VOTE OF CONFIDENCE Elections uphold the principle of Hong Kong patriots governing Hong Kong - Beijing ...

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VOTE OF CONFIDENCE Elections uphold the principle of Hong Kong patriots governing Hong Kong - Beijing ...

VOL.64 NO.52 DECEMBER 30, 2021                                                   WWW.BJREVIEW.COM

                  VOTE OF CONFIDENCE
                     Elections uphold the principle of Hong Kong patriots
                                    governing Hong Kong
                                                                JPY188    邮发代号2-922·国内统一刊号:CN11-1576/G2
VOTE OF CONFIDENCE Elections uphold the principle of Hong Kong patriots governing Hong Kong - Beijing ...
VOTE OF CONFIDENCE Elections uphold the principle of Hong Kong patriots governing Hong Kong - Beijing ...
EDITOR’S DESK                                          WHITE PAPER                      FEATURES
02 New Highlights for                                  14 Hong Kong: Democratic         42 Race for Net Zero
Hong Kong                                              Progress Under the               Environmental challenges, a key issue for the future
                                                       Framework of One Country,
                                                                                        44 Traditional Town, Trendy Taste
                                                       Two Systems
THIS WEEK                                                                               The essence of a fine dish lies in its gastronomic history
                                                       Evolution manifests in dynamic
COVER STORY                                            progress for all
10 A New Dawn for                                                                       CULTURE
Democracy                                                                               46 Up and Atom!
Legislative Council election                                                            Popular science short videos have netizens glued to
                                                       40 Shared Values of
marks historical milestone                                                              their screens
                                                       Global community should
                                                       champion the democratic spirit   FORUM
                                                                                        48 How Can We Effectively Rein in the Online Kid
                                                                                        Celebrity Biz?
Cover Photo: Staff empty a ballot box to
count the votes at a polling station for the
legislative election in Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region on December 19

   ©2021 Beijing Review, all rights reserved.

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VOTE OF CONFIDENCE Elections uphold the principle of Hong Kong patriots governing Hong Kong - Beijing ...
                                                                            New Highlights for Hong Kong
A News Weekly Magazine                                               History is made by people. With con-                Altogether, the election marks a
Published Since 1958                                                 crete actions and votes, the people of          fresh starting point for the Hong Kong
                                                                     Hong Kong have jointly ushered in a             SAR’s good governance.
President: Li Yafang
Editor in Chief: Li Jianguo                                          new chapter in the history of China’s               The LegCo election puts an end to
Associate President: Yan Ying                                        Hong Kong Special Administrative                the meaningless infighting that once
Content Director: Liu Yunyun                                         Region (SAR), also known as the Pearl           troubled the legislative body and fun-
Executive Editor: Yan Wei
                                                                     of the Orient.                                  damentally safeguards the region’s
Associate Executive Editors: Zan Jifang, Ding Ying                        As the votes for 90 members of             stable political pulse and administrative
Production Director: Yao Bin
Editorial Administrators: Zeng Wenhui, Hou Beibei                    the seventh-term Legislative Council            security, all in all creating a more har-
Assistant Executive Editor: Li Fangfang                              (LegCo), who hold different ideas, reli-        monious social climate. Consequently,
Commentator: Lan Xinzhen
Editors: Wang Hairong, Li Nan                                        gious beliefs, occupations and interests,       economic and social policies can be
Editorial Consultant: Elsbeth van Paridon                            were cast and counted by December               executed more effectively within the
Reporters: Tang Yuankai, Wang Jun, Pan Xiaoqiao, Yuan Yuan,
Ji Jing, Lu Yan, Wen Qing, Li Qing, Li Xiaoyang, Ma Miaomiao,        20, a brighter future for Hong Kong is          special administrative region and
Zhang Shasha, Tao Xing, Tao Zihui
                                                                     taking shape.                                   ensure its sustained economic develop-
Visual Director: Pamela Tobey
Photo Editor: Wang Xiang                                                  This election, the first to occur un-      ment and overall interests.
Photographer: Wei Yao
Art: Li Shigong
                                                                     der the Hong Kong SAR’s improved                    Acting in the fundamental interests
Design Director: Wang Yajuan                                         electoral system, has demonstrated the          of the country and Hong Kong, the
Chief Designer: Cui Xiaodong
Designer: Zhao Boyu
                                                                     true will of Hong Kong residents, and           LegCo will strive to forge an enhanced
Proofreading: Ma Xin                                                 substantiated the diversity of Hong             landscape of governance in Hong
Human Resources: Zhang Yajie                                         Kong’s democracy and rule of law.               Kong, benefiting all layers of society.
Legal Counsel: Yue Cheng
                                                                          Reality already proves the new electoral       There is every reason to believe the
North America Bureau
Chief: Yu Shujun                                                     system better befits Hong Kong’s concrete       Pearl of the Orient will shine brighter
Tel/Fax: 1-201-792-0334                                              conditions. The varied backgrounds of the       than ever before.
Africa Bureau                                                        new LegCo members highlight the newfan-             In the coming year, we hope society
Chief Correspondent: Ni Yanshuo                                      gled electoral system’s broad representation,   will absorb the lessons of challenges
Tel: 27-71-6132053
E-mail:                                       political inclusiveness, balanced participa-    and cooperation alike from this year and
General Editorial Office                                             tion, and fair competition. Furthermore, the    realize which is the right direction for a
Tel: 86-10-68996252
                                                                     newly initiated structure has left those op-    shared future. We hope there will be less
Fax: 86-10-68326628
English Edition                                                      posing China and attempting to destabilize      polarity and more harmony, fewer politi-
Tel: 86-10-68996250
Advertising Department
                                                                     Hong Kong, as well as manipulation and          cal infighting and greater consolidation.
Tel: 86-10-68995807                                                  interference from the outside, with no room         We wish all of you a very Happy
Distribution Department
                                                                     to roam.                                        New Year. BR
Tel: 86-10-68310644

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2   BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 30, 2021                                                                                                           
VOTE OF CONFIDENCE Elections uphold the principle of Hong Kong patriots governing Hong Kong - Beijing ...

                    OLYMPIC BANKNOTES
           The People’s Bank of China issued 200 million sets of commemorative banknotes for the Olympic Winter Games
           Beijing 2022 on December 21.
               The set includes a polymer note and a paper note, both with a face value of 20 yuan ($3.14). The bills
           respectively feature a figure skating pair and a freestyle skiing athlete on the obverse and a Winter Olympic venue
           on the reverse.                                                                               DECEMBER 30, 2021 BEIJING REVIEW   3
VOTE OF CONFIDENCE Elections uphold the principle of Hong Kong patriots governing Hong Kong - Beijing ...

                                                                                                                      Outline for the Development of
                                                                                                                      Chinese Women (2011-20).
                                                                                                                          The gender gap in com-
                                                                                                                      pulsory education has been
                                                                                                                      eliminated, with the net enroll-
                                                                                                                      ment rate of primary school-
                                                                                                                      aged girls remaining above 99.9
                                                                                                                      percent for six consecutive years
                                                                                                                      since 2015, the same as that
                                                                                                                      among boys.
                                                                                                                          The presence of women in
                                                                                                                      the workforce has seen a steady
                                                                                                                      increase. There were 67.79 mil-
                                                                                                                      lion female employees in urban
                                                                                                                      work units last year, up 39.5
                                                                                                                      percent from 2010. Women cur-
                                                                                                                      rently account for 43.5 percent
                                                                                                                      of China’s total employment,
                                                                                                                      according to the report.
                                                                                                                          Although historic progress
                                                                                                                      has been made in promoting
                                                                                                                      gender equality and the all-
                                                                                                                      round development of women
Miss Mermaid                                                                                                          over the past decade, the report
                                                                                                                      noted that the protection of
A contestant strikes an underwater pose during a mermaid contest in Sanya, Hainan Province,                           women’s rights and interests in
on December 21. Over 40 contestants participated in the competition which started that day.                           some fields still requires further

Observation Network                    China’s first regional atmospheric   scales, Cao said.                         Commemorative
China’s meteorological authority
                                       background monitoring station
                                       was put into use in Beijing.
                                                                                 More advanced facilities
                                                                            and monitoring networks will be
announced on December 20                    Cao Xiaozhong, a senior         created in the coming years to            China’s central bank launched
that the country has established       official with the administration,    provide data support for China’s          the issuance of a set of com-
its first greenhouse gas observa-      attributed the establishment of      fulfillment of its carbon peak and        memorative coins on December
tion network after nearly 40           the network to China’s continu-      carbon neutrality commitments,            27 in celebration of the upcom-
years of construction.                 ous participation in the Global      by 2030 and 2060 respectively,            ing New Year.
      The announcement came            Atmosphere Watch Programme           Cao said.                                     The set of three coins, all
after the China Meteorological         of the World Meteorological                                                    legal tender, includes one gold,
Administration released its first
national greenhouse gas obser-
                                       Organization.                        Women’s                                   one silver and one two-color cop-
                                                                                                                      per alloy coins, the People’s Bank
                                            The administration this year
vation network directory, which        undertook a series of efforts        Development                               of China said in a statement.
consists of 60 high-precision          to help China reach its goal of      The average life expectancy of                The gold and silver coins,
observation stations covering          carbon neutrality. In addition to    Chinese women reached 80.88               with a denomination of 10
major critical climate areas in the    the network, it has established      years in 2020, up from 77.37              yuan ($1.57) and 3 yuan ($0.47),
country.                               a national greenhouse gas and        years in 2010, according to the           respectively, feature the national
      Its observation elements con-    carbon neutrality monitoring         National Bureau of Statistics             emblem on the obverse, accord-
tain seven types of greenhouse         and evaluation center with           (NBS) on December 21.                     ing to the central bank.
gases specified in the Kyoto           branches across several prov-            The social status of Chinese              On their reverse, the coins
Protocol, including carbon diox-       inces, as well as an evaluation      women has gone up significantly           are inscribed with the Chinese
ide, methane and nitrous oxide.        system for the effectiveness of      over the past decade, and their           character fu , which represents
      China is one of the first        its carbon neutrality actions to     sense of accomplishment, happi-           happiness and good fortune,
countries in the world to carry        accurately distinguish natural       ness and security has increased           decorated with multiple Chinese
out the background observation         and manmade carbon fluxes on         dramatically, read an NBS report          traditional festive designs includ-
of greenhouse gases. In 1982,          the global, regional and urban       on the monitoring results of the          ing plum blossoms and house
4   BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 30, 2021                                                                                      
VOTE OF CONFIDENCE Elections uphold the principle of Hong Kong patriots governing Hong Kong - Beijing ...

eaves, the statement further read.   Administration, drugs for
    The two-color copper alloy       rare-disease prevention and
coin, with a denomination of 10      treatment have received priority
yuan, features the image of a        in China’s review and approval
tiger with elements of traditional   process for new medications.
Chinese paper-cutting patterns
and New Year prints, said the        Protecting Black
central bank.
Rare-Disease Drugs                   China is deliberating a new law
                                     to protect the fertile black soil
More than 60 rare-disease drugs      in its northeastern provinces
have been approved for market-       as part of the efforts to ensure
ing in China, over 40 of which       the country’s food security and
are included in the national         protect the ecosystem, Xinhua
medical insurance system, ac-        News Agency reported on

                                                                               Up to Snow Good
cording to official data.            December 20.
     China’s medicare reimburse-          The draft law was submitted
ment list now covers medications     for its first reading on
for 25 rare diseases, according                                                Visitors take to the ice slide at an ice and snow art festival in Wuhan,
                                     December 20 at an ongoing ses-
to figures released at a national                                              Hubei Province, on December 21.
                                     sion of the Standing Committee
conference on rare diseases in       of the National People’s
Beijing on December 18.              Congress.
     Seven rare-disease drugs             The black soil found in              is in need of measures designed        Government’s additional
have been added to the list in       China’s northeastern provinces of         to specifically protect the black      injection of 400 million yuan
2021, bringing their price down      Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning          soil.                                  ($62.86 million) compared
by about 65 percent on aver-         and in some parts of the Inner                                                   with 2020, disabled persons’
age, Li Tao, an official with the
National Healthcare Security
                                     Mongolia Autonomous Region,               Rehabilitation                         federations across the country,
                                     produces about one quarter of                                                    in cooperation with the relevant
Administration, said at the          the country’s total grain output,         Services                               departments, provided higher-
conference.                          making it key to China’s food             China had offered rehabilitation       standard assistance to more
     Official data show there are    supply.                                   assistance to 332,000 children         physically and mentally
about 20 million rare-disease             But years of excessive               with disabilities as of November       impaired children, the CDPF said
patients in China, with more than    reclamation have eroded its               this year, nearly 50,000 more          on December 15.
200,000 new patients added           nutrients and the chernozem               than the total of 2020, accord-            The CDPF further entrusted
every year.                          layer is thinning, threatening the        ing to a recent statement from         third-party organizations to con-
     According to Chen               country’s ecological security and         the China Disabled Persons’            duct satisfaction surveys among
Shifei, deputy head of the           sustainable agricultural develop-         Federation (CDPF).                     parents to boost the quality of
National Medical Products            ment. Consequently the country                 With the Central                  assistance services.

                                                                               Solstice Salutations
                                                                               Children learn how to make dumplings in celebration of the Winter
                                                                               Solstice or Dongzhi at their school in Wuan, Hebei Province, on
                                                                               December 21. Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and one
                                                                               of the 24 solar terms, falls on December 21 this year. In Chinese
                                                                               culture, it marks the beginning of deep winter as well as a time for
                                                                               family gatherings. North China has maintained the tradition of
                                                                               feasting on dumplings on this day, whereas people in the south eat
                                                                               tangyuan , or rice ball soup.                                                                                            DECEMBER 30, 2021 BEIJING REVIEW       5
VOTE OF CONFIDENCE Elections uphold the principle of Hong Kong patriots governing Hong Kong - Beijing ...
A-Share Market                         due to the smooth operation
                                       of the BSE, sci-tech innovation
                                                                              witness significant increases in
                                                                              economic strength, develop-
                                                                                                                        trillion yuan ($182 billion), 390
                                                                                                                        billion yuan ($61.1 billion) and
The number of enterprises listed       board and the ChiNext board,           ment vitality and international           230 billion yuan ($36 billion)
on the Chinese A-share market          and more reform measures of the        influence, and about 66 percent           were respectively directed to the
through initial public offerings       registration-based system, said a      of its permanent residents are            highway, railway, civil aviation
(IPOs) and the funds raised hit        report released by international       expected to be residing in urban          and water transport sectors.
a record high this year, China         consulting firm Deloitte.              areas, the plan read.                           Government investment
Securities Journal reported on                                                     Covering about 185,000               in transportation also served
December 22, citing data from
financial information provider         Development Plan                       square km, the circle takes up            to support poverty alleviation
                                       The Chengdu-Chongqing                  1.9 percent of the country’s              efforts, the coordinated develop-
                                       economic circle will boost 160         total land territory. In 2019, it         ment of regional transportation,
     As of the day, a total of 508
                                       key projects in 2022, with a           had a permanent population of             and the fight against COVID-19,
companies were listed on the
                                       combined investment of roughly         around 96 million and a GDP of            the ministry said.
A-share market, up 16 percent
                                       2 trillion yuan ($313 billion), amid   6.3 trillion yuan ($988.4 billion),
from the annual figure in 2020.
They raised 527.3 billion yuan         the country’s efforts to foster a      accounting for 6.9 percent and            PPP Projects
                                       key growth powerhouse in the           6.3 percent of the national total,        A total of 382 new public-private
($82.77 billion), an increase of 9.7
                                       western region, local authorities      respectively.                             partnership (PPP) projects were
percent compared with the total
of last year.                          said.                                                                            registered in the first 11 months of
     Over 70 percent of the IPOs            The circle is another im-         Transport Input                           the year, data from the National
were issued through the regis-         portant regional development           Governments at all levels invest-         Development and Reform
tration-based system, with 386         strategy, following the Beijing-       ed 7.5 trillion yuan ($1.2 trillion) in   Commission showed.
firms listed on the Nasdaq-style       Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze      the transportation sector during              Urban infrastructure saw
sci-tech innovation board, the         River Delta and the Guangdong-         the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-            144 projects added during the
ChiNext board and the Beijing          Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay            20) period, driving related fixed         period, the largest increase
Stock Exchange (BSE), according        Area.                                  assets investment to more than 16         among all sectors, according to
to the report.                              In October, central au-           trillion yuan ($2.5 trillion), accord-    the commission.
     The number of IPOs on the         thorities issued a master plan for     ing to the Ministry of Finance.               Sectors including agricul-
Chinese A-share market is ex-          developing the area.                         During the timespan, 5.69           ture, forestry, water conservancy,
pected to further increase in 2022          By 2025, the circle will          trillion yuan ($892.7 billion), 1.16      social development, transport

($1=6.38 yuan)
China’s Service Outsourcing Industry in January-November
(All changes are y.o.y.)

Service outsourcing contracts inked by Chinese firms                                                                          Service outsourcing
                                                                                                                              executed contract value
Total value                                                           Executed contract value                                 With the United States
                                                                                                                                             Up 17%
                                                                                                          Up 19.4%             bln yuan

        About 1.56 tln yuan                                                    1.1 tln yuan                                   With Belt and Road partners
Up 20.2%                                                                                                                        bln yuan     Up 20.2%
                                                                      Offshore service outsourcing contract value

                                                                                                          Up 14.4%            With the European Union
                                                                              876 bln yuan                                       81.1
                                                                                                                               bln yuan      Up 11.1%

6   BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 30, 2021                                                                                        
VOTE OF CONFIDENCE Elections uphold the principle of Hong Kong patriots governing Hong Kong - Beijing ...
and environmental protec-            up 4.5 percent and 11.6 percent,       is expected to be used by over         final verification based on the
tion also reported many new          respectively.                          40 percent of personal mobile          annual statistical data, fiscal
PPP projects in the January-             By 2023, about 28 percent          phone consumers, and every             final accounts and departmental
November period.                     of commercial display manu-            10,000 people in China will            administrative records.
    PPPs act as collaborative        facturers will have the ability to     enjoy more than 18 5G base sta-
investment models between            provide visual solutions in smart      tions, the guideline concluded.        Car Exports
the government and private           scenarios due to accelerated                                                  Chinese auto companies export-
companies.                           integration between industries.        GDP Revision                           ed 1.79 million cars during the
                                                                            China’s GDP in 2020 was revised        first 11 months of the year, more
Industry Forecast                    5G Base Stations                       to 101.36 trillion yuan ($15.9         than double the figure from the
Shipments of China’s com-            There are over 1.3 million 5G          trillion), data from the final         same period last year, the latest
mercial large screen sector are      base stations in China, with the       verification conducted by the          industry data presented.
expected to grow 11.4 percent        number of 5G users reaching            National Bureau of Statistics               Driven by robust outbound
year on year to 9.53 million in      497 million, Minister of Industry      (NBS) showed on December 17.           demand for new-energy vehicles,
2022, according to research firm     and Information Technology                   The amount represents a          auto exports surged 59.1 percent
International Data Corp. (IDC).      Xiao Yaqing announced on               reduction of 241.9 billion yuan        year on year to 200,000 units
    The total shipments of inter-    December 20.                           ($37.9 billion) from the prelimi-      in November alone, according
active whiteboard will reach 2.18        In 2022, the country will          nary calculation.                      to the China Association of
million next year, up 17.8 percent   further boost its information and            At constant prices, the 2020     Automobile Manufacturers.
from a year ago.                     communication technologies             GDP increased 2.2 percent year              Exports of passenger cars
    Advertising machines will        and expand the coverage of 5G          on year, down 0.1 percentage           soared 71.2 percent from a year
see the largest growth of 33.9       services and gigabit fiber optic       point from the preliminary calcu-      ago to 170,000 units in the
percent thanks to increasing de-     networks in stable and orderly         lation, according to the NBS.          month, while those of commer-
mand from the retailing industry     manner, Xiao added.                          China’s annual GDP goes          cial vehicles rose 13 percent year
that has seen rapid digital trans-       China expects to see the           through two sets of accounting         on year to 30,000 units.
formation, the IDC data showed.      number of 5G users exceed 560          in accordance with the current              Exports of new-energy ve-
    The firm expects next year’s     million by 2023, according to a        national economic accounting           hicles skyrocketed 189.9 percent
commercial TV and splicing liq-      guideline released in July.            system. The preliminary calcula-       from a year ago to 37,000 units
uid crystal display screen to tick       By that time, the 5G network       tion will be revised during a          in November.

Outsourcing services by industry                      Executed contract value of outsourcing services
New-energy technologies                               Of private enterprises                                             As of November
Up 89.4%                                                                                                                13.78 mln people
                                                                          Up 30.4%
                                                         bln yuan
Information technology                                                                     of the
                                                                                        country’s total   work in China’s service outsourcing industry
Up 78.8%
                                                                                                              = 1 mln

                                                      Of foreign-funded enterprises                       In January-November, the industry added
                                                                                                                          870,000 jobs
Industrial design
Up 34%                                                    284.1           Up 13.1%         43.2%
                                                         bln yuan
                                                                                                                           Up 1.6%
                                                                                           of the
Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
                                                                                        country’s total                                        = 100,000
Up 19.9%
                                                                                                                           (Source: Ministry of Commerce)                                                                                          DECEMBER 30, 2021 BEIJING REVIEW      7
VOTE OF CONFIDENCE Elections uphold the principle of Hong Kong patriots governing Hong Kong - Beijing ...


              MALAYSIA                                      AUSTRIA
      Locals clear up mud and debris         Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General of the
      after torrential rains resulted in      International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
      severe floods in Hulu Langat of            attends a press conference in Vienna
     Selangor state on December 21.           on December 17. He said the IAEA will soon
      The total death toll stood at 27        reinstall surveillance cameras at Iran’s Karaj
             as of December 23              nuclear facility under a new bilateral agreement


                                                                                                                REPUBLIC OF KOREA
                                                                                                        People enjoy the Light of Seoul show at Dongdaemun
                                                                                                                Design Plaza, Seoul, on December 17

8        BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 30, 2021                                                                                         

                          President-elect Gabriel Boric Font addresses
                          the public in Santiago on December 19. The
                           35-year-old won the presidential race that
                             day, making him the youngest elected
                                   president in Chilean history


                                                                                                       Paragliders crisscross the city skies
                                                                                                        during a military parade marking
                                                                                                       Qatar’s National Day celebration in
                                                                                                      the capital of Doha on December 18


                                                                                                           UNITED STATES
                                                                                                        People wait in line for COVID-19
                                                                                                            testing in New York City
                                                                                                       on December 20. Omicron became
                                                                                                          the most dominant variant in
                                                                                                               the U.S. as holiday
                                                                                                            gatherings commenced
                                                                                           XINHUA                                                                             DECEMBER 30, 2021 BEIJING REVIEW      9
Voters line up outside a polling station in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) to cast their votes
for the Legislative Council (LegCo) on December 19

                                                         COVER STORY

 Fair and orderly election establishes a responsible legislature in Hong Kong
                                 By Liang Xiao
10   BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 30, 2021                                                                     
elected, marking an unprecedented
                                                                                               feat since the return of Hong
                                                                                               Kong to the motherland in 1997.
                                                                                               Conventional canvassing like
                                                                                               visits to voters and promotional
                                                                                               campaigns aside, the process
                                                                                               witnessed 144 forums, giving can-
                                                                                               didates a stage to show themselves
                                                                                               and further engage with the public.
                                                                                                   According to a poll conducted
                                                                                               by Hong Kong-based think tank
                                                                                               the Bauhinia Institute, 36 percent
                                                                                               of voters primarily focused on the
                                                                                               candidates’ policy positions and
                                                                                               proposals, followed by their cam-
                                                                                               paign performance (29.3 percent),
                                                                                               political experience (16.8 percent),
                                                                                               political party background (10.8
                                                                                               percent) and public image (5.2
                                                                                                   Representing different political
                                                                                               groups and factions, candidates
                                                                                               held different political ideas, some
                                                                                               of which rather far removed from
                                                                                               those of the current SAR govern-
                                                                                               ment in the eyes of Hong Kong
                                                                                               residents. Nevertheless, they got a
                                                                                               shot at nomination, election even,
                                                                                               under the principle of Hong Kong
                                                                                               patriots governing Hong Kong, the
                                                                                               final yea or nay resting with Hong
                                                                                               Kong citizens.
                                                                                                   The diversity among the newly

                                                                                               elected legislators demonstrates

                                                                                               the broad representation and polit-
        he Hong Kong Special           Under the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR,               ical inclusiveness of the improved
        Administrative Region       the main functions of the LegCo are to enact               electoral system.
        (SAR) concluded its sev-    laws, examine and approve budgets, taxation and                Take the 40 members elected
enth election of the Legislative    public expenditure, and monitor the work of the            by the Election Committee con-
Council (LegCo) on December         government. It also has the power to endorse the           stituency, for example. Among
20. Ninety elected lawmakers        appointment and removal of the judges of the               them, there are experienced vet-
from a total of 153 candidates,     Court of Final Appeal and the chief judge of the           erans who have previously served
with different backgrounds and      High Court.                                                as LegCo members and a couple
across the political spectrum,                                                                 of new faces. Consisting of repre-
make up the first legislature       On the upgrade                                             sentatives of business, academia
established since the region’s      The improved electoral model highlights fair-              and the professions, as well as
electoral system was improved in    ness and competition. LegCo membership has                 workers, employees and operators
March. The election is considered   increased from 70 to 90, with 40 returned by the           of small and medium-sized busi-
momentous in the development        Election Committee, 30 by functional constituen-           nesses from the primary level,
of democracy with Hong Kong         cies, and 20 by geographical constituencies. All           they are expected to balance the
characteristics.                    seats are contested and no one can be automatically        overall interests of Hong Kong
                                                                                                                                         s                                                                          DECEMBER 30, 2021 BEIJING REVIEW   11
with those of different sectors and     Rule Britannia                                          possessed the authority to appoint
districts.                              On December 20, denoting the big reveal of the          and remove senior government of-
    From a broader viewpoint, this      LegCo results, China’s State Council Information        ficials and judges.
LegCo election enables a group of       Office issued a white paper entitled Hong Kong:             Local Chinese were long ex-
highly capable patriots to partici-     Democratic Progress Under the Framework of One          cluded from the governing bodies
pate in the administration of Hong      Country, Two Systems. This report reviews the           and were denied participation in
Kong, with the council no longer        history of the democratic system of the SAR and         Hong Kong’s management, with
acting as the stumbling block to        further clarifies Beijing’s position.                   calls for democratic reform in the
local development and the catalyst          Though the UK claims that it has always been        region repeatedly rejected by the
behind a wrecked relationship           “supportive” of democracy in the region, the white      UK.
between the Central Government          paper clearly states there was no factual democracy         Yet Britain suddenly reversed
and the SAR.                            in Hong Kong under British colonial rule. During        its previous opposition to “demo-
    Poised to function more ef-         its 150-year-long rule, Hong Kong was governed          cratic reform” when it was left
fectively, positive interactions        by a governor on behalf of Britain, answering only      in no doubt about the Chinese
between the LegCo and executive         to the British Government and left entirely at its      Government’s determination to
body can hopefully better realize       command. His paramount powers and preroga-              resume the exercise of sovereignty
policies to resolve deep-rooted         tives in Hong Kong were free of any checks and          over Hong Kong. In October
social issues, improve the people’s     balances, and the governor could take charge of         1992, particularly, Chris Patten,
livelihood and promote sustain-         “all things belonging to his said office.” He further   the last British governor, imposed
able economic growth.                   assumed all executive and legislative powers and        elements of a fake Western-style


Staff count votes for the LegCo in the Hong Kong SAR on December 19
12   BEIJING REVIEW DECEMBER 30, 2021                                                                  
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