Zimbabwe - Where to now? - Maritz Africa Intelligence

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Zimbabwe - Where to now? - Maritz Africa Intelligence
Zimbabwe – Where to now?

                                 By Dianna Games and Jaco Maritz
                                 Zimbabwe’s unexpected revolution in                with a leader cut from the same cloth as
Dianna Games is Chief            November 2017 took just a few weeks.               their ousted dictator.
Executive at consultancy         As citizens wearily braced themselves
Africa @ Work and Executive      for Robert Mugabe, 93, to serve yet                BACKGROUND
Director of the South Africa-    another five-year term in power from
Nigeria Chamber of               2018 or, worse, hand over the reins to             Zimbabwe’s economy has been on a rocky
Commerce. Jaco Maritz is         his wife, both were swept off the                  road for many years as a result of poor
founder of Maritz Africa
                                 political stage by the tide of history.            governance, a lack of policy vision and
                                                                                    political expedient actions by the president
This article was specifically    The military, who finally removed Mugabe,          and ruling party. Structural reforms and
written for the NTU-SBF          carefully avoided undertaking a textbook           political accountability, even in the darkest
Centre for African Studies.      coup d'état in order to circumvent the need        days of economic collapse, were politically
                                 for regional intervention in the                   unpalatable; they were at odds with the
                                 extraordinary events. Indeed,                      survival of Zanu-PF. Instead, for the most
                                 Zimbabweans insisted on social media that          part, the government followed a path of
                                 the Southern African Development                   patronage, pillaging, and, crisis
                                 Community (SADC) keep out of it. The               management. Instead of tackling its
                                 antipathy towards regional leaders is              problems, it cast about for scapegoats and
                                 based on years of perceived betrayal of            enemies to blame.
                                 ordinary Zimbabweans by the SADC,
                                 which has legitimised what were widely             Many believe the problems are recent. But
                                 believed to be elections rigged to keep            Mugabe’s record has been chequered for a
                                 Mugabe in power.                                   long time. His intolerance of opposition
                                                                                    showed in the early 1980s, soon after he
                                 The news delivered on national television          became head of state (then prime
                                 late one night by a military general that          minister). The army, at his behest, killed at
                                 Mugabe was under house arrest and the              least 10,000 Zimbabweans in a campaign
                                 army was taking action against criminals           to quell dissent in the region of
                                 surrounding the president, came as a               Matabeleland.1
                                 shock to citizens. They awoke the next day
                                 to tanks in the streets. It didn’t take long for   Economic problems also appeared early
                                 the celebrations to begin.                         on. High investment in health and
                                                                                    education in the early days of his rule,
                                 A few days later, Harare, the capital, was         albeit designed to counter the neglect of
                                 flooded with thousands of people hailing           the masses by the former Rhodesian
                                 the previously hated military, celebrating,        government, resulted in unsustainable
                                 hugging and crying. They also called in            levels of public expenditure, which also
                                 unison for the president to actually resign.       crowded out private investment and fuelled
                                 Similar scenes were last seen 37 years             inflation. The implementation of an IMF
                                 ago in 1980 when cheering Zimbabweans              structural adjustment programme in the
 The NTU-SBF Centre for          flooded the streets to welcome Mugabe              early 1990s, which aimed to fix mounting
 African Studies, a trilateral   home from exile before electing him                economic challenges, exacerbated the
 platform for government,        president.                                         problems and the project was abandoned
 business and academia to                                                           by Mugabe before it had run its course.
 promote knowledge and           What began as a factional battle in the
 expertise on Africa,
                                 ruling party turned into a revolution. When        The president made costly political
 established by Nanyang
 Technological University        the dust settles, Zimbabweans may find             choices. In 1997, for example, he made
 and the Singapore               either that real change is underway or that        unbudgeted payments to restive war
 Business Federation.            they have become a de facto military state         veterans demanding payment for their role
 https://ntusbfcas.com                                                              in the war of independence. The effect on

Zimbabwe - Where to now? - Maritz Africa Intelligence
an already ailing fiscus was dramatic. The      Mugabe back into power. Their obstruction
                   Zimbabwe dollar fell by 70% against the         in implementing media, security and
                   US currency and the stock market plunged        electoral reforms that formed part of the
                   overnight.2 This was followed by                unity government negotiations, served
                   Zimbabwe’s expensive, and unnecessary,          them well. It also highlighted the weakness
                   intervention in the Democratic Republic of      of what was by then a fragmented
                   Congo war.                                      opposition, beaten down by years of
                                                                   fighting on an uneven political playing field.
                   In 2000, the emergence of the first serious
                   opposition to Zanu-PF since independence        But it was business as usual for the newly
                   in the form of the Movement for                 installed administration, which had no
                   Democratic Change (MDC) triggered a             workable plans for the economy. Western
                   decade of violence against opposition           investors, still waiting to see the back of
                   supporters and a slew of rigged elections.      Mugabe, mostly kept away. The
                                                                   government’s Look East policy, designed
                   But the biggest economic upset was the          to lure less critical Asian investors to
                   seizure and redistribution of thousands of      Zimbabwe, had limited success. The
                   white-owned commercial farms, which             challenging business environment and
                   formed the backbone of the Zimbabwe             concerns about policy predictability
                   economy. This began in 1998 but gained          remained. A particular issue was the
                   momentum after 2000 when farmers were           indigenisation legislation that forced foreign
                   accused of supporting the MDC.                  investors to cede 51% of their companies
When the dust      Commercial agriculture output plummeted,        to locals.
                   with a knock-on effect on the
settles,           manufacturing sector, which was tied to         Manufacturing continued its decline, with
Zimbabweans        agricultural inputs. It also affected tobacco   companies battling with power shortages
                   production, a key export.                       and unable to source foreign exchange for
may find either                                                    inputs and machinery upgrades. Imported
that real change   Meanwhile, the government began to print        goods flooded the market, particularly from
                   money to cover its debts, unwilling to          neighbouring South Africa, and the trade
is underway or     reform in order to attract new investment.      deficit widened to more than $3 billion by
that they have     The economy eventually collapsed in 2008        2015.4 In 2016, Zimbabwe received foreign
                   under the weight of hyperinflation that         direct investment of just $320 million.5
become a de        reached nearly 231,000,000% in the
                   summer of that year.3                           The opportunity presented by Zimbabwe’s
facto military                                                     significant diamond fields was undermined
state with a       2008 was also a pivotal year politically, as    by the widespread looting of the
                   Mugabe and MDC leader Morgan                    commodity by military leaders and political
leader cut from    Tsvangirai went head to head in an              elites in partnerships with Chinese and
the same cloth     election characterised by disputed results      other companies licensed to mine them. It
                   and unprecedented levels of violence.           is suspected that more than $15 billion
as their ousted    Eventually, the SADC intervened,                worth of revenues were diverted from the
dictator.          brokering a government of national unity in     national treasury.6
                   which Mugabe remained president,
                   Tsvangirai became prime minister and            While the multicurrency regime allowed
                   cabinet posts were shared among the main        nine currencies as legal tender, most
                   parties.                                        citizens preferred the US dollar.7 However,
                                                                   this removed control from the monetary
                   The uneasy political compromise, while it       authorities. Cash quickly disappeared
                   disappointed Zimbabweans hoping for             across borders and, as cash shortages
                   change, allowed the economy to stabilise.       loomed, it increasingly was stashed under
                   The Zimbabwe dollar was replaced by a           mattresses. The Reserve Bank of
                   multicurrency regime, which enabled the         Zimbabwe said in 2015 alone, $1.8 billion
                   wheels of commerce to turn again.               worth of dollars left the country.8
                                                                   Zimbabwe’s budget in 2017 was just $4
                   2013 ELECTIONS AND BEYOND                       billion.9

                   The unity government ended in 2013 when         The use of the US dollar has also made
                   the next election ushered Zanu-PF and           exports and tourism expensive, particularly
for regional trade and tourism as all             Forex transactions were sharply curbed on
                   currencies in the region are weaker than          the back of shortages. Supply fell far short
                   the US currency.                                  of demand. Although mining sector
                                                                     revenues, buoyed by increasing
                   In 2016, in a desperate measure to                commodity prices and improved
                   introduce liquidity, the government               productivity from the gold, platinum,
                   announced a limited number of “bond               chrome, nickel and coal sectors, rose, the
                   notes”. These were theoretically backed by        currency was quickly snapped up.
                   hard currency, but their value against the
                   real dollar quickly deteriorated, reaching        Foreign institutions tightened transaction
                   lows of 80% against the greenback.                limits on international cards, while nearly
                   Zimbabweans mistrusted the move,                  50 international correspondent banks
                   believing it was a way of introducing             turned their backs on Zimbabwe. 12
                   through the back door a new local currency
                   that the authorities could control. The           The Mugabe government’s response was
                   existence of a quasi-currency that was not        to criminalise black-market foreign
                   tradeable beyond Zimbabwe was also                currency trading. Similarly, it imposed price
                   unappealing to investors.                         controls on a range of goods, blaming
                                                                     retailers for profiteering. But it steadfastly
                   Zimbabweans have eschewed the use of              refused to cut expenditure on the public
                   the South African rand as a result of the         service, which swallows more than 70% of
                   currency’s volatility and rising political risk   the budget.
Mugabe was put     in that country. It would, however, make
                   more sense given that South Africa is             Overarching the economic problems was a
under house        Zimbabwe’s biggest trading partner and            gathering political storm that had its
arrest,            about 70% of Zimbabwe’s tourists come             genesis in the succession battle that had
                   via its southern neighbour.10                     raged around the presidency for years.
government                                                           Two clear factions had emerged: Team
buildings were     The long-term dysfunction of the economy          Lacoste, headed by long-time Mugabe ally
                   has had wider consequences. Key among             and first vice president since 2014,
sealed off and a   them is the erosion of institutions and the       Emmerson Mnangagwa, and G40, fronted
general was        dysfunction and even paralysis of state-          by first lady, Grace Mugabe, whose
                   owned enterprises. Corruption had become          political ambitions to succeed her husband,
seen on            rife, in both the public and private sectors.     once muted, became clear in 2017.
                   GDP growth declined from 1.4% in 2015 to
national           0.7% in 2016. Projections were for growth         She openly campaigned against
television         of over 2% in 2017 on the back of                 Mnangagwa, accusing him of plotting to
                   improved mining receipts.                         topple Mugabe, as she had done with his
announcing that                                                      predecessor, Joice Mujuru, who was
the military had   2017: A PRELUDE TO MILITARY                       eventually fired. Mnangagwa suffered a
                   INTERVENTION                                      similar fate at her hand, being removed in
taken over in                                                        early November from government and the
the interests of   By 2017, Zimbabwe was effectively                 party. He fled the country.
                   bankrupt. The fiscal and monetary situation
saving             was again parlous with a fiscal deficit of        But his friends in the powerful security
Zimbabwe.          about 55% of total expenditure and                establishment came down on his side.
                   government spending being driven by               Within days, tanks rolled into Harare. In a
                   Treasury Bills, a trend that potentially put      rapid sequence of events that stunned
                   the banking sector in peril as the main           Zimbabweans and the world, Mugabe was
                   buyers of government debt.                        put under house arrest, government
                   Contributions to pension funds had                buildings were sealed off and a general
                   dropped by 40% as formal sector jobs              was seen on national television
                   dried up and the cash crunch had hit hard,        announcing that the military had taken over
                   with most Zimbabweans turning to plastic          in the interest of saving Zimbabwe. He said
                   and mobile money to effect transactions.          Mugabe was safe, but the criminals around
                   Cash withdrawals at banks were limited to         him would be targeted. Several ministers
                   as low as $20 a day.11                            and G40 members were arrested while
                                                                     others fled.
Mugabe, under threat of impeachment and           Measures announced in the 2018 budget
                    removed as president by his party,                by recycled finance minister Patrick
                    resigned a few days later. Zanu-PF also           Chinamasa on 7 December backed up the
                    restored Mnangagwa’s membership and               inauguration promises. Key elements
                    voted for him to finish Mugabe’s five-year        included the scrapping of the 51%
                    term, with a new interim cabinet, ahead of        requirement of local ownership for foreign
                    elections due to be held by mid-2018.             investors, except in the diamond and
                                                                      platinum sectors. Non-performing state-
                    THE MNANGAGWA PRESIDENCY                          owned enterprises are to be privatised or
                                                                      closed; the public service is to be trimmed
                    The interim cabinet was a disappointment          and legislation affecting business is to be
                    to Zimbabweans hoping for change. It was          reviewed.
                    full of old Zanu-PF hacks with military
                    leaders in key appointments. In essence, it       Education received the highest budget
                    was a “payback” cabinet. The need to keep         allocation. On the downside, defence was
                    the military and the party sweet is bound to      allocated significantly more than agriculture
                    have been on Mnangagwa’s mind when he             and health, underlining the notion of
                    chose his line-up. Many hope that with            Zimbabwe as a securocratic state.
                    political debts taken care of early on, there
                    is a chance for a reform cabinet after next       International re-engagement has already
                    year’s poll in the likely event he takes part     begun. China, Zimbabwe’s fourth-largest
                    and wins. But for now, he has to tread            trading partner and biggest investor, is
International re-   carefully.                                        leading the charge. Days after the
                                                                      inauguration, Mnangagwa was visited by
engagement          Zimbabweans have not forgotten that he            China’s Assistant Foreign Affairs Minister,
has already         was among those accused of siphoning off          Chen Xiaodong.13
                    billions of dollars of diamond profits, or that
begun. China,       he was part of the security cabal that            China has already announced a $153
Zimbabwe’s          murdered thousands in the early 1980s.            million deal to expand the international
                    Nor have they forgotten that he propped up        airport, build a new parliament and a
fourth-largest      Mugabe.                                           computer centre at the university. None is
trading partner                                                       a priority in this stricken economy, but it is
                    But with their backs against the wall, the        a start. But more than $1 billion of Chinese
and biggest         economy tanking again and the prospect of         money is on standby for the revival of
                    a dynasty succession plan, accepting a            Zimbabwe’s defunct iron and steel
investor, is        tainted successor was a compromise worth          company, Zisco.
leading the         making. Mnangagwa has, for some time,
                    been pro-business and supportive of               Britain has also beaten a path to the new
charge.             international re-engagement.                      president’s door and the IMF sent a
                                                                      delegation in early December to see what
                    His inaugural speech made all the right           assistance it could offer to rebuild the
                    noises. “I am not oblivious to the many           economy. International lending is
                    Zimbabweans across the political and              constrained by Zimbabwe’s large debt
                    racial divide who helped make this day            burden and Zimbabweans are wary of
                    happen, and thus have legitimate                  incurring more debt if existing obligations
                    expectations of the office I now occupy,” he      are cleared, but the size of the need may
                    told a packed stadium.                            push the country back in this direction for
                    He vowed to uphold the constitution and
                    conduct the election as scheduled. He             The region has been quietly supportive,
                    promised the safety of investment, reform         with several Southern African presidents
                    of land title, increased local productivity       attending the inauguration. Their support
                    through support to industry, and                  for the new administration is important
                    improvements to the business                      politically, as it has been for Mugabe for
                    environment, among other things. Mining,          years.
                    agriculture and tourism are also at the
                    centre of his recovery strategy and               The big test will be to see if Zanu-PF and
                    investors are already focusing on new             its new president will conduct a free and
                    opportunities there, banking on change.           fair election in 2018, particularly if the
fragmented opposition puts up a united              growth for 2018 is difficult to predict, but it
front. A level playing field would require          is likely to be well above the 0.8%
long overdue electoral and other reforms,           predicted by the IMF before the change of
which may be politically unpalatable to the         president. But it is vital that Zimbabwe
party.                                              addresses critical issues in monetary policy
                                                    to really unlock opportunities.
                                                    Although the international community has
Under the right leadership there is no              fretted about the fact that Mnangagwa
reason why Zimbabwe should not quickly              appears to represent more of the same,
begin the long rebuilding process. Its              Zimbabweans believe that Mugabe’s
institutions are resilient and there is still a     removal was a necessary condition for
reservoir of skilled professionals and              economic removal and they are, for now,
nimble companies, as well as a large                celebrating change as an end in itself.
diaspora to tap into.                               They seem to have finally found their
                                                    voice. It will not be easy to go back.
The new president can build on recent
achievements in improving agricultural
production and tap into rising interest in
mining, telecoms and other sectors. GDP

1 Cowell, Alan. “Just as in 1980, Zimbabwe’s        2016,
Celebration May Be Short-Lived.” The New York       www.theindependent.co.zw/2016/06/17/zim-
Times, 20 Nov. 2017,                                faces-currency-dilemma/.
www.nytimes.com/2017/11/20/world/africa/zimb        8 “#Zimbabwe: Search is on for missing
abwe-mugabe-independence.html.                      billions.” Diamond Fields Advertiser, 9 Dec.
2 Dzirutwe, MacDonald. “'Shame on you, I am         2017, www.dfa.co.za/international-
not dying', Mugabe tells potential                  news/zimbabwe-search-is-on-for-missing-
successors.” Reuters, 7 Apr. 2016,                  billions/.
www.reuters.com/article/us-zimbabwe-                9 Boh, Elvis. “Zimbabwe: Finance minister
mugabe/shame-on-you-i-am-not-dying-mugabe-          projects better growth rate in 2017.” Africanews,
tells-potential-successors-idUSKCN0X424M.           10 Dec. 2016,
3 “In dollars they trust.” The Economist, 27 Apr.   www.africanews.com/2016/12/10/zimbabwe-
2013, www.economist.com/news/finance-and-           finance-minister-projects-better-growth-rate-in-
economics/21576665-grubby-greenbacks-dear-          2017.
credit-full-shops-and-empty-factories-dollars-      10 Musonza, Brighton. “Zimbabwe currency
they.                                               crisis: The rand and long history of trade with
4 Kazunga, Oliver. “Zim gains 13 percent on         South Africa.” Zimbabwe Independent, 12 May
balance of trade,” The Chronicle, 20 June 2016,     2016,
www.chronicle.co.zw/zim-gains-13-percent-on-        www.theindependent.co.zw/2016/05/12/55811/.
balance-of-trade/.                                  11 Muronzi, Chris. “It’s official: cash is on sale in
5 Ryan, Carol. “Mugabe will cast a long shadow      Zimbabwe.” Financial Mail, 11 May 2017,
over Zimbabwe.” Reuters, 20 Nov. 2017,              www.businesslive.co.za/fm/features/africa/2017-
www.reuters.com/article/us-zimbabwe-mugabe-         05-12-its-official-cash-is-on-sale-in-zimbabwe/
breakingviews/breakingviews-mugabe-will-cast-       12 “Forex crisis forces further international card
a-long-shadow-over-zimbabwe-                        curbs.” The Financial Gazette, 17 Aug. 2017,
idUSKBN1DK24D.                                      www.financialgazette.co.zw/forex-crisis-forces-
  “Missing $15 billion looters face probe.” The     further-international-card-curbs/.
Herald, 28 Apr. 2016,                               13 “Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Chen
www.herald.co.zw/missing-15-billion-looters-        Xiaodong Heads to Harare.” Voice of America,
face-probe/.                                        19 Nov. 2017,
7 Mpofu, Bernard. “Zim faces currency               www.voazimbabwe.com/a/zimbabwe-china-
dilemma.” Zimbabwe Independent, 17 June             visit/4141333.html.
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