Virchow-Robin Spaces at MR Imaging1 - Neurotalk

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Virchow-Robin Spaces at MR Imaging1 - Neurotalk
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EDUCATION EXHIBIT                                                                                                                          1071

                           Virchow-Robin Spaces
                           at MR Imaging1
                           Robert M. Kwee, MD ● Thomas C. Kwee, MD
See last page              Virchow-Robin (VR) spaces surround the walls of vessels as they
                           course from the subarachnoid space through the brain parenchyma.
                           Small VR spaces appear in all age groups. With advancing age, VR
                           spaces are found with increasing frequency and larger apparent sizes.
                           At visual analysis, the signal intensity of VR spaces is identical to that
                           of cerebrospinal fluid with all magnetic resonance imaging sequences.
                           Dilated VR spaces typically occur in three characteristic locations:
                           Type I VR spaces appear along the lenticulostriate arteries entering the
                           basal ganglia through the anterior perforated substance. Type II VR
                           spaces are found along the paths of the perforating medullary arteries
                           as they enter the cortical gray matter over the high convexities and ex-
                           tend into the white matter. Type III VR spaces appear in the midbrain.
                           Occasionally, VR spaces have an atypical appearance. They may be-
                           come very large, predominantly involve one hemisphere, assume bi-
                           zarre configurations, and even cause mass effect. Knowledge of the
                           signal intensity characteristics and locations of VR spaces helps differ-
                           entiate them from various pathologic conditions, including lacunar in-
                           farctions, cystic periventricular leukomalacia, multiple sclerosis, cryp-
                           tococcosis, mucopolysaccharidoses, cystic neoplasms, neurocysticerco-
                           sis, arachnoid cysts, and neuroepithelial cysts.
                               RSNA, 2007

Abbreviations: CSF ⫽ cerebrospinal fluid, FLAIR ⫽ fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, GAG ⫽ glycosaminoglycan, MS ⫽ multiple sclerosis,
VR ⫽ Virchow-Robin

RadioGraphics 2007; 27:1071–1086 ● Published online 10.1148/rg.274065722 ● Content Codes:
1From  the Department of Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht, the Netherlands. Received July 25,
2006; revision requested October 24 and received November 30; accepted December 4. All authors have no financial relationships to disclose. Ad-
dress correspondence to R.M.K. (e-mail:
    RSNA, 2007
Virchow-Robin Spaces at MR Imaging1 - Neurotalk
1072   July-August 2007                                                     RG f Volume 27      ●   Number 4

           The Virchow-Robin (VR) space is named after
           Rudolf Virchow (German pathologist, 1821–
           1902) (1) and Charles Philippe Robin (French
           anatomist, 1821–1885) (2). VR spaces, or
           perivascular spaces, surround the walls of vessels
           as they course from the subarachnoid space
           through the brain parenchyma. VR spaces are
           commonly seen at magnetic resonance (MR) im-
           aging and may sometimes be difficult to differen-
           tiate from pathologic conditions. Knowledge of
           their signal intensity characteristics and localiza-
           tion helps in this differentiation, which is impor-
           tant for correct patient management.
               The purpose of this article is to provide an in-
           depth overview of the MR imaging features of VR
           spaces. Specific topics outlined are the micro-
           scopic anatomy of VR spaces, dilated VR spaces,
           prevalence, and normal and atypical appearance         Figure 1. Photomicrograph (original magnification,
           of VR spaces. Subsequently, differential diagnos-      ⫻20; hematoxylin-eosin stain) of a coronal section
                                                                  through the anterior perforated substance shows two
           tic considerations are discussed.
                                                                  arteries (straight arrows) with surrounding VR spaces
                                                                  (curved arrows).
           VR spaces surround the walls of arteries, arte-
Teaching   rioles, veins, and venules as they course from the     space. The inner layer of leptomeninges closely
  Point    subarachnoid space through the brain paren-            invests the adventitia of the vessel wall. The outer
           chyma (Fig 1) (1–5). Electron microscopy and           layer abuts on the glia limitans of the underlying
           tracer studies have given insight into the location    brain and is continuous with the pia mater on the
           of VR spaces and clarified that the subarachnoid       surface of the brain and the anterior perforated
           space does not communicate directly with the VR        substance. Veins in the basal ganglia have no
           spaces (3–5).                                          outer layer of leptomeninges (similar to cortical
              Arteries in the cerebral cortex are coated by a     veins), which suggests that their VR spaces are
           layer of leptomeninges that is subtended from the      continuous with the subpial space (5).
           pia mater; by this anatomic arrangement, the VR           Interstitial fluid within the brain parenchyma
           spaces of the intracortical arteries are in direct     drains from the gray matter of the brain by diffu-
           continuity with the VR spaces around arteries in       sion through the extracellular spaces and by bulk
           the subarachnoid space (Fig 2). The lack of a          flow along VR spaces. There is evidence from
           similar coating of leptomeningeal cells around         tracer studies and from pathologic analysis of the
           veins in the cerebral cortex suggests that VR          human brain that VR spaces carry solutes from
           spaces around veins are in continuity with the         the brain and are, in effect, the lymphatic drain-
           subpial space (4).                                     age pathways of the brain (6).
              In contrast to arteries in the cerebral cortex,
           arteries in the basal ganglia are surrounded by not                 Dilated VR Spaces
           one but two distinct coats of leptomeninges, sepa-     Dilatation of VR spaces was described by Durant-
           rated by a VR space that is continuous with the        Fardel (7) in 1843. These dilatations are regular
           VR space around arteries in the subarachnoid           cavities that always contain a patent artery. The
                                                                  mechanisms underlying expanding VR spaces are
RG f Volume 27     ●   Number 4                                                          Kwee and Kwee    1073

           Figure 2. Drawing shows a cortical artery with a surrounding VR space crossing from the subarach-
           noid and subpial spaces through the brain parenchyma. The magnified view on the right shows the ana-
           tomic relationship between the artery, VR space, subpial space, and brain parenchyma.

           still unknown. Different theories have been postu-             The prevalence of VR spaces at MR imaging is
           lated: segmental necrotizing angiitis of the arteries      also dependent on the applied technique. Heavier
           or another unknown condition causing perme-                T2-weighted imaging results in better visualiza-
           ability of the arterial wall (8 –10), expanding VR         tion of VR spaces (23). In addition, the use of
           spaces resulting from disturbance of the drainage          thinner sections will demonstrate more VR spaces
           route of interstitial fluid due to cerebrospinal fluid     as well (15,24). Also, high-field-strength MR im-
           (CSF) circulation in the cistern (11,12), spiral           aging is expected to have an increased clinical
           elongation of blood vessels and brain atrophy re-          impact in the near future; the current magnetic
           sulting in an extensive network of tunnels filled          field (ⱕ1.5 T) is likely to be switched to 3 or 4 T.
           with extracellular water (9,13), gradual leaking of        The anticipated higher signal-to-noise ratio at
           the interstitial fluid from the intracellular com-         higher magnetic field strengths may successfully
           partment to the pial space around the metarteri-           improve spatial resolution and image contrast
           ole through the fenestrae in the brain parenchyma          (25–27), leading to better visualization (and in-
           (14), and fibrosis and obstruction of VR spaces            creased prevalence) of VR spaces on MR images.
           along the length of arteries and consequent im-
           pedance of fluid flow (5).                                        Appearance at MR Imaging
                             Prevalence                               Signal Intensity Characteristics
           Small VR spaces (⬍2 mm) appear in all age                  Visually, the signal intensities of the VR spaces      Teaching
Teaching   groups. With advancing age, VR spaces are found            are identical to those of CSF with all pulse se-         Point
  Point    with increasing frequency and larger apparent size         quences. However, when signal intensities are
           (⬎2 mm) (15). Some studies found a correlation             measured, the VR spaces prove to have signifi-
           between dilated VR spaces and neuropsychiatric             cantly lower signal intensity than the CSF-con-
           disorders (16 –19), recent-onset multiple sclerosis        taining structures within and around the brain
           (MS) (20), mild traumatic brain injury (21), and
           diseases associated with microvascular abnormali-
           ties (22).
1074   July-August 2007                                                          RG f Volume 27      ●   Number 4

                      Figure 3. Bilateral type I VR spaces in a 6-year-old boy. (a) Axial proton-density–
                      weighted image (repetition time msec/echo time msec ⫽ 2375/100) shows hyperintense ar-
                      eas (arrows) in the anterior perforated substance on both sides. (b) Axial fluid-attenuated
                      inversion-recovery (FLAIR) image (6606/100) obtained at the same level shows that these
                      areas have CSF-like content (arrows). The signal intensity of the surrounding brain paren-
                      chyma is normal. (c, d) Diffusion-weighted image (2574/81; b factor ⫽ 1000 sec/mm2) (c)
                      and corresponding apparent diffusion coefficient map (d) show no restricted diffusion in
                      these areas (arrows).

(28), a finding consistent with the fact that the          ages. VR spaces show no restricted diffusion on
VR spaces represent entrapments of interstitial            diffusion-weighted images because they are com-
fluid. This difference in signal intensity can also        municating compartments. T1-weighted images
be explained by partial volume effects, since a VR         with substantial flow sensitivity may show high
space with accompanying vessel is smaller than             signal intensity due to inflow effects, thereby
the contemporary volume of a voxel on MR im-               helping confirm that one is indeed dealing with
                                                           VR spaces (29). VR spaces do not enhance with
                                                           contrast material. In patients with small to mod-
                                                           erate dilatations of the VR spaces (2–5 mm), the
RG f Volume 27     ●   Number 4                                                              Kwee and Kwee   1075

                                                          Figure 4. Bilateral type I VR spaces in a
                                                          53-year-old woman. Coronal T1-weighted
                                                          image (500/30) shows symmetrical hypoin-
                                                          tense areas (arrows) in the anterior perfo-
                                                          rated substance.

           Figure 5. Type II VR spaces in a 73-year-old woman. (a) Axial proton-density–weighted
           image (2376/100) shows multiple hyperintense foci in the centrum semiovale in both hemi-
           spheres. (b) On an axial FLAIR image (6614/100) obtained at the same level, the VR spaces
           are seen as hypointense dots without any surrounding high signal intensity. Note the two
           small lesions with a hypointense center and a hyperintense rim (arrows) in the left hemi-
           sphere; these lesions are not VR spaces but old lacunar infarctions.

           surrounding brain parenchyma generally has nor-            striate arteries change direction from a lateral to a
           mal signal intensity (30,31).                              dorsomedial path and are grouped closely to-
                                                                      gether. A proximal VR space, containing several
           Locations and Morphology                                   vessels, is the resulting physiologic finding (33).
Teaching   Dilated VR spaces typically occur in three charac-            The second type (type II) can be found along
  Point    teristic locations. The first type (type I) is fre-        the path of the perforating medullary arteries as
           quently seen on MR images and appears along                they enter the cortical gray matter over the high
           the lenticulostriate arteries entering the basal gan-      convexities and extend into the white matter (Figs
           glia through the anterior perforated substance             5, 6) (15,32).
           (Figs 3, 4) (15,32). Here, the tortuous lenticulo-
1076   July-August 2007                                                   RG f Volume 27      ●   Number 4

Figure 6. Type II
dilated VR spaces in
a 6-year-old boy.
(a) Axial T2-
weighted image
(2620/100) shows
linear to punctate
hyperintense areas
around the occipital
horns, especially on
the left side (arrow).
(b) FLAIR image
(7572/100) obtained
at the same level
shows no abnormal
signal intensity (ar-
row), in accordance
with the fact that
these areas are true
VR spaces.

Figure 7. Type III
VR space in a 25-
year-old man. (a) Ax-
ial proton-density–
weighted image
(2620/100) shows a
hyperintense spot in
the brainstem (ar-
row). (b) Axial
FLAIR image (7292/
120) obtained at the
same level shows that
the spot has CSF-like
content without ab-
normal surrounding
signal intensity (ar-
row). These findings
confirm that the spot
is a VR space.

   The third type (type III) appears in the mid-      cumferential arteries originating from the upper
brain. In the lower midbrain, VR spaces at the        basilar artery or proximal posterior cerebral artery
pontomesencephalic junction surround the pen-         (23,34,35).
etrating branches of the collicular and accessory        VR spaces are mostly seen as well-defined oval,
collicular arteries (Figs 7, 8). They are mainly      rounded, or tubular structures, depending on the
located between the cerebral peduncles in the         plane in which they are intersected. They have
axial plane and correspond to the level of the ten-   smooth margins, commonly appear bilaterally,
torial margin as seen in coronal sections. In the     and usually measure 5 mm or less (32).
upper midbrain, where the VR spaces are visible
at the mesencephalodiencephalic junction, they        Atypical VR Spaces
appear along the posterior (interpeduncular)          It is reported that clusters of type II enlarged VR
thalamoperforating artery or the paramedian mes-      spaces may predominantly involve one hemi-
encephalothalamic artery and short and long cir-      sphere (36). There are even reports that describe
                                                      the solely unilateral appearance of enlarged VR
                                                      spaces in the high convexity (37,38).
RG f Volume 27      ●   Number 4                                                             Kwee and Kwee       1077

           Figure 8. Type III VR spaces in a 68-year-old man. (a) Axial proton-density–weighted image (2382/100) shows
           multiple punctate hyperintense areas in the brainstem (arrow). (b) Close-up T2-weighted image (4615/120) clearly
           shows the fine punctate pattern. (c) Axial FLAIR image (6609/100) shows the CSF-like content of the dots (arrow).
           No surrounding high signal intensity is seen. The typical configuration and the fact that no high signal intensity is
           seen on the FLAIR image confirm that the dots are VR spaces.

           Figure 9. Giant VR spaces in the mesencephalothalamic region in a 19-year-old man. (a, b) Axial (a) and sagit-
           tal (b) T2-weighted images (5970/120) show a multicystic lesion in the mesencephalothalamic region. The lesion
           extends from the left cerebral peduncle to the left thalamus. The content of the cysts is CSF-like. The adjacent brain
           parenchyma has normal signal intensity. No solid components are identified. (c) Axial gadolinium-enhanced T1-
           weighted image (478/18) shows no enhancement. The process has caused obstruction of the sylvian aqueduct, result-
           ing in hydrocephalus. The size of the lesion and the degree of hydrocephalus were unchanged compared with the ap-
           pearance on MR images obtained 2 years earlier.

               Occasionally, VR spaces appear markedly en-               VR spaces. These spaces most often appear as
Teaching   larged, cause mass effect, and assume bizarre cys-            clusters of variably sized cysts and are most com-
  Point    tic configurations that may be misinterpreted as              mon in the mesencephalothalamic region (Fig 9),
           other pathologic processes, most often a cystic               in the territory of the paramedial mesencephalo-
           neoplasm. As most of these giant VR spaces bor-               thalamic artery, and in the cerebral white matter.
           der a ventricle or subarachnoid space, reports of             Giant VR spaces in the mesencephalothalamic
           such cases (39 – 41) have offered an extensive dif-           region may cause hydrocephalus by direct com-
           ferential diagnosis that includes cystic neoplasms,           pression of the third ventricle or the sylvian aque-
           parasitic cysts, cystic infarctions, nonneoplastic            duct (Fig 9), requiring surgical intervention
           neuroepithelial cysts, and deposition disorders               (8,11,42– 47).
           such as mucopolysaccharidosis. Salzman et al
           (42) presented a series of 37 patients with giant
1078   July-August 2007                                                               RG f Volume 27       ●   Number 4

                         Figure 10. Chronic lacunar infarction of the pons in a 59-year-old man. (a) Axial proton-
                         density–weighted image (2200/100) shows a hyperintense lesion in the pons (arrow).
                         (b) Axial FLAIR image (6614/100) shows that the lesion has a hypointense center with a
                         hyperintense rim (arrow), an appearance that reflects gliosis.

Figure 11. Acute and chronic lacunar infarctions in a 66-year-old man. (a) Axial proton-density–weighted image
(2385/100) shows multiple high-signal-intensity lesions bilaterally in the basal ganglia, internal capsule, and thalamus
(arrows). The signal intensity of the periventricular white matter is abnormally increased. (b) Axial FLAIR image
(6608/100) shows multiple small high-signal-intensity lesions and hypointense lesions surrounded by hyperintense
rims in the same region (arrows). (c) Apparent diffusion coefficient map shows a recent infarction in the posterior
limb of the right internal capsule (arrow).

   In one-half of cases, giant VR spaces that occur            mal signal intensity stems from reactive gliosis
in the white matter may have surrounding signal                surrounding the enlarged VR spaces and is not an
intensity abnormality on T2-weighted or FLAIR                  ominous finding (47).
images (42). This may be viewed as a worrisome
finding and in some cases has prompted the per-                              Differential
formance of tissue biopsy. However, the abnor-                         Diagnostic Considerations
                                                               In this section, the top differential diagnoses of
                                                               dilated VR spaces are discussed. MR imaging
                                                               characteristics of each disease entity are summa-
RG f Volume 27       ●   Number 4                                                                 Kwee and Kwee   1079

Figure 12. Cystic periventricular leukomalacia in a 3-year-old boy with a history of perina-
tal asphyxia who had delayed motor and mental development and epilepsy. (a) Axial proton-
density–weighted image (2611/100) shows hyperintense lesions predominantly in the right
peritrigonal area (straight arrow) but also in the left peritrigonal area (curved arrow). These
lesions could be mistaken for type II VR spaces. (b) Coronal FLAIR image (11,000/140)
shows gliosis around the cystic lesions (arrows), a characteristic finding in end-stage cystic
periventricular leukomalacia.

rized, and clues to differentiate them from normal                Lacunar infarctions can be differentiated from
VR spaces are given.                                           VR spaces by signal intensity characteristics. An
                                                               acute lacunar infarction (12 hours up to 7 days)
Lacunar Infarctions                                            appears as a small high-signal-intensity region on
Lacunar infarctions are small infarctions lying in             T2-weighted and FLAIR images and as a hypoin-
deeper noncortical parts of the cerebrum and                   tense area on T1-weighted images. High signal
brainstem. They are caused by occlusion of pen-                intensity is seen on diffusion-weighted images
etrating branches that arise from the middle cere-             with corresponding low signal intensity on the
bral, posterior cerebral, and basilar arteries and             apparent diffusion coefficient map (Fig 11). En-
less commonly from the anterior cerebral and ver-              hancement is variable.
tebral arteries (48,49). Sites of predilection are                A chronic lacunar infarction is better defined
the basal ganglia, thalamus, internal and external             and has high signal intensity on T2-weighted im-
capsule, ventral pons, and periventricular white               ages and low signal intensity on T1-weighted im-
matter (Figs 10, 11) (48).                                     ages. On FLAIR images, a hyperintense lesion or
    In the upper two-thirds of the anterior perfo-             a lesion with a hypointense center and a hyperin-
rated substance and basal ganglia, cavities in                 tense rim reflecting gliosis is seen (Figs 10, 11).
brain specimens usually appear to be lacunar in-               Diffusion-weighted images are normal. Enhance-
farctions. Large VR spaces found in the inferior               ment may persist up to 8 weeks after the acute
third of the anterior perforated substance and                 event (51).
basal ganglia are invariably VR spaces around
branches of lenticulostriate arteries (type I VR               Cystic Periventricular Leukomalacia
spaces) (32).                                                  Periventricular leukomalacia, usually seen in pre-
    Lacunar infarctions tend to be larger than VR              mature infants, is a leukoencephalopathy result-
spaces and often exceed 5 mm. However, no con-                 ing from a pre- or perinatal hypoxic-ischemic
sistent cutoff value with high diagnostic accuracy             event. In the acute stage, white matter undergoes
has been reported in the literature, to our knowl-             vascular congestion and coagulative necrosis.
edge. In contrast to VR spaces, lacunar infarc-                Cavitation then occurs within necrotic regions.
tions are generally not symmetric (30,32,33,50).               End-stage periventricular leukomalacia has a typi-
It is difficult to distinguish lacunar infarctions             cal appearance at MR imaging (Fig 12): T2-
from VR spaces by means of shape. However,                     weighted and FLAIR images show abnormally
wedge-shaped holes are more likely to be lacunar
infarctions (50).
1080   July-August 2007                                                           RG f Volume 27      ●   Number 4

                       Figure 13. Ovoid MS lesion of the centrum semiovale in a 49-year-old man. Axial proton-
                       density–weighted (2624/100) (a) and FLAIR (7291/120) (b) images show a hyperintense
                       lesion (arrow) in the right centrum semiovale. Other MS lesions were located behind the left
                       occipital horn and in the basal ganglia and brainstem.

increased signal intensity in the periventricular
white matter. There is marked loss of periven-
tricular white matter, predominantly in the peri-
atrial regions, and compensatory focal ventricular
enlargement adjacent to regions of abnormal
white matter signal intensity. The involvement
tends to be symmetrical. Corpus callosal thinning
can be seen as a secondary manifestation. There
is relative sparing of the overlying cortical mantle.
In more severe cases, cavitated infarcts have re-
placed the immediate periventricular white matter
(52,53). These cystic components have surround-
ing gliosis, easily depicted on FLAIR images,
which distinguishes them from enlarged VR
spaces (Fig 12).

Multiple Sclerosis                                                   Figure 14. Cryptococcosis in a 58-year-old
MS lesions may be located anywhere in the cen-                       woman with headaches and fever who was
tral nervous system. Lesions in the periventricular                  seropositive for human immunodeficiency
and juxtacortical white matter correspond to the                     virus. Parasagittal T2-weighted image (5963/
location of type II VR spaces. In addition, indi-                    120) shows multiple dilated VR spaces in
                                                                     the region of the basal ganglia (arrowheads).
vidual MS plaques often appear as ovoid lesions,
                                                                     C neoformans was cultured from the CSF.
mimicking the shape of dilated VR spaces (Fig
13). However, MS lesions are usually arranged
like fingers pointing away from the walls of the           images. T2-weighted and FLAIR images demon-
lateral ventricles (Dawson fingers) and can easily         strate hyperintense lesions. Both solid and ring
be distinguished from enlarged VR spaces by sig-           enhancement may occur. Enhancement is depen-
nal intensity characteristics. In the acute stage,         dent on the current degree of inflammation (54).
MS lesions are isointense or mildly hypointense
to brain parenchyma on T1-weighted images. In              Cryptococcosis
the chronic phase, they have a hypointense center          Cryptococcosis is an opportunistic fungal infec-
with a mildly hyperintense rim on T1-weighted              tion caused by Cryptococcus neoformans, affecting
                                                           the central nervous system in human immunode-
RG f Volume 27      ●   Number 4                                                                Kwee and Kwee   1081

Figure 15. Hurler syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis type I) in a 2-year-old boy with typi-
cal external features of this syndrome. A classic Hurler mutation with severe ␣-l-iduronidase
deficiency was demonstrated. (a) Axial proton-density–weighted image (3835/150) shows
dilated VR spaces in both hemispheres (arrowheads). (b) Coronal FLAIR image (6381/100)
shows increased signal intensity in the surrounding brain parenchyma (arrows); this finding
indicates that the spaces are not normally dilated VR spaces. There is also increased CSF
space frontally.

ficiency virus–seropositive patients and in patients          hyperintense, making it possible to differentiate
with other immunocompromised states. Central                  them from normal VR spaces. Contrast enhance-
nervous system infection can be either meningeal              ment is uncommon (58). On diffusion-weighted
or parenchymal. Infection usually starts as menin-            images, there may be restricted diffusion in some
gitis, most pronounced at the base of the brain               of the lesions due to the high viscosity of their
(55,56). The infection often provokes little in-              contents.
flammatory reaction, owing to the host’s immu-
nity and to the immunosuppressive effect of the               Mucopolysaccharidoses
organism’s capsule (55–57). Infection of the me-              The mucopolysaccharidoses are inherited disor-
ninges may spread to the adjacent brain through               ders of metabolism characterized by enzyme defi-
the subarachnoid space or along the ependymal                 ciency and inability to break down glycosamino-
surface.                                                      glycan (GAG), which results in the accumulation
    As the infection spreads along the VR spaces,             of toxic intracellular substrate. Clinical features
they may become distended with mucoid, gelati-                are mental and motor retardation, macrocephaly,
nous material that originates from the organism’s             and musculoskeletal deformities. The urinary
capsule (56). Therefore, cryptococcosis should be             GAG level is elevated. Brain atrophy and abnor-
considered in the differential diagnosis in any               malities of the white matter may be present.
immunocompromised patient with dilated VR                        Typically, the VR spaces are dilated by accu-
spaces. Larger collections of organisms and gelati-           mulated GAG, which results in a cribriform ap-
nous capsular material in the VR spaces have                  pearance of the white matter, corpus callosum,
been termed gelatinous pseudocysts (55,56).                   and basal ganglia on T1-weighted images. Oc-
Mass lesions representing cryptococcomas may                  casionally, arachnoid cysts (due to meningeal
occur, particularly in the deep gray matter (55).             GAG deposition) are seen. On T2-weighted and
    Imaging findings are primarily manifestations             FLAIR images, the dilated VR spaces are isoin-
of meningitis. Hydrocephalus often develops as a              tense to CSF (Fig 15). However, the surrounding
result of the acute meningeal exudate and may                 white matter may show increased signal intensity,
also occur in the course of the infection because             representing gliosis, edema, or de- or dysmyelina-
of meningeal adhesions. Punctate hyperintense                 tion (Fig 15). The latter helps in differentiating
areas representing dilated VR spaces or crypto-               them from normal VR spaces. In addition, MR
coccomas are frequently seen in the basal ganglia,
thalami, and midbrain on T2-weighted images
(Fig 14) (55,56). On FLAIR images they are also
1082   July-August 2007                                                          RG f Volume 27     ●   Number 4

Figure 16. Desmoplastic pilocytic astrocytoma of the right thalamus, cerebral peduncle, and brainstem in a 15-
year-old girl. (a, b) Axial proton-density–weighted (2374/100) (a) and FLAIR (6614/100) (b) images show a large
mass with solid (arrow) and cystic (arrowheads) components. (c) Axial gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted image
(598/18) shows inhomogeneous enhancement of the solid component (arrow) and rim enhancement of the cystic
components (arrowheads). Obstruction of the third ventricle has caused hydrocephalus.

spectroscopy shows a broad peak around 3.7 ppm             Neurocysticercosis
(higher than the chemical shift of myoinositol),           Cysticercosis is the most common parasitic infec-
considered to contain signals from accumulated             tion of the central nervous system, caused by the
GAG (59 – 61).                                             larval stage of the pork tapeworm Taenia solium.
                                                           Fluid-filled oval cysts with an internal scolex (cys-
Cystic Neoplasms                                           ticerci) may be located in the brain parenchyma
Giant dilatations of the VR spaces may cause               (gray-white matter junction, but also in the basal
mass effect and assume bizarre configurations              ganglia, cerebellum, and brainstem), subarach-
that may be misinterpreted as a cystic brain tu-           noid space, ventricles, or spinal cord.
mor (39 – 42). However, cystic brain tumors often             MR imaging findings of neurocysticercosis are
have solid components, may enhance with con-               variable, depending on the stage of evolution of
trast material, mostly show surrounding edema,             the infection. Lesions can be seen at different
and have contents that usually are not equal to            stages in the same patient.
CSF, as can be seen on FLAIR images (Fig 16).                 In the initial vesicular stage, a cystic lesion is
They generally exhibit low signal intensity on dif-        isointense to CSF with all MR sequences, resem-
fusion-weighted images with corresponding high             bling an enlarged VR space. However, a discrete
apparent diffusion coefficient values (62– 64).            eccentric scolex (hyperintense to CSF) may be
When the lesions in question occur in a character-         seen (Fig 17). In general, the lesions do not en-
istic location along the path of a penetrating             hance in this stage.
vessel, follow CSF signal intensity with all se-              In the colloidal vesicular stage, the cyst is
quences, do not enhance with contrast material,            mildly hyperintense to CSF. Mild to marked sur-
and have normal adjacent brain parenchyma,                 rounding edema may be seen. A thick cyst wall
their appearance is virtually always pathogno-             enhances, including the scolex.
monic of giant VR spaces (Fig 9) (42). Still, dif-            In the granular nodular stage, a thickened re-
ferentiation between giant VR spaces and cystic            tracted cyst wall is seen, which may have nodular
brain tumors is sometimes difficult and follow-up          or ring enhancement. Edema decreases.
MR imaging may be useful.                                     In the nodular calcified stage, the lesion is
                                                           shrunken and completely calcified, appearing hy-
                                                           pointense with all MR sequences. Gradient-echo
RG f Volume 27      ●   Number 4                                                          Kwee and Kwee   1083

Figure 17. Parenchymal neurocysticercosis
in the vesicular stage in a 17-year-old boy.
Axial T1-weighted image (605/18) shows a
                                                  Figure 19. Neuroepithelial cyst of the thala-
cystic lesion with an eccentrically located
                                                  mus in a 53-year-old woman with migraine
scolex (arrow), a finding pathognomonic of
                                                  headaches. Axial FLAIR image (7291/120)
                                                  shows a multiloculated cyst with CSF-like
                                                  signal intensity in the right thalamus (arrow).
                                                  The adjacent brain parenchyma has normal
                                                  signal intensity. Note that this lesion could
                                                  also be an enlarged VR space. A final diagno-
                                                  sis can be made with certainty only after
                                                  pathologic study.

                                                           tentorial locations for an arachnoid cyst are the
                                                           middle cranial fossa, the perisellar cisterns (Fig
                                                           18), and the subarachnoid space over the con-
                                                           vexities. On MR images, arachnoid cysts appear
                                                           as well-defined nonenhancing masses that are
                                                           isointense to CSF with all sequences, including
                                                           diffusion-weighted imaging (68). They can be
                                                           differentiated from enlarged VR spaces by their
                                                           typical location.

                                                           Neuroepithelial Cysts
                                                           Neuroepithelial cysts are rare and benign lesions,
                                                           mostly asymptomatic. Their etiology is controver-
Figure 18. Arachnoid cyst in the perisellar                sial but developmental anomalies are likely. Le-
cistern area in a 16-year-old girl. Axial FLAIR            sions are spherical to ovoid, measure up to several
image (7292/120) shows a well-defined,                     centimeters in size, and may have mass effect.
round cyst with CSF-like content in the su-
                                                           They are lined with thin epithelium and have a
prasellar cistern (arrow).
                                                           CSF-like content. On the basis of pathologic
                                                           studies, neuroepithelial cysts are regarded as
sequences are very useful to demonstrate the cal-          ependymal in origin (69). Neuroepithelial cysts
cified scolex (65– 67).                                    may involve the lateral ventricles or fourth ven-
                                                           tricle, with which they do not communicate (in-
Arachnoid Cysts                                            traventricular cysts). They can also be found
Arachnoid cysts represent intra-arachnoid CSF–             within the cerebral hemispheres, thalamus
containing cysts that do not communicate with              (Fig 19), midbrain, pons (Fig 20), and cerebellar
the ventricular system. The most common supra-
1084   July-August 2007                                                           RG f Volume 27      ●   Number 4

                       Figure 20. Neuroepithelial cyst of the cerebral peduncle and pons in a 60-year-old woman
                       with epilepsy. Axial T1-weighted (30/13) (a) and coronal FLAIR (11,000/140) (b) images
                       show a cyst with CSF-like content in the left cerebral peduncle (arrow). The adjacent tissue
                       has normal signal intensity. The cyst has a diameter of 15.7 mm as measured on the coronal
                       FLAIR image (b). This benign lesion probably represents a neuroepithelial cyst, although it
                       could also be a huge VR space.

                       Figure 21. Choroidal fissure cyst in a
                       1-week-old boy. Axial T1-weighted spec-
                       tral presaturation inversion-recovery image
                       (5094/30) shows a medial temporal lobe
                       cyst with CSF-like content arising in the
                       choroidal fissure (arrow).

vermis and in the medial temporal lobe in or near
the choroidal fissure (choroidal fissure cysts) (Fig
21) (70,71).
   MR imaging confirms the CSF-like signal be-
havior of the cyst with all sequences and allows
exclusion of adjacent brain edema, soft-tissue
mass, and gliosis in or around the cyst. There is
no enhancement with contrast material (70,71).
Differentiation between neuroepithelial cysts and
enlarged VR spaces can be made with certainty
only by pathologic study.

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RG     Volume 27 • Volume 4 • July-August 2007                                                Kwee and Kwee

Virchow-Robin Spaces at MR Imaging
  Robert M. Kwee, MD, and Thomas C. Kwee, MD
  RadioGraphics 2007; 27:1071–1086 ● Published online 10.1148/rg.274065722 ● Content Codes:

Page 1072
VR spaces surround the walls of arteries, arterioles, veins, and venules as they course from the
subarachnoid space through the brain parenchyma (Fig 1) (1–5).

Page 1073
Small VR spaces (2 mm) (15).

Page 1073
Visually, the signal intensities of the VR spaces are identical to those of CSF with all pulse sequences.

Page 1075
Dilated VR spaces typically occur in three characteristic locations.

Page 1077
Occasionally, VR spaces appear markedly enlarged, cause mass effect, and assume bizarre cystic
configurations that may be misinterpreted as other pathologic processes, most often a cystic
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