Young Living Essential Oils: Essential Oils 101 - An Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils

Page created by Sally Harmon
Young Living Essential Oils: Essential Oils 101 - An Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils
Young Living Essential Oils:
    Essential Oils 101
  An Introduction to Young Living
           Essential Oils
Young Living Essential Oils: Essential Oils 101 - An Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils
What is covered in this presentation?
Learn how Young Living Essential Oils can be used as a tool in helping you
become healthy. We will showcase the 10 oils in the Everyday Oils kit and you
will learn more about essential oils and learn why Young Living Essential Oils
are a leader in the essential oil industry.
In this presentation, you will learn about:

• The Seed to Seal process
• What it means to be a YL Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil.
• Why essential oils are better than medications.
• The 10 different oils from the Everyday Kit: Peppermint, Lavender, Lemon,
  Thieves, Frankincense, Valor, Panaway, Purification, Joy and Peace &
• Also how you can purchase Young Living Essential Oils and learn more
  about the Essential Rewards program-where you can be rewarded with
  free oils and other special offers.
Young Living Essential Oils: Essential Oils 101 - An Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils
The information provided in this presentation is for educational purposes only. It is
 not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please be
 aware that this information is provided to supplement the care provided by your
  physician. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional
                                  medical advice.


Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to
  starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a
 medical condition. Because the practice of medicine is regulated and protected by
    the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Medical
Association (AMA), no medical claims pertaining to the effect, success or impact of
 using essential oils can be made by anyone, not even by a licensed physician. The
    difference between practicing medicine and practicing health is a matter of
language. To practice medicine requires a license, to promote good health does not.
Therefore, we do not diagnose, prescribe or offer treatment for disease. We do offer
  health information to support and teach the visitors to our site how to rely on
                           themselves to build better health.
Young Living Essential Oils: Essential Oils 101 - An Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils
“I was diagnosed 7 years ago with breast cancer and started getting
radiation. I started to use frankincense, helichrysum, sandalwood, and
Ningxia Red. I did my 2 month check up and my doctor told me that I
didn't have breast cancer anymore . So then I stopped using my oils and
drinking Ningxia Red.

Then just last year I was diagnosed again with breast cancer so I had a
couple of surgeries. Then after the surgeries the cancer started to
spread, it had spread to my brain. I started doing chemotherapy. I also
had gamma knife treatment for my brain cancer. That was awful.

Last year in May, my cancer doctor told me that I have 6 month's to
live because the chemotherapy was not helping. I told him no I'm not
going to give up and I will do what ever it takes. I also told my doctor
that I was not going to do chemotherapy any more; he was so upset. I
went home and started to use frankincense, helichrysum, sandalwood,
Ningxia Red like I did before. In every 2 months I went for a check up
on my cancer and my cancer doctor told me that the cancer was
shrinking. I was so glad. My cancer doctor was so surprised that it had
been passed my 6 month's that I was diagnosed to live.

Now in January 2010, I went back for a check up and my doctor gave
me the wonderful news. I was cleared. I have no more cancer any
where in my body. One thing I do have to say that I will never ever
again stop drinking my Ningxia Red and using my oils.”

                                                             - Annette Acosta, New Mexico

  *This testimonial was not modified or corrected for content. Grammatical and spelling errors were corrected.
Young Living Essential Oils: Essential Oils 101 - An Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils
What are Essential Oils?
Young Living Essential Oils: Essential Oils 101 - An Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils
"When a fragrance is inhaled, the odor molecules travel up the
                                                           nose where they are trapped by the olfactory membranes that
                                                           are well protected by the lining inside the nose. Each odor
                                                           molecule fits like a little puzzle into specific receptor cell sites
                                                           that line a membrane known as the olfactory epithelium. Each
                                                           one of these hundreds of millions of nerve cells is replaced
                                                           every 28 days. When stimulated by odor molecules, this lining
                                                           of nerve cells triggers electrical impulses to the olfactory bulb in
                                                           the brain. The olfactory bulb then transmits the impulses to the
                                                           gustatory center (where the sensation of taste is perceived), the
                                                           amygdala (where emotional memories are stored), and other
                                                           parts of the limbic system of the brain. Because the limbic
                                                           system is directly connected to those parts of the brain that
                                                           control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress
                                                           levels, and hormone balance, essential oils have a profound
                                                           physiological and psychological effect.
                                                           The sense of smell is the only one of the five senses directly
                                                           linked to the limbic lobe of the brain, the emotional control
                                                           center. All other senses (touch, taste, hearing and sight) are
                                                           routed through the thalamus, which acts as the switchboard for
                                                           the brain, passing stimuli onto the cerebral cortex (the
                                                           conscious thought center) and other parts of the brain.

The limbic lobe (a group of brain structures that includes the hippocampus and the amygdala located below the cerebral
cortex) can also directly activate the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is one of the most important parts of the brain, acting
as our hormonal control center. It releases chemical messengers that can affect everything from sex drive to energy levels.
Essential oils-through their fragrance and unique molecular structure-can directly stimulate the limbic lobe and the
hypothalamus." Essential Oil Integrative Medical Guide written by D. Gary Young, ND
Young Living Essential Oils: Essential Oils 101 - An Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils
The FDA Says Only 5% of Ingredient =
A company can label a bottle as pure if it has only 5% of pure
essential oil in the bottle.

In her book, Their Leaves for Healing: The Divine Gift of Plants
That Heal, Elizabeth Flores writes that

"90% of what is sold in the United States as ‘pure’ essential oil
is fragrance-grade and diluted. (The FDA has determined that
a product need contain only 5% of the ingredient on the label
in order to use the word pure.) These oils are found on the
shelves of many health food stores and at online discount
houses. They may be less expensive, but they will not be useful
for healing."
Young Living Essential Oils: Essential Oils 101 - An Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils
Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils
When we compare Young Living ’s ‘therapeutic-grade’ essential oils with the type of
“pure essential oils” available at whole food shops, we find significant differences in
quality and purity. For example, the Essential Oils Desk Reference tells us that:
“Pure frankincense is often extended with colorless, odorless, solvents such as
diethylphthalate or dipropylene glycol…unfortunately, a large percentage of essential
oils marketed in the United States fall in this adulterated category. When you
understand the world of synthetic oils, as well as low-grade oils cut with synthetic
chemicals, you realize why unsuspecting people with their untrained noses don’t
know the difference…”
“Anyone venturing into the world of therapy using essential oils must use the purest
quality oils available. Inferior quality or adulterated oils most likely will not produce
therapeutic results and could possibly be toxic.”

Young Living's essential oils are never cut with chemicals or solvents. They are only
stream distilled or in the case of citrus cold pressed.
Young Living Essential Oils: Essential Oils 101 - An Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils
Why Young Living?
They are world leaders in Essential Oils and have
more than 20 years of experience! It was
founded by Gary Young who used essential oils
to overcome a disability from a logging accident.
By using essential oils he went from paralyzed
for life to running in a half marathon, finishing in
60th place out of 970 people. From there he has
toured the globe studying about essential oils.

They currently own 9 farms on 5 different
continents, so they are truly in control. As of
today, they are actively looking for additional
land to add more farms.

Young Living owns and/or operates the distillers
in USA (3 total), Ecuador, France, Oman, Taiwan,
Egypt, Israel, and Kenya, farms much of their
own production with their own farms in St.
Maries, Idaho, Whispering Springs Farm in Mona,
Utah, Highland Flats Tree Farm in Naples, Idaho,
in Guayaquil, Ecuador, in Simiane-la-Rotonde,
France and in Salalah, Oman-where they are the
only ones allowed to distill the Frankincense
(Boswellia sacra) from Oman. And they recently
acquired farms in Taiwan, Peru and Israel and
soon one in Egypt.

Young Living has been opening distribution
centers all over the globe- USA, Singapore,
China, Mexico, Australia, Japan, Germany,
Canada, Hong Kong and Sweden.
Young Living Essential Oils: Essential Oils 101 - An Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils
The 4 P’s of Young Living:
       Plants, Preparation, Purity, Potency
Organic, virgin soil. Optimal harvest time. Small batches
for distillation. No dilution! Extensive testing. Every step
counts when creating the best essential oils and Young
Living is there for every step of the process. Extensive
testing is done to determine the best harvest time, best
distillation time, and the best temperature! Most
companies do a set amount for every plant, but Young
Living knows that every plant is different and needs to be
handled with care.

This is committed to -through our Seed to Seal process!

Young Living has the Seed to Seal promise, ensuring that
they know the seed, soil, cultivation, distilling, and the
final product. No other Essential Oil company in the
United States can do that.

Young Living essential oils are:
• 100% pure
• Sourced only from known botanical species
• Sustainably grown and harvested
• Grown on chemical-free lands in carefully nourished soil (organic)
• Unmatched throughout the essential oils industry
• So pure and natural, they’re used and recommended by integrative
health professionals around the world. There are over 50 hospitals that
exclusively use Young Living Essential oils in helping their patients with
many health issues, including Beth Israel Medical Center.
Everyday Essential Oils

We're going to go through the 10 oils that come in the Everyday
Essential Oils kit next.

Why do we start with those ones? Because they come in a discounted
starter set and you have in your hands 100 uses immediately. Trust
me, they will be much more useful if you take them out of the box!

My description of the oils will come from the book “Reference Guide
for Essential Oils” by Connie and Alan Higley and the 5th edition of the
"Essential Oil Desk Reference" by Life Science Publishing.
“I used Frankincense to get rid of my huge plantar wart on my foot.
My doctor tried to burn it off two different times and was
unsuccessful. And, it cost me $300 out of pocket.

I put one drop of Young Living's Frankincense on my wart almost every night and sometimes in
the morning for about 3 weeks. It had started to shrink but not yet gone away when I ran out of
my Frankincense. I did not put any more of the oil on my wart and yet it continued to disappear
completely over the next few weeks. I cannot even tell it was ever there now.

I am currently using the same technique to take a wart off my young daughter's thumb. The
wart is responding and is starting to go away. She is having no discomfort with this treatment
and Frankincense helps uplift her attitude.

Hope it works for you too.”
                                                                      -   Joanna Manoff, California
“A client of mine was very depressed about her relationship with her
husband. She was in tears as she told me about how her husband would come home from
work, go into his room, lock the door and not speak to her. This had been going
on for weeks.

I told her that I would like to give her a little "Joy". I had her rub two drops of Joy in her palms and deeply inhale it.
Within minutes her countenance brightened and she was amazed at how well she felt. I then suggested she try an
experiment. While her husband was at work, she put some Joy on his pillow each day. She also would wear Joy as a
perfume for herself and to spread the "joy" around!

The next week she returned and reported what had happened. After about three days, her husband would listen to her and
began responding. He agreed to go on a short trip to her parent's home and in the car, on the way home, he talked non-
stop! She was wearing Joy and in the enclosed small space of the car, it was amplified. Just one of the wonders of JOY!”

                                                                                                    - Trudie Crawford, Indiana
“If you have young children, Lavendar oil is a must. I have
watched my children's sunburns disappear after putting
lavender oil on them. Any type of burn will heal quicker with lavender.

I am not the best cook and one day grabbed a casserole dish that had been in the oven at 400 for an
hour. I had forgotten to put mitts on and you can imagine. I didn't scream, just calmly went and
found my lavender oil and doused both of my hands. Immeadiate relief and I continued my cooking.
Our family motto is: When in doubt, put lavender on it!”
                                                                                - April Robyn, Oregon
“My 4 year old got a wart on his hand from
who knows where. We tried for several
months with the over the counter stinky stuff. I then went to the expensive dr.
that put more stuff on it that did't work. Then I tried lemon oil. I put one drop
on the wart two times and within a day it fell off. Why didn't I think of it alot
                                                         - Kimberly Reyes, Nevada
“My dad had carpal tunnel in both wrists. He had
surgery on one. It was so painful he did not want to go for the other. He has been
using Panaway on it whenever he has pain. He is thankful there is something that
he can do besides more surgery. He also uses panaway for arthritis in his knees, feet
and shoulder. He is a true believer in the oils.”
                                                          - Debbie Millies, Wisconsin
“Three teenagers with special needs creates a lot
of tension and stress. My downline Sylvia was
exhausted from the constant teenager attitudes
she dealt with daily. She had been waiting to get
a diffuser to diffuse Peace & Calming blend in the
boys' bedroom but reached her wit's end first.

She decided to put Peace & Calming on the mastoid bones behind the ears of everybody,
herself included, 3 times a day. Attitudes changed, contention melted away, and Peace &
Calming brought relief to the entire family.”
                                                               - Pamela Mang, California
“The first time I used peppermint is when two of my children ate too much halloween candy and
were vomiting. A drop of peppermint rubbed over their tummies stopped the vomiting.

A few years later we were hit bad with some kind of terrible stomach flu that caused everyone in
my home to vomit until they were so tired and drained we just wanted to die. Finally I took out
the peppermint and applied it to every tummy and we got immediate relief from the vomiting
and were able to rest and fall asleep and recover. Thank goodness for peppermint oil.”

                                                                        - Deborah Ranada, Idaho
“Last week a co-worker with a swollen, hardened calf muscle, an
area the size of a hand, was wondering what had happened to her.
I said," Hey, that's a spider bite, and I can take care of it quick
and easy."

I had her massage in one drop of Purification oil. She left and reported the next day that the swelling and hardness were
gone. She thanked me, only to return the third day asking for another drop of Purification because her leg really itched.

I checked the bite and noticed the skin was soft and no longer swollen and there were no signs of peeling, but a red spot
remained. So, she applied one more drop of Purification and had no more complaints. So, a major spider bite was totally
healed by two one-drop applications of Purification oil massaged in two days apart. Awesome!”
                                                                                                        - Susan Heil, Texas
“We just love the Thieves oil blend. For colds
and flu, go for Thieves. Sore throat? A drop of thieves in water, gargle and
swallow. Or try Thieves spray - one spray does the trick. Thieves lozenges are
great, too, especially for the little ones. Thieves cleaner is "my" cleaner for
everything, from cabinets and high chairs, to all bathroom fixtures, doorknobs
and dishes. Thieves toothpaste is a must, and safe for the whole family.”
                                                             - Virginia Graham, Texas
“I have had 2 back surgeries in 5 years. My body hadn't been aligned
for a long time before them and certainly wasn't after them. I started
using the oils for the pain in my back and down my leg. I applied
them every hour in the beginning. It is my belief that valor was key
in aligning my body.

I used valor every morning. I put it on the bottom of my feet. The reflex points for your spine are along the inside of your foot.
About half way in to the second bottle of valor is when the shift happened (about 3 months). I was walking down the stairs one
morning and my body had a shift. I felt my hips drop in to place and I felt every disc in my back line up. A huge weight was
lifted that morning and I have felt more centered ever since.

I still use valor almost every day for the courage and confidence. Some refer to valor as chiropractic in a bottle, because of the
self-correcting it can do for your body. It really worked for me.”
                                                                                                     - Corry Heinrich, New York
How do we use essential oils?
This offers some more advice from “Surviving When Modern Medicine Fails.”
    "Essential Oils should be applied at the first signs of a symptom or immediately following an injury. I have noted this myself when a headache comes on, I have instant relief and no escalation if I
    immediately apply the peppermint to my temples, if however I wait, I find it much more difficult to get immediate relief – meaning I need to use more oil over more time or add an additional pain oil.

•   Apply EO as often as every 5 minutes with severe injuries or where illness is progressing; 2-4       •   Be careful if you are pregnant. Use Caution and common sense. Oils to avoid or be very careful of
    times daily if you catch the illness early, or 1-3 times daily for chronic conditions.                   usage include: anise, basil, birch, clary sage, fennel, hyssop, mugwort, nutmeg, parsley seed and
•   Apply oils based on body size * 6-15 drops for a large body * 5-10 drops for an adolescent or            leaf, penny royal, rosemary, sage, tansy, thuja, tarragon, wintergreen and wormwood.
    teenager *1-5 drops for a small child *1/2 drop for an infant – or dilute with a carrier oil.        •   If it is too sensitive to your skin, immediately apply a carrier oil over the top of the oils to lessen
•   Apply oils on the feet, spine or site of injury unless otherwise directed.                               the effects.
•   Be willing to try a different oil if you don’t get relief after a few applications, each person is   •   Avoid the eyes – if oil gets into the eye, apply milk. Don’t put oils directly in ears.
    biologically unique and will respond differently.                                                    •   Avoid sun exposure for 12-48 hours after the application of photosensitive oils – angelica,
•   Avoid peppermint, eucalyptus and wintergreen on children under 3, use mild oils like copaiba,            bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, orange, tangerine and other citrus oils. (or apply on body parts not
    lavender, German Chamomile, lemon and frankincense instead.                                              exposed to sun).
Other Young Living Products:
    Thieves Household Product Line
                                                   Having the best for you and your family is about being
                                                   surrounded by all things healthy, natural, and non-toxic.
                                                   Young Living is your partner in this pursuit. From the
                                                   cleaning products you use to the toothpaste in your
                                                   medicine cabinet, your home is the place where total
                                                   wellness begins.

                                                   Natural Cleaning
                                                   Keeping a clean house doesn’t mean soaking it in toxic
                                                   chemicals. Trust our aromatic household products for a
                                                   natural, effective alternative to traditional cleaning
                                                   Oral Care
                                                   Healthy teeth and gums start with products that clean and
                                                   protect without harsh chemicals. Discover the natural
                                                   alternative to oral health with our essential oil-infused oral
“We keep a spray bottle that has diluted Thieves   care products.
Household Cleaner, on the kitchen counter. The     Natural Protection
same spray is used to clean all surfaces in the    It’s a dirty world out there. Protect yourself from germs the
house, including the bathroom. It's used it to     natural way with Thieves® Lozenges, Waterless Hand
clean and disinfect the counters and sinks. We     Purifier, Wipes, and much more.
use Thieves to clean our fruit and vegetables
before making them available to eat. We also
add a capful to the laundry!”
                      - Susanne Capra, Maryland
Other Young Living Products:
    AR T Product Line
                Free from the harmful chemicals found in many mainstream
                skin and hair products, Young Living’s beauty products
                contain all natural-ingredients infused with essential oils.
                These precious oils are a centuries-old beauty secret that
                can refine your complexion while supporting body, mind,
                and spirit.

                While you can’t turn back time, you can still fight the signs
                of aging. Formulated with the natural power of essential
                oils, our anti-aging line protects and revitalizes your skin for
                a more radiant you.
                Hair Care
                Plant-derived, biodegradable, and effective, our hair-care
                formulas deliver a rich, aromatherapeutic experience while
                leaving your hair clean and soft.
                Body Care
                Begin and end each day with the aromatherapeutic power
                of essential oils for bath and body. Enjoy luxurious shower
                gels, lotions, and more to soothe, energize, and nourish
                your skin without the harmful additives.
Other Young Living Products:
                          Ningxia Red
                                                       NingXia Red® is a powerful antioxidant drink that contains whole Ningxia wolfberry puree—a super
                                                       blend of blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, and plum juices, natural stevia extract, grape seed
                                                       extract, pure vanilla extract, and orange, yuzu, lemon, and tangerine essential oils. Its health benefits
                                                       include support from head to toe, via a whole body nutrient infusion. NingXia Wolfberries have been
                                                       cherished for centuries for its health, energy, and longevity benefits. Whole Ningxia wolfberries and
                                                       other nutrient-dense fruit juices make NingXia Red the perfect choice for optimizing wellness and
                                                       stepping up to a whole new level of health.
                                                       KEY BENEFITS

                                                       Seven times more pure—- therapeutic-grade essential oil—- Carefully selected for their health and
                                                       flavor profiles, the blend of orange, yuzu, lemon, and tangerine essential oils found in NingXia Red is
                                                       packed with 93% d-limonene- a potent antioxidant and a marker for bioactivity. Along with NingXia
                                                       Red’s premium flavor, these essential oils also aid in maintaining the body’s normal cellular function

                                                       Preferred great taste—The new NingXia Red, now Halal and Kosher certified, contains no artificial
                                                       sugars and has a unique, balanced flavor profile that captures the pure essence of the Ningxia
                                                       wolfberry. The natural flavor is further enhanced by zero-calorie stevia (Rebaudioside A), essential oils,
plus blueberry, cherry, and aronia juice. In fact, when compared to other similar superfruit beverages in a major university study, the new NingXia Red was
preferred by 77% of participants over all other options in a blind taste panel!

Long-lasting energy support*—Long-term use of wolfberries (Lycium barbarum) may contribute to agility, longevity, and vitality. In fact, recent studies
indicate that drinks containing wolfberry exhibit longer-lasting supportive effects on energy and caloric metabolism. NingXia Red is an easy way to get pure,
premium Ningxia wolfberries and experience natural, sustained support for energy without the crashes and harmful side effects of coffee or energy drinks.

Fortifies the body and replenishes key nutrients*—The combination of whole wolfberries—the juice, peel, seeds, and fruit—with pomegranate and plum
juice delivers vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and phytonutrients. NingXia Red also contains zeaxanthin, a carotenoid suggested to enhance healthy visual
function. Recent studies on the consumption of wolfberries and whole fruit juices recommend 2 to 4 ounces for optimal support.

Revitalizing, full-body protection*—The combination of blueberry, grape seed extract, aronia, and pomegranate—
some of the world’s most antioxidant-rich fruits—helps increase the S-ORAC level more than 30% over previous
formulations. These levels were independently tested and may help defend against damage caused by free radicals.
Are you excited yet?
       How will you get these life-changing oils?
Oils that offer you wellness, purpose and abundance ?
    You go to the person who shared this with you!
Wholesale (Distributor) Membership
 If you are interested in Young Living Essential oils, the best benefit is becoming an
 independent distributor by signing up under the person who referred you and get
 wholesale pricing (24% off!), plus the potential to earn bonuses and commissions
 with the company.

 NO selling, NO inventory, NO monthly minimums*, NO need to build a business
 unless you want to.

Young Living requires the purchase of an enrollment kit to sign up as a WHOLESALE
customer. There are no other fees. As previously mentioned, as a wholesale customer,
you get 24% off of retail pricing! After that the only requirement is that you place a
$50 order a YEAR (not per month) to remain an active distributor. There is no need to
have inventory or even sell the oils. You can use them for your family or you can create
a business and potentially earn thousands per month-still without having to have an
inventory or sell the oils. There are also distributor resources you will have access to.

*$50 monthly minimum if you choose to sign up for the Essential Rewards program
Starter Kits
Essential Rewards Program
Like the thought of earning FREE oils? One thing I also
love about Young Living is the Essential Rewards
Program. If you’re like me, you like to budget for what
you need each month. The Essential Rewards program
helps you do that while earning points for FREE product
at the same time! ER is an auto-ship program that offers
discounts and reward points based on your monthly
purchases. You choose the date (and can even change it
if needed) and choose products (which you can also
change) to arrive at your door every month. If you sign
up as a member of Young Living and don't sign up for
the Essential Rewards (ER) program, you are losing
money! I lost almost $20 because I didn’t sign up for ER
until two months after I purchased my enrollment kit.
This is a great way to budget and “try out” the various
oils available, while saving money as you build your own
natural “Medicine Cabinet.” When you sign up as a
distributor, it also qualifies you for certain commissions
and bonuses (with an order of 100PV/month).

Here are a few main points to consider:
· FREE to sign up
· No obligation to continue
· Discounted Shipping ($6.98 for the first 5 lbs!)
· Earn points for up to 20% back in FREE products
· Qualify for special discounted essential oil collections
and more free oils (YL has special promos where you can
get free oils just for meeting the PV for the month)

If you’re serious about essential oils, this program is a

Months on Essential Rewards Points Earned
Months 1–6 earn 10%
Months 7–12 earn 15%
Months 13+ earn 20%

If you decide to join, you need only sign up to purchase
50 PV per month. When you sign up with an ER kit at
signup - you will get to choose from these!!
Additional Information
• Here are some very informative videos to watch about
  Young Living's Exclusive Seed to Seal Process:

  Video 1 covers the Soil Prep:
  Video 2 covers Growing the Plants:
  Video 3 covers Distillation as an Art:
  Video 4 covers the Distillery:
  Video 5 covers the Distillery Separator:
  Video 6 covers the Lab:
  Video 7 covers Testing The Oils:
  Video 8 covers the Lab Results:
  Video 9 covers the Passion of Gary:
Still have questions?
If you have more questions about Young Living, how
  to get started, or anything that may have crossed
                      your mind…

 Contact the person who shared this presentation
 with you! They are there to help guide you! And
    they will remain to be there if you have any
                questions at any time!

             Don’t forget to visit us at
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