable cities.
Cycle Assessment based on their

This information is based on a non-verified LCA study, performed by EY, considering the full life cycle of a Voi
e-scooter service (model: Voiager 3) and based on data from Voi for the city of Paris. EY has performed the LCA
study in line with the ISO 14040/44 standards, modelled using SimaPro 8.5.2, EcoInvent 3 database and ILCD
2011 Midpoint+ V1.10 / EC-JRC Global, equal weighting impact method.

                                                                                                              Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 5
Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future - Voi
Micromobility — more
than fun and games
In cities across Europe, America and Asia, millions of people have adopted a growing
range of shared micromobility options. While bike and e-bike sharing schemes have
become increasingly popular over the past five years, no one anticipated the massive
uptake of e-scooters. Overnight, people riding through cities on e-scooters have
become a common sight around the world. Within two years of the first service’s
launch by Bird, in Santa Monica, California, in September 2017, e-scooter sharing
services have reached 626 cities across 53 countries.1

6   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future - Voi
Cities tackling                          demands of a growing population

                                         and a modern economy. There is
car-centric mobility
                                         increasing awareness around the
Today’s cities are facing alarming air   burdens of car-centric mobility linked
and CO2 pollution rates — with cars      to pollution, noise and inefficient
as the main driver.2 Decarbonizing       use of limited space. Post-car city
urban transport is now a central focus   roadmaps are becoming common.                   E-scooter sharing
of global, national and city climate     Paris has been first to set remarkable          services have reached
plans. The C40 network is challenging    targets: zero diesel cars by 2024               626 cities across
cities to draft high-ambition, Paris     and zero fossil fuel cars by 2030               53 countries since
Agreement compatible climate plans,      with Mayor Anne Hidalgo committing              launching two years ago
with cities like Paris, Stockholm and    to green mobility and 1000 km of
London paving the way. Cities must       cycling lanes across the city with her
reduce pollution, congestion and         “15 minute city” plan.
noise while meeting the mobility

The burden of car-centric urban mobility
• C
  ● limate change: Transport is Europe’s largest source of GHG emissions, contributing to 27% of the EU’s total
   CO2 emissions.2

• Air quality: Air pollution levels exceed safe levels in many European cities leading to premature deaths.3

• Noise: The EU estimates that 40% of Europeans are exposed to dangerous levels of road traffic-related noise,
  impacting mental health and well-being.4

• Congestion: The average person living in Paris spends 65 hours in traffic per year, 49 in Munich and 35 in Stockholm,
  leading to a loss of productivity.5 Reduced commuting time is a strong predictor of well-being and has been linked to
  poverty alleviation.

• Space: Research in Stockholm shows that 50% of the city’s space is allocated to roads and car parking.6 This rate is
  similar across European cities.7

                                                                            Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 7
Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future - Voi
Micromobility: enabler of a                            We have talked to city officials in seven cities across six
sustainable mobility mix?                              European countries.
New micromobility options promise
a convenient and affordable
complement to public transport,
unlocking the first- and last-mile,
and improving accessibility. But to
what extent are e-scooters a solution
to the pressing urban development
challenges we face today?

EY reached out to cities across                                                             Stockholm
Europe, which have different                                             Gothenburg
regulations and approaches to                                                     Aarhus
e-scooters that have yielded various
outcomes. We spoke to city officials                                              Hamburg
across seven European cities to                                             Eindhoven
understand their view of the role of                                        Netherlands

e-scooters for urban development.

Astrid Zwegers and Jan Willem                                       Bordeaux
van der Pas, who are leading a
pioneering MaaS project in Eindhoven
are set to include e-scooters once                              Spain
they are made legal in the country,
comment that “The main upside of
micromobility is that it contributes
to building a more sustainable
city, with well-connected seamless
mobility while reducing traffic. We
aim to provide citizens with a shared
mobility network that improves
urban sustainability by encouraging                taking responsibility for their offer       can help decrease pollution, noise
multi-modal transport rather than                  and making it more sustainable.             and congestion levels, while using
cars.” Christian Humpert, Officer                  Unlocking the sustainability benefits       urban space more efficiently. Could
for climate-related matters in urban               is the next step big step for us.”          e-scooters help speed up a transition
transportation in Hamburg is positive                                                          toward people-centric cities and
                                                   If able to improve public transport         improve quality of life?
about the potential of e-scooters: “We
                                                   access and replace ride-hailing,
see the e-scooters sharing providers
                                                   taxis and private cars, e-scooters

8   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future - Voi
Main benefits and challenges

Benefits                                          Challenges

1   Environmental footprint — improve
    urban air quality and reduce climate change
                                                  1   Modal shift — an issue if e-scooters take
                                                      passengers from bikes and walking
                                                      instead of cars
2   Get people out of their cars
                                                  2   Infrastructure — cities are not yet set up for
3   Efficient mobility — provide convenient
    and flexible transportation for citizens
                                                      the new micromobility options

    and tourists
                                                  3   Visual pollution — people don’t take care of
                                                      the scooters and throw them all over the city

                                                           Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 9
Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future - Voi
A two-year old industry
maturing fast
In less than two years, the e-scooter sector has matured and innovated at tremendous
speed. The abrupt introduction of the new mode, often without suitable regulatory
frameworks, led to a number of challenges. Under pressure to expand rapidly, early stage
companies sometimes resorted to unadapted hardware or operating models, leading
to socially and environmentally questionable practices. Increasing criticism around the
negative environmental impact of these services, unsafe riding behavior and poor parking
fueled the debate, leading some to call for an outright ban of e-scooter sharing.

                                                              Rapid improvement

                                                              Nonetheless, e-scooter
                                                              operators are demonstrating
                                                              their ability to learn, adapt
                                                              and drive sustainable
                                                              innovation. Today,
                                                              companies like Voi, a
                                                              European e-scooter leader,
                                                              are pioneering sustainable
                                                              practices, working together
                                                              with cities, their suppliers
                                                              and users to reduce the
                                                              environmental impact and
                                                              responsibly integrate the
                                                              service in cities. We take a
                                                              look at key improvement
                                                              areas and innovations.

10   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
1. Cities are embracing micromobility
While still in a learning phase,         Some cities are enabling                    collaboration through tenders
a surge in e-scooter regulation                                                      and licenses. Enabled by national
                                         benefits ...
across the world and particularly                                                    legislation, these cities are setting
in Europe indicates that cities are      “We see a shift in cities from the ‘wild    requirements and limiting the number
embracing the trend. Since 2018,         west’ (unregulated micromobility) to        of players, creating an environment
European countries started to include    stricter regulation and lately toward       conducive to responsible and
e-scooters into road safety codes and    flexible regulatory frameworks              sustainable practices.
national law. France, for instance,      linked to operators’ performance
adopted the eagerly awaited Loi          indicators, using incentives and            ... but others are
d’orientation des mobilités (LOM) in     penalties backed up by data,” states
                                                                                     restricting them
December 2019 which enables cities       Diego Canales, Head of Strategic
to regulate e-scooters. However,         Partnerships at Populus, a platform         Alongside promising policies are
attempts to regulate e-scooters          that helps cities manage shared             examples of poorly designed city
vary from city to city, with diverging   mobility. French, Belgian and German        regulations that hamper potential
outcomes.                                cities have been at the forefront of        benefits – often because of little or
                                         creating frameworks for city-operator       no direction from the national level.
                                                                                     Rather than addressing common

   Voi in numbers
   Since launch in August 2018:

   10                                           16m                                         400+
   Countries                                    Rides                                       Employees

   35+                                          4m                                          10+
   Cities                                       Users                                       Licenses

                                                                            Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 11
issues, local authorities are creating            can help reduce car use. Voi’s user
an environment that neither                       surveys9, 11 shows that 63% of users         Voi and Hochbahn
benefits users, nor allows operators              combine e-scooters with public
                                                                                               — unlocking the
to provide a quality service. Fleet               transport, indicating e-scooters
sizes are capped low, spread out                  do in fact act as a feeder to public
                                                                                               first- and last-mile in
amongst 10+ operators thwarting                   transport.                                   suburban areas
the user experience and increasing
the complexity of management for                  Collaboration between public                 Hochbahn customers living
the city. In these cities, companies              transport and e-scooter operators            in Poppenbüttel and Berne
struggle to achieve profitability                 is becoming common, ranging from             benefitted from reduced
hindering long-term investment in                 data sharing and passenger deals             ride prices (no unlocking
sustainable operations. Examples are              to integrated payment and MaaS               fee and reduced price
Madrid, which granted licenses to                 solutions. A recent partnership              per minute) on their daily
22 players, each assigned to specific             between Hamburg’s Hochbahn                   commute during a pilot
neighborhoods, or Copenhagen,                     and Voi aimed to improve mobility
                                                                                               phase. The first three-month
which is set to grant a license to 11             offering reach in suburban areas.
                                                                                               evaluation concludes the
companies for 300 e-scooters each.                “Moving forward, we’ll see an
                                                                                               partnership has been a
Certain cities require all e-scooters,            increase of cities subsidizing trips on
                                                  routes that might not be profitable
                                                                                               success: 40,000 commuter
even charged ones, to be taken
                                                  but provide social value, just as we         trips were enabled to and
off the streets at night, increasing
                                                  see with public transport,” comments         from public transport hubs,
unnecessary CO2 emissions.
                                                  Diego Canales from Populus.                  improving accessibility in
                                                                                               the suburban area.
2. A complement to
                                                  3. E-scooter lifespan:
public transportation
                                                  from months to years
Well aware that the first- and last-
mile problem is a key barrier to                  In order to reach the market rapidly,     Leveraging data from millions
public transport adoption, public                 many operators started operations         of rides, the industry has made
transit operators have been keen                  with off-the-shelf e-scooters not         enormous improvements in terms
to experiment with micromobility                  designed for shared use. It turned        of hardware design. E-scooters are
services. Analyzing navigation and                out that these scooters could easily      designed for intense, shared use
Google Maps data, researchers in                  be hacked and privatized, and were        and outdoor conditions, improving
France found that the best predictor              vulnerable to vandalism. Reports          lifespan and safety. Voi’s latest
of switching between a car ride and               surfaced that scooters only lasted        Voiager 3 scooter is estimated to
public transit was easier access to               weeks or months before they were          have an average operational lifespan
public transport, rather than an                  no longer usable. However, Voi data       of 24 months.
improved public transport quality.8               shows that investment in repairs
Along these lines, Eindhoven mobility             allowed even first generation
experts point out that encouraging                e-scooters to last longer than
multi-modal and shared mobility                   expected, reaching 12 months in
                                                  certain cities.

12   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
    of Voi’s users have used
    a combination of public
    transport and scooter to
    complete their journey

4. Swappable
e-scooters — from
diesel vans to
electric cargo bikes
Navigating congested cities on           Swappable batteries:                        reducing the service’s energy
light-weight, electric vehicles sounds                                               consumption and congestion
                                         a sustainability game
great. Behind the scenes, however,                                                   contribution. Voi has started
                                         changer                                     deploying swappable battery scooters
these services have until now relied
on networks of vans to collect low-      This latest innovation removes              in France and the Nordics, but
battery scooters bring them to a         the need to transport e-scooters            stays committed to using previous
charging station, and deploy them        for charging. Only batteries are            models as long as possible to avoid
once again across the city. Enabled      transported to be charged and               unnecessary production of new
by hardware innovations, operators       swapped on the spot, drastically            scooters.
are redesigning their operational
models to reduce the environmental
impact of the service. Initiatives
include electrifying the service fleet
and sourcing renewable energy.
For instance, Voi has 100% electric      The latest Voiager 3 scooter
operations in certain French, German
and Nordic cities with plans to scale    features swappable batteries
these up.
                                         and is expected to have a
                                         24 month lifespan
                                                                            Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 13
5. From piles of                                  6. From freelance

e-scooters to orderly                             workers to employees
parking                                           In early days, certain players relied
                                                  on freelance or gig workers to collect
As e-scooters took Europe by storm,
                                                  and charge scooters, a model still
piles of scooters littering sidewalks                                                          of e-scooter rides
                                                  used in the US and Latin America.
became a common sight. Free-                                                                   replace cars, taxi or
                                                  In Europe, however, pressure from
floating services effectively help solve                                                       ride hailing
                                                  regulators and an internal push to
first- and last-mile gaps but comes
                                                  streamline processes prompted
with challenges related to parking
                                                  most operators to rapidly abandon
and use of public space.
                                                  the practice. Operators now work
                                                  with logistics partners or in-house
Operators and cities
                                                  employees, providing workers with
are developing parking                            formal contracts and benefits.
solutions                                         Professionalizing operations leads to
                                                                                           Whirlwind adoption
Cities are starting to allocate space             greater control over the quality and     In a mobility adoption rate study of
to new modes of transport, either                 sustainability of operations. Fully-     Paris conducted by mobility research-
by converting empty space or car                  owned or partnership operations          oriented firm 6t found that the
parking spots. Voi developed a                    allow operators to guarantee the         adoption of e-scooters was four times
solution leveraging geofencing                    type of vehicles that are used for       faster than the e-bike scheme Vélib, a
technology called Incentivised                    operations, energy source for            publicly backed and financed service,
Parking Zones (IPZ), which                        charging (renewable vs. not) and         taking only six months to reach
incentivizes users to park in city-               optimize operations.                     Velib’s two-year mode share.10 The
designated parking hubs with a ride                                                        whirlwind uptake indicates promising
discount. First piloted in Aarhus, the            7. Moving toward                         potential for driving behavior change.
                                                                                           Prof. Grant-Muller from Leeds
solution has since been rolled out
                                                  a sustainable                            University, points to the challenge
to other cities and has become an
industry best practice. In Aarhus,                mobility mix                             of changing mobility habits with
60% of e-scooter rides end in parking                                                      barriers ranging from value systems,
                                                  A barrier to the sustainability impact   social status, infrastructure, finances
hubs, indicating it’s possible to foster
                                                  of e-scooters is that they may fail to   and more. She points to the need to
responsible behavior and a culture
                                                  replace cars, limiting their potential   act early and target young people,
of shared mobility. Other solutions
                                                  urban mobility decarbonization           encouraging them to use public
include infrastructure solutions such
                                                  contribution. Voi surveys9 indicate      transport and alternative mobility to
as parking racks, which Voi is rolling
                                                  that 12% of trips replace cars, can      avoid creating habits that are hard to
out in several cities.
                                                  this increase over time?                 change.

14   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
While people try e-scooters for
fun, convenience seems to keep
people coming back

E-scooters accumulate over 300 million trips globally just two years after launch.

Historical growth of e-scooters compared to other modes




     Cumulated number of trips





                                                    Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10

                                                      E-scooters       Ride-hailing (Uber + Lyft)               Car-sharing             Shared bikes

Note: Ride hailing includes only Uber and Lyft data; car sharing excludes peer-to-peer car-sharing trips. Year 1 for car sharing and shared bikes based on
first available data.
Source: EY research, UC Berkeley Transportation Sustainability Research Center, PLOS ONE, company websites.

                                                                                                Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 15
Drivers of e-scooter use                  Commuter trips and car
                                                  evolve over time                          replacement increase
                                                  A closer look at the motivations of       over time
                                                  scooter users shows an evolution as       This suggests that as a service
                                                  the service matures and indicates it      matures, the more likely it is to be
                                                  can be induced through partnerships       used for commuting purposes rather
                                                  between public transport and              than leisure. This could be linked to
                                                  micromobility operators. For example,     increased reliability of service, and to
                                                  the 6t study shows that in early          the fact that citizens have now had
                                                  stages, the main drivers of scooter       the time to integrate the new service
                                                  adoption are fun and time saved.10        in their daily commutes.
                                                  A user survey conducted by Voi in
                                                  July 2019 across 3,700 respondents        Gustav Friis from the City of
                                                  from 31 European11 cities shows an        Aarhus, where Voi won an exclusive
                                                  increase in functional trips such as      concession, comments on the same
                                                  work and errand commutes in cities        trend, “In the beginning, we saw
                                                  where shared e-scooters have been         little scooter use in the morning.
                                                  around the longest. Ride pattern          We are now starting to see morning
                                                  analysis shows that in the early          commuter use, which is a really
                                                  stages, more trips were taken over        good sign.” While people may try
                                                  the weekend in cities like Stockholm,     e-scooters for fun, convenience
                                                  Berlin and Oslo, potentially indicating   seems to be what keeps people
                                                  leisure use. Over time, the difference    coming back. Emerging traffic
                                                  between weekday and weekend trips         data from Stockholm is showing an
                                                  balances out.                             encouraging trend. For the first time
                                                                                            since 2012, traffic has decreased in
                                                                                            the capital announced the
                                                                                            Vice Mayor, Head of Traffic Division,
                                                                                            Daniel Hellden,12 — the same year
                                                                                            e-scooters were widely introduced.

Researchers found that the best predictor of
switching between a car ride and public transit
was easier access to public transport
16   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 17
contribution of scooters
Two key drivers to improve the environmental impact of micromobility
Building a credible sustainability case for micromobility requires (1) measuring the
overall impact throughout its lifetime and (2) considering what mode of transport they
are substituting. For micromobility providers, this suggests that they must focus on:

• Reducing service emissions: reducing the overall environmental impact of their
  service across the full value chain

• Modal shift: strengthening the alternative mobility offering to support a sustainable
  mobility mix and help cities foster a modal shift away from cars and high-emission
  forms of transport

Sustainable mobility is driven by two main factors.

                                  Sustainability drivers            Requirements for e-scooter operators

                                     Reducing emissions from
                                                                     Support cities in taking people out
                                     each mobility mode
                                                                     of their cars
 emissions from
 urban mobility

                                     Optimizing mobility mix away    Reduce environmental impact
                                     from high-emission modes        of scooter services

18   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
Reducing emissions:                        In 2019 Voi approached the
A life cycle perspective                   EY Sustainability and Climate                  Life-cycle assessment
                                           Change Services practice to help
Publicly available evidence on the life-                                                  definition
                                           it understand their environmental
cycle impact of e-scooters is limited.
                                           performance and how to improve it.             The first sustainability
North Carolina University published
                                           In Addition, Voi has agreed to be the          driver depends on the full
the first life-cycle assessment (LCA)
                                           first operator to share the results
for e-scooter sharing services in May                                                     environmental impact of
                                           of its LCA publicly, believing that
2019. The study estimates the total                                                       the mode. A full life-cycle
                                           transparency will help regulators
life-cycle impact of electric scooters                                                    assessment (LCA) must be
                                           with policy decisions. Voi’s LCA
to be 126 grams of CO2 equivalent
                                           allows for European e-scooter
                                                                                          conducted to understand
emissions per person per kilometer,                                                       the climate impact of
                                           services, including recent innovations,
roughly on par with a diesel bus.13                                                       e-scooters, which measures
                                           to be assessed providing insights into
The findings sparked debate, calling                                                      all environmental impacts
                                           the current environmental impact of
the sustainability claims of e-scooters                                                   – direct and indirect –
                                           e-scooters sharing.
into question. However, as these LCAs
                                                                                          related to transporting one
are based on a US service using a gig-
                                                                                          person for one kilometer
economy model and does not account
                                                                                          on an electric scooter. This
for the many recent improvements
of the sector, the study can not
                                                                                          is needed to facilitate a
directly be used to assess the state of                                                   comparison across different
European e-scooter sharing today.                                                         modes of transport and
                                                                                          enables cities to make
                                                                                          informed decisions about
                                                                                          which modes to favor.

                                                                             Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 19
1. E-scooters sharing

                                                   from usage and operations have been
                                                   significantly decreased 0.3g and
case study: Paris                                  1.1g, respectively, thanks to the use
                                                   of cargo bikes and e-vans powered
EY’s full life-cycle assessment of Voi’s
                                                   by renewable energy. Voi’s strong
Paris operations shows that Voi’s
                                                   focus on repairs, reuse of spare            CO2 eq. per person per
service emits 35g of CO2 equivalents
                                                   parts and recycling of materials,           kilometer for Voi’s Paris
per passenger per kilometer in Paris,
                                                   in collaboration with local partner         service with its swappable
France, 72% lower than the North
                                                   Paprec, enables the production              scooter
Carolina estimate for a service in
                                                   impact to be offset significantly.
Raleigh, USA. The main contributors
to these emissions are the production
and transport of the e-scooters from
production sites to Europe. Emissions

     A full life-cycle assessment covers both direct and indirect environmental impacts.

                                          Full life-cycle — from production to end-of-life

                                                                        (Direct impact)


       Production                   Transport                                                End-of-life


                                                                                     Battery swapping
                                                                   Repairs           and charging

 Source: EY analysis

20    Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
Production is the largest contributor to carbon emissions.
Emissions split across Voi’s value chain*
Grams per person per km
                                                 4.60              0.27              1.07

 Climate change                                                                                                                             34.70
 (carbon)                                                                                                                 -35.50

 Particulate                  0.0620            0.0030            0.0000             0.0010            0.0070            -0.0400            0.0330
                              0.1800            0.0100            0.0000             0.0000            0.0200            -0.1100            0.1000
 ozone formation

 Acidification                 0.0005            0.0000            0.0000             0.0000            0.0000            -0.0002            0.0003

 eutrophication               0.0500            0.0000            0.0000             0.0000            0.0100            -0.0300            0.0437

                           Production         Transport           Usage           Distribution         Repairs         End-of-life           Total

Note: Carbon (CO2 eq.): potential impact on climate change; particulate matter (PM2.5 eq): potential effect of fine dust emissions on human health;
photochemical oxidation (NMVOC eq): effect of summer smog on human health; acidification (molc H+ eq): impact on soil and freshwater that becomes
more acidic due to the deposition of certain pollutants from air; marine eutrophication (N eq): the degree to which nutrients emitted in Europe reach the
oceans and lead to eutrophication.
*EY LCA analysis is based on ISO standard 14040, and based on Voi data and business assumptions. The results are not third party verified
Source: Voi LCA data, EY analysis.

                                                                                               Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 21
Reducing emissions                                The swappable battery effect
In Q1 2019, the life-cycle assessment
of Voi’s Paris service measured
CO2 equivalents per passenger
per kilometer at 121g, for early
                                                  In Q1 2020, the transition to a fully
                                                  swappable battery scooter fleet,
                                                  which enable cargo bike operations
                                                  and increased lifespan further
                                                                                          carbon emission reduction
generation scooters, a 12 month                   reduces the emissions by 51% to 35g
scooter lifespan and combustion                   CO2 eq. per person per kilometer.
                                                                                          for Voi’s Paris service since
engine operations.                                The Voiager 3 has an estimated          January 2019 — thanks
                                                  lifespan of 24 months, in line with     to many sustainability
In Q3 2019, emissions decreased to                the optimistic scenario of the North    initiatives
68g. Multiple factors contribute to               Carolina University study.
this reduction such as higher scooter
lifespan, increased utilization and               Combined, these initiatives reduced
fully electric operations using e-vans.           Voi’s emissions by 71% in Paris since
                                                  January 2019.

22   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
Swappable battery scooters
                                                               enable a 51% reduction in

  End-of-life treatment                                        Nearly 90% of the Voiager 3 is
                                                               made of easily recyclable materials,
  Voi uses circular economy principles,
                                                               enabling high recycling rates for
  reusing scooter parts where possible
                                                               scooter parts that cannot be reused.
  and partnering with leading recycling
                                                               In Paris, Paprec’s network achieves
  experts such as Paprec in France
                                                               a 99% or above recycling rate for
  and Fortum in Sweden to develop
                                                               aluminum, steel and plastic, and a
  reconditioning solutions for damaged
                                                               70% recycling rate for lithium-ion
  lithium-ion batteries.

 Voi’s Paris service CO2 emissions have been cut by 71% since launch
The impact of Voi’s improvement initiatives in Paris

                    in Paris

                   140          Improved lifespan            Higher scooter    100%               Swappable               Fully swappable
                         121    thanks to repairs and        utilization       electric van       battery                 fleet of Voiager
                   120          incentivised parking                           for operations     scooter pilot           3 scooters with
                                                                                                                          24 month lifespan
                   100             95
g CO²-eq. per km

                    80                                            69

                    60                                                                   53
                    40    Recycling          Route                  100%
                          partnership        optimization           electric van      E-cargo bikes
                          for material       software               for operations    for battery
                          recovery                                                    swapping
                   Jan 2019                                                                                                                 March 2020

  Note: Paris electricity mix is low-carbon, so the move to 100% renewable has little impact for Voi in Paris.
  Source: Voi LCA data, EY analysis, based on Voi internal improvement assumptions.

                                                                                                   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 23
Key improvement areas for reduced environmental impact

Reducing energy consumption and emissions of operations
The North Carolina University study study estimates operations to drive 43% of emissions. Our analysis shows its
operations account for only 3.5% of Voi’s emission in Paris. This has been achieved with a number of initiatives:

1.           Electrification: Voi uses an all-electric vehicle fleet for daily operations.

2.           Renewable energy: Voi uses 100% renewable energy to charge all of its scooters and service fleet.

3.           Swappable batteries: Swappable batteries cut operational emissions drastically by reducing the daily
             transport charge by 90% as only batteries are transported to be charged and deployed. This allows
             for cargo and trailer bikes to perform 75% of their in-field tasks. Swappable batteries also enable
             more rides to be provided with the same fleet size as scooters have much shorter down-time.

4.           Route optimization: This software has reduced daily distance covered by bikes and e-vans by 30% by
             identifying shortest routes.

Improving lifespan
The lifespan of an e-scooter is the chief component of both environmental and financial performance. While lifespans
have improved, scooter should be a top focus for operators. Voi’s latest swappable e-scooter model is expected to have
an operational lifespan of 24 months. Key levers for extended lifespan are:

1.           Durable e-scooter design: Second and third generation scooter design leverage data from millions of
             rides to build longer lasting scooters, created for intense use in outdoor conditions. Voi has seen over
             70% reduction in vandalism and theft since early stages.

2.           Focus on maintenance: Predictive maintenance software and strong local teams dedicated to repairs
             are key to ensuring a longer lifespan for scooters. Modular architecture enables easy repairs.

3.           User behavior: Incentivizing and guiding user behavior to park, use and care for the fleet promotes
             responsible use and reduces vandalism.

24   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
How Paris fosters sustainable practices
Paris has set high-ambition targets     the partnership with operators. The        It was Voi’s first city to have 100%
in its Air Energy Plan (Plan Climat     process will select three operators.       electric operations powered by
Air Énergie territorial), which aims   Highlighting the city’s environmental      green energy. It was one of the first
for zero combustion engine vehicles     ambitions, Paris has attributed            European cities to dedicate space
(diesel and gas) by 2030 and for        40% of the grade to sustainability,        to micromobility parking with over
carbon neutrality by 2050.              followed by 30% to safety and 30% to       2,500 micromobility parking hubs
                                        operations.                                (“zone partagée de remisage”).
Since the launch of e-scooter sharing
late 2018, Paris engaged in dialogue    The focus on sustainability in Paris
with operators. The city is now         has made it an innovation hub for
running a tender which will formalize   sustainable e-scooter sharing.

                                                                          Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 25
2. Comparison across                                      transport modes. We provide ranges                         mobility options. The OECD’s
                                                          for each where possible.                                   International Transport Federation,
modes                                                                                                                an intergovernmental organization
                                                          Based on available data, Voi’s per                         and think tank for transport policy
With sustainable hardware and                             person CO2 impact in Paris is above                        covering all transport modes, has
operational setups, e-scooter                             a metro (12-23 g), roughly on par                          set out to do this. The pending study
sharing is a low-carbon, sustainable                      with that of an electric bus (16-48 g),                    will compare the environmental
mobility option. The “per person km”                      and less than a train and a diesel bus.                    performance of urban transport
functional unit enables a comparison                      E-scooters are well below cars.                            modes by analyzing life-cycle
across transport modes. It should
                                                                                                                     performance and will provide
be noted that comparing life-cycle                        More studies needed                                        valuable data and insights into which
assessments can be delicate given
                                                          Improved life-cycle assessment                             modes should be promoted to cut
varying assumptions and limited
                                                          data is needed for all urban                               transport emissions.
studies on life-cycle impact of

Comparisons to other modes
Range of CO2 g eq. per person kilometer



            35                                            16–48

     Voi − Paris vs               Metro              Bus − electric       Train − highspeed           Bus − diesel           Car − electric           Car − petrol
       Hamburg                                                                vs regional

Multiple factors influence the emissions range for each mode including energy mix, vehicle models and average occupancy rate.

Voi’s Hamburg service features a Voiager 2 scooter with an estimated 18-24 month lifespan, no swappable batteries, diesel van operations and renewable energy
for charging

Source: Voi LCA data; EY analysis; North Carolina University LCA study, Aug. 2019; Arcadis, Extrait de l’étude portant sur l’impact environnemental des trottinettes
électriques, Nov. 2019; DTU International Energy Report 2019, Transforming Urban Mobility, Oct. 2019; Lufthansa Innovation Hub, Nov. 2019.

26     Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
Right moves on modal shift                   Voi for Business
Emissions in context          The other driver of a low-carbon             Voi for Business enables companies
                              urban transport is a sustainable             to seamlessly provide employees with
What does 35g or 126g
                              mobility mix, which requires a               e-scooter rides, aiming to convert
of CO2 represent? GHG
                              shift away from car use. “Beyond             business taxi and car trips into
emissions are at the heart
                              avoiding and reducing our emissions          micromobility trips. AdeoCare, an
of today’s agenda and         at each stage of our value chain             elderly care provider in Stockholm
reports but many of us        and achieving carbon neutrality, we          leases a fleet of 30 service cars used
lack the frame of reference   are actively engaged in designing            by employees to visit patients around
to understand them.           and integrating our service in a             the city. By joining the platform, it
Comparing to food, life-      way that increases car replacement           aims to encourage employees to opt
cycle analysis data shows     rates,” says Fredrik Hjelm, CEO of           for e-scooters instead of a car, hoping
that one cheeseburger         Voi. A carbon neutral service which          to save time, money and reduce the
emits around 4500g CO2        only replaces walking and public             company’s carbon footprint.
eq. A chocolate bar 1900g     transport will fail to help cities reduce
and a latte 340g CO2 eq.14    emissions.
Plant-based foods are much
                              Voi aims to design its service to
less carbon intensive; an     attract more taxi and car users.
apple emits 0.34g CO2 eq.     Their initiatives include: commuter
According to Nature Climate   packages and discounts, MaaS
Change journal, a cotton      integrations and a Voi for Business
and polyester t-shirt emit    platform.
2100g and 5500g CO2 eq.,

                              In Paris, the CO2 impact of Voi’s
                              service is similar to that of
                              public transport

                                                                  Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 27
How can cities unleash the
potential of micromobility?
When managed sustainably and integrated effectively within existing transport ecosystems,
e-scooters can help cities decarbonize transport and improve quality of life. With e-scooters
here to stay, the question is no longer whether cities should welcome e-scooters but
how. “Ultimately, cities want to understand the implications of micromobility, handle the
externalities and learn how to benefit from it,” comments Diego Canales from Populus.
Based on our talks with cities and research insights, we come with seven recommendations
for policy makers and city officials to unlock the potential of shared scooters and driving
sustainability best practice.

                                                                1. Implement national
                                                                policies that foster
                                                                a transition toward
                                                                sustainable mobility
                                                                Sustainable urban mobility requires
                                                                governments, cities, public transport
                                                                operators and private actors to
                                                                work together toward shared goals.
                                                                National policies are crucial to
                                                                enable cities to regulate but also
                                                                ensure cities move smartly toward
                                                                sustainable mobility. Governments
                                                                should set national traffic and
                                                                product requirements on the one side
                                                                and push cities to allocate more

28   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
space to micromobility — both            unlock the convenience and first- and        death or injury than cyclists. In fact,
in terms of parking spots and            last-mile benefits of the service.           the real danger on the road remains
micromobility lanes. In addition,                                                     cars, with heavy motor vehicles at
national legislation needs to            3. Foster public                             higher speed involved in 80% of fatal
provide the right framework for                                                       crashes with cyclists and e-scooter
cities to choose operators based on      transport —                                  riders. The report’s recommendations
requirements on safety, operations,      micromobility                                for policymakers and city planners
data sharing and sustainability.                                                      include creating protected and
                                         collaboration                                connected infrastructure for
2. Limit and select                      Experts envision dense shared                micromobility. This dramatically
                                                                                      increases adoption and safety of the
players based on                         mobility offerings composed of
                                                                                      mode, by ensuring car and other
                                         solutions such as e-scooters and
sustainability, safety                   automated shuttles enabling access           modes are separated. Furthermore,
                                                                                      traffic calming measures (e.g. speed
and operational                          to public transport and strengthening
                                                                                      reduction) has a positive effect on
                                         alternative mobility networks. Cities
excellence                               should not shy away from relying             micromobility safety. Cities should
                                         on privately owned companies                 favor operators who invest in user
Cities are increasingly running public                                                awareness and safety events to
                                         that shoulder the financial burden
tenders to select operators and                                                       foster responsible behavior. Cities
                                         and pursue partnerships in order
enforce requirements. Marseille is                                                    can support and legitimize safety
                                         to address challenges. With the
considered to have run a successful                                                   campaigns and help enforce sanctions
                                         2030 Agenda calling for increased
tender, by capping the number of                                                      for bad behavior such as drunk
                                         Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17),
players based on population size                                                      driving.
                                         collaboration between e-scooter
and selecting operators according to
                                         and public transport operators is a
multiple criteria. A capped market
                                         promising example of public-private
fosters more certainty for operators
                                         partnerships that has the potential
enabling investment in sustainable
                                         to support a transition toward
                                         sustainable urban mobility.
Clear requirements for operational
and hardware sustainability              4. Support safety
should be set. Cities should select
                                         efforts and invest in
operators who have a track record in
responsible employment, sustainable      alternative mobility
practices such as extending scooter      infrastructure
lifespan and green operations with
e-vans, cargo bikes and renewable        Safe mobility is a shared responsibility
energy.                                  between governments, cities and
                                         service providers. A report published
Employ dynamic fleet capping based       in February 2020 by ITF concludes
on utilization data to ensure demand     that e-scooter riders do not face a
is met. User data shows that critical    significantly higher risk of road traffic
density of scooters is required to

                                                                             Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 29
5. Create access to                               space between pedestrian crossings        invaluable insights into how people
                                                  and parking spots, Paris found a low-     move around cities, helping to
micromobility parking                             cost way to enable orderly parking.       identify mobility gaps and understand
                                                  Other cities should follow suit and       habits.
Policies geared toward levelling the
                                                  put in place a critical mass of spots
playing field between cars and new                                                          Cities can use tools provided by third
                                                  to meet the demand for parking and
modes are needed. With competition                                                          parties. For example, Voi’s City Data
                                                  incentivize users to park in an orderly
for public space, local governments                                                         Dashboard is a platform built to help
                                                  fashion. Parking zones, however,
can look at curb productivity, an                                                           city stakeholders and regulators
                                                  should be incentivized rather than
indicator enabling data driven urban                                                        understand and manage the use of
                                                  mandatory, which can thwart the
space management, based on how                                                              scooters in their city – the number
                                                  benefits of free-floating.
productive (# of passengers) a mode                                                         of trips, trip distance and duration,
is per time and space. For example,
shared e-scooters can be used by up               6. Harness the power                      times of trips, most used routes,
                                                                                            etc. These tools can enable evidence
to 8-10 people daily and a single car             of data and regulate                      driven policies and investment
parking spot can house up to 10-15
scooters, while cars transport on
                                                  dynamically                               in improved, safer and greener
                                                                                            transport options.
average 1.3 people and are parked                 Harnessing data insights is a priority
95% of the time. Cities should ensure             for city officials and mobility plans.    Dynamic regulation based on user
lighter modes of transport have                   “Collaboration with providers, access     patterns and utilization data provides
access to parking space.                          to data and learning by doing are         flexibility and can maximize benefits.
                                                  the most important factors for us –       For instance, fleet caps should be
The City of Paris has allocated 2,500                                                       adapted to demand data. Voi fleet
                                                  we need to know what happens on
micromobility parking spots for a                                                           data shows that critical density of
                                                  the street,” comments Eindhoven
planned 15,000 e-scooter fleet                                                              scooters is required to unlock the
                                                  mobility experts. Free-floating,
(which will be spread across three                                                          convenience and first- and last-mile
                                                  connected mobility services provide
operators). By converting the empty                                                         benefits of the service.

                                                   Ride like Voila — a digital traffic school

                                                   Ride Like Voila is the first certified e-scooter traffic school. It
                                                   includes gamified e-learning modules about traffic rules and
                                                   safe riding. 200,000 people have visited the school, receiving
                                                   free credits for passed modules. The content was created in
                                                   collaboration with the NTF, the National Society for Road Safety in
                                                   Sweden and certified by VIAS, the Belgian Institute for Road Safety.
                                                   250,000 people have visited the school since its launch.

30   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
Dynamic regulation responds to
data based on key performance

7. Foster modal shift                   Alternative mobility has traditionally     providing convenient, affordable
                                        included walking, cycling and public       options while incentivizing behavior
Reducing car sharing can only           transport but not micromobility.           through taxes, MaaS integrations and
be achieved by combining smart          Widening the definition of alternative     service design is key. Attracting youth
policies that promote sustainable       mobility to include sustainable            early on to alternative mobility rather
behavior with convenient transport      micromobility options can help             than car adoption is also crucial and
alternatives. Today, most cities have   cities effectively reduce transport        removes the need to convert them
implemented Sustainable Mobility        emissions without thwarting                later on.
Plans, which set reducing car share     accessibility. Policies focusing on
and increasing alternative mobility     behavior is key. Changing habits is
share as central targets.               a key challenge for most policies,

                                                                          Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 31
5The path to a
 sustainable future
Today’s cities are facing a challenge: reducing pollution and congestion while improving
urban access and quality of life. To usher European cities into post-car centers, noise and
pollution free zones will not only take smart policies and infrastructure, but a fundamental
shift in mobility habits and behavior. This is where the sustainability potential of e-scooters
lies: first tried out for fun but adopted for convenience, they exhibit tremendous uptake
pointing to their potential to change the way we move in cities. By making alternative and
public transit systems more accessible and convenient, e-scooters can serve as a catalyst
toward shared and low-carbon mobility. “Shared mobility is part of the bigger plan of
creating a livable, sustainable and accessible city with places that are pleasant to stay in.
MaaS and micromobility are key in our plans,” say Eindhoven MaaS experts, Astrid Zwegers
and Jan Willem van der Pas.

To take advantage of e-scooters, cities and policy makers should embrace the trend and
create environments conducive to private sector investment and sustainable practices
that benefit the city, its citizens and the planet. Together, investment toward micromobility
infrastructure, effective policies, innovation and responsible business practices can help
cities reach their climate goals, reclaim space for citizens and improve their quality of
life. While some challenges remain for the e-scooter sector, such as solving parking and
improving safety, the unexpected rise of the e-scooter in Europe shows that the future of
mobility which is people centric and provides low-carbon transport may come faster than
we thought. Data-driven smart policies are needed to support the shift rather than delay it.

32   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future 33
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34   Micromobility: Moving cities into a sustainable future
Thomas Holm Møller
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EY-Parthenon (EY BOX)
+45 73 23 30 00

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EY Global Future of Mobility Leader
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