Page created by April Carlson
Westpac AustCham Shanghai
   Business Sentiment Survey

Reflections on the Chinese
regulatory landscape     The GBA initiative
A “new phase of opening up”:                  illustrate, the general trend in the Chinese       will provide
Update on China’s foreign                     regulatory environment has in our view
                                              been incrementally positive. While the
                                                                                                 a valuable
investment environment                        Chinese government has more work                   opportunity for
2018 marked the 40th anniversary of
China’s journey towards economic reform.
                                              to do on improving the transparency,
                                              consistency and certainty of the regulatory        foreign companies
However, it was also the year in which the    environment, international business and
US and China engaged in a trade dispute       investors remain keen to grow businesses
which has resulted in hundreds of billions    in China and support economic growth.
of tariffs being imposed.                                                                       (including through a focus on strict

Despite the rising US-China bilateral trade
                                              Key regulatory and policy                         compliance with applicable laws,
                                                                                                regulations and policies).
tensions, China’s regulators continued        developments:
to implement new laws and economic            Moving from 2018 into 2019                      Following the announcement, China’s
policies in the spirit of reform and with                                                     State Administration of Foreign Exchange
a view to opening up China to foreign         Developments in China’s financial               issued new rules aimed at addressing
businesses wishing to access or expand        markets and financial services sector           foreign investors’ concerns about
their Chinese presence.                       In 2018, the new China Banking and              repatriating funds associated with their
                                              Insurance Regulatory Commission and             securities investments out of China.
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s remarks at                                                     Significant changes include:
the 2018 Boao Forum for Asia affirmed         China Securities Regulatory Commission
China’s continued commitment to improving     announced a number of measures                  ƒƒthe removal of the 20% limit on the
its foreign investment environment.           designed to attract foreign investment into       net amount of capital and profit that a
President Xi emphasised that China would      China’s financial services sector.                Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor
enter into a “new phase of opening up”,       The new policies reflect the following key        (QFII) can repatriate out of China each
and that China would “enhance alignment       principles:                                       month;
with international economic and trading
rules, increase transparency, strengthen      ƒƒChina’s financial sector will be open and     ƒƒthe removal of a lock-up period for QFIIs
                                                will afford equal treatment to investors        and RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional
property right protection, uphold the                                                           Investors (RQFIIs) – previously, no
rule of law, encourage competition and          offering quality financial services;
                                                                                                repatriation could be made during the
oppose monopoly”.                             ƒƒthe reform of China’s financial sector will     lock-up period; and
This note briefly surveys the developments      proceed in conjunction with reforms in
in China’s regulatory landscape in the          China’s exchange rate mechanism and           ƒƒallowing QFIIs and RQFIIs to hedge FX
                                                further reforms to its capital account          risks associated with their investments in
last year. It is not intended to describe                                                       Chinese securities.
all of the changes in Chinese regulation        policies; and
that have occurred across a variety of        ƒƒduring the reform process, China’s focus      Greater Bay Area initiative
sectors and the plans for further review.       on the management and prevention of           Over the last year, China progressed the
However, as the following key examples          financial risks will remain paramount         Greater Bay Area (GBA) initiative, under
which key cities in Southern China, including     The GBA is also seen as an important         However, while the growth opportunities
Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou, and                  Belt & Road hub providing opportunities      for consumer products together with
Shenzhen will be integrated into one single,      for international cooperation in             the lowering of tariffs present positive
globally connected economic zone by 2035.         infrastructure connectivity, as well as      opportunities for businesses to enter or
                                                  commerce, trade and logistics.               increase their presence in the Chinese
As one of the Chinese government’s most
                                                                                               market, the uncertain global political
ambitious economic policy priorities for        You can understand more about the
                                                                                               landscape together with increased political
2019 and beyond, the GBA initiative will        Outline and its vision for the core GBA
                                                                                               scrutiny on trade negotiations could give
provide a valuable opportunity for foreign      cities by reading: A new blueprint
                                                                                               rise to unexpected policy movements on
companies seeking to refresh their existing     for growth — Analysis of the Outline
                                                                                               Australian exports into China.
China market entry and engagement               Development Plan for the Guangdong-
strategies. It also groups together several     Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
economic regions with which Australia has                                                      Takeaways for 2019
enjoyed strong trade relationships.             Chinese imports and the impact of              and beyond
                                                regulations and trade negotiations
After much anticipation, the long-awaited                                                      Overall, China has continued its trend
Outline Development Plan for the                In recent years, Chinese regulatory reforms    of gradual economic reform with the
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater               for consumer products including cosmetics,     announcement of key regulatory and
Bay Area (the “Outline”) was released on        infant formula, and drugs and medical          policy developments.
18 February 2019. The Outline follows           devices have created key opportunities
                                                for foreign businesses to export quality       China’s continuous efforts to ease
the signing of the Framework Agreement
                                                products into the Chinese market.              restrictions for foreign investors, increase
on Deepening Guangdong-Hong Kong-
                                                                                               transparency, and encourage growth
Macao Cooperation in the Development of         Together with the continued rise of internet   and investment, including throughout the
the Greater Bay Area on 1 July 2017.            intermediaries and e-commerce channels,        GBA, affirms the Chinese government’s
The GBA outline contemplates:                   as well as moves from the Chinese              goals of improving the foreign investment
                                                government to increase IP protections,         environment and attracting investment.
ƒƒ(financial sector) presenting the GBA         foreign businesses of popular consumer
  as an international financial hub, with       products have seen China emerge as a           However, while the volatility in the global
  established systems and regulations           key growth market.                             landscape may have an impact, these
  in line with international standards;                                                        broad reform initiatives present exciting
  establishing a regional centre for equity      The most common e-commerce channels           opportunities for foreign businesses,
  and commodity trading, expanding               used among survey respondents to sell         particularly in certain key sectors including
  the scope and cross-boundary use               products and services                         financial services, technology as well as
  of RMB in the GBA and launching                                                              infrastructure, the increased volatility in the
  cross-boundary RMB interbank lending,               59.7%                                    global political landscape may also have
  foreign exchange businesses and                                                              an impact on foreign businesses over the
  related derivative products;                                              47.2%              course of 2019.

ƒƒ(innovations and technologies)
  creating smart cities within the GBA
  to encourage a culture of innovation,                                                          Contacts
  including the creation of start-ups and
  innovations in new materials, high-
  end medical diagnosis and treatment,                 WeChat                Alibaba
  genetic testing, new energy, and
  environmental protection. This will           While the majority of respondents (38.8%)
  be supported by R&D programs and              said that less than 10% of sales in China
  special funding for joint innovation          are generated through online channels,           Will Heath
  programs within the GBA;                      many respondents were either developing          Partner, Melbourne
                                                a China e-commerce strategy (29.4%)              T +61 3 9643 4267
ƒƒ(dispute resolution, governance and           or improving their China e-commerce              M +61 415 603 240
  cooperation in legal matters) developing
                                                strategy (15.17%).                               will.heath@au.kwm.com
  an international arbitration centre in
  the GBA, strengthening anti-corruption        At a global level, China announced three
  mechanisms, expanding integrated              rounds of tariff cuts across 2018, lowering
  community service functions across the        import taxes on a wide variety of consumer
  GBA and using legislative powers to           goods and industrial products.
  accelerate the establishment of a legal
                                                For foreign businesses, under the
  system aimed at facilitating an open
                                                protection of the China-Australia Free
  economy; and                                                                                   Cammie Teo
                                                Trade Agreement, tariffs on Australian
                                                                                                 Solicitor, Melbourne
ƒƒ(infrastructure) improving infrastructure     exports such as wine, opals, beef and
                                                                                                 T +61 3 9643 4376
  across key areas such as                      dairy as well as whisky, pharmaceuticals,
  transport, information and internet           vitamins and health products are expected        M +61 401 229 039
  communications, and energy resources.         to be reduced or eliminated in 2019.             cammie.teo@au.kwm.com
E-commerce opportunities and
challenges for foreign businesses

                                                                                                   e-commerce in
                                                                                                   China is forecast
Challenges and opportunities                     experiences through social media
for foreign businesses                           networks in China is critical for Australian      to exceed
E-commerce in China is and will continue
                                                 brands to gain traction in the Chinese
                                                 market. This can lead to a large
                                                                                                   USD$140 billion
to play a key role in driving growth in          network of local Chinese consumers                by 2021
many Chinese industries. Many foreign            promoting these brands via their own
businesses wishing to grow in China              social media networks, reviewing sites
must have a detailed and well thought out        and re-ordering the same product online
e-commerce strategy in order to remain                                                          planning or actively developing a stratey.
                                                 delivered to their door upon their return
relevant and competitive in China.                                                              In a landscape where mobile-first
                                                 to China.
                                                                                                consumers are easily tempted by
Key challenges facing foreign businesses       ƒƒFashion represents a burgeoning                redefined customer experiences, retailers
when conducting e-commerce business              opportunity with a handful of iconic           must be innovative to stay ahead of the
in China include recruiting and retaining        Australian fashion labels already active       curve. To this end, there has been a
human capital with relevant experience           on Tmall and other Chinese e-commerce          substantial uptake in the use of a variety
in the Chinese e-commerce market and             platforms. Savvy Chinese shoppers are          of e-commerce channels beyond WeChat,
relationships with multiple platforms, speed     reselling many independent and small           including Alibaba, JD.com and through the
of change and rise of new platforms,             Australian labels leveraging the popularity    daigou community.
navigating the changing regulatory               of Sydney and Melbourne’s more sought
landscape in China, and the lack of deep                                                        The caveat to this enormous growth and
                                                 after fashion destinations and laneways.
domestic social media know-how.                                                                 opportunity is that the Chinese e-commerce
                                                 The two major annual fashion festivals
                                                                                                market is extremely competitive and foreign
The top three opportunities for foreign          in Australia have also courted leading
                                                                                                businesses must be creative and flexible
businesses to leverage in order to               Chinese fashion bloggers, models and
                                                                                                to stay relevant in this constantly changing
effectively capitalise on digital and            Chinese e-commerce giants in recent
                                                                                                market. The fluctuating and unpredictable
e-commerce trends in China are:                  years and this coverage has had positive
                                                                                                changes in government regulation also
                                                 knock-on effects in China.
                                                                                                present a very real challenge to foreign
ƒƒAustralia’s domestic pool of Chinese                                                          businesses.
  speaking talent with professional            Observations about foreign
  backgrounds in the broader daigou                                                             In addition, relations between Australia and
  economy and the related services and
                                                                                                China at a political level continue to bear
  skills that support this phenomenon.         As the largest retail market in the world,       heavily on Australian companies prospects
  This includes China-facing product           it is no surprise that China is more             flourishing in the Chinese market. Whilst
  incubation, promotion via social media       advanced in the e-commerce market than           Australian companies appear to be
  and acting as a bridge between               arguably any other market in the world.          more upbeat about their prospects in
  Australian corporate expectations and        The growing millennial and middle-class          China compared to companies based
  mainland China’s highly competitive and      consumer base with greater disposable            in the US and Europe, over half of
  frenetic pace.                               income continues to propel lower tier            foreign businesses operating in China
                                               cities into the ‘first-class opportunity’        perceive unfair treatment compared to
ƒƒAustralia’s product innovation around        spotlight. The e-commerce market is a            domestic competitors.
  food and wine, mother and baby,
                                               valuable opportunity for foreign businesses
  personal care and beauty products - in
                                               to access significant untapped market            Trends and changes in the
  particular the organic and all-natural
                                               potential as these cities mature and the
  space - and the clean and green
                                               appetite for Australian products, often
                                                                                                e-commerce space in China
  provenance story around farm to plate.
                                               seen to be premium, grows.
  Foreign businesses need to have the                                                           Growing cross-border e-commerce
  ability to market this story to the global   The 2019 Westpac Australia-China                 The market size of cross-border
  Chinese shopper, including experiences       Business Sentiment Survey Report                 e-commerce in China for 2016 was
  such as farm gate, cellar door, vineyard,    indicated that 30.3% of Australian               USD$78.5 billion and is forecast to exceed
  seafood market and other specialist          businesses have a China e-commerce               USD$140 billion by 2021.
  locations. The ability to leverage these     strategy in place, with another 29.4%
Drivers of this growth include a trusted       flow of goods between Australia and China         Despite the increasing regulatory
digital payments infrastructure, an increase   through daigou.                                   challenges and complex bilateral relations,
in the number of Chinese travelling abroad                                                       the majority of foreign businesses are
                                               The new Chinese e-commerce law will
and gaining exposure to international                                                            optimistic about the future of Chinese
                                               also hold e-commerce platforms jointly
brands and products, and concerns                                                                e-commerce sales.
                                               liable for the actions of their online sellers.
relating to consumer and food safety in
                                               There will now be joint liability for sale of     Key takeaways for foreign businesses:
China. Key product categories such as
                                               counterfeit and copycat merchandise
baby products, health and nutrition, beauty
                                               online which will require foreign businesses      ƒƒCultivate good relationships with
and organic food products from foreign                                                             e-commerce platforms.
                                               to be more active in the way in which they
businesses continue to be held in high
demand by the Chinese consumer.
                                               sell their goods in China.                        ƒƒImplement robust intellectual property
                                               ƒƒThe new law places joint liability on
Increasing rigorous regulatory                   platform operators and merchants                ƒƒLook beyond major capital cities in China.
landscape                                        for selling counterfeit and copycat
Regulators in China are implementing             merchandise on their websites.                  ƒƒA variety in product choice is valued.
an increasing number of regulatory               Previously, only individual merchants           ƒƒConsider how to reduce excessive
requirements on cross-border e-commerce          were liable for such conduct.                     amounts of packaging and plastic waste.
sales which have had a direct impact
                                               ƒƒThe new law applies to e-commerce               ƒƒThink about unique and trends
on foreign businesses operating in the           platform operators, third-party                   opportunities in order to leverage brand
Chinese market.                                  merchants who sell goods and services             Australia and increase your e-commerce
These regulations will require foreign           on others’ e-commerce platforms, and              sales in China.
businesses to comply with a stronger             online vendors operating their own
compliance regime in particular with respect     websites or network channels.
to the use of daigou and IP protections.
                                               ƒƒAll merchants selling online in China             Contacts
An important change in the regulatory            will need to register for an online selling
regime governing imports of foreign              certificate to be displayed in their
products through e-commerce channels             online store.
is that daigou will be required to register
as e-commerce operators and acquire            Sustainable packaging
licenses in both China and the country         Chinese consumers received nearly
where they purchase goods. This means          1.9 billion packages within 10 days
                                                                                                   Edwina Kwan
that all daigou purchases will now be          of the Double 11 shopping festival on
                                                                                                   Senior Associate, Sydney
subject to taxation in China.                  11 November 2018. The excessive
                                                                                                   T +61 2 9296 2126
                                               packaging materials have contributed
Daigou have traditionally made up a                                                                M +61 439 915 252
                                               to China being the leading producer of
significant proportion of imports into                                                             edwina.kwan@au.kwm.com
                                               waste and this has been raised by the
China of Australian goods as a result of
                                               Chinese government as a concern.
e-commerce transactions so this new
regulatory measure will impact upon the        As a result, the Chinese government is
way in which foreign businesses engage         now actively promoting the development
the daigou as a tool for their e-commerce      of sustainable packaging to lower the
business in China.                             carbon footprint of the industry.
Chinese customs have noted that they will      Foreign businesses should be aware of the           Diana Liu
take a stricter approach on undeclared         Chinese government’s approach to packaging.         Solicitor, Sydney
parcels which have traditionally been sent                                                         T +61 2 9296 2057
by daigou. This measure is targeted at         What does this mean for                             M +61 427 397 768
ensuring all cross border e commerce                                                               diana.liu@au.kwm.com
                                               foreign businesses?
purchases are subject to Chinese taxes.
However foreign businesses that have           Online channels account for less than
relied heavily upon daigou as part of their    10% of sales for almost half of foreign
e-commerce strategy should be aware of         businesses.
the impact this measure may have on the

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