When Do Supervising Physicians Decide to Entrust Residents With Unsupervised Tasks?

Page created by Richard Wolfe
Patient Safety

When Do Supervising Physicians Decide to
Entrust Residents With Unsupervised Tasks?
Anneke Sterkenburg, MD, Paul Barach, MD, MPH, Cor Kalkman, MD, PhD,
Mathieu Gielen, MD, PhD, and Olle ten Cate, PhD

Purpose                                                using trigger case vignettes to solicit          factors that determine entrustment into
Patient-care responsibilities stimulate                opinions on factors that affect                  four groups: characteristics of the
trainee learning but training may                      entrustment decisions.                           resident, the attending, the clinical
compromise patient safety. The authors                                                                  context, and the critical task.
investigated factors guiding clinical                  Results
supervisors’ decisions to trust residents              Thirty-two attending anesthetists and 31         Conclusions
with critical patient-care tasks.                      residents answered the questionnaire             Residents’ and attendings’ opinions and
                                                       (response rate 58%), and 10 participants         impressions differ regarding what is
Method                                                 from each group were interviewed.                expected from residents, what residents
In a mixed quantitative and qualitative                Attendings varied in their opinions              actually do, and what residents think
descriptive study carried out at University            regarding how much independence to               they can do safely. The authors list
Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the                   give residents, particularly postgraduate        factors affecting why and when
Netherlands, from March to September                   year (PGY) 2, 3, and 4 residents. PGY1           supervisors trust residents to proceed
2008, the authors surveyed attending                   residents reported working above their           without supervision. Future studies
anesthetists and resident anesthetists                 expected level of competence but                 should address drivers behind
regarding when attendings should                       estimate their own ability as sufficient,        entrustment decisions, correlations with
entrust each of six selected critical tasks            whereas PGY5 residents reported                  patient outcomes, and tools that enable
to residents. The authors conducted                    working below their expected level of            faculty to justify their entrustment
structured interviews with both groups,                competence. The authors classified               decisions.

Editor’s Note: A commentary on this article appears    to approach this dilemma is to instate a         term for doing something that is just
on pages 1399 –1400.                                   number of critical procedure attempts            beyond the learner’s competence, or the
                                                       residents must successfully complete             gap between what the learner already can
D     eciding when a trainee is ready for
                                                       before particular competency levels can
                                                       be assumed.3–5 Another approach
                                                                                                        do and what he or she is about to learn to
                                                                                                        do, is “constructive friction.” When
unsupervised patient care is not easy.
                                                       incorporates qualitative performance             supervisors entrust learners, including
Early unsupervised care can impact the
                                                       feedback, and given residents’ different         medical trainees, with only routine
patient’s safety, add to the cost of care,
                                                       learning curves, this one is perhaps more        activities, learning is likely to be too slow
and increase liability for the supervisor
                                                       defensible because supervisors decide to         or absent. Conversely, too much
and/or the organization. In contrast, not
                                                       entrust a clinical or procedural                 responsibility required at too early a stage
enough self-guided and independent
                                                       responsibility to a resident deliberately        may result in adverse effects for—in the
decision making may negatively affect the
                                                       and only after careful consideration—            case of medicine— both the patient and
trainee’s learning curve and timely
                                                       rather than automatically after a set            the trainee. Educational psychologists
achievement of competence. In
                                                       amount of time. This crucial decision            have labeled both of these situations
competency-driven postgraduate medical
training, residents must combine learning              should be based on the trainee’s phase of        “destructive friction.”9 –11
new and critical materials with taking                 training, on a valid assessment of his or
increasing responsibility for safe patient             her competence for the specific task, and        Ten Cate12 introduced the concept of
care.1,2 Learning cannot occur without a               on patient acuity.6 However, a myriad of         “entrustable professional activity” (EPA)
first time to independently perform                    other factors also affect such decisions,        to signify the professional tasks that
procedures and make decisions. One way                 and these are not well understood. To            medical trainees need to master during
                                                       our knowledge, no valid instrument is            postgraduate training that require
                                                       available to robustly assess, given these        entrustment decisions by clinical
Please see the end of this article for information     varying factors, the level of independence       supervisors. EPAs are useful units of
about the authors.                                     that a trainee deserves.                         analysis for establishing a competency-
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. ten                                                           based curriculum. Ten Cate and Scheele13
Cate, Center for Research and Development of           Carrying out activities that are just at the     used EPAs to define five levels of
Education, University Medical Center Utrecht, PO Box
85500, 3508 GA Utrecht, the Netherlands;               edge of one’s competence can stimulate           responsibility and proficiency (i.e.,
telephone: (!31) 88-755-7010; fax: (!31) 88-755-       maximum comprehension and a steep                having limited knowledge, acting under
3409; e-mail: t.j.tencate@umcutrecht.nl.               learning curve,7,8 but a paucity of studies      close supervision, acting under
Acad Med. 2010;85:1408 –1417.                          support this phenomenon in clinical              supervision on call, acting independently,
doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181eab0ec                      practice.9 An educational psychology             and supervising others). They postulated

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Patient Safety

four groups of factors that may influence       Purpose                                        analysis. We compensated the respondents
decisions regarding whether or when a           The aims of the study, an exploration of the   with a €15 (#$22) gift certificate. We
trainee is ready to execute a critical          dynamics of competency-based clinical          constructed two versions of the
activity independently (Figure 1). The          training, were (1) to investigate whether      questionnaire: one for faculty members and
first factor group focuses on the ability of    clinical faculty members have a general        one for residents.
the trainee. The second group, which can        conception about which EPAs they should
be especially hard to measure, includes         entrust—and to what extent at each stage of    For the questionnaires, we identified
factors relating to the personality of the      the training—to residents, (2) to study        through a literature review, and selected
supervisor. The third factor group              whether the EPA framework is in accord         through a consensus discussion, six
encompasses the environment and                 not only with residents’ feelings of self-     critical EPAs that residents must master
circumstances (e.g., the time of day,           efficacy for each EPA but also with the        over the course of the anesthesiology
facilities, and personnel present) in which     actual level of responsibility at which        residency. Residents regularly perform
the activities are executed. Finally, the       residents have been asked to work, and (3)     the six chosen EPAs during the required
fourth factor group entails the nature and      to explore the human factors that              training program, and the American
complexity of the activity. The activity        determine whether a faculty member trusts      Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) lists all
becomes more complex as several                 a resident to perform a critical activity.     six as core competencies necessary for
competencies are required in concert for                                                       completing the ABA certification
successful and safe execution. Recently, a                                                     requirements.17 Three senior
focus-group study conducted in a Dutch          Method                                         anesthesiology coauthors (C.K., P.B., and
obstetrics–gynecology postgraduate                                                             M.G.), all experienced in training
training program confirmed the validity         Setting                                        residents, came to a consensus on the
of these four factor groups.14 Three of         We conducted the study between March           complexity of each EPA. They ranked the
these groups of factors (i.e., those            and September 2008 at the Department           EPAs in order of increasing responsibility
pertaining to the trainee, the supervisor,      of Anesthesiology of the University            level from 1 to 6, taking into account
and the clinical issue) align with a recent     Medical Center (UMC) Utrecht, Utrecht,         both the complexity and the unique
study of Kennedy and colleagues, 15             the Netherlands. The department offers a       nature of the task, the training
which highlighted the drivers that              five-year postgraduate anesthesiology          requirements residents needed to
encourage trainees to request clinical          residency program in an academic               complete the task, and each task’s
support. Clearly, none of these four            hospital (four years) and community            potential to harm the patient. The six
factor groups act independently, but they       setting (one year). Residents, while on        EPAs selected—(1) intubation of patient
do represent discrete and measurable            call, work in pairs of a junior                airway, (2) administering spinal
constructs.                                     (postgraduate year [PGY] 1–3) and a            anesthesia, (3) arterial line placement, (4)
                                                senior (PGY4 or 5) resident. At night and      central venous line placement, (5)
                                                during weekends, senior residents              anesthetic management of an American
We interviewed trainers and trainees,           directly supervise their less experienced      Society of Anesthesiologists Classification
exploring when, and under which                 colleagues. Both residents are supervised      1 (ASA 1) patient, and (6) administering
constraints, attending anesthetists entrust     by an attending physician who is on call,      thoracic epidural anesthesia—demonstrate
critical activities to anesthesia residents.    but not necessarily on-site, and who may       a sufficient amount of variance in required
We chose anesthesiology because this            need as many as 25 minutes to arrive in        competence, and all receive substantial
specialty contains many tangible                the operating room. During weekday             attention throughout the training program.
entrustment decisions. Anesthesiology           shifts (Monday through Friday 8 AM until
postgraduate training in the Netherlands        11 PM) attending physicians are on-site.       The questionnaire asked faculty members
is currently transitioning to new standard                                                     to identify which EPAs residents should
requirements, which derive from the                                                            master at what level of competency and at
CanMEDS competency model and are                                                               what year of postgraduate training. We
comparable to the six Accreditation             We invited all faculty anesthetists (n "
                                                                                               defined mastery as “ready for
Council on Graduate Medical Education           52) and residents (n " 56) at UMC
                                                                                               unsupervised practice,” as judged by the
competencies.16                                 Utrecht to participate in the study. We
                                                                                               faculty respondents themselves. Because
                                                fully informed all the participants of both
                                                                                               this was an exploratory study, we aimed
                                                the purpose and procedures of the study
                                                                                               to find out how faculty valued these
                                                during a general staff meeting. We recruited
                                                                                               levels, so we did not provide strict
                                                the clinicians through e-mail. We sent two
                                                                                               instructions beforehand. We asked the
                                                reminder e-mails to nonresponders
                                                                                               respondents to indicate a level of
                                                approximately two and three months,
                                                                                               assumed proficiency for each of the six
                                                respectively, after the first invitation.
                                                                                               EPAs per PGY of training, using a 0 to 5
                                                                                               scale, based on the aforementioned five
                                                Instruments and procedures                     levels of proficiency from our previous
                                                All respondents received an electronic         work13: 0 " the resident does not have
Figure 1 Factors that determine whether         questionnaire which was first piloted with     relevant knowledge or skills to perform
attendings entrust residents with critical      several respondents and then refined. We       the EPA, 1 " the resident should have
patient-care activities within the clinical     gave each participant a code, and we           knowledge but is not competent, 2 " the
learning environment.                           removed all identifiers from the data before   resident should act only under direct,

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close supervision, 3 " the resident should   members’ and residents’ answers. We               consent form because we allowed
act only under supervision on call, 4 "      used qualitative data analysis software           participants to opt out at any time.
the resident should be able to act           (MAXQDA, Berlin, Germany; version
independently, or 5 " the resident           2007) to analyze the interview transcripts.
should be able to supervise others.          The analysis began by open coding, that           Results
                                             is, sorting and labeling the data by              Characteristics of the respondents
The residents’ questionnaire required        content. We attempted to place the data           Of the 52 attending anesthetists involved
them to rate their self-efficacy for each    into one of the four predefined categories        in postgraduate training, 32 (62%)
EPA from 0 to 5, using a scale similar to    described above (Figure 1). For example,          completed the questionnaire. Nineteen
that of the attendings. We also asked the    after the interviewer presented a case            respondents (59%) were male, and 13
residents, again using a similar 1 to 5      vignette, one attending might say, “This          (41%) were female. The mean age of the
scale, to indicate the highest level at      patient is obese, has a beard … there are a       attendings was 46 (range: 32–61; SD:
which they had performed the given           lot of risks involved. I would definitely         8.8). Half of the attending anesthetists
activities in the last three months.         come if a resident is young or not                practiced general anesthesiology, whereas
                                             experienced enough in my eyes.” We                the others worked in subspecialties: 4
We invited a random sample of 10             would assign this comment the main                (13%) worked in pediatric
supervising faculty members and 10           category code “Nature of the task” and            anesthesiology, 3 (9%) in pediatric
residents to participate in follow-up        the subcode “The risk of (severe)                 cardiothoracic anesthesiology, 4 (13%) in
interviews. A secretary picked names in      complication,” plus the main code                 adult cardiothoracic anesthesiology, and
random order from an existing list. We       “Factor in the resident” and subcodes             1 (3%) in intensive care. Three attendings
personally informed all participants         “resident’s stage of training” and “resident’s    (9%) were fellows. We categorized faculty
about the interview process and assured      estimated experience.” A.S. did all initial       respondents into three groups based on
their confidentiality. We offered            coding. Then, all of us further refined the       years of practice and experience in
interviewees a €50 ($75) gift certificate    categories (e.g., what to include in              postgraduate training with cutoff points
for completing the interview. A senior       “circumstances”) through discussions.             at 5 and 15 years. Thirteen faculty
anesthetist from a different academic        After all the quotes were coded, we counted       members (41%) were junior attendings
medical center who was not involved in       them. We used the frequency of comments           ($5 years of experience), 12 (37%) were
the UMC Utrecht residency training or        and the fact that some interviewees clearly       intermediate (5–15 years of experience),
supervision (M.G.) conducted in-person       noted some reasons for trust as most              and 7 (22%) were senior (%15 years).
interviews with faculty members. A           important to create a rank order of
young physician trainee, not involved in     importance within each of the four                Of the 56 residents, 31 (55%) completed
the anesthesiology training program          categories.                                       the questionnaire. Of these, 12 (39%)
(A.S.), conducted in-person interviews                                                         were male, and 19 (61%) were female.
with the residents. The interviews were      Ethical considerations
                                                                                               The mean age of the residents was 31
semistructured and lasted about 30 to 45     We minimized the potential harm to                years (range: 24 –39; SD: 3.7). The study
minutes. We gave the same guidance to        residents and faculty by having a junior          population consisted of 7 PGY1 residents
both interviewers, and they both asked       physician (A.S.), not employed in the             (23%), 5 PGY2 residents (16%), 4 PGY3
the same questions in the same order. We     hospital and not acquainted with the              residents (13%), 9 PGY4 residents (29%),
used two emergency night case vignettes      respondents, carry out the resident               and 6 PGY5 residents (19%).
as triggers to explore factors that          interviews. We employed a senior
influence entrustment decisions. In          anesthesiologist (M.G.) not employed by           All of the participants whom we initially
addition to the case vignettes, we           the hospital, to carry out the faculty            approached for interviews agreed to
presented to faculty members a list of all   interviews. We ensured the confidentiality        participate. Of the faculty members who
possible resident pairs, in each program     of the interviewees and stressed the              participated in an interview, 3 (30%)
year, and asked them to indicate, first,     voluntary nature of the interviews. The           were junior, 5 (50%) intermediate, and 2
which of the two residents they would        interviews started with an explanation of         (20%) senior. Six out of 10 (60%)
choose to perform a specific task and,       the purpose of the study, and no                  provided anesthesia for general surgery, 2
second, what factors would make them         interviewees indicated that their risk of         (20%) for adult cardiothoracic surgery, 1
trust one resident over the other. The       participating exceeded the benefits of this       (10%) for general pediatric surgery, and 1
interviewers (A.S. or M.G.) audio-recorded   study. Because we invited all eligible            (10%) for pediatric cardiothoracic
the 20 interviews, and A.S. transcribed      residents and faculty to participate,             surgery. Three (30%) of the residents
them verbatim, removing all identifiers      equitability was not an issue. All transcribed    interviewed were PGY1, 5 (50%) were
from the transcripts. The interviewers       interviews were coded before analysis and         PGY4, and 2 (20%) were PGY5. Half of
(M.G. and A.S.) also took extensive field    seen only by A.S., M.G., O.t.C., and a            the residents who were interviewed were
notes during the interview process.          secretarial assistant. We coded all               junior, and the other half were senior
                                             questionnaires before processing them. We         residents. (The pediatric rotation in the
Data analysis                                sought informed consent at three                  fourth year concludes the junior stage of
The questionnaire data were analyzed         moments: during a staff meeting, in a             training, which explains why some PGY4
with statistical software (SPSS Inc.,        personal e-mail to each potential                 residents are still junior.)
Chicago, Illinois; version 15.0). We         participant, and during an introductory
calculated frequencies, mean scores, and     explanation preceding the interview. We           We found no significant differences on any
the discrepancy scores between faculty       did not have participants sign an informed        parameters between the participating

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Figure 2 Percentages of attending anesthesiologists (n " 32) expecting residents to be ready for unsupervised practice by postgraduate year and by
entrustable professional activity (ASA 1 " American Society of Anesthesiologists Classification 1).

attendings and residents and the total            still in training ready to execute particular        pronounced with central venous line
pool of attendings and residents, but             activities by themselves. But, as Figure 2           placement and arterial line placement in
there were slightly (nonsignificant)              shows, at least one attending would                  PGY1. By the end of PGY5, there is
more female resident respondents and              consider PGY2 residents ready to                     general concordance between what
slightly (nonsignificant) fewer senior            independently execute five of the six EPAs.          residents are asked to do in practice
attending respondents.                                                                                 and what the faculty expect them to be
                                                                                                       able to do, as indicated in the
Expected levels of proficiency at                 Discrepancy among expectations,                      questionnaire; however, PGY5 residents
subsequent stages of training                     perceived abilities, and actual practice             actually perform some EPAs (i.e.,
Figure 2 shows how the attendings’                Residents report performing EPAs at higher           administration of spinal anesthesia and
expectations of residents’ proficiency            levels than faculty members expect,                  administration of thoracic epidural
differ throughout the residents’ course of        particularly in the early years of their             anesthesia) at a lower level of
training. A large variation exists among          training (Figure 3, Table 1). This potentially       responsibility than expected. In general,
faculty regarding the competencies                concerning discrepancy is most                       residents estimate their level of
expected in terms of both PGY and clinical
EPAs. The differences among the six EPAs
in degree of difficulty and risk (“intubation
of patient airway” being the least difficult
and risky, and “administration of thoracic
epidural anesthesia” being the most
difficult and risky) were confirmed by
systematic differences found; for example,
attendings consider residents ready to
independently perform arterial line
placement relatively early in their training
but do not feel they are able to administer
thoracic epidural anesthesia until much
later. Most faculty members consider
residents ready to execute the six target
EPAs (except administering thoracic
epidural anesthesia) independently from           Figure 3 Mean proficiency levels: (A) How proficient attending anesthetists expect residents to
PGY3 and PGY4 onward; however, a few              be, (B) the level at which residents think they think they can perform, and (C) the level at which
faculty never consider residents who are          residents have actually been asked to perform.

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Table 1
Staff and Residents’ Indication of the Level of Responsibility by Year of
Training (1–5) at Which Residents Should Perform, Think They Can Perform,
and Have Been Performing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 highest level
                                                                                                                                                                   Residents’ own                                                    of task
                                                                                        Faculty expectation                                                       perceived ability                                                execution
                                          Postgraduate                                                          Standard                                   No. of
Entrustable professional activity                 year                              Mean                   deviation (SD)                               residents                      Mean                      SD                Mean                    SD
Intubation of patient airway                                             1               1.84                                        0.45                                   7               2.43              0.54                      2.57              0.54
                                                                         2               2.75                                        0.62                                   5               3.80              1.10                      3.40              1.14
                                                                         3               3.47                                        0.72                                   4               4.25              0.96                      4.00              1.16
                                                                         4               4.25                                        0.72                                   9               4.78              0.44                      4.78              0.44
                                                                         5               4.75                                        0.57                                   6               4.83              0.41                      4.83              0.41
Administering spinal anesthesia                                          1               1.78                                        0.55                                   7               2.00              1.00                      2.00              0.63
                                                                         2               2.81                                        0.59                                   5               3.40              1.11                      3.20              0.84
                                                                         3               3.48                                        0.81                                   4               4.25              0.50                      3.50              0.58
                                                                         4               4.22                                        0.71                                   9               4.78              0.44                      4.33              0.82
                                                                         5               4.75                                        0.51                                   6               4.67              0.82                      4.17              0.75
Arterial line placement                                                  1               1.81                                        0.74                                   7               3.86              0.69                      3.57              0.79
                                                                         2               2.97                                        0.78                                   5               4.60              0.55                      3.80              1.10
                                                                         3               3.75                                        0.80                                   4               4.75              0.50                      4.75              0.50
                                                                         4               4.53                                        0.62                                   9               4.89              0.33                      4.78              0.44
                                                                         5               4.81                                        0.47                                   6               5.00              0.00                      4.83              0.41
Central venous line placement                                            1               1.25                                        0.67                                   7               3.14              1.07                      3.00              0.82
                                                                         2               2.31                                        0.64                                   5               4.00              1.00                      3.40              0.55
                                                                         3               3.22                                        0.61                                   4               4.25              0.50                      3.75              0.96
                                                                         4               4.16                                        0.77                                   9               4.67              0.50                      4.56              0.53
                                                                         5               4.69                                        0.54                                   6               5.00              0.00                      4.83              0.41
Anesthetic management of                                                 1               1.72                                        0.52                                   7               2.29              1.11                      2.83              0.75
American Society of
                                                                         2               2.75                                        0.51                                   5               3.80              1.10                      3.20              0.84
Anesthesiologists Classification          ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1 patient                                                                3               3.35                                        0.80                                   4               4.00              0.82                      3.50              0.58
                                                                         4               4.28                                        0.68                                   9               4.89              0.33                      4.43              0.54
                                                                         5               4.78                                        0.49                                   6               4.83              0.41                      5.00              0.00
Administering thoracic epidural                                          1               0.84                                        0.45                                   7               1.57              0.79                      1.67              0.52
anesthesia                                                               2               1.81                                        0.38                                   5               2.80              0.84                      2.80              0.84
                                                                         3               2.52                                        0.63                                   4               3.75              0.50                      3.50              0.58
                                                                         4               3.44                                        0.72                                   9               4.00              0.87                      3.83              0.41
                                                                         5               4.47                                        0.62                                   6               4.67              0.82                      4.17              0.41
Mean values across EPAs                                                  1               1.54                                                                               7               2.55                                        2.61
                                                                         2               2.57                                                                               5               3.73                                        3.30
                                                                         3               3.30                                                                               4               4.21                                        3.83
                                                                         4               4.15                                                                               9               4.67                                        4.45
                                                                         5               4.71                                                                               6               4.83                                        4.64

competence higher than the level at                       Interview results                                                                                         residents’ ability to competently
which attendings deem them competent                      Five themes emerged consistently                                                                          perform those EPAs. The other four
to execute activities. In a few instances,                throughout the interviews. One                                                                            themes aligned with the predefined
residents feel they are instructed to perform             involved the relationship between, on                                                                     groups of factors affecting entrustment
an EPA above their level of competency                    one hand, the EPAs that residents                                                                         (factors related to the resident, to the
(e.g., PGY1 residents managing an ASA 1                   actually performed and, on the other,                                                                     attending, to the clinical context, and
patient; Table 1).                                        the residents’ and attendings’ views of                                                                   to the task itself).

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                I understand. Also, they can give you
 Table 2                                                                                                                                                                                                        pointers on how to improve your skills.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                (Resident, PGY1)
 Factors That Determine Entrustment Decisions*

                                                                                                                             Factors mentioned by                                                               I think it is a good thing that supervisors
                                                                                                          Residents                                   Faculty                            Total                  watch you perform occasionally. You
 Factors                                                                                                    (n!10)                                    (n!10)                           (n!20)                   might think you are doing fine, and that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                you do not need any supervision any
 Factors in the trainee                                                                                                     10                                    10                                20          more, but that might just be the point
     Acquaintance with the resident                                                                                             9                                  10                               19          where you start making mistakes.
     Stage of training                                                                                                          7                                  10                               17          (Resident, PGY4)
     Plan or overview of the case                                                                                               7                                     8                             15
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................      Yes, sometimes I do perform activities on
     Communication skills                                                                                                       9                                     5                             14          a higher level, but since there is always
     Estimated experience                                                                                                       6                                     8                             14          supervision around, these are
     Own request                                                                                                                9                                     4                             13          opportunities for me to grow. (Resident,
     Knowledge of limitations and when to                                                                                       6                                     6                             12          PGY4)
     call for help
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................      You learn to work independently,
     Prior work experience                                                                                                      4                                     6                             10
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................      especially in the second year of training
     Apparent self-confidence                                                                                                   6                                     4                             10          [done in community hospital]. When I
     Working proficiency                                                                                                        1                                     9                             10          do not feel competent, when I do not
     General medical competence                                                                                                 3                                     6                                9        trust myself, I just tell my boss I need
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................      help. When you ask for supervision, you
     Trustworthiness                                                                                                            2                                     7                                9
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................      always receive it. (Resident PGY4)
     Reliability                                                                                                                0                                     7                                7
     Medical knowledge                                                                                                          1                                     5                                6
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   Factors affecting entrustment. As
     Adherence to tasks                                                                                                         1                                     3                                4
                                                                                                                                                                                                             mentioned, we were able to place all
 Factors in the supervisor                                                                                                  10                                       9                              19       factors (that, according to our 20
     General experience and specific                                                                                         10                                       5                             15       interviewees, determine the amount of
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   trust that supervisors have in their
     Sense of medical responsibility                                                                                            5                                     9                             14       trainees) within the four groups we
     Prior patient experiences                                                                                                  9                                     2                             11       hypothesized were important. Table 2
     Sense of urgency                                                                                                           4                                     7                             11       gives an overview of the 30 factors that
     Sense of educational responsibility                                                                                        5                                     5                             10       faculty and residents identified during the
     Subspecialty                                                                                                               0                                     3                                3     interviews.
 Circumstances                                                                                                              10                                       7                              17
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   A. Factors in the trainee. Both residents
     Number of qualified personnel                                                                                              7                                     4                             11
     available                                                                                                                                                                                               and faculty stated that the attendings’
     Physical distance of the supervisor to                                                                                     5                                     5                             10       mere acquaintance with the trainee and
     the patient                                                                                                                                                                                             his or her level of training were
     Legal issues involved                                                                                                      3                                     3                                6     important for making decisions to trust
     Presence of competing medical tasks                                                                                        3                                     2                                5     residents with EPAs. In fact, attendings’
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   acquaintance with the resident was
     Time of the day                                                                                                            2                                     0                                2
 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................   mentioned in 19 of the 20 interviews. We
     Conditions and equipment available                                                                                         0                                     1                                1
                                                                                                                                                                                                             calculated, on average, 3.55 comments
 Nature of the task                                                                                                            9                                  10                                19       regarding this factor per interview—more
     Condition of the patient                                                                                                   9                                     9                             18       than for any other topic, except “working
     Difficulty of the task                                                                                                     6                                     6                             12       proficiency” (three interviewees
     The risk of (severe) patient                                                                                               5                                     4                                9     repeatedly mentioned clinical skills as a
     complications                                                                                                                                                                                           core factor, but only one of the residents
* The numbers in bold indicate how many residents and how many faculty mentioned any Factors in the trainee,                                                                                                 mentioned this, and then only twice).
  any Factors in the supervisor, any Circumstances, or any item related to the Nature of the task.                                                                                                           Knowing the resident does not
                                                                                                                                                                                                             necessarily mean that a faculty member
                                                                                                                                                                                                             will always trust him or her, and recent
                                                                                                                                                                                                             experiences with residents weigh heavily
 Working, related to supposed level of                                                                    perceive performing above their                                                                    in faculty’s entrustment decisions.
 ability. Residents were comfortable with                                                                 expected level of competence as
 the training program’s expectations.                                                                     uncomfortable or unsafe either.                                                                       If I have worked several times with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                same resident, I am better able to
 They did not think that executing                                                                               Yes, it happens sometimes that I receive                                                       determine the level of competence of that
 activities with more supervision than                                                                           supervision on activities I have done by                                                       resident and whether he is capable
 they thought they needed hampered                                                                               myself many times before. Your                                                                 enough to execute activities. (Faculty,
 their learning, but they usually did not                                                                        supervisor is your trainer and assessor, so                                                    intermediate level)

 Academic Medicine, Vol. 85, No. 9 / September 2010                                                                                                                                                                                                       1413
Patient Safety

   I call my supervisor and tell him I think I          Sometimes, your supervisor will ask you if             Attendings stated that whether or not
   can handle the case, but if he has never             you want him to come; when you admit                   they actually oversee a procedure is not
   seen me work … I think that makes it                 you do, there is never any discussion, he
                                                                                                               always balanced against trusting
   hard for him to determine whether or not             will come, no questions asked. (Resident,
   he can trust me. (Resident, PGY1)                    PGY4)                                                  the resident, but it also depends on the
                                                                                                               responsibility they feel for both the
Faculty also consider the quality and                                                                          patient and the residents they train.
                                                     Attendings consider whether a resident is
comprehensiveness of the trainee’s plan
                                                     aware of his or her limitations to be very                   You just have to be there for your
to be important. This consideration
                                                     important.                                                   resident, even though you know he can
includes an estimation of the trainee’s
                                                                                                                  probably handle the case just fine.
preparation and insight into potential                  This resident performs well, but I                        (Faculty, intermediate level)
patient complications that may occur in                 sometimes have trouble assessing what I
choosing one clinical plan over another                 can trust him to do. He does not seem to                  As a supervisor, you are responsible for
plan.                                                   know when he needs to call for help.                      what goes on in your practice. (Faculty,
                                                        (Faculty, intermediate level)                             intermediate level)
   When a resident consults me, I value the
   quality of his plan highly when making a             I think it is important that my supervisor             The amount of trust can be influenced by
   decision in the amount of trust I give.              can trust that I will call before I get into           the attitude of the supervisors toward
   Having little to add to his plan gives me            trouble. (Resident, PGY4)
                                                                                                               clinical training.
   confidence that he can handle the case.
   (Faculty, intermediate level)                     The supervisor’s knowledge of the                            It is necessary for a resident’s confidence
                                                     trainee’s clinical skills and working                        to perform on his own sometimes. I
   I think it is important for my supervisors                                                                     usually peek through the OR window to
   to hear me present the case in an orderly
                                                     manners is also important.
                                                                                                                  make sure he is doing well, so I’m there
   and complete way, which shows them I                                                                           without the resident realizing I am.
                                                        This resident is very skilled and knows
   know what I am doing. (Resident, PGY4)                                                                         (Faculty, senior level)
                                                        what he is doing. (Faculty, senior level)
For faculty, competence is not entirely
                                                     Clearly, supervisors’ knowledge of the                    C. Circumstances. Attendings state that
dependent on the year of training.
                                                     resident’s competencies and attitudes                     entrustment decisions also depend on the
Interviewees acknowledged learning
                                                     weighs on their judgment. We have the                     clinical environment, including the
curve differences among residents.
                                                     impression that the mere lack of                          quality and availability of the team
   Residents’ competencies can differ within         acquaintance leads to fewer independent                   surrounding the resident.
   their year of training, especially in the first
   year of training. When a resident has
                                                     responsibilities and more scrutiny and                       It is also important whether or not my
   worked at an intensive care unit prior to         that, conversely, the mere fact that the                     resident gets enough support from other
   starting residency training I tend to put         supervisor knows the resident generally                      team members. (Faculty, senior level)
   more trust in him than if he would have           leads to more readily granted
   started residency training straight after                                                                      It makes a difference whether the junior
                                                     responsibilities.                                            who is with me on call is in his first or in
   medical school. Also, some residents
   evolve faster while others need more time                                                                      his third year; faculty members know
                                                     B. Factors in the supervisor. All residents                  that. (Resident, PGY5)
   to master skills. (Faculty, intermediate
   level)                                            mentioned that characteristics of the
                                                     supervisor, such as their general                         After 11 PM, an attending can take call
In general, faculty assume more                      experience and specific expertise, can                    either at home or in the hospital.
independence in senior residents, as these           affect entrustment decisions.                             Decisions on whether or not to entrust
residents are supposed to be ready to                                                                          residents with clinical tasks are affected
graduate soon and become certified                      There are differences among supervisors;               by the attendings’ whereabouts.
specialists. For junior residents,                      I think it has to do with their experience.
                                                        For example, a more senior boss has more                  It depends on where I am. In this
attendings state that the clinical
                                                        experience in assessing residents and will                particular situation, if I am at home I will
experience, such as managing acute care                 have fewer problems letting a resident                    come to the hospital. If I am already here,
patients prior to residency, is important.              perform certain tasks independently than                  I would tell my resident to call me when
                                                        would a junior supervisor. (Resident,                     he needs me. (Faculty, junior level)
   If a first-year resident has already worked          PGY1)
   at an ICU for two years, I will probably let                                                                   I live too far away to go home when I am
   him execute activities, such as arterial line        I think a supervisor who has recently lost                on call. And since I am already here … it’s
   access, more independently than a first-             a patient in a similar case will just come, if            easy to just be there and see how my
   year resident who entered the program                only for his own confidence. (Resident,                   resident is doing. (Faculty, junior level)
   straight after medical school. (Faculty,             PGY4)
   intermediate level)                                                                                            It makes a difference where my supervisor
                                                        I made a deal with him: “You can watch                    is. If he is at home, he will have to decide
If residents state that they do not feel                                                                          if he can trust me to perform on my own,
                                                        or try once, and you have to tell me what
confident, they generally receive                       you see.” He failed to do both. I had poor                whether or not it is necessary to postpone
supervision, whether or not a faculty                   judgment; it was misplaced trust on my                    execution of activities for 15 minutes or
member trusts a resident to execute an                  side. That situation had its effect later on.             so. If he is here already … it’s easier, he
activity.                                               A week later, he again was my junior                      will be here whether it is really necessary
                                                        resident, and thinking back, I believe I did              or not. (Resident, PGY4)
   When a resident asks me to assist him, I             not let him do as much as I would
   will, even if I do not think it is really            normally have allowed him to do.                       Residents also stated that the time of day
   necessary. (Faculty, senior level)                   (Resident, PGY5)                                       and mere convenience can each be a

1414                                                                                                     Academic Medicine, Vol. 85, No. 9 / September 2010
Patient Safety

factor in the amount of trust that an              than attendings consider justified.            trainee. In fact, supervisors must judge
attending places in them.                          Interestingly, PGY1 residents reported         the interplay of factors related to the (1)
                                                   that, in the last three months, they had       resident, (2) the EPA, and (3) the clinical
   This may sound strange, but also the time
                                                   been assigned responsibilities beyond the      circumstances, including the facilities and
   of day…. It can make a difference when
   you call your supervisor at 11 PM, when         level that attendings on average indicate      the available clinical support of the
   he is still awake and alert, or in the middle   as justified for this stage. The residents     microsystem.19,20 Table 2 may therefore
   of the night. When you wake him, I think        themselves see few problems with this          serve as a first step in developing an
   sometimes he might be less eager to             situation, as they also perceive their         entrustment decision support model and
   come. (Resident, PGY4)                          abilities to usually meet or exceed those      checklist. Sufficient acquaintance with
   It’s contradictory sometimes. For
                                                   necessary to perform these assignments.        the resident, the resident’s stage of
   example, during the day, you receive full       To determine whether residents                 training, the availability of other
   supervision on a spinal needle placement        overestimate their abilities or not is         personnel, the difficulty of the task, the
   on an ASA 2 patient who comes in for an         difficult. Successfully and independently      risk of complications, and the condition
   ACL reconstruction, and in the middle of        executing a critical activity that exceeds     of the patient all seem important. These
   the night I find myself managing an ASA         one’s expected ability, if no                  factors may appear self-evident; however,
   3 patient without supervision. (Resident,
                                                   complications occur, may boost                 they presently create much ambivalence
                                                   residents’ self-efficacy.18 Self-confidence    and anxiety among faculty, and not
D. Type of activity. Both faculty and              is needed to stimulate further                 understanding these factors and their
residents stated that the condition of the         development, and it may be natural, even       interplay could potentially lead to much
patient, the team, and discrete steps of           educationally necessary, for trainees to       ambiguity and patient harm. For
the EPA are important in entrusting                overestimate their ability somewhat.           example, the finding that the quality of
decisions.                                         However, the supervisor’s judgment to          patient care is inadvertently
                                                   limit independent execution of EPAs is         compromised during the time of the year
   For such a complicated case I will just         critical if a trainee’s overconfidence may     when more inexperienced residents are
   come, the risks are too high. (Faculty,
   intermediate level)
                                                   compromise patient safety (e.g., when          employed in hospitals allows hospital
                                                   airway intubations take longer than they       leaders to act on that information.21
   I think the most important [thing] for my       should, thoracic epidurals overshoot the
   boss is the case, how the patient is doing.     epidural space, or central lines require       We suggest that these factors may be
   (Resident, PGY4)                                several needle punctures).                     operationalized in a robust manner and
                                                                                                  give faculty the tools to make better
Discussion                                         We found substantial differences among         decisions when faced with deciding
                                                   surveyed attendings’ views of which            whether to entrust residents with
We explored when and why attending                 activities residents should be able to         clinical activities.
anesthesia specialists decide to trust             handle across varying stages of training.
residents to execute critical patient-care         Factors related to individual residents,       We recognize several limitations to the
tasks. Residents’ and attendings’                  the clinical circumstances, or the nature      study. We confined our study to a single
expectations differ with regard to what is         of the EPA affect differences across EPAs,     Dutch anesthesia training program, and
expected from residents, what residents            but factors related to the supervisor seem     thus our findings need to be replicated in
actually do, and what residents think they         especially important for individual EPAs       other clinical settings to determine
can do safely.                                     (Figure 2). This greater importance could      external generalizability. Further,
Attendings generally agree more on the             reflect the supervisor’s estimation of the     qualitative studies involving interviews
levels of responsibility residents should          difficulty or complexity of the EPAs and his   bear an inherent risk of subjectivity
have at the beginning and end of training          or her estimation of the risk to patients.     because the interviewer can influence the
than in their views about how much                                                                nature of the interview, and other
responsibility residents should have in            Through the interviews, we identified 30       researchers may find different themes. To
the intervening years (PGY2–4). One                factors that influence entrustment             minimize these risks, we structured our
surveyed faculty member would not fully            decisions. All of these factors fit within     interviews with a carefully scripted
entrust any resident with any EPA at any           the four categories we defined in an           interview guide, and we identified
stage. It is tempting to speculate on the          earlier study13: factors related to the        relevant factors using factor analysis and
reasons for these differences among                resident, supervisor, clinical                 theme saturation. We assessed only six
faculty, but any suggestions would need            circumstances, and patient-care task.          EPAs, and assessing other clinical
further analysis. Our impression is that           Given the expected levels of proficiency       domains might yield additional factors,
overbearing attendings may lead residents to       at different stages of training, the           but these would most likely overlap with
be more hesitant, resulting in attendings          multitude of factors involved helps            the factors we identified above.
trusting residents less, whereas open and          explain the differences among the
engaging attendings likely give the resident       attendings’ entrustment decisions.             To our knowledge, this is the first time
space to grow and think, resulting in greater                                                     a study has assessed the opinions of
trust. More in-depth studies are needed to         The appropriate amount of trust                individual faculty and trainees on
substantiate this speculation.                     attendings should place in a resident in a     entrustment decisions. Dijksterhuis and
                                                   particular year of training cannot be          colleagues14 conducted a related, focus-
Residents, especially trainees in PGY1, 2,         determined in a generalized sense but          group study among obstetrics–gynecology
and 3, estimate their own abilities higher         must be individually customized to the         faculty and trainees, but our study yields

Academic Medicine, Vol. 85, No. 9 / September 2010                                                                                      1415
Patient Safety

factors on a more detailed, generalizable,        determine supervisors’ decisions to                           3 Konrad C, Schüpfer G, Wietlisbach M,
and actionable level. Dijksterhuis and            entrust residents with patient-care tasks.                      Gerber H. Learning manual skills in
                                                                                                                  anesthesiology: Is there a recommended
colleagues make a conceptual distinction          These studies might aim to validly                              number of cases for anesthetic procedures?
between levels of competence and degrees          measure these decisions or to understand                        Anesth Analg. 1998;86:635–639.
of independence, whereas we consider the          whether and how entrustment decisions                         4 de Oliveira Filho GR. The construction of
level of competence a measure of the              can play an important part in assessing                         learning curves for basic skills in anesthetic
                                                                                                                  procedures: An application for the
trainee. In another study of internists and       trainees. If entrustment decisions can be                       cumulative sum method. Anesth Analg. 2002;
emergency medicine physicians, Kennedy            better validated, they may lead to more                         95:411–416.
and colleagues15 used a similar                   formalized statements of awarded                              5 Sites BD, Gallagher JD, Cravero J, Lundberg
methodology but from a different angle.           responsibility that could be included as                        J, Blike G. The learning curve associated with
                                                                                                                  a simulated ultrasound-guided interventional
Their questions was not, “When do                 milestones in a trainee’s competency                            task by inexperienced anesthesia residents.
supervisors entrust responsibility?” but,         portfolio.13,26 Such an advance could                           Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2004;29:544 –548.
rather, “When do trainees ask for help?”          accelerate the development of a                               6 Ten Cate O. Trust, competence and the
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the clinical question (i.e., those related to     provider educational outcomes, and they                         learning and development. In: Cole M, John-
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                                                                                                                  Psychological Processes. Cambridge, Mass:
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related, and we feel the Kennedy and              training program.                                             8 Cantillon P, Macdermott M. Does
colleagues’ study supports our findings. In                                                                       responsibility drive learning? Lessons from
                                                  Dr. Sterkenburg was, at the time of this study,
another recent qualitative study, Ginsburg        research associate, Center for Research and
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on qualities of outstanding, average, and         Dr. Barach was, at the time of this study,                      training: A tradition worth defending? Acad
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                                                  currently is visiting researcher, Patient Safety Center,     10 Vermunt JD, Verloop N. Congruence and
eight clusters of factors, based on a             University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the                 friction between learning and teaching. Learn
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to our findings (Table 2, “Factors in the                                                                      11 Ten Cate O, Snell L, Mann K, Vermunt J.
                                                  Dr. Kalkman is professor of anesthesiology,
trainee”), but they also uncovered                                                                                Orienting teaching toward the learning
                                                  Department of Anesthesiology, and director, Patient
                                                                                                                  process. Acad Med. 2004;79:219 –228.
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                                                                                                               12 Ten Cate O. Entrustability of professional
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These factors do not overlap with ours but,       Dr. Gielen is senior anesthetist, University Medical            Med Educ. 2005;39:1176 –1177.
                                                  Center St. Radboud, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.               13 Ten Cate O, Scheele F. Competency-based
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                                                  Education, University Medical Center Utrecht,                14 Dijksterhuis MG, Voorhuis M, Teunissen
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Finally, we hope this study will help to          Funding/Support: None.                                          clinical training. Med Educ. 2009;43:1156 –
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                                                  ethical approval by the ethical review board of                 Preserving professional credibility: Grounded
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1416                                                                                                     Academic Medicine, Vol. 85, No. 9 / September 2010
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