Year 5 Daily learning 10.2.2021 - John Randall Primary School

Page created by Claude Lee
Year 5 Daily learning 10.2.2021 - John Randall Primary School
Year 5
    Daily learning
Year 5 Daily learning 10.2.2021 - John Randall Primary School
How are you feeling?

Please make sure you talk to your grown ups about how
you are feeling regularly. Remember you can also talk
to myself using seesaw as well if you want to.
Year 5 Daily learning 10.2.2021 - John Randall Primary School
Today’s reading for fun and enjoyment…
Year 5 Daily learning 10.2.2021 - John Randall Primary School
Early Morning Work.
Spellings – English book
Maths – Blue Book

 1)        93836 +         9515=   X4
 2)           9284 -       7773=
 3)             773 x        6=
 4)           4520 ÷         8=
Year 5 Daily learning 10.2.2021 - John Randall Primary School
Guided Reading: Goodnight Mr.Tom by Michelle
            Magorian-Chapter ….

                                   Retrieval (AF2): What did Tom think
                                   would be useful for Willie’s room?
                                   Inference (AF3): Why was Tom walking
                                   Choice of language (AF5): What do you
                                   think the word ‘briskly’ means?
Year 5 Daily learning 10.2.2021 - John Randall Primary School
Goodnight Mr. Tom by Michelle Magorian
Can you identify an example of each word type in the text
                  on the previous page?                     "Echo," he read, "Bakelite." There, on
                                                            display, was a small ten-by-four-inch
                                                            wireless. It was run on batteries that had
                                                            to be recharged. Ideal for someone like
                                                            him who had no electricity. It was made of
                                                            light wood with two large circular
                                                            openings, one with a fretted front, the
                                                            other fitted with a dial. Something to
                                                            think about if he had to leave the boy on
                                                            his own, like. Lot of
                                                            money, though.
                                                                  He stopped at the corner and
                                                            glanced down at the tiny alleyway where
                                                            the artist's shop stood. He hadn't time, he
                                                            thought, and he set off briskly towards the
                                                            blacksmith's, his rucksack and his bags
                                                            already bulging. He had also a box of
                                                            groceries to pick up, and some wooden
                                                            and cardboard boxes that he thought
                                                            would be useful for Willie's room.
Year 5 Daily learning 10.2.2021 - John Randall Primary School
Wednesday 10th February 2021   Spelling   Punctuation Ladder
                                          Write three
                                          sentences using

                                          Stephania, who
   Handwriting B3 U16                     was extremely
                                          kind, helped
                                          Gracie to tidy the
                                          messy classroom
Year 5 Daily learning 10.2.2021 - John Randall Primary School
English Learning Objective

                             -How do you think this lesson
                             will help you improve or build
                             your knowledge?

                             -Was there anything you
                             want to go back over again?

                             -How do you think learning in
                             this subject/topic/area today
                             will be of use to you in the
Year 5 Daily learning 10.2.2021 - John Randall Primary School
Yesterday, you were given a basic setting description to
improve using a range of descriptive language techniques
such as: adjectives, adverbs, alliteration, repetition, similes,
metaphors, personification and hyperbole as well as Tier Two
      Using what you learnt yesterday, can you write your own
setting description based on what you see in the picture on
the next slide? Try to include at least one example of the
following descriptive features: adjectives, adverbs,
alliteration, repetition, similes, metaphors, personification
and hyperbole.
Year 5 Daily learning 10.2.2021 - John Randall Primary School
Remember to write in the past tense and third person.

You could describe:
-the heat from the sun
-the sun and clouds in the sky
-the mountains in the distance
-the shapes of the dunes created in the sand
-the temperature of the sand
-the lack of wildlife
Mile Track / Break / Snack

Home Learning Task ~ 10 minutes physical activity

                                                Can you translate these
                                              French words in to English?
                                               Use Google Translate to
                                                       help you.
10/02/2021       5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
                6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Fluent in Five.              X 1 1 X 1 2
Fluency 1   Reasoning

Fluency 2

            Problem solving

Fluency 3

Follow the link bellow to create your own
flappy bird game. You can do this on a
computer, laptop, or smartphone.
You can also read