WORLD'S BEST DRIVERLESS METRO LINES 2017 - Market study on driverless Metro lines and benchMark of network perforMance - Wavestone
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WORLD’S BEST DRIVERLESS METRO LINES 2017 Mar ket st u dy o n dr i v er less me t ro l ine s a n d b en c h mar k o f n etwo r k p erformance
Foreword In tomorrow’s megacities, citizens’ megacities which are coming into view selected route will take on increasing in emerging countries in Asia, Africa and importance (in France, journey length South America as well as the challenges grew by 63% between 1982 and 2008 presented by the peripheral urbanization according to INSEE, France’s National of highly dense big cities in developed Institute of Statistics and Economic European countries. Studies). This panorama on “smartization”, which At the same time, citizens’ habits regard- optimizes and streamlines urban mobil- ing transport change as a result of pres- ity highlights France as the flagship of sure, from environmental responsibility driverless metro system operations. The which is more present in their conscience momentum of its authorities and industry and, on the other hand, from congestion in the segment has propelled the country in city centers. The “transport mix” in big to the top of the pack in the global driv- cities has clearly shifted from the individ- erless metro market. ual car towards mass public transport. A transport system’s performance is based Faced with the challenge of transporting on strategic choices made over the long more passengers in a continuous and fluid term by the organizing transport authority way, and with the challenge of increasing and tactical and operating choices made line capacity that is already saturated, the by the operator. driverless metro system brings practical solutions: high headway (up to 60’’ for Through its vision, the organizing trans- Lille’s metro), high flexibility (adapting the port authority comes up with a transport service frequency to real time demand), solution that meets mobility demands high service level (24/7 service, e.g. modelled for several years (generally, the Copenhagen’s metro) and higher commer- organizing transport authority’s vision is cial speed (up to 44km/h in Vancouver). for a 10-30-year period). In reality, this choice which seems to have little impact In addition, driverless metro systems con- on metro line operations proves decisive siderably reduce operating costs (by up to for: 40%) mainly bringing with them human resources flexibility. This means public // Mobility quality perceived by the transport prices are significantly reduced user, closely linked to the density and accessible to more of the population. of the stations (varying between 0.54 station/km for Dubai and 2.17 By making the most of all these advan- stations/km for Lausanne), with Wavestone is a consulting firm, created from the merger of Solucom and Kurt Salmon’s European Business tages, the driverless metro system will, the theoretical headway and there- (excluding retails and consumer goods outside of France) Wavestone’s mission is to enlighten and guide their in the next five years, strategically meet fore the transport system’s capac- clients in the most critical decisions, drawing on functional, sectoral and technological expertise. the challenges of decongestion in the ity (varying between 1’ for the Lille *See glossary. 2 3
metro and 6’ for the Dubai metro), Transport service quality perceived by // The diverse nature of the socio-eco- Finally, in its analysis, Wavestone adopts at the commercial speed brought the customer is also thought to be linked nomic differences of the served areas, a weighting factor which reflects the about by the choice of rolling stock to settings that are endogenous to oper- between cities and even countries old-age of the infrastructure and rolling and accessibility, often standardized ations, which do not depend on the orga- // Citizens’ different perceptions faced stock. At similar operating performance, a by strict rules nizing transport authority. This perception with qualitative issues (safety, clean- network with major operating constraints of quality is achieved through a passen- liness) based on their country due to its age, reveals an operator’s // A recovery in the operator’s opera- ger satisfaction level measured by the potentially more advanced competency. tions which depend on the quality // The scope of the inquiry which varies operator itself, with the operator’s own A change to this factor would have an of the return good disposed of by according to author (operator, orga- indicators undergoing self-monitoring impact on the global ranking: by reducing the organizing transport authority nizing transport authority and third i.e. monitoring by the organizing author- such this factor, the best metro lines in the and the ageing of the network and party). The scope for an authority or ity which seeks to measure the differ- ranking may see their rank lowered, but rolling stock. As a result, investment third party is often larger than that the score will no longer precisely reflect for the operator and additional oper- ence between the thresholds set in the of an operator, which is sometimes their operational excellence. ating costs for maintenance are to be operations contract and users’ perceived impartial planned for performance. The study shows that the operator has a Wavestone chose to compare users’ satis- much more important role to play than the faction levels in two domains for which the organizing transport authority in improv- As part of the development of its expertise in the trans- in the benchmark target as their context, ser- operator’s margins are significant: peo- ing the service delivered to the customer: port sector, Wavestone’s Transport & Travel practice vice and operation are not comparable with ple’s cleanliness and safety. For the first the transport experience. It may compen- has taken a deeper look at mass urban transport by “heavier” systems such as metros and are not domain, lines including Lyon, Barcelona, sate for choices made by the organizing drawing on the existing network of our international used in the same way. Rennes and Taipei top the rankings with transport authority which are judged as offices to enhance the knowledge base of our local and The study analyses 25 of the 40 driverless metro / positive opinions from users, reaching sub-optimal, ensuring a high rate of punc- international clients. lines existing worldwide in February 2017, for 99.3% for Lyon, versus less than 70% tuality and frequency (varying between for Vancouver and Milan. For the second The trend of automation affecting all transport modes which information is considered as available, 93% for Lausanne and 99.73% for Taipei) domain, the operator’s efforts are cru- (including autonomous cars, autonomous buses and accessible and reliable, notably thanks to our and a group of innovative connected ser- hyperloops) quickly shifted the focus of the study to international offices, thus providing the items cial even if the socio-economic context vices which transform urban mobility. driverless metro lines, a mature and rapidly expanding necessary for a comparative analysis. of the area served by the metro line technology, the data for which is fully accessible, unlike This survey is notably based on: Likewise, the operator’s expertise is cru- has an important role. Regarding safety, those for disruptive systems, which are new and have cial in guaranteeing efficient, reliable and Copenhagen, Dubai and Taipei come out T he collection of documents from different / little market presence. above all profitable operations, particu- with user satisfaction rates that exceed sources and supported by Wavestone’s inter- 90%. To carry out the study, Wavestone limited the scope to national offices. larly for ageing networks and rolling stock a representative and coherent sample: A series of interviews with major players in / such as that found on the following metro Nevertheless, the comparison of users’ systems: Lille (35 years’ old), Lyon (26), Driverless metro lines* mainly transporting pas- / urban transport and experts in the field. satisfaction between different networks Taipei (21) and Vancouver (31). Network sengers on back-and-forth journeys including A nalysis work serving to compare driverless / remains a tricky task due: operations of this type may easily gen- commutes. metro lines in three respects: the performance erate uncontrollable maintenance costs // The difference in terms of methods / Collective driverless transport lines such as light of infrastructure and rolling stock; the reliability which have a direct impact on the orga- for measurement between the differ- rail transit (LRT)*, people movers* and auto- and quality of the service; and the innovation nizing transport authority and the user ent lines and the type of surveys or mated guided transit (AGT)* are not included demonstrated by the operators. through a higher transport price. inquiries conducted *See glossary. 4 5
Authors Contents before pursuing it in transport and multimodal mobility consulting. Philippe Menesplier Generalist of passengers and fret transport, expert Philippe Menesplier, Partner, in externalities and LCA Life Cycle Assessment, he has more than 20 years Juliano works regularly on strategic benchmarks of experience in strategy 09 and studies in the service of major industry players: and management consult- operators, transport organization authorities and ing. He managed numerous equipment manufacturers. Introduction of the study studies and clients’ deliver- ies for urban mobility market actors: organization, industrial strategy, optimiza- tion and lean management. Also, he delivered important transformation pro- grams for companies evolving within the transport Jonathan Longo 29 infrastructure industry, and he regularly conducts studies on multimodal mobility in megacities and Jonathan is part of Energy, agglomerations. Utilities and Transport Description of scope and methodology Practice of Wavestone. Following several years of experience in the energy sector (investment fund, bank, energy producer and distributor), he got the opportunity to help many 35 Aurélien Gué private and public entities in the scope of market Summary of the comparative analysis of driverless Aurélien Gué is a Senior analysis, business model conception and bench- Manager and expert in new marks deliveries. metro lines uses that are deeply chang- More specifically, he addresses problems mixing ing our day to day living and energy and transport: smart city, green mobility, the business model of the etc. industry players. He managed several strate- 57 gic studies related to new mobility solutions (air transport, mass-transit, etc.) and conducted major A detailed benchmark of the driverless metro lines transformation projects in the fields of passenger’s experience and operations for major transport and under reviews retail actors. Franck Benoit Franck Benoit, Business Analyst, he initiated his career in transport and travel consulting. He grad- 97 uated from the “Institut d’Etudes Politiques d’Aix- Juliano Naoufal en-Provence”, public affairs Appendices Juliano Naoufal is a con- and holds a Master’s degree in Business Law from sultant within the Energy, Aix-Marseille University. Utilities and Transport His double expertise allows him to advise public Practice. Following several transport operators in conducting their strategic years of studies in transport projects. He is particularly interested in the rela- and sustainable develop- tion between mobility operators or providers and ment at the “Ecole des Ponts ParisTech”, Juliano transport organization authorities. started his career in the air transport industry 6 7
Mobility, a key issue Africa and A sia ar e s e t fo r Asia (55%) and 3 in Africa (10%). In 2030, 23 of the world’s 41 cities with over 10 str ong urban growth , l e ading million inhabitants will be in Asia (56%) in tomorrow’s cities to t h e adv e nt o f n e w m egaciti e s on t h e two co ntin e nts and 6 in Africa (15%). The 10 new megacities will be in Asia Megacities are concentrated in Asia and (Pakistan, India, Thailand, Vietnam), Urbaniz ati o n is on the rise in in China and five in India. The figure will rise Africa: in 2016, 17 of the world’s 31 cities Africa (South Africa, Tanzania, Angola) to 41 by 2030. The world is currently home all t he world’ s megaciti es, with over 10 million inhabitants were in and South America (Colombia). to 7.3 billion people, over 54.5% of whom particularly in emerging live in cities. By 2050, the world population co untri es will rise to roughly 9.7 billion, with over 65% Top Top 10 10 Cities Cities with with the the Strongest Strongest Population Population Growth Growth between between 2016 2016 and and 2030 2030 of the total living in cities. The global urban landscape is in the midst Hyderabad 38.6 Hyderabad 38.6 Asia (Bangladesh, Pakistan, India) of e deep-seated change. In 1950, only The number of megacities is on the increase, Ahmedabad 39 Asia (Bangladesh, Pakistan, India) Ahmedabad 39 Bangalore 41.2 Africa (Tanzania, Angola, Nigeria, RDC) New York and Tokyo had a population of a trend accompanied by urban sprawl, Bangalore 41.2 Africa (Tanzania, Angola, Nigeria, RDC) Lahore 45 over ten million. In 2016, some 31 cities are which gives these cities an interface role Lahore 45 Karachi 45.1 home to over ten million people, six of them through an effective transport system: Karachi 45.1 Dhaka 50.1 Dhaka 50.1 Kinshasa 65.7 Kinshasa 65.7 Lagos 77.4 Lagos 77.4 2016 - The World's 10 Biggest Cities (popu la t ion in m illion s o f i nha b i t a nt s) Luanda 81.8 Luanda 81.8 Dar es Salaam 98.9 Tokyo 38 • China (19% of the world population) and Dar es Salaam 98.9 Dehli 26.4 India (18%) are the world’s most populous Shanghai 24.5 countries, each with over one billion Geographical Geographical Breakdown Breakdown ofof Cities Cities Entering Entering the the Rankings Rankings of of Megacities Megacities Bombay 21.4 inhabitants. with Over 10 million Inhabitants in 2030 with Over 10 million Inhabitants in 2030 São Paolo 21.3 • Only four megacities are not on the Asian Mexico 21.2 continent: São Paulo, Mexico, Cairo and 10 Pékin 21.2 New York. 10 Osaka 20.3 • None of the megacities are in Europe, and Asia 19.1 Asia Cairo Cairo is the only one in Africa. 30 60 Africa New York 18.6 30 60 Africa South America South America 2030 - The World's 10 Biggest Cities (popu la t ion in m illion s o f i nha b i t a nt s)Chine France Allemagne Tokyo 37.2 • Seven of the ten most populous Italie cities are Royaume-Uni États-Unis Source: United Nations, The World’s Cities in 2016. Dehli 36.1 in Asia Shanghai 30.8 • India will overtake China as the world’s Bombay 27.8 most populous country in 2022. 2000 2000 Pékin 27.7 • Bangladesh (Dhaka) and Pakistan (Karachi) Dhaka 27.4 are highly populated and capital-centric. The rapid expansion of these cities, and the emergence of a middle class resulting from the Karachi 24.8 • The population of Nigeria (Lagos) will 1500 far-reaching 1500 economic transformation in these regions, make urban mobility a key issue for Cairo 24.5 overtake that of the USA in 2050, with the Lagos 24.2 these countries. The urban transport market will be increasingly concentrated in these two regions country becoming the world’s third most Mexico 23.9 populous. 1000 in the coming decades. Source: United Nations, The World’s Cities in 2016. 1000 *See glossary. Chine France Allemagne 500 500 10 Italie Royaume-Uni États-Unis 11 00
To prepare fo r do ubl e-digit Mobility that goes above user behavior since the arrival of digital is supplied to transport authorities and beyond the tradi- technology. A day-to-day issue for all the through partnerships (as with the urban growth, the world’s t i o n a l , te c h n i c a l a n d population, transport is naturally a key Waze Connected Citizens Program). biggest cities need to start functional definition of transport focus in efforts to develop Smart Cities. t hinking ab o ut sustainable to adopt a service-based and more m o bility here and now modern approach: mobility condi- Data is used to assist pas- tions (comfort and well-being, wait- sengers, who now have Shorter journeys and lighter Worldwide, the urban population overtook ing times, information access) are access to an unprece- transport modes around dense the rural population in 2007. In a world of dented urban transport offer with becoming crucial, with users more and increasingly decentralized cities, city dwellers, whether commuting increasingly varied transport modes or traveling for family or leisure purposes, concerned about the time than the agglomerations distance of their daily journeys. (collaborative modes, bike fleets, are in movement: mobility is an integral self-service cars, etc.) accessible in Commutes are growing increasingly part of their everyday lives. Mobility that takes account just a few clicks thanks to digital longer. The average commute distance in of the back-and-forth advances in the sector. Transport France has risen 63% in the last 30 years. Today’s cities are congested, traf- travel characteristic of data, widely shared on an open-data This is mainly a result of the widespread fic-jammed and polluted. Tomorrow’s large cities, in which inhabitants take basis, are behind new comparative migration of inhabitants to peri-urban cities need to address the mobility issues the same routes back and forth in services, such as CityMapper. areas, which in turn results from the sub- of their inhabitants – and the manage- the same day, mainly as part of their stantial growth in the population of cities ment of transport flows has become a The availability of trans- commutes. and increasing pressure on urban areas. crucial issue. Tomorrow’s hyper-connected port data is also enabling and smart cities (which are just around the transport organization The socio-economic and ecological corner) also need to take a new approach authorities to better plan the Clickable, e fficie nt and impact of the daily commutes stem- to mobility: development of their networks by personali ze d transport for ming from this shift is considerable. The adapting transport offers to pas- economically active population is more Mobility adapted to the augmented m obility in t h e S mart senger flows, with electronic tickets characteristics of tomor- stressed and productivity is on a non-stop City improving the analysis of journeys, decline, negatively impacting the urban row’s cities: the modern connections and so on. economic fabric. metropolis – the “Smart City” – is For economic and ecological reasons, larger and more densely populated, large cities around the world are seeking T h e u s e o f re a l - t i m e To address this problem, countries, and a place of 24-7 mobility with peaks in to shift to a Smart City model. They are s h a r i n g i s i m p rov i n g often developed countries, are seeking transport use that require transport exploring a broad range of fields – includ- the responsiveness of to bring homes closer to workplaces and authorities to be adaptable. ing energy, waste management, water the transport offer and serving to even concentrate them in peri-urban supply and enhanced transport – and enhance mobility. Transport users Mobility that respects the micro-centers (such as those in Seine digital technology is playing a vital role in are increasingly called on to provide environment: mobility Saint-Denis and Paris-Saclay outside optimizing the way these services work. information on the functioning of today is overly polluting; Paris). the network in real time (with Waze it needs to be approached as part And so the transport sector is in the and Moovit, for example), and the The adoption of this approach in the of the efforts to shrink the environ- midst of a major transformation, with information collected in real time national strategies of various countries, mental footprint of the Smart City. far-reaching changes in the offer and in 12 13
along with the rise of these “micro-cities”, Average Commute Distance in France Tom orr ow’ s smart city will b e Copenhagen and Toulouse to Dubai whose populations are considerably lower (in k m ) and Vancouver; s e rv e d by a h igh e r- p e rfo rmance than those of cities, presages a switch > it is more flexible to operate, both from a mass transit network, such as the 15 mass transit so lutio n : t h e in technical and HR terms: automatic metro, to much lighter micro-networks +63% driv e rl e ss m e tro solutions can be quickly adapted to such as people movers and trams. “New mobilities” are a new way for get- available capacity by minimizing or 10 even eliminating constraints linked ting from A to B made possible by emerg- A product of this model, the Grand Paris ing models and technologies and rolled to drivers. Express rapid transit system serves to out through high user adoption rates, decentralize the City of Paris and paves It creates a better service Source: INSEE. 5 including electric cars, autonomous shut- the way for the arrival of tomorrow’s for passengers tles and carpooling. But these systems peri-urban micro-cities. > it helps to reduce wait- are not adapted to mass transit, involv- 0 ing times on platforms by provid- ing faster passenger throughput rates on 1982 1994 2008 ing a more frequent service and high-pressure routes and in a sustainable faster commercial speed than con- manner. ventional metros while maintain- Current Urban Transport Model Future Peri-Urban Transport Model Driverless metros stand as an intelligent ing top-level punctuality; and innovative mass-transit solution. > it offers a better passenger experi- Driverless technology meets a certain ence through more recent trains and number of the objectives involved, includ- renovated stations. ing high capacity, speed and regularity, It is a reliable means of reduced operating costs, adaptability, and transport requiring lead- flexibility in terms of human resources. It ing-edge expertise fulfills the criteria of a new approach to By eliminating the risk factors mobility: stemming from human driving, the It is adapted to the driverless metro achieves higher requirements of future safety and reliability rates than cities conventional metro systems*; the > it is integrated in the urban envi- introduction of platform doors ro n m e n t a n d re s p o n d s to t h e also limits the risk of accidents and demand for diversified mobility from human presence on the track. Metro-style mass transit line Light tram or people-mover line with very low capacity *See glossary. 14 15
Fo r example, the driverless selected with a view to decentralizing the city, reducing commute times and, above all, m e tr o is central to the Greater creating peri-urban socio-economic centers Paris transp ort strat egy and of interest able to relieve congestion in the t he decentralizati on of the city capital. The initial part of the Greater Paris trans- The law relative to Greater Paris provides port plan concerns the modernization for a specific organizational model for the and extension of the existing network. Grand Paris Express, whereby technical This includes extending the RER E line and infrastructure management is handled by the metro line, creating high-level-service RATP and the operation of the lines is han- buses and trams, modernizing RER trains dled by operators selected through tenders. and improving Transilien regional train lines. While the reform of collective transport in The second part of the transport plan is Île-de-France brings all operators access focused on the creation of new driverless to the network in free and non-discrimina- tory conditions (and formally provides for metro lines, the “Grand Paris Express”. The a seamless connection between the activ- aim is to build 205km of metro lines and 72 ities handled by RATP and those handled new stations, to enter into service between by the network manager), operators have 2018 and 2030. expressed reserves as to the organization As with similar projects in other large model selected and the fairness of the call cities, the Grand Paris Express project was for competition. 16 17
Key figures on driverless metro lines worldwide and the financial performance List of Driverless Metro Lines Worldwide of automation Over 5m inhabitants (city population) Paris Copenhagen M1 M2 The lines analyzed in this study are underlined Line 1 Lille Between 1m and 4.9m inhabitants (city population) Line 14 London Line 1 Under 1m inhabitants (city population) Nuremberg Docklands Light Railway Line 2 Over 10,000 inhab./km² (population density) Line U2 / Line U21 Between 5,000 and 9,999 inhab./km² (population density) Line 3 Rennes Under 5,000 inhab./km² (population density) Budapest Line A Lausanne Lyon M4 M2 Line D Brescia T h e world’ s 4 0 driverless metro* lines ar e conc e ntrat e d in t h e E ME A Toulouse Line A Turin MetroBs Vancouver Line 1 r egi on and South-East Asia Canada Line Line B Rome Skytrain Expo Line Milan Line C Nearly 3/4 of driverless metro lines are 81% of driverless metro lines are located in Skytrain Millenium Line Barcelona Line 5 Line 9 located in cities with dense urban popula- cities with over 500,000 inhabitants. Toronto Line 10 tions (over 4,000 inhabitants/km²). Scarborough RT Line 3 Line 11 Dubai Red Line Worldwide Green Line 40 Lines in 26 Networks Seoul Shinbundang Line NB: The UITP Observatory of automated metros has Uijeongbu - U Line counted 55 lines due to including in its scope certain people EMEA: APAC: 25% mover lines, LRT systems, AGT systems, trains with a >100 Busan Asia Shanghai 63% São Paulo Line 4 25 passagers/train capacity (vs a capacity of >400 PAX/train for Line 10 Line 4 Yellow Europe the Wavestone study), monorail trains (vs only due or 3-rails Taipei South America Hong Kong for the Wavestone study) as well as Maglev technology (vs South Island Line Brown Line 57,530 2,5 AMERICAS: only pneumatic or steel for the Wavestone study): scope 10 13% differences with this benchmark Observatory attributable 5 North America to the fact that the Wavestone study aims to compare performance on equivalent urban mass-transit technologies Kuala Middle East and use. Lumpur Sungai Buloh-Kajang Line Singapore Circle Line (CCL) North-East Line (NEL) Downtown MRT Line (DTL) Over 5m inhabitants (city population) Between 1m and 4.9m inhabitants (city population) Under 1m inhabitants (city population) Over 10,000 inhab./km² (population density) *In the scope of this study, the definition of “driverless metro” is slightly different from the one adopted by the UITP, that considers 55 lines. The UITP includes in its definition people movers, LRT and AGT, which is not the case of the Between 5,000 and 9,999 inhab./km² (population density) current benchmark. Under 5,000 inhab./km² (population density) Sources: Wavestone research and analysis, UN data, UITP. 18 19 Vancouver Canada Line
Overv iew and Key Figures of the World Driverless Metro Market OPERATORS OPERATING THE GREATEST LINE MILEAGE FRENCH ENTITIES OPERATE NEARLY 1/4 OF THE WORLD'S 5 out of the 40 lines 104 NETWORKS (23.1%), FOLLOWED CLOSELY BY THE ITALIANS (19.2%) are operated by foreign players 75 FRANCE ITALY CANADA SOUTH KOREA CHINA 68 51 41 41 36 36 35 7% 87.5% of the lines 31 28 26 23.1% 7% are operated by 7% 19.2% national operators s TC t / ro / up / s s oli Ser co BCR ana ATM nsi elG oup ro B TM tion Train ran Tis séo RA TP Ke / sar Tra fortD ro Gr ushi G ra RT eoT ink Pra S p o M N nsl SB Com Met ai Ji Cor S OPERATORS OPERATING THE GREATEST LINE MILEAGE Tra g h RT tn on hang SM She S 137 TOP 5 COUNTRIES IN TERMS OF DRIVERLESS LINE MILEAGE 50 49 120 41 38 35 34 34 31 31 30 93.2 76.5 74.6 57.9 s co TC B / o na p / up n / ins oli ATM Ser CR séo TM sit lGr RA TP ara Ke B Tis ran ortDe s rou hi Gro ratio T Tra k/ T Pra G o s o R nsl in SBS Comf etr Jiu orp SM Tra n g M ghai MRT C o nt ha n S She S France Canada Singapore United Italy Arab Emirates THE MAJORITY OF DRIVERLESS METRO LINES ARE OPERATED BY PRIVATE EXTERNAL PLAYERS TOP 5 CITIES IN TERMS OF DRIVERLESS LINE MILEAGE 86.8 76.5 74.6 Managed by external player 40 Managed by local player 51 (private law) 60 (public service) 44 Vancouver is the only network with 1 line managed by an external player (SNC-Lavalin) Vancouver Singapore Dubai Kuala Lumpur Lille and the other 2 lines by a public player (municipal council). 20 21
Driverless metro lines are // Station: the investments involved // Operating costs: the additional cost in implementing platform doors are linked to the maintenance of platform considerably more competitive offset by smaller platform areas for protection systems is offset by savings than conventional metros and In terms of global costs per driverless metros and, consequently, on personnel costs and energy costs will become more so as they are lower civil engineering costs. This (15% lower for driverless metro lines). km, the driverless metro is industrially developed results from the higher-level service more competitive than the of the driverless metro in terms of Highly competitive in terms of complete headways. conventional metro for a cost: // Line: the costs of driverless lines are depreciation of infrastructure // Rolling stock: the additional cost naturally higher than those of conven- and rolling stock of over linked to the purchase of driverless tional lines. This is largely due to com- 30 years. trains is offset by a gain in the sizing munication and signaling. However, of the rolling stock, since automatic the use of CBTC communication is systems have better performance becoming more widespread for differ- (headways / commercial speeds). For ent types of metro, thereby reducing the same service frequency, the driver- the cost gradient involved. less metro requires 33%* fewer trains. Investment Costs per Km (in € m illion ) Operating Costs per Km (i n € m i l l i on ) 21 21 0.5 0.5 27 +12% 15 27 +12% 15 15 15 –40% –40% 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 108 108 87 87 0.360.3 0.36 0.3 0.15 0.130.15 0.13 Classic metro Automatic Classicmetro metro Automatic metroClassic metro Automatic Classicmetro metro Automatic metro Lines Stations Rolling stock Lines Stations Rolling stock Energy Maintenance Energy Maintenance Staff Staff on board Staff Staff on board *Rolling stock manufacturers, Wavestone analysis. Hypotheses: Average line length of 14.5km, 30 trains per line, 22 stations on average per line, 200 drivers to operate a line. Sources: LVMT Laboratoire ville mobilité transport, The Economics of Urban Transportation 2007, 22 23
Technological trends and The share of pneumatic tires for 70% of total mileage built. But pneu- matic links have an advantage in terms of is falling to the benefit of sound levels and passenger comfort. challenges in metro automation steel wheel-rail links due to the specific expertise and The know-how of the operator and tech- maintenance constraints involved nological expertise are decisive. The two 10 manufacturers supplying rolling stock. technologies have their specific charac- Operators need to adopt their by Siemens in 2013), indicate the future teristics in operation, with pneumatic widespread use of the technology in Bombardier, Alstom and Siemens are the know-how to the growing use of leaders with 68% of total installed mileage. systems requiring know-how in mainte- the rail sector in general and driverless CBTC technology metros in particular. nance. In this respect, some operators, The preferred wheel-rail link in the mileage such as Serco and ATM, appear to prefer CBTC technology is the preferred sig- All the metro systems analyzed in this built in the last decade is steel, accounting steel links. naling solution with a 68% share of the study are equipped with CBTC signaling market. This solution combines safety and and communication. A wide range of sup- optimized frequency. Market Share of Steel vs. Pneumatic for Analyzed S ample (i n %) pliers are represented by the benchmark The market of CBTC solutions suppliers is (see graph opposite). Toulouse London (DCL) highly concentrated: the top 3 suppliers, Lille The Lille network is currently being Copenhagen namely Bombardier, Siemens and Thales, Rennes redesigned and the new system is to Milan have a 78% share of the market (including Lyon (D) Vancouver be equipped with Urbalis, supplied by for non-automatic trains and metros). Lausanne 48 52 Dubai Alstom. But the delay in the project (esti- Paris (1 & 14) Barcelona The convergence of manufacturers mated at 4 years) means that the current Turin Nuremberg towards CBTC, as well as the invest- system (supplied by Siemens) will be Taipei ments involved (Invensys was bought out maintained for the next few years. Pneumatic Steel Market Share* of Communication Breakdown of CBTC Subcontractors in System Suppliers ( in %) the S ample Studied ( num b e r o f l i ne s) Bombardier 1 P n eu m at i C St eel 22 Siemens Taipei • Better grip, system adapted to cities with • Lower energy consumption owing to reduced 40 Thales Alstom 1 + sharp gradients + rail friction Bombardier Lausanne • Less noise inside and better passenger • Better adapted to metro systems in cities 19 comfort with difficult weather conditions (e.g. Dubai, Other actors Ansaldo STS 2 • Better adapted to automated system by Nordic countries, etc.) 20 Milan (1), Copenhagen (1) avoiding wheel slip • Lower maintenance costs Thales 6 • Not particularly energy efficient (+1% to 3%) • Recurring slip of train-rail link leading to *Frost & Sullivan data, Wavestone analysis. London (1), Dubai (2), Vancouver (3) – • Leads to higher maintenance costs – control system problems • Makes the system heavier, which means it • Longer headways owing to longer breaking Siemens 12 consumes more energy and acceleration times Toulouse (2), Lille (2), Rennes (1), Paris (2), Turin (1), • Higher fine-particle emissions than steel Barcelona (1), Nuremberg (2) Sources: World Report on Metro Automation - July 2016, UITP. 24 25
What does automation in volve The development outlook for // The possible creation of new main- tenance workshops adapted to fo r operato rs? solutions that are often specific to Technically speaking, operators need to: // Carry out the prerequisite work for driverless metro lines, such as plat- form doors. driverless metro lines the installation of platform doors Operationally speaking, operators need necessary for optimizing passenger to: safety. // Ramp up the driverless rolling stock // Roll out the automation system for during the transition phase operating T h e outlo o k fo r t h e d e v e lo pme nt In 2025, Asia and Europe are expected train operation, which differs depend- to account for 33% and 30% of driverless in combined mode. Operators have of drive rle ss m e tro lin e s lo o ks ing on the desired headways: to make this transition with as few metro mileage, followed by the Middle r obust t h r o ugh 2 02 0 , dri v e n by East (25%) with ambitious projects such • For long headways, operators interruptions as possible. The com- larg e- scal e proj ects as the Riyadh metro. can opt for a fixed-block com- missioning phase increases risks in munication system (in which the service quality and requires specific With more and more people living in cities, China has announced the introduction position of the train is determined expertise on the part of the operator. mass transit systems increasingly have to: of two new driverless lines between now relative to a section of the line). and end-2017, one of them built exclusively Organizationally speaking, operators // O p t i m i z e t h e ex i s t i n g u r b a n This is a mature technique used with Chinese technologies. need to: infrastructure as capacity can be by driverless and manual metro extended only to a limited extent. The lines. However, because it is only // Redeploy driving staff to con- solution in this case is the automation Completed and Projected Driverless Metro moderately precise, it cannot be nected positions (line control and used for short headways. supervision). of conventional lines. Lines* in Km and Growth Over 10 Years • For short headways, operators // Upskill existing staff or hire the new // Develop new infrastructure on the 276% 2,000 are required to implement a employees required to ensure the outskirts of cities offering users high-quality service while keeping 1,800 mobile-block communication operation and maintenance of driv- system (in which train position costs under control. 1,600 erless lines. and speed are determined in a 1,400 Automated technologies propose solu- precise manner). This necessarily 1,200 tions meeting both these requirements. calls for the roll-out of additional 1,000 technologies, namely ATP*, ATC* According to the UITP, by 2025 some 800 and ATO*. This in turn leads to 2,300km of driverless metro lines will 600 143% additional risks (of a technical be in operation, compared with around 400 nature). 800km today. 103% 200 The increasingly widespread use of CBTC 0 1990 2000 2010 2020* technology by all driverless metro lines together with rising living standards in Source: World Report on Metro Automation - July 2016, emerging countries will boost the com- UITP. *The estimated number of kilometers by 2020 takes petitiveness of automation solutions and *See glossary. account of construction and/or automation projects increase demand. confirmed as of July 2016. 26 27
Description of scope and methodology 28 29
Scope of the study Data acc ess and reliability enabl ed us to analyz e 2 5 driv e rl e ss List of Driverless Metro Lines Worldwide m e tr o lines* o ut of the total 40 existing in February 2 017 with in t h e sco pe o f the study Network included in the comparative analysis Network not included in the analysis due to the unavailability or unreliability of information Copenhagen M1 Paris Criteria Used to Define Scope Over 5m inhabitants (city population) Line 1 M2 Lille Between 1m and 4.9m inhabitants (city population) Line 14 London Line 1 Under 1m inhabitants (city population) Nuremberg Docklands Light Railway Line 2 Over 10,000 inhab./km² (population density) Line U2 / Line U21 Driverless metro*: a dedicated, rail-powered circuit mainly used for Between com- 5,000 and 9,999 inhab./km² (population density) Line 3 Rennes mutes, with several carriages (up to 6 or 8), raised access andUnder 5,000 inhab./km² (population density) a capacity Line A Lausanne Budapest Lyon M4 of over 400 passengers Line D M2 Toulouse Brescia Turin MetroBs Line A Line 1 Vancouver Line B Not including automated people-mover*, light rail transit* and automated Canada Line Rome Milan Line C Skytrain Expo Line Barcelona guideway transit* systems Skytrain Millenium Line Line 5 Line 9 Toronto Line 10 Scarborough RT Line 3 Line 11 Pneumatic or steel rail link Dubai Red Line Green Line Seoul Excluding Maglev and Hyperloop rail links Shinbundang Line Uijeongbu - U Line Shanghai Busan São Paulo Line 10 Line 4 Dual-rail or third-rail systems Line 4 Yellow Taipei Hong Kong Brown Line South Island Line Excluding monorail Kuala Automation level GoA 3 and 4* Lumpur Sungai Buloh-Kajang Line Singapore Circle Line (CCL) North-East Line (NEL) Downtown MRT Line (DTL) Automation level GoA 1 and 2* excluded *The terms used in the study are defined in the glossary. 30 31
B e nch mark metho dology Icons denoting the fields to which the analysis Performance Fields Selected for the Benchmark of each page refers Performance field Indicators concerned Proposed weighting Commercial speed Distance between stations 1 Performance of infrastructure and rolling stock Headway 1 Accessibility Intrusion rate in network Punctuality and/or availability and/or regularity 2 Service reliability and quality Cleanliness Passenger information 1.5 Passenger safety Available communication networks Field assessed but 2 Auxiliary or innovative services Innovative mobility service (route planner, etc.) not included in the final grade attributed New technologies (NFC, IoT, mobile) to each metro line The difference in performance between 2 driverless metro lines can be attributed to a great extent by the operator’s ability to effectively operate the lines in question. Infrastructure and rolling stock are key to the performance of a network but with room for maneuver in the much longer term. 32 33
Summary of the comparative analysis of driverless metro lines 34 35
Perspective T h e p e rfo rmance o f t h e wo rld ’ s Grades for the Performance of driv e rl e ss lin e s : a p e rfect Driverless Metro Lines (ou t of 5) I nf rastru ctu re x Operati on / Network age balanc e b e twe e n infrastructur e and op e rati o n at t h e s e rv ic e o f Lille - Line 2 4 pass e ng e rs Lille - Line 1 4 The performance of a transport system – The architecture and geography including driverless metros – is impacted ** of the network: involving the The performance of driverless metro lines London - Docklands Light Railway 4 by a set of factors external to the orga- uneven exposure of rolling stock is assessed through a complex equation of Toulouse - Line A 3.9 nization of the operator or transport to its environment (underground, the operational ability to deliver a trans- Taipei - Wenhu Line 3.8 authority overground) and specific needs port service adapted to mobility behavior Lyon - Line D 3.8 for fulfilling transport demand (air and the optimization of the transport con- This means that the distinctive character- conditioning, heating). ditions of the journey experience. Rennes - Line A 3.8 istics of each network have to be taken // The correlation between the strong Paris - Line 14 3.7 into account in order to contextualize the The “load curve” (breakdown of analysis ** passenger use over the day): constraints imposed by transport Vancouver - Expo Line 3.6 involving peaks of varying extent authorities (short headways) and the Toulouse - Line B 3.2 Consequently, the following character- that may have an impact on punc- punctuality of the service is vital to Copenhagen - M1/M2 3.1 istics or factors need to be considered tuality (passenger incidents, etc.). performance. when comparing performance: Turin - Line 1 3.1 // Ageing networks require opera- The socio-cultural characteristics Dubai - Red line 3.1 tional overperformance on the part The age of the network: entailing ** of the user population: involving * growing obsolescence costs with the uneven use of public services, of operators. Dubai - Green line 3 the age of the infrastructure and with particular impact on cleanli- // The experience operators have of a Nuremberg U2 2.9 rolling stock, as well as the corre- ness and safety. network and their length of service Nuremberg U3 2.8 sponding adapted processes for are decisive to the performance of Paris - Line 1 2.7 maintaining the line in operational an driverless metro line. condition. Lausanne - M2 2.6 The design, construction and commis- Barcelona - Line 9 2.5 The requirements included in the sioning of an driverless metro line present * delegation contract (headways): *Factor taken into account in the grade value added for the city and its popula- Milan - Line 5 2.4 involving an operational strategy tion, as vital as it is a difficult activity for Vancouver - Canada Line 2.3 attributed to the metro line. on the part of the operator capa- transport authorities and operators. Vancouver - Millenium Line 2.1 ble of delivering performance **Factor not taken into account in the 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 consistent with contractual grade, but assessed in the analysis of the The most recent driverless lines and net- works demonstrate high levels of reliabil- ATM Keolis Serco TL requirements. results. BCRTC SNC Lav. TBM TRTC ity that need to be maintained over the GTT RATP Tisséo VAG long term if they are to become world leaders. Sources: Wavestone grades and modeling. The grade being the weighted sum of infrastructure performance (weight=1), operational performance (weight=1.5) and the network age indicator (weight=0.5). 36 37
T h e highest-performance driverless metro line s s h are t h e sam e c h aracteristics of excell enc e Infrastructure and rolling stock performance The best driverless metro transport services all score high on 4 key points related to infrastructure and operation: T h e p e rfo rmance o f t h e Grades for the Performance of infrastructur e and r o lling Infrastructure and Rolling Stock* (out of 5) stoc k o f t h e wo rld ’ s dri v e rle ss Vancouver - Expo Line 4.3 The able management of m e tr o lin e s und e rpins t h e ir Strong punctuality Toulouse - Line A 4.3 ageing infrastructure saf e ty and co mfo rt Lille - Line 2 4.2 Infrastructure and rolling stock perfor- Lille - Line 1 4.2 These operators demonstrate excel- This is a defining characteristic of driv- mance involves: lence in the management of old assets. erless metro lines. But combined with Paris - Line 14 3.9 As confirmed by the impressive short headways it confirms the abil- // Strategies on urban mobility flow London - Docklands 3.8 Light Railway availability and regularity of ity of an operator to respect management: the design of a driv- their networks. the requirements imposed erless metro line, from upstream Taipei - Wenhu Line CT URE3.8 PUN CT by the transport authority. research to the layout of the line and Lyon - Line D RU 3.7 A ST UA the choice of stations, determines the Rennes - Line A 3.7 LIT I NF R relevance of a line and its utilization Toulouse - Line B 3.5 success. Copenhagen - M1/M2 3.2 // Network access: an infrastructure Turin - Line 1 3.2 that makes access easier for people Vancouver - Millenium Line 3.1 with mobility issues or harder for HEA fraudulent users contributes to over- Nuremberg U2 3.0 WA FO CO M D all quality. Milan - Line 5 Y S3.0 High-level user satisfaction Nuremberg U3 // Matching operating requirements 2.9 Short headways relative to cleanliness and expected use: the optimization Dubai - Red line 2.7 and safety of infrastructure and rolling stock Dubai - Green line 2.6 The strong punctuality of the lines Globally speaking, the surveys led by hinges on aligning service levels with Barcelona - Line 9 2.6 managed by these operators confirms these operators confirm a good level use. their commitment to demanding trans- of user satisfaction, knowing that Paris - Line 1 2.6 Infrastructure operation and maintenance port authorities. ageing infrastructure has a negative Lausanne - M2 2.6 serve to maintain performance levels over impact on passenger perception in Vancouver - Canada Line the long term. This challenge tests the 2.5 this area. operational performance of operators. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 ATM Keolis Serco TL BCRTC SNC Lav. TBM TRTC GTT RATP Tisséo VAG *The sum of the grade attributed to the performance of the network and stock (weight=1) and the grade attributed to the aged of the infrastructure (weight=0.5) (5 corresponds to very old infrastructure). 38 39
Fo ur main cat egories of infrastructure and rolling stoc k p e rfo rmanc e for driverless metro lines efficient BEGINNER AGILE STRUGGLING High performance/ High performance/ Average performance/ Low performance/ Old network Relatively new network Very old network Relatively new network Infrastructure and rolling stok performance (out of 5) 5 40 4.8 35 4.6 Age of infrastructure (in years) 30 4.4 4.2 25 4 20 3.8 15 3.6 10 3.4 3.2 5 3 0 5 U3 e2 line Line D 9 ine M2 1 ne ilwa s 14 eA A ine U2 ine B 1 e1 M2 t Ra and Line Line y Line Line Line Line Line a Li Line - Lin - Lin M1/ erg en l - Lin erg hu L po L ne - Red ium Ligh- Dockl nad is - n- n- emb na - emb n- e- e- Gre n- Wen is - - Ex san Lille Lille nes llen ai - Turi Mila Par lous lous Lyo - Ca age Par celo ai - Nur Lau Nur Ren ver Dub - Mi ei - don enh Tou Tou ver Dub Bar cou Taip Lon ver Cop cou Van cou Van Van Performance infrastructure Age of infrastructure rolling stock The players operate infrastructure The entities in this category have The entities in this category operate The input of operators in this and rolling stock that are generally difficulties maintaining their rolling infrastructure and rolling stock that category is clearly a factor in the recent and even new. Their strong stock in optimal operating condition, are several years old. Their strong performance of the assets. The performance may be considered as independently of the fact that their performance reflects their optimal advanced age of the rolling stock resulting from the newness of the stock is new. As such, the ageing use of these assets, which requires suggests considerable maturity on network. At this stage, the good of the infrastructure and the rolling good operating conditions on the the part of the operator in terms of performance of the rolling stock cannot stock will have a considerable impact part of the transporters. maintenance and operations. be correlated to any operator input. on performance. 40 41
L ine density is a factor in the Average Distance Between Stations (in m) Comm e rcial sp e e d, a k e y Average Commercial Speed (i n km / h ) r e ducti o n o f trav el times, the Lausanne - M2 c h aract e ristic in transp o rt Vancouver - Expo Line INNOVIA Métro impr ovement of the pass enger Rennes - Line A s e rv ice , is a co r e p e rfo rmance Vancouver - (Bombardier) Millenium Line e x p e rience and the optimization Nuremberg U3 ass e ssm e nt ite m Kinki Sharyo Dubai - Red line o f infrastructur e VAL rolling stock is the most represented VAL (Siemens) Turin - Line 1 Taipei - Wenhu Line Driverless metro networks are character- in the study sample, accounting for 35% of Copenhagen - M1/M2 Ansaldo Breda Milan - Line 5 ized by short distances between stations. lines. It is operated at low speeds on some Paris - Line 1 Paris - Line 14 MP14 (Alstom) lines (such as Turin) and high speeds on EMU Rotem (Hyundai/ European lines are denser in this respect Lille - Line 2 others (Lille and Taipei). In addition, some Vancouver - Canada Line Mitsubishi) than international lines, mainly because Toulouse - Line A operators appear to have experience with Nuremberg U2 DT1 DT2DT3 DT3-F (Siemens) European cities have smaller surface and a preference for a single type of roll- Lille - Line 1 Lille - Line 2 areas and users prefer public transport ing stock (Ansaldo Breda for ATM, for London - Docklands Lille - Line 1 to walking. Light Railway example). Toulouse - Line B Toulouse - Line A VAL (Siemens) Adding more stations to a network or line End-to-end line times depend mainly on Nuremberg U2 Toulouse - Line B involves additional operating constraints station stop times. Commercial speed is Rennes - Line A (the more stations, the higher the punc- Lyon - Line D thus inversely proportional to the density tuality risk). The operators of European Dubai - Green line Kinki Sharyo Copenhagen - M1/M2 of stations on a given line (see previous networks appear to be more exposed to slide vs. graph opposite). Paris - Line 1 MP05 (Alstom) Taipei - Wenhu Line this type of constraint. Lyon - Line D MPL85 (Alstom) Paris - Line 14 By optimizing acceleration and braking Short distances between stations help Barcelona - Line 9 Série 9000 (Alstom) Barcelona - Line 9 times, driverless metro lines increase the operators to maintain reasonable travel Low speed average commercial speed of “dense” Milan - Line 5 AnsaldoBreda Dubai- Green line times between stations at low speed. They lines. DT3 DT3-F (Siemens) Nuremberg U3 also limit infrastructure wear and reduce Vancouver - Canada Line High commercial speed entails additional Turin - Line 1 VAL (Siemens) the resulting maintenance costs. Vancouver - Expo Line London - Docklands operating constraints. Operators manag- Light Railway B2007 (Bombardier) Vancouver - Millenium Line ing low-speed lines only may find it dif- Lausanne - M2 Be 8/8 TL (Alstom) Dubai - Red line ficult to effectively operate high-speed 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 lines. 400 00 800 0 00 600 00 00 200 00 1,8 1,6 1,2 1,0 1,4 Average = 33.1km/h Average = 967m ATM Keolis Serco TL Europe BCRTC SNC Lav. TBM TRTC North America GTT RATP Tisséo VAG Middle East Asia 42 43
driv e rless metro lines generally pr ovide improv e d acc e ss The choice of infrastructure Estimated Fraud Rate (in %) fo r pass engers access is crucial to fraud rates. Average = 4 % Open systems* fostering an London - Docklands Low Average High enhanced customer experience Light Railway OPEN SYSTEM Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility lead to poor results in this Nuremberg - U3 respect Nuremberg - U2 Platform access gates are decisive in the fight against fraud. 10% of the lines surveyed have 3% of the lines analyzed have 87% of the metro lines Milan - Line 5 limited accessibility: fewer than average accessibility: more than analyzed have high The two networks still without these gates 80% of the stations are equipped 80% of the stations are equipped accessibility: more than 90% Copenhagen - M1/M2 (Lille and Rennes) have fraud rates of over for people with reduced mobility for people with reduced mobility of the total number of stations 10%, compared with 7% for networks with are equipped for passengers Paris - Line 1 / Line 14 gates. However, the DLR line in London with reduced mobility remarkably has the lowest fraud rate Lausanne - M2 despite lacking access gates. Toulouse - Line A / Line B The installation of access gates is often a joint decision by the operator and the Barcelona - Line 9 transport authority. Access gates appear to be much more effective at limiting Turin - Line 1 fraud than an increase in (often random) ticket inspections by the operator. Vancouver - Canada Line The socio-economic characteristics of Vancouver - Expo Line / the cities and neighborhoods served by Millenium Line the metro line are also a key factor in this Lyon - Line D respect, with the fraud rate varying on the same line from one station to the next. Station accessibility is generally related to infrastructure and thus to the transport authority’s Rennes - Line A OPEN SYSTEM Operators are powerless against this vari- approach to the issue. However, the availability of the implemented solutions results from able but it does negatively impact their the performance of operators. Besides the fact that this availability remains difficult to measure, Lille - Line 1 / Line 2 OPEN SYSTEM operations over the long term. the metro lines analyzed have high accessibility as a whole, resulting from standardized 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 construction compliant with new standards and good rolling stock access (reduced distance between platform and train). Europe North America * A system is considered as “open” if access to the metro network is not controlled by gates. 44 45
Service reliability and quality performance French driverless metro Grades for Reliability and Service lines are extremely reliable, Quality Performance* (ou t of 5 ) ** a quality reinforced by d lity e nctua eing twork Gr a Pu Ag ne expertise in the operation London - Docklands 4.2 99.11 % / 30 yrs Light Railway of ageing networks Lille - Line 2 3.8 99.80 % / 28 yrs Lille - Line 1 3.8 99.80 % / 34 yrs Reliability and service quality are Lyon - Line D 3.8 97.23 % / 26 yrs key factors in driverless metro Taipei - Wenhu Line 3.8 99.73 % / 21 yrs 35 - 46 line operational performance, Rennes - Line A 3.8 99.66 % / 15 yrs determining: Toulouse - Line A 3.7 99.50 % / 24 yrs Paris - Line 14 3.5 99.70 % / 19 yrs // The passenger experience Dubai - Red line 3.3 99.23 % / 8 yrs // The rhythm of the service Dubai - Green line 3.3 99.83 % / 6 yrs Vancouver - Expo Line 3.0 96.00 % / 31 yrs Performance in this area is an oper- Toulouse - Line B 3.0 99.50 % / 10 yrs ational signature that also creates Copenhagen - M1/M2 3.0 98.80 % / 15 yrs the relational signature of the net- Turin - Line 1 3.0 99.90 % / 11 yrs work: a memorable mass transit Nuremberg - U3 2.8 99.00 % / 9 yrs Nuremberg - U2 2.8 99.00 % / 7 yrs experience or, on the contrary, an Paris - Line 1 2.8 99.70 % / 6 yrs unpleasant experience encouraging Lausanne - M2 2.7 93.00 % / 9 yrs customers to use other transport Barcelona - Line 9 2.5 94.72 % / 8 yrs modes. Vancouver - Canada Line 2.2 96.00 % / 8 yrs Vancouver - Millenium Line 2.0 96.00 % / 15 yrs Milan - Line 5 1.8 96.00 % / 4 yrs 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 ATM Keolis Serco TL BCRTC SNC Lav. TBM TRTC GTT RATP Tisséo VAG *The sum of the grade attributed to reliability and service quality (weight=1) and the grade attributed to the age of the infrastruc- ture (weight=0.5) (5 corresponds to very old infrastructure). ** According to data availability and/or reliability, the figure may concern punctuality, availability or regularity (see glossary for definitions). 46 47
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