Where Are We in Discourse Relation Recognition? - SIGdial
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Where Are We in Discourse Relation Recognition? Katherine Atwell Junyi Jessy Li Malihe Alikhani Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Linguistics Dept. of Computer Science University of Pittsburgh The University of Texas at Austin University of Pittsburgh kaa139@pitt.edu jessy@austin.utexas.edu malihe@pitt.edu Abstract This discourse shows the classic pattern of implicit information. The overall point is that Alice had a Discourse parsers recognize the intentional and inferential relationships that organize ex- negative opinion of the story: the underlying expla- tended texts. They have had a great influence nation is that the story was not interesting because on a variety of NLP tasks as well as theoreti- it had no surprises. But given available lexical re- cal studies in linguistics and cognitive science. sources and sentiment detection methods, we can However it is often difficult to achieve good capture such inferences systematically by recog- results from current discourse models, largely nizing that they follow common general patterns, due to the difficulty of the task, particularly known as “discourse relations”, and are guided by recognizing implicit discourse relations. Re- cent developments in transformer-based mod- shallow cues. els have shown great promise on these analy- An example of an instance in which discourse ses, but challenges still remain. We present analysis can produce insights that may be missed by a position paper which provides a systematic employing other NLP methods is this example from analysis of the state of the art discourse parsers. Taboada (2016), where without discourse relations We aim to examine the performance of current it may be difficult to capture sentiment: discourse parsing models via gradual domain shift: within the same corpus, on in-domain (2) “While this book is totally different from texts, and on out-of-domain texts, and discuss any other book he has written to date, it the differences between the transformer-based did not disappoint me at all.” models and the previous models in predicting different types of implicit relations both inter- This represents a Concession relation according and intra-sentential. We conclude by describ- to both Rhetorical Structure Theory and the Penn ing several shortcomings of the existing mod- Discourse Treebank (where it is notated as Com- els and a discussion of how future work should parison.Concession), resolving the incongruity of the approach this problem. first clause being negative and the second clause 1 Introduction being positive by illustrating how the negative state- ment in the subordinate clause is reversed by the Discourse analysis is a crucial analytic level in NLP. positive one in the main clause. In natural language discourse, speakers and writers The importance of discourse has led to active often rely on implicit inference to signal the kind research based on predicting what coherence re- of contribution they are making to the conversation, lations are present in text based on shallow infor- as well as key relationships that justify their point mation. The predicted relations are then used to of view. While early AI literature is full of case draw inferences from the text. The value of pre- studies suggesting that this inference is complex, dicting the semantic classes of coherence relations open-ended and knowledge-heavy (e.g., Charniak has been demonstrated in several applications, in- (1973); Schank and Abelson (1977)), recent work cluding sentiment analysis (Marcu, 2000; Bhatia on computational discourse coherence offers a dif- et al., 2015), machine comprehension (Narasimhan ferent approach. Take the following example from and Barzilay, 2015), summarization (Cohan et al., Pitler and Nenkova (2008): 2018; Marcu, 1999; Xu et al., 2019; Kikuchi et al., (1) “Alice thought the story was predictable. 2014), and predicting instructor intervention in an She found it boring.” online course discussion forum (Chandrasekaran 314 Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, pages 314–325 July 29–31, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
et al., 2017). However, it is still the case that few structure and vocabulary. works have so far found discourse relations as key Additionally, as part of our evaluation, we asked features (Zhong et al., 2020). We argue that one linguists to perform manual annotation, which al- reason for this gap between theory and empirical lowed us to evaluate the accuracy of these parsers evidence is the quality of the parsers exacerbated on plain, unlabeled text, and gain some insight by the distributional shifts in the texts they need to about the mistakes made by the parsers. During the apply to. annotation process, we uncovered information that The necessity of discourse research has resulted can guide future research, including but not limited in several shared tasks (Xue et al., 2015, 2016) and to the critical role of context for implicit discourse corpora development in multiple languages (Zeyrek sense classification. We discuss this need for con- and Webber, 2008; Meyer et al., 2011; Danlos et al., text, hypothesize what scenarios may cause two 2012; Zhou et al., 2014; Zeyrek et al., 2020). Yet arguments to need additional context, and provide shallow discourse parsing is a very difficult task; some examples for which this is the case. We urge more than 10 years after the introduction of the future researchers to consider developing context- Penn Discourse Treebank (Eleni Miltsakaki, 2004), aware models for shallow discourse parsing mov- performance for English implicit discourse rela- ing forward. We release our dataset to facilitate tion recognition has gone from 40.2 F-1 (Lin et al., further discourse analysis under domain shift. 1 2009) to 47.8 (Lee et al., 2020), less than 8 per- centage points; a similar story could be said about 2 Related Work the relation prediction performance of RST parsers. There are various frameworks for studying inferen- Such performance hinders the wider application of tial links between discourse segments, from local parsers. If downstream tasks are to use predicted shallow relations between discourse segments in relation senses, the data to which the systems are PDTB (Rashmi Prasad, 2008) to hierarchical con- applied is typically different from their training stituent structures in RST (Carlson et al., 2003) or data—the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in a 3-year discourse graphs in Segmented Discourse Repre- window—to varying degrees. This tends to further sentation Theory (SDRT) (Asher et al., 2003) and aggravate the low performance observed. As a re- the Discourse Graphbank (Wolf and Gibson, 2005). sult, often we find that adding parsed discourse Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) (Mann and relations into models are unhelpful. Thompson, 1987) provides a hierarchical structure Although domain difference is a recognized for analyzing text that describes relations between issue in shallow discourse parsing by existing text spans known as elementary discourse units work (Braud et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2016), we (EDUs). The RST Discourse Treebank (Carlson still have little understanding of the types of distri- et al., 2003) contains 385 Wall Street Journal arti- butional shift that matter and by how much, even cles from the Penn Treebank (Marcus et al., 1993) within one language. This position paper seeks to which have been split into elementary discourse shed some light on our current state in discourse units and annotated according to Rhetorical Struc- parsing in English. Surprisingly, we found that ture Theory, where discourse relations are anno- parsers have some issues even within the same tated in a tree structure across the whole document. news source as the training set (WSJ); the differ- A full list of these relations can be found in Carlson ences in accuracy were not significant between in- and Marcu (2001). domain and out-of-domain data for the qualitative The Penn Discourse Treebank (PDTB) examples that we looked at, although the distribu- (Eleni Miltsakaki, 2004; Rashmi Prasad, 2008; tion of errors tend to be different. This differs from Prasad et al., 2018), which also uses Penn Treebank other NLP tasks such as entity recognition, where Wall Street Journal articles, contains discourse training on data in the target domain increased the relations annotated in a shallow, non-hierarchical F1 score by over 20 points (Bamman et al., 2019). manner. For each relation between two arguments, We further found that parsers perform differ- each argument and the discourse connective (word ently on implicit discourse relations held within or phrase that indicates the discourse relation) vs. across sentences. We believe these findings are are labeled. The PDTB also annotates whether a strong evidence for the sensitivity of existing mod- 1 Our data is located here: https://github.com/ els to distributional shift in terms of both linguistic katherine-atwell/discourse-domain-shift 315
relation is explicit or non-explicit, the latter type proved evaluation protocol for the PDTB-2 (Kim of which has three subtypes: Implicit, AltLex, et al., 2020). In contrast, our work aims to analyze and EntRel. In this paper, we focus on implicit and evaluate existing discourse parsers via gradual relations, where a connective can be inserted domain shift. We provide a comparative genre- between the two arguments that indicates a based analysis on distributionally shifted text data discourse relation. These relations are considered and present a qualitative analysis of the impact of extremely challenging for discourse parsers to the practical choices that these models make while automatically identify. doing discourse parsing across frameworks. There is a need to examine the performance of the proposed discourse parsers, their represen- 3 Where are we in discourse parsing? tational choices, their generalizability, and inter- 3.1 Experiments pretability both across domains, distributions, and frameworks. One recently developed framework Data. We start by focusing on possible distribu- is the PDTB-3. Since its release in 2019, several tional shifts in a shallow parser’s application, by papers have evaluated the performance of implicit considering different linguistic types of implicit dis- sense classifiers on this new corpus, which includes course relations (inter- vs intra-sentential) (Liang newly annotated intra-sentential implicit discourse et al., 2020). To do this, we evaluate performance relations. In addition to proposing a new evalua- on the PDTB-2 and PDTB-3, as well as the intra- tion framework for PDTB, Kim et al. (2020) eval- sentential relations in the PDTB-3 specifically. uate the performance of pretrained encoders for We then evaluate the performance of three implicit sense classification on the PDTB-2 and widely used or state-of-the-art models under grad- the PDTB-3. Liang et al. (2020) identify locating ual shift of the domain of texts, noting that users the position of relations as a new challenge in the who would want to use a parser will be applying PDTB-3, due to the significantly increased number it on data that varies linguistically to different de- of intra-sentential implicit relations annotated. grees from the parser’s training data (a fixed 3-year window of WSJ articles). The data we examine Techniques of discourse parsing range from su- is: WSJ texts outside of the Penn Treebank , other pervised (Liu et al., 2019; Mabona et al., 2019; Lin news texts, and the GUM corpus (Zeldes, 2017). et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2020; Kobayashi et al., Note that none of these texts contain gold PDTB 2020) and weakly supervised and unsupervised ap- annotations, and only the GUM corpus contains proaches (Lee et al., 2020; Nishida and Nakayama, gold RST annotations. 2020; Kurfalı and Östling, 2019); recent develop- ments such as word/contextual embeddings have Setup. To examine the impact of changing the lin- improved parser performance, although not as sig- guistic distribution by introducing intra-sentential nificantly as other tasks (Shi and Demberg, 2019; discourse relations, we run the model developed by Chen et al., 2019) Yet most works have made sim- Chen et al. (2019) using the same train-test split as plifying assumptions concerning the linguistic an- the authors and training/testing on discourse senses notations for practical purposes that affect their which contain 10 or more examples. To get results evaluation and generality. For instance, most shal- for the PDTB-2, we train and test the model on low discourse parsers use only the argument pairs the PDTB-2; to get results for the PDTB-3 and in- to determine the discourse sense without consider- trasentential relations in the PDTB-3, we train the ing further context. Additionally, in RST parsing, model on the PDTB-3 and evaluate its performance standard practice involves classifying only the 18 on both of these sets. top-level RST classes (Hernault et al., 2010; Feng To parse plain-text documents for PDTB rela- and Hirst, 2014; Morey et al., 2017). Thus, all tions, we use the Wang and Lan (2015) parser as Elaboration relations are lumped together, mak- our end-to-end parser and the Chen et al. (2019) ing it a huge class. We reveal findings about these DiscoEval parser as our implicit sense classifier. assumptions in Section 4. The former is needed in order to parse unlabeled Other works evaluating discourse parsers include text, and the latter is a more accurate BERT-based DiscoEval (Chen et al., 2019), a test suite of eval- implicit sense classifier (implicit sense classifica- uation tasks that test the effectiveness of different tion is the most difficult PDTB parsing task). To sentence encoders for discourse parsers, and an im- evaluate these parsers, we look at quantitative as- 316
PDTB-2 PDTB-3 PDTB-3 constituents. Additionally, they often co-occur with Intra-Sent explicit relations. Table 1 shows the accuracies of the base and Base 0.4236 0.4897 0.6251 large BERT model (Chen et al., 2019) on the im- Large 0.4358 0.5094 0.6251 plicit relations in the two versions of the PDTB. Table 1: Accuracy of the BERT-based model described The results on the PDTB-3 are significantly better in Chen et al. (2019) on implicit relations in the PDTB. than those of the PDTB-2, and the model tested on the PDTB-3 intra-sentential relations significantly outperformed both (p11.172). This mir- pects of their output (e.g. the distributions) and rors the results found from running the baseline qualitative aspects (manual annotation and inspec- model in Liang et al. (2020) on the PDTB-2, PDTB- tion of parser output). 3, and PDTB-3 intra-sentential relations. For our RST experiments, we use the state-of- Figure 1 shows the accuracy of the Wang et al. the-art (Wang et al., 2017) parser. We evaluate the (2017) parser on the inter-sentential and intra- performance of this parser on the standard RST sentential relations in the RST, respectively. For Discourse Treebank test set with a 90-10 split (347 the inter-sentential relations, we sampled only the training documents and 38 test documents). We relations between two sentences to have a “fairer” also evaluate it on the gold labels from the GUM comparison (it is well known that performance suf- corpus (but trained on the RST). Because GUM fers on higher levels of the RST tree). As with is annotated with 20 different discourse relations the PDTB, these results show a significant im- which do not precisely map to the conventional 18 provement in performance when run on only the types used in the Wang et al. (2017) parser, we map intra-sentential relations compared to only the inter- the ones that don’t match these types or the more sentential relations. fine-grained relations in the following manner, fol- These results drive home the influence of the lin- lowing Braud et al. (2017): preparation to BACK- guistic and structural differences between intra- and GROUND, justify and motivation to EXPLANA- inter-sentence implicit relations on the performance TION, and solutionhood to TOPIC-COMMENT. of the parsers. We initially found this surprising For the plain-text news articles from outside of since intra-sentence ones contain arguments with the PDTB corpus, we mirror the PDTB experi- less information than their (full-sentence) inter- ments on these documents by parsing them with sentence counterparts. However, one explanation the (Wang et al., 2017) parser, then examining the for this is that, while looking for relations within resulting distributions and manually inspecting the sentence boundaries is a problem that has been parser output. very explored, and to some extent solved, in var- 3.2 Findings ious NLP tasks (e.g. syntactic parsing), there are not as many rules regarding relations that occur Transformer-based models perform better on across sentence boundaries. Regardless of the linguistically different intra-sentential relations cause, these results illustrate that future shallow than they do on inter-sentential relations. As discourse parsers may benefit from accounting for mentioned above, we aim to examine the results of such linguistic differences explicitly. distributional shifts in both vocabulary and linguis- tic structure. Here, we look at shifts in linguistic Parsers struggle to identify implicit relations structure, namely, inter- vs. intra-sentence implicit from less frequent classes. The second distribu- discourse relations (Hobbs, 1985). The latter was tional shift we examine is a shift in vocabulary. In introduced in the PDTB-3 (Liang et al., 2020) from order to capture this, we measure the performance which we show the following example: across several domain shifts from the PDTB-2 us- ing three datasets: WSJ articles from the COHA (3) ...Exxon Corp. built the plant but (Im- corpus (Davies, 2012), other news articles from plicit=then) closed it in 1985 COHA, and the GUM corpus (Zeldes, 2017). The Unlike the inter-sentence relations that were an- WSJ articles are completely within the domain notated across adjacent sentences, implicit intra- of the PDTB, but more shifted in timeline than sentence relations do not occur at well-defined po- the PDTB test set. The other news articles are sitions, but rather between varied types of syntactic in-domain as well, but not from the same source 317
Figure 1: F-1 scores for running the Wang et al RST parser on the RST Discourse Treebank for inter-sentential (yel- low) and intra-sentential (blue) relations (* denotes that this relation was not included in the set of inter-sentential relations). We can see from this graph that the performance of the parser was improved for the intra-sentential relations compared to the inter-sentential relations. publication, and thus may be linguistically differ- These results show us that if PDTB parsers are ent. The GUM corpus, our out-of-domain dataset, run on plain text documents, whether in-domain or contains data from eight domains: Academic, Bio, slightly shifted, the results are likely to be overcon- Fiction, Interview, News, Travel, How-to guides, fident with majority classes and unlikely to predict and Forum Discussions. It contains gold RST an- minority classes. notations but no PDTB annotations. To quantitatively evaluate the performance of Wang et al. Level-2 Predictions these parsing models, we examine the distribution Sense WSJ other GUM of the parser predictions and how frequently differ- news ent senses are predicted. From this, we noticed that articles only 5 out of the 16 PDTB-2 level 2 senses were predicted at all by the Wang and Lan parser, and Expansion.Conjunction 15.2 22.7 12.1 only 7 out of 16 were predicted by the DiscoEval Expansion.Instantiation 2.4 1.5 0.7 parser. Of these classes, several were predicted less Expansion.Restatement 30.9 36.1 29.5 than 2% of the time (Table 6). Comparison.Contrast 0.3 0.9 0.9 Contingency.Cause 51.3 38.7 56.7 We can also see that in Tables 2 and 3, the Wang et al parser predicted at least 38.7% Con- Table 2: Percentages of Level-2 senses predicted by tingency.Cause for all datasets and the DiscoEval the Wang and Lan (2015) parser on the Penn Discourse parser predicted at least 44% Contingency.Cause, Treebank on Wall Street Journal articles, other news ar- although these percentages were often much higher. ticles, and the GUM corpus. All other 11 senses not Because only 24.9% of the total relations con- included in this table were not predicted by the parser tained in the PDTB are Contingency, this over- at all. representation of Contingency.Cause in the predic- tions indicates a strong bias towards Contingency. We also obtained the predicted distributions of Indeed, many of the errors found during annota- the RST relations (Table 4) on the COHA news tion occurred when the parser predicted Contin- articles; we examined these results for the set of gency.Cause, the most common level 2 sense, over a WSJ articles as well as the other news articles. We less represented class such as Comparison.Contrast; found that relations that are highly represented in the precision for Contingency.Cause was 0.33, 0.14, the RST Discourse Treebank such as Elaboration, and 0.33 for WSJ articles, non-WSJ news articles, Attribution, and Same Unit were predicted much and the GUM corpus respectively. This likely con- more frequently than they appear in the RST. How- tributed to the low accuracy for these documents. ever, more minority classes were represented in 318
BERT Level-2 Predictions WSJ Articles Other News GUM Corpus Level Wang Disco Wang Disco Wang Disco Sense WSJ other GUM Correct et al Eval et al Eval et al Eval news None 46.7 60.0 35.3 41.2 43.8 23.8 articles Level1 20.0 6.7 29.4 44.4 21.9 28.1 Level2 33.3 33.3 35.3 29.4 34.4 28.1 Temporal.Asynchronous 1.3 1.6 4.2 Expansion.Conjunction 16.4 20.9 19.6 Table 5: Resulting accuracies from annotating a sample Expansion.Instantiation 2.1 2.3 1.0 of implicit PDTB relations and comparing these anno- Expansion.List .7 .4 2.8 tations to the output of the Wang and DiscoEval parsers Expansion.Restatement 22.9 27.2 21.8 Comparison.Contrast 2.1 3.1 1.0 alyze the effects of a change in the distribution of Comparison.Concession 0 .02 0 vocabulary by qualitatively analyzing the results Contingency.Cause 54.3 44.4 49.1 of our discourse parsers through manual inspec- tion. To qualitatively evaluate the results of the Table 3: Level-2 senses predicted by the BERT-based PDTB parsers across domains, we randomly se- model described in Chen et al. (2019) on the Penn Dis- lected 64 implicit relations predicted by the parsers course Treebank on Wall Street Journal articles, other and asked two expert linguists (a faculty member news articles, and the GUM corpus. All other 9 senses not included in this table were not predicted by the and a graduate student at a linguistics department) parser at all, and thus were predicted 0% of the time. to annotate them. These annotations allow us to evaluate the accuracy of the parsers, since none of the documents we are looking at (Wall Street these predictions than in the PDTB parser’s. Journal articles in the COHA dataset, other news articles, and the GUM corpus) have PDTB annota- Predicted RST Relation Percentages tions. More details about our annotation protocol WSJ Arti- Other are provided at the beginning of Section 4. cles News The annotation results are in Table 5, where the Texts results of the parsers are compared to the ground truth labels by the annotators. Attribution 22.02 21.38 Background 2.66 2.98 Across the three corpora, the annotators noticed Cause 0.94 0.79 that in many cases the relation type was labeled Comparison 0.90 0.49 as EntRel or NoRel when it shouldn’t have been, Condition 2.96 1.93 or vice versa. This led to discourse senses being Contrast 4.69 3.86 predicted for relations that did not have a discourse Elaboration 31.47 32.92 sense and vice versa. The parsers also often had Enablement 4.58 4.20 issues with argument segmentation. For the GUM Evaluation 0.04 0.01 corpus, segmentation was especially an issue in the Explanation 0.56 0.71 travel genre, where headers or captions would be Joint 9.49 9.21 labeled as part of an argument. Manner-Means 1.13 1.04 As is shown in Table 5, the percentage of implicit Same-Unit 17.2 19.31 relations that the parsers got right on the second Temporal 1.31 1.18 level appeared to decrease on average as the domain shifted. However, this was a very slight decrease; Table 4: Distribution of relations predicted by running they had roughly the same level of accuracy across the Wang et al. (2017) parser on COHA news articles. all datasets, which was very low. In fact, for all The 4 relations not listed here were not predicted at all parsing models and datasets, a larger percentage of by the parser. relations was predicted completely incorrectly. , The results of running the state-of-the-art Wang et al. (2017) parser on the gold labels of the RST Models fail to generalize to both in-domain and and GUM corpus are shown in Figure 2. These out-of-domain data, and different errors are results make it clear that the RST parser performs seen for different domains. We continue to an- much worse on out-of-domain data than it does on 319
Figure 2: F-1 scores for running the Wang et al RST parser on the RST Discourse Treebank (* indicates that a relation was not annotated on the GUM corpus). For most relations, we see that the parser performed much better on the RST test set than on the GUM articles. Wang and Lan BERT 4.1 Annotation Details WSJ Other GUM WSJ Other GUM For the qualitative analysis, we ask two annotators (a faculty member and a graduate student from Max 51.3 38.7 56.7 54.3 44.4 49.1 linguistics departments) to provide annotations for Std.dev 14.1 13.0 15.4 14.0 12.6 12.9 the data, as none of the texts contain gold PDTB 0% 11 11 11 9 8 8 labels and only the GUM corpus contains gold 0-2% 1 2 2 2 3 3 RST labels. The annotators were trained on, and 2-5% 1 0 0 2 2 2 provided with, the PDTB 2.0 annotation manual >5% 3 3 3 3 3 3 (Prasad et al., 2007). In order for the annotators to annotate this cor- Table 6: Summary stats for running the Wang and Lan parser and BERT parser on WSJ articles, other news pus, discourse relations were randomly chosen articles, and GUM. We study the % of predicted Level from Wall Street Journal articles, other news ar- 2 PDTB relations, reporting the maximum, the standard ticles, and the GUM corpus. 64 of these discourse deviation, and # of sense types that were predicted 0% relations were implicit, and are the only ones re- of the time, 0-2%, etc. ported in this paper. The annotators were given the sentence(s) containing both arguments, with the arguments labeled, and they also had access to the RST corpus data. This is expected; it unsurpris- article text if they ever needed to reference back ingly does not generalize as well for text outside to it. To assess the inter-rater agreement, we deter- of its domain as for the news text contained within mine Cohen’s κ value (Cohen, 1960). We randomly the corpus test set due to a change in vocabulary. selected 25 samples from the PDTB and assigned However, in order for discourse parsers to be useful each to the annotators. We obtained a Cohen’s κ of for applications outside of the news domain, mod- 0.88, which indicates almost perfect agreement. els that can more easily adapt to the target domain must be developed. 4.2 Findings More context than the two arguments is needed 4 Insights for model development to determine the correct discourse relation in many cases One potential way to mitigate the im- While inspecting the results of the annotations, we pact of domain shift on the performance of shallow found several helpful phenomena for developing discourse parsers is to incorporate context. With future models, including observations regarding a few exceptions (Dai and Huang, 2018; Shi and the role of context in shallow discourse parsing and Demberg, 2019; Zhang et al., 2021), existing mod- errors that current RST parsers are making. els for shallow discourse parsing mostly do not 320
Figure 3: RST parse tree containing a segment of the relations that were examined in the qualitative analysis. The discourse sense labels on this tree that were examined in our analysis are marked red and green, where green is correct and red is incorrect use input beyond the two adjacent sentences that ing the day before – and that during a cou- comprise the arguments of the relation (Kishimoto ple of hours , not knowing from one minute et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2019). We found that only to the next what time the power is coming considering these two sentences is not sufficient on. ” In this northern latitude it does n’t even for our expert linguist annotators. Specifi- get dark in summer until about 10:30 p.m. cally, while annotating the PDTB, the annotators so lighting is operate except at some crazy found several examples where, when they looked at time like 11:45 at night , whenever there the larger context behind the arguments and the sen- is power , unless they have stand-by diesel tences where the arguments were contained, their generators. There ’s a year ’s supply of annotations changed. Below, we describe a few diesel oil here. examples that demonstrate the mistakes that can be made without the full context and their implica- The additional context, that people in the country tions: described are dealing with electricity issues despite there being a year’s worth of diesel supply, is now (4) In this northern latitude it does n’t get made clear in this passage. Thus we can conclude dark in summer until about 10:30 p.m. so that the correct relation here is Comparison.Contrast. lighting is operate except at some crazy Without getting this context and just seeing the two time like 11:45 at night , whenever there sentences in which the arguments are contained, is power , unless they have stand-by diesel it is difficult to discern this as an annotator. This generators. There ’s a year ’s supply of shows that by just getting exposure to the two argu- diesel oil here. ments, without additional context, the sense may be marked incorrectly. The Wang and Lan (2015) This example is from the Wall Street Journal. At parser and the DiscoEval parser both predicted this first glimpse, one would think to annotate this as incorrectly, with the Wang and Lan (2015) parser Contingency.Factual present condition, but this does not predicting it as Contingency.Cause and the BERT capture the full context, which is shown below: parser predicting it as Expansion.Conjunction. (5) One housewife says : ” With an electric Similarly, the following example, also contained kitchen I have to do my whole day ’s cook- in this passage, has a different true annotation than 321
one would think from only seeing the arguments: tachment issue can lead to error propagation where the accuracy of the attachments further in the tree is (6) One housewife says : ” With an electric impacted by that of the current one. Reducing this kitchen I have to do my whole day ’s cook- error is of the utmost importance for future parsers. ing the day before – and that during a cou- ple of hours , not knowing from one minute 5 Conclusion and future work to the next what time the power is com- ing on . ” In this northern latitude it Discourse parsing for text has seen a recent surge does n’t get dark in summer until about in experimental approaches. In this work we pre- 10:30 p.m. so lighting is operate except sented a detailed analysis of the performance of at some crazy time like 11:45 at night the state of the art discourse parsers and analysed , whenever there is power , unless they their weaknesses and strength. The conclusions have stand-by diesel generators . drawn above from these experiments make it clear that discourse parsing, though it has come a long The relation may be deemed as Expansion. Instanti- way in the past decade or so, still has a long way to ation. However, by reading the full text, it is clear go, particularly with respect to parsing on out-of- that it should be labeled as Contingency.Cause. Like domain texts and addressing issues of class imbal- the last example, a clearer view of the full text is ances, although the BERT-based model has made needed to determine the proper annotation, not sim- some improvements in this area. Additionally, we ply the two arguments. investigated how and when PDTB-3 can help in im- These observations provide insights as to why proving the prediction of intra-sentential implicit contextual embeddings with document context such relations. as the next sentence prediction task helps with There are several promising future directions implicit discourse relation classification (Shi and for the area of discourse parsing. A model that Demberg, 2019). More generally, we believe future detects intra-sentential implicit relations is neces- work on discourse parsing should look beyond only sary in order to be able to parse on the PDTB-3. the arguments of a relation because of the differ- Exploring new neural parsing strategies is also a ent interpretations one would give when taking the must. We observed that neural parsers are ignorant relation in vs. out of context. We believe that ar- about what they do not know and overconfident gument pairs with low specificity and one or more when they make uninformed predictions. Quantify- pronouns may be especially in need of this extra ing prediction uncertainty directly by training the context, but more experimentation will have to be model to output high uncertainty for the data sam- done to confirm this hypothesis. ples close to class boundaries can results in parsers that can make better decisions. One takeaway of Attachment issues tend to occur throughout the our empirical analysis was the importance of the RST parse tree, and relations are often misclas- role of context in identifying the correct discourse sified as Same-Unit and Elaboration. Regard- relations. This observation suggests the need for ing insights for the RST Discourse Treebank, a new computational experiments that can identify piece of the RST tree for this paragraph can be the right context window that is required for the seen in 3. Here, the EDU “One housewife says” model to accurately predict relations. should attach to the EDU after it, “With an elec- tric kitchen I have to do my whole day’s cooking Another useful direction is designing models that the day before”. However, it instead attaches to can learn discourse relations on their own without EDUs from the preceding sentences, which is in- the help of annotated corpora. There are several un- correct, as these two sentences do not contain what supervised models (Kobayashi et al., 2019; Nishida the housewife says. We saw several other attach- and Nakayama, 2020) that are used for determining ment issues in the text, including a couple where the structure of discourse parse trees but few that the attachment should go up/down by several levels. infer the relations themselves. We also saw several instances of the relation being Acknowledgements incorrectly tagged as Same-Unit or Elaboration, some of which can be seen in the diagram. We would like to thank the reviewers, Diane Litman Attachment issues are a particular problem for and Matthew Stone for providing helpful feedback RST parsing due to its hierarchical nature; one at- for this work. 322
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