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WHO COUNTRY COOPERATION STRATEGY 2014-2019 LESOTHO C O O P E R AT I O N S T R AT E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 i COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 1 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO AFRO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2014-2019 Lesotho 1. Health planning 2. Health plan Implementation 3. Health Priorities 4. International cooperation I. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Africa ISBN: 978 92 9 023207 0 (NLM Classification: WA 540 HE8) © WHO Regional Office for Africa, 2014 Publications of the World Health Organization enjoy copyright protection in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. Copies of this publication may be obtained from the Library, WHO Regional Office for Africa, P.O. Box 6, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo (Tel: +47 241 39100; Fax: +47 241 39507; E-mail: afrobooks@who.int). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate this publication, whether for sale or for non-commercial distribution, should be sent to the same address. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization or its Regional Office for Africa be liable for damages arising from its use. The conceptual designs were done in AFRO and laid out and Printed in Lesotho ii COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 2 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
Contents: CONTENTS ACRONYMS………………………………………………………………………...v PREFACE…………………………………………………………………………..ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS…………………………………………………..…….xi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY…………………………………………………………xiii SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION ………………………………………..……..…1 SECTION 2: COUNTRY HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES .........................................................................3 2.1 Geography ………….......................................................…………….............3 2.2 Demographic Profile and Characteristics of Population ……………................3 2.3 Politics and Governance Structure ……...…………………………….........…....4 2.4 Socioeconomic Status ………..........................................................................5 2.5 Social Determinants of Health ..……………………….........................…..........6 2.6 Health Status of the Population .………………………..………..............…......8 2.7 National Response to Overcoming Health Challenges …………….....….…...11 2.8 Health Systems and Services ………...................................................…......15 SECTION 3: DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION AND PARTNERSHIPS ....17 3.1 Aid Environment in the Country ………........………………………................. 17 3.2 Coordination and Aid Effectiveness int he Country ……………….…............ 18 3.3 UN Reforms Status and UNDAF Process ……..............………….........…… 19 C O O P E R AT I O N S T R AT E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 iii COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 3 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO SECTION 4: REVIEW OF WHO COOPERATION OVER CCS2G .............. 21 4.1 Support from Headquarters and AFRO .......……..……………....................... 22 4.2 WHO responses to changing country needs ........……………....................... 22 4.3 Other Partners .......……..……………............................................................. 23 4.4 Achievements of CCS2G .......……..……......................………....................... 24 4.5 Challenges in Implementation of CCS2G …..…..............………….........…… 27 SECTION 5: STRATEGIC AGENDA FOR WHO COOPERATION.............. 31 5.1 Validation of CCS strategic agenda with National Policy ……....................... 41 5.2 Validating CCS strategic agends with UNDAF/LUMDAF ........……............... 41 5.3 Validating CCS strategic agenda with WHO Global and Regional Priorities . 41 SECTION 6: IMPLEMENTING STRATEGIC AGENDA: IMPLICATIONS FOR WHO..................................................... 43 6.1 Nature and Level of Support Needed from WHO Regional Office and Headquarters .......……..……………............................................. 43 6.2 Appropriate competences and skills required to implement CCS3G ........…. 44 SECTION 7: MONITORING AND EVALUATION ........................................ 47 REFERENCES ........................................................................................... 49 ANNEX: Annex A: CCS Development Process .....................................……....................... 55 Annex B: Health Development Support 2010/11 to 2012/13 ................................. 55 Annex C: SWOT Analysis .......................................................……........................ 56 Annex D: Comparison of CCS3G and Health Sector Priorities ..…........................ 57 Annex E: LUNDAP Outcomes Compared to CCS3G Priorities ............................. 58 Annex F: Validating the CCS Strategic Agenda with WHO Global Priorities ......... 58 Annex G: Validating the CCS Strategic Agenda with WHO Regional Priorities ..... 59 iv COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 4 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
ACRONYMS: ADAAL Anti-Drug and Alcohol Association of Lesotho ADB African Development Bank AFP Acute Flaccid Paralysis AFRO Regional Office for Africa (WHO) AGOA African Growth and Opportunities Act AJR Annual Joint Review ART Anti-Retroviral Treatment BCC Behaviour Change Communication BNP Basotho National Party BUMC Boston University Management Consultants CBL Central Bank of Lesotho CCS Country Corporation Strategy CCS2G CCS Second Generation CCS3G CCS Third Generation CD Communicable Diseases CHAL Christian Health Association of Lesotho CV Curriculum Vitae DG Director-General of WHO DHHS Director General of Health Services DHMT District Health Management Team DHPS Department of Health Planning and Statistics DHS Demographic and Health Survey DMA Disaster Management Authority DQS Data Quality Self-Assessment DVDMT District Vaccine Data Management Tool EMR Electronic Medical Records EPI Expanded Program on Immunization EPDMS Electronic Performance Management Development System EU European Union FCTC Framework Convention on Tobacco Control C O O P E R AT I O N S T R AT E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 v COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 5 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO FIND Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics GAVI Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations GOL Government of Lesotho GPW General Program of Work HDI Human Development Index HHA Harmonization for Health in Africa HIV & AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome HMIS Health Management Information System HPV Human Papilloma Virus HQ Head Quarters of WHO HRH Human Resources for Health HSA Health Service Area HSR Health Sector Reforms HSS Health Systems Strengthening HTAP HIV and AIDS Technical Assistance Program HTC HIV Testing and Counselling ICD10 International Coding of Diseases 10th Revision ICT Information and Communication Technology ICU Intensive Care Unit IDSR Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response IEC Information, Education and Communication IHM International Health Measurement IMR Infant Mortality Rate IST Intercountry Support Team KNCV Royal Netherlands TB Foundation LBTS Lesotho Blood Transfusion Services LDC Least Developed Countries LPPA Lesotho Planned Parenthood Association LRCS Lesotho Red Cross Society LUNDAP Lesotho United Nations Development Assistance Plan M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MAF MDG Acceleration Framework MCC Millennium Challenge Corporation MDG Millennium Development Goals vi COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 6 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
MDR-TB Multi-Drug-Resistant TB MMR Maternal Mortality Ratio MOF Ministry of Finance MOH Ministry of Health MTSP Medium Term Strategic Plan NAC National AIDS Commission NCD Non-communicable Diseases NGO Nongovernmental Organization NHPSP National Health Policy, Strategies and Plans NNICU Neonatal Intensive Care Unit NORAD Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation NSDP National Strategic Development Plan PAU Projects Accounting Unit PBF Performance Based Financing PEPFAR President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief PHC Primary Health Care PIH Partners in Health PITCT Provider Initiated Counselling and Testing PMNCH Partnership on Maternal Newborn and Child Health PMTCT Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission PNC Post Natal Clinic POA Plan of Action PPP Public Private Partnerships PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper PSI Population Services International PWD People Living with Disability QMMH Queen ‘Mamohato Memorial Hospital RB Regular Budget RED Reaching Every District SACU Southern Africa Customs Union SADC Southern African Development Community SHI Social Health Insurance SIA Supplementary Immunization Activity SWAP Sector-Wide Approach C O O P E R A T I O N S T R A T E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 vii COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 7 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats TA Technical Assistance TB Tuberculosis TSR Treatment Success Rate TWR Total Fertility Rate UN United Nations UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDRMT UN Nations Disaster Risk Management Team UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund US United States USG United States Government VF Voluntary Contribution Fund WCO WHO Country Office WFP World Food Programme WHA World Health Assembly WHO World Health Organization WR WHO Representative XDR-TB Extensively Drug Resistant TB viii COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 8 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
PREFACE: The WHO Third Generation Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) crystallizes the major reform agenda adopted by the World Health Assembly with a view to strengthen WHO capacity and make its deliverables more responsive to country needs. It reflects the WHO Twelfth General Programme of Work at country level, it aims at achieving greater relevance of WHO’s technical cooperation with Member States and focuses on identification of priorities and efficiency measures in the implementation of WHO Programme Budget. It takes into consideration the role of different partners including non-state actors in providing support to Governments and communities. The Third Generation CCS draws on lessons from the implementation of the first and second generation CCS, the country focus strategy (policies, plans, strategies and priorities), and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF). The CCSs are also in line with the global health context and the move towards Universal Health Coverage, integrating the principles of alignment, harmonization and effectiveness, as formulated in the Rome (2003), Paris (2005), Accra (2008), and Busan (2011) declarations on Aid Effectiveness. Also taken into account are the principles underlying the “Harmonization for Health in Africa” (HHA) and the “International Health Partnership Plus” (IHP+) initiatives, reflecting the policy of decentralization and enhancing the decision-making capacity of Governments to improve the quality of public health programmes and interventions. The document has been developed in a consultative manner with key health stakeholders in the country and highlights the expectations of the work of the WHO secretariat. In line with the renewed country focus strategy, the CCS is to be used to communicate WHO’s involvement in the country; formulate the WHO country workplan; advocate, mobilise resources and coordinate with partners; and shape the health dimension of the UNDAF and other health partnership platforms in the country. C O O P E R AT I O N S T R AT E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 ix COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 9 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO I commend the efficient and effective leadership role played by the Government in the conduct of this important exercise of developing the CCS. I also request the entire WHO staff, particularly WHO Country Representative to double their efforts to ensure effective implementation of the programmatic orientations of this document for improved health outcomes which contribute to health and development in Africa. Dr Matshidiso Moeti WHO Regional Director for Africa x COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 10 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This Country Cooperation Strategy document is the product of a collaborative effort between the different levels of the WHO, the Ministry of Health and partners. We would like to express our appreciation to all who played a supportive role during the preparation of this document. C O O P E R AT I O N S T R AT E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 xi COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 11 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO xii COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 12 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
Executive Summary: The Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) is the key guiding tool providing strategic direction for WHO and intensifying its interventions in the country. The first CCS in Lesotho was operational from 2004 to 2007, followed by the second CCS 2008-2013. Development of the new CCS to cover 2014– 2019 comes at an opportune time when the National Health Plan has just been concluded and the sector strategic plan is in its finalization stage. The development process for this CCS involved documentation review, and both internal and external consultations which, were mainly in the form of structured qualitative interviews. Lesotho is a small mountainous country which is completely landlocked by the Republic of South Africa. The country’s population is estimated at 1.8 million with gender distribution of 51.3% females and 48.7 % males. Life expectancy is estimated at 41.2 years, i.e. 39.7 years for males and 42.9 years for females; this signifies a decline of ten years, in relation to the 1996 census, due partly to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The Lesotho Government is a constitutional monarchy with the King’s functions predominantly being ceremonial. The country practices democratic governance, with a prime minister as head of government with full executive authority. Lesotho is classified as a Least Developed Country (LDC) with an estimated income per capita of $1,000 and an annual economic growth rate of 4.4%. The economic development of Lesotho has historically relied on remittances from Basotho employed in South Africa, where employment declined in recent years. The textiles and clothing manufacturing sub-sector has over the years absorbed the greater part of employees, but employment declined by 10.4% in 2011 due to economic recession, which resulted in the closure of some firms. The 2008 Labour Force Survey Report records a 25% unemployment rate, although the majority (71%) of the employed are found in the informal sector where the practice of in-kind payments is common. Livestock and major crop production levels fell over the years, resulting in a situation where the country produced only 30.0% of its food requirements. The country boasts of a high literacy rate, with an estimated 85% of the population aged 15 years and above considered as literate. Female literacy (94.5%) in Lesotho remains higher than male literacy. The Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) of 2009 indicated that 80% of the population has access to improved sources of water, while 24% has improved sanitation facilities. C O O P E R A T I O N S T R A T E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 xiii COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 13 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO HIV and AIDS remains the major health challenge with an estimated national prevalence of 23%. The ART coverage is at a low level of 51%. Lesotho is reported to be one of the fifteen countries with the highest per capita TB cases. On the other hand, the Treatment Success Rate (TSR) of 74% falls short of the target of 85%. Treatment of Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is donor-dependent, and the situation is worsening, as shown by monthly enrolment for treatment. The prevalence of tobacco use is put at 39.3% among the youth, while alcohol drinking is reported at 31%. Diabetes prevalence is also reported at 4% and cancer accounts for 4% of deaths. Trauma is the second main reason for male admissions in hospitals due to HIV and AIDS. The government and its partners are engaged in a number of initiatives to promote healthy living and to create awareness. The newly introduced guidelines on Option B+ are implemented for prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission. In line with the MOH broad plan on integrated service, ‘Family Health Days’ are also implemented. The number of facilities providing PMTCT has increased from 191 in 2010 to 203 in 2012 and PMTCT coverage is 52%. A 70% HIV sero-prevalence rate has been reported in April 2013 among TB patients. Access to PAP smear services has been availed in all hospitals and Lesotho Planned Parenthood Association (LPPA) clinics for early detection of cervical cancer. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine for prevention of cervical cancer was also introduced. While immunization is known to be one of the most successful and cost-effective public health investments that can save children’s lives, immunization coverage is, on the average 60%, which is far less than the target of 80%. Since the advent of decentralization, health service delivery has been entrusted to ten administrative districts of the country. There are two major health service providers, namely the Government of Lesotho (GOL) and the Christian Health Association of Lesotho (CHAL). The MOH has been able to allocate 14.8% of total government budget to the health sector; this is close to the Abuja declaration target of 15%. Lesotho enjoys financial support from a number of health development partners towards both budget support and specific sector priorities. For the year 2012/2013, donor support constituted 25% of MOH capital budget. There is a Health Partners’ Forum which sets a platform for health development partners to share their areas of support to minimize or eliminate duplication of efforts. The Annual Joint Review (AJR) was introduced as a common monitoring mechanism for the Health Sector Review (HSR) and xiv COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 14 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
was inaugurated in 2003. The UN embarked on ‘Delivering as One’ as a strategy that provides an opportunity, not only to improve efficiency of the UN programme, but also to strive for greater impact of its efforts in supporting the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP). Although there is limited knowledge of the CCS2G content within the MOH, the CCS2G priorities were broad enough to align with the ministry’s priorities. Some achievements have been noted regarding implementation of the CCS2G, with the pinnacle being completion of the National Health Policy (NHP) and drafting of the strategic plan. These achievements were made thanks to support from both WHO Regional Office and Headquarters. Financial and human resources within the MOH and the WHO Country Office (WCO) are the main challenges facing implementation of the CCS. Determination of the strategic direction for WHO is based on the country’s key health challenges, priorities, WHO priorities at global and regional level, Lesotho United Nations Development Assistance Plan (LUNDAP) outcomes and feedback from the consultations which have provided an overview of the perceived comparative advantages of WHO. Five strategic priorities identified for 2014–2019 include: (i) Strengthening the prevention and control of TB, HIV & AIDS and other communicable diseases; (ii) strengthening maternal and child health services; (iii) prevention and control of non-communicable diseases; (iv) health systems strengthening and; (v) addressing the sociocultural and environmental determinants of health. These are entirely aligned to the priorities of WHO at all levels, the NHPSP and the LUNDAP. Implementation of these will benefit from continued support from WHO Regional Office and the Headquarters. C O O P E R A T I O N S T R A T E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 xv COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 15 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO xvi COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 16 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION The Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) is the key guiding tool which provides the strategic direction of WHO’s work in the country. It gives a high- level indication of WHO country support towards country specific health priorities in an attempt to assist the country to meet its own health agenda. To achieve this, the CCS aligns itself to the National Health Policy, Strategies and Plans (NHPSP). It creates an opportunity for the WHO country work to be harmonized with that of other players in the sector such as United Nations (UN) agencies and other health development partners. The first CCS in Lesotho was operational from 2004 to 2007. This was followed by the second generation CCS (CCS2G 2008–2013) which expired at the end of December 2013. It is therefore essential that the third generation (CCS3G 2014–2019) be developed. This comes at an opportune time when the NHP has just been concluded and the sector strategic plan is in the finalization stage. The CCS2G had five (5) strategic areas as follows: • Strengthening the control of HIV/AIDS and TB; • Strengthening family and community health, including sexual and reproductive health; • Enhancing capacity for the prevention and control of major communicable and non-communicable diseases; • Strengthening health system capacities and performance; • Fostering health sector partnerships, advocacy and equity. The development process1 of this CCS involved consultations and extensive review of documents relating to global, regional and country-specific health issues to facilitate alignment. Consultations were in the form of structured qualitative interviews to enable open and detailed feedback. These began with internal stakeholders who are mainly WCO staff to establish the office’s view on the implementation of the CCS2G and for the team to share their thoughts towards the strategic agenda of the next CCS. Further consultations 1 Annex A provides details. C O O P E R AT I O N S T R AT E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 1 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 1 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO were undertaken with the Ministry of Health (MOH) staff, mainly counterparts of WHO technical team. Some UN agencies, health development partners and representation of church-based organizations were also consulted to establish their opinion about WHO and its contribution to achieving the country’s health objectives, and to get guidance on the areas of focus for the next CCS, based on their thoughts around the comparative advantages of WHO. The people consulted individually constituted the review team, whose collective contribution will be obtained during the validation process of this document. Internal consultations had limitations as some technical staff members were either fairly new in the organization or were unfamiliar with the CCS formulation process, and therefore were not able to provide much opinion about the CCS under review. To implement the CCS, WHO agrees with MOH on two yearly plans and budget, the Biennial Plan of Action (POA), with the aim of providing a clear detailed analysis of the areas of implementation in the respective two years. The first POA for implementation of the CCS2G in Lesotho covered 2008– 2009 followed by 2010–2011 and then 2012–2013. WCO Lesotho has, on average, a budget of US$ 5.0 million every 2 years and this can be exceeded based on local resource mobilization efforts. The Policy of WHO is guided by its member states through the annual World Health Assembly (WHA). The WHO Global Agenda priorities are then articulated by the General Programme of Work (GPW) in recognition of the global health status and challenges. The 2014–2019 Global Health Agenda as articulated by the 12th GPW identified six (6) leadership priority areas which countries are expected to draw their priorities from in developing their CCSs. Lesotho is a member of the 47 countries in the WHO African Region whose ministers of health contextualize and adapt the WHA priorities to their region. This document is composed of six sections. The first section has defined the CCS development process and WHO Policy Framework. The second section provides an overview of the status of health and development in the country and the challenges thereof. Section three analyses the role played by health development partners and coordination mechanisms. The fourth section reviews WHO cooperation in Lesotho with specific focus on the life- cycle of the CCS2G. The fifth section highlights the proposed agenda for this CCS, followed by section six which captures the implications for WHO in implementing the CCS. 2 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 2 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
SECTION 2: COUNTRY HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES 2.1 Geography The Kingdom of Lesotho (former Basutoland) is a small2 mountainous country which is completely landlocked by the Republic of South Africa. It is made up mostly of highlands which rise to nearly 3,500 meters in the Drakensburg Mountains. About one quarter of the country has altitudes of between 1,500 and 2,000 metres. The highland area is where many of the villages are hard to reach. The country is divided into four (4) ecological zones, namely Highlands (Mountains), Foothills, Lowlands and Senqu River Valley. The mountainous topography of the country presents difficult terrain and arable land is limited. The rural highlands are less developed and winters are severe with heavy snowfalls that often cut off the population from access to basic social services such as health. 2.2 Geographic profile and characteristics of population According to the 2006 Lesotho population census, the country has a population of 1880 661, with gender distribution of 51.3% and 48.7% females and males respectively. The total population of three (3)3 of the ten districts is more than half of the country’s population. These are inclusive of the capital city, Maseru, which is the most populous with 22.9% of the population. The rural areas of the country continue to have the highest percentage4 of the 2 30,355km2 of area 3 Leribe, Berea and Maseru 4 76% of the population C O O P E R AT I O N S T R AT E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 3 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 3 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO population, although there has been a decline over the years. The annual growth rate of the population was 0.1% during the inter-census period of 1996 to 2006, which marks a significant decline5 compared to previous inter- census periods. Age distribution, as estimated in 2012, is as follows: Age groups 0–14 years constituted 33.5%, 15–64 years, 61.1% while 65 years and over made up only 5.4% (Lesotho Country Profile, KPMG Proprietary Services 2012 and CIA World Factbook). Estimates of the census of 2006 put overall life expectancy at 41.2 years for the population, while for males and females these were 39.7 years and 42.9 years respectively. This is a significant decline of about 10 years, compared to the 1996 census figures. This decline in life expectancy is attributed to the high mortality rate resulting from HIV and AIDS. The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) was also reported as one of the lowest in sub-Saharan Africa at 3.3 children per woman. An estimated 99.7% of the people of Lesotho identify as Basotho. The main language is Sesotho and it is the first official and administrative language. English is the second official and administrative language. Other languages used by the minority of the population include Ndebele, Xhosa and Zulu. 2.3 Politics and governance structure The Lesotho Government is a constitutional monarchy with the King’s functions predominantly being ceremonial, with no executive or legislative powers. The monarch is hereditary. The country is governed by a bicameral parliament consisting of a senate and an elected national assembly. The prime minister is the head of government with executive authority. Lesotho is a democratic country that allows a multi-party political system following its independence from the British in 1966. During the same period, the country was also renamed the Kingdom of Lesotho from Basutoland. The first party to rule the country was Basotho National Party (BNP) and the country experienced a lot of political instability relating to elections over the years, including military coups. The last violent demonstrations against election results were those of the 1998 post-elections, which prompted a brief but bloody intervention by the combined South Africa and Botswana military forces under the auspices of the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The country became relatively stable after the 2002 elections. 5 2.6% (1976 – 1986) , 1.5% (1986 – 1996) 4 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 4 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
The latest elections of 2012 were inconclusive as they saw no party winning an absolute majority to form government. This resulted in formation of the first three-party coalition government which is currently ruling. For administrative purposes, Lesotho is divided into 10 districts: Berea, Butha- Buthe, Leribe, Mafeteng, Maseru, Mohale’s Hoek, Mokhotlong, Thaba-Tseka, Qacha’s Nek and Quthing. The constitution provides for an independent judicial system. The judiciary is made up of the Court of Appeal, the High Court, Magistrate’s Courts, and traditional courts that exist predominately in rural areas. There is no trial by jury, rather, judges make rulings alone, or, in the case of criminal trials, with two other judges as observers. The constitution also protects basic civil liberties, including freedom of speech, association, and the press; freedom of peaceful assembly; and freedom of religion. The legal system is based on English common law and Roman-Dutch law with judicial review of legislative acts in High Court and Court of Appeal. (Lesotho Judiciary, available on www.justice.gov.ls). 2.4 Socio-economic status Lesotho is classified as one of the Least Developed Countries (LDC) with an estimated income per capita of $1 000 and an annual economic growth rate of 4.4%. The economic development of Lesotho has historically relied on remittances from Basotho employed in South Africa, customs duties from the Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU), and export revenue for the majority of government revenue. However, the government has recently strengthened its tax system to reduce dependency on customs duties. As the world got into economic recession, Lesotho got affected too. Lesotho became eligible for trade benefits under the Africa Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) in 2000 and resumed exporting to the United States under the same in 2001, with its textiles and clothing manufacturing sub-sector growing substantially. However, the global economic crisis and the related slump in consumer demand in the United States (US) resulted in the sub- sector registering negative growth rates from 2007 to 2009 and recovered only in 2010. It was estimated to have registered a lower growth rate of 4.4% in 2011 compared with 6.4% in 2010. The bulk of the products are exported to the USA, therefore the slow recovery of the latter’s economy and the associated low consumer demand resulted in a decline in orders for Lesotho’s manufactured textiles, consequently, production had to be reduced and some manufacturing firms had to close down operations in 2011. C O O P E R AT I O N S T R AT E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 5 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 5 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO The textiles and clothing manufacturing sub-sector dominates Lesotho’s manufacturing industry and makes a substantial contribution to employment and economic growth in Lesotho. This industry has had the majority of employees in the country. However, employment in the textiles sector dropped by 10.4% in 2011 due to the aforementioned closure. Similarly, employment in the public sector and South African mining industry dropped by 0.1% and 0.3% respectively. (The Central Bank of Lesotho (CBL) Annual report of 2006) The 2008 Labour Force Survey Report records a 25% unemployment rate, although the majority (71%) of those employed are in the informal sector, where in-kind payments are common. The findings of the 2009/2010 Agricultural Census indicate that agriculture production, particularly production of major crops and livestock, fell quite significantly in 2009/2010, compared to the two previous census years. The drop in production over the years resulted in a situation where Lesotho produced only 30.0% of its food requirements and the deficit had to be imported. Food aid played a significant role in closing the gap. There are a number of factors constraining agricultural production in Lesotho, such as limited availability of arable land. The largest share of the population resides in rural areas, with the majority relying heavily on agriculture for their livelihoods. A decline in agricultural production therefore means aggravation of the poverty challenge. (CBL Economic Review, December, 2011, No.137 available at: www.centralbank.org.ls/publication). 2.5 Social determinants of health 2.5.1 Socio-economic In 2010, Lesotho ranked 141 out of 169 countries on the Human Development Index (HDI), based on a value of 0.467. Despite the per capita of $1,000, Lesotho’s poverty head count was put at 54%, according to the 2002/03 national household income survey. 2.5.2 Socio-cultural The DHS of 2009 indicates that 94% of children of primary school age (age 6-12 years) attended primary school. Of this total, 92% were boys and 97% girls. There seemed to be a strong positive relationship between household 6 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 6 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
economic status and schooling. In 2012, KPMG also indicated that Lesotho boasts high literacy levels, with an estimated 85% of the population aged 15 years and older considered as literate. Female literacy (94.5%) in Lesotho remains higher than the male literacy rate. 2.5.3 Environmental The 2009 DHS indicated that 80% of the population has access to improved sources of water, with variation in the rural and urban areas, though the latter is more advantaged. In general, 25% of households take no longer than 30 minutes to get water from a supply source, while 23% have water in their home. A programme of water quality surveillance that looks into the structural integrity of drinking water facilities and the bacteriological quality of potable water is in place within the Ministry of Health. The programme is, however, not operating optimally to influence positive change management including maintenance of drinking water supplies. Information generated is not adequately used to predict potential hotspots for waterborne diseases. Good household sanitation contributes to low infant mortality as it encourages improved hygiene. The 2009 DHS found 24% of the population with improved sanitation facilities, which mainly relate to availability and use of a toilet by family members only, with the facility ensuring that there is no human contact with waste. While the country has no system for monitoring indoor and outdoor pollution, it is noted that 73% of households use cooking fuel that potentially results in air pollution (DHS 2009). The air pollution challenge is compounded by, among others, an increasing use of motor vehicles, emissions from industrial works and burning of wastes. Waste management remains a challenge that needs to be addressed, especially in urban areas and in health-care facilities across the country. Lesotho has no formally licensed landfill sites and all waste is disposed at unlicensed and/or informal dump sites (MCA-Lesotho, 2010). Some of the waste disposed in these dump sites include ash from facilities for treating health-care risk waste. The country’s capacity to monitor all aspects of food safety still remains limited. There is need to strengthen this capacity, taking into consideration the serious public health risks posed by the consumption of unsafe food. C O O P E R AT I O N S T R AT E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 7 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 7 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO Table 1: Key socio-economic and demographic indicators Indicators Value Population size (De jure) 2006 1 880 661 Gender distribution (Females) 51.3% Gender distribution (Males) 48.7% Annual population growth 0.1% Life expectancy at birth 42.2years Total fertility rate 3.3 births Literacy level (2012) 85% Income per capita $1 000 Annual economic growth rate 4.4% Unemployment rate (2008) 25% Human Development Index(HDI) 141 out 169 Poverty head count (2002/03) 54% Sources: Census 2006, KPMG 2012, Labour Force Survey Report 2008, National Income Survey 2002/03 2.6 Health status of the population 2.6.1 Maternal and child health Lesotho health sector is faced with a number of challenges as indicated by the high maternal mortality ratio which increased from 762 per 100 000 in 2004, to 1155 per 100 000 live births in 2009. The life-time risk of maternal death is estimated at 1:32, implying that one out of 32 women in Lesotho will die of pregnancy and childbirth-related conditions though there has been an increase in the number of skilled birth attendance from 55% to 61% (DHS 2004, 2009). Maternal deaths due to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum complications, are on the increase, indicating low quality of maternal services, coupled with high staff turnover. Based on the 2010 maternal death report, there were 67 maternal deaths, with obstetric haemorrhage being the leading cause of deaths (31%), followed by complications of hypertension in pregnancy (25%). Pregnancy- related sepsis was 3.3%, while non-pregnancy-related infections were the 8 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 8 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
third commonest cause (11.7%). Overall, 78.3% of maternal deaths were a result of direct obstetric causes, while indirect causes accounted for 18.4% of deaths. These leading causes of maternal mortality are preventable and can be addressed by low-cost interventions. There has been a steady increase in contraceptive prevalence rate from 35% to 47%, though the country has not reached the 50% target for sub-Saharan Africa. Infant mortality rate (IMR) is as high as 91 per 1 000 live births; under-five mortality is 117 per 1 000 live births; and child mortality is 28 per 1 000 live births (DHS 2009) are also high. Recognizing the high burden of maternal and newborn ill-health on the development capacity of individuals, families and communities, there is an urgent need for provision of essential care during pregnancy, of skilled care during childbirth and the immediate postpartum period;, and a few critical interventions for neonates during the first days of life. 2.6.2 HIV and AIDS The HIV epidemic remains the major health challenge and the most important obstacle to sustainable human and socioeconomic development in the Kingdom of Lesotho. The country has a generalized HIV epidemic and registers the world’s third highest HIV prevalence; and the fifth highest TB- HIV co-infection rates. The annual incidence is still at 2.47% and prevalence at 23%. New infections and prevalence are higher among women than men aged 15-49 years and prevalence is highest at over 40% among people aged 30-39 years. Among young people aged 20-24 years, HIV prevalence is also high, estimated at 16.3%, while 4 000 children below age 14 years continue to be infected with HIV every year. The country continues to experience a serious health impact of the epidemic. In 2012 about 23 000 adults and 4 000 children were newly infected, and more than 250 000 adults and 37 000 children under the age of 14 years were infected with HIV in 2013. Moreover, pregnant women who were estimated to be with HIV was 14 763; 11, 000 women and men had HIV-TB co-infection. Though AIDS-related mortality in Lesotho reduced from more than 21 000 in 2001 to less than 10 000 in 2013, only 60% who needed the life-saving ARV medicine were receiving it. AIDS continues to be the highest cause of death and accounted for 20% male, 22% female, and 8% child deaths in hospitals (AJR 2013). C O O P E R AT I O N S T R AT E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 9 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 9 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO 2.6.2 Tuberculosis Lesotho has the fifth highest estimated TB incidence in the world, with rates of new TB cases estimated in 2012 at 630 TB patients per 100 000 populations with incidence of sputum smear positive TB estimated at 281 TB cases per 100 000 population. TB notification rates have remained above 400 per 100 000 population. TB burden remains huge in Lesotho, with prevalence of all types of TB estimated at 424 cases per 100 000 population, and yet the TSR remains low at 74% and contributes to a high TB mortality estimated at 17 deaths per 100 000 annually. The majority of people with the disease who are notified annually are in the young economically productive age group of 24- 35 years. This mirrors the HIV age distribution profile, suggesting continuing transmission of infection rather than reactivation of old infection. About 80% of notified TB cases are also HIV positive. Other factors favouring transmission of tuberculosis infection and progression to disease include poverty, overcrowding, poor ventilation, alcoholism and poor nutrition as well as the mining community. 2.6.3 Noncommunicable diseases Tobacco use is another factor contributing to health risks, with tobacco reportedly killing nearly 6 million people around the world each year. The WHO STEPS survey on chronic disease risk factors was carried out in Lesotho from April to May 2012, and to date, only preliminary results are available. The findings indicated that about 25% of Basotho are currently smoking, with majority being males (48.7%). WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic of 2013 also portrays 39.3% prevalence of tobacco use among the youth in Lesotho. Overindulgence in toxic substances and unhealthy lifestyles are other health challenges. Alcohol intake in Lesotho is reported at 31% according to the preliminary results of the WHO STEPS survey, with men accounting for the highest proportion. The same study indicated 83.8% of sampled population with raised BP (SBP ≥ 140 and/or DBP ≥ 90 mmHg) who were not on medication. About 42% of people did not exercise regularly, and 92.7% of them ate less than 5 servings of fruit and/or vegetables on average per day. . Diabetes, one of the costly non-communicable diseases (NCDs), affects people of all ages and is reported to be responsible for 4.5 million deaths in the world in a year. The WHO STEPS survey reported prevalence of 4% in Lesotho. It is among the top ten causes of disability, and can result in 10 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 10 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
a number of life-threatening complications (AJR 2013/ Partnership, Mental Newborn and Child Health – PMNCH 2013). The Global Cancer Facts and Figures indicate that there were 7.6 million deaths related to cancer in 2008, the majority of which were in the least developed countries. It is estimated that the burden could be higher due to currently adopted unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking, physical inactivity, and poor diet to mention a few. The WHO Global Burden of Disease estimates also highlight that cancer accounts for 4% of deaths in Lesotho. Unfortunately no accurate data on the burden is available in Lesotho. Trauma remains the second main reason for admission of males in hospital, after HIV and AIDS, with resultant death ranging from 3%-6% (AJR 2012). Causes of trauma are mainly head injuries resulting from fights. According to police data, injuries resulting from road traffic accidents are also on the increase, with the burden mainly in the capital city, Maseru. The table below reflects trends in some key health indicators. Table 2: Trends in health indicators Indicators 1976 1986 1996 2006 2004 2009 2011 Life Expectancy 51 53 59 41 41.02 41.84 50 IMR/1000 live Births 103 84 74 94 91 91 63 Child Mortality Rate/1000 - 34 34 24 24 28 U5 Mortality Rate/1 000 5 - - 113 113 117 86 MMR/100000 Births - 282 282 939 762 1155 620 Sources: Health Policy 2011 and WHO Health Statistics 2013 2.7 National response to overcoming health challenges In line with global and regional commitments, and in an effort to improve and sustain the quality of life of the Basotho people, the NSDP of Lesotho places halting and reversing the HIV and AIDS epidemic among its population high on its development agenda. The country finances 70% of cost of ARV medicines and will finance 100% of TB medicines, based on the 20% annual incremental contribution from 0% in 2009. Lesotho has mobilized financial and technical support from a number of partners towards achieving its MDG targets for HIV/ AIDS and TB. Below is an account of specific initiatives undertaken by the government to address these challenges. C O O P E R A T I O N S T R A T E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 11 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 11 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO The national responses to HIV and TB have been based on the NSDP, NHPSP, the country‘s commitment to regional and global HIV/TB resolutions and declarations; as well as the emerging global movement for Universal Health Coverage with essential high impact health interventions and opportunities brought about by developmental and technological innovations, with bearing on the efficient delivery of HIV and TB prevention and control services. Through the 2008–2012 National TB and Leprosy Plan and 2011-2015 National Strategic plan for HIV and AIDS, the country continued to pursue the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals targets for HIV, AIDS and TB control. A new national TB Strategic Plan 2013-2017 has been developed. The country has achieved universal health facility coverage with HTC, PMTCT, ART and TB DOTS services, and is scaling up interventions consistent with the Global Health Sector Strategy on HIV/AIDS 2011-2015, as well as the STOP TB Strategy. HIV, AIDS and TB control services are integrated in the Primary Health Care (PHC) system and HIV/AIDS and anti-TB medicines are provided free of charge to all patients, even in the non-state sectors. The government has established partnerships with the Christian Health Association of Lesotho (CHAL) for the management of HIV and TB patients and is seeking to expand the scope to cover other private health-care providers. The country has adopted the global HIV and TB policies, guidelines and tools for service provision and management, including programme and disease monitoring. HIV sentinel surveillance has been conducted every two years; the last one was in 2011 and the latest for 2013 is in progress. In addition, HIV surveillance was included in the LDHS, and provided useful population-based data in 2004 and 2009. The next one is planned for 2014. However, the true burden of TB is not yet known, as the first national TB prevalence survey is only planned for 2014. The National policy provides for ambulatory treatment of patients and treatment approaches are based on WHO/IUATLD guidelines and recommendations. HIV and TB diagnostic services have been expanding progressively, with all the public health facilities able to provide rapid testing for HIV and microscopic diagnosis for TB, including an innovative approach (“Riders for Health”) to get laboratory specimens and results to and from health centres. The Government is contributing 70% of funds needed for the purchase of ARV medicines, and has been contributing progressively towards the procurement of first-line anti- TB medicines from the Global Drug Facility, reaching 100% at the beginning of 2014. “Community-Based Support Group and “Community DOT Supporters’ initiatives are being widely implemented to improve treatment adherence. 12 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 12 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
Lesotho is running both hospital and community-based MDR-TB treatment models. All DR-TB patients are systematically started on TB treatment or both TB and ART for co-infected patients, within a short time of diagnosis. The country has a well-developed laboratory capacity to diagnose MDR-TB, using conventional technologies, and is rolling out new WHO-endorsed rapid molecular tests to aid early diagnosis. All confirmed M/XDR-TB cases are able to access free second-line anti-TB medicines and there have been no waiting lists for treatment. The following major issues and challenges still remain: True burden of TB in the country is not yet known as no TB disease survey has ever been conducted; Government resource allocation for HIV and TB control activities, including human and financial resources, are not yet commensurate with the size of the disease burden; the ART coverage and TB treatment success rates are still fall far below the 80% and 87% of the global target respectively. This is mainly due to low enrolment of people with HIV in treatment and poor retention into treatment for both people with HIV and TB, attributed to high patient loss to follow-up and death rates; HIV and TB diagnostics are still faced with frequent shortage of HIV test kits and lack of microscopy services at some facilities, as well as low coverage of Gene-Xpert technology due to the challenging geographical terrain of the country. There are still significant portions of the population without easy access to essential HIV and TB diagnosis and treatment services, due to geographical barriers, especially during rainy and winter seasons. Some health facilities, especially at peripheral level, do not initiate treatment even for laboratory- confirmed susceptible TB cases as well as for children with HIV. A vertical model of DR-TB management is partner-run and driven, with minimal oversight by the NTLP and the general primary health care system. The capacities of designated laboratory to conduct DST for second-line anti-TB medicines and access to culture and DST services by far located and rural health facilities is still a challenge. There is still limited functional collaborative linkage between the two programmes at central and district policy levels, as well as in the service delivery points/health facilities resulting in low coverage of ART among HIV/TB co-infected patients. Patient monitoring tools for HIV and TB are not linked and there is incomplete and unreliable recording on HIV and TB activities. Infection control at health care facilities remains a challenge and most of them do not have infection control plans. C O O P E R A T I O N S T R A T E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 13 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 13 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
WHO COUNTRY OFFICE LESOTHO Lesotho employs a number of mechanisms to discourage unhealthy habits, and tobacco is recognized as the most preventable cause of non-communicable diseases. World No-Tobacco day is celebrated annually and a number of anti- smoking campaigns are organized in the country. Lesotho ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in 2005, and the Tobacco bill has been completed. The Anti-Drug and Alcohol Association of Lesotho (ADAAL) which promotes student awareness against substance abuse in high schools is in place. There is also a programme towards prevention of alcohol use implemented with a Norwegian development non-governmental organization. In order to control high blood pressure and diabetes, health promotion initiatives, through different types of media, have been employed to promote screening of both diseases. Cancer screening is one of the factors that control the disease burden, therefore, access to PAP smears services has been availed in all the hospitals and LPPA clinics for early detection of cervical cancer. The cervical cancer screening programme was also launched at Senkatana at the beginning of 2013. Unfortunately to date, treatment is not yet provided in the country. As one of the primary prevention approaches, in 2011, the MOH introduced a HPV vaccine towards prevention of cervical cancer. This was piloted in two districts before it was replicated in the remaining eight districts. In May 2011, Lesotho launched a Decade of Road Safety which included production of educational information on prevention of road traffic accidents. Immunization is known as one of the most successful and cost-effective public health investments that can save children’s lives. Thus immunization can significantly contribute to achieving the MDG 4 relating to reduction of child mortality, which aims to reduce under-five mortality by two thirds by 2015. Several initiatives were therefore taken to improve immunization coverage. Data Quality Self-Assessment (DQS) was conducted which led to identification of four districts with high numbers of unimmunized children. Reaching Every District (RED) training was conducted in the identified districts. Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) recording and reporting tools were reviewed to incorporate new vaccines. The national routine immunization by vaccine showed the immunization coverage to be, on the average, 60%, which is far less than the target of 90%. This is of great concern in perspective of achieving the MDG target on immunization. The country has a Disaster Management Authority (DMA) in preparedness for emergencies. The Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) plan exists but needs to be reviewed. The country also has an Integrated Disease 14 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 14 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
Surveillance and Response (IDSR) in readiness for outbreaks. There is a multi-sector Business Continuity Plan (BCP), which is not necessarily disease- focused but covers all types of emergencies. It has been completed through coordination by DMA, but is yet to be endorsed. Communication of emergencies needs to improve as it sometimes is delayed. Multisectoral post-disaster needs assessments are undertaken after each disaster to determine the effects and required remedial actions. WHO partakes in health-related assessments. 3.3 UN Reforms Status and UNDAF Process Historically, the health service delivery functioned within the Health Service Areas (HSA) which divided the country into 18 zones. Following decentralization, health service delivery is now assigned to ten administrative districts of the country. Each district has at least one hospital. There are two major health service providers namely, the Government of Lesotho (GOL) and the Christian Health Association of Lesotho (CHAL) with ownership of about 60% and 40% of the health institutions respectively. The table below indicates the total number of health facilities by district and ownership. Table 3: Summary of health facilities by ownership # of # of # of # of Health Total # of Proprietor General Primary Filter Centre Facilities Hospitals Hospitals Clinics GOL 12 0 83 4 99 CHAL 8 0 73 0 81 Red Cross 0 0 4 0 4 Private 1 4 47 0 52 GRAND TOTAL 21 4 207 4 236 Sources: Health facilities list 2013 The new state-of-the-art referral hospital, Queen ‘Mamohato Memorial Hospital (QMMH) has been operational since October 2011, in replacement of the old Queen Elizabeth II Hospital (QE II) through an innovative, ground-breaking Public-Private Partnership (PPP). The hospital comes with advanced equipment and additional services, such as the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Neonatal ICU (NNICU), which were previously unavailable in QE II. C O O P E R A T I O N S T R A T E G Y 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 9 15 COOPERATION STRATEGY - Lesotho 2 - Final.indd 15 2015/07/09 1:46 AM
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