Welcome to circular construction - 2021 The future of the sector to generate a positive and profitable impact - Upcyclea

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Welcome to circular construction - 2021 The future of the sector to generate a positive and profitable impact - Upcyclea
to circular
The future of the sector to generate
a positive and profitable impact.

Welcome to circular construction - 2021 The future of the sector to generate a positive and profitable impact - Upcyclea
Welcome to circular construction - 2021 The future of the sector to generate a positive and profitable impact - Upcyclea
Table of contents
     Welcome                                             2
     Arturo Fernández, CEO and co-founder
     of Grupo Construcía

     Prologue                                            6
     Arnoud Walrecht, Global Lead Circular Economy in KPMG

01   Why this report? The end
     of the linear production model                      9

     TALK WITH Emilio Miguel Mitre, Director
     of International Relations of GBCe

02   Circular economy:
     in search of the positive footprint                16
     TALK WITH William McDonough, architect
     and Cradle to Cradle theorist

03   Circular construction, healthy
     spaces with value and future                       29
     TALK WITH Ignasi Cubiñà, CEO and co-founder
     of EIG/Eric Allodi, General Director of UPCYCLEA

04   Case study: Bio Edificio
     Gonsi Sócrates                                     48
     TALK WITH Immaculada Simó, CEO of Gonsi

     Conclusion                                         60
     Pablo Sainz de Baranda, General Director
     and co-founder of Grupo Construcía

     Glossary                                           63
     Basic ABC so as not to get lost in
     the new environment
Welcome to circular construction - 2021 The future of the sector to generate a positive and profitable impact - Upcyclea
We aim to decouple the
construction sector from
the mass consumption
of raw materials and to
create healthy, zero waste
and profitable spaces”
Arturo Fernández

Welcome to circular construction - 2021 The future of the sector to generate a positive and profitable impact - Upcyclea
Grupo Construcía is the first construction company to have
developed its own certified methodology for building under a
circular economy model, a model that does not consume new
resources, does not generate waste, but does create healthy
spaces for people and is profitable. It has taken us eight years of
intense work to get to where we are today. Knowledge that we
want to share through this report, in which we express its benefits
for the economy, health and the environment, and thus being
able to add more companies to this change of model.

We began this revolution in 2012, when we incorporated the Lean
Construction methodology into the Group’s strategy to control
the risks of the construction process, which gave us the capacity
to transform an architectural project into an industrialised one,
eliminating processes that do not add value to the final product
and avoiding the waste of materials, time and human resources.

As we landed this system, it crossed our path Eco Intelligent
Growth (EIG) raising questions we had not thought about before:
How much does a building weigh? What are the chemicals that
make it up? What kind of products are used in its construction?
And, above all, what are their impacts on the environment and
people? We mainly detect two major negative impacts: on the
one hand, the toxicity of the spaces we live in and in which we
spend more than 90% of our time, whether working, living or for
leisure purposes, and on the other, the waste we generate not
only during the construction phase but also until the end of the
materials’ useful life.

Welcome to circular construction - 2021 The future of the sector to generate a positive and profitable impact - Upcyclea
Grupo Construcía Offices, Barcelona.

In December 2012, we incorporated EIG into       It then became clear that by combining
the group and at that time we undertook          Lean Construction with Cradle to Cradle,
the challenge of making Construcía the           it would be possible to construct buildings
first construction company in the sector         with materials that, once their use was
capable of recovering all the resources          over, would be dismantled to recover
it uses, carrying out our activity without       them, preserving their value, and return
generating waste and with a positive             them to the industry.
impact. It is no secret the construction
is a devourer of raw materials and a             T h e r e s u l t i s t h e development of
great generator both of waste and CO2            Lean2Cradle ® Construcía as the first
emissions. A mission that, later, with the       methodology designed to build under
Agenda 2030 of the SDGs we have seen             a circular economy model, which aims
endorsed.                                        to create healthy spaces that generate
                                                 zero waste and that dissociates human
To achieve this, we defined along with           activity from the massive exploitation of
EIG an ambitious ten-year roadmap                raw materials.
and made our second strategic leap:
the incorporation of Cradle to Cradle            Once the circular construction model had
principles. A design paradigm inspired           been proposed, a final step was needed:
in nature, in which nothing is wasted and        having the tools to quantify the positive
all waste from one system constitutes a          impacts produced. We had to measure
nutrient for another.                            the change. In the linear construction

Welcome to circular construction - 2021 The future of the sector to generate a positive and profitable impact - Upcyclea
model, the usual parameters are price,           Our proposal is an economic model that
quality and time. For our Lean2Cradle®           not only seeks to neutralize the negative
Construcía methodology we also needed            environmental impacts that construction
to measure the impact on health, CO 2            has traditionally had, but to create a new
emissions, the cyclability of materials,         one that transforms them into a positive
their residual value and the impact on           footprint for the environment and also
productivity. We needed tools that could         for people and the economy. A model
be used for the first decision-making in         that generates abundance, value and
the evaluation of a project. To this end,        competitiveness from circular economy
we developed a set of tools, such as             values: healthiness, eliminating the
Material Passport, which provides us with        toxicity of materials, and sustainability,
detailed information on the composition          which impacts both on the planet and
of the materials we use in construction          on the resilience of companies. And all
and, together with other tools, quantifies       this without higher construction costs. We
the benefits of the circular economy             now have the methodology and tools to
in construction.                                 do so. For us, change is a reality.

          At Grupo Construcía we
          firmly believe that if we
          transform construction,
          we will transform society.
          Welcome to the change!

Welcome to circular construction - 2021 The future of the sector to generate a positive and profitable impact - Upcyclea
Measuring the impact
of circular construction
leads to decisions
based on financial,
environmental and
social parameters”
Arnoud Walrecht

Welcome to circular construction - 2021 The future of the sector to generate a positive and profitable impact - Upcyclea
The construction sector plays an important role in the
                          transition to a circular economy and the use of clean
                          energy. Its operations worldwide account for 36% of
                          energy consumption and are responsible for 40% of

                          global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In addition, the
                          sector generates 60% of global waste, and consumes
                          26% of aluminium, 60% of steel and 25% of plastics1.

OF ENERGY CONSUMPTION     In many sectors and markets today, an organisation’s
                          impact on society can make the difference between
                          being awarded a contract or not. Therefore,
                          measuring and managing those impacts, both
                          positive and negative, is the test of a company’s good
                          business sense. In recent years, the methodologies
                          developed to quantify them have become much
                          more sophisticated. KPMG True Value has been at the

                          forefront of this movement since its launch in 2014.

                          KPMG True Value is a tool for understanding how the
                          value a company provides to society can affect the
EMISSIONS COME FROM THE   value it creates for investors. This knowledge provides
CONSTRUCTION SECTOR       a new perspective for decision making to enhance
                          performance, inform about strategy and increase the
                          influence of the organisation.

                          The use of Lean2Cradle® Construcía methodology
                          in the design, planning, logistics and construction

                          of buildings increases efficiency and significantly
                          reduces environmental impact. Whereas an efficient
                          management of resources focuses on the elimination
                          of process waste - such as transport, overproduction
                          and defects - Cradle to Cradle principles prescribe the

                          1   World Economic Forum (2016). Can the circular economy
                              transform the world’s number one consumer of raw

Welcome to circular construction - 2021 The future of the sector to generate a positive and profitable impact - Upcyclea
use of products and processes that can             based on financial, environmental and
be perpetually cycled. The joint application       social parameters, taking into account
of these two approaches in the built               the creation of value in the short, medium
environment leads to the use of efficient          and long term. It is therefore important
techniques and regenerative design.                that Lean2Cradle ® True Value Toolkit is
                                                   available to a wider audience, for which
Combined with True Value, the approach             KPMG and Grupo Construcía through
allows the impact of circular construction         EIG are already developing a digital
to be measured for decision making                 approach to support it.

Torre d’Ara Coworking, Barcelona.

01 Why this report?
   The end of the linear
   production model
Adequa Business Park, Merlin Properties. Madrid.

Manufacture, use, consume and throw away. This is the scheme that has sustained
the economy and society over the last century, giving rise to a system with
greater welfare, but also to a model in which more resources are consumed and
demanded than are available, which is depleting the planet.

If this continues, the Organisation for                 In addition to the loss of diversity, the
Economic Co-operation and Development                   acceleration of climate change, the rise in
(OECD) estimates in its report The Global               the cost of raw materials and the increase
Material Resources Outlook to 2060 that                 in social imbalances2, the linear model
as the global economy expands and                       also has another negative impact: the
living standards rise, world consumption                generation of waste, which will grow up to
of raw materials will double by 2060,                   70% by 2050 compared to current levels,
putting twice as much pressure on the                   an estimate made by the World Bank
environment as we are seeing today.                     in its report What a Waste 2.0: A Global
“Without concrete action to address                     Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to
these challenges, the projected increase                2050, reaching 3.4 billion tonnes.
in the extraction and processing of raw
materials such as biomass, fossil fuels,
metals and non-metallic minerals is likely
to worsen air, water and soil pollution and
contribute significantly to climate change.
The agency predicts that total emissions
from material management will grow from
28 to 50 gigatonnes (Gt) of CO2 by 2060.                2   https://www.un.org/

Curbing the overexploitation
of natural resources

Given these forecasts, it is urgent to
change the production model and
decouple economic development from
                                                                     70 %
                                                         IS WHAT WASTE WILL GROW GLOBALLY BY
the use of materials that continue to
                                                         2050 IF URGENT ACTION IS NOT TAKEN
degrade the environment. “Our use of
energy and resources is totally abusive
and inconsiderate, which is producing
an environmental deterioration that                  spheres. The year 2030 was set as the
economic analyses did not contemplate.               date for their fulfilment.
The economy is mutating in order to
survive and this mutation consists of                “In the current scenario, the linear model
recognising the environmental input. It is           inherited from the Industrial Revolution
a question of conscience and ethics, but             has become obsolete,” explains Ignasi
also of survival,” says Emilio Miguel Mitre,         Cubiñà, co-founder and director of Eco
co-founder and Director of International             Intelligent Growth (EIG), a consultancy
Relations of the Green Building Council in           firm of Grupo Construcía that has been
Spain (GBCe), an organisation created in             operating in the field of circular economy
2009 to push the evolution of building and           since 2006. “The need to make this change
urban planning towards sustainability.               does not mean the linear system has not
                                                     worked, it has worked and has given us a
The aim is to create a society that is more          quality of life unimaginable 150 years ago,
efficient in the use of natural resources            but it has reached its saturation point and
and to promote renewable energies,                   there is nothing more to it”.
while meeting the needs of a continuously
growing world population3 and curbing                To maintain the current rate of
the consequences of climate change                   consumption, a number of mineral and
resulting from such overexploitation. In line        fossil fuel resources are needed which,
with this, in 2015 the United Nations (UN)           at the end of the cycle of use, end up as
defined the 17 Sustainable Development               waste. This waste is not designed to be
Goals (SDGs)4 with the aim of puttig an
end to poverty, protecting the planet and
                                                     3    The United Nations (2019). Revision of World
ensuring prosperity for all, and adopted                  Population Prospects
an agenda with targets covering the                  4    https://www.un.org/
economic, social and environmental                        desarrollo-sostenible/

its value? “If, in addition to manufacturing

                                                   non-renewable products, we cannot
                                                   recover them, then we not only generate
                                                   an economic and environmental impact,
                                                   but also a social impact because we are
gigatons of CO2                                    destroying the resources that tomorrow’s
WILL BE RELEASED IN 2060 ONLY                      generations will need,” stresses chemical
BECAUSE OF MATERIAL MANAGEMENT                     engineer Cristina Sendra, Circular
                                                   Construction manager at EIG. In this
                                                   sense, the construction sector is critical

35 % - 45 %                                        because it is a major consumer of these
                                                   materials, not only for construction,
                                                   but also because it generates all the
                                                   infrastructure we need today.

                                                   Of the resources extracted worldwide (92
                                                   Gt), 55% (50.8 Gt) is represented by stone
                                                   minerals, sand and clay which, after being
cycled or returned safely to the natural           processed, are converted into residential
environment. How can we prevent it                 and non-residential construction
from being harmful to people and the               materials. On the other hand, in the
natural environment, and how can we                European Union, the construction sector is
prevent it from ending up in landfills or          responsible for 36.4% of waste generation,
incineration processes where it loses all          followed by extraction activities (25.3%)5.

                                                   The need to transform the economy
                                                   and the production model implies the
                                                   evolution from a linear system, which
                                                   generates waste, to a circular one, with
                                                   zero waste. “The path to a low-carbon
RENOVATION OF BUILDINGS, RANGE FROM                future is circular,” urges the Circularity Gap
                                                   Report, the first report on the circularity

5 % - 12 %
                                                   5   Circle Economy (2020). The circularity gap

gap in which global economy is estimated
to be only 9.1% circular by 2018. A change
that, supported by innovation, drives the
search for new business opportunities,
while ensuring the biodiversity of the
Earth’s ecosystems and the supply of
materials to perpetuate society’s welfare.

Waste generation by economic activities
and households, EU-28, 2016 (%)

                         8.5 %                    0.8 %
                         Households               Agriculture, forestry
          1%                                      and fishing
          Wholesale of waste
          and scrap

4.6 %
Services (except
                                                                25.3 %
wholesale of waste                                              Mining and
and scrap)                                                      quarrying

                                                                      10.3 %
36.4 %

                                                                3.1 %
                                                    10 %
Source: Eurostat 2019                               Waste/water

If, in addition to
manufacturing non-
renewable products, we
cannot recover them,
not only do we generate
an economic and
environmental impact,
but also a social one by
destroying the resources
that future generations
will need”
Cristina Sendra

Construction can
                                    provide a real business
                                    model for the future”

Emilio Miguel Mitre
                                                    What opportunities does this
RELATIONS IN GBCe                                   construction model offer?
                                                    Construction will be a key factor in the
                                                    future of humanity. In the last eight years
You hold a clear discourse on                       the built area in the world has increased
bioclimatics and the economic                       by 24%. The sector can provide a real
plundering of the environment. What                 business model for the future, not only
problems can circular economy solve                 based on the spaces we inhabit, but also
in the construction sector?                         on the way cities are conceived.
The most serious problem is that the
construction industry does not know what            What is the main challenge
it can contribute with. Currently, we are           from now on?
designing spaces to last 40 or 50 years             Our work has to be on the ground and of
and we are not aware of the importance              relating to people. It has to be focused
they have in our lives. Circularity starts          on mobilizing actors, increasing public
from the initial stages of design, up to the        investment, on appealing proposals for
approach of how a building is constructed           the industry, on establishing a stable legal
so that it can be dismantled and reused             framework and on defining an economic
so that, when it ceases to exercise its             future. And all this has to do with the
function, it can be given another life.             circularity of building.

02 Circular
   In search of the
   positive footprint
BMW Barcelona Premium, Barcelona.

A circular economy is one that is restorative by concept as is the very nature that
inspires it, and therefore, seeks to preserve the usefulness and maximum value of
products, components and materials at all times.

In short, it is a question of decoupling             Understanding how the urbanisation
economic development from the                        process will unfold in the coming years
consumption of finite resources, while at            is fundamental, which implies not only
the same time generating wealth, creating            designing more efficient buildings, but
jobs and reducing environmental effects6.            also healthier and more liveable cities.
                                                     Today, 55% of the world’s population
The first approaches to this economic                lives in urban areas, a percentage that
model emerged in the 1970s promoted by               the UN predicts will rise to 68% by 20509.
the Swiss architect Walter Stahel, but it was        “Depending on how cities develop, so will
not until the 1990s that the great schools7,         the planet,” says McDonough, for whom
but it was not until the 1990s that the great        climate change is the result of ‘bad design’.
schools emerged, such as the Cradle to               “Following the principles of C2C Design ™
Cradle (C2C) design philosophy by the                [...], cities can move out of the linear flow
also architect William McDonough8. The
proposal of these thinkers is to develop
a model based on the rematerialisation
                                                     6   McKinsey/ Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2013).
of products and services by eliminating                  Towards the Circular Economy: an economic
unnecessary consumption of raw materials                 and business rationale for an accelerated
and non-renewable resources on a human               7   http://www.product-life.org/en/cradle-to-
scale. That is, minimising the use of raw
                                                     8   Michael Braungart / William McDonough
materials and reducing or even eliminating               (2002). Cradle to Cradle: Rehaking the Way
                                                         We Make Things.
waste through their recycling and reuse
                                                     9   The United Nations (2018). Revision of World
from the very moment of product design.                  Urbanization Prospects.

of ‘take, do, waste’ and adopt a circular             Circular Ecnomy within
flow of ‘take, do, take back, redo, restore’.         the European Green Deal
Buildings and cities can be designed
                                                      The European Union launched its first
to be carbon positive. In doing so, they
                                                      Circular Economy Strategy in 2015 and
create possibilities for positive growth that
                                                      in March 2020 approved the New Action
support all forms of life while providing city
                                                      Plan 10 for the circular economy “for a
dwellers with clean and healthy air.”.
                                                      cleaner and more competitive Europe”
                                                      as a key block within the European Green
                                                      Agreement or Green Deal, the new EU
                                                      agenda for sustainable growth.

Strategy goals for 2030

                                     30% reduction of national
                                   material use with regard to the
                                   GDP, with 2010 as reference year

          Reducing GHG                                                   Reducing to 15%
      emissions to below                                                 waste generation with
        10 million tons of                                               respect to what was
         equivalent CO2                                                  generated in 2010

       10% improvement                                                   Reducing food waste
       of the efficiency in                                              generation in all the food
         the use of water                                                chain: 50% of reduction
                                                                         per capita in households
                                                                         and retail consumption
                                                                         and a 20% in production
                                                                         and supply lines from
                                                                         2020, thus contributing to
                                                                         the SDGs
                                      Increasing the reuse and
                                 preparation for reuse until reaching
                                 a 10% of generated municipal waste

10   European Union (2020). Circular Economy
     Action Plan for a cleaner and more
     competitive Europe.

Grupo Construcía Offices, Madrid.

Meanwhile, in Spain, the Spanish Strategy          The contribution of construction must
for Circular Economy was approved in               be to “address the challenges arising
March 2020, and construction has been              from the agglomeration and urban
identified as one of the priority sectors .        development model and the problems
The document, which is in line with the            of energy efficiency and under-utilisation
European Union’s strategy for the circular         of the existing building stock, both for
economy, sets objectives for this decade           household and economic uses. [...] It is
that will make it possible to reduce               necessary, in any case, that the evaluation
national consumption of materials by 30%,          of environmental impacts be carried out
cut waste generation by 15% compared               through an analysis of the entire life cycle
to 2010 and reduce greenhouse gas                  in order to obtain an adequate view of
emissions to below 10 million tonnes of            the situation”, states this regulation.
CO2 equivalent.

11   (2020). España Circular 2030

No human creation
lasts forever and
design does not solve
every problem, but we
can seek continuous
improvement to
innovate, expand and
accelerate positive
change. Buildings and
cities can be designed
to be carbon positive”

William McDonough

Mac Donough & Braungart Graphic,
Cradle to Cradle (C2C)

                 RENEWABLES                                           FINITE MATERIALS

       Regenerate             Substitute materials            Dematerialise            Restore

        RENEWABLES FLOW MANAGEMENT                               STOCK MANAGEMENT


 Regeneration                              MANUFACTURE
                                             PRODUCT                                 Remanufacture
                      feedstock                                                   Reuse/
  Biogas                                     PROVIDER


                    Extraction         Consumer       User
                 of biochemical
                    feedstock               COLLECTION

                                        Minimise systematic
                                        losses and negative

Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation, SUN, and McKinsey Center for Business and
Environment; Drawing from McDonough & Braungart, Cradle to Cradle (C2C).

The circle of value

                                                     80 %
The current recycling process generates
waste and consumes energy because
products are manufactured to be
recycled only once. Afterwards, most of              OF A PRODUCT’S ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT IS

their components are useless and end                 DETERMINED IN THE DESIGN PHASE

up in a landfill. For example, about 30% of
the plastic packaging on the market can
never be reused or recycled because it               Following this model, the circular economy
was not designed from the start to keep              can reduce global CO2 emissions from
in use or regenerate the natural system.             cement, steel, plastics and aluminium by
They respond to a model of downcycling.              40% or, in other words, reduce 3.7 billion
                                                     tonnes of CO 2 by 2050, thus achieving
Upcycling is taking it one step further. It          almost half of the industry’s zero
means that it is designed to be able to              emissions target, an estimate made by
separate the components and use them                 Ellen MacArthur Foundation in its report
in the same or a similar type of product,            Completing The Picture How The Circular
keeping or increasing their value from               Economy Tackles Climate Change. An
the material and energy point of view.               opportunity arising from better use of
It is estimated that up to 80% of the                products and materials within key sectors
environmental impact of products is                  such as construction, which currently
determined in the design phase.                      uses between 35% and 45% more steel
                                                     than is needed.
The circular model is based on the
idea that nothing is a waste, nothing is
discarded. This is why products must
be designed from the outset to ensure
that this is the case, both in the use of
materials, in their manufacture, assembly
and installation, and in their subsequent
dismantling. Only in this way can their
components be preserved to extend
their use after each cycle in a constant
recirculation or cyclability. This is what is
known as cascade management: reuse,
repair, recycle, recirculate.

Global C02 emissions from four key
materials production
Billion tonnes of C02 per year


                        9.3            0.9
                                                                                              -40 %

                      scenario 2050



                                                                                    scenario 2050

Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2019). Completing The Picture
How The Circular Economy Tackles Climate Change

Emissions from four key materials
used in buildings
Billion tonnes of C02 per year, globally


                 5.3                1

                                                                              0.3                                            -2.0                                 -3.0
                                                                                                                           (-38 %)                              (-56 %)


                scenario 2050




                                                                                                             Circular scenario

                                                                                                                                                      Circular scenario




                                                                                                                                                          beyond 2050

                                                                                                                                 Prolonged lifetime

Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2019). Completing The Picture
How The Circular Economy Tackles Climate Change

The three principles
of circular economy

                                     Eliminate the concept of waste
                                     and pollution from the design,
                                     based on the idea that resources are limited
                                     and balanced with renewable resource flows.

                                     Maintain products and materials in use,
                                     designing them to keep their components in
                                     permanent circulation.

                                     Regenerate natural systems,
                                     detecting and eliminating negative external
                                     factors from design.

Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation

The book Cradle to Cradle: Remaking
                            the Way We Make Things was written
                            in 2002, what has changed since then?
                            It is interesting to see how the specific
                            concepts of Cradle to Cradle, such
                            as biological and technical nutrients,
                            product as a service and being “better”
                            and not “less bad” are being adopted in
                            any description of a circular economy
                            system, where products and materials are
                            optimised to be safe and therefore circular.

                            In the circular model it is not only a
                            question of having a less negative
                            impact, i.e. being “less bad”, but also of
                            generating a positive impact, i.e. being
                            “better”. What does this mean?
                            In some organizations the emphasis
                            is on being more efficient but it is also
                            important to be effective. Therefore, I
                            encourage organisations not only to
                            reduce negative behaviours such as
                            carbon emissions, but also to challenge

The fact that               them to reinforce positive aspects such
                            as biodiversity where they operate, social
something is                equity for their employees and the supply

recycled or                 chain, or water management in the
                            production process. This can be done at
reused does not             multiple scales.

automatically               Can you explain the fundamental
make it good”               concept of biological and technical
William McDonough           At Cradle to Cradle Design ™ we recognise
ARCHITECT AND CRADLE        that there is a nature-based biological
TO CRADLE THEORIST          metabolism where waste equals nutrients.

Industry can design for this cycle by using             Is it realistic, optimistic or pretentious to
ingredients and materials that can be                   say that circular economy can save the
safely reused or even returned to the soil.             world?
                                                        I would never suggest that circular
And there is a second cycle that we call                economy can save the world, but it is a
technical metabolism, made up of things                 critical piece of the puzzle. We practice
like televisions, computers, cars and plastic           humility in design because no human
bottles that, if designed for later use, can            creation lasts forever and design does
be remade and enjoyed from generation                   not solve all problems; however, we can
to generation. We see these products as                 seek continuous improvement to build on
technical nutrients. And it opens up new                existing principles to innovate, scale up
business opportunities for companies                    and accelerate positive change.
in the recovery of these materials. For
example, Philips, the lighting company will
sell lumens as a service (i.e. light source)
and will take back the lamps when their
use is finished. This is a product as a service.

What opportunities do you see around
circular construction nowadays?
There is a great opportunity to implement
circular economy concepts and best
practices in this sector. In our years of
work, we have seen how concepts such
as material passports for traceability,
design for disassembly, nutrient recovery
and anticipatory design were pioneered
twenty years ago and are now generally
accepted. A challenge for construction
is to ensure that the materials used are
truly ‘good’ for people’s health. I am very
interested to see companies raise their
discourse to say that things must be
safe first and then circular. The fact that
something is recycled or reused does not
automatically make it good.

Cradle to Cradle Certified™ stamp
Assessment criteria for products made for circular economy:

                           Material Health
                           Ensures that chemicals used in manufacturing are
                           as safe as possible for people and the environment.

                           Material Reutilization
                           The aim is to eliminate the concept of waste in order
                           to guarantee the cyclability of products.

                           Renewable Energy and carbon management
                           Guarantees that products have been manufactured
                           with renewable energy, reducing or eliminating the
                           impact of greenhouse gases.

                           Water Stewardship
                           Helps ensure that water is recognised as a valuable
                           resource, that watersheds are protected and clean
                           water available.

                           Social Fairness
                           The product is marketed respecting the people and
                           the environment.

Registered products per category:

Platinum:      1     Gold:    124           Silver:    201    Bronze:   296        Basic:   4

Source: The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.

03 Circular
   Healthy spaces with
   value and future
Wallbox Headquarters, Barcelona.

Construction requires a transformation that enables it to cope with the economic,
social and legislative changes of the coming years. Without delay and without
half measures.

The diagnosis is clear and the challenges          For this reason, Construcía’s strategy is to
pressing. In order to reverse the impact           capture the value that this model means
of this sector in terms of material                for people and society, and bring it to
consumption and waste generation, “a               perks for companies.
new business model is urgently needed
that solves these three aspects: caring            In this sense, Arturo Fernández points
for the planet, caring for people and              out that a circular building “generates
ensuring the profitability of construction         more demand due to its sustainability
companies to guarantee their continuity,           characteristics and, as a result, an
as they are an economic driving force in           increase in sales”; it reduces operating
this country”, says Arturo Fernández, CEO          costs throughout its useful life “because it
and co-founder of Grupo Construcía.                allows actions and material recovery to
                                                   be carried out under a much more orderly
Developing a circular construction model           and cheaper construction process” and,
is essential to improve the management             likewise, it is anticipating legislation12 13 “that
of materials and their toxicity. “Buildings        will most probably cause a decrease in
must be designed so that they expoliate            the value of buildings already constructed
as little as possible, so that they can be         because they contain high levels of toxicity”.
transformed, dismantled and reused,”
argues Emilio Miguel Mitre, Director of
                                                   12   Anteproyecto de Ley de Residuos y Suelos
International Relations at (GBCe).                      Contaminados, Draft. June 2nd 2020
                                                   13   Real Decreto 553/2020, June 2nd, which
                                                        regulates the transport of waste within Spain

An innovative methodology                            To ensure this cyclability it is necessary,
                                                     firstly, to select materials that are free
Construcía’s answer has been to innovate
                                                     of harmful elements and, secondly, to
in its own certified methodology that
                                                     define how they will be used after their first
responds to the challenges posed. Thus,
                                                     useful life at the design stage. “A building
Lean2Cradle ® Construcía arises from
                                                     is built with many layers, so we work with
the fusion of the principles of Lean
                                                     manufacturers and their entire chain
Construction with the circular economy
                                                     of suppliers to identify all the chemicals
paradigm Cradle to Cradle (C2C)
                                                     contained in a product, and with installers
mentioned in chapter 2. The first is a
                                                     to ensure that the execution of the project
project management system that gets to
                                                     is in line with this whole design,” says
optimise processes in order to eliminate
                                                     Cristina Sendra, Circular Construction
overproduction - even unnecessary
                                                     manager at EIG.
transport movements are limited - and
reduce the risks inherent to the sector, such
                                                     This paradigm applied to construction
as overruns or late deliveries. McKinsey
                                                     implies that buildings gain value over time
estimates that the application of Lean
                                                     and that, in addition, spaces are healthy
Construction can offer reductions of 10-
                                                     and contribute to well-being because
30% in expected completion time and cost
                                                     they are designed and built with those
savings of 10-25%.
                                                     who live in them in mind. According to the
                                                     International WELL Building Institute (IWBI),
The other pillar, the Cradle to Cradle
                                                     people spend approximately 90% of their
principles, advocates a regenerative
                                                     time in closed spaces. During this time,
production system in which the materials
                                                     inhalation of volatile organic compounds
that make up a product are cyclable, i.e.
                                                     (VOCs) from indoor air can lead to short
they can be reused indefinitely and safely
                                                     and long term health problems14.
for people and the environment. The joint
application of these two approaches in
the built environment leads to efficient
processes and regenerative design.
“When Cradle to Cradle design is used
for circular economy, there is room for
real impact,” says William McDonough,
architect and Cradle to Cradle theorist.

                                                     14   https://wellservices.itg.es/certificado-well/

How is a Cradle to Cradle product (C2C)
Coworking Torre d’Ara

TITAN Paint                                 Honext Material                             DM Finsa Skirting
• C2C Certified Gold                        • C2C Cert. in process                      • C2C Certified BRONZE
• Very low emissions of VOC                 • Biological nutrient                       • E1or Ez
                                            • 100% cyclable and 100% cycled

Interface Carpets                                                                       ABN Pipes
• Carbon neutral                                                                        • C2C Cert. in process
• Easy to dismantle and                                                                 • Technical nutrient
  recyclable                                                                            • Halogen-free
• On floor tiles                                                                        • Reticular polypropylene,
• Improves air and                                                                        100% recyclable
  acoustic quality                                                                      • Electro-welded
• High content in                                                                         connections
  recycled material

DYNAMOBEL Furniture                                                                    SITAB Partitions
•   C2C Cert. in process                                                               • C2C Certified
•   Technical nutrient                                                                 • Technical nutrient
•   High cyclability                                                                   • Control of heavy
•   Low VOCs                                                                             metals

                      Arqustica mobile partitions                  Garviled Luminaire
                      •   C2C Cert. in process                     •   C2C Certified and C2C in process
                      •   High cyclability                         •   Technical nutrient
                      •   High acoustic performance                •   Halogen-free
                      •   Space versatility                        •   By definition Programmes in take-back

Buildings as banks of materials                        As part of the Lean2Cradle® Construcía
                                                       methodology, the company has
In addition to avoiding the use of toxic
                                                       also developed a circular materials
materials, Lean2Cradle ® Construcía
                                                       management platform (UPCYCLEA) to
methodology does not generate waste
                                                       create traceability of raw materials and
because the buildings are conceived as
                                                       manage them over time. “This system
banks of materials. In other words, these
                                                       allows us to know at a molecular level
materials can be extracted after their first
                                                       each of the products and materials
use to be used in other projects or returned
                                                       used in a building, thus facilitating the
to the earth as organic components. “If you
                                                       management of their toxicity. The first cost
have designed the building well and know
                                                       that is avoided is the cost of sending it to
what you have in it, you will be able to take
                                                       landfill and the second value it generates
the materials out of where they are and
                                                       is its recovery as a future raw material”,
manage them properly,” explains Sendra.
                                                       points out the EIG engineer. And since
This information is obtained through the
                                                       most materials are easy to dismantle,
Material Passport, the identity card of the
                                                       their residual value increases.
materials that constitutes the first tool in
the decision making process of circular
                                                       Tangible benefits
                                                       “The achievement of circular economy
The Material Passport is a digital duplicate           is to make sustainability profitable for
of the building, a database in which the               business and society. And we have
information of the construction project                developed the tools to measure and
is collected and in which the materials                make tangible the economic and health
are characterized at the highest possible              value generated by our methodology,”
level of detail. “It is the tool that generates        says Arturo Fernández. With it, the negative
a change of paradigm. Until now, in                    impacts of our activity are identified with
the linear economy, price, time and                    the aim not only of neutralising them
quality have been measured. Now, with                  but also of transforming them into other
the Material Passport , health, building               positive ones.
cyclability, residual value and impact
on productivity are evaluated,” points                 To measure these economic and social
out Pablo Sainz de Baranda, General                    impacts, Construcía has developed two
Manager and co-founder of Grupo                        tools that quantify their financial and
Construcía.                                            social value:

as well as the residual value and some
• Lean2Cradle® Value to Business.
                                                         non-financial metrics that improve the
• Lean2Cradle® True Value.
                                                         sustainability rating for the property, such
The first calculates the value that the                  as carbon footprint, circularity, waste, etc,
building generates for the business over                 i.e. environmental, social and governance
time and which is clearly reflected in                   factors (ESG).
the financial accounts. In order to get to
know this value, traditional profitability               While L2C True Value, a tool co-developed
metrics are taken into account, such as                  by Grupo Construcia together along with
NPV (net present value), ROI (return on                  KPMG, measures the value provided to
investment), IRR (internal rate of return),              society and the environment and which,

Lean2Cradle® True Value

Lean management                       Cradle to cradle                    True Value

Maximize value,                       Eco-effectiveness                   Connecting corporate
minimize waste                        instead of efficiency               and societal value

•   Identify value                    • Everything is a resource          • Asses the company´s
•   Map the value stream                for something else                  `true´ earnings
•   Create flow                       • Use clean and renewable           • Understand future
                                        energy                              earnings at risk
•   Establish pull
                                      • Celebrate diversity               • Create corporate and
•   Seek perfection
                                                                            societal value

                                       5 CORE PRINCIPLES

         1.   Have a thorough understanding of circular shared value creation for all stakeholders

         2.   Create organization-wide insight in core processes and critical functions

         3.   Measure performance on a regular basis with timely feedback loops

         4.   Develop an effective prioritization method for improvement possibilities

         5.   Put safeguards in place for continuous improvement

generally, is not directly reflected in                When the toxicity of a space is reduced,
the financial accounts of the business,                the economic impact translates into a
but rather corresponds to negative                     return on investment for companies and
externalities avoided or positive                      for the health of those who live in those
externalities generated. In this way, the              buildings. “To reflect this in numbers we
building’s occupants benefit from higher               used KPMG’s True Value methodology,
levels of productivity and comfort and a               which discovers and quantifies the social
healthier working environment; society,                value generated through the use of the
from a lower carbon footprint; and the                 Lean2Cradle® Construcía methodology”,
environment, from lower toxicity impacts               adds Ignasi Cubiñà.
in the building’s value chain.

What does Lean2Cradle® True Value measure?

L2C Principles             Scope Aspects

Lean Management            • Reduced project timeline
                           • Waste reduction

Productivity               •   Natural and artificial lighting
                           •   Temperature control
                           •   Noise levels
                           •   Air quality
                           •   Plants and vegetation

Healthy                    •   Human toxicity
materials                  •   Marine eco-toxicity
                           •   Fresh water eco-toxicity
                           •   Land eco-toxicity

Material                   • The impacts were spread over the
cyclability                  lifetime of the material. The loss in
                             economic value is used as a proxy to
                             determine what part of the impact is            Source: BUILD BACK
                             transferred to the second user                  BETTER, Route to resilient
                                                                             and circular real estate
                                                                             management de KPMG.

A circular building in data

+ 10 %
                                  -20 %
                                  WHAT THE MAINTENANCE COST
                                                                    -10 %
                                                                    WHAT OPERATING COSTS
                                  MAY BE REDUCED

Source: Estimate according to KPMG.

KPMG’s True Value methodology helps                 means implementing initiatives that take
companies to understand the social                  into account business, society and the
impact of their activity. This knowledge            environment in a balanced way.
provides a new lens in fact-based
decision making to improve performance,             With Lean2Cradle ® Construcía, the
inform strategy and enhance influence.              environment and people can be taken
Lean2Cradle ® True Value is a toolkit               care of without extending the execution
for creating forward-looking business               time or increasing the construction costs
strategies aimed at organisational                  of the traditional model. “Sustainability
resilience and capturing the shared                 means consuming less and we say:
value that, in the short and medium term,           let’s change the model to continue
generates the circular model for business           consuming, but from what already exists.
and society.                                        Let’s build banks of materials in our cities
                                                    because the economy has to move
“It is estimated that the initial investment        towards a better model. Our proposal is
in sustainable buildings can increase               to extract materials from nature just once
the value of the asset by 10% or more,              and give them a life that is as long as
reduce maintenance costs by 20%                     possible or infinite in the circular model”,
and lower the operating cost by 10%,”               describes Sainz de Baranda.
lists Arnoud Walrecht, Global Lead
Circular Economy at KPMG. Shared                    This methodology for the design and
value is the result of combining social             construction of circular buildin gs
and business value. And maximising it               creates value for society and also allows

SDGs Circular
10 % - 30 %
                                                           has an
                                                           impact on

companies to align themselves with
the SDGs, which are set to be achieved
by 2030.

“We sometimes articulate Cradle to
Cradle design as The Five Goods™                  :
good materials, good economics, good
energy, good water, good lives. When we
look at each of them closely, we realise
that they cover all 17 UN SDGs, which
were created to achieve a better and
more sustainable future for all”, argues
William McDonough. Grupo Construcía
is part of that transformation by creating
spaces that positively influence people,
the economy and society. Along these
lines, the Lean2Cradle ® Construcía
methodology impacts on 9 Sustainable
Development Goals by being able to build
healthy, profitable and environmentally
friendly spaces.

15   https://mcdonough.com/the-five-goods/

The difference
between sustainability
and circularity is the
traceability of raw
materials throughout
their life cycle.
Sustainability advocates
consuming below the
resource generation
base, but the circular
economy makes our
cities and buildings
material banks”
Arturo Fernández

A challenge for the industry
to consider is to ensure
that the products used in
construction are actually
‘good’ and not ‘bad’”
William McDonough

The world of construction has
never had an opportunity like
now to generate a positive
impact on society”
Ignasi Cubiñà

Our methodology Lean2Cradle® Construcía

                                                           Circularity Diagnose
                                           Reuse           Identify existing materials and products.
                                  Creation of new          Calculation of the recoverable value and
                                        materials          recovery routes

     Traceability Platform
     Commercialisation of                                                       Circular Design
       materials. Nutrients                                                     Collaborative work
                                                                                                  Pull Sessions
                                                                                                  Project detailed
  Deconstruction                                                                                  study
                          C R A D L E 2 C R A D LE

                                                                                 LE A
                                                                                 N CONSTRUCTION
         Update                                      LEAN2CRADLE ®                                  Last planner system
                                                                                                    Works detailed
     of materials
                                                       Construcía                                   programming

                                                                                                  Logistic plan / Hub
                                                                                                  Delivery of ‘just in time’
 During its useful life
                                                                                                  material. Storage and
                                                                                                  collection of materials
                                                                                                  according to the
     Traceability Platform                                                                        logistics plan
       Material registration
                                                                            Smart Solutions
                                                                            Prefabrication, solutions
                             Material Passport*                             and hub delivery
                             Material traceability
                                                           Learning and Improvement
                                                           Works operation and monitoring

Lean2Cradle ® Construcía is the first                          It is based on Lean Construction planning
methodology that aims to build under                           and control techniques that minimise
a circular economy model. On the one                           construction risks, such as economic
hand, with the use of materials that                           deviation and occupational accidents,
generate zero waste and, on the other,                         and optimise deadlines and execution
systematizing the construction model for                       quality. This way of working implies having
the subsequent recovery and custody of                         pull sessions, both for the detailed study of
these materials until they are put back                        the project and during the execution of the
on the market.                                                 work; building a detailed planning of each

work (last planner system); prefabricating               Construcía has gone a step further by
constructive solutions before construction;              digitising projects to offer more value,
making a just-in-time distribution of                    increase productivity, anticipate decision-
the materials that are stored in a hub                   making and manage circularity. This way,
and applying an improvement process                      Lean2Cradle® Construcía focuses design
during the whole project. A system where                 on people, thinking of their well-being,
transparency in the processes, materials                 and manages to involve the entire value
and budgets are prioritized.                             chain from the outset, in order to ensure
                                                         the sustainability and profitability of the
                                                         project and offer solutions that optimize
                                                         price and reduce time.

Our Lean Construction methodology

                                                         Operational capacity
                                       Waste             Planification, organisation and
                                Waste=Nutrient           exhaustive control of the project

           Works safety                                                                        Productivity
     ORP. Material control                                                                     Team management
                                                                                               and control

   Logistic problems
Delivery at the works.                                                                            Commitment
Deliveries as planned                                                                             Responsible of all
                          M I N I M IZE

                                                                               MA XI M I Z E

     Defects & errors
 Improves quality on
  site. Prefabrication.                                                                           Quality
                  HUB.                                                                            Increaseing Works
                                                                                                  operation qaulity

           Decision and
        operation times                                                           Meeting deadlines
   Improved production                                                            Planned production,
    planning allows time                                                          optimisation of deliveries
 commitments to be met                                                            and transport routes

                                           Risks         Client satisfaction
                              Deadlines, quality,        Commitment
                               security at works         compliance

Tools to turn circular construction into a reality

1. Material Passport: the cornerstone of                 a project. It makes it possible to determine
circular construction. It allows the traceability        the energy impact of the materials used,
of the materials used through the:                       to generate a virtual model with all the
• Identification of each material as a                   data and documentation of the project
 nutrient for the biological (return to soil)            and to reduce errors in the design and
 or technical (return to industry) cycle.                construction phases.
• Situation of its location in the building
 and identification of the most suitable                 5. Circular Materials Management
 route for its recovery.                                 Platform (MYUPCYCLEA): facilitates the
                                                         traceability and management of materials
• Estimation of the economic value
                                                         and products installed in projects over time
 of the materials according to the
                                                         for their subsequent use and trading. It is the
 planned recovery routes and possible
                                                         first software driven by Artificial Intelligence
                                                         for the management of circular resources.
It is a digital copy of the building that                It is based on the information entered at
becomes the first tool for decision making               product level (circular product passports)
and operation in the circular construction               which is combined with its storage at
sector.                                                  “warehouses” (inventory of products in a
                                                         specific location). This platform helps us
2. Lean2Cradle ® Design Manual: guide                    learn about residual value, manage carbon
for architects to manage their projects                  cycles properly and continue cycling
according to the principles of the circular              valuable and healthy materials. It allows
construction model. It serves to maximize                us to determine the energy impact of the
your value throughout the design process.                materials used, to generate a virtual model
                                                         with all the data and documentation of the
3. BEDEC: set of databases of the Catalan                project and to reduce errors in the design
Institute of Construction Technology                     and construction phases.
(ITeC) for construction - from prices and
Specifications to environmental data,                    6. Circular signature: having circular
library of BIM objects and regulations,                  passports of products, complete deposits
among other aspects - which Construcía                   and monetization rates of resources used,
has enriched with the circular approach.                 it is possible to deduce four indicators: the
                                                         carbon footprint, the circularity rate, the
4. BIM (Building Information Modeling):                  health of the materials and the residual
collaborative working methodology that                   value. This is known as the circular
integrates all the agents that are part of               signature of a building.

AI identifies needs and
                                  proposes resources
                                  and transformations to
                                  be incorporated into a
Eric Allodi                       construction to meet
AT UPCYCLEA                       circularity criteria”

What are the benefits, in terms of               How does Artificial Intelligence applied
circularity, of having a digital platform        to software work? How does the
that makes it possible to know the               technology understand the “material
traceability and toxicity of the raw             ID” it categorizes and what indicators
materials that are going to be used to           does it offer?
construct a building?                            Artificial intelligence is used to suggest
The immediate benefits are a reduced             and determine circular ecosystems. The
carbon footprint through the choice of           different algorithms identify needs and
low CO2 products, along with resource            propose resources and transformations
conservation and waste reduction.                that have to be incorporated into a
This has a positive impact both on the           construction so that it meets the criteria
ecosystem and on the health and well-            of circularity, based on the analysis of the
being of the people who live in these            composition of the materials.
buildings and at the same time generates
an increase in the residual value of the         The data is analysed using the “circular
products used in a construction, which           passport” model, an database for each
can be reused indefinitely.                      material and/or product that is used or

will be used in a construction. From this                                Without a doubt, especially when it comes
analysis, opportunities for transformation                               to identifying suitable ecosystems based
are identified along with descriptions.                                  on the assessment of products and
                                                                         materials used.
The software basically provides two
indicators: the Circular Signature of the                                What role does Upcyclea play in Grupo
building and the Ecosystem Signature.                                    Construcía’s circularity digitalisation
The first provides information on the                                    strategy?
carbon footprint, the circularity rate, the                              Upcyclea allows the company’s Building
degree of non-toxicity and the residual                                  Information Modeling (BIM) to be linked to
economic value; while the ecosystem                                      the environmental information contained
signature provides the CO2 and waste                                     in the circular passports. It also plays a
avoided, as well as the savings and                                      strategic role in identifying new business
income generated.                                                        models based on the data available in
                                                                         the Circular Signature and Ecosystem
Is Artificial Intelligence applied to                                    Signature.
material banks the present and future
of circular management?

Circular signature indicators

Carbon footprint*                                                        Material health

*of the production of all products and materials considered

                                                4.3 (2)                                                                          28%
          362 (1)
                                                                         X                                                          17%
     tons CO2 eq.                            tons CO2 eq.
                                           /ton of products                        Healthy products
                                                                                   Products with controlled and verified toxicity
                                                                                   Products with controlled toxicity
(1) Total carbon footprint (2) Total emission factor                     X         Products of known or unknown toxicity

Circularity                                                              Total residual value of the building´s components*
                                                                         *with regard to the acquisition cost of materials/products

                                                of recycled or
                                                                                       1%                     (1)          14.1%
         41/100                                 rapidly renewable        Min                                                              Max
                                   54%          materials
                                                                         Min       3.2%                       (2)          11%            Max
                                                (% by mass)

                                                                         Min        1.2%                 30 (3)            20.2%          Max
Product and deposit dismountability
Next identified uses                                                     (1) Deconstruction scenario (2) Renovation scenario
Presence and reliability of information                                  (3) 30-year renovation scenario

The Circular Signature considers only the deposits of building and materials characterized in myUpcyclea

How is Lean2Cradle® Construcía value measured?

FINANCIAL VALUE                                          SOCIAL VALUE
L2C Value to Business                                    L2C True Value
This is the value the building generates for             Value a circular building generates for
the business, which is clearly translated into           society and the environment. It shows
results in the financial accounts.                       generated positive impacts and reduced
                                                         negative ones.

• Increase in revenue from demand: CNV, IRR              •   Reduction carbon emissions
• Reduction of operational costs: CNV, IRR               •   Reduction environmental pollution: ecotoxicity
• Generation of residual value                           •   Reduction of human toxicity
• Reducing regulatory risks: protecting the value        •   Disposal of waste through cyclability
  of the asset                                           •   Increasing people’s productivity
• Decrease in reputational risk
• Improvement of the sustainability rating / ESG
  of real estate assets

Circularity Benefits

    01      Operational Costs
            Reduction                                        06        People’s health

    02      Regulatory Risks
            Reduction                                         07       Higher

    03      Reputational Risks
            Reduction                                        08        Fighting against
                                                                       Climate Change

    04      Residual Value =
            Nutrient Value                                   09        Natural Resources

            Increased Demand,
    05                                                         10
                                                                       Turning industries into
            higher earnings                                            a more competitive
                                                                       and resilient model

Lean2Cradle® Construcía Advantages applied
to Bio Edificio Gonsi Sócrates

                          17 %
                          OF A POTENTIAL
                                                         15 %
                                                         OF RESIDUAL
                                                                                         99 %
                                                                                         OF MATERIALS
COSTS REDUCTION           EARNINGS INCREASE              VALUE                           ARE HEALTHY

Where does Cradle to Cradle fit into the
                                 circular economy? What has changed
                                 since then?
                                 C2C argues that things must be designed
                                 to generate abundance, and it starts from
                                 three principles: eliminating the concept
                                 of waste, using only clean and renewable
                                 energy, and celebrating biodiversity.
                                 The circular economy is based more on
                                 macroeconomic aspects, while C2C is
                                 based more on how to design things and
                                 how this makes everything else work.

                                 What are the characteristics and
                                 advantages of C2C Certified™
                                 This certificate analyses the healthiness,
                                 reuse, water cycle, energy cycle and
                                 social justice. Therefore, a C2C product
                                 has to have, above all, a good intention
                                 behind it. C2C aspires that all its products
                                 have a positive impact. And that is what
                                 we apply in Lean2Cradle® Construcía.

                                 What is the contribution of Lean
C2C aims to                      Construction to Construcía

ensure that all its              methodology?
                                 Lean Construction is limited to risk control
products have a                  and planning in the execution of a project.

positive impact”                 By combining it with C2C, we transform it
                                 into Lean2Cradle® Construcía, a circular
                                 project in which the maintenance of
Ignasi Cubiñà                    what we do and the subsequent use of
CEO AND CO-FOUNDER OF EIG        materials is part of the equation.

You can also read