Welcome Handbook - BENSONS TRADING - Contact Us

Page created by Martin Pierce
Welcome Handbook - BENSONS TRADING - Contact Us
Contact Us

39 Swann Drive
Derrimut VIC 3030

Phone: 03 93699929
Web: www.showbags.com.au

                                        SYDNEY EASTER SHOW

                                        BENSONS TRADING
                                        Staff training

                    39 Swann Drive
                    Derrimut VIC 3030
ABOUT BENSONS                                                         GENERAL STANDARDS &
Bensons Trading Company (ABN 11 004 681 609) is a family owned
company that has been in business for over 60 years.                  EXPECTATIONS
                                                                      If you have a passion for customer service and love helping
The history of the company’s growth is one of consistent change and   customers and working in a fast-paced environment, then working at
evolution. Over the years Bensons has operated agencies as diverse    the show will be very enjoyable.
as ‘Scrabble’ to ‘Heineken Beer’
These days Bensons has established themselves as a trustworthy
                                                                      We expect you to always display a positive and helpful attitude and
partner in our daily business, whether it be as a Manufacturer,
Importer, Wholesaler or Retailer with a diverse range of products     to work as a member of the team. We ask that you give 100%
ranging from Showbags, Novelty & Gift Items, Inflatables, Plush       attention and effort while at work and care for the business as if it
and/or Redemption Items for Gaming Machines.                          were your own. We expect you follow all policies and procedure
Now trading as showbags.com.au we are proud to be the leading         and take instructions from management in a positive manner. If you
Showbag Retailer.                                                     treat your team members and customers how you would like to be
                                                                      treated we can ensure a respectful happy work environment. Be
                                                                      polite and friendly to your work colleges and to customers.

OUR BRANDS                                                            CODE OF CONDUCT
                                                                       All employees of Bensons trading are expected to observe the
                                                                       highest standards of ethics, integrity and behavior during the
                                                                       course of their employment in dealing with other employees,
                                                                       external clients and customers. The standards that are expected
                                                                             Compliance with all company policies, procedures, rules
                                                                              and regulations.
                                                                             To maintain punctuality
                                                                             To observe all safety and security regulations
                                                                             To respect the companies ownership of all company
                                                                              product, intellectual property and equipment.
                                                                             To maintain the confidentiality of any information acquired
                                                                              during your employment.
                                                                             To dress in an appropriate manner and ensure that
                                                                              appearnce is presentatble neat & clean
                                                                             Not to make any statements to the media about the
                                                                              companys business
                                                                             No fighting in the workplace
   No swearing in the workplace                                 Department overview
      No harrasment in the workplace
                                                                    STAFF CO-ORDINATOR
      No prohibited/non pescribed drugs or alcohol in the
       workplace                                                    Cheryl Maynard
Breaches of the code of conduct may result in disciplinary action
being taken against the employee in question and could include      Responsible for staffing & roster systems, counter staff clock in/off,
dismissal from employment.                                          staff related problems, handing out passes of a morning, register
                                                                    issues, key pads.

Disciplinary action may be taken on all breaches of company rules   SAFETY & LOGISTICS & STOCK MANAGER
and regulations, however serious misconduct may be cause for
instant dismissal. The following list, although not exhaustive,     Responsible for ensuring all stock is off the floor on all stands by
provides examples that may constiture serious misconduct.           8.30am each morning,– ensuring displays are closed up—so other
                                                                    staff can focus on the counters to ensure presentable opening
      Theft of company property, including money & products.       9am onwards -Assisting supervisors with locating stock, bulk stock
      Fightingon company property                                  holdings, plan load outs & movement of large quantities between
      Abusive language in the workplace                            stands where necessary, checking out the backs of stands to ensure
      Proven harrasment and bullying of others in the workplace    that stock is presented neatly, quality checks & safety checks are
       or using online socila media platforms for bullying.         performed on all of Bensons hired equipment. Ensuring none of
      Vandalism to company property                                Bensons equipment is left out in aisles of showbags pavilions.

      Possesion and consumption of drugs or alchol on company
      Working under the influence of alcohol                       RETAIL OPPERATIONS VISUAL MERCHANDISING & PRODUCT MANAGER

      False recording of hours worked                              The Visual merchandiser is responsible for developing plans and
                                                                    displays on site to present the product at its optimum and therefore
                                                                    maximize sales. The purpose of such visual merchandising is to
                                                                    attract and engage as well as motivate our customers towards
                                                                    making a purchase. They also product develop all that is on offer.
                                                                    They are always looking for innovative ideas to ensure Bensons is the
                                                                    market leader within our product offer. As well as this they have a
                                                                    huge role in the retail operations at the shows, from setting up to
                                                                    packing down as well as the day to day running of the shows.
HEAD STOREMAN                                                               Uniform, Grooming & presentation
Head Storeman are responsible for the back of stand operation,                   Bensons will provide staff with 2 t-shirts and a long sleeve top
including stock requirements, workplace health and safety and                     to wear. Staff members must wear black pants or leggings
general running of the showbag stands.                                            full length and ¾ length are ok – no short shorts. All staff
Responsible for stock on stands, conducting stock takes—every 2                   members must wear runners/ comfortable shoes – no open
days, ensuring all staff have had sufficient breaks based off their shift         toe shoes or ballet flats are to be worn
times, addressing customer issues on the stands, assisting sales staff,          If it is cold we do provide vests- please ensure your vests are
replenishing under counters. Stock control within the stands.                     numbered before you hand them out to the staff and mark
TEAM LEADERS                                                                      the number on your staffs time sheet to ensure they return on
                                                                                  their last shift.
Team leaders are responsible for front counter operation,
including staff concerns/ questions, refunds, recording staff                    ll staff need to be presentable – please don’t shorten or
timesheets, allocation staff registers, and providing staff entry                 tuck your t-shirts in, if you get cold you can wear a long
passes.                                                                           sleeve black top only under their staff t shirts.

                                                                                 All hair and facial hair must be well groomed, long hair to be
                                                                                  tied up at all times.

                                                                                 Piercings on the face need to be removed. Studs or sleepers
                                                                                  on the ear lobe are the only exception.

                                                                                 No food or gum is to be in staff members mouths on the

                                                                                 Drinks- they are allowed bottled water only – no soft drinks or

                                                                                 No money/ phones are to be taken onto the counters at all
                                                                                  times. Please ensure these are kept out the back of the stand
                                                                                  in your bags.
Personal Hygiene                                                            General Responsibilities
Fingernails must always be clean, trimmed and well-manicured,               Key                Responsibilities/Tasks
appropriate personal hygiene, dental hygiene and clean hair is              Accountabilities
required when at work                                                       Customer           Deliver excellent customer Service in line with
                                                                            Service            company agreed standards
                                                                                               Address and resolve any enquiries, issues or
                                                                                               complaints customers may have and seek
Attendance and Punctuality                                                                     assistance from team as required
                                                                                               Adhere to Bensons workplace policy and
                                                                                               procedures including point of sale, personal
                                                                                               hygiene and timeliness.
Bensons is totally committed to providing superior service to its
                                                                                               Have a good knowledge of product Bensons
customers and believes punctuality of all team members is required                             offer at the show. To view Bensons full range
to fulfill that commitment and maintain efficient operation. You are                           please visit showbags.com.au and also follow
expected to be punctual at all times, make allowances to time to                               us on Instagram and facebook. We also have
park or public transport, especially on public holidays and                                    a youtube channel.
                                                                            Team Work          Offer assistance to team members as
weekends. Aim to arrive at least 15 minutes before your starting time
so you are ‘Shop ready’ at your start time and also arrive back in                             Embrace changes in the workplace and
time from your breaks.                                                                         demonstrate flexibility in all facets of work
                                                                                               Work together to ensure a smooth operation,
                                                                                               well stocked stall & best sales results possibly.
                                                                                               Communicate together to ensure all aspects of
It is the responsibility of all team members to notify their manager or
                                                                                               the stand are taken care of on a daily basis,
supervisor within a reasonable time, that they will be absent from                             and any issues are resolved in a timely matter.
work or late for any reason. Any absence from work must be                  Restocking &       Ensure you’re under counters are restocked of
reported to CB casting.                                                     Visual             bags & novelties
                                                                            Merchandising      Ensure all plush walls & showbag displays are
All staff will be given a pass at the end of each rostered shift. These                        perfect at all times, there is no exception, if
are your responsibility to look after and not lose. If you lose your pass                      something falls off it is your responsibility to
you will need to cover your entry into the show for that shift. Do not                         advise the team leader and get it put back on
                                                                                               the board.
sell or give away your passes, they are all identifiable and we can                            Plush displays need to look neat at all times.
trace those that have been scalped.                                         Workplace          Ensure the health & safety and welfare of your
                                                                            Health & Safety    team by
                                                                                               Taking reasonable care and co-operating with
                                                                                               all actions taken to protect the health and
                                                                                               safety of both yourself and others
                                                                                               Report all accidents, incidents or hazards to
                                                                                               your manager or team leader
Clocking in & Out                                                        Breaks & rest breaks
                                                                         You are entitled to a 20MIN break for every 5 hours worked. Please
You will be supplied with a clock number at your induction – this
                                                                         ensure you see your team leader to record your break times of when
Number is yours to clock in and clock out at. It is important that
You do this prior and at the end of your shift .                         you left and return.
This is the only record of your hours worked.
                                                                         Please ensure if you need to go to the bathroom you also notify your
IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY                                                team leader. It is important in an emergency situation we know the
                                                                         where abouts of all team members.

Timesheets & Registers
                                                                          Your shifts are decided on several factors.
When you arrive for your shift you will be required to be signed in by
                                                                          1- Availability
your team leader. When you go on break see your team leader so
they can note the time you leave and arrived back from break.             2- Performance
                                                                          3- Projected sales
If you are sent to another stand to help out – you must clock off at
                                                                          4- Weather
the same stand you clocked in.
                                                                          You will receive your shifts a few days in advance, your first shift will
                                                                          be assigned to you prior to the show starting. Please keep in mind,
                                                                          that shifts can change the day before. This is dependant on
                                                                          weather, & crowd attendance.
                                                                          It is expected that you are available all hours during the show
                                                                          period unless otherwise advised to us.
Customer service                                                         Handling Unhappy customers
Success in our business is dependent on exceptional customer             There will be times when customers express their dissatisfaction with
service. You are the person who represents Bensons each day you          our service or product. All complaints are to be viewed as
are at work, you are the one who is interacting with our customers.      opportunities to rectify a problem and improve the way we do
You are on display at all times and are required to maintain a high      things.
level of professionalism and presentation.
                                                                         It is important to not take complaints personally. You should thank
Efficiency, courtesy and honesty are essential ingredients for great     the customer for bringing the problem to your attention, apologise
service.                                                                 for how they are feeling and take immediate action to rectify the
                                                                         problem, refer the customer to the appropriate person ( eg team
Our service standards are non negotiable. Welcome every customer
with a smile and how are you today. In busy periods you may need
to start off with who may I assist next, followed with a friendly
greeting and a thank you for your patience.
                                                                         Team safety
Customers can tend to get frustrated during busy times at the show.
                                                                         Bensons Employees have a responsibility to work safely and to follow
A friendly manner can certainly assist with their frustration and help
                                                                         health and safety rules in the workplace. This includes, for example,
make their time shopping with us a memorable one.
                                                                         not doing anything that could injure yourself or another team
Help with customers who are finding it difficult to find a product or    member. You should disclose any pre-existing injuries and/or illness
decide on what could be an appropriate showbag for someone               that you have, which may be affected by the tasks and duties that
they maybe buying for. Know your product so you can help make            you have been hired to perform.
the right decision or direct them to one of our other showbag stalls.
                                                                         All team members shall pay particular attention to ensure that any
When you are on your break look around and take note of other
                                                                         safety hazards which may exist from time to time such as
locations our showbags are being sold so you can help customers
                                                                         obstructions, slippery surfaces, damage to equipment or potentially
who need to find particular product.
                                                                         harmful situations be immediately rectified. Its our responsibility as a
Our website shows our full range of showbags so its suggested you        team to take care and minimize any hazard immediately that comes
take a look prior to your commencement so you have a good                to notice.
knowledge of what is on offer.
                                                                         No team member shall use any equipment unless they have been
Upselling- if you are working in a section that offers deals and         appropriately trained and feel competent and comfortable with all
specials please ensure you upsell these to customers. We often offer     aspects of its operation.
show specials or discounted bags, as well as special deals if
customers purchase more than 1 showbag in a particular range.
Manual Handling                                                             Employees must not attend work, commence work, continue work or
                                                                            return to work having consumed illegal drugs and alcohol.
Manual Handling is any activity involving the use of muscular force
(or effort) to lift, move, push, pull carry, hold or restrain any object.   No employee must possess alcohol, narcotics, or other controlled
                                                                            substances on company premises or showgrounds at any time.
Acquaint yourself with correct lifting methods as per manual
handling.                                                                   Violation of this policy is cause for immediate disciplinary action up
                                                                            to and including termination,
Use smart lifting techniques for awkward or heavy items
                                                                            Where you have prescription drugs that you need to take, you
Where possible ask a fellow employee to assist you with the transfer        should inform your team leader in case they may affect your
of an object                                                                coordination, safety or ability to do the job safely.
Plan the move and think about the safest way to achieve it

Lift with your legs not your back                                           Fire & Evacuation Plan
                                                                             These vary from show to show, so we have provided a fire
                                                                             evacuation plan at the back of each showbag stand, please
First Aid                                                                    make yourself familular with the proceedure and meeting spots
                                                                             prior to your commencement of your first shift.
A first Aid kit is maintained our the back of all showbag stalls &
trailers, For injuries that are more serious we would take you to St
johns on site at the showgrounds.                                            If a situation arises where the building needs to be evacuated, do
                                                                             not stop to collect any of your belongings or take anything with
                                                                             you. Remember that property can be replaced, you cannot be.

At Bensons we have a strict policy anti bullying policy. Absolutely no       Visitors of restricted areas
Bullying will be tolerated under any circumstances.
                                                                            All non-employees who work for other companies and have official
                                                                            business with Bensons must identify themselves with Proper
                                                                            identification, eg business cards etc as either services or delivery
                                                                            people before entering any area of the stand.
Use of possession of Alcohol, Narcotics and other
controlled substances                                                       Each employee must report to their team leader any visitor who is
                                                                            observed in any restricted area of the stand without an escort to
Bensons believes in a healthy and productive work force, safe
                                                                            ensure the safety of all.
working conditions free from the effect of drugs & alcohol.
Point of Sale                                                             Fraudulent notes- please be mindful of these, and use your money
Point of sale is an important part of your job function, and the
following rules are set out for your guidance and protection. Bensons     Please only accept Full notes – Torn notes are not accepted, they
regards any breach of these rules regarding the use of point of sale      can only be accepted if there is no parts missing on the note.
as a reason for disciplinary action, including dismissal.

You must transact the correct amount at sale.                             Eftpos
The cash drawer must be closed after each sale, regardless if             If a customer wants to pay partly by cash and part by eftpos -you
another team member is about to use the register, or the stall is busy.   need to enter the sale as normal, enter in the amount of cash the
                                                                          customer is giving you. it will leave a balance owing, then press
Do not process your own sales or sale for family members and friends
                                                                          eftpos – and it will automatically transfer the remaining amount to
this should be done by the team leader, or family and friends need
                                                                          pay by card
to be served by another team member.
                                                                          Please ensure your staff are waiting with customers until the
If you decide you would like to purchase a showbag. Please ensure
                                                                          transaction is approved. We find that fairly often eftpos transactions
you keep a copy of your receipt for reference if a team leader or
                                                                          which are through tap and go to decline – so its imperative that this
manager asks.
                                                                          is relayed to the staff members through the team leaders.
Under no circumstances is money to be borrowed from the point of
                                                                          Where possible get all staff to insert cards rather than tap and go.
sale, Borrowing is the same as stealing and is grounds for instant
                                                                          This works better in wifi environments or where there are excessive
                                                                          crowds affecting the signals
Take care of the POS, they are expensive machines, treat them with
                                                                          Receipts- we only need to keep receipts that need a signature-
care, if your having issues with your POS, alert your team leader.
                                                                          these need to be placed in the collect bags when you collect the
                                                                          money. All other receipts can go in the drop boxes next to the
Cash handling                                                             registers – these need to be cleared out each night. So they don’t
                                                                          end up everywhere all over the counters. Please get an empty box
Never discuss how much cash is in the drawer with anyone.                 out the back of the stand to place all your eftpos receipts into –
                                                                          management will clear these every few days.
If you notice any anything suspicious notify your team leader or

Keep cash drawers neat.

Money detectors- these will be attached to each POS terminal.             Refunds
If you require more coin/notes please advise your team leader and         Bensons refund policy –
they can replenish your draw
Team leaders are the only ones to give refunds or exchanges, when         Please check all price signs are visible to customers and that all
a refund or exchange is required please call out to your team             display's have price signs on them
leader.                                                                   Dont put up any signage onto any displays – especially if you are
                                                                          sold out – if you are sold out of an item – we will advise if a sign can
Stock replenishment                                                       be displayed. The only time sold out signs can be put up is if we
                                                                          are completely sold out of a whole showbag – these are not to be
Under counters - ensure your under counters are restocked of bags         used for add on novelties.
that were low on stock from previous day – ensure that any                Please do not use any hand written price signs, sold out signs. We
showbags with add ins, are under the counters or sitting on top of        have proper corflute signs to be displayed
the showbags so that if there are new staff starting they know what
needs to be packed into the showbags. The aim is to restock               If contents are not as advertised please ensure you place a sign
under your counters as much as possible in the morning so that            somewhere on the board so that the customers are aware that it is
you are prepared for busy periods in the afternoons. Please ensure        a change in contents. Again management will advise of this and
this task is done of a night of what stock is not sold out. That way in   we have a proper sign for this.
the morning the product that was sold out on previous day can be

Displays & Plush walls
Every morning and throughout the day – please ensure you fix any
displays that have fallen down. This includes confectionery displays
– (please re-stick the items back up with magnet onto the discs. If
they look untidy please replace or move to represent it)
Novelty bag displays – throughout the day items do also fall off
these – please keep on top of your displays and fix with either
staple guns, drills – please do not use sticky tape at all on any
If items deflate such as inflatables – please re inflate or replace if
there are holes in them.
Please avoid using glue guns where possible. However on
confectionery displays with magnet – sometimes glue guns need
to be used to attach the product to the magnet so its more
secure. Please don’t put any glue directly onto the board or discs.
If you need to change displays please think before you put it all up
to ensure that customers can see all items – if you have a
backpack or a bag please ensure you stuff the bag so it looks
Plush displays – please ensure you utilise the pegs if you need more
these can be found in the stationery cabinets.
Mobile phones & personal Belongings                                       We do not make references to customers, colleagues, suppliers
                                                                          without their express prior approval and approval from

All mobile phones are to be switched off during your work hours and       If any team member becomes aware of any negative comment
to stay out the back in your bags. No Money or phones under any           made about the company, its brands, products or services on any
circumstances are to be taken onto the counters.                          social media they will not respond directly but inform management

Parking                                                                   Any person disregarding these guidelines will face disciplinary
                                                                          procedures up to and including dismissal.
Bensons will not be liable for fire, theft, damage or personal injury
involving employees automobiles. The company encourages all
employees not to leave valuables in the car whiles at work, we also
advise you always lock your cars.                                         Ending the show
Employees will not be granted permission to leave their shift to move      On your last day of the show, you will be required to do a few
their cars, cars are to be moved during rest periods or meal breaks.       things.
                                                                           Check off and sign off your timesheet, this is the final agreed hours
Parking costs are not covered by Bensons, parking is the responsibility
                                                                           that you will be paid.
of the employee.
                                                                           Return your Vest & scanner cards
                                                                           We may require your assistance for packing down the show,
Social media usage                                                         please let us know if you are available to do so and we can
                                                                           confirm with you if we will require your assistance.
As social media is a fast-developing means of communication, this
can offer many benefits to the company, customers and team
members. However, without clear guidelines there is also the risk         Thank you and we look forward to having you on board our team.
harm being caused to the company’s reputation. Please see below
a few guidelines that apply to social media activity.                     See you at the show!

Only those authorized to do so in their job description should
undertake social media activity on behalf of the company. This
includes responding to any comments posted.

No Bensons team members are permitted to make any personal
social media communications on matters that relate to the
company without prior approval by management.
You can also read