YEAR 10 Cardinal Newman Catholic School - Spring Assessment 2021 Assessment Booklet - Cardinal Newman ...

Page created by Leroy Aguilar
YEAR 10 Cardinal Newman Catholic School - Spring Assessment 2021 Assessment Booklet - Cardinal Newman ...
Cardinal Newman
         Catholic School
 Holy Cross Catholic Multi Academy Company

           YEAR 10
 Spring Assessment 2021
        Assessment Booklet

“Knowledge through the light of faith”
YEAR 10 Cardinal Newman Catholic School - Spring Assessment 2021 Assessment Booklet - Cardinal Newman ...
Assessment Booklet

Dear Parents/Carers and Students

Re: Spring Assessments

Part of school life is taking exams. We recognise that the lack of face to face teaching in recent weeks has led
to gaps in knowledge for some of our students. As such, students will be completing assessments in core
subjects to allow teachers to identify strengths and any areas where more support may be needed. This will
help support the catch up programme for students in the wake of remote learning.

The results of these assessments will be shared with students and parents in a progress review report at the
end of the term. Students will receive a report which details the percentage outcome from each
assessment alongside the average percentage outcome for the class. This will enable parents to assess
progress alongside the average outcome for the class and to see if your child is progressing at the
expected standard for the group following the learning covered. More information will be provided
alongside the assessment outcome results later in the term.

We want students to have the opportunity to be fully prepared for their assessments and have organised this
booklet to help support revision and organisation of time. The Spring assessments will begin on Monday 19th
April and finish on Friday 30th April. Teachers will advise students on how to use this booklet in lessons. It
can also be used to help students study at home to help remember and recall information. As such, it is vitally
important that students bring this booklet into school every day to use in lessons as well as home.

We recognise that sometimes assessment season can cause some students to feel anxious or stressed.
If you have any concerns or worries please contact the Head of Year via the school telephone or email

We want this to be a positive experience that supports and develops the skills and resilience in
preparation for future examinations. If you need any further support, guidance or information please do not
hesitate in contacting us.

Yours faithfully

Mr J McLintock                                                   Ms E O’Connor
Head of Year 10                                                  Headteacher
Email:                                 Email:

YEAR 10 Cardinal Newman Catholic School - Spring Assessment 2021 Assessment Booklet - Cardinal Newman ...
Assessment Booklet

Timetable                 4
English                   5-7
Maths                     8 - 13
Science                   14 - 17
Religious Education       18 - 19
Geography                 20 - 21
History                   22 - 23
French                    24 - 25
Spanish                   26 - 27
Music                     28 – 29
GCSE Drama                30 - 31
BTEC Performing Arts      32 - 33
Computer Science          34 - 35
Art                       36 - 37
D&T: Food and Nutrition   38
D&T: Timbers              39
GCSE PE                   40 - 41
Business                  42 - 43
Media                     44 - 45
BTEC IT                   46 - 47
BTEC H&SC                 48 – 49
BTEC Sport                50 - 51

YEAR 10 Cardinal Newman Catholic School - Spring Assessment 2021 Assessment Booklet - Cardinal Newman ...

                                   WEEK 2                                                           WEEK 1

           MON          TUES         WED         THURS          FRI        MON           TUES        WEDS         THURS          FRI
         19th April   20th April   21st April   22nd April   23rd April   26th April   27th April   28th April   29th April   30th April

A SIDE   MATHS           SCI         ENG         OPT B          RE                                                 HIST

                                                                                                                  OPT A

B SIDE   MATHS           SCI         ENG         OPT B          RE                                                 HIST

                                                                                                                  OPT A

YEAR 10 Cardinal Newman Catholic School - Spring Assessment 2021 Assessment Booklet - Cardinal Newman ...
Assessment Booklet

What am I being assessed on?
   GCSE English Language (Non-         GCSE English Literature Component
    fiction reading & writing)                1b: Poetry Anthology
    ✓ Persuasive techniques                   ✓ Poetic techniques
    ✓ Non-fiction text types            ✓ War poems (The Soldier, Dulce
   ✓ Purpose, audience, form,             et Decorum Est, Mametz Wood,
                 tone                          A Wife in London, The
    ✓ Your reading (AO1) and                         Manhunt)
        analysis of texts (Ao2)
What revision material should I revise from?

 • Use the revision material on the
   next page
 • Review your completed task sheets
   on Teams from remote learning
 • Review your Poetry Anthology
 • Use Seneca Learning

How can I revise?
GCSE English Language (Non-fiction      GCSE English Literature
reading & writing)                      Component 1b: Poetry Anthology
1. Create flash cards OR a quiz for     1. Create flash cards OR a quiz for
    all persuasive techniques – ask        all poetry techniques – ask
    someone to test you daily!             someone to test you daily!
2. Create a big poster recapping        2. Review your notes for ALL war
    the features of all text types         poems we have studied. For
    (speech, diary entry,                  each one, create a revision
    informal/formal letters, guides,       poster/mind-map detailing:
    reviews)                               the story, context,
3. Read newspaper articles and             structure/form.
    summarise them in your own          3. Complete tasks on Seneca.
    words.                                                               5
YEAR 10 Cardinal Newman Catholic School - Spring Assessment 2021 Assessment Booklet - Cardinal Newman ...
Assessment Booklet

 Additional Revision Tasks

     GCSE English Language (Non-fiction reading & writing)
Persuasive techniques
❑ Create flash cards with each term and its definition.
❑ Create your own technique quiz and get someone to test you!
 Alliteration: When two or more           Exaggeration: Going over the top
 words begin with the same letter         Superlative: The most a word can
 Anecdote: A personal story               be EG happiest
 Facts: Something true                    Second person: Direct address
 Flattery: Complimenting someone          Syntactic parallelism: Repetition
 First person: I, me, my, we, us          of a sentence structure
 Emotive language: making the             Triadic listing/triples: Using three
 reader feel emotional                    of something
Non-fiction text types
❑ Create flash cards for each text type and their key features – get
  someone to test you!
❑ Find examples for each text type and label their features.
❑ Review all model text types on the lessons on your class Teams page.
 Speech: Introduce yourself, welcome audience, target audience throughout, rhetorical
 questions, repetition.
 Guide: Heading, sub-headings, rhetorical questions, triples.
 Formal letter: 2 addresses, date, Dear ____, introduction, sign off (Yours__)
 Informal letter: 1 address, date, Hello___, more informal, sign off (See you)
 Diary entry: Date, 'Dear diary', past tense, references to future entries.
 Review: Heading, sub-headings, ratings, opinions, hints, specific references.

                                 Purpose = WHY you are writing (to complain, to persuade, to
Purpose, Audience, Form,
                                 inform, to advise, to entertain, to argue)
Tone                             Audience = WHO you are writing for (teenagers, young children,
❑ Learn what each one            elderly people, teachers, parents, headteacher, prime minister)
   means!                        Form = WHAT type of text you are writing (speech, letter, diary
                                 entry etc.)
❑ Practise identifying the
   PAFT of non-fiction texts.    serious etc.)
                                 Tone = the MOOD or ATTITUDE of your writing (lively, reflective,
YEAR 10 Cardinal Newman Catholic School - Spring Assessment 2021 Assessment Booklet - Cardinal Newman ...
Assessment Booklet

Additional Revision Tasks

  GCSE English Literature Component 1b: Poetry Anthology
Poetry techniques
❑ Create flash cards with each term and its definition.
❑ Create your own technique quiz and get someone to test you!
Stanza: The sections of a poem          Personification: Giving something
Repetition: When something is           human characteristics
repeated                                Semantic field: Words that link to
Imagery: When vivid images are          one theme
created in the reader's mind
                                        Oxymoron: Two opposites next to
Simile: Comparing to something else
using 'like' or 'as'                    each other
Metaphor: Not meant literally; saying   Enjambment: When the line of a
something is something else             poem runs onto the next
War poems
❑ Go over your notes for all of the poems below – use the PPTs on Teams
  OR our YouTube videos to add/develop any analysis
❑ Create a poster/mind-map for each poem. Include: story context,
  structure/form, key quotations AND an image to sum up the poem
❑ Complete the Seneca tasks for these poems.
❑ Learn at least 1 contextual fact off by heart for each poem.
 Poem                   Story                                 Context
 The Soldier            Patriotic poem. The speaker is        Written at the start of WW1
                        willing to die for his country.       (1914)
 The Manhunt            About a soldier returning from war    Based on Eddie and his wife
                        with PTSD.                            Laura's relationship.
 Mametz Wood            Farmers dig up the remains of         Battle of the Somme.
                        soldiers; highlights their bravery.
 A Wife in London       A wife is told of her husband's       Boer war (fought in Sought
                        death; the next day she receives a    Africa)
                        letter he had written.
 Dulce et Decorum Est   Exposes the harsh realities of war.   Written during WW1.      7
YEAR 10 Cardinal Newman Catholic School - Spring Assessment 2021 Assessment Booklet - Cardinal Newman ...
Assessment Booklet
               Maths (10AHR 10TRD 10SSH 10SPX)
 What am I being assessed on?
45-minute non-calculator assessment on content covered since Jan 2021
                                                                Direct/Indirect Proportion
Ratio                          Probability                      •   Solve Direct and Indirect
• Simplify ratios              •   To calculate probabilities       proportion problems
• Divide a quantity                (including sum to one)       •   Form equations and
    into parts                 •   Work out expected                interpret both direct and
• Solve ratio -                    values                           indirect proportions
    whole/part problems        •   Use Tree diagrams            Angles and Shapes
                               •   Use Venn diagrams,           •   Solve problems involving
• Apply ratio to                                                    basic angle facts
    mixing, scaling                including set Notation
                                                                •   Understand alternate and
                                                                    corresponding angles
                                                                •   Calc Exterior and Interior
                                                                    angles of a polygon.
What revision material should I revise from?

 •       Your teachers have uploaded the PowerPoints and resources used in
         lessons since January to your Class Materials page on Teams.
 •       Live lessons have been recorded so you can watch again if there
         is something that you are stuck on.
 •       Check the next few pages for worked examples and practice questions.
 •       Login to Hegartymaths. It has helpful videos and questions on every
         topic you might be tested on. Ask your teacher to reset your password if
         you have forgotten your login details!

 How can I revise?

     •    Your class teacher will complete some revision lessons with you
          ahead of the assessment.
     •    You can look back at old lessons and PowerPoints on Teams.
     •    Make posters and revision cards about key methods and facts e.g.
          formula for the area of a triangle, how to convert from a mixed
          number to an improper fraction.
     •    Complete the practice questions in this booklet.
     •    Watch videos and complete tasks on Hegarty Maths.
     •    Check other revision sources on the internet. For example, BBC
          Bitesize and Corbett Maths have helpful guides and exercises.
YEAR 10 Cardinal Newman Catholic School - Spring Assessment 2021 Assessment Booklet - Cardinal Newman ...
Assessment Booklet
          Maths (10AHR 10TRD 10SSH 10SPX)
Worked Examples: Look at these example questions. They have been
answered in full so you can see how they should be done. Make sure
you can answer similar questions yourself!


                  Answer is £5 £15 and £20

             Answer is £5 £15 and £20


YEAR 10 Cardinal Newman Catholic School - Spring Assessment 2021 Assessment Booklet - Cardinal Newman ...
Assessment Booklet
          Maths (10AHR 10TRD 10SSH 10SPX)
Worked Examples: Look at these example questions. They have been
answered in full so you can see how they should be done. Make sure
you can answer similar questions yourself!
  Direct & Indirect Proportion

 Angles and Shapes
                                    x = 133°

                                    Corresponding angle at B, then
                                    angles on a straight line.
                                    (You could also do vertically
                                    opposite angle at E then interior

Assessment Booklet
                     Maths (10CWD 10RDS 10TDS 10ABI)
What am I being assessed on?
45-minute non-calculator assessment on content covered since Jan 2021
 Percentages                                                      •Recognise powers of 2, 3,4 5
 •           Calculate Percentages                                and estimate powers and roots
             of amounts                                           • use the laws of indices for
                                     •   To calculate
 •           Calc % increases                                     multiplication, division and
             and decreases                                        powers of powers.
                                         (including sum to one)
 •           Express one quantity                                 •To expand brackets using the
                                     •   Work out expected        rules of indices.
             as a percentage of
             another                                              Measure
                                     •   Use Tree diagrams
 •           Calc the original                                    •To convert time to fractions out
                                     •   Use Venn diagrams,
             amount after a %                                     of 60 and calculate Speed.
                                         including set Notation
             change.                                              • To calculate distance and time.
 •           Compound Interest.                                   • To solve problems involving
                                                                  Speed, Distance and Time.
What revision material should I revise from?                      •Density and Pressure Problems

     •        Your teachers have uploaded the PowerPoints and resources used in
              lessons since January to your Class Materials page on Teams.
     •        Live lessons have been recorded so you can watch again if there
              is something that you are stuck on.
     •        Check the next few pages for worked examples and practice questions.
     •        Login to Hegartymaths. It has helpful videos and questions on every
              topic you might be tested on. Ask your teacher to reset your password if
              you have forgotten your login details!

How can I revise?

         •     Your class teacher will complete some revision lessons with you
               ahead of the assessment.
         •     You can look back at old lessons and PowerPoints on Teams.
         •     Make posters and revision cards about key methods and facts e.g.
               formula for the area of a triangle, how to convert from a mixed
               number to an improper fraction.
         •     Complete the practice questions in this booklet.
         •     Watch videos and complete tasks on Hegarty Maths.
         •     Check other revision sources on the internet. For example, BBC
               Bitesize and Corbett Maths have helpful guides and exercises.
Assessment Booklet
          Maths (10CWD 10RDS 10TDS 10ABI)
Worked Examples: Look at these example questions. They
have been answered in full so you can see how they should be
done. Make sure you can answer similar questions yourself!


Assessment Booklet
          Maths (10CWD 10RDS 10TDS 10ABI)
Worked Examples: Look at these example questions. They
have been answered in full so you can see how they should be
done. Make sure you can answer similar questions yourself!


Assessment Booklet

What am I being assessed on?
Biology – Bioenergetics
•       Equation for photosynthesis
                                      Chemistry – Rates Physics - Forces
                                                                   •   Scalar and vector quantities
•       Uses of glucose               •   Factors affecting rate
                                                                   •   Calculating resultant force
•       Limiting factors of               of reaction
                                                                   •   Describing the effect of
        photosynthesis                •   Collision theory
                                                                       resultant force on motion
•       Aerobic and anaerobic         •   Effect of a catalyst
                                                                   •   Calculating weight
        respiration                   •   Reversible reactions
                                                                   •   Calculating work done
•       Changes during exercise       •   Equilibrium (HT only)
                                                                   •   Pressure in fluids (HT only)
•       Metabolic rate

What revision material should I revise from?
    •    Your teachers will upload the PowerPoints and resources used in
         lessons since January to your Class Materials page on Teams.
    •    Live lessons have been recorded so you can watch again if there
         is something that you are stuck on.
    •    Use the revision material on the following pages to help you focus your
         revision on specific areas
    •    You can use other online resources like Seneca, BBC Bitesize, Oak
         National Academy and Free Science Lessons on YouTube
    •    PiXL resources – PowerPoints, with questions and answers

How can I revise?

    •    You can look back at old lessons and PowerPoints on Teams,
         which have been recorded/uploaded
    •    Make posters and revision cards about key word
         definitions, processes, facts and equations that you need to learn
    •    Watch videos using the online resources suggested above and try
         to summarise these after watching
    •    Complete quizzes on Seneca to assess what you know and don't know
    •    Use the PiXL PowerPoints to make notes on areas you are unsure
         of and answer the questions, checking your answers afterwards

Assessment Booklet

Revision resources - Biology

Assessment Booklet

Revision resources - Chemistry

Assessment Booklet

Revision resources - Physics

Assessment Booklet

What am I being assessed on?

What revision material should I revise from?
        All lessons covered this Term for remote learning are on your RE teams page in 'class files' for
                                                you to access.
  Any live lessons have also been recorded for you to 'watch back' and download if you missed them.
Use these lessons and the following to support with your revision:
❑ Component 1 revision guides
❑ Information organisers
❑ Seneca
❑ Knowledge Organiser

                                       How can I revise?

 ❑ Start by RAG rating the topics above to check your understanding. Be honest! Any areas that
   are red/amber need to be your starting points for revision.
 ❑ Check that you can access the revision resources on your RE Teams page.

 For the areas where you are red/amber, choose how you are going to revise those topics:
 ❑ Using the lessons on teams - Make notes and complete the tasks/assignments that were set
   for those lessons
 ❑ Revision guide/ppt - highlight and make notes/flashcards using this content
 ❑ Seneca – Complete Component 1 topics online for more interactive revision
 ❑ Knowledge organiser - use these to help structure your revision more clearly.
 ❑ Don't forget to also revise your keywords – This will be the first section in your assessment.
   You can make flash cards to help learn keywords more easily.
Assessment Booklet

                              Additional Revision Tasks:

                                                                                    Make revision
                                                                                    flashcards for
                                                                                   your keywords.

                                                                                  Get others to test
                                                                                 you on them or test

                                                                             If you are a more
                                                                          visual learner, you can
                                                                            also create a spider
                                                                             diagram using the
                                                                              content. Include
                                                                          pictures and images to
                                                                           help you remember
                                                                                key concepts.

Challenge tasks:
You are being assessed on applying content to skills. How would you answer some of
these questions using the relevant skills?
• Describe one example of the work of CAFOD
• Explain a feature of the Creation of Adam painting
• Discuss a viewpoint either religious or non-religious about the origins of evil

      Have a go at creating your own skill-based questions on the content given.
Finally – any revision resources you create, make sure you then learn/test yourself on them. Go back
to your table on the previous page and re-RAG content. Do you now feel more confident with these
topics or do they need further revision? Try a different revision style if so.
           Any issues with revision, please contact your class teacher via email for support.
Assessment Booklet

What am I being assessed on?

What revision material should I revise from?

Assessment Booklet
How can I revise?

Additional Revision Tasks

Assessment Booklet

What am I being assessed on?

     The beginnings of change in

 •    The Renaissance
 •    Vesalius
 •    Surgery
 •    John Hunter
 •    The Great Plague
 •    Edward Jenner

What revision material should I revise from?

                                                               •   Use the revision material on the
                                                                   next page
                                                               •   Review your completed task
                                                                   sheets on Teams from remote
                                                               •   Review your CGP British Health
                                                                   and the People book
                                                               •   Use Seneca Learning

How can I revise?
 • Start by RAG rating the topics above to check your understanding. Be honest! Any areas that are
    red/amber need to be your starting points for revision.
 • Check that you can access the revision resources on your History Teams page.
 • For the areas where you are red/amber, choose how you are going to revise those topics:
 • Using the lessons on teams - Make notes and complete the tasks/assignments that were set for
    those lessons
 • Revision guides - highlight and make notes/flashcards using this content
 • Seneca – Complete relevant topics online for more interactive revision
 • Knowledge organiser use these to help structure your revision more clearly.
 • Don't forget to also revise your keywords – This will be the first section in your assessment.
 You can make flash cards to help learn keywords more easily.
 • Create flash cards OR a quiz for all key people, events, dates, discoveries and events you
 are being assessed on – ask someone to test you daily!
 • Create a big poster recapping the features of all the assessment topics
Assessment Booklet

 Additional Revision Tasks
Make revision flashcards for your keywords. ​ Define or explain and then learn them. If you are a
more visual learner, you can also create a spider diagram using the content. Include pictures and
images to help you remember key words and people.​
​Get others to test you on them or test yourself! ​

Challenge tasks:
You are being assessed on applying content to skills. How would you answer some of these
questions using the relevant skills? ​
•Explain why surgery was so dangerous during the Renaissance
•Explain the medical developments of John Hunter
•Discuss why Vesalius is important in the development of medicine​
Have a go at creating your own skill-based questions on the content given.
Finally – any revision resources you create, make sure you then learn/test yourself on them. Go
back to your table on the previous page and re-RAG content. Do you now feel more confident with
these topics or do they need further revision? Try a different revision style if so. ​
Any issues with revision, please contact your class teacher via email for support.
Term                                                   Definition/Explanation
John Hunter
Causes of infection
The Great Plague
The Black Death
16th century Astrology
Assessment Booklet

What am I being assessed on?

You will be assessed on Module 5: holidays:
• All the vocabulary about holidays
• Tenses: present, the perfect tense (past), the imperfect, the near future.
• Use of “y”.
• Use of “depuis”.
The assessment will include listening, reading and writing tasks

What revision material should I revise from?

•   Your notes from the lessons.
•   The vocabulary lists on Classcharts.
•   Listening tasks on Classcharts.
•   Reading tasks on Classharts.
•   All the worksheets, grammar explanations and PowerPoints that your
    teacher has used in lessons. You can find them in your Teams assignment
    and files areas. Just click in see previous assignments. You will also find the
    PPT in the files section.

How can I revise?
•   Read notes from the lessons regularly.
•   Learn and regularly revise the vocabulary.
•   Learn the vocabulary in context: better to learn a sentence with the
•   Do the listening tasks and listen to the audio files as often as you need.
•   Do the reading tasks. When doing a reading task, first answer the
    questions, then go through the text and identify the words you don’t
    know, find out their meaning, write it down and learn it. Finally, redo the
    reading task and see if you need to change any of your original answers.
•   Use the tasks in the next page to help you prepare for the
Assessment Booklet

Additional Revision Tasks
   See vocabulary lists and listening tasks on Classcharts under “Spring
   assessment revision tasks”

Assessment Booklet
What am I being assessed on?
    You will be assessed on Modulo 4: intereses e influencias: Free time
    • Tenses: present, preterite, preterito perfecto ( I have done), imperfect and
    • Adejctives: mas/ fem/ plural.
    • Verb soler + infinitive: (to usually do something)
    • Role models
    • Using and recognising different tenses in a sentence.
    • All de vocabulary of the topic.
    The assessment will include listening, reading and writing tasks. Therefore,
    you need to practice skills for these 3 types of activities.

    What revision material should I revise from?

▪    All the worksheets, grammar explanations and PowerPoints that your teacher
     has used in lessons. You can find them in your Teams assignment. Just click in
     see previous assignments. You will also find the PPT in the files section.
▪    The vocabulary of the topic: Modulo 4 vocabulary sheets . It is really important
     you have the vocab, so make sure you download them from Teams.
▪    Your notes from the lessons

How can I revise?
➢ Read notes from the lessons regularly.
➢ Memorise and practise the vocabulary of the topic: Write the words down in
  both languages to practise spelling and make flash cards with your key
➢ To check you know the words, cover them and write the meaning.
➢ Ask somebody at home to test you on the meaning of the words.
➢ Do again the key activities you have done in lessons: translating sentences,
  reading tasks and grammar exercises.
➢ Do the reading tasks. When doing a reading task, first answer the questions,
  then go through the text and identify the words you don’t know, find out their
  meaning, write it down and learn it. Finally, redo the reading task and see if
  you need to change any of your original answers.
➢ Use the tasks in the next page to help you prepare for the assessment.
Assessment Booklet

Additional Revision Tasks
Read the article below and answer the questions in English:

 Translate the following passage into Spanish:
 In my free time, I love to use the computer at home. I have just played
 a new videogame, which (that) has amazing graphics. I am already a fan.
 Sometimes my friends and I go to the cinema. On Saturday we are going to
 see a foreign film. Last month we went to the circus and I would love to see
 another similar show.

Assessment Booklet

What am I being assessed on?

♫ Badinerie- Set work 1
♫ Key features
♫ Historical context
  The exam will be listening based where you hear parts of the
   music, see the score and answer questions on that specific

What revision material should I revise from?
 ♫ The booklet used in lessons
 ♫ The annotated score that has been emailed and uploaded
   onto Classcharts and TEAMS
 ♫ Watch the recordings of the live lessons
 ♫ The key websites that have been emailed to you and
   are uploaded onto Classcharts and TEAMS
 ♫ Knowledge orgnaiser examples that are uploaded
   onto Classcharts and TEAMS

How can I revise?

♫ Complete the activities on the next page
♫ Listen to the piece as much as possible, trying to follow the
♫ Make sure your score is colour coded for each element
♫ Test yourself on sections of the score using the treasure hunt

Assessment Booklet

Additional Revision Tasks

 Feature                        Bar and BEAT

 Descending arpeggio movement

 Ascending conjunct movement

 Alto clef


 Rising sequence

 Modulation to A major

 Modulation to F# Minor


 Homophonic accompaniment

                      Useful websites:
                     ♫ Video and score:
Assessment Booklet
                              GCSE Drama

What am I being assessed on?
 Knowledge and Skills
 Spring 2.1
 ❑ Knowledge of key performance (vocal and physical)
 ❑ Knowledge of the key plot and characters of DNA
 Spring 2.2
 ❑ Knowledge of key rehearsal techniques
 ❑ Knowledge of Naturalism and Stanislavski

What revision material should I revise from?

      2.1: DNA and Performance Skills      2.2: Devising and Key Practitioners
  ❑    Revision tasks on the next page    ❑    Revision tasks on the next page
  ❑    DNA Knowledge Organiser            ❑    Key Terms and Rehearsal
  ❑    DNA plot and context stream             Techniques PPT
       videos                             ❑ Key Terms and Rehearsal        Techniques Forms Quiz
  /6b821d59-ae86-4c08-9d39-               ❑ Naturalism and Stanislavski PPT
  b5b89e302919                            ❑ Naturalism and Stanislavski        Forms Quiz
  /fdbd7f95-9c4d-4892-a65c-               ❑ BBC Bitesize Drama revision
  444c7c7526f7                                 support
  ❑ DNA support videos (YouTube)      es/zxpc2hv/revision/1
  wujlgvJjw                           es/zxn4mp3/revision/1

How can I revise?

 ❑ RAG rate your knowledge and understanding of the key areas
   being assessed
 ❑ Access any lessons missed on Microsoft Teams page
 ❑ Review DNA catch up material
 ❑ Complete key revision activities on the next page
 ❑ Use Stream videos and linked resources to support revision

Assessment Booklet
                                   GCSE Drama
Additional Revision Tasks
                                                 ❑   Ensure you know the definitions of these key terms
                                                 ❑   Create flashcards and get someone to test you
     Performance Skills
     1. Performance Space – the stage space the actor has to perform within
     2. Upstage – closer to the back of the stage
     3. Downstage – closer to the audience
     4. Performance Skills – the vocal and physical skills the performer uses to communicate
     5. Pitch – continuum of high to low quality
     6. Pace – continuum of fast to slow delivery (movement/ voice)
     7. Pause – choice of breaks in speech and their length
     8. Tone – choice of the mood or emotion of delivery
     9. Inflection – choice of stress or emphasis
     10. Volume – continuum of loud to quiet
     11. Facial Expressions – how the performer uses their face to communicate meaning/ emotion
     12. Gesture – use of arm/ hand movements
     13. Body Language – using the body to communicate character/ relationships/ meaning
     14. Movement – how the performer uses the stage/ moves when performing
     15. Proxemics – the distance between characters on stage to suggest power/ relationships
     16. Performance Style – the way the performance is devised/ created
     17. Naturalistic – creating drama that is realistic/ performed realistically
     18. Non-naturalistic – creating drama that is exaggerated/ performed in an unrealistic way
     19. Symbolism – using elements that represent a deeper meaning
     20. Physical Theatre - is a type of performance where physical movement is the primary
         method of storytelling

     Key Rehearsal Techniques                            Stanislavski and Naturalism
 1. Role Play: improvisation and embodying           Naturalism = realistic theatre
 the character                                       Key features:
 2. Still Image: a freeze frame                      ▪ Use of forth wall
 3. Thought Tracking: stepping out of                ▪ Realistic Sets / props/ costumes
 character to reveal the inner thoughts to the       ▪ Ordinary characters/ conversations
 audience                                            Stanislavski = theatre practitioner
 4. Hot-seating: being interviewed in role           Believed in naturalistic theatre and devised a system for
 5. Cross-cutting: moving between two or             actors to prepare for a role
 more scenes
 6. Narration: narrating the action/ plot for        ❑    Ensure you
 the audience                                             understand the key
 7. Forum theatre: stopping a performance to              features of
 step in and try out a new idea                           Naturalism
                                                     ❑    Research and revise
 ❑     Ensure you know the definitions of                 Stanislavski's
       these key terms                                    'system'
 ❑     Create flashcards and get someone
       to test you
Assessment Booklet
                    BTEC Performing Arts
What am I being assessed on?

❖Theatre Roles & Responsibilities
❖Theatre Stages & Sets
❖Theatre Design – Sound, Lighting, Set, Costume
❖Performing Skills – Vocal & Physical
What revision material should I revise from?

➢   PowerPoints on Teams
➢   BBC Bitesize
➢   Printed Drama Booklet
➢   Recordings of the Live Lessons
➢   Lockdown Quizzes
➢   The work you completed in Lockdown
How can I revise?

Know the following key words and their meanings:
✓ Theatre Makers – Director, Actor,
  Choreographer, Dancer, Stage Manager, Set Designer,
  Marketing Manager
✓ Stage - Proscenium Arch, Traverse, In The Round,
✓ Set - Box, Naturalistic, Composite, Minimalist
✓ Vocal – Pace, Tone, Accent, Pitch, Volume
✓ Physical – Body Language, Facial Expressions,
  Gait, Posture, Gestures
Assessment Booklet
                  BTEC Performing Arts

Additional Revision Tasks

❑ How many Theatre Makers can you name and describe
  their role and responsibilities?
❑ Do you know the four main staging types and the
  advantages and disadvantages of use for each?
❑ Do you know the four main set types and
  the advantages and disadvantages of use for each of
❑ Can you list all that you know about Drama & Theatre
  Design? Use the sub-headings – Set, Costume, Sound and
❑ How many Performance Skills can you name? Do you know
  how a Performer can use them?
Web Links
BBC Bitesize – GCSE Drama
• Understanding Drama & Theatre -
• Performing Characters -
• Theatre Design -
• Devising -

Assessment Booklet
                                   Computer Science

What am I being assessed on?
•   Simple logic diagrams using the operators AND, OR and    •   The use of variables, constants, operators, inputs,
    NOT                                                          outputs and assignments
•   Combining Boolean operators using AND, OR and NOT        •   The use of the three basic programming constructs used
•   Applying logical operators in truth tables to solve          to control the flow of a program:
    problems                                                          • Sequence
•   Knowledge of the truth tables for each logic gate                 • Selection
•   Recognition of each gate symbol                                   • Iteration (count- and condition-controlled
•   Understanding of how to create, complete or edit logic                loops)
    diagrams and truth tables for given scenarios            •   The common arithmetic operators
•   Ability to work with more than one gate in a logic

What revision material should I revise from?

How can I revise?
1. Log onto the Seneca and click on the revision assignment Mr Timmins has set you. Read through the notes,
   watch the videos and answer the multiple choice questions followed by the end of topic test.
2. Practice understanding logic gates by going on the Logic Ly website (above). Drag some light bulbs and some
   switches and practice connecting up the AND, OR and NOT gates.
3. Log onto MS Teams and access the Class Files section. Complete the homework worksheets using the lesson
   PowerPoints to help.
4. If you can, purchase the CGP GCSE OCR Computer Science books. The blue one has contains the subject
   knowledge. Read through pages 52 – 60. The white revision book has practice exam questions. Have a go at
   the exam questions on pages 49-60 and then use the mark scheme at the back to check. Speak to Mr
   Timmins if you are unsure where to get these books from.

Alternatively, email Mr Timmins on for further support or if you cannot access
any of the above, turn over to the next page and use the additional revision tasks.
Assessment Booklet
                                    Computer Science

Additional Revision Tasks

Boolean Algebra
Boolean algebra and truth tables can be used to describe logical expressions. The most common Boolean
operators are AND, OR and NOT (always in capitals). Each operator has a standard symbol that can be used
when drawing logic gate circuits.
1. Complete the truth table for the following logic gates:

NOT                                                         A                                   Q

                                                      A                      B                        Q
                                                      0                       0
                                                      0                       1
                                                      1                       0
                                                      1                       1
                                                      A                      B                        Q
                                                      0                       0
                                                      0                       1
                                                      1                       0
                                                      1                       1

Programming Fundamentals                                        Programming Fundamentals
1. Which programming construct allows an algorithm to           3. Which of the following statements is correct?
repeat instructions?                                            a) Fixed values are assigned by the program. Variable
a) Selection                                                        values are dependent on the user
b) Repetition                                                   b) Fixed values are dependent on the user. Variable
c) Iteration                                                        values are dependent on the program
                                                                c) Fixed values are dependent on the programmer.
2. Which method of iteration repeats until a condition is           Variable values are dependent on the program
a) FOR loop                                                     4. In computing terms, what is the difference between
b) REPEAT loop                                                  the data values 2 and "2"?
c) WHILE loop                                                   a) There is no difference, they are both characters
                                                                b) 2 is an integer, "2" is a character
                                                                c) 2 is an integer, "2" is a string
Assessment Booklet

What am I being assessed on?
For the year 10 art assessment you will be asked to accurately draw a cup cake from a
photograph. You will be marked on your observational drawing skills. This
means how accurately you are able to record images from
secondary sources. Your use of shape, detail and tone to show
form will all be assessed.
We are looking at A03 which is the recording objective.

How can I revise?

To help prepare for this assessment you could practice your observational drawing
skills by drawing from these images:
                           Click to add text

Assessment Booklet

Additional Revision Tasks

 Here are some examples showing how your drawings will be graded:
             This drawing                                             This drawing
                                          This drawing
             would                                                    would
             achieve                                                  achieve
             around 54%.                                              around 71%.
                                          around 71%.

 It may also help to look at how others have drawn cupcakes. You could and try out
 drawing form these high-quality examples to help you get the techniques accurate.

Assessment Booklet
    D&T: Food

Assessment Booklet
   D&T: Timbers

Assessment Booklet
                            GCSE PE
What am I being assessed on?
 Paper 1 (36% of the qualification)
 Component 3- Physical training
 Duration 45minutes
 Performance enhancing drugs
 Warm up and cool down
 HR zones
 Principles of training
 Components of fitness
 Methods of training
 Long term effects of training

What revision material should I revise from?

How can I revise?

Assessment Booklet
                        GCSE PE

Additional Revision Tasks

Assessment Booklet
What am I being assessed on?
Operations topic:
1. Production processes
2. Automation, technology and robotics
3. Quality – quality control and assurance
4. The sales process
5. E-commerce
6. Location
What revision material should I revise from?
• Knowledge organisers/revision booklet provided on teams
• BBC bitesize - (scroll down
   to find the correct units
• Seneca
• Business Ed:

How can I revise?

• Make a mindmap using the revision webpages/notes on each
  topic area
• Use seneca/BBC bitesize to complete online quizzes to test your
• Create revision cards on each topic and test yourself on the key
• Make sure that you know how to structure the different types of
  questions that you could get asked, using the structure sheets
  on teams
Assessment Booklet

Additional Revision Tasks

  Task                    Complete the following                     Completed?

  Multiple choice         Multiple choice task uploaded onto
  practice questions –    teams
  OCR website
  Practice Q1             Evaluate the impact of new technology
                          on production processes at Amazon (9)

  Practice Q2             Analyse one benefit to Cadbury's of
                          producing its chocolate bars using flow
                          production (3)
  Practice Q3             Analyse one advantage to Manchester
                          Airport of using an automated system for
                          handling baggage (3)
  Practice Q4             Analyse two possible benefits to Papa
                          John's of having a better reputation for
                          quality than its competitors (6)
  Practice Q5             Analyse one problem with Aston Martin
                          using quality assurance as a method of
                          checking quality levels (3)
  Practice Q6             Explain one advantage to customers of
                          face-to-face shopping at John Lewis (2)

Assessment Booklet
What am I being assessed on?
                           This assessment will test you on                  Additional support?
                           Luther: Media Language and
                                                                             1.    See Miss Cunningham or send
                           There will be 3 parts to this                           an email:
                           1. Terminology [5 marks]                          2.    Go onto the Eduqas website and
                           2. Media Language analysis [8 marks]                    look at the past papers:
                           3. Media Language Analysis on Text 2          
                              [15 marks]                                           fications/media-studies/gcse/

What revision material should I revise from?
Exam Structure/Models (Media Language and                 Representation Model:
Representation)                                           In the extract, Luther is a typical character within the crime
P oint – link to question                                 drama genre, due to his status as Detective. This can be seen
E vidence – from the text                                 through the fact he is interrogating Alice and following typical
E xplain – how the evidence links to the question         interview techniques, which is a convention and archetype of
L ink to other text                                       the genre. The way he is framed in the extract is important as
                                                          well as it connotes his status within the show. He always takes
Media Language Model:                                     up two thirds of the shot, showing he is the protagonist.
In the extract, Luther is wearing a suit and tie which    Furthermore, he also uses his intelligence to solve the crime.
has connotations of professionalism and smartness.        This can be seen when he tries to provoke Alice to yawn, but she
This could link to the idea of his high status within     doesn’t and he surmises she has no empathy and has killed her
the police force and his intelligence. Furthermore,       parents. Again, this would clearly show that Luther is a typical
the fact that his top button is undone and his shirt is   character within the genre as a major convention of a detective
creased could link to the fact he does not play by the    within a crime drama is that they are intelligent and savvy,
rules and will do anything to ensure justice is served    which Luther clearly is.
and the criminal is found.

How can I revise?
Below are some tasks that you could complete to help you revise for the exam. Tick them off as you complete
❑ 1. Review key terminology – create revision cards, post it notes, write your own definitions
❑ 2. Re watch the set episode on iPlayer and make notes/flashcards/mind maps on key elements: camera
   work, sound, characters, costumes, framing etc.
❑ 3. Plan an 8-mark question on one of the following topics for each character (Luther, Alice, Zoe, DSU Rose
   Teller, Justin Ripley, Mark North, Ian Reed):
      o Costume
      o Framing
      o Sound
❑ Plan a 12-mark questions on one of the following topics for each character (Luther, Alice, Zoe, DSU Rose
   Teller, Justin Ripley, Mark North, Ian Reed):
      o Masculinity
      o Femininity

      o Ethnicity
      o Crime
Assessment Booklet

Additional Revision Tasks

Assessment Booklet
                                    BTEC IT

What am I being assessed on?
Modern Technologies
• Be able to identify the factors that companies consider when selecting of Cloud Technologies
• What are the implications of Cloud Technologies on companies such as disaster recovery policies, Security of
   data, Compatibility, Maintenance, Getting a service/software up and running quickly and Performance
Threats to Data
• Why Systems are Attacked
• Internal and external threats to data
User Access Restrictions
• Prevention & Management of Threats
• Data level protection i.e., the software and hardware techniques designed specifically to protect data from
   theft, damage & corruption.
• Data Level Protection 2 & Finding Weaknesses
• Defining Responsibilities & Parameters
• What is disaster recovery? What is included a disaster recovery document?
Legal and Ethical
• What is Equal Access & Net Neutrality. What are the implication of no access to technology?
• Intellectual Property & Criminal Use. How do we protect intellectual property?

What revision material should I revise from?


Assessment Booklet
                                   BTEC IT
How can I revise?
o   Look through the list of the assessment content on the previous page
    and complete this at the start of your revision to see what you
    already know and then at the end to see the progress that you have made.
o   Use the revision guide has provided by your teacher via TEAMS , make your
    own notes/flash cards on all the topics listed above using the revision guide
    to help
o   Complete the revision questions/quizzes on Know-it-all-ninja website
o   Complete the sample paper and past paper. These are available via Teams
o   Create Knowledge organizers – use these to help structure your
    revision more clearly
o   You can also send any questions you complete to your class teacher either
    in person/via email for them to check and mark for you

Additional Revision Tasks

    All your notes
       and past
      papers are
     available on

Assessment Booklet
                        BTEC H&SC

What am I being assessed on?

Learning Aims A and B: -
❑ Health and Social Care Services
❑ Barriers to accessing services
❑ Care Values

What revision material should I revise from?

➢   Class notes on Learning Aim A
➢   Assignment work for Learning Aim A
➢   Class notes on Learning Aim B
➢   PLC for Component 2 as issued in class

How can I revise?

❑ Ensure you understand the key terms on the next page and
  can write a definition
❑ Understand how to apply knowledge to an individual – we will
  be going over this in class
❑ Evaluate how to support individual in the case study to access
  health and social care support

Assessment Booklet
                       BTEC H&SC

Additional Revision Tasks

 You need to understand each of the key terms below:
 ❑ Primary Care
 ❑ Secondary and Tertiary Care
 ❑ Allied Health Professionals
 ❑ Childrens Services
 ❑ Adults and children with different needs
 ❑ Older Adults

 ❑ Physical
 ❑ Sensory
 ❑ Social, cultural and psychological
 ❑ Language                 BTEC H&SC
 ❑ Geographical
 ❑ Intellectual
 ❑ Resources for service providers
 ❑ Financial

 Care Values
 ❑ Empowerment
 ❑ Respect
 ❑ Confidentiality
 ❑ Dignity
 ❑ Communication
 ❑ Safeguarding and duty of care
 ❑ Promoting anti-discriminatory practice

 You will also need to relate your answers to case studies on
 individuals with care needs as you have done in your
 assignment.                                                    49
Assessment Booklet
                                    BTEC SPORT

What am I being assessed on?
Learning Aims A – Personality and the effect on sports performance
Topic A.1 Definition of personality: the sum of the characteristics
that make a person unique.                                            Topic A.4 Methods of measuring personality:
Topic A.2 Structure of personality:                                   ● § questionnaires, e.g. EPI (Eysenck’s
● role-related behaviours, e.g. changes in behaviour as perception    Personality Inventory), POMS (Profile of Mood
of the situation changes, different situations require different      States)
roles                                                                 ● § observation, e.g. observing traits,
● typical responses, e.g. the way we usually respond in certain       behaviours.
situations                                                            Topic A.5 Views of personality:
● psychological core, e.g. represents the ‘real you’, encompassing    ● § trait (relatively consistent way an individual
attitudes, values, interests and beliefs.                             behaves across a range of situations)
Topic A.3 Personality types: ● introverts, e.g. tend to be inward      ● § situational (how behaviour is determined
looking and shy, they are comfortable in their own company            mainly by the environment)
● extroverts, e.g. tend to be outgoing and comfortable in other       ● § interactional (considers both the
people’s company                                                      individual’s traits and the situation they find
● type A (shows a competitive drive and prone to anger and            themselves in when determining behaviour).
hostility) and type B (is generally laid back and of a calm
● effects of personality on sports performance, e.g. comparison of
traits of athletes and non-athletes, team versus individual sports.

What revision material should I revise from?
➢ Class notes on Learning Aim A
➢ Assignment work for Learning Aim A
➢ Homework on Learning Aim A
➢ Work submitted on teams

How can I revise?

❑ Ensure you understand the key terms
❑ RAG rate your knowledge and understanding of the key
  areas being assessed
❑ Access any lessons missed on Microsoft Teams page
❑ Answer the questions on the next page to help

Assessment Booklet
                       BTEC SPORT

Additional Revision Tasks

 1) What is importance of ‘personality’ in sport?
 2) Link certain personality traits to certain sports – explain
 why you think this.
 3) Name 3 methods of measuring PERSONALITY in sport?
 4) Give an example of ONE theory of PERSONALITY
 5) How can PERSONALITY link with performance in certain
 sports – give a detailed answer!
 6) Mo Farah falls into either TYPE A or B Personality Traits –
 state which one and explain why this helps him to be a
 World Champion in distance running?

                             BTEC H&SC

You can also read