Year 8 Revision Lists Summer exams 2018 - Exams Start Monday 4th June 2018 - Holy Trinity College

Page created by Roberta Waters
Year 8 Revision
  Summer exams

Exams Start Monday 4th June 2018
Helpful tips for successful revision

   Make sure you know EXACTLY WHAT you need to learn. Ask your
    teacher. Most subjects will give you a revision list.

   Don’t expect the teachers to tell you everything that is on the exam! Plan your
    revision early.

   Make out a revision timetable. You will be creating one of these during your
    Study Skills session in school with your form tutor. Make sure you stick to it.

   The exams begin Monday 4th June.

   You must NOT leave all your revision to the night before. This is unwise.

   Make sure you get plenty of sleep in the weeks and days leading up to your

   There are many different ways to revise. You will go through a number of
    methods during your Study Skills sessions in school.

   Whichever method you choose it is a good idea to get someone to ask you
    what you have learnt. This is how you will know the bits that you need to go
    over again.

   The secret is to be ORGANISED and not to panic!

   Make sure you come to each exam properly equipped e.g. pens, pencils,
    rubber, ruler, calculator, colouring pencils etc.
These exams will test what you know, what you understand and what you can do.

When you revise, try to understand the notes. Do not try to memorise everything,
except maybe in languages. If you understand for example, the Science notes then you
are more likely to remember them. Trying to remember facts that you do not
understand is a waste of time.

In order to understand your subject, you must do more than just read your notes. The
following examples are some ways you might like to try to understand your notes

   1. Underline or highlight important words or sections and make a list of key
      words and definitions.
   2. Make a summary of the topic. Some useful methods are:

   (a) Lists – of key facts and key words is a useful way of remembering things.
   (b) Flow charts – a flow chart is a series of short statements connected by arrows.
       It is useful for summarising a sequence of events.
   (c) Diagrams- draw diagrams to summarise important sections or notes. Diagrams
       are helpful because people find it easier to remember things in pictures. Make
       your diagram simple and easy to remember. Write the labels a little distance
       from the diagram so that you can cover them up later and test yourself.
   (d) Note cards – writing down the main points from a lot of information on note
       cards. These are good as you only include the essential information. They are
       small and can fit in your pocket so you can revise anywhere.

   3. Use previous test papers you have already done. Go over the questions and see
      if you can improve your mark.

The next few pages show how you might like to organise your revision. This way you
will not leave out any subject and you can see what you have already completed.

These are the revision lists from your subject teachers. Make sure that you revise
everything on the list.

You should set revision targets for the following week well in advance and try very
hard to keep to them. This may mean you may miss your favourite television
programme but the effort will be worth it in the end.

You may also have homework to complete during this time.

Revision should only be started when all homework for that evening is

Good luck!
Important information about:

There is no specific revision needed for this subject.

In Music class, you will perform on the tin whistle the song ‘Love Me
Tender’ on page 21 of your workbook. This will be a solo assessment.

                     “Genius is 1% inspiration
                       99% perspiration”
                                     Thomas Edison –
                                    Inventor of the light bulb!
Date      Subjects         Work to be learnt                              Tick when
and                                                                       completed
Wed       Geography        Keywords
May                        The list of keywords and definitions will be
                           given out in class. Learn all definitions.
2x30                       Evaporation
minutes                    Dispersed

          Home Economics
                           Revision list the same for all bands- the
                           questions just have a different format.

                              1.      The Balance of Good Health/The
                                      Eatwell Plate – Page 63/64.
                              2.      Green, amber and red foods –
                                      Page 68.
                              3.      Eight guidelines for a healthy
                                      diet. Page 61.
Thurs   English    You will complete a standardised English
   th              test which will assess your reading and
                   writing. You will complete exercises in the
May                following areas:
2x 30                  1) Spelling
                      2) Punctuation

                      3) Grammar

                      4) Comprehension- reading for

                      5) Vocabulary

                      6) Synonyms

                      7) Meanings of words

                   You should revise the following topics:
                       Spelling rules, common mistakes
                          with spellings, homophones,
                          patterns of words, single and double
                          letters, rules for plurals, prefixes and

                         Punctuation rules for the use of the
                          full stop, comma, apostrophe, colon,
                          semi colon, question mark, speech
                          mark and exclamation mark.

        Religion      1. The Ministry of Jesus.
                         John the Baptist, The Baptism of
                         Jesus, The Call of the Disciples, The
                         Term 2 Lessons 10, 13, 15, 16, 19.
                         Pages 95, 96, 104, 110, 112,117

18th               Year 8 (See learning outcomes for full details
                   of units)
May       Maths
                   Unit 1: Facts, Figures and Charts
                   Unit 2: Time, Timetables and the Calendar
minutes            Unit 3: Money and Decimals

Sat       French
19th               Unit 1
                   Myself-term 1 booklet – Eiffel Tower – page
2 x 30
minutes            Saying hello

                   Asking how someone is

                   Saying how you are

                   Asking someone’s name

                   Saying your name



                   Days of the week

                   Numbers to 31

                   Asking when someone’s birthday is

                   Saying when your birthday is

                   Saying how old you are

                   Unit 2
                   Families and pets- Term 2 booklet – Family
                   on the front – pages 19 and 20
Simpsons family members



                  Describing self, others and pets


                  Physical description

                  *read/cover write and check is the best
                  method for revising French.

                  REMEMBER!! You can log on free to
                  Linguascope for revision
                  Username: htc
                  Password: salut3

Sun     Science
20                Environment and Feeding Relationships
                  Acids and Alkalis
minutes           Solids, Liquids and Gases

                  The Normans

                  Who were the 3 contenders to the throne
                  and why did they want to be King?
                  The Battle of Hastings
                  Motte and Bailey Castles. The parts of them,
                  The Stone Keep
                  Parts of the Castle ( drawbridge, portcullis,
                  Great Hall, spiral staircase etc)
                  Attacking and defending the castles.
                  Life in a castle.
Mon       Irish
21st                  An Seomra Ranga-The Classroom
                      Míonna agus Laethanta- Months and Days
                      Uimhreacha- Numbers
                      An t-Am –The time


          Religion     2. The Early Church and the

                             Term 3 Lessons: 4 – 6 Pages 152 –

Tues      Geography
22nd                  Data Response
                            Flood prevention measures.
                            Weather systems – Anticyclones and

                            Instruments used to measure
                             weather – Thermometer,
                             Anemometer, Compass Points, Rain

                            River drainage basins – Key features.

                            Physical and Human Causes of

                      Ordnance Survey

                      Four figure grid references.

                      Class teacher will go through revision during
                      class to explain all.
Home Economics
                              1.       Page 80 and 81- Different types
                                       of family.
                              2.       Vitamin C. Pages 78/79.
                              3.       Shopping in different types of
                                       shops. Page 121-123 and 127.

Wed       Technology          1) Technology safety rules
May                           2) Hand tools (Hand file, Pliers )

2x30                          3) Electronic symbols

                           Term 3
                           Where you live/other Europeans-Book 3 –
                           Types of houses – Page 24

                           Places in France

                           Asking someone where they live

                           Saying where you live


                           Types of towns/villages/places to live

                           Types of houses

                           My bedroom

                           Where things are in the bedroom

                           *read/cover write and check is the best
                           method for revising French.

                           REMEMBER!! You can log on free to
                           Linguascope for revision
                           Username: htc
                           Password: salut3
   Grammar rules- tense, verbs, nouns,
Thurs    English             adjectives, adverbs and creating
24th May
minutes                     How to read for meaning.

                            Infer meaning of new words from
                             surrounding text.

Fri 25th   Maths
May                   Unit 4: Directed Numbers
                      Unit 5: Coordinates & Graphs
2x30                  Unit 6: Symmetry
                      Unit 7: Perimeter, Area & Volume

Sat 26th   Religion
May                   3. (a) The Mass Today – Ex Bk – order of the
2 x 30                    (b) The Mass Through the Ages
minutes                        Term 3 Lessons: 8 – 12 Pages
                      159, 164, 165

                      An Aimsir- The Weather

Sun        History
27th                  The Normans In Ireland
                      Ireland before The Normans.
                      The Kingdoms and who ruled them?
2x 30
                      Dermot Mc Murrough, Rory O’ Connor,
minutes               Tiernan O’ Rourke.
                      The deal between Dermot and Strongbow
                      The Marriage of Aoife and Strongbow.
                      John De Courcy. Who was he? Why was he
                      ( good and bad points about him)
Home Economics
                               7. Supermarket layout. Page 123/124.
                               8. Buying online. Page 176.
                               9. What are food miles? Page 112

28th      Science          Solutions
2x 30

Tues      Maths
29th                       Unit 8: Number Patterns and Sequences
                           Unit 9: 2D & 3D Shapes
                           Unit 10: Angles
2x 30
Wed                    Forces
                       Solar System
                       All pupils have extra information on these
2x 30                  topics in their books

thur      English
31st                           Make sense of unfamiliar language.
May                            Synonyms and antonyms.

2x 30                          Meanings of different words.


          Technology      4) Drawing of the printed circuit board
                             used in the steady hand game
                          5) The stages in the vacuum forming
                          6) The staged when soldering the
                             electronic components into the PCB
                          7) 3D Drawing of the steady hand
Friday    History
                             Practice Extended Writing
June                         Pupils will be asked to complete an
                             Extended Piece of Writing on either The
2x 30                        Normans or The Normans in Ireland as
minutes                      revised above.

                             Eg Life in a Castle
                                The Marriage of Strongbow and Aoife

     **Use the Saturday and Sunday to revise over all of your notes, particularly the
     tests that you have on Monday.**


     Monday 4th – Friday 8th June

     Spend about 15/20 minutes going over your revision notes for each
     subject being tested the next day. If there is one exam day when you
     think the testes will be more difficult, then plan ahead for this by doing a
     little of one of those subjects earlier this week.

             Go to bed early and make sure you have breakfast.
              You will not be able to concentrate if you have not eaten.

     Monday 4th – Friday 8th June

             Make sure you have a copy of your exam timetable.
             Know what day and time you have each exam.
             Revise each evening for the exams that you have the next day.
   There may be time to study before some of the exams. Make sure
      you have notebooks and revision notes for those subjects with you.

During the exam

     Do not be distracted during the exam. Concentrate on what you are
      doing. Do not be tempted to cheat or copy.

     You will not be allowed to eat sweets or have fizzy drink during the
      exam. It is a good idea to have a bottle of water with you during
      the exams.

     Make sure you go to the toilet during break and lunch. You will not
      be allowed to go to the toilet during exams.

     Take some time each evening to make sure you have enough pens,
      pencils etc with you. It is disruptive to others when a pupil has to
      borrow equipment during an exam.
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