WINTER 2021-2022 - Muskegon Museum of Art

Page created by Deborah Fisher
WINTER 2021-2022 - Muskegon Museum of Art
WINTER 2021-2022
WINTER 2021-2022 - Muskegon Museum of Art
    Muskegon Museum of Art
    296 W. Webster Ave.
                                            CONTENTS                                               Board of Trustees
                                                                                                   Muskegon Museum of Art
    Muskegon, MI 49440                                                                             Foundation
    231.720.2570                            From the Director                                  3   Frank Bednarek, Chair                                                                          Kimberly Van Kampen, Vice Chair
    The Journal is a quarterly              Shaping the Future Museum Expansion                4   Claudia Berry, Secretary
    publication of the                                                                             John Pridnia, Treasurer
    Muskegon Museum of Art                  Collection Highlight                               5
                                                                                                   Nancy Crandall
    Vol. 38, Issue 1
                                            Exhibitions                                        6   Gayle R. Davis
                                                                                                   Tom DeVoursney
    SUN     11 am – 5 pm                    Education                                         12   Robert A. Dubault
    TUES 11 am – 5 pm                                                                              Trip Johnson
                                            Volunteers and Staff News                         14
    WED 11 am – 5 pm                                                                               Michael Olthoff
    THU     11 am – 8 pm                    Calendar                                          15   Eric Ringelberg
    FRI     11 am – 5 pm                                                                           Gil Segovia
    SAT     11 am – 5 pm                    Friends of Art                                    16   John Swanson
    Hours are subject to change.                                                                   Jonathan Wilson
    Please check our website.               Support                                           16   Chris Witham
    $10 Adult | $8 Senior 65+               Cultural Partners                                 19
                                                                                                   Museum of Art Staff
    $6 Student 17 & up with I.D.
                                                                                                   Kirk Hallman
    Free through age 16
                                                                                                   Executive Director
    Free for MMA Members
                                                                                                   Catherine Mott
    Free Admission Thursdays                Visit our website and social media channels for        Assistant Director
    Underwritten by                         updated information as it becomes available.           Val Anderson
    The Meijer Foundation                                                                          Membership Assistant
                                            MMA E-News! Sign up for MMA E-News at                  Dee Arnold-Johnson
                                                       Head Custodian

                                                                    Kristina Broughton
                                                                                                   Director of Marketing
                                            Follow us:                                             Lee Brown
    Museums for All gives free                                                                     Cathleen Dubault
    admission for EBT card holders,                                                                House Manager
    up to 4 people per card.                                                                       Kelli Hepler
                                                                                                   Executive Assistant
    Program support is provided by                                                                 Shawnee Larabee
    the Michigan Council for Arts and
                                                                                                   Accounting Manager
    Cultural Affairs, an affiliate of the
    National Endowment for the Arts                                                                Art Martin
    and the Michigan Humanities                                                                    Director of Collections &
    Council, an affiliate of the National                                                          Exhibitions/Senior Curator
    Endowment for the Humanities.                                                                  Kelly Mavis
                                                                                                   Store Manager
                                                                                                   James Milostan
                                                                                                   Collections Manager
                                                                                                   Heather Placko
                                                                                                   Curator of Education

    The Muskegon Museum of Art is
    fully accredited by the American                                                               William Lester Stevens
    Alliance of Museums.                                                                           (American, 1888-1969)
                                                                                                   Winter Country Scene
                                                                                                   Oil on canvas, not dated
WINTER 2021-2022 - Muskegon Museum of Art

                             Message from the Director

                                                                                                              DIRECTOR MESSAGES
                             It is such an exciting time at the Muskegon Museum of Art. We are
                             presenting some extraordinary exhibitions in the coming months, we have
                             added some great pieces of art to the permanent collection, and our museum
                             expansion project is moving forward to a ground breaking next year.
                             You will want to make the MMA a destination over the winter months. On
                             January 6, we are opening miniARTure Golf, a fully playable 9-hole mini
                             golf course, each challenging hole based on a work of art from the MMA’s
                             permanent collection. A great winter activity for the entire family or contact
Kirk Hallman                 us to reserve an evening for a private corporate golf outing.
Executive Director           As of this writing there is still time to catch Edward S. Curtis: Unpublished
Muskegon Museum of Art       Alaska and take in the immersive Tiff Massey: Jewelry Box installation as well
                             as seeing what is new with the MMA permanent collection.
Photo by Frederic Reinecke
                             We continue to move forward with our expansion project. We are fully
                             immersed with our architectural team in the design phase and thanks to
                             the generosity of our supporters, we will have a new museum you all can
                             be proud of. We are still seeking contributions as construction costs have
                             increased substantially since the inception of the project. As we close out a
                             successful 2021, the timing is perfect for an end-of-year gift toward museum
                             expansion. Contact me and I would be glad to discuss.
                             There are many more details in your MMA Journal. Thank you for your support
                             in what has been a great year. We are so glad you are a member in this
                             transformative time at the Muskegon Museum of Art.
                             Kirk Hallman
WINTER 2021-2022 - Muskegon Museum of Art
                     of Expansion                                  We’re adding three new
                     •   Grand Hall for Major Exhibitions          galleries and two new
                     •   Two New Galleries for Special             classroom activity areas,

                         Rotating Exhibitions
                     •   Two New Classrooms to Support
                                                                   along with storage and
                         Educational Programs                      work space to meet these
                     •   Family Activity Area                      challenges and sustain
                     •   New Barrier-Free Entry
                                                                   this cultural treasure for
                     •   Additional Storage and Workshop Spaces
                     •   Expanded Space for Museum
                                                                   generations to come.
                         Store/Visitor Services

                     Message from the
                     Trustees & Cabinet                           Our Goal for this Effort
                     Two factors are driving the Muskegon
                     Museum of Art expansion initiative:          Sustain the Museum for the next
                                                                  century by keeping it alive, well,
                         1. There is not sufficient space        and relevant.
                             to display the permanent
                             collection.                          We appreciate your help!

                         2. Touring exhibitions today
                                                                            Scan the QR code
                             require larger venues than the
                                                                              to contribute.
                             MMA has to offer.

                     The plan is to add three new galleries
                     and two new classroom activity areas,
                     along with support space, which will
                     meet these challenges and sustain this
                     cultural treasure for generations to
                                                                           Every dollar counts!
                     The new galleries will increase
                     permanent collection exhibition space
                     by 222% and temporary exhibition space          A new downtown masterpiece!

                     by 60%, making the Muskegon Museum
                     of Art more of a destination rather than
                     a stop over.
WINTER 2021-2022 - Muskegon Museum of Art
Winfred Rembert
                                          In 2015, the Muskegon Museum of Art collaborated to organize the exhibition
                                          Common Ground: African American Art from the Flint Institute of Arts, the Kalamazoo
                                          Institute of Arts, and the Muskegon Museum of Art. As part of its programming, the
                                          MMA hosted artist Winfred Rembert and Vivian Ducat director/producter of All Me
                                          (Rembert was represented in the show with a single painting) for a series of talks                   5
                                          in the auditorium and nearby public schools. Direct, unapologetic, and charming,

                                                                                                                                    COLLECTIONS HIGHLIGHT
                                          he was mesmerizing to audiences and Winfred and his family quickly became
                                          close to MMA staff. Eager to have his work in the collections, the MMA purchased
                                          one of his works, Chain Gang Picking Cotton #2, and in the following years worked
                                          with the artist and Adelson Galleries in Boston to organize a solo exhibition of
                                          his art. Southern Roots: The Paintings of Winfred Rembert launched to the public in
Winfred Rembert (American, 1945-2021)
                                          December of 2017 and subsequently traveled to the Butler Institute of American Art
Chain Gang Picking Cotton #2,             in Youngstown, Ohio. Sadly, due to health issues, Winfred was unable to return to
Dye on carved and tooled leather, 2004    Muskegon to see the show. Winfred passed away in 2021, but his art endures and his
Museum Purchase, through funds provided
                                          life story has been shared in films, books, and major publications, including StoryCorp
by the Van Kampen Art Fund. 2015.9
                                          and the New York Times. The Times article, written at his passing, included images of
                                          both of the MMA’s paintings, a wonderful tribute to the relationship we shared.

          “Chain gang work is the worst work under the sun. I know because I spent seven years on
            one. It never got too cold or too hot to work. Snakes and bees can be a problem. Picking
            cotton on the chain gang is just hard. The sun is really hot and water is not plentiful.”
                  ~ Winfred Rembert, from a handwritten statement, Adelson Galleries archives

                                          Winfred Rembert was born in Americus, Georgia, in 1945. When he was three months
                                          old, he was given to his great-aunt in Cuthbert, Georgia to raise. He describes
                                          “Mama,” as she was affectionately known, as a survivor, a woman who lived in fear of
                                          white people and exhorted him to do whatever he needed to avoid their ire. Mama
                                          worked in the cotton fields to support her tiny family, with the infant Rembert often
                                          laid on a sheet nearby. By the time he was six, he too was picking potatoes and
                                          cotton in the fields, where a day of labor might earn 50 cents to a dollar. For the
                                          plantation owners, cotton was a source of great wealth, but for the pickers, the labor
                                          was brutal. Cotton had to be plucked from the pods by hand under the hot sun, with
                                          men and women dragging heavy bags behind while plagued with biting insects and
                                          snakes. Rembert attended school sporadically when picking was done, no more than
                                          two days per week, leaving him an outsider amongst his classmates and unable to
                                          achieve a formal education.

                                          Rembert learned to hand tool leather while incarcerated at a prison in Georgia.
                                          He had been arrested after fleeing violence at a 1964 civil rights rally and was
                                          nearly lynched before being sentenced to 27 years in prison, of which he ultimately
Winfred Rembert (American, 1945-2021)     served 7. After his release, Rembert married, moved north, and found employment
Yellow Rows, Dye on carved and tooled     as a longshoreman in Bridgeport, Connecticut. In his 50’s, he began to craft leather
leather, 2014
                                          at his wife’s suggestion. She encouraged him to visually record the story of his
Museum Purchase, through funds
provided by the Shaw and Betty Walker     life: growing up in the segregated South; doing backbreaking work on a cotton
Foundation. 2018.1                        plantation; joining civil rights rallies as a follower of Martin Luther King, Jr.; his
                                          arrest and near lynching; 7 years in jail; and hard labor on the chain gang.

                                          Rembert’s tooled leather paintings resonate with a painful past but they can portray
                                          happier memories as well, recalling his hometown of Cuthbert, Georgia. For an
                                          artist with no formal training, he exhibits remarkable talent as both a creator and a
                                          storyteller. He has elevated prison-learned craft to museum-worthy art.
WINTER 2021-2022 - Muskegon Museum of Art
L. C. and Margaret Walker Galleries A & B
                                                                                      This winter and spring the Muskegon Museum
 6                                                                                    of Art presents a fully playable miniature golf
                                                                                      course inspired by artwork from the museum’s

                                                                                       own collection. Designed by MMA staff, this
                                                                                       9-hole course will take guests through a fun and
                                                                                       challenging array of obstacles. Almost 250 feet
                                                                                       of custom designed greens, several with multiple
                                                                                        levels and unique stunts and visual features, fill
                                                                                        our Walker Galleries. Venetian canals, volcanos,
                                                                                         towering sculptures, mazes, op-art, tornados,
                                                                                         snowdrifts, and more serve to entertain and
                                                               ldren 17 & under $5       inspire. And fully playable means just that,
                                        | non-members $15 | chi
              Admission: members free
                                                                                          guests of all ages are welcome and balls and
                                                                                          clubs are provided. Peruse the galleries and
                                                                                          perfect your mini-golf game at the Muskegon
                                                                                           Museum of Art all through the winter season.

                                                                                     UNDERWRITTEN BY                HOLE SPONSORS
                                                                                                                           Susan & Frank
                                                                                                                           Bednarek Fund of the
WINTER 2021-2022 - Muskegon Museum of Art
                                                                             Open Dates as of Nov. 22
                                                                                        5:30 - 7:30 pm

     A PARTY.
                                                                              Monday        Tuesday      Wednesday

                                                                              January 10    January 11   January 12

                                                                                            January 18   January 19

    Come Play at the MMA!                                                     January 24    January 25   January 26

    Reserve a Private Golf Evening
                                                                              January 31    February 1   February 2

                                                                              February 7    February 8   February 9

                                                                             February 14   February 15   February 16

                                                                             February 21   February 22   February 23

PRIVATE GOLF EVENING INCLUDES:                                               February 28     March 1      March 2

• Private Evening for your Group                                               March 7       March 8      March 9

• Two Hour Golf Event                                                         March 14      March 15      March 16

                                                                              March 21      March 22      March 23
• Up to 30 Guests                                                             March 28      March 29      March 30

• Cash Bar @ 19th Hole                                                                       April 5       April 6

• Complimentary Pop & Water                                                    April 11      April 12     April 13

                                                                               April 18      April 19
• Food Options Available (call us for details)
                                                                               April 25      April 26     April 27

• Enjoy the Entire Art Museum                                                   May 2         May 3        May 4

• Event Fee: $1000                                                              May 9        May 10        May 11

                                                                               May 16        May 17        May 18

                                FILL OUT THE RESERVATION FORM BELOW.
                                Company/Organization Name:______________________________________________

                                Contact Name:______________________________________________________________


Muskegon Museum of Art          Phone:______________________________________________________________________
ph 231.720.2571
fx 231-720-2585                 Event Date First Choice:_____________________________________________________
                                Event Date Second Choice: _________________________________________________
296 W. Webster Ave.
Muskegon, MI 49440
WINTER 2021-2022 - Muskegon Museum of Art
              February 20, 2022

                                   Tiff Massey: Jewelry Box
                                   Mike & Kay Olthoff Gallery
                                   Multimedia artist and metalsmith Tiff Massey makes art and jewelry inspired by

                                   1980s hip-hop fashion and her experiences living in Detroit. Building from an
                                   examination of the African diaspora, Massey delves into contemporary issues of
                                   race, class, and popular culture in large-scale wearable jewelry and sculpture,
                                   music, performances, and installations. Drawing from her “Everyday Arsenal” series,
                                   Massey transforms the Muskegon Museum of Art’s Olthoff Gallery into a flashy
                                   display of massive hip-hop jewelry, gold, and mirrors
                                   in a dynamic exploration of self-identity and
                                   fashion. A Cranbrook graduate with a MFA
                                   in metalsmithing, Massey is a two-time
                                   winner of the John S. and James L.
                                   Knight Foundation’s Knight Arts
                                   Challenge and a 2015 Kresge Arts
                                   in Detroit Fellowship recipient.
                 Underwritten by

                                   Join us for a fully immersive
                                   museum experience rarely
                                   seen in West Michigan.
WINTER 2021-2022 - Muskegon Museum of Art
                                                                                                  January 9, 2022

Edward S. Curtis:
Unpublished Alaska                                                                                                           9
The Lost Photographs

Alcoa Foundation Gallery
Hines Corporation/Theodore & Joan Operhall Gallery
On June 8, 1927, Edward Sherriff Curtis, accompanied by daughter Beth Curtis Magnuson and newly employed
Stewart C. Eastwood, set sail on the steamer ship Victoria towards Nome, Alaska. The purpose of their voyage was to
complete the photography and research for the final, 20th volume of Curtis’s masterwork, The North American Indian.
Begun in 1906, The North American Indian was the defining passion of Curtis’s life, an attempt to record, in writing
and photography, the lives of the indigenous peoples of the southwestern, western, and northwestern United States.
This trip, planned for a single season, would be the final voyage to complete his epic quest. Curtis took hundreds of
images on his journey, only part of which were ultimately published. The rest sat, unseen, passed down through the
family until today.

Edward S. Curtis, Fish Racks, 1927

Edward Curtis: Unpublished Alaska, The Lost Photographs
presents, for the first time to the public, images made from
the unused original negatives. Over 100 images comprise
the exhibition, along with excerpts from the personal
journals of Curtis and his daughter Beth that describe
their often harrowing adventures in the Bering Sea. This
exhibition accompanies the 2021 publication of the
complete journals by Curtis’s descendants in Edward Curtis:
Unpublished Alaska.
Join us in exploring this unique glimpse into the making           Edward S. Curtis, King Island Houses, 1927
of an artistic and historic masterpiece.
Underwritten by

Media Sponsors
WINTER 2021-2022 - Muskegon Museum of Art
January 20 through
                 March 20, 2022

              Winslow Homer: Harper’s Weekly
              Alcoa Foundation Gallery
              Winslow Homer was one of the most significant

              American artists of the 19th century, famed for his
              dramatic depictions of people and nature. Homer’s
              art was grounded in an intense realism, recording
              the lives of people at work and play and shaping how
              the Nation saw itself. Winslow Homer: Illustrating a
              Nation uses prints from the Muskegon Museum of Art’s
              own collection to share with today’s audiences the
              drawings that first established Homer in the popular
              consciousness of his day.

              Media Sponsor

                                                       Winslow Homer (American, 1836-1910) Art-Students and Copyists at the Louvre Gallery, Paris
                                                                      Wood engraving on paper, 1868, Hackley Picture Fund Purchase. 1992.1.6


                   Ted Lott
                   May 19 through
                   September 4, 2022
                   Ted Lott combines model
                   making, vintage furniture
                   and luggage, and fine
                   woodworking to create truly
                   unique sculptures that speak
                   to home and dwelling.

Underwritten by

            Field Trip Experiences
            Bring your students to the Muskegon Museum
            of Art for an engaging experience that fosters
            creativity and critical thinking. While visiting the
            MMA, students are encouraged to look deeper,
            question more and think bigger! Each school group
            experience is tailored to be grade-level appropriate,
            inspires high levels of engagement, and work
            alongside basic curriculum. Scheduled field trips
            are free for all students PreK through college.

            Virtual field trips are avilable online! No
            registration required.

            Learn more at

                                    Scan for
                                    Education Field
                                    Trip Form

            Guided Group Tour Experiences
            Enjoy a docent-guided tour for adult groups of eight or
            more. A group discount rate is available for groups of
            10 or more.

            Questions? Email

                                                                      Scan for Group Tour
                                                                         Request Form
                                                              Super Saturdays from Home
                                                              Join us the second Saturday of every month for
                                                              free general admission at the MMA! Participate
                                                              virtually in exciting art and exhibitions related
                                                              STEAM activities from home.                                    13

                                                              Dec. 11 | Dale Nichols

                                                                  ‘Footsteps in the Snow’
                                                                  Puffy Snow Painting!
                                                              Jan. 8
                                                                  “Tiff Massey’s Jewelry Box”
                                                                  Sculpt Like an Artist: Paper Jewelry
                                                              Feb. 12
                                                                  “MiniARTure Golf”
                                                                  Design-a-Course FORE Home
                                                              Edward Curtis Alaska Programming
                                                              December Film Screenings + Talks
                                                                  Warrior Lawyers: Defenders of Sacred
                                                                  Director Audrey Geyer
                                                                  Thu, Dec. 16 | 6 pm | Auditorium

                                                              Art Talks Back Announcement
                                                              Check out our website for contest details.

                                                              Generous support for #SSfromHome is provided by

Dale Nichols (American, 1904-1995)
Footsteps in the Snow, Oil on canvas, not dated
Museum Purchase, Gift of the L.C. and Margaret Walker Fund,
by exchange, 2018.12

Online Learning Resources
Download fun learning resources from our website’s Education page, including: Dads on Deck Virtual Story Telling
Videos, #SSfromHome Videos & Activities, Chalk it Up! Sidewalk Chalk Art Prompts, MMA Collection Coloring Book,
Activity Sheets created by Michigan children’s book illustrators, Family Origami Projects, and Museum Alphabet Cards.
Virtual School Tours
In lieu of traditional in-person group tours in our galleries, we have created a collection of FREE virtual tours with
accompanying PDF worksheets for elementary to college level students. These virtual video tours, written by MMA
docents, are short and easily digestible in design and the PDF worksheets can easily be filled out on a computer or
The virtual tour program is underwritten by

Find links to online activities at

                                     Open Thursday Tours | 5:00–7:00 pm
      Drop in for docent-guided tours on Thursday afternoons at the MMA. Reservations are not required.
Thank you, volunteers!                                  Welcoming New Staff
                     Thank you to the following volunteers for your
                     service in August through January 2022. We look
                     forward to seeing you all again soon!

                     Collections Committee       Susan Walters
                     Rob Dubault, Chair*         Kathleen West
 14                  Billie Bruce                Jerry Westgate
                     Janet Day                   Arlene Wickland

                     Keith Downie                Marguerite Winter
                     Betsy Jellema               Barb Wood
                     Brian Lang                  Susan Young
                     Marian Michalski            Education Committee
                     Mike Olthoff*               Al Burton
                     Jan Witt                    Gayle Davis, Chair*
                     Development Committee       Marian Michalski
                     Nancy Crandall, Chair*      Kim Montgomery
                     Frank Bednarek*             Patricia Wade
                     Claudia Berry*              Facilities Committee
                     Amy Heisser                 Trip Johnson, Chair*
                     Mike Muskovin               Nancy Crandall*
                     John Pridnia*               Tom DeVoursney*
                     Eric Ringelberg*            Kevin Donovan
                     Shelia Steffel              Erick Johnson
                     Docents                     John Pridnia*
                     Margo Atwell                Eric Ringelberg*
                     Cathy Berntson              John Swanson*
                     Jane Blyth                  Friends of Art
                                                                             Kristina Broughton
                     Kate Bourdon                Kim Montgomery, President   Director of Marketing
                     Al Burton                   Al Burton                   We are pleased to welcome Kristina Broughton to the
                     Beth Carrozza               Amy Hancock
                     Charlotte Chessman                                      MMA as the new Director of Marketing! Kristina comes
                                                 Lesa Jordan
                     Corrinne Erickson-Strand                                to us with a strong background in creative marketing
                                                 Barbara Klingenmaier
                     Margarete Fochtman          Tricia Lamiman              within the Muskegon community, most recently as the
                     Ruth Fountain                                           Digital Marketing Manager for Muskegon Community
                                                 Alison Lang
                     Bill Fritz                                              College. During her time at MCC, she transformed the
                                                 Marilyn Ruck
                     Mary Ann Golin                                          culture of the institution through social media and
                                                 Linda Stewart
                     Debra Brown Hendrickson                                 led marketing campaign development initiatives. She
                                                 Erin Walling
                     Lesa Jordan                 Susan Walters               received her Bachelor of Art’s degree in Advertising and
                     Pam Kearney                 Sue Young                   Public Relations from Grand Valley State University as
                     Margaret Kivinski
                     Tricia Lamiman              Gala Committee              well as a minor in Studio Art. She is also nearly finished
                     Karen Larnard               Helen Allshouse             with her Master of Art in Design degree from Kendall
                     Mitzi Luttrull              Sherry Becker               College of Art and Design.
                     Sue Ellen McCreary          Billie Bruce
                     A.J. Meyer                  Caroline Mayberry
                     Kim Montgomery              Deb Moon                    In addition to her primary role, Kristina is also
                     Barbara Mullally            Skeeter Parkhouse           an adjunct instructor for courses in Social Media
                     Rich Nelson                 Regina Sjoberg              Marketing, Digital Marketing, and Graphic Design at
                     Sharon Ottens               Richard VanderPutte-        Muskegon Community College and Lake Michigan
                     Lois Reinders                  McPherson                College. In her free time, she loves to travel and go on
                     Laurie Robillard            Mailing Assistant           adventures that inspire her to live life to the fullest
                     Don Rohlck                  Suzanne Selim               as well as spend time in her art studio working on her
                     Charlene Romanosky
                                                 Marketing Committee         next big project. You can typically find Kristina and her
                     Marilyn Ruck
                     Karen Shields               Jonathan Wilson, Chair*     husband, Andy, at community events around town or
                     Jan Sieplinga               Frank Bednarek*             walking their dog at the local state parks.
                     Jane Stoepker               Allison Dile
                     Bernie Thomas               Frederic Kraft
                     Susan Tufts                 Yvonne McKessy
                     Betty VandeWater            LaShelle Mikesell
                     Pat Wade                    Michelle Ringelberg
                     Erin Walling                Justin Young
                     Debra Walters
                                                 * MMAF Board Trustee
DECEMBER                         JANUARY                              FEBRUARY
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5               THURSDAY, JANUARY 6                  SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12
Final Day                        MiniARTure Golf!                     Fore-Go at Home
Festival of Wreaths              9-hole mini-golf course at the       Inspired by MiniArture Golf!
                                 MMA                                  Exhibition
5:00 am – 7:00 pm                SATURDAY, JANUARY 8                  SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12

Friends of Art 100th             Sculpt Like An Artist                2nd Saturday Free
Anniversary Reception            Inspired by Tiff Massey’s “Jewelry   Admission
                                 Box” Exhibition
RSVP required.
                                                                      TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15
                                 SUNDAY, JANUARY 9
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11                                                 Member Perk
                                 Final Day                            15% off on 15th of the Month
#SSfrom Home                     Edward S. Curtis; Unpublished        Store Discount for MMA Members
                                 Alaska, The Lost Photographs
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11                                                 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20
2nd Saturday Free                SATURDAY, JANUARY 8                  Final Day
Admission                        2nd Saturday Free                    Tiff Massey: Jewelry Box
Member Perk                      SATURDAY, JANUARY 15
15% off on 15th of the
                                 Member Perk                          All programs are
Store Discount for MMA Members   15% off on 15th of the Month
                                 Store Discount for MMA Members
                                                                      subject to change.
6:00 pm | Auditorium             THURSDAY, JANUARY 20
Warrior Lawyers Film             Winslow Homer: Harpers
                                 Private Collection Exhibition
                                 through March 20, 2022

Sculpture from
Tiff Massey:
Jewelry Box exhibit
If you’d like to join an ever-
                                                                                                growing community of art lovers,
                                                                                                we invite you consider becoming
                                                                                                a Friends of Art member!


                                                                                                FRIENDS OF ART MEMBERS RECEIVE:
                                                                                                •    Discounts for all ArtSmarts lecture series
                                                                                                     featuring notable speakers
                                                                                                •    Networking with others who are interested in art
                                                                                                     and art history
                                                                                                •    Membership with a unique group that donates
                                                                                                     works of art, volunteers for events, and provides
                                                                                                     an annual monetary award for the juried Michigan
                                                                                                     Contemporary Art Exhibition
                                                                                                •    Membership booklet containing a directory of
                                                                                                     members, bylaws, and list of programs
                                                                                                •    100th Year Celebration Gifts of Stemless Wine
                                                                                                     Glass and 64-page booklet featuring colorful
                                                                                                     images of works of art that have become part
                                                                                                     of the permanent collection at the Muskegon
                                                                                                     Museum of Art

                           Wish List                    GIFTS
                                                        July 1 – September 30, 2021
                           Please consider a gift of
                           4 Industrial Riveted Steel
                                                        Corporate & Foundation Gifts   Individual                         Marianne Rogers
                           shelving units for records   Array Techology Group          Ross & Sandra Aden                 Peter & Judy Theune
                           storing. $600.               Consumers Energy Co.           Mary M. Appelt                     Jane Toot
                                                        Consumers Energy Foundation    Jon & Jane Blyth                   John & Elsa Van Hekken
                                                        Erhardt Construction           William & Carol Cross III          Jerry & Jill Wiersma
                                                        Klassen Family Charitable      Howard & Thea Datema
                                                          Fund                         Gayle Davis & Fred Kraft           In Honor of Sherry Becker’s
                                                        Lorin Industries, Inc.         Marian M. Fagan                       Retirement
                                                        Mart Dock                      Floyd & Caron Farmer                  Donna J. Hobart
                                                        MMA Docents                    Charles & Patricia Fisher             Mary L. Schmiedeknecht
                                                        Motion Dynamics Corporation    Doris Foster                          Mary Holmes Sorenson
                                                        Muskegon Area ISD              Katherine Gietzen                  In Memory of Jon F. Chesney
                                                        Muskegon Community College     Roger & Paula Hoffman                 Pat Hesling
                                                        Nichols                        Edgar Hunt & Nancy McCarthy
                                                        PayPal Giving Fund             Peggy Jensen & Gerald Nehra        In Memory of Charlotte
                                                        Rehmann                        Dale R. Johnson                       Franczek
                                                        Shape Corporation              Dan & Sheryl Kuznar                   Allan & Barbara Lowe
                                                        Smith Haughey Rice &           Brian & Gay Landstrom                 In Memory of Glenn Glaser
                                                          Roegge                       Jane M. Lane                          Blythe Steele
                                                        Swanson Pickle Co., Inc.       Chris McGuigan & Gary Neal         In Memory of Rosie Johnson
                                                        Van Kampen Boyer Molinari      Robert C. Packer                      James & Betty Korbecki
                                                          Foundation                   Don Schneider & Jean Chin
                                                                                                                          In Memory of Kevin Lowe
                                                        Warner Norcross + Judd LLP     Peter & Janice Shireman
                                                                                                                             Allan & Barbara Lowe
                                                        West Michigan Potters Guild    Joan Smith
                                                                                       F. Remington & Ginny               In Memory of James Zeller
                                                                                          Sprague                            Esther Vanier
CORPORATE MEMBERS                                                                                          ATTENTION:
July 1 – September 30, 2021                                                                                SNOWBIRDS
Benefactor                           Friend                             Mart Dock                          If you are a “Snowbird” during
The Cheese Lady                      Applebee’s Muskegon                Medendorp Real Estate Group        the winter months, we want
The Hearthstone Bistro               Beacon Recycling                   Muskegon Area ISD                  to keep you in the loop with
                                                                                                           what is happening here at your        17
Independent Bank                     City of Muskegon                   Muskegon Community College
Fifth Third Bank                     CMC Design                         Muskegon Public Schools            favorite art museum! Please

Jackson-Merkey Contractors, Inc.     Conrad Machine Co.                 New School                         give us your winter address,
The Meijer Foundation                Consumers Energy Foundation        Revel                              and we can send you MMA
Motion Dynamics Corporation          Core Realty Partners               Schuitema Moving                   information while you are gone.
                                                                                                           If you prefer, we can put a hold
Nichols Paper & Supply               Edward Jones                       Service 1 Federal Credit Union
                                                                                                           on your mailings during the
Raymond James & Associates, Inc.     EMBARK Financial Partners          Shoreline Insurance Agency, Inc.
                                                                                                           time you are away. Either way,
Sidock Group, Inc.                   Frame & Mat Shop                   Single Phase Electric, Inc.        it helps us by not sending mail
                                     Fusion Fluid Equipment             Smith Haughey Rice & Roegge        that the post office must return
Patron                               G & L Chili Dogs                   Soils & Structures, Inc.           to us with a cost, and it gives
Bishop Heating and Air               Gary Nelund State Farm             St. Paul’s Episcopal Church        you the option of your choice.
   Conditioning                         Insurance                       Summit LawnCare &
                                                                                                           Please inform me by email
Huntington Bank                      Gielow, Groom, Terpstra &             SnowPlowing
                                                                                                           or phone, with the necessary
Northern Trust                          McEvoy, PLC                     Sun Chemical Corp.
PNC Bank                             Ginman Tire Co.                    Tridonn Development
Rehmann                              Grand Valley State University      Tyler Sales Co., Inc.              Email
Shape Corporation                    Gunter Accounting, Inc.            The Village Baker                  vanderso@
Swanson Pickle Co., Inc.             Hank’s Tavern                      Village of Rosy Mound    
Sytsema Funeral & Cremation          James Jackson Museum of            Webb Chemical                      Call
   Services                             African American History        West Coast pediatric dentistry     231.720.2581
                                     John Grace Company                 West Michigan Law, P.C.            (Leave a voice message.)
                                     LakeShore Custom Cabinets          Westwind Construction              Thank you,
                                     Lakeshore Museum Center            WinBerg Construction Inc.          Val Anderson
                                     Le Fleur Shoppe                                                       Membership Assistant
                                     The Lewis House Bed &
Thank you for your contribution of
lawn care and landscape services.

July 1- September 30, 2021

Richard Aardsma                      Jennifer Feringa                   Mark Lachey & Bryan Hoffman        Kathleen Rent
Christine Adams                      Thomas Fersuson                    Tracy & Karen Larsen               Andrea Jean Riegler
Gary & Sue Allore                    Bobby & Jukia Fisher               Honore Lee                         Dan & Sarah Rinsema-Sybenga
Robert Beasecker                     Timothy Fisher                     Lisa Lehmann                       Ellen Rockwood
Kay Bernard                          Frank & Kimberly Forestiere        Kim Lemmen                         Patrick Roggenbau & Robert
Lee & Dawn Berry                     Susan French                       Shelley Lewis                         Lopez
Susan Blauvelt & Pamela Tongue       Michael Galvin                     Ingrid Lindfors                    Pat Rolf
Lynne Boezaart                       Linda Gilbert                      Sean & Julia Linnane               Christine Rollins
Randy & Karen Booth                  Al Greene & Monica Morey           Jack & Marcia Lipps                Leonard Sahn
Heather Brewer                       Cheryl Grove                       Rhonda Luckey                      Jayne Schuitema
Nancy Brozek                         Richard Haslinger                  Mary Malek                         Joel & Steven Selby
Bill & Christine Burns               Dave & Julie Hazekamp              Nancy Maloney                      F. Remington & Virginia Sprague
Tammy Caruso                         Stephen C. Hills                   Charles Matthews & Juanita Kay     Eileen B. Stoffan
Cyndi Casemier & Bruce Miller        Mark Hills & Kathryn Baum             Cater-Matthews                  Stephen W. & Susan L. Struck
Curtis Chambers & Diana Wojton       Spencer & Kara Hines               Maxine J. McLean                   Sheryl Swainston
Zachary & Shelby Chartkoff           MaryAnn Hoadley                    Stephen Mortenson                  Nancy Thornton & Ona Kozar
Michael Chesman                      H.L. Hoermann                      Dustyn Napper & Kirk Carlson       Thomas Toebe
Ellen Cimala                         Lyman Hoffman                      Robert & Alice Newsome             Casper Uldriks
Carol Dawe                           Cornelia A. Holley                 John & Sue Noling                  Katrina Veerhusen
Jeanne De Vette                      Philip Hollows                     Chris & Amy Olthoff                Becky Veltman
Christian & Yesica Delgado           Jim & Linda Hopper                 Joe Panici & Rick Murak            Peter & Amy Violino
Eric & Merica Dobry                  Paul & Karen Jackson               Heather Placko & Daniel Watt       Laura & Brianna Wagner
Tracy Dobson & Oscar Kent            Peggy Jensen & Gerald Nehra        Brad & Kathleen Playford           Jean Weirich
Kevin & Sue Donovan                  Peter & Julie Johnson              Kevin Porter                       Amy West
Christopher & Debra Drake            Patricia L. Jones & Kim L. Smith   Denis & Barbara Potuznik           Karen Wing
Dennis & Suzanne Dudley              David & Allison Keessen            Faye A. Redmond                    Lou Wolf Vallance
Lois Ege                             Stephen Kern                       John Field Reichardt & Kenneth     Jim & Linda Zolman
Robert & Ann Erler                   Earlaine Kiel                         Wright
                   $10,000 +                 $5,000 +                   $2,500 +                Additional Support


                                                                                                   DOBB PRINTING, INC.
                                                                                                      Muskegon, MI 49442

                                                                                                                   88.5 FM Grand Rapids | 95.3 FM Muskegon

                                                                                                 City of Muskegon
                                                                                                Chuck & Pat Fisher
                                                                                            Jerry Wiersma & Jill Gantos
                                                                                             Gay & Brian Landstrom
                                                                                              Thelma & Paul Wiener
                                                                                             Fund for The Arts of the
                                                                                            Community Foundation for
                                                                                                Muskegon County
                                                                                            Theodore & Joan Operhall
                                                                                             Fund of the Community
                                      Robert & Wendy Kersman                                     Foundation for
                                                                                               Muskegon County
                                          Patrick O’Leary &
           Susan & Frank Bednarek           Karen Yamasaki                                       Public Partners
            Fund of the Community
                                           Peter M. Turner
           Foundation for Muskegon
                    County               The Verplank Donor          Jon & Jane Blyth
                                         Advised Fund of the       Dan & Sheryl Kuznar
           Chuck & Vivian Johnson
                                     Grand Haven Area Community
           Kimberly Van Kampen &             Foundation            John & Jessie Martin
               Michael Crook                                      Michael & Patricia Wade
we are                                                                                                                                                                                                19


                                                                                                                                                                                                   CULTURAL PARTNERS
                                                                   The Muskegon Museum of Art offers Museums for All free
                                                                   admission for EBT card holders, up to 4 people per card.

                                                                           WEST MICHIGAN SYMPHONY
                                                                                        CLASSICAL MUSIC for EVERYONE
                                                                                                    Home for the Holidays
                                                                                               Friday • December 10 • 7:30 pm
                                                                                         Join us for this concert of holiday favorites

                                                                                                Carnival of Pianos
                                                                                          Friday • January 28 • 7:30 pm
                                                                             Rossini: La Gazza Ladra Overture • Respighi: The Birds
                                                                                      Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals

                                                                                     For more info or to purchase tickets:
                                                                             CALL 231.726.3231 • WESTMICHIGANSYMPHONY.ORG

                                    Partnership between the
                                    Lakeshore Museum
                                    Center, Congregation
                                    B'nai Israel, and Grand
                                    Valley State University.
                                    This project is funded in
                                    part by Michigan
                                    Humanities, an affiliate of
                                                                   Spark your
                                    the National Endowment
                                    for the Humanities.
                                                                   for the arts
                                                                  Classes, Exhibits, Concerts
                                                                          and more
                                                                    106 E. Colby St. Whitehall, MI 49461
                                                                     Tuesday-Friday, 11:00am - 5:30pm
                                                                        Saturday, 11:00am - 3:00pm

                                                                                                           Corporate PARTner

                                                                                                                                                                               Corporate PARTner

                                                                                                                                                    Feb. 11–26, 2022 Beardsley Theatre
                                                                    Black Box Production
                                                                      on the Frauenthal                Jan. 14–22
Worldwide Connections through Chicago O'Hare             Theater Stage                        2   0   2   2
Non-Profit Org.
                                                                            U.S. Postage
296 W. Webster Ave. | Muskegon, MI 49440
                                                                           Permit No. 78
                                                                           Muskegon, MI

                              MMA MUSEUM STORE

                              Your downtown stop for
                              unique gifts and cards.

                              Member Discount
                              15% discount on the 15th of every month

                              Call to place an order for pick-up.
                     | Shop online.
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