WORLD ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIPS - Contact-PARIS JULY 2 - 8, 2022 - Fédération Française de ...

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WORLD ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIPS - Contact-PARIS JULY 2 - 8, 2022 - Fédération Française de ...
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               JULY 2 - 8, 2022


                              KO SPRINT

                                    RELAY SPRINT

                                              w.wo c 22.f r
WORLD ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIPS - Contact-PARIS JULY 2 - 8, 2022 - Fédération Française de ...
2 | WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018
WORLD ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIPS - Contact-PARIS JULY 2 - 8, 2022 - Fédération Française de ...
                                                      WOC 2022

                                          From July 2. to 8., 2022

                                                      KO sprint
                                                     Sprint relay

Orienteering is about nature; nevertheless it is                 ticed by everyone and everywhere: this is why the
also practised in the cities !                                   organizers of these championships will propose at the
                                                                 same time as the World Orienteering Championships,
For 250 athletes from 50 different countries, World              competitions for the general public. Thus, it will al-
Orienteering Championships 2022 will be an event not             low everyone to access and compete in an interna-
to be missed: it will be an opportunity for them to meet         tionally renowned competition at their own pace.
and confront the best in this discipline. These cham-
pionships will mainly take place in the heart of Paris.          It will also be a way for all those who wish, to take part
They will offer France an international visibility of its his-   in one of the prestigious competitions that exists in
torical, cultural and natural heritage. This will also allow     orienteering.
orienteering to prove that it is not confined to the natu-
ral environment, but it is also practiced in urban areas.

Orienteering is defined as a sport that can be prac-

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WORLD ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIPS - Contact-PARIS JULY 2 - 8, 2022 - Fédération Française de ...

                               ri s 20   24    go    al  ... ... ... ... ... .............................. P.5
                Editorial : Pa
                                         ng   ... ...  ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .................... P.6-10
                About orienteeri
                                s   fo rm     at s.   ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ........................... P.11
                                             ee   ri  ng     el  ite  ... ... ... ... ... ... .................. P.12
                 The French orient
                                    RG    IO  U    :  14     tim    es    w   or  ld champion....... P.13
                 Thierry GUEO
                                           ss    ci  ty  ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .................... P.14-18
                 Paris, a world-cla
                                                           ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... P.19-20
                  WOC 2022 program......
                                           .. .. ..  .. ..  .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . P.21
                  O rgan izers. .. .. ..
                                 ... ... ... ......  ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .............................. P.22
                  Useful links

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WORLD ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIPS - Contact-PARIS JULY 2 - 8, 2022 - Fédération Française de ...
            O                                                 rienteering on the way to Paris 2024.

                                                       Orienteering is an outdoor activity that combines reflection and physical
                                                       commitment. This sport, which is practiced alone, or as a family activity,
                                                       from children to veterans, allows you to discover different terrains in each
                                                       race and to propose a new adventure to everyone’s pace. Orienteering is
                                                       one of the outdoor activities taught in the school environment, and is
                                                       highly appreciated by the various school sports federations such as UNSS,
                                                       USEP and UGSEL with which the French Orienteering Federation (FFCO) has
                                                       partnership agreements.
Michel Ediar, President of the FFCO (left) with Tony
                                             Major Orienteering events are currently being prepared in Paris, with
ESTANGUET, 2024 Olympic Game Organizing Comitee
President (right)                            the Olympic Games of 2024 in mind, for which orienteering is officially
                                             nominated to become one of the 5 additional sports that will join the official
 program. In autumn 2019, the first edition of the Paris Orienteering City Race will take place in the center of Paris
 during the «Day without cars». It will be a great event for all audiences that will discover Paris in another
 way, with their map in hand, looking for the tags that must be found in an imposed order, while discovering hidden
 facets of the fantastic Parisian heritage. This event should take place every two years. But the biggest
 challenge is the bid for the organization of the World Orienteering Championships 2022 for what will be its second
 edition in urban format. So we fully rely on your support for help us in this project that will show Paris in the eyes
 of the world in a way never proposed before.

 Michel EDIAR, FFCO President

                             Orienteering in Ile de France, an ideal terrain to develop its different formats: sprint,
                             relay, middle and long distance...
                             At first sight, Ile de France, and in particular Paris, could seem a territory unfit for the deve-
                             lopment of so-called outdoor activities. And yet! For a long time now, the Region has been
                             known for orienteering, for the technical nature of its forests, especially in the Fontaine-
                             bleau massif. In recent years, clubs in Paris and the suburbs of Ile de France have seized
                             the opportunities offered to develop urban races. Thanks to the help of the Region, the
                             Regional Olympic and Sports Committee of Ile de France and the Regional Direction of
                             Youth, Sports and Social Cohesion, the Ile de France Orienteering League values all ac-
                             tions as close as possible to the public: development of accessible equipment (maps);
 agreements between clubs and schools, with the Regional University Sports Federation; organization of events.
 For some years now, Ile de France clubs have used to organize major urban events, including the Paris
 O ‘Tour in 2014 and the Paris City Race in 2017, which allowed riders from all over the hexagon and foreign countries,
 to walk down , day or night, map in hand, the prestigious places of Paris and its surroundings to find at the corner
 of an alley, a staircase...the tag as much sought while discovering, through the routes taken, the unsuspected faces
 of past or present heritage.

 With the major organizations planned in the coming years, the Ile de France Orienteering League is acqui-
 ring the necessary skills to host the WOC 2022 and hopes to be able to count on the support of the Paris region
 and of all the French orientors to help to promote Paris and Ile de France, even beyond the orienteering activity.

 Dominique BRET, President of the Ile de France Orienteering Regional Federation

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WORLD ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIPS - Contact-PARIS JULY 2 - 8, 2022 - Fédération Française de ...
                             O R I E N T E E R I NG
                                    FOOT ORIENTEERIN

                              O     rienteering: a sporting
                              activity for the head an
                              the legs!
                              Foot orienteering is a spo
                              recognized in France sin
                              the creation of the Fre
                                                      ration   in
                              Orienteering Fede
                               Orienteering is practiced
                                                    in co mp eti  -
                               leisure, in ride or
                                                           g thi  s
                               tion. A person practicin
                                activity is called an orientee
                                It is about individual or                                                           teering Federation
                                                       st the clock, on familiar      In France, the French Orien
                                lective races, again                                                              000 license holders
                                                                   nt beacons on      counts approximately 10
                                 ground or not, with differe                                                        . The IOF (Interna-
                                                                s to discover in a     for a competitive practice
                                 it that the competitors ha                                                        ration) coordinates
                                                                 chooses itself its    tional Orienteering Fede
                                 imposed order or not : It                                                           this sport which is
                                                                 a compass.            the world development of
                                  route by using a map and                                                            vian countries but
                                                                                        dominated by the Scandina
                                                                                                                      number of practi-
                                                                  nature lovers,        which seduces also a large
                                 Orienteering seduces all the                                                      s (Italy, Egypt, Great
                                                              g activities. This        cioners in other countrie
                                 of reflection and of sportin
                                                               practiced from           Britain…)
                                 discipline, which can be                                                           orienteering is foot
                                                             til more than 80            The traditional form of
                                 the youngest age and un                                                              ground, but others
                                                              tors lovers or as          orienteering no matter the
                                 years, as well by competi                                                            re born over the
                                                                or to maintain           forms of orienteering we
                                  simple activity of leisure                                                           n bike orienteering
                                                                ciated by fami-          years, in particular mountai
                                  their health, is very appre                                                        also different others
                                                                 ments that will          and ski orienteering, and
                                  lies in search of friendly mo
                                                                 the family. Eve-         specialties.
                                   satisfy all the members of
                                                                rresponds them
                                   ryone can choose what co
                                                              nds or in family.
                                   the most: alone, with frie

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WORLD ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIPS - Contact-PARIS JULY 2 - 8, 2022 - Fédération Française de ...
                  O R I E N T E E R I NG
                            FOOT ORIENTEERIN

Foot      orienteering is the major discipline of
                                                          for route selection and memorization. It is also
                                                          necessary for high performance athletes to de-
orienteering. It is practiced as well in a natural set-   monstrate good adaptive skills: orienteering in-
ting (in the forest for example) as in an urban envi-     volves moving through different environments
ronment. Orienteering is an endurance sport that          and adapting routes according to map directions.
attracts both enthusiast orienteers and runners.
Orientation skills are important and necessary

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WORLD ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIPS - Contact-PARIS JULY 2 - 8, 2022 - Fédération Française de ...
                             ORIENTEERING  O BECOME
                          CA N D IDAT E  T
        ORIENTEERING IS             PORT
                AN ADDITIONAL S
                      O LY M P IC GA M E S 2024
             TO PARIS

                                                            -      cation process.                                       able
                                  French Orienteering Fede         By 2024, the new gene
                                                                                           ration orienteers will be
On 6 December 2017, the                                 tee-                                                              ran-
                              ced its bid to make Orien                                        ral French champions
rati on offi cia lly an no un
                                                          m.       to take example of seve                                 Not
                               thin the Paris 2024 progra                                      the international level.
ring an Olympic sport wi                              tio na l     ked among the best on                        tee rin g  na-
                                orted by the Interna                surprising that France
                                                                                             is a strong orien
This initiative was supp                                                                                              in   the
                                 (IOF).                                                        successful orienteer
 Orienteering Federation                                            tion. Indeed, the most                                ierry
                                                                                               er than the French Th
                                                                    world level is none oth                                  n!
                              practiced on five conti
                                                       nents                                   titles of world champio
 Orienteering is a sport                                 d by       GUEORGIOU, with 14
                              of countries are seduce
 and a growing number                                    of all                                                            ath-
                            g is practiced by people                                             not the only French
 this sport. Orienteerin                                 envi-       Thierry GUEORGIOU is                                   po-
                             ly present in the  sch oo l                                       h tricolour flag on the
 ages and it is particular                               sp ort      lete to raise the Frenc                       AN CH   AN  D
                                 ring is an educational              diums of major competi
                                                                                                tions. Frédéric TR
 ronment. Indeed, orientee                                 sig-                                                            ha ve
                               r, a convention has been                                          also orienteers who
  in its ow n rig ht. Mo reove                                        or Lucas BASSET are                                      s!
                               onal Union of School Sp
                                                          ort).                                   the world championship
  ned with the UNSS (Nati                               rin g in      won several medals at
                              dents practice orientee
   Thus, several million stu                                 se:                                                           claim
                               and this figure is in increa                                      ed for orienteering to
   the school environment                                             The criteria to be fulfill
                               on, orienteering has seen
                                                             the                                      to become an Olym-
   over the 2016/2017 seas                                                                            pic sport in the Olym-
   number of its stu-                                                                                  pic Games 2024 are
    dents increasing                                                                                   notably the chances
    by an average of                                                                                   of medals, the prac-
    24.5% compared                                                                                     tice of orienteering
    to the 2015/2016                                                                                   at a global level or
    season.                                                                                             its      attractiveness
                                                                                                        among young people.
    Laurent PETRYN-
    KA, President of                                                                                   Orienteering is well on
    the International                                                                                  its way to become a
    School Sport Fe-                                                                                   new Olympic sport and
     deration (ISF) also                                                                                for French orienteering
     gave his fullest                                                                                   to win medals at home!
     support to the
     FFCO in his appli -

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WORLD ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIPS - Contact-PARIS JULY 2 - 8, 2022 - Fédération Française de ...
                         OR I E N T E E R I NG
                        ORIENTEERING IS
                                   A N A D D IT IO NA L SPORT
                      TO BECOME
                            A R IS O LY M P IC G A MES 2024
                        TO P                                                                                                  will
                                                                        ge -sc ale ev ents, inc lud ing international events,
                                                   Games, several lar                                         all over the world.
                         occasion of the Olympic                                    runners and fans from
Before the momentous                              y for organ ize rs to we  lco me
                         ey will be an opportunit
take place in France. Th                                                                            DATE
                                                                                               March 31, 2018
    Deadline for WOC 2022
                                                                                                  April 2018
                              pionship                       Dourdan
      French Sprint Relay Cham                                                                   May 23,2018
                    WOD                                                                     September 22-23,2018
                Normandie O’ Tour                                                              October 6,2018
                                                      IOF General Meeting
                WOC 2022 Results                                                                 October 2018
                                    hip                    Provence
          French Sprint Champions                                                                May 31, 2019
                                  pionship                      Savoie
       French Sprint Relay Cham                                                                   October 2019
                                      ce                         Paris
           Paris Orienteering City Ra                                                           September 27-29,
                                                                                             or October 04-06, 2019
                          JEC                          committee of Ardèche
                                                            Region of                           November 2, 2019
                                   hip                    Indre et Loire
            French Sprint Champions
                                                                                                  Mars April 2019
                                 years of the FFCO
     Special events for the 50
                                 nships of                                                        Mars April 2020
          Mediterranean Champio                                  Corrèze
                    Orienteering                                                                  December 2020
                                 nal sports
          Decision of OG additio                                                                  September 2020
                                                                 To define
                 Normandie O’ Tour                                                                       2021
                       Urban Wcup                                                                    October 2021
                                          ce                        Paris
               Paris Orienteering City ra                                                              July 2022
                          WOC                                                                       September 2022
                                                                  To define
                    Normandie O’ Tour                                                                October 2023
                                         ce                          Paris
              Paris Orienteering City Ra                                                                   2024
                                 ditional sport
          OG, Orienteering as ad

                                                                                                                9 | WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018
WORLD ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIPS - Contact-PARIS JULY 2 - 8, 2022 - Fédération Française de ...
                       OR I E N T E E R I NG
                                             R                               ING
                              URBAN ORIENTEE

       Urban Orienteering is a part of orienteering which
                      and more thanks to its playful as-
                                                              Furthermore, broadcasted competitions benefit
                                                              from advanced video and production techniques.
       is developing more
       pect, accessible for the competitors and very visual   They make it possible to follow the runners in their
       for the spectators. It allows guidance counselors to   courses, to locate them on the circuit, to compare
       evolve in a very diverse environment where monu-       their route choices, for a similar race time. At the
       ments and buildings of all ages, parks and gardens     same time, the images make it possible to highlight
       meet.                                                  the history of the city where the competition is
       The tourist aspect is therefore an integral part of    organized. Whether with embedded cameras, fixed
       urban orienteering. Discovering or rediscovering       cameras or even drones, the city and its cultural
       history while exercising sport is the essence of       wealth are valued.
       this discipline.

10 | WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018
The runners have the choice between several race formats : sprint, KO sprint ( knock-out sprint ) and relay sprint.
The characteristics of these competitions are summarized in the table below.

      FORMATS                     SPRINT                      SPRINT RELAY                       KO SPRINT

   OF THE WINNER               12-15 minutes              12-15 minutes per relay           6-8 minutes per round
      (IN ELITE)

                                 Very high.
                            Does not allow the      High speed, usually in the immediate contact of the other com-
                        orienteer to be in the com-      petitors, which can have or not have the same posts.
                              fort of reading.

                        Mainly in urban areas (street, buildings) and very common parks. The clarity of the restricted
       TERRAIN                                        zones and the safety are essential.

                                                                                           The KO sprint takes over
                                                                                       technical characteristics of the
                        Sprint has to be a high speed     The sprint relay takes the
                        orienteering format, intense,    technical characteristics of
                                                                                             KO sprint consists of:
      SUMMARY           allowing the race to be prac-   the sprint by adding the race
                                                                                             - A qualification race
                         ticed in strong population      parameters in contact with
                                                                                      - Playoff rounds (sprint rounds)
                                     zone.                        the relay.
                                                                                      with a total of three rounds later
                                                            The show is worth it.
                                                                                       in the morning (first elimination
                                                                                      round) and semifinals and finals.

                                                                                                   WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018| 11
                               E L I T E RU N N E R S
In France, foot orienteering is recognized as elite sport.    sprint, middle distance, long distance, relay and mixed
The French teams participate in international benchmark       relay.
competitions: world championships, world cup, Euro-
pean championships, world games…Each of these com-            In 2017, the performances of our sportsmen allowed to
petitions includes various formats of orienteering races:     raise France in the 3rd world rank (foot orienteering and
                                                              mountain bike orienteering mixed).

                         LUCAS                                                   FRÉDÉRIC
                         BASSET                                                 TRANCHAND

                       WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS

                                                                                  WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS

                    2 Relay, 2017, Estonia                                      2 Sprint, 2017, Estonia
                    2 Middle Distance, 2015, Scotland                           2 Relay, 2017, Estonia
                    3 Relay, 2015, Scotland                                     3 Relay, 2015, Scotland
                                                                                3 Relay, 2014, Italy
                      EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS                                    3 Sprint, 2010, Norway
                    3 Middle Distance, 2016, Czech Republic
                    3 Relay, 2014, Portugal                                         EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                                                                2 Relay, 2010, Bulgaria
                       WORLD CUP (final ranking)                                3 Relay, 2012, Sweden
                    2 2015 (individual)
                    3 2016 (individual)                                             WORLD CUP (final ranking)
                                                                                2   2017 (individual)
                       JUNIOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                                                                2   2012 (individual)
                    1 Sprint, 2011, Poland
                    3 Long distance, 2011, Poland                               3 2010 (individual)

                     2 Long distance, 2008, Switzerland

12 | WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018
                                                                                      WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                                                                  1   Middle distance, 2017, Estonia
  14 TIMES WORLD C                                                                1
                                                                                      Long distance, 2015, Scotland
                                                                                      Long distance, 2014, Italy
                                                        end of
   ho  ugh  he de cided to ha ng up his compass at the                            1   Long distance, 2013, Finland
Alt                                                           is
                                world, Thierry GUEORGIOU                          1   Relay, 2011, France
an umpteenth crown of the                               with 14
                             al athlete in Orienteering
                                                                                  1   Middle distance, 2011, France
still the largest internation                                                     1   Long distance, 2011, France
world titles.                                                                     1   Middle distance, 2009, Hungary
                                                                                  1   Middle distance, 2008, Czech Republic
                                                                                  1   Sprint, 2007, Ukraine
                                                                                  1   Middle distance, 2007, Ukraine
                                                                                  1   Middle distance, 2005, Japan
                                                                                  1   Middle distance, 2004, Sweden
                                                                                  1   Middle distance, 2003, Switzerland
                                                                                  2   Relay, 2017, Estonia
                                                                                  2   Long distance, 2016, Sweden
                                                                                  2   Middle distance, 2013, Finland
                                                                                  2   Long distance, 2009, Hungary
                                                                                  2   Relay, 2005, Japan
                                                                                  3   Relay 2010, Italy
                                                                                  3   Middle distance, 2010, Norway
                                                                                  3   Long Distance, 2010, Norway
                                                                                  3   Sprint, 2003, Switzerland

                                                                                    EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                                                                  1 Middle distance, 2008, Lituania
                                                                                  1 Middle distance, 2006, Estonia
                                                                                  1 Middle distance, 2004, Danemark
                                                                                  2 Relay, 2010, Bulgaria
                                                                                  2 Relay, 2006, Estonia
                                                                                  3 Middle distance, 2014, Portugal
                                                                                  3 Relay, 2014, Portugal

                                                                                    WORLD CUP (final ranking)
                                                                                  1 2007 (individual)
                                                                                  1 2006 (individual)
                                                                                  1 2005 (relay)
                                                                                  2 2011 (individual)
                                                                                  2 2009 (individual)
                                                                                  2 2008 (individual)
                                                                                  2 2005 (individual)
                                                                                  3 2010 (individual)

                                                                                    UNIVERSITY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                                                                  1 Middle distance, 2002, Bulgaria
                                                                                  1 Relay, 2002, Bulgaria
                                                                                  1 Middle distance, 2000, France
                                                                                  1 Long distance, 2000, France
                                                                                  1 Relay 2000, France

                   YOUTH EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS                                       JUNIOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS
                 1 Long distance, 1997, France                                    2   Relay, 1999, Bulgaria
                 1 Long distance, 1995, Slovakia                                  2   Long distance, 1998, France
                 3 Long distance, 1994, Switzerland                               3   Middle distance, 1999, Bulgaria
                                                                                  3   Relay, 1998, France
                   WORLD GAMES
                 1 Middle distance, 2005, Germany                                                       WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018| 13
        L D - C L A S S C I T Y
                                                                                                                                                   (wether starred
                                                fro  m   mo    re   tha   n   50         tas  te   bu   ds  with Parisian restaurants
  More than 2500 athletes
                              cte d    in Paris during the world or not).
  countries will be expe                                                       ce
                                  orienteering has a chan                                                                                           tors and their
  championships. French                                    for     the      firs  t       Th  e    rid  es    will allow the competi
                                   isation       ski lls                                                                                               places which
  to emphasize its organ                                         Eu   rop   ea   n        co  mp    an  ion  s   to discover very varied
                                   2017, durin         g  the                                                                                                    rfectly
  time in a urban area. In                                         s   in     Or   -       thu  s      sh  ow       tha   t     orienteering can pe
                                  ring championship
   mountain bike orientee                              present nations. be integrated
                                                                                                                    to tourist sites.
                   be en  ac cla im   ed   by   the
   léans, it had                                                                                                                                               ll as the
                                                                  to  the     res   t       Th  e Ch    am  p  de    Ma   rs and the Invalides, as we
    WOC 2022 will be an op
                                  portunity to show                                                                                       . It is an opportunity to
                                                             ity  the     cit y  of Eiffel tower as a central piece
    of the world the potentie
                                    l an  d  the  div   ers                                                                                     of Paris, one of the
                                                 du  cti on     tec  hn   iqu    es  ,      dis  co  ve  r the 7th arrondissement
                                      eo pro                                                                                      igbourhoods.
    Paris is offering. The vid                    pio   ns  hip  s,  will allow capital’s upper-crust ne
                                vio   us  ch  am
    already used during pre                                                     the
                                   ring dynamism as well as                                                                                     France. It deals with
    to highlight the orientee                            on   me    nt    of    the          Be  rcy   an  d the National Library of                                   nic
    historic, touristic and cu
                                       ltural    en  vir                                                                              d cranny of the most ico
                                                                                             discovering every nook an                                              Pre si-
                                                                                                                                    urated in 1995 by the
     capital.                                                                                 building of Paris, inaug
                                                                                                                                                nçois Mitterrand. On
                                             cit y,   Pa ris     ho  sts     mo     re dent of the French Republic, Fra                                 re the former
                                     ited                                                                           e of the Seine there we
     Third world’s most vis                                  r  cit  y  ins   pir  ed         the    oth   er  sid
                                    every year.         Ou                                                                                                 seen in the
     than 16 billion visitors                                   tio  ns  ...I t  ins   -      wi  ne    co ve  red    ma    rket, which can still be
                                         politicians, na
      kings, writers, scientists,                       pired more than Cour Saint-Em
                                                                                                                      ilion metro station.
                                 tre   nd  s.  It  ins                                                                                              is an opportunity
      pired traditi  on s an  d
                                                                   int  ers      an    d       Th e    Pa  rc   Floral in Vincennes. It
                                       tless arti     sts :    pa                                                                                           has unique
      200 movies and coun                                            ne   d   ch  efs   .      to    run     in    a   botanical garden which
                                        designers, ren          ow                                                                                                to a for-
      drawers, singers, fashion                                      y  of    Lig  hts         co  lle cti on    in  the     wo  rld. It was set up next
       All had been in love with
                                          her. It is the Cit                                                                                       pe August, the Vin-
                                                                   an  d   tou    ris  ts      me    r roy  al residence built by Philip
                                      g its inh    ab  ita  nts                                                                                        historical events.
       that keep on enchantin                             tim    ele  ss   be    au   ty.       ce nn   es  Ca  stl e, which lived numerous
                                       nce and its
       thanks to its effervesce                                                                                                                                       s ari-
                                                                             ale    the         Th  e   Pa  ris   bu  sin es  s dis trict of La Défense. It ha
                                            opportunity to inh                                                                                          on of high rise
        It will be for everyone the                                   d   cro   iss  an   t     se  n   in   the    60’s with the constructi
                                        to eat a co      ffe  e  an                                                                                           ere 20 000
        spicy aroma of the city,                                to   vis  it  on   e    of       bu  ild ing  s.  It  is  also a neighbourhood wh
                                            e of a café,                                                                                                            truction
         breakfast out in the terrac                                       red      sid   e      pe  op   le  are   liv ing   in  and with malls. The cons
                                         walk along its colou                                                                                     inaugurated in 1989
         countless museums, to                                      go    to    co  un   t-      of    the    Great Arch which was
                                            ps-El   ysé  es  , to                                                                                           illot, the Arc
         streets or down the Cham                                      of    the      les  -     me    ets   in    the   perspective of Porte Ma
                                           around in         so  me                                                                                                  Louvre.
         less tourist sites, to hang                                   nic      un   de   r-      de    Tri om   ph  e,  Pla   ce  de la Concorde and the
                                            ds taking its ico
         ser known neighbourhoo
                                              and of course to go to its
          groung or along the Seine                                                       g.
                                            large, for some shoppin
          stores, wether small or                                     sati   sfy    the    ir
                                         a vast choice to
          Gastronomes will have

14 | WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018
List of UNESCO.
                                          ere  nt int  ern    ation  al        reg  ist ere  d    on the World Heritage
                             and its diff                                                                          a river boat ride.
The «Cité Universitaire»                  pro  jec t   wa   s made It is an opportunity for
                         ty  res ide nc e
houses. This universi                                                 ilt
                              er World War II. It was bu                                                                      city frequently hosts
in the «golden years», aft                              tifi cati on   s.       Fro  m   a  sporting point of view, the
                              top of    an cient   for                                                                              nce finish (3rd
in the south of Paris on                        ge s  int era   ction   s       ma   jor   sp  ort    events: the Tour de Fra                 ective)
                               ng, it encoura                                                                 t from an audience’s persp
 Designed in a spirit of shari                          the    wo   rld  .      lar  ge st  sp orti  ng  ev en
                                 from all around                                                                             the Champs Elysées,
 between students coming                              the   re    we   re       tha   t  tak es place every year on
                                XXIth    ce ntu ry                                                                                   championships,
 At the begining of the                         wi thi  n    its  for  ty        the    UE  FA   Eu  ro 2016, the World Judo                       All
 almost 140 different
                              nationalities                                                                           50 000 competitors, the
                                                                                 the Paris Marathon and its                                         m
                                                                                                                    s (one of the four Gran Sla
 residences.                                                                     Star Game, Roland Garro                          , the French Golf
                                                            to   No  tre   -      tou  rna  me    nts), the Prix d’Amérique
                               etitions yo  u  ma   y  go                                                                               the Qatar Prix
  In parallel with the comp                       L’Il e  de    la  Cit é,        Op   en , the    Lo ng ines Paris Eiffel Jumping,
                                cré-Coeur, to
  Dame Cathedral or to Sa                                                                          Triomphe...
                      trict, to  Ch âte let, to the Louvre mu- de l’Arc de                                                   Gay Games, the Ryder
   to the Ma  rais dis
                                                         to   Qu   arti  er        In 20  18  , the 10th edition of the
                                  seum,    thr ou gh                                                                                     ampionships
   seum or to the Orsay mu                       ve  rie  s in  sci en   ce        Cu  p  or  the     wo men’s World Handball Ch
                                place of di co                                                                       for instance.
   Latin which is a symbolic                                                        will be held in the city
    and medicine.
                                                                                                                                       and its airport
                                                         In   the   cap     i-      Th  e  de  ns  ity  of railways, motorways
                                   ngs await     yo u.                                                                                       point for
    Thousands of different thi                                 of  wh    ich        str uc tur  es     ma ke   Paris a convergence
                                    Seine river, so     me                                                                                         you
    tal, 37 bridges accross the                                   s   Ar  ts,       na  tio na  l an  d intern ation al transports, which allow
                                 such as the Pont de
     are known worldwide                                                  er- to come very easily.
                                    xander III Bridge. Furth
     the Pont Neuf or the Ale                                           dge
                                  Seine, from the Sully Bri                                                                pport.
     more, the banks of the                   (do  wn    str ea  m)  ,    are We are counting on your su
                                    Bridg e
     (upstream) to the Iéna

                                                                                                                             WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018| 15
                                           TOURIST OFFIC                 ris
                                        To u ri sm e & d e Congrès de Pa
                              Office de                              ris
                                                     mides, 75001 Pa
                                  25 Rue des Pyra

16 | WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018
                                                                                                 It is the world’s most
The Eiffel Tower                                                                                 visited monument with
                                                                                                 about 7 million visitors
The Eiffel Tower is the                                                                          every year, of whom 75%
place not to be missed,                                                                           are foreigners. The Eiffel
symbol of France and more                                                                         Tower offers a unique pa-
specifically of Paris through                                                                     norama of Paris.
the international prism, the
Eiffel Tower is undoubtedly                                                                    Also, the Eiffel Tower can
one of the most famous                                                                         be accessed and visited:
monument in the world.                                                                         on the first floor, in addi-
                                                                                               tion to the shops, a trans-
 The iron lady, as it is affec-                                                                 parent plate was instal-
 tionately referred, stands                                                                     led, that allows to see
 312 meters tall (without                                                                                          nd floor,
                                                 ,              and to be visible from the forecourt. On the seco
 the antennas), and weighs 10 100 tons                                                                            ed 125 m
                                               rk.              there is the famous Jules Verne restaurant, locat
 out of which 7 300 tons for the metal framewo                                                                        provi-
                                                                above ground level, where gourmet meals are
                                                                                                           y  an incre dible
                                                                ded. Lastly, at the top, visitors can enjo
 Built in 2 years, 2 months and 5 days, it was
                                             .                  360° view.
 built in 1889 for the Universal Exposition

The Arc de Triomphe
                                           ated in 1836, the Arc
Desired by Napoleon I and inaugur
                                          nument. Located in the
de Triophe is a Roman-inspired mo
                                           de Triomphe is impres-
8th arrondissement of Paris, the Arc
                                             and 22m wide) and in
sive in its size (50m hight, 45m long
                                            right in the middle of
its architecture. Even thought it is
                                           bout (commonly known
the Place Charles de Gaulle’s rounda
                                             lve lined-avenues lead
as Place de l’Etoile) onto which twe
                                            ent open to the public.
 to, the Arc de Triomphe is a monum
                                           Thomb of the Unknown
 Indeed, it is possible to mourn the
                                           iers died for France du-
 Soldier (who represents all the sold
                                           of the arc. The building
 ring the history) under the shape
                                            s to a unique panorama.
  itself is accessible and its terrace lead
                                           t lead to Place de l’Etoile
 Lastly, one of the twelve avenues tha                          also call ed the most beautiful avenue in the
                                                                                                              world. With a length
                                nue des   Cha mp  s-El  ysé es,                                                          ants and
 is none other than the Ave                                    120  sho ps,  man y of which are luxury boutiques, restaur
                                          met  ers, it hos  ts
 of 1910 meters and a width of 70                                                                     oyen or the Mariott are for-
                                  oste , Hug  o Bos  s,  Lou is Vuitton, the Fouquet’s Barrière, Led
 cinemas. Lancel,   Car tier,  Lac                                                                             r of more than one
                             lish men ts. Eve  ry yea  r, the  mer cha nts of the avenue generate a turnove
  ming part of these etab
  billion euros.

                                                                                                            WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018| 17
The Louvre
                                                                                                              m of art and antiquity
                                              tic mu  seu ms   of  the  capital. It is also the largest museu
The Louvre is one of the mo    st em  ble ma                                                                    at the beginning of
                                        ers the   pai ntin g of the  Mo    na  Lisa, made by Leonardo da Vinci
in the world. It includes among oth                   Ven us de Milo or the Victory of Sam
                    and  fam ous  stat ues like  the
the 16th century
                                                                                                                 Its main mission is
                                    and   the  Jard in des   Tuil erie s, its exhibition area covers 72,700 m².
 Located between Rue de Rivoli
                                     cation and trans-
 to ensure the conservation, edu
                                         erations. Every
 mission of heritage to future gen
                                      nearly 10 million
 year, the Louvre is attended by
                                        ive fortress, the
 visitors. Originally a simple defens
                                        main residences
  Louvre has long been one of the
                                        seum in 1793.
  of kings of France. It becomes mu
                                    rn art from the
  From then on, it hosted Weste
                                   as ancient civili-
  Middle Ages to 1848, as well
                                         ced it. About
  zations that preceded and influen
                                      ed, the oldest
  35,000 works of art are exhibit
                                    thousand years.
  dating back more than seven
                                       ided into eight
   The museum’s collections are div
                                   of Egyptian Anti-
   departments: the Department
                                    ek, Etruscan and                                                 Islam, the Department of
   quities, the Department of Gre                     al Anti qui ties, the Department of Arts of
                               artm  ent   of  Ori ent                                                          of Graphic Arts.
   Roman Antiquities, the Dep                         Dep artm  ent  of  Ob jects of Arts and the Department
                                      lptu  res , the                                                                Eugène-De-
   Paintings, the Department of Scu                    m; the  Car rou sel and  the Tuileries Gardens as well as the
                                      of the   mu  seu
   The Louvre is not composed only
                            atta che d  to it.
    lacroix Museum are also

                                                                         The Sacré-Coeur
                                                                                                         eur of Montmartre, built
                                                                          The basilica of the Sacré-Co
                                                                                                         located at the top of the
                                                                          in the late XIXth century, is
                                                                                                         m the district of Clignan-
                                                                          Montmartre hill, not far fro
                                                                                                           ent of Paris. It’s a major
                                                                           court in the 18th arrondissem
                                                                                                       ed to be of public utility in
                                                                           religious building, recogniz
                                                                                                        manesque-Byzantine style
                                                                            His style is inspired by Ro
                                                                                                        phia of Constantinople. Its
                                                                            buildings such as Saint So
                                                                                                          rticular property of being
                                                                            external stones have the pa
                                                                                                        fine grain and to bleach in
                                                                            very hard, to have a very
                                                                                                        ich gives it this immaculate
                                                                            contact with rainwater, wh
                                                                                                           h and 35 meters wide. Its
                                                                             The basilica is 85 meters hig

  dome is 83 meters high.                                                                                                 ré-Coeur, the
                                                               ic view   of Pa ris , the  impressive Basilica of the Sac
                                a little magical. Its pano ram                                                                it a must
   Butte Montmartre is a place                                  inters , the fun  icu  lar hu ng on the side of a hill...make
                              place of the mound and its
   small cobbled streets, the
   in the capital.

18 | WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018
WOC 2022
                                        JULY 2-8 IN PARIS

                                                                                  different races:
                          eer ing Cha mp ion ships will be organized around three
This week of World Ori ent

                                                  SPR INT                 KO SPR INT             SPR INT REL AY
      DATE           LO CA LISATI ON

                                                                   Welcome at event center
    JULY 2nd                Paris
                                                              Opening ceremony (late mornin
     JULY 3rd        Trocadéro / Passy                                  Model event

                            Bercy                Qualifications
     JULY 4th

                          Parc Floral                Finals
      JULY 5th

                                                                             Rest day
      JULY 6th               Paris

                                                                             KO Sprint
      JULY 7th            La Défense

                                                                                                      Sprint relay
                       Cité Universitaire
       JULY 8th
                                                                         Closing ceremony
                         Stade Charléty

                                                                                                                 g lovers.
                                         es,  ma ny   pub lic  eve  nts  will be organized for the orienteerin
   In parallel with these official
                                                                                                        ortunity for them
                                    aro und  3,0 00  sup por  ters  will be expected. It will be an opp
   Over the seven days of WO    C,                                                                          anized in Pa-
                                      ion ships,  wit h fam  ily, frie nds or individually. This edition org
    to support these world champ                                                            2 a real celebration of sport.
                      the sign of  the  disc ove ry, in order to make these WOC 202
    ris will be under
                                        live on the site of the event.
   These events can be followed

                                                                                                      WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018| 19
Buttes Chaumont
                   La Défense

                                               Jardin des Tuileries

                 Trocadéro - Passy

                                     Cité Universitaire                           Parc Floral

20 | WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018

                                                                                                           ns and the athletes
                                                     ( IO F) is the   inform  ing the national federatio               book and
                                 ring Federation                                             the social networks (Face
The International Orientee                                       IO F via its we bs ite an d
                               dy of orienteering. The
international director bo                            t  ori en  tee - Twitter).
          fou r ori en  tati on   dis ciplines: foo
governs                                                            g,
                               enteering, ski orienteerin                             commission (foot orien
                                                                                                               teering) aims at
 ring, mountain bike ori                                d in  19  61   Th e  Fo otO
                                                                                                                      ring speci-
                               d. IOF was create                                           ation on the foot orientee
 and the orienteering rai                                         m-   pro vid ing inf orm
                                International Olympic Co                                     FootO events.
 and is recognized by the                         pro mo  tin g the ficities and on the
                                .  It  aim s  at
  mittee (CIO) since 1977                         the world and www.ori
                  itie s of   ori en tee rin g in
  various special

                                                          d         Orienteering Federation
                              Federation (FFCO), create                                      tion in a human and fin
  The French Orienteering                          tee rin g        FFCO makes its contribu                            on al
                            tion in charge of orien                                           ntation of the internati
  in 1970, is a sport federa                                        cial way for the impleme
                             the ministry of Sports.                                            French territory.
  sports and approved by                                 or-        events taking place on the
                              French Olympic and Sp
   It is a member of the                               onal
                             F) and of the Internati
   ting Committee (CNOS

                                                                                                    Ile de France, for all the pu
                                                               on      orienteering, in the region                                -
                               teering Regional Federati                                           d contribute to the pro    mo
     The Ile de France Orien                                   ng      blics including schools, an
                               became the FFCO delegati                                            the national and internati
     (LIFCO) created in 1974,                            nc e.   It    tion of the region through                               81 ,
     body, with which it is affi
                                  liated, in Ile de Fra                                           and 5 days of France in 19
                                                                       nal events it organizes (3
                                   nal Olympic and Sporting                                       rld MTBO championship
                                                                                                                               s in
     is a member of the Regio                                 sup-      2001, 2009; the first wo                                 ra-
                               OSIF) and of FFCO. With                                            2017...), all this in collabo
      National Committee (CR                                    de      2002; Paris City Tour in                                 bs.
                                (the regional council of Ile                                       ntal committees and clu
      port from their partners                          ort  s an d     tion with its departeme
                                  torate of youth, sp
      France, the regional direc                                de-
                                  IF), it is in charge of the
      social cohesion, the CROS                          tai n bik e
                                 ce of foot and moun
      velopment and the practi

                                                                                                               WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018| 21
                                                            rie nteering



                                                                   teering French teams
                                          Results 2017 of the orien

                                                                       nch Orienteering Federati
                                             Press releases of the Fre               iqu es
                PR ES S RE LEAS ES 

                                             Video reportage made by                                 olympique?»
                                                ou rse d’o rie ntatio n - Co mment devient-on sport
                   OR IEN TE ER IN G         «C
                                                                            come an olympic sport?»
                   CA ND IDAT E TO           «Orienteering - How to be                              decembre/
                   OG PA RI S 2024           http://www.ffcorientation

22 | WOC 2022 | ffco - 2018
  T                            NIA - 2017
         N S H IP S IN  E S TO

      Championnats du monde SENIOR (Tartu, Estonie)
                 30 juin - 7 juillet 2017
Championnats du monde SENIOR (Tartu, Estonie)
           30 juin - 7 juillet 2017

         World Games (Wroclaw, Pologne)
                20-30 juillet 2017
Coupe du monde - CLASSEMENT FINAL
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