Women in business! Gender E-zine 2021 - Success stories from International Programmes from Netherlands Enterprise Agency
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Gender E-zine 2021 Women in business! Success stories from International Programmes from Netherlands Enterprise Agency »Sustainable, Agricultural, Innovative and International Enterprise Commissioned by Netherlands Enterprise Agency
Table of contents Foreword by Pascalle Grotenhuis 3 1 Gender in Netherlands Enterprise Agency projects: from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative 5 Interview with Lisanne van Beek 2 Fair land rights for women in Africa 9 Interview with Thomas Vintges (LAND-at-scale) 3 Seed project offers equality for women farmers 13 Video and case story (FDOV) 4 Social impact entrepreneur Fadwa Moussaif is bringing together Moroccan craftmanship and sustainable fashion 16 Video and case story (Orange Corners) 5 More and more female experts deployed in DSS crisis response 19 Case story (DSS) 6 Dutch bag brand sets up Fairtrade production in Bangladesh 21 Video and case story (DGGF/CBI) 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands 24 Interview with Deniece Reith and Eva de Vries (NL Branding) 8 The coronavirus pandemic as an accelerator for health care technology 27 Interview with Hester le Riche (Tover) 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you’’ 30 Interview with Melanie Rieback (Radically Open Security) 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 32 2
Foreword Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands Foreword Pascalle Grotenhuis Enterprise Agency projects: from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative equality and empower all women and girls. Besides, through its EU membership the Netherlands also supports 2 Fair land rights for women in the Gender Action Plan III for the period 2021-2025. Africa The Youth At Heart strategy (launched in 2020) also 3 Seed project offers equality for devoted specific attention to the position of young women farmers women with respect to bridging education and youth employment. I strongly believe that it is a shared respon- 4 Social impact entrepreneur sibility and we can all contribute, including you. Fadwa Moussaif is bringing together Moroccan craftman- Empowering women in the world of work is not only the ship and sustainable fashion right thing, but also the smart thing to do: both in the 5 More and more female global North and in particular in the global South, women experts deployed in DSS crisis play an important role in economy, international trade response and development, in particular sustainable and broader human development. They are the backbones of the 6 Dutch bag brand sets up societies. Fairtrade production in I am delighted to present the 2021 Women in Business Bangladesh magazine. Gender equality is a key priority of Dutch It is a proven business case as we know that women’s foreign and international trade policy. We focus on entrepreneurship contributes to creating new development 7 Gender in the new positioning enhancing women’s entrepreneurship both in the opportunities, reducing social exclusion and strengthening of the Netherlands Netherlands as well as in our focus countries and social cohesion. Also, women entrepreneurs help to create 8 The coronavirus pandemic as integrating a gender lens in responsible business more and better jobs, tend to hire other women and an accelerator for health care conduct. moreover, are more likely to address societal issues. technology To achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, The economic role of women is being increasingly 9 “You do not woo clients like the Netherlands is committed to all Sustainable acknowledged and encouraged. Addressing the gender Google: they come to you” Development Goals, including goal 5: Achieve gender dimensions of economic development and trade policies 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 3
Foreword Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands will result in more and better outcomes for households, economic opportunities. We strive to engage women as Enterprise Agency projects: communities, companies and entire nations. Studies part of the post-pandemic solution for economic resi- from Gender Aware to Gender show that countries facilitating equal labour participation lience, and simply because it is "smart economics." With Transformative by women could grow their GNPs with 10-20% in ten the common goal of ‘Building Back Better’ in mind, it is years’ time. Imagine... evident that we must work together to create a more 2 Fair land rights for women in resilient and inclusive future: by putting grassroots Africa Despite the clear benefits for countries and major efforts, women at the center.1 3 Seed project offers equality for progress is slow and women remain economically women farmers disadvantaged and are disproportionately affected by We urgently need to showcase their stories, we need poverty, discrimination, exclusion, exploitation and more female role models. More awareness of our power 4 Social impact entrepreneur gender inequality. In other words, there is still work to be and impact on societies and economy. We all have a story Fadwa Moussaif is bringing done. The consequences of COVID-19 make gender- to tell. I invite you all to share your story, empower and together Moroccan craftman- specific barriers even more challenging and the pandemic inspire others and act together in order to achieve our ship and sustainable fashion especially hits hard on women for many reasons. common objective. 5 More and more female experts deployed in DSS crisis The dual burden of women has often become a triple I hope the success stories in this magazine will provide response burden since women have become responsible for you with inspiration, hope and power for a better, more combining their job and unpaid care work with increased equal future for women’s entrepreneurship, today in 6 Dutch bag brand sets up responsibilities at home (household, childcare, home- these difficult COVID-19 pandemic as well as in the post Fairtrade production in schooling). As self-employment and SMEs are at the COVID-19 era. Bangladesh center of the current crises, women’s entrepreneurship has lost hard-won gains. Due to their size and sectoral 7 Gender in the new positioning concentration, women-led businesses are more affected Pascalle Grotenhuis of the Netherlands by shocks such as COVID-19 and are disproportionately 8 The coronavirus pandemic as affected by the contraction in economic activities as a Ambassador Women’s Rights and Gender Equality for the an accelerator for health care result of the pandemic. Netherlands technology Ministry of Foreign Affairs Our current task is hence to ensure that the pandemic 9 “You do not woo clients like does not exacerbate existing gender inequalities that Google: they come to you” 1 Louise Anten, Annex 1: Defining Womens Economic Empowerment affect women’s access to resources and equitable Resilience, November 2020. 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 4
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands Enterprise Agency projects: from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative 2 Fair land rights for women in Africa 3 Seed project offers equality for women farmers 4 Social impact entrepreneur Fadwa Moussaif is bringing together Moroccan craftman- ship and sustainable fashion 5 More and more female 1 experts deployed in DSS crisis response Gender in Netherlands Enterprise Agency projects: 6 Dutch bag brand sets up from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative Fairtrade production in Bangladesh In the International Development department, the Gender Coordinator makes sure 7 Gender in the new positioning that the programmes help improve the socio-economic position of women in deve- of the Netherlands loping countries. The gender implementation framework and the gender contact 8 The coronavirus pandemic as persons for each programme play an important role in this work. an accelerator for health care technology 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” Lisanne van Beek (left) with International Women's 10 Virtual Coffee with Coffee Alliance members the Ambassador 5
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands "Our goal is to ensure that every new The Gender Transformative projects also deal with decision-making and the ownership of rights and Enterprise Agency projects: from Gender Aware to Gender project should be at least Gender resources. That often means financial rights, such as the Transformative Aware, and Gender Transformative freedom to get a loan or own a bank account. Projects in this category are also known as Power & Agency or 2 Fair land rights for women in whenever possible.” Do-Good projects. Africa 3 Seed project offers equality for What are the Netherlands Enterprise Agency’s ambitions At the International Development department, we do not women farmers when it comes to gender? want to include Gender Blind projects in our portfolio any Gender Coordinator Lisanne van Beek, “Every programme more. Our goal is to ensure that every new project should 4 Social impact entrepreneur has both intentional and unintentional effects on gender be at least Gender Aware, and Gender Transformative Fadwa Moussaif is bringing relations. Our programmes in developing countries use whenever possible.” together Moroccan craftman- 3 gender strategies. These are Gender Blind, Gender ship and sustainable fashion Aware and Gender Transformative. What do you see as the main challenge when implemen- 5 More and more female ting such projects? experts deployed in DSS crisis Gender Blind projects pay no attention to gender inequality. “Gender issues are always context-specific: there is no response In general, we do not accept Gender Blind projects. Projects solution that fits all situations. It is important to pay in the Gender Aware category do pay attention to gender. attention to gender as early as possible when developing 6 Dutch bag brand sets up They ensure equal access to training courses, information a programme or project. Including gender in Monitoring Fairtrade production in and finance, for example. We sometimes call projects in this and Evaluation (M&E) procedures is important, too. Bangladesh category Access to Resources or Do No Harm projects. It enables us to track progress.’ 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands The Netherlands Enterprise Agency has an International Development department. This department, together 8 The coronavirus pandemic as with the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) manages 42 programmes and an accelerator for health care more than 3,600 projects in 68 developing countries.2 The programmes and projects vary in size and scope. technology Most are managed by companies, NGOs, knowledge institutes and national and local governments. 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” 2 Netherlands Enterprise Agency project database, on the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) website: Project Database | Development Cooperation. 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 6
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands What gender-related developments have you noticed in and Development Cooperation (BHOS) and the Enterprise Agency projects: recent years? Sustainable Development Goals (numbers 5 and 8.5) from Gender Aware to Gender “I have seen two big changes. When I started this job in mention these benefits explicitly. The infographic in Transformative 2016, I spent most of my time trying to convince people Figure 1, which we helped develop, gives an overview of that it was important to invest in improving the position steps you can take to improve your project. 2 Fair land rights for women in of women. Africa The second change I have seen is the growing attention to 3 Seed project offers equality for These days, the main question is no longer ‘why?’, but improving the local business climate for women entrepre- women farmers ‘how?’. Many colleagues see the benefits of investing in a neurs. We call this creating an enabling environment. better position for women. The policy for Foreign Trade One example is the way we improve access to land rights 4 Social impact entrepreneur Fadwa Moussaif is bringing together Moroccan craftman- ship and sustainable fashion 5 More and more female experts deployed in DSS crisis response 6 Dutch bag brand sets up Fairtrade production in Bangladesh 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands 8 The coronavirus pandemic as an accelerator for health care technology 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with Figure 1. What to think about when taking gender-related measures. the Ambassador 7
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands through the LAND-at-scale programme. People are also tion with CNV International and Partnering for Social Enterprise Agency projects: looking at underlying problems more often. Lastly, talking Impact. from Gender Aware to Gender to local stakeholders to get a good idea of the local Transformative context is becoming more important, too.” • The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) is a forum for donors to share knowledge and 2 Fair land rights for women in What motivates you to work with the gender theme? experience of Private Sector Development. The DCED Africa “I am passionate about this theme. It has many dimensi- has various working groups, including the Women’s 3 Seed project offers equality for ons and I find the combination between the social and Economic Empowerment (WEE) working group. Since women farmers economic aspects interesting. I am convinced that the end of 2020, we have co-chaired this working investing in the position of women is a good strategy for group, together with the Swiss Agency for Development 4 Social impact entrepreneur poverty alleviation, and I feel committed to contribute.” and Cooperation (SDC). On the DCED WEE Knowledge Fadwa Moussaif is bringing Page interesting studies are collected, and here you will together Moroccan craftman- Which publications would you recommend to readers also find Webinars. Take a look! ship and sustainable fashion who want to find out more about gender? 5 More and more female “We have published several documents on our website experts deployed in DSS crisis with relevant background information on gender.” response • Information webpage about gender on our website. 6 Dutch bag brand sets up To be eligible for financing an entrepreneur has to meet Fairtrade production in a number of conditions in the field of corporate social Bangladesh responsibility. This includes the topic of gender. On this webpage you will find more information. 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands • Brochure Violence & Harassment at Work: A Guide for 8 The coronavirus pandemic as SMEs to prevent Violence & Harassment at the an accelerator for health care workplace. This brochure looks at the different forms technology of violence in the workplace and identifies lessons learned from various perspectives. It offers practical tips 9 “You do not woo clients like on how companies can prevent, detect, identify and Google: they come to you” tackle it. We have developed this brochure in coopera- 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 8
Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands Enterprise Agency projects: from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative 2 Fair land rights for women in Africa 2 Fair land rights for women in Africa The Dutch government is keen to leverage Dutch know- 3 Seed project offers equality for women farmers 4 Social impact entrepreneur Fadwa Moussaif is bringing ledge and skills worldwide to contribute to global food together Moroccan craftman- security and sustainable agriculture. Fair land rights is a ship and sustainable fashion precondition for farmers to invest in land and thereby 5 More and more female increase sustainable productivity. The LAND-at-scale experts deployed in DSS crisis programme is dedicated to promoting fair, inclusive and response sustainable land rights. These efforts include special attention for vulnerable groups such as women. 6 Dutch bag brand sets up Fairtrade production in Bangladesh 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands 8 The coronavirus pandemic as an accelerator for health care technology 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 9
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands sets out all kinds of basic rights, such as equal rights for Enterprise Agency projects: men and women. But in many rural communities, a from Gender Aware to Gender system known as customary law may still be in place. Transformative This set of laws consists of ancient cultural customs that, 2 Fair land rights for women in Africa “We have set a high bar for ourselves 3 Seed project offers equality for because we are not interested in women farmers going for quick wins. It is the longer- 4 Social impact entrepreneur term in particular that interests us Fadwa Moussaif is bringing together Moroccan craftman- – in other words, projects that cause ship and sustainable fashion change at a deeper level.’’ 5 More and more female Thomas Vintges, project advisor for LAND-at-scale experts deployed in DSS crisis response What is the problem? over time, have been adopted as traditional law. As it Thomas Vintges, project adviser for LAND-at-scale, happens, customary law – and the rules governing 6 Dutch bag brand sets up explains, “In many African countries, but also in Asia and inheritance and families in particular – tend to be unfa- Fairtrade production in South America, different legal systems exist side by side. vourable to women. It is possible, for example, that Bangladesh On the one hand, you have the overarching national following the death of her husband, a woman is barred legislation. This is often a very modern set of laws that from inheriting the piece of land where she has lived and 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands 8 The coronavirus pandemic as Fair, inclusive and sustainable land rights are needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) an accelerator for health care of the United Nations. The LAND-at-scale programme supports the improvement of land governance. technology LAND-at-scale provides assignments and subsidies to carry out ideas, while also sharing knowledge. Delegates from Dutch embassies and agricultural attachés can submit relevant ideas to the Netherlands 9 “You do not woo clients like Enterprise Agency. Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 10
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands worked, along with her husband and children, for so many What makes LAND-at-scale so unique when it comes to Enterprise Agency projects: years. Simply because customary law dictates that land gender? from Gender Aware to Gender can only be passed from one man to another.” “All of this obviously calls for a long-term strategy. Transformative Altering the administrative and legislative framework is What issues does LAND-at-scale hope to address? not something you do overnight. This makes LAND-at- 2 Fair land rights for women in “The LAND-at-scale programme helps women expand scale different from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency’s Africa their rights and improve their economic positions. At the regular programmes, in which projects typically last 4 3 Seed project offers equality for national level, we do this by strengthening the admini- years or less. We have set a high bar for ourselves because women farmers strative framework, such as the relevant ministries or we are not interested in going for quick wins. It is the local land registries, and improving the legal framework in longer-term in particular that interests us – in other 4 Social impact entrepreneur a given country. This includes improvements to policies words, projects that cause change at a deeper level.” Fadwa Moussaif is bringing and the implementation of those policies.” together Moroccan craftman- Where gender is concerned, LAND-at-scale might be the ship and sustainable fashion At the local level, LAND-at-scale seeks out opportunities first Netherlands Enterprise Agency programme that 5 More and more female to cooperate with what are known as municipal land attempts to change the system. “Obviously, we did not experts deployed in DSS crisis agencies. These are the administrative bodies that figure this all out on our own – that would allow for too response register land and land ownership. Because such bodies many blind spots. When the programme was being set up are familiar with customary law, they are in a position to in 2018, we solicited feedback from several Dutch univer- 6 Dutch bag brand sets up speed up the transition from customary law to formal law. sities and NGOs – including Both Ends, Oxfam and Fairtrade production in This might mean drawing attention to land rights for ActionAid – at an early stage. Bangladesh women, for example, or supporting women in exercising their rights. That was fairly unique and was also highly appreciated. 7 Gender in the new positioning Our chosen approach ensures all parties involved have of the Netherlands “Yet, the gap between having rights and actually exercising realistic expectations in terms of the outcome of a given 8 The coronavirus pandemic as those rights still holds many challenges. For this reason, LAND-at-scale project. Another big advantage is that we an accelerator for health care LAND-at-scale supports land agencies by providing now have open channels of communication with those technology information and capacity training. In doing so, it is organisations. This enables us to exchange knowledge, important that we focus not only on the women but that networks and experiences with one another easily.” 9 “You do not woo clients like we make sure to involve the men as well.” Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 11
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands Where are you at now with the LAND-at-scale project? Enterprise Agency projects: “After 1.5 years, we have developed 13 projects. from Gender Aware to Gender We approved the first LAND-at-scale project at the end of Transformative 2020. This project was submitted by the Dutch embassy in Zimbabwe. The goal is to assist the national agencies that 2 Fair land rights for women in are responsible for land rights and land ownership policies Africa in carrying out reforms. Such reforms will especially benefit 3 Seed project offers equality for women and young people living in regions in Zimbabwe women farmers where conflicts regarding land ownership and land rights are common. For this project, we cooperated with the Food 4 Social impact entrepreneur and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Fadwa Moussaif is bringing It is fantastic that such a renowned organisation has together Moroccan craftman- aligned itself with this project to ensure its continued ship and sustainable fashion implementation. This is sure to enhance the continuity of 5 More and more female this project.” experts deployed in DSS crisis response Look here for more information about the LAND-at-scale programme. 6 Dutch bag brand sets up Fairtrade production in Bangladesh 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands 8 The coronavirus pandemic as an accelerator for health care technology 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 12
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands Enterprise Agency projects: from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative 2 Fair land rights for women in Africa 3 Seed project offers equality for women farmers 4 Social impact entrepreneur Fadwa Moussaif is bringing together Moroccan craftman- ship and sustainable fashion 5 More and more female 3 experts deployed in DSS crisis response Seed project offers equality for women farmers 6 Dutch bag brand sets up A large portion of the farmers in developing countries grow crops primarily for their Fairtrade production in own use. Women farmers play an important role here: they work the land and sell Bangladesh the surplus, tomatoes, onions or corn, for example, at their local markets. Despite 7 Gender in the new positioning this major role, however, women farmers are often barely involved in the financial of the Netherlands decision-making on their farms. 8 The coronavirus pandemic as an accelerator for health care technology 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with Men and women together receive agricultural training the Ambassador 13
Video and case story Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands Enterprise Agency projects: “The women do most of the work in from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative the fields, but the men make the decisions. To solve this dilemma, 2 Fair land rights for women in Africa we trained men and women at the 3 Seed project offers equality for same time.” women farmers 4 Social impact entrepreneur Attention for women farmers Fadwa Moussaif is bringing With support from the Facility for Sustainable together Moroccan craftman- Entrepreneurship and Food Security (FDOV), the Dutch ship and sustainable fashion seed companies East West International and Rijk Zwaan, “The women do most of the work in the fields, but the 5 More and more female together with Wageningen Environmental Research, have men make the decisions. To solve this dilemma, we experts deployed in DSS crisis set up the Seeds of Expertise for the Vegetable Industry of trained men and women at the same time. We also set up response Africa (SEVIA) project. This partnership has developed demonstration fields specifically for groups of women, better seeds that are ideal for local conditions. The project so that they could put the knowledge into practice right 6 Dutch bag brand sets up included special attention for women farmers. away,” says Elijah Mwashayenyi, director of the SEVIA Fairtrade production in project. Bangladesh 7 Gender in the new positioning The Facility for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Food Security (FDOV) encourages public-private partner- of the Netherlands ships in the field of food security and private sector development in developing countries. Since 2020, the 8 The coronavirus pandemic as FDOV is integrated in the new SDG Partnership facility (SDGP). The goal of SDGP is to improve food security an accelerator for health care and stimulate private sector development in development countries through public-private partnerships. technology 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 14
Video and case story Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands Economic independence Enterprise Agency projects: On these small demonstration plots, both men and from Gender Aware to Gender women farmers were trained on the improved seeds and Transformative the corresponding techniques. Elijah states: “This know- ledge enables the farmers to achieve better crop yields 2 Fair land rights for women in and earn more money.” At the same time, the training Africa course helped achieve greater equality for the women 3 Seed project offers equality for farmers, which in turn contributed to more economic women farmers independence. “When the economic independence of a women farmer increases, the entire family benefits and 4 Social impact entrepreneur their overall living conditions improve,” Elijah Fadwa Moussaif is bringing Mwashayenyi concludes proudly. together Moroccan craftman- ship and sustainable fashion Watch the video about the SEVIA-project: Or read the testimony Tanzania welcomes better seeds 5 More and more female and agricultural training. experts deployed in DSS crisis response 6 Dutch bag brand sets up Fairtrade production in Bangladesh 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands 8 The coronavirus pandemic as an accelerator for health care technology 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 15
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands Enterprise Agency projects: from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative 4 2 Fair land rights for women in Africa Social impact company 3 Seed project offers equality for uses Moroccan women farmers craftsmanship for 4 Social impact entrepreneur Fadwa Moussaif is bringing sustainable fashion together Moroccan craftman- ship and sustainable fashion Casablanca, one of the oldest cities in 5 More and more female Morocco, is famous for its beautiful and experts deployed in DSS crisis elegant wealth of colours and patterns. response The craftsmanship one encounters on every street corner in the city is proof of 6 Dutch bag brand sets up Fairtrade production in the rich heritage of traditional trades. Bangladesh But, the rise of mass production has made it more difficult for women to convert 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands their artisanal skills into profitable businesses. 8 The coronavirus pandemic as an accelerator for health care technology 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with Women practices the traditional weaving technique in Morocco the Ambassador 16
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands "The self-confidence of these women Enterprise Agency projects: has grown enormously. They are from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative extremely proud of their work. They 2 Fair land rights for women in experience a sense of independence, Africa freedom and usefulness.” 3 Seed project offers equality for women farmers Business owners Fadwa Moussaif and Amal Kenzari decided to combine their efforts to make a difference. 4 Social impact entrepreneur They visited several villages near Casablanca and spoke to Fadwa Moussaif is bringing the local communities. They concluded that 20% of the together Moroccan craftman- women in the villages had worked as a weaver in the past, ship and sustainable fashion but were no longer active in the trade. By combining local 5 More and more female craftsmanship with contemporary fashion and adding a experts deployed in DSS crisis dash of entrepreneurial spirit, IDYR was born! response Products for everyday use 6 Dutch bag brand sets up IDYR is a Moroccan brand that is breathing new life into Fairtrade production in Fadwa Moussaif, co-founder of IDYR the traditional Boucherouite weaving technique and its Bangladesh accompanying values. The brand creates 100% handmade, ethical, sustainable and modern fashion accessories. 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands 8 The coronavirus pandemic as The programme Orange Corners focuses on young entrepreneurs in Africa and the Middle East. They can an accelerator for health care receive necessary training, mentorship, masterclasses and access to networks and financing, in order to grow technology their business idea into a successful start-up. Orange Corners partners with local governments, universities, national and international companies and other organisations. By using their local expertise, Orange Corners 9 “You do not woo clients like can optimally support and strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 17
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands IDYR designs and makes products for everyday use, with Proud of their work Enterprise Agency projects: respect for the environment and the social conditions of At IDYR, we offer these women a flexible work schedule from Gender Aware to Gender the women artisans. To do this, IDYR collects and cleans and a worksite close to where they live. We also train Transformative fabric remnants from large clothing and textile factories. them to develop their skills, so that they can practise the IDYR then has the women in the villages make beautiful Boucherouite weaving technique for us at a high-quality 2 Fair land rights for women in products from it, such as handbags, carpets, clothing and level. As a result, the self-confidence of these women has Africa cushions. In doing so, IDYR has already recycled an grown enormously and they are extremely proud of their 3 Seed project offers equality for average of 4.2 tonnes of textiles. work. They experience a sense of independence, freedom women farmers and usefulness. 4 Social impact entrepreneur Charitable cause Fadwa Moussaif is bringing Unfortunately, as a result of COVID-19, many business together Moroccan craftman- activities have ceased, including the training of women. ship and sustainable fashion Also, the demand for fashion accessories has dropped 5 More and more female which has a major impact on the local communities. experts deployed in DSS crisis Fadwa and Amal decided to sell their new collection response online, including through crowdfunding campaign Wuluj, with the aim of raising 30,000 dirhams (approximately 6 Dutch bag brand sets up 2,800 euros). The goal has been far exceeded, with more Fairtrade production in than 100 families now receiving financial support. Bangladesh Watch the whole interview with Fadwa Moussaif. 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands 8 The coronavirus pandemic as an accelerator for health care technology 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 18
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands Enterprise Agency projects: from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative 2 Fair land rights for women in Africa 3 Seed project offers equality for women farmers 4 Social impact entrepreneur Fadwa Moussaif is bringing together Moroccan craftman- ship and sustainable fashion 5 More and more female experts deployed in DSS crisis response 5 6 Dutch bag brand sets up Fairtrade production in More and more female experts deployed in DSS Bangladesh crisis response 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands The Dutch Surge Support (DSS) water programme offers humanitarian aid in disaster situations. DSS employs mostly Dutch aquatic experts to mitigate the consequences 8 The coronavirus pandemic as an accelerator for health care of disasters. DSS experts specialise in preventing disasters, preparing for them, and technology recovering from them. Traditionally, many men work in the humanitarian water sector. The last few years, however, DSS has employed and increasing amount of 9 “You do not woo clients like women in crisis situations. Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 19 MHPSS-expert Teresa Ombalo from Kenya
Case story Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands “As a woman, you have to make sure Work as passion Enterprise Agency projects: “As a woman, you have to make sure you are on top of the you are on top of the security situation security situation and curfew hours,” Teresa Ombalo says. from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative and curfew hours.” “But most challenges and opportunities for women and men are pretty much equal. I do this work because it is my 2 Fair land rights for women in DSS connects experts, specialised in water management passion, and I love it. I have met many men and women Africa and crisis response, to humanitarian organisations who are passionate about their work.” 3 Seed project offers equality for currently providing aid. These experts are often Dutch and women farmers work in crisis areas around the world on behalf of DSS. Show results Over the past few years, more and more of these experts One of her main challenges is making sure people 4 Social impact entrepreneur have been women. understand what mental health is. “There is no magical Fadwa Moussaif is bringing pill to make people feel better,” Teresa Ombalo says. “I together Moroccan craftman- MHPSS have to convince people that they have to participate to ship and sustainable fashion In 2020, DSS launched a new programme to offer mental get better. Many people in Africa do not have the same 5 More and more female healthcare and psychosocial support (MHPSS) to people frame of reference with regards to mental health and Post experts deployed in DSS crisis in disaster areas. This programme also employs experts in Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).” response crisis areas to coordinate and support the MHPSS aid. The Power of MHPSS 6 Dutch bag brand sets up The number of women employed within the MHPSS That is why Ombalo stresses it is so important to stay up Fairtrade production in programme is almost equal to the number of men. For to date in her field of work. “People have to see the Bangladesh example, the Kenyan expert Teresa Ombalo moved to results of your work,” Teresa Ombalo says. “They will Ethiopia for the MHPSS programme. There, she worked on recognise your expertise. So you have to know your stuff. 7 Gender in the new positioning fostering public support for the measures taken against Focus on your strength, and the strength of MHPSS, and of the Netherlands COVID-19. Working from the capital of Addis Ababa, she build on that. Stay on top of your game, every day.” 8 The coronavirus pandemic as quickly set up an effective policy to curb the spread of the an accelerator for health care disease. Read more about DSS-expert Teresa Ombalo’s story. technology 9 “You do not woo clients like The Dutch Surge Support (DSS) water programme responds to calls for water-related disaster relief, by deploying Dutch expertise. Experts from DSS use their knowledge to prevent disasters, make the right prepa- Google: they come to you” rations, or to facilitate fast recovery. Traditionally, it is mostly men that work in the humanitarian water sector, but in the last few years, more and more women are deployed in emergency areas on behalf of DSS. 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 20
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands Enterprise Agency projects: from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative 2 Fair land rights for women in Africa 3 Seed project offers equality for women farmers 4 Social impact entrepreneur Fadwa Moussaif is bringing together Moroccan craftman- ship and sustainable fashion 5 More and more female experts deployed in DSS crisis 6 response Dutch bag brand sets up Fairtrade 6 Dutch bag brand sets up production in Bangladesh Fairtrade production in Bangladesh MYoMY makes luxury handbags in India in a responsible manner. 7 Gender in the new positioning The brand is very successful, which explains why the Dutch company of the Netherlands has now opened a second production location in Bangladesh. 8 The coronavirus pandemic as “Without prefinancing from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency’s an accelerator for health care International Financing programme, I would not have taken this step.” technology 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with Taslima Miji (r) in her leather factory in Bangladesh the Ambassador 21
Video and case story Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands Marja Baas, the owner of MYoMY, noticed that manufac- with Taslima. “But setting up a new production line for Enterprise Agency projects: turers in the fashion industry did not always follow the leather bags calls for huge amounts of time and money. from Gender Aware to Gender principles of corporate social responsibility – far from it, I knew this because of my existing partnership in India. Transformative in fact. “I saw an opportunity to contribute in that area by That was an experience I was not at all eager to repeat.” making luxury handbags. That was the start of ‘MYoMY 2 Fair land rights for women in do goods’, a brand that makes sustainable leather bags Africa and accessories. MYoMY focuses on good working and "I was aware of the terrible working 3 Seed project offers equality for living conditions at the local production facilities in India and Bangladesh.” conditions there, as well as the women farmers oppression faced by women. 4 Social impact entrepreneur Tannery in Bangladesh Fadwa Moussaif is bringing In 2017, the growth of the MYoMY brand created a need I wanted to make a difference." together Moroccan craftman- for a second production location. Marja read a research ship and sustainable fashion report about the awful conditions in the leather industry At a conference in Albania, Marja found herself talking 5 More and more female in Bangladesh. “I asked the author of the report if he to an adviser from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. experts deployed in DSS crisis knew of a project that could use some extra support,” They told her about the possibilities for support from the response Marja says. The author directed her to Taslima Miji, Netherlands Enterprise Agency’s International Financing a female entrepreneur who owns the small tannery programme. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency provides 6 Dutch bag brand sets up Leatherina in Bangladesh. “I was aware of the terrible support to Dutch businesses looking to invest in or import Fairtrade production in working conditions there, as well as the oppression faced goods from developing countries. MYoMY benefited from Bangladesh by women. I wanted to make a difference.” the Dutch Good Growth Fund Technical Assistance programme. “It allowed me to pay for consultants of 7 Gender in the new positioning Setting up a production line my choosing, who I hired to buy the hides and provide of the Netherlands After an initial test order, Marja decided to continue working training and coaching to Taslima and her employees. 8 The coronavirus pandemic as an accelerator for health care technology The Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF) thinks it is of crucial importance that Dutch and local entrepreneurs in emerging economies and developing countries have the opportunity to work in a corporate social responsi- 9 “You do not woo clients like ble way. By increasing the access to financing for entrepreneurs and investors, DGGF connects aid and trade. Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 22
Video and case story Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands I also received prefinancing for the first shipping container grow into a leading producer. With a secure future for Enterprise Agency projects: of bags.” hundreds of people. from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative Leatherina is also one of the companies participating in the Watch the interview with Marja Baas en Taslima Miji: CBI project that helps Bangladeshi companies export to 2 Fair land rights for women in Europe. Due to COVID-19, a market orientation to Europe Africa was cancelled, but the partnership with MYoMY secured 3 Seed project offers equality for the largest order the company had ever had. Leatherina women farmers took appropriate measures for social distancing and was able to continue production in these difficult times. 4 Social impact entrepreneur Fadwa Moussaif is bringing New jobs together Moroccan craftman- Both entrepreneurs managed to set up a full production ship and sustainable fashion line in 10 months. The bags are now in 200 shops in the 5 More and more female Netherlands and abroad. A dream has come true, accor- experts deployed in DSS crisis ding to Marja. “Especially because we now have almost 45 response people working in a safe, protected environment in Bangladesh. More than half of them are women. Without 6 Dutch bag brand sets up the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, I would never have Fairtrade production in dared to do this.” CBI is currently helping Leatherina Bangladesh increase its buyer portfolio, as dependence on one buyer can be a risk. The expectation is that this company will 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands 8 The coronavirus pandemic as an accelerator for health care The Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) supports the transition to inclusive technology and sustainable economies. With the aim of strengthening the economic, social and environmental sustaina- bility of local SMEs, through the export of products and services to European and regional markets. 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 23
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands Enterprise Agency projects: from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative 2 Fair land rights for women in Africa 3 Seed project offers equality for women farmers 4 Social impact entrepreneur Fadwa Moussaif is bringing together Moroccan craftman- ship and sustainable fashion 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands 5 More and more female experts deployed in DSS crisis response 6 Dutch bag brand sets up Fairtrade production in NL Branding strives to enhance the Netherlands’ international Bangladesh reputation as a cooperation partner in efforts to address global societal challenges. In 2020 the new positioning of the 7 Gender in the new positioning Netherlands was launched, with ‘collaboration’ as a premise. of the Netherlands In this new strategy, inclusivity and gender play an important 8 The coronavirus pandemic as role. an accelerator for health care technology 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with Eva de Vries (l) and Deniece Reith (r) from NL Branding the Ambassador 24
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands Can you tell us something about the work you do at NL “We plan to expand the toolkit with Enterprise Agency projects: Branding? Deniece Reith, senior communication adviser at NL more first-hand accounts involving from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative Branding states, “Although NL Branding is an initiative of top sectors where successful women the Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs, a growing number 2 Fair land rights for women in of other ministries use our team as well. For example, we entrepreneurs are playing a leading Africa recently launched an important campaign for the Dutch role.” 3 Seed project offers equality for ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. women farmers attractive cooperation partner. In addition, the These projects always involve close cooperation with our Netherlands is eager to work with more parties in efforts 4 Social impact entrepreneur partners. Those partners might be top sectors like to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This is not Fadwa Moussaif is bringing agri-food, the creative industry or maritime & water, but only good for the world, but for us as well, because it will together Moroccan craftman- they can also be sector associations like NBTC Holland promote trade and investment. To that end, gender is an ship and sustainable fashion Marketing. Within these partnerships, we work to important theme for the Dutch government. Gender also 5 More and more female safeguard the positioning of the Netherlands, both in fits quite well within the context of our new positioning.” experts deployed in DSS crisis terms of content and when designing marketing response materials.” Which specific actions do you plan to take this year? Eva de Vries, account manager at NL Branding, answers, 6 Dutch bag brand sets up In what way does NL Branding take gender into account? “For the purposes of this new positioning, we have set up Fairtrade production in “Last year, we launched the new positioning campaign for a new platform called NL Platform. On this platform, you Bangladesh the Netherlands, which is completely centred on coopera- can see exactly how the Netherlands presents itself to the tion. Dutch people are renowned for their open, inventive outside world. We have also developed a new toolkit that 7 Gender in the new positioning and inclusive way of working, which makes our country an includes stories, templates and visuals that the embassies of the Netherlands 8 The coronavirus pandemic as an accelerator for health care The Netherlands contributes to peace, sustainability, international justice and knowledge sharing at an inter- technology national level. In addition, the Netherlands promotes actions based on a shared conviction that the only way to resolve global challenges is to work together. The NL Branding department of the Netherlands Enterprise 9 “You do not woo clients like Agency strives to enhance the Netherlands’ international reputation as a cooperation partner in efforts to Google: they come to you” address global societal challenges, as set out in the Sustainable Development Goals, known as the SDGs. 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 25
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands and our partners can use to convey the NL strategy. We What is your personal experience with gender issues? Enterprise Agency projects: plan to expand the toolkit with more first-hand accounts Eva answers, “Within some departments at the from Gender Aware to Gender involving top sectors where successful women entrepre- Netherlands Enterprise Agency, there is still progress to be Transformative neurs are playing a leading role, for example, because made. For a PIB dealing with fruit farming in Kazakhstan, they initiated a partnership within one of those top for example, I was asked to come up with a positioning 2 Fair land rights for women in sectors. By sharing their stories, these women can serve message. I was the only woman at a table with 12 men. Africa as a role model for other women.” That makes you think, My profession is still a man’s 3 Seed project offers equality for world, too.” women farmers “We also intend to add more visual material to the NL Platform and our toolkit, particularly images that focus on Luckily, Eva sees positive developments in her professio- 4 Social impact entrepreneur the human aspect. Great-looking photos of powerful nal field as well. “I happen to know that the Chilean Fadwa Moussaif is bringing women, such as those in management positions, would embassy now only accepts invitations to take part in a together Moroccan craftman- obviously make for good content. In this way, we can add panel if that panel includes women. Something like that ship and sustainable fashion substance to our new positioning by emphasising makes me very happy.” 5 More and more female inclusive leadership.” experts deployed in DSS crisis response How does the gender theme reflect in the PIB projects? The public-private partnerships managed by the 6 Dutch bag brand sets up Netherlands Enterprise Agency, which are referred to as Fairtrade production in Partners for International Business (PIB), are an important Bangladesh concern within NL Branding. Each of these partnerships between the government and the business community is www.nbtc.nl 7 Gender in the new positioning linked to a specific theme or top sector. Deniece conti- of the Netherlands nues: “These PIBs offer another opportunity for us to 8 The coronavirus pandemic as show more examples of women taking on important an accelerator for health care roles. If our texts and images portray women as powerful technology individuals, it will hopefully inspire other women to take on these roles of their own.” 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 26
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands Enterprise Agency projects: from Gender Aware to Gender Transformative 2 Fair land rights for women in Africa 3 Seed project offers equality for women farmers 4 Social impact entrepreneur Fadwa Moussaif is bringing 8 together Moroccan craftman- ship and sustainable fashion The coronavirus pandemic as an accelerator for 5 More and more female health care technology experts deployed in DSS crisis response For the second time, the Netherlands finds itself in lockdown. Nursing home 6 Dutch bag brand sets up residents can only see few visitors. Loneliness and physical and mental decline Fairtrade production in are real threats, especially for patients with dementia. In the current period, Bangladesh health care technologies that can offer them movement, contact and a sense of stability are more relevant than ever. Entrepreneur Hester Le Riche is the CEO 7 Gender in the new positioning of the Netherlands and founder of Tover (previously Active Cues). Tover took a conscious decision to invest heavily during the current crisis. As a result, the company has experienced 8 The coronavirus pandemic as significant growth. an accelerator for health care technology 9 “You do not woo clients like Google: they come to you” With the ‘Tovertafel’ interactive games are projected on a table 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 27
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands “Even before the coronavirus Enterprise Agency projects: from Gender Aware to Gender pandemic, we began taking our first Transformative steps abroad with the help of the 2 Fair land rights for women in Netherlands Enterprise Agency’s Africa business partner scans, trade 3 Seed project offers equality for women farmers missions and network.” 4 Social impact entrepreneur 2020, all the residents were suddenly locked up, as it Fadwa Moussaif is bringing were. No more visitors, no more activities. Everything that together Moroccan craftman- offered them routine and structure vanished overnight.” ship and sustainable fashion Now more than ever, it is vital that dementia patients 5 More and more female Hester Le Riche, CEO and founder of Tover keep moving. Movement improves both cognitive experts deployed in DSS crisis function and blood circulation. This, in turn, helps keep response Movement is crucial distress and passivity at bay. While exercise cannot stop The Tovertafel (Magic Table) is a beamer that projects the progression of dementia, there is some evidence that 6 Dutch bag brand sets up interactive games onto a tabletop. These games encourage it does slow it down. Fairtrade production in dementia patients to get some exercise. Hester explains, Bangladesh “Five years ago, we came up with the Tovertafel as a way to Online and interactive around the globe contribute to a loving and inclusive world. It is a means to Asked to describe the coronavirus pandemic in a single 7 Gender in the new positioning amaze and activate while also supporting care providers. word, Hester answers, “Acceleration. What we can offer of the Netherlands When the nursing homes had to close their doors in March people through the Tovertafel is more relevant than ever 8 The coronavirus pandemic as an accelerator for health care technology 'Groei over grenzen' (Growth beyond borders) is an ongoing campaign from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. In this campaign, Dutch women entrepreneurs are stimulated to 9 “You do not woo clients like realise their international ambitions. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency does this by promoting participation Google: they come to you” in missions, organising (online) network events, conducting campaigns and putting inspiring Dutch women 10 Virtual Coffee with entrepreneurs in the spotlight. the Ambassador 28
Interview Table of contents Foreword 1 Gender in Netherlands right now.” This explains Tover’s decision to make a drastic avenues. Despite everything, this will enable them to Enterprise Agency projects: change to how it operates. It made all its games directly continue helping patients and hopefully arrive at even from Gender Aware to Gender available to users. Also, the company introduced an online better health care solutions in the long term. Transformative environment that offers digital support and guidance to care providers. Hester explains: “Normally, we would visit During the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, 2 Fair land rights for women in nursing homes to show and install the product and to the Dutch Alzheimer’s Association partnered with the Africa provide technical support. Now, however, carers can Amsterdam Alzheimer Center and Pharos to study how 3 Seed project offers equality for complete online training courses and watch an interactive the measures to control the spread of the virus were women farmers video demonstration at their convenience. This saves a affecting people with dementia and their informal great deal of time – which is a precious commodity in the caregivers. Their research revealed that social isolation 4 Social impact entrepreneur health care sector.” and behavioural and psychological problems were Fadwa Moussaif is bringing common with dementia patients. together Moroccan craftman- "The online environment helps Tover support new clients ship and sustainable fashion as well. These include nursing homes in not only the Closing the nursing homes to visitors had a serious impact 5 More and more female Netherlands but all around the globe. The challenges we on elderly residents. The new socially-distanced society experts deployed in DSS crisis address are everywhere: the number of dementia patients resulted in feelings of loneliness and distress in older response worldwide is increasing by millions each year. Even before people. For dementia patients, such loneliness can have a the coronavirus pandemic, we began taking our first steps negative effect on both their behaviour and quality of life. 6 Dutch bag brand sets up abroad with the help of the Netherlands Enterprise Their family, friends and carers are often an important Fairtrade production in Agency’s business partner scans, trade missions and source of comfort and safety. Those contact moments offer Bangladesh network,” Hester continues. them the stability and structure they so desperately need. 7 Gender in the new positioning But in a country like Australia it can be hard to just pop Read more about the Growth beyond borders campaign of the Netherlands round to give a demonstration. Hester explains, “The (in Dutch). 8 The coronavirus pandemic as digital learning environment has proven useful for an accelerator for health care countries like that and makes it easier to offer remote technology support. As a result, we now do business in 14 different countries.” The end of the pandemic is not yet in sight. 9 “You do not woo clients like At the same time, the coronavirus pandemic is forcing Google: they come to you” health care technology developers to explore new 10 Virtual Coffee with the Ambassador 29
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