What's happening in Harare - $12 PERSON OF INTEREST: TINASHE NYAMUKODA TOP PLACES FOR HIGH TEA - Ndeipi Magazine

Page created by Kelly Erickson
ISSUE 115 - DECEMBER 2019 | JANUARY 2020

                         PERSON OF INTEREST:
                        TINASHE NYAMUKODA

                              TOP PLACES FOR
                                    HIGH TEA

What’s happening
in Harare

                     ISSUE 115 - DECEMBER 2019 | JANUARY 2020

     16                                              23                      50

     For a start
               From the Editor
               Person of Interest:
               Tinashe Nyamukoda

                                                               Mashonaland Photographic
                                                               Sunrises and Sunsets
                                                                                                                           Day                  LU N C H
     9         Achieving Greatness and               50        Speaking Through Imagery                         25TH DECEMBER 2019 | 12:30PM – 3:30PM
               Celebrating a Joyous Christmas

                                                     And In Other News                         A set of stylish festive culinary treats are the centerpiece of
     Outdoors                                                                                                       our joyous celebration
                                                     55        In Case You Missed It
     12        Tree of the Month                                                                                                          LA FONTAINE
     14        Your Garden:
               Festive Season Plants                                                                                                              Grill Room
     16        Discover Harare                       For Your Information                                                            Four-course lunch and music by Harare
     18        Astronomy: The Goldilocks Zone                                                                                            Breeze in the award-winning
                                                     58        Useful Contacts                                                        La Fontaine restaurant, for over-16s.
                                                     60        Important Numbers
     Food & Drink
     20        Matamba Glazed Gammon
     21        Gourmet Potato Salad                  Follow us
     23        Bindu Media Signature Cocktails
     27        Top Places for High Tea                     Ndeipi Magazine                           STEWART
     30        Eating out in Harare                                                                        Rooms
                                                                                                                                                                            The Pavilion restaurant hosts a Christmas
                                                                                          Family buffet in the Stewart Rooms, with a
                                                                                                                                                                           buffet, suitable for all ages, with background
     Events                                                                               splendid miscellany of traditional Christmas                                                 music by our expert DJ.
                                                                                           dishes as well as Zimbabwean foods, and                                              Jumping castle, clown and candy floss on
     35        What’s Happening this Month?          Merry Christmas & Happy                  the delightful sounds of Fab Fusion.                                             the roof garden for all the children on the
     41        Regular Activities                                                                                                                                                                 day.
                                                     New Year from all of us at
                                                     Bindu Media!
                                                                                                                                             J A S O N M O Y O AV E
                                                                                                                                       TEL: +263-4 251705 / 707721
                                                                                                                                          FA X : + 2 6 3 - 4 7 0 7 7 5 3 / 4
December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115         2                                                                                           w w w. m e i k l e s. co m
From the Editor
Issue 115 of Ndeipi Magazine brings 2019 to a close and ushers in
2020. The team and I have worked hard to bring you what will be
an essential companion for the holiday season. What makes Ndeipi
are the contributors who are (mostly) everyday Zimabweans who                                                Publisher
take time to share their stories and what they are passionate about,                                        Mike Garden
just for you. This issue is full of such stories. Photographers who                                      mikeg@softrite.co.zw
are inspired by Zimbabwe and its Sunsets and Sunrises. Chefs who                                            0772 209162
would like you to fill your belly with Gammon and Gourmet Potato
Salad. There’s even a Zimbabwean with a wine brand that you                                                     Editor
should try. Remember our Eating out Guide and What’s Happening                                        Penny Nyamande-Pangeti
in Harare, teaming with places to eat and things to do in December                                     ndeipimag@gmail.com
and January.                                                                                             Cell: 0772 354177

                                                                                                       Desk Top Publishing
                                                                                                          Melissa Katunga

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As the year comes to an end we at Ndeipi would like to thank you                                    (Pvt) Ltd, 17035 Cedora Road,
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of contributing or advertising your company in Ndeipi, please send                                          024-2773021/7
me an email on @ndeipimag@gmail.com or give me a ring on                                             Email: mark@entpress.co.zw
0772 354 177. Many thanks to Dusk Home for our festive cover
Merry Christmas and                                                                                    Whilst every effort is made to
Happy New Year!                                                                                      check the content of articles, the
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December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115                                                  4
FOR A START                        Person of Interest
                                               Tinashe Nyamukoda
Tinashe is the brains behind Kumusha Wines. They are winery     a hospitality and wine program
based in Slanghoek, Western Cape, South Africa. The             that marked the start of his career
company started with releasing a white blend, Kumusha           as a sommelier. Nyamukoda later
White, at the end of 2017. The fruit in the blend comes from    worked at the Showroom
a 37 year old Chenin Blanc and 19 year old Semillon vineyard.   Restaurant before going to the
After the white wine’s success, Kumusha went on to launch a     One and Only Hotel where he
red wine, a Cabernet Sauvignon/Cinsaut blend, as its winter     worked with well established
release in 2018. Kumusha Wines currently exports to Belgium     sommeliers. Nyamukoda has a                                                                                                Tinashe Nyamukoda
and the Netherlands and is also looking to export to the US,    Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting                                                               pretending to be a winemaker, but I do bring
UK, and Zimbabwe in the near future. The wine is also a major   Science but passion moved                                                                     a lot of experience from both the hospitality,
hit in Durban, South Africa. Kumusha Wines has received         him towards all things wine,                                                                  gastronomy and sommelier industries. Through
overwhelming support for its authentic flavours.                culminating in his enrollment in                                                              a collaborative process where I respect the vine,
                                                                the Cape Town Wine Academy.                                                                   the winemaker and the consumer, I try to build
Tinashe Nyamukoda arrived in South Africa in 2008 with no       There he attained African Wine                                                                a brand of wines that is not overly serious, but
job prospects and no knowledge of wine. After a 3 month         and Certificate Wine courses and                                                              wines that represent and honour their roots.
stint at a bakery, Tinashe was offered an opportunity to work   later, Wines of the World and                                      The Kumusha Range
at Roundhouse Restaurant, Cape Town. There he enrolled in       Wine and Food courses.                like to drink and are representative of what is    Tinashe is working with a company of young
                                                                Nyamukoda is now the head             leading the way for the style of South African     entrepreneurs called Vino and Spirits Merchants.
   At Opstal Wine Estate in Slanghoek. Home of Kumusha Wines    sommelier and beverage                wines. Minimal intervention wine making and        This is in line with his vision to work with people
                                                                manager at The Test Kitchen           natural fermentation is aimed at letting the wine  who not only believe in his brand but also the
                                                                Restaurant in Cape Town. Today,       be free to do the talking of its origin. I am not  service industry as a whole. Vino and Spirits
                                                                Tinashe is hailed as one of the                                                          Merchants have worked hard to bring Kumusha
                                                                most respected sommeliers of                             Vineyards in Breederiver Valley Wines into the following outlets Pariah State,
                                                                the continent, tasting on the                                                            Liquor Supplies Avondale, Table Top and Pot
                                                                Michelangelo Wine and Spirits                                                            Belly.
                                                                awards, the Chenin Blanc Top 10
                                                                                                                                                                  Images provided by Tinashe Nyamukoda
                                                                Challenge and Platter Awards Five
                                                                Star panel. He is a board member                                                                                  Kumusha, Nyanga Zimbabwe
                                                                of the South African Sommelier
                                                                Association as well as the BLACC
                                                                (Black Cellar Club) and has
                                                                represented Zimbabwe at the
                                                                World Blind Tasting Championships
                                                                in 2017 and 2018.

                                                                My ‘Kumusha’ Philosophy

                                                                Kumusha is a Shona word which
                                                                means ‘your home’, ‘your roots’
                                                                and ‘your origin’. I believe the
                                                                best wines are representative of
                                                                their region. I met Attie Louw
                                                                from Opstal Estate some years
                                                                ago and our relationship has
                                                                grown. As a result I have been
                                                                able to work with the fruit from
                                                                the Breedekloof Valley to create
                                                                wines that I would not only
December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115         6                                                                                                        7                                     www.ndeipi.co.zw
Achieving Greatness &
Celebrating a Joyous Christmas
                       (Even through Economic Adversity)
                                     By Ashleigh Whaley
Wow! You have made it through the year and              Firstly give God the glory for seeing you through
boy has it been a tough one for all of us! This         one of the most difficult years of your life.
year has been a struggle just to survive. You are       Secondly go out and give of your time, as it is
almost there, with Christmas as the finish line.        just as important as giving money or gifts. Start
Give yourself credit for just hanging in.               with giving away the excess you have such as
                                                        clothes, toys and books, visit an old age home,
                                                        spend time at an orphanage and create other
                                                        unique ways to share. Your visions and dreams
                                                        may have been side-lined this year and goals
                                                        unachieved however, throughout all of this, God
                                                        has not moved. He is still there- guiding you.
                                                        Therefore, embrace the birth of Jesus and keep
                                                        loving, living and giving.

     Baobab Christmas tree with angel ornaments
                          made from paper clips
“At some point, adversity happens in everyone’s
life. It usually comes unannounced, and it                 Murray John aged 7 and Monty participating in
doesn’t arrive with flowers and candy.” Lewis                   the Amatuer Riding Club Utility Pony Class
Howes.                                                  For a seven year old boy being able to control
                                                        his pony, whilst dressed up, pulling a bag and
The question is how do we celebrate Christmas           finally collecting a flag was an epic achievement.
in such adversity?                                      An enormous smile erupted once Murray John
                                                        realised that he had indeed achieved this goal.
1. Look to keep the festive season simple and           He will always treasure this Christmas memory.
create new traditions to match the current eco-
nomic situation.                                        Keep focused on your end vision and dreams
2. Christmas should be a joyous time of                 as, having survived such adversity, the victory of
celebrating the birth of Jesus, so how do we            achieving them will be so much sweeter. When
find the Joy?                                           adversity arises, you have two choices, either
                                                    9                                     www.ndeipi.co.zw
you do nothing and let it overwhelm you, resulting     more fun and so I challenge you to give of your-
in you falling victim to your circumstances, or        self this festive season and take one minute each
you embrace the challenge and keep moving              day to pray for our country.
forward. The choice is yours. Remember that
true greatness often comes from adversity.              “The things which are impossible with men
                                                       are possible with God.” Luke 18:27
“Greatness means having pride in yourself,
being happy with yourself, knowing you’ve              Remember January                Horse vaulting is a
worked for something and couldn’t have done            is always a tough           relatively new sport to
anything more.” Shawn Johnson Olympic                  month so rest as             Zimbabwe. Paula Joy
Gymnast.                                               much as needed in          aged 10 training at the
                                                       December and look to                        canter.
Horse vaulting is not easy, so like any gymnast,       the greatness you will
Paula Joy( age 10) takes pride in herself every        achieve next year. Go
time she tries something new, no matter how            and be awesome and
small the achievement. Take a moment to                have a blessed joyous
reflect on all your achievements. You will be          Christmas.
pleasantly surprised that you too have achieved        Merry Christmas
greatness this year. Now congratulate yourself!        everyone!
Most of all be thankful for all your blessings and
take it easy on yourself. Yes, your children won’t     For more from Ashleigh
be receiving fancy gifts, so teach them to give        visit her homeschooling
instead. Truly celebrate the birth of Jesus. Forget    and lifestyle blog
about the economics we can’t change and                www.faith4fun.com.
take the time to look to the Giver of Miracles             Images provided by
for strength, guidance and love. Giving is often            Ashleigh Whaley

December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115              10
OUTDOORS                           Tree of the Month
                                                       By JP Felu
Family: Lamiaceae (previously Verbenaceae)         in strips; growing tips and new stems and leaves
Ndebele: Umtswankela                               with tawny woolly hairs. With age the branches
Shona: Mudyagava                                   become hairless, with prominent leaf-scars.

The genus Vitex was named by Linnaeus in his       The leaves are normally 5-foliolate but quite
book “Species Plantarum”, published in 1753. It    often only 3- or 4-foliolate when the smaller
comes from the name used by Pliny the Elder        basal pair have not developed. The leaflets are
for Vitex agnus-castus, derived from the Latin     obovate, ranging in size from 3 to 19 cm by 1.5
“vieo” meaning “to weave”, a reference to the      to 9 cm, the top leaflet being the biggest and
fact that Vitex agnus-castus was used in basket    the two basal ones being the smallest. They
weaving.                                           are bright green and hairy on top and very
                                                   light green and very hairy on the back. The
The Lamiaceae family is well known as it a         net veining is prominent on both sides and the
mostly herbaceous group that contains many         upper third of the leaflets can be toothed. The
fragrant species used in perfumery or in cooking petioles are long, 6 to 15 cm, covered with short
like lavender, mint, spearmint, peppermint,        tawny hair.
marjoram, basil, sage, rosemary and thyme.
The Vitex group was initially included in          The flowers grow in axillary heads and are blue,
Verbenaceae but DNA studies showed that they mauve to white, weakly two-lipped. The fruit
were Lamiaceae. Vitex are nevertheless different is fleshy, black when ripe and edible. Recent
from other Lamiaceae as they have palmate          research has shown that it contains vitamin
leaves. Nine Vitex species are represented in      C. Kimondo et al. (2012) state that the fruit
Zimbabwe but only Vitex payos has a broad          pulp contains three water-soluble vitamins: C
geographic distribution.                           (ascorbic acid), B3 (niacin) and B6 (pyridoxine).
                                                   Moreover, the fruit pulp could provide
Vitex payos is a small to medium-sized tree        potassium in large quantities while it is a
4-10 m high, with a rounded crown. It occurs in source of other macronutrients such as
open woodland and on rocky outcrops and on         magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and calcium
termite mounds at medium to low altitudes, with in smaller quantities. The pulp contains
a preference for the drier areas. The bark is grey micronutrients such as iron, manganese and
to brown, deeply striated longitudinally, peeling  zinc.
                                                             In the North-Eastern region of Kenya
                                                             the tree is cultivated for its fruit. The
                                                             wood of Vitex payos although not
                                                             durable has occasionally been used
                                                             to make some items of furniture but
                                                             its scattered distribution limits its
                                                             usefulness. Medicinally the smoke of
                                                             the burned leaves is inhaled against
                                                             coughs. A porridge made with the
                                                             roots is used in the treatment of
                                                             gonorrhoea and also to prevent
                                                                    Images provided by JP Felu

December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115          12
Your Garden
                                    Festive Season Plants
                                           By Morag Flight
Christmas is a time for beauty and good cheer           Its origins are meant to date back to the Druids,
and nothing ushers in beauty and good cheer             who thought the plant represented everlasting
like beautiful flowers and plants for Christmas. You    life. Christians adopted the plant as a symbol of
might like a few of these traditional Christmas         Jesus’ promise of everlasting life.
plants and flowers for your home this holiday.
                                                        Mistletoe (Viscum album) is another holiday
Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera bridgessi)              tradition plant also dating back to the Druids.
is an attractive and popular house plant. The           But, unlike holly, the Christian church did not
name originates from the fact that they used to         accept it as a tradition, but rather frowned on it.
bloom naturally at Christmas. These lovely cacti        It was even banned at one point in the Christian
have lush flowers that hang down like lovely            Church. However as you know it is still com-
Christmas ornaments from the ends of the                monly seen. Apparently it was originally a sign
leaves of the plant. They are also easy to              of fertility, but is now simply an excuse to grab
propagate and you can just cut a short Y shaped         a kiss from someone dear to you. There is a
piece from the stem tips and place this in sandy        lovely line in one old movie where the boy has
soil and water and it should root easily.               no mistletoe but says “ I have broccoli instead”
                                                        so maybe hang up the broccoli and see what
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) translates            happens!
to “mist of the sea,” as its grey-green foliage
is thought to resemble mist against the sea             The Christmas Tree is traditionally an
cliffs of the Mediterranean, where the plant            Evergreen Fir originally used to celebrate all
originates. It is not a well known Christmas            winter festivals (both pagan and Christian) for
plant but originates from part of the Nativity          thousands of years. Branches were used to
story where apparently Baby Jesus’ clothes were         decorate the home during winter as it reminded
dried on a Rosemary bush. It was then believed          people of the spring to
                                                                                            Christmas tree
that smelling Rosemary at Christmas brought             come. Romans used
good luck. Today, in Europe, Rosemary is sold           Fir trees to decorate
as a Christmas plant pruned in the form of a            their temples and
Christmas tree. It is also attractive to bees.          Christians use it as a
                                                        sign of everlasting life
Lavender (Lavandula) is not really associated           with God. There is no
with Christmas but is a lovely new tradition that       reliable record of when
is springing up mainly in Europe and America.           Fir trees were first used
The normally scraggly bushes are pruned and             as Christmas trees. It
pinched until they resemble a small Christmas           probably began about
Tree. As long as they are kept trimmed they can         1000 years ago in
give you years of fun on the table and add a            Northern Europe when
nice aroma to the room too.                             Christmas Trees seem
                                                        to have been hung
Holly (Ilex aquifolium) wasn’t always easily            upside down from the
available here but with the importation of              ceiling.
European grown plants is now seen in our
nurseries. Remember that only the female bush
has the red berries and that you need a male                Image provided by
bush around for pollination. Good luck with                   Morag Flight
trying to figure out the sex without the berries!

December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115               14
Discover Harare
                                     Harare’s Cathedrals
                   By Lynette Gibson (Harare Free Walking Tour)
Have you ever wondered why our city looks              the assistance of African tradesman instead of
the way it does? Could there be hidden stories         Europeans tradesman, unusual for the 1950s. It
behind these structures that help us understand        stands in Gothic style, the last echo of medieval
who we are today? Recently, developers,                world of craft. Most of the work was carried out
administrators and architects have initiated a         in Chishawasha (2 days away by ox-wagon at
fascinating and creative dialogue regarding the        that time, now a mere 30- minute drive). The
best of the old and new Harare. Their efforts          construction took 18 months to complete. The
reveal an intrinsic need to preserve buildings         architect, Father Le Boenf created other notable
and spaces in the city based on symbolic,              works that include the St Georges College,
sentimental, historical and entertainment value.       Dominican Convent among other mission
The Historic Buildings Advisory Committee to
the National Museums and Monuments has                 The Cathedral of Saint Mary and All Saints
a special criterion to select these buildings. It      was built in the Romanesque style between
includes, but is not limited to, the following:        1913-1964. It has many outstanding features
                                                       including the original cross in St George’s
• The building must have outstanding                   Chapel made of cigar boxes, carved altar rail,
representation of a particular architectural style.    high granite arches, and beautiful cloisters.
• The building is eccentric, original,
incorporates unusual materials, or is the only         It is essential to foster appreciation of our
remaining example of its kind.                         surrounding structures and how they affect our
• It contributes to the environment, and               lives in a broader cultural and social context.
historical associations with either people or          Whether a local or a tourist, the curious can
events.                                                experience a fun and rewarding process of
                                                       exploration and discovery of secrets of Harare.
Such buildings include the Catholic Cathedral
(Simon Vengayi Muzenda Av and Herbert                  To join educational, cultural and historic free
Chitepo Street) and the Anglican Cathedral             walking tours contact:
(Nelson Mandela Street and Sam Nujoma                  www.walkingtourharare.com
Street).                                               Smaszim@gmail.com
                                                       +263 784 142 342
The Catholic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
was built by French and German brothers with                  Images provided by Edwin R Jaulani

       The Catholic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart             The Cathedral of Saint Mary and All Saints

December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115              16
What is the Goldilocks Zone?
                                  By Simon van der Lingen
On an Earth teeming with life, we may wonder           since lost most of its atmosphere and is now
whether there is life elsewhere in the Universe        very much cooler, there do seem to be surface
yet an answer of either “Yes” or “No” would be         flows of water from time to time and Mars
profoundly scary. From our limited experience,         remains an interesting candidate for the
we are pretty sure that most biochemical               discovery of extraterrestrial life, or more likely,
reactions, and thus any form of life, would need       fossilized remains.
liquid water to evolve and flourish. Therefore
if we were to look for extraterrestrial life, we       We know that other stars also have planets
should be looking in places where we could             within their Goldilocks Zones. A red dwarf star
reasonably expect to find liquid water. For any        called Trappist 1, 49 light years distant, is orbited
planet to host life, its surface would have to be      by at least seven planets, of which three lie
“not too hot, not too cold,” but, like Baby Bear’s     within that star’s Goldilocks Zone and, if they
porridge, “Just Right!” The area of space around       have the right atmospheric conditions, should
each star which receives the right amount of           contain liquid water and maybe even life.
heat to melt ice without vaporising it into steam,
is known to astronomers as The Goldilocks Zone.        The Astronomy Society of Harare has a
                                                       presentation at 5:45pm on the second Wednesday
Within our Solar System, Venus, Earth and Mars         of every month (except for December) at the
all exist within the Goldilocks Zone. Venus however,   Lecture Theatre at St. George’s College and
has an atmosphere much denser than ours and            you’re all invited to come along. If you have any
full of Greenhouse gases like CO2 which have           questions regarding the Astronomy Society or
raised the surface temperature to a point hot          about this article, kindly contact
enough to melt lead. Recent exploration on             Tony Alegria on: talegria@zol.co.zw
Mars shows that the planet must once have had
rivers and oceans. Even though Mars has long              Image provided by Simon van der Lingen

December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115             18                                                        19   www.ndeipi.co.zw
FOOD & DRINK                Matamba Fruit Glazed                                                                               Gourmet Potato Salad
                                 Gammon                                                                                                                  By Chef Rumbie
                                                                                                                Whether it’s with friends or family, Christmas        and ½ teaspoon black pepper.
                                                   By Mike Van Rooyen                                           is always more meaningful when it’s shared.           5. Cook over medium heat until the sugar car-
                                                                                                                Often we are stuck in the kitchen doing all the       amelizes and the onions are sticky but still have
Mike was born in Harare and trained as a                                                                        meal preparation on the day and we don’t have         moisture. Cool, jar, refrigerate and use when
chef at the Aarhus Teknisk Intitute in Aarhus                                                                   enough time to catch up with our loved ones.          necessary.
Denmark. He worked at Michelin star Il                                                                          Try this delicious recipe that can be made the        6. Into the bowl add mixed herbs, black pep-
Cantuccio in Albavilla, Milano, Italy. He recently                                                              day before and is a great accompaniment to            percorns, bacon chips, caramelized red onion
returned and works for Pure Africa and Zambezi                                                                  Chef Mike’s gammon.                                   (method is above) mix together with a spatula
House Victoria Falls.                                                                                                                                                 until well combined.
                                                                                                                INGREDIENTS:                                          7. Then add all your dressing ingredients and
Treat family and friends to his Zimbabwean                                                                      ½ cup deep fried bacon (cut up into bite size)        mix again. Top off with the leeks, cling wrap and
flavour Gammon Ham this Christmas. It features                                                                  8 large potatoes (peeled and cubed)                   refrigerate immediately.
the wild Matamba fruit as the glaze and your                                                                    3 leeks (thinly sliced diagonally-garnish)
loved ones will not be disappointed. Matamba                                                                    ½ teaspoon mixed herbs                                Serve with Chef Mike’s Matamba Glazed
(monkey orange) is a round fruit the size of                                                                    ½ teaspoon freshly cracked peppercorns                Gammon, a crispy salad and chakalaka
a large orange. It grows in both tropical and                                                                                                                         Follow Chef Rumbie on Instagram
sub-tropical Africa. It is a rock-hard green fruit                                                              Dressing:                                             @chef_rumbie
that ripens into yellow. Inside there are seeds                                                                 ½ cup plain Greek yoghurt
covered in gooey, gelatinous sweet and tangy                                                                                                                                Images provided by Chef Rumbie
                                                                                                                1 ½ cup mayonnaise
pulp.                                                                                                           ½ teaspoon mustard
Recipe (Serves 4-6)                                                                                             Caramelised onion:
                                                        6. Add your mustard
                                                        and sugar and heat till                                 1 finely chopped red onion
INGREDIENTS:                                                                                                    ½ a cup balsamic vinegar
                                                        sugar is dissolved- you
1kg uncooked gammon ham                                                                                         1 tablespoon brown sugar
                                                        should be left with a
1 medium onion                                                                            Damba (singular)
                                                        thick paste.                                            ½ teaspoon salt
3 bay leaves                                                                              Matamba (plural)
                                                        7. Remove the skin                                      ½ teaspoon black pepper
2 tbsp vinegar                                          from the ham by putting your finger under the
40 cloves                                               skin then work your way under till you can pull it      METHOD:
                                                        off be careful not to remove the fat layer.             1. Boil the potatoes in lightly salted water until
Matamba and Orange glaze:                               8. Take a small knife and score the fat at 2cm          they are fully cooked
5 matamba                                               intervals going one way the the other to get a          but still have their
300 ml orange juice                                     criss cross effect, then push your cloves in the        form.
3 tbsp mustard                                          diamond shapes.                                         2. Place in a colander
100g dark sugar                                         9. Add some glaze.                                      and toss around to
                                                        10. Set in an oven tray and fill with water just till   drain water and fluff
METHOD:                                                 the bottom is covered- this prevents burning            them out.
1. Place your ham in a pot and cover with water.        add adds a moisture effect in the oven!                 3. Allow to cool and
2. Add the onion bay leaves and vinegar.                11. Baste with matamba and orange every 20              place in a bowl, not
3. Bring to a slight boil for 45 minutes and            minutes for 1hr 30 minutes then take out and let        the display bowl
remove and cool(you can do this the day before          rest for 15 minutes before cutting.                     because this it can be
you have your family lunch to avoid less stress).
                                                                                                                pretty messy.
4. While waiting for the ham to cool get on with        Serve with Chef Rumbie’s Potato Salad, with red         4. In a saucepan, add
the glaze.                                              onion, leeks and crispy bacon.                          1 finely chopped red
5. Crack open your matamba and add the
                                                                                                                onion, ½ a cup
insides pips and all to a pot. Add the orange           Follow Chef Mike on Instagram @headchef.mike            balsamic vinegar, 1
then bring to a boil. Whisk to get all flesh off the
                                                                                                                tablespoon brown
matamba. After 5 minutes sieve the liquid into a
                                                              Images provided by Mike van Rooyen                sugar, ½ teaspoon salt
bowl and discard the pips!
December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115               20                                                                                                            21                                 www.ndeipi.co.zw
Bindu Media Signature Drinks
                                                                             By The Mixologist: Ashler Jaya
                                                Ndeipi is part of a family of magazines in the          120ml cherry soda
                                                Bindu Media stable. Along with Ndeipi, there is         Maraschino cherries
                                                Nzira for travel and Zimunda for the agricultural       Crushed Ice
                                                sector. To celebrate them and to mark the festive
                                                season, The Mixologist created signature drinks         INSTRUCTIONS:
                                                tell each of their stories. Try them out this festive   1. Combine cherry soda, or peppermint syrup
                                                season and let us know which one you like best          and grenadine in a shaker with regular ice cubes
                                                on the different social media platforms.                2. Do not shake but stir
                                                                                                        3. Crush ice using a blender and spoon into a glass
                                                The #LOVEHARARE (Ndeipi)                                4. Pour Cherry Soda Mix into glass with crushed ice
                                                Ndeipi is Harare’s best city guide. We love our         5 Garnish with maraschino cherries
                                                city and all it’s history, colours and vibrance.
                                                Facebook: Ndeipi Magazine Twitter & Instagram:          The Zimbabwean Sunset (Nzira)
                                                ndeipi_magazine                                         Nzira is for the luxury traveller. A lover of the
                                                                                                        finer things in life and who loves all that
                                                INGREDIENTS:                                            Zimbabwe has to offer. Facebook: Nzira
                                                15ml Peppermint syrup                                   Magazine Twitter: @NziraMag Instagram:
                                                10ml grenadine                                          nziramagazine
                                                                                                                                  The Zimbabwean Sunset

December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115   22                                                       23                                     www.ndeipi.co.zw
INGREDIENTS:                                        of our economy. Facebook: ZiMunda Farming
125ml Orange juice                                  Twitter: @zimunda_mag Instagram:
240ml sparkling water                               @zimundamag,
2 teaspoon vanilla syrup
2 teaspoons grenadine                               INGREDIENTS:
Orange slices for garnish                           2 packets of lemon and lime unsweetened
                                                    powdered juice
INSTRUCTIONS:                                       400g sugar
1. Freeze all of the Orange juice in an ice tray    1.4 litres pineapple juice
2. Crush a few ice cubes with the frozen orange     400ml frozen lemonade
juice and spoon into glass                          Ginger ale
3. Add sparkling Water                              1litre water
4. Slowly add in vanilla syrup
5. Slowly add in grenadine                    INSTRUCTIONS:
6. Garnish with orange slice.                 This is a punch you will need a 3litre or 5litre
The Zesty Zimunda (Zimunda)                   1. Pour water into bowl
Zimunda is all about agriculture and farming. 2. Add both packets of powdered juice and
From seed to table we hear from the experts   sugar and stir until it dissolved
making strides in this most integral sectors  3. Add pineapple juice and lemonade and stir
                             The #LOVEHARARE
                                              4. Rim your glasses with a coloured sugar for a
                                              candied rim and chill glasses
                                              5. Chill mixture
                                              6. Add ginger ale for the fizz before serving
                                              7. Pour into glasses and serve
                                                                                 The Zesty Zimunda

                                                           Images provided by The Mixologist

December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115           24                                                25   www.ndeipi.co.zw
                           The Rose Café
Tucked away in the beautiful gardens of Golden
Stairs Nursery in Mount Pleasant is the Rose
Cafe. With its quaint cottage style decor the
cafe offers an intimate patio space with a view of
the garden. This is an ideal place for a delicious
meal or a quiet cup of coffee away from the
hustle and bustle of the city. The high tea at
Rose Cafe is made to order so give them a call
before you go. They offer a wide selection of
teas and freshly squeezed juices to accompany
the savory and sweet treats.

Crudite Platter with a tangy homemade dip.
Chicken & Mayo and Ham & Cheese
Scones with cream and homemade strawberry
                                                     complimented the tranquil environment. You
Chocolate muffins.
                                                     must try their signature ABC detox juice.
Strawberry and Oat crunchie.
                                                     The Rose Café
                                                     72 Golden Stairs Road
The hospitality and peaceful ambience. Muchero
is a gracious and attentive host. The chicken
                                                     0784 339 814
mayo sandwiches were packed with filling and
the melt in your mouth scones with lashings of             Images provided by Melissa Katunga
cream and jam were to
die for. It was fantastic
to have such a wide
variety of tea options
and the bespoke
elements like the dip
and jam made from
scratch. We enjoyed
the retro pop music in
the background that

                                                 27                                 www.ndeipi.co.zw
Meikles Hotel
The iconic Meikles Hotel is located in the heart
of the central business district. As you walk
through the doors, you are transported into a
world of elegance. Where the ceaseless noise of
the city disappears to be replaced by classical
music from the grand piano. The Meikles high
tea is a highly requested menu item and is a
top choice for special luncheons or celebrations
such as Mother’s day.

Savoury Base:
Toasted sandwiches consisting of:
Ham served with grated cheddar cheese and
Chicken mayonnaise
Sliced Fresh Tomato and grated cheddar              silver tea set added a touch of class. Our toasted
                                                    sandwiches were filled to bursting with thick
Delightful Middle:                                  slices of ham and the fruit tarts exploded in our
 Traditional scones served with whipped cream,      mouths with the sweetness of strawberry,
fresh strawberries, strawberry jam and butter       pineapple and orange flavours. Almost
with seasonal fruit tartlets.                       everything in the Meikles kitchen is made from
                                                    scratch, from the oven baked bread to the light,
Sweet Ending:                                       thick fresh cream. The high tea is set for two but
Meikles’ own Black Forest cake with fresh cream,    it was more than enough for three people.
homemade carrot and apple cake with buttered
icing.                                              Meikles Hotel
                                                    Corner of Third Street & Jason Moyo Avenue,
WHAT WE LOVED MOST:                                 Harare, Zimbabwe
The feeling of contentment that sets in as you      +263 0242707721 – 9
sip on Tanganda Tea in the historic Tanganda Tea          Images provided by Melissa Katunga
Lounge. Our host, Silence
was thoughtful and shared
a detailed history of the
Meikles Hotel. The finer
details like the polished

December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115           28
EATING OUT IN HARARE                                                                                                         The Village Greek                                                    DeMoyo Café
                                                                                                                                                               The Q Bar                                                           Park View Brasserie
                                                                                                                             Greek, Shop 3, New Block,         Corner Fife Ave and Leopold        26 Connaught Rd, Avondale,       Monomotapa Hotel, 54
UP-MARKET                       Chop Chop
                                Brazilian Steakhouse, 256
                                                               Traditional Cuisine
                                                                                              Pizzazz Pizza
                                                                                          19 Fernleigh Rd, Pomona,
                                                                                                                             Sam Levy’s Village, Borrowdale,   Takawira, 0712 980636              0776 754305                      Park Lane, CBD, (024) 2 704501-9
Alo Alo                         Herbert Chitepo/Fi�h St, CBD   9 Normandy Rd, 0775 838118 0784 618680 - 2 & Shop 4,          077 2156667
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dragons Den, Old                 The Palms Restaurant
10 Forest Row, Arundel          0776 300967, 086 77160879                                                                                                      Pariah State
                                                                                                                                                               Wine/Cocktail Lounge, Shop 7 Georgians Sports Club
                                                                                          Greystone Park Shopping                                                                                                                  Bronte Hotel, 132 Baines Ave,
Village, Mount Pleasant                                        L’Escargot                 Centre, 0777 781583,
                                                                                                                             Wing Wah Interna�onal
                                                                                                                             Chinese, 84 Glenara Ave,          Riverside Walk, Avondale,     177 The Chase, Groombridge            CBD, (024) 2 707522-7
(024) 2 369198, 0773 265932/3   Coimbra                        French, Courteney Hotel,   0777 800663, 0777 800651           Highlands, 0773 967999,
                                Portuguese, 61 Selous Ave,     CBD, 0772 730941                                                                                0772 279051 & Wine Bar, Grill 0776 178738, 0772 279051
                                                                                                                             0867 7101706                                                                                          Pavilion
Amanzi                          CBD, (024) 2 700237                                           Pogos                                                            & Coffee Shop, 1 Pomona                                              Meikles Hotel, Cnr 3rd St &
158 Enterprise Rd,                                             Li�le Eataly Restaurant        Pizza & Chicken, 1 & 2                                           Shopping Centre, Pomona       Flat Dog Diner                        Jason Moyo Ave, CBD,
Highlands (024) 2 480883,      The Fuzion Palace               Italian, 1 Hurworth Road,      Kamfinsa Shopping Centre,       You Real                          086-77103644, 0772 279051 5 Harrow Rd, Msasa                        (024) 2 250551-5, (024) 2 251705
                                                                                                                             Japanese, Shop 13 & 14,                                         (024) 2 498409, 0772 773983
(024) 2 497768, 0772 336224 Indian/Pakistani, Grills,          Highlands, 08677 177349        Greendale, 08644 122566,
                               Woodfired pizza & Western                                       (024) 2 495799
                                                                                                                             New Block, Sam Levy’s Village, Tamasha                                                                The Place
Fishmonger                     (certified Halaal), 71 Glenara   Li�le Fontana                                                 Borrowdale, 0772 123 456       Dining & Lounge Bar, 2                Gaby’s                           Cnr 2nd St & J Nyerere Ave,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Travel Plaza, J. Chinamano       CBD, 0779 449210
50 East Rd, Belgravia,         Rd, Highlands (024) 2 442528,   Ethiopian & Italian, 74 Cork   The Pointe                                                    Aberdeen Rd, Avondale,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mazowe St, (024) 2 700094,
(024) 2 308164, (024) 2 302285 0772 305076, 0718 763880        Rd, Avondale, 0783 574804      Portuguese, 3rd St, CBD        Wonderful Restaurant 0772 857929
                                                                                              (024) 2 734240, 0712 753129    Chinese, 85 Churchill Ave,                                           0779 579799                      Tiffany’s
                                                                                                                             Highlands, 0783 533333,                                                                               Jameson Hotel, 21 Samora
La Fontaine                     Garwe Restaurant               Market Cafe Restaurant                                                                       The Space                             The Gallery Café                 Machel Ave/Park St CBD,
Meikles Hotel, CBD,               Traditional Cuisine, 18637, Food Lover’s Market, Sam        Queen Makeda                   0779 520000                    Resto-Lounge, 3 Tyward Close,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  29 College Road, New             (024) 2 774106
(024) 2 250551-5, (024) 2 251705, Donald McDonald Rd/Nigel Levy’s Village, Borrowdale,        Ethiopian Cuisine, 3 Lanark                                   Ballantyne Park, 0782 445566,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Alexandra Park, 0772 402910
(024) 2 707721-9                  Philip Ave, Eastlea
                                  0779 492012, (024) 2 778566
                                                              (024) 2 853045-7 ext 13         Rd, Belgravia 0773 045001      PUBS & BARS                    0776 187903
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Garfunkels Grill                 Shop 10, Kensington Shops,
Victoria 22                                                    Mojo’s                         RocoMamas                      Aquarium Bar                     Tin Roof                                                             Kensington, (024) 2 706857,
22 Victoria Dr, Newlands,   Gava’s                             South American, 10 East Rd, Burger Restaurant, Village        Wine & Cocktail Lounge,          Bucket Bar & Bistro, 1 Lewisam Sam Levy’s Village, Borrowdale,
                                                                                                                             Monomotapa Hotel, 54                                            0772 234049                           (024) 2 794948,
(024) 2 776429, 0733 464646 Traditional Cuisine, Belgravia     Belgravia, (024) 2 705993,  Walk, Borrowdale, 0731 111805                                      Shopping Centre, Highlands
                            Sports Club, 2nd Street Ext,       (024) 2 761639                                                Park Lane, CBD, (024) 2 704501-9 (024) 2 495874, 0778 218990,                                         Vumba
                                                                                              Sabai Thai                                                                                     Gazebo
SPECIALITY                  Belgravia, 0772 381863
                                                               Monos Restaurant                Cnr Rolf Ave/Stokesay Cl,     Bar Rouge
                                                                                                                                                              0772 317319                    Buffet, Monomotapa Hotel,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Holiday Inn Harare, Corner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Samora Machel Avenue &
                                                                                                                                                                                             54 Park Lane, CBD, (024) 2 704501
Alechi                          Golden Peacock                 Monomotapa Hotel, CBD,          Ballantyne Park,              Cocktail Bar, Africom Shop        Wyrd                                                                Fi�h Street, (024) 2 795612/9
Chicken Grill, 21 Quorn Ave,    Chinese & Western Dishes       (024) 2 704501-9 (Sat din only) 0776 743775, (024) 2 852695   45-46, Long Cheng Plaza,          Champagne & Whiskey Bar,
Mt Pleasant, 0779 364 640       89 Kingsmead Rd, Borrowdale                                                                  Belvedere, 086 44119123           164 Enterprise Rd, Chisipite,      Harvest Garden                   Wild Geese Lodge
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Rainbow Towers, 1 Pennefather    2 Buckland Lane, Teviotdale
                                0775 909588                    New China Garden               Shangri La                                                       078 371 6067                       Ave, CBD, (024) 2 772633
Aroma Caffé                                                     163 Long Cheng Plaza,          Chinese, 155 Enterprise Rd,    Centurion                                                                                             (024) 2 2917977, 0772 145103
                                                                                                                             Pub/Grill, Harare Sports Club,
Italian, 167 Enterprise Road,   Gouveia’s                      Belvedere, 0773 731695,        Chisipite, (024) 2 443263/4,
                                Portuguese Cuisine, 31         0772 613888                    0733-415857                    CBD, 0773 784924                  FAMILY &                           Imba Matombo
Chisipite, (024) 2 480 904,
0772 235 693                    Anthony Ave Msasa,                                                                                                             GENERAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Albert Glen Close, Glen Lorne,   CAFÉS &
                                (024) 2 487654, (024) 2 447059, Ocean Basket                  Sitar Restaurant               Chez Zandi                                                           0774 514235
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   COFFEE SHOPS
The Avon                        0712 624601                     Seafood, Shop 3, Sam Levy’s   Indian, 2 Cecil Rhodes Dr,
                                                                                                                             Bistro/Wine Bar, 328 Herbert
                                                                                                                                                               RESTAURANTS                        Kombahari
Traditional Cuisine, 18d                                        Village, Borrowdale           Newlands, (024) 2 746215,
                                                                                                                             Chitepo Ave, CBD, 0778 952992
                                                                                                                                                               Arnaldos                                                            Bell’s Coffee Shop
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Rainbow Towers, 1 Pennefather Willowmead Junc�on, Rolf
Lonsdale Rd, Avondale           Great Wall                      (024) 2 852189                0712 616562                    Explorer’s Bar                    7 Bessemer Road,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ave, CBD, (024) 2 772633      Valley, (024) 2 850294
0779 736171, 0774 750824        Chinese, 94 East Rd,                                                                         Meikles Hotel, Cnr 3rd St & Jason Graniteside, (024) 2 773877                                      0777 884859
                                Belgravia, 0712 616 282,        Organikks                     Spice Lounge                   Moyo Ave, CBD, (024) 2 707721                                        Mugg & Bean
Casa Mia                        (024) 2 334149                  1 Dacomb Drive, Chisipite     Indian, Pub, 23 Lezard Ave,                                      The Bistro                     New Block, Sam Levy’s Village Bo�om Drawer
Pizzeria, Cnr King George &                                     0782 785000, 0782 784999      Mount Pleasant,                Gazebo                            197 Enterprise Road, Chisipite
                                                                                                                                                                                              Borrowdale, 0771 045020,      14 Maasdorp Ave, Belgravia
Aberdeen Rd, Avondale           Hometown                        (Wed - Sat evenings open)     0779 581000, 0867 7104745      Cocktail Bar, Rainbow             (024) 2 442532, 0779878548
                                                                                                                                                                                              (024) 2 852043                0772 235566, (024) 2 745679
(024) 2 332044, 0732 272642     Coffeehouse & BBQ                                                                             Towers, 1 Pennefather Ave,
                                American, 21 Edinburgh Rd,     PanAfrika Restaurant           St Elmo’s                      CBD, (024) 2 772633/9 ext 4469    Café Afrique                       The Mustard Seed                 Brentos
                                Borrowdale, 0773 601611        Traditional Cuisine, 4 Deary Pizza, 86 East Rd, Avondale                                        Cresta Oasis Hotel, CBD,                                            16 Greendale Ave, Greendale
Chang Thai                                                                                                                   The Horsebox Bar
                                                                                                                                                                                                  27 Ridgeway South, Highlands,
Thai, 83 Churchill Ave East,                                   Ave, Belgravia, 0773 360893, (024) 2 334980-3 (closed                                           (024) 2 790861- 4                  (024) 2 498138/9, 0772 572620    (024) 2 497504
                                The Jam Tree                   0772 322168                  on tuesdays) & Sam Levy’s        1 Hurworth Road, Highlands,
Gunhill, (024) 2 783054,
                                Pub Food & Restaurant, 40                                   Village, Borrowdale              0774 111452                       Corky’s Pub & Grill
0773 222276, 0779 763666
                                Bargate Rd, Mount Pleasant     Panda Restauarant            (024) 2 886957-9                                                   Ballantyne Park Shopping               KEY:
Chicken Basket                  0775 169842, 0778 082360       Chinese, 43 Churchill Ave,                                    Harpers Pub                       Centre, Wellburn Drive,                Open Every Day                   Closed Every Eve
110 Norfolk Rd, Mount                                          Alexandra Park               Taj Restaurant                   Food, Wine & Cocktail             0785 663194                            Closed SUN                       Closed SUN Eve
Pleasant, 0772 781555,                                         0777 513318, 0774 986582 Indian, 157 Borrowdale Rd,           Lounge, Holiday Inn Harare,
                                Kirytan Grill                                                                                Corner Samora Machel
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Closed MON                       Closed MON Eve
0783 137919, 0772 426768        Chicken Grill, Corner                                       Gunhill, 0732 110222/333                                           Cha�ers                                Closed TUE                       WIFI Available
                                Woodholme & Golden Stairs      Paula’s Place                                                 Avenue & Fi�h Street,             Cresta Lodge, Samora Machel            Closed SAT
China Restaurant                Rd, 078 6548235                Portuguese, 314 Samora      Tinkabell Restaurant              (024) 2 795612/9                  Ave, Mutare Rd. (024) 2 487006-8
17 Rowland Sq, Milton Park,                                    Machel Ave, (024) 2 497950, Portuguese, 4 Upton Rd,
0772 613888, 0773 195986                                       0779 421014                 Ardbennie, (024) 2 664745,
                                                                                           0774 532184
CAFÉS &                           FreshlyGround                     The Rose Café                  Vanilla Moon
                                  Sam Levy’s Village, Borrowdale,   72 Golden Stairs Road        8 Seagrave Rd, Avondale
COFFEE SHOPS                      0867 7100514 & Village Walk,      Mount Pleasant, 0784 339 814 (024) 2 333394
Café Nion                         Borrowdale, 08677 100514
Arundel Village Shopping                                            The Shop Cafe@Amanzi Veldemeers
                                  Gelato Crema                      158 Enterprise Rd, Highlands   Doon Estate, Msasa
Centre, Mount Pleasant,
                                  Riverside Walk Mall, &            (024) 2 497768                 (024) 2486169
0779 427915
                                  Village Walk Borrowdale,
Café de Paris                     0778 855193                       Skotch Kart Kafé
                                                                    24 Silwood Close (inside       Waseefa’s
47 Churchill Ave, Alex Park,                                                                       Cnr Princes Rd/Burton Rd &
0778 078801                       Hope Floats Café                  Autoworld) Chisipite,
                                  14 Hindhead Ave, Chisipite                                       Shop 7 & Sam Levy’s Village,
                                                                    0782 640729
                                  0776 575854                                                      Borrowdale, 0777 005738
Café Nush
Avondale Shopping Centre,                                           Sorella’s Pizzeria & Café Village Café
Avondale, (024) 2 335201,         La Lucia Café                     1 Fisher Ave, Rolf Valley      Sam Levy’s Village, Borrowdale,
& Village Walk, Borrowdale,       139 Cheltenham Park, Ruwa,        0778 842016/088                0772 602885
08677 172548                      0774 051 893/0771 508 255.
                                  Bookings (242) 302261/7           Spring Fever Café
Café Veldemeers                                                     15 Shortheath Rd, Chisipite,
50 Quorn Rd, Mount                La Pa�sserie                      0772 711985
Pleasant, (024) 2 308315,         Rainbow Towers, 1 Pennefather
0863 77107285                     Ave, CBD, (024) 2 772633/9

Classic Desserts                  Le Coco Café
Cnr 2nd Street Ext/ Churchill     Marimba Shopping Centre,
Ave, Alex Park, (Kwikstop         Belvedere, 0864 4404488
Complex) (024) 2 745646,
0777 059455                       Mukuvisi Tea Garden
                                  Mukuvisi Woodlands,
Connec�ons                        Hillside, (024) 2 747111/23
162 Swan Dr, Borrowdale           ex 104, 0774 198009
(024) 2 850886/887, 0772 268493
                                  Nikki’s Coffee Shop
Cool Beans                        Bathroom Bou�que, 1 Falice
Cresta Lodge, Samora Machel       Ave/Mutare Ave, Mutare Rd,
Ave, Mutare Rd, (024) 2 486870,   480083/94, 0737-396564
(024) 2 487006, (024) 2 487154
                                  The Plot Café
40 Cork Rd Café                   9 Carrick Creagh Rd,
Kwamambo Gallery,                 Helensvale, 0776 638385
40 Cork Rd, Avondale,
0773 199646                       Pistachio
                                  Shop 19 (by the clock tower)
Delicious                         Sam Levy’s Village, Borrowdale
Sam Levy’s Village, Borrowdale
                                  0774 280507
0772 329355
                                  PS Café & Pizzeria
Elephant and Pineapple            No 1 Shamwari Gallery, Cnr
15 York Ave, Newlands             Maasdorp / 2nd St (Opp
0772 328359                       KFC), Belgravia, 0733 436191
Fit Café                          Queen of Hearts
30 Glenara Avenue South,
                                  1 Hurworth Rd/Cnr
Eastlea, 0739 619274
                                  Enterprise Rd, 0771 929914
EVENTS                               What’s Happening in
                                                Thurs 5th - Sat 21st December Sherrie Koen - The Tanner Mill -              Saturday 7th December
                                                Santo The Panto, The Repertory        Grain Free Living - as well as the      Harare Open Market, Girls High
                                                Players’ annual panto, fun for the    normal QOH offerings. Everyone          School Harare, Leopold Takawira
                                                whole family. Written and directed    is welcome and entrance is free.        St, Harare, Zimbabwe. Come and
                                                by Mario Ciampi. Booking opens        Event starts at 12 noon through to      get your tables to market and sell
                                                soon.                                 6pm.                                    your goods and products at our
                                                                                                                              Upcoming Event at Girls High School
                                                Thursday 5th December                 Saturday 7th December                   on Saturday the 7th of December
                                                International Volunteer Day, UN       Fruitful restoration, Tree Planting at
                                                Volunteers Zimbabwe, Block 10                                                 2019 #womeninbusiness
                                                                                      Cleveland Dam Park. We commem-
                                                Arundel Office Park, Norfolk Road,                                            #empoweringwomen #teachers.
                                                                                      orate 2019 International Day of
                                                Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe.     Persons with Disabilities through       Saturday 7th December
                                                We will commemorate the               planting fruit trees in the forest.     Couples Picnic, Lake Chivero. Join
                                                contributions toward development      It’s a fruitful restoration. Our chil- us on the 7th of DECEMBER as
                                                made by volunteers in Zimbabwe.       dren are looking after 2 000 young we open the festive season with
                                                                                      trees just for this event. Among        a nice fun romantic picnic of love
                                                Friday 6th December                   them are mangoes, guavas, lemons For only $40usd per couple you
                                                Masa Summer Concert, Alliance
                                                Francaise de Harare, Herbert          and avocados. You are invited.          enjoy : Games, Acoustic music, A
                                                Chitepo Avenue, Harare, Zimba-        Invite your families and friends.       fruit basket and a bottle of wine,
                                                bwe.I finally get to play the whole   Remember to carry the young             Boat cruise, Photoshoot and many
                                                album with my band and it’s going     trees you have at home.                 more activities. Book your ticket
                                                to be an experience you want to                                               now for we have limited tickets.
                                                                                      Saturday 7th December                   Booking: 0719332560 whatsapp.
                                                be part of.                           Maunganidze kinhearted children’s
                                                Friday 6th December                   organization construction project Saturday 7th December
                                                National Tree Planting Day, Queen     charity soccer tournament,              Bells of Tiding and Joy! Hellenic
                                                of Hearts, 1 Hurworth Road, Harare.   Mount Pleasant High School,             High School- Come watch the
                                                Its National Tree Planting Day        Harare Zimbabwe. In our quest to Harare Youth Orchestra’s 2020
                                                coming up and we have collaborated    build Maunganidze kindhearted           Christmas Concert at the Hellenic
                                                as a group of passionate TREE         children’s organization orphanage Primary School Hall at 3pm on
                                                LOVING businesses to bring you        in Dema, with the fencing of the        Saturday the 7th of December!
                                                a day where you can find a great      stand completed in September.           Featuring works by Dvorak,
                                                selection of indigenous and fruit                                             Brahms and Hummel with Tibone
                                                trees on sale presented by leading    Saturday 7th December                   Matikiti performing as a soloist.
                                                                                      Hustles market #DecemberShut-
                                                Nurseries in Zimbabwe. Free expert                                            Tickets are $ZWL50 at the door.
                                                                                      down, Moto Republik, 3 Allan
                                                advice and talks at 2pm and 4pm
                                                                                      Wilson Avenue Belgravia , Harare. Saturday 7th December
                                                from Lindsay Charters and Henning                                             Teen Breakthrough Workshop,
                                                                                      We are having the last Hustlers
                                                Jordaan to provide valuable
                                                                                      Market of the year and better yet Jubilee Christian Center,Milton
                                                information on how to plant trees,                                            Park, Harare, Zimbabwe. Do you
                                                                                      the decade!! Come hustle hang
                                                where to plant and which varietals                                            want your teenage child to get
                                                                                      and enjoy.Hustlers Market is a
                                                do well. Grow-It-Yourself 100%                                                guidance on how to navigate
                                                                                      monthly urban creative market
                                                Organic Fertilisers - Complete                                                adolescence challenges and get
                                                                                      featuring cool and funky local
                                                Fertiliser & compost products also
                                                                                      fashion, food, art, crafts, accessories inspired and motivated to be more,
                                                on offer. Special Pop Foodie from                                             do more and get extraordinary
                                                                                      and music.

December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115   34                                                         35                                      www.ndeipi.co.zw
results? If you answered “YES” to         Entertainment for the children and         Wednesday 11th December             a chance to network with captains    inspiring White as Snow project       action unfolds. How it works: Each
the above question then hurry and         a range of stalls selling beautiful        Avondale Floral Group, meet every   of industry, innovators and other    and take part in our sweepstake,      attendee is given a character to
register your child for this transfor-    gifts, crafts, stocking–fillers, novelty   second Wed of the month at          stakeholders in the social impact    with prizes to be won! Limited        play. One of the characters is the
mational workshop which will be           items, clothing, cosmetics, books          2:00pm for 2:30 at Old Georgians    space.                               spaces available, so book now!        killer. You need to find out who.
facilitated by Jonah Mungoshi and         and toys. Christmas goodies, Food          Sports Club. Contact Suraiyya                                                                                  Each character also has their own
Steve Vickers. Topics to be covered       stalls, Cakes. Jumping Castles and         avondalefloralgroup@gmail.com.       Friday 13th December                  Saturday 14th December               goals. There are no scripts. So
                                                                                                                         Harare Food Festival, Cafe Zhou       Unplugged Music Festival, Special you can conspire, backstab and
include: Online safety, 21st century      children’s play area. 8 Coltman
                                                                                     Thursday 12th December              Complex, 181 Arcturus Road, Ginio act- Amapiano Dj Vigro Deep. Save
career guidance and Coping with           Rd, Mt. Pleasant, Harare. Nominal     House of Smiles Fundraiser, Alliance                                                                                even K*ll each other (not for real
                                                                                                                         Crossing, Kamfinsa, Harare.Harare the date!
adolescent challenges. Your child         Entrance fee. Children 12yrs and      Francaise de Harare, 328 Herbert                                                                                    of course)! Join us for a thrilling
                                                                                                                         Food Festival represents foodie
will learn all this and more in a         under free. This is a fund-raiser for Chitepo Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe,                                                                                   evening of scheming, intrigue and
                                                                                                                         heaven, stunning food prepared        Saturday 14th December
highly interactive and fun filled en-     the Christian Counselling Centre.     921 Harare. This concert is to                                                 Star Wars   binge weekend,    Ahead  skulduggery. Can you achieve your
                                                                                                                         by the City’s greatest restaurants,
vironment. For registration contact                                             help them help more children on                                                of the worldwide    release  of Star aims, keep your secrets hidden
                                          Sunday 8th December                                                            high-profile chefs, superb drink
Coach Tafadzwa on 0773606728.                                                                                                                                                                       and survive the night? To find out,
                                          Lunchtime Concert, To complete        the street and get them off the          and outstanding entertainment, all Wars The Rise Of Skywalker on
Pay before the 20th of November
                                          the 60th anniversary of THE PHOENIX street. H.O.S needs basic food             in one stunning location.             December 19, catch up on all eight book now by WhatsApp on
for an early bird freebie.                                                      commodities, cleaning detergents,                                              Star Wars films of the past 42       0044 7389706381. See you there!
                                          CHOIR we present a LUNCHTIME
                                                                                second hand, clothing, Footwear,         Fri 13th & Sat 14th December years, plus the three official
Saturday 7th December                                                                                                    Neverland Zimbabwe, Borrowdale spin-offs. Presented by the Harare Sunday              15th December
                                          CONCERT OF “60 YEARS OF
Where do I start? Today-A personal        CHRISTMAS JOY” at Borrowdale          payment of school fees, books,                                                                                      Mashonaland Philatelic Society,
journey seminar, B2C Co-working,                                                sporting equipment, musical              Racecourse, Harare, Zimbabwe.         Film Society. Details soon.          meeting third Sat of month, in the
                                          Brooke Golf Club on Sunday 8th
Mezzanine Floor Batanai Mall,                                                   instruments. Volunteers to assist        ZIMBABWE’S PREMIER MUSIC                                                   orchid Society Building, Mukuvisi
                                          Dec. at 11.30 for 12.00. Booking
263 Harare. The seminar, will give                                              with the various activities- music,      FESTIVAL RETURNS NEVERLAND            Saturday 14th December               Woodlands from 9am. Stamp
                                          through Borrowdale Brooke Golf                                                                                       Book  Reading   for Kids, Crystal
an introduction on the personal                                                 art, sporting, teaching.                 ZIMBABWE 2019. Voted as one                                                displays, auctions, talks, swapping,
                                          Reception. Tickets including 2
journey entrepreneurship journey                                                                                         of the top 10 must see festivals in Gates, Shop MK23, Westgate             etc. Mike Fox 0242 495408,
                                          course Christmas lunch Rtgs 240.00
of the Founder, and take participants                                           Thursday 12th December                   Africa, Neverland is more than just Shopping Mall. Crystal Gates will      tallyho@mango.zw.
                                          by Cash, EcoCash or swipe.
through an interactive & participatory
                                                                                Mr and Miss Twins Fundraising            Zimbabwe’s premier music festival. be hosting a Book Reading Event
                                                                                Dinner, Rainbow Towers Hotel And         It’s a magical journey of sound &     for Kids, to promote   and  foster a Sunday 15th December
approach, which seeks to allow            Sunday 8th December
                                          Harare Garden Club, meeting           Conference Centre, Pennefather           light brought to life through the     reading culture. 10am- 1pm.          Model Trains, Glenara Ave
participants to share personal journeys                                                                                                                        To book your child’s spot, Call or
                                          second Sun of month at 2:00pm, visits Ave, Harare. Mr and Miss Twins           energy of the people. Featuring                                            Operation Day usually third Sun of
and their challenges so as to learn
from best business practices as
                                          and talks. Venues change, confirm Dinner is a function for raising             some of the worlds biggest DJ’s & WhatsApp +263719716518 or                the month, opp Runniville shops. A
they prepare themselves for their
                                          with Tawny 0242 498698 or             funds for the Miss Twins pageant         musicians, the best African artists, +263784716518 or email                wonderful experience for children,
                                          Chairlady 0772 630115.                whose theme is “ It is better to         one of the most advanced audio        sales@crystalgatesgifts.com.         from 2.30pm onwards! Petrus
entrepreneurship journey. The seminar
                                                                                save one life than no life at all”       & visual stage rigs on the African                                         0772 388449 or Andre 0772 687380.
will also have a facilitated guest        Tuesday 10th December                                                                                                Saturday 14th December
                                                                                Come and support the cause. We           Continent, Silent Disco’s, Music
speaker to moderate and advise on         Highlands Garden Group, meet                                                                                         M**rder at the Gallery, The Gallery Sunday 15th December
                                                                                have 20% Discount for every ticket       Workshops, Pop Up Restaurants,
topical entrepreneurship issues in        second Tues of month at the                                                                                          Cafe, 29 College Road, Harare.       Vintage Classic Car Club of Zim-
                                                                                bought before 30 November 2019.          Artisan Stalls & much more!
modern Zimbabwe.                          Lamenier Club, 4 Ridgeway North                                                                                      A dinner party M**der mystery        babwe, ‘Out & About’ third Sun of
                                                                                As for corporate, who will buy
                                          at 9:30am. Contact Gail 0242 497730.                                                                                 game where you decide how the        the month outside Pomona Food
Saturday 7th December                                                           tables we offer you an opportunity       Sat 14 & Sun 15th December
Family Holiday Music Show,                                                      to advertise in our magazine for a       Christmas Kindness Imba Matombo,
                                          Tuesday 10th December                                                          Imba Matombo, 3 Albert Glen
PanAfrika Restaurant, 4 Deary             Fun quiz night, Fortnightly quiz      year once a month in a publication
Ave, Belgravia, Harare. Live Music,                                             to be published monthly as from          Close, Glen Lorne, HG800 Harare.
                                          evening at The Mustard Seed, 27
African Food Buffet , Braai , Kids                                                                                       The festive season is almost upon
                                          Ridgeway South, Highlands. Arrivals January 2020.
Section by Keedzkart with Jumping                                                                                        us! Spend an evening with us at
                                          6.15 for a 6.45pm start. No entry
Castle, Waterslides, Car Karting                                                Friday 13th December                     Imba Matombo, to raise awareness
                                          fee. Food and drinks available from Hosted Masquerade Dinner,
Mechanical Bull, Popcorn.                                                                                                of human trafficking. It’s easy to
                                          the restaurant (byo alcohol). Bring Impact Hub Harare, 194 Baines
                                                                                                                         get lost in the buss of Christmas, so
                                          a team or come and join up with a Avenue, 263 Harare, Zimbabwe.
Saturday 7th December                                                                                                    why not take an evening to think
Christmas Fair, The Centre Events,        team. The accent is on fun, and all The Hosted Masquerade dinner is
                                                                                                                         about those whose spirits aren’t
8 Coltman Rd, Mt Pleasant, Harare,        ages welcome. Booking essential: an annual fundraiser with the goal
                                                                                                                         as lifted during this time. Dress
Zimbabwe. Join us for a special day       call or Whatsapp 0785 300144. All     of sustaining Impact Hub Harare’s        up and enjoy a delicious 3 course
of fun-filled Christmas shopping.         welcome. Quizmaster Alan Thompson. social impact initiatives. It will be
                                                                                                                         meal, hear about Pioneer 61’s
December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115                  36                                                                                                                    37                                     www.ndeipi.co.zw
Court between 10am & 12pm.            Tuesday 17th December                  live musicians and DJ’s throughout       Saturday 21st December                                              “Conspiracy Theories” at Reps Theatre (Main
Contact Bob bmrclubs@gmail.com Fun quiz night, Fortnightly quiz              the evening, dress up contests, the      Christmas Carols, Chitungwiza Harmony Singers                       Stage)!Tickets are going for $10 or the ZWL
                                      evening, The Mustard Seed, 27          last night of the Christmas food         Christmas Carols. Arundel Village 10-12 am.                         equivalent and are available at Moto Republik. Get
Sunday 15th December                  Ridgeway South, Highlands. Arrivals    market and MORE surprises- all                                                                               your tickets ASAP to avoid disappointment.
Lunchtime Concert, Chapman Golf from 6.15 for a prompt 6.45pm
                                                                             adding to the holiday spirit! This       Sunday 22nd December
Club. 11.30 for 12.00. Tickets Rtgs start. No entry fee. Food and drinks                                              Christmas Carols, Chitungwiza Harmony Singers                       Sunday 29th - Tuesday 31st December
                                                                             one is sure to be a biggie! Save the     Christmas Carols. Arundel Village 10-12 am.
240, includes 2 course lunch. Tickets available from the restaurant (byo                                                                                                                  Vic Falls Carnival, Countdown to New Year at one of
                                                                             date and get your RED ready ;)
for Chapman available from choir alcohol). Bring a team or come and                                                                                                                       the Seven Wonder’s of the World - Vic Falls Carnival
members or from Autoworld (Judy join up with a team. The accent              Saturday 21st December                   Sunday 22nd December                                                is back and bigger than ever before!
                                                                             Mann Friday- Bridgenorth Road            Cooler Box Sunday, Baraza Pavilion, 17 Kirkman Road,
0712 631488) or Veldemeer’s           is on fun, and all ages welcome.
                                                                             Album Launch, Tin Roof Bucket            Harare. Free Entry for the whole family, Only cooler                Tuesday 31st December
Chocolate Shop, Arundel Village       Booking essential: call or Whatsapp                                             boxes pay $5 to enter. Lots of Djs, Braai, Shisha and Cocktails.    The 1st Millenia, Palm Estate 16A Stonechat Lane
(Lorna-0242301989) Cash or Ecocash 0785 300144. All welcome and no           Bar and Bistro, A2, Harare. Mann
                                                                                                                                                                                          Harare, The 1st Millenia , a Sain Media Concert.
transfer available. Helplines – Paul cover charge.                           Friday & Friends- Live at The Tin        Monday 23rd December                                                Acts include Takura, Beatsmith, DJ King Lad,Don
0772 469 110, Clive 0772 338 067,                                            Roof Marquee.                            Public holiday following Sunday Unity Day.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Don, Drew The MC. Bookings: 0783178247 or
Hilary 0772 245 072.                  Friday 20th December                   Saturday 21st December                                                                                       sirnais@gmail.com
                                      Forest Festival, Haka Park, Mutare     The Ivyson Tour Zimbabwe, Pablo’z        Monday 23rd December
Sunday 15th December                  road, Harare. 1. An exciting expe-                                              Family carols evening, The Mustard Seed, 27 Ridgeway
Family Holiday Music Show,                                                   Club & VIP, Suite BB & CC, Sam                                                                               Tuesday 31st December
                                      rience in which wild or unusual                                                 South, Highlands. From 4.30pm, with singing of carols               New Year’s Eve celebrations, Meikles Hotel hosts
PanAfrika Restaurant, 4 Deary                                                Levy’s Village, Borrowdale.              and Christmas songs led by Mande Snyman. Supper
                                      things may happen. Forest Fest         Nasty C SA Presents: The Ivyson                                                                              dinners in La Fontaine restaurant (set menu and music
Ave, Belgravia, Harare. Live Music, December is for those that love                                                   and drinks on sale. Booking opens soon but you can
                                                                             Tour, initially founded in Cape                                                                              by resident band Harare Breeze – no under-16s), the
African Food Buffet , Braai , Kids    adventure. Join us for 3 days of                                                call to leave your name by calling 0772 572 620 or
                                                                             Town, 2017. The Mother City was                                                                              Stewart Rooms (buffet with music by Ovation band & Fab
Section by Keedzkart with Jumping partying, non-stop, with camping                                                    (024) 2498139.
                                                                             Nasty C’s mother’s hometown and                                                                              Fusion) and The Pavilion (family buffet, music by the res-
Castle, Waterslides, Car Karting      within the game park for the           the ideal city to launch his first and                                                                       ident DJ) fireworks at midnight. St John’s College pipe
Mechanical Bull, Popcorn.             ultimate adventure!                                                             Wednesday 25th December                                             band in attendance. Bookings, call (024) 2707721.
                                                                             only personal tour. To date it has
                                                                                                                      Christmas Day
Tuesday 17th December                   Friday 20th December                 since been hosted in Cape Town,
Tatagura Garden Club, meet third Big Red Christmas Party, The                Durban, Johannesburg and                 Wednesday 25th December
Tues of the month at 2.30pm.            Horsebox Bar, 1 Hurworth Road,       Namibia attracting over                  Christmas Lunch at Tinkabell Restaurant, TQ4 Upton
Contact Morag 0772238807,               Highlands, Harare, Zimbabwe.         16 000. This year hosted in              Road Ardbennie Harare. We will be open this year for
morag@zol.co.zw                         Following the success of last year’s Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town,         Christmas! With a set Christmas themed A’la carte
                                        edition, we’re bringing back the     Bloemfontein, Vaal, Pretoria and         menu for you to indulge in. (TBA) Plus Live music and
Tuesday 17th December                                                        Zimbabwe. The tour caters for ages
Association of Complementary            merriest Christmas party in the                                               Kids entertainment! Bookings are essential
Health Practitioners Talk, (ACHP),      land(for adults)!Happening  just     12 and over with designated adult        0774 532 184, 0785 663 153/4.
third Tues of the month at              a few days before Christmas, it      areas. #IvysonTour2019
Highlands Sports Club from 7pm.         doesn’t get much more fezzie than ivyson.co.za.                               Wednesday 25th December
                                                                                                                      Christmas Day luncheon, Meikles Hotel hosts five-star
Talks on holistic/alternative therapies this! Featuring Christmas decor,                                              luncheons in La Fontaine restaurant (set menu with
by interesting therapists. Jane                                                                                       music by Harare Breeze resident band – no under-16s),
achpzim@gmail.com                                                                                                     the Stewart Rooms (full Christmas buffet plus Zim-
                                                                                                                      babwean treats, with music by Fab Fusion) and The
Tuesday 17th December
Mashonaland Photographic                                                                                              Pavilion (family buffet with fun music by the resident
Society, No meeting in December.                                                                                      DJ). Bookings, call (024) 2707721.
The next get-together will be
on Tuesday, 21st JAnuary 2020.
                                                                                                                      Thursday 26th December
Normally meets on the third Tues                                                                                      Boxing Day
every month at 5.30pm, SMS
0783 138150 with the word ‘MPS’                                                                                       Friday 27th December
                                                                                                                      King Kandoros ‘Conspiracy Theories’, Reps Theatre,
, your name, email address and                                                                                        Harare, Zimbabwe, Belgravia Shopping Centre, Harare.
they will reply.                                                                                                      King Kandoro will be performing his one man show

December 2019 | January 2020 - Issue 115              38                                                                                                                                 39                                      www.ndeipi.co.zw
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