Warm flowers, happy pollinators

Page created by Hugh Figueroa
Warm flowers, happy pollinators
Warm flowers, happy
We tend to regard insects as ‘cold blooded’ and plants as passively adopting the temperature
around them. Yet, a bumblebee’s body temperature can be above 40oC, and needs to be at
least 30°C for its flight motor to run smoothly. Flowers have invented a number of tricks
to cater to this need: they warm themselves (and thus the nectar they offer to the bees) to
several degrees above ambient temperature. The bees, in turn, use surprising strategies to
identify warmer flowers.

Heather Whitney1
                                     he café in the botanic gardens at        their temperature; as well as this being of
and Lars Chittka2                    Cambridge is a wonderful place to        developmental advantage to the flower it
                                     sit on a cold, bright February day.      could also act as an additional incentive
          Cambridge           From there you can watch the emerging           for pollinator visits, much as the hot cup
 University & 2Queen          spring flowers, early bumblebees and pos-       of tea is an additional incentive to visit
  Mary, University of         turing birds from the warmth, and a hot         the warmth of the café.
              London          cup of tea sets you up well to face the brisk
        Title image. Bees     winds outside. However, the emerging            Floral warmth
looking for floral warmth?    spring flowers and their pollinators man-       The ability to create a warm flower may
     Bumblebee (Bombus        age to cope in the spring chill without the     well have arisen early in the evolution of
       terrestris) foragers
     exploring Van Gogh’s
                              warmth we so crave at this time of year.        the angiosperms. Members of several ba-
 Sunflowers (copy painted     Or do they? We now know that flowers            sal angiosperm families such as the Nym-
        by Julian Walker).    have a huge variety of ways of increasing       phaeaceae and Magnoliaceae have the
Warm flowers, happy pollinators
Warm flowers | IOB

ability to actively produce heat in their                               have this feature, it is particularly prev-
flowers. The mechanism used is the alter-                               alent in flowers that occur in the Arctic,
native respiratory pathway, mediated by                                 and could be seen as a particularly ‘arctic’
an enzyme – alternative oxidase (AOX)                                   adaptation, as it allows the flower to fully
– that occurs inside the mitochondrial                                  utilise the midnight sun that occurs in the
membrane. While this pathway occurs in                                  far north. For the flowers of the arctic pop-
all plants (its usual role is thought to be                             py Papaver radicatum this adaptation can
the production of reactive oxygen com-                                  increase the flower temperature by up to
pounds that are important for defence                                   6 degrees above ambient for 50% of their
against microbes), most plant species                                   lives, which increases the number of days
appear not to take advantage of its abil-                               these flowers can actively grow by an extra
ity to produce heat. This capacity can be                               25% (Kevan 1989). When the sun-tracking
considerable, heating tissues by over 35°C                              ability of the flower was artificially pre-
above ambient temperature in the case of                                vented, both the quantity and quality of
Philodendron selloum, an arum lily! In                                  the seeds was reduced (Kevan 1989).
several species a lower but more constant                                  The arctic poppy has another adapta-
temperature is preferred and respiratory                                tion that may help it in the harsh arctic
heat production is regulated to achieve                                 conditions. The petal epidermal cells are
fairly constant flower temperatures in wide-                            ‘reversed papillate’. This means that the
ly variable environmental temperatures                                  inner tangential epidermal cell walls have
(see references in Seymour et al, 2003).                                papillae (cells with a pronounced conical
   However, the flowers that actively pro-                              shape) pointing into the internal cells of the
duce heat are relatively few. Other flow-                               petal. It is thought that these structures
ers rely on a more ‘passive’ method: they                               help to focus the light into these internal
make the most of the ambient sunlight                                   cells, warming the petal and making the
by converting it into warmth. Many of the                               most of the heating ability of the light.
flowers that show the most effective adap-                              These ‘reversed papillate’ cells also occur
tations to increase floral warmth are Arctic                            in early spring flowers such as Crocus
or Alpine species, where low temperatures                               where increasing the floral temperature
can result in reduced seed production. In                               is important (McKee and Richards, 1998).
fact, flower temperature can be a greater                                  Conical cells on the petal epidermis are
factor than pollinator visits in the amount                             very widespread – it has been estimated
of seed produced. Therefore a higher floral                             that 80% of angiosperm flowers have them
temperature is beneficial: it ensures pro-                              (see references in Dyer et al, 2007). They
tection of the flower during periods of cold,                           occur in a couple of different forms, the re-
stabilises floral development, helps with                               versed papillate form of Papaver and Cro-
pollen germination, ovule development,                                  cus, and the external conical form where the
and may help pollen tube growth (Kevan                                  cells project out from the petal surface (Fig-
1989). Features thought to increase floral                              ure 1). However, the extent to which these
temperature include flower shape, size                                  cells can influence the temperature of the
and angle to the sun.                                                   flower has only recently been investigated.
   One particularly effective feature is                                   In 1994 Noda and colleagues from the
that of heliotropism, where the flower                                  John Innes Centre, Norwich, identified a
consistently follows the sun. Although a                                snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) mutant
range of flowers (for example sunflowers)                               that lacked conical cells. It was possible to

Figure 1. (a) Wild type snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) flowers have a deeply saturated purple colour (left) while mixta mutant
snapdragons are pink (right). Both these flowers produce exactly the same floral pigments. It turns out that the only direct effect of the
mixta mutation is a change of shape in the epidermal cells, with indirect effects on both floral colour and temperature. (b) Scanning
electron microscope images of Antirrhinum petal surfaces: conical shaped cells of the wild type (left); flat cells of a mixta mutant petal
(right). The conical cells act as lenses to focus the light into the pigment-containing vacuoles.

    a                                                                       b
Warm flowers, happy pollinators
IOB | Warm flowers

                 identify them due to the fact that the mu-       greater contrast with green of the darker
                 tant flowers were significantly paler than       colour make it any easier for the bees to
                 those of the wild-type plants (Figure 1a).       find the flower (Dyer et al, 2007). What
                 While the wild-type, magenta, Antirrhinum        else about the effect of conical cells on the
                 flowers have conical petal epidermal cells,      flowers could be attracting the pollinators,
                 those of this mutant, which appears paler-       and leading them to choose conical-celled
                 pink in comparison, were found to be flat        flowers over those with flat cells? Comba
                 (Figure 1). The pigments produced in both        and colleagues also found that the snap-
                 the flower types are exactly the same; thus      dragon flowers with conical cells were
                 it is the shape of the cells that leads to the   significantly warmer than the flat-celled
                 difference in the colour we perceive.            flowers (Comba et al, 2000).
                     The mutation was found to occur in the          The snapdragon mixta mutant was
                 mixta gene, which encodes a transcription        isolated due to the difference in colour it
                 factor. Transcription factors are required to    showed from the wild-type snapdragon
                 activate specific genes, for example for de-     flowers. The effects of colour and tem-
                 velopmental processes during the growth          perature can be closely linked in flowers.
                 of a cell. The MIXTA transcription factor        Conical cells are thought to act as lenses,
                 is required for the activation of directional    focusing light into the epidermal cell vac-
                 cell expansion (Noda et al, 1994). In virtu-     uoles that contain floral pigments such as
                 ally all cases, conical cells are only found     anthocyanins (see references in Dyer et
                 on the petals of flowers, not the leaves, and    al, 2007). It is easy to imagine how this
                 this restricted expression pattern has led       ‘focusing’ effect of the conical cells could
                 to the suggestion that conical cells are         affect both temperature and colour. The
                 produced to enhance the attractiveness of        colour that animals perceive in an object
                 the flower to potential pollinators. The fact    is a function of the light that the object re-
                 that the presence of these cells affects the     flects – which is dependent on the incident
                 colour of flowers added weight to this sug-      light minus the light the object’s surface
                 gestion – but could this be the only function    absorbs. At the same time, of course, ab-
                 for conical cells?                               sorbed light is also converted into heat. In
                     To study the effect conical cells had on     addition, temperature may influence the
                 pollinators, field experiments were carried      production of pigments that result in floral
                 out on snapdragon flowers of both wild-          colour. In several species that have a vari-
                 type and mixta flowers. Using these two          ety of colours, a temperature difference
                 flower sets, which were genetically identical    between different colours has been found.
                 except for the mutation in the mixta gene,          However, there does not appear to be a
                 meant that the effect of a single trait on       simple and consistent pattern in terms of
                 pollinator behaviour, in this case that of       which flower colours are associated with
                 conical cells, could be observed. Both lots      more warmth. In the arctic poppy P. radi-
                 of flowers had had their anthers removed         catum, where two forms – white and yel-
                 (emasculated), to prevent self-pollination. It   low – exist, the yellow flowers were found
                 was found that, under these conditions, the      to be significantly warmer, which is what
                 mixta flowers produced much less seed than       one might expect. White surfaces bounce
                 the wild-type. This was not the case when        back (do not absorb) much of the incident
                 the flowers were pollinated by hand.             light, whereas yellow flowers absorb some
                     So both sets of flowers were equally capa-   light and might convert the light energy to
                 ble of producing seed if pollinated, and the     heat. In Crocus, however, where three col-
                 only reason for the reduced seed set in the      ours were studied, the purple and white
                 mixta flowers was due to a reduced visita-       flowers were found to be warmer than
                 tion rate by pollinators (Glover and Martin      the yellow flowers (McKee and Richards,
                 1998). Indeed, this was later observed in        1998). In general, one might predict that
                 greater detail – fewer bumblebees were ob-       a darker flower would be warmer, but the
                 served visiting the mixta flowers when they      yellow crocuses deviate from the predic-
                 were planted in randomly arranged plots          tion that they should be warmer than the
                 with wild-type flowers (Comba et al, 2000).      white flowers. Clearly, more data are need-
                     So conical cells do enhance the attrac-      ed so that we understand whether there
                 tiveness of the flower to pollinators – but is   is a general pattern linking flower colour
                 this only due to the effect on colour? Work      and temperature, in such a way that pol-
                 done with flower-naïve Bombus terrestris         linators might actually be able to antici-
                 bumblebees has shown that while bum-             pate the temperature of a flower from its
                 blebees can tell the two flower types apart      colour, without first having to probe it.
                 by colour, the bees do not show any innate          Thus, pigmentation can have an influ-
                 preference for either colour, nor does the       ence over temperature, but the reverse
Warm flowers | IOB

may also be true. Flower pigmentation is                                                       Figure 2. Thermographic
controlled by a range of internal and ex-                                                      image of a bumblebee
                                                                                               on a flower taken with an
ternal factors, and one of these factors is                                                    infrared camera. Brighter
temperature. In petunia, a period of mod-                                                      colours indicate higher
erately-low temperature increases anthocy-                                                     temperature. Photo by
anin production and so enhances flower                                                         B. Bujok, M. Kleinhenz,
pigmentation (Shvarts et al, 1997). As a                                                       J, Tautz (Beegroup Würz-
                                                                                               burg), with permission.
darker flower would be warmer, this ‘uni-
versal stress response’ of anthocyanin pro-
duction (plants produce anthocyanins in
response to many stressful environmental
triggers) in this case may have the addi-
tional advantage of helping to ameliorate
the situation.

Responses of pollinators
Bees have spectacular thermoregulation
abilities and can raise their body temper-      sometimes use warm flowers as shelters –
ature to 30oC above ambient temperature         but can they also ‘forage for heat’ by pick-
to near 40oC (Figure 2). Indeed, they need      ing warmer flowers in their typically brief
such high temperatures to be able to fly.       visits during nectar collection? Social bees
They do this by shivering their flight mus-     are the intellectuals of the insect world,
cles, but this takes a lot of energy (Hein-     with outstanding learning abilities. Can
rich and Esch, 1994). Hence, a good strategy    they learn to pick the warmer flowers, and
would be to obtain some of the heat from        learn the cues that identify them from a
external sources. Warmer flowers are more       distance?
attractive to pollinators. It has previously       As discussed, in snapdragons a single
been observed that insects will bask on         gene difference leads to a reduction in
warm, sunlit leaves or flowers. In Arctic       floral temperature but also to subtle col-
flowers, warmer flowers were found to at-       our change (Comba et al, 2000). In recent
tract more pollinators due to the use by        laboratory experiments, the Antirrhinum
the insects of the flower as a heating site     mixta/wild-type flower system was mim-
during low temperatures (Kevan, 1989).          icked, using artificial flowers (Figure 3a)
    Heat-producing flowers reward insects       that were similar to those displayed by the
with a direct energy reward. This was           wild-type and mixta flowers (pink and pur-
shown by some elegant research by Roger         ple; Figure 1a). Equal amounts of ‘nectar’
Seymour and colleagues who studied Cy-          were supplied on each artificial flower, but
clocephala colasi beetles, which are the        while the pink flowers remained at room
main pollinators of the lily Philodendron       temperature, the purple flowers were 8
solimoesense in French Guiana (Seymour          degrees warmer. The bees were able to dis-
et al, 2003). The flower produces heat so       tinguish the two temperatures, and pre-
that, at night, the floral chamber is 3.4-5.0   ferred to visit the warmer (purple) flowers
degrees warmer than the ambient temper-         (Figure 3b). This means that bees can use
ature. Since the beetles have to produce        floral colour as a cue to both distinguish
heat to keep their body temperatures high       between flowers of different temperatures
enough for activity, beetles that remain in     and then to discriminate against the cool-
a warm flower during the night use less         er flowers (Dyer et al, 2006).
than half the energy they would have used          These experiments show how bumble-
if they had stayed out in the open.             bees cleverly reduce their own investment
    Flowers that warm themselves by more        in making heat by seeking out flowers
passive means can still use temperature         with warmer nectar – they are essentially
as a heat reward. In Oncocyclus irises, the     collecting warmth, because warmer nectar
very dark floral colour of the flower con-      constitutes a direct metabolic reward.
tributes to the floral microclimate such        This discrimination against cooler flowers
that the flower is 2.5 degrees warmer than      could be the reason why the mixta mutant
the ambient night temperature. The pol-         flowers were avoided by pollinators in
linators of this flower, male solitary bees,    the field trials: having sampled both the
shelter in the flowers and are able to use      cooler flat celled flowers and the warmer
this additional warmth to start foraging        conical flowers the bees actively chose to
earlier than those kept at a lower temper-      visit only the warmer flowers, which they
ature (Sapir et al, 2006).                      could distinguish using flower colour as a
    These observations show that insects        cue. These results suggest that warmth is
IOB | Warm flowers

                     a                                                                 b


                                                                                       Preference (%)





                                                                                                             21   21                  29        21
                                                                                                                  Temperature (deg C)

                 Figure 3. (a) A bumblebee worker imbibing sucrose solution from an artificial flower in a laboratory flight arena. Artificial flowers were
                 made from plastic tubes with painted lids, and a small nectar reservoir glued onto the top. Water inside the tubes allowed to stabilise
                 the temperature of the flowers (Photo by A G Dyer); (b) Bees preferred the warmer purple flowers over the cooler pink flowers (right pair
                 of columns) – but this preference was not apparent when the flowers were equal in temperature (left two columns). This shows that the
                 preference for purple was not innate, but had to be learnt in conjunction with the temperature difference.

                 a significant factor in both the attraction                                   warmth as an indicator of nectar produc-
                 and retention of a pollinator to a flower                                     tion might not necessarily be a particularly
                 species, and could therefore be important                                     reliable cue, and choosing warmer flowers
                 in the maintenance of floral features in                                      for their metabolic reward of heat alone
                 the economy of nature.                                                        would provide sufficient motivation for a
                                                                                               chilly pollinator.
                 Scent and nectar production
                 Warmer flowers may also increase the at-                                      Conclusions
                 tractiveness of a flower from a distance by                                   Flowers have a wide array of ways to attract
                 enhancing the evaporation of floral scents.                                   and reward pollinators. The complex fac-
                 In the case of the flowers heated actively                                    tors linking temperature as both a reward
                 by the alternative respiratory pathway,                                       and a cue, as well as its influence on other
                 it has been found that the temperature                                        rewards and cues is gradually being under-
                 was important in attracting pollinators                                       stood. However, it is good to know as you
                 by olfaction. Work by Angioy et al (2004)                                     observe the activity of bumblebees from
                 on the thermogenic flowers of dead horse                                      the warmth of a café, that as well as get-
                 arum (Helicodiceros muscivorus) showed                                        ting food from their mutualist partners,
                 that the effect of heat on oligosulphide                                      the bees are also getting warmth. A warm
                 volatiles was important in attracting blow                                    flower and a hot sweet drink – what more
                 flies, the pollinators of this plant. As heat                                 could any chilly pollinator ask for? What
                 is also an important oviposition cue for                                      the bees appear to be doing is indeed a bit
                 blow flies, temperature itself may again be                                   like us drinking a hot drink on a cold day.
                 an important cue in this plant-pollinator                                     If you need to warm up, you can produce
                 interaction, as well as influencing other                                     your own heat, at the expense of some of
                 cues such as volatiles. As discussed below,                                   your energy reserves - or you can consume
                 warmer flowers usually produce more nec-                                      a warm drink, and save on investing your
                 tar of greater quality, so an ability to use                                  own energy. A fascinating observation is
                 temperature as a cue would be an advan-                                       that bees do not just prefer the warmer
                 tage to potential pollinators.                                                drinks – they also learn to predict the
                    Nectar production is a temperature de-                                     flower temperature from the flower colour.
                 pendent biological process, and investiga-
                 tions have found that at low temperatures
                 nectar secretion in most species decreases                                    References
                 (Corbet, 1979). This could mean that if a                                     Angioy A M et al (2004) Function of the heater: the
                 flower is warmer it could constitute a bet-                                     dead horse arum revisited. Proceedings of the
                                                                                                 Royal Society Series B-Biology Sciences 271: S13–
                 ter source of nectar, which would act as                                        S15.
                 an additional incentive for pollinators to                                    Corbet S A (1979) Post-secretory determinants of
                 choose warmer flowers. However, nectar                                          sugar concentration in nectar. Plant, Cell and En-
                 production is hugely variable, even within                                      vironment 2: 293-308.
                                                                                               Comba L et al (2000) The role of genes influencing
                 the same plant individual, and is subject
                                                                                                 the corolla in pollination of Antirrhinum majus.
                 to many environmental factors. Thus,                                            Plant, Cell and Environment 23: 639-647.
Warm flowers | IOB

Dyer A G et al (2007) Mutations perturbing petal           Noda K et al (1993) Flower colour intensity depends
  cell shape and anthocyanin synthesis influence             on specialized cell shape controlled by a Myb-re-
  bumblebee perception of Antirrhinum majus                  lated transcription factor. Nature 369: 661-664.
  flower colour. Arthropod-Plant Interactions DOI:         Sapir Y, Shmida A and Ne’eman G (2006) Morning
  10.1007/s11829-007-9002-7                                  floral heat as a reward to the pollinators of the
Dyer A G et al (2006) Behavioural ecology: Bees asso-        Oncocyclus irises. Oecologia 147: 53-59.
  ciate warmth with floral colour. Nature 442: 525.        Seymour R S, White C R and Gibernau M (2003).
Glover B J and Martin C (1998) The role of petal cell        Heat reward for insect pollinators. Nature 426:
  shape and pigmentation in pollination success in           243-244.
  Antirrhinum majus. Heredity 80: 778-784.                 Shvarts M, Borochov A and Weiss D (1997) Low tem-
Heinrich B and Esch H (1994) Thermoregulation in             perature enhances petunia flower pigmentation
  bees. American Scientist 82: 164-170                       and induced chalcone synthase gene expression.
Kevan P G in Mercer J B (ed.) Thermal physiology             Physiologia Plantarum 99: 67-72.
  (1989). Proceedings of the International Symposi-
  um on Thermal Physiology, Tromsø, Norway, 16-21
  July 1989. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publish-          Heather Whitney is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department
  ers BV. (Biomedical Division). 747-753.                  of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, Downing Street,
McKee J and Richards A J (1998) Effect of flower           Cambridge CB2 3EA.
  structure and flower colour on intrafloral warming       Lars Chittka is Professor of Sensory and Behavioural Ecology
  and pollen germination and pollen-tube growth in         at the School of Biological & Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary,
  winter flowering Crocus L. (Iridaceae). Botanical        University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS. Email:
  Journal of the Linnean Society 128: 369-384.             l.chittka@qmul.ac.uk

  IOB Members’ Evening
  Osteoporosis and Space
  Speaker: Adam Hawkey

  Thursday 18 October, 6.15pm to 8.30pm at the IOB
  £10 Members, includes light refreshments. There are 35 places for this
  event which carries 5 IOB CPD Credits

  Adam Hawkey is a Lecturer with in the Research Centre for Sport, Exercise and
  Performance at the University of Wolverhampton. He has research experience with
  the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Biomedical Task Group,
  investigating the effectiveness of exercise training protocols for human space flight.
  He has also been involved in the British Interplanetary Society’s Mars Polar Base
  project. He currently advises the National Space Science Centre on human spaceflight
  issues and recently acted as Scientific Consultant on a special ‘IMAX-style’ feature
  entitled “Astronaut”. His current research is now firmly focused on establishing the
  effects of low magnitude, high frequency signals (vibration) on a variety of health and
  performance related issues. These include: bone mineral density for osteoporosis and
  rheumatoid arthritis sufferers, dancers, and astronauts; jump performance
  for basketball players; and power output for sports performers.

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