Welcome to Paris Your Hub to Europe - Plaquette-Institutionnelle Complete

Page created by Katie Brady
Welcome to Paris Your Hub to Europe - Plaquette-Institutionnelle Complete
Welcome to Paris
    Your Hub to Europe

                         July 2022
Welcome to Paris Your Hub to Europe - Plaquette-Institutionnelle Complete

                                                   Paris EUROPLACE is the body in charge of developing
                                            and promoting Paris as an international financial center.
                                            Paris EUROPLACE is chaired by Augustin de ROMANET, Chairman
                                            and CEO, ADP Group.
                                            Paris EUROPLACE brings together 700+ members, investors,
                                            sustainable finance entities, banks and financial intermediaries,
                                            FinTech, attorneys and accountants, consulting firms, professional
                                            associations, etc., as well as the financial market authorities.

     New initiatives to position Paris in the sectors of the        Financial research: the Institut Louis Bachelier promotes,
   future:                                                        shares and disseminates research in economics and finance.
      • Sustainable Finance: Finance for Tomorrow contri-
                                                                     Think tanks and Working groups: to enhance the Paris
      butes to mobilizing the Paris market players towards a
                                                                  financial services business regulatory and global
      sustainable and low carbon economy, in line with the
                                                                  environment, by proposing reforms and initiatives to
      Paris Agreement.
                                                                  improve the competitiveness of the Paris financial center.
      • Innovation: the FINANCE INNOVATION Cluster
      guides the development of Fintechs in the most                 European Financial Market Place: contributing to Euro-
      innovative fields: new payment solutions, Blockchain,       pean working groups and consultations on European
      AI, risk management, asset management, insurtech,…          financial markets and establish permanent relations with
                                                                  the European Commission and Parliament.
      • Infrastructure Financing: France offers a world class
      ecosystem with the presence of leading international         International cooperation: to develop dialogue, close ties
      companies in aeronautics, energy, environment,              and cooperation with emerging financial centers through
      transportation and wealth infrastructures, as well as       the signature of MOUs and the organization of International
      the best knowhow of french banks in that field and          Financial Forums.
      the development of new dedicated investment funds.

                                                                                       Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB)
   2030                                                                                www.institutlouisbachelier.org

   Global Strategy:
                                                                                       FINANCIAL RESEARCH

                                                     Finance for Tomorrow
1. To improve the Paris financial                    SUSTAINABLE FINANCE
                                                                                                                        AEFR (Association
   center’s competitiveness.                                                                                                 Régulations)
2. To consolidate the position                                                                                                REGULATORY
   of Paris in its sectors of
   excellence such as investment
   banking, insurance, asset
   management, corporate
   To accelerate the industrial
   initiatives with three key
     • Sustainable and
       environmental finance;                                                                                                 FINANCE
     • Financial innovation;                     Emergence                                                     www.finance-innovation.org
                                                                                                                          FINTECH CLUSTER
     • Infrastructure financing.                 NEW INNOVATIVE ASSET
                                                 MANAGEMENT COMPANIES

3. To strengthen the contribution
   of the Paris financial center                                                             Paris EUROPLACE’s
   at the European and
   International levels.                                                              Ecosystem
Welcome to Paris Your Hub to Europe - Plaquette-Institutionnelle Complete

Committees and Working Groups
                                     Equity Growth                           Market Data
                                     Coordinated by Arnaud de BRESSON,       Coordinated by Simon JANIN,
                                     CEO, Paris EUROPLACE                    Head of Public Affairs, Amundi

         WORKING                     Europe                                  Paris Financial Center
         GROUPS                      Coordinated by Arnaud de BRESSON,       Competitiveness
                                     CEO, Paris EUROPLACE                    Coordinated by Pierre BOLLON,
Artificial Intelligence                                                      AFG
Coordinated by Nicolas MERIC,        FinTech Regulation
CEO, DreamQuark                      Coordinated by Hubert de VAUPLANE,      Promotion
                                     Partner, Kramer Levin                   Coordinated by Arnaud de BRESSON,
Cybersecurity                                                                CEO, Paris EUROPLACE
Coordinated by Antoine CREUX,        IPOs/SPACs
Chief Security Officer,              Coordinated by Philippe HENRY,          Securitization
Société générale                     Paris EUROPLACE Advisor                 Coordinated by Gilles SAINT-MARC,
                                                                             Kramer Levin
Derivatives                          Legal and Regulatory Environment
Coordinated by Vincent REMAY,        Coordinated by Michel PRADA,
                                                                             Social European Challenges
Special Advisor, VIEL                Chairman, Conseil de Normalisation
                                                                             Coordinated by Simon JANIN,
                                     des Comptes Publics
                                                                             Head of Public Affairs, Amundi
Digital Currency,                    Sub-committees:
Crypto Assets                        Debt securities (Marc-Etienne SEBIRE,   Special Contracts
European Regulation                  CMS Francis Lefebvre),                  Coordinated by Louis THIBIERGE,
Coordinated by Hubert de VAUPLANE,   Fintech (Hubert de VAUPLANE),           De Pardieu Brocas Maffei
Partner, Kramer Levin                Taxation (Blandine LEPORCQ, FBF)
                                                                             Trade Finance
Digital, Use cases                   Long term Savings                       Coordinated by Philippe HENRY,
Coordinated by Marianne DEMARCHI,    Coordinated by David VAILLANT,          Paris EUROPLACE Advisor
Paris EUROPLACE Advisor              BNP Paribas AM

                                     Corporates                              Investors
                                     Chaired by                              Chaired by
                                     Xavier GIRRE,                           Valérie BAUDSON,
                                     Group Senior Executive                  CEO, AMUNDI
          BOARD                      Vice-President, Finance,
        COMMITTEES                   EDF

                                     China and
                                     South East Asia
        EMERGING                     —
        MARKETS                      Middle
       COMMITTEES                    East
Welcome to Paris Your Hub to Europe - Plaquette-Institutionnelle Complete

     Competitive Advantages in the EU *
          The only “Global City” in the EU                                                                            The most
                                                                                                                      innovative and
                                                                • The largest economic                                sustainable financial
                                                                  region, with 5% of the
                                                                  EU GDP.
                                                                                                                      center in the EU

      • Paris region No.1 in
        Europe and No.3 worldwide
        for hosting the world’s Top
        500 corporate headquarters.

                                                                • Access to a market of
                                                                  450 million European                                       The EU largest
      • Paris, at the heart of Europe.                                                                                            base
        Strategic geographical position
        and convenient access by air,
        rail and road transportation.


        PARIS - NEW YORK                                        North          1:50
                                          DUBLIN                 Sea
                8:30                        1:40
                           To US
                                A                            AMSTERDAM
                                                                 1:15              BERLIN
                                                                                                                           Recognized expertise
      PARIS - SAN FRANCISCO                                                                            MOSCOW
                11:25                           LONDON
                                                                    3:18             1:35   WARSAW       3:30               and know-how in

       PARIS - LOS ANGELES                        1:20         BRUSSELS
                11:35                                            0:55 FRANKFURT
                                                                 1:20   1:20

                                                                        3:50 MUNICH                         To Asia
                               Ocean                      PARIS              1:15
                                                                            ZURICH                   PARIS - TOKYO
                                                                              1:15                        11:55
                                                             GENEVA                              PARIS - SHANGHAI
                                                               1:10 MILANO                                11:10
                                                                3:05   1:30

                                    MADRID          BARCELONA                  ROME
                      LISBON          2:05              1:40                    2:00

                                    To Africa
                   CASABLANCA                         ALGIERS              TUNIS

          A business-friendly                                                 • A reduced labour cost (impatriates regime) and flexible
                                                                                labour rules;
                                                                              • A new business friendly environment;
                                                                              • Attractive tax disposals (low corporate income tax,
                                                                                abolition of the wealth tax, flat tax).

* European Union
Welcome to Paris Your Hub to Europe - Plaquette-Institutionnelle Complete
The leading financial
        center in the EU                                                 BME
                                                                         Spanish                                   EURONEXT
           • The largest EU stock                                                                                     53 %
             exchange, in terms of                          Nasdaq OMX
             market capitalization                          18 %
             and value of equity
             trading.                                                                           Deutsche                           Others
                                                                                                Börse                              5%
                                                                            (in % total EU      18 %
                                                                              market cap.)                                      Source:
                                                                                                                                FESE, December 2021

                                                      • The EU deepest                            Others
                                                                                                  15 %
                                                        and most liquid
                                                        corporate bond
                                                        market.                         Spain
                                                                                                               (% of total
                                                                                                             EU outstanding)
                                                                                                                                   43 %

                                                                                             10 %
A dynamic                                                                                                                                        Source:

& Sustainable
                                                                                                             Germany 15 %                      BIS, 2021

   Finance Center
                                                             • The largest asset management
                                                               pool in the EU, more than
                                                               4,588 bn€ in assets under                                    38 %
                                                               management in France.
                                                                                                     24 %
                                                                             15 %                                                           share of
                                                     13 %                                                                                   main AuM
                                                                                                                                            in the EU
                                 3%                                                                                                         Source:
                                                                                                                                            EFAMA Report,
                                 Spain               Italy               Netherlands              Germany               FRANCE

           • A critical mass of financial market players.

     1   st
       Business                                                             N°  1                                                    1  st

                                                                                                                                             in EU in
  Center in Europe                                                                                          N°
                                         5    French                     INSURANCE                                             GLOBAL FINANCIAL
  i.e. presence of the clients
   of financial institutions &                BANKS                        Market                 PRIVATE EQUITY                 CENTER INDEX
           the talents                   in the EU top 10                   in the EU                       in the EU                  Ranking
Welcome to Paris Your Hub to Europe - Plaquette-Institutionnelle Complete
Join us !
     Paris EUROPL ACE is the body in charge of
     developing and promoting Paris as an international
     financial center. Paris EUROPLACE is chaired by
     Augustin de ROMANET, Chairman and CEO, ADP

     Paris EUROPLACE brings together 700+ members,
     investors, sustainable finance entities, banks
     and financial intermediaries, FinTech, attorneys
     and accountants, consulting firms, professional

                                                                      Graphic design: Alex Ly Design
     associations, etc., as well as the financial market

     As Paris EUROPLACE is extending its actions
     for the competitiveness and attractiveness of
     the Paris Financial Center, being a member of
     Paris EUROPLACE offers a wide range of servi-
     ces such as: participating in working groups,
     attending international financial forums, joining
     the Sustainable Finance as well as the Fintech &
     Research communities, benefiting from leading-
     edge services and information (economic and
     regulatory framework, taxation,…).

     Palais Brongniart
28, place de la Bourse
 75002 Paris – France
T: (+33) 1 70 98 06 30
F: (+33) 1 70 98 06 31                      Paris EUROPLACE
Welcome to Paris Your Hub to Europe - Plaquette-Institutionnelle Complete
July 2022

          Paris EUROPLACE’s

           Board of
Steering Committee
        & Members
Welcome to Paris Your Hub to Europe - Plaquette-Institutionnelle Complete

Board of
Board of Directors chaired by
Augustin de ROMANET, Chairman & CEO, Groupe ADP,
Chairman of the Board of Directors, PARIS EUROPLACE

Jean-Paul AGON, Chairman & CEO, L’Oréal            Xavier GIRRE, Group Senior Executive Vice-        Yves PERRIER, Chairman, Amundi, Vice
Cyril ARMANGE, Deputy General Manager,             President, Group Finance, EDF, Chairman of the    Chairman, Paris EUROPLACE
Finance Innovation, Staff Delegate, Paris          Paris EUROPLACE Corporate Committee               Pascal PINCEMIN, Founder and Managing
EUROPLACE                                          Emmanuel GOLDSTEIN, Country Head & CEO,           Director, PPI Consulting
Bernard ARNAULT, Chairman & CEO, LVMH              Morgan Stanley France                             Patrick POUYANNÉ, Chairman & CEO, Total
Jacques ASCHENBROICH, Chairman of the              Antoine GOSSET-GRAINVILLE, Chairman of            Arnaud de PUYFONTAINE, Chairman of the
Board of Directors, Valeo, Chairman of the Board   the Board, Axa                                    Board, Vivendi
of Directors, Orange                               Catherine GRANDPIERRE-MANGIN,                     Alain RAUSCHER, Managing Partner & CEO,
Maya ATIG, Chief Executive Officer, French         Chairwoman, KLESIA                                Antin Infrastructure Partners
Banking Federation (FBF)                           Marie GUILLEMOT, Chairwoman of the Board,         Vincent REMAY, Senior Advisor, VIEL & Cie,
Pascale AUCLAIR, General Secretary, La             KPMG                                              Treasurer, Paris EUROPLACE
Française Group                                    Phillipe HEIM, Chairman of the Executive Board,   Dominique RESTINO, Chairman, CCI Paris Île-
Patricia BARBIZET, Chairman, Temaris &             La Banque Postale                                 de-France
Associés                                           Christel HEYDEMANN, Chief Executive Officer,      Alexandre RICARD, Chairman & CEO, Pernod
Valérie BAUDSON, Chief Executive Officer,          Orange                                            Ricard
Amundi, Chairwoman of the Paris EUROPLACE          Anne HIDALGO, Mayor of Paris, Ville de Paris      Jean-Manuel RICHIER, Co-Head of Global
Institutional Investors Committee                  Vanessa HOLZ, CEO, Bank of America                Banking and Head of Investment Banking, HSBC
Benoit BAZIN, Chief Executive Officer, Saint-      Securities Europe S.A., France Country            Continental Europe
Gobain                                             Executive, Bank of America                        Thomas SAUNIER, Chief Executive Officer,
Thibaut BECHETOILLE, Chairman, Croissance          Vincent HUBERT, Managing Director, Santander      Malakoff Humanis
Plus                                               Pierre HUDRY, Partner, Goldman Sachs              Jean-Dominique SENARD, Chairman, Renault
Stéphane BOUJNAH, CEO & Chairman of the            Jean LEMIERRE, Chairman, BNP PARIBAS, Vice        Philippe SETBON, Chairman, French Asset
Managing Board, Euronext                           Chairman, Paris EUROPLACE                         Management Association (AFG)
Geoffroy BOULARD, Mayor of Paris 17th              Jean-Bernard LEVY, Chairman & CEO, EDF            Olivier VIGNA, Deputy CEO, Paris EUROPLACE
arrondissement, Vice President in charge of
Communication and Digital Innovation, Métropole    André LEVY-LANG, Chairman, Institut Louis         François VILLEROY DE GALHAU, Governor,
du Grand Paris                                     Bachelier (ILB)                                   Banque de France
Philippe BRASSAC, Chief Executive Officer,         Eric LOMBARD, Chief Executive Officer, Caisse
Crédit Agricole SA                                 des Dépôts
Arnaud de BRESSON, Chief Executive Officer,        Florence LUSTMAN, Chairman, France
Paris EUROPLACE                                    Assureurs
Jean-Pierre CLAMADIEU, Chairman of the             Catherine MACGREGOR, Chief Executive
Board, ENGIE                                       Officer, ENGIE
Patrick COMBES, Chairman & CEO, VIEL & Cie         Frédéric MAZZELLA, Founder & President,
Kyril COURBOIN, Managing Director, J.P.
Morgan France                                      Laurent MIGNON, Chief Executive Officer, BPCE
Adrien COURET, Managing Director, AEMA             Jean-François MONTEILS, Chairman of the
Groupe                                             Board, Société du Grand Paris
Thierry DEAU, Founder and CEO, Meridiam,           Virginie MORGON, Chief Executive Officer,
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Finance for    Eurazeo
Tomorrow                                           Emmanuel MOULIN, Director General of the
Alexandra DUBLANCHE, President, Choose             Treasury, French Treasury
Paris Region                                       Robert OPHELE, Chairman, French Financial
                                                   Market Authority (AMF)
Nicolas DUFOURCQ, Chief Executive Officer,
Bpifrance                                          Frédéric OUDÉA, Chief Executive Officer,
                                                   Société Générale
Guillaume ELIET, Chief Executive Officer,
Euroclear France                                   Stéphane PALLEZ, Chairman & CEO, La
                                                   Française des Jeux
Bernard GAINNIER, CEO & Founder, Biomanity,
Chairman, Finance Innovation                       Alain PAPIASSE, Chairman of Corporate and
                                                   Institutional Banking, BNP PARIBAS, Chairman
Stéphane GIORDANO, Chairman, Association
                                                   of the Steering Committee, Paris EUROPLACE
Française Des Marchés Financiers (AMAFI)
                                                   Laurence PARISOT, Chairwoman, Citi France
Jean-Louis GIRODOLLE, Chief Executive Officer,
Lazard Investment Banking France

Welcome to Paris Your Hub to Europe - Plaquette-Institutionnelle Complete

Steering Committee chaired by
Alain PAPIASSE, Chairman of Corporate and Institutional Banking, BNP Paribas,
Chairman of the Steering Committee, PARIS EUROPLACE

Delphine d’AMARZIT, Chairman and CEO,            François GONORD, Mission Director Corporate        David SIMON, Head of Investments, Finance and
Euronext Paris                                   Financing, MEDEF                                   Risk, AG2R La Mondiale
Cyril ARMANGE, Deputy General Manager,           Lionel GROTTO, Chief Executive Officer, Choose     Karine SIRMAIN, Director of Treasury, Risk &
Finance Innovation, Staff Delegate, Paris        Paris Region                                       Insurance, ENGIE
EUROPLACE                                        Bertrand du GUERNY, Managing Director,             François SOULMAGNON, Chief Executive
Maya ATIG, Chief Executive Officer, French       Emergence                                          Officer, AFEP
Banking Federation (FBF)                         Jean-Jacques GUIONY, Chief Financial Officer,      Muriel de SZILBEREKY, Chief Executive Officer,
Jean-Pierre AUBIN, Co-Global Head, Aurel BGC     LVMH                                               ANSA
Pascale AUCLAIR, General Secretary, La           Stéphanie HUBERT, Deputy General Manager,          Olivier VIGNA, Deputy CEO, Paris EUROPLACE
Française Group                                  AMAFI                                              Karim ZINE-EDDINE, Director of Research,
Alban AUCOIN, Head of Public Affairs, Crédit     Nadine HUYNH, Director of International            Corporate and Infrastructure Financing, Paris
Agricole SA                                      Development, PARIS EUROPLACE                       EUROPLACE
Nathalie AUFAUVRE, Director General for          Benoît de JUVIGNY, General Secretary, French
Financial Stability and Operations , Banque de   Financial Market Authority (AMF)
France                                           Benoît de LA CHAPELLE BIZOT, Director of
Stéphane AUSTRY, Partner, CMS Francis            Public Affairs, Groupe BPCE
Lefebvre                                         Christine LEPAGE, Deputy General Manager,
Sébastian AYTON, Managing Director - Fixed       MEDEF
Income, Goldman Sachs                            Florence LOUETTE, Head of the Attractiveness,
Jean-Michel BEACCO, Managing Director,           Local Economy, Culture and Tourism Department,
Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB)                   Métropole du Grand Paris
Thibaut BECHETOILLE, Chairman, Croissance        Olivier MAREUSE, Director of Asset
Plus                                             Management and Director of Savings Funds,
Pauline BECQUEY, Chief Executive Officer,        Caisse des Dépôts
Finance for Tomorrow                             Emmanuel-Georges MICHELIN, Deputy
Frédéric BEDIN, Managing Director and            Director of Public Affairs, BPCE
President of the Management Board, Hopscotch     David MONTEAU, Director of Economic
Group                                            Development, Attractiveness and Digital Affairs,
Daniel BIARNEIX, Chairman, AFTE                  Métropole du Grand Paris

Pierre BOLLON, Managing Director – Head          Maximilien NAYARADOU, Managing Director,
of International Department, French Asset        Finance Innovation
Management Association (AFG)                     Pascal PINCEMIN, Founder and Managing
Matthieu BOUCHERY, Financing and Treasury        Director, PPI Consulting, Chairman of the
Director, Orange                                 Accounting Committee, Paris EUROPLACE

Arnaud de BRESSON, Chief Executive Officer,      Patricia PLAS, Director of Public Affairs, AXA
Paris EUROPLACE                                  Philippe POIGET, Senior Advisor, France
Gilles BRIATTA, General Secretary, Société       Assureurs
Générale                                         Michel PRADA, Chairman, International
Sabine CASTELAN-POQUET, Chief Investment         Valuation Standards Council
Officer, AEMA Groupe                             Dominique de PRENEUF, Managing Director,
Pierre CHABROL, Deputy Director of Corporate     French Asset Management Association (AFG)
Finance and Financial Markets, French Treasury   Vincent REMAY, Senior Advisor, VIEL & Cie,
Michel COJEAN, Managing Director, AEFR           Treasurer, Paris EUROPLACE

Stéphane COSSÉ, Director of Public Affairs,      Jean-Manuel RICHIER, Co-Head of Global
Covéa                                            Banking and Head of Investment Banking, HSBC
                                                 Continental Europe
Fabrice DEMARIGNY, Partner and Member of
the Group Governing Council, Mazars              Jacques ROSSI, Partner, Cabinet Rossi

Alexis DUPONT, Managing Director, France         Gilles SAINT MARC, Partner, Kramer Levin
Invest                                           Bertrand de SAINT MARS, Chief Executive,
Guillaume ELIET, Chief Executive Officer,        AMAFI
Euroclear France                                 Florence SALIBA, Director of Financing and
Sylvain de FORGES, Chairman, Revue               Treasury, Danone
d’économie financière                            Philippe SETBON, Chief Executive Officer,
Laurence FRAISSINET-DUBOIS, Managing             Ostrum Asset Management
Director, UniCredit                                                                                                                                  3
Welcome to Paris Your Hub to Europe - Plaquette-Institutionnelle Complete

Founding Members                               Generali France                       Brokers
                                               GFI Securities
                                               GIE du Groupe Aviva France
Banque de France                                                                     Aurel BGC
                                               GIE La Mondiale Groupe
Caisse des Dépôts                                                                    Exane
CCI de Paris Île-de-France                                                           Kepler Chevreux
                                               Groupama Asset Management
Région Île-de-France                                                                 VIEL & Cie
                                               Groupe GTI
Euroclear France
                                               Groupe La Française
Ville de Paris
                                               Hugau Gestion SAS                     Law Firms
                                               Humanis GIE Fonctions Groupe
                                               Idinvest Partners
                                                                                     Addleshaw Goddard Europe
Corporates                                     KLESIA
                                                                                     Allen & Overy
                                               La Banque Postale AM
                                                                                     Ashurt LLP
                                               La Financière Responsable
AB Science                                                                           Baker McKenzie
                                               La Mutuelle Générale
Accor                                                                                Cabinet Marie-Aude Noury
Air France KLM                                                                       Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
Airbus Groupe                                                                        Clifford Chance
                                               Malakoff Mederic
CADES                                                                                CMS Francis Lefebvre
Compagnie de Saint-Gobain                                                            Cohen & Gresser LLP
Danone SA                                                                            Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
EDF                                                                                  De Pardieu Brocas Maffei
                                               NewAlpha Asset Management
ENGIE                                                                                Dentons
                                               Ostrum Asset Management
Groupe ADP                                                                           Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Kering                                                                               Gide Loyrette Nouel
L’Oréal                                                                              Herbert Smith Freehills Paris LLP
LVMH                                                                                 Hogan Lovells Jeantet
Orange                                                                               Jones Day
Pernod Ricard                                                                        Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel
Renault SA                                                                           Latham & Watkins LLP
Sanofi                                         Banks                                 Linklaters
SNCF Réseau                                    & Financial Intermediaries            Rochelois Besins & Associes Notaires
                                                                                     SCP Orrick Rambaud Martel
Société du Grand Paris
SUEZ Environnement                                                                   Simmons & Simmons LLP
                                               Banco Santander SA                    Squire Patton Boggs
Total Energies
                                               Bank of China Paris Branch            White & Case LLP
                                               Bank of Communications Paris Branch
                                               Banque Nomura France
                                               BNP Paribas                           Consulting, Audit
                                               BPCE                                  & CPAs Companies
Investors                                      China Construction Bank Paris
& Insurance Companies                          City Bank
                                                                                     A2 Consulting
                                               Crédit Agricole SA                    Ares & Co France
AEMA                                           Crédit Coopératif                     BDO
AG2R La Mondiale                               Crédit Mutuel Arkéa                   Climate-KIC
AMAP                                           Deutsche Bank                         CMG Consulting Group
Amilton Asset Management                       Goldman Sachs                         Deloitte Touche & Tohmatsu
Amundi                                         HSBC Continental Europe               EcoAct
Antin Infrastructure Partner                   ICBC Paris Branch                     EY
Argos Wityu                                    JP Morgan & Cie                       FINERGREEN
Atream                                         La Banque Postale                     Four Twenty Seven – 427
Audacia                                        Lazard Frères                         Grant Thornton
AXA                                            Morgan Stanley                        I Care & consult
BlackFin Capital Partners                      Neuflize OBC                          KPMG
BlackRock                                      Rothschild & Co                       Mazars
BNP Paribas Asset Management                   SFIL                                  MSCI
Bpifrance - Banque Publique d’Investissement   Société Générale                      Origin.earth
Caisse Centrale de Réassurance                 Standard Chartered Bank               PwC – Price Waterhouse Coopers
Citadel France                                 Triodos Finance                       Ricol Lasteyrie
CNP Assurances                                 UBS France SA                         SIA Partners
Covéa Finance                                  Unicredit                             Terrawatt
Descartes Underwriting                         Verspieren
Dôm Finance
                                               Wells Fargo                           Rating Agencies
Eiffel Investissement
                                               Market Infrastructures                Beyond Ratings
ERAFP                                                                                Ethifinance - Spread Research
Eurazeo                                        Euroclear                             Inbonis Rating
Fonds Stratégique de Participation             Euronext                              NOTA-PME
Gecina                                         LCH. Clearnet                         Novethic
Scope Ratings                                      Ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de la   Fonds de dotation Vital Stratégies
Vigeo Eiris                                        Souveraineté industrielle et numérique           France ASSUREURS
                                                   Proparco                                         France Invest
Professional Organisations                         Ville de Paris                                   Fruggr
                                                                                                    Generali Global Infra
& Think Tanks                                      Promoting Agencies                               GIE du Groupe Aviva France
ACI France                                                                                          GreenFlex
                                                   Choose Paris Region                              Groupama Asset Management
AFEP – Association Française des Entreprises
                                                   Paris & Co                                       HSBC Continental Europe
AFG – Association Française de la Gestion                                                           Impak Finance
Financière                                         International                                    Instinet Germany GmbH
                                                                                                    Institut Louis Bachelier
AFIP – Association Française de l’Investissement
                                                   Organisations                                    Ksapa
AFTE – Association Française des Trésoriers                                                         La Banque Postale AM
d’Entreprise                                       AFME - Association for Financial Markets in      La Banque Postale
AFTI – Association Française des Professionnels    Europe                                           MAIF
des Titres                                         Banque de Développement du Conseil de            Meeschaert Asset Management
AMAFI – Association Française des Marchés          l’Europe                                         Meridiam
Financiers                                                                                          Ministère de la Transition écologique et
AMCHAM – American Chamber of Commerce              F4T Sustainable                                  de la Cohésion des territoires
in France                                                                                           Moody’s Shared Services
ANACOFI – Association Nationale des Conseils       Finance Members                                  NamR
Financiers                                                                                          Natixis SA
ANSA – Association Nationale des Sociétés par      2 Degrees Investing Initiative                   Neuroprofiler
Actions                                            Acofi Gestion                                    ODDO BHF Asset Management
ASPIM – Association Française des Sociétés de      ADEME                                            Passerelle-Sustainsoft
Placement Immobilier                               AFD – Agence Française de Développement          PwC – Price Waterhouse Coopers
CCI de Paris Île-de-France                         AFG – Association Française de la Gestion        Qarnot Computing
Centre National des Professions Financières        Financière                                       Qivalio
CEPS – Centre d’Etude et de Prospective            AGIPI                                            Quaero Capital
Stratégique                                        ALLIANZ IARD                                     Removall
Cercle des Banques Etrangères en France            AMAFI – Association Française des Marchés        RGREEN INVEST
Chambre Nationale des Conseils                     Financiers                                       Robeco
en Gestion de Patrimoine                           AMF                                              Rothschild & Co AM
CLIFF Investor Relations – Association française   Amundi                                           S&P Trucost
des professionnels de la communication             Aristote                                         Scope Ratings
financière                                         ASPIM – Association Française des Sociétés de    SCOR Investment Partners SE
CNO – Comité de Normalisation Obligataire          Placement Immobilier                             SeaBird Impact
Comité France Chine                                AssetSagacity                                    Sequantis
CroissancePlus                                     Association Française des Sociétés               SNCF Réseau
F2IC – Fédération des Investisseurs                Financières (ASF)                                Société du Grand Paris
Individuels et des Clubs d’Investissement          AXA                                              Société Générale
FBF – Fédération Bancaire Française                Banque de France                                 Sparring Capital
FIR – Forum pour l’Investissement Responsable      Banque Européenne d’Investissement (BEI)         STOA Infra & Energy
France ASSUREURS                                   BFT Investment Managers                          SWEEP
France Invest                                      BL Evolution                                     Swen Capitals Partners
FSIF – Fédération des Sociétés Immobililières et   Caisse des Dépôts                                Sycomore Asset Management
Foncières                                          Capgemini Consulting S.A.S                       Threadlabs
IFA – Institut Français des Administrateurs        Capgemini Invent                                 Tikehau Capital
I4CE                                               CAPZA                                            Weefin
MEDEF – Mouvement des Entreprises de France        Carbometrix                                      Wormser Freres Gestion
METI – Mouvement des Entreprises de Taille         Carbone 4                                        WWF
Intermédiaire                                      CFE CGC
OCBF – Office de Coordination Bancaire et
                                                   Citigroup Global Markets Europe AG, France
                                                                                                    Fintech & Insurtech
Financière                                                                                          FI members and among them:
ORSE – Observatoire de la Responsabilité           CNP Assurances
Sociétale des Entreprises                          CPR Asset Management                             Advize Group
SFAF – Société Française des Analystes             Crédit Mutuel Asset Management                   April
Financiers                                         Deloitte Touche & Tohmatsu                       Association Leonard De Vinci
                                                   EDF                                              Budget Insight
Public Authorities                                 Eiffel Investissement                            Chappuis Halder & Co
                                                                                                    Crédit Coopératif
& Companies                                        Enea Consulting                                  Descartes Underwriting
                                                   ENGIE                                            Docaposte
Banque de France                                   ERAFP                                            DOMPLUS Groupe
Caisse des Dépôts                                  Exton                                            Dreamquark
Conseil Régional d’Île-de-France                   Euronext                                         Emergence
Fonds de Réserve pour les Retraites                EY Services                                      Gimar & Co
Métropole du Grand Paris                           FBF – Fédération Bancaire Française              Inria
Kyriba SEMEA
La Place Fintech
QuantCube Technology
Shift Technology
Tinubu Square

                       Alex Ly Design
                        Graphic Design:

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