WE NEED A REVOLUTION COVID, COLONIALISM, CLIMATE CHAOS - Don't Look Up and other pandemic viewing - socialist.ca

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WE NEED A REVOLUTION COVID, COLONIALISM, CLIMATE CHAOS - Don't Look Up and other pandemic viewing - socialist.ca
Don’t Look Up                    Marx, Engels
and other                        and settler
pandemic viewing                 colonialism
 page 7                            pages 4 and 5

    $2 | No 639 | January 2022                     socialist.ca


WE NEED A REVOLUTION COVID, COLONIALISM, CLIMATE CHAOS - Don't Look Up and other pandemic viewing - socialist.ca
by John Bell

Omicron is out to get me
         his time its personal. When       options for our beleaguered health
         it comes to the ultra-trans-      system, the risks I face in dialysis
         missible new COVID variant        increase sharply.
         – omicron – I have a big
target on my back. Omicron is out to       Normalizing death and
get me.                                    destruction
   When it comes to vulnerability             Through all these adventures
I’m the tiptop of the pyramid. I’m         I am intimately familiar with our
an organ transplant recipient. I’m         healthcare system, its strengths and
elderly. The medication I must take        weaknesses. A lot of my experience
daily to stop my body from rejecting       is pre-pandemic, so I’ve witnessed
my lungs has the side effect of de-        the changes COVID crisis has
stroying my kidneys. So I have to go       wrought. It isn’t pretty.
to Toronto’s biggest hospital 3 times         Once, I had cause to spend almost
per week for life sustaining dialysis      a month in the ICU. The patient to
treatment to cleanse my blood and          nurse ratio in ICU is supposed to
remove excess liquid from my body.         be 2 to 1. When I was there (pre-
   The dialysis clinic at said hospital    COVID) the reality was 3 to 1, or
is the site of a COVID omicron             sometimes more on night shift. I
outbreak. Which means that 3               occasionally witnessed scenes where
times a week I get to play Russian         supervisors pleaded with nurses to
roulette. My last visit there were,        work extra hours or give up days off.      Alberta nurses protest unfair treatment by Jason Kenney’s conservatives.
to my count, 5 dialysis patients (the         Today, my nurse confidants tell
clinic holds about 30) with COVID.         me, the shortage of ICU nurses            inflation rate that is real pay cut of      minimum to contain the disease, and      gym personal trainers, complaining
Isolation curtains are drawn around        means the workload for those              3% to 4%.                                   prioritize keeping business going as     that their livelihoods are threatened.
them in what is likely a vain attempt      remaining has doubled. You can’t             I happened to be in the midst of         near to normal as possible. Although     Absent are stories about “long
to give them the life-sustaining           replace ICU nurses with the snap          dialysis treatment the day Doug             they don’t come right out and say        COVID”, the long-term health
treatment they need while protecting       of a finger. These are highly trained     Ford announced that he hoped health         so, all of their efforts have been to    problems many recovering COVID
the rest of us from exposure.              specialists bearing immense respon-       workers would volunteer to staff            normalize the death and destruction      patients face: cognitive issues,
   Now comes news that labour              sibility. Burnout is enough of a prob-    inoculation clinics in the lead-up          COVID brings.                            inflamed joints and chronic fatigue.
shortages caused by exposure to            lem without a culture of overwork         to Christmas. There was a group                Another path could have blunted       Invisible are stories about the people
COVID omicron, and obeying                 and austerity. Add the pressures of       of nurses conferring nearby, so I           the wildfire spread of omicron. It       who die each day – we never learn
instructions to isolate for 10 days,       COVID, and the flight of trained          had the pleasure of conveying the           would have meant serious lock-           their names.
threaten collapse of our health            nurses is understandable.                 Premier’s request for free labour to        downs. It would have meant total            All of this tells me that my gov-
system. The Quebec government                 The occasional scenes of supervi-      them.                                       cancelation of big events like pro       ernment is willing to sacrifice my
has announced that it will allow           sors begging, cajoling and threat-           Their initial reaction: a literal roar   sports matches. It would have meant      health and possibly my life – and the
health workers who test positive for       ening nurses are now almost daily         of laughter.                                the cancelation of all modes of travel   health and lives of tens of thousands
COVID but are asymptomatic or              occurrences. Good-bye gatherings             Then came the rage, as they              for all but essential purposes. But      of people with compromised im-
have mild symptoms to go back to           for nurses retiring or quitting are       complained about their overwork             that would have jeopardized the          mune systems and other issues – to
work. Sick doctors and nurses caring       regular. Frustration, fatigue and,        and bad pay. One told me her home           retail frenzy of Christmas on which      maintain business as usual. This is
for vulnerable patients? What could        truth be told, inexperienced staff        life was a shambles because she             our economy seems to depend.             not exaggeration.
go wrong.                                  being saddled with responsibility         went home too tired to take care of            Sometime the mask slips. In              I head to hospital this afternoon
   Other measures are on the table:        above their ability or training creates   domestic chores.                            August, in the lead-up to reopening      for 4 hours of essential dialysis treat-
reducing the period of isolation to        a literally toxic workplace.                 I have utmost respect for nurses. I      schools, Ontario’s Chief Medical         ment. I will be exposed to fellow
seven days, or maybe 5 days. To               Nurses everywhere have become          literally trust them with my life. But      Officer said the time has come to        patients who have COVID. I may be
be clear, these are not discussions        experts in spotting hypocrisy, none       now I have to wonder if this person         “normalize” COVID in schools.            treated by health workers who are
restricted to health services. Airlines,   more so than Ontario nurses. For two      assigned to care for me will be the         Normalizing the disease is a lot         COVID positive. It is not a question
forced to cancel flights because           years or more they have endured a         one to infect me, and given my con-         cheaper than making schools – yes,       of if I get omicron; it is a question of
attendants and pilots are in isolation,    government boss that heaps praise         dition pose a mortal danger.                and all other workplaces – safe for      when. And when I do get it, will my
are pushing for a 5 day quarantine         on them at every opportunity, and            Obviously I don’t blame frontline        students, teachers and other workers.    immune-compromised body be able
limit. The determining factor is not       then uses emergency powers to pass        health workers. I do blame gov-                Normalization means that every        to fight it off.
public health, but the labour needs of     a law (Bill 124) ripping the guts out     ernments, like Ford’s Tory regime,          twist and turn of public health             One thing is certain, if COVID
industry.                                  of their contracts, and damning them      because they decided months ago             measures is met with a wave of           kills me, you’ll never learn my
   If Ontario chooses any of these         to annual raises of 1%. With today’s      that they would do the absolute             interviews by pizzeria owners, or        name. That is not acceptable to me.

 Canadian Forces training Ukraine’s rising
 fascist movement
 by: John Bell                             University details a powerful                                                                                                  rally in Virginia and shift the blame

                                           fascist movement with tentacles in                                                                                             to BLM. The goal was to instigate a
     n Kiev, Ukraine’s capital,            government and the military. It is                                                                                             race war.
     thousands of fascists rang in the     “a large far-right organization with                                                                                              Groups like the Proud Boys are
     New Year with a torch-bearing         thousands of members that stretches                                                                                            active in Canada’s forces.
     march to the offices of President     from a highly capable and politi-                                                                                                 The military acknowledges the
 Volodymyr Zelensky.                       cized Azov Regiment of Ukraine’s                                                                                               problem. In 2020, in response to the
    The parade commemorated                National Guard to a far-right politi-                                                                                          Patrik case, it unveiled its new Anti-
 Stepan Bandera, head of Hitler’s          cal party National Corp.”                                                                                                      Hate Policy.
 Ukrainian Nazi allies in WWII.               The report’s author, investigative                                                                                              No doubt it will be as effective
    Ukraine is a key piece in NATO’s       journalist Oleksiy Kuzmenko notes                                                                                              as its anti-sexism policies have been
 imperialist rivalry with Russia, and      that these forces are still a minority                                                                                         for protecting women from sexual
 a big part of Canada’s contribution       in Ukraine, but are growing, in part                                                                                           assault.
 to NATO has been training and             because the Ukraine government                                                                                                    It is worth noting that Deputy
 supplying the Ukraine military.           and its NATO allies turn blind eye                                                                                             Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland’s
    Ukraine’s neo-Nazi organizations       to Fascist recruiting at the military                                                                                          grandfather, Michael Chomiak was
 encourage supporters to join the          training academy.                                                                                                              a member of Stepan Bandera’s war
 military, and openly boast about re-                                                 Ukranian fascists bragged about getting training from Canada.                       time Nazi organization in Ukraine.
 ceiving training from NATO forces         Training and recruiting                                                                                                        A newspaper publisher, he led the
 in general, and Canada in particular.     Nazi and white-supremacist groups         is Patrik Mathews, the Canadian             teaching bomb-making and military        call for pogroms against Ukraine’s
    A report from the Institute for        here in Canada have long done the         Forces vet who was arrested in the          techniques to a neo-Nazi group           Jews and Roma populations.
 European, Russian and Eurasian            same, albeit on a much smaller            US in 2020. A military engineer             called The Base. Patrik was part of      Freeland continues to portray this
 Studies at George Washington              scale. The most recent example            and explosives expert, he was               a conspiracy to bomb a gun rights        history as “Russian disinformation”.

2 Socialist Worker January 2022
WE NEED A REVOLUTION COVID, COLONIALISM, CLIMATE CHAOS - Don't Look Up and other pandemic viewing - socialist.ca
Solidarité contre l’islamophobie                                                                                                  Housing crisis and police
by: Chantal Sundaram
                                           with parents and students about its
                                           impact. But in the end they came
                                                                                       but whose ruling was bound by the
                                                                                       notwithstanding clause. The court          brutality in Hamilton
                                           under huge governmental pressure            battle will continue on appeal and
   On December 12, dozens of               to comply.                                  perhaps all the way to the Supreme
supporters of all ages gathered to            In this first casualty of the law, the   Court.                                     by: Kim McAuley                          forced evictions, to build solidarity

hang green ribbons on the fence of         school board said it was obliged to            But one thing is certain: court                                                  with healthcare workers and people
Chelsea Elementary School in soli-         respect it. The solution they found         decisions won’t put to rest what                      amilton’s response to the     living in the encampments.
darity with grade 3 teacher Fatemeh        was to get the teacher to accept            fostered this law to begin with. The                  housing crisis in Southern       The City and its police responded
Anvari, who was removed from                                                           CAQ and other mainstream parties                      Ontario is criminal.          with force, moving people out of
the classroom for wearing a hijab                                                      in Quebec have fuelled Islamophobia                     The housing situation       accessible areas where they could
under Quebec’s Islamophobic Law                                                        deliberately under the false argument      was dire prior to Covid with wages       at least find food and water and
21. Adopted in 2019, the law bans                                                      of « secularism ».                         stagnating, the loss of huge sections    where they could be reached easily
religious symbols in public jobs,                                                         The only way to defeat this in the      of industry creating a declining tax     by social services and health care
including teaching positions, and                                                      hearts and minds of the québécois          base, mental health plummeting,          workers. These tear-downs forced
explicitly targets Muslim women.                                                       is more of the same response that          the opioid crisis and the cost of        people to move to wilderness
   Two days later dozens more                                                          immediately surrounded Fatemeh             rent and house prices skyrocketing.      areas where survival is even more
gathered at a rally outside the office                                                 Anvari with green ribbons of soli-         Now - with Covid rampant, endless        precarious.
of CAQ MNA Robert Bussière, who                                                        darity.                                    lockdowns and joblessness and our           The police force mobilized to
represents the riding of Gatineau,                                                        And that will take not only school      health care system in tatters - many     smash up one of the encampments,
in which the school is located. The                                                    boards but the unions that represent       people simply can’t afford the cost      and arrested and brutalized four
school is part of the Western Quebec                                                   teachers and other workers opposed         of the most basic necessities of         people of colour who were bearing
School Board, which openly opposes         reassignment to duties related to           to this racist law, and the ongoing        life - food, clean water, clothing       witness to their actions. Nothing
Law 21 - as a number of Quebec             literacy and inclusion. According           support of students, parents, and          and housing. Houseless people are        resembling respect for human rights
school boards do. A few boards             to the Board, these duties don’t run        those in the community who want            in crisis and the lack of affordable     in sight, only blunt, brutal authority
tried to refuse to comply or at least      afoul of the law.                           to see an end to Islamophobia being        housing and the lack of response         and inhuman force.
delay compliance at the time of its           This is only the first test of a law     used to create a false sense of québé-     to provide affordable housing is            This is clearly social cleansing.
adoption, particularly in Montréal,        which the Quebec Superior Court             cois identity and false scapegoats for     tantamount to criminal negligence.       There is a pattern of brutality in this
trying to involve direct consultation      ruled as essentially discriminatory,        the real crises we face.                      One response to this is that          City, against those who speak out
                                                                                                                                  people in Hamilton created tent          or don’t behave according to the

Kenney stokes anti-Asian racism
                                                                                                                                  cities to live in, where they felt       will of City Council. Palestinian
                                                                                                                                  safer together and could live in         demonstrators have experienced
                                                                                                                                  community, watching out for one          police brutality directly. LGBTQ
                                                                                                                                  another, sharing tools and cooking       activists who sit on committees
   Alberta Premier Jason Kenney de-        line on that fire.                          Hate”, and “Racism is a Disgrace to        equipment. Tent cities are a             have been silenced in City Council.
cided to end 2021 with a racist slur. In      But Alberta’s Asian community if         Alberta”.                                  result of decades and decades of         The City hired a neo-nazi to work
a year-end interview with the Calgary      fighting back. On New Years Day a              The first response from Kenney’s        governments underfunding housing,        in the I.T. department, with access
Sun, Kenney pondered: “Who knows           protest in front of Calgary’s provin-       office was that it was obviously ridic-    with the Federal government              to private records. Right wingers
what the next variant that gets thrown     cial government offices, demanding          ulous” to call the statement racist.       downloading the cost to the              have been allowed to attack Pride
up is? I don’t know. And what’s the        an apology from Kenney. A second               Later Kenney walked back his            province and the province passing it     events, and when people intervened,
next bat soup thing out of Wuhan? I        rally happened in front of the legisla-     comments – sort of. In a typical pol-      to the Municipal level.                  the interveners were attacked by
don’t know.”                               ture in Edmonton.                           itician’s non-apology, he said: “I do
   Such racist dog whistle comments           “We gather here to voice concern         want say that by the way, if anybody
have caused a serious increase in          on Jason Kenney’s irresponsible             did take offence, that I apologize to
racist attacks – both verbal and phys-     and toxic comments,” said Jiannong          them, if they took offence, certainly
ical – on Asian-Canadian communi-          Wu, on behalf of Calgary’s Chinese          none was intended.”
ties. In 2020, a poll found that half      population. “(This type of language)           Wu, a medical technician on
of Alberta’s Chinese-Canadians had         has provoked a significant increase         the front lines in the fight against
suffered racist incidents, and over        in hate crimes against Asian people         COVID, was not impressed. “I think
60% had changed their routine to           in general and Chinese in particular.”      it’s intentional, because (Kenney) is
avoid public settings as a result.            Protesters carried signs that read       trying to cover up his failure to handle
   Kenney’s statement throws gaso-         “Zero Tolerance for Anti-Asian              the pandemic.”

New far-right threat for Ontario
   Maxime Bernier is using the                                                         taking precaution – “we must start         Hamilton encampment support network fighting the evictions.
COVID emergency to try and forge                                                       shaming those who wear a mask,
a new, right-wing political force in                                                   as they shame others, the masks are           The City’s response has been          the police. Yellow-vesters were
Ontario politics.                                                                      coercing us to live their lie.”            barbaric.                                free for months on end, to harass
    To date, 3 splinter parties have                                                      Those on the left who limit                In the midst of these crises, at      people of Muslim faith, outside City
moved to the right of the Doug Ford                                                    politics to electoralism will be           the beginning of Covid, in October,      Hall, who were entering to attend
Conservatives. The New Blue Party,                                                     tempted to cheer on the drive for          2020 the right-wing city politicians     organized meetings.
predates the pandemic and opposes                                                      far-right unity.                           in Hamilton determined that                 At least one of the police
Ford because, with his helter skelter                                                     Although the People’s Party             encampments were an eye-sore             officers was wearing a thin blue
populist politics, he is not a pure                                                    failed to elect any candidates in the      and had to be torn down. Their           line patch, front and centre on
conservative.                              other little parties will come under        federal election, it is estimated that     response wasn’t ‘we will create          his uniform, at a November
   The Ontario Party began in 2018,        Randy — and that would be more              they were responsible for the Erin         affordable housing’, it was ‘how         demonstration for affordable
formed by a handful of individuals         efficient to fight the tyrannical           O’Toole Conservatives losing a             embarrassing, we can’t have people       housing, at an encampment. He
like former MP Derek Sloan and             Government of Ontario.”                     number of close races.                     living in tents anywhere in our city,    was photographed. The police force
disgraced Ottawa councilor Rick               Who is Randy Hillier? He has                But these new right-wing                call the police.’                        said “he will be held accountable”.
Chiarelli – these are people that          been a Conservative MPP from the            formations will not limit themselves          Various social organizations,         They’ll probably throw him a party.
federal and provincial Conservative        Kingston area since 2007. In 2019           to electoral politics. Their role in       such as the Hamilton Encampment          That none of his fellow officers
parties have expelled or tried to          Doug Ford kicked him out of the             organizing demonstrations to attack        Support Network, and already             called him out on it and told him
isolate.                                   Conservative Party because he was           vaccine clinics, hospitals and health      exhausted health care professionals      to remove it , that he was allowed
   Then there is the newest spawn of       an embarrassment and too far to the         care workers shows that. They              intervened. They won an injunction       to wear it ever to begin with, is
the far-right anti-vaxx movement,          right. He sits as an independent. As        are a pole of attraction for white         of two weeks, before the people          strong evidence of the culture of
the Ontario First Party, formed            well as positioning himself at the          supremacist and Nazis.                     living in the encampments were           white supremacy and allowing hate
around former MPP Randy Hillier.           head of the anti-vaxx movement,                In fact, just last night - December     forced to move by the police, under      crimes to proceed unhindered both
OFP now has the endorsement and            Hillier consistently denies climate         21 - the anti-vaxx far right attacked      order from the City. This cost           within the police force and on our
material support of the People’s           change, is a vocal opponent of              and vandalized the homes of Dr.            the City hundreds of thousands           streets.
Party of Canada. Maxime Bernier,           “woke” politics, ridicules the idea         Mustafa Hirji, Niagara Region’s            of dollars in police wages and              Rallies outside the police station
who has had modest success using a         of systemic racism, and opposes             acting Medical Officer of Health           overtime. Money that could have          ensued after the encampment tear
combination of COVID skepticism,           public services – especially public         and St. Catharines Ward 4                  been spent on re-opening a yet           downs; unions and various other
anti-immigrant politics, and dog-          health services.                            Councillor Karrie Porter.                  to be torn down City Housing             supporters responded by sending
whistle white supremacy to build a            He promotes the conspiracy                  Hopefully the monstrous egos,           project near the popular Bay Front       food to the activists and people
nation presence, is calling on these       theory that COVID does not                  opportunism and delusional                 area, that the City instead sold to      affected; Six Nations has stood
3 groups to unite behind Hillier.          exist. He has tweeted “there is no          conspiracy politics rife in all these      developers. Money that could             up to say “No encampment bans
   “I’m supporting the (Ontario            (COVID-19) pandemic & never                 splinters will keep them from              have been spent to create jobs and       on stolen land”. Solidarity is
First Party) and (I’m) supporting          was, we were duped”. He went                coming together. If they do, we will       houses.                                  growing here and there will be more
Randy Hillier,” Bernier told a press       further, egging his followers to            be facing a new breeding ground for           Housing solidarity action groups      reporting on this issue in the coming
conference. “I hope that all these         engage in violence against people           fascism.                                   began to mobilize to try to stop the     months.

                                                                                                                                                                          January 2022 Socialist Worker 3
WE NEED A REVOLUTION COVID, COLONIALISM, CLIMATE CHAOS - Don't Look Up and other pandemic viewing - socialist.ca
Race, empire and
settler colonialism
In the classical Marxist tradition, anti-racist and anti-colonial struggles are of central importance for the revolutionary working-class
movement. But key texts in this tradition also contain racist ideas about supposedly “primitive” Indigenous peoples.
Marx and Engels’ analysis of race and empire developed in profound ways from the 1850s through to Marx’s death in 1883.
This development came in response to resistance movements of colonised people around the world. Below are excerpts from a recent
presentation on this question by Padraic Gibson of Solidarity (Australia).

         or socialist organizations op-      capital accumulation. The Communist tionary process which could do away which they play a crucial role in. It                Civil War period and the mass uprising
         erating on stolen Indigenous        Manifesto, with its searing insights with want and poverty worldwide. was a profoundly internationalist                      of slaves themselves who absconded
         lands in settler-colonial con-      into the reality of the emerging capi- Right from that period in 1848, they organization which sought to unite               from plantations in their hundreds of
         texts, it’s important to theorize   talist system and its injustices, had an believed socialist revolution was pos- working people across the world. In          thousands. W.E.B. Du Bois called it a
 the system of settler-colonialism,          internationalist catchcry: Workers of sible in Western Europe, to take the reality, its members were in Europe               general strike of slaves which ended
 how it works to oppress Indigenous          the world unite!                          reins of this amazing new productive and North America, but was open to            the US Civil War. This amazing rad-
 peoples, working people and the op-            Even though it is prescient and bril- capacity.                                 all people regardless of nationality,     ical movement spilled over into a
 pressed, and the basis on which we          liant in the way it theorizes capitalism                                           race or gender.                           radical labour struggle demanding the
 can build solidarity between the rev-       as a global system, at this point in time Anti-colonial rebellion                     The IWMA formed in response            8-hour day.
 olutionary workers’ movement and            there is not a developed critique of im- However, what did change was a to growing international cooperation                    In Capital, Marx sees that the
 continuing Indigenous strugles for          perialism in the Manifesto, or in the belief that bourgeois domination, the between different socialist, anarchist           militant anti-racism and anti-slavery
 justice and sovereignty.                    work of Marx and Engels. While on expansion of bourgeois imperialism and labour movement organizations.                      position that emerged in the British
                                             the one hand they celebrate the pro- around the world, was something that Workers from the European conti-                   and broader European working class
 Settler-colonialism                         ductive power of capitalism, how it is needed to be supported, and that was nent were being brought to Britain               movement, in turn led to the emer-
 Marx and Engels’ ideas need to be           able to throw off the fetters of the old in itself a progressive thing. They shift to break strikes. In response to these    gence of the 8-hour day struggle at the
 understood in the context of struggles      feudal society in Europe, at the same quite decisively in the 1850s with the international scabbing operations,              end of the Civil War. He writes, “But
 they were part of. Their best insights      time as it’s jux-                                                                                     the IWMA tried         out of the death of slavery a new life at
 come about at the high points of strug-     taposed to the                                                                                        to build a sense of    once arose. The first fruit of the Civil
 gle, where they are generalizing from       degradation,                                                                                          international sol-     War was the eight-hours’ agitation
 the best insights of working-class ac-      alienation and                                                                                        idarity to stop the    that ran with the seven-league boots
 tivists on the ground.                      exploitation                                                                                          undermining       of   of the locomotive from the Atlantic
    Some of their work related to set-       experienced by                                                                                        union power.           to the Pacific, from New England to
 tler-colonial situations, particularly      the proletariat.                                                                                         But it also         California.”
 Anglo-settler colonies in the US and        There’s no cri-                                                                                       formed in re-
 Australia, requires a critical analysis.    tique of colo-                                                                                        sponse to profound     Ireland and Imperialism
 Even though the revolutionary move-         nial violence or                                                                                      internationalist       The most profound insights of Marx
 ment they led developed a profound          colonial racism.                                                                                      campaigns.      Big    and Engels into the questions of soli-
 critique of racism and colonialism in          The      same                                                                                      meetings       were    darity with anti-imperialist and anti-co-
 general, when it came to the question       year           the                                                                                    held in London in      lonial struggle come in relation to the
 of settler-colonialism, it was not rec-     Manifesto        is                                                                                   solidarity with the    Irish question. Even though we have
 ognized that this too was an imperial-      written, Engels                                                                                       Polish     indepen-    articles in solidarity with China, with
 ist process that was being resisted by      writes an arti-                                                                                       dence movement,        India, with Algeria, with Indonesia and
 Indigenous peoples who deserved and         cle welcoming                                                                                         the Irish indepen-     a whole range of places where people
 needed solidarity.                          a French army                                                                                         dence movement,        are resisting European colonisation, it
    The weakness of the workers’             victory         in                                                                                    and the movement       was in Ireland where the question was
 movement they were part of, and the         Algeria against Diego Rivera shows the brutality of the Spanish conquest of Mexico. to stop the entry of                     posed incredibly sharply for the work-
 structural position of the workers’         the      Algerian                                                                                     the British into the   ers’ movement in Britain. There are
 movement in settler colonies (partic-       people: “…the conquest of Algeria is experience of major rebellions in American Civil War on the side of the                 hundreds of thousands of Irish work-
 ularly the United States, where cam-        an important and fortunate fact for the Algeria, in China, and particularly the Confederacy.                                 ers in Britain, inside the metropolitan
 paigns for land in the US territories to    progress of civilization… the modern most influential, major anti-colonial                                                   centre, and the division between Irish
 be opened up for working class people       bourgeois, with civilization, industry, rebellions in India, the Sipoy uprising Slavery and abolition                        and British workers is a crucial tool for
 to take up as settlements) distorted        order, and at least relative enlighten- of 1857.                                   You’ve got the slaveholding south vs      the ruling class in England to keep the
 the view of imperialism as it related       ment following him, is preferable to         Marx and Engels are excited about the free labour north, and the northern       working-class movement divided and
 to the North American continent and         … the barbarian state of society to these new revolutionary actors fight- armies were blockading cotton from                 retain the power of the capitalist class.
 Australia, and masked the reality of        which they belong.” At this point, ing the same British imperialism that being exported from the South to                       In 1869, the question is posed
 that imperialist violence and the need      capitalism is critiqued but presented the workers’ movement is fighting Britain. This was causing enormous                   sharply when Fenians – Irish inde-
 for solidarity.                             as historically progressive, and in in Britain. They start to recognize, hardship in Britain, where people are               pendence fighters – set off a load of
    Marx and Engels started working,         fact historically necessary, that there as Marx says to Engels in 1857, that employed in big cotton factories. The           bombs. People are killed, there’s a
 theorizing and writing together in          was something progressive about the “India is now our greatest ally”. This British government planned to break               wave of arrests of Fenian leaders and
 1843, and were close collaborators          bourgeois invasion of Algeria.            is a proto-emergence of a theory of the naval blockade and intervene on            massive demonstrations of 200,000
 until Marx’ death in 1883. They de-            One thing that never changes in the revolutionary workers’ solidarity with the side of the South. What stopped            in Dublin, 100,000 in London, led by
 veloped brilliant insights into the         work of Marx and Engels is that what anti-imperialist struggle that becomes them was a movement among work-                  Irish workers demanding the release of
 destructive and exploitative nature         capitalism accomplished in Europe more developed in the 1860s, and be- ing people in solidarity with the North               the prisoners.
 of capitalism, and the creation of          by overthrowing the feudal system comes absolutely crucial for the emer- against the slaveholding South, on an                  The question is posed to the
 the working class as a revolutionary        and creating a system of production gence of the anti-imperialist position anti-racist, anti-slavery basis. This             IWMA, what is your position on these
 subject. Right from the start, capital-     with incredible productive powers at of the Communist International after ferment played an important role in                demonstrations? Marx fought very
 ism was theorized as a world system         its disposal, was necessary in creating the First World War.                       the formation of the IWMA.                hard for the IWMA to be shoulder to
 interested in expanding across the          the basis that made socialism possi-         This anti-imperialist position takes     In many ways, even the language        shoulder with the Irish independence
 world, dominating it and dragging           ble. Suddenly, there was a working a big leap forward with the formation of self emancipation – the liberation               struggle at this moment – to call for
 all the world’s people into one global      class that could take in its hands a of the International Working Men’s of the working class must be the act                 the release of the Fenian prisoners
 market subordinate to the needs of          productive potential through a revolu- Association in 1864-1865 in London, of the working class – came from the              and independence for Ireland.

4 Socialist Worker January 2022
WE NEED A REVOLUTION COVID, COLONIALISM, CLIMATE CHAOS - Don't Look Up and other pandemic viewing - socialist.ca
Trade Unions must
                                                                                                                                    mobilize to support
                                                                                                                                    abortion rights in
                                                                                                                                    the US

 1805 cartoon - ‘Plum pudding in danger’ depicts British Prime Minister William Pitt the Younger and
 the Napoleon, Emperor of France carving spheres of influence throughout the world.
                                                                                                                                    Chicago protest against the Texas anti-choice law.

                                                                                                                                    by: Carolyn Egan                           doing the same in the United States.

                                                                                                                                                                                  We know that to have real
   He waged an argument against             during great insurgent strikes taking      establish settler colonial occupation                   ccess to abortion in            choices in our lives we must also
anarchists within the IWMA who              place at that time. This was just one      in places like Kansas. There is                         the United States is            have accessible childcare, easily
said, “We don’t get involved in             of numerous mobilizations of the US        no recognition that there is still                      deteriorating as right          available birth control, decent jobs,
nationalism, the working men have           army against mass strikes, including       Indigenous struggle for these lands.                    wing forces opposed             an end to coerced sterilization,
no country. Isn’t that what you said        the suppression of the nationwide          It’s seen as public lands, and the           to the equality of women win               freedom to express our sexuality as
in the Communist Manifesto? What            Pullman strike by army divisions that      debate is about the terms on which           legislative victories in a number          we choose, and so much more to
are we doing mucking around with a          had recently massacred Lakota men,         it’s going to be colonized.                  of states. They have a long term           live our lives with the dignity and
nationalist struggle?”                      women and children at Wounded                 In chapter 33 of Capital there’s          goal of banning all abortions,             respect we deserve. These must
   Marx is clear that it’s not enough       Knee in 1890. By not recognizing           quite a lengthy discussion of struggles      and have been working for years            all be part of the campaign for full
for English workers to say, “We all         the dangers of what the US army was        around property in the settler colonies.     to overturn the 1973 landmark              access to free abortion.
have no country.” Actually, there’s an      doing in the West, they actually are       Marx makes a case that socialists in         Roe versus Wade Supreme Court
oppression of Ireland as a nationality,     forging their own chains, allowing         America who think that they’re going         decision which gave constitutional         Union solidarity
and if you’re going to build solidarity     the creation of a force which is then      to be able to escape capitalism by           protection to those seeking an             The trade union movement
with Irish workers, it’s crucial that       deployed against the US workers            setting up some sort of small utopian        abortion.                                  historically has played an important
British workers are clear we’re against     movement.                                  project somewhere are wrong –                   The growing strength of the             role in winning abortion rights and
the racism that’s directed against             Marx and Engels wrote an enormous       capitalism is not going to allow it to       far right in the US has given              other needed reforms. In the US
them and that means supporting their        amount about the conflicts over land       happen. They’re going to attack the          confidence to those who oppose             there has been an upsurge of support
right to self-determination. It is a        that were taking place between the         small holdings and force them into           abortion rights, and ex president          for unions in recent years. Rates of
dialectical insight about how, in order     small holders of lands that had just       the labour market. And of course, that       Trump appointed Supreme Court              unionization are up with victories
to unite, we have to recognize your         been taken up by new settlers, and         is what happened. Lincoln sets up the        justices Kavanaugh and Barrett             in unorganized workplaces such as
right to separate.                          the big commercial interests, the big      Homestead Act in 1862, grants huge           both strongly opposed to abortion          Starbucks. Strikes have been taking
   Unless British workers could be          banks, the big industrial companies.       amounts of Indigenous land to settlers,      rights. This was viewed as a               place across the country, John
won to a position of support for Irish      Even though in the European context        and within a decade most of it is in the     huge step forward by anti-choice           Deere, Kelloggs, nurses unions and
independence, they would forever            the worker is the central figure           hands of wealthy industrialists and is       organizations which redoubled their        others. Workers are standing up for
be kept in tether to their own rulers       of socialist strategy, in the North        super concentrated in the hands of the       efforts to deny the American people        their rights moving ahead of their
– buying into this idea of racial           American context in the first couple       capitalist class.                            their basic right to a critical medical    leadership in fighting the boss.
superiority, that they somehow have         of decades when Marx and Engels                                                         procedure.                                    The labour movement in the
something in common with their own          are writing, it’s the independent          Indigenous resistance                                                                   United States must take a strong
rulers. A position of support for self-     small farmer that looms large as the       Marx was right that you can’t get            Anger and protest                          stand in support of reproductive
determination was about breaking            main actor in the revolutionary or         socialism by going and setting up            This has provoked outrage both             justice and abortion rights. This is
those racist ideas and allowing the         communist movement in the US.              some little utopian project on the           within the United Sates and                a massive and well financed attack
unity that was needed to emerge.               The main organization that Marx         frontier. What Marx missed in his            beyond. Organizing in states such          on fundamental democratic rights.
                                            and Engels say communists in               writings was that in fact Indigenous         as Texas was immediate after               It will significantly impact the
Colonialism in the US                       America need to get involved with is       people were resisting this reality, that     the state legislature passed very          most marginalized, Black, Brown,
Marx develops his position further,         the National Reform Movement that          there was another actor in politics in       restrictive legislation. Advocacy          Indigenous communities and the
writing to the National Labour              starts in the 1840s. This campaign         a settler-colonial context and that is       groups have been working to                poor, who do not have the ability
Union in the wake of the Civil War          demanded the release of 160 acre lots      the Indigenous people resisting and          arrange for abortions in other states,     to cross state lines for an abortion.
in the US, warning against letting the      across the continent for settlement by     fighting for their land at the time.         providing resources, support, and          What is happening in the US right
United States consolidate a standing        independent farmers.                          The writings of Marx are crucial          transportation. This is an important       now is outrageous, and unions must
army that they’re going to keep as an          What’s significant about this is that   for being able to actually articulate        interim measure but cannot be a            show concretely that they are on
imperialist force.                          on all of these territories, Indigenous    and understand why working people            long term solution. The director           the side of those who are under
   But this ignores that the US republic    sovereignty is actually recognized         need to stand in solidarity with             of the one abortion clinic in              attack. They have the collective
was in fact already an imperialist          by the US government at that time.         colonized people in their resistance.        Mississippi, which is also facing a        power to take work place actions to
settler-colonial entity, not in danger of   Allocating those lands to settler          But it is important to reflect upon          court battle at the Supreme Court          support the growing movement of
turning into one. In 1865, an intense       farmers would mean breaking treaties       the weaknesses of the workers’               restricting term limits to fifteen         resistance.
anti-insurgency war was being fought        with sovereign Indigenous people           movement in that time that kept              weeks, spoke about the number                 There is anger at the base of
by the American army right across           that the US is actually in relationships   blinkers on and didn’t allow socialists      of Texans coming to that clinic            society which is being shown by
the West. The US army was already           with. The workers’ movement was            to see the full implications of what a       since the restrictions were passed         the labour battles that have been
forging chains for the free labourer.       essentially saying ‘break the treaties     struggle for liberation looks like in a      in their home state. She stated how        taking place, Black Lives Matter,
This outlook had real implications and      and give us the land’.                     settler-colonial context.                    unsustainable this is.                     climate justice mobilizations and
came directly out of the weaknesses            Although in the 1850s Marx and             Revolutionary workers need to                In Mexico women’s                       other movements for change over
and the particular situation of the US      Engels break with these ideas as they      understand their place in the world          organizations have spoken out and          the past years. People are willing to
workers movement at that time.              relate to the rest of the colonized        and their responsibilities in terms of       have committed to helping those            struggle.
   The US army that was fighting            world, in America the labour               supporting anticolonial resistance           seeking abortions in Texas. They              The fight for abortion access is
across the American West became a           movement that they’re corresponding        that has been crucial in the past and        are willing to provide mifegymiso,         a life and death matter as we have
very important tool for putting down        with – is very much part of this whole     will be crucial in fighting for all of our   which is medication that can induce        seen when abortion is restricted.
the radical workers’ movement.              ‘free soil’ movement. Socialists and       liberation today.                            an abortion, by mail to anyone             Dying from back street abortions is
In 1877, US army regiments were             communists are on the side of the free                                                  who requests it. They have been            a reality for those who are denied.
redeployed from fighting against            soilers against slavery, but there’s no       To watch the whole presentation           providing this, along with support         Organized labour must be in the
Sioux people to Chicago, to put down        recognition that Indigenous people         please check out the video on youtube        through the process, in Mexico and         front lines defending reproductive
militant workers’ demonstrations            are suffering a horrific genocide to       at: bit.ly/3eMOdC9                           are willing to take the legal risk of      justice for all!

                                                                                                                                                                              January 2022 Socialist Worker 5
WE NEED A REVOLUTION COVID, COLONIALISM, CLIMATE CHAOS - Don't Look Up and other pandemic viewing - socialist.ca
The free market right is wrong
on inflation                                             exist—money is a mere technicality.”                                             abomination that would lead to hyper-inflation.                                        and goods largely produced by China and other
by: Alex Callinicos                                         But this is heresy from the point of view of                                  In fact inflation stayed very low or was even                                          Asian countries that are most affected. Call it

                                                         what has been the reigning economic ortho-                                       negative until very recently.                                                          the bullwhip effect—where changes in demand
         he alarm bells about inflation are ring-        doxy since the 1970s. Its adherents argue that                                      Secondly, there is a better explanation for                                         have a bigger impact the further along the sup-
         ing ever more shrilly across the world          the extra spending and borrowing has boosted                                     the inflationary surge, which focuses on supply                                        ply chain you go—in action,” said the FT.
         economy. Huw Pill, the new chief econ-          the money supply, causing the rise in inflation.                                 rather than demand.                                                                       “Delivery times have worsened the most in
         omist of the Bank of England, predicts             There are two problems with this analysis.                                       The economic shutdown provoked by the                                               the tech and auto sectors, where they are short
that the official British inflation rate will hit five   The first is that its exponents have been crying                                 pandemic disrupted the transnational supply                                            of microchips, but manufacturers of food and
percent early next year.                                 wolf for over a decade.                                                          chains that radiate from Asian factories to                                            beverages and personal items are experiencing
   In the United States the annual rate of core             The policies they denounce began in a more                                    Europe and North America. According to the                                             near-record disruptions.” However caused,
inflation reached four percent in September,             moderate form in 2007-8, when central banks                                      Financial Times (FT), manufacturing delivery                                           inflation is cutting into living standards. The
the highest it’s been in almost 25 years. Why is         responded to the global financial crisis by cre-                                 times have lengthened in recent months at the                                          bosses and their economists are most afraid of
inflation rising?                                        ating money and pumping it into the financial                                    fastest rate since records began in 1998.                                              a “wage‑price spiral”—in other words, workers
   The orthodox explanation is based on the              system. Free marketeers denounced this as an                                        “It is advanced economies that wait for parts                                       reacting by demanding higher wages and cap-
famous statement by one of the two ideological                                                                                                                                                                                   italists defending their profits by raising prices
godfathers of neoliberalism, Milton Friedman,                                                                                                                                                                                    further.
that “inflation is always and everywhere a                                                                                                                                                                                          This isn’t happening yet. According to a sur-
monetary phenomenon.” He argued that if the                                                                                                                                                                                      vey by XpertHR, over four fifths of British pri-
money supply rises faster than production,                                                                                                                                                                                       vate employers plan to raise wages, taking the
demand will increase more than the supply of                                                                                                                                                                                     median pay award to 2.5 percent, well below in-
goods and services, pulling up prices.                                                                                                                                                                                           flation. But the labour shortages that are another
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 effect of the pandemic may give many groups
Boosted                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of workers the power to defend their real wages.
Faced with the pandemic, states followed                                                                                                                                                                                            The free market right is preparing to strike
Maynard Keynes, who advocated intervention                                                                                                                                                                                       back. Pill is a protege of Otmar Issing, the
in the economy, rather than Friedman. Central                                                                                                                                                                                    first chief economist of the European Central
banks hugely boosted the money supply.                                                                                                                                                                                           Bank and a disciple of the other neoliberal
   They bought up financial assets as a way                                                                                                                                                                                      godfather, Friedrich von Hayek. Ignoring how
of pumping money into markets that froze in                                                                                                                                                                                      central banks have been actively intervening
March 2020. Meanwhile, governments in ad-                                                                                                                                                                                        to maintain demand, Pill told the FT the Bank
vanced economies massively increased their                                                                                                                                                                                       of England is “an institution that’s in the price
spending to fill the gap left by the collapse of                                                                                                                                                                                 stability business”.
private demand.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Meanwhile, chancellor Rishi Sunak, when
   To a large extent, they financed this by extra                                                                                                                                                                                asked by a journalist to choose between Keynes
borrowing. In the US and Britain, the Treasury                                                                                                                                                                                   and Friedman, opted for Friedman. We’ve been
bonds governments sold to borrow were bought                                                                                                                                                                                     warned. Winter—higher interest rates and
mainly by the central banks. This modern                                                                                                                                                                                         Thatcherite austerity—is coming.
equivalent of printing money was used to keep
economies afloat. As economic historian Adam                                                                                                                                                                                        Reprinted from the Socialist Worker, UK
Tooze put it, “budget constraints don’t seem to                                                                                                                                                                                  https://socialistworker.co.uk/

...Public sector continued from page 8                   and that's not appropriate. The university is                                    million from education in November and has                                             $15, after scrapping it three years ago when
                                                         to be independent from the government,"                                          capped public sector salary increases at 1%,                                           he took office.
   The two other unions that represent the rest          University of Manitoba Faculty Association                                       an effective wage cut. Ford also killed legisla-                                          The public sector workers who went on
of the daycare workers also threatened to join           president Orvie Dingwall said.                                                   tion for paid sick days.                                                               strike in November and December are show-
the strike. This pressure forced the Legault                Students showed their support for the                                            The lightening speed of the spread of the                                           ing the way. Their example of solidarity and
government back to the table and they agreed             faculty strike by blockading all entrances to                                    omicron variant will only make current condi-                                          the solidarity of community supporters made
to give support staff a better increase to bring         the administration building. "There's a fear                                     tions worse. The inadequate responses by all                                           some real gains and show that it is possible to
the strike to an end.                                    students have that the administration just isn't                                 provincial governments will have deadly con-                                           push back even in this time of crisis.
   Legault’s attempt to divide workers failed.           listening," one student supporter said. "We're                                   sequences. This awful reality exposes where
A union leader summed it up by saying “it                going to keep showing up whether or not                                          the interests of governments of all political
wouldn't have been possible without the day-             they're listening and we're going to try our                                     stripes lie—with their corporate friends. The
care workers mobilizing, and their solidarity,           best to make it so that they have to listen."                                    ‘economy’ that they are protecting is the prof-                                         Territorial Acknowledgement
and the exceptional support from parents”.                                                                                                its of a few, not the welfare of the many.                                              As settlers, we acknowledge our
                                                         Omicron and pandemic austerity                                                                                                                                           occupation of lands that are the
University of Manitoba faculty                           Throughout the pandemic, provincial govern-                                      Fight back from below
strike                                                   ments continued to push austerity agendas,                                       The other awful reality is the abdication of                                            Indigenous territories of Turtle Island.
University of Manitoba faculty went on strike            even in the face of the pandemic.                                                leadership by trade union leaders. A new                                                Furthermore, we support all struggles
November 2 in the face of a government-im-                 In 2020, early in the pandemic, Alberta                                        low point was the appearance of Unifor
posed wage freeze. The union called on the               premier Jason Kenney announced he would                                          leader, Jerry Dias, and OPSEU leader                                                    for Indigenous sovereignty in whatever
province to abandon its wage cap mandate,                cut 11,000 non front-line healthcare jobs and                                    Smokey Thomas at a press conference side-                                               forms they take by the hundreds of First
because it has impeded the bargaining pro-               $600 million from the healthcare budget. In                                      by-side with Ontario premier Doug Ford                                                  Nations and Inuit communities that
cess.                                                    August 2021, Kenney threatened to cut nurses                                     in November. In a supreme show of gaslit
  "We just feel like the government is in                pay by 3%, until nurses pushed back.                                             pre-election campaigning, Ford announced                                                have resided here for many thousands of
their back pocket or in that room with them,               Ontario premier Doug Ford cut $500                                             that he would raise the minimum wage to                                                 years, and by Métis communities that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  have developed in the last hundreds of
Find us on:                     @socialist_ca                        \socialistca                                                socialist.ca                                                                                     years.

                                                                  WHERE WE STAND                             socialist.ca/ourstand                             social, economic and             the people of Quebec.

 Never             miss an issue.                                  The capitalist system          concept of “just transition”   production and distribution
                                                                                                                                                               political equality for women.
                                                                                                                                                               We are for an end to all
                                                                                                                                                               forms of discrimination
                                                                                                                                                                                                   We support the struggles
                                                                                                                                                                                                for self-determination of
                                                                                                                                                                                                Quebec and Indigenous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Join the Socialists
 Yearly subscription $30                                           is based on violence,          for affected workers.          to satisfy human needs,
                                                                                                                                 not corporate profits—to      and homophobia against           peoples up to and including
                                                                   oppression and brutal
 Institutions, 1st Class & U.S. $50 international: $60             exploitation. It creates       Workers’ power                 respect the environment,      lesbians, gays, bisexuals        the right to independence.        Name:
                                                                   hunger beside plenty, it       Any alternative to             not pollute and destroy it.   and transgender people.          In particular, we recognize
                                                                   threatens our sustenance       capitalism must involve                                        We oppose                      Indigenous peoples’
  Name:                                                            through unsafe and             replacing the system from      Oppression                    environmental racism. We         original and primary right        Address:
                                                                   unsustainable farming, and     the bottom up through          Within capitalist society     oppose discrimination on         to decide their fate and
                                                                   kills the earth itself with    radical collective action.     different groups suffer       the basis of religion, ability   that of their lands, heritage,
  Address:                                                         pollution and unsustainable    Central to that struggle       from specific forms of        and age.                         and traditions. Socialists        Phone:
                                                                   extraction of oil, minerals,   is the workplace, where        oppression. Attacks on                                         in Quebec, and in all
                                                                   animals, trees, and            capitalism reaps its profits   oppressed groups are          Canada, Quebec,                  oppressed nations, work
  Phone:			                                                        water. Capitalism leads        off our backs.                 used to divide workers        Indigenous Peoples               to give the struggle against      E-mail:
                                                                   to imperialism and war.           Capitalist monopolies       and weaken solidarity.        Canada is not a “colony”         national oppression an
                                                                   Saving ourselves and the       control the earth’s            We oppose racism and          of the United States, but        internationalist and working
  E-mail:                                                          planet depends on finding      resources, but workers         imperialism. We oppose        an imperialist country in its    class content.
                                                                   an alternative.                everywhere actually create     all immigration controls.     own right that participates
  Mail to: PO Box 339, Station E,                                     Capitalism cannot           the wealth. A new socialist    We support the right of       in the exploitation of much      Read the full                     Fill in the form and send to International Socialists,
  Toronto, ON Canada, M6H 4E3                                      regulate the catastrophic
                                                                   effects of climate change.
                                                                                                  society can only be
                                                                                                  constructed when workers
                                                                                                                                 people of colour and
                                                                                                                                 other oppressed groups
                                                                                                                                                               of the world. The Canadian
                                                                                                                                                               state was founded
                                                                                                                                                                                                statement at:                     PO Box 339 Station E Toronto ON M6H 4E3
  Phone: 416.972.6391 / E-mail: reports@socialist.ca               We stand for climate           collectively seize control     to organize in their own      through the repression of        socialist.ca/                     416.972.6391 / reports@socialist.ca
                                                                   justice, including the         of that wealth and plan its    defence. We are for real,     Indigenous peoples and           ourstand

6 Socialist Worker January 2022
WE NEED A REVOLUTION COVID, COLONIALISM, CLIMATE CHAOS - Don't Look Up and other pandemic viewing - socialist.ca
What to watch during a pandemic,
Omicron edition
by: Faline Bobier                                    of the Gulf of Mexico after the summit; in which     of actually existing resistance on the ground.         and inclination. The film is beautifully shot,

                                                     world leaders say that climate is an “existential    At one point Dr. Randall Mindy (Leonardo               and the landscapes are starkly stunning. The
          ere in Ontario movie theatres are          threat to humanity” while simultaneously             DiCaprio) and Kate Dibiasky (Jennifer                  Power of the Dog is an exploration of a kind of
          again being shut down, along with          expanding fossil fuel production; in which           Lawrence), the two scientists who discovered           toxic masculinity mixed with a tenderness that
          gyms, restaurants, etc. As Ontario         major newspapers still run fossil fuel ads, and      the comet, tell the truth to people in a bar they’re   Phil must hide from others in order to survive.
          and the world suffer through a series      climate news is routinely overshadowed by            in, after they’ve been effectively silenced by         It’s also a tale where everything is not what it
of lockdowns or not-lockdowns, as capitalist         sports; in which entrepreneurs push incredibly       President Orlean and her administration. A riot        seems, which is only revealed to us at the end
governments prove yet again that they have no        risky tech solutions and billionaires sell the       ensues and Mindy asks Kate dismissively if             of the movie.
real solutions to the problems of the pandemic -     absurdist fantasy that humanity can just move        she thinks people waving placards around is
here are some suggestions for diversions, as we      to Mars.”                                            going to help the situation.                           The Lost Daughter
all figure out how to remain politically active         Mackay’s movie is clever in terms of the             But if we look at the real world it’s pretty        The Lost Daughter, another 2021 film, written
in as safe a way as possible. The problems           targets he lampoons: Meryl Streep in a Trump-        clear those in power, like the rich and powerful       and directed by Maggie Gyllenhaal in her
besetting our world in 2022 can’t be ignored         like turn as US President Janie Orlean who tries     in this film, will never do what it takes to           directorial debut, based on the novel of the
and ordinary people can’t abandon the fight for      to force the two scientists who identified the       save the planet. Their wealth and power is             same name by Elena Ferrante is also available
climate justice, for Indigenous sovereignty and      comet and its existential threat to the planet to    intricately tied to the fossil fuel industry that      on Netflix.
land rights, for workers’ rights, in spite of the    revise their percentage of certainty from 99%        is at the heart of the climate crisis. That’s why         The Lost Daughter features British actress
pandemic we are living through.                      to a more acceptable 70%. Or the character           the people who really mattered at COP26 in             Olivia Colman who is brilliant in this drama
                                                                                                          Glasgow were not the politicians and fossil            about an academic, living and working in
                                                                                                          fuel capitalists inside the meetings, but the          the US, who is taking a summer holiday on a
                                                                                                          climate justice activists outside.                     Greek island. Her first day there seems idyllic
                                                                                                             The title of the film, Don’t Look Up, refers        as she lounges in blessed solitude on the beach.
                                                                                                          to an exhortation by President Orlean and              However, the next day a loud and overbearing
                                                                                                          others around her for people to ignore reality         family from Queens arrives and intrudes on her
                                                                                                          by refusing to look up and see the comet which         holiday, asking if she minds moving her beach
                                                                                                          is speeding towards them. But in another sense         chair so the family can sit together.
                                                                                                          Don’t Look Up is a good reminder to those of              We start to get a sense that Leda Caruso
                                                                                                          us who care about our future and the future of         (Olivia Colman) is no pushover when she
                                                                                                          the planet not to look up for solutions to the         politely refuses to move, saying she’s fine
                                                                                                          climate crisis. Those solutions will come from         where she is. Leda meets Nina (Dakota
                                                                                                          below, from the Indigenous activists and others        Johnson), a young mother, who’s part of the
                                                                                                          who repeatedly put themselves on the line, to          extended family, when Nina’s three-year-old
                                                                                                          defend the earth and to put the brakes on a            daughter Elena goes momentarily missing on
                                                                                                          system that is only leading to environmental           the beach. Leda finds Elena and returns her to
                                                                                                          destruction.                                           Nina, who expresses her growing exhaustion
                                                                                                                                                                 and unhappiness with the experience of
                                                                                                          The Power of the Dog                                   motherhood. Elena is upset after she loses her
                                                                                                          The Power of the Dog is another 2021 film              favorite doll, which Leda has secretly taken.
                                                                                                          available on Netflix, written and directed by          In flashbacks, it is revealed that young Leda
                                                                                                          Jane Campion, and based on the 1967 novel of           (actor Jessie Buckley) also struggled with
                                                                                                          the same name by Thomas Savage. Campion                being a young mother to her two daughters,
Leonardo DiCaprio rages against the system in Don’t Look Up.                                              is a New Zealand director, the second of only          Bianca and Martha, often losing her patience
                                                                                                          seven women nominated for Best Director for            and becoming withdrawn.
                                                                                                          her breathtaking film The Piano (1993).                   This is a movie that deals realistically with
Don’t Look Up                                        of Peter Isherwell (creepily incarnated by              The Power of the Dog is a kind of Western           the experience of motherhood and the push and
Don’t Look Up is a 2021 American satirical           Mark Rylance), the billionaire CEO of tech           psychological drama, entirely shot in New              pull of a woman who wants to build a career
science fiction film written, produced, and          company BASH, who has great influence                Zealand. It’s set in 1925 Montana and tells the        and experience all aspects of life but must deal
directed by Adam McKay. The movie is                 over the President, to the point of thwarting        story of two wealthy ranch-owning brothers             with raising two daughters with a husband who
available for streaming on Netflix. It stars         an attempt to nuke the comet and thereby             Phil (Benedict Cumberbatch) and George                 puts his own needs first. The Lost Daughter is a
Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence as           destroy its potential planet-killing power.          Burbank (Jesse Plemons). They meet widow               movie where a lot is hidden and only revealed
two astronomers attempting to warn humanity          Instead, because he discovers the comet is full      and inn owner Rose Gordon (played brilliantly          slowly in flashbacks that take us back to Leda’s
about an approaching comet that will destroy         of precious minerals that can be turned into         by Kirsten Dunst) during a cattle drive. The           life when her daughters were young.
human civilization. The comet is an analogy          trillions of dollars of profit, he wants to try an   kind-hearted George is quickly taken with                 It’s also a movie where a sense of the sinister
for climate change and the film is a satire of       untested technology that will supposedly break
government and media indifference to the             up the comet and thereby reduce its destructive
climate crisis.                                      potential, at the same time providing immense
   The film has provoked a lot of debate about       profits for Isherwell. And, in any case, if it
its merits (or not) and its politics. Some critics   doesn’t work out, there’s always an escape
have lamented what they deem the movie’s             route for the rich and powerful. They will
too-obvious satire of media and politicians’         simply find another planet to inhabit and
responses to/dismissal of the approaching            pillage. (NOTE: Make sure to watch the movie
comet, read the reality of catastrophic climate      to the very end to see how well that strategy
change.                                              works out.)
   But in the words of an actual climate                Isherwell is obviously a nod to really existing
scientist, Peter Kalmus, author of Being             psychopathic capitalists such as Elon Musk
the Change: Live Well and Spark a Climate            or Jeff Bezos, who spend billions of dollars
Revolution:                                          for their personal jaunts to space, rather than
   “But this isn’t a film about how humanity         using the money to actually help solve real
would respond to a planet-killing comet; it’s        problems here on Earth, such as the lack of
a film about how humanity is responding to           Covid vaccinations for countries in the global
planet-killing climate breakdown. We live in a       south, which allows the disease to mutate and
society in which, despite extraordinarily clear,     continue to wreak havoc.                              The Power of the Dog. Benedict Cumberbatch as a rich rancher.
present, and worsening climate danger, more             Targeting of the media in Don’t Look Up is
than half of Republican members of Congress          also spot on and brings to mind any number of        Rose, while the volatile Phil, much influenced         is lurking in the relationship between Leda
still say climate change is a hoax and many more     Fox News hosts who put their focus on bogus          by his late mentor “Bronco” Henry, mocks               and Nina and especially Nina’s other family
wish to block action, and in which the official      ‘news’ stories, like the fake ‘stealing’ of the      Rose’s son Peter for his lisp and ‘effeminate’         members, who do their best to make Leda’s
Democratic party platform still enshrines            election from Trump, rather than on the real         manner.                                                stay uncomfortable. Watch this movie for the
massive subsidies to the fossil fuel industry;       issues facing ordinary Americans.                      George and Rose marry and once she and               subtle and complex depiction of the competing
in which the current president ran on a promise         Don’t Look Up really does create for the          her son move to the brothers’ ranch a kind of          desires and ambitions that exist within one
that “nothing will fundamentally change”, and        viewer a visceral sense of how much we stand         psychological warfare begins between both              woman.
the speaker of the House dismissed even a            to lose, a bit the same way Stanley Kubrick’s        Phil and Rose and between Phil and her son                Just a few ideas for some watchable films for
modest climate plan as “the green dream or           1964 film, Dr. Strangelove, pointed to the           Peter (Australian actor Kodi Smit-McPhee).             the New Year with a reminder that we all have
whatever”; in which the largest delegation to        senselessness of potential nuclear war.                Cumberbatch is entirely convincing as the            to turn off our screens at some point soon and
Cop26 was the fossil fuel industry, and the             However, it’s also true that there is little      American rancher, a man so repressed that he           get back on the streets to make sure 2022 is an
White House sold drilling rights to a huge tract     in Don’t Look Up that points to the potential        punishes those around him for his own yearnings        improvement on 2021!

                                                                                                                                                                          January 2022 Socialist Worker 7
WE NEED A REVOLUTION COVID, COLONIALISM, CLIMATE CHAOS - Don't Look Up and other pandemic viewing - socialist.ca WE NEED A REVOLUTION COVID, COLONIALISM, CLIMATE CHAOS - Don't Look Up and other pandemic viewing - socialist.ca WE NEED A REVOLUTION COVID, COLONIALISM, CLIMATE CHAOS - Don't Look Up and other pandemic viewing - socialist.ca
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