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www.esriuk.com - ISSUE 49 SPRING 2022 - Esri UK

 6    EDF

Generating zero
carbon energy


Helping firefighters
extinguish fires

      TRANSPORT                        MET
13                                 3
      SCOTLAND                         OFFICE
Raising awareness                 Supporting action
of gritting services              on climate change

www.esriuk.com - ISSUE 49 SPRING 2022 - Esri UK
                                                  YOUR ROLE IN
                                                  OUR FUTURE
                                                  GIS professionals have the insight, the skills and the
                                                  technology to help build a more sustainable future,
                                                  explains Stuart Bonthrone, Managing Director of Esri UK.

    Our future is uncertain.                      can better understand how projected           While the outlook for climate change
                                                  climate changes will impact their assets,     might be gloomy, I am encouraged by
    Current levels of human activity are          premises and supply chains. Meanwhile,        what so many of Esri UK’s customers
    unsustainable; biodiversity is in steep       Ricardo (page 10) has migrated from           are already doing to reduce pollution,
    decline; renewable energy is, so far,         ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro to help it make          restore nature, implement more
    insufficient; and extreme weather events      vitally important data on air quality         sustainable land use, scale back
    are becoming commonplace. Indeed,             and greenhouse gases available to             our consumption, operate more
    the Secretary-General of the United           governments.                                  efficiently and much more besides.
    Nations has issued of a ‘code red for                                                       In the architecture, engineering and
    humanity’ and warned that many of             Next, GIS can help change analysis into       construction sectors, over eighty
    the changes we are seeing today are           action. Stantec (page 11) has taken           professionals from leading organisations,
    becoming irreversible.                        analysis of fire hydrant performance          as well as government and academia,
                                                  and turned it into a unique solution          have recently collaborated on the
    It's a grim outlook, but it means that your   for firefighters that will help them          development of a vision for a more
    role - and my role - is clear.                tackle serious fires at residential and       sustainable built environment (page 4).
                                                  commercial properties. Likewise,              GIS clearly has a role to play in making
    We need to do everything we can               analysis undertaken by the British Red        this particular vision a reality, as well as
    to help mitigate climate change and           Cross (page 7) is helping the charity to      facilitating more sustainable operations
    improve the sustainability of how             respond more effectively to the needs of      across other industry sectors.
    people work, travel and live. This            vulnerable people.
    responsibility lies with us, because as                                                     Climate change may be inevitable,
    GIS professionals, we have the insight,       GIS helps us to collaborate with              but inaction isn’t an option. So, join
    the skills and the technology to make a       other organisations, groups and the           thousands of other GIS professionals
    difference.                                   general public on schemes to improve          worldwide and play your role in
                                                  biodiversity, such as the initiative driven   improving our future..
    Already, GIS professionals in diverse         by Thanet District Council to create more
    organisations and across almost all           wildflower meadows for pollinators
    industry sectors are using their GIS          (page 12). It also helps us to share
    knowhow to help address a variety of          information and work with other external
    climate change challenges. There are          organisations in the event of extreme
    many ways in which GIS can help turn          weather events, as demonstrated by
    good intentions into good practice, and       Transport Scotland (page 13).
    some of these are illustrated in this issue                                                 Stuart Bonthrone
    of ThinkGIS.                                  Finally, GIS can extend into the field        Managing Director,
                                                  to help organisations of all kinds work       Esri UK
    Firstly, GIS can help to promote              more efficiently, whether they are
    understanding of what are, generally,         organising the security at a major event
    very complex issues. The Met Office           (Police Scotland, page 5) or constructing
    (page 3) is making climate data more          carbon-neutral, nuclear power plants
    accessible, so that all UK organisations      (EDF, page 6).

www.esriuk.com - ISSUE 49 SPRING 2022 - Esri UK


To boost the nation’s readiness for
climate change, the Met Office is
making it easier for UK organisations
to use its data for strategic planning
and take action to reduce risks.

While organisations today are very              Equally, land and fisheries managers
aware of the threat of climate change,          can evaluate the likely impact on crops,
it is often difficult for them to find          livestock, fisheries and biodiversity
out precisely how and when specific             and plan ahead to utilise more suitable
changes will impact their operations            varieties likely to flourish in the climatic
and to what extent. To address this, the        conditions predicted for five to ten
Met Office has created a new Climate            years’ time.
Open Data Portal that provides a
curated selection of its climate data           A beta version of the Climate
available free of charge, in ready-to-use       Open Data Portal is available now,
data formats.                                   offering easy access to an initial
                                                selection of the Met Office’s climate
Built using Esri’s ArcGIS Hub, the              data. GIS professionals are being
Climate Open Data Portal makes it               invited to explore the portal and
far easier for organisations to analyse         provide feedback on how well these
climate change projections alongside            resources meet their decision-making
their own business data to better               requirements and which additional
understand their exposure to risks,             climate datasets they might need.
such as increased flooding or public            The range of data will then be
health consequences. Urban planners,            expanded, and the portal will be further
engineers and developers can view               developed, to help organisations put
projected heat exposure in cities to            actionable plans in place for a more
help plan green spaces, tree planting           sustainable future.
                                                                                               The Met Office Climate Open Data Portal
and air-conditioned public buildings.

“The Met Office’s new Climate
 Open Data Portal will enable
 people to explore how climate
 change will affect them and help
 transform climate awareness into
 climate action.”
Professor Jason Lowe
OBE, Head of Climate Services, the Met Office

www.esriuk.com - ISSUE 49 SPRING 2022 - Esri UK

    COMPELLING NEW VISION             Industry leaders have joined forces to encourage
                                      the construction of more sustainable built
    DEFINED FOR BRITAIN’S             environments in which people and nature can
    BUILT ENVIRONMENTS                flourish together.

    “Climate resilience, net zero,    Over eighty professionals from leading   organisations can use to help them
                                      organisations in the architecture,       collaborate based around location and
     the circular economy and         engineering and construction sectors,    with a shared purpose to develop more
     biodiversity – the great         as well as government and academia,      sustainable infrastructure.
                                      have collaborated on the development
     challenges of our age can’t      of a far-reaching vision for the built   To achieve lasting outcomes for people
     be solved in silos. That’s why   environment. This landmark document      and nature, the vision document
     we need outcomes-focussed,       explains how organisations need to       explains that existing built environments
                                      work together more effectively to        must be improved to make them more
     systems-based solutions.”        improve the sustainability of the UK’s   sustainable, alongside the construction
    Mark Enzer                        built environment as a whole, not just   of new built environments that are
    OBE FREng, Mott MacDonald         individual parts.                        sustainable by design. Organisations
                                                                               across a wide range of industries
                                      GIS is an enabler of this new era of     can use GIS to analyse and better
                                      whole-system, whole-lifecycle, cross-    understand how and where humans
                                      industry coordination, because it can    and wildlife interact within existing built
                                      help to break down information silos,    environments. They can then use these
                                      share data between organisations and     insights to make better decisions about
                                      improve collaboration across disparate   how to deliver effective interventions at
                                      teams. Everything is built somewhere,    a systems level and better balance the
                                      so geographic information provides       needs of nature and people to secure a
                                      a common language that different         more sustainable future.

                                                          Our Vision for the built environment
                                                          can be viewed here:

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                                                    faster search and seal



During the United Nations’ COP26 Conference in
Glasgow, Police Scotland used an ArcGIS-driven,
mobile workflow to carry out efficient and highly
robust security processes.

When Glasgow hosted COP26 in                        team comprising specialist officers from
the autumn of 2021, security was of                 multiple forces and additional partner
paramount importance. The event was                 resources.
due to host 104 Heads of State, several
members of the British Royal Family and             Using ArcGIS Online and Field Maps,
world-renowned environmental experts,               the new digital search and seal
as well as thousands of visitors and                workflow enabled inspection teams to
climate change activists. To help protect           flag broken seals and raise concerns to
everyone, Police Scotland needed to                 senior officers instantly. Consequently,
search and seal around 7,000 drains,                Police Scotland could respond to
vents, other street furniture and voids             potential security issues more quickly
in central Glasgow where improvised                 throughout the two-week event.
explosive devices and firearms could                Senior officers could also monitor the
potentially be concealed.                           progress of search and seal operations
                                                    in real-time, on their mobile devices,
Recognising that an operation on                    see where seal damage was occurring
this massive scale would be almost                  most frequently and allocate teams to
impossible with its standard paper-                 the areas of greatest risk to maximise
based procedures, Police Scotland                   security throughout this globally-
developed an ArcGIS-driven, digital                 important and high-profiled event.
workflow that enabled information to
be shared in real time between teams in
the field and commanding officers. The
solution enabled the force to search
and seal assets up to 75% faster than
before and therefore secure a large
area of the city with a relatively small

The ArcGIS-based search and seal workflow developed by Police Scotland

www.esriuk.com - ISSUE 49 SPRING 2022 - Esri UK


    In the immense and highly complex construction of two                                 “The number of people using
    new nuclear reactors, EDF is using ArcGIS Enterprise to                                ArcGIS is growing every day, as
    help employees and contractors work safely and efficiently.                            more and more people become
                                                                                           aware of what ArcGIS has to offer.”
    Already the UK’s largest generator of      the site using ArcGIS Field Maps and       Jon Dolphin
    zero carbon energy, EDF is currently       Survey123 is instantly visible in ArcGIS   GIS Lead, Nuclear New Build, EDF
    building two new nuclear reactors at       Dashboards. Consequently, it is much
    Hinkley Point C in Somerset to generate    easier for managers to ensure that one
    sustainable electricity for another six    contractor’s activities do not impede
    million homes. ArcGIS Enterprise has       another’s and cause unnecessary delays      An overview of the Hinkley Point C site in ArcGIS
    become a core business system for the      in the delivery of the much-needed new
    project, helping EDF to improve the        power plant.
    coordination of multiple programmes
    of work and share data with over 750       Similarly, EDF’s emergency team at
    employees and third party contractors.     Hinkley Point C uses ArcGIS solutions
    The use of ArcGIS field apps, in           in the field to check that rendezvous
    particular, is transforming the way that   points are accessible, so that medical
    people work across the 174 hectare         aid and assistance can be delivered
    site, replacing manual data collection     promptly in an emergency. If any
    methods and spreadsheets with              obstructions or other issues are
    streamlined mobile workflows.              identified, details can be collected
                                               immediately in the field and routed
    One key ArcGIS-based solution              directly to those who can remedy
    enables EDF to plan and manage the         them. This allows safety measures to
    coordination of temporary works, such      be assured far more quickly, protecting
    as scaffolding, excavations and earth      more than 6,500 people who can be on
    works. Inspection data collected across    site at any one time.

                                                                                          employees and third-party
                                                                                          contractors use ArcGIS
                                                                                          web apps, field apps and
6                                                                                         dashboards
www.esriuk.com - ISSUE 49 SPRING 2022 - Esri UK
230 partner
                                                              shared insight during
                                                              COVID-19 lockdowns



From sheltering people who have lost everything in house
fires to supporting people made vulnerable through
lockdowns, the British Red Cross uses ArcGIS to deliver a
fast and effective response.

The British Red Cross has been            To help shape its services for the future,
providing practical and emotional         the British Red Cross has used ArcGIS
support for people in crisis in the UK    to identify the optimum locations for
and overseas for 150 years. Today,        emergency response vehicles and               ArcGIS reveals the best locations for educational workshops, based
                                                                                        on areas of greatest need
the charity can respond to all kinds of   reposition them to make them more
emergencies more efficiently, using       accessible to the largest number of
a web mapping tool that makes it          volunteers. It has also analysed the best
easier to identify the response teams     locations for community education
and resources closest to those who        services based on the locations
require urgent help. Created using        of people most likely to use them.
ArcGIS Online, the tool allows staff to   Through initiatives like these, the charity
access all the information they need to   can focus its services where they are
source volunteers and initiate the most   most needed and have an even more
appropriate response, 24/7.               positive impact on the communities
                                          it serves.
At the onset of the coronavirus
pandemic, the British Red Cross used
ArcGIS to rapidly create a COVID-19
Response App and a COVID-19
Vulnerability Index Map, which
provided its staff, volunteers and 230
partner organisations with a shared
understanding of the fast-moving
situation. As everyone could see the
same data, it was easier to coordinate
the activities of multiple voluntary
organisations and ensure that support
was provided to groups most affected
by lockdowns or furloughs.

“The efficiency gains
 delivered by ArcGIS will
 allow the British Red Cross
 to support people in crisis
 faster and more effectively.”
 Paul Knight
GIS and Information Management
Technical Advisor, British Red Cross

www.esriuk.com - ISSUE 49 SPRING 2022 - Esri UK
                                                                                                                                                        In the UK’s capital, Transport for London (TfL)
                                                                                                                                                        is using ArcGIS to help it deliver a range of
    The COP26 Climate Change Conference in                                                          RENEWABLE ENERGY                                    schemes to reduce people’s exposure to harmful
    Glasgow last year shone an intense light on climate                                                                                                 emissions and support the Mayor of London’s
                                                                                                    Dalcour Maclaren is using ArcGIS to accelerate      campaign to create healthy streets. Similarly,
    change and highlighted the immense challenges                                                   the implementation of new green energy              in Edinburgh, design consultancy Atkins has
    ahead. Yet, organisations of all kinds are already                                              schemes and help bolster the supply of green        used ArcGIS to quantify the value of the city’s
                                                                                                                                                        natural capital and identify priority areas where
    taking practical steps to help slow climate change,                                             energy across the UK and Ireland. Meanwhile
                                                                                                                                                        biodiversity and nature can be enhanced.
                                                                                                    the social enterprise Greenspace Scotland has
    restore the natural environment and operate more                                                conducted new research with ArcGIS highlighting
    sustainably to build a better future.                                                           where low carbon heating infrastructure could be
                                                                                                    hosted within Scotland’s 516 urban settlements.                                                                          CLIMATE RISK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The National Trust has used ArcGIS Online to produce
    Esri UK has produced an interactive        flooding, adopting more sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             an interactive, climate hazards map that gives its staff
    StoryMap showcasing how customers          land use practices, revitalising peat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and partners the foresight they need to protect historic
    in the UK and Ireland are using ArcGIS     bogs or pioneering new renewable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             buildings and monuments, as well as coastline and
    in a myriad of different ways to address   forms of energy, ArcGIS is helping
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             countryside. On a more global level, Willis Tower
    their own climate change challenges.       them to identify risks, make informed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Watson conducts advanced geospatial analysis with
    Whether these organisations are            decisions and take action.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ArcGIS to help its clients identify, measure and respond
    responding to the increased risk of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to climate-related risks and opportunities, at business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             locations around the world.
    View the StoryMap

                                                                                                                     ACTION TO                                                                                                               ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             As the world faces an uncertain future, organisations like
                      HABITAT CONSERVATION                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ricardo are using ArcGIS to monitor how quickly changes

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             are actually occurring in our environment. At the same time,
                      After extracting peat commercially from Ireland’s bogs for more than 70                                                                                                                                                the Environment Agency relies on a suite of ArcGIS solutions
                      years, Bord na Móna is now using ArcGIS to plan and implement the most                                                                                                                                                 to help it respond to environmental changes like increased
                      appropriate rehabilitation measures to reinstate biodiversity and natural                                                                                                                                              flooding, by collecting, analysing and sharing information
                      peatland function. In Wales, Natural Resources Wales uses drones                                                                                                                                                       about floods, as they happen.
                      and ArcGIS Drone2Map to gather reliable
                      evidence to inform the installation
                      of new habitats.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 SEA LEVEL RISES
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Concerned about sea level rises, researchers in
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Scotland have mapped the likely extent of coastal
                                                                                                                                                                                                 erosion in Scotland, using ArcGIS to help them
                                                                                                                                                                                                 identify that assets with a value of £1.2 billion
                                                                                                                                                                                                 will be at risk from sea level rises by 2050. City of
                                                                                                  SUSTAINABLE LAND USE                                                                           London Corporation has also used ArcGIS to model
                                                                                                                                                                                                 likely future changes in the Thames and propose
                                                                                                  The Department for Agriculture, Environment and                                                developments to reduce flood risks and improve
                                                                                                  Rural Affairs (DAERA) in Northern Ireland is using                                             riverside environments.
                                                                                                  ArcGIS to help it select the most advantageous
                                                                                                  land management options and ensure funding has
                                                                                                  the greatest positive impact on the environment. In
                                                                                                  addition, independent research, conducted using
                                                                                                  ArcGIS, has shown precisely where new forests
                                                                                                  could be established in the UK to offset up to 28%
                                                                                                  of the MOD’s annual carbon footprint.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           9
www.esriuk.com - ISSUE 49 SPRING 2022 - Esri UK
                                                                         faster processing of
                                                                         high-volume data


      RICARDO CALCULATES                                                 The migration from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro has made it
                                                                         easier for Ricardo to provide governments worldwide
      GREENHOUSE GAS                                                     with accurate data on air quality and greenhouse gas
      EMISSION                                                           emissions.

                                                                         Ever since the London smogs of the        create new, repeatable processes for
                                                                         1950s, Ricardo has been working           performing highly complex, large-scale
                                                                         with the UK government – and other        data analyses significantly more quickly
                                                                         governments around the world – to         and cost effectively than before.
                                                                         help them monitor and understand
                                                                         changes in air quality and greenhouse     Once its data analysis is complete,
                                                                         gas emissions. The consultancy’s Energy   Ricardo relies on ArcGIS again to help
                                                                         & Environment division uses ArcGIS to     it share its critical environmental data
                                                                         create and share data that can be used    more easily with government clients
                                                                         by air quality modellers, academics and   including the Department of Business,
                                                                         policy makers to formulate the best new   Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
       ArcGIS Pro enables emissions levels to be accurately attributed
                                                                         policies to improve public health and     and the Department of Environment,
       to the UK road network
                                                                         slow climate change.                      Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in the
                                                                                                                   UK, as well as government departments
                                                                         Having used ArcMap on its desktops        in Cyprus and Peru. Ricardo creates web
     “ArcGIS Pro is helping us to create                                 for many years, the organisation has      apps in ArcGIS Online that enable its
      high quality data that can be used                                 recently transitioned to ArcGIS Pro,      clients to explore the data on interactive
      by governments to help improve                                     giving users improved access to all the   maps and gain clearer insight into the
                                                                         tools they need for data processing       environmental challenges they urgently
      the world we live in for us, our kids                              and management, all in one place. This    need to address.
      and future generations.”                                           migration has also enabled Ricardo to
     Ioannis Tsagatakis
     Principal Environmental Consultant, Ricardo

www.esriuk.com - ISSUE 49 SPRING 2022 - Esri UK


Having conducted ground-breaking
analysis into water hydrant performance,
Stantec is now giving firefighters real-time
access to the data they need to help them
extinguish fires.

Major fires in recent years have                        and water volume. With accurate
highlighted how vitally important                       information available to them online, in
it is for fire brigades to be able                      real-time, firefighters can implement the
to access vast quantities of water,                     most effective strategies to extinguish
exceptionally quickly, in the event of                  fires quickly.
serious incidents. A blaze at a multi-
story residence, school or commercial                   Developed using ArcGIS Pro and
premises could require 35 to 75 litres                  ArcGIS Online, the Fire Flow System
of water per second to bring it under                   is being used by London Fire Brigade
control.                                                and Thames Water to identify specific,
                                                        hard-to-reach buildings where
The professional services company                       mitigations are needed to improve
Stantec has developed a Fire Flow                       the availability of water in the event
System that accurately calculates the                   of a fire. It is also being used during
available water flow at all 1.7 million                 planning applications to ascertain if a
residential, public and commercial                      particular building has sufficient water
buildings across Greater London.                        flow to permit a change of use or
When 999 calls are received, London                     new development. In these ways, the
Fire Brigade can use a web map to see                   solution is informing fire contingency
exactly which hydrants are closest to                   plans and investments in new hydrants,
the fire, within reach of hoses and able                which will help to make London a safer
to deliver the required water pressure                  place to live and work.

                                                                                                      “Our innovative use of ArcGIS has,
                                                                                                       for the first time, quantified the
                                                                                                       likely fire flows at each hydrant
                                                                                                       in London, enabling hydrant
                                                                                                       performance to be understood
                                                                                                       across the city.”
                                                                                                      Michael Morrisroe
                                                                                                      Technical Director, Stantec

Buildings with limited access to water hydrants with the required water flow are highlighted in red

                                                                                                      fire hydrants analysed
                                                                                                      in Greater London                     11
                                                                                            of the UK’s wildflower
                                                                                            meadows have been
                                                                                            lost since the 1930s

      THANET DISTRICT COUNCIL                   In north-east Kent, Thanet District Council is using
                                                ArcGIS Hub to engage with the public and build
      CREATES HABITATS FOR                      awareness of the need to create new wildflower
      POLLINATORS                               meadow habitats for pollinators.

     “What started with a few bags              Almost all species of pollinators – from    To support the programme, the council
                                                bees and hoverflies to butterflies and      has created an ArcGIS Hub that allows
      of wildflower seeds has grown             beetles – are in decline in the UK, due     members of the public to view a map
      through the use of ArcGIS into an         to the loss of their natural habitats.      showing where the new wildflower
                                                This poses a significant threat to crop     meadows are located. They can also
      ambitious, community-engaged              yields, as well as the biodiversity of      complete an integrated survey form
      initiative to protect our pollinators.”   our countryside and gardens. Thanet         to suggest locations where additional
      Jessica Seaward                           District Council has launched an            meadows could be established, in
      Digital User Experience Manager,          initiative to try to protect the region’s   places such as roadside verges, parks,
      Thanet District Council                   precious pollinators by establishing        roundabouts and alongside footpaths.
                                                new wildflower meadows where insects        By engaging the public’s support, the
                                                can thrive.                                 council aims to transform underused
                                                                                            patches of ground around the region
                                                                                            into an expanding network of
                                                                                            wildflower habitats.

                                                                                            The ArcGIS Hub also enables local
                                                                                            schools and community groups to
                                                                                            register their own wildflower meadows
                                                                                            and take an active role in helping the
                                                                                            council to improve biodiversity. All the
                                                                                            wildflower meadows created by the
                                                                                            council, schools, groups and individuals
                                                                                            will be displayed on a single, interactive
                                                                                            map, giving citizens a transparent view
                                                                                            of how the scheme is progressing over
                                                                                            time. The council can also use ArcGIS
                                                                                            Hub to see the distance between
                                                                                            meadows and prioritise the creation of
                                                                                            new habitats in areas where there are
                                                                                            none, to improve pollination across the
                                                                                            entire district.

                                                                                            Thanet District Council’s ArcGIS Hub shows the
                                                                                            current pollinator zones.

                                                                                            View at:



Road users in Scotland can see for themselves
precisely which roads are being gritted in bad weather,
by taking advantage of an interactive ArcGIS app.
                                                                                         Transport Scotland’s ArcGIS-based Gritter Tracker

During exceptionally challenging               In extreme weather events, like the
weather conditions this winter,                recent Storm Barra and Storm Malik,
Transport Scotland has been using an           Transport Scotland uses the ArcGIS
ArcGIS app to put gritting on the map          Gritter Tracker app internally to
and improve public awareness of the            support its management of gritting
full extent of gritting services carried       operations. With instant access to live
out in Scotland. The organisation is           data on the locations of all gritting
responsible for ensuring that over 2,179       trucks, together with data on traffic
miles of trunk roads and motorway are          disruption and terrain, all on one
gritted throughout the winter, using 230       screen, the organisation can better
gritting trucks.                               manage the resilience of the network
                                               and collaborate more effectively
Developed, hosted and managed by               with other agencies, including Traffic
Esri UK, through its Managed Cloud             Scotland and Police Scotland, to help
Service, the app includes a bespoke            keep Scotland moving.
API that streams data from nine
separate GPS tracking systems, used
by Transport Scotland’s nine operating
companies, and presents the locations
of all gritters on trunk roads in Scotland,
on one live, interactive map. Members
of the public can view this app during
winter months to see for themselves
precisely which roads are being gritted
in bad weather, in their localities, in real

“The ArcGIS app gives
 confidence to the general
 public that our winter
 service is being provided
 across the Scottish Trunk
 Road Network.”
Iain McDonald
Network Resilience Manager,
Transport Scotland

                                               gritting trucks from 9
                                               operating companies
                                               tracked in real time in
                                               1 interactive app                                                                             13
                                                                   employees attended one
                                                                   or more live instructor-led
                                                                   virtual learning courses


     ORDNANCE SURVEY     By taking advantage of learning services from Esri UK
                         & Ireland, Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland (OSNI)
     NORTHERN IRELAND    ensures its specialists have the advanced, up-to-date
     KEEPS SPECIALIST    skills they need to advise government departments.
                         Renowned for its expertise in mapping    Thirty seven employees benefited from
                         and geospatial analysis, OSNI invests    ArcGIS learning services in 2021, most
                         annually in ArcGIS training. The         of whom work in the Northern Ireland
                         organisation engages Esri UK & Ireland   Mapping Agreement Support Team, a
                         to deliver a range of courses that       specialist group that provides advanced
                         enhance employees’ knowledge of the      geospatial and mapping services to the
                         latest ArcGIS techniques and features.   Northern Ireland Civil Service. These
                                                                  expert GIS users have worked with the
                                                                  Department of Health and the Executive
                                                                  Office to support the COVID-19
                                                                  response in Northern Ireland. They have
                                                                  also worked on a variety of schemes
                                                                  with the Department of Infrastructure,
                                                                  using the latest ArcGIS functionality
                                                                  to clarify complex issues like flood
                                                                  risks and help deliver departmental

                                                                  Recent courses provided by Esri UK
                                                                  & Ireland for OSNI include ‘Getting
                                                                  started with Lidar’, ‘Creating and Editing
                                                                  Data with ArcGIS Pro,’ ‘Creating Web
                                                                  Applications using Web AppBuilder
                                                                  for ArcGIS’ and ‘Sharing GIS Content
                                                                  using ArcGIS.’ All of these courses were
                                                                  delivered online due to COVID-19
                                                                  restrictions, but the virtual format
                                                                  provided the same high quality learning
                                                                  without the usual costs associated with
                                                                  travel to Belfast or Aylesbury. Having
                                                                  updated and advanced its employees’
                                                                  skills throughout the pandemic, OSNI
                                                                  can confidently continue to offer expert
                                                                  services for its public sector partners
                                                                  and stakeholders.

                         “Esri UK & Ireland’s learning
                          services keep our ArcGIS skills
                          up-to-date and enable us to
                          continue to live up to and exceed
                          our reputation as the geospatial
                          and mapping specialists within the
                          public sector in Northern Ireland.”
                         Rico Santiago
                         Deputy Head of Business Development,
                         Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland

If you or a colleague have
                                                                                       an interesting career story to
                                                                                       share, contact



Adil Toorawa from Arcadis is one of many young GIS                                           “My career in GIS has already
professionals who are sharing their stories via the new                                       been really rewarding. I am
Careers with GIS site to inspire more people to pursue                                        keen to encourage future
a career in GIS.                                                                              generations to consider GIS
                                                                                              careers and find out more
From informing humanitarian               consultant at the global engineering                about the many varied and
relief planning to supporting the
development of Britain’s high-speed
                                          company Arcadis, where he is working
                                          on the development of HS2. In this role,
                                                                                              exciting opportunities that exist
rail infrastructure, Adil Toorawa has     he enjoys being involved in a variety               in this fast-developing field.”
already had an incredibly varied career   of projects, having the opportunity to             Adil Toorawa
in the GIS industry. In the eight years   work collaboratively with engineers and            Adil Toorawa, GIS Consultant, Arcadis
since he graduated he has worked for      using GIS to solve problems for clients.
the United Nations in Jordan, helped to
digitise power distribution networks in   The Careers with GIS website was
the midlands and supported strategic      launched by Esri UK earlier this year
growth and development teams within       to provide students, teachers and
a local authority.                        parents with more information about
                                          the diverse range of careers that are
Adil Toorawa is now sharing his career    open to young people with an interest
experiences with others in an ArcGIS      in geography, geology and geospatial
StoryMap to help encourage more           technology. Adil’s story is one of several
people to aspire to a GIS career. His     that are now available for people to
story, available to read on the Careers   discover on the site and more are being
with GIS website, explains how he         added all the time to help inspire the
started out using GIS to study glacial    GIS professionals of the future.
lakes at university and is now a GIS

View at: careerswithgis.co.uk


                                                                              Opening Plenary
                                                                          Fleming & Whittle, 3rd Floor

            Analytical           Schools              Higher            Technical         Data Visualisation Learning Services          Developers'         Collaborative
             Insights                               Education          Showcase              & Mapping          Workshops                 Forum               Working
             Churchill            Albert             Gielgud        Fleming & Whittle         St James          Westminster              Windsor            Mountbatten
           Ground floor          2nd floor           2nd floor           3rd floor            4th floor          4th floor               5th floor            6th floor
            Driving the                                                                        Protecting                                                 Combining health,
          development of                                                                      the nation's                                                  wellbeing and
          the digital road                                                                  countryside and                                                 environmental
              network                                                                           heritage                                                      priorities
         National Highways                                                                   National Trust                                               Ribble Rivers Trust
                                 Teaching          Creating safe         Choosing                                    Getting           An Introduction
                                  climate         and sustainable      the right app                               started with         to ArcGIS for
                                  change            university         for your map                                 ArcGIS Pro           developers
          Automating data                           campuses                                    Sharing the                                                    Assessing
           processing and         Esri UK             Esri UK             Esri UK                secrets of           Esri UK              Esri UK          the devastating
         analysis workflows                                                                      impactful                                                 impact of Storm
              in ArcGIS                                                                          mapping                                                        Arwen
               Esri UK                                                                            Esri UK                                                  Forest Research

              Revealing                                                                        Exploring                               Embracing deep       Bringing the
            where public                                                                       England's                                learning with      Commonwealth
            investment is                                                                  archaeology from                             ArcGIS API for        Games to
            most needed                                                                          the air                                   Python           Birmingham
               Jacobs                                                                       Historic England                               Esri UK          Transport for
                                Learning the      Understanding         Getting the                             When is a line not                         West Midlands
                                  lessons of      climate change        best out of                             just a line - Linear
                                 lockdowns             data             ArcGIS Pro                                referencing in
             Protecting                                                                           Elevating         ArcGIS Pro          Discovering            Building
           patient access         Esri UK             Esri UK             Esri UK                   drone             Esri UK          what's available      collaboration
           to community                                                                         programmes                              with ArcGIS             around
            pharmacies                                                                             to new                               Platform and            ArcGIS
              services                                                                             heights                               JavaScript               Hub
           NHS SCW CSU                                                                         Argent Related                              Esri UK              Esri UK
           Making sense                                                                     Making residents                           Getting creative    Keeping projects
           of our dynamic                                                                    more aware of                              with ArcGIS       on track in a digital
                world                                                                          flood risks                             Runtime SDKs             universe
               Esri UK                                                                      London Borough                                   Esri               Arcadis
                                                                                              of Hillingdon
                                  Building            Building           Working                                   Identifying
                                 rewarding           rewarding           efficiently                            temporal change
                                careers with        careers with           in the                                  in Landsat
              Creating              GIS                 GIS                  field             Building a           imagery              Introducing         Connecting
          smarter buildings                                                                    library of                               the power of       ArcGIS with your
            for the future        Esri UK             Esri UK             Esri UK           engaging stories          Esri UK              Arcade           wider business

             Tetra Tech                                                                            Esri UK                                 Esri UK              Esri UK

                                                                               Closing Plenary
                                                                          Fleming & Whittle, 3rd Floor
                                                                                Drinks Reception

        More information is available at: esriuk.com/agenda

        Esri UK Ltd, Millennium House, 65 Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 7QG
        T 01296 745 500 | F 01296 745544 | E info@esriuk.com www.esriuk.com
        Esri Ireland, Block B, 2nd Floor, Ashtown Gate, Navan Road, Dublin, 15 NP9Y
        T +353 1 8693 900 | F +353 1 8693 901 | E sales@esri-ireland.ie www.esri-ireland.ie
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