Whale Hill Primary School Scheme of Work French (Years 5 and 6)

Page created by Judy Erickson
Whale Hill Primary School

    Scheme of Work

 French (Years 5 and 6)

Overview of the scheme of work: Endpoints

Unit 1 – Getting to know you: By the end of this unit, children will be able to greet each other in French by asking and responding to
questions such as: what is your name, how are you, how old are you, using the numbers 1-10.

Unit 2 – All about me and my family: By the end of this unit, children will be able to talk about family members and pets and describe
them using and modifying adjectives (including colours) accordingly.

Unit 3 - Food, glorious food: By the end of this unit, children will be able to: ask for basic items of food using polite requests and be
able to say if they like or dislike certain foods (using language for stronger preferences). Children will also begin to use definite and
indefinite articles and count certain food items.

Unit 4 – My home, my town, the world!: By the end of this unit, children will be able to: ask and answer questions to find out where a
person lives; identify key places in a town and be able to recognise some places in the world, including French towns, regions and other

Unit 5 – Let’s go shopping: By the end of this unit, children will be able to: use prepositional language to locate places in a town and
apply their knowledge to follow and respond to a simple story in French and take part in a role play, developing listening and speaking

Unit 6 - Directions: By the end of this unit, children will be able to: give and follow directions in French and ask and respond
appropriately to questions about different modes of transport, including how people travel to different places, such as school.

Unit 7 – Hobbies and holidays: By the end of this unit, children will be able to: ask and answer questions about hobbies, describe the
weather and use knowledge of days of the week, months and seasons to talk about holidays.

National Curriculum Objectives

     Skill                                                              National Curriculum Objective
   Speaking     Engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others; seek clarification and help

                Speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures

                Develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases

                Present ideas and information orally to a range of audience

                Describe people, places, things and actions orally* and in writing

   Listening    Listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding
   Reading      Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing

   Writing      Write phrases from memory, and adapt these to create new sentences, to express ideas clearly

                Describe people, places, things and actions orally* and in writing

   Phonology    Explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of word
  Vocabulary    Understand basic grammar appropriate to the language being studied, including (where relevant): feminine, masculine and neuter forms and the
 and Grammar    conjugation of high-frequency verbs; key features and patterns of the language; how to apply these, for instance, to build sentences; and how
                these differ from or are similar to English

                Broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including through
                using a dictionary

  Language      Appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language

Whale Hill Primary School

Scheme of Work – French (Years 5 and 6)

 Unit 1: Getting to know you
 Learning Objectives (knowledge)                              I can statements
     To greet people in different ways                           Say hello at different times of the day (good morning,
     To exchange names in French                                    good afternoon, good evening, good night)
     Discuss how I’m feeling                                     Say goodbye in a variety of different ways
     To listen and respond to someone’s question                 Use formal and informal language appropriately
     To apply number word knowledge to make sentences            Introduce (say my name) to someone else
                                                                  Ask another person their name
                                                                  Use ‘Comment ça va?’ as a question.
                                                                  Choose the appropriate phrase to say how I’m feeling
                                                                  Ask and answer questions about how old someone is.
                                                                  Say the numbers 0-10 in French.
                                                                  Use the number words in my sentences

Unit break-down

 Unit              Lesson          Key Vocabulary    Spelling and        Phonology and      Tasks and skills covered
                                                     Grammar             Pronunciation
 Unit 1: Getting   Lesson 1:       Bonjour           Accented letters    ‘a’ sound as in:   Speaking and listening: perform
 to know you       Greetings       Salut             – an introduction   chat               the role play with a partner.
                                   Bonsoir                               Balle

Bonne nuit                          Sac                Translation: Match the English and
                                     Au revoir                           Carte              French greetings
                                     À bientôt                           Rat
                                     Bon week-end                        Table
Unit 1: Getting   Lesson 2: Giving   Madame           Asking questions   ‘i’ sound as in:   Role play: Complete the
to know you       your name and      Monsieur         Formal /           Lit                conversations in French using the
                  addressing         Je m’appelle     informal           Livre              prompts in English.
                  others             Comment          Personal           Radis
                                     t’appelles-tu?   pronouns.          Souris             Speaking and listening: perform
                                                                         Nid                the role play with a partner.

                                                                         ‘y’  sound as
                                                                         Un stylo

                                                                         Je m’appelle
                                                                         Tu t’appelles
Unit 1: Getting   Lesson 3: Asking   Ça va?           Asking questions   ‘o’ sound as in:   Role play: Complete the
to know you       how someone is     Pas mal!         Formal /           Pot                conversations in French using the
                  feeling            Ça va bien,      informal           Rose               prompts in English.
                                     merci.           Personal           Piano
                                     Ça ne va pas.    pronouns.          Bol                Speaking and listening: perform
                                                                         Pomme              the role play with a partner.

                                                                         Ç sound

Unit 1: Getting   Lesson 4:          Numbers 1-10       Using ‘J’ai’ for   ‘e’ sound as in:   Reading / writing game: Number
to know you       Numbers 1-10       Quel âge as-tu?    ages               Renard             match up (French to English)_
                  revision and       J'ai dix ans.                         Requin
                  consolidation                                            Menu               Oral comprehension game: Lotto!
                  Giving your age                                          Cerise

                                                                           deux, neuf
Unit 1: Getting   Lesson 5:          Numbers 1-20       Using ‘J’ai’ for   ‘u’ sound as in:   Reading and writing: reorder the
to know you                          Quel âge as-tu?    ages               Ruche              sentences
                  Numbers 11-20      J'ai dix ans.                         Tulipe
                  Giving your age                                          Tortue             Translation English to French:
                  and asking                                               Cube               write the ages in French.
                  someone how old                                          Plume
                  they are                                                 pull


Unit 1: Getting   Lesson 6: In my    Un stylo           J’ai = I have      ‘é’ sound as in:   Vocabulary: match the pictures to
to know you       pencil case        une règle          (identify the      Fée                the French words.
                  (nouns, articles   un crayon          verb, tense and    Café
                  and gender).       une gomme          subject pronoun)   Clé                Grammar: masculine or feminine?
                                     un taille-crayon                      Canapé             Sort the nouns according to their
                                                                           blé                gender.

une calculatrice   Determiners: Un
un feutre          / une – introduce   taille   Sentence building: Children to
                   gender of nouns              make list sentences. They write
                   and the terms                then say what they have in their
                   masculine /                  pencil case.

Unit 2: All about me and my family
Learning Objectives (knowledge)                                 I can statements
    To read, listen and respond to vocabulary.                     I can listen to and read the names of different body parts
    To demonstrate my understanding with actions.                     and point to the correct part for each word.
    To recognise nouns and gender of nouns                         I can listen to and repeat words carefully
    To recognise, use and modify simple adjectives                 I can say if a noun is masculine or feminine
    To listen to and copy pronunciation of words accurately        I can make adjectives agree with the noun they are
    To use possessive adjectives to introduce family members          describing
       and pets                                                     I can name different colours in French
                                                                    I can identify family members.
                                                                    I can say ‘My…’
                                                                    I can use ‘voici’ to introduce family members and pets
                                                                    I can make sentences about myself using ‘je’ (je suis and
                                                                    I can recognise and use words for different pets

Unit break-down

Unit              Lesson            Key Vocabulary    Spelling and        Phonology and      Tasks and skills covered
                                                      Grammar             Pronunciation
Unit 2: All       Lesson 1: Parts   La tête           Determiners: Un     ‘è’ ‘ê’ sound as   Song: Head, shoulders knees and
about me and      of the body       Les épaules       / une – introduce   in:                toes. Children join in and show
my family                           Les genoux        gender of nouns     Zèbre              understanding with gestures.
                                    Les pieds         and the terms       Lièvre             Vocabulary: match the French word
                                    Les yeux          masculine /         flèche             to the English word
                                    Les oreilles      feminine.           trèfle

La bouche                            pêche
                                 Le nez                               fête
                                                                      La tête

                                                                      La tête
                                                                      Les épaules
                                                                      Les genoux
                                                                      Les pieds
                                                                      Les yeux
                                                                      Les oreilles
                                                                      La bouche
                                                                      Le nez

Unit 2: All    Lesson 2:         sympa              Adjectives and    ‘s’ sound as in   Grammar: Sort the adjectives – are
about me and   Describing what   petit / petite     basic agreement   Souris            they masculine or feminine?
my family      people are like   grand / grande     (adding ‘e’ to    Sapin
                                 bavard / bavarde   adjectives to     Singe             Reading for gist and reading for
                                 sportif /          make them agree   Sel               detail: Read the letter from the
                                 sportive           with the          sucre             French friend and answer the
                                 paresseux /        feminine noun.                      questions in English.
                                 parasseuse         Je suis – I am    Silent letters
                                                                      and when they

Unit 2: All    Lesson 3:         Rouge            C’est – it / this is   V sound as in:   Vocabulary: Complete the
about me and   Colours           Jaune            Agreement of           Vase             descriptions of the animals using
my family                        Vert(e)          colours ad             Voiture          the correct colour.
                                 Bleu(e)          adjectives             Verre
                                 Orange           Why some               Vélo             Grammar: Find the pairs of
                                 Rose             adjectives do          lavabo           masculine and feminine colours
                                 Gris(e)          not change
                                 Blanc (che)                                              Writing and Speaking: Use the
                                 Noir(e)                                                  prompts to describe the colours of
                                 Brun(e)                                                  the objects in the pencil case.
                                 Violet (tte)
Unit 2: All    Lesson 4:         Les yeux         Il a              J sound as in         Writing and speaking: Work with a
about me and   Describing hair   Les cheveux      Elle a            Jardin                partner and describe the people in
my family      and eye colour    Blonds                             Jupe                  the pictures in French.
                                 Longs            Adding s to       Jouer
                                 courts           regular nouns     Journal               Speaking Game: One person
                                                  and adjectives to Jaune                 chooses a person to describe in
                                                  make them plural                        French (sitting in the classroom).
                                                  and to agree.                           The others have to listen to the
                                                                                          description and say who it is and
Unit 2: All    Lesson 5:         ma mère          Possessive             L sound as in:   Listening for gist and detail:
about me and   Members of the    et               pronouns: Mon /        Lit              Listen to Camille describe her
my family      family            mon père         ma = my                Le sol           family and answer the questions in
                                 Voici            (masculine and         La sale          English.
                                 ma grand-mère    feminine singular      Le vélo
                                 mon grand-père   forms)                                  Reading for gist and detail: Read
                                                                                          the letter and decide if the
                                 ma soeur
                                                  Il s'appelle                            statements are true or false.

mon frère          Ell s'appelle                      (Letter recycles all vocabulary so
Unit 2: All    Lesson 6: Pets   un chien           J’ai              R sound as in:   Listening for gist and detail: The
about me and                    un chat            Un / une          Sur              children listen to the video. They
my family                       un cheval          Agreement of      La rue           listen to the description of the
                                un oiseau          adjectives        La rivière       pets and answer the questions in
                                un lapin                             Le rat           English.
                                un rat
                                                                                      Vocabulary: unscramble the pet
                                un cochon d'inde
                                le poisson rouge
                                une souris
                                                                                      Speaking: Say what pets that have
                                                                                      in French and add description.
Unit 2: All    Lesson 7: Pets   un chien           J’aime            M sound as in:   Listening for gist and detail: The
about me and                    un chat            J’aime beaucoup                    children listen to the video. They
my family                       un cheval          Je n’aime pas     Le mur           listen to the description of the
                                un oiseau                            Ma mère          pets and answer the questions in
                                un lapin           Irregular nouns   Le mari          English.
                                un rat             in the plural     mais
                                                                                      Writing: sentence building. Saying
                                un cochon d'inde
                                                                                      what pet each person has.
                                le poisson rouge
                                une souris

Unit 3: Food, Glorious Food
Learning Objectives (knowledge)                                   I can   statements
    To follow a familiar story in French                                 I can understand and join in with a story
    I can use determiners for identifying quantities in                  I can recognise and repeat key vocabulary in a story
       making polite requests.                                            I can count items or use ‘some’ for amounts.
    I can use the definite article when generalising.                    I can ask politely for something.
    I can give a preference for or against things.                       I can use definite articles le/la/les to mean ‘the’.
                                                                          I can choose the correct article when talking about food
                                                                          I can say if I like or dislike a food
                                                                          I can make my preferences stronger (e.g. detest)

Unit break-down

Unit              Lesson             Key Vocabulary        Spelling and        Pronunciation      Tasks and skills covered
Unit 3: Food,     Lesson 1: Story    Une pomme             Un / une            ‘f’ sound as in    Children read, follow and join in
Glorious Food     – The Very         Deux poires           Du, de la and des   La file            with a story in French.
                  Greedy Dog (Le     Trois prunes          for some            Le film
                  chien gourmand)    Quatre fraises        quantities          La forêt           Match the French food items to
                                     Cinq oranges                                                 the English translations.
                                     Du gâteau                                 Du
                                     Un cornet de                              De la
                                     glace                                     des

Un morceau de
                                Du saucisson
Unit 3: Food,   Lesson 2:       Vingt               Word building       ‘n’ sound as in    Reading and writing numbers to 100
Glorious Food   Numbers 20-60   Trente              e.g. vingt-deux     Le nid
                                Quarante            (applying           Le nord
                                Cinquante           previously          La lune
                                soixante            learned             Le menu
                                                    knowledge and       L’animal
                                                    make predictions
                                                    about nect
                                                    numbers)            -ente
Unit 3: Food,   Lesson 3: I     S’il vous plait     List sentences in   ‘ou’ sound as in   Speaking and listening: Role-play.
Glorious Food   would like      Voilà               French              La souris          Use the vocabulary and the prompts
                                Merci                                   Le jour            to build and perform a role-play
                                C’est combien       Nouns, gender       Le journal         with your partner.
                                C’est . . . euros   and determiners.    Le four
                                                                        La moule
                                                    ‘des’ meaning
                                                                        Silent ‘s’’
                                                                        Je voudrais
                                                                        Des frites

Unit 3: Food,   Lesson 4: I     Je voudrais         List sentences in   ‘ch’ sound as in   Reading and writing: Look at the
Glorious Food   would like                          French              Le chat            pictures of the trays of food and

Un sandwich au                       Le chou             write a list sentence to show what
                               fromage           Nouns, gender      Le cheval           food items there are.
                               Une tranche de    and determiners.   Une vache
                               Des frites        ‘des’ meaning
                               Une glace         some               Silent ‘s’’
                               Un jus d’orange                      Je voudrais
                               Un coca                              Des frites

Unit 3: Food,   Lesson 5: Je   Je voudrais une                      ‘un’ sound           Listening for gist and detail:
Glorious Food   voudrais une   glace                                                    Children watch and listen to the
                glace                                               ‘ion’ sound as in   video conversation. Elicit the
                                                                                        vocabulary for the different
                                                                    Un avion            flavours of ice cream.
                                                                    Une addition
                                                                    Une occasion        Reading and writing:
                                                                                        The children read the transcript of
                                                                                        the video and answer the
                                                                                        comprehension questions in English.

Unit 4: My home, my town, the world!
Learning Objectives (knowledge)                                I can statements
    To listen carefully and pronounce words with increasing       I can listen to and repeat names of some French towns
       accuracy                                                       and cities
    To identify spellings or sounds I already know in new         I can ask and answer questions to find out where someone
       words                                                          lives and to explain where I live
    To respond to key words and phrases                           I can use word patterns to predict what the next number
    To distinguish between masculine and feminine nouns and          will be
       use the correct form of a preposition                       I can say any number from 0-100 with support
    To use full sentences to describe where you and others        I can identify typical places in a town
       live                                                        I can listen to new language and repeat with increasing
                                                                   I can say if some countries are masculine or feminine
                                                                   I can choose the correct preposition (en for feminine
                                                                      countries and au for masculine countries)
                                                                   I can use the correct personal pronoun
                                                                   I can use the correct form of the regular 'er' verb
                                                                     'habiter' in the present tense (with support)

Unit break-down

Unit              Lesson            Key Vocabulary    Spelling and      Pronunciation      Tasks and skills covered

Unit 4: My       Lesson 1: Où   French towns       J’habite              ‘p’ sound as in   Listening and writing: Listen to the
home, my town,   habites tu?    and cities:        Tu habites            Une pile          speakers and write a sentence in
the world!                      Paris              Il habite             La poche          French to say where each person
                                Strasbourg         Elle habite           La soupe          lives.
                                Lillle                                   La loupe
                                Bordeaux           Revision of
                                Nantes             personal
                                Lyon               pronouns je, tu, il Abbreviation of
                                Nice               and elle            je before the
                                Marseille                              silent ‘h’
                                Toulouse           Abbreviation of
                                Montpellier        je before the       Sounds in French
                                                   silent ‘h’          cities and towns

Unit 4: My       Lesson 2: Où   J’habite dans un   Revision of           ‘t’ sound as in   Translation: Translate the sentences
home, my town,   habites tu?    village            personal              Une tasse         into French from the original English.
the world!                      J’habite dans      pronouns je, tu, il   Une tomate
                                une ville.         and elle              La poste
                                J’habite à la                            Une tarte
                                campagne           Abbreviation of
                                J’habite à la      je before the         Abbreviation of
                                montagne           silent ‘h’            je before the
                                J’habite au bord                         silent ‘h’
                                de la mer
Unit 4: My       Lesson 3: Où   J’habite dans un   Personal              ‘c’ sound as in   Speaking and Listening / Reading
home, my town,   habites tu?    village            pronouns nous,        Le café           and Writing. Match the English and
the world!                      J’habite dans      vous, ils elles       Un sac            French sentences.
                                une ville.                               Une carte

J’habite à la
                                 campagne                             Pronunciation of
                                 J’habite à la                        verb endings:
                                 montagne                             J’habite
                                 J’habite au bord                     Tu habites
                                 de la mer                            Il / elle habite
                                                                      Nous habitons
                                                                      Vous habitez
                                                                      Ils / ells
Unit 4: My       Lesson 4: Où    J’habite dans       Conjugation of   ‘d’ sound as in    Translation: Translate the sentences
home, my town,   habites tu?     une maison         regular ‘er’                         into French from the original English.
the world!                       J’habite dans un   verbs:            Depuis
                                 appartement        habiter           Perdu              Challenge: Write about yourself in
                                 J’habite dans                        La date            French, explaining where you live.
                                 une ferme
                                                                                         Feedback to the rest of the class.
                                                                      Pronunciation of
                                                                      verb endings:
                                                                      Tu habites
                                                                      Il / elle habite
                                                                      Nous habitons
                                                                      Vous habitez
                                                                      Ils / ells
Unit 4: My       Lesson 5:       vingt              Numbers           ‘oi’ sound as in   Listening and speaking: Listen to
home, my town,   Numers to 100   trente                               Oiseau             and watch the video of the French
the world!                       quarante                             Voiture

cinquante                             toilette              Numbers song. Circle the numbers
                                  soixante                                                    that you can hear.
                                                                        ‘oin’ sound as in
                                                                                              Listening and speaking: Listen for
                                                                        Au loin               the numbers. Children play the game
                                                                        Un coin de rue        and shout ‘lotto’ when they have a
                                                                                              full board.
                                                                        ‘ante’ – how does
                                                                        the final ‘e’
                                                                        affect the
                                                                        usually silent ‘t’?
Unit 4: My       Lesson 6: Dans   Dans ma ville     Determiners         ‘b’ sound as in       Spelling: choose the correct spelling
home, my town,   ma ville         Une école         Nouns and           Boire                 of the word.
the world!                        Un café           gender              Une banana
                                  Les magasins                          Un bol                Reading for detail: circle the true
                                  La gare                               Un lavabo             and false answers.
                                  La bibliothèque
                                  Un cinema                                                   Vocabulary hunt: find the answers in
                                  Un parc                               Un / une              the word search.
                                                                        Accented letters
Unit 4: My       Lesson 7: Dans   Il y a             Ne pas –           ‘on’ sound as in       Listening for gist and detail:
home, my town,   ma ville         Il n’ y a pas     recognising the                           Watch the video and listen to how
the world!                        La piscine        negative            Bon                   the cities are described in French
                                  Une église        List sentences in   Bonjour               Answer the questions in English.
                                  Un musée          French.             Long
                                  Une boulangerie                       Marron                Speaking and listening: What’s in
                                                                                              your town? Describe the places
                                  Un supermarché
                                                                        Un / une              there are in Eston and the
                                  Un marché
                                                                        Accented letters      surrounding area.

Unit 5: Let’s go shopping
Learning Objectives (knowledge)                                 I can statements
    To take part in a role play                                    I can greet, respond and say goodbye using the
    To read and respond to a simple story in French                   appropriate words for formal and informal situations
    To use the correct form of positional language                 I can ask and answer questions
    To ask and answer questions in French                          I can read and write answers to questions about a simple
                                                                       French story
                                                                    I can use ‘entre’ to describe the position of a shop
                                                                    I can ask and answer questions about the cost of items in
                                                                       a shop
                                                                    I can listen to new language and repeat with increasing
                                                                    I can use my knowledge of numbers to 100 to say the cost
                                                                       of items

Unit break-down

Unit               Lesson            Key Vocabulary     Spelling and     Pronunciation     Tasks and skills covered
Unit 5: Let’s go   Lesson 1: Story   Greetings          The words for    ‘g’ sound as in   Children listen, read and join in with
shopping           – Lucie et        (recap)            some:                              a simple French story: Lucie et sa
                   maman en ville    Asking for items   Du               La gare           maman en ville
                                     (recap)            De la            Une gomme
                                     Quantities         des              Un escargot       Children answer questions on the
                                     (recap)                                               text independently
                                                                         Silent ‘s’’

Je voudrais
                                                                            Des frites

Unit 5: Let’s go   Lesson 2:          La boulangerie    Prepositions:       ‘z’ sound as in     Children look at the map and explain
shopping           Location of        La patisserie     Entre                                   the location of each shop / place in
                   shops and places   Le magasin de     À côté de (du, de   Le gaz              French.
                   in town            chaussures        la)                 Un zoo
                                      La fromagerie                         Bizarre
                                      La boucherie                          Onze
                                      Le magasin de                         Douze
                                      La confiserie                         Entre
                                      La bijouterie                         À côté de (du, de
                                      Le magasin de                         la)
Unit 5: Let’s go   Lesson 3:          Euro              Number              ‘ez’ and ‘er’       Speaking and listening: children
shopping           Money              Centime           combinations to     sound as in         practice ordering items and explain
                                      Un euro           100                                     how much they cost in French (role
                                      Deux euro                             Le nez              play).
                                      Un centime                            Allez
                                      Deux centimes                         Jouer
                                      Cinq centimes                         Fermer
                                      Dix euros
                                      Vingt euros
                                                                            Silent ‘s’’
                                      Cinquante euros
                                                                            Je voudrais
                                                                            Des frites


Unit 6: Directions
Learning Objectives (knowledge)                                  I can    statements
    To use the verb ‘go’ in a simple sentence                            I can ask someone how they go to school
    To read for gist and detail (skimming and scanning)                  I can tell someone how I go to school
    To combine familiar language to create a new set of                  I can work out new words by using the whole sentence and
       sentences                                                           the context of the text.
    To give a sentence subject-verb agreement                            I can ask for and give directions to places in town
                                                                          I can substitute familiar vocabulary with new words to
                                                                           vary my sentences
                                                                          I can match subject pronouns with the right form of a
                                                                          I can talk about how different people travel to places in
                                                                           town and what transport they use

Unit break-down

Unit              Lesson             Key Vocabulary    Spelling and          Pronunciation      Tasks and skills covered
Unit 6:           Lesson 1: How      Une voiture       The verb aller –      ‘an’ and ‘en’      Children write a sentence using the
Directions        do you go to       Un vélo           to go                 sound as in        verb aller about how each people /
                  school?            Un train                                                   group of people travel to school,
                                     Un autobus        Je vais               Dans               using the pictures as prompts.
                                     Une trottinette   Tu vas                Sans

Un taxi        Il va              Le vent
                                À pied         Elle va            Lent
                                               Nous allons
                                               Vous allez         The verb aller –
                                               Ils vont           to go
                                               Ells vont
                                                                  Je vais
                                                                  Tu vas
                                                                  Il va
                                                                  Elle va
                                                                  Nous allons
                                                                  Vous allez
                                                                  Ils vont
                                                                  Ells vont
Unit 6:      Lesson 2: Places   La poste       The verb aller –   ‘in’ sound as in    Reading for gist and detail
Directions   in town            Les magasins   to go                                  (skimming and scanning). Children
                                L’église                          La fin              use the text to locate places on a
                                Le parc        Je vais            Enfin               map and answer questions about
                                L’hôpital      Tu vas             Le matin            locations.
                                               Il va              Un jardin
                                               Elle va
                                               Nous allons        ‘ien’ sound as in
                                               Vous allez
                                               Ils vont           Bien
                                               Ells vont          Rien

                                                                  La poste
                                                                  Les magasins

Le parc
Unit 6:      Lesson 3:       Allez tout droit   Imperative verbs ‘ph’ sound as in   Complete task: Reading for gist
Directions   Directions      Tournez à          with vous                           and detail (skimming and
                             gauche                              Un dauphin         scanning). Children use the text to
                             Tournez à droite                    L’alphabet         locate places on a map and answer
                                                                                    questions about locations.

                                                                 (ch sound)
Unit 6:      Lesson 4:       Premier /          Imperative verbs ‘c’  sound as   Listening for gist and detail:
Directions   Directions      première           with vous        in                 children listen for the key words.
                             Deuxième                                               Then answer questions on the
                             troisième                            Cent              conversation.
                                                                  Le ciel

                                                                  Premier /

Unit 6:      Lesson 5:       The verb aller –   Subject-verb      ‘g’ sound as in   Writing: Children use the prompts
Directions   Explain where   to go              agreement                           to create a postcard about where
             you go                                               Une page          they like to go in their free time.
                             Je vais                              Un orage

Tu vas                       Une bougie
                               Il va
                               Elle va                      The verb aller –
                               Nous allons                  to go
                               Vous allez
                               Ils vont                     Je vais
                               Ells vont                    Tu vas
                                                            Il va
                                                            Elle va
                                                            Nous allons
                                                            Vous allez
                                                            Ils vont
                                                            Ells vont
Unit 6: Easter   Lesson 6:     Revision of   Gender         ‘s’ sound as in    Poetry: Children use a bilingual
                 Easter eggs   colours       Agreement of                      dictionary to help them write a
                                             adjectives     Un vase            poem in French using the poem
                                                            Une valise         scaffold.
                                                            Une cerise
                                                            Le visage

                                                            J’ai trouvé

Unit 7: Hobbies and Holidays
Learning Objectives (knowledge)                                   I canstatements
    To answer a question about hobbies orally and in writing          I can answer the question ‘tu aimes’ orally
    To write answers to a question in a sentence                      I can answer the question ‘tu aimes’ in writing
    To use the third person plural of a verb in sentences             I can answer questions orally, using a modelled sentence
    To give a sentence describing the weather                         I can answer questions by wiring a sentence in French
    I can say a sentence describing where I am going on               I can state what the weather is like using ‘il fait’ +
       holiday                                                          adjective or noun
                                                                      I can state what the weather is like using ‘il’ + verb
                                                                      I can say where, how, and with whom I am going on holiday
                                                                        using a sentence
                                                                      I can use my knowledge of the days of the week and of
                                                                        the seasons to talk about my hobbies and holidays

Unit break-down

Unit              Lesson             Key Vocabulary     Spelling and       Pronunciation        Tasks and skills covered
Unit 7: Hobbies   Lesson             Le football        Asking and         ‘h’ sound as in      Speaking and Listening: Children
and Holidays      1:Hobbies I like   L’équitation       answering             ask each other questions about
                  / dislike          La natation        questions orally                        what hobbies they like to do and
                                     La lecture         and written        Une horloge          answer them.
                                     Le dessin          ‘tu aimes’         Un haricot
                                     L’informatique                        Un homme             Writing: Children complete the
                                     Le chant                                                   answers using the picture prompts.

La gymnastique                        J’aime             Children write a simple sentence in
                                    La television                         Tu aimes           French.
                                    La danse                              Je n’aime pas

Unit 7: Hobbies   Lesson 2: The     Days of the       En quelle saison    ‘au’ sound as in   Reading and writing: children
and Holidays      days of the       week (recap)      est . . . ?                            write answers to the questions in
                  week, months of   Months (recap)                        Chaud              French using the scaffold and word
                  the year and      The seasons                           Bateau             bank to help them.
                  the seasons.                                            oiseau

                                                                          Le printemps
Unit 7: Hobbies   Lesson 3:         Il fait chaud     Impersonal          ‘eu’ sound as in   Listening for gist and detail:
and Holidays      What’s the        Il fait froid     verbs:                                 Children listen to the weather
                  weather like?     Il fait nuageux   Il fait +           Neuf               forecast and look at the map. They
                                    Il fait du vent   adjective or noun   Deux               complete the true or false
                                    Il fait du        Il followed by a    Jeudi              exercise.
                                    brouillard        verb
                                    Il pleut                              Il fait . . .
                                    Il neige
                                    Il gèle                               Il pleut
                                                                          Il neige
                                                                          Il gèle
Unit 7: Hobbies   Lesson 4:         Revision of       Revision of         ‘qu’ sound as in   Oral Presentation:
and Holidays      Revision of       vocabulary        grammar
                  language          previously        previously          Quatre             Children write a short text to say
                  learned.          learned           learned             Quatorze           where they are going on holiday,

how they are getting there and with
‘gu’ sound as in   whom they are going.

Des vagues         Children present their writing aloud
La langue          to other members of the group,
                   focussing on pronunciation,
Focus on:          intonation, expression and volume.

Other sounds:
K, x and w

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