Page created by Warren Jensen
Join the celebration!
                                                                                 Graduation Video
            7 p.m. on Friday, June 26!                                            Speakers
• Virtual Graduation, including a One-of-a-Kind Celebration Video                   Welcome
                                                                                      Christina G. Espinosa-Pieb, M.A.
• Special Slideshow of all grad-submitted photos and messages                         Interim President, De Anza College
                                                                                    Celebratory Remarks
You can also see video congratulations from members of the community and the          Shelly Michael
Foothill-De Anza Community College District                                           President, De Anza Associated Student Body (DASB)
                                                                                      A.A., Liberal Arts and A.A., Political Science for Transfer, 2020
  Pearl Cheng, President, Foothill-De Anza Board of Trustees                          Recipient, President’s Award
  Peter Landsberger, Vice President, Foothill-De Anza Board of Trustees               Karen Chow, Ph.D.
                                                                                      President, Academic Senate
  Patrick Ahrens, Member, Foothill-De Anza Board of Trustees
  Judy Miner, Chancellor, Foothill-De Anza Community College District                 Victoria Kahler, B.A.
                                                                                      Secretary and Commencement Representative, Classified Senate
  Ro Khanna, U.S. Representative, D-Santa Clara
                                                                                      Poem: “A Small Needful Fact” by Ross Gay
  Evan Low, Assemblymember, D-Cupertino                                               Read by Dr. Chow
  Savita Vaidhyanathan, Co-Chair, De Anza Commission
                                                                                      Melinda Hughes, Ed.D.
  Orrin Mahoney, Co-Chair, De Anza Commission                                         President, Black Faculty, Staff and Administrators Network (BFSA)
  Shyamoli Banerjee, President, Foothill-De Anza Foundation Board of Directors      Student Commencement Address
                                                                                      Tamara Williams
                                                                                      A.A., Liberal Arts and A.S., Early Childhood for Transfer, 2020

                                                                                    President’s Remarks
                                                                                      Ms. Espinosa-Pieb

                                                                                    Conferring of Degrees
                                                                                      Ms. Espinosa-Pieb

                                                                                  Special Celebration Video!
                                                                                      Featuring all graduates in the Class of 2020

                                                                                  Slideshow of Graduates
                                                                                    Visit to see the searchable slideshow of all grad-submitted
                                                                                    photos and messages from the Class of 2020

Commencement Speaker                                                                                                          President’s Awards
                                                                                                                                        The $2,000 President’s Award is presented annually to graduating students who have overcome adversity
    Tamara Williams                                                                                                                                       and shown great perseverance in seeking an education at De Anza.
    Each year, a student                                           Tamara said she joined in recent protests. “How could
    scholarship winner is chosen                                   I be a good teacher if I didn’t teach children to do what   Eric Esparza                                                 Shelly Michael
    to deliver the commencement                                    they believe in?” she asked. “I believe in equality for
    address. This year, at the                                     everyone.”                                                  Eric Esparza is used                                         When Shelly Michael first
    invitation of the President’s                                                                                              to working hard and                                          enrolled at De Anza, she
    Office, the Black Faculty, Staff                               She wants to encourage fellow graduates to persevere.       looking out for others.                                      planned to major in business.
    and Administrators Network                                     “No matter what life throws at you, if you stay on task,    He’ll be doing both as                                       But she soon developed a
    (BFSA) selected Tamara                                         you can do anything.”                                       he pursues his dream                                         passion for advocacy, activism
    Williams as student speaker.                                                                                               of becoming a lawyer,                                        and social justice.
                                                                                                                               after transferring to the
    Tamara, 26, is graduating                                                                                                  University of California,                                    Shelly, who is this year’s DASB
    this year with degrees in Early Childhood Education and                                                                    Berkeley, this fall.                                         president, is graduating with
    Liberal Arts. She plans to continue taking online classes at                                                                                                                            degrees in Political Science and
    California Baptist University, focusing on child psychology                                                                “My dad always told me:                                      Liberal Arts. She’s transferring
    and African American Studies.                                                                                              Do something you’re passionate about,” said Eric, 19.        to Columbia University – the next step on a path she hopes will
                                                                                                                                                                                            lead to graduate school and a career in public service.
    Like many other students, Tamara worked full time while                                                                    A first-generation college student and a son of
    attending college. She often spent her days in a preschool                                                                 Mexican immigrants, Eric had been accepted by                The 20-year-old is a first-generation college student who
    classroom, where she was the teacher, before riding the bus                                                                the University of California, Riverside, when he             moved to the U.S. from Israel as a child. She graduated from
    to another classroom at De Anza, where she was a student.                                                                  graduated from San José’s Del Mar High School. But           Sunnyvale’s Fremont High School and was accepted by a four-
                                                                                                                               then his brother was severely injured in a criminal          year university, but tight finances led her to choose De Anza
    Her goals include teaching and eventually working as a                                                                     assault. Eric opted to stay home and attend De Anza,         instead.
    school administrator. It’s important, she said, “for kids                                                                  so he could help care for his brother and put less strain
    to see all types of ethnicities and people of color in those                                                               on their family finances.                                    Her interest in civics was sparked by a first-quarter class
    leadership positions.”                                                                                                                                                                  taught by political science instructor Jim Nguyen. That led
                                                                                                                               Since they were boys, Eric and his brothers have             to volunteering for SIREN, a Bay Area immigrant-rights
    After graduating from high school in Southern California,                                                                  helped their father with his landscaping business.           group, and joining De Anza’s Public Policy School, which
    Tamara came north to attend San José State. She left after                                                                 He didn’t stop working on lawns and gardens while            trains students to advocate on public issues. Along the way,
    a year, and then came to De Anza because of its well-                                                                      he attended De Anza, where he majored in business            she interned with Assemblymember Evan Low, D-Cupertino,
    regarded Child Development program.                                                                                        administration. He also found inspiration in exploring       and U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Santa Clara, and made trips to
                                                                                                                               his heritage by taking classes in Latinx and Chicanx         Sacramento and Washington, D.C.
    As a student, Tamara said she appreciated De Anza’s
                                                                                                                               history and art, which led him to join other students
    diversity along with its strong programs and faculty. When                                                                                                                              She also sought DASB office, running with her friend, Maya
                                                                                                                               in revitalizing the MEChA club on campus.
    the demands of work and school grew heavy, she credits                                                                                                                                  Burns, who was elected vice president. They worked on
    counselor Pauline Wethington and English instructor                                                                        After a bachelor’s degree and law school, Eric’s goal is     successful efforts to replace an outdated college mascot and
    Jennifer Roscher with providing helpful resources and                                                                      to become a prosecutor and help people who, like his         raise the minimum wage for student employees on campus.
    encouragement.                                                                                                             brother, have been harmed by others. He also wants to
                                                                                                                               be a role model and apply his perspective, as a son of       It wasn’t easy to balance college obligations with a part-time
    The past year was especially challenging. Her home                                                                                                                                      job and a long commute from Gilroy, where her family moved
                                                                                                                               Latinx immigrants, to improving the justice system.
    in San José was damaged by fire, and her father began                                                                                                                                   to buy a house they could afford. Shelly said she had to find her
    cancer treatment. When De Anza shifted to online classes                                                                   While grateful for his family and his heritage, Eric         own way as a student, since her parents had no experience with
    because of the coronavirus this spring, Tamara returned                                                                    said he found a new sense of community at De Anza.           college. Fortunately, she said, her instructors and other campus
    to living with her family in Southern California. But even                                                                 Fellow students and instructors encouraged him to            mentors helped along the way.
    while much of the country was sheltering at home, other                                                                    apply to Berkeley when he didn’t think he’d get in.
    events highlighted racism and injustice that still exists in                                                                                                                            De Anza, she added, “is an incredible and diverse community”
    America.                                                                                                                   In his time at De Anza, Eric said he learned that “no        with “some of the most unique, smart and capable individuals
                                                                                                                               matter how many obstacles stand in my way, I can still       you will ever meet in your life.”
                                                                                                                               make it.”
2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         3
A. Robert DeHart Scholarship                                                                                 W.E.B Du Bois Awards for Academic Excellence
                                     The $2,000 DeHart Scholarship is presented in honor of                                         Recipients of the W.E.B. Du Bois Awards are selected by the Black Faculty, Staff and Administrators Network (BFSA)
                                                De Anza’s founding president.                                                                             and receive $1,000 each, provided by donors through the President’s Fund.

    Genevieve Kolar                                                 Genevieve, 21, said she hadn’t planned for the future after    Alaric Hill                                                    De’Von Johnson
                                                                    graduating from high school in Oregon. But she moved
    As editor of De Anza’s                                          to San José to live with her father, who insisted she go to    Alaric Hill, 20, saw his                                       De’Von Johnson is graduating
    student newspaper and later                                     college. In her first year at De Anza, she met friends and     hard work pay off this                                         with degrees in both Business
    as student trustee, Genevieve                                   helpful instructors through the Learning in Communities        year: He’s graduating                                          Administration and Liberal
    Kolar helped draw attention                                     (LinC) program and support for a learning disability from      from De Anza with a                                            Arts. He plans to continue
    to important issues that                                        De Anza’s Disability Support Programs and Services.            degree in Liberal Arts                                         his studies toward a career in
    many students confront –                                                                                                       and a football scholarship                                     accounting. But even though
    including food and housing                                      At the student newspaper, La Voz, she helped produce           from Waldorf University                                        he’s good with math, he didn’t
    insecurity.                                                     articles on topics ranging from sexual abuse to hunger and     in Iowa.                                                       always have an easy time in
                                                                    homelessness. After attending college governance meetings                                                                     class.
    Those issues are personal                                       for the paper – and concluding that students need a bigger     Alaric plans to study social
    for Genevieve, who’s had                                        voice in policy-making – she ran for the position of student   and behavioral sciences at                                     De’Von, 24, credits some of his
    her own brushes with eviction and economic hardship.            trustee. On the board, Genevieve advocated for student         Waldorf. Once he finishes his bachelor’s degree, he has set    success to the Math Performance Success program, a
    She plans to graduate with a Liberal Arts degree and            housing, raising the minimum wage for student employees,       his sights overseas. He wants to join the Peace Corps and      De Anza College Learning Community that provides
    transfer this fall to Cal Poly Pomona, where she wants to       and other issues.                                              do humanitarian work in other countries.                       extended instruction, specialized counselors, peer tutoring
    study urban planning and continue working on behalf of                                                                                                                                        and a supportive network of classmates who take part in
    communities in need.                                            “What really inspired me at De Anza,” she said, “was seeing    “I’d like to travel and hopefully see how I can make an        various activities. De’Von said the MPS instructors were
                                                                    people from so many different walks of life pursuing their     impact,” he said, adding that he’d like to teach English       especially helpful.
    “I had a really rare opportunity to talk about my own           own ideas of success, and their own dreams. It made me feel    and work on agriculture and sustainability projects.
    struggles,” she said of her year as De Anza’s student           like I could make my own way.”                                                                                                After graduating from Homestead High School in Cupertino,
    representative to the Foothill-De Anza district board of                                                                       Alaric graduated from Prospect High School in Saratoga,        De’Von has taken classes at De Anza for nearly six years. An
    trustees. “Most students don’t have that, and when they’re                                                                     where he played football for three seasons. He was a wide      Environmental Studies course taught by Alicia De Toro was
    in those situations, they can end up dropping out of school.”                                                                  receiver at De Anza for two years. During that time, a         one of his favorites.
                                                                                                                                   bout with bursitis in his left hip set him back for a while,
                                                                                                                                   but he recovered and feels stronger than ever.                 When other classes were more difficult, he found support
                                                                                                                                                                                                  through De Anza’s Disability Support Services program,
                                                                                                                                   “Alaric is a hard-working football player who is               where counselor Esther Halwani encouraged him to
                                                                                                                                   academically motivated and a social justice warrior,” said     persevere.
                                                                                                                                   Anthony Santos III, De Anza’s head football coach. “He’s
                                                                                                                                   a loyal teammate and a dedicated friend to everyone he         “De’Von is a hard-working student,” said Halwani. “He is
                                                                                                                                   came in contact with.”                                         committed to his educational goals, no matter what challenges
                                                                                                                                                                                                  come his way.”
                                                                                                                                   During his time in college, Alaric also worked overnight
                                                                                                                                   shifts as a security officer for a local tech company. He      The most recent quarter was especially challenging for many
                                                                                                                                   said he took pride in maintaining his GPA while meeting        students. De’Von said he missed coming to campus and seeing
                                                                                                                                   his other obligations.                                         instructors and friends in person. But he was able to email
                                                                                                                                                                                                  instructors when he had questions and keep in touch with
                                                                                                                                   Alaric said he enjoyed playing football alongside his          classmates by texting.
                                                                                                                                   teammate and best friend, Conor Collins, who graduated
                                                                                                                                   over the winter with a scholarship to play football at         De’Von said he’s thinking about pursuing another degree,
                                                                                                                                   Dixie State University. They’ve been friends since age 5       possibly at De Anza, before continuing on to a four-year
                                                                                                                                   and are “like brothers,” Alaric said.                          university.
                                                                                                                                   Alaric also praised his coaches at De Anza, including          “I think De Anza is a great place for students, including those
                                                                                                                                   wide receivers’ coach Stephen Amoako. “He helped me            with disabilities,” he said. “They can get great help here.”
                                                                                                                                   become a better athlete and a better man.”
4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               5
Sankofa Awards                                                                      Student Leadership Awards
       Recipients of the Sankofa Award are selected by the Black Faculty, Staff and Administrators Network (BFSA) and                        The Student Leadership Award is a project of
                             receive $1,000 each, provided by donors through the President’s Fund                                       De Anza Associated Student Body and the Vasconcellos
                                                                                                                                     Institute for Democracy in Action. It recognizes students who
    Abdelkareem Khogali                                           Billy “Artie” McNeal                                               have demonstrated extraordinary leadership, on or off campus.

    Abdelkareem Khogali                                           Artie McNeal took the long                                                   Genet Areda                 Miguel Lira
    left Egypt with his family                                    way to college: The 50-year-
    three years ago because                                       old Army veteran worked as a                                                 Maya Burns                Shelly Michael
    his parents thought their                                     truck driver, security officer and                                         Brenda Carillo         Bhuvaneshwari Natarajan
    children could get a better                                   carpenter after completing his
    education in the United                                       military service in the 1990s. It                                          Qingyuan Chen               Kristal Padilla
    States. He found that and                                     wasn’t until much later that he                                            Allexys Cornejo               Peter Pham
    more at De Anza.                                              decided to enroll at De Anza.
                                                                                                                                             Casey Cosgrove            Ana Karen Sanchez
    The 20-year-old is                                            Artie, whose first name is Billy,
    graduating with a Liberal                                     uses his middle name with                                                   Natiana Day                 Naresh Singh
    Arts degree, with an emphasis in Science, Math and            friends. He is graduating with degrees in Liberal Arts and                  Nikole Dunie                Kenny Solorio
    Engineering. He is transferring to San José State this        Kinesiology. He would like to continue his schooling and
    fall, where he plans to study civil engineering before        become a chiropractor, or pursue certification to work as a                Gabriela Gupta             Allyson Tiongson
    continuing on to a master’s degree.                           strength coach for college or professional athletes.                         Garrett Ivan               Paige Wallace
    Abdelkareem had hoped to play soccer when he first            The Santa Clara resident is also currently training a disability           Genevieve Kolar                Zoe Vulpe
    enrolled at Mount Pleasant High School in San José,           service dog named Ivory. He found the husky-shepherd mix
    but it was the wrong season, so he tried track and field      through the Animal Rescue Foundation, which provides
    instead. He grew to like running so much that he came         service dogs for military veterans.
    to De Anza in part because of its strong track program
    – even though the campus is a 40-minute commute from          It wasn’t easy going back to school at his age, he admitted.
    his home.                                                     “I went to school so long ago, I kind of had to start over from
                                                                  ground zero.”
    As a sprinter, Abdelkareem specialized in 400-meter and
    200-meter events. He was also captain of this year’s men’s    But he liked his instructors and being around younger
    team, which made a strong showing this spring before the      students. He grew fond of talking basketball with Math
    coronavirus outbreak forced a cancellation of their season.   instructor Mo Geraghty, a fellow hoops fan who taught him
                                                                  in Statistics.
    “He definitely had the respect of the whole team,” said
    Nick Mattis, track and field coach, who added that            “Artie told me in the first week that he was worried about
    Abdelkareem was named captain because he was hard-            passing the class, but he would work hard to learn the
    working and “led by example.”                                 material,” Geraghty recalled. “Eventually he was working
                                                                  with other students and actually teaching them. He always
    Abdelkareem said he was determined to maintain a              kept his sense of humor and because of this, other students
    strong GPA while competing as an athlete. The shift           would follow his example and work hard as well.”
    to online classes was a challenge, but he learned new
    ways to research online and he appreciated the chance to      Another highlight was participating in De Anza’s Cross
    communicate with instructors through online chat.             Cultural Partners program, which pairs up students from
                                                                  different countries to foster friendships and build English
    “I always ask questions,” he said. “I always took the         conversational skills.
    opportunity to get extra credit, whenever possible.”
                                                                  Artie’s advice to other students: “Immerse yourself at
    While studying full time, Abdelkareem also worked part        De Anza. I did, and because of that I made a lot of friends
    time in a frozen yogurt store. He plays guitar for fun.       for life.”
6                                                                                                                                                                                                    7
Class of 2020                        Arnoldo Yoel Amezcua
                                         Charan Anbalagan
                                         *Brandon N. Anders2
                                                                            Mindy Baker
                                                                            Varun Balasubramaniam
                                                                            Luis E. Ballesteros
                                                                                                              Irene Bobadilla1
                                                                                                              Stephanie Tao Bodnaruk3
                                                                                                              Silvia Lisseth Bonilla2
                                                                                                                                                Jannel Cardenas
                                                                                                                                                Juan Luis Cardenas
                                                                                                                                                Mina Lauren Cardenas
                                                                                                                                                                                Derek Chen
                                                                                                                                                                                Hong Y. Chen
                                                                                                                                                                                Tiffany Tu Anh Chen2

    Alexandraflor Manuel Abalos          Maia Lynn Anderson2                Kha Bao2                          Christopher Michael Bonte2        Noah Alan Cardoza3              Yung Yung Chen2
    *Kacey Manuel Abalos2                Eduardo Andrade                    Kha Bao2                          Kayley Frances Boothe2            Sonia Cardwell                  Zhaojun Chen
    Ana Abassi                           Laysan Andrews2                    Elena D. Barajas                  *Agnieszka Borowiec2              Pamela L. Caro De Silva         Jesselenae Destiny Cheney
    Derian Abdurrahman                   Prachin Anne2                      George Antonio Barajas            Vera Alexis Boukhonine1           Brieana Caropepe1               Alan V. Cheng
    Jessica Victoria Abenina             Mikumi Aono2                       Yuridia Elizabeth Barajas         Kiana Caitlin Boyette             Justine Mikline Morta Carpiz    *Maksym Chernenko2
    Basem Majdi AbouJudom                Angelica M. Apel2                  Judy A. Barnachea2                Jacob-Andrew Tran Brandis         Karina Mamaed Carrancho         Leo Newton Cheung2
    Alyssa Marie Acosta                  Mitra M. Arani1                    Diego Barragan Mendez             Emma Elizabeth Brewer             Elizabeth Carrasco-Nieto3       Ya Hsun Chi2
    Kelsey Acosta                        Earl J. Arboleda1                  Esquivel Barragan                 Lauren Elisabeth Brister1         Margaret Carrillo               Meng Chieh Chiang1
    Gabrielle Samantha Acuna             Genet D. Areda                     Ricardo Barragan                  Lesdy Brito                       Durrell De’Ante Carson          Kelly Chin2
    Karla Divina Adams                   Guadalupe Arellano Antunez         Elsa Lizzeth Barrera Salinas      Megan T. Brooks                   Brandon Niko Ventura Casiano2   Min Gee Cho
    Colin T. Addiego                     Princess Abigail Domincel Areola   Mariella Barrios Reyes            Jai Kumar Brown                   Eileen Castaneda2               David Kim Choi
    *Ali Adhami2                         Alondra Arias                      Ciara Rose Fioretti Barros2       Jesse James Brown                 Joshua Jordan Castille          Jung Woo Choi2
    Christy Adityoputri3                 Lucelda Armenta2                   Christopher Bobby Barry2          Brayden Thomas John Buckmaster1   Christopher Rendon Castillo     Madison Chong
    James Marco Adriano                  Demetrius Damon Armstrong          Luiza Batista A. Santana2         Jeanette Thi Bui                  Edwyn Alejandro Castillo2       Kevin Jay Chow
    Ali Afshari Ardebili                 Laura Arreola Ramirez              Sophia Elizabeth Bauman           Jessica Thi Bui2                  Sydney Ariane Castillo          Yumna Erin Chowdhury
    Rocio Vanessa Aguilar-Flores2        Genesis Arreola                    Jackson John Beaman2              Khoa Thanh Khoa1                  Cesar Castro                    Beth Anne Christensen2
    Elijah Alexander Aguilar-Sebastian   Gabriela Arrioja                   Brandon Patrick Beckner           Ngoc Thi Dieu Bui2                Kristoffer Renz Castro2         Tammy Chuong2
    Asucena Aguilar                      Oscar Arroyo1                      Cayce Behan2                      Tien V. Bui2                      Jeffrey D. Caywood2             Adriana Lizette Cisneros Montano2
    Preeti Ahlawat1                      Jessica Maritza Arteaga            Dagmawi T. Bekele                 Clifton Louis Bullock1            Brenda Jazmin Ceja              Arianna Cisneros
    Hanya Ahmed                          Tanaya Arya                        Jeauna C. Bell                    Jamie L. Burkett                  Hector Alejandro Celaya         Raul Cisneros Renteria2
    Sameer Ahmed2                        Brian Arthur Aspinwall1            Fabian Benavidez                  Robert Daniel Burns               Corbin Taylor Cervantes1        Kevin William Clarke2
    Aaron E. Ajvatz                      Leonel Tapia Atienza2              Fabian Benavidez                  Rhya Whitney Melmon Bush1         Mandeep Chahal1                 Shawna Clemons1
    Melike Ak1                           Ranbir Singh Atkar                 Troy Benna1                       Jenene Yolanda Bustamante         Jimmy Ti Mane Chan Sion Moy2    Ofry Orya Cohen
    Ayesha Akhter2                       Angel Au                           *Christine Bennett2               Matthew Francis Bustamante        Henry Brennan Chan3             Matthew Christopher Colbert
    Kelly Ann Alaimo                     Gabriella Dawn Avalos2             Ethan Joshua R. Bennett           Alvaro David Bustinza             Kwong San Chan2                 Connor Collins1
    *Hector Guadalupe Alba Ponce2        Yocelin Leilani Avendano           Matthew Bennett2                  Delana Sarah Butt2                Senky Chan2                     William John Collins2
    Seraiah Michelle Alexander1          Ixaias Raphael Avila               Matthew Alexander Maker Benson1   Jonathan Gabriel Cabrera          Praveena Devi Chand             *Brian Lee Conroy

    Raphaela Alge2                       Maria G. Avila Gallegos            Chloe Manette Benz2               Nelson Castillo Cabutotan1        Hin Yun Chang                   Miguel Angel Contreras
    Muhammad Zaigham Ali1                Maria Guadalupe Avila              Racquel Kristine Bernal           Jaiwei Cai1                       Ivana Chang3                    Breanna Eila Contreras2
    Shahir S. Ali                        Lissette Ayala                     Giovanni Bettencourt              Hazel Arline Calderon             Joyce Chang2                    Christopher John Corall
    Ruqayya Alsharif2                    Rhian Elizabeth Ayers2             Parag Bhanot                      Miriam Calle2                     Jung-Yu Chang                   Roberto Jose Cordero
    Aimee Alvarado                       Ricardo Azabache Diaz2             Rishabh Bhardwaj                  Sophie Callejas Murillo           William Chang2                  Elvia Gabriela Cordova Galindo1
    Perla Crystal Alvarado               Sarah Marie Mante Azarcon          Medha Bhatia2                     Ariel Jana Camarillo              Bouasavath Joe Chanphenxi       Jocelyn Corona1
    Sandra Libertad Alvarez Torres2      John Mahboobullah Azimi            Amritpal Bhatti                   Mikhail Amhara Campbell           Joshua Brandon Chapman          Karina Corona Franco
    Brian Alvarez                        Navid Azimzadeh                    Zhaohong Bi2                      Searjasub Campos Garcia2          Andrew Chau1                    Sean Corona2

    Jordan Joseph Alvarez                Michelle Baca Reinke2              James Bird                        Randy Candelario Bracamontes      Lisa H. Chau2                   Trinity Laura Corsetti2
    Naomi Melissa Alvarez                Zakaria Bachar                     Yvonne Elizabeth Birrer           Hilda Esbeidy Canedo Zaragoza     Gabriella Chaves Meyles         Itzel Sinai Cortes Deniz
    Patricia Alvarez                     Kyungchae Baek2                    Collin William Blair2             My Cao3                           Braian Elias Chavez Oliden      Maria Cortes Deniz
    Linden Bucsit Aly1                   Timothy Yuri Bagachev              *Natalie Linda Blania2            Sixian Cao1                       Jorge L. Chavez                 Maysalis Cortez De Los Santos1
    Janet Mamie Amara                    Neeta Bahukhandi1                  Winona Alana Lynn Blass           Michelle Noemi Carbajal Avila2    Lorenso Chavez-Lopez            Jordan Djuan Covington
    Pauline Amayun                       Taebaek Samuel Baik                Ai Tomita Bly2                    David Alfonzo Cardenas            *Rachel Catrina Chavez2         Tanya Annette Cox
    Ana Cecilia Amer2                    Gurpartap Bains2                   Kyra Kaylee Boado2                Eva Y. Cardenas Diaz2             Ramon De Jesus Chavez           Evelyn Crisanto

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9
Hallie Croall2                    Halia Djait2                   Dexter Raymundo Estrada            Priyanshi Gajjar                   *Joshua Nelson Gomes               Steven Michael Hall
     Gwyneth Beatrix Legaspi Cruz2     Jonathan Bao Do                Kaylene Eyring                     Divya Shantilal Gala               Jocelyn Gomez                      Elizabeth Annette Halligan1
     Caden Cruz                        Karen E. Do2                   Alana Christina Ezrre              Donicia DeLynn Galbreaith          Mark Anthony Huang Gomez           Caela Marie Hammond
     Ron E. Cruz                       Kim V. Do                      Sarah Elizabeth Faltermeier        Matthew Mark Abalos Galito1        Roberto Gomez2                     Julie Hang

     Katarina Ivana Cupic              Ngoc Thao Do                   Dom Faustine Lenzi Fantone         Amy Gallagher                      Robin Troy Gonsalves II            Fadumo A. Hangol
     Carlo Custodio                    Sinh Do2                       Claudia Ann Faria                  Kevin Saaic Galvan Serrano         Jade Alexandra Gonzales-Hosseini   Arrianna Harris-Thomas
     Jennifer Rita Reyes Custodio1     Tien Vu Thuy Do2               Diego Joseph Farinha2              Robert David Gamble                Karina Nicole Gonzales             Alessandra Catherine Harris2

     Lionel D’Vaz1
                                       Dmitry Dolgopolov              Claire Alexandrina Faulkner        Hailey Elizabeth Gamma             Naomy Gonzalez Aza                 Michael Aaron Harris Jr.
     Cristian Dominic Dacumos2         Kyle De Vera Domen2            Iwalani (Lani) N. Faulkner1        Arlyn Garcia                       Henry Gonzalez-Lugo                Michael Stuart Hartter
     Dixon Dai                         Christian John Domingo         Skyler Joseph Fein3                Braulio Vladimir Garcia            Abraham Gonzalez                   Kaelum Jacquese Harvey
     Samuel Brendan Dailey2            Angelica B. Dominguez Garcia   *Linda Mary Feldt                  Breyanna Garcia                    Arlette Gonzalez1                  Yukie Hashino2
     James Jarrod Danforth             Lucas Donato2                  Marvin Felicitas                   Calvin Garcia                      Ellian Sara Gonzalez               Fatima Hashmi
     Kenny Dang                        Jiayan Dong                    Gerald Fermin                      Christian Charles Garcia           Itzel Eden Gonzalez                Ahmed Hassan
     Lexer Marana Danganan             Jordan Nicole Dooley           Andrea Fernandez1                  Edgar Raul Garcia                  Jennifer I. Gonzalez               Muna Mohamed Hassan
     Lily Daniel                       James David Dorcak             Jennifer Fernandez                 Francisco Michael Garcia           Juliza Gonzalez                    Naoko Hattori
     Marquel Devante Darbey            Deaira Azhane Dorsey           Matthew Scott Fernandez            Jackie Garcia                      Nancy Jacqueline Gonzalez2         Emily Lee Hawks
     Jonathan Michael Davis            Melisa Mary dos Ramos          Rosalva Andrea Fernandez           Jennifer Garcia2                   Salina Danielle Gonzalez           David Hawthorne
     Natiana Robertson-Day             Amy Douglas2                   Vanessa Paola Fernandez            Jennifer Garcia                    Heidi Elena Goodrich2              Qing He
     Katelyn Claire de Geus            Zach Draxton2                  Fabiano Ferrada Munoz              Judith Garcia Ibarra               Joseph Rosario Grammatico          Nicholas Helton
     *Angela-Mae Justo De Guzman2      Jiaqi Duan                     Cecilia Filkins Olsen2             Justin K. Garcia                   Ilan Yehuda Granot2                Stephanie Heraz
     Daisy Rocio De La Cruz            Erik Alexander Duarte Moreno   Stephen Mark Fisher2               Mitzy Garcia                       Michael James Gray                 Evelyn Sophia Hernandez1
     Kimi Lorraine de Leonibus2        Zachrie David Duldulao         Kayla K. Fletcher2                 Oscar Jr Garcia1                   Thomas Alexander Gregg             Andrew Hernandez
     Shehani De Silva                  Kimberly A. Duma               Leila Yolanda Fletcher             Juan Pablo Garcia Torres           Isabella Rosa Lee Grimes           Bethlehem Hernandez
     Bethany Elise De Vincentis        Anna Gabrielle Dumitrean2      Alejandra Anay Flores Sanchez      Paul Alexander Garcia              Nina Groeneveld2                   Gerardo I. Hernandez2
     Christopher Dehart                Anh D. Duong                   Crystal Yesenia Flores Gonzalez    Regine Grace Garcia2               Ashley Leann Guaraldi              Kathery Hernandez
     Gregory Hudson Del Bene           Chanh Duong                    Givanni Jeremiah Flores            Robert J. Garcia                   Esther Guberman                    Rainna dela Cruz Hernandez
     Julio R. Del Toro                 Hai Duong                      Jose De Jesus Flores Gonzalez      Maria Luisa Garfias                Alexandria Guel                    Richard Lee Hernandez, Jr.
     Shaina Lynne V. Delacruz          Kameron Michael DuQuette       Jay D. Flowers                     Samantha Selena Contreras Garza    Jaszbereny Guevara                 Sarai Hernandez Morales

     Lucia Alexandra Delgado           Saki Echigoya2                 *Jamie Elizabeth Fonseca1          Sanjuanita Isabel Garza-Espinoza   Christina Guillen1                 Kevin Hernon
     Monica Marie Delgado              Kyle Johnathan Edgar           Magdalena Fonseca                  Anthony Sudhir Gaskins2            German Guillen                     Peter Riley Herrmann
     Octavio Samuel De Luna Gonzalez   Janelle Punzalan Elad          Victoria Marie Casuga Fontanilla   Thomas Gaucher                     Belinda Aurelia Gumilar            Merli Hie
     Hazelyn De Luna                   Hala Atta Siddig Elatta        Daryl Shen Ngiap Foo               John-Thomas Gaviano                Kashyap Gummaraju                  Alaric Zair Hill
     Cole E. Demaree                   Amit Elia                      Justin Donald Forti                Bethelihem Gebremeske              Arjun Indra Gupta                  Christina E. Hill
     Matthew Anthony Dempler           Romina Eliehordoshahi          Mariah Fountain                    Tamila Gelashvili                  Gabriela Gupta3                    Dylan R. Hill
     Dhir Desai                        Laura Elizarraras              Jason Robert Frank                 Somayeh Sophia Ghiasi1             Christopher B. Guthrie             Julie Anne Hill2
     Parik Singh Dheri                 Kathleen Mary Elliot2          Breana Myrlee Froess               Nabiha Ghori1                      Valeria Gutierrez Garcia1          Antho Quynh Ho
     Rahul Singh Dheri                 Cynthia Wanjeri Emanuel2       Gabriela Frutis Soto               Alexa Rose Giafaglione             Frankie Gutierrez                  Kelvin Ho
     Rodolfo F. Diaz Muñoz             Ruth Abai Engidasaw            Matthew M. Fu2                     Laura Jacqueline Giampaoli         Lissette Gutierrez                 Tam Buu Khanh Ho

     Alfredo Isaiah Diaz1              Stephanie Lyn Enos             Dulce Vanessa Fuentes              Ida Ayu Gisca Giancana2            Luis Rogelio Gutierrez             Thu-Thao Tran Ho
     Friend Trinity Dickinson          Eric Esparza                   Faviola Fuentes                    Paula Giannoni                     Chelsea Ha                         *Ying Ho
     Neo Gerard Yting Diesta           Joseph J. Esparza              Johnny Andrew Fuentes              Daisy Gill                         Cindy Ha                           Andrea Amelia Hoang1

     Mengshan Ding                     Samantha Nichole Esparza       Aldahir Fulgencio                  Maya Makino Gilliland2             Kevin Ha                           Anh Truong Hoang
     Benjamin Dinh                     Miguel Leonardo Espinosa       *Drew Margueret Gabrera1           Marissa Sharon Ginsberg            Kim Ha                             Cecile Dao Hoang
     Duyen Dinh                        Maria De La Luz Esquivel       Ashley Marie Gaffney               *Ankita Giri                       Phillip Hoang Ha                   Duc M. Hoang
     Randy Nguyen Dinh                 Michael Tan Estanilla          Heerad Gaini                       Raz Goldstein                      Chance Marcus Grey Hall            Julie Hoang

10                                                                                                                                                                                                            11
Nalin Malice Hoang             Garrett Blake Ivan2                 Bemenet G. Kebede                    Erika David Lansang1            Jiatian Li                   Rachael Janelle Lopez2
     Phuong Thao Minh Hoang         Rishab Iyer2                        Ethan Michael Kelleher1              Savannah Rose LaPearle1         Meilin Li1                   Melani Amber Collado Lorica
     Felicia Ann Hoffman            Suleica Michaell Izu1               Christy Bertina Kellin               Isaac Lara                      Peiyang Li3                  John Arthur Love3
     Chadd Robert Holman            Ruchika Jaiswal2                    Olivia Ruth Keyser2                  Amanda Law                      *Weixi Li2                   Andre Patrick Lowe
     Chi Hong2                      Miralem Jakirlic2                   Tanisha Khemka2                      Kaitlyn-Love Gonzaga Layaoen2   Yifei Li3                    Hua Li Lu2
     Jenny Hong                     Haeum Jang1                         Su Khin1                             Jacques Le Van Gong             Yingwen Li                   Pin-Hsueh Lu
     Justin Suk Hong                Juan Estaban Jara                   Abdelkareem Khogali1                 Amanda Mae Le                   Shiyun Lian2                 Zhezhe Luan1
     Aoi Hongo2                     Andrew Jesse Jaramillo              Negin Khosrotaj2                     Anh Quynh Le2                   Yuheng Liang                 Kaden DeHart Ludwig2
     Arata Hongo1                   Lorena Jauregui Romo                Changhyun Kim2                       Briana Le2                      Yi Jou Liao2                 Elise Lui
     Trevor A. Hooper               *Hyeran Jeong2                      *Eugene S. Kim2                      Denean Kim Le                   Ryan David Liberatore2       *Rubin Luitel2

     Mohammad Hosseini              I-Hyun Jeoung                       Hajung Kim                           *Hang Thuy Le2                  Kevin Lien                   Daniela Roman Lujan2
     Yi Ting Hsu                    Mohamed Mondher Jeribi              Minsuk Kim2                          Huan Duc Le2                    Katie Krystal Lim2           Torin Jacob Luke
     Htet Myat1                     Xenia Marie Jimenez                 *Sue Kim2                            Khoi T. Le2                     Khem Pahalla Lim2            Jocelyne Luna
     Tiffany Hu1                    Robert Jorgen Johansen1             Sung Jin Kim2                        Kristine T. Le                  Sovanna Lim                  Cheryleen Luo
     John Hua                       Corrin Alexis Johnson-Averiett      Laura Leah Kipper                    Phuoc D. Le2                    Geng-Yi Lin2                 Alicia Thai Luong2
     Jonathan Huang                 Benjamin D. Johnson2                Cody Ko Kitazumi                     Rich Quang Le                   Jianping Lin2                Veronica Hernandez Lupercio
     Zhongya Huang                  Dawann L. Johnson2                  Stephen David Klein                  Shalena Le2                     Tony Lin                     Kitty Yong Ly1
     Hunter L. Huchthausen          De’Von Nigel Johnson2               Brian Terry Kober                    *Thi Anh Thu Le3                Yishi Lin2                   Philip Yong Ly2
     Talia N. Hudgens               Joshua T. Johnson1                  Julia Kolman2                        Trieu Ngan Christine Le2        Yuhsuan Lin2                 Andy Vinh Ma

     Sarah Lynn Calangian Hudson1   Skylar Kimiko Johnson2              Mark Yuri Kolodii2                   Albert Moreno Leal Jr.2         Zhe Young Andrew Lin         Xinghong Ma2
     Destiny Nychelle Huerta        Nicholas James Jones1               Tanhanta Fatim Sarrah Kone2          Liana Maria Leal                Mario Claudius Linggajaya2   Jacqueline Mac1
     Erin Elizabeth Hughes          *Wesley Constance Judy2             Cheryl Deanna Konen2                 Janette G. LeBreton2            Chris Liou                   Matthew N. MacArthur
     Kristofer Jacob Hugunin        Min Gyu Jung2                       Winona Hiu Wan Kong2                 Aaron Daniel Lee3               Miguel Angel Lira Romo       Alondra Macias
     Fizza Huraira                  Jamie Lynn Jurado                   Georgui Korolev                      Cheuk Hei Lee2                  Alexandria Liu2              Samir Macias1
     Alexandra Mei-Lin Hutchins     Alanna Natalie Jurich1              Vladimir Koroteev                    Jacqueline Kim Lee1             Baowei Liu                   Yocelin Macias
     Sarah Grace Huxtable           Rahul K C                           Daniella Cleo Kovalerchik2           Jaeryong Lee                    Qiong Liu1                   Karina Yazmin Maciel Gutierrez2
     Alyssa Mai Huynh               Alexander Kenji Kajikami1           Alexander James Kretsch              Jasmine Lee1                    Sabrina Liu                  Jasmin Maciel2

     Anthony Huynh                  Sina Kalantar2                      Candace Rachelle Kromer1             Jonathan Lee1                   Tong Liu2                    Jennifer Marie Maciel
     Brian Huynh                    Motonao Kanaya                      Te Hsin Kung2                        Juwon Lee2                      Xing Liu2                    Aaron Yasutaro Maeda
     Dat Tan Huynh1                 William Kang-Cheng2                 I-An Kuo2                            Nathan R. Lee                   Yue Liu2                     Brandon Magana
     Fennie Truc Thanh Huynh        Taehoon Kang                        Tong Lin Kuo2                        Tiffany Christine Lee           Morgan Elyse Locke2          Evelyn Alejandra Magana
     Koshi Huynh2                   Shahar Kantorovich                  *Johanna Kuschnereit2                Wing Yan Lee2                   Alyssa Beth Locquiao         Grayson Toshiro Mah
     Minh Thong Huynh               Nikan Karimi                        Po Yin Kwok2                         Sharon Lee                      Niccolo Dean LoCurto2        Nhu Tam Mai2
     Nhu Huynh                      Keshika Karki                       Arianna-Rae Q. Lagman2               *Wenjie Lei2                    Jennifer Loi                 Nicholas James Major2

     Phillip Huynh                  Rejina Karki                        Roselle Lagmay                       Natasha Leodjaja1               Nhi Loi                      Nicolas A. Majors2
     Thai Huynh                     Caleb Joel Karnes1                  Eddie Lai1                           Diana Leon                      Johnson Long                 Alexander Douglass Malcolm
     Thinh Huynh                    Hrithik Chandra akhil Kashibatla1   Harpreet Lally3                      Daniel Charles Letterman        Kimberly Anne Long           Kristian Michael Maldia
     Tuan Huu Anh Huynh             Fitsoom Kassim                      Christina Lam2                       Benjamin Allen Leu1             Peitong Long1                Briana Roze Maldonado1
     Matthew Ibanga                 Daniel Joseph Katrib2               *Kaitlyn Chung Lam2                  Cheuk Hei Leung2                Esperanza Lopez Rojas        Eli Miles Maldonado

     *Maysam A. Ibrahim             Dee Kaur                            Raymond Vo Lam                       Nicolas Michael Lewis           Alejandro Lopez              Sarina M. Maldonado
     Tatsuya Inagaki2               Mahima Kaur                         Stephen Ming Lamb2                   *Stephani Katsaros Lewis2       Adrian Lopez1                *Narmin Mammadsoy2
     Claudia J. Iraheta2            Navneet Kaur2                       Jessica Paige Lamping2               Miguel Antonio Leyva            Jesus Miguel Lopez           Karlo Tuazon Manansala
     Houman Irani                   William C. Kawamoto2                *Zola Lamprecht2                     Curtis Li                       Maria F. Lopez Vazquez       Raylene M. Mancilla
     Zeltzin Islas Barron           Yuuka Kazama1                       Jacob Emmanuel Lang                  He Li                           Miguel Angel Lopez           Charles Matthew Mancuso
     Kenta Itow                     Ekaterina Kazantseva2               Alexandria Marie Langone-Saguindel   Hengtai Li2                     Oswaldo Tonatiuh Lopez2      Adelyna Cecile-Bernal Manguerra

12                                                                                                                                                                                                          13
Miguel Angel Marfil                   Siyi Meng2                          Yusuf Mostafa2             Brian Minh Nhan Nguyen      Thao Thach Nguyen2                  Casey Matthew Olson2
     Casey Markert1                        Cesar Olvera Mercado1               Saki Motonaga              Cathy Nguyen2               Thao Vy Nguyen2                     Peter Michael Olson2
     Ashley Nicole Marquez                 Melissa Lynne Ferris Metcalf        Jeremy Ray Moudy           Derick Hoang Vinh Nguyen2   Thi Hong Van Nguyen2                Christine Ong1
     Sierra Marquez2                       Emily Anne Metzger                  Evan Nicholas Muller       Dinh Bao Tran Nguyen1       Linh Thi Thuc Nguyen2               Uyen Thai Ong
     Mohammad Marjan Bin Marsa             Alexandra Parra Mexicano            Sidrah Munir1              Tu Dinh Kha Nguyen1         Thien Nga Nguyen                    Gabriel Joseph Ordaz2
     Nicholas Martichoux2                  Taylor James Meyer1                 Marco A. Munoz-Gil         Duc Huy Nguyen2             Linh Nguyen                         Raul Heberto Ordonez II
     Andrew J. Martin                      Sheli Michael                       Adrian Munoz               Dyllin Dat Thanh Nguyen1    Thomas Nguyen                       Christian Orozco
     Giovana Martin                        Suraj Mididaddi2                    Armando Munoz2             Emily Thy Nguyen2           Thomas Nguyen3                      Oswaldo Orozco
     Daisy Martinez Flores                 Bianca Millan Fuentes2              Brian Munoz Mancilla       George Nguyen2              Tony H. Nguyen1                     Susana Orozco1
     Jenny Martinez Garcia                 Juan Manuel Millares                *Dave Munoz                Ha Nguyen                   Tony Hoang Nguyen2                  Christopher Ortiz
     Jaqueline Martinez Molina2            Zachary George Miller2              Elizabeth Munoz1           Linh Nguyen1                *Tran Cam Thy Nguyen2               Yuliia Ostapovych2
     Rubi Martinez Molina                  Jason Seiji Minagawa1               Jasmine Janelly Munoz      Uyen Nguyen1                Tran Nguyen1                        Misaki Lin Otani2
     Dominic Fabian Martinez-Galdamez      Zachary Alex Nicholas Minshall2     Juan Miguel Munoz1         Jessica Nguyen              Tri Thien Nguyen1                   Cody William Ourique3
     David Martinez                        Eshak Mir                           Sidratul Muntaha           John Nguyen                 Duong Tung Nguyen                   Haobang Ouyang2
     Jeamhel Karrisse Lagmay Martinez      Bianca Guadalupe Miranda Argueta1   Marina Murakami2           John Nguyen1                Thuan Tung Nguyen                   Logan Thomas Ovanezian2
     Jose Saulo Martinez                   Martin Miranda-Bustos               Hamza Mustafa2             Johnny Thanh Nguyen         Tyna Thi Nguyen                     Evelyn Oviedo
     Joshua Martinez                       Janessa Andrea Miranda              Jacob Anthony Myers        Julie Nguyen2               Van T. Nguyen1                      Christopher Jacob Owen
     Luis Fernando Martinez Castellanos2   Emiri Miyanaga2                     Dae Won Myung              Justin Nguyen1              Vinh Quoc Nguyen                    Samantha Leigh Oxley

                                                                                                      N                                                                                           P
     Odalis Martinez1                      Astghik Mkrtchyan1                  Mariam Nabiyar             Kathleen Phuong Nguyen2     Vy Nguyen2                          Kuldeep Singh Pabla
     Perla Martinez2                       Zain Mobhani2                       Mayuko Nagao2              Khanh Kim Nguyen1           Y Van Nguyen                        Kristal Hilda Padilla2
     Rodrigo Miguel Martinez               Mahbod Mohebi2                      Naoki Nagata               Khoa Nguyen                 Yen Mai Hoang Nguyen2               Aung Htet Paing1
     Lokesh Maskell                        Janette Yvette Molina               Min Thaw Naing             Kim Mai Nguyen2             Xinghai Nian                        Yueseo Pak2
     Sora Matsushita                       Princess Jemelynn Molina            Ayyan Jamal Naisan2        Le Thi Nguyen               Travis Daishiro Nichols             Olivia Joyce Pakele2
     Kate Nicole Matthews2                 Quentin I. Monasterial1             Ivon M. Najera Noguez      *Lillian Lan Nguyen2        Randon Dale Nijmeh1                 Natalie Marie Palencia
     Michelle Elizabeth Mauricio           Lesly Yahaira Montes Gonzalez       Keito Nakagawa1            Linh Nguyen1                *Newsha Nikfarjam3                  Zachary J. Palermo2
     Monica Angela Mazzarino               Brandon Montes1                     Vitor R. Nakane2           Loan Phuong Nguyen Tran2    Pritam Niroula                      Joanna Sarai Palma Martinez
     Jacob Taylor McCain2                  Jesus Montes                        Jared M. Nardone           Long Vu Thanh Nguyen        Joyce Agpaoa Nodora2                Marja Grace Pambid
     Dylan Lee Levring McCreery            Jesus Antonio Montes Jr.            Nathaniel Ronald Narito2   Minh H. Nguyen              Nan Noe Noe                         Nanda Sivagnanam Pandian1
     Alyssa Clugston McCullough2           Mia Montes                          Bhuvaneshwari Natarajan2   Minh Hung Nguyen2           Chae Rin Noh2                       Alina Belen Paoli
     Katherine Michele McDonnal            Sungho Moon3                        Pamela Navarro             *Ngan P Nguyen1             Justin Jay A. Panelo Nool           Justin William Saturno Parangat
     Billy Artie McNeal                    Jay Alejandro Morales Fernandez3    Elizabeth Chouly Neang2    Nhi Nguyen                  Nika Noorishad2                     Aimee Park
     Michael Mederos                       Chavely Morales Martinez            Hassina Nejat              Nhu T. Nguyen               Karl Alexander Nordhoff             JiHwan Park
     Dayanara Medina                       Esmeralda Luisa Morales Velasco1    Chase Edward Nelson2       Ngan Phung Kim Nguyen2      Miranda Isabel Nunez2               Serena Alexandria Park2
     Francisco Medina                      Kelly Myriam Morali2                Tina Nemati2               Quan Nguyen1                Ashley Lisette Nuno                 Francisco Parra2
     Israel U. Medina                      Christian Merrik Moreno             Megan Elizabeth Ngim2      Quynh Thi Nhu Nguyen2       Thandar Nyunt2                      Stephanie Parra

     Natalie Rose Cabading Medina1         Gabriela Moreno                     Alan Khang Ngo             Richard Anh Nguyen          Katherine Ann O’Brien               Nikita Pasumarthi
     Yusuf Mehdavi                         Jamie Christina Buensuceso Moreno   Anthony Nhut Ngo2          Sabreena Aivy Nguyen        Bruce Giovanni Ocana Rodriguez      Amogh Vinayak Patankar2
     *Isobelle Francesca Meily2            Matthew Moreno2                     Bao Quyen Ngo              Siera Marie Nguyen2         Kristina Marie Olge                 Dharv Dhruveshkumar Patel1
     Jose Luis Mejia Jr.                   Alexis Marc Angelo Moret2           Chuong Dinh Ngo            *Son Phu Nguyen2            Austin Oguri                        Geeta Pathik Patel
     Savannah Alexis Melendez              Fumiko C. Morimoto2                 Hy G. Ngo                  Suzanne Minhkhoa Nguyen     Joshua Oguri                        Rutvik Patel
     Manuel Mena Munoz                     Daniela Yazmin Morones2             Tina Marie Ngo             Thanh Tan Nguyen2           Tiffany Marie Manglicmot Olimpo     Leslee Flores Patino Joleen2
     Genesis Kate Mendez-Jimenez           Sai Thanmai Morramreddi2            Vy Hoang Ngo2              Nguyen Thai Nhu Anh2        Gabriel Daniel Oliva                Priti Pallavi Patnaik
     Dayanara Mendiola2                    Brendhan O’Neal Morris3             Andrew Q Nguyen1           Thai Nhu Anh Nguyen2        Jessica Rae Oliva2                  Polina Pavlova3
     Itzel Mendoza Ortiz                   Travaun Jailen-Anthony Morrow       Benjamin Nguyen            Thanh Nguyen                Chantal Augustine Olivier-Winston   Hailing Pei2
     David Mendoza3                        Christopher Julius Moss             Brandon Nguyen1            Thao Ha Phuong Nguyen1      Angelica Olmos Loza                 Paul Pelobello2

14                                                                                                                                                                                                          15
Alejandra Pena                       My T. Quach2                       Orlando Alfredo Rivera               Amrit Kaur Samra3                  Cian Madden Sheahan             Marvin Curtis Stewart
     Joel Adolfo Perez Villalobos         Sharon Duyen Quach1                Cameron Kekoa Robinson               Angelicka Mae San Miguel           Andrea Shen2                    Nicole Kasandra Stibbard
     Kelin Michelle Perez1                Trisha Trinh Quach1                Ajay Michael Robles2                 Maria Sophia Iquin San Miguel      Milagros V. Sherwin1            Yun Stone3
     Lillian Perez                        Justin Alex Quan1                  Yoryani Mishell Robles               Niloofar Sanaei1                   David Ryan Shew                 Michael Douglas Strain
     Henry Perreault2                     William Ung Quan2                  Antonia Victoria Rock                Airan Francisco Sanchez            John Shih                       Evan Alden Strom
     Theresa Peters                       Mario Quezada Murillo              Michael James Rodemeyer2             David Sanchez, Jr.                 Kristy Kelly Shimotani2         Brandon Ray Strop
     Chris Peterson                       Kathleen Adelle Quinn2             Ty’Ree Ha’Kim Rodman                 Erika Gisela Sanchez-Barajas1      Kevin Chung Shum2               Javon Jamar Sturns
     Meenal Pethe2                        Dhruv Sarang Raghavan2             Martin Rodriguez Grajeda             Krysta Lynea Calderon Sanchez      Briana Joy Silan-Prenger        Ziqi Su

     Mai Yee Pha2                         Rohin Krishna Raghavan2            Angelica Maria Rodriguez1            Nathalie M. Sanchez                Katherine Ramos Silva           Kevin Subuyuj
     Christopher Nhan Pham2               Safa Rahman2                       David Fernando Rodriguez             Shayna Fernanda Sanchez            Lisa Michelle Walker Silva      Saadi Suhail2
     Kevin Hung Pham                      Harleen Rai                        Guadalupe Rodriguez2                 Bhupinder K. Sandhu                Martha Lucia Silva-Escareño     Catherine Marie Sullivan
     Kyle Tu Pham1                        Cristian Ramirez Lomeli1           Ingrid Sylvana Rodriguez             Angelo Sandoval                    Ryan Andrew Silva               Mengxin Sun2
     Ngoc Quyen Pham2                     Aaron John Ramirez                 Jose Francisco Rodriguez Rendevos1   Jocelyn Esmeralda Sandoval         Nathania Sinarta2               Hong Min Sung2
     Phuoc Viet Pham2                     Alejandra Adriana Ramirez          Kristen Mariah Rodriguez             Jose Patricio Santa Cruz III       Ajaypal Singh                   Arielle-Nadine Cabana Supnet
     Quan Hong Pham                       Mikayla Simone Ramirez             Mireya Isela Rodriguez1              Daniel Paul Santana Sanchez        Alvin Ashnil Singh              *Nicolas Suwandy2
     Son Thien Pham1                      Madeline Gabriela Ramos Carballo   Oyantai Paula Rodriguez              Andi Mari Carag Santella           Harjit Singh2                   Radhika Kumar Swaminarayan2
     Steven Ngoc Pham1                    Christopher Ramos-Mejia            Priscila Rodriguez1                  Casey M. Santiago                  Harman Singh                    Jishnu Swamy2
     Tai H. Pham                          Daniel Ramos Mejia                 Yadira Rodriguez-Munoz1              Kathryne Elisabeth Santoro1        Latasha Singh                   Denise Tabilas2
     Ashley Uyen Pham2                    Natalie Margarita Anne Ramos       Danielle Romero                      Aren Mallari Santos                Neha Singh                      Diane Audin Oliva Tabilas1

     Viviane Pham1                        Francis Emilio Ranallo             Jesus Alberto Romero                 Claudia Santos                     Satwinder Singh                 Affia Nadia Tah
     Jonathan Phan                        Adriana M. Rangel                  Jennifer Perez Rosales               Esperanza Sanz Escudero2           Upkar Singh                     Babak Tahernezhadi1
     Quynh Phan                           Serena Joyce Rangel                Sandra Lizeth Rosales Godinez2       Mary Lois Sapigao2                 Katilyn Marie Slockbower2       Nathan Takemori
     *Patrick Phang3                      Sudeep Rao2                        Tyler Allen Rose2                    Elizabeth Carmen Saravia           Anel Smailbasic                 Christopher Jon Tam2
     Michelle Phay                        Nuha Rashad                        Tyler Steinborn Rose1                Ariana Karolina Sarmiento          Jordyn Cecil Smith2             Kai Li Tan2
     Mailyn Phetsomphou                   Austin A Rausch2                   Ian Gabriel Rowe                     Janice Ashley Ventura Saturnino2   Raven Aurora Smith              William Tan3
     Kenny V. Pho                         Andriamandresy Razafindravah       Jayanti Tambe Roy2                   Ryan David Schmidt2                William Albert Smith2           Kento Tanabe1
     Diana Le Phung                       Bradley Phillip Rechenmacher2      Spencer Alexander Ruble              Benjamin Jordy Schouten1           Jennifer Christine So           Derek Kevin Tang2
     Thu Phuong Phung2                    Aleyda Recio Rivera                Gabriela Rueda                       *Isabel Sien Schrama2              Vath Laura Soeun1               Jessica Tang
     Connor Garrett Pietrasik2            Zane Reed                          Angel Ruelas1                        David Seng                         Katrina Sokurov2                Ryan Tang1
     Lizette Evelyn Pinon2                Jahnae Reese2                      Esmeralda Mireya Ruiz1               Gustavo Sepulveda Espinoza         Vivianna Marina Solis           Shirley Yee Tang2
     Damian Christopher Piquet-Charles2   Kaleve Kaleikaumaka Regala         Marcello Rusciano                    Jocelyn G. Serrano                 Pedro Jesus Solorio Gutierrez   Elijah Biko Tasker
     Niloufar Pirkhezri1                  Brandon Relojo                     Joel Russo1                          Aimee Serrano Vasquez              Kenny Solorio2                  Vincent Tat

     Jesus Plasencia                      Sandro Renzi2                      Arjun Singh Sadiura                  Emily Serrano                      Armaan Soltani Lotfabadi2       Julienna Brianne Taylor2
     Pavan Sreedhar Potti                 Juan Luis Revuelta                 Victor Saelieo                       Keneddie Langcay Serrano1          *Hyun Suk Song2                 Ivan Tchangam
     Aida Pourya2                         Vanessa Reyes Barajas2             Safia Rahman2                        Raymond Habaradas Sevegan          Jieun Song2                     Melanie Surierath Te
     Priya Pradeep                        Carmi S. Reyes                     Udita Saha                           Shayan Shafikhani2                 *Charissa Soo3                  Faiben Tefera
     *Abhiram Rishi Prattipati            Christian Reyes                    Deepti Sahoo                         Jennah Mahfoudh Shagan             Guadalupe Mayliny Soria         Kassandra Celine Tejeda
     *Christopher Patrick Prendergast3    Katerina Victoria Reyes            Loveleen Saini                       Azar Haj Ali Saraf Shahram1        Arriana Izabhel Samson Sotto    John Alexander Tello2
     Taliese Solara Pressley1             Vanessa Reyes                      Ruri Sakakibara2                     Sabrina Ishtiaq Shakur2            Malisa Souvanna                 Kasen Teoh2
     Jagoda Przadka2                      Jader Eugenio Ricarte2             *Fumiya Sakurai2                     Joshua Nicholas Shands-Ballas      Scott Robert Spencer2           Sean Michael Terry1
     Christopher Roy Dos Santos Pucci2    Karina Yzabel Rich1                Georgina Elizabeth Salazar Agreda    Henley Shao2                       Brendan Sperling                Nahom Tesfay1
     Diego J. Puducay3                    Andrew Joseph Rintala              Erik F. Salcedo2                     Elena M. Shaposhnikova1            Shaked Spillinger1              Christopher Alan Thach

     Calla Keialani Punsalang2            Julissa Rios Flores                Kelly Aileen Saldana                 Bhavna Sharma1                     Blanca Estela Stancill2         Binh Phuong Trang Thai3
     Devana Alyaa Purnomo Putri2          Gonzalo Rios Jr.                   Karissa Isnoelia Salinas             Priyanshi Sharma2                  *Miriam Christine Stark2        Hoang Khanh Thai2
     *Jacqueline Qu2                      Athina C. Rivera2                  Maryah Aleandria Samarron            Saloni Sharma                      Garrett Michael Starks2         Kim Phung Thai1
     Caitlin Quach                        Gustavo Angel Rivera Tinoco1       Roberta Lina Samifua                 Fareed Shayek                      *Natalie Stepankevycova2        Jessica Than2

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                  17
Aashma Thapaliya                  Tri Tran2                         Brandon T. Velasquez              Kurtis Milo Warner1                          Ashley Yi
     Spenser The2                      Ville Tran                        Ruby Veloz1                       Johnathan Eugene Watson1                     Chansoknin Yin1
     Xiao Ying Thian                   Tracy Trat                        Karla Lorice Venegas Garcia       Laura Marie Watson3                          Jeanandrew Garcia Ylarde
     Dylan M. Thiel1                   Anais Tretau2                     Vijay Shankar Venkatesan          Mercel Waziri                                Camille Yocum2
     Zane Alexander Thivierge          Lorraine Maree Trevino2           Erwin Costales Vergonio           Kayvon West2                                 Allen Kazuma Yonemoto
     Salem Thomas                      Bao Q. Trinh                      Athena Grace Victa1               Michael Nathaniel Williams3                  Sebin Yoon
     *Nicole Lynn Thompson1            Karina Troncoso2                  Sergio David Vilca                Osiris Andre Williams                        Skyler Diana Yoon
     Kayla Thor2                       Jaclyn Ruth Trujillo              Nathalie Villa                    Peter Jeremiah Williams Garcia1              Long You
     Sarah Priscilla Thornton3         Emily Truong2                     Kevin Erik Villalobos             Tamara Williams                              Chenghan Yu
     Jaclyn Rene Thorp2                Grace Michaela Truong1            Patricia Villar                   Benjamin P. Wilson2                          Dae Yeol Yu3
     Alex Tieng                        Kevin Truong                      Adriana Villasenor                Justin Tranggono Winarto                     Robert K. Yu3
     Ava Ting2                         Huy Truong2                       Sarah Marie Vise2                 Stephanie Winick                             Wei Li Yu1
     Edward Vladimirovich Tkachenko1   *Tommy Tien Truong2               Riley Dillon Vitale               Rodas T. Wodaj2                              Chi Cheng Yuen2

     My Ton2                           Jessica Tse                       Claudia Michelle Vlcek            KarlyJo Lauren Wolak                         Siti Sarah Zainuddin1
     Thang D.Ton2                      Melisa E. Tse2                    Cam Giang Vo2                     Dylan Edward Wolk                            *Parisa Zargar2
     Duyen Hoang Thien Tong2           Hsiao-Yun Tsui2                   Vy Dang Bao Vo2                   Matthew David Wolowodiuk                     Lili Zarringhalam
     Levi Torio                        Gong Yue Tu                       Hoang Yen Vo2                     Melissa Elaine Wong3                         Hamzah Adel Zaza
     Alex Ismael Torres Ponce          Shihya Tu2                        Tam Minh Vo2                      Tiffany Wong2                                Kassandra Zeledon
     Joshua Torres-Arenas              Kristina Tuminaro                 Tam T. Vo                         Jing Wu2                                     Kenny Zeng1
     Sandra Torres Hernandez           Aaron Turcotte                    Bruno Candido Volpato Da Cunha2   Kelly Shulin Wu2                             Emina Zeric2

     Melisa M. Torrico1                Steven Kazuo Uehara               Michael Vong2                     Peicong Wu2                                  Emilio René Zertuche2
     Marisol Sanchez Tovar             Takeshi Ueno2                     David Kiet Vu                     Xiaojing Wu2                                 Jin Zhang2
     Alain Thien Tran2                 Glenn M. Ulleseit1                Tin T. Vu2                        Ziying Wu                                    Qianyu Zhang3
     Alana Tran                        Stephanie Ulloa                   Tyler Lam Vu                      Travis Andrew Lee Wynn2                      Thomas Zhang2

     Alexander Tran                    *Rikako Urasaki                   Danica Vukcevich                  Kyle T. Wyss2                                Wen Zhang
     Anh Ngoc Van Tran2                Benjamin Alquetra Urquidez        Bryan Vuong2                      Chunyu Xie                                   HongXin Dennis Zhao2
     Anh T. Tran                       Jonathan David Vadney1            Jennifer Trinh Vuong1             Wenbo Xie                                    LingLing Zhen
     Anh Thuy Tran2                    Sufi Valadbeigi2                  Vivian Vuong3                     Kevin Xu                                     Jim Wenjie Zhen3
     Anna Tuyet Tran2                  Analilia Valencia Izazaga1        Ryan Thomas Wada                  ShanHua Xu                                   *Kelly Wang Zheng2

     Anthony Gia Trong Tran2           Andrea Valenzuela1                Richard John Wagner2              Alex Shayan Yagobi                           Anderson Tankun Zhou2

                                                         V                                                                   Y
     Danh Tran                         Micah Julienne Valero2            Karan Walia2                      Hanna Y. Yang2                               Xiaoming Zhou1
     Huy C. Tran2                      Alexander Valeske2                Chandler Ray Walker1              New Yang                                     Richard W. Ziminski III2
     Khang Vinh Tran2                  Paul van der Meulen1              Shaelan Grace Walker2             Shih Yen Yang2                               Sai Kyaw Zin2
     Khang-Hy Tran                     Steven Van2                       Tyler Nicholas Wallace1           Kyanna Theone Vera Cruz Yarra2               Jennifer K. Zirbes
     Khoa Le Dang Tran1                Jingyi Vargas                     Jacelyn Irene Wallis              Julia S. Yarygina1                           Aciel Hassan Zoubi
     Kim Ngoc Tran                     Joanna Elizabeth Vargas           Morgan Marin Waltrip              Kasandra F. Ybarra                           Adrian R. Zuno
     Krystal Anh-Phuong Tran2          Alicia Roy Varghese               Kyle Wan1                         Jordan Peter Yee
     Phuong Le Nhat Tran1              Demil Matthew Vartan2             Long Wang2                        Alicia Yeh2
     Leeon Tran                        Cooper Jeffrey Vasek              Meng Ci Wang                      Tyler Justin Yeh
     Lillian Thi Tran2                 Lesley Judith Vasquez Quinones2   Michael H. Wang                   Alzhan Yessirgepov
     Nhu Bao Tran2                     Viviana Vasquez-Torres1           Shenglin Wang2
     Phi Yen Tran2                     Lynn Kay Vasquez-Bucio2           Xingyi Wang
     Dinh P. Tran                      Merlin Vassigh2                   Yu Wang2                          3
                                                                                                             Summa Cum Laude (highest honors, 4.0 GPA)         Those students earning an honors designation are entitled to wear the De Anza
     Tanya May Tran1                   Abigail Vazquez                   Yuyan Wang
                                                                                                             Magna Cum Laude (high honors, 3.5 to 3.99 GPA)    gold sash. Students wearing the Phi Theta Kappa gold sash are members of the
                                                                                                             Cum Laude (honors, 3.3 to 3.49 GPA)               international scholastic society. Honors designation is based upon the cumulative
     Thi Diem Huong Tran2              Julie Anne Vazquez2               Zili Wang3
                                                                                                           *Membership, Phi Theta Kappa                        De Anza grade point average (GPA) as of the most recent quarter available.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19
College Deans                                                          Thank You!
     Laureen Balducci, M.S., Counseling and Disability Support Programs and Services   A special note of appreciation to all faculty, classified
                         Sam Bliss, M.A., Community Education                          professionals and administrators for your unwavering
      Randy Bryant, M.Ed., Career Technical Education and Workforce Development        dedication to the students of De Anza College, and your
                       Alicia Cortez, M.A., Equity and Engagement                      invaluable contributions to their success and education.
       Moaty Fayek, Ed.D., Business, Computer Science and Applied Technologies
                        Nazy Galoyan, M.A, Enrollment Services
         Michele LeBleu-Burns, Ed.D., Student Development and EOPS/CARE
                  Eric Mendoza, M.A., Physical Education and Athletics
     Anita Muthyala-Kandula, MBBS, Biological, Health and Environmental Sciences
                Edmundo Norte, Ed.M., Intercultural/International Studies
                  Elvin T. Ramos, D.A., Social Sciences and Humanities
                            Thomas Ray, Ph.D., Language Arts
          Jerry Rosenberg, M.S., Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering
                            Daniel Smith, M.F.A., Creative Arts

                            College Directors
                          Emanuel DaSilva, B.S., Operations
                         Patrick Gannon, B.S., Campus Center
                    Naoko Harada, M.A., Child Development Center
                    Lisa Mandy, B.S., Financial Aid and Scholarships
                       Martin Varela, B.A., College Fiscal Services

20                                                                                                                                                 21
     Carolyn Wilkins-Greene, Dean, Social Sciences and Humanities

                          Emeriti Faculty
                     Wyatt Howard, Mathematics
                   Warren Lucas, Dance and Theatre
                 John Walton, Automotive Technology

                      Classified Professionals
                        Bonnie Mell, Biology
                      Matthew Trosper, Athletics

22                                                                  23
De Anza College Overview
                                                                                                                     De Anza College offers a broad range of academic and career programs,
      De Anza College                                              Foothill-De Anza                                  cultural activities, sports and social events to about 20,000 students each
                                                                                                                     quarter. Students can choose from 71 associate degrees and 95 certificate
                                                                                                                     programs. More than 50,000 friends and neighbors participate in De Anza’s
     Senior Administration                                       Community College District                          Community Education programs each year, including the Euphrat
                                                                                                                     Museum of Art, De Anza College Planetarium, noncredit Short Courses
        Christina G. Espinosa-Pieb, M.A.                                          Judy C. Miner, Ed.D.               and the De Anza College Academy for youth..
                Interim President                                                      Chancellor
                                                                                                                     Students attending De Anza enjoy the full college experience. They can
               Pam Grey, M.B.A.                                                  BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                                                                                                                     join a club or start a new one; walk through time at the California History
      Vice President, Administrative Services                                      Patrick Ahrens
                                                                                                                     Center; visit the stars at the Planetarium; explore the diversified ecosystems
                Rob Mieso, Ed.D.                                                Pearl Cheng, President               of the Cheeseman Environmental Study Area; or participate on or root
          Vice President, Student Services                                           Laura Casas                     for a sports team – there are 17 to choose from. An education at De Anza
               Lorrie Ranck, M.A.                                          Peter Landsberger, Vice President         isn’t just about books and tests; students also discover a diversity of people
         Acting Vice President, Instruction                                         Gilbert Wong                     representing cultures from around the world and learn how to become fully
           Marisa Spatafore, M.A.                                    Max Meyberg, De Anza College Student Trustee    engaged, politically aware citizens. The college’s Vasconcellos Institute for
           Associate Vice President,                                  Priya Vasu, Foothill College Student Trustee   Democracy in Action helps to advance this goal.
      Communications and External Relations
                                                                                                                     Learning at De Anza College takes place in state-of-the-art facilities, many
                                                                                                                     funded through voter-approved Measures E and C construction bonds.
                                                   SPECIAL THANKS                                                    The college is committed to environmental sustainability in building design
                                   Office of Communications – program and publicity                                  and operations.
                                      Gino De Grandis – professional photography
                                    Additional photos submitted by the Class of 2020                                 De Anza consistently ranks at or near the top among California
                                                                                                                     community colleges in the number of transfers to CSU and UC. De Anza’s
                                                                                                                     top transfer institutions include UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis
                                                                                                                     and UC San Diego as well as San José State University and San Francisco
                                                                                                                     State University.

                                                                                                                                        Mission Statement
                                                                                                                     De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning
                                                                                                                     environment that challenges students of every background to develop their
                                                                                                                     intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially
                                                                                                                     responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world.

                                                                                                                     De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work
                                                                                                                     that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the
                                                                                                                     college’s Institutional Core Competencies:
                                                                                                                        • Communication and expression
                                                                                                                        • Information literacy
                                                                                                                        • Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility
                                                                                                                        • Civic capacity for global, cultural, social and environmental justice
                                                                                                                        • Critical thinking

24                                                                                                                                                                                                    25
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                Post a congrats card for your grad!

 Tag us on Instagram    Follow us on Snapchat   Like us on Facebook   Tweet us on Twitter
   @deanzacollege         @deanza_college         @deanzacollege       @deanza_college

                       Subscribe to our YouTube channel

                   Watch our Graduation Celebration Video,
                 Special Slideshow and more on YouTube or at

26                                                                                          27
Transfer Universities for the Class of 2020
Albany State University • Arizona State University • Barnard College • Boise State University
• Bowling Green State University • California Baptist University • California Lutheran
University • California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo • California State
Polytechnic University, Pomona • California State University Channel Islands • California
State University San Marcos • California State University, Bakersfield • California State
University, Chico • California State University, Dominguez Hills • California State University,
East Bay • California State University, Fresno • California State University, Fullerton •
California State University, Long Beach • California State University, Los Angeles • California
State University, Monterey Bay • California State University, Northridge • California State
University, Sacramento • California State University, San Bernardino • California State
University, Stanislaus • Columbia University • Dixie State University • Georgia Institute of
Technology • Grand Canyon University • Hastings College • Houston Baptist University •
Humboldt State University • Irvine Valley College • Kansas Wesleyan University • Lake Eerie
College • Marquette University • Massachussetts Institute of Technology • Missouri Western
State University • New York University • Palo Alto University • Pepperdine University •
Purdue University • San Diego State University • San Francisco State University • San José
State University • Santa Clara University • School of the Art Institute of Chicago • Sonoma
State University • Stanford University • The Wright Institute • Troy University • Unitek
College • University of California, Berkeley • University of California, Davis • University of
California, Irvine • University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) • University of California,
Merced • University of California, Riverside • University of California, San Diego •
University of California, Santa Barbara • University of California, Santa Cruz •
University of Hawai’i, Manoa • University of Southern California • University of Wisconsin,
          Madison • Waldorf University • William Jessup University... and more!


                  21250 Stevens Creek Boulevard • Cupertino, California 95014 •
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