Year 3 Home Learning - Week 5 Day 3 3rd February 2021

Page created by Darlene Duran
Year 3 Home Learning - Week 5 Day 3 3rd February 2021
3rd February 2021

       Year 3
Home Learning – Week 5
        Day 3
Year 3 Home Learning - Week 5 Day 3 3rd February 2021
Shared reading
Year 3 Home Learning - Week 5 Day 3 3rd February 2021
Shared Reading - Read the text two times and answer the questions.   Roman Rescue

                                                                      To decode the

                                                                      Look at the
                                                                      letters, make
                                                                      the sound and
                                                                      blend the sound

                                                                      Chunk up the
                                                                      word and put it
                                                                      back together.

                                                                      Look for the
                                                                      small words in
                                                                      the big word.

                                                                      Read the
                                                                      sentence again.
Year 3 Home Learning - Week 5 Day 3 3rd February 2021
First, read the question.      Questions:
Next, go back and find the
answer in the text. Skim and
                               1.   Why did Charlie say “But they’re ours now”
scan for key words.
                               2. Why did Tilda say the items should be in a museum?
Some questions are thinking
questions. You need to find
the clues in the text to
                               3. ‘Most were handwritten in ink’ why would the ledgers be
answer them.                      handwritten?

Finally, write the answer.     4. ‘Like a rose in a bed of dandelions’ why has the writer made this

                               5. Why do you think Tilda’s jaw slowly dropped open?

                               6. What do you think the professor was writing about in his journal?

                               7. Where do you think Charlie thinks the Professor is now?

Try to work through as
many of the questions as
you can.
Year 3 Home Learning - Week 5 Day 3 3rd February 2021
Year 3 Home Learning - Week 5 Day 3 3rd February 2021
Starter – Can you sort the adverbs into the correct category?


      slowly    brightly   noisily        lately         sadly          loudly      speedily
     swiftly    silently    darkly        finally         dimly         excitedly     happily
               recently     brilliantly        quietly       rapidly       soon
Year 3 Home Learning - Week 5 Day 3 3rd February 2021
English - Main Activity
This week, children will complete a range of English activities
based on

Use the link to access the Oak Academy lesson which you will need
to complete.

Follow the link –
Year 3 Home Learning - Week 5 Day 3 3rd February 2021
Extra English if you would like!
Below are other useful websites that can be used for grammar games, phonics activities and reading

Phonics                                                  Reading
Phonics play –            Oxford owl - Sign up for free interactive ebooks
Phonics bloom –                                          online -         home/find-a-book/library-page/
ICT games -                                              School readers (password – lovetoread) -
                                                         Booksfortopic - children to sit back and listen to
                                                         stories being read aloud -
Nouns and verbs -                                        Oak academy’s virtual school library -
Adjectives -                                             Writing          10 minute writing challenges -
Verbs and adverbs -                            
Year 3 Home Learning - Week 5 Day 3 3rd February 2021
Year 3 Home Learning - Week 5 Day 3 3rd February 2021
Arithmetic revision
Find the answer and write it in the rocket’s trail.

   Singing is a fantastic way to remember the
   times tables.

   Try this link to a new timestable song -
        Remember to check and mark your work using the
             answers at the end of this document
How quickly can
you complete
the 4 times
table questions?

                                                   TIP: Write out
                                                   the 4 times table
                                                   as a sequence if
  Remember to check and mark your work using the   you need to!
       answers at the end of this document
Maths- Main Activity
This week, children will begin looking at angles and shapes. Use the link to access the Oak Academy lesson
which you will need to complete. Click on the circles at the bottom of the page to get to different parts of the
lessons. The lessons include videos, quizzes and worksheets.

                                                                              Don’t forget to log onto Mathletics                   for some additional activities linked
right-angles-6ww34d                                                           to the Oak academy lessons.

                        Remember to check and mark your work using
                           the answers in the Oak Academy video
Maths- Oak Academy Worksheet
Maths- Oak Academy Worksheet
Maths Competitions
         Rockstar Maths                     Everyday Maths
Complete questions at home to earn   Find maths in your environment.
      points for your class!
Maths - Extra if you would like!
Below are other useful websites that can be used for Maths games and times table practise.
Children also have their logins for Mathletics and Times Table Rockstars.


Times Table songs:

Jack Hartmann:

Times Tables practice – Pick the times table you want to focus on:
Today we are going to learn about the Miracles of Jesus.

What is a Miracle?

When Christians talk about a miracle, they mean an event that is not ‘normal’ –
one that is unusual. It is scientifically not possible and it fills us with wonder.

                        Watch the video and read the
                       story of the Bear who feels sick

 What happened to the bear? How did he feel better? Was this a miracle?
 Or do you have any other explanation?
Bible tells us stories about the miracles that Jesus did.
When Christians Ittalk
                        about how    special
                               a miracle,       Jesus
                                          they mean      was – He had the power to make
                                                     an event
that is not ‘normal’ – that is, one that should not be able to
happen accordingthings
                    to thehappen.      Christians believe that miracles happened.
                            laws of nature.

Watch the video to see how Jesus healed people.

                                                         Task 2
                                                         The man’s friends showed great
                                                         faith and friendship in this
                                                         story. Write an example stating
                                                         how you show your friends that
                                                         you care for them?
Mercredi 3 février
LO to know the names of some classroom objects in French.
By the end of the topic you will know the names of a number of classroom objects, know about the
different words for ‘a’ in French and be able to say a sentence about what is in the classroom. Last
week we learned that one word for ‘a’ is ‘un’. This week we will learn the names of some more classroom
objects and another word for ‘a’. We will also learn how to ask and answer a question.

For this activity you will need to run the PowerPoint as a slideshow.
• To do this click on ‘Slideshow’ at the top, then ‘From Current Slide’.
• Move the arrow keys to move to the next slide
                                                                                Go onto the
                                                                              school website
                                                                               to access the
Priory School’s
Creative Yoga with Mr Croker
Learning Objectives
- To demonstrate self belief and a can do attitude in our
- To continue to become familiar with new poses

Click on the link below -
The Carioca                                    The Toy Solider
• Cross your legs whilst standing              • Standing up bring one leg out in front
• Bend over forwards and try to touch             trying to keep it straight.
  your toes                                    • Swap legs and repeat

The Stomach Curl                               The Inch Worm
• Start by lying down                          • Start in front support
• With your hands down in front keep
                                               • Bring your legs up without moving your
  your hips on the floor
• Lift the top half of your body off the       hands
  floor                                        • Then walk back down into front support
Answers to the questions

Why did Charlie say “But they’re ours now”
He thought they were theirs because they had bought the house and everything in it.

Why did Tilda say the items should be in a museum?
They were very old and lots of people would enjoy learning and seeing them.

‘Most were handwritten in ink’ why would the ledgers be handwritten?
They were handwritten because they didn’t have computers or typewriters in the past.

‘Like a rose in a bed of dandelions’ why has the writer made this comparison?
It was all bright and new compared to the older ones.

Why do you think Tilda’s jaw slowly dropped open?
She was shocked by what she was reading.

What do you think the professor was writing about in his journal?
Time travel.

Where do you think Charlie thinks the Professor is now?
Lost in time.
Starter – Can you sort the adverbs into the correct category?

               noisily                          slowly                          brightly
               loudly                           speedily                        darkly
               silently                         swiftly                         dimly
               quietly                          rapidly                         brilliantly

                          sadly                                  lately
                          excitedly                              finally
                          happily                                recently
                          angrily                                soon

      slowly    brightly              noisily        lately          sadly              loudly       speedily
     swiftly    silently              darkly        finally           dimly              excitedly     happily
               recently               brilliantly          quietly       rapidly              soon
Arithmetic revision
Find the answer and write it in the rocket’s trail.

                15                12                  21

                18                30                  0
How quickly can
you complete
the 4 times
table questions?

  Remember to check and mark your work using the
       answers at the end of this document
You can also read