When Mt. Washington was Almost Home to Morgan State - Mount Washington Improvement Association

Page created by Kelly Sanders
WWW   . M W I A . ORG                                                                             JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021

When Mt. Washington
was Almost Home to
Morgan State

    In 1913, Morgan College President John O. Spencer, looking
for a new location for the institution, considered the hunting
lodge of Declaration of Independence signer Charles Carroll at
the corner of Cross Country, Pimlico, and Greenspring. Indus-
trialist Andrew Carnegie supported the college and pledged
                                                                                                                                    Photo by Karen Donley.
$50,000 for a new building in its chosen location, as it had
                                                                    The property on which the historic Carroll Hunting Lodge sits was once
lacked room for expansion at its location at Edmonson and           considered as a potential site for Morgan State University.
Fulton Avenues in West Baltimore.
    The plan was vigorously opposed by the Mount Washington         segregationist, racist views prevalent in Baltimore at the time.
Improvement Association. At a community meeting on                  The Baltimore Sun reported that the letter concluded, “As a
September 29, 1913 at the Mount Washington Casino, racial           suburban development, Mount Washington stands next to
tensions were high as residents sought to prevent the building      Roland Park in picturesqueness, in attractiveness, in the value of
of the campus there. Fervent opposition led to 1,500 letters sent   its real estate and in the character of its improvements. The loca-
to residents urging a united opposition which reflected the         tion of a negro college and a negro settlement almost in the very
                                                                                                                        See Carroll Lodge, page 10

Blue Ocean Provides Some Answers to Community Questions
By KAREN DONLEY                              Ocean’s statement were shared with the            the subject of a February 23 meeting of
karenmwia@gmail.com                          community via email by Ellie Mitchell in          the City Board of Municipal & Zoning
                                             mid-January.                                      Appeals.
    As attendees to the event know, Blue         The original Overlook project is the              The MWIA Board has not yet taken a
Ocean did not attend the January 5 forum     subject of continued litigation after a           position on the development. The Board
on the proposed variance requested for       Baltimore Circuit Court judge ruled that          will be communicating with some of the
the Overlook Project and offered instead     the City Council improperly approved the          adjacent community associations who
to provide written answers to community      project in 2019. At the time the project          are, at this point, opposed to the project.
questions. MWIA President Ellie Mitchell     planned was an 80-foot-high, six story
offered Blue Ocean the opportunity to        apartment building behind The Falls at            Selected Community Questions
share materials and a statement. Answers     the intersection of Falls Road and                and Blue Ocean Answers
to the questions were disseminated via       Northern Parkway. While the issue is still
email; we reproduce a selection of them      under litigation, Blue Ocean has                  1. The traffic pattern as shown, with entry
here, the number of which was edited for     requested a variance to build the project         to the project being a left turn from the
space. The full set of questions and Blue    to an 89-foot height. Their request will be       parking lot of The Falls looks dangerous
                                                                                                                           See Blue Ocean, page 11
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                    BOARD OF DIRECTORS                     2020-2021                          CONTACT THE MWIA NEWSLETTER

Officers                     Peter Garver                  Directors Emeriti
                             peter@garverdevelopment.com                                           The newsletter of the Mount Washington
                                                           Lindsey White
Ellie Mitchell               Kristin Glass                                                    Improvement Association is distributed six
President                    kristinyc@gmail.comt
                                                           John Mack                          times a year to all residents of Mount
                             Courtney Hill                 jw.mack@comcast.net                Washington and includes information on the
Robin Truiett-Theodorson     doctorachill@gmail.com                                           news, people, activities, and businesses of
Vice President
                             Ben James                     Area Director                      the neighborhood, as well as the actions of
                             Benjamin_a_james@yahoo.com                                       the Association's Board of Directors. The
Deb Kleiner                                                Mary Jo Harris
                             Tim Kearley                   mjharris422@comcast.net
                                                                                              newsletter can be contacted at
Vice President
                             chblow@gmail.com                                                 news@mwia.org with story ideas, calendar
                             Deb Kleiner                                                      listings, volunteering interest, and other
Ellen Spokes                                               Area Captains
                             debkleiner1@comcast.net                                          inquiries. Advertising in the newsletter
Secretary                                                  1- Ari McCown Fleagle
                                                                                              generates revenue that is used to support the
                             John Mack                        kamccown@gmail.com
                             jw.mack@comcast.net                                              MWIA and community; interested advertisers
Ben James                                                     Larry Mangum
                                                              busanlyst@aol.com               should contact advertising@mwia.org for
Treasurer                    Sue May
Benjamin_a_james@yahoo.com   baltimoresue@gmail.com
                                                                                              information on rates and publication.
                                                           2- Esther Fleischmann
Jere Morrel                  Ellie Mitchell                   efleischmann@mac.com
Membership secretary         ellie@elliemitchell.org       3- Marion Phipps                                — Karen Donley
jere.morrel@gmail.com        Jere Morrel                      marrionphipps07@comcast.net                    Editor
                             Jere.morrel@gmail.com         4- Joan Wisner-Carlson
Directors                    Cheryl Nichols                   jwisnercarlson@gmail.com
Kimberly Brodie-Hopkins      cherylnichols1@icloud.com     5- Lu Pierson                    Area captains are liaisons between the seven
butterfly821@iclould.com     Ellen Spokes                     lu.pierson@verizon.net        community areas and the MWIA. Contact your area
Richard Chamberlain          elinorspokes@gmail.com        6- Greg Walsh                    captain to raise and discuss issues you would like to
rpchamberlin@verizon.net     Robin Truiett-Theodorson         greg@gregwalsh.com            see addressed by the MWIA, or to otherwise obtain
Louise Cornell               rtruiett@yahoo.com            7- Betsy Royall                  information about the neighborhood and other
louisecornell@comcast.net    Josh Weiss                       betsy@betsycasting.com        assistance. A map of the seven areas can be found at
                             wjoshweiss@gmail.com                                           mwia.org/about.html
Paul Drutz-Hannahs


Racial Equity and Inclusion Committee to Host First                                Meeting of the Mt. Washington Improvement Association. Photos will be
Book Club Meeting                                                                  displayed on the MWIA website and Facebook page after the open board
     The Mount Washington Improvement                                                  The MWIA is sponsoring the exhibit in the following categories: Archi-
Association’s Racial Equity and Inclusion                                          tecture, Nature, Dogs (and other pets), Institutions, Parks, Recreation,
Committee is holding the first meeting of their                                    Hiking and Biking, Families and Kids. This is not a competition; all submis-
book club. The purpose of the club is to spark                                     sions to the Picture Mt. Washington Exhibit are welcome. Accepted
conversation over issues of racial equity and                                      photographs are limited to depictions taken in Mt. Washington by Mt.
inclusion in our community. The choice for                                         Washington residents or business owners. By submitting to Picture Mt.
their inaugural meeting is Between the World                                       Washington, owners of the photographs are permitting reproduction on the
and Me by Baltimore native Ta-Nehisi Coates.                                       MWIA website and social media accounts. Send submissions to mwiaso-
     The book was inspired after Coates’                                           cial@gmail.com by February 8, 2021 and share your Mt. Washington with
reread James Baldwin’s 1963 book The Fire                                          everyone.
Next Time the first few pages of which are
letters written by Baldwin to his 15-year-old                                      The Hashtags for Food and Fashion
nephew. Coates’ book, however, is entirely a letter written to his son in a
different age.                                                                          The January #TakeOutOnTheMount campaign to highlight Village
     The virtual meeting will be held Sunday, February 21, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.       restaurants for socially distanced deliciousness was very successful. See In
The Race Equity and Inclusion Committee aims to spark dialogue and action          and Around Mt. Washington for pictures of the bounty before the photo
around issues of racial equity, power, privilege, and systemic oppression.         subjects disappeared for dinner.
Join them for their inaugural event! The book can be purchased at the Ivy               The campaign was so popular, we’ll be hashtagging community flair and
Bookshop through this link:                                                        fashion. The rules are easy: Residents and business owners can hashtag
https://www.theivybookshop.com/book/9780812993547. Register for the                photographs of their uniquely Mt. Washington flair and fashion purchased
event at https://tinyurl.com/y9edhgmt. If you have any questions regarding         at a village (or very nearby village) merchant. Use the hashtag #FashionOn-
this event, please email the committee at mtwash.rei.bookclub@gmail.com.           TheMount and tell us from which village merchant you bought your
                                                                                   fabulous Mt. Washington look. Whether it be a new ‘do, retro clothing, bike
The Social Committee Announces the First Annual                                    accessories, or a pizza sauce stain shaped like Africa, we want to see what
Picture Mt. Washington Exhibit.                                                    Mt. Washington looks like on you! Hashtag your fashion February 8 through
                                                                                   15 on the MWIA Facebook or email your photo to mwiasocial@gmail.com,
    Show us your Mt. Washington – your vision of our community – and               identify the photographer, any identifiable subject in the photo, and the
share it (virtually) with your neighbors at the February 9, 2021 Open Board        merchant and you’re good to glow!

                In and Around Mt. Washington
   We use this pictorial feature to highlight life in our leafy corner of Baltimore.
Although we can’t guarantee we will have space to run this feature every issue or accept
every submission, we’ll consider all reader photo contributions with credit, captions, and
permission of identifiable individuals captured on film. Send any submissions to

                                              MWIA’s #TakeOutOnTheMount campaign to bring attention to
                                                                                                                  Woodrow’s BBQ was a favorite in the #Take-
                                              the Village’s great restaurants was a resounding success.
                                                                                                                  OutOnTheMount Campaign.
                                              Members hashtagged their takeout and posted it to the MWIA
                                              website. This repast from Abbey Burger was photographed
                                              and enjoyed by Ellen Spokes.

                                              Chiyo Sushi presented
                                                     a photo of their
                                                incredible selection
                                                    of special rolls.
                                                                                                                  After she took this photo, Joan Wisner-Carlson
                                                                                                                  enjoyed jambalaya from Ethel’s Creole Kitchen
WWW   . M W I A . ORG

                School Spotlight
A PTO Mid-Year Check-In
By DAVE MCMURRAY                            Mount Washington School didn’t stop          personally witnessed my kids transition
mws.pto.president@gmail.com                 with the virus, but neither has the          to a level of computer adeptness I may
https://www.mountwashingtonschool.or        creativity of our PTO or the dedication of   personally never have and as I have
g/donate                                    our administration, teachers, families,      watched teachers exercise incredible
                                            and community.                               patience and tech expertise. I am grateful
    Happy New Year, Mount Washington            This fall, our families and community    to you because as I have worried and
Community! Dave McMurray here with          (you!) have showed up to help. Thanks to     fretted and wondered what tomorrow
another update from The Mount               you all, we have maintained the school       would bring for our kids, you have
Washington School Parent Teacher            grounds. We have hosted a math night, a      showed up to help. Thank you. Your
Organization. It may be a new year, but     fall decorating competition, and a giving    contribution matters. Your support is not
for the PTO, it’s time for our mid-school   drive. We have had numerous successful       taken for granted.
year check-in. The school, the PTO, and     Dine-Out events - some of our most               I look forward to a 2021 where we can
the world faced unprecedented challenges    successful ever. You signed up or donated    continue to defy the odds with a strong
in 2020. The school shifted to online       for our virtual race, the Covid Can’t Keep   level of support for MWS. If you haven’t
learning, and the PTO, along with           Us Down Virtual Fun Run and Walk,            donated, but wish to, you can donate
everyone else, hunkered down. Frozen by     sourcing more funds to support your          online at:
the virus, there was little we could do     community school. You bought our             mountwashingtonschool.org/donate, or
except cancel our Spring 2020, including    pumpkins, holiday greenery, and school       email: mws.pto.president@gmail.com,
everyone’s favorite event, the Taste of     gear, and by doing so, supported equity      and I’ll send you a pledge envelope.
Mount Washington.                           for the students of MWS. Finally, when           You, Mount Washington Community
    Going into the Fall of 2020, we were    we undertook the gargantuan effort of the    Member, mean so much to our school
coming off the summertime high of low       MWS Telethon, our biggest fundraiser of      and community.
virus counts and lots of outside time. I,   the last two years, you answered the call
for one, was hopeful that we’d be back in   for help.
classes by October. However, we knew            Your contributions have smoothed the
that the needs of MWS would remain          transition to on-line learning, helped
unpredictable and that we needed to         train our teachers, and funded basic
figure out new and creative ways to be      teacher and administration needs. I am
prepared. The fundraising needs of the      most grateful to you all as I have

        Come Worship &
        Be a Part of Us!



CURB APPEAL                   By JOAN GOLDMAN — joan@cummingsrealtors.com

                      Buying Real Estate in Norway vs Maryland
                             My daughter and her husband just                appointments are rather rare: if you want to see the place before
                         purchased their first home (a condo) in             bidding, you must go during an open house. My daughter said
                         Norway this past July. As they were working         there would often be 20 or more people crammed in the place
                         through the process, I was intrigued how            during an open house. I’m not sure if this has changed during
 different it is from buying a home in Maryland. I know each                 COVID, but I hope so! The auction goes live at a certain day and
 state in the United States is slightly different, but seeing how            time and the bidding begins. I guess they don’t have to worry
 another country operates to me was fascinating.                             about appraisals! I know my daughter lost a couple of condos
      First of all, there are only realtors for the seller. The buyers       due to being outbid, but they ultimately purchased a new build,
 are on their own. The purchase is by an online auction. Think               which cut down on the stress of an auction as the price is set
 ebay for houses. In order to bid, you must register with the                and you buy directly from the builder.
 official Bank ID system to make sure it is actually you doing the                In Maryland, appliances come standard with homes. Not so
 bidding. Once confirmed, you are then able to text your bids.               in Norway. Most homes may come with kitchen appliances, but
      Your loan amount is primarily based on your income. Say                rarely a clothes washer and dryer. New builds often don’t come
 you and your partner each make $50,000 (total of $100,000 per               with any appliances. No stove, dishwasher, refrigerator, as well
 year). You will be allotted up to 5x that amount, so you could              as no closets or lighting – you have to add those yourself. I
 buy a place for up to $500,000. Other debt may affect the rate of           found that particularly odd, no closets? And finding carpenters
 interest. However, you must put down 15% to even get in the                 in Norway is more difficult than you’d imagine.
 real estate game. Compare that to what many new buyers put                       Contracts in Norway sound like they are the same length as
 down here today: 3.5%, 5% or 10%, with some loans (VA,                      ours in Maryland. The actual contract is around 14 pages, but
 doctors) not requiring any amount down!                                     additional pages are added for various addenda.
      An inspection is done before the house is listed and the                    We use title companies who oversee the legal transfer of
 inspection document is provided as part of the sales                        ownership. Here title companies look up the deed, make sure
 material/brochure that's posted online and handed out to                    there are no outstanding liens on the property, provide title
 interested buyers. Things are rated on a scale of "TG 0-3"                  insurance, use the lender’s money to pay off the seller’s loan,
 (degree of condition"). TG0 is perfect/brand new, TG1 is                    figure out to the day what the costs were for water, electricity,
 excellent, TG2 may need some work, and TG3 needs substantial                taxes and interest. They also order surveys, prepare all the
 work/repair. I wish we would do our inspections prior to being              documents that are signed by both buyers and sellers and send
 listed. It would save time and weed out super picky buyers.                 someone to City Hall to have the new deed recorded. However,
      In Norway, the number of rooms in a home are counted                   in Norway the government does all that. There aren’t title
 differently than in the US. A 3-room apartment means it has 2               companies.
 bedrooms and a living room. A 1-room apartment is a studio.                      Home ownership in Norway is high (the highest in Europe),
 My daughter’s apartment is a 4-rooms apartment—they have 3                  because there are so many incentives. Besides being able to
 bedrooms and a living room. Doesn’t matter that 2 of the                    write off the interest from your loan, the actual loan rates are
 bedrooms are so tiny most American’s wouldn’t even count                    extremely low. My daughter’s loan is around 1.3%. Once you
 them (11 ft x 6 ft). Kitchens, dining rooms, and bathrooms                  have acquired more than a certain amount of money, you are hit
 aren’t counted separately, never mind family rooms or any other             with a wealth tax, so it pays to invest that money in real estate
 kind of room.                                                               as it doesn’t count against the wealth tax.
      The seller must disclose any defects they are aware of, and
 are liable for up to 5 years after the sale if anything goes wrong.
 Even something as simple as not disclosing they had an insect
 problem. Can you imagine being liable for 5 years post-
      There are typically only two open houses, each for one hour,
 one on a Sunday and another during the week. Individual

 Joan Goldman is a Realtor with Cummings & Co. and can be reached at 443-255-4858.

WWW   . M W I A . ORG


Ok, Greta, We will Get Started: Part I
By LIBBY BAKER                               change plus government policy and             driving cars, and using airline
Libby.baker1@gmail.com                       corporate action can make a difference.       transportation, for example, are among
& FRANK LEE                                  Bill McKibben and other activists have        the highest carbon emitters among all
techedteacher@gmail.com                      had some success urging corporate action      humans.
                                             as they work to reduce funding for                If we in this country are the “global
    Swedish climate change activist, 18-     continuing fossil fuel projects, claiming     rich,” what can we do to heed Greta’s
year-old Greta Thunberg, has become an       that banks fuel global warming and            challenges? We might think that the
international figure instigating a global    therefore are a key to change. Still others   pandemic reduced fossil fuels and we are
youth movement which demands that we         argue that individuals in numbers             saving some energy. At the same time,
all DO something to decrease global          reducing fossil fuel use at the household     energy use has increased due to more
warming and protect their futures. She       and community levels reduce                   online purchases delivered to homes,
has sternly and directly scolded             consumption, thereby reducing demand          more computer use, etc. Expanding
international leaders in many venues that    and decreasing profitability to fossil fuel   hospital demands add more. So, where
they have failed the world’s youth and       corporations. Such lifestyle changes can      do we go from here?
children. She calls out empty promises       provide a more sustainable way forward            First, we need to look at what is fossil
with no action to reduce fossil fuel use     and influence politicians.                    fueled in our daily lives. Can we reduce
while trapped greenhouse gases heat the          Yes, we can continue to try to            those levels by a factor of 30, as the UN
planet. “The planet is on fire!” she         influence our congressional                   suggests, and begin saving our children’s
shouts. The leaders politely smile and       representatives for better energy policies,   futures? What would that look like? Must
clap professing admiration while posing      but Congress has become stymied. We           we live in austerity? Is making changes
for selfies with her. However, to date not   can contribute to energy advocacy groups,     gradually fast enough? What would it take
much has changed by the fifth                but we must look again at what we can do      to reduce our usage and can we do it step
anniversary of the Paris Climate Accord.     ourselves. Our argument here is that          by step? Certainly, each of us can assess
Few countries are on track to meet           individual household and community            what is possible for us to do and how it
pledges. So, what are we to do, Greta?       changes have an important role to play.       would affect our families, short term and
     Many argue that only policy changes         On Dec. 9, 2020, The United Nations       long term. Project Drawdown
like the Paris Accord matter and that        Environment Program published new             (https://drawdown.org/) has helpful
individual behaviors do not add up to        findings that the world’s wealthy will        recommendations for an Energy Descent
much in the fight to reduce global           need to reduce their carbon footprints by     Plan with 100 specific and doable
warming. Some argue that individual          a factor of 30 to help put the planet on a    adaptations. The book is free online and
                                             path to curb the ever-worsening impacts       can guide us.
                                             of climate change. Surprisingly, they             To begin, we can assess our energy
                                             count the global rich as those with annual    inventory. Ask yourself, what fossil fuels
                                             incomes of over $109, 000.                    do you use for what activities in your
                                                 Many in that category do not think of     household. This exercise may seem too
                                             themselves as “rich.” In the US, this         elementary at first, but it can be useful to
                                             figure is viewed as middle class. Those of    remind us what we use, what the sources
                                             us in this category may not think of          are, and where we might begin to reduce.
                                             ourselves as driving climate change by             What fossil fuels do we use for what
                                             our use of fossil fuels. However,             activities?
                                             according to the UN, we are a significant         Natural gas comes largely from
                                             part of the issue. All of us living in        fracking for domestic use and for
                                             modern heated homes with lawns,               international sale. Natural gas may fuel


our furnace or boiler, domestic hot water,         Alternatively, renewables such as wind
and often the clothes dryer unless it is       farms, solar farms, local community          Community Calendar
electric. For example, at the Cove Point       solar, and rooftop solar PV can provide
                                                                                            MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8
LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) Terminal, an          our electricity with reduced power grid      Picture Mt. Washington Deadline
offshore liquid natural gas shipping           requirements. Wind turbines and              Send your submission to this photo exhibit by email:
terminal in Lusby, Maryland, gas is frozen     geothermal are good sources of energy,
into a liquid before shipped, using even       but difficult on the individual level.       MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8 – MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15
more fossil fuels, not to mention the              Passive solar building design can        Hashtag photographs of your uniquely Mt.
additional energy needed to ship globally.     provide some heating and cooling with        Washington flair and fashion purchased at a village
                                                                                            (or very nearby village) merchant. Submit your
    Gasoline and diesel are refined crude      no fuel input at all.                        photo on the MWIA Facebook page or email it to
oil. We use them for our vehicles – cars,          Can you think of other energy sources    mwiasocial@gmail.com along with the name of the
                                                                                            photographer and subject and which village
trucks, motorcycles unless we have             in your home?
                                                                                            merchant from which you purchased that special
electric ones; lawn mowers and leaf                This is a start, Greta, of what we can   something.
blowers (highly polluting), and                do. To be continued in the next
                                                                                            FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12
generators.                                    Sustainable Living Columns. A Happy          Save the Date: Trivia Night
    Natural gas, diesel, coal, hydroelectric   Fossil Fuel Freer New Year!                  The MWIA Social Committee presents an online
                                                                                            Trivia Night. Watch the MWIA Facebook page for
and nuclear generate electricity in remote                                                  details on how to register.
generators transported over the region-
                                                                                            SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21
wide power grid.                                                                            REIC Book Club
                                                                                            The MWIA Racial Equity and Inclusion Committee is
                                                                                            holding the first (virtual) meeting of their book club
                                                                                            to discuss Ta-Nahesi Coates’ Between the World and
                                                                                            Me by Ta-Nahesi Coates. Register for the event at

                                                                                            TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23
                                                                                            Baltimore City Board of Municipal & Zoning Appeals
                                                                                            Scheduled hearing on the planned Blue Ocean Overlook
                                                                                            building. Information regarding virtual hearings:

                                                                                            RECURRING EVENTS
                                                                                            LUCKMAN PARK CLEAN-UP
                                                                                            Luckman Park Clean-Up - 10 am–12 pm
                                                                                            Luckman Park, 2809 Glen Avenue
                                                                                            Join the Friends of Luckman Park on the first
                                                                                            Saturday and third Sunday of every month – weather
                                                                                            permitting – for trash pickup, leaf raking, gardening,
                                                                                            and other general park cleaning. Come for all or part;
                                                                                            RSVP (to luckman.park@gmail.com) helpful but not

                                                                                            TUESDAY FEBRUARY 9
                                                                                            MWIA Board Open Meetings - 7:00 pm
                                                                                            All community members are welcome. Register at
                                                                                            Mount Washington Improvement Association Closed
                                                                                            Board Meetings take place on Zoom Tuesday
                                                                                            evenings during every other month. During the
                                                                                            closed board meetings, there are more focused and
                                                                                            in-depth discussions of community issues,
                                                                                            problems, and resolutions. If you wish to attend a
                                                                                            closed meeting, please contact the MWIA President
                                                                                            at president@mwia.org with your request.

WWW   . M W I A . ORG

Mt. Washington “Good Neighbor” Volunteers at MWPH
By ANDY WAYNE                                   daytime providers have a lot on their
Director of Marketing and                       plates every day to help those families
Communications, MWPH                            through the difficult times when their
                                                children are in our hospital. I really
    Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital           admire all those who do the daytime work
provides family-focused, integrated care        with these complicated medical issues,
to children with serious, chronic or            communicating with multiple consultants
complex medical needs. The hospital has         and other providers, establishing and
a talented staff dedicated to the health and    maintaining good connections with the
recovery of children in our care. This is the   families, beyond the direct patient care.
second “Good Neighbors” interview for           The people I work with here are genuinely
this newsletter and we’re featuring pedia-      caring and attentive to the patients and
trician Karen Willing, a nocturnist             families.
charged with caring for patients and
admitting new patients to the hospital              What compels your giving? Is it related
usually during night time hours. We spoke       to your efforts providing health services
to Dr. Willing about her work at MWPH.          for children at the hospital?
                                                    I’m grateful for having a job that I love,
    How are you involved with Mt. Wash-         and I think that giving back is important,       Dr. Karen Willing cares for MWPH patients during
                                                                                                 the night-time hours.
ington Pediatric Hospital (MWPH), and           really more of a duty, to help make the
how did you get involved?                       world a better place in any small way that
    I am a pediatrician, and currently work     I can. In the case of MWPH, I hope that it
full-time at MWPH as a nocturnist,              helps to provide something better, even if
meaning that I work mostly night shifts.        just a little sense of normalcy, to those        in a high chair, feeding himself, and I was
I’m available for any questions or prob-        kids who have different needs, but are still     just really amazed and felt a bit emotional.
lems that come up overnight. I first began      just kids. It is easy to give to organizations   It was such a remarkable change from
taking occasional night shifts over 10          or causes when you believe in their              when I had last seen him.
years ago, off and on, but when a full-time     mission, and their collective efforts.
position was developed for on-site call on                                                           Why might other Mt. Washington
nights and weekends, I made the switch              Can you share a meaningful moment            neighbors be interested in supporting
from ER/urgent care shifts at another local     of your work at MWPH?                            MWPH?
hospital to full time at MWPH.                      I remember about 11-12 years ago                 MWPH is very different from other
                                                seeing a toddler who had just been               children’s hospitals or pediatric wards.
     What do you enjoy about working at         admitted for continued care and rehabili-        The patients often need to be there for
MWPH? How is this hospital different            tation following acute hospitalization           weeks or months, and their needs are
from others?                                    after severe brain injury from trauma.           sometimes different from those of other
    The patients at MWPH are often quite        Without going into more details, it was a        pediatric patients, but the basic needs are
fragile, and/or have complex medical            very sad case where the child was still not      important to recognize as well. Besides
histories— not your typical kids with           responding to stimuli and was reported to        special equipment, extra teaching for
colds or short-term problems. They are          have no purposeful movements at that             families (and older children for
transferred from other hospitals after          time. I saw him move his finger when I           themselves), psychological and nutritional
acute care or surgeries, for ongoing treat-     examined him which seemed to be new by           services, etc., they also need “typical kid”
ment, teaching, and/or rehabilitation           previous reports, but was not necessarily        things, like books, toys, baby swings and
services. The stress level can be quite high    purposeful. Many months later, I was back        rocker-type things, tutoring/school work
for families, and the nurses and main           for another shift and I saw this same child      and access to virtual classes, as well as


general attention and caring. Things are             have already gone through a lot in their            For information on how you can get
harder now for patients and families                 short young lives, and giving to MWPH           involved with Mt. Washington Pediatric
because of the pandemic precautions, but             means giving some extra help and hope to        Hospital, contact Andy Wayne, Director of
our patients still get the best care from our        them and their families when they need it       Marketing and Communications,
regular providers and nurses. We have                most.                                           andy.wayne@mwph.org.
some really resilient and tough kids who

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“Carroll Lodge,” continued from page 1
heart of this village would not only retard        charged with insuring safe traffic flow
if not prevent further development but             along Smith Avenue-Northern Central
would immeasurably depreciate values               grade crossing. It may have been more
throughout this neighborhood.”                     appropriate to name the street after resi-
    The mayor of Baltimore James Preston           dents in the African American
wrote a letter supporting the MWIA                 community who lived and worshiped
writing that the college should not be in          there. St. Andrew’s Methodist Episcopal
the suburb due to a “natural desire of             and a Baptist congregation housed in
white people to live separately.” Mount            two discarded trolley cars on the North
Washington was not even part of Balti-             side of Western Run (according to histo-
more at that point, but his view coincided         rian Mark Miller) served the African
with the City Council’s support of segre-          American community of the immediate
gation laws. Morgan College faced                  area and of Cross Keys. The thriving
opposition from other areas of Baltimore           community included a school and many
but eventually settled outside of the City’s       residents whose comings and goings
border on a northeast Baltimore parcel.            were chronicled in Baltimore’s Afro
    The choice of the Carroll Hunting              American Newspaper.
Lodge was actually not out of character                The steel stringer Kelly Avenue
                                                                                                  The lead paragraphs from the September 26, 1913
for that part of Mt. Washington (now               Bridge was built in 1925, eleven years         issue of The Baltimore Sun citing community opposi-
Cheswolde). The location was very close            after Mount Washington was annexed to          tion to moving Morgan College to Greenspring and
                                                                                                  Kelly avenues.
to an African American community on                Baltimore City. Road widening damaged
Kelly Avenue following the path of the             the African American section of the
stream bed known as the Western Run.               neighborhood. Historian Linda Noll             the African American community since in
An 1851 deed refers to the thoroughfare            writes, “nearly half of the old African        order to widen the roadbed, many homes
“located along the south side of Western           American section was leveled.” Several         of the Black community were razed. The
Run” – a winding lane commencing on                generations of African American families       road widening may explain while the
Second Street and following westward               still lived there and kept the residential     front steps of the remaining original
along the stream. In 1897, rail service            district intact. In 1947 a 10-year-old piano   houses on Kelly Avenue are positioned
was extended from Falls Road through               swing artist prodigy, “Chick” Smith of         close to the road. While Kelly Avenue
Mount Washington. Tracks were laid over            1917 Kelly Avenue, gained national atten-      Bridge has its own Facebook page, there
an old trail running west and parallel with        tion when he composed music on an              are no markers, physical or virtual, to
the stream.                                        abandoned piano left on a street car right     memorialize the African American
    This trail became Kelly Avenue named           of way in front of his home. The boy’s         community that once lived there. The
after Simon Kelly, a signal operator               musical talent, discovered by neighbors        many bikers and walkers who now enjoy
                                                   and featured in the Baltimore Sun, led to      the new bike trail running through the
                                                   an invitation to the CBS “We the People”       neighborhood are actually traveling
                                                   broadcast where he performed with his          through a historic African American
                                                   idol Fats Waller.                              section of Mount Washington that
                                                        In the 1950s, the paving of Kelly         deserves to be remembered.
                                                   Avenue to make room for cars and buses             This article originally ran in 2019 as part
                                                   transformed it from a rough dirt street to     of a two-part series on the historic African
                                                   a 36-foot-wide concrete road. The              American community in Mt. Washington. It
                                                   streetscape changed dramatically with          has been lightly edited to stand alone.
           Joan Goldman                            automobiles gaining in popularity and
           REALTOR®, ABR, CNE                      the addition of a major bus route along
                                                   the road. The Baltimore Sun records
  Mobile 443.255.4858 Office 410.823.0033
joan@cummingsrealtors.com • cummingsrealtors.com   much opposition from residents. Sadly,
                                                   this development was a further blow to


“Blue Ocean,” continued from page 1
as well as inefficient. Why is there not a         4. What will be the price-point of the    undeveloped, does not have any such
turnoff from Northern Parkway directly         units? Will there be some units set aside     control of current storm water runoff. In
to the Overlook building? Has a traffic        as affordable housing? If so, what is         addition, the plan preserves over 6 acres
study been done and what were the              meant as affordable? What percentage of       of forest conservation of the more
results? Can you share it?                     the units will be considered affordable       significant landscaping on the site
    There is an entrance off Northern          housing?                                          In addition to the question responses,
Parkway in addition to the primary                 The new apartments would be market        Blue Ocean also provided a
entrance off Falls Road at the northern        rate and no subsidies for affordable          statement/background which was
end of The Falls. The original plans were      housing have been applied for.                attached to the MWIA email on the topic.
carefully reviewed by the City's Site Plan                                                       If you have additional feedback and
Review Committee and DOT and                   5. What benefits to Mount Washington          thoughts to share for the MWIA to
approved. Since then, DOT has                  would you anticipate from this                consider as we discuss and debate -
completed a larger traffic study to suggest    development?                                  please forward that correspondence to
improvements to the NP/Falls                      Additional residents are likely to         mwiapresident@gmail.com. A folder of
intersection to better accommodate the         benefit the Mt. Washington area retail        information for everyone's reference is at:
dangerous traffic weaving from I-83 to         merchants.                                    https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12
northbound Falls Road. Their study also                                                      9CpTJya7PUvR7qq-nJtxc-
indicated that the vast majority of future     6. Is there a way to encourage foot traffic   hkhDETnrb?usp=sharing
increased traffic affecting the intersection   to the Mt. Washington Village by offering         Here is information on how you can
was from Sinai Hospital.                       a footpath, steps, a bridge from the Falls    participate in the city hearing and provide
                                               and Overlook down to Falls road?              written feedback to the zoning board:
2. What is the difference between the                                                        https://zoning.baltimorecity.gov/virtualh
                                                   The DOT traffic study has
PUD under litigation and your request                                                        earings. The hearing will take place on
                                               recommended a new traffic signal at the
for this variance?                                                                           February 23.
                                               Falls/Overlook northern Falls Road
    The variance request is for the same       entrance that we support, both to slow
building as the PUD that was originally        traffic and provide a safe way for
approved under the prior Zoning Code.          residents to cross Falls Road to reach the
The new zoning code set a 35-foot height       Village.
limit for both single family and
multifamily buildings and anything above       7. Would Blue Ocean consider
that requires a variance. If the Court         contributing some of its annual revenue
approves the PUD, the variance is not          to improving and developing our
needed. If the PUD is not approved, the        community?
variance is needed under the new Zoning
                                                  Blue Ocean already contributes
                                               substantial property taxes to the City
                                               which are a matter of public record
3.Is there another possible design that
could be a compromise between the
                                               8. What will be the environmental impact
current height limit and the height
                                               of the development - of particular
proposed with this variance request?
                                               concern is Stormwater runoff ? What
    To be determined. We have discussed        ways will the developer mitigate
alternatives with the surrounding              environmental impacts?
community associations but have not
                                                  The City and State require all storm
received any response to date.
                                               water from a 100-year storm to be stored
                                               on site. The current property, while

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                                         M E S S AG E F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T
                           It is 2021, can you believe it? Finally. That      the activities of the association. We are in the process of building a
                       other year, the one I will not name, is likely to go   new website that is designed to provide the neighborhood with
                       down in infamy as the WORST YEAR EVER.                 resources and information you need.
                       With that in the rear-view mirror, we now get to            We hope that you will resolve to renew your MWIA membership
                       celebrate new beginnings and make new                  so you can receive the 2021 Value Card. We can’t say enough about
                       resolutions.                                           the Mount Washington Merchants who continue to support this
                           The Mount Washington Improvement                   initiative. Please take your cards and eat out, buy books, get a nice
                       Association welcomes Mayor Brandon Scott and           bottle of wine and contribute to the recovery or our local businesses.
City Council President Nick Mosby and look forward to working with                 Whatever your goals and objectives are for 2021, we hope that
city leadership on the issues and concerns that are important to our          you will find a way to get more involved in the community. Join a
community and the broader city. We also appreciate that as one of this        MWIA committee, attend one of the regular clean-ups at Luckman and
last acts of service, Mayor Jack Young signed the Community                   Northwest Parks, write a newsletter article, participate in our new
Compact on the Pimlico Race Course Redevelopment Project. The                 Race, Equity and Inclusion community conversations. Please join us
Compact provides an articulated commitment to ongoing engagement              for our next open meeting on February 9, 2021 at 7 p.m. to officially
and consultation with the neighborhoods directly impacted by activity         congratulate and welcome Mayor Scott. Register in advance at
at Pimlico. As those opportunities are for the community to engage            https://bit.ly/MWIAFEB2021. Anyone can join a committee at any time,
and provide feedback, we will be sure to share them and encourage             just drop me a line at mwiapresident@gmail.com.
broad-based participation. Many thanks to our former president John
Mack and all the members who have served on the Pimlico Task Force                Sincerely,
for their work to represent Mount Washington’s interests through all              Ellie Mitchell
of the challenges and changes.                                                    President, MWIA
     At the MWIA we are resolved in 2021 to respond to the survey
information we collected this past summer. One of the requests was to
have regular communication that provided additional transparency on
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