What is the Impact of 5G Towers on the Exposure over Children, Teenagers and Sensitive Buildings? - arXiv
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1 What is the Impact of 5G Towers on the Exposure over Children, Teenagers and Sensitive Buildings? Luca Chiaraviglio,(1,2) Chiara Lodovisi,(1,2) Daniele Franci,(3) Enrico Grillo,(3) Settimio Pavoncello,(3) Tommaso Aureli,(3) Nicola Blefari-Melazzi,(1,2) Mohamed-Slim Alouini,(4) (1) EE Department, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, email {luca.chiaraviglio@uniroma2.it, Lodovisi@ing.uniroma2.it, blefari@uniroma2.it} (2) Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni, Parma, Italy (3) Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale del Lazio (ARPA Lazio), Rome, Italy, {daniele.franci, enrico.grillo, settimio.pavoncello, tommaso.aureli}@arpalazio.it (4) CEMSE Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia arXiv:2201.06944v1 [cs.NI] 18 Jan 2022 email slim.alouini@kaust.edu.sa Abstract—The rolling-out of 5G antennas over the is harmful for health [5], [6]. Nevertheless, the territory is a fundamental step to provide 5G connectivity. assessment of EMF radiated by base stations over However, little efforts have been done so far on the children, teenagers and sensitive places may be a exposure assessment from 5G cellular towers over young key aspect for current (and future) epidemiological people and sensitive buildings like schools and medical centers. The goal of this article is therefore to explain why studies [7], aimed at studying possible (but still not the 5G service strongly leverages the deployment of 5G proven at present time) correlations between the antennas over cellular towers, how a tower installation levels of 5G exposure and the emergence of long- hosting 5G antennas affects exposure over the territory, term health diseases (such as cancers and tumors). and at what extent children/teenagers, schools and medical Despite the literature about EMF exposure assess- centers are impacted by the exposure from 5G towers. ment from mobile base stations (including other 5G networks are being deployed in many coun- Radio-Frequency (RF) sources) is already rather tries of the world. Despite the potentials of this mature (see e.g., [8]–[10] for pre-5G studies and technology have not been completely unleashed, [11]–[15] for 5G ones), there is currently a lack a central point of debate is how 5G influences of studies focusing on the exposure radiated by 5G Electro-Magnetic Field (EMF) exposure over the outdoor base stations over children, teenagers, and population, and whether such exposure patterns will sensitive places. substantially increase in the forthcoming years [1]. More concretely, Morelli et al. [16] evaluate the In this context, the assessment of the exposure EMF levels over children and adults by considering levels generated by mobile networks over children user terminals (and not base stations) as sources of and teenagers is gaining attention in the academic exposure. Bonato et al. [17] investigate the personal community (see e.g., [2], [3]), as young people will exposure from indoor access points. Personal pre- (probably) receive higher exposure levels through- 5G exposure over children is collected through out their lives compared to older people - who exposimeters and thoroughly analyzed by Birks et tended to live in an era where mobile networks al. [18]. Pre-5G exposure in sensitive places (school were not so widespread as today. In addition, the buildings) is measured by Ramirez-Vazquez et al. exposure assessment over sensitive places, such as [19]. Gallastegi et al. [20] perform a thorough schools and medical centers, is central for moni- assessment of pre-5G exposure over different areas toring aspects, e.g., to (possibly) limit the amount (including homes and schools). Eventually, pre-5G of unwanted exposure over specific groups like exposure in kinder-gardens is analyzed by Bhatt students and patients. et al. [21]. Finally, 5G exposure measurements for Currently, there is no scientific evidence that base different locations in South Korea are analyzed station exposure adhering to international guidelines by Selmaoui et al. [15]. Despite we recognize (such as the International Commission on Non- the importance of such previous works, none of Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) ones [4]) them is tailored to the assessment of 5G exposure
2 in Fig. 1. We intentionally leave apart from our analysis the radiation from small cells - a.k.a. micro installations -, whose exposure levels would be additive with respect to the ones radiated by 5G towers and considered in this work. Therefore, a natural question is: Why do we concentrate on 5G towers? To answer this question, we first present a brief overview on how 5G is currently implemented in commercial networks and the role of towers on the 5G deployment. We then analyse the root causes to explain why towers hosting 5G antennas are relevant for the assessment of 5G exposure. Finally, we present the results of our exposure analysis over children, teenagers and sensitive places. The work is complemented by an Appendix providing more technical details - which may be useful e.g., for the experts working in the field. Fig. 1. Roof-top installation in the city of Rome encompassing different operators, sectors and antennas (including 5G ones). I. H OW IS 5G IMPLEMENTED IN COMMERCIAL from outdoor base stations over children, teenagers NETWORKS ? and sensitive areas - due to a different goal (e.g., The provisioning of the 5G service requires (ob- personal devices rather than base stations), and/or viously) the installation of (new) antennas over a different focus (i.e., generic exposure assess- the territory. Each antenna is placed on a physical ment not tailored to children/teenagers and sensitive medium, which can be either a stand-alone pole buildings), and/or a lack of exposure information for tower installations (roof-top or raw-land), or about 5G (outdoor) base stations over the considered alternatively a wall/lighting pole (particularly for scenarios. small cell deployments). In many countries in the Our work goes one step further with respect to world - such as Italy for example - the tower the literature, by shedding light on the exposure installation is currently the preferred option for levels radiated by outdoor base stations (including deploying 5G networks, due to different reasons. 5G ones) over young people and sensitive places. First, cellular operators can reuse the existing to- We tackle this interesting problem by designing and wers - currently hosting pre-5G equipment - to evaluating a solid exposure assessment over realistic install 5G antennas. In this way, the authorization scenarios and conservative settings. Our work links steps for the installation of 5G antennas may be together children and teenager data taken from simplified and/or shortened in time. In addition, national census, real positioning of the buildings this choice tends to reduce the installation costs (including the sensitive ones), real positioning of 5G that are faced by operators compared to the design (and pre-5G) base stations over the territory, realistic of a new site from the scratch - since electricity radio configurations and a conservative computation and wired connections required by 5G antennas are of exposure from each base station - including already available on the existing site. Moreover, equipment operating on mm-Wave frequencies. In small cells are not pervasively installed over the addition, we evaluate the exposure trends over the entire territory - being such option profitable only coming years, by integrating in our analysis the for those locations that provide an adequate return impact of 5G deployment level (i.e., from an early on investment. In particular, small base stations are deployment up to maturity). instrumental to boost network capacity in shopping A key point of this article is the focus on the malls, conference centers, airports, train stations and exposure levels radiated by 5G towers, i.e., base stadium - where the mobile traffic is intense due to stations installed on self poles - a.k.a. “raw-land” the simultaneous presence of thousands of terminals - and roof-top installations, like the one shown demanding wireless services in a very limited area.
3 On the contrary, the tower installation tends to be the tower hosts multiple physical operators - each the most profitable option to serve wide areas in of them managing a set of antennas on the site. rural zones and entire portions of neighborhoods Therefore, the composite power radiated by all in urban deployments, with the ultimate goal of antennas of the tower is not negligible, especially providing ubiquitous wireless coverage over the in its surroundings - where most of radiation tends territory. to concentrate. Having understood that towers are a fundamental In this context, the assessment of the EMF ra- way to realize 5G networks, we provide hereafter diated by a cellular tower is a fundamental (yet more technical details about the implementation of challenging) step. When considering urban zones, the 5G service in practice. A key driver to speed-up roof-top or raw-land towers are commonly installed the 5G network deployment is the exploitation of the in proximity to residential buildings, as well as already installed 4G architecture. More concretely, sensitive ones. Clearly, the tower radiation level 5G is often realized through the Non-StandAlone over its surroundings strongly depends on multi- (NSA) configuration option [22], which allows run- ple aspects, including: i) the characteristics of the ning 5G network in conjunction (and not in parallel) antennas installed on the tower (in terms, e.g., of with 4G. In this way, the 4G network is used to adopted frequency, maximum radiated power, max- spread control signals (that are instrumental for imum gain, radiation diagram, horizontal orienta- example to select the base station serving a 5G user tion, mechanical/eletrical tilting), ii) the relative 3D terminal), as well as to run the inner functionalities distance of the EMF evaluation point with respect on the 4G network core. In the long term, 5G will be to the considered tower and iii) attenuation effects realized through the StandAlone (SA) option [22] - introduced e.g., by walls and obstacles between the taking full control over wireless signals and network evaluation point and the tower. core functionalities. To this aim, many countries The exposure assessment is further complicated and single operators in the world have announced when considering 5G antennas operating in the mid- detailed plans for adopting 5G SA networks [23]. band and mm-Wave frequencies, as such equipment However, 4G networks will be still in operation even implement smart antenna management features to when the majority of connections will be realized realize the already mentioned massive-MIMO and through 5G - in order to guarantee legacy services. beamforming features - generally resulting in diffe- Therefore, the contribution of 4G antennas on the rent exposure levels compared to pre-5G equipment level of exposure can not be neglected - also to (see e.g., [12]). More in depth, the output power understand the exposure contribution of 5G with of a 5G antenna is split among multiple elements respect to pre-5G sources. of the antenna panel, which are used to synthesize control and traffic beams over different locations of the territory. As a consequence, assuming that II. W HY ARE 5G TOWERS RELEVANT FOR THE the whole amount of power radiated by the antenna ASSESSMENT OF THE EXPOSURE ? panel is directed towards a single location of the A tower installation typically hosts multiple an- territory is not realistic in practice, and proper power tenna panels. State-of-the-art solutions for deploying scaling factors have to be applied for a meaningful 5G (and pre-5G) services include multiple-band assessment of the EMF exposure [26]. antenna (see e.g., [24]), supporting sub-GHz 5G Interestingly, large scaling factors are applied to frequencies, as well as most of frequencies in use by mid-band/mm-Wave antennas covering areas dense pre-5G technologies (4G and even 2G). In addition, of buildings (e.g., urban zones) compared to ones dedicated antennas are used to deploy 5G over serving sparse sets of houses (e.g., rural territory) higher frequencies, such as mid-band [25] and mm- [26], [27]. As a consequence, the exposure from a Wave. The number of radiating sources in each single tower may be potentially lower in a dense antenna is not marginal, as 5G panels operating on area compared to a sparse one. Intuitively, in fact, mid-band and mm-Wave are composed of multi- the beams in dense areas are more uniformly dis- ple radiating elements to realize Massive-multiple- tributed over the territory compared to sparse zones, input multiple-output (MIMO) and beamforming in which instead most of the beams are focused functionalities. This number is then increased when on specific locations (e.g., the few locations with
4 M Med. Center S School Center L1 Raw-Land (1 Operator) L2 Raw-Land (2 Operators) L3 Raw-Land (3 Operators) T1 Roof-Top (1 Operator) T2 Roof-Top (2 Operators) (a) Buildings and considered area - Spinaceto. (b) Positioning of the sensitive places and cellular towers - Spinaceto. M Med. Center S School Center T1 Roof-Top (1 Operator) T2 Roof-Top (2 Operators) T2 Roof-Top (3 Operators) (c) Buildings and considered area - Ponte-Parione. (d) Positioning of the sensitive places and cellular towers - Ponte-Parione. Fig. 2. Towers, buildings and sensitive locations in the considered scenarios (sub-figures best viewed in colors). buildings), which therefore may receive an higher covering the same location [28]. amount of exposure with respect to the dense case. However, the composite exposure depends also on III. W HICH IS THE IMPACT OF 5G TOWERS ON the tower density, i.e., the number of towers simul- THE EXPOSURE LEVELS ? taneously covering the same area of territory. In a Up to this point, we have understood that ex- dense area, the tower density is naturally higher posure from 5G towers strongly depends on the compared to a sparse one (mainly due to higher considered scenario. In the following, therefore, capacity requirements), thus potentially increasing we present a sound exposure assessment performed the total exposure that is radiated by multiple towers over two representative areas in the city of Rome, by
5 (a) Roof-top sector with two operators. (b) Raw-land sector with three operators. Fig. 3. Antenna panel installations for each operator (example with one sector per operator): roof-top tower (left) vs. raw-land tower (right). considering a dense neighborhood in the historical- both scenarios include sensitive centers (schools and center (called Ponte-Parione) and a sparse one medical centers), which are spread over the consi- (called Spinaceto). We believe that such scenarios dered territory. Third, each school/medical center is are able to capture multiple aspects that strongly normally composed of different buildings (adjacent affect the exposure levels, including different 5G to each other), as shown by yellow and cyan colors power scaling factors (which depend, e.g., on the in Fig.2(a),2(c). Fourth, the towers are rather spread sparse vs. dense building distribution), as well as over Ponte-Parione territory (Fig. 2(d)), while in different tower densities. The whole description of Spinaceto the towers tend to be mainly placed the input data and the methodology is detailed in in proximity to the buildings (Fig. 2(b)). Fifth, the Appendix, while here we concetrate on the main the roof-top installation is the preferred option for outcomes. Spinaceto - which however hosts some raw-land The real positioning of buildings (including towers. On the contrary, Ponte-Parione does not schools and medical centers) and cellular towers is include any raw-land, mainly due to the fact that reported in Fig. 2. More in depth, we have included such tower type generally requires to find ground in our analysis all the towers that are located inside locations without any buildings in the close sur- the considered area, as well as all the outer ones roundings - a hard goal to pursue in Ponte-Parione. that are installed within 300 m from the area border Sixth, many towers are located close to the sensitive - in order to avoid a potential exposure underesti- buildings (Fig. 2(b),2(d)). Seventh, the majority of mation on the borders. Several considerations hold installations in Spinaceto host at least two distinct by analyzing the subfigures Fig. 2(a)-2(d). First, the operators on the same tower, while the option with a building density in Fig. 2(a),2(c) is clearly higher single operator per tower is the most used in Ponte- in Ponte-Parione compared to Spinaceto: this is Parione. due to the fact that the former mainly includes Apart from the number of operators per tower, historical buildings closely placed to each other, we have also collected sector information for each while the latter is a newer neighborhood, typically installation (including the number of sectors and composed of spatially-distanced buildings - includ- the sector orientation). We have then designed two ing large green areas without any building. Second, panel installations for each sector and each type
6 10 of tower in the scenario, as shown in Fig. 3 for All Buildings a representative example with one sector. More 8 Schools Med. Buildings Average EMF V/m in depth, we have assumed that each sector of each operator is composed of three distinct antenna 6 panels: a quadri-band panel (used for sub-GHz 5G 4 and 2G/4G frequencies), a mid-band panel (used for 5G frequencies operating in the 3.6-3.8 GHz range) 2 and a mm-Wave panel (used for 5G frequencies in 0 the range 26.5-27.5 GHz). By adopting a uniform ly m ity r iu Ea ur panel design across all operators, we are able to ed at M M make a fair analysis, namely: i) all operators offer 5G Adoption similar 5G connectivity options over the scenarios, (a) Spinaceto and ii) all frequencies currently allocated to 5G in 10 All Buildings Italy are used. The features of each panel in terms of Schools tilting/power/gain/radiation diagram are taken from 8 Med. Buildings Average EMF V/m real equipment and realistic configurations, which 6 in turn depend on the tower type (details in the Appendix). 4 Eventually, Fig. 3(a) reports (in scale) the posi- 2 tioning of two operators for the roof-top installation, while Fig. 3(b) highlights the positioning of three 0 operators (again in scale) for a raw-land installation. rly m ity iu Ea ur ed at In both cases, the antenna panels of different opera- M M 5G Adoption tors are vertically stacked (rather than horizontally (b) Ponte-Parione stacked). The adoption of a vertical alignment rather than an horizontal one (in which all panels are Fig. 4. Average EMF values of the building exposure vs. level of placed on the pole summit) introduces multiple 5G adoption (sub-figures best viewed in colors). advantages, namely: i) a conservative evaluation of exposure, since the panels tend to be placed at a lower altitude (when multiple operators are children and teenagers living in that building (based hosted), and ii) a uniform tower design across all on census information). In addition, the exposure of installation sites, as each tower is always composed schools and medical centers is extracted from the set of a single pole (while with an horizontal alignment of buildings. other supporting poles might be needed - depending We then move our attention on the analysis of the on the number of operators hosted by the tower). obtained results. Fig. 4 reports the average EMF We then compute the EMF levels over all the over the buildings, by differentiating between the buildings in the considered scenarios, by following building type and the level of 5G adoption. Intu- the methodology reported in the Appendix. Un- itively, the power radiated by mid-band/mm-Wave less otherwise specified, the EMF assessment is 5G antennas is proportional to the adoption level, based on a set of conservative (and worst-case) and therefore the exposure tends to (obviously) assumptions, which include: i) EMF evaluated on increase when passing from an early level to the the building roof level, ii) free-space propagation maturity one. conditions, iii) no building attenuation, iv) pre-5G The figure then further differentiates between antennas and sub-GHz 5G antennas radiating at the Spinaceto (Fig. 4(a)) and Ponte-Parione (Fig. 4(b)). maximum power (corresponding to the maximum Several considerations hold by comparing Fig. 4(a)- traffic condition), v) mid-band and mm-Wave 5G 4(b). First, the exposure over schools is rather power scaling factors depending on the building similar to the one received by the whole set of distribution (sparse vs. dense) and the level of 5G buildings in both scenarios. On the contrary, medical adoption (i.e., from early deployment to maturity). buildings receive a lower exposure compared to The building exposure value is then assigned to the the other building categories. Second, the expo-
7 10 the contribution of 5G is lower than the pre-5G Total pre-5G one for the early 5G adoption case. This outcome Average EMF V/m 8 5G corresponds to the current situation, in which 5G 6 represents a fraction of the exposure generated by 4 pre-5G antennas (mainly 4G and 2G) [13]. Then, when passing from early to medium adoption level, 2 the contribution of 5G exposure tends to increase 0 - as a consequence of the radiated power growth by mid-band and mm-Wave antennas. At last, the ly m yit r iu ur Ea ed exposure from 5G becomes higher that the pre- at M M 5G Adoption 5G one. This event occurs when a medium adop- (a) Spinaceto tion level is achieved in Spinaceto (Fig. 5(a)) and 10 only when a maturity level is reached by Ponte- Total Parione (Fig. 5(b)). Intuitively, in fact, the different pre-5G power scaling factors applied in the two scenarios Average EMF V/m 8 5G 6 (resulting from the different spatial distribution of the beams) determine the share of 5G exposure with 4 respect to the pre-5G one. Up to this point, we have considered the ave- 2 rage exposure level, without analyzing the exposure 0 variations of the single samples in each group rly m ity (children/teenagers, schools and medical buildings). iu Ea ur ed at To shed light on this issue, Fig. 6 reports the EMF M M 5G Adoption exposure vs. the percentage of children/teenagers, (b) Ponte-Parione school buildings and medical buildings over the two Fig. 5. Impact of the 5G adoption level on the average exposure scenarios. Each curve can be analyzed in this way: over children and teenagers (sub-figures best viewed in colors). given a percentage value, the corresponding EMF value read on the curve is the maximum exposure that is achieved with that percentage. Clearly, when sure tends to increase when passing from early to the percentage equals 100%, the EMF value read on maturity levels of 5G adoption - in all scenarios the curve is the maximum EMF exposure over all (as expected). However, the maximum exposure the samples. The slope of the curve captures the increase is typically lower than 2 V/m and 3 V/m for EMF exposure variation over the samples: when Spinaceto and Ponte-Parione, respectively. Fourth, the curve is almost vertical, the variation is low; the buildings in Ponte-Parione receive an higher when the curve is more horizontal, the variation average exposure than the ones in Spinaceto, for all is increased. Each curve in the subfigures then 5G adoption levels. This trend may be explained by highlights the following EMF metrics: i) pre-5G the higher tower density in Ponte-Parione compared exposure (continuous line), ii) 5G exposure - early to Spinaceto. Therefore, despite the 5G radiated adoption (dashed line), iii) 5G exposure - medium power per tower is lower in Ponte-Parione than in adoption (dashed-dotted line), iv) 5G exposure - Spinaceto, the composite exposure from all towers maturity adoption (dotted line). is higher in the former compared to the latter. Several considerations hold by observing In the following step, we focus on the different Fig. 6(a)-Fig. 6(f). First of all, the curves capturing exposure components, by considering the average the exposure over children and teenagers are exposure that is received over children and teenagers smoother compared to the ones of schools and living in the two areas. To this aim, Fig. 5 differen- medical buildings. This is due to the fact that tiates between: i) pre-5G exposure, ii) 5G exposure, children and teenagers are rather spread over the iii) whole exposure (5G + pre-5G). The analysis is buildings in the considered scenarios, while on the then repeated for the different adoption levels of contrary schools and medical centers represent a 5G (from early level to maturity one). Interestingly, small fraction of the total buildings. As a result,
8 100% 100% 100% Children and Teenagers % 80% 80% School Buildings % 80% Med. Buildings % 60% 60% 60% 40% 40% 40% pre-5G pre-5G pre-5G 5G (Early) 5G (Early) 5G (Early) 20% 20% 5G (Medium) 20% 5G (Medium) 5G (Medium) 5G (Maturity) 5G (Maturity) 5G (Maturity) 0% 0% 0% 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 EMF Exposure V/m EMF Exposure V/m EMF Exposure V/m (a) Children and teenagers - Spinaceto. (b) Schools - Spinaceto (c) Med. Buildings - Spinaceto 100% 100% 100% Children and Teenagers % 80% 80% School Buildings % 80% Med Buildings % 60% 60% 60% 40% 40% 40% pre-5G pre-5G pre-5G 5G (Early) 5G (Early) 5G (Early) 20% 20% 20% 5G (Medium) 5G (Medium) 5G (Medium) 5G (Maturity) 5G (Maturity) 5G (Maturity) 0% 0% 0% 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 EMF Exposure V/m EMF Exposure V/m EMF Exposure V/m (d) Children and teenagers - Ponte- (e) Schools - Ponte-Parione (f) Med. Buildings - Ponte-Parione Parione. Fig. 6. Percentage of children and teenagers (left), schools (center) and med. buildings (right) vs. EMF exposure. the number of samples is larger for the formers 10 and smaller for the latters, and thus resulting in Total pre-5G Average EMF V/m smooth lines. Second, EMF exposure due to 5G 8 5G (early adoption) is lower than pre-5G one for all 6 percentages of children/teenagers (Fig. 6(a),6(d)) and school buildings (Fig. 6(b),6(e)). In practical 4 words, a child/teenager or a school building always receives an higher amount of exposure from 2 pre-5G antennas than 5G ones during the early 0 5G adoption level. Third, the evolution of 5G w t. m At Lo iu adoption towards maturity results in larger EMF ed o N M exposure levels by 5G compared to pre-5G ones Attenuation Level for children/teenagers and sensitive places, in both scenarios. Fifth, the maximum 5G exposure is Fig. 7. Impact of introducing the building attenuation on the EMF lower than 15 V/m for children and teenagers, exposure over children and teenagers (Ponte-Parione scenario - 5G maturity setting). while always lower than 10 V/m for schools and medical buildings - well below maximum EMF exposure limits defined by ICNIRP for the general the impact of including different attenuation levels public over the considered frequencies [4].1 Sixth, on the EMF assessment over children and teenagers. the exposure in Ponte-Parione tends to be higher More in depth, we exploit the attenuation model de- than Spinaceto for almost all the samples when fined in the International Telecommunication Union considering the medium and maturity 5G adoption (ITU) recommendation P.2109-1 [29] to compute cases, due again to the higher tower density of the the attenuation values. Clearly, computing the ex- former with respect to the latter. act attenuation values for each child/teenager is a In the final part of our analysis, we investigate very challenging task. In particular, the attenuation 1 We have also verified that the composite exposure of 5G and level depends on multiple building features (such pre-5G adheres to the EMF limits (details in the Appendix). as building materials, walls thickness, windows/-
9 doors type and positioning, glass type, etc.), as As future works, we plan to extend our assess- well as the positioning of children/teenagers inside ment to whole municipalities/cities, including zones the building (e.g., proximity vs. farness with re- covered by small cells. In addition, as propagation spect to the windows), which are (obviously) not has a strong effect over the exposure received by under our control. Therefore, rather than targeting children and teenagers, massive campaigns of EMF the exact computation of the attenuation for each measurements from 5G towers should be performed, child/teenager, we consider two representative cases, especially inside the buildings. 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11 A PPENDIX A 3000 M ETHODOLOGY AND A DDITIONAL R ESULTS 2500 Children and Teenagers Number of Inhabitants We provide hereafter more insights about the 2000 following aspects: i) collection of buildings and population data, ii) collection of tower data, iii) 1500 exposure assessment procedure, iv) description of 1000 the methodology to generate Fig. 4-7. Finally, the Appendix is complemented by a set of additional 500 results. 0 7 5- -6 -7 - - - - - - - - - - - A. Buildings and Population Data Population Age [years] (a) Spinaceto Obtaining reliable information about buildings and population in the considered areas is a fun- 2000 damental step for the meaningfulness of the con- Children and Teenagers sidered analysis. Focusing on the buildings infor- Number of Inhabitants 1500 mation (in terms of positioning, volume, floors, shape), we have exploited the data available from 1000 OpenStreetMap, a freely available database allowing exportation of the saved data (see e.g., [1]). In particular, the raw information retrieved from Open- 500 StreetMap has been processed by QGIS software, in order to filter the subset of buildings falling 0 within each area of interest (i.e., Spinaceto or Ponte- 7 -7 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - Parione). Population Age [years] Focusing on the sensitive buildings, we have selected schools and medical buildings based on (b) Ponte-Parione online information publicly available from the mu- Fig. 8. Breakdown of the population age. The population bins nicipality. In the following step, we have used belonging to children and teenagers category are highlighted. QGIS to filter the set of sensitive buildings (as a ShapeFile) from the entire set of buildings in each scenario. Fig. 8 reports the number of inhabitants retrieved Focusing then on population data, we have ex- from the national census over the two scenarios, ploited the 2011 census done by ISTAT - the Italian for different age bins. Two considerations hold national statistics institute - and freely available by analyzing the figure. First, the distribution of from [2], in order to obtain the number of chil- inhabitants over the bins is rather similar over the dren/teenagers and adults in each building of the two scenarios. Second, the number of inhabitants scenario. Although such information is not appar- belonging to children and teenagers bins is not ently up-to-date (as more than 10 years passed from marginal, i.e., always more than 1500 for Spinaceto the last census), we believe that it is in any case and more than 700 in Ponte-Parione for each bin. reliable and able to capture the current population However, we point out that the population data conditions for the areas under investigation, due to collected by ISTAT is referred to census zones, i.e., the following reasons: i) national population has not small portions of territory - each of them composed substantially increased in the last 10 years, ii) both of multiple buildings. On the contrary, our approach Spinaceto and Ponte-Parione have been pervasively requires as input the population information for inhabited much earlier than 10 years ago, iii) the each building. To solve this issue, we have initially urbanization level (in terms of buildings and their loaded the census zones on QGIS software. In the exploitation) has not substantially changed over the following step, we have assigned each building b last 10 years in the considered neighborhoods. of the scenario to its corresponding census zone z.
12 TABLE I TABLE II B UILDINGS AND POPULATION COMPARISON OVER THE T OWER C HARACTERIZATION . CONSIDERED SCENARIOS . Feature ID Feature Description Metric Value F1 Type Roof-top or raw-land Metric Name F2 Positioning GPS coordinates and altitude Spinaceto Ponte-Parione Size of the area 3.51 km2 1.62 km2 F3 Operators Number and IDs Number of buildings 1068 755 Number of sectors, sector orientation F4 Sectors Building density 304/km2 466/km2 (per operator) Number of schools 16 6 Number of panels, panel setup F5 Radiating sources Number of school buildings 58 14 (per sector) Number of medical centers 4 4 Number of medical buildings 30 34 Number of inhabitants 29987 19265 Inhabitants density 8543/km2 11892/km2 in the considered scenarios. As reported in Tab. II, Number of children and teenagers 6298 3278 Children and teenagers density 1974/km2 2023/km2 the tower characterization includes the following features: F1) tower type (roof-top or raw-land), F2) tower positioning, F3) operators hosted in each Finally, we have computed the number of children/- tower, F4) number of sectors for each operator and teenagers NbCHD-TN and the number of adults NbAD orientation of each sector, F5) radio configuration in each building as: for each sector (in terms e.g., of installed panels NzCHD-TN · Vb and radio configuration of each panel). NbCHD-TN = (1) Vz Given the aforementioned huge and detailed NzAD · Vb amount of information, two natural questions AD Nb = (2) emerge: How to collect such information over the Vz territory? Is such information able to capture the where NzCHD-TN (NbAD ) is the number of children/- evolution of the network in the coming years? To teenagers (adults) of census zone z, Vb is the volume tackle both questions in a comprehensive and mean- of building b, and Vz is the volume of all buildings ingful way, in this work we have adopted a hybrid falling within census zone z. The output of this step approach, in which F1)-F4) are sensed from the real is then a building map (as a ShapeFile), enriched deployments realized in the considered scenarios, with the population information. while F5) is derived from reasonable assumptions Finally, Tab. I summarizes the main building about pre-5G and 5G deployments and realistic ra- and population information collected in the two dio configurations for each installed antenna panel. scenarios. More in depth, the area in Spinaceto is However, the skeptic of our work may object that larger than Ponte-Parione, being also characterized we are not directly sensing F5) from the actual by an higher number of buildings. However, the deployment over the territory, and hence our results building density in Spinaceto is lower than the are not meaningful. Before going into the details one in Ponte-Parione. Focusing then on the sensi- of the collected input data, let us first analyze such tive buildings, Spinaceto hosts a larger number of concern and better motivate the meaningfulness of schools compared to Ponte-Parione. However, the our hybrid approach. number of medical centers is comparable over the 1) Hybrid Approach: Motivation: Since we are two scenarios. Clearly, each school and medical cen- currently in the early days of 5G deployment, not all ter is composed of multiple buildings. Eventually, the towers in the scenario host 5G equipment - many the number of children/teenagers and inhabitants of them provide only pre-5G connectivity. However, is higher in Spinaceto compared to Ponte-Parione. it is expected that 5G technology will become However, the opposite holds when considering the predominant in the next (few) years, meaning that population density. Finally, the total number of the panels installed on the towers will be progres- children and teenagers is rather large, i.e., several sively updated/replaced to dismiss legacy equipment thousands in each scenario. (e.g., 3G antennas [3]) in favor of 5G radiating elements. This picture is further complicated in the B. Tower Data Italian country, as the presently enforced exposure The second step required as input to our analysis limits are more stringent that the ones proposed is the collection of data to characterize the towers by international organizations (such as ICNIRP [4])
13 and promoted by the European Commission. Ac- cording to previous works (see e.g., [5], [6]), strict exposure regulations negatively impact co-location of antennas on the same tower (and even installation of new towers on the same building), thus (possibly) introducing strong barriers on the deployment of 5G networks. In countries adopting stricter-than- ICNIRP regulations, in fact, urban sites tend to be (a) Placement of the network (b) Tower view during war- scanner in the car driving almost saturated in terms of available EMF space - and therefore it is not possible to install new radiating sources (without violating the exposure limits). As a result, more towers have to be installed over the territory compared to countries adopting ICNIRP regulations [5]. This picture has changed in some European countries, like Poland and Lithunia, (c) Raw sector orientation re- (d) Aerial view of the towers which have updated their national regulations from trieved by the network scanner identified by the network scanner stricter-than-ICNIRP to ICNIRP-based regulations. (map source: Google Maps) (image source: Google Maps) In this context, the application of ICNIRP or Fig. 9. War-driving step performed with the network scanner. stricter-than-ICNIRP regulations influences the in- put data required by our work, as intuitively, the levant data from the documents sent by operators to set of radiating elements, and their radiated power, ARPA Lazio in order to get authorization approval strongly depends on the adopted regulation. In this for the tower.2 The collected information includes work, we have chosen to derive a deployment that tower type (roof-top vs. raw-land), GPS positioning satisfies the limits for general public defined by of the tower, installed operators, number of sectors ICNIRP [4], due to the following reasons. First, and sectors orientation for each tower. In the follow- we are able to generalize our results to the (many) ing step, we perform a cross-check of the obtained countries adopting the ICNIRP regulations. Second, data through a war-driving based approach. A tower we consider a conservative setting, in which the check over the territory is in fact mandatory, due to exposure is (likely) higher that the one currently ex- the following reasons: i) the information reported in perienced over the territory - resulting from stricter- the tower authorization documents may be outdated than-ICNIRP regulations. (as subsequent tower updates performed after the Obviously, an exposure regulation has an impact initial authorization may not generate new autho- also on the planning on the network, in terms e.g., of rization requests - this include e.g., tower disposal), tower positioning, sector orientation, radiated power ii) authorization documents are not available for all setting, etc. In our case, we solve this issue by the towers (e.g., some towers in Ponte-Parione are adopting a hybrid approach, in which we retrieve placed on buildings belonging to the Vatican state - the actual tower positioning and sector orientation, and those authorization requests are not processed while we define configurations of the radiating by ARPA Lazio). sources that satisfy ICNIRP regulations. We believe More concretely, the tower check is done in that this approach is representative of a worst- the following way. We install a Rohde&Schwarz case scenario (in terms of exposure), due to the TSMA6 network scanner on a car, as shown following reasons: i) higher tower density resulting Fig. 9(a). The network scanner is then connected to from the stricter-than-ICNIRP planning compared to a PCTEL P286H external omnidirectional antenna the ICNIRP one [5], ii) radiated power from each (mounted on the roof on the car). In addition, elec- source satisfying ICNIRP limits (thus higher than tricity to the network scanner is provided through a the stricter-than-ICNIRP case). plug on the car. The scanner is then complemented 2) Collection of tower information: We then by a tablet, wirelessy connected to the scanner, and provide more details about how the information F1)- F4) has been sensed from Spinaceto and Ponte- 2 No sensitive information reported in the authorization documents Parione. More in depth, we initially extract the re- is disclosed in our work.
14 TABLE III R ADIO CONFIGURATION FOR A SINGLE SECTOR s1 OF ROOF - TOP TYPE . Antenna ID a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Frequency Band Fa 700 MHz 800 MHz 900 MHz 1800 MHz 2100 MHz 2600 MHz 3700 MHz 26000 MHz Technology 5G 4G 2G 4G 4G 4G 5G 5G Antenna Panel p QuadriBand 5G-midBand 5G-mmWave Mechanical Tilt σ(s1 ,p) 0° 2° Electrical Tilt t 2° 4° 2° 4° 2° 0° Output Power P(s MAX 40 W 60 W 80 W 5W 1 ,a) Maximum Gain GMAX (s ,a) 13.8 dBi 14.4 dBi 14.9 dBi 16.4 dBi 17.5 dBi 17.7 dBi 23.9 dBi 33.5 dBi 2 Horiz. Diagram H D(s MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file 1 ,a) (Fa1 , t1 ) (Fa2 , t2 ) (Fa3 , t3 ) (Fa4 , t4 ) (Fa5 , t5 ) (Fa6 , t6 ) (Fa7 , t7 ) (Fa8 , t8 ) V Vert. Diagram D(s MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file 1 ,a) (Fa1 , t1 ) (Fa2 , t2 ) (Fa3 , t3 ) (Fa4 , t4 ) (Fa5 , t5 ) (Fa6 , t6 ) (Fa7 , t7 ) (Fa8 , t8 ) Reduction Factor Rp 1 α5G p TABLE IV R ADIO CONFIGURATION FOR A SINGLE SECTOR s2 OF RAW- LAND TYPE . Antenna ID a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Frequency Band Fa 700 MHz 800 MHz 900 MHz 1800 MHz 2100 MHz 2600 MHz 3700 MHz 26000 MHz Technology 5G 4G 2G 4G 4G 4G 5G 5G Antenna Panel p QuadriBand 5G-midBand 5G-mmWave Mechanical Tilt σ(s2 ,p) 0° 2° Electrical Tilt 4° 6° 4° 6° 2° 0° Output Power P(s MAX 60 W 80 W 100 W 5W 2,a) Maximum Gain GMAX (s ,a) 13.8 dBi 14.4 dBi 14.9 dBi 16.4 dBi 17.5 dBi 17.7 dBi 23.9 dBi 33.5 dBi 2 H Horiz. Diagram D(s MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file 2 ,a) (Fa1 , t1 ) (Fa2 , t2 ) (Fa3 , t3 ) (Fa4 , t4 ) (Fa5 , t5 ) (Fa6 , t6 ) (Fa7 , t7 ) (Fa8 , t8 ) Vert. Diagram V D(s MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file MSI file 2 ,a) (Fa1 , t1 ) (Fa2 , t2 ) (Fa3 , t3 ) (Fa4 , t4 ) (Fa5 , t5 ) (Fa6 , t6 ) (Fa7 , t7 ) (Fa8 , t8 ) Reduction Factor Rp 1 α5G p TABLE V Eventually, Fig. 9(d) reports the towers that were S TATISTICAL REDUCTION FACTORS FOR THE DIFFERENT LEVELS completely characterized through the war-driving OF 5G ADOPTION . approach (i.e., those ones with missing authorization 5G Adoption Level α5G p values data). For all the other towers (i.e., the ones with Name Index l Ponte-Parione Spinaceto Early 1 0.03 0.05 available authorization), the war-driving approach Medium 2 0.13 0.21 allowed identifying the active ones and discarding Maturity 3 0.18 0.31 the disposed ones. In addition, sector information was compared against the one reported in the au- thorization documents, finding in general a good running the Rohde&Schwarz ROMES4 commercial matching between both sources. software for data acquisition and analysis. We then extensively cover the streets in the considered sce- 3) Radio Configuration: The last phase of the narios, focusing in particular on the zones where we tower characterization is the configuration of the identified the towers (Fig. 9(b)). Based on the tri- radiating sources for each sector. This step includes angularization of the acquired signals, the software the setting of several parameters, ranging from the is able to position the identified towers on a map, selection of the adopted panels to the configuration showing also the sector orientation (Fig. 9(c)). This of the radio features for each panel. Without loss of last information is instrumental for towers without generality, in this work we adopt an uniform radio available authorization data, particularly those ones configuration for all the sectors and all the operators, for which sector orientation is hidden to sight (like as shown in Tab. III and Tab. IV for the roof-top the fake chimney in Fig. 9(b)). Clearly, the raw and raw-land cases. More in depth, we adopt real information presented by the software (Fig. 9(c)) parameters and realistic settings, by assuming the has to be manually filtered, in order to remove deployment of three distinct antenna panels for each duplicates and/or not precise tower positioning. sector (and each operator), namely: a quadri-band
15 TABLE VI E XAMPLE OF A TOWER HOSTING TWO OPERATORS AND THREE SECTORS PER OPERATOR . Electrical center height of panel p (above sea level) Operator Number of sectors Sectors Orientation ρCLOCK s Quadriband 5G-MidBand 5G-mmWave A 3 {80°, 200°, 280°} 78.3 m 78.8 m 77.4 m B 3 {70°, 220°, 330°} 76 m 76.5 m 75.1 m TABLE VII diagram depends on the following features: i) the T OWER METRICS OVER THE CONSIDERED SCENARIOS . panel model (highlighted with different colors in Metric Value the tables), ii) the operating frequency, and iii) Metric Name Ponte-Parione Spinaceto the electrical tilting value. Finally, the last row Number of operators 4 Number of towers 45 13 of Tab. III-IV reports the reduction factor that is Number of roof-top towers 45 10 applied to the maximum power. In this work, we Number of raw-land towers 0 3 Number of pre-5G sources 934 354 assume that the quadri-band panel always radiates Number of 5G sources 560 212 at the maximum power (corresponding to the values of output power reported in the tables). On the other hand, the output power of mid-band and mm-Wave antenna panel, a mid-band panel and mm-Wave one. panels p is scaled by the factor αp5G , which is set The positioning (in scale) of the aforementioned in accordance to the realistic values provided by panels in roof-top and raw-land cases is shown in relevant standards [7]. Fig. 3. More in depth, αp5G captures the statistical reduc- Clearly, the main application for mm-Wave pa- tion factors that are introduced by the smart antenna nels is to boost capacity (especially in small cell management features of 5G over mid-band and mm- deployments). However, we believe that including a Wave. More concretely, Tab. V reports the reduction mm-Wave panel on a tower is meaningful in our factors over the two scenarios and the different level scenario, due to the following reasons: i) autho- of 5G adoptions. The numerical values are taken rization requests to install mm-Wave antennas over from [7], by assuming that Spinaceto is represen- towers have been already received (thus demonstra- tative for a sparse area while Ponte-Parione for a ting that the operators are keen to invest on towers dense one. In addition, the early/medium/maturity for the installation of mm-Wave panels), ii) towers levels of 5G adoption correspond to 5%/50%/95% are normally located close to densely populated utilization level of [7], respectively. By observing areas, including main streets - where 5G over mm- the values in Tab. V, two considerations emerge. Wave may be instrumental to provide high-level and First, strong reduction factors are applied even in innovative services. the maturity case. Second, the reduction factors are We then provide more details about the para- lower (i.e., stronger) in Spinaceto than in Ponte- meters reported in Tab. III-Tab. IV. Naturally, the Parione, due to the lower and less uniform building quadri-band panel includes sub-GHz band of 5G, density that characterizes the former with respect to as well as the bands for 2G and 4G. In addition, the latter. the values for the mechanical/electrical tilting and For the sake of clarity, Tab. VI reports the sector the output power are taken from typical settings information for a roof-top tower in Spinaceto. In this adopted by operators. Eventually, the output power case, the tower hosts two operators, each of them of the mm-Wave panel is set to the maximum one managing three sectors. For each sector, the radio allowed by the equipment under consideration. The configuration in Tab. III is implemented. Tab. VI antenna gains reported in the tables are retrieved details also the altitude of the electrical center for from the datasheets of the panels. Moreover, the teach panel type. The altitude of the each panel is radiation diagrams for each source are taken from retrieved in this way: i) the roof-altitude is retrieved the real ones made available by the antenna vendors. from OpenStreetMap database, ii) based on the Such information is included in files with MSI number of operators and number of sectors, a roof- format (i.e., a list of gain values for each angle top installation is defined (based on e.g., Fig. 3), iii) in horizontal and vertical planes). Each radiation the altitude in i) is summed to the height of the each
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