Weave Some Magic P6 Trade Secrets & Design Tips P10 - Sklar Furnishings

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Weave Some Magic P6 Trade Secrets & Design Tips P10 - Sklar Furnishings
A Guide to Furnishing Your Home
  Vol 2 · $7.95 · In Partnership with

Weave                                   Trade Secrets         Creating a
Some Magic       P6                     & Design Tips   P10   Bedroom Retreat   P16
Weave Some Magic P6 Trade Secrets & Design Tips P10 - Sklar Furnishings

Weave Some Magic P6 Trade Secrets & Design Tips P10 - Sklar Furnishings
                                                                                                                                   k Pat & Rick Howard
                                                                                                                                   Co-owners of Sklar
                                                                                                                                   Furnishings invite you to
                                                                                                                                   visit their showroom.

Visit contemporaryhome.com

Published by Evoke Solutions Inc. / Contemporary Home Magazine.
© 2015. All rights reserved. The content contained within may not be
reproduced without the expressed written consent of the publishers.

                                        P.6                                                                      P.16
       HOW TO             FIND THE
                          PERFECT RUG

     P.10                                                                                                                                                                                                                Check Out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Our Great Style
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Guide Online
                                                                DESIGN   CREATING A BEDROOM RETREAT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           k www.sklar

                                                                              P.22 P.28
       DESIGN             TRADE SECRETS                         DESIGN   LIGHTING

                          & DESIGN TIPS                                  YOUR SPACE               HOW TO   SMALL SPACES              n behalf of the entire Sklar          Our tagline “Your Space. Your           and our whole team will stay with you
                                                                                                                                     Furnishings team, we welcome      Lifestyle. Your Choice.” captures our       throughout the design process – from
                                                                                                                                     you to our second annual          core philosophy of providing each and       conception to the big reveal!
                                                                                                                            Contemporary Home magazine. Inside         every client with the right combination        Please enjoy this publication – we

                                                                             P.30                 P.36                      you will find ideas and information
                                                                                                                            meant to inspire you and help you create
                                                                                                                            the home of your dreams. Our talented
                                                                                                                            Design Associates will help make the
                                                                                                                                                                       of product ideas, color dynamics, and
                                                                                                                                                                       textural solutions so they can realize
                                                                                                                                                                       their vision for their home. We are
                                                                                                                                                                       passionate about design and whether
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   invite you to visit our showroom and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   see how beautiful your home can be. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   look forward to welcoming you into the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sklar family.
                                                                                                                            process both enjoyable and rewarding.      your space is large or small, residential
                                                                                                                               We realize our clients are unique and   or commercial, local or in another
                                                                                                                            particular, and we strive to be as well.   state, our team can bring your dream to
                                                                                                                            We shop the world with an emphasis on      life. To complement our furniture and
                                                                                                                            design integrity, and have assembled a     accessories, we offer window coverings,
                                                                                                                            collection of furniture and accessories    wall treatments, flooring and built-ins –
       HOW TO             USE OF PATTERNS                                                         TRENDS   SUSTAINABILITY   you will not find anywhere else but here   we can truly be your one-stop shopping
                                                                                                                            at Sklar Furnishings.                      for your dream home. Your Designer          Pat & Rick Howard

2     c o n t e m p o r a r y h o m e                                                                                                                                                                                                  contempor ary home   3
Weave Some Magic P6 Trade Secrets & Design Tips P10 - Sklar Furnishings
Weave Some Magic P6 Trade Secrets & Design Tips P10 - Sklar Furnishings
HOW TO               FIND THE PERFECT RUG                                                                                                                         o Table Talk             q Be Graphic
                                                                                                                                                                    Define a dining area     Rugs can be works of
                                                                                                                                                                    with an area rug, but    art. If your furnishings
                                                                                                                                                                    leave enough room to 	   are mostly neutrals,
                                                                                                                                                                    push the chairs back.    try a graphic pattern
                                                                                                                                                                                             for added pop.

                                                                                                                                                          Did You Know?
                                                                                                                                                       Having two area rugs
                                                                                                                                                     exactly the same size and
                                                                                                                                                   dimensions in adjoining areas
                                                                                                                                                   actually makes the space look
                                                                                                                                                   smaller. Choose different sizes
                                                                                                                                                    or dimensions, such as one
                                                                                                                                                    square rug, and the other a
                                                                                                                                                        rectangular shape.

Weave Some Magic
                                                                                                       Tie a room together
                                                                                                       effortlessly with the
                                                                                                       perfect rug.

                                                           e’ve all fallen in love with     Enter the Magic Carpet                                     Size Matters
                                                           the open plan home, be           Rugs define spaces, accent areas, and can even             For an effortlessly inviting look, and to keep your guests from
                                                           it a modern condo, artsy         delineate functions. A sisal rug or colorful pieces        falling off the edge of their seats, make sure the rugs for your
                                              loft or traditional house. Gone are the       of modular carpet can indicate boundaries for kids         dining and seating areas are the right size. For an accent rug
                                              days when the cook was isolated in the        at play. A beautiful area rug can pull an intimate         in the dining room, pull all the chairs away from the table as
                                              kitchen, cut off from all the conversation.   conversation area together, adding dimension and           though you were finishing your meal. The rug should be large
                                              But with the absence of walls, comes          interest. And a runner can create a hallway, as well       enough to keep all the legs of your chairs within the carpeted
                                              the challenge of defining space: how          as protect a gleaming wood floor.                          area. For living rooms, it looks best if the couch and all the
                                              do you create zones for work and play,                                                                   chairs have all their legs within the area of the rug, with a
                                              socializing and dining without so many        The Ground Beneath Your Feet                               few inches to spare on all sides. For high-traffic areas, make
                                              room divisions?                               Whether you have hardwood, concrete, tile floors,          sure you choose a rug made of a durable, easily maintained
                                                                                            or even wall-to-wall carpeting, area rugs can soften       material. Wool is actually easier to clean than silk or viscose.
                                                                                            the impact of your footsteps, as well as working           And sisal rugs, while inexpensive and practical for some more
                                                                                            as an integral design element. Patterned rugs can          casual areas, do wear out more quickly.
                                                                                            inspire a new color scheme, or compliment an                  Whether you’re adding a rug to an already furnished room,
                                                                                            existing one, and a solid color rug can ground a           or starting from the ground up, rugs can create impact, pull a
                                                                                            grouping of patterned furniture and add impact.            room together, and inspire a color scheme you might not have
                                                                                                                                                       otherwise considered.
                                              o Floor Them
                                              Use a rug to tie your
                                              color theme from one
                                              room to another.

6    c o n t e m p o r a r y h o m e                                                                                                                                                                     contempor ary home   7
Weave Some Magic P6 Trade Secrets & Design Tips P10 - Sklar Furnishings
for inspired living

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Weave Some Magic P6 Trade Secrets & Design Tips P10 - Sklar Furnishings
oo Open Up                       DESIGN      TRADE SECRETS & DESIGN TIPS
                                                                       Enlarge your space with
                                                                       glass doors, and let the sun
                                                                       shine in.

                                                                                                      Better by
                                                                       o Turn the Tables
                                                                       Nesting tables are a popular
                                                                       trend and they save space
                                                                       when tucked away.

                                                                       q Focus Group
                                                                       Tie a grouping of furniture

                                                                       together with one large
                                                                       impactful piece of art.

                                              More trade
                                             secrets online
                                          k www.sklarfurnishings.com

                                                                                                      Tips and tricks to bring out
                                                                                                      the interior designer in you.

                                                                                                                 ere are seven savvy solutions       the picture at 57 inches from the floor.
                                                                                                                 from our interior design team       This is eye-level for most people. When
                                                                                                                 to help take the guess-work out     creating a picture grouping, center the
                                                                                                      of creating the perfect space, and help        collection with the largest piece in the
                                                                                                      make every room in your home luxuriously       middle and work your way out on each
                                                                                                      livable.					                                  side, varying sizes.
                                                                                                          In Your Comfort Zone – To break                Information Overload – Your home
                                                                                                      up a large space, allow for different areas    should be an expression of the people
                                                                                                      of interest by creating conversational         who live there, but editing decorative
                                                                                                      seating groupings anchored with area           items is key. Don’t be afraid to showcase
                                                                                                      rugs. You can also define zones with large     a few of your personal mementos and
                                                                                                      houseplants, bringing the outdoors inside,     pictures, but narrow it down to the
                                                                                                      and adding life and improved air quality       ones you love the most, so each piece
                                                                                                      to your space.                                 has sufficient space around it, to give
m The Big Easy                                                                                            Mirror, Mirror – Large mirrors with        it focus and importance.
A modern ottoman as
coffee table provides                                                                                 interesting or minimalistic frames add             Brushes with Brilliance – If you’re
texture and comfort.                                                                                  light – and can even double the visual look    moving into a new home and bringing
                                                                                                      of a room. Try them in different places        some of your existing furnishings, or if
k Be Light Hearted
Light up a hallway or                                                                                 until you get the most light, or create an     you’re starting from scratch, pick the
entranceway with                                                                                      illusion of depth by facing your mirror        paint color last. It’s easier to coordinate
a stylish mirror.                                                                                     opposite a strong focal point.		               your paint to the color scheme of your
kk In Your Zone                                                                                           Space, the Final Frontier – Giving         furnishings than the other way around.
Square-backed sofas or                                                                                your furniture lots of breathing room              Be Bold – Try unexpected pairings
loveseats help define                                                                                 gives the individual pieces visual focus, as   and personal touches. If you don’t like
areas of a room.
                                                                                                      well as making a room look larger. Think       what you’ve arranged, you can always
                                                                                                      about what you do in the space and where       try something different. The main
                                                                                                      the traffic flow lines are. Move furniture     objective is to make you feel welcome
                                                                                                      off of the walls, and evaluate the number      and at home while giving your home a
                                                                                                      of pieces in a space.                          fresh new look. Once you’ve achieved
                                                                                                          Get the Hang of It – When hanging          that, you can sit down on your favorite
                                                                                                      a large piece of artwork, try centering        chair, relax and enjoy the view!

1 0     c o n t e m p o r a r y h o m e                                                                                                                                  contempor ary home    11
Weave Some Magic P6 Trade Secrets & Design Tips P10 - Sklar Furnishings
EDITORIAL                 DESIGN TRENDS   o Color Trend
                                            Lighting is an easy and
                                            subtle way to introduce
                                            bronze into your design
                                            palette.                                            Learn more at
                                                                                                    k www.sklar

                                                                                                                                       m Combining               q Bold Accents
                                                                                                                                       Elements                  Neutrals are still
                                                                                                                                       Shown Everywhere          trending, but adding an
                                                                                                                                       in Milan was mixing       accent chair in a bold
                                                                                                                                       materials: metal with     color can brighten up
                                                                                                                                       marble, or like shown     the room.

                                                                                                                                       here, wood with glass.

                                            Design Trends
                                                     here are lots of reasons to be        neutrals but the accents are bright and     and son and already we have had much
                                                     happy about the arrival of            cheerful - strong yellow almost in the      success with their beautiful offerings.
                                                     Spring and none more so than          citron family, orange, spring green,           In the Boca Raton area the only
                                            the Milan Furniture Fair that happens          and gray. The metals are a bronze color     place to find the most finely crafted
                                            once a year in April. For those of us who      softening to a brushed brass. The woods     trend-setting unique Italian designs
                                            consider ourselves aficionados of fine         are still walnut, tobacco and open pored    for the home is Sklar Furnishings. For
                                            contemporary furniture there are few           very light oak we have seen in past         the discriminate homeowner, only the
                                            experiences more exciting than attending       markets. This year there is also open       best will do and only Sklar Furnishings
                                            this annual show.                              pored elm which is quite unique and         can satisfy the craving for exceptional
                                               For Rick Howard, owner of Sklar             beautiful. Many items have used metal,      European quality and design.
                                            Furnishings, the experience is one where       wood and marble together - the coolness
                                            he receives the first glimpse of the colors,   of the metal and marble combined with
                                            materials, finishes and fabrics that will      the warmth of the wood makes for a
                                            grace the showroom six months to one           beautiful marriage in these pieces.
                                            year later. Housed in more than 14 million         Another very important reason to
                                            square feet, the fair attracts the most        visit this show is to find manufacturers
                                            sophisticated retail buyers from the           with unique and very distinctive product.
                                            finest contemporary stores from around         Our clientele come to our showroom
                                            the world. The task of combing through         expecting to find product they will
                                            displays of unique and breathtaking            not see at any other stores or in their
                                            designs to select the right product mix is     neighbor’s house. We consistently deliver
                                            both daunting and exhilarating according       this only by visiting manufacturers and
                                            to Howard.                                     forging relationships and partnerships
                                               It did not take too long to see that        based on mutual goals, respect and
                                            the trends from last year continue to          friendship. This year we found a
                                            dominate---the colors are still soft warm      marvelous new company run by a Mother
1 2     c o n t e m p o r a r y h o m e                                                                                                                         contempor ary home 13
Weave Some Magic P6 Trade Secrets & Design Tips P10 - Sklar Furnishings
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Weave Some Magic P6 Trade Secrets & Design Tips P10 - Sklar Furnishings
DESIGN               CREATING A BEDROOM RETREAT                                                                                                                                                     o Pillow Talk                 q Princess and the Pea
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Silky pillows and soft,       With an unlimited choice
                                                                                                                                                                                                      sumptuous throws              of mattresses to choose
                                                                                                                                                                                                      make a bed über               from, picking the right one

The Great
                                                                                                                                                                                                      inviting.                     is essential.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      p Dream Away
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Give your bedroom a
                                                                                                                                                                                                      light air with a floating
                                                                                                                                                                                                      bed frame and elegant

                                                                                                                                                                                                Let your
                                                                                                                                                                                               your style!

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Rich and Intriguing
                                                                                                                                                                                                      If you like a more lavish look, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      bedroom is another place you can
                                                                                                                                                                                                      express your style. Hang an oversized
                                                                                                                                                                                                      painting or ornate mirror over your bed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Add opulence with a luxurious leather
                                                                                                                                                                                                      or lavish fabric headboard. Choose a
                                                                                                                                                                                                      rich velvet duvet and add glam with
                                                                                                                                                                                                      sparkling silver accent pillows. Be bold,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and try richly colored walls, then top
                                                                                                                                                                                                      off the look with a statement chandelier.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Your bedroom doesn’t have to be soft
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and subdued if you’re not!

Dreaming of the perfect bedroom                             o you dream of cuddling in bed with a cozy         Soft and Serene                              Lush and Sensuous
                                                            fire, surrounded by your favorite pieces           If it’s peace and tranquility you crave,     Take a page from chic hotels; they        Partner Problems and Solutions
retreat? Creating your own private                          of art or moonlight streaming through a            lean towards off-whites, neutral colors,     exude lux living. And there’s nothing     If your partner needs to work on the
                                                    windowpane, turning everything it touches into magic?      or soothing blues and sea greens. Soften     more sensuous than high thread-count      computer late at night, creating a
oasis may be simpler than you think.                   Sumptuous and sensual, calming and relaxing, or         the look and feel of your bed with an        linen sheets, sumptuously soft duvets,    separate work area with a room divider
                                                    invigorating and inspiring, your bedroom is a place        upholstered headboard. Or for that truly     plush pillows, and deep pile carpeting    or bookshelf is a clever alternative to
m Pure & Simple                                     where you can express your individuality to the fullest,   lazy-day-in-heaven feeling, hang light       to pamper your toes.                      bringing the laptop to bed. Sleeping with
Who says you can’t enjoy your                       and create a space that’s as unique as you are.            drapery so it is 6 to 8 inches longer than      A chaise lounge or a set of velvety    a sheet stealer? Try a larger bed, made up
bedroom by day? Clean lines and                                                                                it needs to be to touch the floor, and let   armchairs can add extra areas to          with two sets of sheets and comforters,
lots of light keep it feeling carefree.
                                                                                                               the breezes billow you into dreamland.       cuddle up in comfort. And scented soy     and never fight over bed sheets again.
                                                                                                                                                            or beeswax candles and fresh fragrant
                                                                                                                                                            flowers soothe the senses, bringing the
                                                                                                                                                            luxury of the spa home.
1 6     c o n t e m p o r a r y h o m e                                                                                                                                                                                           contempor ary home      17
EDITORIAL                 PROCESS                                                                                                                               o Getting Started
                                                                                                                                                                  Your designer will work
                                                                                                                                                                  with you to make your
                                                                                                                                                                  dream home a reality.

                                                                                                                                                                  q So Many Options

The Design
                                                                                                                                                                  Our design library
                                                                                                                                                                  is ever growing with
                                                                                                                                                                  fabrics, finishes,
                                                                                                                                                                  wallpaper samples and

                                                                                                                                                                  q Personal Attention

                                                                                                                                                                  Your designer will be
                                                                                                                                                                  there every step of
                                                                                                                                                                  the way, from design
                                                                                                                                                                  concept to delivery.

                                                     ommitted to our tagline “Your      dream a reality — this is what they love
                                                     Space. Your Lifestyle. Your        to do and why they are in this business.
                                                     Choice.”, the Sklar Furnishings    Based on all of the information you
                                          Design Team are always excited to take        gave to them, they will put together
                                          you through the Design Process. Whether       a detailed floor plan which includes
                                          it is as simple as choosing a new carpet      furniture, fabrics, finishes, and even
                                          and accessories or a complete redo of a       paint and wallpaper colors. In the last
                                          home or condo we know how to make it          several years, we have expanded our
                                          happen — and to make it happen so you         services that — if need be — we can offer        Read more
                                          can realize your vision and your dream.       complete renovation services and in this      about the Design
                                              It all starts when you enter our          capacity, the Sklar Designer can oversee       Process here:
                                          showroom — you will be assigned to one        installation of all products and finishes.
                                          of our talented Design Associates and as          The excitement should be building        k www.sklarfurnishings.com
                                          you stroll through our 23,000 square foot     now. Next is the presentation of the            /design-your-space
                                          showroom, you will be able to discuss         Design plan, complete with color                   /executing-
                                          what it is you are looking for — from         swatches and suggestions, again based              your-vision/
                                          “just looking” to specifics like “a bright    on what your Designer gleaned from
                                          red chair”, your needs and your wants         spending time with you in the store and
                                          are always in the forefront — this is your    at your home. Once the overall space plan
                                          dream after all not ours.                     has been approved, you get to pick what
                                              Next, your Designer will come to          table you see having dinner at, what bed
                                          the home and analyze your space,              you see getting into at night, and what
                                          always taking into consideration any          sectional is the coziest for your family.
                                          existing furniture or pieces you want to      Fun with a capital F!
                                          incorporate into the final design. The            While waiting for your custom pieces
                                          Designer may use an existing floor plan       to arrive, your Designer will keep you
                                          or take measurements while there —            updated on timing, and before you know
                                          space planning, balance, and comfort          it, our white glove delivery technicians
                                          are all equally important in the finished     will be at your front door ready to make
                                          look. This is the perfect time to discuss     that Design Plan come to life! Finish with
                                          budget, how you see the space (if you are     the placement of your personal artwork,
                                          here only seasonally, if you will use it as   photos and accessories and your house
                                          a rental, or if this is the final house you   has turned into a home! Congratulations!
                                          want to live in) and what colors and styles   You have just completed the Sklar Design
                                          make you happy.                               Process.
                                              Your Designer will come back to the
                                          store and get started on making your
1 8     c o n t e m p o r a r y h o m e                                                                                                                                                     contempor ary home 19
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DESIGN              LIGHTING YOUR SPACE                                                                                                                                          o Hang Together
                                                                                                                                                                                   Light fixtures can
                                                                                                                                                                                   define the style of a
                                                                                                                                                                                   room – from sleek and
                                                                                                                                                                                   modern to traditional.

                                                                                                                                                                                   k Perfect Touch
                                                                                                                                                                                   Lighting can create
                                                                                                                                                                                   a signature look for
                                                                                                                                                                                   interest, or it can work
                                                                                                                                                                                   in harmony with the
                                                                                                                                                                                   overall theme of your

Transform any room with                                                                                                               you can change the feel with the flick of
                                                                                                                                      a dimmer switch. The bedroom should
                                                                                                                                                                                   in a variety of color ratings from soft to
                                                                                                                                                                                   bright, warm to cool.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                for intimate spaces, task lights for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                workspaces, and chandeliers to create
the perfect lighting mix.

                                                                                                                                      have a combination of lighting fixtures –                                                 an elegant statement – in virtually any
                                                                                                                                      with lower lights for reading or relaxing,   In the Limelight                             room.
                                                                                                                                      and higher, ambient lighting for making      Lighting can also be used to define areas       The right lighting can enhance
                                                                                                                                      the bed and dressing. Kitchen areas can      within a room that are used for different    the comfort and style of your home
                                                                                                                                      also benefit from under cabinet lights in    functions, creating cozy corners with        – creating a welcoming feeling, and
                                                                                                                                      addition to overhead lights, and hanging     standing or desk lamps, and spotlighting     bringing your space to life. We welcome

                                                                                                                                      pedestals to create a focus over eating      art and decorative pieces with accent        you to come in and speak to any of our
                                                                                                                                      islands.                                     lighting.                                    design consultants to learn more about
                                                                                                                                          As important as the right light              As a general rule, you can use           how to transform your home with the
                                                                                                                                      fixtures, the right type of light is also    recessed or track light for ambient          perfect lighting mix.
                                                                                                                                      key for setting the tone of the room.        illumination, wall fixtures or sconces
                                                                                                                                      Both traditional and LED bulbs come          to highlight certain areas, table lamps

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Helpful Tips

m See the Light                                       ave you ever walked into a home      night? The right lighting can make all                                                                                               1. Layer                      2. Be Creative
Pendant lights can be                                 and felt instantly welcome and at    the difference. Whether it’s soft and                                                                                                Create dual-duty              Consider using
works of art as well.                                                                                                                                                                                                           rooms with layers             chandeliers in non-
They create layers of                                 ease? Where everything seemed        magical, or bright and crisp, lighting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of lights.                    traditional spaces.
light, and give the room                    to be in just the right place, and the space   can influence how you feel in any room.
a dramatic focus.                           just flowed seamlessly? It may not just be     Need to focus on work? Create a task                                                                                                 3. Working?                   4. Divide
                                            the design elements that made you feel         area with bright, low-level lamps that                                                                                               Use brighter task             Define different areas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                lights for work areas.        of a room with light.
                                            that way. Lighting plays an equally            draw attention to the work area. Mellow
                                            important role in defining a space and         a room with softer shades and warmer
                                            creating a mood. Here are some bright          lights.
                                            ideas to help you achieve the perfect
                                            lighting mix.                                  Night and Day
                                                                                           Create a space that does double-duty
                                            Shine On                                       with brighter, recessed lights placed in                                                                                             o Get Your Glow On
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Keep lights close to create
                                            Want to create drama in an entranceway,        the ceiling and softer, more intimate                                                                                                the perfect reading spot.
                                            dazzle a dessert tray or romance the           lighting closer to a table or chairs, so
2 2     c o n t e m p o r a r y h o m e                                                                                                                                                                                                                   contempor ary home 23
Il senso

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                                                                                     contempor ary home 25

                       contempor ary home   27
HOW TO               SMALL SPACES                                                                                                 can eliminate the need for a separate        Hanging drapery from ceiling height, or           q Small Space.
                                                                                                                                    guest room. Consider who uses the            letting the drapery hang lower than the           Smaller Scale.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Try compact versions
                                                                                                                                    room and how. Is half of your living         floor makes the room and its windows

Small Space.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of the same furnishings
                                                                                                                                    room being used as an office space?          appear taller, while giving the room an           in light colors.
                                                                                                                                    Use sliding panels to hide built-in office   elegant, relaxed feel.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   qq Expect More
                                                                                                                                    shelves. Slide-in desktop surfaces and                                                         Try to make every major
                                                                                                                                    hang artwork on the panels to create         Lighten Up                                        piece in the room serve
                                                                                                                                    faux walls.                                  If you want your small space to feel              a dual purpose.

Big Impact.
                                                                                                                                                                                 cozy and intimate, use low, warmer
                                                                                                                                    Sitting Pretty                               lighting, such as table and desk lamps.
                                                                                                                                    Instead of a sectional sofa that may         For a fresh, lighter feel, use bright-white
                                                                                                                                    crowd a smaller room, try two facing         bulbs in recessed or pendant lights.
                                                                                                                                    loveseats to open up the space and the       To give the illusion of more light and
                                                                                                                                    conversation. To create zones within         more space, mirrors are your best and
                                                                                                                                    a room, try two area rugs flanked by         simplest design solution. Even mirrored
                                                                                                                                    square-back chairs. Sometimes having         walls are back in style, and they can
                                                                                                                                    multiple zones can make a room look          instantly double the visual space in a
                                                                                                                                    larger too.                                  room, and if they are hung to reflect a
                                                                                                                                       Resist the urge to move all of your       window with a pleasant view, can bring
                                                                                                                                    furniture to the edges of the room to        more of the outdoors in. Using lighter
                                                                                                                                    “create space”. Best to arrange              colors and sheer fabrics also gives the
                                                                                                                                    your furnishings in a conversational         room a light, airy feel.
                                                                                                                                    grouping to better define the room.              Another way to lighten up a room is
                                                                                                                                                                                 with clear or translucent furnishings,
                                                                                                                                    Vertical Integration                         such as a great set of Lucite chairs or
                                                                                                                                    Placing art and shelving vertically tends    a glass or mirrored table. These pieces
                                                                                                                                    to draw the eye upwards, making the          look smart mixed with metal or wood,
                                                                                                                                    room appear larger as well. Tall, slender    and give the illusion of space with their
                                                                                                                                    bookcases not only maximize storage in       clear or reflective finishes.
                                                                                                                                    comparison to lower shelving, but they
                                                                                                                                    also make the room appear more open.
             Bring out the beauty
                                                                                                                                                                                                            A sleeper-sofa
             of even the smallest                                                                                                                                                                          can eliminate the
             rooms in your home.                                                                                                                                                                          need for a separate
                                                                                                                                                                                                             guest room.

m Lighten the Mood                                    hen space is limited, it doesn’t   Dynamic Duos
To create the illusion                                mean you have to compromise        A room or single piece of furniture can
of more space, use a
consistent color palette                              on style, you just need to get     serve more than one purpose, giving the
and natural lighting.                     a bit more creative. Here are some design      space added versatility. An extension
                                          solutions to help you realize the potential    dining table can double as a work desk,
                                          of smaller spaces, and make the room feel      a sideboard can display decorative items
                                          and look bigger too!                           or serve as a casual bar. A sleeper-sofa
2 8     c o n t e m p o r a r y h o m e                                                                                                                                                                                         contempor ary home      29
HOW TO               USE OF PATTERNS                                                                                                                     k Be Inspired
                                                                                                                                                           Let the view outside
                                                                                                                                                           your window inspire
                                                                                                                                                           your pattern palette,
                                                                                                                                                           and go for the green.

                                                                                                                                                           q Keep it Simple

                                                                                        Learn to mix and match                                             If you have patterned
                                                                                                                                                           rugs and other textures,
                                                                                                                                                           consider solid tones or
                                                                                        patterns like the pros.                                            white for furnishings.

A Pattern                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Choose fabrics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      that both look

For Success
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and feel great.

                                                                                                                                     If you prefer a subtle use of patterns,          That’s Odd
                                                                                                                                     go with tone-on-tone, using your                 Always group an odd number of patterns
                                                                                                                                     wall color as either a foundation,               together, such as a grouping of three –
                                                                                                                                     or as the complement. If you have a              and make sure they complement, not           Start Small
                                                                                                                                     monochromatic room, you can still                clash with one another. If one piece has a   If you’re still wary of making a big
                                                                                                                                     vary the patterns, using shades of the           strong, illustrative pattern, choose more    design mistake, just start small. Choose
                                                                                                                                     same color paired with neutrals, such as         subdued patterns to complement it, such      three or five patterned pillows first.
                                                                                                                                     white, sand or “greige” – a very popular         as small stripes, plaids or tone-on-tone     Then, try your hand at a bedding combo.
                                                                                                                                     new blending of grey and beige.                  patterns.                                    Like what you see? Soon you’ll be mixing
                                                                                                                                         With bedding, walls and even area                                                         patterns all over the house like the pro
                                                                                                                                     rugs, a solid color can ground a grouping        Get Inspired                                 you really are!
                                                                                                                                     of patterned pieces. Pick your favorite          Anything can inspire you to find
                                                                                                                                     color from your patterned pieces and             patterns you love. The colors and style
                                                                                                                                     paint the room or a feature wall that            of a painting or vase can be the starting

m Tone-on-Tone                                    atterns are everywhere in our       Colorful Choices                               color to give the room real impact.              point of a happy search for the perfect
Liven up a monochrome                             homes – from pillows and curtains   If you’re starting with a blank canvas, you                                                     print. Patterns and colors from your
color scheme with fun
graphic patterns.                                 to armchairs and wallpaper. But     can get started by choosing a color that you   Tip: The Scales                                  favorite travels can bring back treasured
                                           sometimes achieving a seamless look by     love. Whether you are looking for a bold       When mixing patterns that will be                memories, and create a look that will
                                           mixing and matching patterns can be        or a subtle look will determine how you go     seen close together, such as a grouping          make you feel right at home. For example,
                                           daunting. Here’s a few tips to demystify   about selecting the complementing colors       of accent pillows, try finding fabrics           a trip to India can awaken a color palette
                                           the process, and have your space looking   in the fabric and upholstery. For a pattern    with three different sized patterns –            you may not have considered.
                                           polished and picture-perfect.              that pops, the rule of complimentary colors    one large, one medium and one more
                                                                                      reigns supreme – select colors that are        intricate. Patterns with the same color
                                                                                      opposite to each other on the color wheel      scheme or complementary family will
                                                                                      – think rich eggplant and amber-yellow.        pull the look together.
3 0      c o n t e m p o r a r y h o m e                                                                                                                                                                                                             contempor ary home   31

Giving Back                                                                                                                                Our Commitment
                                                                                                                                     We continue to return to our
                                                                                                                                     Mission statement, which we
                                                                                                                                  crafted in 2002: We will be a good
                                                                                                                                     neighbor and make a positive
                                                                                                                                     difference in the community
                                                                                                                                       where we live and work.

ml Florence Fuller Child                             t Sklar Furnishings, we are        All communities are home to the less                        m Habitat for Humanity    Habitat for Humanity                        Boca Helping Hands
Development Centers                                  dedicated to being an excellent    fortunate as well, and we are proud                         Our staff have            Habitat provides simple, decent, and
Every year, we sponsor a                                                                                                                            volunteered on home                                                   The mission of Boca Helping Hands is to
class during the holidays                            corporate neighbor by supporting   to be able to support many different                        builds, and last year,    affordable housing for deserving low-       provide food and emergency assistance
and present them with gifts.               the community that we work and live in       non-profit organizations and charities                      we sponsored our first    income families. They bring people          to meet basic human needs and long
                                           to the best of our abilities. We are well    here in Palm Beach County and beyond.                       Habitat home.             together to build homes, communities        term solutions to break the cycle of
                                           aware that a community that houses a         Whether we donate items, pledge                             n Boca Helping Hands      and hope.                                   dependence. Learn more about our
                                           university, live theater, has excellent      financial support, sit on the board, or                     From food drives, to                                                  philanthropy at www.sklarfurnishings.
                                           schools, parks and museums and a vibrant     open our showroom to host events, Sklar                     participating in their    Florence Fuller Child
                                                                                                                                                    “Bowling for Bread”                                                   com/the-sklar-experience/giving-back/
                                           Chamber of Commerce will be one that         Furnishings is happy to offer help to                       event, we have been       Development Centers
                                           attracts like-minded people.                 those organizations whose daily mission                     donating to Boca          FFCDC’s mission is to make a difference
                                                                                        is one of service to others. Here are                       Helping Hands since our   through education for economically
                                                                                                                                                    opening in 2002.
                                                                                        three of our favorites.                                                               challenged children and families to
                                                                                                                                                                              build a positive future in our community.
3 2     c o n t e m p o r a r y h o m e                                                                                                                                                                                                     contempor ary home   33

                                                                                                                                       Exceed the most comfortable of expectations.
                                                                                                                                       Nowhere does comfort and contemporary design coexist more beautifully than in Stressless® furniture. Every piece that we make is designed
                                                                                                                                       to please both the eyes and the body. Look to the Stressless E200 sofa as a perfect example. Its simple lines and classic proportions exemplify
                                                                                                                                       the very best in contemporary Scandinavian design. Its ErgoAdapt® technology allows for the perfect sitting and lying positions. Add in the
                                                                                                                                       luxurious yet durable Ultrasuede® fabric option, and one has a modern masterpiece more comfortable than could possibly be imagined.

                                                                                                                                       Visit StresslessDesign.com or call 855.553.9060 for more Stressless information.

                              above: Back It Up Modular Series, Movin’ On Swivel Chaise with Milo Baughman Brushed Nickel Drum Table

                                                                                   THAYER COGGIN designer furniture, artisan

                   thayer coggin                                                   crafted in the USA and custom made to
                                                                                   order. Select from hundreds of our in-house
                                                                                   curated fabrics and leathers as well as
                                                                                   numerous wood and metal finishes. To learn
                          custom home furnishings                                  more, visit us online at thayercoggin.com

Movin’ On Swivel Chaise                    Milo Baughman Drum Tables                               Back It Up Modular Sectional

                                                                                                                                        ©2015 Ekornes inc. All rights reserved.

The Green
                                                                                                    The SFC
                                                                                                The Sustainable
                                                                                             Furnishings Council
                                                                                             consists of furniture
                                                                                         retailers and manufacturers

                                                                                           committed to promoting
                                                                                            healthy environments,
                                                                                                inside and out.

How to make your home healthier
with sustainable furniture.

     nvested in the Earth. We think         that no stain can ever duplicate.
     of “sustainable” as meaning            Salvaged wood that has been recovered
     made from material that is being       from lakes and rivers also provides a
replenished, such as wood that is being     unique patina.                                          o Circle of Friends
                                                                                                    Sustainable furnishings
re-forested, however when it comes to                                                               can cozy up to any of
furniture, choosing sustainable products    Pop Art                                                 your existing pieces,
means so much more. It means picking        Today, recycling has become elevated                    and add instant impact.
durable pieces made from eco-friendly       from a duty to an art form, with some                   o Post. Modern.
materials – investments that will stand     furniture made from recycled pop cans,                  Wooden furniture doesn’t
the test of time, and the test of nature.   plastic, glass or mosaic tiles. Some                    have to be traditional.
                                                                                                    Sleek, modern stylings give
By learning more about sustainable          couches are even filled with recycled                   a space a crisp, clean look.
furniture, we can do our part to help       plastic spun into fibers that are both
sustain our health and the health of the    durable and hypoallergenic. Trendy                      oo Quality Time
                                                                                                    Look for well-made pieces
planet. Here are some ideas on how to       and durable – buying these products                     that will stand the test of
find eco-friendly furniture, and what to    is another way to keep things out of                    time, and look great too.
look out for.                               landfill sites while adding some pop
                                            to your home décor.
The Green, Green Grass of Home
Bamboo is an ultra fast-growing grass       Time After Time
that is being used by many companies        Buying quality furniture is yet another
today. In fact, bamboo can be fully         way of helping the planet. Durable,
re-grown in just 5 years! It’s easy on      quality furniture will last, as opposed to
the arches for flooring, and designers      being later thrown in a landfill site, and
are also using it for everything from       can always be sold when we’re looking
furniture to cutting boards.                for a new look.
                                               By choosing sustainable furniture,
Farm to Table                               you’re improving and protecting the
Wonderful pieces, such as coffee tables     environment. You can sit pretty in your
and chairs, are being made from old         eco-friendly chair and feel good about
barn wood and vintage doors. Hundred        yourself and your design choices too.
year-old pine exudes a mellow richness
3 6     c o n t e m p o r a r y h o m e                                                            contempor ary home 37


38 contempor ary home

Contemporary                                                       1.   Unique designs and styles hand selected by our
                                                                        talented designers.

Home                                                               2.

                                                                        Home furnishings that follow modern ideas
                                                                        and fashion in style and design.
                                                                        A Contemporary Design Group publication,
                                                                        your local, independent experts in
                                                                        contemporary home furnishings.

we’re contempor ary design                   visiting major furniture shows in the          through job creation, sponsoring
group, an association of independent         U.S. and abroad searching for the              community activities, and local & state
contemporary home furnishings retailers.     perfect pieces from the finest suppliers       taxes. It’s a win-win for you, your home,
Contemporary Home is our annual              and manufacturers to bring back to your        and your hometown! Contemporary
publication on trends, style, and interior   city. You’re guaranteed to find unique         Design Group has member stores in 37
design. We believe in going the extra        items in our showrooms that you won’t          cities throughout the U.S., including the
mile to share our expertise with you and     find in the typical chain furniture store.     retailer featured in the issue that you’re
your family. That’s because our member       We also believe in looking out for our         reading right now. Let us help you define
showrooms are all locally owned and          neighbors, so we sell our top quality          contemporary in your home!
operated—we’re proud members of your         furnishings at the most reasonable
community!                                   prices possible.
   Contemporary Design Group                    And if that wasn’t enough, shopping         k To learn more, visit us at
members are passionate about keeping         at our member showrooms puts more              contemporaryhome.com
up with the latest designs, personally       money back into your local economy

                                 26 independent retailers, 39 showrooms coast to coast.

Burlington Furniture             Forma Furniture                   Lawrance Furniture                  Skandinavia Contemporary
Burlington, VT                   Boulder and Ft. Collins, CO       San Diego, CA                       Interiors
                                                                                                       Austin, TX
The Century House                Hillside Furniture                NIU Urban Living                                                      jesse.it
Madison, WI                      Bloomfield Hills, MI              McAllen, TX                         Sklar Furnishings
                                                                                                       Boca Raton, FL
Circle Furniture                 Houseworks                        PerLora / PerLora Leather
Throughout Massachusetts         Indianapolis, IN                  Pittsburgh, PA                      Suburban Contemporary
Contents Interiors               Indoor Furniture                  Rosenthal Contemporary              Oklahoma City, OK
Tucson, AZ                       Columbia, MD                      Furniture
                                                                   Minneapolis, MN                     Surroundings Furniture and
Decorum                          Ironhorse Home                                                        Design
Norfolk, VA                      San Francisco Bay Area, CA        San Francisco Design                Northfield, NJ
                                                                   Salt Lake City and Park City, UT
DoMA                             Jensen-Lewis                                                          Tema Furniture
Tampa and St. Petersburg, FL     New York, NY                      Scan Home                           Albuquerque, NM
                                                                   Anchorage, AK
Fishel’s                         LaDiff                                                                Find your store at
Portland, OR                     Richmond, VA                      Schoenfeld Interiors                contemporarydesign.com
                                                                   Seattle and Bellevue, WA

40 contempor ary home
6300 N. Federal Highway
Boca Raton, FL 33487

                                                       sklarfurnishings   sklarfurnishing
Open Mon – Sat 10-6, Sun 12-6   sklarfurnishings.com
Evening hours by appointment    Tel 561.440.8530       @SklarFurnishing   sklarfurnishings

Inspiration is
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