Visitors Insurance Your Important Information Guide - Bupa

Page created by Earl Alexander
Visitors Insurance Your Important Information Guide - Bupa
Your Important
Information Guide
This guide is here to help you navigate
our healthcare system and health cover.
For further information on your overseas
visitor’s health insurance policy with us,
please read your policy information.
Visitors Insurance Your Important Information Guide - Bupa
Welcome to Bupa                                              How Australia’s
                                                             healthcare system works
It’s our purpose that makes us different – helping           Australia is said to have one of the best health systems in the world. However, the
our members to live longer, healthier, happier lives.        system is complex and we understand that accessing healthcare can be confusing
We focus on your health, so you can get back to              for new visitors. That’s why we aim to provide the best advice and support to help
your everyday life.                                          you find what’s right for your needs, so you can be confident you are getting the best
                                                             healthcare services, when you need them.
Things to know
                                                             The Australian Government has arrangements in place to ensure Australian residents
Take time to read this guide to further understand           have access to public hospitals at minimal cost and to subsidised medical services,
and learn about your visitors cover with us. As a            pharmacy and some additional services.
Bupa member, knowing how your cover works will
help you to get the most value from your health              The private sector, which includes private health insurance, provides an extensive
insurance.                                                   range of services to complement these.
                                                             Bupa makes it possible for an overseas visitor to access a broad range of health
                                                             services across both the public and private sectors.

Contents                                                     What is Medicare?                             There are two kinds of cover:
                                                             Medicare is Australia’s universal system      • Hospital cover pays benefits towards
How Australia’s healthcare system works                 3    available for Australian citizens and           the costs of hospital treatment as a
                                                             permanent residents and visitors from           private patient.
What to do when you feel sick                           4    countries that have reciprocal healthcare
                                                             agreements (subject to the terms of those     • General treatment (‘ancillary’ or
Understanding your visitor’s health cover               5                                                    ‘extras’) cover for some
                                                             agreements), that subsidises medical fees
What is covered                                         5    and some services by dentists and allied        non-medical health services not
                                                             health professionals.                           covered by Medicare – such as dental,
What is not covered                                     12                                                   physiotherapy and optical services.
                                                             In addition, under the arrangements
Ambulance cover                                         15   between the Australian and State              What are you covered for
Extras cover                                            16   governments, when you’re treated as a         with Bupa?
                                                             “public” (free) patient, you may be treated   We pay benefits towards hospital care
Changing your cover                                     18   by doctors in training, although under        in private or public hospitals, choice of
                                                             supervision from qualified specialists.       doctor, out-of-hospital medical and allied
Definitions                                             20
                                                                                                           health professional fees, pharmacy, and
                                                             What is private health insurance?             a range of additional services.
This guide is in addition to our Fund Rules                  Many Australians pay extra towards the
available online or by contacting us.                        cost of their health care and have private
For working visitor covers,                                  health insurance. This provides access
visit                     to benefits towards treatment in private
                                                             hospitals and a range of additional dental
or for non-working visitor covers,                           and allied health services, not available
visit                    through Medicare.
                                                             When you use your private health
                                                             insurance you can choose the doctor
                                                             who will be primarily responsible for your
                                                             treatment and you will be covered for
                                                             a private room if you request one and
                                                             where one is available.
 2                                                                                                                                                      3
Visitors Insurance Your Important Information Guide - Bupa
Understanding your
What to do when you feel sick                                                                     visitor’s health cover
                                                                                                  What is covered?                                    When admitted to hospital, in most cases you
                                                                                                                                                      will be covered for in-hospital charges when
                                                                                                  Hospital costs
     Emergency                                         Non-Emergency                              With private hospital cover, you can choose
                                                                                                                                                      provided as part of your inpatient hospital
                                                                                                                                                      treatment including:
     health issues                                     health issues                              to be treated as a private patient in either a
                                                                                                                                                      • Accommodation for overnight
                                                                                                  private or public hospital.
                                                                                                                                                        or same-day stays.
                    Visit your local                                                              What if I am treated in a Members First             • Operating theatre, intensive care
                                                                      Visit your local GP         or Network Hospital?                                  and labour ward fees.
                    hospital emergency
                                                                      or medical centre           Depending on your level of cover you are
                    department                                                                                                                        • Reimbursement on emergency
                                                                                                  covered as a private patient in most hospitals        department fees at any private or public
                                                                                                  that Bupa has an agreement with, known                hospital, including administration fees,
                                                                                                  as Members First and Network hospitals,               if admitted (or in all circumstances
                    Call 000                                                                      across Australia for any treatment which is
                                                                      Receive treatment                                                                 depending on your level of cover).
                    (triple zero)                                                                 recognised by Medicare and is not either
                                                                      from your GP                                                                    • Supplied pharmaceuticals approved for the
                    for an ambulance                                                              excluded or restricted under your cover.
                                                                                                                                                        condition to be treated by the Australian
                                                                                                  At our Members First hospitals, you’ll receive        Government’s Pharmaceutical Benefits
                                                                                                  a private room if a private room is available. If     Scheme (PBS) Schedule, and provided as
                                                                      GP refers you to a          a private room is not available, you’ll receive       part of your inpatient hospital treatment.
                                                                      specialist or other         $50 back per night from the hospital. Please
                                                                                                  note that the following conditions apply:           • Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech
                                                                      health service                                                                    therapy and other allied health services.
                                                                                                  You must book and request a private room
                                                                                                  in a Members First hospital at least 24 hours       • Surgically implanted prosthesis up to
                                                                                                  before admission. It applies to overnight             the approved benefit published on the
                                                                                                  admissions only. It excludes ‘nursing home            Australian Government’s Prostheses List.
                                                                                                  type patients’, admissions via an Emergency
          Choosing a hospital? Call us first                                                      Department, same day admissions or where            • Private room where available.
          We recommend you call us first on 134 135 to discuss your hospital options and          a private room is medically inappropriate
          to get the most out of your visitors cover. You can also find out if a hospital has                                                         Members First Day Hospitals
                                                                                                  (e.g. medical practitioner requires the patient
          an agreement with us by visiting                            to an Intensive Care Unit or other particular       If you are treated in a Members First Day
                                                                                                  ward rather than a private room). You’ll also       Hospital, there are no out-of-pocket expenses
                                                                                                  get complimentary local calls, TV usage and a       for inpatient medical services charged by
                                                                                                  daily newspaper.                                    a surgeon, anaesthetist or other specialists
If you’re not sure if it’s an emergency health     Do some non-residents have access                                                                  when admitted to hospital for included
issue, it’s better to treat it as an emergency.    to Medicare?                                   If you are treated in a Members First Day           services. (Not available in NT).
If you need more advice about your health          Yes, the Australian Government has             Hospital, there are no out-of-pocket expenses       Any co-payment or excess related to your
issue, you could also:                             Reciprocal Health Care Agreements              for inpatient medical services charged by a         level of cover will still apply.
• See a GP                                         (RHCA) with a selected number of countries.    surgeon, anaesthetist or other specialists when
                                                                                                  admitted to hospital for included services.         We recommend you call us first before
                                                   These agreements enable residents of these
• Visit                                                                       (Not available in NT). Any co-payment or excess     making a booking to confirm that your
                                                   countries to receive Medicare benefits when
                                                                                                  related to your level of cover will still apply.    hospital of choice gives you certainty of full
• Call the Australian Government’s health          visiting or working in Australia.
                                                                                                                                                      cover. We can also discuss any excess that
  advice line on 1800 022 222                      The level of Medicare cover and the period     At a small number of Network Hospitals,             may be applicable to your level of cover.
If it’s a mental health issue, you can also call   for which you receive it varies depending on   an additional set amount or ‘fixed fee’ may
                                                                                                  be charged by the hospital, capped at a             You can find out if a hospital has an
LifeLine on 13 11 14.                              which country you are from.
                                                                                                  maximum number of days per stay. The                agreement with us by checking our website
                                                   For more information and for a list of                                                   
                                                                                                  hospital should inform you of this fee when
                                                   countries visit
                                                                                                  you make a booking. This fee is in addition to
                                                   or contact us.
                                                                                                  any excess or co-payment you may have as
                                                                                                  part of your hospital cover.                                                                         5
Visitors Insurance Your Important Information Guide - Bupa
What happens if I choose a private                  If this benefit is less than the hospital charge,   They will be covered for $60 per night for
                              hospital that Bupa doesn’t have an                  the hospital should let you know what out-of-       accommodation in hospital and up to $30
                              agreement with?                                     pocket expenses you will have to pay. Bupa          a day for hospital meals. Hospital meals are
                              If you are admitted to a private hospital           also pays benefits for prosthesis up to the         covered when provided at a hospital cafeteria
                              that Bupa does not have an agreement                approved benefit in the Australian Government       or patient meal menu for the non-admitted
                              with, you will have restricted cover for your       Prostheses List. The above applies for any          person staying with the patient in hospital only.
                              hospital costs, and cover for prosthesis up         treatment recognised by Medicare unless it is
                              to the approved benefit in the Australian           excluded or restricted under your level of cover.   Crutches and wheelchairs benefit
                              Government Prostheses List. This will apply         It is important to note that in public hospitals,   If you are on Ultimate Corporate Visitors Cover,
                              for any treatment recognised by Medicare,           private rooms are generally allocated to people     Premium 90 Visitors Cover, Premium Visitors
                              unless it is excluded or restricted under your      who medically need them.                            Cover or Mid 60 Visitors Cover, you will receive
                              level of cover. The amount we pay will only         As a private patient in a public hospital you       a benefit for crutches and wheelchairs.
                              partially cover the full cost and you will have     will also be responsible for personal expenses      For a benefit to be payable, the hire or
                              significant out-of-pocket expenses.                 such as TV hire and telephone calls together        purchase must be linked to an inpatient
                              It is important to note that you will be            with any fee doctor/surgeon charges above           admission resulting in the requirement the
                              responsible for the cost of your stay and           the benefit Bupa pays and prosthesis charges        item. We will not pay benefits without evidence
                              may be charged directly for your hospital           above the approved benefit in the Australian        of a hospital admission. If eligible, we will pay
                              accommodation, doctor’s services (including         Government Prostheses List.                         100% of the cost up to a maximum limit of
                              any diagnostic tests), surgically implanted         Please also refer to the Inpatient and Outpatient   $500 per person per calendar year for any hire
                              prosthesis (such as artificial hips) and personal   Medical Costs section of this guide.                or purchase of crutches or wheelchairs.
                              expenses such as TV hire and telephone calls.
                              Some of these hospitals bill Bupa directly for      Inpatient medical costs                             Outpatient medical services (when
                              the limited benefits we pay. Please also refer                                                          you’re not admitted into hospital)
                                                                                  These are the fees charged by your doctor,
                              to the Inpatient and Outpatient Medical Costs       surgeon, anaesthetist or other specialist for any   Also known as outpatient medical services,
                              section of this guide.                              treatment given to you when you are admitted        this is cover for treatment by a General
                                                                                  to a hospital as an inpatient. Depending on         Practitioner (GP), specialist in private practice,
                              What happens if I choose to be a                    your level of cover, we cover you for either        or at a hospital when you’re not admitted
                              private patient in a public hospital?               the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Fee            (including diagnostic services such as radiology
                              Whether a public hospital will accept or            or the Australian Medical Association (AMA)         and pathology).
                              admit a patient, or whether a doctor provides       Schedule Fee, or the cost of treatment. The         You’re covered for:
                              treatment at a public hospital, or performs a       Schedule Fees mentioned above are the fees
                              particular procedure in a public hospital, is                                                           • Depending on what is set out in your level of
                                                                                  determined by the Australian Government and
                              outside of Bupa’s control.                                                                                cover we will cover you for up to either 100%
    Still not sure where                                                          the AMA respectively, as the appropriate fee
                                                                                                                                        or 150% of the Medicare Benefits Schedule
                              As a private patient in a public hospital you       for a specific service for Australian residents.
    to start? Talk to         are entitled to choose your doctor, if they         Please check your level of cover to determine
                                                                                                                                        Fee (MBS Fee) for outpatient services or for
                                                                                                                                        Ultimate Corporate Visitors Cover only, the
                                                                                  the benefits that apply. If your doctor or
    our friendly team.        are available. However, it is important to
                                                                                  specialist charges more than the Schedule Fee
                                                                                                                                        cost of treatment. The MBS Fee is the amount
                              understand that you may still be subject to                                                               determined by the Australian Government for a
                              public hospital waiting lists. Depending on         there will be a ‘gap’ for you to pay.
       134 135                                                                                                                          specific service for Australian residents. If your
                              your illness or condition, this may be the                                                                doctor or specialist charges more than the
                              same doctor who would have been allocated           Family In-Hospital Benefit                                                                                                             MBS Fee there will be a gap for you to pay.
                              to you by the hospital as a public patient.         If you are on Ultimate Corporate Visitors Cover,
       Visit a Bupa Health                                                        Premium 90 Visitors Cover, Premium Visitors         • We will determine the appropriate MBS item
       Insurance store        If you are admitted as a private patient in a       Cover or Mid 60 Visitors Cover which provides         number for the service that has been provided,
                              public hospital, you will have restricted cover     Family In-Hospital Benefit, you could receive         which may, in limited cases, be different from
                              for your hospital costs, and cover for prosthesis   benefits for accommodation and meal costs if          the item number provided. ​This can mean the
                              up to the approved benefit in the Australian        your partner, immediate family member, carer          amount we cover is lower than the benefit for
                              Government Prostheses List.                         or next of kin is required to stay at hospital        the item number on your treatment bill, and
                                                                                  with you or a person on your membership.              there may be an additional cost to you.
6                                                                                                                                                                                      7
Visitors Insurance Your Important Information Guide - Bupa
• On Essential Lite Visitors Cover, a $300          Travel and accommodation
  annual limit applies for outpatient medical       We can help cover the cost of travel for
  services per person, up to $600 annual limit      essential medical or hospital treatment not
  per policy.                                       available close to home on your Hospital
Please check your level of cover to determine       cover, where the total return distance is 200
which (if any) benefits apply.                      kilometres or more from where you live. Up to
                                                    $100 per person, per trip for travel expenses
To find out the Medicare Benefit Schedule           and $50 per night up to $150 per person,
(MBS) fee visit                    per trip for accommodation. 2 month waiting
                                                    period and eligibility criteria apply.
You can also receive benefits on selected
pharmacy items including discharge
medication prescribed as an outpatient by a
doctor or specialist. This is provided the item’s
usage is approved by the Therapeutic Goods             Help reduce your medical costs
Administration (TGA). Please check your level          with the Bupa Medical Gap Scheme
of cover to determine the benefits that apply.         Bupa’s Medical Gap Scheme helps to
                                                       remove or reduce the costs you pay for
Repatriation benefit                                   your treatment in hospital.
If you are on Ultimate Corporate Visitors              Where a doctor chooses to use the
Cover, Premium 90 Visitors Cover, Premium              scheme for your treatment, they agree
Visitors Cover, Mid 60 Visitors Cover, Essential       to only charge up to a certain fee. We’ll
50 Visitors Cover, Essential Visitors Cover or         then pay a much higher amount than we
Essential Lite Visitors Cover, you will receive        normally would to help cover the extra
cover for repatriation to your country of origin       cost. If a doctor uses the no-gap option,
if you become terminally ill or if you suffer          we cover all of the extra charges, so you
a substantial life altering illness/injury up to       pay nothing for that doctor’s medical fees.
$100,000. Or for the return of mortal remains          Otherwise, for each doctor choosing to use
up to $10,000. Benefits are only payable once          the Gap Scheme, the most you’ll pay is up
approved by Bupa.                                      to $500 out-of-pocket on medical costs.
No Repatriation Benefit will be paid if, within        Each doctor involved in your treatment
six months prior to the date your policy               can choose to use the Bupa Medical Gap
commenced, the insured was:                            Scheme for your admission in a Public
• first diagnosed as Terminally Ill; or,               Hospital, or a Private Hospital with which
                                                       Bupa has an agreement.
• a reasonable person would have first become
  aware of the Terminal Illness; or,                   For more info visit
• suffering a substantial Life Altering Illness/

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Visitors Insurance Your Important Information Guide - Bupa
Hospital Cover
                                                                                                                                                     Choosing a hospital? Call us first
                                                                                                                                                     We recommend you call us first on 134 135 to discuss your hospital options and
                                                                                                                                                     to get the most out of your visitors cover. You can also find out if a hospital has
The below is a guide on the in-hospital treatments on sale visitors cover provides.                                                                  an agreement with us by visiting
For further information, including off sale products, refer to your policy information.

                                                     Working Cover                                                                                                                           Non-Working Cover
                                                           Essential Essential      Essential    Mid 60     Premium      Premium                                                                                            Standard    Standard 50
Hospital & Medical services                               Lite Visitors Visitors   50 Visitors   Visitors    Visitors   90 Visitors                                                                                                                   Short Stay
                                                                                                                                      Hospital & Medical services                                                            Visitors     Visitors
                                                             Cover       Cover       Cover        Cover       Cover       Cover                                                                                               Cover        Cover
Rehabilitation                                                 P            P          P           P           P            P         Rehabilitation*                                                                          O            O            P
Hospital psychiatric services                                  P            P          P           P           P            P         Hospital psychiatric services                                                            P            P            P
Palliative care                                                P            P          P           P           P            P
                                                                                                                                      Palliative care                                                                          P            P            P
Brain and nervous system                                       P            P          P           P           P            P
                                                                                                                                      Brain and nervous system                                                                 P            P            P
Blood                                                          P            P          P           P           P            P
Bone marrow transfusion or transplant                                                                                                 Blood                                                                                    P            P            P
                                                               O            O          O           P           P            P
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and                                                                                                        Bone marrow transfusion or transplant                                                    O            O            P
immunotherapy for cancer                                       P            P          P           P           P            P         Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy for cancer                                  P            P            P
Eye (not cataracts)                                            P            P          P           P           P            P         Eye (not cataracts)                                                                      P            P            P
Cataracts                                                      P            P          P           P           P            P         Cataracts                                                                                O            O            O
Ear, nose and throat                                           P            P          P           P           P            P         Ear, nose and throat                                                                     P            P            P
Implantation of hearing devices                                P            P          P           P           P            P         Implantation of hearing devices                                                          P            P            P
Tonsils, adenoids and grommets                                 P            P          P           P           P            P         Tonsils, adenoids and grommets                                                           P            P            P
Bone, joint and muscle                                         P            P          P           P           P            P         Bone, joint and muscle                                                                   P            P            P
Joint reconstructions                                          P            P          P           P           P            P         Joint reconstructions                                                                    P            P            P
Joint replacements (other than Hip and Knee)                   P            P          P           P           P            P         Joint replacements (other than Hip and Knee)                                             P            P            P
Joint replacements (Hip and Knee)                              P            P          P           P           P            P
                                                                                                                                      Joint replacements (Hip and Knee)                                                        O            O            O
Back, neck and spine                                           P            P          P           P           P            P
                                                                                                                                      Back, neck and spine                                                                     P            P            P
Kidney and bladder                                             P            P          P           P           P            P
Organ transplant                                                                                                                      Kidney and bladder                                                                       P            P            P
                                                               O            O          O           P           P            P
Dialysis for chronic kidney failure                            P            P          P           P           P            P         Organ transplant                                                                         O            O            P
Digestive system                                               P            P          P           P           P            P         Dialysis for chronic kidney failure                                                      O            O            P
Hernia and appendix                                            P            P          P           P           P            P         Digestive system                                                                         P            P            P
Gastrointestinal endoscopy                                     P            P          P           P           P            P         Hernia and appendix                                                                      P            P            P
Weight loss surgery                                            P            P          P           P           P            P         Gastrointestinal endoscopy                                                               P            P            P
Heart and vascular system                                      P            P          P           P           P            P         Weight loss surgery                                                                      P            P            P
Lung and chest                                                 P            P          P           P           P            P         Heart and vascular system                                                                R            R            P
Gynaecology                                                    P            P          P           P           P            P         Lung and chest                                                                           P            P             P
Miscarriage and termination of pregnancy                       P            P          P           P           P            P         Gynaecology                                                                              P            P            P
Pregnancy and birth                                            P            P          P           P           P            P         Miscarriage and termination of pregnancy                                                 P            P            P
Assisted reproductive services                                 O            O          O           O           O            O         Pregnancy and birth                                                                      O            O            O
Male reproductive system                                       P            P          P           P           P            P         Assisted reproductive services                                                           O            O            O
Diabetes management (excluding insulin pumps)                  P            P          P           P           P            P         Male reproductive system                                                                 P            P            P
Insulin pumps                                                  P            P          P           P           P            P         Diabetes management (excluding insulin pumps)                                            P            P            P
Pain management                                                P            P          P           P           P            P
                                                                                                                                      Insulin pumps                                                                            P            P            P
Pain management with device                                    P            P          P           P           P            P
                                                                                                                                      Pain management                                                                          P            P            P
Breast surgery (medically necessary)                           P            P          P           P           P            P
Plastic and reconstructive surgery                                                                                                    Pain management with device                                                              P            P            P
(medically necessary)                                          P            P          P           P           P            P         Breast surgery (medically necessary)                                                     P            P            P
All cosmetic surgery                                           O            O          O           O           O            O         Plastic and reconstructive surgery (medically necessary)                                 O            O            O
Skin                                                           P            P          P           P           P            P         Skin                                                                                     P            P            P
Dental surgery                                                 P            P          P           P           P            P         Dental surgery                                                                           P            P            P
Sleep studies                                                  P            P          P           P           P            P         Sleep studies                                                                            P            P            P
Podiatric surgery                                                                                                                     Podiatric surgery (provided by an accredited podiatric surgeon)
(provided by a registered podiatric surgeon)#                  P            P          P           P           P            P                                                                                                  P            P            P
 10   # Limited hospital accommodation and approved prostheses benefits only.                                                         * Rehabilitation is not covered following an inpatient care for an acute condition.                                      11
What is not covered
Hospital costs                                       cost of your care.                                • When a service is excluded or restricted           The following waiting periods apply to
(including prosthesis and pharmacy costs)           • Some hospital-substitute treatment and             under your level of cover.                         these covers:
Situations when you are likely not to be covered      operative services that are a continuation       • When you have reached the limits on your
                                                                                                         product including yearly, lifetime or service       Hospital cover               Waiting period
or to have significant additional expenses            of care associated with an early discharge
include:                                              from hospital.                                     limits for the service you are claiming.
                                                                                                                                                             Palliative care,
• During a waiting period.                          • For pharmaceuticals items supplied upon          • Cosmetic surgery. Please refer to your Policy       rehabilitation and
                                                      discharge from the hospital unless covered         Information and our definitions on page 20                                          2 months
• When a service is excluded or restricted                                                                                                                   hospital psychiatric
  under your level of cover.                          on your visitors or Extras cover.                  for more information.                               services
• When you are treated at a non-agreement           • If you choose to use your own allied health      For Ultimate Corporate Visitors Cover we will
  private hospital you will not be fully covered.     provider (e.g. chiropractors, dieticians or      pay for all actual, necessary and reasonable          Pre-existing conditions,
                                                                                                                                                                                             12 months
                                                      psychologists) rather than the hospital’s        expenses incurred by you and any other                ailments or illnesses
• For the fixed fee charged by a fixed fee
                                                      practitioner for services that form part of      person covered by your membership.
  hospital or a hospital that has a fixed fee                                                                                                                Pregnancy and birth
                                                      your inpatient hospital treatment.                                                                                                     12 months
  service. This does not apply to Ultimate                                                             Should your doctor, surgeon, anaesthetist or          (obstetrics)
  Corporate Visitors Cover as any fixed fee         • Where compensation, damages or benefits          other specialist charge us an unreasonable
  will be reimbursed.                                 may be claimed by another source                 fee (compared to standard practice) for
                                                      (e.g. workers compensation).                     your medical costs, we reserve the right to          See page 23 for more information on
• Depending on your level of cover, if you have                                                                                                             pregnancy and birth related services.
  not been admitted into a hospital and are         • For any amount charged by a public or            investigate the fee. In the unlikely event that
  treated as an outpatient (e.g. emergency            non-agreement hospital which is not covered      this occurs, we will contact you to advise if
                                                                                                                                                            Standard Visitors Cover and Standard 50
  room treatment, outpatient ante-natal               by us or which is above the benefit that         payment of your claim is delayed.
                                                                                                                                                            Visitors Cover waiting periods
  consultations with an obstetrician) you may         we pay.
                                                                                                       Waiting periods                                      The following waiting periods apply to these
  not be covered.                                   • For any treatments or services rendered                                                               levels of cover:
                                                                                                       A waiting period is the time when you are not
• For hospital psychiatric and rehabilitation         outside Australia.
                                                                                                       covered for a particular service. It starts on the
  day programs, at a hospital that Bupa does        • For any treatments or services arranged in       date that you enter Australia or the date that        Hospital cover               Waiting period
  not have an agreement with.                         advance of your arrival in Australia.            you start your membership, whichever is the
                                                                                                                                                             Hospital psychiatric
• Hospital treatment provided by a practitioner     • Non-PBS, high cost drugs.                        later date.                                                                           12 months
  not authorised by a hospital to provide that      • If you do not hold a valid visa at the time of   If you receive a service or treatment during a
  treatment.                                          admission to hospital and for the duration of                                                          Pre-existing conditions,
                                                                                                       waiting period, you are not eligible to receive
• Hospital treatment for which Medicare                                                                                                                                                      12 months
                                                      your hospital stay.                              a benefit payment from us, regardless of when         ailments or illnesses
  pays no benefit, including: medical costs in      • Cosmetic surgery.                                you submit the claim. Different waiting periods
  relation to surgical podiatry (including the                                                         apply for different services.                         Emergency ambulance
  fees charged by the podiatrist); cosmetic         Check your Policy Information and definitions on
                                                    page 20 for more information.                      If you’re switching from another private health       and on-the-spot
  surgery; respite care; experimental treatment                                                                                                              treatment and non-                1 day
  and/or any treatment/procedure not                                                                   insurer, you may be eligible to have some
                                                    Medical costs                                      waiting periods that you’ve previously served         emergency ambulance
  approved by the Medical Services Advisory                                                                                                                  transportation
  Committee (MSAC).                                 Situations when you are likely not to be           honoured on your new level of cover.
                                                    covered or to have significant additional          Check page 18 for details.
• Personal expenses such as: pay TV, non-local
                                                    expenses include:                                                                                       See page 22 for more information
  phone calls, newspapers, boarder fees, meals
                                                    • Medical services for surgical procedures         Ultimate Corporate Visitors Cover, Premium           on pre-existing conditions, ailments
  ordered for your visitors, hairdressing and
                                                      performed by a dentist, surgical podiatrist,     90 Visitors Cover, Premium Visitors Cover,           or illnesses.
  any other personal expenses charged to you
  unless included in your level of cover.             or any other practitioner or service that is     Mid 60 Visitors Cover, Essential 50 Visitors
                                                      not eligible for a rebate through Medicare.      Cover, Essential Visitors Cover and Essential
• If you are in hospital for more than 35 days                                                         Lite Visitors Cover waiting periods
  and you have been classified as a ‘nursing        • Costs for medical examinations, x-rays,
  home type’ patient. In this situation you may       inoculation or vaccinations and other
  receive limited benefits and be required to         treatments required relating to acquiring a
  make a personal contribution towards the            visa for entry into Australia or permanent
                                                      residency visa.
 12                                                                                                                                                                                                      13
Ambulance Cover
Short Stay Visitors Cover waiting periods                                   Ambulance Cover for all visitors cover           Emergency Ambulance Cover
The following waiting periods apply to                                      (other than Short Stay Visitors Cover)           for Short Stay Visitors Cover
this cover:                                                                 For all visitors cover (other than Short Stay    As part of your cover under Short Stay Visitors
                                                                            Visitors Cover), you will receive unlimited      Cover, you will receive unlimited emergency
 Hospital cover                Waiting period                               emergency ambulance services. That means         only ambulance services. That means we
                                                                            we will pay 100% of the charges for emergency    will pay 100% of the charges for emergency
 Palliative care,                                                           transportation when medically necessary          transportation when medically necessary
 rehabilitation and                                                         for admission to hospital, and emergency         for admission to hospital, and emergency
                                  12 months
 hospital psychiatric                                                       treatment on-site, by our Recognised             treatment on-site, by our Recognised
 services                                                                   Ambulance Providers.                             Ambulance Providers.
                                                                            You will also receive limited non-emergency      Transportation means a journey from the
Short Stay Visitors Cover does not cover any                                ambulance services. This means your cover        place where immediate medical treatment
pre-existing conditions, illnesses or ailments.                             will be limited to three times per person,       is sought to the casualty department of a
                                                                            per calendar year, for non-emergency             receiving hospital.
When to contact us
                                                                            transportation from a hospital to your home,
If you have been a Bupa member for less                                                                                      Whether the transportation is deemed an
                                                                            a nursing home or another hospital, by our
than 12 months on your current visitors cover,                                                                               emergency is determined by the paramedic
                                                                            Recognised Ambulance Providers.
it is important to contact us before you are                                                                                 and usually recorded on the account.
admitted to hospital and find out whether the                               Transportation means a journey from the
                                                                                                                             On Short Stay Visitors Cover, you are not
pre-existing condition waiting period applies                               place where immediate medical treatment
                                                                                                                             covered for non-emergency Ambulance
to you. Please note: Short Stay Visitors Covers                             is sought to the casualty department of a
                                                                                                                             transportation or on the spot treatment.
exclude benefits for pre-existing conditions.                               receiving hospital.
We need about five working days to make the                                 Whether the transportation is deemed an          Recognised Ambulance Providers
pre-existing condition assessment, subject to                               emergency is determined by the paramedic         We will generally only pay benefits towards
the timely receipt of information from your                                 and usually recorded on the account.             ambulance services when they are provided by
treating medical practitioner/s. Make sure                                                                                   any of the following recognised providers:
you allow for this timeframe when you agree                                 If you need to make a claim for ambulance
                                                                            benefits, we will give you a Patient Ambulance   • ACT Ambulance Service.
to a hospital admission date. If you proceed
with the admission without confirming                                       Transportation Form to complete.                 • Ambulance Service of NSW/PTS.
benefit entitlements and we (the health fund)                                                                                • Ambulance Victoria.
subsequently determine your condition to                                                                                     • Queensland Ambulance Service.
be pre-existing, you will be required to pay
all hospital charges and medical charges not                                                                                 • South Australia Ambulance Service.
covered by Medicare.                                                                                                         • St John Ambulance NT.
                                                                                                                             • St John Ambulance WA.
Planning for a baby
                                                                                                                             • Ambulance Tasmania.
If you are thinking about starting a family we
recommend that you contact us to check            Still not sure where                                                       Working Visa Members
whether your current level of cover includes
pregnancy and birth in advance. This is
                                                  to start? Talk to our                                                      We will also pay ambulance costs
                                                                                                                             (as per your policy), where the services
because there is a 12-month waiting period        friendly team.                                                             are provided by a Australian Government
applied to pregnancy and birth.
                                                                                                                             approved ambulance service.
No waiting periods will apply to the newborn         134 135
provided they have been added to the
appropriate family visitors cover within 90
days of their birth.                                 Visit a Bupa Health
                                                     Insurance store

 14                                                                                                                                                                      15
Extras Cover                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Additional
What is covered?                                                                                                                                       What is not covered?                                                          benefits
With Extras cover, you can claim benefits for services that may not be covered by                                                                      Extras benefits will not be payable:
Medicare. You can claim for those services listed on your cover as long as benefits are                                                                • During a waiting period.
not claimable from a third party, the provider is in a private practice and recognised                                                                                                                                               With offers from over 40 partners, Bupa
                                                                                                                                                       • Where a third party, including Medicare,
by us and the service meets our Overseas Visitors Rules and Fund Rules. We                                                                                                                                                           Plus is our way of saying thanks to everyone
                                                                                                                                                         a Australian Government body, or an
recommend you contact us before booking with a provider, so we can check how                                                                                                                                                         who chooses Bupa as their health insurer.
                                                                                                                                                         insurance company provided a benefit
much you can claim and these details for you.
                                                                                                                                                         (except for hearing aids and breast                                         Visit to find out
                                                                                                                                                         prosthesis items).                                                          more. Terms and conditions apply.
For example, Medicare may not provide benefits for:
                                                                                                                                                       • For different services within the same service
                                                                                                                                                         type from the same provider on the same                                     24 hour advice line
                                                                                                                                                         day. For example, if you went to see an                                     • Advice on simple medical problems.
                                                                                                                                                         acupuncturist and then received a remedial                                  • Medical translation services.
                                                                                                                                                         massage from the same provider on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • Contact details and location of the
                                                                                                                                                         same day, you cannot claim for both services.
  Dental                               Physiotherapy                         Chiropractic                          Occupational                                                                                                        nearest medical facilities.
  examinations                                                               services                              therapist                           • When orthoses, orthotics or surgical shoes
                                                                                                                                                         are not custom made. Please check your                                      Call +61 3 9937 3999
  and treatment
                                                                                                                                                         policy for more information.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Because we’re more than just
                                                                                                                                                       • Where the service is not covered under                                      health insurance
                                                                                                                                                         your product.                                                               Bupa’s also here to help protect your
                                                                                                                                                       • When a provider is not recognised by                                        home, car, pets and holidays. Plus, Bupa
                                                                                                                                                         us for benefit purposes.                                                    Health members can save up to 15%.7
                                                                                                                                                       • For any treatment or service rendered                                       Learn more at
  Speech therapy                       Podiatry1                             Mental health                         Acupuncture2                          outside Australia.                                                
                                                                             Services                              or other natural                    • When you have reached the limits on your
                                                                             (includes psychology                  therapies                                                                                                         myBupa
                                                                             and counselling)                                                            product including yearly, lifetime or service
                                                                                                                                                         limits for the service you are claiming.                           is our member self
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     service area. It helps you easily manage
                                                                                                                                                       Waiting periods                                                               and understand your Health Insurance
                                                                                                                                                       The following waiting periods apply for                                       online. In addition, if you register for
                                                                                                                                                       Extras cover:                                                                 myBupa you will get access to an exclusive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     range of discounts, experiences, tools and
                                                                                                                                                            Extras cover                                 Waiting period              information to help you get more out of
  Eye therapy                          Glasses                               Health aids                           Home nursing
                                       and contact lenses                    and appliances                                                                                                                                          every day.

                                                                                                                                                            Hire and repair of health
                                                                                                                                                                                                             6 months5               7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Bupa health members get a 10% discount on Bupa Home, Car
                                                                                                                                                            aids and appliances
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and Pet Insurance, and a 15% discount on Bupa Travel Insurance.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Minimum premiums may apply to the discount on Bupa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Home, Car and Travel Insurance. For premiums less than the
Pay nothing for your regular dental check-up                                                                                                                                                                                         minimum premium, no discount will apply. Bupa Travel, Home,
Pay nothing for your regular dental check-up and more at Members First Platinum dentists,                                                                   Major dental, orthodontics,                                              Landlords, Car and Valuables Insurance. is issued by Insurance
                                                                                                                                                            selected health aids and                         12 months6              Australia Limited ABN 11 000 016 722 AFSL 227681, trading
when you combine Hospital and Extras Cover that include general dental, up to yearly limits.3                                                                                                                                        as CGU Insurance. Bupa HI Pty Ltd ABN 81 000 057 590 is an
                                                                                                                                                            appliances                                                               authorised representative of Insurance Australia Limited. Bupa
At Members First Platinum, you’ll also get the benefits of Members First, including pay nothing                                                                                                                                      Pet Insurance products are issued by The Hollard Insurance
for kids4, more money back, and the certainty of what you’ll pay.                                                                                                                                                                    Company Pty Ltd (ABN 78 090 584 473, AFSL 241436)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (Hollard), administered by PetSure (Australia) Pty Ltd (ABN
Find o1ut more at:                                                                                                                                          All other Extras services                         2 months               95 075 949 923, AFSL 420183) (PetSure) and promoted by Bupa                                                                                                                                                                                                   HI Pty Ltd (ABN 81 000 057 590, AR No. 354269) an authorised
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     representative of PetSure. Terms, conditions, limits and
        Does not include Orthotics, where applicable, benefits may be payable under Health Aids and Appliances. 2Unless part of a doctor’s                                                                                           exclusions apply. Please read the relevant Product Disclosure
      consultation. 3Waiting periods, fund and policy rules apply. Excludes Freedom 50 Extras, Freedom 60 Extras and Your Choice Extras 60                                                                                           Statement (PDS) at for details, and to see if these
      when general dental is not selected. 4For most services including dental, physio, chiro, podiatry consultations and selected optical packages.                                                                                 products are right for you. Any advice is general advice only and
      Available on Premium 90 Visitors Cover, Mid 60 Visitors Cover, and Top Extras 60, Top Extras 75 & Top Extras 90 when taken with hospital                                                                                       does not take into account your personal circumstances.
      cover, on a family membership. Yearly limits, waiting periods, fund and policy rules apply. Child dependants only. Excludes orthodontics,        5
                                                                                                                                                           Only applicable to Premium 90 Visitors Cover and Mid 60 Visitors Cover.
 16   orthotics and hospital treatments. Set benefits apply at other recognised providers.                                                             6
                                                                                                                                                           Only applicable to Premium 90 Visitors Cover and Mid 60 Visitors Cover.                                                               17
                             your cover
                             Switching from another health fund                     Changing from Bupa overseas                         Changes to Medicare Access
                             If you’re changing from another Australian             If you’re joining us from Bupa overseas you         If you obtain full access to Medicare benefits,
                             health fund or general insurer to Bupa,                will be required to cancel the policy yourself,     you can change to one of our domestic health
                             you’ll continue to be covered for all benefit          however all you have to do is provide us with       covers. This may occur when you apply for or
                             entitlements that you had on your previous             your Bupa overseas membership details and           obtain permanent residency. You will continue
                             cover, as long as these services are offered on        we can ensure continuity of your cover on an        to be covered for all benefit entitlements on
                             your new cover with us. This is referred to as         equivalent level of cover.                          your old cover, as long as you change over
                             ‘continuity of cover’. To receive continuity of                                                            within 60 days of ceasing your visitors cover.
                             cover, and start claiming, you’ll need to transfer     Changing from any registered
                                                                                                                                        Don’t forget that, unless you transfer to a
                             to us within 60 days of your end date with             international insurer or Australian insurer
                                                                                                                                        domestic health cover policy within 12 months
                             your previous fund and ensure that Bupa have           If you had previous cover with any registered
                                                                                                                                        of becoming eligible for full Medicare benefits,
                             received your clearance certificate (which can         international insurer or Australian insurer,
                                                                                                                                        you may be required to pay the Lifetime Health
                             be requested from your previous fund).                 you will be required to cancel the policy
                                                                                                                                        Cover (LHC) Loading. Ask us for more details.
                                                                                    yourself and provide us with a Clearance/
                             When changing health funds, extras benefits
                                                                                    Member Certificate, a Certificate of Currency       If you have reciprocal access to Medicare, or
                             paid by your previous fund will be counted
                                                                                    or a document on an official letterhead             obtain full access to Medicare benefits and are
                             towards your yearly limits in your first year of
                                                                                    confirming your membership. We will also            a high income earner, you may be required to
                             membership with us. Any benefits paid by your
                                                                                    provide continuity of cover on an equivalent        pay the Medicare Levy Surcharge if you do not
                             previous fund also count towards lifetime limits.
                                                                                    level of cover, when you’ve joined us within        have an appropriate level of private hospital
                             It’s important to note that when you change to         60 days of your end date. Please note: if you       cover. Check with your tax agent if this applies
                             Bupa from another fund you may need to wait            are transferring to a non-working visa cover        to you.
                             before you can access your new benefits.               from any recognised overseas health insurer
                                                                                    or general insurer, you will need to re-serve all   Ending your membership
                             In this situation, your benefit entitlements are
                                                                                    waiting periods.                                    You can contact us to cancel your health
                             based on our nearest equivalent cover to what
                                                                                                                                        cover and a refund will be provided for any
                             you previously held. Where your new cover is
                             higher than what you had with your old fund,
                                                                                    Changing your cover with us                         premiums paid in advance from the date
                                                                                    If you change your health cover, you may            you’ve contacted us. We will not, however,
                             the lower benefit (including different excess
                                                                                    need to wait before you can access your             refund the first months premium paid on our
                             levels) will apply for the waiting period relevant
                                                                                    new benefits. Where your new level of cover         range of Overseas Visitors Covers. We have the
                             for that service. Please refer to the listed waiting
                                                                                    is higher than what you previously held, the        right to end a person’s membership as set out
                             periods earlier in this guide.
                                                                                    lower level of benefit applies. Please refer to     in our Overseas Visitors Rules, including where
                             If you choose a lower level of cover than you          the listed waiting periods included earlier in      premiums have not been paid or on notice at
                             held previously, then the lower benefits on your       this guide.                                         the reasonable discretion of Bupa.
                             new cover will apply immediately. This may
                             include a different excess level or restricted         During this time you will be covered, however
Still not sure where         cover. You may also need to serve waiting              you will receive the lower benefits of the two
                                                                                    covers (this includes any applicable excess).
                             periods for services or treatments that weren’t
to start? Talk to our        covered on your previous cover. In this case you       If you choose a lower level of cover than
friendly team.               won’t be covered during the waiting period.            you previously held, then the lower benefits
                                                                                    on your new cover will apply immediately
      134 135                                                                       and may include different excess levels or
                                                                                    restricted cover. You may also need to serve
                                                                                    waiting periods for services or treatments
      Visit a Bupa Health                                                           that weren’t covered on your previous cover.
      Insurance store                                                               In this case you won’t be covered during the
                                                                                    waiting period. If you have any questions about
 18                                                                                 transfers or waiting periods, just contact us.                                                   19
Accidents                                            the number of times that benefits are payable       • Has psychiatric disturbance whereby the          Health aids and appliances
An unforeseen event, occurring by chance             for the same service (e.g. dental check-ups).          health of the person or other people are at     To access benefits for health aids and appliances
and caused by an unintentional and external                                                                 immediate risk.                                 you’ll need to visit or purchase from one of
                                                     These limits apply from the date of service
force or object resulting in involuntary hurt        or purchase. Some services also have lifetime       • Has severe pain and the function of a body       our recognised providers. You’ll also need to
or damage to the body, which occurred in             limits (e.g. orthodontics). Per person yearly          part or organ is suspected to be acutely        meet the eligibility criteria, provide proof of
Australia and requires within 72 hours of the        limits are not transferable to any other member        threatened.                                     purchase and a clinical referral where required.
event, medical advice or treatment from a            on your policy.                                     • Has acute haemorrhaging and requires             It is important to note that benefits are not
registered practitioner other than the policy                                                               urgent assessment and treatment.                payable for orthoses, orthotics or surgical shoes
holder and, if necessary, any further medical        Calendar year                                        • Has a condition that requires immediate         if they are not custom made. Visit our website or
treatment where such admission (including any        A calendar year is 1 January to 31 December.           admission to avoid imminent threat to their     contact us to find out more.
readmission) or treatment must be within 180                                                                life and where a transfer to another hospital   Benefits for hire and repair of health aids
days of the event.                                   Cosmetic Surgery                                       is impractical.                                 and appliances are not payable in the first
                                                     A cosmetic treatment is one which is                                                                   12 months after purchasing an item; within
Admissions to a public hospital                      concerned with altering the appearance of           Excess                                             12 months following a repair; or on items where
With regard to a public hospital, an admission       a body part or tissue which lies within the         On selected covers there may be an excess          hire and repair are deemed inappropriate.
to Hospital or Hospital admission means              bounds of normal variation.                         option which may lower the amount that you
where the treating medical officer has formally                                                          pay for your cover. Excesses are only payable      Health Management
admitted you to the hospital in accordance           Examples of Cosmetic Surgery:
                                                                                                         on overnight and same-day inpatient hospital       Depending on your Extras cover, you might
with the applicable State or Territory rules         • Rhinoplasty (nose reconstruction) without
                                                                                                         admissions in any hospital.                        be able to claim some of the cost of approved
for an admission, given the applicable clinical        previous trauma or congenital defect.
                                                                                                         • The total excess amount is paid each time a      health-related programs. We call this ‘Health
circumstances.                                       • Breast enlargement.
                                                                                                           person on your membership is admitted into       Management’. A 6 month waiting period applies.
For the purposes of a private room in a public       • Liposuction.                                        hospital, to a maximum of once per person
                                                                                                                                                            • Nicotine replacement therapy.
hospital, this is a room in a hospital which is                                                            and twice per membership each calendar
                                                     Emergency admissions                                  year unless otherwise specified                  • Weight management programs by specified
purpose built and suitable for no-one other
than a single admitted adult patient; holds one      In an emergency, we may not have time                                                                    recognised providers only.
                                                                                                         • If the total excess amount for an individual
single sized bed; and has a dedicated ensuite.       to determine if you are affected by the
                                                                                                           is not reached in a single hospital admission,   • Health subscriptions to Diabetes Australia
                                                     pre-existing condition rule before your
                                                                                                           the remaining balance of that excess               and the Asthma Foundation.
Agents                                               admission. Consequently, if you have been
                                                                                                           is payable.
A third party such as a broker or agent              a Bupa member for less than 12 months you                                                              For information about how to claim, please see
                                                                                                         • No excess applies to your dependent
may establish and administer your policy or          might have to pay for some or all of the hospital                                            
                                                                                                           children on all visitors covers.
corporate health plan. In these cases, some          and medical charges if you are admitted to
information about you such as your name,             hospital and you choose to be treated as a          Please contact us for further details.             Life Altering Illness/Injury
address and other policy information will be         private patient, and we later determine that your                                                      An illness/injury considered to be a serious
                                                     condition was pre-existing.                         Exclusions                                         medical condition leading to a reduction
given and received from the agent to help
Bupa HI administer your policy or corporate                                                              If you require treatment for a specific            in life expectancy to less than 12 months,
                                                     We tell you more about pre-existing
health plan. This will not include personal                                                              procedure or service that is excluded under        a requirement for ongoing care support or
                                                     conditions on page 22.
claims information (also see Privacy Statement                                                           your level of cover you will not receive any       continuous inpatient hospitalisation, or any
on page 26). Once the policy has been set up,        Emergency Treatment                                 benefits towards your hospital, medical and        other deficit or health care need as assessed
the third party or agent will need to obtain                                                             prosthesis costs and you may have significant      by a Medical Practitioner appointed by Bupa
                                                     ‘Emergency Treatment’ is any treatment
your authority to administer the policy.                                                                 out-of-pocket expenses.                            as warranting support for repatriation.
                                                     required where a person:
                                                     • Is in a life threatening situation and requires   If a service is not covered by Medicare
Yearly limits and service limits                                                                                                                            Medical Practitioner
                                                       urgent assessment and resuscitation.              there will be no benefit payable from your
A yearly limit (also known as an annual                                                                  visitors cover so you should always check          A person registered or licensed as a medical
                                                     • Has suspected acute organ or system failure.                                                         practitioner under a law of a State or Territory.
maximum) is the maximum amount you                                                                       with us to see if you’re covered before
                                                     • Has an illness or injury where the function of                                                       This does not include anyone whose
can claim in a service category per person and                                                           receiving treatment.
                                                       a body part or organ is acutely threatened.
per calendar year (unless otherwise stated).
For certain services, service limits also apply to   • Has a drug overdose, toxic substance
                                                       or toxin effect.
 20                                                                                                                                                                                                        21
registration or licence to practise has been       the remaining balance up to the set amount        Keep in mind that a doctor appointed by us will    • Enrol your adult children under their own
suspended or cancelled following an inquiry        under your chosen level of Extras cover.          decide whether your condition is pre-existing.       policy within 60 days after they no longer
relating to his or her conduct and whose                                                             That said, the appointed doctor must consider        qualify under your cover (to avoid reserving
                                                   There are some items that are not covered by
registration or licence has not been reinstated.                                                     your treating doctors’ opinions on the signs and     waiting periods).
                                                   our pharmacy benefits and these include:
                                                                                                     symptoms of your condition, although they’re       • Provide proof of purchase of what you have
Mortal Remains                                     • Over-the-counter and non-prescription items.    not bound to agree with them.                        spent before we can reimburse you for any
The body of the deceased person for                • Compounded items.
                                                                                                                                                          services received.
the purposes of Repatriation benefits.             • Weight loss medication.                         Pregnancy and birth
                                                                                                                                                        • Submit your claims within two years of when
Does not include cremation or ashes of a           • Body enhancing medications                      Pregnancy and birth are services and                 the service was given (we don’t pay benefits
deceased person.                                     (e.g. anabolic steroids).                       treatment provided for the care of women             for any claims that are older than this).
                                                                                                     during pregnancy, the delivery of your baby
Out-of-pocket expenses                             Pharmacy in-hospital                              and following delivery.                            We will not refund the first months premium
You are likely to experience out-of-pocket         We pay for all drugs that are PBS listed                                                             paid to Bupa under any circumstance.
                                                                                                     Any treatment or services that you are not
expenses when you are not fully covered for        for your condition, when the drugs are            admitted to hospital for, like consultations
services and benefits, or when a set benefit       administered in hospital. If you are treated
                                                                                                                                                        Private room in a public hospital
                                                                                                     with your obstetrician, are part of out-patient    For the purposes of a private room in a public
applies. You should refer to what is and isn’t     with a drug that is not PBS listed (which may     medical cover.
covered for your relevant level of cover to        include some private prescriptions) we will not                                                      hospital, this is a room in a hospital which is
determine when an out-of-pocket expense            pay benefits and the hospital may charge you.     Pregnancy complications such as ectopic            purpose built and suitable for no one other
may occur. You should also refer to our            You should be advised by the hospital of any      pregnancy, termination and miscarriage are         than a single admitted adult patient; holds one
Overseas Visitors Rules for any additional         charges before treatment.                         considered gynecological services.                 single sized bed; and has a dedicated ensuite.
information on benefits payable.                                                                     Anything related to helping you conceive is
                                                   Pharmacy Saver                                                                                       Proof of identity and/or age
It is important to ensure when being admitted                                                        an “Assisted Reproductive Service” and is not
                                                   Add Pharmacy Saver to your chosen visitors                                                           Bupa may require you to provide proof of
to hospital that Informed Financial Consent is                                                       considered as pregnancy and birth.
                                                   cover with extras and enjoy savings on your                                                          identity, visa details and/or age when joining,
provided to you for a pre-booked admission                                                                                                              changing your level of cover or in relation to
to allow you to understand any out-of-pocket
                                                   pharmaceutical and healthcare purchases all       Premium and benefits
                                                   year round at National Pharmacies stores.                                                            any other transaction with us.
expenses upfront. If you have received any                                                           You or your employer (in the case of company
out-of-pocket expenses and require                 You’ll get a 20% discount on a variety of         paid plans) must pay the premium that applies      Reconstructive Surgery
clarification, please contact us directly.         health-related products. Pharmacy Saver           to you. In addition, if you have Extras cover
                                                                                                                                                        Surgery to restore function or typical
                                                   is not available for prescriptions on which       as an add-on to visitors cover, please note
                                                                                                                                                        appearance by reconstructing defective
Pharmacy – Visitors cover                          the Australian Government does not allow          premiums for extras differ between states
                                                                                                                                                        organs or parts. The reason for the surgery
On most visitors covers you receive                discounts. Visit a National Pharmacies store      due to different state charges. If you move
                                                                                                                                                        is what’s important. It would usually follow
benefits for selected prescription items           for more information (outlets located in          to another state your premium will change
                                                                                                                                                        a previous medically necessary surgery, a
prescribed as an outpatient that are Australian    VIC, SA and NSW; online discounts                 too. Therefore you must let us know about
                                                                                                                                                        traumatic event that caused a change in the
Government’s Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme         available nationally).                            any change of address. To access the benefits
                                                                                                                                                        appearance and/or function of a part of the
(PBS) Schedule listed or non-PBS listed and TGA                                                      available on your cover, you need to:
                                                                                                                                                        body or a significant congenital problem
approved, prescribed by a doctor or a specialist   Pre-existing conditions                           • Complete the application process and             (something you were born with), that created
and not appearing on our exclusions list. Refer    A pre-existing condition is any condition,          ensure your premiums are paid one month          problems with how your body works.
to your cover details for more information.        ailment or illness that you had signs or            in advance. (It is up to you to make sure        For example, after a mastectomy for breast
A co-payment may apply to your level of cover.     symptoms of during the six months before you        payments are made during times of unpaid         cancer, there may be a desire to reconstruct
                                                   joined or upgraded to a higher level of cover       leave or if your employment ends).               the breast back to an acceptable appearance
Pharmacy – Extras cover                            with us. It is not necessary that you or your     • Ensure that newborns are enrolled onto           for you, whereas changing the appearance of
Your extras pharmacy entitlement pays benefits     doctor knew what your condition was or that         a family membership within 90 days of            the breast for most other reasons would be
on prescription items that are only non-PBS        the condition had been diagnosed.                   their birth to avoid any waiting periods for     cosmetic in nature and intent.
listed and TGA approved and not appearing on                                                           your baby.
our exclusions list. When you make a claim, we                                                                                                          Other examples of ‘Reconstructive Surgery’:
will deduct a pharmacy co-payment and pay                                                                                                               • Repairing a scar resulting from an
                                                                                                                                                          accident or previous surgery (unless it
                                                                                                                                                          was cosmetic surgery).
 22                                                                                                                                                                                                   23
Other important information
• Facial reconstructive surgery following        Suspension rules                                  Direct Debit Service Agreement
  severe trauma, cancer surgery or a major       If you are travelling overseas for work or        This agreement outlines the responsibilities         We may provide information to our or your
  congenital problem (from birth).               leisure, you can suspend your membership.         of Bupa HI Pty Ltd (“we”, “us”, “our”) and you       financial institution to resolve a dispute on
• Repairing a body part after a trauma injury.   You can suspend your cover under the              with regard to direct debiting your nominated        your behalf. You must ensure your nominated
                                                 following circumstances:                          financial account for the payment of premiums.       account permits direct debiting and that
Restricted Cover                                                                                   Direct debiting through the Bulk Electronic          sufficient cleared funds are available in that
                                                 • For a minimum period of one month.
Guardian 60 Visitors Cover                                                                         Clearing System (BECS) is not available on           account on the due date to cover the premiums
                                                 • For a maximum period of nine months.
and Working Visa Customers                                                                         all financial accounts and you should contact        due. Your financial institution may charge a
                                                 • You can suspend your policy up to three
Restricted Cover means we will only pay                                                            your financial institution to confirm if your        fee if the payment cannot be met. You must
                                                   times per calendar year.
minimum benefits (an amount set by the                                                             account is eligible or for help in completing        ensure the authorisation given to draw on the
State Government). If a treatment is listed      • One month contributions are required
                                                                                                   this agreement. We will confirm the direct           nominated account is identical to the account
as Restricted Cover, it means that during the      between each suspension period.
                                                                                                   debit arrangements prior to the first drawing        signing instruction held by the financial
restricted cover period, if you go to a public   To be eligible to suspend your cover you must:    (including the premium amount and frequency)         institution where the account is based. You must
or a private hospital for these treatments,      • Have been a financial member for                and debit your nominated account. Deductions         notify us if the nominated account is transferred
most of the time, the hospital will charge a       at least two months                             will occur on the nominated day, except for          or closed. You must pay your premium by an
lot more than what we will pay, so you are       • Have a financial membership at the              deductions nominated for the 28th, 29th, 30th        alternative method if either you or we cancel
likely to have a large amount to pay yourself.     time of suspension                              or 31st, which will occur on the first day of the    the direct debit arrangements. You must ensure
                                                 • Apply for suspension prior to the               following month. If the nominated day falls on       your payments are up-to-date, whether a notice
For all other Non-working Visa Covers              departure date                                  a weekend or public holiday, deductions will be      is received from us or not. If paying by credit
Restricted Cover means we will only pay          • Notify us of your return to Australia           made on the closest business day. We will debit      card, you need to advise us of your new expiry
minimum benefits (an amount set by the             within 14 days of your arrival                  all payments in advance and will automatically       date prior to expiry. You may request that we
Government for Australian residents).                                                              vary the deduction amount if your premiums or        cancel or alter the debit drawing arrangements
                                                 • Complete an overseas travel
If a treatment is listed as Restricted Cover,                                                      level of cover change. If we vary the deduction      by contacting us and providing at least five
                                                   suspension form.
it means that during the restricted cover                                                          amount, we will give you at least 14 days written    working days’ notice of any requested changes.
period, if you go to a public or a private       Your membership will be cancelled if              notice, except when the previous deduction is        These changes may include deferring the debit,
hospital for these treatments, most of the       not resumed.                                      dishonoured, when we may deduct the previous         altering the debit dates, stopping an individual
time, the hospital will charge a lot more                                                          period’s payment together with the current           debit, suspending the direct debit arrangement
than what we will pay, so you are likely to      Terminally Ill                                    amount due.                                          or cancelling the direct debit completely. You
have a large amount to pay yourself.             Someone with a life expectancy of less than                                                            can dispute any debit drawing or terminate
                                                                                                   Should your financial institution dishonour a
                                                 6 months as diagnosed by a Medical Practitioner                                                        the deductions at any time by notifying us in
Surgically implanted prosthesis                                                                    drawing, we may draw the payment plus any
                                                 and determined by a Medical Practitioner                                                               writing not less than seven days before the next
                                                                                                   other overdue amounts 14 days from the date
You will be covered up to the approved           appointed by Bupa, after consideration of any                                                          scheduled debit drawing or by notifying your
                                                                                                   the last payment was due. If your financial
benefit set out in the Australian Government’s   relevant clinical information.                                                                         financial institution. We may change the terms
                                                                                                   institution dishonours this attempted drawing
Prostheses List for a listed prosthesis which                                                                                                           of this agreement by giving you at least 14 days
                                                                                                   we may make another attempt to do so 14 days
is surgically implanted as part of your          Travel and accommodation                                                                               written notice or such further period as required
                                                                                                   from the date of the first attempt.
hospital treatment.                              We can now help cover the costs of your travel                                                         under the Bupa Fund Rules.
                                                 and accommodation expenses, if you need to        If, due to an account or debit card closure
The Prostheses List includes: pacemakers,                                                                                                               If you have any queries about your direct debit
                                                 travel 200km or more for medically essential      or other technical reasons, we are unable to
defibrillators, cardiac stents, joint                                                                                                                   agreement, please contact us. We undertake
                                                 treatment not available in your local area. The   attempt a second drawing or, in any other
replacements, intraocular lenses and other                                                                                                              to respond to queries concerning disputed
                                                 benefit is per person, per trip (limits apply),   case, after two or more drawings are returned
devices. If a hospital proposes to charge you                                                                                                           transactions within five working days of
                                                 and can be used as many times as needed           unpaid by your financial institution, we will stop
a ‘gap’ for your prosthesis, they need your                                                                                                             notification.
                                                 throughout the year. If you have an extras        deducting your premiums from your nominated
informed financial consent. Please contact
                                                 cover with us, we’ll only pay                     account and will start sending you renewal
us for further details.
                                                 the travel and accommodation benefit on           notices, pending further instructions from you.
For more terms explained visit                   your hospital cover. See your policy              We will maintain the privacy and confidentiality                             information for more details.                     of your billing information (unless you have
                                                                                                   requested or consented that we can disclose it
                                                                                                   to a third party or the law requires us to do so).
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