Year 9 Curriculum - Halliford School

Page created by Sandra Hawkins
Year 9 Curriculum - Halliford School
Academic Year 2021-2022

  Year 9 Curriculum
Year 9 Curriculum

The long term curriculum plans present an overview of the topics covered each half term. They also provide
information on the nature of the assessments and offer suggestions on extra resources that can be used to
support learning.

It is important to emphasise that these plans are working documents and departments actively use them as
a guide to plan the teaching and assessments throughout the year. However, departments are also flexible
enough to respond to the needs of the learners.

In addition to the curricula for the individual academic subjects outlined in the following pages, students in
Year 9 also have one lesson of PSHE, 2 lessons of PE and two lessons of Games per week.


  Autumn   Festivals, Celebrations & Events                      Supporting materials:
     1                                                           Art Assignments folder on
   2021    Students will:                                        Microsoft Teams.
           • realise that the development of ideas towards a
              final resolution is as important as the final      Assessment:
              design                                             • Knowledge and understanding
                                                                    of art, craft & design, including
           •   explore and understand the purpose of poster         major movements.
               design, in response to the needs and              • Investigating and making using
               requirements of others                               a range of techniques, media
                                                                    and materials.
           •   learn the history and use of signs and symbols,   • Analysis and evaluation of
               and use them appropriately within their design       work.

  Autumn   Festivals, Celebrations & Events continued            Supporting materials:
     2                                                           Art Assignments folder on
   2021    Students will:                                        Microsoft Teams.
           • extend their understanding of the importance of
              communicating ideas using graphics                 Assessment:
                                                                 • Knowledge and understanding
           •   build on their knowledge and experience of           of art, craft & design, including
               using essential computer design skills               major movements.
                                                                 • Investigating and making using
                                                                    a range of techniques, media
                                                                    and materials.
                                                                 • Analysis and evaluation of

  Spring   Faces & Expressions                                   Supporting materials:
    1                                                            Art Assignments folder on
   2022    Students will:                                        Microsoft Teams.
           • learn about facial proportions through
              observation and recording                          Assessment:
                                                                 • Knowledge and understanding
           •   develop the ability to express emotions and          of art, craft & design, including
               feelings in paint and mixed media                    major movements.
                                                                 • Investigating and making using
           •   use the visual elements such as line/tone/form       a range of techniques, media
               in an expressive way                                 and materials.
                                                                 • Analysis and evaluation of

Art cont.

   Spring   Faces & Expressions continued                            Supporting materials:
     2                                                               Art Assignments folder on
    2022    Students will:                                           Microsoft Teams.
            • develop their understanding of colour, using the
               colour wheel to focus on primary and                  Assessment:
               complementary colours                                 • Knowledge and understanding
                                                                        of art, craft & design, including
            •   extend their ability to analyse and evaluate their      major movements.
                own and others’ work to be able to adapt and         • Investigating and making using
                refine work as it develops                              a range of techniques, media
                                                                        and materials.
                                                                     • Analysis and evaluation of

  Summer    Ceramic Heads                                            Supporting materials:
     1                                                               Art Assignments folder on
   2022     Students will:                                           Microsoft Teams.
            • develop their prior knowledge of facial
               proportions through observation and recording         Assessment:
                                                                     • Knowledge and understanding
            •   understand the many different forms portraiture         of art, craft & design, including
                can take                                                major movements.
                                                                     • Investigating and making using
                                                                        a range of techniques, media
                                                                        and materials.
                                                                     • Analysis and evaluation of

  Summer    Ceramic Heads continued                                  Supporting materials:
     2                                                               Art Assignments folder on
   2022     Students will:                                           Microsoft Teams.
            • widen their use of malleable materials through
               the experimentation and the use of different          Assessment:
               techniques with clay                                  • Knowledge and understanding
                                                                        of art, craft & design, including
            •   further their understanding of art from other           major movements.
                cultures and understand its influence on             • Investigating and making using
                Western art                                             a range of techniques, media
                                                                        and materials.
            •   experiment with a variety of media to evaluate       • Analysis and evaluation of
                their effectiveness in the process                      work.


  Autumn    B1.3 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells,                Supporting materials:
     1      B1.2 Animal and plant cells,                          AQA Biology textbook
   2021     B1.1 Microscopes,                                     BBC Bitesize/doodle
            B2.3 Stems cells,
            B2.4 Stem cell dilemmas,                              Assessment:
            B2.1 Cell Division,                                   Homework
            B2.2 Growth and differentiation,                      Test
            B1.4 Specialisation in animal cells,                  Required practical
            B1.5 Specialisation in plant cells

            Required Practical: Use a light microscope to
            observe, draw and label a plant and animal cell

            Part of specification it relates to:
            4.1 Cell Biology

  Autumn    B1.6 Diffusion,                                       Supporting materials:
     2      B1.7 Osmosis,                                         AQA Biology textbook
   2021     B1.8 Osmosis in plants,                               BBC Bitesize/doodle
            B1.9 Active transport,                                Assessment:
            B1.10 Exchanging materials,                           Homework
            B3.1 Tissues and organs,                              Test
            B3.2 The digestive system

            Required Practical: Investigate the effect of salt
            or sugar solutions on plant tissues

            Part of specification it relates to:
            4.1 Cell Biology, 4.2 Organisation

   Spring   B3.3 The chemistry of food,                           Supporting materials:
     1      B3.4 Catalysts and enzymes,                           AQA Biology textbook
    2022    B3.5 Factors affecting enzyme action,                 BBC Bitesize / doddle
            B3.6 How the digestive system works,                  Revision classes
            B3.7 Making digestion efficient
            Required Practical: Use qualitative reagents to       Homework
            test for a range of carbohydrates, lipids and         Mock exam

            Required Practical: Investigate the effect of pH on
            the rate of reaction of Amylase enzyme

            Part of specification it relates to:
            4.2 Organisation

Biology cont.

   Spring   B4.1 The Blood,                                        Supporting materials:
     2      B4.2, The blood vessel,                                AQA Biology textbook
    2022    B4.3 The heart,                                        BBC Bitesize
            B4.4 Helping the heart,                                Revision classes
            B4.5 Breathing and gas exchange
            Part of specification it relates to:                   Homework
            4.2 Organisation                                       Test

  Summer    B4.6 Tissues and organs in plants,                     Supporting materials:
    1       B4.7 Transport systems in plants,                      AQA Biology textbook
   2022     B4.8 Evaporation and transpiration.                    BBC Bitesize
            B5.1 Health and disease,                               Revision classes
            B5.2 Pathogens and disease
            Part of specification it relates to:                   Homework
            4.2 Organisation                                       Test

  Summer    B5.3 Growing Bacteria in the lab,                      Supporting materials:
    2       B5.4 Preventing bacterial growth                       Chapter by chapter revision
   2022                                                            booklets and past exam questions
            Required Practical: Investigate the effect of
            antiseptics or antibiotics on bacterial growth using   Assessment:
            agar plates and zones of inhibition                    Homework
                                                                   Summer exam
            Part of specification it relates to:                   Required practical
            4.3 Infection and response


  Autumn    Atomic Structure                                    Supporting materials:
     1      C1.1 Atoms                                          AQA Chemistry textbook
   2021     C1.2 Chemical equations                             BBC Bitesize
            C1.3 Separating mixtures                            Twig
            C1.4 Fractional distillation and chromatography     Doddle
            C1.5 History of the atom                            Kerboodle
            C1.6 Structure of the atom
            C1.7 Ions, atoms and isotopes                       Assessment:
            C1.8 Electronic configurations                      Homework
            Part of the specification it relates to:            Unit test

  Autumn    The Periodic Table                                  Supporting materials:
     2      C2.1 Development of the periodic table              AQA Chemistry textbook
   2021     C2.2 Electronic structures and the periodic table   BBC Bitesize
            C2.3 Group 1 - the alkali metals                    Twig
            C2.4 Group 7 - the halogens                         Doddle
            C2.5 Explaining trends                              Kerboodle
            C2.6 The transition elements
            Part of the specification it relates to:            Homework
            4.1                                                 Doddle
                                                                Unit test

  Spring    Bonding, structure and the properties of matter     Supporting materials:
    1       C3.1 States of matter                               AQA Chemistry textbook
   2022     C3.2 Atoms into ions                                BBC Bitesize
            C3.3 Ionic bonding                                  Twig
            C3.4 Giant ionic structures                         Doddle
            C3.5 Covalent bonding                               Kerboodle
            C3.6 Structure of simple molecules
                                                                Unit test

  Spring    Bonding, structure and the properties of matter     Supporting materials:
    2       C3.7 Giant covalent structures                      AQA Chemistry textbook
   2022     C3.8 Fullerenes and graphene                        BBC Bitesize
            C3.11 Nanoparticles                                 Twig
            C3.12 Applications of nanoparticles                 Doddle
            Part of the specification it relates to:
            4.2                                                 Assessment:
                                                                Unit test

Chemistry cont.

  Summer   Chemical calculations                      Supporting materials:
     1     C4.1 Relative masses and moles             AQA Chemistry textbook
   2022    C4.2 Equations and calculations            BBC Bitesize
           C4.3 From masses to balanced equations     Twig
           C4.4 The yield of a chemical reaction      Doddle
           C4.5 Atom economy                          Kerboodle
                                                      Revision classes
           Part of the specification it relates to:
           4.3                                        Assessment:
                                                      Unit test

  Summer   Revision                                   Supporting materials:
     2                                                AQA Chemistry textbook
   2022    Feedback and target setting following      BBC Bitesize
           examinations                               Twig
           C3.9 Bonding in metals                     Kerboodle
           C3.10 Giant metallic structures
           C15.1 Rusting                              Assessment:
           C15.2 Alloys                               Homework
           Part of the specification it relates to:   Summer examinations

Classical Civilisation

  Autumn    Age of the Heroes                            Supporting Materials:
     1                                                   Booklets by AJC adapted from
   2021     •   Heroes of Rome                           Renshaw
                                                         Youtube documentary links
            •   Hercules: A Hero for all time            Assessment: Questions on
            •   Theseus, King of Athens
                                                         Assessment: Essay
                                                         Who is the greater hero?
                                                         Aeneas, Romulus or Augustus?
  Autumn    Age of the Heroes continued                  Supporting Materials:
     2                                                   Booklets by AJC adapted from
   2021     •   Heroes of Rome                           Renshaw
                                                         Youtube documentary links
            •   Hercules: A Hero for all time            Assessment: Questions on
            •   Theseus, King of Athens
                                                         Assessment: Essay
                                                         Who is the greater hero?
                                                         Aeneas, Romulus or Augustus?
   Spring   Ancient Greece and Rome: Myth and Religion   Supporting Materials:
     1                                                   Specialised booklets by AJC
    2022        •   Temples and Sacrifice                adapted from Renshaw
                                                         Assassins Creed: virtual tours of
                •   Festivals and Gods                   Ancient Mycenae and Athens
                                                         Youtube documentary links

                                                         Assessment: Which temple
                                                         demonstrated greater piety – The
                                                         Parthenon or The Pantheon?

   Spring   Ancient Greece and Rome: Myth and Religion   Supporting Materials:
     2      continued                                    Specialised booklets by AJC
    2022                                                 adapted from Renshaw
                •   Temples and Sacrifice                Assassins Creed: virtual tours of
                                                         Ancient Mycenae and Athens
                •   Festivals and Gods                   Youtube documentary links

                                                         Assessment: Which temple
                                                         demonstrated greater piety – The
                                                         Parthenon or The Pantheon?

Classical Civilisation cont.

  Summer   Ancient Greece and Rome: Myth and Religion   Supporting Materials:
     1     continued                                    Specialised booklets by AJC
   2022                                                 adapted from Renshaw
           •   Journeying to the Underworld
                                                        Antigone: Sophocles / Heaney
           •   Extension: Antigone by Sophocles         Youtube:
                                                        Film: Erin Brokovich

                                                        End of Term Assessment

  Summer   Ancient Greece and Rome: Myth and Religion   Supporting Materials:
     2     continued                                    Specialised booklets by AJC
   2022                                                 adapted from Renshaw
           •   Journeying to the Underworld
                                                        Antigone: Sophocles / Heaney
           •   Extension: Antigone by Sophocles         Youtube:
                                                        Film: Erin Brokovich

                                                        End of Term Assessment

Computer Science

  Autumn    Power Point                           Supporting Materials:
     1        • More advanced formatting skills   Exemplar Work
   2021       • Use of space                      Step by Step
              • Pace of presentation              Instructions
              • Selection of images
              • Transparency                      Assessment:
              • Textboxes                         Project work

              •    Mark up languages
              •    Tags
              •    Parts of a web page
              •    Inserting text
              •    Inserting images
              •    Making hyperlinks
              •    Using web components

  Autumn    Spreadsheets                          Supporting Materials:
     2         • Modelling                        Exemplar Work
   2021        • Referencing between pages        Online tutorials
               • Plotting graphs                  Helpsheets
               • Absolute cell references
               • Conditional formatting           Assessment:
               • Controlling data                 Project work
               • Data validation
               • Presenting data
               • Cell references
               • Using sheets

   Spring   Programming in Python                 Supporting Materials:
      1        • Input / Output
    2022       • Variables                        Online tutorials
               • Select statements                Exemplar Work
               • Mathematical functions           Help sheets
               • Strings vs Numbers
               • Iteration                        Assessment:
                                                  Project work

   Spring   E-Safety                              Supporting Materials:
      2        • Bullying/cyberbullying           Revision sites
    2022       • Exploitation
               • Grooming                         Assessment:
               • Fraud                            Project work

               • Binary numbers
               • Binary conversions
               • Network hardware

Computer Science cont.

  Summer   Graphic Design                   Supporting Materials:
     1        • Using vectors               Online tutorials
   2022       • Combining shapes
              • Magic Wand Tool             Assessment
              • Using transparency          Project work
              • The Pen Tool
              • Advanced fonts

  Summer   Making Mobile Apps               Supporting Materials:
     2       • Making connections           Online tutorials
   2022      • Drawing Components           Exemplar Work
             • Block Commands
             • Setting initial Conditions   Assessment:
             • Adding images                Project work
             • Formatting

Design & Technology

  Autumn   Design                       Supporting materials:
     1     ● Design Strategies
   2021    ● Computer Aided Design
           ● 2D to 3D                   zfr9wmn

                                        Focused practical task
                                        Homework / Class Booklet

  Autumn   Design continued             Supporting materials:
     2     ● Design strategies
   2021    ● Computer Aided Design
           ● 2D to 3D                   zfr9wmn

                                        Focused practical task
                                        Homework / Class Booklet

  Spring   Designer Clocks              Supporting materials:
    1      ● Design theme (Alessi)
   2022    ● CAD (Techsoft 2D Design)
           ● CAM (laser cutter)         zfr9wmn
           ● Working with Acrylic
           ● Clock mechanisms 
           ● Quality control  

                                        Focused practical task
                                        Homework / Class Booklet

  Spring   Designer Clocks continued    Supporting materials:
    2      ● Design theme (Alessi)
   2022    ● CAD (Techsoft 2D Design)
           ● CAM (laser cutter)         zfr9wmn
           ● Working with acrylic
           ● Clock mechanisms 
           ● Quality control  

                                        Focused practical task
                                        Homework / Class Booklet

Design & Technology cont.

  Summer   Design                                 Supporting materials:
     1     ● Technical drawing          
   2022    ● Shading                    
           ● Computer Aided Design (SolidWorks)   zfr9wmn

                                                  Focused practical task
                                                  Homework / Class Booklet

  Summer   Design continued                       Supporting materials:
     2     ● Technical drawing          
   2022    ● Shading                    
           ● Computer Aided Design (SolidWorks)   zfr9wmn

                                                  Focused practical task
                                                  Homework / Class Booklet
                                                  End of Year examination


 Autumn    Hunger Games                                            Supporting materials:
    1      Students will use the story of the Hunger Games to
  2021     create a range of different performances. This will     ubjects/zbckjxs
           look into the social, moral and ethical values within
           the story. Practical work will include:                 Assessment:
               • Freeze Frames                                     Students are continually assessed
               • Group work                                        and given feedback during the
               • Devising                                          course of the term, building to a
               • Develop their physical theatre skills             final assessment performance.

 Autumn    Hunger Games                                            Supporting materials:
    2      Students will continue to use the story of the
  2021     Hunger Games to create a range of different             ubjects/zbckjxs
           Practical work will include:                            Assessment:
               • Freeze Frames                                     Students are continually assessed
               • Group work                                        and given feedback during the
               • Devising                                          course of the term, building to a
               • Develop their physical theatre skills             final assessment performance

  Spring   Practitioners in Practice                               Supporting materials:
    1      Students will be taught about the working practices
   2022    of Frantic Assembly and Berkoff. They will use the      ubjects/zbckjxs
           methods of these practitioners in performance and
           explore new acting styles.                              Assessment:
                                                                   Students are continually assessed
           Students will explore:                                  and given feedback during the
               • Physical theatre                                  course of the term, building to a
                                                                   final assessment performance.

  Spring   Practitioners in Practice                               Supporting materials:
    2      Students will continue to learn about the working
   2022    practices of Frantic Assembly and Berkoff. They         ubjects/zbckjxs
           will use the methods of these practitioners in
           performance and explore new acting styles.              Assessment:
                                                                   Students are continually assessed
           Students will explore:                                  and given feedback during the
               • Physical theatre                                  course of the term, building to a
                                                                   final assessment performance.

Drama cont.

  Summer   Play Script                                            Supporting materials:
     1     Students will analyse a play script chosen by their
   2022    teacher for performance. Students will have to think   ubjects/zbckjxs
           about both performance and design elements
           focusing on:                                           Assessment:
               • Lighting                                         Students are continually assessed
               • Set                                              and given feedback during the
               • Costume                                          course of the term, building to a
               • Props                                            final assessment performance.
               • Characterisation
               • Working as part of a group

  Summer   Play Script                                            Supporting materials:
     2     Students will continue to analyse a play script
   2022    chosen by their teacher for performance. Students      ubjects/zbckjxs
           will have to think about both performance and
           design elements focusing on:                           Assessment:
                • Lighting                                        Students are continually assessed
                • Set                                             and given feedback during the
                • Costume                                         course of the term, building to a
                • Props                                           final assessment performance.
                • Characterisation
                • Working as part of a group


  Autumn   The study of Romeo and Juliet by William              Supporting materials:
     1     Shakespeare                                           CGP Text Guide
   2021    ● Plot                                                Spark Notes
           ● Context
           ● Dramatic devices                                    Assessment:
           ● Characterisation                                    Reading assessment
           ● Themes                                              An essay exploring the theme of
           ● Playwright’s purpose                                conflict.
           ● Language and structural devices
           ● Audience response

  Autumn   Students will study an anthology of war poems.        Supporting materials:
     2     ● Historical context                                  British Library
   2021    ● Poetic terminology
           ● Characterisation                                    Assessment:
           ● Themes                                              Reading Assessment
           ● Writer’s purpose                                    Students will compare two poems
           ● Language and structural devices                     from the anthology
           ● Reader’s response
           ● Exploring connections between poems

  Spring   Transactional Writing                                 Supporting materials:
    1      ● Writing for a specific purpose                      CGP Spelling, Punctuation and
   2022    ● Students will study a range of different forms of   Grammar for KS3
           ● Using rhetorical devices for effect                 Assessment:
           ● Sentence structure and sentence forms.              Students will produce a persuasive
           ● Vocabulary to engage the reader                     article.
           ● Punctuation and grammar

  Spring   Students will study the novel Animal Farm.            Supporting materials:
    2      ● Social and historical context                       York Notes
   2022    ● Characterisation
           ● Themes                                              Assessment:
           ● Writer’s purpose                                    A GCSE style essay under timed
           ● Language and structural devices                     conditions.
           ● Reader’s response

English cont.

  Summer   Students will study the novel Animal Farm.      Supporting materials:
     1     ● Social and historical context                 Teacher will provide practice
   2022    ● Characterisation                              questions
           ● Themes
           ● Writer’s purpose                              Assessment:
           ● Language and structural devices               A GCSE style essay under timed
           ● Reader’s response                             conditions.

  Summer   GCSE Spoken Language                            Supporting materials:
     2     ● Students will research, write and perform a   Students will be required to
   2022      speech on a topic of their choice.            conduct their own research.

                                                           Oral assessment


   2021        o



   2021        o





French cont.

   2022        o



  Summer   End of Year 9 examination of all modules   Supporting materials:
     2     covered in Year 9                          Revision Guide
   2022                                               “Studio”, Foundation

                                                      End of year examination covering
                                                      all language based skills

Geography cont.

 Autumn    All students will begin studying the OCR B Geography            Supporting materials:
    1      GCSE Curriculum. This will mean that those students             Online lessons and
  2021     desiring to take the subject at GCSE level will know their      resources shared with
           abilities and progress in the subject before confirming their   students on Microsoft
           choices later in the academic year.                             Teams.

           Global Hazards                                                  Assessment:
           1.1 How can weather be hazardous?                               A range of assessments on
           Global circulation system                                       key term
           The extremes in weather conditions associated with wind,        spellings/definitions, online
           temperature and precipitation in contrasting countries.         Educake assignments
           The distribution and frequency of tropical storms and           and exam questions
           drought.                                                        throughout the half term.
           El Niño/La Niña.
           Case studies – Typhoon Haiyan and UK Heatwave.

           Part of the Specification it relates to:
           Paper 1: Our Natural World

  Autumn   Global Hazards                                                  Supporting materials:
     2     1.2. How do plate tectonics shape our world?                    Online lessons and
   2021                                                                    resources shared with
           1.2a What processes occur at plate boundaries?                  students on Microsoft
           The structure of the Earth and plate tectonics.
           Plate boundaries - constructive, destructive, conservative      Assessment:
           and collision plate boundaries as well as hotspots.             A range of assessments on
                                                                           key term
           How the movement of tectonic plates causes earthquakes,         spellings/definitions, online
           including shallow and deep focus, and volcanoes,                Educake assignments
           including shield and composite.                                 and exam questions
           E-16 Iceland Volcano Case Study                                 throughout the half term.

           How technological developments can have a positive
           impact on mitigation (such as building design, prediction,
           early warning systems) in areas prone to a tectonic hazard
           of your choice.

           Part of the Specification it relates to:
           Paper 1: Our Natural World

           Urban Futures

           5.1 Why do more than half the world’s population live in
           urban areas?

           How urban growth rates vary in parts of the world with
           contrasting levels of development.
           Outline characteristics of world cities and megacities and
           their changing distribution since 1950.

           Part of the Specification it relates to:
           Paper 2: People and Society

Geography cont.

  Spring   Urban Futures                                                    Supporting materials:
    1                                                                       Online lessons and
   2022    Rapid urbanisation in Low Income Developing Countries            resources shared with
           Urban trends in Advanced Countries, including                    students on Microsoft
           suburbanisation, counter-urbanisation and re-urbanisation.       Teams.

           5.2 a What is lifelike for people in a city?                     Assessment:
           Case Study: Rosario, Argentina AND                               A range of assessments on
           Case Study: Leeds, UK                                            key term
           The city’s location and importance within its region, the        spellings/definitions, online
           country, and the wider world.                                    Educake assignments
                                                                            and exam questions
           Patterns of national and international migration and how         throughout the half term.
           this is changing the growth and character of the city.
           Ways of life in the city, such as culture, ethnicity, housing,
           leisure and consumption.

           Contemporary challenges that affect life in the Advanced
           Country city, such as housing availability, transport
           provision, access to services and inequality.
           Contemporary challenges that affect life in the Low Income
           Developing Country or Emerging Developing Country city,
           such as squatter settlements, informal sector jobs, health
           or waste disposal.

           5.2 b How can cities become more sustainable?
           For each city investigate one initiative to make it more
           sustainable, such as use of brownfield sites, waste
           recycling and transport improvements.

           Part of the Specification it relates to:
           Paper 2: People and Society

Geography cont.

  Spring   Dynamic Development                                            Supporting materials:
    2                                                                     Online resources shared
   2022    6.1. Why are some countries richer than others?                with students through
                                                                          Google Classroom.
           6.1a. What is development and how can it be measured?
           Definition of ‘development’ and the ways in which              Assessment:
           countries can be classified, such as AC, EDC and LIDC.         A range of short tests on
           Global distribution of ACs, EDCs and LIDCs.                    key term definitions and
           Economic and social measures of development, such as           GCSE-style exam
           GNI per capita and Human Development Index, and how            questions.
           they illustrate the consequences of uneven development.

           6.1b. What has led to uneven development?
           Outline the human and physical factors influencing global
           uneven development.
           Explore the factors that make it hard for countries to break
           out of poverty, including debt, trade and political unrest.

           6.2 Are LIDCs likely to stay poor?

           6.2a How has an LIDC developed so far?
           Overview of the economic development of an LIDC,
           including influences of population, society, technology and
           politics, particularly in the past 50 years, or post-
           Explore whether Rostow’s model can help determine the
           country’s path of economic development.
           The extent to which the relevant Millennium Development
           Goals have been achieved for this LIDC.
            Investigate how the LIDC’s wider political, social and
           environmental context has affected its development.

           6.2b. What global connections influence its development?
           The country’s international trade, such as potential
           reliance on a single, or few, commodities and how this
           influences development.

           The benefits and problems of trade and Trans National
           Company (TNC) investment for development.

           The advantages and disadvantages of international aid or
           debt relief for its development.

           6.2c. What development strategy is most appropriate?
           Compare the advantages and disadvantages of one top-
           down and one bottom-up strategy in the country.

           Part of the Specification it relates to:
           Paper 2: People and Society

Geography cont.

  Summer   Catch-up & Revision Skills   Supporting materials:
     1                                  Online resources shared with
    2022                                students through Google

                                        A range of short tests on key
                                        term definitions and GCSE-style
                                        exam questions.

  Summer   End of Year Exams            Assessment:
     2                                  End of year exams.


  Autumn   Module 1: Ich liebe Ferien                       Supporting materials:
     1       • Comparing places ‘then’ and ‘now’            Stimmt 2 textbook
   2021      • Using the past tense (hatte, war, es gab),
             • Talking about holidays             
             • Using the perfect tense with ‘sein’ and
                 ‘haben’ talking about how you travelled    Assessment:
             • Talking about the weather                    End of Chapter 1 test covering all
             • Combining tenses                             4 language based skills.
             • Discribing a hotel stay

  Autumn   Module 1 continued.                              Supporting materials:
     2                                                      Stimmt 2 textbook
   2021                                           ,

                                                            End of Chapter 1 test covering all
                                                            4 language based skills.

  Spring   Module 2: Bist du ein Medienfan?                 Supporting materials:
    1        • Film/reading preferences                     Stimmt 2 textbook
   2022      • Discussing programmes you watch    ,
             • Discussing screen time             
             • Using modal verbs
             • Understanding opinions and media reviews     Assessment:
             • Talking about speaking different languages   End of Chapter 2 test covering 2
             • Prepositions with the dative case            of 4 language based skills.

  Spring      Module 2 continued.                           Supporting materials:
    2                                                       Stimmt 2 textbook
   2022                                           ,

                                                            End of Chapter 2 test covering 2
                                                            of 4 language based skills.

German cont.

  Summer   Module 3: Bleib gesund!                            Module 3: Bleib gesund!
     1       • Talking about typical breakfasts                 • Talking about typical
   2022      • Discussing traditional German food                   breakfasts
             • Understanding recipes                            • Discussing traditional
             • Talking about healthy lifestyles                     German food
             • Describing dinner parties                        • Understanding recipes
             • Verbs: essen/nehmen/muessen                      • Talking about healthy
             • Using the imperative                                 lifestyles
                                                                • Describing dinner parties
                                                                • Verbs:
                                                                • Using the imperative

  Summer   Final revision & preparation for the End of Year   Supporting materials:
     2     examinations.                                      Revision Guide
   2022                                                       Stimmt! 2 textbook

                                                              End of year examination


  Autumn   What were the causes of World War One?                Supporting materials:
     1                                                           SHP History Year 9- Dale Banham
   2021    How did the murder of two people lead to ten          and Ian Luff
           million deaths?
                                                                 Rediscovering The Twentieth
                                                                 Century World – Colin Shepherd
           Why did soldiers carry on fighting in the trenches?

                                                                 What were the causes of World
                                                                 War One?

  Autumn   Why was World War One so significant?                 Supporting materials:
     2                                                           SHP History Year 9- Dale Banham
   2021    Was the Treaty of Versailles too harsh on             and Ian Luff
                                                                 Rediscovering The Twentieth
                                                                 Century World– Colin Shepherd
           Why was there a revolution in Russia in 1917?
           Why did Germans vote for Adolf Hitler?                pics/z4crd2p

                                                                 Assessment essay:
                                                                 Produce a diary of a British soldier
                                                                 on the Western Front

  Spring   What were the causes and events of World War          Supporting materials:
    1      Two?                                                  SHP History Year 9- Dale Banham
   2022                                                          and Ian Luff
           Who was Hitler and what did he want?
                                                                 Rediscovering The Twentieth
                                                                 Century World– Colin Shepherd
           What were the causes of World War Two?
           What were the key turning points in World War         pics/zk94jxs
                                                                 Assessment essay:
                                                                 How far was the policy of
                                                                 appeasement to blame for the
                                                                 start of World War Two?

History cont.

   Spring   Being Human: Can the stories of individual          Supporting materials:
     2      people help us understand the Holocaust?            SHP History Year 9- Dale Banham
    2022                                                        and Ian Luff
            Authentic encounters: The life and testimony of
                                                                Rediscovering The Twentieth
            Leon Greenman
                                                                Century World– Colin Shepherd
            What can we learn about Jewish life in Europe
            before World War Two?                               pics/zk94jxs

            How can we use an interactive timeline to help us   Assessment:
            understand the Holocaust?                           Who was to blame for the

  Summer    The World Since 1945: What has had the              Supporting materials:
     1      biggest impact of improving people’s lives?         SHP History Year 9- Dale Banham
   2022                                                         and Ian Luff
            How did Britain change socially after World War
            Two?                                                Rediscovering The Twentieth
                                                                Century World– Colin Shepherd
            When invention has done the most to improve
            ordinary lives?                           
            How did the Cold War affect the world?
                                                                Newspaper report on the Cuban
                                                                Missile Crisis

  Summer    How have people campaigned for equal rights?        Supporting materials:
     2                                                          SHP History Year 9 - Dale Banham
   2022     How did Black Americans campaign for equal civil    and Ian Luff

                                                                End of year examination


  Autumn   To be introduced to:                                  Supporting materials:
     1                                                           The Textbook
   2021    •   the practical parts of Roman Religion,            CLC Website
               including sacrifices, punishment and the          Interactive Program on school
               underworld.                                       network.
           •   Irregular verbs in the Imperfect and Perfect
               Tenses.                                           Assessment:
           •   Direct Questions.                                 Various vocabulary tests and
                                                                 translations (both Latin into English
                                                                 and English into Latin). These will
                                                                 take the form of some peer marked
                                                                 and formal assessments. Boys will
                                                                 be given warning of them.

  Autumn   To be introduced to:                                  Supporting materials:
     2                                                           The Textbook
   2021    •   Genitive and Dative Cases.                        CLC Website
           •   Noun and Adjective Stems                          Interactive Program on school
           •   Verbs and the Dative                              network.

                                                                 Various vocabulary tests and
                                                                 translations (both Latin into English
                                                                 and English into Latin). These will
                                                                 take the form of some peer marked
                                                                 and formal assessments. Boys will
                                                                 be given warning of them.

  Spring   To be introduced to:                                  Supporting materials:
    1                                                            The Textbook
   2022                                                          CLC Website
           •   Religious ceremonies, festivals, chariot racing   Interactive Program on school
               and gladiatorial shows.                           network.
           •   The present tense of regular and irregular
               verbs.                                            Assessment:
                                                                 Various vocabulary tests and
                                                                 translations (both Latin into English
                                                                 and English into Latin). These will
                                                                 take the form of some peer marked
                                                                 and formal assessments. Boys will
                                                                 be given warning of them.

Latin cont.

   Spring     To be continue with:                     Supporting materials:
     2                                                 The Textbook
    2022         •   The present tense                 CLC Website
              The introduction of:                     Interactive Program on school

                 •   Present participles               Assessment:
                                                       Various vocabulary tests and
                                                       translations (both Latin into English
                                                       and English into Latin). These will
                                                       take the form of some peer marked
                                                       and formal assessments. Boys will
                                                       be given warning of them.

  Summer      The introduction of:                     Supporting materials:
     1                                                 The Textbook
   2022          •   Prophecy in the Roman World       CLC Website
                 •   Possessive adjectives             Interactive Program on school
                 •   Imperatives and direct commands   network.

                                                       Various vocabulary tests and
                                                       translations (both Latin into English
                                                       and English into Latin). These will
                                                       take the form of some peer marked
                                                       and formal assessments. Boys will
                                                       be given warning of them.

  Summer      To be introduced to:                     Supporting materials:
     2                                                 The Textbook
   2022          •   Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers      CLC Website
                                                       Interactive Program on school

                                                       Formal Summer Exam


  Autumn   •   Rounding to decimals places                        Supporting materials:
     1     •   Range of values                                    STP textbook
   2021    •   Interchanging fractions and decimals     
           •   Recurring decimals                       
           •   Standard Form
           •   Probability, including tree diagrams               Assessment:
           •   Percentage increase and decrease                   1 hour Test
           •   Reverse percentages
           •   Compound percentage increase/decrease
           •   Ratio and Proportion

  Autumn   •   Expanding brackets                                 Supporting materials:
     2     •   Difference of two squares                          STP textbook
   2021    •   Expressions and equations                
           •   Inequalities and regions                 
           •   Factorising, including factorising quadratics
           •   Recognising the factors of the difference of two   Assessment:
               squares                                            1 hour Test
                                                                  October & November test results
                                                                  will determine sets for next term

  Spring   •   Calculating the mean of discrete data              Supporting materials:
    1      •   Calculating the mean of grouped data, ie. from     STP textbook
   2022        a frequency table                        
           •   Cumulative frequency                     
           •   Finding the median, quartiles, and the inter-
               quartile range from a cumulative frequency         Assessment:
               graph                                              1 hour Test
           •   Constructing a formula
           •   Substitution into a formula
           •   Changing the subject of a formula
           •   Finding the nth term of a sequence
           •   Simultaneous Equations

Mathematics cont.

 Spring   •   Quadratic Equations                            Supporting materials:
   2      •   Using graphs to solve equations                STP textbook
  2022    •   Cubic graphs                         
          •   Reciprocal graphs                    
          •   Recognising a curve from its equation
          •   Estimating the gradient of a curve             Assessment:
          •   The area of a trapezium                        1 hour Test
          •   Calculating the length of an arc of a circle
          •   Calculating the area of a circle
          •   Volume of a prism

 Summer   •   Transformations                                Supporting materials:
    1     •   Enlargements                                   STP textbook
  2022    •   Reflections                          
          •   Rotations                            
          •   Compound rotations
          •   Translations                                   Assessment:
          •   Similar figures                                One period test or homework
                                                             based assessment – at discretion
          •   Finding lengths in similar shapes
                                                             of class teacher
          •   Trigonometry: Sin, Cos and Tan – finding
              unknown lengths and unknown angles

 Summer   •   End of Year Exams                              Supporting materials:
    2     •   Examinations review                            STP textbook
                                                             Term test papers

                                                             Two 1.5hr exams – Results will
                                                             determine Yr 10 set


   Autumn   UNIT 1: Music History - The Baroque &                Supporting materials:
      1     Classical Eras                                       Class workbook
    2021     • When were the Baroque and Classical eras          PowerPoints on MS Teams
                 and what are the main musical features of
                 the eras?                                       over-music/periods-
             •       Who were the main composers of the
             •       What is counterpoint?                       Listening test on Baroque &
                                                                 Classical music
             •       What is a ground bass?
             •       Can you perform Pachelbel’s ‘Canon in D’?
             •       What is theme and variation?
             •       Can you compose a variation of a famous

   Autumn   UNIT 2: Music History - The Romantic Era             Supporting materials:
      2     and Twentieth Century Music                          Class workbook
    2021     • When was the Romantic era and what are            PowerPoints on MS Teams
                 the main musical features of the era? 
             •       Who were the main composers of the          genres/romantic/
                     Romantic and C20 eras?

             •       What is chromaticism?                       Assessment:
                                                                 Listening test on Romantic &
             •       What is programme music?                    C20 music

             •       What is the historical and cultural
                     background of Opera?
             •       How do you compose leitmotifs to fit a
                     character’s personality?
             •       What are the main musical features of
                     Minimalism, Serialism and

   Spring   UNIT 3: Film Music                                   Supporting materials:
     1       • What is an interval and how do you identify       Class workbook
    2022        specific intervals?                              PowerPoints on MS Teams
             •       How do you create different moods and       YouTube demonstration videos
                     emotions in music?
             •       How do you compose music to fit a variety   Performance of a chosen film
                     of emotions?
             •       What are the main musical features of
                     action and horror music?
                 •     Who are John Williams and Hans

Music cont.

    Spring    UNIT 4: Composing a film soundtrack                  Supporting materials:
      2          • How do you use Logic Pro X?                     PowerPoints on MS Teams
     2022                                                          YouTube demonstration videos
                 •   What is quantizing?                           iMac computers
                 •   How do you notate a piece of music on
                     Logic Pro X?                                  Assessment:
                                                                   1) Film music composition to
                 •   How do you structure film music?              accompany a video clip
                                                                   2) Listening test on film music
                 •   What is the difference between diegetic
                     and non-diegetic music?

   Summer     UNIT 5: Club Dance Music                             Supporting materials:
     1           • What is club dance music?                       Class workbook
    2022         •   What is a drop?                               PowerPoints on MS Teams
                                                                   YouTube demonstration videos
                 •   What is a layered texture?                    iMac computers
                 •   What are the main musical features of
                     Disco, House, Drum & Bass, Dubstep &          Assessment:
                     Ambient music?                                Club Dance music composition

                 •   What is the role of the synthesizer in club
                     dance music?

                 •   What are samples and loops?

   Summer     End of year exam/revision/feedback from              Supporting materials:
     2        examinations                                         Class workbooks
    2022                                                           PowerPoints on MS Teams
                                                                   Revision guide

                                                                   End of year exam

Physical Education

 Physical education is possibly the curriculum area most affected by Coronavirus (Covid-19).
 Practical areas for the first half term will take place within a sport’s National governing body
 guidelines adapting some of the delivery i.e., contact is reduced in rugby.

  Autumn     Health Related Fitness:                                Supporting materials/ websites:
     1       • Fitness testing (12 minute run, bleep test etc.)     BBC Sport, RFU, FA, ECB
   2021      • Methods of training (Continuous, circuit, interval   UK Athletics
             • Re-testing                                           Assessment:

  Autumn     Badminton:                                             Supporting materials:
     2       • Rally and match based learning                       BBC Sport, RFU, FA, ECB
   2021      • Singles strategy (short and long)                    UK Athletics
             • Doubles strategy (attack or defensive styles)
             • Scoring and rules implementation                     Assessment essay:
             • Tournament matches                                   Formative

  Spring     Cross-country:                                         Supporting materials:
    1        • Look at training methods for development of CV       BBC Sport, RFU, FA, ECB
   2022         fitness                                             UK Athletics
             • Longer routes that are often off site
             • Strong link to HRF in HT1.                           Assessment essay:
             • Personal monitoring of fitness and times.            Formative

  Spring     Volleyball/Handball                                    Supporting materials:
    2        • Games based learning                                 BBC Sport, RFU, FA, ECB
   2022      • Spike, set, serve, bump hit                          UK Athletics
             • ½ court defence, zonal and man-on-man
             • Full sided games with choice of strategy             Assessment:
                implemented.                                        Formative

Physical Education cont.

  Summer   Throughout the Summer term athletics takes place.     Supporting materials:
     1     Two events are looked at in each lesson from a        BBC Sport, RFU, FA, ECB
   2022    selection of throwing, jumping and track.             UK Athletics

           Throwing events: safety measures, grip and             Assessment:
           stance, low to high, trajectory, power and control,   As the boys go through the years
           rules.                                                the input and technical language
                                                                 used is developed and peer
           Jumping events: safety, run up, take off, body        assessment and feedback
           position, landing, power and control.                 becomes more prominent as the
                                                                 boys become more independent
           Track: safety, pacing, starts, phases, technique,     with their learning. Times,
           breathing, psychological aspects.                     distances and heights are regularly
                                                                 recorded and the emphasis is on
                                                                 personal development.

  Summer   Summer 1 continued and End of Year examination


  Autumn   P1 Conservation and dissipation of energy         Supporting materials:
     1        • P1.1 Changes in energy stores                • Physics and Maths tutor
   2021       • P1.2 Conservation of energy                  • BBC Bitesize
              • P1.3 Energy and work                         • Doddle
              • P1.4 Gravitational potential energy stores   • Kerboodle
              • P1.5 Kinetic energy and elastic energy       • Twig
                 stores                                      • AQA
              • P1.6 Energy dissipation                      • Cyber Physics
              • P1.7 Energy and efficiency
              • P1.8 Electrical appliances                   Assessment:
              • P1.9 Energy and power                        Summative assessment in each of
                                                             the taught topics, Practical tasks
           Part of Specification it relates to: 4.1 Energy

  Autumn   P2 Energy transfer by heating                     Supporting materials:
     2        • P2.1 Energy transfer by conduction           • Physics and Maths tutor
   2021       • P2.2 Infrared radiation                      • BBC Bitesize
              • P2.3 More about infrared radiation           • Doddle
              • P2.4 Specific heat capacity                  • Kerboodle
              • P2.5 Heating and insulating buildings        • Twig
                                                             • AQA
           Part of Specification it relates to: 4.1 Energy   • Cyber Physics

                                                             Summative assessment in each of
                                                             the taught topics, Practical tasks.

  Spring   P3 Energy resources                               Supporting materials:
    1         • P3.1 Energy demands                          • Physics and Maths tutor
   2022       • P3.2 Energy from wind and water              • BBC Bitesize
              • P3.3 Power from the Sun and the Earth        • Doddle
              • P3.4 Energy and the environment              • Kerboodle
              • P3.5 Big energy issues                       • Twig
                                                             • AQA
           Part of Specification it relates to: 4.1 Energy   • Cyber Physics

                                                             Summative assessment in each of
                                                             the taught topics.

Physics cont.

   Spring   P6 Molecules and matter                           Supporting materials:
     2         • P6.1 Density                                 • Physics and Maths tutor
    2022       • P6.2 States of matter                        • BBC Bitesize
               • P6.3 Changes of state                        • Doddle
               • P6.4 Internal energy                         • Kerboodle
               • P6.5 Specific latent heat                    • Twig
               • P6.6 Gas pressure and temperature            • AQA
               • P6.7 Gas pressure and volume                 • Cyber Physics

            Part of Specification it relates to: 4.5 Forces   Assessment:
                                                              Summative assessment in each of
                                                              the taught topics.

  Summer    Completing any work left from the previous half   Supporting materials:
     1      terms and preparation for Summer examination.     • Physics and Maths tutor
   2022                                                       • BBC Bitesize
                                                              • Doddle
                                                              • Kerboodle
                                                              • Twig
                                                              • AQA
                                                              • Cyber Physics

                                                              Summative assessment in each of
                                                              the taught topics, End of Year

  Summer    Summer Examination and feedback                   Supporting materials:
     2                                                        • Physics and Maths tutor
   2022                                                       • BBC Bitesize
                                                              • Doddle
                                                              • Kerboodle
                                                              • Twig
                                                              • AQA
                                                              • Cyber Physics

                                                              Summative assessment in each of
                                                              the taught topics, End of Year


 Autumn   Justice
  2021    Focusing on the UK, students will look at crime, punishment and justice within the UK.
          We also identify how morality and integrity plays a part in justice and why, if at all, justice
          is important.

 Autumn   Diversity
  2021    Developing on the unit from year 7, students will further cultivate the idea of similarities
          and difference and understand key terms, and their impacts such as;
             • Racism
             • Sexism
             • Ageism
             • Homophobia

 Spring   Health
  2022    This unit is a development from year 7 and 8, whereby there is a focus on the risks of
          substance abuse and alcohol. Another main topic in this unit is mental health, whereby
          there is a focus on:
              • Suicide
              • FGM
              • Drugs

 Spring   Being me
  2022    Setting goals for the remainder of the year as well as GCSE goals. A clear focus will be
          on option choices and the importance of:
              • Ambition
              • Goals
              • Perseverance
              • Achieving the best you can

 Summer   Relationships
  2022       This unit will focus on positive relationships, marriage and having children, divorce,
             intimacy, sexual activity and consent.

 Summer   Staying safe
  2022       Developing the topics covered in the year 7 unit ‘risk’ and the year 8 unit ‘your
             choice’, students will be looking at staying safe on the internet (who are you talking
             to), exploring the ways to stay safe when you are out and about, child protection and
             road safety.

Religious Studies

 Autumn   Introduction to Islam                            Supporting Material:
    1                                                      InspireRE Work booklet
  2021       •   Who are Muslims?                          Wire for Islam BBC
             •   Exploring the Five Pillars:               PowerPoints
             ✓   Shahadah                                  Microsoft Teams
             ✓   Salah
             ✓   Zakah                                     Assessment:
             ✓   Sawm                                      End of unit assessment using
             ✓   Hajj                                      GCSE style questioning (1, 2, 3
             •   What is the Quran?                        and 4 mark questions with a longer
             •   How and why Muslims worship?              12 mark question at the end)
             •   Islam and Life after Death

 Autumn      •   Islam and the Environment                 Supporting Material:
    2        •   Islam and wealth                          InspireRE Work booklet
  2021       •   Islam and Poverty                         Wire for Islam BBC
             •   Islam and War                             PowerPoints
             •   Islam and Peace                           Microsoft Teams
             •   Muslims in the Western World
                                                           End of unit assessment using
                                                           GCSE style questioning (1, 2, 3
                                                           and 4 mark questions with a longer
                                                           12 mark question at the end)

 Spring   Philosophy, Ethics and Moral Values              Supporting Material:
   1                                                       Bespoke Work booklet
  2022       •   How do we know right from wrong?          PowerPoints
             •   How do we know what is Good?              Microsoft Teams
             •   What is a moral dilemma?
             •   How can we solve moral dilemmas?          Assessment:
             •   What is Love?                             End of unit assessment using
             •   What is Justice?                          GCSE style questioning (1,2,3 and
             •   Do humans have rights?                    4 mark questions with a longer 12
                                                           mark question at the end)
             •   What are religious rights?
             •   What is Capital Punishment?
             •   Are wealthy responsible for the poor?
             •   Can war be justified?
             •   How is religion portrayed in the Media?

Religious Studies cont.

 Spring   Philosophy, Ethics and Moral Values               Supporting Material
   2                                                        Bespoke Workbooklet with
  2022       •    What are religious rights?                PowerPoints and Embedded clips
             •    What is Capital Punishment?
             •    Are wealthy responsible for the poor?     Assessment:
                                                            End of unit assessment using GCSE
             •    Can war be justified?
                                                            style questioning (1, 2, 3 and 4 mark
             •    How is religion portrayed in the Media?   questions with a longer 12 mark
                                                            question at the end)

Summer       Evil and Suffering                             Supporting Material:
   1                                                        Bespoke Evil and Suffering
 2022        1.   What is evil?                             Workbook with PowerPoints and
             2.   What are moral evil and natural evil?     Embedded clips
             3.   Where do we learn morality?
             4.   Accounting for evil
             5.   Story of Job
             6.   Has the idea of evil changed over time?
             7.   Case Study: Harold Shipman

Summer    Preparation for End of Year examinations.         Supporting Material:
   2      Recapping content from Term 1,2 and 3.            Revision mind maps, Learning Mats,
 2022                                                       Revision Guide


  Autumn    Module 1 Mis vacaciones                              Supporting materials:
     1                                                           ¡Viva! Libro 2,
   2021     Unit 1: Talking about a past holiday, using the,
            preterite of ir                            ,
            Unit 2: Saying what you did on holiday, using the,
            preterite of regular -ar verbs             
            Unit 3: Describing the last day on holiday, using
            the preterite of -er and -ir verbs                   Assessment:
                                                                 Continuous evaluation throughout
                                                                 Module 1 covering all 4 language
                                                                 based skills.

  Autumn    Module 1 Mis vacaciones                              Supporting materials:
     2                                                           ¡Viva! Libro 2,
   2021     Unit 3: Saying what your holiday was like, using,
            the preterite of ser                       ,
            Unit 4: Giving a presentation about your holiday,,
            making your sentences interesting          
            Extensión: Using two/three tenses together about
            holidays                                             Assessment:
                                                                 An end of Module 1 test covering
                                                                 all 4 language based skills

   Spring   Module 2 Todo sobre mi vida                          Supporting materials:
      1                                                          ¡Viva! Libro 2,
    2022    Unit 1: Saying what you use your mobile for,
            Unit 2: Saying what type of music you like ,
            Unit 3: Talking about TV                   ,
            Unit 4: Saying what you did yesterday      

                                                                 An end of Module 3 test covering
                                                                 all 4 language based skills

   Spring   Module 3 ¡A comer!                                   Supporting materials:
      2                                                          ¡Viva! Libro 2,
    2022    Unit 1: Saying what food you like using a wider,
            range                                      ,
            of opinions                                ,
            Unit 2: Describing mealtimes and using negatives
            Unit 3: Ordering a meal, using usted / ustedes
            Unit 5: Talking about sporting events, using three   Assessment:
            tenses                                               An end of Module 4 test covering
                                                                 all 4 language based skills.

Spanish cont.

  Summer   Module 4 ¿Qué hacemos?                              Supporting materials:
     1                                                         ¡Viva! Libro 2,
   2022                                              ,
           Unit 1: Arranging to go out, using me gustaría +,
           infinitive                                ,
           Unit 2: Making excuses, using querer and poder
           Unit 4: Talking about clothes, using ‘this/these’   Revision Guide
           Unit 4: In the three tenses

           General revision of all Modules

  Summer   End of Year 9 examination of all Modules            Supporting materials:
     2                                                         ¡Mira! 2, Heinemann,
   2022                                              ,

                                                               End of year examination

Homework Diary 2021-2022

         Max prep
Class    time per                   Monday                        Tuesday                             Wednesday                            Thursday                    Friday
                                                                                           Physics (Period 2/3, Sets 1 & 2)
 9M        30 mins.             Mathematics                         History               Chemistry (Period 2/3, Sets 3 & 4)          Biology (Sets 1 & 4)          Design &
                                  English                            Latin                   Physics (Period 4/5, Set 4)               Chemistry (Set 2)           Technology
                          MFL (French Sets 1, 3 & 4,         Classical Civilisation         Chemistry (Period 4/5, Set 1)               Physics (Set 3)          Computer Science
                               Spanish Set 2)                       Music                  Biology (Period 4/5, Sets 2 & 3)            Religious Studies
                                                                                                         Art                               Geography
                                                                                        MFL (Spanish Sets 1 & 3, French Set 2,            Mathematics
                                                                                                   German Set 4)
                                                                   Music                   Physics (Period 2/3, Sets 1 & 2)
 9N        30 mins.             Mathematics                 Design & Technology          Chemistry (Periods 2/3, Sets 3 & 4)          Biology (Sets 1 & 4)               Art
                                  English                          Latin                     Physics (Period 4/5, Set 4)               Chemistry (Set 2)         Computer Science
                          MFL (French Sets 1, 3 & 4,                                        Chemistry (Period 4/5, Set 1)               Physics (Set 3)         Classical Civilisation
                               Spanish Set 2)                                              Biology (Period 4/5, Sets 2 & 3)            Religious Studies
                                                                                                       History                             Geography
                                                                                        MFL (Spanish Sets 1 & 3, French Set 2,            Mathematics
                                                                                                   German Set 4)
                                                                                           Physics (Period 2/3, Sets 1 & 2)
 9O        30 mins.             Mathematics                 Design & Technology           Chemistry (Period 2/3, Sets 3 & 4)                Geography
                                    Latin                         English                    Physics (Period 4/5, Set 4)               Biology (Sets 1 & 4)             Art
                          MFL (French Sets 1, 3 & 4,                                        Chemistry (Period 4/5, Set 1)               Chemistry (Set 2)        Religious Studies
                               Spanish Set 2)                                              Biology (Period 4/5, Sets 2 & 3)              Physics (Set 3)               Music
                                                                                                       History                         Computer Science
                                                                                        MFL (Spanish Sets 1 & 3, French Set 2,        Classical Civilisations
                                                                                                   German Set 4)                           Mathematics
                                Mathematics                          Art                   Physics (Period 2/3, Sets 1 & 2)            Biology (Sets 1 & 4)      Religious Studies
                                  English                           Latin                 Chemistry (Period 2/3, Sets 3 & 4)            Chemistry (Set 2)       Classical Civilisation
                          MFL (French Sets 1, 3 & 4,              Geography                  Physics (Period 4/5, Set 4)                 Physics (Set 3)           Mathematics
                               Spanish Set 2)                                               Chemistry (Period 4/5, Set 1)              Computer Science                Music
 9P        30 mins.
                                                                                           Biology (Period 4/5, Sets 2 & 3)                  History
                                                                                                Design & Technology                        Mathematics
                                                                                        MFL (Spanish Sets 1 & 3, French Set 2,
                                                                                                   German Set 4)

  •   Year 7, 8 and 9 homework for Latin, Music and Design & Technology is set fortnightly.
  •   Students who are entitled to extra time in tests and examinations should practise using extra time when doing their homework.

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