Wilton High School - Wilton Public Schools

Wilton High School - Wilton Public Schools
Wilton High School
                                                      At this event, human rights advocates from
 WHS National Merit Commended Students                Iran, Hong Kong, Zimbabwe, Venezuela,
                                                      North Korea, Mexico and other countries
                                                      spoke of their personal struggles against the
                                                      repression of civil and human rights by
                                                      authoritarian regimes.

                                                      Pictured is Evan Mawarire, Zimbabwean
                                                      civil rights activist, pastor, and leader of the
                                                      #ThisFlag movement with ABC students
                                                      Brandon Charles, Josh Darkwah, Jeremiah
                                                      Hernandez and Cindy Rodriquez.

                                                      Evan was arrested for protesting Mugabe’s
                                                      corrupt dictatorship and is currently awaiting
                                                      trial in his native country.

Congratulations to the following students for being
recognized as Commended Students in the 2020
National Merit Scholarship Program: Jackson Lent,
Wictoria Matuk, Emma Babashak, Isabel Gouveia,
Claudia Nanez, Katherine Buse, Dineth
Karunamuni, Justin Lipper, Zachary Muraskin,
Devan Flores, Avi Sardana, Navod Jayawardhane,
Nishant Wangneo, Alexander Schestag, Noah
Sackowitz, and Larry Huang (not pictured).

          Oslo Freedom Forum, NYC

On October 23, four ABC students attended
the Oslo Freedom Forum in NYC. They
were invited by Alex Gladstein (WHS ‘03),
who works for the Human Rights
Foundation, the sponsoring organization.
Wilton High School - Wilton Public Schools
Peervention Students

Students from the WHS Peervention program
helped the tots at Helping Hands Preschool
decorate their treat bags for their annual trick or
treating event around the high school on
Halloween. Everyone had lots of fun getting in the
Halloween spirit!

                                                      New York Academy of Sciences’ Junior Academy

                                                      Junior Adarsh Varghese has been accepted into the
                                                      prestigious New York Academy of Sciences’
                                                      Junior Academy. The New York Academy of
                                                      Sciences is one of the country’s oldest and most
                                                      widely respected scientific organizations, with the
                                                      mission of driving innovative solutions to society's
                                                      challenges by advancing scientific research,
                                                      education, and policy. Its Global STEM Alliance,
                                                      which consists of a variety of STEM education
                                                      programs including The Junior Academy, is a
                                                      global talent identification and cultivation network
                                                      with more than 300 partners in over 100
                                                      countries. Its purpose is to prepare the next
                                                      generation of innovators through three key
                                                      program areas: mentorship, innovation challenges,
                                                      and career and college readiness.

                                                      As a member of The Junior Academy, Adarsh will
                                                      have the opportunity to collaborate with nearly
                                                      3,000 students from 94 countries on virtual
                                                      challenges sponsored by industry leading
                                                      companies. These challenges are designed by the
                                                      Academy’s education experts to help students
                                                      develop 21st-century skills as they prepare for the
                                                      jobs of the future.

                                                      This fall, students will tackle the Intelligent Homes
                                                      and Health Challenge, where students will design
                                                      innovative ways to transform home life and
                                                      healthcare, and the Space Challenge, where
                                                      students will explore space colonization.
Wilton High School - Wilton Public Schools

            Band Students visit WHS                                 PE Department News

Eighth grade band students took their annual trip to   As the end of the first quarter rapidly approaches,
Wilton High School to learn about the high school      students have completed their Badminton, Frisbee,
music program. The students went first to the          Project Adventure Outdoor Climbing and Team
stadium, where they got a first-hand look at a         Building units. Routines are being established and
marching band rehearsal, under the direction of        kids are having fun, while working hard in a safe
Mr. Nick Loafman and Mr. Troy Williams. After          and structured environment. All classes have been
that, they toured the Clune Center, where they got     participating in our annual State Mandated Fitness
to meet and ask questions of the high school band      testing. We will be assessing their Aerobic
officers. The junior and senior band officers have     Capacity (P.A.C.E.R), muscular strength (Push-
been in the band for years and can offer advice and    ups), muscular endurance (Curl-ups) and flexibility
encouragement to middle school students. Most          (Sit and Reach Backsaver) fitness levels. Reports
students in Middlebrook's band program go on to        are emailed from FitnessGram to each family in
play their instruments in the WHS band so this trip    our district.
is always a great opportunity to learn more about
the program before the course selection process        All students must participate in Fitness testing,
begins later in the year.                              unless otherwise noted from a medical doctor.

                                                                    Grade 6 Activity Night

                                                       Sixth grade students enjoyed an action packed
                                                       evening on October 18 at the 6th grade activity
                                                       night. The evening was a wonderful success with
                                                       over half the class in attendance. Students ate their
                                                       fill of pizza, danced along to the DJ, planned
                                                       games of chance and skill and had a lot of fun in
                                                       the gym. The night culminated with many students
                                                       winning terrific raffle prizes from community
                   Bronx Zoo                           businesses. Thanks to the WEB leaders and Top
                                                       Inclusion Models who helped make the event fun
Sixth grade students arrived to the Bronx Zoo          for all!
rocking their green, yellow, and red Middlebrook
shirts. It was a fun day filled with exploring the
                                                             International Stuttering Awareness Day
zoo alongside new and old friends. Students
worked in small groups to complete a variety of
tasks such as video challenges about an animal of      October 22 was international stuttering awareness
their choice or interviewing zoo staff. Students       day. For the first time, Middlebroook marked the
                                                       occasion. This effort was led by a group of 7th and
read through the exhibit information to determine
                                                       8th graders. Events included a week of daily
their animal’s adaptations, natural resources,         announcements followed by a quiz at the end of
human-environmental impacts for the region it is       the week (with prizes of course), and a bulletin
from, and more. These themes tie closely to our        board displayed in the cafeteria. Many thanks to all
science and social studies units. Thank you to all     those who participated and to Dr. Bookbinder from
the parents who chaperoned, and to all the parents     the Middlebrook SLP team who advised the
for ensuring a smooth, easy pick up process.           group.
Wilton High School - Wilton Public Schools
Cider Mill
                                                      learned to produce their own artifacts as a part of
                                                      this trans-disciplinary unit. Students chose their
                Writer’s Workshop
                                                      own artifact, researched it and became experts on
                                                      why it was important to Native Americans. They
In Writer's Workshop, Nod Hill 4th graders are        used the LLC’s Maker Space to choose the
working on an Opinion Essay Writing Unit.             supplies that they used to create their artifact.
Students are learning about taking a topic of         Students recorded their knowledge and guests will
interest, forming a personal opinion about it and     be able to come see all of these spectacular models
developing reasons and evidence to support their      and listen to it using a QR code. More information
opinion thesis statement. Students are discovering    coming soon!
the essay format and will structure their personal
essays using this format as a guide. Students work
                                                                        Brain Challenge
with their classmates to collaborate about their
ideas, writing and goals. These 4th graders are
amazing writers!                                      My name is Oliwia, I am a student at Cider Mill
                                                      School. I would like to tell you about Cider Mill
                                                      School’s Brain Challenge!

                                                      In the Brain Challenge there are many different
                                                      activities, such as physical challenges, quizzes, and
                                                      awards. Every year the Cider Mill PTA gets
                                                      together and raises enough money so all 5th graders
                                                      can participate in the Brain Challenge. My favorite
                                                      activities are the physical challenges. The physical
                                                      challenges include dancing, hula hooping, and
                                                      many others. The Brain Challenge also includes
                                                      quizzes. Some quizzes included are Disney, Math,
                                                      Social Studies, and many more! The quizzes are all
                                                      challenging and fun!

                                                      Finally there are awards. Awards are fun because
                                                      at the end you find out which house got the most
           World language Chatterbox                  points. You get points by winning physical
                                                      challenges and getting questions right. Every time
                                                      a team reaches 100 points the round is over. At the
Introducing the World Language Chatterbox at          very end there is a raffle, if your number is called
Cider Mill! Each week, the entire CM staff is         you get a special t-shirt. You can only enter the
learning a French and Spanish word or phrase that     raffle if your side wins.
they can use to 'chatter' with students. This was
developed to provide students with more situations
to use their new knowledge! C'est
fantastique! Muy bien!!                                                   Typing Club

                 Grade 3 News                         Typing Club is off and running! Students were
                                                      introduced to Typing Club, completed a
                                                      benchmark assessment, and reviewed homework
Grade 3 students across Cider Mill School have        expectations this month. We are empowering
been busy learning all about Native Americans and     learners to craft a homework schedule for
their culture. They have also been learning about     Typing Club that works best for them and their
different artifacts that came from the past and why   schedules. Therefore, minutes for homework are
they were important. Students took all of what they   outlined per week. Third grade expectations are
Wilton High School - Wilton Public Schools
15-20 minutes per week. Fourth grade expectations
are 20-25 minutes per week. Fifth grade
expectations are 30-40 minutes per week. Students
may access Typing Club through the Clever
platform. A link to Clever is found in each
student’s Library Google Classroom. Parents are
encouraged to reinforce posture and proper
technique (hands on home row). We will check in
with students in the next few weeks to adjust levels
as needed, reset lessons if needed, and review
posture and technique. Thank you for your

                   Art Club News

The Cider Mill after-school Art Club used
inspiration and materials from nature to create a
Nature Mobile. We talked about how a fall hike                     Garden and Zero Waste Club
can actually turn into a piece of artwork. Cider
Mill students and staff seem to be really enjoying
this creation; hopefully they will now look at fallen   The Garden and Zero Waste Club have been busy
leaves and pinecones in a totally different way!        harvesting fall veggies. Veggies were then donated
                                                        to Comstock! Students also planted bulbs along the
                                                        front entry way. They are looking forward to
                                                        seeing them bloom in the spring!

                  Writing Buddies

Students in Alyssa Peterson and Sarah Arbucci’s
class got together for their monthly buddies time!
Fifth graders coached grade 3 students through
their personal narrative writing.
Wilton High School - Wilton Public Schools

                             Materials Trailer from Teaching Beyond the Square

Materials Trailer from Teaching Beyond the Square
made its way to the Miller-Driscoll Early Learning

The Material Trailer contains everyday items that offer
children potential and inspiration, like bottle caps, tile
samples, bread tags, corks, and packing material. “We
treat these materials with honor and they are treated like
any other manipulative or toy in the classroom. The
children build, rebuild, arrange, and create without glue
or tape, and they put them back when they’re done.
These are materials we see in everyday life, but to
children, they are ripe with possibility: a stack of fabric
samples can become a book, a row of corks can become
the wheels of a car, and a GoGo Squeeze cap can become
a propeller,” Carvajal said.

The Materials Trailer was launched this fall with the help
of a $10K grant from donateNYC, a benefit with artist
and actress Lucy Liu, and a donation of a former
snowmobile trailer. Hervé Tullet, artist and author of the
book Press Here, Mix It Up, and more, volunteered to
host a painting party last June to decorate the outside of
the trailer. This Materials Center on Wheels is visiting
schools in the tri-state area to encourage open-ended
experiences, to support initiatives to be more mindful of
waste and consumption, and to provide free materials to
area schools.

                   Teachers College

Kindergarten teachers Alison Badaloto, Carolyn
Sanna, Maxine Margolin and preschool teachers
Betsy Hoyt and Jessica Wade attended Tap the
Power of Choice Time to Support Creativity,
Innovation, Collaboration, and Language
Development at Teachers College. Teachers left
with ideas about observing stages of play and the
teacher’s role in play.
Wilton High School - Wilton Public Schools
Miller-Driscoll Yellow Core

Students in the yellow core, led by Leigh-Ann
Kear’s second grade class raised $240 and decided
to split the proceeds between the WWF and Red

                     Mail Club!

You’ve Got Mail thanks to Scott Dempsey’s Mail
Club! Our students are learning about all of the steps
involved in sending letters and the joy of receiving
Wilton High School - Wilton Public Schools
Miller-Driscoll Word Detectives

The rain did not stop the Miller-Driscoll Word
Detectives led by Detective Coon. The detectives
were successful in finding words in every
classroom at Miller-Driscoll. In addition to words,
the Detectives found characters from books and
dinosaurs roaming the hallways.
Wilton High School - Wilton Public Schools Wilton High School - Wilton Public Schools
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