Winter 2022 Jan. 18-March 10 - Discover for yourself Courses, community, and research for learners 50+

Page created by Alberto Dawson
Winter 2022 Jan. 18-March 10 - Discover for yourself Courses, community, and research for learners 50+
Jan. 23 – March106
Discover    education
          for yourself
for the 50+ learner
Courses, community, and
research for learners 50+
   Photos: (above, right) Keegan Houser; (below) Max Godino

                                                                Now     within
                                                                Four courses
                                                                       page 11.
Winter 2022 Jan. 18-March 10 - Discover for yourself Courses, community, and research for learners 50+
Who We Are                                                                              Letter from the Director
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at
UC Berkeley is a dynamic learning community                                             With the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, we will
for explorers age 50 and up. An OLLI @Berkeley                                          have made our way through nearly two years of the
membership opens up a world of discovery:                                               pandemic, more than a year of relative isolation, and then
smart, curated courses — with no exams or                                               a fitful recovery.
grades — taught by Cal faculty and other scholars;                                      The OLLI community has shown remarkable resilience,
opportunities to participate in pivotal research;                                       and we have done our best to maintain momentum
and a year-round lineup of lectures, workshops,                                         and creativity in our programs and courses despite the
discussion groups, clubs and activities.                                                circumstances.

OLLI @Berkeley was established in 2007 with            I am proud of our work together. We have all changed, adapted, and then adapted again.
generous support from the Bernard Osher                As we look forward to next year, we anticipate more changes, including a wider return to
                                                       the live classroom. Some of the issues are simple: will traffic improve if confidence in public
Foundation and is one of more than 120 Osher
                                                       transit is restored? Some are more complex: if there are no new and worse variants, will we
Lifelong Learning Institutes in the country.
                                                       feel more comfortable being in a classroom?
Director: Susan Hoffman                                Even as we open up in-person courses, remote learning is here to stay. We are creating a
Curriculum Coordinator: Matt Shears                    flexible hybrid platform; you will have expanded choice and selections. The challenge is how
Marketing and Outreach Coordinator:                    to maintain both our live and online communities, and create a whole OLLI @Berkeley.
Nancy Murr
                                                       Writer Howard Rheingold defined virtual communities as “carrying on public discussions
Classroom and Facilities Coordinator:
                                                       long enough with sufficient human feeling to form webs of personal relationships in
Max Godino                                             cyberspace.” OLLI has done just that, and we will continue to do so even as we rebuild
Classroom Coordinators:                                our face-to-face community.
LaeCharles Lawrence, Jr., Rob Chew
                                                       Importantly, many of our courses this term will ask some fundamental questions about
Research Program Associate: Cheryl Brewster
                                                       America and our increasingly fractured world. How do we understand the concepts of
Contact Us                                             “empire” and “the other,” whether it is the U.S., China, or India, or a sweeping look at
OLLI @Berkeley                                         European art history, or even a declarative course on American opera?
UC Berkeley                                            OLLI @Berkeley’s aim is to animate the world with new vision and understanding. We can
1995 University Avenue, Suite 365                      promise you both in this winter term — whatever platform you choose.
Berkeley, CA 94704-1570
Website:                             May this be a year of positive memories and a welcome return to engaged learning!
Email:                      Fiat Lux,

                                                       Susan Hoffman

                                                               19 courses · Six in-person,
                                                          11 remote instruction, two encores
                                                                    Winter registration opens October 11
                                                                        Information at

                                                                     OLLI @Berkeley Faculty Showcase
                                                                        Friday, October 29, 1–2:30 p.m.
                                                              Hear directly from faculty about their winter courses. The Zoom link to
                                                                join will be available on our website and in digital communications.
     II                                Visit for syllabi and other information.
                                                     Photo: Max Godino
Winter 2022 Jan. 18-March 10 - Discover for yourself Courses, community, and research for learners 50+
Our large lecture courses will return to Freight    Course Fees by Membership Tier
& Salvage (F&S) Coffeehouse on Tuesdays             OLLI @Berkeley offers a range of dynamic courses, from large and lively lectures to smaller,
and Thursdays. F&S courses will also be             hands-on workshops. Course fees are based on membership and course types.
livestreamed and recorded. OLLI members
who register for F&S courses may choose                                   Single Term:         Annual:            Premium:           Annual:
to attend in person, participate in the class                             All Access           All Access         All Access         Encore Only
via livestream, and/or view a recording of
the class at a later date.
                                                      Lectures                                                    No additional
We will also reintroduce our small writing                                $155                 $155                                  Unavailable
                                                      Price A                                                     cost
workshops as in-person courses. Writing
workshops will take place in room 41B in
University Hall and are neither livestreamed          Workshops
                                                                          $235                 $235               $80                Unavailable
nor recorded. AlI in-person courses                   Price C
will run for six weeks, at 120 minutes
per session.
                                                      Encore                                                      No additional
                                                                          $120                 $120                                  $120
Should public health mandates or other                Price D                                                     cost
circumstances prevent us from delivering an
in-person class session, that session will be
offered remotely instead. If we are unable to
                                                    Staying Healthy                                     for eight consecutive weeks at 90 minutes
return to in-person courses, we will host the                                                           per session.
                                                    OLLI @Berkeley will follow all UC Berkeley,
courses remotely.
                                                    City of Berkeley, and venue-issued health
                                                                                                        In-person Instruction: Courses run for
Membership Tiers                                    mandates in order to safely provide
                                                                                                        six consecutive weeks at 120 minutes
Membership is a prerequisite for                    programming. Updated information will be
                                                                                                        per session. If we are unable to return to
participating in our learning community.            provided on our website and in our digital
                                                                                                        in-person courses, we will host the courses
Membership options are listed below.                communications. This situation remains fluid
                                                                                                        remotely, instead.
                                                    and subject to change.
Single Term: All Access                                                                                 Note: All courses total 12 instruction hours.
Benefits: Access to registration for all courses,   Fee Assistance Program
events, and special program offerings.              Fee assistance is available on a sliding scale if   Zoom
Price: $50                                          costs present a barrier to your participation.      Zoom is a video conferencing tool that you
                                                    To be considered, download an application           will use to participate in livestream OLLI
Annual: All Access                                                                                      courses and special events. You must have
Benefits: Access to registration for all courses,                                                       a Zoom account to access courses and
events, and special program offerings for four      Affiliate Discount                                  events. Zoom links will be made available on
consecutive terms.                                  Members of the following groups can receive
                                                                                                        your member dashboard.
Price: $100                                         a $10 discount on Annual or Premium
                                                    OLLI memberships:                                   Course Changes
Premium: All Access                                                                                      • Course schedules and faculty are subject
                                                      • Cal Alumni Association (CAA)
Benefits: Access to registration for all courses,                                                          to change. Please refer to our website
                                                      • Current faculty/staff at UC Berkeley,
events, and special program offerings for four                                                             for the most current listings.
                                                        LBNL, and UCOP
consecutive terms beginning winter 2022. .
                                                    Discounts do not apply to Encore Only                • Courses can be dropped up to seven
Price: $950
                                                    memberships. Additional discounts cannot be            days prior to the start of the term for
Annual: Encore Only                                 applied to Fee Assistance memberships.                 a refund. Contact us at berkeley_olli@
Benefits: Access to encore courses                                                                prior to the deadline to be
and events.                                         Course Structure                                       issued a refund.
Price: $25                                          Remote Instruction: Monday courses
                                                    and iPhoneography are remote instruction
                                                    courses that run for six weeks at 120 minutes
                                                    per session. All other remote courses run

                                                                                                                               OLLI @Berkeley 1
Winter 2022 Jan. 18-March 10 - Discover for yourself Courses, community, and research for learners 50+
MONDAYS                     TUESDAYS                             WEDNESDAYS                  THURSDAYS
1/24–3/7                    1/18–2/22                            1/19–3/9                    1/20–2/24
(No class 1/17, 2/21)

10 a.m.–noon                10 a.m.–noon                         9:30–11 a.m.                10 a.m.–noon
Race and European Art       The Invention of                     Cooking with Winter         Two Superpowers: China
Letha Ch’ien                Tomorrow                             Produce                     and India
Livestream + Recorded       Tamim Ansary                         Linda Carucci               Darren Zook
Price A                     F&S, In Person                       Livestream + Recorded       F&S, In Person
                            Livestream + Recorded                Price A                     Livestream + Recorded
10 a.m.–noon                Price A                                                          (Begins 1/27; ends 3/3)
Shored Against Our Ruin:                                         9:30–11 a.m.                Price A
High Modernist Poetry       10 a.m.–noon                         Alvar Aalto: An Architect
Stephanie Wells             Writing a Legacy Letter              Designing in Nature         1–3 p.m.
Livestream Only             Sara Orem                            Pierluigi Serraino          The Kennedy Dynasty
Price A                     University Hall 41B, In Person       Livestream + Recorded       Mick Chantler
                            Price C                              Price C                     F&S, In Person
1–3 p.m.                                                                                     Livestream + Recorded
China’s Transitional        1–3 p.m.                             Noon–1:30 p.m.              Price A
Economy: From Socialism     I Hear America Singing:              The Fab Four and the
to Global Capitalism… and   Adventures in American               Stones: How America         1–3 p.m.
Into the Unknown?           Opera                                Surrendered to the          Five Personal Pieces
Lanchih Po                  Clifford “Kip” Cranna                Advance Guard of the        Deborah Lichtman
Livestream + Recorded       F&S, In Person                       British Invasion            University Hall 41B, In Person
Price A                     Livestream Only                      Pete Elman                  Price C
                            Price A                              Livestream Only
1–3 p.m.                                                         Price A
Botanic Illustration in     1–3 p.m.
Colored Pencil              iPhoneography                        Noon–1:30 p.m.
Jennifer Linderman          Yoni Mayeri                          Human Impacts of Global
Livestream Only             Livestream Only                      Climate Change
Price C                     (No class 1/25, 2/1; class will be   Ken Verosub
                            held 3/1, 3/8)                       Livestream + Recorded
                            Price C                              Price A

                                                                 2:30–4 p.m.
                                                                 Global Lens: The
                                                                 Michael Fox
                                                                 Livestream + Recorded
                                                                 Price A

                                                                 2:30–4 p.m.
                                                                 Sustenance and Creative
                                                                 Exploration in Chaotic
                                                                 Lauren Vanett
                                                                 Livestream Only
                                                                 Price C

          2                    Visit for syllabi and other information.
Winter 2022 Jan. 18-March 10 - Discover for yourself Courses, community, and research for learners 50+
Starts 1/24 (No class on 1/18 or 2/21)                                 Monday

Special Events
(See p. 11)


In-person lecture courses
(Tuesdays and Thursdays)
will take place at the Freight
& Salvage Coffeehouse
(2020 Addison St., Berkeley).
These courses will also be
livestreamed and recorded.

In-person workshops
(Writing a Legacy Letter
and Five Personal Pieces)
will take place in room 41B in
University Hall (2018 Oxford
St., Berkeley).

Livestream courses will
stream live at the scheduled                                        Image: Copy of “Series of the Four Parts of the World. Asia” Luca Giordano, 1687–89
time and will not be recorded
for viewing later. Zoom links
are found on your member
dashboard.                         Monday courses are remote                               Where did these ideas come from? What can
                                   instruction courses; sessions last                      we learn from art objects about the formation
Livestream + Recorded              120 minutes                                             of race? And lastly, how do we think about
courses will stream live at the                                                            them now?
scheduled time and will be         Race and European Art
recorded for viewing later.        Letha Ch’ien                                            Letha Ch’ien (Ph.D., UC Berkeley) is an assistant
Course videos will post on         10 a.m.–noon                                            professor of art history at Sonoma State
the Friday following the live                                                              University. She has been a fellow at the Arizona
                                   Livestream + Recorded
session of class and will remain                                                           Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at
available throughout the term.     Price A
                                                                                           Arizona State University and the Townsend Center
                                   How did European art create ideologies of race          for the Humanities at UC Berkeley, in addition to
Encore courses are pre-
                                   and racism over the centuries that produced             being the recipient of Fulbright, Gladys Krieble
recorded courses that were
provided live in a previous        some of the world’s most lauded art? We                 Delmas Foundation, and Mabelle McLeod Lewis
term. Course videos are posted     consider the categories of “race” and “European         fellowships. She has lectured internationally on
on the first day of the term.      art” together, reflecting on how concepts in art        visual art in early modern multi-ethnic societies.
Encore course listings can be      have surprisingly long lives. As we reckon with         She contributes regularly to the San Francisco
found on page 10.                  European art from antiquity, the Middle Ages,           Chronicle.
                                   Renaissance and the early modern period, we ask:

                                                                                                                            OLLI @Berkeley 3
Winter 2022 Jan. 18-March 10 - Discover for yourself Courses, community, and research for learners 50+
Monday (cont.)

Shored Against Our Ruin: High                    Lanchih Po is associate adjunct professor
Modernist Poetry                                 in global studies and the Department of East
Stephanie Wells                                  Asian Languages and Cultures at UC Berkeley.
10 a.m.–noon                                     She received her doctorate from the
Livestream Only                                  Department of City and Regional Planning at
Price A                                          UC Berkeley in 2001. Her research interests
                                                 encompass divergent developmental paths in
Modern poetry has been shaped by the
                                                 China’s transitional economies.
voices of a few giants whose innovations
redefined the way we understand the genre.
                                                 Botanic Illustration in
This class will examine what’s academically
                                                 Colored Pencil
referred to as “high modernism” in poetry,
                                                 Jennifer Linderman
focusing specifically on what constitutes
                                                 1–3 p.m.
modernism, against what sociohistorical
                                                 Livestream Only
events and artistic traditions is it reacting,
                                                 Price C
and how it fits into the larger literary
tradition of western English-language poetry.    Botanic illustration boasts a rich history of
We’ll read works from T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound,    detail-oriented renderings of plants, flowers,
W.B. Yeats, W.H. Auden, e.e. cummings,           fruits and vegetables...and this class is no
William Carlos Williams, and Wallace Stevens.    different! We will learn how to closely study
                                                 our live subjects utilizing methods deeply
Stephanie Wells has a B.A. from Berkeley,
                                                 seeded in the traditions of this very beautiful
an M.A. from the University of Virginia,
                                                 art form. Colored pencil will be used to
and a Ph.D. from UC Davis with a focus on
                                                 render our subjects, using techniques such as
modernism and postmodernism in American
                                                 color matching, layering, blending, and adding
and British novels and poetry. She has been
                                                 texture. Botanic illustration is a wonderful
a literature professor for over 20 years and
                                                 way to get back to nature and rediscover the
currently teaches at the College of Marin.
                                                 beauty of planet Earth!

China’s Transitional Economy:                    Jennifer Linderman is a self-taught artist
From Socialism to Global                         with a passion for teaching art to all ages.
Capitalism…and Into the                          She is a mixed-media artist working mainly in
Unknown?                                         colored pencil, markers, and ink. Her favorite
Lanchih Po                                       subjects to draw/paint are animals, people,
1–3 p.m.                                         and botanic subjects. Her work is known for
Livestream + Recorded                            using bright, saturated, and bold colors along
Price A                                          with fun and contemporary patterns.

This course offers a comprehensive overview
of China’s political economy in the wake of
its economic reforms since the late 1970s.
We will discuss how a market economy
gradually emerged from a command
economy, the dramatic processes of
industrialization and urbanization, China’s
integration with the global market, and how
Xi Jinping is trying to remake the Chinese
                                                                                     Photo: Li Yang

    4                                Visit for syllabi and other information.
Winter 2022 Jan. 18-March 10 - Discover for yourself Courses, community, and research for learners 50+
Starts 1/18            Tuesday

The Invention of Tomorrow                            patients and families to express forgiveness,      iPhoneography
Tamim Ansary                                         thanks, and love. You will write the foundation    Yoni Mayeri
10 a.m.–noon                                         of a legacy letter in this class, with help from   1–3 p.m.
In Person at F&S                                     Stanford legacy letter worksheets and other        Livestream Only
Livestream + Recorded                                resources. No writing experience is required.      (No class 1/25, 2/1; class will be held 3/1, 3/8)
Price A                                                                                                 Price C
                                                     Sara Orem has published three nonfiction
History tells the story that brought us here.        books and writes weekly with two local             Learn how to expertly capture images,
The Invention of Tomorrow addresses the              groups. Her writing has appeared in                edit, and create extraordinary photographs
story that might unfold going forward from           Minneapolis-area news outlets, the San             using solely your iPhone. Gain inspiration to
here over the next 50 years. Based on what we        Francisco Chronicle, and The Greater Good          find your creative vision and expand your
are doing now, what does the future hold for         Magazine (published by the Greater Good            technical knowledge. By the end of this
our environment? Where is geopolitics headed         Science Center at UC Berkeley). She has            workshop, you will understand the ins and
— is China on the rise, and is the West in           created legacy letters for her three daughters     outs of iPhone photography. Presentations
decline? What will become of the nation-state        and her beloved grandson.                          will cover photography techniques and tips
in the age of cyberspace? How will AI, robotics,                                                        for shooting, exposing, and processing using
and genetic engineering change what “human”          I Hear America Singing:                            your iPhone; a review of all the features built
means? What is the future of parenting, family,      Adventures in American Opera                       into the camera for shooting and Photos app
gender, and selfhood? Finally, what epic story       Clifford “Kip” Cranna                              for editing and organizing your images; and
might we craft to give our species as a whole        1–3 p.m.                                           live demos of third-party apps for editing,
the sense of shared peoplehood we will need          In Person at F&S                                   special effects, and image manipulations
to deal with the global crisis we are facing as a    Livestream + Recorded                              that will take your photographs from so-so
global human “we”?                                   Price A                                            to wow. We will review saving, printing,
                                                                                                        accessories for the iPhone, and ways to share
Tamim Ansary writes about history, culture,          Take a journey through the multifarious
                                                                                                        your photography.
and identity. His books include Destiny              world of American opera, exploring the
Disrupted, A History of the World Through            groundbreaking, distinctly American work           Yoni Mayeri is a professional photographer
Islamic Eyes, and Games Without Rules, a             of composers like John Philip Sousa, Scott         who began her career at Polaroid and
history of Afghanistan. His latest book, The         Joplin, George Gershwin, and Virgil Thomson;       Nikon, and had studios in San Francisco and
Invention of Yesterday, explores world history       masterful mid-century operas by Gian Carlo         Berkeley. Her iPhoneography workshops
as an interaction among global narratives.           Menotti, Leonard Bernstein, Samuel Barber,         have been presented at UC Berkeley,
                                                     Aaron Copland, and Carlisle Floyd; repertoire-     Stanford University, Saint Mary’s College,
Writing a Legacy Letter                              enriching works by Stewart Wallace, Mark           Rancho La Puerta, the Pacific Art League,
Sara Orem                                            Adamo, and André Previn, and more. The fertile     Stanford Research Park, Google, the Garden
10 a.m.–noon                                         fields of American opera beckon us to new          Club of America, and elsewhere.
University Hall 41B, In Person Only                  discoveries, and you are invited to join in the
Price C                                              journey of ground-breaking masterworks from
                                                     the early 20th century through our own time.
The last third of our lives is the perfect time
to conceive a legacy letter that evokes the          Kip Cranna, Dramaturg Emeritus of San
meaning of our lives and those we love. “It is a     Francisco Opera, served on the staff for 40
non-legal document that passes on important          years. He holds a Ph.D. in musicology from
information to our loved ones,” writes Beth          Stanford. Kip has taught at OLLI @Berkeley
LaMie in the book Legacy Letters From Your           since 2018 and also teaches at several other
Heart. Also called an ethical will, the legacy       Bay Area institutions, including the Fromm
letter began as a Jewish practice over 3,000         Institute at USF. In 2008, he was awarded the
years ago. More recently, Stanford geriatrician      San Francisco Opera Medal, the company’s
VJ Periyakoil started a writing tradition with her   highest honor.

                                                                                                                                  OLLI @Berkeley 5
Winter 2022 Jan. 18-March 10 - Discover for yourself Courses, community, and research for learners 50+
Wednesday Starts 1/19

Cooking with Winter Produce                      architecture, and his work and writing have       Human Impacts of Global
Linda Carucci                                    been published in professional and scholarly      Climate Change
9:30–11 a.m.                                     journals.                                         Ken Verosub
Livestream + Recorded                                                                              12–1:30 p.m.
Price A                                          The Fab Four and the Stones:                      Livestream + Recorded
                                                 How America Surrendered                           Price A
The Bay Area’s winter harvest brings us fruits
                                                 to the Advance Guard of the
and vegetables imbued with magnificent                                                             Has media coverage of climate change got
                                                 British Invasion
color, flavor, and nutrients. Each week, we’ll                                                     you confused? This eight-session course
                                                 Pete Elman
Zoom into the home kitchen of Oakland                                                              will look at each aspect of global climate
                                                 Noon–1:30 p.m.
culinary educator Linda Carucci and watch                                                          change (including global warming, sea-
                                                 Livestream Only
her prepare both savory and sweet recipes                                                          level rise, drought, flooding, and extreme
                                                 Price A
that feature the best of the season’s produce.                                                     weather) using straightforward language
Please note: These are demonstration (not        In 1964, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones       — no sophisticated mathematical formulas,
“cook-along”) classes. Downloadable recipes      came, saw, and conquered. They took our           no fancy theoretical models, no impractical
will be provided each week.                      original art form, rock and roll, and shoved it   policy proposals, no magic bullets. Just
                                                 back in our faces, showing us how it could —      plain talk. For each topic, we will look at the
Linda Carucci is a former California
                                                 and should — be done, and making history          underlying causes, current observations
Culinary Academy dean and granddaughter
                                                 and untold millions while doing it. This          and trends, future expectations, and
of an Italian cheesemaker. She is the author
                                                 course will examine how American blues,           realistic mitigation methods. By the end of
of Cooking School Secrets for Real World
                                                 rock and roll, rockabilly, and R&B served as      this course, you should be better able to
Cooks, a finalist for James Beard and Julia
                                                 the musical launching pad for arguably the        understand global climate change and to
Child First Book awards. She’s excited to
                                                 two greatest bands of all time. The course        follow its evolution into the next decade.
share her craft with you.
                                                 will examine eight phases in the history of
                                                                                                   Ken Verosub is distinguished professor
                                                 each band. Although the Rolling Stones have
Alvar Aalto: An Architect                        been together since 1962, our class will only
                                                                                                   emeritus in the Department of Earth and
Designing in Nature                              look at that period when both bands were
                                                                                                   Planetary Sciences at UC Davis. His interests
Pierluigi Serraino                                                                                 range from understanding the Earth’s
                                                 active, from 1962 to 1970. We will take a look
9:30–11 a.m.                                                                                       magnetic field to deciphering the Earth’s
                                                 at why one band lasted seven years — but
Livestream + Recorded                                                                              climate. At present, he is studying the
                                                 their music will last forever — while the other
Price A                                                                                            interface between geologic processes and
                                                 band has lasted nearly 60 years.
                                                                                                   human activity.
The seminal work of Finnish master Alvar
                                                 Pete Elman is a musician, producer, teacher,
Aalto (1898-1976) has a profound and lasting
                                                 writer, and author of a new book on unsung        Global Lens: The International
effect in architecture and product design.
                                                 minority sports heroes, In the Shadow of          Documentary
This course delves into the principles feeding
                                                 Obscurity. He has taught many OLLI classes,       Michael Fox
the conception of numerous landmarks
                                                 such as A Rock ’n’ Roll Road Trip, Country        2:30–4 p.m.
that are rooted in their sites and time while
                                                 Music, Folk, Motown, Bruce Springsteen, Van       Livestream + Recorded
embodying universal ideas. His relationship
                                                 Morrison, It’s All About the Song, Memphis        Price A
with Northern California architects and the
                                                 Soul, Great Voices, and, most recently, Let
North American scene will be examined for                                                          The view from abroad, courtesy of foreign
                                                 it Rock.
its influence in the development of design                                                         filmmakers speaking primarily to viewers in
culture in the United States.                                                                      their own countries, is refreshing, revealing,
                                                                                                   and occasionally jarring. This course’s
Pierluigi Serraino is a practicing architect,
                                                                                                   lineup of films encompasses a range of
author, and educator. He holds multiple
                                                                                                   documentary approaches and techniques,
professional and research degrees in
                                                                                                   with each film — most of which haven’t
architecture from Italy and the United
                                                                                                   screened in the U.S. — followed by a
States. He is the author of eight books on

    6                                Visit for syllabi and other information.
Winter 2022 Jan. 18-March 10 - Discover for yourself Courses, community, and research for learners 50+
Starts 1/20          Thursday

discussion of its goals, strategies, aesthetics,   China and India: A Tale of Two                    White House. In addition to their political
and ethics. We will examine central aspects        Superpowers                                       impact, the Kennedys became cultural icons,
of nonfiction filmmaking including the             Darren Zook                                       spawning fashion trends, and epitomizing a
representation of reality, the properties          10 a.m.–noon                                      certain brand of American “cool.” Whether
of storytelling, and the interplay between         In Person at F&S                                  one admired the Kennedys or hated them,
advocacy and art.                                  Livestream + Recorded                             no one can deny their lasting significance. In
                                                   (Begins 1/27; ends 3/3)                           this course, we will examine the personal lives
Michael Fox is a film journalist and critic for
                                                   Price A                                           and careers of these remarkable figures.
KQED Arts, among other outlets. A member
of the San Francisco Bay Area Film Critics         China and India have long aspired to              Mick Chantler has been a student of
Circle and inductee in the San Francisco           superpower status, not just within Asia but       American history for over 50 years. His
Film Society’s Essential SF, he has taught         on a global scale as well, and yet the two        primary interests include the Revolutionary
documentary classes at the OLLI programs           countries could not be more different in          War period and the Civil War/Reconstruction
at UC Berkeley and San Francisco State for         both their path to get there and their vision     era. Mick teaches at a number of Bay Area
15 years.                                          of what to do once they have arrived. This        Osher programs, including UC Berkeley,
                                                   course will examine both countries in great       Sonoma State, Dominican University, and the
Sustenance and Creative                            detail — not just in terms of geopolitics but     University of Santa Clara.
Exploration in Chaotic Times                       also in terms of cultural, social, and economic
Lauren Vanett                                      change — both on their own terms and              Five Personal Pieces:
2:30–4 p.m.                                        in comparative perspective. What does             Experimenting with
Livestream Only                                    their rise mean for the rest of Asia? For the     Autobiography
Price C                                            United States? And will this continue to be a     Deborah Lichtman
                                                   superpower rivalry, or is there any prospect      1–3 p.m.
Since the pandemic, we’ve all had to grapple
                                                   of cooperation and collaboration between          University Hall 41B, In Person Only
with many unknowns and still function in
                                                   the two? We’ll answer those questions and         Price C
the best possible way. In this interactive,
                                                   so much more as we explore both of these
experiential, and supportive class, you’ll look                                                      This course will give you the tools to identify
                                                   dynamic and fascinating countries.
back at what you’ve done for sustenance                                                              and dramatize important memories. You’ll
so far and move forward by creating                Darren Zook teaches global studies and            practice literary techniques that we study in
something new for yourself — a practice,           political science at UC Berkeley, where he has    published works. You’ll write in class, share
an experience, or a project (something             been a faculty member for 19 years.               your work with others, and submit some
concrete). We’ll use guided meditations                                                              pages, if you choose, for the instructor’s
and other techniques along with principles         The Kennedy Dynasty                               feedback. Your life story will emerge in
of creativity and evidence-based strategies        Mick Chantler                                     sketches of character and setting, action
from positive psychology, neuroscience, and        1–3 p.m.                                          and dialogue, sensory description and
mindfulness to help us gain more flexibility,      In Person at F&S                                  retrospective reflection, in a portfolio of five
choice, and ease with the challenges of living     Livestream + Recorded                             personal pieces, each with a different focus.
in chaotic times.                                  Price A
                                                                                                     Deborah Lichtman has taught literature
Lauren Vanett, an educator for 40                  America has had a number of prominent             and writing for 30 years. She directed the
years and an OLLI instructor since 2010,           family political dynasties — the Adamses,         MFA in Writing Program at the University of
teaches hands-on courses utilizing positive        the Roosevelts, and the Bushes immediately        San Francisco and was visiting professor at
psychology, creativity, neuroscience,              come to mind. But no family was more              Mills College and UC Berkeley. She holds a
mindfulness, and the wisdom of grief.              influential, or glamorous, over a prolonged       doctorate in English from UC Berkeley. This is
Now retired, she spent most of her career          stretch of time than Joseph Kennedy and his       her 10th year of teaching at OLLI @Berkeley.
creating programs for the community at San         progeny. For over seven decades, a Kennedy
Francisco State University.                        served in the diplomatic corps, in the halls
                                                   of Congress and the Senate, and in the

                                                                                                                            OLLI @Berkeley 7
Winter 2022 Jan. 18-March 10 - Discover for yourself Courses, community, and research for learners 50+
Friday Starts 1/28

                                                         Photo: Original black and white, Marion S. Trikosko, 1963. Colorized, Jordan J. Lloyd, Library of Congress.

Friday Special                                  January 28
                                                TOWN HALL
                                                                                                           February 18
                                                                                                           AMERICA’S UNFINISHED WORK
Events                                          Understanding Others: Charting
                                                a Better Path to Diversity and
                                                                                                           Voter Suppression
                                                                                                           Abdi Soltani, Executive Director, ACLU of
Friday Special Events are traditional speaker   Social Justice                                             Northern California
series events and are open to the public.       Facilitated by Darren Zook
Specially focused speaker series events
                                                                                                           February 25
include “America’s Unfinished Work,” an
                                                February 4                                                 AMERICA’S UNFINISHED WORK
ongoing investigation of race in America,
                                                AMERICA’S UNFINISHED WORK                                  Bans on Inclusive Education
and Town Halls, featuring panel discussions
                                                Defund Fear: Safety Without                                and How to Fight Them: A
that address a central theme. Friday Special
                                                Policing, Prisons, and                                     First Amendment Litigator’s
Events take place from 10:30–11:30 a.m.,
                                                Punishment                                                 Perspective
unless otherwise noted. Zoom links to public
                                                Zach Norris, Executive Director, Ella Baker                Emerson J. Sykes, Senior Staff Attorney,
events will appear on the events calendar on
                                                Center for Human Rights                                    Speech, Privacy and Technology Project,
our website (
events) and will be made available in our
digital communications.                         February 11
                                                BioInspired Design: Compressed
                                                Cockroaches, Gliding Geckos,
                                                and Smart Squirrels
                                                Robert Full, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
                                                Professor of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley

    8                                Visit for syllabi and other information.
Encore Courses

Encore Courses                                  Ensuing lectures will consider and evaluate
                                                his foreign and domestic policies over the
                                                                                                 separation of church and state to the
                                                                                                 Vatican’s complete synthesis of the Catholic
Encore courses are previously recorded          past 20 years.                                   church and state, or from Indonesia’s
courses that were well-received by the                                                           Muslim-majority secular democracy to the
                                                George Breslauer has been a UC Berkeley
membership during their live run. Encore                                                         Islamic Republic of Iran, there is a seemingly
                                                professor since 1971. He is the author or
course videos will be made available on the                                                      endless array of ideas and examples of how
                                                editor of 13 books on the USSR, post-Soviet
first day of the term (Tuesday, January 18)                                                      to relate religion and politics. Where does
                                                Russia, and the evolution of communism
and will remain available throughout the                                                         the relationship work best? Where does it fall
                                                around the world. A Distinguished Teaching
duration of the term. Encore courses include                                                     apart and even lead to violent conflict? Using
                                                Award recipient, Breslauer is also a fellow of
one live conversation with the instructor.                                                       examples from around the world and a broad
                                                the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
                                                                                                 selection of world religions, this course will
                                                programs, including those at Sonoma
                                                                                                 try to answer the eternally vexing question
Putin’s Russia                                  State University, Dominican University, and
                                                                                                 of when, if ever, politics and religion can fit
George Breslauer                                UC Berkeley.
Live Conversation: Friday, March 4, 11 a.m.–
noon                                            Faith in Politics                                Darren Zook teaches global studies and
Price D                                         Darren Zook                                      political science at UC Berkeley, where he has
                                                Live Conversation: Friday, March 4, 10–11 a.m.   been a faculty member for 19 years.
This course will examine the entirety of
Vladimir Putin’s leadership. We will begin by   Price D
examining the inheritance bequeathed to         What role, if any, should religion play in
Putin by Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin.   politics? From the French system of the

                                                                                                                        Photo: Svetlana Tikhonova


                                                                                                                       OLLI @Berkeley 9
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute                                                                           NON-PROFIT ORG
University of California, Berkeley                                                                          U.S. POSTAGE
1995 University Avenue, Suite                                                                               PAID
365 Berkeley, CA 94704
                                                                                                            UNIVERSITY OF

       Adventures of the mind for explorers 50+

                                                                                        Photo: Max Godino

         19 courses · Six in-person, 11 remote
               instruction, two encores
                    Winter registration opens October 11
                        Information at
                     OLLI @Berkeley Faculty Showcase
                        Friday, October 29, 1–2:30 p.m.
              Hear directly from faculty about their winter courses. The Zoom link to
                join will be available on our website and in digital communications.

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