Widney Junior School - E- Safety Policy Revision Date: February 2021 Review Date: February 2022

Page created by Judy Reynolds
Widney Junior School - E- Safety Policy Revision Date: February 2021 Review Date: February 2022
Widney Junior School

    E- Safety Policy

  Revision Date: February 2021
  Review Date: February 2022

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Widney Junior School - E- Safety Policy Revision Date: February 2021 Review Date: February 2022

 Page 3     What is E-safety?
 Page 4     Values
 Page 4     Challenging stereotypes
 Page 5     E-Safety and Safeguarding
 Page 5     The Importance of Teaching E-Safety
 Page 5     Why Internet use is important?
 Page 6     Safe internet use
 Page 6     Social Networking and Personal Publishing
Page 6 - 7 Responding to incidents of misuse
 Page 7     Managing filtering
 Page 7     Authorising internet access
 Page 8     E-Safety training
 Page 8     Sharing this Policy
 Page 8     Copyright Law
 Page 8     E-Mail
 Page 9     Cyber-Bullying
 Page 10    YouTube in schools
 Page 10    The school website
Page 10 - 11 Use of Digital and Video Images

 Page 11    Emerging technologies
 Page 11    Protecting personal data (see Data protection policy)
 Page 11    Managing information systems
 Page 11    E-Safety complaints
 Page 12    Remote Online Learning
 Page 13    Appendices

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Widney Junior School - E- Safety Policy Revision Date: February 2021 Review Date: February 2022
Widney Junior School
                                     E-Safety Policy
The E-Safety Policy is part of the School Development Plan and relates to other policies including
those for Computing, Bullying, PSHE and Child Protection.

This Policy was written in line with Solihull MBC Policy Guidance which itself incorporates elements
of good practice from Kent and Warwickshire. The policy also uses information shared on the SWGfL
website which focuses specifically on online safety and the effects of a digital footprint. The Policy
was approved by the Senior Management team and Governors in 2017. It will be reviewed by
Governors every year.

What is E-Safety?
The School’s E-Safety Policy reflects the need to raise awareness of the safety issues associated with
information systems and electronic communications as a whole.

E-Safety encompasses not only Internet technologies but also electronic communications such as
mobile phones and wireless technology. It highlights the need to educate children and young
people about the benefits, risks and responsibilities of using information technology. It provides
safeguards and raises awareness to enable users to control their online experiences.

The Internet is an unmanaged, open communications channel. The World Wide Web, e-mail, blogs
and social networking all transmit information using the Internet’s communication infrastructure
internationally at low cost. Anyone can send messages, discuss ideas and publish material with little
restriction. These features of the Internet make it an invaluable resource used by millions of people
every day.

Much of the material on the Internet is published for an adult audience and some is unsuitable for
pupils. In addition, there is information on weapons, crime and racism, access to which would be
more restricted elsewhere. Pupils must also learn that publishing personal information could
compromise their security and that of others.

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Widney Junior School - E- Safety Policy Revision Date: February 2021 Review Date: February 2022
Our School Values
Through discussion by all members of the community including parents, children, teachers and
governors, we hold the following values at the heart of our school.

These core values are held by our school and underpin all aspects of the taught curriculum at

Challenging Stereotypes - Inclusion and Diversity

Widney is committed to challenging stereotypes in all aspects of school life. This may be on grounds
of race, sexual orientation, faith or gender. Widney is proud to be an active Stonewall school and all
staff are expected to work within these guidelines. Within the curriculum for this subject,
consideration will be given at the planning stages by the subject leader and the class teacher to
promoting diversity in its broadest sense. Opportunities will be given for pupils to reflect, discuss
and share opinions within the context of our whole school values. All adults in school have the
responsibility to challenge attitudes or actions which may discriminate or be deemed as being
derogatory towards another group. We endeavour that our pupils and community show respect,
tolerance and empathy in order for them to be responsible members of modern British society.

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Widney Junior School - E- Safety Policy Revision Date: February 2021 Review Date: February 2022
E-Safety and Safeguarding
The management of E-Safety represents one aspect of safeguarding and for this reason the E-Safety
Co-ordinator is the Head Teacher (Mrs J Bridges), who also acts as DSL for Child Protection in the
The Computing coordinator (Miss Hands) is closely involved in developing policy and practice as
they have the expertise to support staff in decision-making around this aspect of safety.
An individual Governor takes responsibility for keeping up to date with safeguarding matters. A
second Governor supports Computing development within the school. The two roles overlap and
provide effective support for school improvement within these key areas.

The importance of teaching E-Safety
Children should be taught how to use the internet appropriately so that they do not come to any
harm (see appendix 8). Children need:
     the skills and understanding to make safe decisions when using the internet independently.
     to understand that information on the internet may not be correct or reliable.
     to be able to search for and filter information in order to successfully complete a task.
     to know how to use ICT in addition to other sources of information or entertainment
       without becoming obsessive in their behaviour.
     to know how to deal with any occurrence of cyber-bullying as well as how to avoid it if
E-Safety also incorporates use of mobile phones. Children need to be able to use these
appropriately and safely.

Technology is changing so rapidly that children and young people are exposed to a vast range of
opportunities that many adults do not understand. This can leave them vulnerable and they need
the skills to manage this technology wisely.

Much of the material on the internet is published for an adult audience and some is unsuitable for
children. In addition, there is information on weapons, crime and racism; access to which would be
more restricted elsewhere. Pupils must also learn that publishing personal information could
compromise their security and that of others.

Why Internet use is important
The purpose of internet use in school is to raise educational standards, promote pupil achievement,
support the professional work of staff and enhance the school’s management functions.

Internet access is an entitlement for pupils and a statutory part of the curriculum. It is an essential
element in 21st century life for education, business and social interaction.
The internet can facilitate access to world-wide educational resources like museums and art
galleries. It can link pupils to other schools, providing educational and cultural exchange world-

Internet access can enrich and extend learning activities and children are taught how to make good
use of this resource in appropriate contexts depending on their age and ability.
Pupils are taught to evaluate information from the internet and to acknowledge sources in their
work. Pupils will be taught what Internet use is acceptable and what is not and will be given clear
objectives for Internet use.

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Widney Junior School - E- Safety Policy Revision Date: February 2021 Review Date: February 2022
Safe internet use
The school internet is provided by Solgrid. It is designed expressly for pupil use and includes filtering
appropriate to the age of the pupils as well as protection from viruses. Before using the internet in
school, new pupils and parents are asked to sign an Internet use Agreement form (see appendix 6).
This outlines the school’s rules for internet use and informs parents of potential risks. Rules for safe
internet use are displayed in the Computing suite by every computer. E-safety information is on
display and is referred to regularly. Children are taught to be SMART in their approach to internet
use and digital footprint (see appendix 1 and 3). Pupils and parents are told that safe internet use is

Whilst regulation and technical solutions are very important, their use must be balanced by
educating students to take a responsible approach. The education of students in online safety is
therefore an essential part of the school’s e-safety provision. Children and young people need the
help and support of the school to recognise and avoid online safety risks and build their resilience.
Online safety should be a focus in all areas of the curriculum and staff should reinforce online safety
messages across the curriculum. The e-safety curriculum should be broad, relevant and provide
progression, with opportunities for creative activities and will be provided in the following ways:

      A planned online safety curriculum should be provided as part of Computing / PHSE / other
       lessons and should be regularly revisited.
      Key online safety messages should be reinforced as part of whole-school assemblies and
       class activities.
      Pupils should be taught in all lessons to be critically aware of the content they access on-line
       and be guided to validate the accuracy of information.
      Pupils should be taught to acknowledge the source of information used and to respect
       copyright when using material accessed on the internet
      Pupils should be supported in building resilience to radicalisation by providing a safe
       environment for debating controversial issues and helping them to understand how they can
       influence and participate in decision-making.
      Pupils should be helped to understand the need for the pupil Acceptable Use Agreement
       and encouraged to adopt safe and responsible use both within and outside school.
      Staff should act as good role models in their use of digital technologies the internet and
       mobile devices
      In lessons where internet use is pre-planned, it is best practice that pupils should be guided
       to sites checked as suitable for their use and that processes are in place for dealing with any
       unsuitable material that is found in internet searches.
      Where pupils are allowed to freely search the internet, staff should be vigilant in monitoring
       the content of the websites the young people visit.
      Pupils safe use of technology is also monitored by Smoothwall, to monitor the use of
       technology and any incidents are reported to the DSL in keeping children safe online.

Responding to incidents of misuse
This guidance in Appendix 9 and Reporting Log (Appendix 10) is intended for use when staff need to
manage incidents that involve the use of online services. It encourages a safe and secure approach
to the management of the incident. Incidents might involve illegal or inappropriate activities.

It is hoped that all members of the school community will be responsible users of digital
technologies, who understand and follow school policy. However, there may be times when

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Widney Junior School - E- Safety Policy Revision Date: February 2021 Review Date: February 2022
infringements of the policy could take place, through careless or irresponsible or, very rarely,
through deliberate misuse.

In the event of suspicion, all steps in this procedure should be followed:
•       Have more than one senior member of staff / volunteer involved in this process. This is vital
        to protect individuals if accusations are subsequently reported.
•       Conduct the procedure using a designated computer that will not be used by young people
        and if necessary can be taken off site by the police should the need arise. Use the same
        computer for the duration of the procedure.
•       It is important to ensure that the relevant staff should have appropriate internet access to
        conduct the procedure, but also that the sites and content visited are closely monitored and
        recorded (to provide further protection).
•       Record the URL of any site containing the alleged misuse and describe the nature of the
        content causing concern. It may also be necessary to record and store screenshots of the
        content on the machine being used for investigation. These may be printed, signed and
        attached to the form (except in the case of images of child sexual abuse – see below)
•       Once this has been completed and fully investigated the group will need to judge whether
        this concern has substance or not. If it does then appropriate action will be required and
        could include the following:
                 o      Internal response or discipline procedures
                 o      Involvement by Local Authority
                 o      Police involvement and/or action
•       If content being reviewed includes images of Child abuse then the monitoring should be
        halted and referred to the Police immediately. Other instances to report to the police would
                 o      incidents of ‘grooming’ behaviour
                 o      the sending of obscene materials to a child
                 o      adult material which potentially breaches the Obscene Publications Act
                 o      criminally racist material
                 o      promotion of terrorism or extremism
                 o      other criminal conduct, activity or materials

Class teachers and other members of staff will fill in a report for any issues regarding unsuitable
material/misuse of particular sites (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram) which cause issue within
school. The reporting log (see appendix 10) is kept on the work drive. These issues will be dealt with
as appropriate and then monitored closely by staff.

Social Networking and Personal Publishing
The school will block/filter access to social networking sites such as: MSN, Snapchat, TikTok, Bebo,
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Club Penguin, Moshi Monsters, etc. Newsgroups will be blocked
unless a specific use is approved. Pupils will be taught never to give out personal details of any kind,
which may identify them or their location. Pupils and parents will be told that the use of social
network spaces outside school is inappropriate for primary aged pupils. Reminders about e-safety
will be provided to parents through the school Newsletter, Website and information evenings.

Pupils will be taught about the importance and power of positive online behaviours and protecting
their digital footprint. Posters teaching about the 5 ‘P’s of creating a positive and safe digital
footprint will be displayed around school to reinforce this (see appendix 2).

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Widney Junior School - E- Safety Policy Revision Date: February 2021 Review Date: February 2022
Managing Filtering
The school will work with the Local Authority, Department for Education (DfE) and the local internet
service provider (Solihull Council) to ensure that systems to protect pupils are reviewed and
improved. If staff or pupils discover an unsuitable site, it must be reported to the e-safety co-
ordinator and Computing coordinator who will advise Solgrid and get it blocked (the URL, time and
date must also be provided). Smoothwall also provides additional safety and monitoring services
which alerts a member of the senior management team when any inappropriate websites and
images have been accessed.

Authorising Internet Access
The school will keep a record of all staff and pupils who are granted internet access. This will be kept
up to date as adults or children arrive at or leave the school. Parents will be asked to sign to give
permission for access before their child is allowed access to the internet. (see appendix 5 and 6)

E-Safety Training
For pupils, this will be taught through the scheme of work for Computing as well within units of the
PSHE curriculum. For example, in the lower phase, children learn about safety online and the use of
nicknames as a safe tool. They learn the risks in opening attachments and they learn what to do if
they find other people using the internet inappropriately. In the upper phase they develop a greater
understanding of the potential risks in using online communication tools and they learn how to
manage those risks. They create and use “strong” passwords. They take responsibility for their safety
online and how to treat people with courtesy online.
Staff undergo training through staff meetings, inset days or courses so that they continually develop
their understanding of the issues around keeping themselves and the children safe. The Computing
leader provides resources to support them in this.
Many parents and carers have only a limited understanding of online safety risks and issues, yet they
play an essential role in the education of their children and in the monitoring / regulation of the
children’s on-line behaviours. Parents may underestimate how often children and young people
come across potentially harmful and inappropriate material on the internet and may be unsure about
how to respond. The school will therefore seek to provide information and awareness to parents and
carers through:
     Curriculum activities
     Letters, newsletters, web site, Learning Platform
     Parents / Carers evenings / sessions
     High profile events / campaigns e.g. Safer Internet Day
     Reference to the relevant web sites / publications e.g. swgfl.org.uk
        www.saferinternet.org.uk/ http://www.childnet.com/parents-and-carers

Governors can access training alongside staff or through the LA’s programme of training provide by
Governor Services.

Sharing this Policy
Staff will be given a hard copy of this policy. It will also be made available on the school network.
Parents will be kept informed of the Policy via newsletters and the school prospectus. It will also be
shared on the school’s extranet site. Governors will be provided with copies.

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Copyright Law
Using guidance from the Local Authority, the school will ensure that staff and pupils use internet
derived materials in line with copyright law.

All children and staff have an e-mail account (with a unique username and password) provided by
Solihull LA through Solgrid (Office 365). When using their e-mail accounts all staff and pupils should
adhere to the following rules:
    1. Pupils may only use approved e-mail accounts on the school system.
    2. Pupils must immediately tell a teacher if they receive an offensive email.
    3. Pupils must not reveal personal details of themselves or other in any email.
    4. Pupils must not arrange any communication or meeting with anyone without specific
    5. No impolite or abusive messages must be sent.
    6. E-mails sent by pupils to an external organisation must be written carefully and authorised
        before sending.
    7. The forwarding of chain letters is not permitted.
Staff should also be aware of the following guidelines of good practice:
  You should not send any highly confidential documents externally by email.
  You should ensure that individuals or organisations that may send you email, know your
       correct email address. Incorrectly addressed emails will be returned to the originator
       unopened with a message indicating that the address cannot be recognised.
  In order to limit the junk mail coming into Solgrid, you should only join the mailing list for
       legitimate business/educational reasons.
  You should be sensitive to “netiquette” and try to understand the rules and conventions of
       email usage and abuse.
  Staff must be aware that Internet traffic can be monitored and traced to the individual user.
       Discretion and professional conduct is essential and expected.
  Staff must use the internet facilities, including e-mail, sensibly, professionally, lawfully. Use
       should be consistent with their professional duties and with respect for colleagues.
  Staff must not use the school’s systems to access material from the internet which is
       inappropriate to their role, may cause offence or upset to others, is illegal, or which could
       jeopardise the security of the school systems. Examples include:
          downloading of pornographic / offensive material;
          playing online games or using “chat rooms;”
          surfing websites for personal reasons;
          personal internet shopping; and
          personal messages and communications which are not relevant to their professional role.

Staff are advised to take care when accessing “chat rooms” or posting personal information on the
Internet both within and outside school. They must be aware that this information is available
worldwide and may place them in a position which could compromise their own professional role
and that of their colleagues. Staff should never use their own personal email address to contact
The central Solihull Grid System automatically checks for viruses in the messages and attachments
of incoming and outgoing external mail. Any unusual or inappropriate emails should be forwarded
to support@solgrid.org.uk who will investigate and evaluate the risk.

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Widney Junior School - E- Safety Policy Revision Date: February 2021 Review Date: February 2022
With increasing new communication technologies being made available to children and young
people, there will always be a potential for them becoming a victim to online bullying. This 21st
century bullying technique, known as online bullying, e-bullying or cyberbullying, is defined as
 “The use of information and communication technologies such as email, (mobile) phone and text
  messages, instant messaging, defamatory personal websites and defamatory personal polling
websites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behaviour by an individual or a group, that is
                   intended to harm others.”'(Bill Belsey, www.cyberbullying.ca)

Children and young people are keen adopters of new technologies, but this can also leave them
open to the threat of online bullying. An awareness of the issues and knowledge of methods for
dealing with online bullying can help reduce the risks. Following the E-Safety rules detailed in this
policy should help to reduce the risk of online bullying.

Children will be specifically taught about the risks of Online Bullying during designated safety
lessons within the Computing curriculum. The Head Teacher, in accordance with the school’s
Bullying Policy, will deal with any issues of Online Bullying.

YouTube in Schools
YouTube is a terrific educational resource. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to use in schools due to
inappropriate content. YouTube is only available for teachers, however, this still presents a problem
due to all the “clutter” that is on the screen, related videos, potentially vulgar user comments, etc.
Staff are aware of these issues and will ensure that all content is checked before its implementation
into plans and that clips are set up onto the screen before lessons. If it is necessary for teachers to
search on YouTube during lesson time, they must ensure that children are not a part of this process.
Advising all staff to select appropriate content and to apply the URL through VideoLink to deny any
inappropriate adverts.

The School Website
The contact details on the Website should be the school address, email and telephone number.
Staff and pupils’ personal information will not be published. The Head Teacher will take
responsibility for editorial content.
Parents will be asked to give consent before photographs are published on the website. Pupils’ full
names will not be used anywhere on the website, particularly in association with photographs.
Images of staff will not be used without consent.

Use of Digital and Video Images

The development of digital imaging technologies has created significant benefits to learning,
allowing staff and pupils instant use of images that they have recorded themselves or downloaded
from the internet.

However, staff, parents / carers and pupils need to be aware of the risks associated with publishing
digital images on the internet. Such images may provide avenues for cyberbullying to take place.
Digital images may remain available on the internet forever and may cause harm or embarrassment
to individuals in the short or longer term.

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The school will inform and educate users about these risks and will implement policies to reduce
the likelihood of the potential for harm:

      When using digital images, staff should inform and educate pupils about the risks associated
       with the taking, use, sharing, publication and distribution of images. In particular, they
       should recognise the risks attached to publishing their own images on the internet e.g. on
       social networking sites.
      Written permission from parents or carers will be obtained before photographs of pupils are
       published on the school website / social media / local press.
      In accordance with guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office, parents / carers
       are welcome to take videos and digital images of their children at school events for their
       own personal use (as such use is not covered by the Data Protection Act). To respect
       everyone’s privacy and in some cases protection, these images should not be published /
       made publicly available on social networking sites, nor should parents / carers comment on
       any activities involving other pupils in the digital / video images.
      Staff and volunteers are allowed to take digital / video images to support educational aims,
       but must follow school academy policies concerning the sharing, distribution and publication
       of those images. Those images should only be taken on school equipment; the personal
       equipment of staff should not be used for such purposes.
      Care should be taken when taking digital / video images that pupils are appropriately
       dressed and are not participating in activities that might bring the individuals or the school
       into disrepute.
      Pupils must not take, use, share, publish or distribute images of others without their
      Photographs published on the website, or elsewhere that include pupils will be selected
       carefully and will comply with good practice guidance on the use of such images.
      Pupils’ full names will not be used anywhere on a website or blog, particularly in association
       with photographs.
      Pupil’s work can only be published with the permission of the pupil and parents or carers.

Emerging Technologies
Emerging technologies will be examined for educational benefit and a risk assessment carried out
before use in school is allowed. Pupils are not allowed to bring mobile telephones into school
unless parents have requested and been granted permission for exceptional circumstances. Staff
must not use mobile telephones in the presence of pupils.

Protecting Personal Data (see Data Protection Policy)
Personal data will be recorded, processed, transferred and made available according to the Data
Protection Act 1998.

Managing Information Systems
The security of the school’s information systems will be reviewed regularly. Virus protection will be
updated regularly (via Solgrid).

E-Safety complaints
Formal complaints of internet misuse will be dealt with by the Head Teacher and governors.
Any complaint about staff misuse must be referred to the Head Teacher who will use agreed Solihull
MBC procedures.

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Remote Online Learning
Where pupils need to self-isolate, or there are national or local restrictions in place requiring pupils
to remain at home, DfE expects schools to be able to immediately provide them with access to
remote education and promote good practice.

   maintain an up-to-date record of which pupils and families do not have device or internet access
   consider how school technology resources could be used in future to support pupils without
    sufficient remote facilities. This could include preparing to provide laptops and chargers to
    identified families with any usage or loan agreements necessary to help safeguard school
   All school property has Smoothwall monitoring services, allowing inappropriate content to be
    filtered and incidents to be reported to the Senior Leadership Team

Staff have been provided with relevant training on the online learning platforms selected, allowing
the ease of access for both teachers and pupils. E-Safety is promoted within online lessons and staff
are aware of the procedures of reporting any inappropriate behaviours and concerns that is
reported to the DSL.

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  1. SMART rules for safe internet use. (from Childnet International)
  2. Digital footprint rules (5 P’s)
  3. Consent form for pupils/parents and covering letter
  4. Widney guidelines for responsible internet use for children
  5. Internet Acceptable Use Policy
  6. Staff internet access agreement Widney Junior School
  7. Opportunities for Teaching E-Safety at Widney
  8. Whole school e-safety ‘roadmap’
  9.    Responding to incidents of misuse – flow chart
  10.   Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement

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Appendix 1: SMART rules for safe internet use
             (from Childnet International)

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Appendix 2: The 5 P’s for a Positive Digital Footprint
  (from Queensland Government Department for Education and Training)

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Appendix 3: Consent form for pupils/parents and covering letter
                             Widney Junior School
                                 E-Safety Rules
All pupils use computer facilities including Internet access as an essential part of
learning, as required by the National Curriculum. Both pupils and their
parents/carers are asked to sign to show that the e-Safety Rules have been
understood and agreed.

Pupil:                                                                 Class:

Pupil’s Agreement
   I have read and I understand the school e-Safety Rules.
   I will use the computer, network, mobile phones, Internet access and other new
    technologies in a responsible way at all times.
   I know that network and Internet access may be monitored.

Signed (Pupil):                                                    Date:

Parent/Carer’s Consent for Web Publication of Work and Photographs
   I agree that my son/daughter’s work may be electronically published.
   I also agree that appropriate images and video that include my son/daughter may be
    published, subject to the school rule that photographs will not be accompanied by pupil
Parent/Carer’s Consent for Internet Access
   I have read and understood the school e-safety rules and give permission for my
    son/daughter to access the Internet.
   I understand that the school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that pupils
    cannot access inappropriate materials but I appreciate that this is a difficult task.
   I understand that the school cannot be held responsible for the content of materials
    accessed through the Internet.
   I agree that the school is not liable for any damages arising from use of the Internet

Signed (Parent/Carer):                                             Date:

Please print name:

                Please complete, sign and return to the school as soon as possible.

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                                              Inspiring a community
                    Respect, Kindness, Determination, Collaboration, Responsibility, Honesty
                                        Head Teacher: Mrs J Bridges BA (QTS) NPQH
                Clifton Crescent, SOLIHULL, West Midlands B91 3LQ Tel: 0121-705-8516 Fax: 0121-709-1005
                  Email: office@widney.solihull.sch.uk    Web: www.widney.solihull.sch.uk Twitter: @WidneyJS

Dear Parent
Responsible Internet and E-mail use: Parental Agreement
As part of the National Curriculum Information and Communications Technology programme, children are
able to have supervised access to the internet and e-mail. This area of our work is now considered within the
framework of safeguarding children and the school has produced a Policy for E-safety which outlines our
approach to ensuring that children learn how to use ICT safely.
With this letter you have been given a copy of our Guidelines for Responsible Internet use and a form to
complete. We are required to ask you to sign the form as a way of giving your consent for your child to use
the ICT facilities as part of their learning.
Both you and your child should sign the form and return it to the school as soon as possible.
The educational benefits of internet and e-mail access have been made very clear as they allow pupils to
explore and evaluate a wide range of information sources and to communicate and collaborate with other
learners around the world. All of this work is closely supervised in the school and procedures and
technological structures are in place to minimise any risk of children accessing inappropriate material. The
Council network incorporates a filtering system and the children’s curriculum includes a programme of
learning about safe and appropriate behaviours to adopt when using ICT.
During school, teachers will guide children towards appropriate material. At home, families bear the same
responsibility for guidance as they exercise with other information sources such as television, telephones,
films and radio. The school will provide guidance materials for families when appropriate and a Workshop for
parents will hopefully take place early in the Summer term. Look out for details.
                                           Yours sincerely

                                           Mrs J Bridges
                                           Head Teacher

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Appendix 4: Widney guidelines for responsible internet use for children

            Widney Junior School
      Guidelines for Responsible Internet Use
 The school has installed computers and Internet access to help our
 learning. These guidelines will keep everyone safe and help us be fair
 to others:

 I will use only my own login and password, which I will keep private.

 I will not access other people’s files.

 I will use the computers only for school work.

 I will not bring memory sticks or CDs into school to use without permission.

 I will ensure I have permission from a member of staff before using a

 I will only e-mail people I know, or my teacher has approved.

 The messages I send will be polite and sensible.

 I will not give my home address, phone number or other details about
 myself, or arrange to meet someone.

 I will turn off the screen and tell a teacher if I see anything I am unhappy
 with or I receive a message I do not like.

 I will only visit websites or carry out Internet searches that my teacher has

 I understand that the school can check my computer files and the Internet
 sites I visit.

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Appendix 5: Acceptable Use Policy
                            Acceptable Internet Use Policy
Covers use of all digital technologies in school: i.e. email, Internet, intranet, network
resources, learning platform, software, communication tools, equipment and systems.

    I will only use the school’s digital technology resources and systems for Professional
     purposes or for uses deemed ‘reasonable’ by the Head Teacher and Governing Body.
    I will not reveal my password(s) to anyone.
    I will follow ‘good practice’ advice in the creation and use of my password. If my
     password is compromised, I will ensure I change it. I will not use anyone else’s
     password if they reveal it to me and will advise them to change it.
    I will not allow unauthorised individuals to access email / Internet / extranet / network,
     or other school systems.
    I will ensure all documents, data etc., are printed, saved, accessed and deleted /
     shredded in accordance with the school’s network and data security policy.
    I will not engage in any online activity that may compromise my professional
    I will only use the approved email system(s) for any school business.
    I will only use the approved office email to communicate with parents/carers, and only
     communicate with them on appropriate school business.
    I will not use school or personal email to communicate at all with any pupils.
    I will not browse, download or send material that could be considered offensive or
     inappropriate to colleagues.
    I will report any accidental access to, or receipt of inappropriate materials, or filtering
     breach or equipment failure to the head teacher.
    I will not download any software or resources from the Internet that can compromise
     the network or might allow me to bypass the filtering and security system or are not
     adequately licensed.
    I will check copyright and not publish or distribute any work including images, music
     and videos, that is protected by copyright without seeking the author’s permission.
    I will not connect any device (including USB flash drive), to the network that does not
     have up-to-date anti-virus software.
    If I use any personal device (eg home laptop, tablet, mobile phone), I will ensure that
     this is password protected and not accessed by anyone else.
    I will not use personal digital cameras or camera phones or digital devices for taking,
     editing and transferring images or videos of pupils or staff and will not store any such
     images or videos at home.
    I will only use school approved equipment for any storage, editing or transfer of digital
     images / videos and ensure I only save photographs and videos of children and staff
     on the shared drive within school.
    I will not use a personal mobile device at school anywhere where children are present
     and it will remain switched off during lesson time.

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   I will ensure that any private social networking sites / blogs etc that I create or actively
    contribute to contain no mention of the school and are not confused with my
    professional role.
   I will ensure, where used, I know how to use any social networking sites / tools
    securely, so as not to compromise my professional role.
   I agree and accept that any computer or laptop loaned to me by the school, is
    provided solely to support my professional responsibilities.
   I will only access school resources remotely (such as from home) using the Solgrid
    remote access portal and follow e-security protocols to interact with them.
   I will ensure any confidential data that I wish to transport from one location to another
    is protected by encryption and that I follow school data security protocols when using
    any such data at any location.
   I understand that data protection policy requires that any information seen by me with
    regard to staff or pupil information, held within the school’s information management
    system, will be kept private and confidential, EXCEPT when it is deemed necessary
    that I am required by law to disclose such information to an appropriate authority.
   I will alert the appropriate senior member of staff if I feel the behaviour of any child
    may be a cause for concern.
   I understand that it is my duty to support a whole-school safeguarding approach and
    will report any behaviour (of other staff or pupils), which I believe may be inappropriate
    or concerning in any way, to a senior member of staff at the school.
   I understand that all Internet and network traffic / usage can be logged and this
    information can be made available to the head teacher on their request.
   I understand that Internet encrypted content (via the https protocol), will be scanned
    for security and/or safeguarding purposes.
   I will take responsibility for logging and ensuring actions are taken following an e-
    safety incident.
   Staff that have a teaching role only: I will embed the school’s e-safety curriculum into
    my teaching.

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User Signature

I agree to abide by all the points above.

I understand that I have a responsibility for my own and others e-safeguarding and I
undertake to be a ‘safe and responsible digital technologies user’.

I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that I remain up-to-date and read and
understand the school’s most recent e-safety policies.

I understand that failure to comply with this agreement could lead to disciplinary action.

Signature ................................... Date .......................................

Full Name ................................................................. (printed)

Job title / Role ........................................................................................

Authorised Signature (Head Teacher / Deputy)

I approve this user to be set-up on the school systems relevant to their role

Signature .................................... Date .........................................

Full Name ..................................................... (printed)

                                                          21 of 30
Appendix 6: Staff Internet Access Agreement
                                  Widney Junior School
                            Widney Junior School – E-safety Policy

                       Responsible Internet use – Staff consent form

As a member of staff at Widney Junior School, I have read the E-Safety Policy and Guidelines for
Responsible Internet Use.

I agree to abide by the Policy in all aspects of my professional role and will only use internet access
in a manner appropriate to my position.

I understand that the school cannot be held responsible for the content of materials accessed
through the internet. I agree that the school is not liable for any damage arising from use of the


       Please print name:


       Please return the signed form to the school office.

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Appendix 7: Opportunities for Teaching E-Safety at Widney

E-safety curriculum
There is a huge emphasis on e-safety in schools as many children are starting to become more adept at using electronic devices, especially for gaming
apps and social media. Many parents and carers currently feel unable to do this adequately, often because they feel they lack the necessary information
and technical skills. E-safety also forms part of the safeguarding arrangements that schools should have in place to protect the children and young
people in their care. Schools have a duty, therefore, to teach e-safety to all pupils.

Why do we need to teach e-safety?
      To develop responsibility in children and young people’s use of the internet.
      To help children develop the skills to use information wisely and well.
      To help children avoid embarrassment or humiliation.
      To keep children safe from predatory adults.
      To help children avoid physical danger.
      To help children avoid becoming victims of crimes such as identify theft and fraud.
      To help children avoid harmful behaviours such as obsessive use of the internet or digital games.

Children are often capable of using safe strategies, but we need to be sure that they know what to do to stay safe online. Many young people have the
technical skills to deal with e-safety but they sometimes lack the wisdom when there is a danger or how to deal with difficult situations. Adults are
sometimes over-cautious or over-protective in their responses to these dangers. The Byron review highlights the need to help children (and young
people) tackle these issues rather than keep them protected from them and therefore prevent them learning how to deal with issues that arise.

When and how should e-safety be taught?
Most teaching of e-safety can be taught through PSHE, Computing and English, but as we are using technology more frequently in day-to-day teaching,
we need to ensure that we are using a whole-school approach to the teaching of e-safety and that it is integrated in every area of the curriculum.
Teaching e-safety should be progressive. Responsibility (and with it the freedom to explore) should increase with improving knowledge and skills. At
Widney the teaching of e-safety has at its heart the Acceptable Use Policy for the internet, which is displayed everywhere where there is an internet
connection. Teachers have a duty to reinforce this every time they use the internet with children. Acceptable Use Policies outline safe and responsible
behaviour online and should be reinforced through many subjects and on a frequent basis, particularly when pupils use the internet.

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Appendix 8: Opportunities for Teaching E-Safety at Widney

                   Online Safety examples

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Appendix 9: Responding to incidents of misuse – flow chart

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Appendix 10: Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement

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