Vertical Zonation of Some Crustose Lichens (Verrucariaceae) in Bay of Fundy Littoral Zones of Nova Scotia
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2021 2021 Northeastern Naturalist NORTHEASTERN NATURALIST Vol. 28, No. X 28(3):311–326 C.A. Vail and A.K. Walker Vertical Zonation of Some Crustose Lichens (Verrucariaceae) in Bay of Fundy Littoral Zones of Nova Scotia Cole A. Vail1 and Allison K. Walker1,* Abstract - Despite harsh conditions provided by wave action, salinity, UV exposure, and other pressures, lichens provide most of the substrate cover in the rocky littoral zone. We documented the vertical zonation and general ecology of several littoral members of the lichenized ascomycete family Verrucariaceae from 7 sites along Nova Scotia’s Bay of Fundy coast. We identified lichens morphologically and confirmed species using ITS rDNA barcoding to provide novel biodiversity data. We documented 8 lichens in Nova Scotia lit- toral zones, with all transects showing low lichen diversity and moderate evenness. Vertical zonation was not strongly correlated with mean low tide; a variety of biotic and abiotic factors likely affected the distribution of the few species determining lichen community composition in this region. Introduction Intertidal zones in the Bay of Fundy experience highly variable abiotic condi- tions such as wind, wave action, salinity, and UV exposure (Higgins et al. 2015). Though well-studied in the UK and Central Europe, the North American coasts have underexplored littoral lichen biodiversity. The crustose and macro-algae, accompanied by the lichens, make up the primary producers in these habitats; lichens are a food source for some marine invertebrates (Higgins et al. 2015). In cases where the rocky shore is too high to support substantial algal growth, li- chens can serve as a large proportion of littorinid diet (Norton et al. 1990). High lichen diversity can be observed mainly in the supralittoral zone (splash zone). Abundance and diversity of lichens decreases approaching the sublittoral zone, becoming limited to the members of the Verrucariaceae, Xanthopyreniaceae, and Lichinaceae (Brodo et al. 2016). Within the Verrucariaceae, preference of habitat in the intertidal zone can be clearly observed. Species such as Hydropunctaria maura (Wahlenb.) Keller, Gueidan, and Thüs, and others in its genus prefer the supra- to midlittoral zone. In comparison, members of the genus Wahlenber- giella (Wahlenb.) Guiedan and Thüs, prefer the low-midlittoral to the lower littoral zone (Higgins et al. 2015). Within the supra–sublittoral zone, most of the lichen species belong to the Verrucariaceae (Thomas 1994). Shoreline lichen species such as the Verrucariaceae or Lichinaceae prefer a siliceous substrate such as granite but do occur in lower quantities and diversity on basic rock types such as basalt (Gilbert 2000, Smith et al. 2017). For these reasons, the research 1 Department of Biology, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6, Canada. *Correspond- ing author - Manuscript Editor: David Richardson 311
2021 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 28, No. X C.A. Vail and A.K. Walker conducted here focused on the zonation of several Verrucariaceae species inhab- iting the littoral zone of the Bay of Fundy. The life habits of this family are versatile, with both endosubstratic and super- ficial thalli observable. Their substrates can be biotic or abiotic; they may grow in a lichenicolous manner, meaning on other lichen thalli as parasites (Knudsen et al. 2014). Members of the Verrucariaceae are known from freshwater and saltwater habitats and are at times submerged, which is believed to be important for their life cycle (Orange 2009) because lichen photosynthesis and dark respiration relies on a relative thallus water content (WC) that is variable by species and in some cases locality of those species. For example, in individuals of Lecanora muralis (Schreb.) Rabenh., maximum net photosynthesis occurs around 0.55 mm WC and levels off near 0.64 mm WC (Lange 2002). In freshwater habitats, especially acidic waterways like streams or rivers with granitic substrate, regular dry conditions can result in degenerated thalli, which in turn can cause aquatic lichens to die or become dormant/nonreproductive (Krzewicka 2009). Most Verrucariaceae species can withstand long periods of desiccation and UV exposure; an example of the more desiccation-resilient genera is Hydropunctaria (Higgins et al. 2015). Many genera within the family are polyphyletic, still requiring extensive mo- lecular research to separate species or genera. Recent work by Gueidan et al. (2007) and Orange (2012) placed several species into separate genera including, among others, both the genera Verrucaria and Hydropunctaria. However, many species still await further study for correct taxonomic placement, with the potential of undescribed species being quite high. Traditional species delimitation for the Ver- rucariaceae has been conducted morphologically, examining key characters like thallus composition and color, ascospore septation, and presence or absence of algae in the hymenium of the ascocarp of the specimens (Gueidan et al. 2007). The genera in this family are generally fissitunicate, meaning they have an inner and outer ascus wall, with the outer ascus wall splitting to allow the inner ascus wall to be projected out of the hymenium. In the Verrucariaceae, the apical portion of the outer ascus wall is gelatinized. Recent study of the family has discovered that spore septation and algal presence or absence is variable even among species, resulting in inaccurate morphological identifications (Gueidan et al. 2007). To further our understanding of this family, we studied the density and population diversity of Verrucariaceae along the Bay of Fundy coastline at 7 sites extending from Scot’s Bay south to Brier Island, NS, Canada. Studies examining the vertical zonation of these species above sea-level have been conducted by Sheard (1968) and Ryan (1988), and more recently in the Bay of Fundy by Thomas (1994). More recent genetic work has distinguished species from these habitats (Gueidan et al. 2007). We documented the vertical zonation, abundance, and diversity of littoral zone lichens from the rocky shores of the Bay of Fundy and provided DNA analysis of some specimens. This contributes much needed molecular data to the growing genetic database of the Verrucariaceae. With molecular work conducted largely in Europe for this group, corresponding data are needed from North America, includ- ing the maritime regions of both Canada and the United States, to fully characterize New World biodiversity in this group. 312
2021 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 28, No. X C.A. Vail and A.K. Walker Field-Site Description The 320-km-long Bay of Fundy, situated between Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wick (Fig. 1), experiences the highest tides in the world, >15 m in some portions (Coon and Becker 2012). Together with the Gulf of Maine, it covers around 93,000 km2 (Coon and Becker 2012). The Bay of Fundy is comparable to the Bristol Channel, UK, where tidal ranges exceed 9 m with southeast exposures to North Atlantic waters (Thomas 1994). Among the many unique ecosystems the Bay of Fundy contains are rocky coasts (Coon and Becker 2012), which can be separated into 4 distinct vertical zones: the spray (supralittoral) zone, the high tide zone, the middle tide (mediolittoral) zone, and the low tide (lower littoral) zone (Gilbert 2000). These zones are defined by length of exposure or submersion. The spray zone is submerged only during storms of extreme high tides, and is commonly only wetted by spray. The high tide zone is submerged only at mean high tide, while the middle tide zone is inundated twice a day by tides. The low tide zone is frequently submerged, only being exposed with the lowest of low tides (Thomas 1994). The 7 sites surveyed in this study include Black Hole, Black Rock lighthouse, Scot’s Figure 1. Map of littoral lichen collection sites sampled in Nova Scotia in 2019, created us- ing Google Earth© satellite data in Rstudio version 1.3.1093 for MacOS. 313
2021 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 28, No. X C.A. Vail and A.K. Walker Bay, the southeast and northwest shores of Isle Haute, Brier Island, and Hampton (Fig. 1). All these sites are rocky shores composed of exposed basalt bedrock. The rocky shore on either side of the sampling transects at each of these sites were exposed to the elements, as was the shore-facing end of each transect, none of the which extended more than 5 m into the supralittoral zone. Each transect extended from the low littoral zone to the high tide zone and occasionally into the spray zone. Materials and Methods Site selection and collection methods We made collections at 7 randomly selected sites along the Nova Scotian side of the Bay of Fundy (Fig. 1, Table 1), which mostly consists of cobbled beach and exposed basalt bedrock. We used a random number generator to select the sites from among a set of predetermined potential sampling areas observed from satel- lite imagery. At each site, we laid out 1 transect varying from 10 to 30 m in length, depending on available exposed bedrock shore. Within a 50-cm² square every 2 m along the transects, we took a vertical measurement and collection where thalli were accessible (Fig. 2). We took vertical measurements using a surveyor method outlined in Thomas (1983). For 3 of the 7 sites, we used a rudimentary method to enable a single person to take vertical measurements between 2 points along the transect line. This method involved lying the end of a 2-m measuring stick on a lev- el tripod, while leveling that meter stick to a vertically placed 1-m measuring stick. We also collected substrate conditions and exposure data to characterize lichen habitat. We estimated lichen or barnacle cover and canopy cover within the 50- cm2 sampling squares. If percentages did not sum to 100%, any missing coverage percentages represent bare rock. We estimated levels of lichen cover in percentage groups of 5 (i.e., 5%, 10%, 15%, etc.) due to the large number of contiguous thalli of multiple species, wherein more precise quantification of species composition is difficult to distinguish due to thallus morphology overlap. Identification Morphological identification employed a Nikon SMZ1000 stereomicroscope, with fresh material from sites sectioned by hand. We measured and photographed ascospores in distilled water or 5% KOH using an AmScope 50-60Hz compound light microscope. Table 1. Nova Scotia field site names, coordinates and sampling dates. Field site Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Sampling date Black Hole 45.2366 64.4930 13 May 2019 Black Rock 45.1738 64.7641 16 May 2019 Brier Island 42.2866 66.3452 13 June 2019 Hampton 44.9052 65.3588 20 June 2019 Isle Haute SE Shore 45.2513 64.9908 25 June 2019 Isle Haute NW Shore 45.2516 65.0113 25 June 2019 Scot’s Bay 45.3141 65.3588 20 May 2019 314
2021 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 28, No. X C.A. Vail and A.K. Walker For molecular identifications, we extracted DNA from both thallus and ascoma tissue from all fresh collections and purified it using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit, (Qiagen; Hilden, Germany). PCR reactions contained 12.5 μL Master Mix (Bio- Rad), 9.5 μL distilled water, 1 μL of the reverse and forward primers (10 μM), and 1 μL of DNA. The Master Mix contained 0.075 units/μL Taq DNA polymerase, 4.0 mM MgCl2 pH 8.7, 0.4 mM dATP, 0.4 mM dCTP, 0.4 mM dGTP, and 0.4 mM dTTP. We ran PCR reactions in a Biometra© T-Gradient 48 Thermal Cycler (Ana- lytik Jena, Jena, Germany)for 2 hours and 50 minutes using the following PCR parameters: 95 °C for 3 minutes, 56 °C for 45 seconds, 34 repetitions of 72 °C for 1 minute and 30 seconds, and a final round of 72 °C for 10 minutes. For the large subunit (LSU) rDNA sequencing, we used the PCR primers LR0R (ACC-CGC- TGA-ACT-TAA-GC), LR7 (TAC-TAC-CAC-CAA-GAT-CT), LR5 (TCC-TGA- GGG-AAA-CTT-CG), and LR3R (GTC-TTG-AAA-CAC-GGA-CC) (Vilgalys and Hester 1990). We used primers ITS-1F (CTT-GGT-CAT-TTA-GAG-GAA- GTA-A) (Gardes and Bruns 1993) and ITS4 (TCC-TCC- GCT-TAT-TGA-TAT-GC) (White et al. 1990) to amplify the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA region, which is the accepted DNA barcode region for identification of fungi (Schoch et al. 2012). To confirm successful PCR amplification, we conducted 1% agarose gel electro- phoresis with ethidium bromide at 95 volts for 30 minutes. We sent amplified DNA to the Genome Quebec Innovation Centre (McGill Uni- versity, Montreal, QC, Canada) for Sanger sequencing in the forward and reverse Figure 2. Vertical distances of each sampling point at each site in Nova Scotia, measured every 2 m along transects 10–30 m in length. 315
2021 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 28, No. X C.A. Vail and A.K. Walker directions. We performed analysis and alignment of resulting consensus sequence data using MEGA X: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (Kumar et al. 2018). We searched consensus sequences against the NCBI GenBank online refer- ence DNA sequence database using the BLASTn search algorithm. Calculations and graphing We performed graphing and calculations in Microsoft Excel (2018). We used the Shannon–Wiener index to compare the relative diversity and abundance of species in each transect, as there was large overlap in the relative species richness at each transect. Results Substrate cover and distributions We documented 8 lichens in Nova Scotia littoral zones, with all 7 transects showing low lichen diversity and moderate evenness. Hydropunctaria species pre- ferred a higher placement in all transects, and were negatively associated with the Wahlenbergiella species W. mucosa (Wahlenb.), which extended further upwards than W. striatula (Wahlenb.) Gueidan and Thüs, (Table 2). Wahlenbergiella mucosa was more common than its sister species W. striatula and was the dominant species in the Scot’s Bay transect and the southeastern shore of Isle Haute transect. In the Scot’s Bay transect, for example, W. mucosa extended further up into the high lit- toral region, despite the very large incline from the beginning of the transect. It did, however, stay in relatively small numbers, and thalli were constrained to sheltered cracks in the bedrock. In all other sites, Hydropunctaria species were the dominant community, and never extended further down than 450 cm above the mean low tide, (MLT), except at the Black Rock transect where it could be found as low as 221 cm above MLT. Verrucaria halizoa Leight. was the least common species we encountered, and often blended in association with W. striatula thalli. Some in-field misidentification is very likely for this species, due to its overlapping morphologies with W. striatula, wherein it can sometimes appear as an underdeveloped thallus of W. striatula. The respective sites were overall very similar in structure and ex- posure. All sites were north-northeast facing, often with exposure to waves except where sheltered by large boulders, for instance at the Black Hole transect. All sites Table 2. Correlations of species occurrences across all transects and height above mean low tide (mlt). Height Hydropunctaria above mlt W. mucosa W. striatula sp. V. halizoa X. parietina Height above mlt 1 W. mucosa -0.3378065 1 W. striatula -0.3082586 0.2608804 1 Hydropunctaria sp. 0.1376610 -0.3388282 -0.3100557 1 V. halizoa 0.0202090 0.0435655 -0.1006473 0.0276128 1 X. parietina 0.1397507 -0.1611741 -0.1209897 -0.0091313 -0.049988 1 X. elegans 0.0653408 -0.1088477 -0.0817095 -0.0188248 -0.017872 0.8394693 316
2021 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 28, No. X C.A. Vail and A.K. Walker were unshaded and exposed with the exception of those portions covered by Asco- phyllum nodosum Scorpiodes canopies. The Hydropunctaria species were the most abundant across all transects with the exceptions of the Scots Bay Transect and the southeastern shore of Isle Haute, where W. mucosa predominated. Verrucaria halizoa and W. striatula were the least abundant depending on site; V. halizoa being least abundant at the Black Rock, Scot’s Bay, and Hampton transects. Wahlenbergiella striatula was least abundant at all remaining sites. All sites had a similar species diversity, though the southeastern shore of Isle Haute was noted as the most diverse. The sites did, however, vary in evenness, with values of 0.62–0.95, the highest being at Scot’s Bay and the least at the Hampton transect (Table 3). The Wahlenbergiella taxa showed a moderate negative correlation with increased vertical placement, while the rest of the species showed weak positive correlations with increased height (Table 2). As an example of vertical zonation of lichen species, the transect in Black Hole demonstrated the distribution trend that was present at all sites (Fig. 3). The beginning (bottom) of the transect was marked by cobbled beach with no lichen growth, mostly covered with Ascophyllum nodosum. It transitioned into bedrock with large presence of W. mucosa and W. striatula; Ascophyllum nodosum cover was still prevalent, but lichen growth was not hindered by the canopy cover, which shaded 80% of the sampling square. Barnacles accounted for 15% of the substrate cover within the 50-cm² sampling square. The 4-m mark had no canopy cover, only barnacle and lichen cover. Barnacle cover was restricted to crevices in the bedrock and accounted for 10% cover, and lichen cover was largely Hydropunc- taria species, contributing to 75% of the substrate cover. Wahlenbergiella mucosa and W. striatula thalli represented only 5% cover each. At the 6-m mark, the li- chen cover consisted mostly of Hydropunctaria species (85%), with W. mucosa thalli constrained to the underbelly of rocks within the sampling square. Evidence of periwinkle herbivory was noticeable here, with contiguous thalli broken into sectons 6–8 cm in width separated by feeding trails produced by herbivores. The 8-m mark had A. nodosum covering 90% of the sample square. The dominant spe- cies of lichens were the Wahlenbergiella species, predominately W. mucosa with small, interspersed thalli of W. striatula. Some Hydropunctaria species could be observed on small, raised portions of rock within the sampling square, limited to the apical portions of rock. The 10-m mark was much the same as the 8-m, with Ascophyllum shading 70% of the substrate. Small amounts of barnacle species could be observed, using 5% of the substrate, while the rest of the substrate (95%) was covered with W. mucosa (45%) and Hydropunctaria sp. (50%). Accordingly, the vertically lower 12-m mark was entirely covered with Ascophyllum and Fucus Table 3. Shannon–Wiener index and evenness values for each study transect. Black Black Brier Isle Haute Isle Haute Scot’s Hole Rock Island Hampton SE NW Bay Shannon 1.14 1.17 1.18 1.003 1.31 1.15 1.28 Evenness 0.63 0.84 0.73 0.62 0.94 0.83 0.95 317
2021 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 28, No. X C.A. Vail and A.K. Walker sp. with barnacles and calcified algae underneath, sometimes with dispersed thalli of W. mucosa covering only about 5% of the substrate. Higher up, the 14-m mark contained no barnacle cover, with about 20% Ascophyllum cover. Lichen species consisted of Hydropunctaria maura thalli covering 75% of the substrate. Verru- caria cf. halizoa thalli were now noticeable, though not exceeding more than 5% of the substrate cover. The 16-m mark showed a transition into the splash zone in this transect with less that 10% canopy cover from seaweed, and 5 individual thalli of Xanthoria parietina (L.) Beltr., a dominant species in the supralittoral zone. Hy- dropunctaria species covered 85% of the substrate. Verrucaria halizoa thalli could be observed but comprised
2021 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 28, No. X C.A. Vail and A.K. Walker All 3 specimens identified morphologically as W. mucosa (AW3814, AW4018, AW4022; Table 4) were supported as such in phylogenetic analyses, with boot- strap values of >70% from 1000 bootstrap replications for each specimen yielding strongly supported clades. Specimen AW4188, identified previously as a Hydro- punctaria sp. was instead placed in V. degelii based on our DNA evidence, with 99% bootstrap support, making it the first record of this species in Nova Scotia. Specimens AW4025 and AW4026 were identified as Collemopsidium halodytes (Nyl.) Grube & B.D. Ryan based on morphology. Phylogenetic analysis revealed them to be an unnamed or previously unsequenced species of Collemopsidium. All voucher specimens can be found in Table 4, along with their E.C. Smith Herbarium accession numbers and NCBI GenBank sequence accession numbers. Discussion This study highlights the lack of knowledge of lichen diversity in the littoral zone in the Bay of Fundy. GBIF indicates known North American ranges for spe- cies in the genus Wahlenbergiella as being from Newfoundland to Florida on the East Coast, and from Vancouver to California on the West Coast. Well known from Table 4. Taxa used for phylogenetic analyses. * indicates taxa obtained during this study; all other taxa were obtained from NCBI GenBank. Genbank ACAD accession Genetic herbarium Species Country Voucher number locus accession # Collemopsidium sp.* Canada AW4025 MW211112 LSU ECS047940 Collemopsidium sp.* Canada AW4026 MW211114 LSU ECS047941 Collemopsidium sp. Spain s1310 KU556901 LSU Collemopsidium sp. Spain s464 KU556888 LSU Collemopsidium sp. Spain s1339 KU556903 LSU Collemopsidium sp. Spain s1411 KU556906 LSU Collemopsidium sp. Spain s260 KU556880 LSU Verrucaria degelii UK 16902 FJ664838 SSU/ITS Verrucaria degelii UK 17125 FJ664840 SSU/ITS Verrucaria degelii Iceland AMNH: KY697142 SSU/ITS LA12811 Verrucaria degelii Iceland AMNH: KY697141 SSU/ITS LA31913 Verrucaria degelii* Canada AW4188 MW204569 ITS/LSU ECS047942 Wahlenbergiella mucosa Iceland AMNH: KY773263 LSU LA31918 Wahlenbergiella mucosa UK 16305 FJ6644875 SSU/ ITS Wahlenbergiella mucosa USA AFTOL-ID EF643802 LSU 2264 Wahlenbergiella mucosa* Canada AW3814 MW211115 LSU ECS047937 Wahlenbergiella mucosa* Canada AW4018 MW211116 LSU ECS047938 Wahlenbergiella mucosa* Canada AW4022 MW211113 LSU ECS047939 319
2021 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 28, No. X C.A. Vail and A.K. Walker the UK, there are several records of Hydropunctaria amphibia (Clemente) Cl. Roux from a single locality (Cape Ann) on the Massachusetts coast, northeastern US (Flenniken and Gibson 2003); however overlap in ecologies and cryptic mor- phologies allow little morphological differentiation of Hydropunctaria species, and these specimens may actually be H. maura, which is known from both the east and west coasts of North America. Molecular identification of additional North Ameri- can specimens using multiple genetic loci is required for confirmation; currently H. aractina (Wahlenb.) Orange, H. orae Orange, and H. oceanica Orange are also principally known from Europe, where littoral zone lichens have been more exten- sively documented. Factors affecting littoral lichen distribution Level of submersion is the main factor affecting the vertical zonation of littoral zone lichens (Gilbert 2000). However, given recent data acquired through trans- plant methods, the zonation of species susceptible to herbivory, such as H. maura, is controlled more effectively by grazing (Higgins et al. 2015). Lichens are also poikilohydric organisms and with no waxy cuticle to control the flow of water, they are unable to control the gain or loss of moisture or inorganic nutrients (Brodo et al. 2016). Given the relationship between thallus water content and rates of respi- ration and photosynthesis, the occurrence of H. maura higher in the littoral zone indicates more reliance on rainfall or spray and, in some cases, submersion at high tides (Higgins et al. 2015). In cases where the photosystem activity of W. mucosa has been measured, the recovery of photosynthetic rates was more pronounced upon inundation than in thalli of H. maura, while photosynthetic rates were also more reduced with desiccation in W. mucosa than in H. maura (Higgins et al. 2015). In terms of exposure to solar radiation, species within both Hydropunctaria and Wahlenbergiella prefer open spaces on the bedrock, with Wahlenbergiella spp. re- stricted to crevices or depressions likely to retain moisture, as they would still be exposed to light. This exposure could lead to photoinhibition, which is a process catalyzed by the production of reactive species of oxygen due to excessive intake of photosynthetically active radiation, as well as UV-B or UV-A absorption (Beckett et al. 2019, Gauslaa and Solhaug 2004). This photoinhibition would result in a de- creased photosynthetic capacity of the photobiont (Beckett et al. 2019). Desiccated thalli are more susceptible to damage from these factors due to a longer exposure to the effects of solar radiation during the course of drying (Gauslaa and Solhaug 2004). With desiccation, repair mechanisms in lichen thalli are also hindered, ex- ponentially increasing the effects of solar radiation (Gauslaa and Solhaug 2004). The mycobiont may respond to solar radiation by producing secondary metabolites such as usnic acid or periatin, and melanized (darker) thalli of lichens are more resistant to high light stress than paler species, due to cortical melanin (Beckett et al. 2019). This is the case with Hydropunctaria species, which are all characterised by their dark carbonaceous thallus color, as compared to the greens or browns of the other Verrucariaceae genera inhabiting the littoral zone. Even in paler species, lichen substances such as acids are still useful in reflecting excess PAR due to their 320
2021 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 28, No. X C.A. Vail and A.K. Walker crystalline structure (Beckett et al. 2019). This is likely the case with W. mucosa in these environments, with polyphenol concentrations being recorded as 3 times as high as in H. maura (Higgins et al. 2015). Water and air temperatures also effect the distribution of lichen species and their photosynthetic rates (Gilbert 2000). In the Bay of Fundy, the yearly average annual water temperature is 7 °C, rising to 10–12 °C in the summer months and dropping to an average of 1.8 °C in the winter months. The optimal temperatures for lichens vary by species and genotype, and even further based on the microhabitat they in- habit, with small adjustments in temperature or humidity resulting in dieback for some more sensitive lichen species wherein part of the thallus may deteriorate but the thallus is still living. (Brodo 2016). With the Verrucariaceae and Xanthopyrenia- ceae that inhabit the littoral zone, a wide temperature preference might be expected of these lichen species as the environment is in constant flux. This is not the case, however, as photosynthetic activity in W. mucosa is optimal at 10–20°C, decreasing rapidly near the extremes of this spectrum (Higgins et al. 2015). Hydropunctaria maura is more tolerant of the aforementioned extremes, having maintained high photosynthetic rates during a 6-h emersion period at 10 °C (Higgins et al. 2015). Optimal temperatures in both water and air are crucial for the growth of lichen species in the littoral zone, with the Hydropunctaria group likely more reliant on ambient temperatures, while species pertaining to the low-midlittoral zones such as the Wahlenbergiella genus would be entirely reliant on submersion for their photo- synthetic activities (Higgins et al. 2015). Other than photosynthetic activity, wave action, thallus–water interactions, and ambient temperatures, few other abiotic factors are likely to affect the growth of these lichens. Lower species diversity could be due to the mafic nature of the sub- strate in these Bay of Fundy sites, combined with a general preference for siliceous substrate by the Verrucariaceae family (Gilbert 2000). The effects of pollution on these species have not been studied extensively; however, impacts of oil pollu- tion on other coastal lichens have been documented in Scotland and the Baltic Sea (Dalby 1993, 1995; Dalby and Dalby 2005; Ranwell 1968; Schiefelbein, 2009). While air pollution does impact some sensitive terrestrial lichens, which serve as bioindicators, other lichens can maintain a healthy abundance in urban settings or in places of high nutrient inputs (Coffey and Fahrig 2012). Due to their lack of waxy cuticles, as well as lack of roots, terrestrial lichens rely on nutrient absorption via atmospheric deposition (Begu et al. 2014). Deposition in lichens occurs through 2 methods: dry and wet deposition. Wet deposition can be defined as both precipita- tion or occult deposition (fog or mist), with occult deposition contributing the most (Nash and Gries 1995b). The sensitivity of some species also relies on this process of gaseous absorption. Because they possess no waxy cuticle, lichens will absorb nutrients across the entirety of their thallus surface, and when dehydration occurs, these contaminant levels can be potentially raised to toxic levels, (Nash and Gries 1995a). Lichens cannot as readily dehisce their vegetative portions like plants. Any contaminants absorbed remain in the thallus tissue indefinitely, reaching concentra- tions much higher than that in the air (Begu et al. 2014). One detrimental pollutant 321
2021 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 28, No. X C.A. Vail and A.K. Walker produced by the burning of fossil fuels as well as the smelting of various metals is sulfur dioxide (SO2). Controlled fumigations of contaminants such as SO2 provide concrete evidence for the effects of these compounds on morphological characters of lichens, such as the overall degradation of alga and cyanobacterium cell walls and mitochondria (Nash and Gries 1995a). Lichens are more sensitive to SO2 than plants, and photosynthetic responses of lichens can be decreased to negligible within close distance to a source of SO2 in laboratory conditions (Moser et al. 1980). With environmental atmospheric deposition of contaminants, production of apothecia, the sexual fruiting structure of most lichens, showed a decrease in pol- luted areas, with lichens favoring production of asexual conidia under such polluted conditions (Nash and Gries 1995b). With the loss of sensitive species, less-sensitive or tolerant species of lichens would have the opportunity to increase in numbers due to decreased competition. A diverse community of lichens could in time become a less diverse, albeit tolerant community (Osyczka et al. 2018). Lichens thrive in spe- cific microhabitats; some are also very sensitive to canopy change, and as a result are reliable as bioindicators of stage succession (Thomson 1972). Some factors attributing to chemical effects on lichen growth could be provided by nutrient inputs such as bird guano. For plants, bird guano can result in phos- phate-enriched soils allowing for faster growth (Irick et al. 2015). Abrasive action of waves is lessened both by the extensive Ascophyllum cover and the large tidal range of the Bay of Fundy (Thomas 1994). As well, the crusts of these lichen spe- cies lay closely adhered to their substrate, using hyphae and anchoring mechanisms to hold them in place despite the erosion of their bedrock substrate (Gilbert 2000). Salinity has no large effect on photosynthetic activity; Fletcher (1980) showed that gas exchange in some littoral species was unaffected by submersion in saltwater even after 35 days. Biotic pressures, such as grazing, canopy cover, and space competition may also impact littoral lichens but remain understudied. Herbivory within the littoral zones of the Bay of Fundy is mainly attributed to the snail genus Littorina, particularly L. saxatilis (Olivi) (Rough Periwinkle), L. obstutata (L.) (Yellow Periwinkle), and L. littorea (L.) (Common Periwinkle), as well as sea urchins like Strongylocentro- tus droebachiensis (O.F. Müller) (Thomas 1994). No sea urchins were observed in any of the transects in this study, but Littorina species could be found in the majority of the transects, mostly in the sublittoral through the midlittoral but never extending past the Wahlenbergiella/Hydropunctaria border. In previous studies, Littorina were observed grazing epiphytes rather than fucoid macroalgae (Thomas 1994). Despite this association, lichens can become an important staple of snail diet given inhabitation on shorelines too high to support substantial algal growth (Norton et al. 1990). The related Littorina angulifera (Lamarck) (Mangrove Peri- winkle) showed regular consumption of lichens or fungal propagules in mangroves, with fungal tissue showing in fecal pellets 80% of the time (Kohlmeyer and Bebout 1986). In cases such as that of W. mucosa in the littoral zone, phenolic concentra- tions are linked to decreased herbivory (Higgins et al. 2015). Despite this, some 322
2021 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 28, No. X C.A. Vail and A.K. Walker indirect evidence showing increased grazing of H. maura transplanted to the lower littoral zone suggests some preference by littorinids, but further evidence is needed for confirmation (Higgins et al. 2015). With regards to canopy cover, the littoral zone of the Bay of Fundy possesses a unique zonation of organisms, differing from both the Atlantic coasts of the mari- time provinces and those of the UK and Europe (Thomas 1994). The marine brown macroalga A. nodosum dominates the midlittoral zone of Bay of Fundy shores, occurring in more-sheltered localities elsewhere (Thomas 1994). This difference may be due to the large tidal range of the Bay reducing the vertical zonation re- sponse of fucoid species to exposure, and the persistent community of A. nodosum may further reduce the effects of wave action, giving under-canopy communities a slightly more stable environment (Thomas 1994). Our sites had a characteristic A. nodosum-dominated midlittoral region, which became limited near the supralit- toral. This extensive canopy cover in some portions of the transects may affect the photosynthetic capability of some lichen species, particularly W. mucosa. The Ver- rucariaceae inhabiting the intertidal zone prefer openly exposed substrate, with no extensive shade (Gilbert 2000, Smith et al. 2017). Competition for space is also common in this environment, with lichens in our transects experiencing interspecific competition from both barnacle and red cor- alline algae species, commonly Semibalanus balanoides (L.) and Hildenbrandia rubra (Sommerfelt) Meneghini, respectively. However, any significant effects other than limiting space have insufficient data to suggest a strong effect on lichens in the littoral zone. Barnacle species could commonly be found covering some lichen thalli in our study, which would reduce photosynthetic activity. Challenges Prior to molecular evidence, most lichens were thought to have a cosmopolitan distribution, as 2 individuals from different continents with the same morphological characters would have been identified as the same species (Gueidan et al. 2007). Species delimitation is important for lichen taxonomy, as well as the accuracy of ecological studies; the phenotypic speciation of individuals has underestimated the true diversity of lichenized ascomycetes (Lumbsch and Leavitt 2011). Cryptic species such as those found in the Verrucariaceae reveal phenotypic delimitation of species cannot provide an accurate estimate of the true diversity of lichenized fungi and also indicate a lack of evidence of unique morphological traits serving as species-level characters. The latest global estimate of lichenized fungi is 16,000 species (Lücking et al. 2017). With more groups having their molecular phylogenies examined, the number of species can only be expected to steadily increase. The recent debate of the importance of morphological characters when compared to molecular phylogenies has bearing on our study (Lumbsch and Leavitt 2011). Mor- phological characteristics were quite variable, and cryptic parasitic species were not detectable by morphological investigation alone. It is also worth noting that the number of Canadian sequences of these particular genera are lacking in public genetic databases. Genetic databases reliant on voucher specimens from Europe or the UK can lead to inaccurate identifications of North American taxa. 323
2021 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 28, No. X C.A. Vail and A.K. Walker Characterizing intertidal lichen communities and calculating the likelihood of the occurrences of rare littoral lichens will boost accuracy and efficiency in find- ing the associated symbionts, as well as improve the documented species diversity present in understudied coastal areas. Crustose lichens often lack georeferenced location data to support abundance or rarity rankings, and studies such as ours can provide a foundation for future conservation management and diversity studies. The Consortium of North American Lichen Herbaria shows several collections of 3 species identified in our study only at Peggy’s Cove, near Halifax, NS. Describing species diversity and using DNA barcoding to confirm identifications will provide a stronger foundation for future work on intertidal lichen communities within the Bay of Fundy. M.L.H Thomas (1983, 1994) described the zonation of intertidal species at Musquash Head and the Quoddy region of New Brunswick. He examined algae, lichens, and invertebrate populations but did not extensively outline the ecologi- cal roles or niches of lichens present in these studies; presence of a few species was noted. New littoral lichens are being discovered in Europe, which has had extensive molecular work done on littoral lichen communities (Pykälä et al. 2017). Continued biodiversity studies in the Bay of Fundy will likely reveal additional new species re- cords, as these important primary producers are understudied in this region. Acknowledgments C.A. Vail acknowledges an NSERC USRA Undergraduate Honours Research Award through Acadia University. A.K. Walker acknowledges an NSERC Discovery Grant (No. NSERC—2017-04325). We thank Dr. Stephen Clayden (New Brunswick Museum) and Alain Belliveau (E.C. Smith Herbarium, Acadia University) for encouragement and exper- tise. We also thank Sarah Adams (Acadia University, Department of Biology) for her labo- ratory assistance; Génome Québec Innovation Centre, McGill University, for sequencing services; and Brent Robicheau (Dalhousie University) for map-making assistance. Literature Cited Beckett, R., K. Solhaug, Y. Gauslaa, and F. Minibayeva. 2019. Improved photoprotection in melanized lichens is a result of fungal solar radiation screening rather than photobiont acclimation. The Lichenologist 51(5):483–491. Begu, A., V. Brasoveanu, L. Nina, and V. Brega. 2014. Mosses and lichens: Bioindicators of heavy metal pollutions of forest ecosystems. Aerul Si Apa. Componente Ale Mediului 2104:56–61. Brodo, I. M., S.D. Sharnoff, and S. Sharnoff. 2016. Lichens of North America. Yale Uni- versity Press, New Haven, CT. 795 pp. Coffey, H., and L. Fahrig. 2012. Relative effects of vehicle pollution, moisture, and coloni- zation sources on urban lichens. Journal of Applied Ecology 49(6):1467–1474. Coon, J., and M.L. Becker. 2012. Can we get there from here? Ecosystem-based governance in the Bay of Fundy/Gulf of Maine region. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Newhamp- shire, Durham, NH. 621 pp. Dalby, D.H. 1993. Survey of lichen damage from the M.V. Braer. Unpublished report to Scottish Natural Heritage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. 43 pp. Dalby, D.H. 1995. Coastal lichens studies of areas affected by oil from the Braer. Northeast Region Report 94. Scottish Natural Heritage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. 29 pp. 324
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