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Letter from the editor EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Edmond Walters Advisors and industry pundits just crunch numbers and manage CONTRIBUTORS alike have been quick to label Robo money. You manage people as well. Sue Bergin Advisors as a threat to their service. You take into account your clients’ Anthony Cirio Brynn Dougherty The competition now, so the thinking personalities, their values, emotions, Diane Kelly goes, comes no longer from the families, and the legacies they want to Hillary Sabetta advisor up the street, but from new leave behind, something no machine Kelly Waltrich technology online. alone can ever provide. EDITORIAL DESIGN Emilie Rejician Such a view is not only unlikely, but Of course, we need to make wise DOT COM DESIGN even absurd. use of today’s technology. The power Ralph Pierre-Louis Robo Advisors do not intend to of your experienced, personalized COPY EDITOR overwhelm the industry and push service when it is supported and Edward Hallowell human advisors out the door. In fact, enhanced by cutting-edge technology rightly understood, this technology is virtually limitless, providing a FOLLOW US possesses qualities which are just as redeeming as they are attractive. For example, Robo Advisors are able to provide financial guidance to those who cannot yet afford it, increasing the security and literacy of those for whom financial advisors are still a luxury. strategic combination of resources enabling you to scale your workflow, improve your client service level, and ultimately grow your business. It is my hope that this issue of AdvisorFocus will convince you that if you learn to partner with new technology, you can experience LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! Article to suggest? Want to share your opinions on AdvisorFocus? Email us at: Contents CONTENTS M A RCH /A PR IL 2014 Feature | 04 5 Ways Robo Advisors Will Change the Way Advisors Work While some affluent clients unlimited success. and your thoughts will be Raef Lee, Managing Director for the SEI Advisor Network may be drawn to the convenience Sincerely, sent directly to our editors. For the Field | 06 and immediacy offered by such The Advisor’s Changing Relationship with Technology technology, Robo Advisors will never Trending Topics | 08 replace you. You do much more than Edmond Walters Things You Won't Hear From a Robo Advisor From the Field | 10 This newsletter has been Robo Advisors and Clients’ Evolving Needs brought to you by eMoney Advisor, LLC, Top Five | 12 5 Things Human Advisors Do That Robo Advisors Can’t 1001 E. Hector St, Suite 401, Conshohocken, PA 19428 To unsubscribe, send us an email and we will remove your address from our mailing list.
F E AT U R E WAYS ROBO ADVISORS WILL CHANGE THE WAY ADVISORS WORK The following is a blog post by Raef Lee, Managing Director for the SEI Advisor Network. In addition to writing tips for advisors on technology, Raef is responsible for exploring new > Robo Advisor Overview services and markets for the SEI Advisor Network. Connect These are early days for Robo Advisor; the market is new, there are many entrants, and several business models are with him on LinkedIn now or follow him on Twitter: @SEIRaefL. being tried. Here’s an example of the current landscape: Note that: Even the name Robo Advisor is derisive. It creates an image of uncaring, lack of humanity, and inflexibility. It > What it means to you • As more advisor time is used and there is more investment is the term that is now being broadly used by advisors to In our research and discussions with advisors, these management (bottom left describe the new breed of technical startups (upstarts) that are the ways that robo-advisors are most likely to impact quadrant), the fees rise. directly connect technical-savvy investors with a suite of you: When more technology is analytic tools that allow them to create their own financial used (top two quadrants), plan or investment portfolio. A name this disparaging 1. Increased fee pressure. Robo Advisors offer lower the fees decrease. shows that advisors have some fear of this new model of fees for technology-centric services. The feeling goes that this could create lower fee expectations • Nearly all these companies financial advice. are private; most are venture- for younger investors. There are three main types of Robo Advisor: funded and were founded 2. A call for transparency. Investors will want more less than five years ago. • A pure technology website, devoid of advisors, transparent and appropriate fee structures. The that allows investors to do everything themselves • The cost of the service ranges emerging Robo Advisor model is for a fixed fee for (examples include Motif Investing and Jemstep) from 200 bps (Edelman Online lower assets (say, under $100,000) and a basis point for assets under $150K) to • Companies that include advisors who use fee for larger assets (where the services provided zero (SigFig). However, very technology only (the internet) to communicate are broader). different services are included with their clients (such as Personal Capital and 3. Pressure to accommodate a younger generation. in the costs. One of the most Learnvest) Robo Advisors will reach a younger, technically interesting aspects of these • Established financial service companies that have savvy, growth-accumulating generation who may companies is that their fees recently expanded their online advice offering (such continue taking advice from the same source as are transparent and clearly as Vanguard and Edelman Online) they grow wealthier. identified on their websites. > FUD 4. More technology. Investors may increasingly The fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) have been demand that they interact with the advisor in the way they choose. This will include web conferencing, the > What next? fanned by all that has been written recently about these ability to schedule time with an advisor online, and So, should advisors be afraid? Robo Advisors will probably succeed in a new market which has largely been ignored companies. The Wall Street Journal did a detailed piece intuitive ways of working on documents together. by advisors – young, high-income, portfolio accumulators. Advisor sentiment to date has been, “Why go after someone focusing on the cost of robo-advisor services. Finovate has 5. Access to comparative data. Investors want with no money?” Technology-centric solutions may make this client segment profitable. highlighted the venture funding behind these companies. information about how they are doing compared to Otherwise, advisors need not be nervous as long as they: Whether you think that Robo Advisors are the latest their peers, and their advisor to present other views (both expert and non-expert). This allows investors • Embrace the increased use of technology and social media that clients will increasingly expect in their advisor fad that will go away, or a vision of how financial advice to be better informed in the decision making of their communication. will be given in the future, they will definitely disrupt and change the way that advisors interact with their clients. financial plan. • Include younger advisors in succession planning who look like and connect with the next client generation. 4 | 5
THE WAY IT COULD BE. Many in the financial industry FOR THE FIELD THE WAY IT IS. fear that the emergence of Robo THE WAY IT WAS. Fast forward a few years to the Advisors means the end of real The financial service industry got present. financial planning. People won’t need its first real taste of tech efficiency Financial advisors have an arsenal human advisors. They will be able to when Microsoft rolled out their suite of tech tools at their disposal. manage their entire financial picture of Office products. By the mid-‘90s, Financial planning software allows themselves. This is pure science Outlook, Powerpoint, and Excel advisors to update and adjust plans fiction. dominated the industry. with a click of a button and quickly True financial advisors know THE ADVISOR’S Advisors would manually enter test scenarios. Account-aggregation there will always be a need for data into spreadsheets, carefully and document-storage technology real, comprehensive advice from a CHANGING build plans, and present the finished product, all while managing client digitizes their filing cabinet and cuts down manual data entry dramatically. professional who has the knowledge, experience, and judgment to provide RELATIONSHIP interactions through email. It was a process that would often take weeks Customer-relations management software helps advisors identify new timely and resourceful advice about an array of complex financial issues, – if not months – to complete. With growth opportunities. someone who knows his clients WITH TECHNOLOGY filing cabinets filled with their client’s This technology allows advisors as well as he knows the economic From desktop PCs to smartphones and beyond, paper statements and receipts, not only to scale their practice, giving landscape. Such advisors are technology has shaped – and will continue to advisors had the infrastructure them more time to win new business, invaluable because they evaluate and shape—the way people stay connected and the in place to grow their business but also to enhance their clients’ embrace new technology not with way businesses interact with their customers. effectively. experience. Mobile technology and giddy enthusiasm, but with humane The financial service industry is no stranger With the exception of a few the cloud make financial data portable wisdom. to this phenomenon. As many advisors could platforms designed for wealth and easily accessible, offering clients As time marches forward, attest, their relationship with technology in the planning, this system allowed the the convenience of interacting with technology will continue to evolve, past 20 years has evolved, largely in response financial industry to thrive during the their financial picture wherever they allowing businesses to continue to to their clients’ needs and expectations. Many years that followed. are. scale their workflow, automate their advisors now seek to stay ahead of the trends. Clients were satisfied with the But even with years of tech tasks, and win new business. Of What kind of relationship will advisors have sometimes demanding process of advancements, some advisors course, advisors will need to keep with technology years from now? One can only developing and updating plans—as still revert to their old system of alert to a changing world and be speculate. But perhaps by looking into the past long as advisors made good on their spreadsheets and manual data entry. ready to adopt, where appropriate, we can begin to imagine where the industry promise of investment returns. Of While this technology still works for the next technological advancement. might end up in the future. course, that all changed during the these advisors, it offers neither the But they must never forget that their financial crisis of 2008. Investor convenience nor the on-demand essential role is to provide sensitive, confidence in the financial industry service of upgraded technology, two perceptive, personal counsel plummeted, and advisors needed to of the biggest qualities touted by based on rich familiarity with the shift their focus to long-term planning the human advisor’s latest threat: clients’ needs for the present and a better client experience. Robo Advisors. and goals for the future. 6 | 7
T R E N D I N G T O P I C S THINGS YOU WON’T HEAR FROM A ROBO ADVISOR “A sabbatical sounds great. Let’s talk “I’ll introduce you to Sally Jones at the “Your bonus is a big part of your family about how you are going to meet your client appreciation event. I know you two income, but it isn’t covered by most group obligations and stay on track with your will hit it off. You have a lot in common.” disability policies. I thought I’d look into long-term goals during that time.” supplemental coverage for you.” “I know the head of lending over “With retirement right around the corner, at Big Bank. Maybe he can extend “What is it that you want your money I can understand why you might want you more credit while you prepare to help you achieve in life? to cash out of equities and go all in to a to launch your new product.” bond portfolio. What if those bonds don’t “You should talk to Attorney Simmons. generate enough returns to beat inflation?” He’s worked with many of my clients, and I “I’m happy to sponsor you in the marathon and help you raise think he’ll be incredibly helpful to you.” “Let’s step back a minute. Do you think you money for kids with cancer.” are really going to get 10% return every “You said you want to pay for your daughter’s year from now to the time you retire?” wedding, cover the lion’s share of her “There’s a great app that helps families manage allowances. Would you like college expenses, and retire when you are “I know, it’s worrisome to see your stock me to send you a link to it?” 55. Given your current income and savings, down for so long. Before we bail, let’s do you think those are realistic goals?” get some historical perspective.” “When we created your plan, you were going to invest $5,000 a year per child “Now that you and Richard are no longer together, “You could continue to spend as you in the 529 plan. I notice that hasn’t we have to revisit your financial plan to make sure currently are, but it will dramatically been happening. Do you want to get that you remain on track to achieve your goals.” change your retirement options. Why don’t together to brainstorm how we can re- we look together for ways to cut back?” energize your college savings plan?” “Just checking in to see how you are doing.” 8 | 9
Organized Summary Enhanced Accessibility of Financials The instant gratification of the internet has conditioned today’s clients to expect information at Today’s clients have become accustomed to any given moment upon request. Their finances are multitasking. They’re busy with work, family life, aging no different. F R OFM E RF E T HU E AT IELD parents, etc. As their lives become more complicated, Web-based Robo technology offers a consolidated so do their finances. view of clients’ financial pictures anywhere, anytime, At times, understanding their complete financial with access to a suite of tools and information. picture requires piecing together information from all This 24/7 accessibility allows clients to tap into a their advisors, such as the one managing their 401(k), comprehensive history of their money—from home, or another managing a different array of investments. work, or on-the-go—and forgo scheduling a meeting Such a challenge, requiring expert management and with an advisor. coordination, often leaves clients exhausted. But spending time with an advisor can be viewed ADVISORS In an era of instant gratification, clients have come not as an inconvenience, but as an opportunity. It to expect easy, comprehensive answers. is a chance to explore current realities and future Robo Advisors use aggregation technology to goals with someone whose judgment in financial present a concise picture of clients’ financial status AND CLIENTS’ EVOLVING NEEDS without redirecting them from the web address. This matters is based on extensive experience and tested judgment—not on mechanical presentation added convenience helps simplify clients’ finances of programmed data. and makes managing money easier. Human advisors, however, who use aggregation Today’s clients are evolving. software like eMoney, can not only present their Cost Efficiency and clients’ finances in a clear, organized picture, but also Transparency Their needs, no longer met by the traditional provide wise counsel about what that picture means Today’s clients are constantly on the hunt for the advisor-client “pad and paper” meeting, now in light of those clients’ immediate and long-range next bargain deal, and Robo Advisors can satisfy financial goals. require a robust, visually pleasing technology that desire by offering a package of tools for one low price. that addresses a variety of pain points. Help With Personal Finance Clients who use Robo Advisors receive uniform Managing a budget can be harder than it sounds, investment recommendations based on risk In a culture driven by high-tech, fast-paced answers, which might explain why only a third of Americans tolerance and goals, a process which appears to today’s clients have come to expect more—for less. established and stuck to a budget in 2013. offer more transparency to the client. Robo Advisors can help simplify budgets by With a package of sophisticated analytical tools, And in many ways, Robo Advisors are rising to tracking a person’s spending and auto-populating Robo Advisors are able to demonstrate their value to meet the challenge by addressing some very categories based on what the client spent for the the client visually, which helps justify the incurred specific needs, especially those of people who month. Budgeting options and recommendations, cost. spending information, and account alerts promise Robo Advisors fill a need by providing financial cannot yet afford a personal financial advisor. help in streamlining clients’ already hectic lives. help to those who cannot yet afford an advisor or Here’s what Robo Advisors offer to such clients: As previously noted, however, a skilled financial whose current financial picture makes it less than advisor, especially one who keeps up with ever- cost effective for advisors to serve them. The key evolving trends in technology, can offer clients more word to remember, then, is “evolving.” In the fullness than budgeting options and recommendations based of time such people may very well be in a position to on data. Sensitive to clients’ history and values, such take advantage of what a skilled and savvy advisor an advisor can also provide suggestions tailored to fit can provide: insight based on a deep appreciation personal needs in light of clients’ current situation of that client’s life experience, family situation, and future goals. personal aspirations, values, and long-term goals. 10 | 11
1. You know their story – their priorities, family TOP FIVE history, goals – not just their data When you first meet your clients, you ask them specific questions about their life that ultimately play a role in how you shape and deliver your financial advice. After that, you have regular check-ins 5 TH INGS with your clients and are in touch with their current events. Without asking the right questions, you would not be able to personalize a plan that best suits your clients’ evolving needs and without you, your clients could be misguided and risk their financial wellness. H U MAN 2. You are prepared to guide your clients through unexpected life events ADVISORS Though absolute certainty is rare, it helps to be prepared for all of life’s unknowns. As an advisor, you have the ability to assist your clients in accounting for these “what ifs,” especially since you have successfully integrated technology to clearly and concisely show DO THAT your clients how one event can impact their entire financial future. 3. You help clients take control of their entire financial picture beyond their investments Advisors are the complete package. Again, you know your clients’ histories, so you can provide better counsel as to where they should invest their assets. But you don’t stop there. You also make sure that your clients stick to their budget and suggest where they might make adjustments to their lives to better save for future goals. ADVISORS 4. You provide comprehensive financial plans While Robo Advisors seem Because you recognize that clients deserve to choose what best suits their needs, advisors not only provide insight into the full attractive at first, their lifeless financial picture, but also offer a variety of strategies for college system generates a response C AN ’T saving, business building, retirement planning, etc. You don’t just spit out data based on a formula – you go back through their history, analyze their present and discuss viable, tangible options. from one angle – a simple, self-made formula. When you think about it, there’s no 5. You encourage your clients to answer tough questions about their financial life question that real advisors Recently, eMoney posted a list of “15 Things Human Advisors Do On their own, individuals are prone to avoid discussing sensitive bring more to the table, that Robo Advisors Can’t,” which outlined several major selling topics such as “How will my/our estate be divided among particularly those who leverage points for why clients should choose a human advisor over a Robo family members after I/we have passed?” for example. As an Advisor. We took the top five list items and further developed them advisor, you bring up these difficult subjects and encourage your technology to strengthen the to demonstrate your value as a financial advisor: clients to face reality and develop a plan before it’s too late. advisor-client relationship. You can view the full list on 12 | 13
Our eMoney Story eMoney serves thousands of leading financial advisors. We track hundreds of billions of dollars in assets for hundreds of thousands of clients, every day. Our software provides a window for both advisors and clients to see a complete view of how they are doing at any time, from anywhere. Sound great? It is. Built by advisors for advisors, eMoney’s top rated* technology helps advisors deepen client relationships, increase assets under management, identify new opportunities and differentiate services for a competitive advantage. eMoney is staffed with financial experts, IT superstars, customer service professionals and creative marketing designers. We work as your silent partner to provide you a consolidated data platform to grow your practice and innovative marketing materials to connect with your clients. * The Forrester Wave™ Vendor Summary * Retirement Income and Distribution Planning - Celent 14 |
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