Page created by Darrell Reynolds

March 2021
INTRODUCTION                                                         Women’s Budget Group it was highlighted that
                                                                     women were more likely to work in sectors hit
                                                                     hardest by COVID, are more likely to live in
In 2018 the London Sustainable Development
                                                                     poverty and are more likely to be in low paid
Commission undertook research to
                                                                     and insecure employment.3 The COVID crisis
understand the participation of women
                                                                     is exacerbating inequality and could lead to an
within London’s low carbon, environmental
                                                                     increase in the gender pay gap, which at 17.5%
goods and services sector, the “cleantech”
                                                                     in pre-pandemic London was already too high.
sector1. The evidence collected as part of that
                                                                     In addition, during lockdown working mothers
research indicates a low participation rate
                                                                     have seen a bigger proportional reduction in
of women in cleantech in terms of founders,
                                                                     their hours of work and are spending more
holding senior positions and retention in the
                                                                     time caring for children while trying to work.4
sector. This is a problem for the growth of the
wider cleantech ecosystem in London.                                 Our work seeks to encourage and support
                                                                     women to enter the cleantech sector and
Evidence is there to support the diversity
                                                                     to provide guidance for employers to help
dividend argument with the latest McKinsey
                                                                     increase diversity in the workforce. The low
“Delivering through diversity” report2 finding that
                                                                     carbon goods and services sector is growing,
companies in the top quartile for gender diversity
                                                                     doubling in size over the last decade and
on executive teams being 21% more likely to
                                                                     provides many opportunities both for innovators
have above average financial profitability, up
                                                                     and entrepreneurs but also for those wanting
from 15% in 2015. Gender diversity is good for
                                                                     a career with development potential within
business, but women are still underrepresented
                                                                     larger organisations. London’s low carbon and
in senior roles and this lack of representation is
                                                                     environmental goods and services sector (its
even more apparent in the tech sector.
                                                                     ‘green economy’), was worth about £48 billion
In addition to this the COVID 19 pandemic                            in 2019/20, employing around 317,000 people
has highlighted the deep inequality within                           across approximately 14,000 businesses. The
London and the economic and social impact                            sector has grown from £24 billion in 2010/11
of that inequality. Insecure livelihoods and the                     when it employed around 164,000 people
resultant lack of secure incomes have led to                         across around 9,000 companies.
extreme hardship and people employed in
                                                                     Whilst our focus is on the cleantech sector
lower wage frontline work have been more at
                                                                     this guidance could be applicable to any
risk of infection. The epidemic has particularly
                                                                     employer seeking to improve the gender
impacted women – in a recent report from the
                                                                     diversity of their workforce.

  Gender differences in the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown on unpaid care work and psychological distress in the UK |
Understanding Society                                                                                                    2
ABOUT THIS GUIDANCE                                HOW TO USE THIS
As part of our work to help more women             GUIDANCE
enter the cleantech world we are creating
a range of guidance materials. This guide          This guidance is not intended to replace
is focused on the recruitment and retention        the need to adhere to workplace practices
of women in the workplace and is aimed at          governed by national government regulations
employers both large and small. Its purpose        around worker rights, discrimination
is to highlight good practice in the recruitment   regulations or other legal or statutory
of female staff, to help increase both the         frameworks governing work in the UK.
pool of available candidates and ensure the        It is instead additional guidance designed
process is fair, transparent and inclusive.        to highlight good practice and challenge
In addition, the guidance includes help for        unconscious biases as part of recruiting
employers to understand some of the factors        and developing staff and can be used by
that can influence decisions to stay or to         employers on a voluntary basis as required.
leave an organization that may be as a result
of conscious or unconscious discriminatory
                                                   1 - Making a commitment
behaviours or working conditions.
                                                     Create a formal statement or commitment
Other guidance materials in this series
                                                     to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and
include Event Diversity Guidance - https://
                                                     identify the responsible parties for
                                                     overseeing a programme to deliver on this
                                                     committment. In this way your organisation
N.B. The WiCT work focusses on gender                sends a clear message to future and
disparity within Cleantech but it should also        present employees about their commitment
be noted that other disparities exist based on       to equality, diversity and inclusion in
the 9 protected characteristics - https://www.       the workplace. Build the business case
equalityhumanrights.com/en/equality-act/             into this statement to ensure senior
protected-characteristics - which sit outside        management buy in.
of the scope of this guidance but which
                                                     This commitment should be available for,
should also be taken into consideration when
                                                     at minimum, employees but consider
recruiting and developing staff.
                                                     making it publicly available for jobseekers,
                                                     clients and the general public. The
                                                     commitment should be backed up by a
                                                     plan and clear actionable items and include
                                                     values that the organisation commits to
                                                     following to support their statement.

Commitment Example:                                                 2 - Recruitment
In order to ensure our offer to our customers                       Job advertisements:
is internationally relevant we must create and
nurture a company culture that mirrors the                            Where possible avoid listing particular
world we serve. We are committed through                              educational requirements or years of
every area of our company, whether internally                         experience on a job posting unless
or externally, to build a team that values and                        absolutely necessary. (Example,
reflects the unique opinions and backgrounds                          a specialised certification for lawyer
the people of this world have to offer.                               and/or accountant).

The example below is the commitment from                              Instead specifically list the skill set and
Salesforce, ranked by Glassdoor as the UK’s                           knowledge needed to accomplish the
no1 employer in 2021.6 Glassdoor is one of                            job duties. Consider using a competency
the world’s largest jobs and recruitment sites.                       framework as a basis for explaining the
                                                                      skills attributes needed for a role.

     Salesforce Equality Commitment –
                                                                      Notes: Various studies demonstrate that
     We’re greater when we’re equal
                                                                      women and minorities are less likely to
     Equality is a core value at Salesforce. We                       apply for a job posting if they do not meet
     believe that businesses can be powerful                          all of the qualifications of the postings.
     platforms for social change and that our
     higher purpose is to drive Equality for all.                     Do not assume that 3-5 years of
     Creating a culture of Equality isn’t just the                    experience or an MBA automatically
     right thing to do, it’s also the smart thing.                    qualify an individual. They may have all
     Diverse companies are more innovative                            the skills needed, but may not hold the
     and better positioned to succeed in the                          advanced degree listed and therefore miss
     Fourth Industrial Revolution.                                    an opportunity for a more diverse applicant
     We strive to create workplaces that                              pool.
     reflect the communities we serve and                             Avoid the use of jargon and overly
     where everyone feels empowered to                                technical language within job
     bring their full, authentic selves to work.                      advertisements, using plain language
     There is more work to be done, but with                          where possible.
     the help of our entire Ohana (Hawaiian
     word for family) — our employees,                                Ensure that opportunities for flexible
     customers, partners, and community —                             working including part time, flexi time, job
     we can achieve #EqualityForAll.                                  share or working from home are clearly
                                                                      stated within the advertisement. If flexible
     To enable delivery of the ED&I                                   working is not included as an option
     commitment, organisations should develop                         consider how or if this could be.
     a clear ED&I policy and action plan.

Consider removing the need to demonstrate                          Ensure if using recruitment or search
   evidence of years of experience in                                 and selection organisations that they are
   specific technical capabilities in favour                          fully briefed on the need to put forward a
   of incorporating a test element within the                         diverse candidate selection.
   interview process to asses competence.
                                                                      Applicants may choose to visit your website
   Prior to posting, scan all job postings                            prior to application. Ensure that images of
   through “Gender Decoder” or similar, a                             workers and individuals associated with
   service that identifies words within the                           your organisation are diverse and inclusive.
   posting that may attract or deter candidates
   from applying based on gender.                                     Notes: The Mayor of London’s Inclusive
                                                                      Employers Toolkit7 aimed at supporting
   Notes: Every person has unconscious bias,                          young black men into the construction
   by using technology we can attempt to limit                        industry cites research from the
   the unconscious bias that comes through                            Runnymede Trust showing that young
   from the job posting creator in addition to                        black men recognise where imagery
   the unconscious bias held by the job seeker.                       does not match the reality of workplaces
                                                                      – this is likely to be the same for women
                                                                      so openness and transparency about
   Consider where jobs are advertised
                                                                      challenges around diversity is advisable.
   and how they could reach a more
   diverse audience through channels
   targeting specific societal groupings. In                          Ensure that any programmes that support
   addition to standard job boards, seek to                           efforts to change under-representation
   post job openings with Gov.UK which                                within your organisation are advertised and
   provides resources to the unemployed.                              promoted so that prospective candidates are
   Organisations can register to advertise                            aware of your commitment e.g. the Greater
   their job posting with the following link:                         London Authorities ‘Our Time’ programme.8
   https://www.gov.uk/advertise-job. Build
   relationships with organisations or
   initiatives that provide support aimed
   at specific sectors of society to help
   communicate opportunities in a more
   targeted and diverse way.

recruitment                                                                                                            5
  Our Time - Supporting Future Leaders | London City Hall
CV screenings:                                                            Use panels where possible for interviews
                                                                          and ensure panels are balanced and
      Consider ‘blind’ CV screening, where
                                                                          diverse across a range of protected
      items such as candidates names and
                                                                          characteristics. Where panels are not
      locations are removed from the document
                                                                          possible ensure an equal number of both
      being screened. The aim is to remove the
                                                                          male and female interviewers are involved
      possibility of unconscious bias based on
                                                                          in the process with additional focus on
      gender, ethnicity or age of a candidate.
                                                                          overall diversity where possible. Relax
                                                                          requirements for panel members around
      Notes: Many public sector organisations                             hierarchy to ensure that panel diversity is
      such as the civil service and large                                 prioritised over panel seniority.
      corporates are adopting this approach
      to recruitment and were involved in a                               In-person interviews should have at least
      drive by central government to encourage                            2 members of the organisation meeting
      organisations to pledge to adopt this                               with the job seeker at all times. This will
      approach in 20159. In addition, the Social                          help counteract and combat individual
      Mobility Campaign also encourages                                   unconscious bias as part of the interview
      employers to pledge to adopt a name blind                           process.
      approach alongside a number of additional
                                                                          Require specific reasons related to the
      measures to application screening. The
                                                                          job function in order to advance or reject
      pledge has now been signed by 500
                                                                          the candidate. Do not allow “culture fit”
      organisations globally.10
                                                                          solely as a reason to advance or reject a
Interview process:                                                        Use consistent evaluation methods across
                                                                          all interviews to ensure evaluation of
      Define a transparent interview process for
                                                                          performance is transparent and fair. Scoring
      all candidates/job seekers and ensure that
                                                                          mechanisms with clear guidance around
      it is clearly detailed on the job application.
                                                                          scoring criteria can be a useful way to
      Make no exceptions to the process                                   maintain a balanced approach and limit bias.
      for referrals and avoid “fast-tracking”
                                                                          Understand the ‘positive action’ element of
                                                                          the Equalities Act and whether it is necessary
      The interview process should clearly state                          to take appropriate actions to address
      the number of interviews and their format                           recruitment imbalances (see box below).
      (phone or in-person). This will also assist
                                                                          Provide feedback to unsuccessful job
      in setting the proper expectations with the
                                                                          applicants when requested and where

    https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-time-to-end-discrimination-and-finish-the-fight-for-real-equality                6
Positive Action recruitment measures           action can be taken only where the
under the Equalities Act                       candidates are “as qualified as” each
                                               other. For example, if two candidates for
‘Positive action means treating one group
                                               the same job are equally well qualified
more favourably where this helps them
                                               for the role, and one of those candidates
overcome a disadvantage or participate
                                               is from a demographic which is under-
more fully. It also means acting to meet
                                               represented in the company, e.g. a young
needs they have that are different from
                                               Black man, a company may use Section
the wider population.’
                                               159 of the Equality Act to offer the
Positive actions are lawful under the          position to the candidate from the under-
following sections of the Equality Act         represented group.

Section 158
                                             Interview training:
Actions might include training to enable
                                               All employees/managers responsible for
individuals to gain employment, or health
                                               interviewing candidates should go through
services to address their needs. For
                                               formal training on the organisation’s
example, if a company is seeking to
                                               interview process. Training should include
recruit diverse candidates for a specific,
                                               compliance requirements, company
technical role but has been unable to
                                               process and education on the presence of
find any potential employees from groups
                                               unconscious bias in the interview process
which are under-represented in that role
                                               and how to identify and minimise its
e.g. young Black men, the company may
use Section 158 of the Equality Act to
develop and promote a training course          Training should be offered at minimum,
for young Black men to develop the             quarterly, and be available to all staff
technical skills required for the role.        should they so desire.

Section 159                                    All interviewers should complete the
                                               training before they are permitted to
Permits an employer to take a protected
                                               interview job seekers.
characteristic into consideration when
deciding whom to recruit or promote,
where people having the protected
characteristic are at a disadvantage or
are under-represented - this positive

3 - Monitoring and reporting                                             Placement goals should never be used as
                                                                         a “quota” that can be obtained or a sole
Placement goals:                                                         tool in hiring individuals from a diverse
      Collect and analyse demographic                                    background.
      information from job seekers and
      employees to help understand and                               Timing:
      evaluate diversity within the workforce.11                         At minimum, analyse the available
      Collect and analyse demographic                                    demographic data within the organisations
      information of panels shortlisting and                             applicants and employees to track
      interviewing to ensure representation is                           initiatives and identify continued areas of
      achieved.                                                          improvement.

      Achieving diversity will require an                            Organisational hierarchy/structure:
      understanding of the intersectional nature
                                                                         Targets should be in place to ensure
      of the challenge – applicants may well
                                                                         representation and diversity at each level
      be facing multiple diversity challenges
                                                                         of the organisation.
      and may not therefore fit into single
      demographic diversity profiles. Ensure this
      is reflected in how demographic data is                        4 - Retention
      Strive to reach demographic representation
      within the organisations job applicants and                        At minimum, bi-annually, provide formal,
      employees that proportionally represent                            organisational wide training that defines
      the geographic regions from which you                              and provides appropriate guidance on the
      recruit.                                                           topics of unconscious bias, racism, gender
                                                                         awareness, active bystander, diversity,
                                                                         equality, and inclusion.
      Notes: Diversity Placement Goals should
      be used to analyse trends and measure                              Training should allow for small groups (no
      failure or successes of the various                                more than 10) break out sessions that can
      initiatives taken by an organisation to                            facilitate individuals through thoughtful
      expand a candidate pool and provide an                             discussion on such topics. Consider using
      inclusive interview process that attracts                          cards such as Lean-In’s Cards to prompt
      diverse employees.                                                 discussion.

                                                                     Notes: Demographic details should have
     At minimum, bi-annually, provide the                            no bearing on compensation if accurate
     organisation with insight into the trends of                    salary bands are used and followed
     the organisations diversity, equality and                       correctly. For further transparency and
     inclusion efforts and openly ask for input.                     messages of wage fairness, organisations
                                                                     should consider various levels of providing
Working conditions:                                                  transparency around the salary bands to
     If possible, provide employees with flexible                    their employees.
     working hours, flexible or part time options
     including job shares for full time posts and                    Data is recorded about gender and
     remote work capability.                                         in the workforce and pay gaps are
                                                                     reported where data allows for statistical
     Notes: Individuals face various needs                           significance.
     whether medical, family, travel or others
     and by allowing employees to work flexible                      The organisation voluntarily reports and
     hours you may be able to retain those                           publishes its gender pay gap, even if there
     employees that are forced to make a                             are under 250 employees, unless doing
     choice between their individual needs and                       so would lead to the disclosure of pay
     the strict working hours of the organisation.                   information on individuals.

                                                                     Take action to tackle gender pay gaps
                                                                     where they exist. There are multiple
Compensation:                                                        resources available to help organisations
     Research various data points and define                         take action to do this.12
     positional salary bands based on the
     job duties required within each role. The                   Performance management:
     organisation should be able to clearly                          Employees should have clear and
     describe each employee’s compensation                           documented goals and key performance
     based on their duties and skill level as                        indicators (KPI’s) to be met through their
     relates to the defined salary band for fair                     job performance. Performance reviews
     comparison to the markets.                                      and management should be tied directly to
                                                                     the ability to perform as they relate to the
                                                                     clearly defined objectives. Compensation
                                                                     should directly relate to their skill level and
                                                                     ability to perform their job duties.

Consider creating diversity targets as part    Meetings:
  of KPI’s for managers responsible for hiring
                                                   Consider a “Round Robin” technique for
  where practicable.
                                                   meetings in which each member is invited
                                                   to speak and/or pass to ensure adequate
                                                   opportunity for discussion.
  Organisations should consider employee
                                                   Be aware of and invite individuals to
  led groups, Slack groups and/or activities
                                                   participate where they have the opportunity
  such as employee networks that allow for
                                                   to discuss and contribute to meetings
  the expression and celebration of diversity.
                                                   two levels above them in the hierarchical
  These groups should be supported
                                                   structure of the organisation.
  through the provision of additional time and
  CEOs and executive leaders should
                                                   Partner with community programmes and/
  regularly discuss the organisations
                                                   or non-profits that support the Diversity &
  commitment and progress on equality,
                                                   Inclusion values of your organisations and
  diversity and inclusion with staff so that
                                                   encourage your employees to participate in
  there is no question as to an organisations
                                                   the volunteering opportunities.
  values and what is and is not acceptable
                                                 Returning to the workforce:
Zero tolerance policies:                           Organisations report on their retention
                                                   rates for pregnant women a year after they
  The organisation should define intolerable
                                                   return to work following maternity leave.
  behaviour as it relates to harassment,
  discrimination and workplace bullying.           Organisation should actively support those
  The policy should be publicly available to       returning to work after career breaks to
  employees with clear directions as to who        fulfil caring responsibilities.
  an employee can report such an incident
  to alongside disciplinary measures that
  would be taken should the behaviour be

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