Windsor Girls' School - Windsor Girls' School

Page created by Brenda Norton
Windsor Girls' School - Windsor Girls' School
Windsor Girls’ School
 25 June 2021

    Year 9 Ericsson STEAM Event
On Wednesday, 23 June, Year 9 students took part in a STEAM workshop delivered by Ericsson.
The workshop took place during periods 1-4 with 6 visitors from Ericsson delivering a variety of tasks
that introduced students to the world of technology and 5G. Several activities took place throughout
the day including a presentation, group work and a grand finale which lead to the winning team
being selected by Ericsson. The winners were Evie Lewis-Dhaliwal, Hannah Rowley, Grace Bennett
and Charlotte Roberts.

The winning team say, “We created the idea ‘E-Bees’ as we are passionate about the environment
and we wanted to do something that would benefit the world as a whole. Bees are such a fragile
and important part of the ecosystem and they are in decline because of urban sprawl. During the
Ericsson presentation at the start of the workshop we started to think about our ideas and we wanted
to combine 5G with an environmentally friendly resource.”
                                                                                 Continued on Page 5
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Dear Parents and Carers

We hope that you have all had a good week.

Well done to all students and staff who took part in last weekend’s Year 11 Duke of Edinburgh
Bronze Award expedition. They faced an extra challenge of some very wet weather, but all groups
completed the walk successfully.

On Wednesday, Year 9 students took part in a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts &
Maths) event hosted by Ericsson. Students were involved in a variety of tasks and gained an
introduction to the world of technology and 5G.

On Monday and Tuesday next week, Year 12 students from both Windsor Girls’ and The Windsor
Boys’ School will take part in a virtual Work Experience event. They will have an opportunity to learn
about a range of careers and related skills from a variety of employers. We are thrilled to be a
Careers Hub and have this strategy as a central focus.

Students have continued to show a responsible attitude to wearing masks in the communal areas of
the school. We would like to remind everyone that this is mandatory unless we have been notified
that a student is exempt from wearing a mask.

Lateral Flow Test kits continue to be distributed to students and staff. It is vitally important to the
health of our whole community that we all remember to take these tests and to report the results.
Thank you for your continued support with this.

We wish you all a pleasant and enjoyable weekend.

Mr P Griffiths and Mrs E O’Carroll

                                                      WGS MFL                       @WGSMFLdept
Windsor Girls’ School         @WGSWindsorGirls        WGS Geography                @GeographyWgs
Windsor Girls’ Instagram      wgswindsorgirls         WGS Aspiring High            @WGSAspiringHigh
Careers at Windsor Girls’ School @careersWGS          WGS English                  @WindsorGirlsEng
Windsor Girls’ PE             @WGSPE                  Windsor Girls D of E         @wgsdofe
PE Instagram                  wgs_pe                  WGS D or E Instagram         wgsdofe
Windsor Girls’ LRC            @WGS_LRC                Windsor Music                @twbsmusic
LRC Instagram                 wgs_lrc                 Friends of Windsor Girls’    @FriendsofWGS
WGS Science                   @WGS_Science
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                                                                                           SIXTH FORM
                                                                                   Year 12 have virtual Work
                                                                                   Experience taking place next
                                                                                   Monday 28 and Tuesday 29
                                                                                   June. Across the two days
                                                                                   students will meet, virtually, key
                                                                                   staff from across REED who will
                                                                                   tell the students about their
                                                                                   department and job role.
                                                                                   Students will complete set tasks
                                                                                   so they can gain a real insight
Year Information                                                                   into what working in that area
                                                                                   involves. Work will need to be
Parents and carers are reminded to not drive on to the school site.                submitted to their teachers at
                                                                                   the end of the day Tuesday.
With many students moving around the site, their safety is our priority.
Please drop and collect your daughter at the lay by.                               Students are expected to work
                                                                                   from home on these days and
                                                                                   complete the programme
Year 9                                                                             virtually. Registrations will be
                                                                                   taking place virtually at 8:40
We would firstly like to say a huge well done to all Year 9 students for giving    both days which students must
100% of their efforts to the STEAM event on Wednesday. We hope all                 log on to with their Form Tutors.
                                                                                   We are looking forward to
students enjoyed the event and are continuing to enjoy their free tote bag and
                                                                                   hearing about the programme
pen! This week, Year 9 have also watched an assembly on the Holocaust              from all Year 12 students next
delivered by our Sixth Form Holocaust Ambassadors.                                 week and we hope that they
                                                                                   enjoy it.
Today, Year 9 watched a virtual assembly explaining how Sports Day will run
on Friday 9 July. Now, each Tutor group must decide who to nominate for            Three students in Year 12,
each event. We can't wait to see all students compete and spectate.                Eloise Sharkey, Faiza Kazmi
                                                                                   and Sara Afgan, led assemblies
Students are reminded to continue to wear their blazers, masks and                 this week to all Year groups on
appropriate school shoes. Please also continue to avoid wearing jewellery or       Acts of Kindness as part of their
                                                                                   programme as Holocaust
hoodies. Thank you to all students for their excellent effort ensuring they are
                                                                                   Ambassadors. The students
dressed smartly.                                                                   have been researching and
                                                                                   meeting with Holocaust
Have a great weekend!                                                              survivors as part of their course.

- Ms Feary & Mrs Payne                                                             Next week, we have a group of
                                                                                   seven students out to complete
                                                                                   the Gold Duke of Edinburgh
Year 10                                                                            Award. We are really proud of
                                                                                   these students and wish them all
                                                                                   the best for the challenges they
A huge well done to all students on a successful two weeks of examinations.
                                                                                   will undertake next week!
All students have worked extremely hard and I hope their results reflect the
effort they have put in. It has been lovely to walk around and see some of the     Please can parents and carers
more practical examinations at the end of this week such as Art, where             continue to support their child in
students have produced some wonderful self-portraits. Moreover, on Friday,         wearing the correct uniform to
25 June, students had a Holocaust Assembly which was very informative and          school, the blazer with the
also informed the students about the work our Sixth Form students are              Windsor Girls’ crest, a black
currently doing linked to education about the Holocaust.                           tailored knee length skirt or
                                                                                   black trousers, a smart,
As we move into the last few weeks of the summer term, I want to remind            business dress top and black
students of the high expectations we have of them. All students should be
coming into school wearing their blazer and masks should be worn in all            - Mrs Jenkins & Mrs Quéré
corridors. Later in the term, we have lots of House activities as well as Sports
Day, so I hope Year 10 are looking forward to an enjoyable last few weeks.

- Miss O'Gorman
Windsor Girls' School - Windsor Girls' School
Dates for Your Diary
        Date          Year Group      Detail
        06.07.2021    All Years       Prize Evening
        09.07.2021    Years 9 & 10    Sports Day
        12.07.2021    Year 9          Activities Week
        12.07.2021    Year 10         Work Ready Week
        12.07.2021    Year 12         UCAS Week

            Year 12 Travel & Tourism

The Year 12 Travel and Tourism students have been working hard preparing for their Internal
Examinations for their Unit 1 Exam to gain the valuable evidence for this area. All their hard work
has paid off with all students achieving distinctions and merits on the paper.

We are now moving on to the next section of coursework comparing two travel organisations and
their marketing strategies used and the impact on their market share.
Windsor Girls' School - Windsor Girls' School
Year 9 Ericsson STEAM Event
                                      Hannah says, “The event really helped us to build our
                                      confidence”. “It helped me realise we can truly make an
                                      impact on the future”, says Evie.

                                    Miss O’Gorman who supported the event says "I was very
                                    impressed to see how engaged and creative the students were
                                    with their research projects. It was very enjoyable seeing the
                                    final projects come together and it really showed how much
                                    work the students had been putting into the project throughout
                                    the day. It was also wonderful to see how mature and
                                    eloquent students were on stage delivering their ideas and
                                    information to the rest of Year 9. They really had to think on
                                    the spot to answer some of the questions coming from the
audience. They should be really proud of the work they did."

Matthew Hayman, Senior Quality and Compliance Manager at Ericsson says,

“Firstly, on behalf of all of us from Ericsson, we had a fantastic
day participating in the STEAM in Schools workshops at
Windsor Girls’ School. The students and staff alike were
absolutely brilliant in making the day such a success.

The aim of the workshop was to get the students working
collaboratively about potential uses of technology and we were
blown away by how well they embraced this. They worked
together fantastically to create some really imaginative ideas to
address key issues ranging from well-being to environmental
sustainability, which they presented back to us with great

Everything we wanted the students to achieve from the workshops around problem-solving,
communication and collaboration, were really successfully met and we need to thank the students
for this.

We really hope that we have shown the students the possibilities of STEAM and that they will
consider STEAM subjects as they consider their options moving forward. We are looking forward to
returning to Windsor Girls’ School soon.”

Well done to all of Year 9 and thank you to Matthew and
his team from Ericsson for planning and delivering such a
great event for the students.

Find out more about STEAM Careers here:
What are STEAM subjects? | Career Planet
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Year 9 Ericsson STEAM Event
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Year 10 Food & Nutrition

    In Year 10 GCSE Food and Nutrition, we have
    been looking at desert accompaniments and
    practicing presentations skills. The students
    made ice cream, summer fruit compote and
    brandy snap baskets producing some elegant

             Year 9 have made sausage plaits this week. Some skilful,
             neat plaiting demonstrated by the students with crispy, golden
Windsor Girls' School - Windsor Girls' School
Year 10 Art
The Year 10 Art students have been busy on
their exam work this week. Working from
prepared ideas and plans they have spent a
day focused on their final self-portraits.

Working at A1 scale, the students have
shown real focus, resilience and creativity in
their approach to the task. Lots of exciting
outcomes emerging that complement the
great efforts in their assessment work this
year. The department are all
very proud of them.
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Year 9 Geography
Students have been looking into biomes for their homework and conducting their own independent
research into the animals, climate, location etc. found in the different biomes. There has been some
excellent information found and it is clear students have spent time and effort completing this work.
In lessons we are currently looking specifically into tropical rainforests and students have been
encouraged to continue their independent learning outside the classroom to help support in their
knowledge for this topic.

                                                                                   Mariyah Ihsan,
                                                                                      Year 9

    Khamneev Bhogal, Year 9                                    Kate Fox, Year 9
Windsor Girls' School - Windsor Girls' School
Year 9 Geography

                 Eleanor Terry, Year 9

                             Khadija Asif, Year 9

Sienna de Souza, Year 9
Year 12 Geography
Over the last six weeks, Year 12 Geography students
have been taking part in an online course run by focusing on Postcolonial Perspectives.
The course aimed to enable students to understand
different meanings of postcolonialism, and expose
students to key themes, debates and scholarship in the
field of postcolonial studies, asking them to apply these
theories to development practice and wider social
conversations. The course aimed to challenge students
to critically re-evaluate their assumptions about creating
social change through listening to the lived experience of
pupils in different contexts, as well as offering the core
theory needed to build successful service projects.

As the course finishes this week, we were delighted to receive excellent feedback from the course
organisers that Naia Hill had been announced as the best participant in the course and Francesca
Crossfield was announced as a runner-up. The moderators of the course were hugely impressed
with their engagement and contributions to the materials. Congratulations to all students involved in
the course. It has been wonderful to see students engaging so well in these enrichment activities.

Students participating in the course said:

‘Before starting the course, I thought I understood the concept of colonialism and its impacts,
however, I could not have imagined how much I would learn, or how it would challenge my
perceptions of postcolonialism and its role in both modern Britain and far beyond. During our six
weeks we covered many topics. From racism in Disney films to Orientalism and Othering, I really
enjoyed how varied the themes were. Personally, my favourite topic was “Postcolonialism and
education”. We learnt about different perspectives on how to teach students on colonialism,
including Freire’s critical pedagogy which highlights the power of education in freeing oppressed
people and their oppressors. Every week we had to write a response to the materials (ranging from
TED Talks, academic theory and satirical pieces) and comment on other pupils' posts to gain further
understanding. It was great to be able to interact and read insights into the topics from students
from different schools and backgrounds. This course has really opened my eyes to the relevance of
postcolonialism discussions, and I hope to continue learning more about this topic in the future.’

- Olatz Bulson-Roman, Year 12

‘I was never fully educated on the concept of colonialism and the widespread impact it has on people
and places before I took part in the course. During the course, I learnt about the different
perceptions of postcolonialism and its role in modern society as well as in the past. I found the
course very interesting as we learnt about a wide range of topics such as racism in Disney films and
took part in discussions about whether status of post colonists should we removed. I had the
chance to see other people’s perceptions and have my own views challenged. Every week we wrote
a response to the materials and questions we were given and were able to give comments and
challenge others. The course was really eye opening and an was an amazing opportunity and has
made me more interested in studying postcolonialism further.’

- Maleeha Chandhar, Year 12
Holocaust Assembly
Currently in the Sixth Form we have three
students completing a course to become
Holocaust Educational Trust Ambassadors.
These students are completing a course run
by the Trust so that they are able to share
their experiences to the wider school. On
Sunday, 20 June, they had the opportunity to
meet and listen to Janine, a Holocaust
survivor, who shared with them her own

‘On Sunday I had the privilege of listening to
Holocaust survivor Janine. Hearing her story
was an inspiring and eye-opening experience,
she spoke with such passion and kindness for
someone who was treated so terribly. Hearing
her speak with these emotions allowed me to
understand and humanise the Auschwitz
victims and survivors, which would not have
been possible no matter the amount of
research I could do. As a result of this
memorable experience, my ideals of kindness
and generosity have stemmed beyond beliefs, and I now know that acts of kindness, even small
ones such as smiling at someone, can change someone’s entire day. I am very thankful to have had
the opportunity to converse with Janine, and her story will stay with me for a long time.’

Sara Afgan, Year 12

‘Janine Leppard, a name, story and past that will always have an impact on my insight of how small
acts of hate can spew into something as devastating as the Holocaust. Participating in the
Holocaust Ambassador Programme showed that the Holocaust was more than just statistics, we
have learned of the individual lives of those affected by the Holocaust, these were people with loved
ones, homes and people, part of communities, these aspects demolished all because of hate. What
struck me was when I asked Janine what she hoped we take from her experience and from her
telling us her story, she hoped that we all learn to love for one another, to be tolerant of others who
may be different to us, to speak up against racism and to never allow history to repeat itself. With
such a horrible story of her seeing her family perish before her she still was able to give a message
of kindness, hope and equality to everyone. This programme was an amazing opportunity and if you
ever have the chance to do this in WGS Sixth Form I'd very much encourage you to do so.’

– Faiza Kazmi, Year 12
World Refugee Day

                                                      20 June

This week in Tutor Times we have been Celebrating World Refugee Day and discussing the ways
that all of us can support others. The Student Leadership Team created a presentation on the
conflict in Gaza, to further increase our understanding and empathy for others.

Nadia Nadim was born in Afghanistan and had to escape with her mother
and sisters after the Taliban killed her father. She started playing football in
a refugee camp in Denmark. Now she is the first immigrant to be part of the
                                    Danish national team and plays for
                                    Manchester City - all while studying to
                                    become doctor.

                                   Find out more about her incredible story
                                   by watching the clip below:

                                   The Danish women's football star who
                                   started in a refugee camp - BBC News
Pride Month
‘This month is Pride Month, a time when we celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community.

LGBTQIA+ pride is very important because it promotes dignity and equality of this group of people.
It makes us remember and feel thankful for the people who fought for equal rights.

On 28 June 1969, riots broke out at Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York. These riots, known as the
Stonewall Riots, lasted for five days. This triggered the start of the fight for LGBTQIA+ equality. On
1 July 1972, London had its first Pride festival, with 2,000 participants. However, it wasn’t until 2002
that gay people were allowed to adopt, and in 2004, they were allowed to have civil partnerships. It
was only in 2013 that gay couples were allowed to marry in England and Wales, 2014 in Scotland,
2015 in the Republic of Ireland, and they're still not allowed to marry in Northern Ireland.

A common misconception is that sexuality and gender are the same thing. However, they are
actually very different. Sexuality is about relationships and who you are attracted to, whereas
gender is your identity and sense of who you are opposed to your physical characteristics and

There are lots of things you can do to celebrate and support LGBTQIA+ and Pride Month, such as:

   Never use gay as an insult or use other insults and slurs.
   Correct your friends if they used the wrong pronouns for you or someone you know.
   If someone comes out to you, be accepting, respectful and supportive.
   If you are not sure of someone's pronouns, ask respectfully.
   Don't make jokes at the expense of LGBTQIA+ people.
   Attend Pride and celebrate with others.
   Donate to a charity such as LGBT foundation to support LGBTQIA+ people who feel as though
    they don't have a voice.
   Let people know that you are a safe person to talk to and show your support by wearing badges/
    wristbands and fighting for LGBGTQIA+ rights.

The school will be selling progress Pride flag badges from Wednesday, 30 June to Friday, 2 July to
support LGBTQIA+ and Pride Month.

We hope you all take this into consideration and have a great Pride Month!’

- Kitty Seales & Elizabeth Ryder, Year 11
Pride Month

  Mental Health Awareness Week
Last week was Mental Health Awareness week at WGS. In Tutor Times students discussed the way
they viewed mental health to get us all speaking about something that affects many throughout their

One important point that we would like all of our students to remember is that we are always here to
support you whenever you may require it. This may be for a one off conversation to air your
thoughts or for support over time. It’s important that you reach out and ask for help when you need
Mental Health Awareness Week

Job Ready: Onwards and Upwards!
Wednesday 30 June at 6:00pm – 7:00pm

These sessions are all about supporting you. We want to
guide you with tips and tricks to secure a job! These are
interactive sessions, feel free to come with questions!

Sign up:
University & Apprenticeship Fair

            UK University & Apprenticeship Search Free Virtual Fair
                              Universities | Colleges | Apprenticeships

Join us on Wednesday 14th July from 12pm - 6pm for a free virtual fair packed full of
exhibitors, campus tours, and webinars to help you get answers to all of your questions about
your next steps.

Don't miss out on the chance to speak directly to a wide and diverse range of universities,
colleges, and apprenticeship providers from around the UK, and get valuable advice to choose
the right option for you.

The fair also features three exclusive webinars on Careers & Employability, Clearing &
Adjustment and Using the Summer to Enhance Your Future, all led by university and
apprenticeship professionals.

                             + Participate in 10 Live Webinars

                           + Live chat with Admissions Experts

                    + Explore Universities with Virtual Campus Tours

                    + Enter to win one of five £100 Amazon Vouchers

                            Register for your FREE place here

                                  Get Expert Advice
Chat with representatives and admissions experts from Oxford, Cambridge, Russell Group, Red
Brick, Modern, and Specialist Universities to get the advice you need to help your application
stand out from the crowd.
University & Apprenticeship Fair

                                    Explore Exhibitors

Stream valuable video content from universities around the UK including King's College London,
Portsmouth, UEA, Reading, Strathclyde and many others. Whether you need help and advice
regarding UCAS personal statements, interviews, choosing courses, work experience, student
finance, StudentStream has it all.

                                      Start Streaming
Employment Opportunity
An Outstanding School
Imperial Road Windsor Berks SL4 3RT
NOR: 775 Sixth Form: 200+
Ages: 13-19
Telephone: 01753 795155

Windsor Girls' School is a Teaching School with NLE/NSS designation.

Design & Technology Technician (Art, Fashion & DT)
Required for September 2021

18 hours/3 days per week, term time only

Scale 3 £20,760 - £21,175 per annum pro rata
(Actual Salary: £7,588 - £7,744)

We are looking for someone with who enjoys working with teenagers, is a good communica-
tor with initiative, flexibility and a sense of humour. This position would suit someone with
previous experience of working in a school, i.e. as a Teaching Assistant, but this is not es-

How to apply:
See our website for an application form or email Applications will be considered on receipt.

Windsor Learning Partnership is committed to safeguarding children and promoting the wel-
fare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commit-
ment. We will ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commit-
ment. All successful candidates will be subject to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
checks along with other relevant employment checks. CVs will not be accepted in place of
an application form.

Closing Date: Friday 02 July
Applications will be considered on receipt
We reserve the right to appoint before the closing date
Employment Opportunity
An Outstanding School
Imperial Road Windsor Berks SL4 3RT
NOR: 775 Sixth Form: 200+
Ages: 13-19
Telephone: 01753 795155

Windsor Girls' School is a Teaching School with NLE/NSS designation.

Part time Librarian
Required September 2021

Hours 8:30am-4:00pm 35 hours a week
Term time only

Salary £21,599 - £23,328 per annum (Scale 4 point 7 -11))
(Actual salary for 35 hours a week: £17,624 - £18,704 per annum)

Knowledge, Skills and Experience
 Operational experience in a library with understanding of cataloguing procedures
 Understanding of research techniques
 Qualified to A Level or NVQ 3 or equivalent by experience
 ICT literate
 Supervisory skills
 Able to work with students, teachers and other colleagues in a sympathetic and supportive

How to apply:
See our website for an application form or email Applications will be considered on receipt.

Windsor Learning Partnership is committed to safeguarding children and promoting the welfare
of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
We will ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment. All suc-
cessful candidates will be subject to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks along with
other relevant employment checks. CVs will not be accepted in place of an application form.

Closing Date: Friday 02 July
Applications will be considered on receipt
We reserve the right to appoint before the closing date
Extra-Curricular Timetable
        Monday           Tuesday          Wednesday            Thursday          Friday


                        Sixth Form
                                                                                 Year 12
      Sixth Form      Science Journal   Year 9 Mock Trial
B2   Debate Society        Club           Debate Club
       Room 61           Room 63              NAG
                                        Interact Members
                      Drama Leaders
                                             Year 12
                                             Week B
                          Year 9
                                             Room 12

                                          Drama Club
                                            Year 10

      Sixth Form      Drama Leaders
      Mindfulness          Club         Fashion Drop-in     Full School Choir
      Meditation          Year 9            Year 10             3:05 - 4:00
       Room 63             ESN
       Athletics        Rounders             Dance               Year 9
        Year 9           Year 9              Year 9            Leadership
       ESR/ASD          CSD/ESR             4Motion              SSCO

       Rounders         Badminton            Yoga              Badminton
        Year 10          Year 10            Year 10              Year 9
         CCE              SSCO              4Motion              SSCO
                        Leadership                            CN Catch up
                         Year 10                                Year 10
                          SSCO                                   ASD
                                                                Year 10
                                                               Art Club
                                                                Year 10
                                                                 Art 1
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