Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update

Page created by Alexander Mcbride
Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update
Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update
                               February 4th 2022

For information on services and supports for children, young people and families see

       For information on supports for parents, see Wexford Parents Hub at
         www.wexfordcypsc.ie/wexford-parents-hub and on Facebook at

Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update

Online Webinars & Training;
P.3 : Barnardos Training Event - Free Webinar - Online Safety for Parents
P.4 : The Spectrum Series : Webinars with international and local experts of a range of
Autism related topics.
P.7 : Building Connectedness in our School Communities : Last Chance To View
P.9 : Good Relations Work in Sligo and Leitrim – Connecting Young People aged 16-25 Not in
Education, Employment or Training (NEET). Documenting practice of IFI-funded projects in
Sligo and Leitrim

Training Programmes;
P.11 : STEPS to Economic & Personal Success (WLD)

P.13 : HSE National Lottery Fund
P.14 : RTÉ Toy Show Fund

Consultations & Reports;
P.17 : Consultation on Government Policy Framework for Children and Young People.

P.19 : Recovery College South East Workshops

Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update

○ Barnardos Training Event - Free Webinar - Online Safety for Parents

As part of our Digital Offering, we are delivering webinars about online safety to parents.
Delivered live by a Barnardos trainer, these free 45 minute parent webinars about online
safety are taking place in February and March 2022.
Our objective is that parents leave these webinars feeling empowered; they will have
an awareness of the risks online for children and practical tips that will help them keep their
children safe and resilient online.

Dates: 8th Feb, 17th Feb & 16th March, Time 19:30-20:15, Cost is Free

Book the event here

Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update
○ The Spectrum Series : Webinars with international and local experts of a
range of Autism related topics.
Colleagues in Laois / Offaly CYPSC have developed the Spectrum Series of Podcasts and have
kindly shared with us. There are 6 episodes in total. If you don’t have a podcast APP, you
can use the links to the podcast website below.

Note : The “Spectrum Series Speakers Brochure” is available to view on the
Resources section of Wexford CYPSC website. To access click here.

Life Matters podcast- Episodes 1-6 The Spectrum Series

Episode 1

Life on the Spectrum


Episode 2

Assessment and the Diagnostic Process


Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update
Episode 3

Getting your child school ready


Episode 4

Theory of Mind and Context Blindness in ASD


Episode 5

A Parents Experience and what is available in the community


Laois and Offaly Libraries feature


Episode 6

Food Awareness and ARFID


Thank You & we hope you enjoy these episodes.

On behalf of the Laois Offaly CYPSC Spectrum Series working group & learning and
development subgroup

Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update
Niamh Dowler, CYPSC Co-Ordinator Laois/Offaly
Children and Young People’s Services Committee
Phone: 057 9319292
Mobile: 086 0487464
Email: niamh.dowler@tusla.ie

Primary Care Centre, Church Ave, Tullamore, Co. Offaly R35 K1W4

Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update
○ “Building Connectedness in Our School Communities” : LAST CHANCE TO

Wexford Children and Young People’s Services Committee has developed a series of 9 online
talks that are targeted at teachers, parents and young people in the post primary community
in Co. Wexford.
The talks focus on promoting positive mental health and are delivered by a range of high
quality speakers;
All the talks can be accessed on the Wexford CYPSC website at the following link : Click
Link : http://www.wexfordcypsc.ie/building-connectedness-in-our-school-communities.

Please help to promote the talks by;
      Sharing the link on your website / social media
      Sharing with parents / young people (post-primary age)

Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update
   Sharing with your staff members

All talks are available to access until February 11th 2022.

○ Good Relations Work in Sligo and Leitrim – Connecting Young People aged
16-25 Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET). Documenting practice
of IFI-funded projects in Sligo and Leitrim

You are invited to attend an online Live Event taking place on:

       Wednesday, 9 th March 2022


       Click here to register

This event will disseminate important findings from research documenting good practice
that has emerged from two exciting projects that operated in Sligo and Leitrim – The YESS
(Youth Employability Support Sligo) Project and New Beginnings (Leitrim). These projects
were funded by the International Fund for Ireland as part of its Good Relations work and
operated by Foróige and Youth Work Ireland North Connaught respectively.

The research has identified insightful key messages for organisations working with young
people who are not in employment, education or training (so-called NEETs ). These
messages provide a roadmap for working with this group of young people.

The findings have been compiled into a comprehensive report:

       Good Relations Work in Sligo and Leitrim –
       Connecting Young People aged 16-25 Not in Education, Employment or
       Training (NEET),
       Documenting practice of IFI-funded projects in Sligo and Leitrim

This report will be available to participants on the day.

This research was undertaken as part of the work of Sligo Leitrim Children and Young
People’s Services Committee and managed by Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB. If you would like

any additional information on this Live Event, please get in touch with us at
youthwork@msletb.ie .

○ STEPS To Economic & Personal Success (WLD)

The next STEPS Programme will be facilitated on 9th, 10th and 11th March in the Wexford
offices of Wexford Local Development.

STEPS is personal development programme that operates on the premise that if participants
can understand how the human mind works and how their current beliefs and attitudes shape
their expectations for the future, they will learn how to take control of their thinking and how
to use that power to change the way they live their lives. It helps participants to see that they
have choices and, with some simple tools, can develop the thinking skills needed to become
self-motivated, self-directed, and accountable.

It also stimulates increased participation in and ownership of one’s own personal
development. It provides tools for effective goal setting, tools to raise self-esteem levels and
the know-how to create a ‘can do’ attitude, often in the face of deep-seated beliefs that
nothing can change.

The expected outcomes for participants include:

       The ability to think differently about themselves and others
       An improved capability to deal with and manage change
       The recognition of barriers, mainly self-imposed, which prevent them from setting
        and achieving goals
       An ability to set achievable goals and to help their loved ones with goal setting
       The possession of the tools to expand their awareness, helping them to consider
        new ideas, options and possibilities
       An increased self-esteem level, which in turn, leads to enhanced performance
       Parents and those with responsibility for young people, understand how to help
        them to reach their potential at school, in training, at college and at work
       Increased motivation
       Improved parenting skills and ability to be better role models for their children
       Increased resilience, enabling participants to stay focussed on positivity amid
        temporary setbacks

Kind regards,

Jenny Kirwan
Client Support
Wexford Local Development
Block A
Spawell Road
Y35 E2FK

087 693 0063
053 9155800

NOTE : The following additional information is available to view on the Wexford CYPSC
website here;

       Information for STEPS Referrers
       March STEPS Poster


○ HSE National Lottery Funding Grants

Applications are now being invited by the HSE for National Lottery Funding Grants.

This funding is distributed by the HSE each year to community-based groups and voluntary
organisations under the Respite Care Grant Scheme and the National Lottery Grant Scheme.
Groups and organisations involved in the provision of Health and Personal Social Services can
apply for once-off funding of between €500 and €10,000 for suitable projects.

Click here for more information including the application form

Closing Date for Applications is 12 noon on Wednesday 23rd March 2022. Applicants will be
advised as to the outcome of their application by 8th July 2022.

Public bodies, including the HSE, are not eligible to apply for this funding.

You may wish to share this email among your professional or local networks.

○ RTÉ Toy Show Fund : Open for Applications

The huge generosity of viewers to the RTÉ Toy Show Appeal is being turned into action with
groups which support children across the country being invited to apply for support from
(Monday 24th January 2022) from the €6.6 Million raised.

The Community Foundation for Ireland, RTÉs partner in the appeal, is beginning the process
of turning the donations into grants supporting a range of local services and supports.

The first year of the appeal in 2020 benefitted an estimated 600,000 children and their
families as highlighted in an Impact Report showing how through their donations the 1.7
Million viewers of the Late Late Toy Show have given vital support to communities.
This year’s funding is being distributed through two rounds, the first has now opened and is
inviting applications from community groups and organisations. It will provide grants of
between €5,000 and €20,000.

Grants will be made under three thematic pillars:

Addressing Essential Needs
Grants are available to eligible organisations that can demonstrate the impact of their work
at local and community level. Grants within this Strand of funding will be made to ensure that
vulnerable children are safe, warm and fed; and they are properly supported in addressing
educational needs. This Strand aims to improve living conditions and outcomes of children at
risk by providing holistic and practical supports and by improving their educational outcomes.

Improving Wellbeing
Grants are available to eligible organisations that can demonstrate the impact of their work
at local and community level. Poor health is difficult at any point in life, but it can have
significant and long-term impacts in childhood in terms of educational outcomes and
emotional wellbeing. Covid has created additional challenges in terms of mental health and
social isolation. This Strand aims to improve the mental health and resilience of children and
to increase quality of life for children with disabilities and serious health conditions.

Creativity and Play
Grants are available to eligible organisations that can demonstrate the impact of their work
at local and community level. Creativity and play are essential to supporting children’s
development of cognitive and social behaviours. This Strand aims to enhance personal and
emotional development, resilience and wellness for disadvantaged children through creative
programmes and activities.

Voluntary, community and charitable groups who wish to apply should check out details
including criteria at www.communityfoundation.ie. Applications for this round will remain
open until 18th February 2022. A second of grants aimed at Impact will open on 21st February

For further details on eligibility and the application process, click here.


○ Spark Youth Arts Festival

SPARK Youth Arts Festival is a national event to explore, discuss and celebrate the inspiring
world of youth arts practice in Ireland. Take part and spark your interest in developing youth
arts activities with young people and embedding youth arts practice in your work!

Join us for panel discussions, youth arts training, drop-in discussion forums for youth workers
and youth arts practitioners, a youth arts advocacy event for young people (18-25), and a
showcasing event for youth arts projects which will culminate with the launch of the Artist
and Youth Work Residency Grant scheme for 2022! SPARK mini-grants for youth arts
workshops are also available, with a deadline in January 2022.

INFORMATION & BOOKING : For further details of events and how to book, click here.

CONTACT US : We would be delighted to hear from you if you have any questions about
getting involved in SPARK Youth Arts Festival this year! Please do get in touch also if you
want to chat more generally about developing youth arts in your work with young people or
getting involved in our new Youth Arts Programme Working Group to help support our
Programme activities and planning.

Email: nora@nyci.ie ¦ rhona@nyci.ie ¦ Tel: 01 478 4122
Follow the National Youth Council of Ireland on
Facebook: www.facebook.com/NationalYouthCouncil |on Twitter: @nycinews
  SPARK Youth Arts Festival is funded by The Arts Council and the Department for Children,
Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. Youth Arts Live is delivered in partnership with the
                        Young Irish Filmmakers and Youth Theatre Ireland.


Consultation on Government Policy Framework for Children and Young

We want to hear from you!
The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman,
T.D., has launched a public consultation views on the next Government policy framework for
children and young people in Ireland. This is the successor to Better Outcomes, Brighter
Futures: the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People, 2014-2020, and will
run from 2023 to 2028. The Minister is now seeking the public’s views on the new policy
You can submit your views up until Monday, 28 February, 2022 by completing our survey
The next national policy framework will build on the achievements of the two previous
strategies: The National Children's Strategy: Our Children - Their Lives which ran from 2000
to 2010 and Better Outcomes Brighter Futures: The National Policy Framework for Children
and Young People, 2014-2020. Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures covered all those aged 0-
24 and set out Five National Outcomes we want for all children and young people. These
were that children and young people:
1. Are active and healthy, with positive physical and mental wellbeing.
2. Are achieving their full potential in all areas of learning and development.
3. Are safe and protected from harm.
4. Have economic security and opportunity.
5. Are connected, respected and contributing to their world.
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth will work together
with other Government Departments and statutory agencies, children and young people, as
well as community and voluntary stakeholders, to set out the actions needed to improve
outcomes for children and young people in Ireland.
This is the first in a series of consultations that will take place over the course of 2022.
This consultation will help us to identify the main issues and help to shape future
consultations. We hope to get as wide a response as possible.

How to Participate;
Please complete our survey here. (Note: An Irish version of the survey is also available by
clicking on ‘Gaeilge’ in the Languages menu.) The survey asks you to consider what is going
well and what is not going well for children and young people in Ireland and what actions
are needed to improve the lives of children and young people.
You can also send a submission to consultations@equality.gov.ie or send a written
submission to Policy Framework Consultations, Department of Children, Equality, Disability,
Integration and Youth, Block 1, Miesian Plaza, 50-58 Baggot Street, Dublin 2, D02 XWI4,
Freepost F5055.
* Submissions can include drawings or pictures.
You can complete the survey or send the submission on your own behalf, or on behalf of an
The submission should be no more than 2,000 words and should consider the following
1. What’s going well for children and young people in Ireland?
2. What’s not going well for children and young people in Ireland?
3. What can be done to ensure children and young people are active and healthy, with
positive physical and mental wellbeing?
4. What can be done to ensure children and young people are achieving their full potential
in school and all areas of learning and development?
5. What can be done to ensure children and young people are safe and protected?
6. What can be done to ensure children and young people have opportunity in life and
economic security?
7. What can be done to ensure that children and young people in Ireland are free from
poverty, disadvantage and social exclusion?
8. What can be done to ensure children and young people are respected and able to
contribute to their world?
9. Have the lives of children and young people in Ireland improved over the last decade, and
if so, how?
10. How has Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures helped achieve these improvements?
11. What could be done to respond to the impact of Covid-19 on children and young
12. What top five priorities should the new policy framework focus on, to improve the lives
of children and young people by 2028?
Closing date for receipt of submissions is close of business, Monday, 28 February 2022.

For more information see : here

○ Recovery College South East, Kilkenny - Upcoming Online and
in-house Workshops for February and March 2022

Recovery through Art (10 week workshop)
Venue: Recovery College South East
Dates: Thursday 20th, 27th January, Thursday 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th February, Thursday 3rd,
10th, 24th and 31st March
Times: 10.30 – 12.30pm

Art – no matter whether you choose to pick up a paint brush, or simply observe and enjoy it
– is a relaxing and inspiring activity for many people. This upcoming series of workshops will
offer people a space to explore their creative self, connect with others, or simply observe
and enjoy. There are many simple activities: painting, sketching, making collages, sculpting
with clay, etc. It doesn’t matter what media you choose. The only thing that matters is that
you feel comfortable using it. The benefits of artistic expression are well known and this
upcoming series of workshops will offer a space for people who enjoy being creative. Feel
free to drop in and say hello and find out more.

Understanding and Managing Stress (3 week workshop)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Thursday 3rd, 10th, 17th February
Times: 10am – 12pm

Stress is a common feature of modern living. Stress can be a mild experience for most
people and normal levels of stress are seen as necessary for achieving goals or tasks in life.
For others, stress can be severe and can have a negative impact on their life. This workshop

will help you gain a better understanding of stress and will explore effective ways to help
manage stress in your life.

The aim of this workshop is:

       ·     To understand stress and the effect it can have on your wellbeing
       ·     Discuss and explore practical ways of managing stress in your life

Mind over Mood (8 week workshop)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Thursday 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th February and Thursday 3rd, 10th, 24th and 31st
Times: 10am – 12pm

Change how you feel by changing the way you think. This 8 week workshop is a Mindful
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) based programme to improve mood and is particularly
suitable for those experiencing anxiety and depression.

The aim of this series of workshops is

        ·    To improve your mood
        ·    To learn skills and practical steps to feel better and make changes.

Each week builds on the previous week so it is advised to attend all of the weeks if
possible. Home practice exercises will be suggested for between session practices.

Understanding and Living with Hearing Voices (Morning workshop)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Friday 4th February
Times: 10am – 12pm

The experience of hearing voices can differ from person to person. Our uniqueness as
individuals is often reflected in the voices people experience. These voices can have distinct
content, identities, meaning and impact on the person experiencing them.

The aim of this workshop is:

        ·    to gain a better understanding of the common nature of voice hearing,

·     to explore the different individual experiences within the group
        ·     to discuss and share ideas for managing and living well with hearing voices

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep (Afternoon workshop)

Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Tuesday 8th February
Times: 2pm – 4pm

Do you have difficulty getting off to sleep at night? Wake up early in the morning? Spend
the night tossing and turning? Getting a good night’s sleep and developing a good sleep
routine is important for your wellbeing and recovery.

This aim of this workshop is to:

       ·     Explore the different stages of sleep
       ·     Discover the common causes of sleep problems
       ·     Identify techniques to develop better sleeping habits.

Creative Writing (Every Wednesday)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Wednesday 9th February – every Wednesday thereafter.
Times: 3pm – 4pm

Finding it hard to fill in your day? Looking for an activity or new interest? Why not join our
online creative writing group? Its fun, it’s entertaining and it is also a great way to meet new

This group is open to anyone, regardless of whether you are an experienced writer, a
beginner or even just curious abbot creative writing. This is a great way to express yourself
and what may be going on for you in your world.

So, come along, join the group and give it a go. Looking forward to meeting you.

Practical Facilitation Skills (4 week workshop)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Tuesday 15th, 22nd February and Tuesday 1st and 8th March
Times: 10am – 12pm

Delivering an effective presentation and having basic facilitation skills, whether for a
recovery education workshop or for other training sessions, to talk at a conference or even
get through a job interview, is becoming increasingly important.

The aim of this 4 part workshop is to

       ·     Gain a good understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a facilitator
       ·     Explore co-facilitation in relation to recovery education.
       ·     Explore different facilitation styles, the power of body language, helpful
       attitudes, values and interpersonal skills.
       ·     Gain practical experience in developing and delivering a short 10 minute
       presentation in a safe and supportive environment.

Understanding and Managing Depression (4 week workshop)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Wednesday 16th, 23rd February and Wednesday 2nd and 9th March
Times: 2pm – 4pm

Depression can be experienced differently from person to person. This 4-part workshop
helps you to explore depression and understand what it means to you and how you can
manage it effectively.
The aim of this workshop is:

       ·    To explore what depression is and the factors that may lead to depression
       ·    To provide practical and effective ways to help promote recovery from

Compassionate Mind (4 week workshop)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Tuesday 22nd February and Tuesday 1st, 8th and 15th March
Times: 10am – 11am

Compassion focused mindfulness practice specifically looks at cultivating and fostering a
kinder, more soothing approach to deal with difficult emotions and self-criticism.
The aim of this workshop is:
        ·     To recognize how critical self-talk lowers mood and sets up vicious negative
        cycles of feeling awful about ourselves.

·    To build compassion for ourselves to help counteract these vicious cycles. With
       a compassionate focus we can learn to think in a way that helps us to be more
       accepting of ourselves

Lunchtime Wellbeing
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Wednesday 23rd February
Times: 1pm – 1.45pm

Do you make quality time for yourself in your day? Do you find it hard to take time out? This
wellbeing session is a safe space for you to relax, unwind and refresh.
The session will include a variety of meditative practices such as mindfulness, visualization
and self-compassion as well as some simple and easy to do Tai Chi and Yoga movements. No
previous experience of these practices is necessary to join the session which will have a slow,
lighthearted and easy pace. The session will end with an opportunity for questions or
reflection within the group though this is optional to each individual.

The aim of this wellbeing session is:

       ·     To create a relaxing space for you to take some time out for yourself
       ·     To practice wellbeing techniques in a safe space

Understanding and Managing Addictions (4 week workshop)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Friday 25th February and Friday 4th, 11th, 18th March
Times: 10am – 12pm

People often experience problems with both mental health and addictions, and finding the
right help and support can be difficult.

The aim of this series of 4 part workshop is to:

       ·   Explore the many different aspects of this complex social issue.
       ·   Examine the relationship between mental health challenges and addictions
       ·   Identify commonly misused substances and the effects they can have on
       mental health, physical health and the person’s social circumstances
       ·   Explore people’s reasons for the repeated misuse of substances
       ·   Discuss the role of the family in the recovery process
       ·   Support you in making informed choices on the recovery journey
       ·   Identify the role of community supports in the recovery process

Understanding and Living with Psychosis (Morning workshop)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Friday 25th February
Times: 10am – 12pm

Psychosis can be experienced as having a different sense of reality to other people or
hearing voices. While psychosis is surprisingly common, it can be a very unsettling and
frightening experience for the person experiencing it as well as the people who care about
them. This workshop is for anyone who wants to better understand psychosis and learn
effective ways of living well it.

The aim of this workshop is:

       ·     To help you to understand psychosis through exploring existing knowledge and
       different perspectives around the topic
       ·     To provide coping strategies for living with psychosis and for promoting

Understanding and Living with Anxiety (4 week evening workshop)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Monday 28th February and Monday 7th, 14th, 21st March
Times: 7pm – 9pm

Everyone experiences periods of anxiety at some stage in their lives. We can feel tense,
uncertain, fearful or nervous. Anxiety is a word used to describe these moments of
discomfort. Anxiety can change from something everyone experiences in mild forms, to
something which is persistent, excessive or over-whelming. It can begin to interfere with
many aspects of your life – from confidence, to physical wellbeing and engagement in basic
or complex activities of living.

The aim of this 4-part workshop is:

       ·     to explore the facts and origins of anxiety,
       ·     explore the causes and symptoms associated with anxiety
       ·     look at and how anxiety affects people in different ways –
       ·     Explore practical and effective ways of managing and living with anxiety.

Support Group for people who live with Anxiety ( Last Monday every month)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Monday 28th February
Times: 10am – 11pm

This peer support group will give you an opportunity to share openly and safely your
personal experience of anxiety, what worked well for you, the day-to-day challenges of
living with anxiety, a chance to share your knowledge with and also learn coping tips and
tools from others who have experience of anxiety.
This group is open to everyone and will meet the last Monday of every Month from 10am-

Mental Health and Family Caring and Supporting the Supporters Programme (5 week
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Wednesday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th March
Times: 10am – 12pm

This workshop will support you in building skills to look after your own wellbeing whilst
caring for a person living with a mental health challenge.

The Aim of this workshop is :

       ·     To reflect on and build tools and techniques to enhance self-care
       ·     Expanded your understanding of the concepts of mental health, mental illness
       and recovery
       ·     Increased awareness around boundaries with regard to personal wellbeing and
       the caring role
       ·     To learn more about communication skills and active listening techniques
       ·     Learn about what supports and services are available for families

Understanding and Managing Anger (2 week workshop)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Tuesday 15th and 22nd March
Times: 10am – 12pm

What is Anger? Why do we feel it? Does Anger affect your wellbeing and quality of life?

Anger is a natural powerful emotion that we all experience from time to time. However
unchecked, it can impact negatively in our lives.

The aim of this workshop:

       ·     Discuss how to manage and be in control during moments of anger so that you
       can live well and ensure your wellbeing during those moments.
       ·     Explore what anger is and its effects.
       ·     Recognise our own anger cycle and identify strategies to work with.
       ·     Look at the process of anger and ways of truly dealing with physical and
       emotional responses.
       ·     Recognise the feelings and thoughts that are hidden behind our anger.
       ·     Understand the importance of effective communication when dealing with
       challenging situations will also be explored.

Let’s Talk Social Media and Wellbeing (Morning workshop)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Wednesday 16th March
Times: 10am – 12pm

In today’s world of social distancing and social isolation, social media has been an invaluable
tool for keeping connected to friends, family, work and the wider world. Whilst social
media, has many benefits, it’s important to remember that spending too much time
engaging with social media can also have its downside. Social media can never be a
replacement for face to face human connection. It requires in person contact with others to
trigger the hormones that alleviate stress and make you feel happier, healthier and more

The aim of this workshop is to:

       ·     Explore how to take ownership of your social media use, and recognise what
       drives your social media use
       ·     Identify the role social media plays in mental health, how it helps and how it

Food for Mood (Morning Workshop)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Monday 21st March
Times: 10am – 12pm

This workshop will explore the connection between food and mental health and
wellness. How true are the old sayings “An apple a day keeps the Doctor away” and “Your
health is your wealth”? Simple tips and tools for eating right for your mental health.

Understanding Paranoia (Morning workshop)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Friday 25th March
Times: 10am – 12pm

Many people experience paranoid thoughts at some point in their lives and people have
different experiences of paranoia. The symptoms vary in severity and may interfere with all
areas of life.

The aim of this workshop is to:

       ·      Explore paranoia and gain a better understanding of what paranoia might
       mean for you, for someone you care about, or work with and how it may affect your
       ·      Discuss some of the strategies for managing the experience of paranoia when it
       is distressing.

Support group for people who live with Anxiety (Last Monday each month)
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Monday 28th February and last Monday each month.
Times: 10am – 11pm

This peer support group will give you an opportunity to share openly and safely your
personal experience of anxiety, what worked well for you, the day-to-day challenges of
living with anxiety, a chance to share your knowledge with and also learn coping tips and
tools from others who have experience of anxiety.

This group is open to everyone and will meet the last Monday of every Month from 10am-

Lunchtime Wellbeing
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Wednesday 30th March
Times: 1pm – 1.45pm

Do you make quality time for yourself in your day? Do you find it hard to take time out? This
wellbeing session is a safe space for you to relax, unwind and refresh.
The session will include a variety of meditative practices such as mindfulness, visualization
and self-compassion as well as some simple and easy to do Tai Chi and Yoga movements. No
previous experience of these practices is necessary to join the session which will have a slow,
lighthearted and easy pace. The session will end with an opportunity for questions or
reflection within the group though this is optional to each individual.

The aim of this wellbeing session is:

       ·     To create a relaxing space for you to take some time out for yourself
       ·     To practice wellbeing techniques in a safe space

Creative Writing – Every Wednesday
Venue: ZOOM
Dates: Wednesday 30th March
Times: 3pm – 4pm

Finding it hard to fill in your day? Looking for an activity or new interest? Why not join our
online creative writing group? Its fun, it’s entertaining and it is also a great way to meet new

This group is open to anyone, regardless of whether you are an experienced writer, a
beginner or even just curious abbot creative writing. This is a great way to express yourself
and what may be going on for you in your world.

So, come along, join the group and give it a go. Looking forward to meeting you.

Recovery College South East
086 1746330 / www.recoverycollegesoutheast.com

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