2020 IEEE International Conference - Edgence := Edge + Intelligence

Page created by Mario Hawkins
2020 IEEE International Conference - Edgence := Edge + Intelligence
IEEE 2020
International Conference
on Space-Air-Ground Computing

       Dec. 4,2020 - Dec. 6,2020
            Beijing · China
2020 IEEE International Conference - Edgence := Edge + Intelligence
IEEE 2020
            International Conference
            on Space-Air-Ground Computing

             Committee                         03

             Program                           05

             Keynote Speech                    06

             Invited Speech                    13

             Paper Session                     21

             Venue                             24

                              IEEE SAGC 2020
2020 IEEE International Conference - Edgence := Edge + Intelligence
Conference Committee
> Honorary Chairs
  Ping Zhang              Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,China

  Xuemin (Sherman) Shen   University of Waterloo,Canada

> General Chairs
  Shangguang Wang         Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,China

  Ching-Hsien Hsu         UniAsia University,Taiwan

  Qinyu Zhang             Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen),China

> Program Chairs
 Ning Zhang               University of Windsor,Canada

 Ao Zhou                  Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,China

 Minho Jo                 Korea University,South Korea

> Computing Track Chair
  Xianfu Chen             VTT Tech. Research Centre, Finland

  Suzhi Cao               Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

  Kaijun Ren              National Univ. of Defense Technology, China

> Communication Track Chair
  Celimuge Wu             Uni. of Electro-Communications, Japan

  Nan Zhao                Dalian University of Technology, China

  Tingting Zhang          HIT (Shenzhen), China

> Security and Privacy Track Chair
  Mohamed Mahmoud         Tennessee Technological Uni., USA

  Dajiang Chen            UESTC, China

  Kok-Seng Wong           VinUniversity, Vietnam
2020 IEEE International Conference - Edgence := Edge + Intelligence
> Publication Chair
  Lingyan Zhang          Central South University,China

  Chunhe Song            Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

  Rongfei Fan            Beijing Institute of Technology, China

> Web Chair
  Jingyun Wang           Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,China

> TPC Member
  Xianfu Chen            VTT Tech. Research Centre, Finland

  Suzhi Cao              Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

  Kaijun Ren             National Univ. of Defense Technology, China

  Celimuge Wu            Uni. of Electro-Communications, Japan

  Nan Zhao               Dalian University of Technology, China

  Tingting Zhang         HIT (Shenzhen), China

  Mohamed Mahmoud        Tennessee Technological Uni., USA

  Dajiang Chen           UESTC, China

  Kok-Seng Wong          VinUniversity, Vietnam

  Sai Mounika Errapotu   University of Texas at El Paso, USA

  Zhi Liu                Shizuoka University, Japan

  Hassan Aboubakr Omar   Huawei Inc., Ottawa, Canada

  Xuanli Wu              Harbin Institute of Technology, China

  Khalid Aldubaikhy      Qassim University, Saudi Arabia

  Tao Huang              James Cook University, Australia

  Muhammad Ismail         Tennessee Tech University, USA

  Huaqing Wu             University of Waterloo, Canada

  Tao Han                University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
2020 IEEE International Conference - Edgence := Edge + Intelligence
PROGRAM          Time            Content                      Speaker                    Session Chair

               9:00-9:30     Opening Ceremony

                                                Prof. Yunhao Liu, ACM/IEEE Fellow,
               9:30-10:10    Keynote Speech 1
                                                Tsinghua University
                                                                                         Shangguang Wang,
                             Coffee Break                                                     BUPT
                                                Dr. Jun Xu, Deputy Chief Designer,
               10:20-11:00   Keynote Speech 2

               11:00-11:40   Keynote Speech 3   Prof. Xuanzhe Liu, Peking Univesity

                                                Prof. Mianxiong Dong, Muroran
               13:30-14:00   Invited Speech 1
                                                Institute of Technology, Japan
                                                Prof. Ye Yuan, Beijing Institute of
               14:00-14:30   Invited Speech 2                                              Yingjie Wang,
                                                Technology, China
                                                                                          Yantai University
  4-Dec.                                        Prof. Tie Qiu, Tianjin University,
               14:30-15:00   Invited Speech 3
BUPT Hotel                                      China
  Room 5                                        Dr. Mengwei Xu, Beijing University of
               15:00-15:30   Invited Speech 4
                                                Posts and Telecommunications
                             Coffee Break
                                                Prof. Zhe Liu, Nanjing University of
               15:40-16:40   Invited Speech 5
                                                Aeronautics and Astronautics
                                                Prof. Jiliang Wang, Tsinghua
               16:10-16:40   Invited Speech 6
                                                Dr. Shuo Wang, China Mobile               Lingyan Zhang,
               16:40-17:10   Invited Speech 7
                                                Research Institute                         Central South
                                                Dr. Suzhi Cao, Technology and
               17:10-17:40   Invited Speech 8   Engineering Center for Space
                                                Prof. Hongbo Zhao, Beihang
               17:40-18:10   Invited Speech 9
               18:10         Banquet
                                                Prof. Xiaojiang Du, IEEE Fellow,
               8:30-9:10     Keynote Speech 4                                               Ning Zhang,
    5-Dec.                                      Temple University, USA
VooV Meeting                                                                                University of
   (Tencent                                     Prof. Zhu Han, IEEE Fellow,                   Windsor
               9:10-9:50     Keynote Speech 5
  Meeting)                                      University of Houston, USA
 399 160 147                                                                                Yuanzhe Li,
               10:00-11:20   Paper Session 1    Computing Session 1
                                                                                              Qing Li,
VooV Meeting   14:00-15:00   Paper Session 2    Computing Session 2
  Meeting)                                                                                  Lipei Yang,
 521 786 845   15:00-16:20   Paper Session 3    Communication Session 1

                                                Prof. Lin Cai, IEEE Fellow, University
               8:30-9:10     Keynote Speech 6                                              Mengwei Xu,
                                                of Victoria, Canada
                                                Prof. Stephen S. Yau, IEEE Fellow,
VooV Meeting   9:10-9:50     Keynote Speech 7
                                                Arizona State University, USA
  Meeting)                                                                                 Jinliang Yuan,
               9:50-10:50    Paper Session 4    Communication Session 2
 370 408 963                                                                                    BUPT
                                                                                           Qiyang Zhang,
               10:50-12:20   Paper Session 5    Security Session
2020 IEEE International Conference - Edgence := Edge + Intelligence
           AIOT: Artificial Intelligence in the Edge
Speech 1   Prof. Yunhao Liu, ACM/IEEE Fellow, Tsinghua
                                                          4-Dec. 9:30-10:10

                        Yunhao Liu, ACM Fellow and IEEE Fellow, Editor in Chief of
                        ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Chang Jiang
                        Professor and Dean of GIX at Tsinghua University.

  Yunhao Liu

     《AIOT: Artificial Intelligence in the Edge》

                                     IEEE SAGC 2020
2020 IEEE International Conference - Edgence := Edge + Intelligence
               Wideband Mobile Satellite Communication Protocols and Networking
Speech 2       Dr. Jun Xu, Deputy Chief Designer, CASIC                4-Dec. 10:20-11:00

                       Dr Xu received his PhD from University of Waterloo. His expertise covers
                       satellite and wireless communication protocols and standardization with focus
                       on DVB S2/S2X, 3GPP, IETF, etc. As a designer of several world most
                       popular GEO and LEO satellite systems, he was an inventor of 25 US patents
                       as well as many international patents. He is vice Chief Designer of CASIC
                       and Chair of Satellite Networking Technical Committee of CCSA.

    Jun Xu

 《Wideband Mobile Satellite Communication Protocols and Networking》

  We proposed a novel wideband mobile satellite communication system, including physical
  and upper layer protocols for space-ground integrated wireless transmission. With
  advancing DVB S2/S2X to support mobility, we developed a complete solution for hybrid
  GEO/LEO networks. The system supports both bent-pipe and regenerative satellites.

                                         IEEE SAGC 2020
2020 IEEE International Conference - Edgence := Edge + Intelligence
                  Next-Generation Intelligent Software Systems: From Centralization to Ubiquity
Speech 3          Prof. Xuanzhe Liu, Peking Univesity                           4-Dec. 11:00-11:40

                           Dr. Xuanzhe Liu is now an associate professor with the School of Electronics
                           Engineering and Computer Science in Peking University. His recent interests are
                           in the areas of systems software for Web, services computing, mobile computing,
                           and machine learning. He has published over 70 referred papers in prestigious
                           conferences like WWW, ICSE, FSE MobiCom, MobiSys, etc., and peer-reviewed
                           journals like ACM TOSEM/TOIS and IEEE TSE/TMC, etc. He received the Best
                           Paper Awards from WWW 2019, ICSS 2010, CyberC 2009. He was recognized
                           as the Young Scientist Award that was co-awarded by China Computer
                           Federation (CCF) and IEEE Computer Society, the Rising Star Award of IEEE
                           Technical Committee on Services Computing, and other various awards. He was
 Xuanzhe Liu               awarded as the “Most Respected and Esteemed Teacher” in 2019, which was
                           completely voted by the students from Peking University, and the Distinguished
                           Teaching Award in 2018.

                   《Next-Generation Intelligent Software Systems:
                         From Centralization to Ubiquity》
 With the fast deployment and wide coverage of networks, software systems play the increasingly
 important role to interconnect the information space, physical space, and human society. The advanced
 machine learning techniques have been increasingly important core components in modern software
 systems and them more adaptive and intelligent. It leaves huge space for system researchers and
 practitioners to invent new architectures, abstractions, and technologies. Currently, such systems are
 typically “centralized”, i.e., collecting a large volume of data from millions or billions of client devices
 onto the cloud and performing the analytics. However, we argue that the centralized fashion may not be
 always adequate for all application scenarios, given the increasing capability of mobile/IoT devices, wide
 deployment of edge appliances, and especially concerns of data privacy. In this talk, we envision some
 recent trends of making intelligence more “ubiquitous” out of only the cloud. We will talk about the
 key technologies that can drive the trend, including the programming model, containers, collaborative
 learning, and so on.

                                               IEEE SAGC 2020
2020 IEEE International Conference - Edgence := Edge + Intelligence
                  e-SAFE: Secure, Efficient and Forensics-Enabled Access to Wireless Implantable
Keynote           Medical Devices
Speech 4          Prof. Xiaojiang Du, IEEE Fellow, Temple University,
                                                                            5-Dec. 8:30-9:10

                           Dr. Xiaojiang (James) Du is a tenured Full Professor and the Director of the Security
                           And Networking (SAN) Lab in the Department of Computer and Information
                           Sciences at Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. Dr. Du received his B.S. and M.S.
                           degree in Electrical Engineering (Automation Department) from Tsinghua University,
                           Beijing, China in 1996 and 1998, respectively. He received his M.S. and Ph.D.
                           degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park in
                           2002 and 2003, respectively. His research interests are security, wireless networks,
                           and systems. He has authored over 460 journal and conference papers in these
                           areas, as well as a book published by Springer. Dr. Du has been awarded more than
                           6 million US Dollars research grants from the US National Science Foundation
                           (NSF), Army Research Office, Air Force Research Lab, NASA, the State of
                           Pennsylvania, and Amazon. He won the best paper award at IEEE ICC 2020, IEEE
                           GLOBECOM 2014 and the best poster runner-up award at the ACM MobiHoc 2014.
                           He serves on the editorial boards of three international journals. Dr. Du served as
                           the lead Chair of the Communication and Information Security Symposium of the
  Xiaojiang Du             IEEE International Communication Conference (ICC) 2015, and a Co-Chair of
                           Mobile and Wireless Networks Track of IEEE Wireless Communications and
                           Networking Conference (WCNC) 2015. He is (was) a Technical Program Committee
                           (TPC) member of several premier ACM/IEEE conferences such as INFOCOM (2007
                           - 2020), IM, NOMS, ICC, GLOBECOM, WCNC, BroadNet, and IPCCC. Dr. Du is an
                           IEEE Fellow and a Life Member of ACM.

   《e-SAFE: Secure, Efficient and Forensics-Enabled Access to Wireless
                     Implantable Medical Devices》

To facilitate monitoring and management, modern Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) are often
equipped with wireless capabilities, which raise the risk of malicious access to IMDs. Although
schemes are proposed to secure the IMD access, some issues are still open. First, pre-sharing a
long-term key between a patient’s IMD and a doctor’s programmer is vulnerable since once the
doctor’s programmer is compromised, all of her patients suffer; establishing a temporary key by
leveraging proximity gets rid of pre-shared keys, but as the approach lacks real authentication, it
can be exploited by nearby adversaries or through man-in-the-middle attacks. Second, while
prolonging the lifetime of IMDs is one of the most important design goals, few schemes explore to
lower the communication and computation overhead all at once. Finally, how to safely record the
commands issued by doctors for the purpose of forensics, which can be the last measure to protect
the patients’ rights, is commonly omitted in the existing literature. Motivated by these important
yet open problems, we propose an innovative scheme e-SAFE, which significantly improves security
and safety, reduces the communication overhead and enables IMD-access forensics. We present a
novel lightweight compressive sensing based encryption algorithm to encrypt and compress the
IMD data simultaneously, reducing the data transmission overhead by over 50% while ensuring
high data confidentiality and usability. Furthermore, we provide a suite of protocols regarding
device pairing, dual-factor authentication, and accountability-enabled access. The security analysis
and performance evaluation show the validity and efficiency of the proposed scheme.

                                            IEEE SAGC 2020
2020 IEEE International Conference - Edgence := Edge + Intelligence
                 Aerial Access Networks for 6G: From UAV, HAP, to Satellite Communication Networks
Speech 5         Prof. Zhu Han, IEEE Fellow, University of Houston,
                                                                               5-Dec. 9:10-9:50

                           Zhu Han received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Tsinghua
                           University, in 1997, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
                           from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1999 and 2003, respectively.
                           From 2000 to 2002, he was an R&D Engineer of JDSU, Germantown, Maryland.
                           From 2003 to 2006, he was a Research Associate at the University of Maryland.
                           From 2006 to 2008, he was an assistant professor in Boise State University,
                           Idaho. Currently, he is a John and Rebecca Moores Professor in Electrical and
                           Computer Engineering Department as well as Computer Science Department at
                           University of Houston, Texas. His research interests include security, wireless
                           resource allocation and management, wireless communication and networking,
                           game theory, and wireless multimedia. Dr. Han is an NSF CAREER award
                           recipient 2010. Dr. Han has several IEEE conference best paper awards, and
                           winner of 2011 IEEE Fred W. Ellersick Prize, 2015 EURASIP Best Paper Award
                           for the Journal on Advances in Signal Processing and 2016 IEEE Leonard G.
                           Abraham Prize in the field of Communication Systems (Best Paper Award for
                           IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications). Dr. Han is the winner
   Zhu Han                 2021 IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award. He has been IEEE fellow since 2014, AAAS
                           fellow since 2020 and IEEE Distinguished Lecturer from 2015 to 2018. Dr. Han is
                           1% highly cited researcher according to Web of Science since 2017.

           《Aerial Access Networks for 6G: From UAV, HAP, to Satellite
                          Communication Networks》
 Providing “connectivity from the sky” is one new innovative trend in wireless communications for
 beyond 5G or coming 6G communication systems. Satellites, high and low altitude platforms, drones,
 aircrafts, and airships are being considered as candidates for deploying wireless communications
 complementing the terrestrial communication infrastructure. Utilizing modern information network
 technologies and interconnecting space, air, and ground network segments, the aerial access network
 (AAN) has attracted many attentions from both academia and industry, which has been recognized as a
 potential solution for the 6G systems. AANs are subject to heterogeneous networks that are engineered
 to utilize satellites, high-altitude platforms (HAPs), and low-altitude platforms (LAPs) to build network
 access platforms. Compared to terrestrial wireless networks, AANs are characterized by frequently
 changed network topologies and more vulnerable communication connections. Furthermore, AANs have
 the demand for the seamless integration of heterogeneous networks such that the network quality-of-
 service (QoS) can be improved. Thus, designing mechanisms and protocols for AANs poses many
 challenges. To solve these challenges, extensive research has been conducted. Notice that AANs are not
 intended to replace the above existing technologies, but instead to work with them in a complementary
 and integrated fashion. However, design, analysis, and optimization of AANs require multidisciplinary
 knowledge, namely, knowledge of wireless communications and networking, signal processing, artificial
 intelligence (e.g., for learning), decision theory, optimization, and economic theory. Therefore, this talk
 first provides a general introduction to AANs integrated networks based on physical, MAC, and
 networking layer requirements, followed by some state-of-the-art of AANs along with possible

                                              IEEE SAGC 2020
                High-reliability and low-latency LEO satellite backbone with directed percolation
Keynote         routing
Speech 6        Prof. Lin Cai, IEEE Fellow, University of Victoria,
                                                                            6-Dec. 8:30-9:10

                         Lin Cai received her M.A.Sc. and PhD degrees (awarded Outstanding Achievement in
                         Graduate Studies) in electrical and computer engineering from the University of
                         Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, in 2002 and 2005, respectively. Since 2005, she has
                         been with the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of
                         Victoria, and she is currently a Professor. She is an NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial
                         Fellow and an IEEE Fellow. In 2020, she was elected as a Member of the Royal
                         Society of Canada's College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. Her research
                         interests span several areas in communications and networking, with a focus on network
                         protocol and architecture design supporting emerging multimedia traffic and Internet of

                         She was a recipient of the NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement (DAS) Grants in
                         2010 and 2015, respectively, and the Best Paper Awards of IEEE ICC 2008 and IEEE
                         WCNC 2011. She has founded and chaired IEEE Victoria Section Vehicular Technology
                         and Communications Joint Societies Chapter. She has been elected to serve the IEEE
                         Vehicular Technology Society Board of Governors, 2019-2021. She has served as an
                         area editor for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, a member of the Steering
    Lin Cai              Committee of the IEEE Transactions on Big Data (TBD) and IEEE Transactions on
                         Cloud Computing (TCC), an Associate Editor of the IEEE Internet of Things Journal,
                         IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
                         Technology, IEEE Transactions on Communications, EURASIP Journal on Wireless
                         Communications and Networking, International Journal of Sensor Networks, and Journal
                         of Communications and Networks (JCN), and as the Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE
                         VTS Society. She has served as a TPC co-chair for IEEE VTC2020-Fall, and a TPC
                         symposium co-chair for IEEE Globecom'10 and Globecom'13. She is a registered
                         professional engineer in British Columbia, Canada.

        《High-reliability and low-latency LEO satellite backbone with
                        directed percolation routing》

 With tens of thousands Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites covering Earth, LEO satellite networks can
 provide coverage and services that are otherwise not possible using terrestrial communication
 systems. The regular and dense LEO satellite constellation also provides new opportunities and
 challenges for network architecture and protocol design. In this talk, we introduce a new routing
 strategy named Directed Percolation Routing (DPR), aiming to provide Ultra-Reliable and Low-
 Latency Communication (URLLC) services over long distances. Given the long propagation delay
 and uncertainty of LEO communication links, using DPR, each satellite routes a packet over several
 Inter-Satellite-Links (ISLs) towards the destination, without relying on link-layer retransmissions.
 Considering the link redundancy overhead and delay/reliability tradeoff, DPR can control the size of
 percolation. Using the Starlink constellation as an example, we demonstrate that with DPR, the
 inter-continent propagation delay can be reduced by about 4 to 21 ms, while the reliability can be
 several orders higher than single-path optimal routing.

                                            IEEE SAGC 2020
                Trusted Coordination of Collaborative Services Development for
Keynote         Effective Space-Air-Ground Computing
Speech 7        Prof. Stephen S. Yau, IEEE Fellow, Arizona State
                                                                           6-Dec. 9:10-9:50
                University, USA

                          Stephen S. Yau is Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Arizona
                          State University (ASU), Tempe, Arizona, USA. He served as the chair of the
                          Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and later as the director of
                          Information Assurance Center at ASU. Previously, he was on the faculties of
                          Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, and University of Florida, Gainesville.

                          Dr. Yau served as the president of the IEEE Computer Society and the editor-in-
                          chief of IEEE COMPUTER magazine. He organized many major conferences.
                          He served as the chair of the Organizing Committee of the 1989 World Computer
                          Congress sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing,
                          and the general chair of the 2018 IEEE World Congress on Services. His current
                          research includes services computing, cybersecurity, software engineering,
                          distributed computing systems, IoT, and blockchain. He has received many
Stephen S. Yau
                          awards and recognitions, including the Tsutomu Kanai Award and Richard E.
                          Merwin Award of the IEEE Computer Society, and the Outstanding Contributions
                          Award of the Chinese Computer Federation. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the
                          American Association for the Advancement of Science. He received the Ph.D.
                          degree from the University of Illinois, Urbana, in electrical engineering.

    《Trusted Coordination of Collaborative Services Development for
    Effective Space-Air-Ground Computing》

  There are many major challenges to achieving effective space-air-ground computing (SAGC).
  Due to the extensive, large-scale and complicated SGAC requirements and operations, the
  developments of an SABC services project usually involves many teams with specific expertise
  and different resources. These teams are often operating in a distributed environment, even if
  they are in the same organization. The success of such development heavily relies on the
  trusted coordination of all these teams during the entire development cycle. In this address,
  how to achieve trusted coordination among all the teams for developing a large-scale and
  complicated SAGC project. including the use of blockchain technology, will be discussed.

                                            IEEE SAGC 2020
                  Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform
Speech 1          Prof. Mianxiong Dong, Muroran Institute of
                  Technology, Japan

                           Mianxiong Dong received B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering
                           from The University of Aizu, Japan. He is the youngest ever Vice President and
                           Professor of Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan. He was a JSPS Research
                           Fellow with School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of Aizu,
                           Japan and was a visiting scholar with BBCR group at the University of Waterloo,
                           Canada supported by JSPS Excellent Young Researcher Overseas Visit Program
                           from April 2010 to August 2011. Dr. Dong was selected as a Foreigner Research
                           Fellow (a total of 3 recipients all over Japan) by NEC C&C Foundation in 2011. He is
                           the recipient of IEEE TCSC Early Career Award 2016, IEEE SCSTC Outstanding
                           Young Researcher Award 2017, The 12th IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Young
                           Researcher Award 2017, Funai Research Award 2018, NISTEP Researcher 2018
                           (one of only 11 people in Japan) in recognition of significant contributions in science
                           and technology, 2019 Best Paper Award for IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics
                           in Computing from IEEE Computer Society, and The 9th IEEE Asia-Pacific (AP)
Mianxiong Dong
                           Outstanding Paper Award 2020 from Communication Society. He is Clarivate
                           Analytics 2019 Highly Cited Researcher (Web of Science).

     《Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform》

  "How to face the threat of natural disasters" is always an important research topic. Currently, the
  mainstream research of disaster management is how to accurately and promptly forecast and
  notify such as earthquake early warning, but since complete disaster prevention is impossible, we
  still have to focus on the rapid response after disasters. In addition, to gain insight into the real-
  time situation of the affected area, we need the two-way communication between affected area
  and outside world. However, once the network infrastructure suffers from disasters, connections
  can be interrupted and support cannot reach affected area. Moreover, it is difficult to reconstruct
  the communication line from scratch. In order to achieve a set of post-disaster two-way
  communication solutions not relying on traditional network infrastructure, we design a next
  generation disaster response platform. There are mainly three problems to solve in this platform.
  First, the connections among users near to each other. Second, the connections between users and
  access points (APs). Third, the connections between APs and access network to outside world. To
  figure out first problem, we are going to make use of Device-to-Device (D2D) emergency
  communication in gathering users within the range of 100+m. Then for the second one, we take
  advantage of the high mobility of UAVs in fast building the emergency network with the range of
  1000+m. For the third one, to realize the connection to outside world, we apply lower power wide
  area network (LPWAN) to expand the range to 10000+m.

                                              IEEE SAGC 2020
                Querying Shortest Path on Large Time Dependent Networks
Speech 2        Prof. Ye Yuan, Beijing Institute of Technology, China   4-Dec.14:00-14:30

                         Ye Yuan is a professor and doctoral supervisor in the School of Computer
                         Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology. He is honored with the
                         NSFC Outstanding Young Scholar. He was awarded the First Prize for Scientific
                         and Technological Progress by the Ministry of Education and Liaoning Province,
                         the National Nomination Award for Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, and the
                         Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award by the CCF. Dr. Yuan is a member of CCF
                         Technical Committee on Databases, a senior member of CCF, ACM and IEEE,
                         and a visiting scholar at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
                         the University of Hong Kong, and the University of Edinburgh, UK. The research
                         interests of Dr. Yuan include graph data management, crowdsourced data
                         management and data privacy. He has published more than 70 papers in top
   Ye Yuan
                         conferences/journals such as SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, VLDB Journal, IEEE Trans.
                         TKDE and IEEE Trans. TPDS

       《Querying Shortest Path on Large Time Dependent Networks》

 A graph is one of the most common data models, which is widely used in databases (e.g., road
 traffic networks, social networks). However, in the real world, the structure of data is not static,
 but usually changes according to some specific factors (e.g., time). Therefore, the time-
 dependent graph was developed. Due to the different time model, time-dependent graphs
 can be divided into two categories: discrete time-dependent graphs (e.g., subway networks,
 railroad networks) and continuous time-dependent graphs (e.g., road networks). In this report,
 we will first introduce the background and characteristics of the time-dependent graphs and
 their impact on shortest path queries due to their practical applications. Secondly, we describe
 in detail the two types of time-dependent models, as well as the existing works on them.
 Finally, we introduce a more general model that can universally solve shortest path queries on
 time-dependent graphs.

                                           IEEE SAGC 2020
                Smart Internet of Things: Self-organization to Topology Evolution
Speech 3        Prof. Tie Qiu, Tianjin University, China                4-Dec.14:30-15:00

                         Tie Qiu is currently a Full Professor at School of Computer Science and
                         Technology, Tianjin University, China.
                         He holds Young Changjiang (Yangtze River) Scholar Award (2018) and Peiyang
                         Scholar award of Tianjin University. Prior to this position, he held assistant
                         professor in 2008 and associate professor in 2013 at School of Software, Dalian
                         University of Technology. He was a visiting professor at department of electrical
                         and computer engineering of Iowa State University in U.S. (2014-2015). He serves
                         as an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
                         (TNSE) and IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, area
                         editor of Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier), associate editor of Computers and Electrical
                         Engineering (Elsevier), Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences
                         (Springer), a guest editor of Future Generation Computer Systems. He serves as
                         General Chair, Program Chair, Workshop Chair, Publicity Chair, Publication Chair
                         or TPC Member of a number of international conferences. He has authored/co-
                         authored 9 books, over 150 scientific papers in international journals and
                         conference proceedings, such as IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE
    Tie Qiu
                         Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
                         Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Communications
                         Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE Communications, INFOCOM, GLOBECOM etc. There
                         are 10 papers listed as ESI highly cited papers. He has contributed to the
                         development of 4 copyrighted software systems and invented 16 patents. He is a
                         senior member of China Computer Federation (CCF) and a Senior Member of IEEE
                         and ACM.

   《Smart Internet of Things: Self-organization to Topology Evolution》

 Smart Internet of Things (IoT) includes numerous sensing nodes, sink nodes and
 heterogeneous devices. For the large scale networks, the conventional self-organization
 strategies are difficult to adapt the dynamic networking. Genetic algorithms are prone to
 falling into premature convergence owing to the lack of global search ability caused by the
 loss of population diversity during evolution. This talk combines the population state with the
 evolutionary process and proposes an Adaptive Robustness Evolution Algorithm (AREA) with
 self-competition for scale-free IoT topologies. In AREA, the crossover and mutation operations
 are dynamically adjusted according to population diversity to ensure global search ability.
 Moreover, a self-competitive mechanism is used to ensure convergence. Finally, the future
 trends for smart IoT will be discussed.

                                            IEEE SAGC 2020
                AI Systems towards Mobile and Edge Devices
Speech 4        Dr. Mengwei Xu, Beijing University of Posts and

                         Mengwei Xu is now an assistant professor, doctoral advisor in Beijing University
                         of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). He hold both doctoral and bachelor
                         degrees from Peking University. He was also a visiting scholar in Purdue
                         University and Microsoft Research Asia. Dr. Xu has published 10+ papers on top
                         venues including MobiCom/MobiSys/UbiComp/IEEE TMC, and served as TPC
                         member or reviewer at ICDCS/UbiComp/ICWS/IEEE TMC. His research mainly
                         centers around mobile and edge computing.

 Mengwei Xu

                 《AI Systems towards Mobile and Edge Devices》

 AI is becoming pervasive and ubiquitous, existing in every corner of our computing world.
 Traditional AI tasks, especially those driven by deep learning algorithm, are deployed in a
 cloud-centric fashion, which comes with the cost of user privacy and unstable network delay.
 Can we push the AI workloads into the network edge, with as little help from cloud as possible?
 In this talk, I will present our efforts towards this direction. We've built systems & software to
 address the performance and privacy issues of AI applications on various edge devices
 (smartphone, wearables, and cameras). Those systems combine the domain-specific
 knowledge of different workloads and platforms with the recent advances from AI community,
 thus provide significant benefits compared to prior work.

                                           IEEE SAGC 2020
                Memory-Efficient Montgomery Curve Cryptography Implementation
Speech 5        Prof. Zhe Liu, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and

                         Zhe Liu is a professor in the College of Computer Science and Technology,
                         Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and program manager in
                         National Natural Science Foundation of China. He received the B.S. and M.S.
                         degrees from Shandong University, China, in 2008 and 2011, respectively, and
                         the Ph.D. degree from the Laboratory of Algorithmics, Cryptology and Security,
                         University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, in 2015. His research interests include
                         security, privacy and cryptography solutions for the Internet of Things. He has co-
                         authored over 100 research peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. He
                         was a recipient of the prestigious FNR Awards-Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award
                         in 2016, ACM CHINA SIGSAC Rising Star Award in 2017 as well as DAMO
                         Academy Young Fellow in 2019. He has served as program committee member
   Zhe Liu
                         in more than 50 international conferences.

  《Memory-Efficient Montgomery Curve Cryptography Implementation》

 Nowadays, billions of resource-constrained IoT devices have been deployed into our lives. IoT
 has been applied to many industries around the world, including precision agriculture,
 healthcare, energy, transportation, building management etc. While IoT brings us a lot of
 conveniences, a number of serious concerns about dangers in the growth of IoT, especially in
 the areas of security and privacy. Public-key cryptography (PKC), especially Elliptic Curve
 Cryptography (ECC), is one of the major tools to defend data security and privacy. However,
 the IoT devices are usually resource-constrained and it's difficult to implement the
 complicated public-key cryptography on IoT devices. Massive efforts are required to carefully
 reduce the code size and offer memory-efficient implementation of ECC while maintaining
 high efficiency. In this presentation, I will present several memory-efficient techniques for
 Montgomery Curve on resource-constrained IoT devices.

                                           IEEE SAGC 2020
                Low Power Wide Area Networks: Opportunities & Challenges
Speech 6        Prof. Jiliang Wang, Tsinghua University                  4-Dec.16:10-16:40

                        Jiliang Wang is an Associate Professor in School of Software, Tsinghua
                        University. His research mainly focuses on Internet of things and mobile
                        computing including low power wireless communication in IoTs (e.g., LPWANs,
                        wireless backscatter), sensing with various signals in IoTs (e.g., sensing and
                        tracking with WiFi, sound, LoRa, UWB, etc.), and efficient computing on the edge
                        and IoT devices. His research results have been published in ACM MobiCom,
                        ACM MobiSys, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE ICNP, IEEE RTSS, IEEE/ACM
                        Transactions on Networking, and IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, etc.
                        He has served as the TPC member for various academic conferences including

 Jiliang Wang           IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE ICDCS, IEEE MASS, etc., the publication chair for ACM
                        TURC, the publicity chair for IEEE SECON, etc. He has won the best paper
                        award in IEEE MSN 2016, spotlight paper of IEEE TPDS, etc.

      《Low Power Wide Area Networks: Opportunities & Challenges》

 Recently, Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) have shown its promising in connecting
 millions of devices in the age of Internet of Things, attracting much interest in both academia
 and industry. LPWANs act as an important communication technique for connecting IoT
 devices by providing long-distance and low-power communication under a low SNR. In this
 talk, I will introduce the background, current status of LPWANs as well as the opportunities for
 Internet of Things. Meanwhile, I will also discuss the challenges of LPWANs towards the vision
 of ubiquitously connecting devices in Internet of Things, and our approaches to address those

                                          IEEE SAGC 2020
             B5G Standardization Progress of Terrestrial Satellite Integrated Network
Speech 7     Dr. Shuo Wang, China Mobile Research Institute       4-Dec.16:40-17:10

                     Wang Shuo, received the Ph.D. degree in information and
                     communication engineering from the Beijing University of Posts
                     and Telecommunications (BUPT), Beijing, China, in 2019. He is
                     currently working at the Department of network and IT technology,
                     China Mobile Research Institute. He is mainly engaged in the
                     research of 3GPP international standardization, B5G / 6G network
                     new technology, space-air-terrestrial integrated network
                     architecture, etc.

 Shuo Wang

 《B5G Standardization Progress of Terrestrial Satellite Integrated Network》

 The main international standardization groups and specifications regarding the
 integration of satellite and 5G system is introduced. Then the progress of
 standardization of mainly 3GPP and ITU are elaborated. The work progress of
 SA group and RAN group of 3GPP

 Including requirement, architecture and management are introduced
 respectively. Finally,the future directions of standardization in satellite and 5G
 integration are summarized.

                                      IEEE SAGC 2020
                Mobile Edge Computing Enable Space-air-ground integrated network
Speech 8        Dr. Suzhi Cao, Technology and Engineering Center
                for Space Utilization

                         Suzhi Cao received the bachelor’s degree and the master’s degree from Tianjin
                         University in 2004 and 2007 respectively. She received the PhD degree from
                         Academy of Opto-electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2020. Dr. Cao is
                         currently an associate professor at Technology and Engineering Center for
                         Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
                         Her research interests include Satellite Network, Edge Computing and Distributed
                         Computing. She has published dozens of papers in the field of Satellite Edge
                         Computing, which includes satellite MEC architecture design, resource
                         management and scheduling, computing offloading, and service migration. She
                         also has a strong research interest in spatial information network technology,
                         spatial optical switching and routing technology, and has published many high-
  Suzhi Cao              level papers. Now she is the member of the National Standardization Technical
                         Committee for Opto electronic Measurement.

  《Mobile Edge Computing Enable Space-air-ground integrated network》

 Edge computing technologies are sparking innovation of satellite network. In the traditional
 satellite network, the massive data are delivered to ground data center for processing, causing
 the overload of satellite network and the long response time of users. In recent years, edge
 computing has been envisaged as a promising solution to these challenges. In satellite edge
 computing, satellites are equipped with sufficient computing resources and the intelligent
 control system to process the data collected from satellite payloads or ground IoT devices, and
 the processing result will be directly sent to the user by the satellite. Based on the support of
 satellite network technology, cross-satellite parallel and distributed computing can also be
 realized in smart satellite cluster, providing faster and better services for users. In this speech,
 we first introduce the motivation and challenges of satellite edge computing. Then, we focus
 on and analyze the key issues of satellite edge computing about space-based real-time
 services: computing architecture design, resource characterization, resource allocation,
 resource management and scheduling, computation offloading, and service migration. This
 paper provides potential solutions and new ideas for the future research in this field.

                                           IEEE SAGC 2020
                  Collaborative edge computing for computation offloading in LEO satellite networks
Speech 9          Prof. Hongbo Zhao, Beihang University                          4-Dec.17:40-18:10

                        Hongbo Zhao is an associate professor in the School of Electronic and Information Engineering,
                        Beihang University, Beijing, China. He received Ph.D. degree in communication and
                        information system from Beihang University in 2013. He has been teaching there since 2013.
                        From 2011 to 2012, he was a visiting scholar at the School of Navigation and Mapping,
                        University of Nottingham, UK. From 2012 to 2013, he was a visiting scholar at School of
                        Computer Science, Ohio State University, USA. He has long been engaged in scientific
                        research in the fields of satellite navigation and satellite communications. His current research
                        interests include the Satellite-terrestrial Network, edge computing, computation offloading.
                        From 2014 to 2016, he was a project leader for comprehensive design, simulation verification
                        and test evaluation of advanced navigation signal system, National 973 project. From 2015 to
                        2017, he was committed to the development and key technology research of high dynamic
                        GPS receivers, which was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
                        Since 2017, he has dedicated to Beidou navigation satellite ground verification system, which
                        was supported by Aerospace R&D Center of General Armament Department. In recent years,
                        he successively presided and completed more than ten national projects about satellite
                        navigation and the Satellite-terrestrial Network. And now, he works as a director of Navigation
                        and Location Service Center, Beihang University. He is a member of China Global Positioning
 Hongbo Zhao            System Satellite Navigation Committee and a member of Chinese Institute of Electronics. He
                        won many state and ministerial technical prizes, and published more than 30 academic papers.

  《Collaborative edge computing for computation offloading in LEO satellite networks》

  As a new type of network architecture, the Satellite-terrestrial Network integrates ground and satellite
 networks, which covers natural spaces such as space, aviation, land, and ocean, and ensures the
 information needs of various user activities such as space-based, land-based and sea-based. It provides a
 ubiquitous and reliable network, but also faces some new challenges, especially when it meets the
 growing demand of users for quality of service. With the rapid development of computation-intensive
 and latency-sensitive applications such as speech recognition, face recognition, intelligent transportation
 and 3D games, the Satellite-terrestrial Network is required to provide users with various computing
 services. In this case, people can offload part of or all computing tasks of the user terminal to the data
 center through computing offloading, and utilize the computing resources of the data center to
 complete these tasks. However, the data center is usually built in a ground area far away from the user
 terminal, which results in high transmission cost and service delay, and may not meet different
 requirements of various users for quality of service in the network. To process these computation-
 intensive and latency-sensitive tasks effectively and meet the requirements of users, mobile edge
 computing (MEC) has emerged as a new computing model. MEC refers to sinking some resources in the
 cloud center to the edge of the network, so that data can be processed at the edge of the network. We
 introduce the idea of MEC in the mobile network into the Satellite-terrestrial Network. The core idea is to
 extend the cloud computing platform to network edge or user terminal, providing users with multiple
 levels and heterogeneous computing resources, and enabling users to obtain computing services from
 anywhere in the world. And the network can improve user service experience and reduce redundant
 network traffic. As one of the key technologies of MEC, computation offloading refers to the technology
 that device terminals hand over part or all computing tasks to the cloud computing environment for
 processing. How to efficiently offload tasks and allocate resources reasonably is a hot issue in this field.
 Therefore, this talk first introduces the basic theory of MEC and computation offloading. Then, the
 architecture of MEC enabled the Satellite-terrestrial Network is proposed, and key technology is
 summarized and analyzed.

                                               IEEE SAGC 2020

 Computing Session 1                                                    5-Dec. 10:00-11:20

         Joint Route Planning and Traffic Signal Timing for Connected   Bo Chen, Quan Yuan, Jinglin
         Vehicles: An Edge Cloud Enabled Multi-Agent Game Method        Li, Jiawei Lu, Bichuan Zhu
         Stackelberg Game based Computation Offloading and
 ID:37                                                                  Tengwei Wang; Qibo Sun
         Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing
         Distributed Task Offloading and Resource Allocation in         Shichao Li, Hongbin Chen,
         Vehicular Edge Computing                                       Siyu Lin, Ning Zhang
         UAV-Assisted Cellular System: Offloading Strategy and          Leilei Cao, Wanli Ni, Hui Tian,
         Bandwidth Allocation                                           Meihui Hua, Guoliang Hao

 Computing Session 2                                                    5-Dec. 14:00-15:00

         A Cloud Storage Framework for Massive Meteorological and       Song Wu, Xiang Wang, Bo
 ID:36   Oceanographic Data and the Application of Virtualization       Tang, Xiaoyong Li, Junxing
         Technology                                                     Zhu, Kefeng Deng
                                                                        Shixin Liao, Yang Sun, Suzhi
 ID:18   A 23.8Tbps Random Number Generator on a Single GPU
                                                                        Cao, Lei Yang
         Frequency-domain Dual Component Computation Diversity          Yuqing Feng, Xiaojie Fang,
         for OFDM System                                                Chengfang Li, Xuejun Sha

 Communication Session 1                                                5-Dec. 15:00-16:20

         5G-enabled Optimal Bi-Throughput for UAS Swarm                 Jian Wang, Yongxin Liu,
         Networking                                                     Shuteng Niu, Houbing Song
                                                                        Budi Mr Rahmadya, Masahiro
         On Link Performance According to Flight Route in Drone-
 ID:27                                                                  Umehira, Xiaoyan Wang,
         Based Wide Area Wireless Sensor Networks
                                                                        Shigeki Takeda

         A Full Link Wideband Predistortion Based on Under-sampled
 ID:14                                                                  Shining Tian, Dewei Yang
         Feedback Signal for Satellite Communications

         A Novel MAC Protocol for VDES in Space-Air-Ground-Sea          Xu Hu, Bin Lin, Ping Wang,
         Integrated Networks (Short Paper)                              Ying Wang

                                           IEEE SAGC 2020

 Communication Session 2                                                 6-Dec. 9:50-10:50

         Load Forecasting-Based Congestion Control Algorithm for
 ID:23                                                                   Junwei Ji
         Delay-Tolerant Networks
         Research and Backoff Algorithm Improvement of Statistical
 ID:11                                                                   Yongjian Li, Zhuoming Li
         Priority-based Multiple Access Protocol
         Ultra Low-latency MAC/PCS IP for High-speed Ethernet            Dezheng Yuan, Hongwei Kan,
         (Short Paper)                                                   Shangguang Wang

 Security Session                                                        6-Dec. 10:50-12:20

         Multi-Authority CP-ABE with Dynamical Revocation in Space-      ZhiShuo Zhang, Wei Zhang,
         Air-Ground Integrated Network                                   Zhiguang Qin
                                                                         Jianghao Xue, Xin Zhou,
         Hybrid Precoding for IRS-assisted Secure mmWave
 ID:28                                                                   Chao Wang, Danyang Wang,
         Communication System with SWIPT
                                                                         Yue Zhao, Zan Li
                                                                         Jin Zhou, Changsong Zheng,
         LDPC Code based Pseudonym Scheme for Vehicular
 ID:25                                                                   Yuedi Li, Hua Xu, Zhiguang
                                                                         Qin, Dajiang Chen
         A Lightweight and Efficient Key Generation Scheme for D2D       Rongchun Wu, Chunwei Lou,
         Communication (Short Paper)                                     Hao Wang, Yuedi Li, Hua Xu
         Multi-Authority Attribute Based Encryption With Policy-hidden   Wei Zhang, ZhiShuo Zhang,
         and Accountability (Short Paper)                                Yi Wu

                                           IEEE SAGC 2020
        Beijing BUPT Hotel


        No. 10, Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing
        (North side of the west gate of Beijing University of Posts
        and Telecommunications)

                        IEEE SAGC 2020

              IEEE SAGC 2020
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