What does attachment have to do with out-of- control sexual behaviour?

Attachment and out-of-control sexual behaviour

     What does attachment have to do with out-of-
              control sexual behaviour?

                                  Karen M. Faisandier, Massey University
                                   Joanne E. Taylor, Massey University
                               Robyn M. Salisbury, Sex Therapy New Zealand

Out-of-control sexual behaviour(OCSB) involves a continuum of sexual                   a “homogenous conceptualisation” of
behaviour that results in distress or functional impairment. Several factors           those with sexual behaviour problems
have been considered relevant to the etiology of OCSB, including attachment            can potentially overlook vital nuances
style, or the experience of intimacy-related anxiety and/or avoidance (Bowlby,         in their experiences.
1969/1982, 1973, 1980). The present study explored OCSB and adult                            These experiences can include
attachment amongst 621 New Zealanders using an online questionnaire.                   partner sex, masturbation, or use of
Using the SAST-R (Carnes, Green, & Carnes, 2010) to form groups, the                   pornography; multiple relationships
OCSB group (n = 407) reported lower secure and higher insecure adult                   or affairs, anonymous online sexual
attachment than the non-OCSB group (n = 214), and this finding was                     relationships, and phone sex;
strongest for women. This supports the notion that OCSB is associated                  exhibitionism, voyeurism, or other
with intimacy-related anxiety or avoidance, but further research is needed             fetishes; and dangerous or illegal
to clarify the mechanisms of this relationship in terms of whether attachment          sexual practices, although this list is
problems are a cause, consequence, or complex mixture of both in the                   not exhaustive or mutually exclusive
development and maintenance of OCSB. Such knowledge would contribute                   (Hall, 2006). Features of compulsivity
to the development of etiological understandings of OCSB and inform future             or addiction might be absent (e.g.,
intervention approaches.                                                               increased time spent engaging in or
                                                                                       recovering from the behaviour) when

A     lthough out-of-control sexual
      behaviour (OCSB) is not a new
phenomenon, Carnes (1983, 1989, 1991)
                                           behaviour problems, rather than
                                           focusing on certain features such as
                                           addiction (Reid & Carpenter, 2009).
                                                                                       there are infrequent infidelities. Yet the
                                                                                       behaviour still risks physical health
                                                                                       problems such as sexually transmittable
introduced it as sexual addiction nearly   This is important because research          infections, interpersonal problems such
30 years ago. Since then, controversy      indicates that OCSB is comprised of         as relationship breakups, and distress
and disagreement has characterised the     diverse motivations, experiences, and       for the partner and/or children (Black,
field, and almost 30 terms with over       behaviours (Levine, 2010; Reid &            Kehrberg, Flumerfelt, & Schlosser,
100 definitions have been proposed         Carpenter, 2009). For example, Levine       1997). Alternatively, impulsivity might
(O’Donoghue, 2001), including sexual       (2010) reported that 75% of a small         be absent in the case where an individual
impulsivity (Barth & Kinder, 1987),        sample of 30 men presenting with OCSB       premeditates or plans the act over a
sexual compulsion (Coleman, 1992),         over five years did not meet criteria for   period of time (Levine, 2010). This
and hyper-sexuality (Reid, Carpenter,      sexual addiction. Instead, 25% were         particular example shows that even
& Lloyd, 2009). The various merits         classified as having a paraphilia while     the term OCSB is limited in cases
and drawbacks of these and other           a further 50% required an alternative       where there is good impulse control,
monolithic terms and definitions have      conceptualisation to addiction as           yet distress and/or impairment to
been enthusiastically debated (Gold        they displayed a wide spectrum of           functioning still occurs.
& Heffner, 1998; Goodman, 2001).           sexual behaviour (e.g., masturbating             One important limitation when
In recognition of the current lack of      to pornography, visiting strip clubs),      attempting to define OCSB involves
empirical consensus over these terms       which caused distress for their partner,    how the individual, generational, and
and their meaning, the all-encompassing    but did not include addictive features.     cultural context shapes the perception
term out-of-control sexual behaviour       Reid and Carpenter (2009, p.294)            of these experiences as problematic
(Bancroft & Vukadinovic, 2004)             also found no evidence of addictive         or not (Coleman, 2007). Typically,
has gained favour as acknowledging         tendencies in 152 treatment-seeking         individuals whose sexual behaviour
diversity in the experiences of sexual     men, concluding that models offering        deviates from the norms of their society

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Karen M. Faisandier, Joanne E. Taylor & Robyn M. Salisbury

are labelled or pathologised (Levine &       pleasure reinforce OCSB).                      rejecting, abusive, or neglectful care-
Troiden, 1988). Furthermore, the type             There is little empirical support         giving, are thought to lead to deficits in
of sexual activity can moderate the          for these etiological theories except          the capacity for intimacy with others,
effect of sexual frequency. For example,     for the notion of affect regulation            and consequently relationships lacking
Långström & Hanson (2006) found              difficulties (Bancroft & Vukadinovic,          intimacy, destructive sexual behaviour,
that high frequency of sex with a stable     2004; Reid et al., 2009; Reid, Carpenter,      and related psychological difficulties
partner was associated with improved         Spackman, & Willes, 2008). Bancroft            can result (Creeden, 2004; Sroufe,
psychological and psychosocial               and Vukadinovic investigated the link          2005).
functioning, while high frequencies of       between negative affect states, affect              Several insecure attachment
solitary or impersonal sex were related      regulation difficulties, and sexual            styles are discussed in the literature,
to problematic psychological and             arousal. In their small sample of 29 men       including preoccupied, dismissing, and
psychosocial functioning. Therefore          and 2 women self-defined as sex addicts,       disorganised attachment. A preoccupied
individual, cultural, and relational         increased arousal occurred in states of        attachment system involves high-need
factors must be considered when              depression or anxiety which was not            behaviour, such as reassurance seeking,
determining OCSB.                            apparent in a large age-matched control        hypersensitivity, anxiety, attention
     Despite these unresolved issues with    group (n = 339), suggesting that sexual        seeking behaviour, and heightened
defining problematic sexual behaviour,       addiction might occur as a method of           arousal (Hudson-Allez, 2009). The self
there are two generally accepted factors     self-soothing for negative affect states in    feels worthless, ineffective at sourcing
for determining if sexual behaviour          the absence of healthy affect regulation       comfort, and dependent; while others
is a problem (Goodman, 2001). The            skills. Reid et al. (2008) similarly           are perceived as neglecting, insensitive,
first relates to whether the sexual          found that 116 men and 4 women                 unpredictable, and unreliable (Hudson-
behaviour directly or indirectly causes      who were hypersexuality outpatients            Allez, 2009). In contrast, a dismissing
distress to the individual or others         reported greater emotional instability, a      attachment system involves cognitive
(e.g., their partner). Those with OCSB       vulnerability to stress, and alexithymia       defences that minimise attachment
are often (but not always) distressed        (difficulty identifying feelings) than a       needs (Hudson-Allez, 2009). The
by their behaviour, and frequently           control group.                                 self feels unloved but self-reliant and
their behaviour can cause distress to             A recent hypothesis is that the quality   perceives others as rejecting, intrusive,
others (Black et al., 1997). As a result,    of early attachment experiences might be       and unable to meet their needs (Hudson-
they can jeopardise their relationship,      relevant in terms of establishing the basis    Allez, 2009). Disorganised attachment
family, and career (Seegers, 2003), and      for impaired affect regulation, impaired       involves a frequent experience of
their finances and sexual health can         self-regulation, and the interpersonal         heightened arousal and dysregulated
be affected, making for a potentially        and intrapersonal difficulties that can        distress, and fluctuations between
extremely destructive problem.               contribute to OCSB (Cozolino, 2006;            preoccupied and dismissing behaviour
Therefore, the second factor relates         Creeden, 2004; Hudson-Allez, 2009 ;            result (Main & Soloman, 1990;
to whether impairment is experienced         Katehakis, 2009). Attachment theory            Obegi & Berant, 2009). The self feels
in at least one area of functioning as       posits that skills and expectations            unloved, others are viewed as rejecting,
a result of the behaviour (i.e., social,     about intimacy with and relating to            threatening, and unpredictable, and
occupational, financial, or interpersonal;   others develop in early relationships          limited attachment to others is formed
Goodman, 2001).                              with caregivers (Ainsworth & Wittig,           (Obegi & Berant, 2009).
     To date, the etiology of OCSB is        1969; Bowlby, 1969/1982, 1973, 1979,                Consequences of insecure
unknown, although researchers and            1980). Emerging neuroscience and               attachment include problems with
clinicians working in the field agree        longitudinal research suggest that the         emotional regulation, attuning
that OCSB involves multiple interacting      quality of these early experiences can         to others, emotional hyperarousal
factors, including genetics, physiology,     influence brain development, life-long         or disconnection, impulse control,
environmental factors, family of origin      relationship behaviours, and the extent        empathy, self-awareness, and self-
experiences (including intentional           to which the capacity for intimacy will        soothing (Cozolino, 2006; Hudson-
abuse or unintentional trauma), and          develop (Cozolino, 2006; Katehakis,            Allez, 2009; Schore, 2001; Siegel,
concepts such as impulsivity and             2009; Hudson-Allez, 2009; Obegi &              2001, 2006). Creeden (2004) suggested
compulsivity (Kaplan & Kruegar, 2010;        Berant, 2009; Perry, 2005; Schore,             that successfully mastering these skill
Salisbury, 2008; Seegers, 2003; Shaffer      2001; Siegel, 2001, 2006; Sroufe, 2005).       domains is an important prerequisite
et al., 2004). Bancroft and Vukadinovic      Secure attachment, associated with             for developing responsible sexual
(2004) also propose that different           having received attuned and consistent         behaviour as an adult, and that disruption
etiological factors can be relevant for      caregiving, is thought to contribute to        to such skill development can lead to
different types of OCSB including            the development of sufficient intimacy         problematic sexual behaviour.
affect regulation, inhibition responses,     skills for healthy relationships and life-          While the separate literatures on
neurobiological factors, impaired self-      enhancing sexual behaviour (Obegi              both attachment theory and OCSB are
regulation (i.e., self-soothing through      & Berant, 2009). In contrast, insecure         vast, there are few studies investigating
sex), and an impaired motivational-          attachment styles, associated with             the association between the two, and the
reward system (i.e., orgasm and sexual       having received unattuned, inconsistent,       existing studies have used correlational

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Attachment and out-of-control sexual behaviour

designs with non-representative              literature to date has involved samples           al., 2010), and for these reasons was
samples. However, the findings to date       of students, young adults, or men. The            also used in the present study. However,
indicate that those with OCSB report         present study aimed to investigate the            the SAST-R is a screening tool and
higher insecure attachment as adults         association between adult attachment              therefore the OCSB and non-OCSB
(Bogaert & Sadava, 2002; Gentzler            and OCSB in a large sample. It was                groups differentiated for the purposes
& Kerns, 2004; Leedes, 1999; Zapf,           hypothesised that those reporting higher          of this study are not synonymous with
Greiner, & Carroll, 2008). Leedes            OCSB would report lower secure and                a clear demarcation between those with
(1999) found that 95% of a small             higher insecure adult attachment than             and without OCSB.
sample with sexual addiction (N =            those reporting lower OCSB.                             The remaining 25 items represent
22), defined as a score of 13 or more                                                          subscales corresponding to the internet,
on the Sexual Addiction Screening            Method                                            men, women, homosexual men, and
Test (SAST; Carnes, 1991), reported                                                            the dimensions of preoccupation, loss
an insecure style of attachment, with                                                          of control, relationship disturbance,
68% describing dismissing and 27%                 English-speaking adults over the age
                                                                                               affect disturbance, and associated
preoccupied attachment. Leedes also          of 18 who had access to a computer and
                                                                                               features. Scores of 2 or more on each
found that those with sexual addiction       the internet were invited to participate in
                                                                                               SAST-R subscale or dimension indicates
reported more discomfort with closeness      an online survey about sexual behaviour.
                                                                                               a problem in that area, except for
than non-sex addicts. Similarly, of 71       Of 885 responses, 264 were excluded
                                                                                               internet items and homosexual men’s
men defined as having sexual addiction       because of missing data or giving data
                                                                                               items which instead require 3 or more
also using the SAST (Carnes, 1991), the      that excluded them from participation
                                                                                               (Carnes et al., 2010). The SAST-R core
majority reported high fearful-avoidant      (e.g., under 18 years old, non-New
                                                                                               item subscale has good reliability with
(disorganised) (44%), preoccupied            Zealand resident, or missing data on
                                                                                               86% of sex ‘addicts’ and non-addicts
(28%), or dismissing attachment (20%),       the OCSB or attachment measures). The
                                                                                               correctly classified (Carnes et al., 2010),
and only 8% secure attachment (Zapf et       remaining 621 participants are described
                                                                                               although the various other subscales
al., 2008).                                  in the results section.
                                                                                               and dimensions have not been validated
     Other research has examined             Measures                                          (Hook, Hook, David, Worthington,
the relationship between attachment                An online survey was compiled               & Penberthy, 2010). There was good
and specific aspects of sexual beliefs       that involved 136 questions about 1)              internal consistency for the SAST-R
and behaviour. In a sample of 202            demographic information, 2) substance             core items in the present study (r = .85).
female and 126 male undergraduates,          use, 3) OCSB (Sexual Addiction                          In the present study, two items were
higher levels of secure attachment           Screening Test-Revised; Carnes, Green             omitted for ethical reasons. These were
were associated with fewer sexual            & Carnes, 2010), 4) adult attachment              items 1 (“Were you sexually abused as
partners, a positive attitude towards        (Relationship Scale Questionnaire,                a child or adolescent?”) and 29 (“I have
committed monogamous relationships,          G r i ff i n & B a r t h o l o m e w, 1 9 9 4 ;   been sexual with minors”). Item 2 (“Did
and generally more positive affect           Experiences in Close Relationships-               your parents have trouble with sexual
towards sexual experiences (Gentzler         Revised; Fraley, Waller, & Brennan,               behaviour?”) was adapted to include an
& Kerns, 2004). Conversely, higher           2000), and 5) anxiety and depression              “I don’t know” option which was scored
levels of dismissing attachment were         (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale;           as “no” because some participants in the
associated with less restrictive sexual      Zigmond & Snaith, 1983). This paper               pilot trial of the survey did not know the
beliefs and more casual sex, while           reports the results regarding OCSB and            answer to this question1.
higher levels of preoccupied attachment      adult attachment.                                       Adult attachment. The RSQ (Griffin
were related to less acceptance of sex
                                                   OCSB. The SAST-R is a 45-item               & Bartholomew, 1994) is a 30-item
outside of a committed relationship
                                             self-report screening tool for those with         self-report measure of adult attachment.
and with difficulties maintaining a
                                             sexually compulsive behaviour (Carnes             Respondents rated the extent that
relationship (Gentzler & Kerns, 2004).
                                             et al., 2010). The SAST-R comprises 20            each statement best “describes your
In contrast, Bogaert and Sadava (2002)
                                             core items and an additional 25 items             relationship” on a five-point scale from
found amongst 792 young Canadian
                                             that represent subscales and addictive            1 (“Not at all like me”) to 5 (“Very
adults that preoccupied attachment
                                             dimensions. Respondents endorse either            much like me”). The RSQ measures four
was related to more frequent infidelity,
                                             “yes” or “no” to reflect whether each             attachment dimensions and therefore
earlier age of first intercourse, and more
                                             item is true or false for them, with each         has four subscales: secure (e.g., “I am
lifetime partners, although this finding
                                             “yes” response yielding a score of 1.             comfortable depending on others”),
was stronger in women than in men
                                             For the core items, the first 20 items            fearful (e.g., “I worry that I will be hurt
(Bogaert & Sadava, 2002).
                                             are summed. A score of 6 or more                  if I allow myself to become too close to
     These few studies suggest that          is considered to indicate the need for
sexual beliefs and behaviour can be          further assessment for sexual addiction
                                                                                                A pilot trial of the survey was conducted prior to
                                                                                               the study in order to check that the questionnaire
associated with attachment style, but        (Carnes et al. 2010). This cutoff score           was clear and understandable. A panel of Sex
more research exploring the relationship     is also typically used to signal OCSB             Therapy New Zealand therapists and two post-
                                                                                               graduate psychology research students reviewed
between attachment and OCSB is               and is associated with good sensitivity           the survey and provided feedback prior to data
required given that the limited overseas     (82%) and specificity (78%; Carnes et             collection.

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Karen M. Faisandier, Joanne E. Taylor & Robyn M. Salisbury

others”), dismissing (e.g., “I prefer not      for the secure, fearful, dismissing, and     scale and items 19 through 36 measure
to depend on others”), and preoccupied         preoccupied attachment subscales was         avoidance. Scores are calculated by
(e.g., “I find that others are reluctant to    .52, .55, .69, and .72, respectively.        averaging each participant’s responses
get as close as I would like”). The RSQ             The ECR-R (Fraley et al., 2000)         for each subscale, after accounting for
was scored as a continuous measure of          involves 36 items that capture adult         reverse scoring. Higher scores on each
attachment in accordance with Griffin          attachment anxiety (e.g., “I often           scale indicates higher insecure and
and Bartholomew’s recommendations.             worry that my partner will not want          lower secure attachment (Fraley et al.,
Higher scores on each scale indicate           to stay with me”) and avoidance              2000). The ECR-R has high short-term
higher insecure and lower secure               (e.g., “I prefer not to be too close to      temporal stability for both avoidance (ß
attachment except for the secure scale         romantic partners”). Respondents rated       = .90, R² = .84) and anxiety (ß = .92, R²
where the opposite applies (Griffin &          statements about how they “generally         = .85) (Sibley, Fischer, & Liu, 2005). In
Bartholomew, 1994). Alpha coefficients         experience intimate relationships” by        the present study, internal consistency
for the RSQ have been found to be              selecting a response from 1 (“strongly       was high for anxiety (.94) and avoidance
moderately high, ranging from .75 to           disagree”) to 7 (“strongly agree”).          (.95).
.79 (Scharfe & Bartholomew, 1994). In          Items 1 through 18 capture the anxiety       Procedure
the present study, internal consistency

Table 1. Demographic Variables for the Whole Sample in Comparison with the OCSB and Non-OCSB Groups
                                        Whole sample                   OCSB group                       Non-OCSB group
                                        (n = 621)                      (n = 407)                        (n = 214)
    Variable                             %          (n)                %            (n)                 %                (n)
       Men                             62.20        (386)              71.10        (285)               45.90            (101)
       Women                           37.50        (233)              28.70        (115)               53.60            (118)
       Transgender                     0.30         (2)                0.20         (1)                 0.50             (1)
    Sexual Orientation
       Heterosexual                    76.80        (477)              72.70        (296)               84.60            (181)
       Bisexual                        16.60        (103)              20.60        (84)                8.90             (19)
       Homosexual                      5.00         (31)               4.60         (19)                5.60             (12)
       European                        83.90        (522)              82.50        (331)               86.80            (191)
       Maori                           5.60         (35)               5.70         (23)                5.50             (12)
       Other    a
                                       5.60         (34)               6.20         (25)                4.10             (9)
    Relationship Status
       Single                          20.90        (130)              22.40        (90)                18.20            (40)
       Dating                          18.70        (116)              17.50        (70)                20.90            (46)
       Living with partner             27.40        (170)              26.70        (107)               28.60            (63)
       Married                         31.60        (196)              32.40        (130)               30.00            (66)
       Separated                       6.00         (37)               7.20         (29)                3.60             (8)
       Divorced                        3.70         (23)               4.00         (16)                3.20             (7)
       Widowed                         0.50         (3)                0.00         (0)                 1.40             (3)
    Relationship Length
       10 or more years                27.00        (230)              38.80        (158)               33.60            (72)
       5-10 years                      23.80        (148)              25.60        (104)               20.60            (44)
       1-3 years                       29.80        (185)              26.00        (106)               36.90            (39)
       Less than 1 year                5.80         (36)               5.20         (21)                7.00             (15)
       Less than 3 months              2.90         (180)              3.70         (15)                1.40             (3)
    Mean Age in Years (SD)             35.68       (12.68)             37.10        (12.33)             32.97            (12.93)

Note. Where the n for each category does not sum to the total, it is either due to missing data or because participants could
endorse more than one response for their ethnicity and relationship status.
 “Other” ethnicity comprised New Zealanders (n = 16), Asian (n = 11), Pacific Island (n = 7), Indo-Fijian (n = 3), South African
(n = 2), English (n = 2), Sri Lankan (n = 2) and one of each of the following ethnicities: American, Australian, Celtic, Chinese/
Pakeha, Jewish, Italian/Maori, Hungarian, Indian, and Iranian.

• 22 •                                                                 New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol. 40, No. 3, 2011
Attachment and out-of-control sexual behaviour

     The study was advertised in a                on the SAST-R core item scale; Carnes        OCSB and Attachment
national press release that was publicised        et al., 2010). The sample was mostly              The relationship between the
amongst online news sites, newspapers,            European, heterosexual men who were          groups’ total SAST-R core item score
magazines, and radio stations. Interested         in a relationship that had lasted at least   and adult attachment scores were
participants were directed to a Massey            one year and had a mean age of 35.72         explored using Pearson product-moment
University website which contained the            years (SD = 12.68).                          correlation coefficients. For both groups,
information sheet regarding the study as               A series of chi-square tests for        there were small positive correlations
well as a link to the survey for those who        independence examined the differences        between the SAST-R core item score
wished to take part. Survey responses             between the groups on demographic            and fearful, preoccupied, anxious, and
were received by the Programmer/                  variables. There was a similar               avoidant attachment, while dismissing
Analyst in the School of Psychology at            proportion of men and women in the           attachment was not correlated and
Massey University. Data were analysed             non-OCSB group, whereas the OCSB             secure attachment had a small negative
using the Statistical Package for the             group consisted mostly of men, χ² (1,        relationship with the SAST-R score (see
Social Sciences (SPSS Version 17,                                                              Table 2). As the SAST-R core item score
                                                  n = 619) = 38.05, p < .001, φ = .25.
2008). The study received ethical                                                              increased, secure attachment decreased
                                                  Participants in both groups were mostly
approval (HEC: Southern A, 10/09).                                                             and insecure attachment (except the
                                                  European with no significant differences
                                                  in ethnicity, χ² (4, n = 607) = 1.83, p =    dismissing style) increased, but this
Results                                                                                        relationship was weak.
                                                  .77, φ = .06. Participants in both groups
     Descriptive statistics were first            were largely heterosexual, but the OCSB           Independent-samples t-tests (two-
calculated to identify the nature of the          group had higher proportions of bisexual     tailed) compared the groups on the two
sample, and the hypotheses were tested            respondents, χ² (2, n = 611) = 14.45,        adult attachment measures. As shown in
using correlation, chi-square, t-test,                                                         Table 3, the OCSB group reported lower
                                                  p < .001, φ = .15. There were similar
and factorial ANOVA. Bonferroni                                                                secure and higher insecure attachment in
                                                  proportions for relationship status
adjustments for multiple tests were                                                            all domains than the non-OCSB group.
                                                  although this was not able to be tested
considered but not conducted in light                                                          All of these effects were of small to
                                                  due to the fact that the categories were
of recent arguments about the value                                                            moderate magnitude (Cohen, 1988).
                                                  coded separately. There were similar
of such adjustment, especially with
                                                  proportions found for relationship                Additional independent samples
large samples, and calls to report effect
                                                  length, χ² (6, n = 617) = 12.02, p =         t-tests (two-tailed) investigated whether
sizes to avoid publication bias and
                                                  .06, φ = .14. An independent samples         there were differences within the OCSB
false interpretations (Nakagawa, 2004;
                                                  t-test (two-tailed) also looked at age       group when comparing those with
Perneger, 1998).
                                                  differences between the groups. A            particularly high SAST-R scores as
Demographic Variables                             significant age difference was found,        opposed to lower SAST-R scores. The
    Table 1 displays the frequencies              with the OCSB group being on average         high-SAST-R group was determined
of demographic characteristics of the             4.16 years older than the non-OCSB           by taking those with scores of 14-19
whole sample (N = 621), as well as                group, t(619), = 3.91, p < .001, d = .33,    (n = 81), while the low-SAST-R group
the OCSB (n = 407) and non-OCSB                   despite this being a small effect.           comprised those with scores of 6-13 (n =
groups2 (n = 214; formed as a result                                                           326). The high-SAST-R group reported
of using a cut-off score of six or more                                                        lower secure attachment (M = 2.95, SD

Table 2. Correlations of the RSQ and ECR-R Subscales with Total SAST-R Core-Item Score for the OCSB and Non-OCSB

                                      Whole sample                    OCSB group                  Non-OCSB group
    Subscale                          (N = 621)                       (n = 414 )                  (n = 207)
      Secure                          -.33**                           -.18***                       -.22**
      Fearful                         .25**                             .12*                          .25***
      Preoccupied                     .18**                             .14**                         .21**
      Dismissing                      .09**                             .00                           .06

      Avoidance                       .32**                             .17**                         .19**
      Anxiety                         .39**                             .26***                        .31***

*p < .05. ** p < .01. *** p < .001.
 While the present study uses the terms OCSB group and non-OCSB group, this differentiation distinguishes those who
reported lower and higher OCSB and is not synonymous with a clear demarcation between those with and without OCSB.

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Karen M. Faisandier, Joanne E. Taylor & Robyn M. Salisbury

= .81) than the low-SAST-R group (M
= 3.22, SD = .74), t(405) = 2.93, p <
.001, d = .44. Fearful attachment was
no different for the high-SAST-R (M
= 2.77, SD = 1.05) and low-SAST-R
groups (M = 2.49, SD = .93), t(405) =
2.36, p = .02, d = .34, and there were
no differences for preoccupied [(M =
3.33, SD = .93), (M = 3.06, SD = .90),
respectively, t(120.28) = 2.30, p = .02,
d = .36] or dismissing attachment [(M
= 3.20, SD = .88), (M = 3.17, SD = .86),
respectively, t(406) = 0.40, p = .76, d
= .04]. The high-SAST-R group had
higher anxious attachment (M = 4.42,
SD = 1.49) than the low-SAST-R group
(M = 3.67, SD = 1.30), t(405) = 4.52, p <
.001, d = .64, as well as higher avoidant
attachment (M = 3.83, SD = 1.57) than        Figure 1.   The interaction of OCSB group and gender for secure attachment.
the low-SAST-R group (M = 3.41, SD
= 1.26), t(405) = 2.79, p < .001, d = .34.
Gender and Age Differences
     Because the OCSB and non-OCSB
groups were proportionately different
in gender and age, further analyses
explored whether attachment scores
for the groups were different depending
on these two variables. For analysis
of gender differences, multivariate
and multiple univariate tests were
both considered. MANOVA revealed
mostly significant differences which
necessitated additional tests, so a series
of factorial ANOVAs were used to
compare attachment scores according to
both OCSB group and gender (Huberty
& Morris, 1989). The means and
standard deviations are shown in Table       Figure 2.   The interaction of OCSB group and gender for anxious attachment.
     For secure attachment, the main
effect of OCSB group was significant,
F(1, 615) = 68.75, p < .001, η² = .10.
The main effect of gender was not
significant, F(2, 615) = 5.28, p = .02, η²
= .01. However, there was an interaction
effect, F(1, 615) = 13.34, p < .001, η² =
.02, although this effect was small (see
Figure 1). The OCSB group reported
lower secure attachment than the non-
OCSB group but this interacted with
gender, in that women in the OCSB
group reported lower secure attachment
than men in that group. The same pattern
was apparent for anxious attachment,
where there was a main effect for OCSB
group, F(1, 615) = 89.13, p < .001, η²
= .13, but not for gender, F(1, 615) =
7.19, p = .008, η² = .01. There was an
interaction effect, F(1,615) = 19.95,        Figure 3.   The interaction of OCSB group and gender for fearful attachment.

• 24 •                                                              New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol. 40, No. 3, 2011
Attachment and out-of-control sexual behaviour

Table 3. Mean Adult Attachment Scores According to OCSB Group

 Subscale         Whole sample             OCSB group              Non-OCSB group               t
                  (N = 621)                (n = 407)               (n = 214)
                  M          (SD)          M           (SD)        M               (SD)
  Secure          3.32       (0.77)        3.17        (0.76)      3.62            (0.70)       t(619) = 7.14, p < .001, d = .62

  Fearful         2.40       (0.95)        2.54        (0.96)      2.12            (0.85)       t(483) = 5.60, p < .001, d = .45

  Preoccupied     3.04       (0.87)        3.12        (0.91)      2.90            (0.76)       t(506) = 3.10, p < .001, d = .26
  Dismissing      3.11       (0.85)        3.17        (0.86)      3.00            (0.82)       t(619) = 2.34, p = .02, d = .20

  Anxiety         3.50       (1.41)        3.81        (1.37)      2.91            (1.29)       t(619) = 7.37, p < .001, d = .62
  Avoidance       3.23       (1.30)        3.49        (1.25)      2.72            (1.22)       t(619) = 8.03, p < .001, d = .67
Note. ECR-R score range: 1-7. RSQ score range: 1-5.

p < .001, η² = .03, with a small effect        F(1, 615) = 10.37, p < .001, η² = .02,       attachment than the non-OCSB group.
size (see Figure 2). The OCSB group            despite a small effect size, and there was   These effects were moderate in size
reported higher anxious attachment than        also no interaction, F(1,615) = 4.03, p =    except dismissing and preoccupied
the non-OCSB group and this interacted         .05, η² = .01. The OCSB group, scored        attachment which had small effects
with gender in that women with OCSB            higher on dismissing attachment than         (Cohen, 1988). These findings are
reported higher anxious attachment than        the non-OCSB group irrespective of           consistent with previous studies which
men in that group.                             gender. For avoidant attachment, there       have reported higher insecure and
     For fearful attachment, there were        was no main effect for gender, F(1,          lower secure adult attachment in those
main effects for OCSB group, F(1,              615) = 0.20, p = .67, η² = .00. However      with OCSB (Leedes, 1999; Zapf et al.,
615) = 53.80, p < .001, and gender,            the main effect for OCSB group was           2008). Zapf et al. (2008) found that only
F(1,615) = 20.67, p < .001, but the            significant, F(1,615) = 3.42, p = .001,      8% of those accessing online self-help
effect sizes were small (η² = .08 and          η² = .09, with a large effect size. There    for OCSB reported secure attachment,
.03, respectively). There was a small          was no interaction effect, F(1, 615) =       with 20% reporting dismissing, 28%
interaction effect, F(1, 615) = 14.48,         3.42, p = .07, η² = .01. The OCSB group,     preoccupied, and 44% disorganised
p < .001, η² = .02 (see Figure 3). The         reported higher avoidant attachment          attachment. Leedes (1999) found that
OCSB group scored higher on fearful            than the non-OCSB group irrespective         a high rate of treatment-seeking sex
attachment than the non-OCSB group             of gender.                                   addicts (68%) had avoidant (dismissing)
but this interacted with gender with                Finally, Pearson product-moment         and 27% had preoccupied styles of
women in the OCSB group reporting              correlation coefficients were used to        attachment with only 5% reporting
higher fearful attachment than men in          examine the relationship between age         secure attachment, although this study
that group.                                    and SAST-R core item scores. There was       did not describe the method for gauging
                                               a significant small positive relationship    attachment.
     For preoccupied attachment, there
was no main effect for gender, F(1, 615)       for the whole sample (r = .16, n = 621,           In the present study, correlational
= 6.50, p =.01, η² = .01. However, the         p < .001), with SAST-R score increasing      analyses further supported the
main effect for OCSB group was small           with increased age. However, there           relationship between OCSB and adult
but significant, F(1, 615) = 12.73, p <        was no relationship between age and          attachment. Scores on the SAST-R
.001, η² = .02. There was no interaction       SAST-R score for the OCSB (r = .06, n        were positively correlated with all
effect, F(1,615) = 0.53, p = .47, η² =         = 621, p = .21) or non-OCSB groups (r        types of insecure attachment measured
.00. The OCSB group, scored higher             = -.03, n = 621, p = .62).                   and negatively correlated with secure
on preoccupied attachment than the                                                          attachment, although these relationships
non-OCSB group irrespective of gender.         Discussion                                   were weak. Those with higher SAST-R
A similar pattern was apparent for both             The aim of the present study was to     scores reported lower secure attachment
dismissing and avoidant attachment.            investigate the association between adult    and higher attachment anxiety and
There was no main effect for gender on         attachment and OCSB. As hypothesised,        avoidance than the lower-SAST-R
dismissing attachment, F(1, 615) = 2.66,       the OCSB group reported higher fearful,      group, although these were relatively
p = .10, η² = .00. The main effect for         dismissing, preoccupied, anxious, and        small effects. There were no differences
OCSB group was however significant,            avoidant attachment, and lower secure        in preoccupied, fearful, or dismissing

New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol. 40, No. 3, 2011                                                                         • 25 •
Karen M. Faisandier, Joanne E. Taylor & Robyn M. Salisbury

Table 4. Mean Adult Attachment Scores According to OCSB Group and Gender                     or distress before further therapy can
                                                                                             progress. Further research should
                      Gender             OCSB group              Non-OCSB group
                                         (n = 407)               (n = 214)
                                                                                             explore this observation as there may be
                                                                                             important treatment variations between
 Subscale                                M           (SD)        M           (SD)            men and women.
 RSQ                                                                                              While the present study provides the
    Secure            Men                3.28        (0.74)      3.58        (0.65)          first investigation of adult attachment
                                                                                             and OCSB in New Zealand, there
                      Women              2.90        (0.73)      3.65        (0.76)
                                                                                             are several limitations, especially in
    Fearful           Men                2.36        (0.89)      2.09        (0.79)          relation to the measurement of OCSB.
                      Women              3.01        (0.98)      2.15        (0.88)          The SAST-R (Carnes et al., 2010) is a
    Preoccupied       Men                3.05        (0.91)      2.84        (0.79)          screening tool rather than an assessment
                      Women              3.30        (0.91)      2.97        (0.70)
                                                                                             tool for OCSB. While it has been
                                                                                             shown to reliably differentiate those
    Dismissing        Men                3.10        (0.84)      3.02        (0.89)
                                                                                             with and without OCSB, it remains
                      Women              3.37        (0.89)      2.99        (0.75)          only a screening tool that should be
 ECR-R                                                                                       followed by further assessment to
    Avoidance         Men                3.42        (1.23)      2.80        (1.16)          clarify the presence and individual
                                                                                             phenomenology of OCSB. Previous
                      Women              3.66        (1.30)      2.66        (1.26)
                                                                                             studies using the SAST have used the
    Anxiety           Men                3.59        (1.32)      3.02        (1.27)          original 25-item measure with a cut-off
                      Women              4.42        (1.33)      2.83        (1.31)          of 14 (Leedes, 1999; Zapf et al., 2004),
Note. ECR-R score range: 1-7. RSQ score range: 1-5.                                          but the present study used the revised
                                                                                             45-item measure with a cut-off of six,
                                                                                             thereby affecting comparisons between
attachment between the high- and low-           studied (i.e., young Canadian adults in
                                                                                             the studies. Furthermore, in the present
SAST-R groups, suggesting that the              comparison to undergraduate students)
                                                                                             study, items 1 and 29 of the SAST-R
degree of OCSB is less important than           may explain the variability in how these
                                                                                             were removed for ethical reasons, which
the presence of OCSB when it comes to           insecure attachment styles were found
                                                                                             may have further affected across-study
insecure attachment.                            to manifest in sexual behaviour, and
                                                                                             comparisons as well as the validity and
     The present study found variability in     further research is needed to explore this
                                                                                             reliability of the core item score and the
the reported types of insecure attachment       relationship in greater depth.
                                                                                             men’s items subscale, to which these
style in those with OCSB. The highest                In the present study, the association   omitted items contribute.
reported insecure style on the RSQ was          between OCSB and certain types
                                                                                                  Self-report research on attachment
dismissing followed by preoccupied              of adult attachment was stronger
                                                                                             can be affected by self-report bias and is
attachment, while attachment anxiety            for women than men. Women in the
                                                                                             dependent on the current functioning of
was higher than avoidance in those              OCSB group reported lower secure
                                                                                             the respondent’s romantic relationship
with OCSB on the ECR-R. Type of                 and higher fearful, dismissing, and
                                                                                             (Bartholomew, 1990). However,
attachment style is important in OCSB           anxious adult attachment, and higher
                                                                                             self-report methods are moderately
because some research has found that            attachment anxiety and avoidance
                                                                                             correlated with interview methods of
different attachment styles correlate           than men. Bogaert and Sadava (2002)
                                                                                             assessment (Bartholomew & Moretti,
differently with certain sexual beliefs         found similar gender differences and
                                                                                             2002; Griffin & Bartholomew, 1994).
and behaviours (Bogaert & Sadava,               concluded that this might be because
                                                                                             The present study followed Hazan and
2002; Gentzler and Kerns, 2004).                women are more vulnerable to their
                                                                                             Shaver’s (1994) instructions and utilised
Avoidant attachment has been positively         attachment style being activated during
                                                                                             two validated attachment measures.
related with less restrictive sexual            sexual circumstances, and that this
                                                                                             When used this way, self-reports of
beliefs and more casual sex, while              affects their sexual behaviour more
                                                                                             attachment are considered a good surface
anxious (preoccupied) attachment                than men. However, an alternative
                                                                                             indicator of a range of behavioural and
has been positively related to beliefs          interpretation is that women with OCSB
                                                                                             physiological processes related to
about monogamy but difficulties in              might be more self-aware and open
                                                                                             attachment behaviour, as predicted by
maintaining a relationship (Gentzler            to self-disclosure about relationship
                                                                                             attachment theory (Bartholomew &
& Kerns, 2004). Bogaert and Sadava              insecurities or distress compared to men.
                                                                                             Moretti, 2002; Bifulco, 2002).
(2002) found the opposite when they             Clinical observations find that men with
compiled an attachment measure based            insecure attachment frequently appear             The present study did not set out
on Hazan & Shaver’s (1987) original             less aware of their attachment anxiety       to recruit a representative sample, and
attachment measure. In their study,             than women (R. Salisbury, personal           the nature of the present sample makes
preoccupied attachment was related to           communication, November 10, 2010).           it difficult to know to whom the results
infidelity, more lifetime partners, and         These cases often require therapy            relate. Online respondents are usually
more condom usage (Bogaert & Sadava,            approaches that draw attention to the        younger, of higher socio-economic
2002). Differences in the samples               recognition of insecurity, vulnerability,    and education status, and more often

• 26 •                                                                   New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol. 40, No. 3, 2011
Attachment and out-of-control sexual behaviour

male (Binek, Mah, & Kiesler, 1999),           attachment develop OCSB. However,           included a sample that was mainly
and volunteers for sex research are           clinical observations note that men         European, heterosexual, and male.
often more sexually experienced,              with insecure attachment appear to          Future research needs to address this
sensation-seeking, and unconventional         be less self-aware and able to express      limitation, as the expression of sex and
(Fenton, Johnson, McManus, & Erans,           vulnerability than women (R. Salisbury,     how OCSB is defined and measured in
2001). This is likely to apply to the         personal communication, November            different cultures may vary from what
present study and is indicated by the         10, 2010). One function of secure           research has found using predominantly
high number of bisexual respondents           attachment is the ability for insight,      Caucasian samples, and should consider
(n = 144) in the sample and the large         self-awareness, and self-understanding      cultural factors relating to attachment
proportion of respondents being               (Cozolino, 2006; Hudson-Allez, 2009;        and sexual behaviour.
classified in the OCSB group (n = 407).       Siegel, 2001, 2006). Perhaps more                Finally, effective treatments
While these limitations are important         women with insecure attachment receive      for OCSB need to be investigated
to note, the present study did not intend     protective factors that enable this         because individuals are presenting
to provide generalisable findings but         capacity for insight to develop (such as    with distress or harm resulting from
rather to investigate the link between        friendships or peer interactions), while    their sexual behaviour, with potentially
insecure attachment and OCSB. Further         more men with insecure attachment           dire effects for themselves, their
research using a representative sample        have reduced insight or expression of       families, and their communities. Current
with a demographically-matched control        vulnerability.                              treatment approaches for OCSB focus
group will be able to draw generalisable           This might be a function of the        on pharmacological, cognitive and
conclusions in terms of the epidemiology      different attachment outcomes resulting     behavioural, twelve-step, and group
of OCSB in New Zealand.                       from maternal in comparison to paternal     approaches but these have not yet been
     The present study supports further       caregiving (Hudson-Allez, 2009).            empirically tested. The present study
exploration of the role of attachment in      Maternal attachment problems have           found that higher insecure attachment is
OCSB. Empirical evidence is needed to         been linked with inappropriate social       part of the presentation for many people
establish whether insecure attachment         behaviour, poor impulse control, self-      with OCSB, and thus approaches that
contributes to the etiology of OCSB. It       indulgence, explosiveness, increased        are attachment-based should also be
could be that higher secure attachment        motor activity, and sexual disinhibition    evaluated as an intervention for OCSB.
leads to healthy sexual behaviour,            (Hudson-Allez, 2009). In contrast,          Future research is needed regarding
OCSB itself might lead to higher              paternal attachment problems have           the effectiveness of OCSB treatments
insecure attachment, or there might be a      been linked with reduced overt emotion,     in order to establish evidence-based
bidirectional link between the two. The       depression, impaired socialisation,         practice in this field.
present study and the few other studies       and reduced spontaneity (Hudson-
investigating this link (Bogaert &            Allez, 2009). Therefore, men may            References
Sadava, 2002; Gentzler & Kerns, 2004;         be more vulnerable to the effects of             Ainsworth, M.S, & Wittig, B.A.
Leedes, 1999, Zapf et al., 2008) have         paternal caregiving outcomes, such as       (1969). Attachment and exploratory
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                                                                                               Bancroft, J., & Vukadinovic,
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in clinical work with adults. New York:         of sexual addiction symptoms on the          Acknowledgements
The Guilford Press.                             college campus, Journal of Sexual                 A sincere thank you goes to all
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control sexual behavior: An analysis                 Shaffer, H.J., LaPlante, D.A.,          personal information to participate in
of various authors’ attempts to                 Labrie, R.A., Kidman, R.C., Donato,          this study, to Harvey Jones for his role
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